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Happy 10th Birthday, 4chan!

I toasted 4chan's 10th anniversary from 37,000 feet. What an amazing ten years it's been. Thanks, everyone.

Fernando from The Daily Dot wrote what is probably the most in-depth/well-researched article on 4chan's history to date: *link*
Also I started a blog: chrishateswriting.com

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What the buck did you say about me, you little foal?

Old horse: >>13895305

u wot m8 uill fookin rek u mate anytime fuk u m8
Are images being slow for anyone else?


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Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
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oh god, it's dash, while she's still in the academy for gifted unicorns
then give some more write requests about her man, if ya would be so kind
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Very much so, for me at least
Oh no, that poor pony is having a spontaneous orgasm in mid flight!
Are we gonna hat soon?
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What if you had a little Applejack of your own?
I would apples with her.
I would spoil her rotten
Except for bath time
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She'll eventually grow out of it
Is 4chan loading slowly for anyone else?
Pony asks why are you considering suicide
She hasn't dropped like a rock yet.
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yes anon, is there something you'd like to share with the class?
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All right, let's do this!

The first episode (more of a pilot, really) of the podcast is ready to download, just head to http://mlpgpodcast.tumblr.com/ for the link

As a first episode, it is kinda boring and we were both pretty new to this whole podcasting business, but I'm fairly certain that if we get some guests, the quality and entertainment value of it will go up in no time.

Critique, suggestions, things we overlooked, every opinion is welcome!
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I wouldn't send her to any parts of the forest...maybe....


Looks to be a problem with the site, don't worry too much about it.
Ah. Well, that's unfortunate.
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I'd say she's still growing.
It's not an option for me. Suicide takes a lot of work and I'm lazy as fuck.
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this is stupid, retarded, and fuck off
I was hoping someone would say that

im the dude who made the when is new horse episode post
im pretty much an mlpg celebrity can i be a guest pls
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Isn't Luna going into other pone's dreams an invasion of privacy?
no you fuck off, faceless.
fuck off, brony
>enter a decryption key
how do I download
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What an incredibly lewd interpretation anonymous

Go fucking die.

Remember when we made fun of brony podcasts?
It's not my fault that mare has powerful orgasms and a hair trigger.
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Please fuck off to wherever the /b/read is and rot there.
b-but it's different this time!
it's about us! and we all know how superior we are to everyone else!
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hide your ponies too
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I drew G instead of B.
You fuck off, headfuck
oh suck it up you fucking babies
those are some scrawny forelegs
g-go eat a h-horse dick you...you....dork!

am i not cool enough to get the special key or something
>Take a bite out of this shit sandwich

[9/22/2013 1:10:26 AM] Tex: I'm working on it now.
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>posting older generations

I miss the original MLP now... that was my childhood... I even put a pony in the drawer of my bedroom dresser that looks just like Celestia, even though I know it's Generation 1. I vowed to brush the tangles out of her hair and everything.

I wish bronies hadn't taken a lot of what I enjoyed about Friendship is Magic in my own way away from me. After convention #3 was the beginning of the end for me at least, of enjoying it without the fandom getting in the way of things...
why do you obsess over pony so much

pony doesn't give a shit about you

pony has never even sent you a birthday card

pony didn't come to your graduation party

pony didn't call to congratulate you on the new job
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Dammit Tex. If you're weren't going to draw B, at least draw I.
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>lets jack ourselves off
>i-it's totally different when the piss jacks itself off
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>maybe if I samefag enough they'll go away
That's a confused looking cutie.
But that's F.
please die
>people interacting anywhere ever = jacking each other off
yeah ok
>anyone who disagrees with my opinion is from a quarantine board

you're either a shitty troll or just dumb
either way is good
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Now you're going to say >"You just edited it now"

>I wish bronies hadn't taken a lot of what I enjoyed about Friendship is Magic in my own way away from me.

how autistic do you have to be to


oh nevermind.
But we're on a quarantine board.
I don't care for I.

I did work on it but it was terrible.

My mistake.
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all dis samefag
back in my day pony meant something
you sure sound like you're from /v/
Are you fucking retarded?
>can't download without key
um ok

On another note, why is 4chan so fucking slow
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Then You are welcome to your opinions and tastes, though I thought it would have been cute.
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>instead of letting people do what they want and doing something productive, let's shitpost and ruin the thread for everyone
you sure sound like you're from /a/



>that color scheme
You always take 2 or so weeks to get back to people?
>doing something productive
>mlpg circlejerking podcast
Welcome to the worse mlp community.
Why not separate from the board? i don't give a shit about this retarded thing, but it's going to be the thing that most people are going to be talking about whenever it hits, and I tire of contributor talk/worship/stalking/what the fuck ever already. This would just amplify it even more.
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Do you believe love can bloom on an imageboard?



Post the song that reminds you of your pony wife
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Because everything is terrible

This is the height of brony circle jerky garbage.

MLPG: No anon, we are the bronies.
You think contributor worship here is bad? Go check out bat pony general, literally any time anybody says anything not nice about a drawing or artist it's met with people shouting troll/samefag and posting those stupid bait meme images
mlpg is literally the original bronies

you can NOT redo
>it's met with people shouting troll/samefag and posting those stupid bait meme images

what in the fuck
It'll be done when it's done.
S-sensei, are you sure this will get me into Pony U?

Back in my day, Onta/Doxy wasn't a "thing" and Tumblr wasn't full of brony circlejerking.

I can't even type "My Little Pony" into YouTube without pulling up some cringey brony video and then telling my little sister to ignore those kinds of people on the Internet and in real life without talking to me or mom first.
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ahh, T-rex syndrome, my old nemesis
I don't even like bat ponies in the first place, so why would I even bother going there?


>human poses
I can't believe I need to cox the answer out of you instead of you just telling me that.
>missing the point entirely
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>people regurgitating information to an audience that is already aware of said information
>for no other reason other than people to jizz over hearing the thing they know about because LE MEMS and self appreciation
Twas a good time, the time of /co/, at east better than it is now

the time of mlpg and hsg existing together in one place
>being this jelly
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Like this?
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I get the point.

It's bad here, worse there.
Which pony likes zebra dicks the most?

What are you guys talking about?
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Vote: http://strawpoll.me/478351
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>tfw you are technically a brony now because that's what everyone who likes MLP is now apparently

I reject your labels and substitute my own reality
>kon wa esa desu


Isn't that redundant?

>self suicide
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don't judge me


Did he commission you or something? If so that's something you can do over email.

And how much do you charge?
so uh

is season 4 gonna be 26 episodes or what
I want to go back there one day.

