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Old Horse

Applebloom does not like the idea that she have to bring Granny Smith to her school. What does the Zap Apples taste like? Did you believe Smith's story about how Ponyville was form? Whats your thought on the appearence of a younger version of Granny Smith or the first appearance of the Timber Wolves?
Pony should be with monster
Young Granny Smith unf~
>Did you believe Smith's story about how Ponyville was form
You can't argue with photographic evidence
We were talking about video games in the last thread
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Young Granny Smith is fine by me.
>What does the Zap Apples taste like?
I imagine they are rather sour, like a warhead
>Did you believe Smith's story about how Ponyville was form?
eh, it's probably a reasonable aproximation of the truth
>Whats your thought on the appearence of a younger version of Granny Smith
>or the first appearance of the Timber Wolves?
they were okay
I think it's interesting that ponies live so long.

Has anyone scanned this for QR bullshit yet?
with her teeth?

that must be painful
With what? Her mouth?
in fact how did she launch it, with a ballist?
Wait, never mind. They only showed photos from the reunions.
>tfw no young smith/normal big mac porn
What QR bullshit?
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Horngasm Denial
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season 4
26 episodes of pure pony pleasure
That's dumb
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She had another pony fire the arrow.

That's the tricky part of the trick.
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>those eyes
You're dumb
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why are confused ponies so much cuter?
I'm convinced something's up with that nightsky

Maybe the position of the stars or something? There was a very similar puzzle in Fez
I bet It wouldn't have appeared if he didn't read about It in the book.
Your face is dumb
i hope she at least tries to catch it sideways and not head on
ohhh silver SPEED, i thought it was silver spoon
What the hell happened two threads ago?
>that little shake

Whoa, hang on
What is this?
What is that thing?
...does that mean he can summon things by reading about them?
something happened?
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No idea.
LK did a Chronicle thing

We don't know if there's more to it yet
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I've always wondered why pony is so fond of archery

There are at least two different ones in ponyville with the bow and arrow as their cutie marks, and quite a few crystal ponies have it too.
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Woo, she moved in!
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I ganna say, that bonnet made Applebloom 10x cuter!
I think after the move, someone got hextuples and bronies spammed the thread with ASCII art as a result
Can you expect anything else from /v/ and /b/ rejects?
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My condolences
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Might not be directly related to archery, though
Nah, the get happened in another threads and a few getters from /s4s/ came to hang around (i.e. post Peter Griffin smoking marijuana; and DUBSTEP).
But I don't quite understand what's going on
Is it a shadow Diamond Dog or something? And where is he?
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Sexiest pone. No contest.
What I wanted to say it's like in movies.
When you travel to some place and you read a legend about ancient monster from that place, it appears.
That's why I'm saying now; If you ever go some place where are legends about some ancient monsters, don't read anything about them and you'll be safe.
I know, it's fucking corny as hell, but it leads to that it has to work like that.
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That's the idea.

Elite Equestrian snipers and assassins. Political tools who also enjoy tournaments.
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True, but if that was the case you would think something like a stylized arrow without the bow would be more common
Sparity a shit.
check the archive, it all definitely happened in 13885015.
Maybe Pony is into the art of archry and they think its a fun passtime?
I assume that's young Chronicle, who apparently lived in the desert

That shade is the creature he's reading about. I don't know why it looks like a Diamond Dog, but that could tie the event with his...future interests
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That would be the most logical explanation but you would think that would be a rather difficult hobby for non unicorn ponies

I gave up a long time ago, Anon.
Oh, then the post must have been moved by a janitor or a mod at some point. I was there earlier and I'm almost sure it didn't happen in the general.
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But she cute, not sexy.
Why not both?
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Did you guys even take any lit or analytical classes in highschool?

In that set of images, Chronicle is just another scared kid who stayed up watching too many scary movies (*scary books) and afterwards is too scared to go to bed because he believes what he read was real. Which given the universe RQ is set in, he might be right. But the book is titled Monsters and Myths, and he has access to it in the middle of the desert. Might just be some fairy tale hoopla his parents gave him. He might think he sees a shadow move, like a kid would think a ghost is clawing on his window or a monster is hiding under his bed. When in reality, it's just their imagination and fear warping their perception.

Kind of like how imagination and fear warped him later on in his life.
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I only seem one way. Either she is cute, or sexy.
When I'm dead.
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is it really?
>young Chronicle
I'm not ready for this, I still hate his guts
That sounds neat, thanks for explaining.
I'm uneducated motherfucker.
What's with the light in frames 11 & 12
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That is what makes it interesting for the Earth Ponies.They can brag about it and call out the Unicorn for not being able to do it without magic.
I can't find my post stamps
Where are my god damn post stamps
Pony, did you?
Pegasuses could use their wing hands.
But that would probably lead to deformation of the wings if they did it since they were a child and make it difficult to fly or maybe even impossible.