I mean, I'm almost entirely a /co/mrade and all, but I'd love it if MLP:FiM was only popular enough for there to ever be one thread about it at any given time.
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>don't judge me

I judge thee a shitposter.
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I get mixed up when I'm mad.
It's passing, but I still don't like the podcast centered around 'notmlpg'. I don't really see the difference between /b/read and us, and now we're getting worse than that.
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hi loiro
I shouldn't be finding this arousing.
>mlpg podcast

the piss is leaking
so where's the link?
time to filter~

Agree 100%.

I am certain this Podcast is just a ruse.


Dude, we're like 50% leaking urine at this point.
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>11 votes to "we should talk about anything"

why call it MLPG then?
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we're just another /b/read

fuck everything
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Its going to be the prelude to an even longer hiatus. abandon hope.
It is, at times
some times not so much
I can't believe that link works
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go away mewball
she's already called for
I requested a drawing from him. He removed me (And everyone else) a while ago. Added me back on September 9th. He said he would start doing it, and maybe stream it. Asked about it on the 13th with no response, and again on the 17th. Got back to me on the 22nd, and basically said that message above. Never said anything else to me since.

He never responded back to my email either.
And then an even more glorious season 5!
That looks like a Jojo's character.
I want to kill myself myself

Define "shit post" and I'll talk about whatever you like instead.

I like stoned hippy Gilda a lot better than bitchy Gilda. She should do drugs more often.
But the majority of people think we should only talk about pony and pony related things.
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Was it Rarity?
>this shitty art
>jojo artstyle

The fuck do you smoke?
fuck off sent
is it the paws?
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I blame everything bad on hiatus. But, yeah, this board has gone shit, the world has gone to shit and the end is neigh
MLPG does the exact same thing when anyone so much as criticize at well-known contributor here

just like most other generals on the board
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An optimist huh? I like that!

A-are there any others?
Jojo's artstyle in parts 1, 2, and 3 is really shitty.

We're so beb it doesn't matter anymore... I've given up fighting this war of attrition.
Are you kidding? Contributors get tons of shit flung at them here. No offence, but you're probably out of touch. There are threads out there which bring the term 'hugbox' to mind and this thread is not really one of them.
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Horsing well? Which horses pair best with other horses?

What's your Gouda to your carmalized pear?
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It's the panties
it's the drugs
>jojo artstyle from the past
woooooooooooow you sure proved me wrong that this pile of shit is jojo :^)
fuck off
if you're not writing, take off your fucking trip
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what is Attack on Titan?

And if you're such hot shit, post your own traditional art then


and mlpeg.co
What? No. I wasn't trying to convince you of anything.
I was just saying.
I also wasn't implying her pic looked like Araki's stuff, I was just saying it reminded me of Jojo's a little.

Why are you being so mean?
>muh may mays
>muh secret club
>tfw you realize bcs was put back on her meds when she was in the mental health hospital, and now she is running out

Explains a lot.
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>holding hot cup of coffee
>wow this coffee is almost too hot to hold
>this is what Celestia's horsecock must feel like
>wait what
>there are people who like attack of plebshit

horry shit FUCKING LAMO
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rarijack still best main 6 ship

discord and celestia is best overall ship
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You never wrote the rarijack fic.
> become Anonymousse
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I want to ask you a serious question for a moment. How do you think Friendship is Magic will end?

Are they going to drag it on and on as far as it'll go?

Are they bold enough to switch out the main characters or at least change them enough in their own way?

Will they end it with the upcoming season and revive it with a spinoff?

Or will it just fade away?

How would you want it to end?
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>tfw pone took bed.

Twinkie: Twilight x Pinkie and it's probably here to stay since they make a natural comedy duo and each one is a foil for the other

There's like one extremely persistent "Sparity a shit" poster here but Spike and Rarity has always been a go-to source of feels and d'aawww and hnngh.
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Who /ccg/ here
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>being smaller and thinner than other equine
i'll say none of them
>Celestia's semen taste like coffee
or Pen pals
>letting it do what it wants
She should know better. Shove her over. If you just let her do that, she isn't going to care about your discomfort.

We appear to have a new shitposter folks. At least this will bring some fun to an otherwise bebthred

Try not to go too hard on 'em when you finally figure out who it is
LK has a really soft voice
>How do you think Friendship is Magic will end?

When it ceases to be profitable, Hasbro will tell Meaghan McCarthy to pull something out of her ass with zero build up. It will not be a satisfying conclusion.
>Celestia's cock and cum consistently burns your tongue
>Every time you eat you're reminded of her by your dulled palate
Why do Japs sleep on the floor?
I would rather want a season to end with all of twilight's friends to become Alicorns, thus making Hasbro get even more cash.

Then introduce a new cast while bringing twilight and the old gang as cameos back.
delete that post right now before the getfags come here

I want it to end with a full-length movie and an epilogue episode then spawn some spin-off series.

If I don't care for the spin-offs, I just won't watch them. Simple as that.
Gosh I hope not...although that seems to be par for the course with most cartoons.
You have a really soft dick.
I want to see pony do a jojo's pose
>liking attack of plebshit like the pleb you are
>waaaah he is b8ing ;_;

Listen to the shitty opening music while you cry your heart out, pleb. :^)
>sound levels are really off
>it's hard to tell if each person was recorded at different times or not, enough to be off putting
>lots of rebounding
>clearly not organized
>that accent is sort of distracting
>not very pony related

I'm curious to see where the podcast will go but so far it's mostly just two people just talking to each other.
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It will end whenever they decide to push the next generation of ponies

However the popularity of this gen I think has completely blindsided them, they have never had to deal with the popularity of the ponies coming from the characters themselves more than the toys, which was always the case in the past. The paradigm kind of reversed itself, with things flowing from the show to the toys now, instead of the other way around. Its a good question how Hasbro plans on evolving the ponies now that they also have to consider the popularity of the characters themselves.
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>MLPG podcast

tips fedora
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hey remember that one shot character from that one episode one time?

do you remember his name?
I don't think you do.
Good for your back or something.
dafty pls
>Contributors get tons of shit flung at them here
can't say that happens when i look at these threads
maybe, once upon a time, but rarely nowadays
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>trying this hard

That's adorable. Hi NBS.
I want it to end with a time travel episode where something goes wrongand it forces them to rewatch old moments and just have a happily ever after ending.
Or just something where each of the main characters accomplishes something that makes you feel warm and fuzzy like CMC cutie marks, Rarity fashion award, Pinkie opens her own store etc.

You just posted 3 ponies I would love to see developed more in their own episodes and series.
When is she turning into a titan, plebfag? Gotta keep those powerlevels. ;^)
>CMC cutie marks
>the camera and props are always set up so we NEVER SEE them
I think the series will end like this >>13900008 but I hope it ends like this >>13900019 >>13900031

As retarded as it sounds I'd also like it for the spinoff to have an overarching plot with recurring villains and long-term goals.

If Hasbro is interested in dosh, I'd imagine they'd at least consider a spinoff.
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>"hey anon how did you spend your weekend?"
>i spent all day drawin boobs on pokemon and horses
There's nothing wrong with gets. Dubs are the shit.
If you don't agree you must be quite new on 4chan.
Hey, I did something productive. I beat Spelunky for the first time!
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>The Cutie Mark Crusaders will never get their goddamn cutie marks
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mlpg sure is mad today.
at least it's not /pol/

i guess i'll take a request
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Well they happen to be awesome and adorable ponies, I would certainly not mind seeing them get a little more attention

they are also the three vinyl figures I have sitting atop my subwoofer at the moment!
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>As retarded as it sounds I'd also like it for the spinoff to have an overarching plot with recurring villains and long-term goals.

I'm going to kill myself
What outlandish gifts should I spend my savings on before I do the deed?
mein neger
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Which one? AJ's request?

Sorry, 0pone weekend out of state.

Please have a mobile pony picture.
Draw big Gloomy
draw a satyr
Fluttershy discussing gun control with Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie likes guns because they're loud
isn't BraeburnQuest supposed to be tonight?
Lyra admiring mewanon's AR-15

Alternatively: bonbon forcefeeding mewanon to lyra
>good at writing recurring villains or overarching plot
>for a fucking little girls show

Draw lyra being really mad
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>We're evenly matched in magic, but you're not so good at physical combat, that's why you lost. You're friends meant well, but I'm twice as fast as the rainbow one, and three times as strong as the one that smells like apples; I'm not being smug, I'm being informative. I'm choosing to let them live, because we're still on speaking terms as long as there's no blood between us. Now consider resigning your position as princess, will ya?
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It will end with every single character who has ever had a speaking role on the show telling bronies to go fuck themselves one by one.
i request you shutting the fuck up and getting the fuck up
The rarijack fic you said you were going to write back during the first hiatus.
buy large numbers of virtual hats and raffle them off
Rarity doing a Jojo's pose or Rarity summoning her stand
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>MLPG becomes Ultra Bronies
I drew a thing.

a gold-plated gun
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>Fluttershy telling me to go fuck myself

I'd die
This weekend, I helped add a small feature to a next-gen launch game :D

>almost there...
New series starring Cutie Mark Crusaders post Cutie Marks in Pony Middle School

Since we need six ponies for the formula Twist gets chucked in along with maybe a boy pony plus Babs.
That's a thing
Lyra reading the morning paper.
>fillies for sexual
It's cute
My favorite part of your thing is the butt
I like the mareclit but you have to draw puffy anuses.
Head might be too big.
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I'll have to dredge up that request.

They're good ponies. Particularly Rarity.
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>ultra bronies


so jelly :^)
Three foot tall pony plush with realistic vagina action and a voicebox "Applejack: You're mah faaavrit' deputy!"

It may just keep you from killing yourself
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>november is close
Do you make them dance by playing bass heavy songs?
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Hasbro is interesting in dosh, but not in effort
They'll just try to do the same trick again, and hope it works a second time around
It's nice to see that MLPG still draws some lines in the sand.
What would each ponies stand be?

I especially like the shiny eyes and the tail, but you've given her human genitalia and anus.

7/10 cute but would not fap to.
ponut licking
One time some one drew marker pony in the sand
It wasn't a request per se, you said it was a sidefic to rose tinted.
>different opinions on butts
This is actually requested by a commissioner who bailed out on me after not being satisfied with my sketches. I usually draw puffy marshmallow buttholes but he wanted me to try a more humanized butt.

Noted. I'm not used to drawing foals.

Y-You too
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>dat gypsy magic accent
>implying he represents MLPG
I'm sorry if I'm doing something that upsets you.
It's just that Jojo's is one of my favorite comic series of all time. And I like ponies and I like Jojo's so I thought it would be kind of cool if the two were combined because I don't think I've ever seen anything pony/jojo related.

If I am bothering I am sorry, anon.
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this thread is now haunted
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What kind of perverts do you take us for?
New York Comiccon is next weekend, too. Isn't there some MLP presentation scheduled? Perhaps with some teaser for season 4...?
do you do nonsexual?
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>a boy pony

It would have been awesome to have, or get, a stallion/colt character in any incarnation of the show but I simply can't see hasbro budging on that

Male pones cannot become pretty pretty princesses or wear gala dresses so they will never be main characters if hasbro has anything to say about it.
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>that edit

I don't know who you are but I love you.
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>dat circlejerk
I honestly think the podcast could've been better.

It's shit right now, but that's because the two people who run the podcast are inexperienced. And they're not afraid to admit it, just like how they opened it up.

They need input on how to make it work. It's not about purpose, it's about making something work now.
Fucking matriarchy
>Applebloom desperately wants to keep anon around
>She's worried she's losing his interest as a friend
>This is her last resort
wthere's a link?

I don't know what this means and I don't WANT to know what this means.
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What did the podcast even talk about?
If you have to use sex to keep a person, then they aren't a friend.
Nope. Nothing for the show in there as far as I can tell.
Of course I do.
I just lean towards sensual. I love playing around with figure.
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>or wear gala dresses
Who said that's what anon wants, that's what AB thinks will keep him around.
I actually like the pony vagina+humanized butthole combo myself
They're your special need-sex-to-keep-them-around friend, which is a fancy way of saying Girlfriend/Boyfriend

At least I can fap to Shiny Armor and Doctor Hooves and dream of a day they make the "Free!" of MLP.
Tex, join it.
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Gosh pinkie slow down
not ponies

but that's what MLPG wants to hear so what the fuck ever
They were talking about random stuff, mainly about videogames. Apparently that topic is their shared interest, which is why I already told them to start collecting information from MLPG itself so they could cater to their actual audience.
>Anon is confused too
>AB realizes she wants Anon as more then just a friend herself
Pony says it's much safer behind wall Sina
of course guy ponies could wear gala dresses

I wear a custom tailored one while I do the housework
Well, can't we just be friends that don't need sex but do it every once in awhile?
Tex confirmed for not reading simple shit.
Pony needs to be like Eren and gain the power to control lesser-mind titans at will.
He can't. Everyone will know he's 15.
It was kind of boring
Seemed like it talked mostly about the podcast and joining it and then video games
I didn't know you liked Jojo's, BCS.
I think I like you a little bit more now.
>dot likes chub

aw yeah
>someone noticed the edit
You're a little late, [s4s]
Too bad doge didn't get get.
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OH THAT. Jeez, I have no idea where the notes are for that.

I'm not even sure how it would work unless the Rose Tinted story arc closed because Rarity was so fussed about missing the Prince Blueblood boat.
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The concept itself is shit.

Burn it to the ground.