You know it could be cool.
I mean remember in Sonic Rainboom where they were using a jackhammer on some clouds?
Imagine if they made a room made of those clouds with a few holes, put some pegasus archers in it and just send it towards the enemy.
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pony wants to digest you
Archery takes a lot of upper body strength, I don't see how wings could pull that off. Crossbows or arbalests would make the most sense like in that picture
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IIRC the statue in the Return of Harmony part 1 was just using hoofgrip
Wouldn't you still need a lot of strength to pull back the string to reload the crossbow?
Pony grew a third eye on the forehead.
Pony can now access your thoughts.
My Little Game Grumps: Friendship Makes My Dick ROCK HARD!
I just realized the temples of those glasses don't go onto her ears, they must be there only for decoration.
Not nearly as much, crossbows usually use levers.
Nope, some of them used a crank but yeah typically you used both hands to pull it back which also utilized other muscles in your body.
>"Enjoying the view, dear?"
I guess his parents came in to tell him to go to sleep
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Pony should fuck off. Pony is not the NSA.
Okay Pegasus crossbowman in a floating cement cloud room. Still cool.
please no it's too early for this
heartache should not be literal
I thought everyone could mindread anyway. That's why sometimes when I catch people thinking about embarassing things they nope it out of their heads
Just like the show then.
Well yeah.
Oh, you know what? Maybe they're like handles, so they can take the glasses off without smudging the frames.
new thread

Yeah crossbows or arbalests, especially windlass variants would make the most sense. I just do not see pone being able to fire a bow with hoof grip as people do, as aside from the strength required they would need to somehow nock the arrow with a single hoof.

I don't think he summoned it, but I don't think he's just imagining either
are you fucking retarded

this is litteraly a new thread in itself, who the fuck is goign to fall for this
The Tony Hawk series was good the whole way through, from Pro Skater to Underground to American Wasteland.

all were fun and brought new elements to the table
I didn't really like American Wasteland
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>they have a Steam group
>"Don't you want to keep your sweet little Rarity company?"
>"Celestia's sun is shining, we have a wonderful natural shade, the water feels divine~, and best of all?"
>"it's all for ourselves~
>we have a steam group
We are about 10 times older and at least 2 times bigger
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And probably 90 times shittier
since when does slightly chubby pony body = BIG STRONK TITTAYS?
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>I'm older than you
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I think I'm starting to resent drawings of hot girls because I know that they would never talk to me
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>your horse waifu won't do you without protection
>you go to the pharmacy to buy rubbers
>horse condoms are bigger than human ones so you have to get an XXS
>the horse cashier can't stop snickering as he rings you up
Of course he's retarded, he linked to a batpone thread
Shut up Fluttershy. You aren't
Remember when Corwin was alive?
there is very little young granny smith in this thread

change that
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20 minutes
But Babs wasn't chubby at all.
She was somewhat larger than other fillies and had a wonderful ass.
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Why would i care what the cashier thinks if i'm getting lucky?
>Implying a human's dick is smaller than a pony's from Equestria.
Pony's got that thuggin' love

wow the bronies in other countries are way cooler
Remember when the show was good?
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>return home to find zebra twins DPing your waifu without protection

Nah nigga fuck you I don't want any part of that. This place already has its own flavor of shit, I don't need to mix and match.
well whatever, you know what i mean.

and her "ass" is the same one as all the others
That movie was terrible but I still like it because nostalgia's a bitch.

S2E24 was a magical time.
That song was probably the best disney villain song along with Be Prepared and Hellfire though
Why complain about us having a steamgroup if you already assume that we are a billion times worse than anything else imaginable?
This thread isn't as intense as the time Twilight was attacked by timberwolves in the Everfree Forest, she ran out of SP, and had to beat the last one to death with her spellbook.
>Poor Unfortunate Souls
>running out of SP with Twilight
Jesus Christ you're bad at the game
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This thread needs to go faster
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Shut up and draw Xieril. You haven't earned the right to talk this month
dash a shit
I don't really like that one as much
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I want them to fuck me.
I'll make sure to get a look at his face when my waifu picks me up from the shop and he sees me kissing the ruler of Equestria right on the mouth.