Remake it as a "General Nerd show" perhaps. At least try to be informative.
Oh wow, I totally forgot 0r0 did these.
Thanks anon
I also think it could be worked with. Everyone has their preferences and I aim to be able to work within them for commissions.
I still regret losing that commission, but man.
You could do a whole diferent thing.
it's fucking nothing
>He can't. Everyone will know he's 15.

He could be a voice changer and sound really deep.
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>Fillies usually attain sexual maturity at 12 to 15 months of age, but some reach puberty as early as 9 to 10 months and others as late as 18 months.
The whole idea is awful. It has nothing to do with pone. It's piss-tier off topic shit.
I thought people already knew that
but yeah, i do
What lost you it? Were they just a hell-client?
Still, when he starts saying to Dooks 'Are you a mexican', it'll tip people off a bit
That's assuming the podcasters are inflexible, Anon. Give them the benefit of a doubt.

I understand you can't imagine what an actual decent MLPG podcast is, but at least don't shut this effort down just yet.
Well, if they go full autism and start collecting pones and pone accessories, would it make for a better podcast?
>That's assuming the podcasters are inflexible, Anon. Give them the benefit of a doubt.

I'm assuming nothing. By making a MLPG podcast they're already confirmed for being shitheads.
Something along the lines of "your sketches are good, but not to my standards." Granted, I keep coaxing them to consider based on my work.
I remember a certain MLPG anon who once drove to a McDonald's and bought three Happy Meals in hopes of getting the Rainbow Dash toy...
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pony bathtime
Actually, it'd be kinda nice to know which toys are shit and which ones aren't.
If I'm going to buy a pony toy at some point it's going to goddamn well be of quality.
>would it make for a better podcast?
Not really. I'm just saying that it's not MLP related at all.
You can shit on the piss for being off-topic shits, but when MLPG does it, you think we deserve a free pass?
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Can Pony use 3D maneuvering gear with four legs?
The Hot Topic vinyl toys are pretty good as are the newer blindbags
do you think anyone in this show could even stand up to a Jojo character
I would think even Discord would have trouble against someone that can stop time

Sadly no anon, they are far too heavy

they need to lay off the snacks or something
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>MLPG decides to do something that has potential to be fun
>shitposters come out of the woodworks
That's true.

What pairing is most under served, MLPG?
Podcast should address hard-hitting issues that are relevant to MLPGer's lives. Don't pussyfoot around with the "safe" topics. Get to the real issues - horse queefs, zebra penises, big pone butts, flutterpanties, surprise ponut inspections - this is the breed of journalism that MLPG needs
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>It will never be pony bath time
I don't know this guy, but I want to vote him as mayor of MLPG
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I agree and wish people would calm the fuck down.
I'm confused. Do you want the podcast to discuss about MLP or not?
Because all it takes is a simple "YOU TWO SHOULD ACTUALLY TALK ABOUT THE PONIES" to actually straighten them up.
derpy is a very ugly pony
Fluttershy and Shining Armor.
Fluttershy and Twilight.
I don't know if you can make this one interesting, though, it's kinda under served for a reason
The whole thing is retarded. it's just going to fuel the "contributor worship" shit that's already going on.
Put this guy in the podcast, RIGHT NOW.
>off-topic non-mlp related stuff
I thought this was the MY LITTLE PONY general? Not a hugbox to discuss our favorite vidya.

You can hardly call that podcast MLPG related.
Applejack and fluttershy
Clark Kent please.

I only just started it, but the abridged series seemed pretty cool and it seems to as long as One Piece but people wouldn't talk about it all the time like one of the Great Classics if there wasn't something to it...

Manga > Anime, right?
AJ and FS.
>off-topic stuff
>contributor worship
Okay, now that's just a lot of bollocks and fallacies.
Hate on the podcast for not being informative, but to make it so political like that is just asking for shitposters.
You just rused me, did you?
Yeah anon, we're so much better than the bronies. Don't ever do anything great and please dont try to be creative. That would take you down to their level!
Twilight and Pinkie!
So you're saying you're no different than the rest of the board? Alright.
I find the "you're a brony, no you are" no true Scotsman shit here to be the most caustic and cancerous shit around.
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MLPG goes off topic all the time and stays fine.
also postpone
i hope not
All I wanted to do was see if there was more pony Jojo's crossovers.
I never wanted any of this to happen.
Being different isn't always a good thing.
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Posting of ponies has been postponed.
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Hey you know what sounds like a fun time? Participating in Gildas Stair Climb.
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What monster would make that minihorse sad?
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Should've preponed.
>Manga > Anime, right?

In this case not really. The 2012 anime covers the first two parts of the manga and does an extremely good job of it. Makes it a lot more entertaining.
I always tell anyone getting into the series to start with that then read Part 3: Stardust crusaders.

T-There's a mediafire folder that has pretty good translations of all the parts of the manga if you're interested...
hey, did you ever upload all those stramsketches anywhere?
Fluttershy is hard to make active or assertive in some ways but I could see her entering something healthy and mutually supportive.

Whether her committing adultery with Shining seems likely, uh ...
We naming the new puff!
Are you a Mexican?

this is the next le epic meme, isn't it

just like those "i want to cum in rainbow dash" fags
I think the only Fluttershy ship I like is flutterdash.

i have tried a horse dildo in my ass while fapping and it wasnt that great. does anyone know if a plug is better? also it seems less gay than a penis in your ass.
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It wouldn't surprise me if communal bathing was actually a pretty big thing with non unicorn ponies, for obvious reasons

That or they invent some really bizarre scrubbing impliments
Sweat fetishists are not a new thing.
I just don't want this to be a thing. There are plenty of MLP podcast out there. There doesn't need to be another one.

You know what could be potentially fun? Something actually relevant to the board. How about a collab comic?
That doesn't mean they're welcome.
have her hit on him and he has no clue
Not yet. I want to split them up and junk, and refine a few of them.

sounds like a scamming asshole

I've dealt with a few of those, SmittyG and Octavarius most notably and a few others whose names escape me. After some really bad commissions, you just kind of give up on art completely as something you can do "as work" or "to be paid for" ... or maybe normal people can do but I know I'm not cut out for that deep down inside.
You could try the Aneros Helix. It's a prostate massager and the pressure makes fapping feel awesome.
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Total slave!
And pony anus worshipers are?
Check your fetish privilege.
But it's the same picture every single time with the same file name.

Creampies and impregnation aren't new, but that didn't make the "I want to cum inside Dash" guy any less annoying.

You know what? Can we just talk about impregnating ponies?
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Christ, I laughed way harder at this than I should have for it being nearly midnight here.
It's one guy

IWTCIRD was a bunch of people
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Who would ever want to do that?
>put things up your ass
>not gay
whatever you say, anon
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>You know what could be potentially fun? Something actually relevant to the board. How about a collab comic?
Not everyone can draw, and you'd never do it anyway. Everything MLPG tries to do bursts into shitposting flames and never goes anywhere, and every time it's mentioned the next three threads will always be shit.
every fetish is welcome just dont be an asshole and spam your shit
>I just don't want this to be a thing. There are plenty of MLP podcast out there. There doesn't need to be another one.
We can start by pointing out how to make this podcast different from the rest then. And not just something vague like "make it MLPG-related", that's not going to help.
Do you want the podcast to discuss about topics brought up in the thread? Highlights on what was posted? Things like "oh, so we found some images from a certain drawfag"?
Why is Twilight the best protagonist/insert in any story? Pinkie is the best for visual gags

Never be creative.
You aren't supposed to hilt the dildo.
Try prostate massage with your first. Then see if you can use your dildo to massage your prostate.
Never be creative!
Anal play doesn't have to be gay. It's only gay if another man is involved.
I don't want to impregnate Rarity, but I do want to raise a child with her.
She could be the beautiful breadwinner and I could be her Dale Gribble.

Life would be good.
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i found best pony
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You got the name right.
thanks redditanon
The something with Rarity. How about Raripie?
You're talking about adoption, right?
can you do somebody with a buttplug inserted
Or everyone starts screaming Circlejerk
your waifu is shit
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sorry anon
im way too tired to do this right now
Well, I was just thinking we could have Sweetie hang out with us a lot and maybe babysit the Cake's kids or something, but I think I like youre idea more.
Your waifu is pretty nice.
I wish she were real so you could brush her mane and hug her.
>anal play with something in shape of a dick
still think it's pretty gay
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So, I heard you fillies like to party. Well, what's a party without a few party favors, am I right?

Hey, it's okay! I know you don't got a lot of money. But how about we come to some other type arrangement?
my waifu doesn't real
Do it right.
You're waifu a shit.
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Sweetie Nurse.
What if you use the opposite end of a fleshlight?
Who is that so I know to avoid it?
You just said putting things up your ass you didn't specify dildos.

I think intention matters. If you're sticking a penis shaped dildo up your ass and thinking about a guy then yeah it's probably gay but if you're sticking a dildo up your ass and thinking about a woman with a strap on then that's straight.
>Go to hospital for a flu shot
>Have a heart attack

There is always false moral panic over anyone and anything remotely popular. Just witness the latest outrage over Miley Cyrus in MURRIKALAND.
Oh fuck, he got around.
God damn I'm glad I blocked him.
>not gay
>go to the hospital for a checkup
>end up giving a blood transfusion

Fucking Sweetie
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You can't close that door once it's opened.
If god did not want me sticking things up my ass why did he make it feel so good?
Pegging by nature is Straight though. A sexual act between a man and a woman.
>go to the hospital for oral examination
>suddenly you're queued for a gender reassignment surgery
you're still put something long and hard up your butt
what do you think i'll say?

>when a girl does it to you, it's straight
that's just mean your somewhat bisexual, so it's still somewhat gay
is that lyra as an asura?
>people having to justify if an act makes them gay
Just fucking say you stick things up your butt. Let the idiots imply things you're not.

Sure, lay it on me.

Right now, I'm still puzzling over Chapter 50 of Attack on Titan manga and exactly what the fuck just happened. I have no idea what "the thing" Eren wasn't supposed to have is or why everyone is freaking out.

I have obviously missed a crucial plot point and I'm re-reading it trying to see what panel I'm not picking up on clearly.
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What an upset general
From the lustful depths of hell, I summon... EA!
I just find it impossible to imagine that people here find MLPG regulars so interesting enough to listen to, specially about shit barely or not even related to the thread.

This whole podcast just screams of a bad idea that someone came up with to try and make the hiatus more "interesting" or some shit.
I don't think I could have a bad day in Ponyville. They all seem so nice and actually care for one another.
she was supposed to just be mad but i scribbled over it cause i was frustrated with it
i hate being so tired i guess i can just sleep early since my roommate isn't here tonight
One of the podcasters said one of their aims is to have people from MLPG comment on stuff they come across from the thread. Think of it as a spotlight for >opinions.
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oh god what a cutie
fuck off you stupid retard horse
you are what's everything bad in the the show and this fandom
But they're also grumpy assholes to each other, too.
That's not true at all. You can have anal play without having any sexual feelings toward men.

When women receive anal sex it's not gay why would it be true for men? That's just silly.
Hello cute wall-eyed horse.
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>your special talent will never be dropping that sick beat
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Don't go sticking things in your black gate
If men were meant to be penetrated, they'd have one more door
Just focus on the one eyed monster
If he shows you his balrog tell him "you shall not pass"
I like the little "Wicka Wicka" there.

Captca: Sound monerv
And cute quest is fully go.
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You could always drop dead.
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>tfw getting a letter from the red cross
>tfw have a heart attack every time because I think it's them telling me I've got AIDS
I haven't read AoT yet despite all my friends being really into it. I just don't want to go into it expecting something amazing only to be disappointed because it didn't live up to the hype
Is it better down there where it's wetter, Flugel del Flutershy?
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Would you brush a silly horse?
>tfw can't donate blood for a year because I fucked a guy
why is hasbro such a jew?
I guess he did it for a cheap fap.
I got the better end of the deal though.
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The chickun is too damn arised!
what a silly pone
why would a charity organization tell you that you have aids?
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If only
Oh if only
why do cartoons suck this decade


>inb4 link to that one trippy video thing

wtf was that thing anyway
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"C-can I join in!"
Blood donations
>Tfw I can't fuck a guy because I donated blood
Though not obligated the Red Cross usually informs someone who's given blood that they failed screening because of something like aids.
What if we want to participate?
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Of course!
makes sense

I like it unfinished, it looks like a beautiful sculpture.

Or maybe it's just late and I'm really tired.
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pony should wear bow
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All I want is a nice stallion to guide me through my first gay experience
I want him to be nice and sweet. I want him to be understanding that it's my first time and guide me through it as I work around his shaft with my tongue, so I can know what I'm doing wrong and how to pleasure him even more.
Then when he's finally ready to stick it in I want to hear his smooth voice telling me to relax as he gently places the tip into my tight virgin husband hole

Is this normal?
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pony should wear goggles
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What's that? MLPG is upset about something? Maybe a joke will cheer everyone up some!

So, Pinkie Pie walked into a bar.

A candy bar!
I could fap to this, but I feel like I should have higher standards.
>A woman will never say this to you.
I don't want to ruin her mane with my filthy non-pony hands
And this falls back into the "who the fuck here is interesting enough to be in a podcast".

But you know what? Do whatever you people want. I'm just going to filter this retarded shit like I should've done since the beginning.
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Pony should wear scarf
tess, feel, hats, etc.
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If Dash is faster and seems to be a much better flier, why does she want to join the wonderbolts?
Feel free to.

Does anyone happen to have a picture of Pinkie Pie or Luna wearing bows?

I need it for...reasons.
The north agrarian mare-bow love association.
A supportive partner in a nervous moment?
Not really. The gay bit is the weird bit.
>want your first time with something that only lasts for 10 seconds
can't say it's normal
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pony should wear uniform
Not the horse part?
She needs validation.
She's insecure.
She's probably pregnant.
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>tight virgin husband hole

aesthetic distance punctured with the speed of Voyager going Warp 9 in the opposite direction
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Because she wants to bne able to go fast for a living
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What if she really REALLY needed it brushed?
>you will never throw a crippled nerd down the stairs
>tfw BCS used to be good
MMC was an episode of such wasted potential
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>husband hole
I dunno she doesn't seem so insane today. Maybe there's hope.
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>probably pregnant

oh shit you're right

I bet Dash is carrying Soarin's kid after that threesome with him and Spitfire at the Gala in Season 1
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pony wearing clothes
Would she guide me through it so I don't make mistakes?
>Rarity switches cutie marks with Pinkie
>High class swanky parties in Canterlot every month.

>human poses

Would you cocksuckers stop that?

It's bad enough that the show is now rife with them. That can be excused. They're idiots without Lauren. But we should at least TRY to keep some quality around here.




Personally I might be interested in joining the podcast to discuss the show with you guys

But such a can of worms seems to have been opened I don't know if I should
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>Stop liking what I don't like!
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>not Spitfire's kid


Would work better with Marka.
I hate when people bitch about human poses.

Or get this upset about anything.
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But we created Derpy, too. We made her a thing
> implying not UNFER
Said can of worms came from the people who didn't even bother opening the link.
Like seriously, they were complaining about it before they actually reupdated the episode link with a working one.
>MLP is a show with such wasted potential

>tfw think every pretty redheaded and white mare is a Lauren Faust pony now until you check the cutie mark

Thanks, Faust. Now I have to stare at pony butts just to make sure they aren't your special snowflake alicorn OC.
>why is hasbro such a jew?

Big companies are pure sociopaths.They're run by people who do not understand or care for the product. A Pizza company CEO becomes the CEO of a game company. And then a Super Market chain. etc.

With a smaller company, those in charge tend to be more knowledgible on the product and at least try to make something half decent while making money.
And that looks perfectly natural and notwrong.
>They're idiots without Lauren.
guh. They just have their self-entitled thumbs up their asses saying "wow we made such a great show, didn't we guys?" Not even realizing that they're still just riding out the huge wave made by Hurricane Faust

This seems like a disproportionate response to an image that one person has posted.

I suggest that you take a step back and cool off for a moment. While this is 4chan, you're only embarrassing yourself in a General that has a surprisingly long memory for posting styles and typing quirks.
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She'd let you make an error or two on your own and gently correct you, guiding your deft hands with magic into the right stroke each time.
Then she tells you to really scratch her cutie mark good.
I wonder what she's thinking about
>Humanity is a species with such wasted potential
Not the same guy, but while I disagree with his attitude I have to agree on his stance. The show is better when they act more horsey.

Having horse like characters act mostly human physically is just generic to the point they might as well walk up right and have hands. Trying to solve or accomplish things when you are limited to a horse anatomy is more unique and endearing.
>I hate when people bitch about human poses.


Pone poses were part of the charm of the show. Fewer pone poses and more human and cartoony ones is part of the decline of the show.
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I want to bite down of my pillow as he plunges his stallionhood deeper into me. My heart would melt if he started getting all mushy and called me cute names the entire time. And when he's finished I just want to give him the biggest kiss and cuddle him all night longWith his cock still inside me

How do I stop wanting to fuck cartoon stallions?
Namely Braeburn.
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she's a brunette
spanking sunbuns
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Pony should wear braces
She's thinking about fast.
It is

Thats why the last season was such a bust
>"I hope I get to be top tonight..."
Fuck Scootaloo
>Personally I might be interested in joining the podcast to discuss the show with you guys


B-But Rarity I don't know if I'm comfortable with that!

mittsies/r!p/myself are finishing the nmm x chrysalis flash for halloween. just wanted to give you a headsup since you are never on skype anymore
Jeeze man, how about you buy me dinner first?

Why is Rarity the best pony on the show even with all her glaring character flaws?
>But we created Derpy, too. We made her a thing

Derpy was always shit.
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Why him?
Is it because of Braeburns accent, longish, mussy looking hair and cowboy background?
I thought you said you'd be filtering already?
Man up to your own words.
nigga told us he was not going on Skype on purpose. He doesn't want to talk to you
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not likely, Fluttershy's very dominant in the bedroom
Except for that Sweetie Belle nose, that's really fucking cute.
But she's our little shit!
woah you just made me realize i forget what brae sounds like
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pony should wear safety gear

And horsey is cute. Or at least animal-y.

Someone post the gif of Twi on her back with the saddle.
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Everyone is gay for Braeburn so just enjoy your fap session guilt-free.
Still waiting for that Project Pinkie, tiarawhy.
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God yes.
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I'd let Rainbow Dash be top every night, if you know what I mean....

I mean the top bunk because thats the cool bunk
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pony should wear nothing
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Derpy is a nice pony. I would be friends with her.
its despite them that she's a good pony, and perhaps becaus eof them she's a great character

her VA's expertise at making her lines entertaining doesn't hurt though.
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>right here?
>in the middle of the thread?
Yup thats coming after october. Just doing halloween stuff and then doing mp.
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What's wrong with flutters
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I don't mind his stance either. I think it's a perfectly valid complaint but a lot of times I'll get a request that literally can't be done without a humanesque pose.

And they had human poses in the first season too even if it may or may not be as common now. It's an irritating complaint.
Derpy is a very ugly pony. Anybody would be embarassed just to be seen with her.
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Oh, oka—

>the ear cuts through the hair

Remember when they used to wear saddles on the show?

All of that. And he seems like he would be a really sweet guy
Also is vest is really sexy
taint fair!
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Xieril hasn't accepted the best shipping pair into his heart yet
He'll get there
>Scootaloo imitating SANIC.gif
When I complain about it, I only ever mean in regards to the show.

Fan art can be anything. Thats kind of the point of fan art
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bitch niggas
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Brae is the reason why I came out of the closet as pathetic as it sounds. That's why I always feel a little bad when people make fun of that one guy that had the Caramel tubmlr
SiP ruined your character. And it was a pretty bad episode to boot, save for SOME of the Rarity and Sweetie Belle parts
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I disagree
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I hate you for pointing that out

have this instead
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Okay. Have fun with bronybux, I'm moving on to... anime again, I guess.

>tfw can't even avoid things and responsibilities here and still get called out

Uuuuuu... I started this bed, I may as well lie in it.
The filters aren't working, and that's not even me.
ooohhh shit there it is
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>best ship
I'll bash ur head in m8
>And it was a pretty bad episode to boot,

It felt like another show.

>human poses everywhere
>wacky ZANY expressions and comedy
>really fast paced
But by that logic, wont I myself look much better with Derpy by sheer comparison?

>"Oh man, what an ugly stupid pony! I hardly notice this guy hasnt shaved today!"
SiP was great for Scootaloo's character though
It gave it some depth similar to Dash's with some fear being underneath all that bravado
Why is their family so attractive?
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Gross dude
I just wanted to know what xieril's beef was
>nonstop complaints that the podcast is a circlejerk
>the intro explicitly stated that is not the intent
>now nonstop complaints that it isn't about pony
>the rest of the podcast was spent giving a potential example and asking for help on topics and guests
>help that we could provide by giving suggestions to them
why don't you direct complaints and ideas to the tumblr itself? you know, like how they asked for in the podcast itself?
if you don't want it to suck, why don't you make it not suck by bringing in a new topic and offering to be on the podcast itself?
or is everyone too chickenshit like me and don't want people to hear my voice?
m8 i will fukn mash u up bloody wee cunt swear on me mums life
>I'll take unsavory things for 400
This name for a group of people, is one of the many things that Chief Keef has a strong dislike for
That sounds like every other episode of MLP
As soon as Anita Sarkeesian is finished destroying the video game industry she's going to come after cartoons.

I wish they'd bring back saddles... I'm just waiting for this generation to die and be rebooted slowly.
Well the post I was commenting on was replying to fanart.
>That sounds like every other episode of MLP in the later seasons
I never even knew Chief Keef existed until I had to go to the psych hospital group therapy

I know Kool Keith, though.
I don't have any good ideas and my mic makes me sound like I'm chokin on sand, so fuck that.
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That gif is so adorable

MLPG makes fun of everybody though. That's part of the appeal, isn't it?

Everyone here that stayed is either beta or gets off on humiliation. I dare you to prove me wrong.
i already knew what was under there. I didn't need to see "WAH SCARED OF BRANCHES" to know that. It was shallow at best
>Every other S3 episode
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The oculus rift and the virtual waifu simulators are already a reality.
Feminism can't do jackshit.
Here comes the glorious age of waifus.
I'm having a hard time getting through it because I can't stand Gypsy's voice and LK gets real quiet at times
I also don't really have any constructive feedback either
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They were all set and ready for full on bridles before the show even aired. But then it never happened. Concept art and all. I suppose somebody saw their designs and said.
That looks like a little much.
Have you voted for Pone is Fight yet? You only have until Sunday midnight to cast your vote!

Round 1:
TS vs RD: http://strawpoll.me/503573
FS vs PP: http://strawpoll.me/503582
AJ vs RR: http://strawpoll.me/503585

No it really sounds like every episode from S1 onward.

Occasional human poses
Characters making silly faces for the sake of comedy
And the pacing in episodes has always been really bad in this show.
Not to mention the bad endings.
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Honestly, I dont know why they would want to try this. There's no market here for a podcast. They would be better off making a more broader attempt for an audience, but the fandom is inclusive as fuck
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I have a really good mic and can always use practice for VA work. Should I consider it?
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R-right adorable. Finding it sexy would be weird...right?
I already told them to do something like take in comments instead. That way we're not restricted to just mics.
Talking like black people is really fun.
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Soarin's Apple pie~
do readings of erotic fanfiction
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derpy is the perfect waifu and always trys to help
So it's not so much that it ruined her character just that you didn't enjoy the episode?
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>choosing the wrong post
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try and stop me fgt
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yeah it is nigga http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKnMdZWljzE
I can't wait for that burd to get in the game
>those multilanguage Applejacks

You too?

Oh god it's not just me with a magazine rack of issues
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Please, the video game industry already destroyed itself by pandering to the worst types of people, video game fans.

The 3D models need to be better. They look like bug eyed aliens or insects.

Maybe they just werent' made to be seen in 3D.
its hard to focus on a single one like this
that shit will never be normal due to one thing
horse can't talk
i mean imagine all the silly things they would say if they could
I had a friend who had a podcast and would do that as a regular bit when things got slow

So heck, maybe
This is creepy
>not labeling it winking mares
This is like a horrible Purgatory
4 of them are winking.
These are terrible


No, stay in the piss where you belong.
>you finally make it to Equestria
>None of the horses speak English
>They just whinny
Feel free not to vote.
It's not like your favorite pony's going to win, anyway.
>good-looking 3D pone
Now imagine pony with same animation of the timberwolves
These are really really cute
Considering how awful most of the pony models are
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Seriously? Then even had Applejack start a fire with her mouth.

It was the only episode with decent animation the entire season. It was well paced and even had foreshadowing.

What episodes do you even like then? Because SiP was far from a bad episode.
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They work fine in 3d, it's just the guy who made them doesn't want to release them to the public
no they ruined her character
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>It was the only episode with decent animation the entire season.
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>Forgetting pic
Twilight is the best
yes i agree
i wish there was a lyra one
It wouldn't take long to recreate them by that picture alone. It's laziness that makes them not public
>Twilight's little tongue
Way better than most of them, that's for sure
Still a lot of room for improvement though
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Quickly now

Give me a fillyscout.
>What episodes do you even like then?

None from S3.
Savannah Smile
This model really captures her dykeness
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>think about drawing
>open SAI
>can't think about anything to draw
>close SAI
>continue to just waste time
I'll never be an artist.

>poorly drawn pony
take requests u ho
Savannah smile
I didn't specify Season 3, SiP was one of the best episodes of the series.
Magical Duel was good
The fancy pegasus.
Just ask for requests or look at the 30 minute challenge tumblr


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plane pone has a farty butt

also mewball is short
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Well she is quite a dick.
just ask for requests

draw the CMC building a go kart
>SiP was one of the best episodes of the series.

Now this is shit posting.
I could make you one but my computer crashes when I try to launch filmmaker
He probably has a big dick, though.
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>blaming the character and not the writer

I, for one, greatly enjoyed Corey Powell's work and Sleepless in Ponyville. You won't trick me onto your ruse cruise, pleb.
thats okay anon but i appreciate the thought
what is it
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I wouldn't be upset if it was an actual pun
carlos pls go

"Dykeness" is not an adjective and Rainbow Dash is not a lesbian like in your headcanon/fanon shit.
Be a musician instead, learn piano or something.
is that horse trying to punch me?
Yeah, she's a huge cumslut.
She got double teamed by the wonderbolts on the Sonic Rainboom ep.

How short is short?
I've heard of a donkey punch but this is ridiculous!
i meant to type "likeness".
What a way to lose your virginity
She's been afraid of sex ever since because she thinks all cocks are that big.
Scrubbles pls draw.
hey flyingsaucer
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I don't have the screenshot on me but that was by far one of my favorite moments in Sonic Rainboom when she blew off those other guys and had her forelegs around each Wonderbolt, flying off into the sunset.

>little girl's cartoon

I wonder what the moral was there......
Have fun with your even more crippled than usual Scootaloo
But im not good at draw

I'm better at write
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Thanks for posting this, this is some quality horse porn right here.
Have you remembered to give your pone it's daily waxing, mlpg?
Could you write one of your entertaining scenarios again? They're pretty fun.
>Who cares if people make fun of you because one day you will do something so cool your idols will want to sleep with you
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>A-10 thunderbolt has a 1641.75 gal fuel tank
...I would. I think I have a thing now where I like exaggeration.
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That's not a pone.
>no posts
That isn't a pony.
That's an abomination.
And now, a moment of silence for all those who enjoy canon Snips and/or Snails unironically

But Lauren Faust even said that Scootaloo was supposed to have trouble flying and was an orphan. Do you even pitch bibles and original conceptual artists?

Man, if I made a series then they canned me, put someone else in charge, fucked up the toys, and ripped off my other line (in this case, her Milky Way Galaxy Girls -> Equestria Girls) I'd be pissed too.

Pick a tiny horse
i know that feel bro. i see artists saying everyone goes through that stage at the start and that it goes away eventually.

but i just cant see it
I can't decide if I hate it or love it
Who's the artist and is there more?
it's been a while since I've seen that fetish

you're technically right since it's a rubber suit
>human legs
how would it even walk
how is it even alive
>odds: nanaki
>evens: slutty trap braeburn
That's why you take requests.
why would nanaki even be an option
thank fuck you got a 2
The toys were always bad, though. And from the way Lauren phrases it she wasn't fired, she left on her own.
Also MWGG isn't at all like EG.

Yeah, that's the one. I wish I had an animated version of it for imageboards whenever people start the "nuh uh Dash is totally a lesbo because MUH FANFICTIONS" stuff.

>that filename

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Pinkie Pie.
I can't even see myself improving or being able to come up with creative things on my own. What would I be able to do with the skill when i get it? I can't help feeling like the skill would be wasted.
yea, i mean another handicap is now her horrible character and the botched writing that is to be expected from her in later episodes. SiP lowered the bar for all future Scootaloo scenes and episodes
Anon please masterbate to better porn
All of these have been terrible
nanaki fursona is my furry waifu.
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>Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls
crossover art yet?
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>tiny horse
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>those tits
>that face
>those legs
>that skinny anorexic crackwhore look
>that everything

No, sir, I don't like it.
>Dash is like "Whoah building, what's got you so excited?"

The "Ask Us Anything" link doesn't work.

No Follow button.
If it appeals to my fetish I don't care how bad it is
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*sigh* That's how you get AIDS
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Tex should silly more often
Of course Lauren Faust wouldn't admit that Hasbro did everything to make her despise her own creation.
It's a wonder what corporate can do.

This is actually accurate to real life, though...

Sometimes I wish the show would actually tackle pregnancy or dating or breakups and not just childbirth/kids (cake twins). That's one of the reasons I really liked the new Shining Armor comic, it didn't feel too sitcom-y and fit in very well with the source material while still having a romance subplot.

I wonder what direction Season 4 will take with its demographic now...
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>fapping to shit
You should care about your dick anon
A little more effort and you could be having a better fap
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what kind of boobs do you like on your human ponies? huge or super huge?

>left on her own

Ha. Yeah. Right. Forgive me if I withhold my belief in that with Hasbro's wonderful track record with cartoons and toys and fandoms.

Any Transformers fans up in here want to speak up on how Hasbro can fuck things up?
Lauren always lets on that she isn't happy with the things Hasbro forced on her, but she never implied she was fired. It always seems like she left on her own and I really can't think of any reason Hasbro would fire her since it seemed like she was following all the mandates they put on the show.
super huge boobs on big humanponies
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That's just, like, your opinion man.
Realistic and not fake
If I'm gonna meet my pony human one day, I gotta be able to actually have a chance
And this is why MLPG is shit.
I do care about my dick. That's why I always fap to what makes him hard even when my brain tells me it's not okay.
My faps are usually really enjoyable, though
>dickless version
Those are neither human nor "super huge"
Maybe normally huge, but certainly not super

Not bad though
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Nope. Try again.
alright, how about this instead http://derpibooru.org/342423

that was the only version I saw on derpibooru
What if your penis turned into Pinkie Pie?
Is she still attached to my body, or does she fall off or something?
And how big is she?
I would call that super huge
Its on the low end though
Also there seems to be an OC stuck in them

MSOB pls

Those just look painful for her back. Thank god I'm small-chested.
>One day Pinkie Pie had thhe day off and was going through her super secet candy trove
>She had the go down five levels of a hidden bunker, past a steel barrier and use biometric locks to open a 5 megaton door that swung out reluctantly
>Unfortunately, she was actually rather low on her stock and have on'y one shipping container of treats left
>But her friends were all busy today so she decided to just fishins it all off and start fresh!
>She imbiled so much sugar her blood and mind began to race at speeds and dimensions no other sentient being has ever dared
>in her minds eye, she saw all of creation as one, the intercenneted realities of the system of the whole of everything from stars to ants and atoms and ponies
>Time no longer had meaning and a thousand life times passed in an instant
>But the prince of omniscience is being trapped in seeing yourself and unable to change
>Slowly she went mad, the specter of fate overpowering her finite will and leaving only a hallow shell of what was
>"Pinkie. Pinkie! Are you ok?"
>"You were sleeping right here on the side walk. You didn't look good. Are you ok?"
>"I...guess so. I think I just had a bad dream":
>"What about?"
>"I have no idea."
Still attached
same size as your penis was
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business as usual
I'd probably masturbate more often though
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>That's right Pinkie, you've just ingested 80 milligrams of a special toxic compound
>A dosage that big is about enough to kill a small horse
>and well, we both know how that goes...
Would she enjoy fapping?

That is about the preferred maximum size and weight I like to see. Atryl is good at drawing very believable breasts.

Reminds me of my first girlfriend, actually.
That would make urinating kinda weird.
>Pinkie loves it when you give her massages
>she hates it when you have to zip her up inside your pants though
>sometimes she'll spend all day hugging your leg waiting for you to let her back out
Ponies are anthro
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there is no dick version. i would know since i consider myself and expert on maredick mlp art, i know of every picture in existence.
Are we posting pictures we fapped to now?
That sounds like a wonderful dream.
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That's depressing...
yeah, I guess
There is.
Isn't there more art as Pinkie as anon's face
>Atryl is good at drawing very believable breasts
i said this the other day, actually. He's really good at drawing breasts
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Gee thanks for that wonderful image
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Excue you, but I am the maredick expert.
I've been fapping to futa since I was 11 and I have never looked back.
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