Fucking asshole.
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>socially normal, good looking, decent job, nice apartment, hot GF and fan of mlp

i hate seeing people like this because it just makes me feel bad for being a dirty creep. it has always been my dream to be on the normal side of the fandom
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Oh shit, I almost forgot. Good thing I decided to check the thread one last time before I go and play vidya.
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>the same as all others
Lookit that ass.
some of my friends who know I like pony once told me "you don't look or act like a brony at all"
>''Jeez Babs, why are you so much bigger than Applebloom?''
I always wanted to play that game but by the time I got a decent computer everyone stopped playing Tribes
I would totally hit a young Granny Smith.
people dig for the worst, and when you have a fandom this large there is a lot of "the worst"

confirmation bias and whatnot
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See that? It has life and energy. Unlike bland anon.
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it had a good but short run.
>that feel

except i don't even have a decent computer
pretty sure this is the best thing ever

more plz
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I still laugh.
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I cri everytime ;_;

oh god that face

this is great
huh first time I'm seeing thiss
>Seven vaginas
>That fucking face
well that ended fast
>Applebloom does not like the idea that she have to bring Granny Smith to her school.
I don't like it either, the story should have happened at the apples house in the form of a long and fully-colored flashback, with tons of dialogue and screentime and adventures.
It should have been about AJ's parents and all the adventures they've had before they died, not miss Smith/Apple smith being an old fool.
>What does the Zap Apple taste like?
Spicy like bubblegum fizz, yet sweet and creamy, with a diverse amount of flavors. Also I prefer calling them rainbow apples or lightning apples, ''zap'' is such crappy word...yet... wait second.
Zapples, it will sound like Taz the tasmanian devil is spelling it, but still better. I'm wondering why they didn't call them zapples.

>Did you believe Smith's story about how Ponyville was form?
Ahaha not one bit, despite the fact the writer tried to force feed it to me with various shit like that soundtrack and clapping at the end.
Granny most likely stole it from Applejack or her great-great-great grandmother, that sounds more believable. As for the little story's visuals they could have removed the brown-yellow colors.
Furthemore the timberwolves were poorly integrated into the story, their purpose was never explained and they got afraid of a bunch of frying pans?!
>watch out son, granny's got a frying pan, don't mess with her unless you want the pain pans. Don't make her put you on the frying pan bake you into oblivion; cupcakes style.
Noice, but it needs closure. Fluttershy accepting her role as Rarity's squishy mound of ponyflesh
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Why do you always make Rarity ULTRABLUSH over fatties?
you forgot to color the mark
Also the apples themselves should have been more special like having an important ability such as curing poison joke or any sickness or giving ponies a magic enhancement.
Too much fuss over some colored apples which don't do jackshit, it's almost like the apples are mary sues; getting praise for how special they are, but ultimately being useless.
The timberwolves should have been explained as the protectors of the zapple trees; for they are born from the same tree trunks which fall when lightning strikes them, just like in the show.
I think there could have also been a curse which actually deals damage to the farm. Farming rainbow apples from the everfree forest should be much riskier.

Like there could be plots around the following; Applebloom getting sick. Granny Smith's obsession with wanting to keep the zapple farm business, even by attempting to grow them in Applejack's cellar.
The timberwolves stealing the trees with their magic. All the ponies going in the everfree forest to get them back. Then after they get them back and they sell the rainbow jam to the entire town they find out that high consumption could make a pony have a magic disease(maybe cutie pox) which can kill the entire town. They go to Zecora and she says they need to harness the magic from the timberwolves in her bottles. They almost get killed by shadow timberwolves & other types of wolves. Or maybe something more complex, grand and end-game which puts a stop to the timberwolves forever. Like featuring a timberwolf king and an everfree forest fountain/shrine which explodes in light. Zecora brews a potion made out of timberwolf essence and she dips it in the fountain, causing a northern lights show which destroys the zap apple trees&zap apples and the timberwolves forever. I have an issue with wanting this episode to be full-on adventure about the everfree forest.
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Where is googlyeyes anon

I want him to make a changeling
Honestly, how many artist are there that tends to forget those small, yet important, details?
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What was Granny Smith called when she was little? Did they always call her Granny?
>The story should have happened at the apples house in the form of a long and fully-colored flashback, with tons of dialogue and screentime and adventures.
>It should have been about AJ's parents and all the adventures they've had before they died, not miss Smith/Apple smith being an old fool.

Way to miss the whole moral of the episode
Luna a shit
I imagine she was called apple smith or something
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So is this enough?
>Furthemore the timberwolves were poorly integrated into the story, their purpose was never explained and they got afraid of a bunch of frying pans?!
Actually, one of many ways to scare the wolves away is to make some loud noises.
>mashed potato blobs
Good news anon
Your waifu is a immortal.

Bad news: So are her friends.

What do?
Act as usual.

Because I think it's cute to make the prim and proper fashion designer, of all people, to be driven crazy over it. She's always designing dresses and measuring her clients, so Fluttershy at this size would sensory overload.;

At first she may not have realized it and just looked at ponies this big and just didn't know what to do with herself or her clients. Measuring tape would snap before it reached around, seams would burst ruining her fabric, they'd want something to eat since it wasn't just a boutique but her house. Very overwhelming for her.
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Could they make me immortal as well?

fuck off
You first brah ;^)
Probably Black Smith.
Fuck your moral, Meghan.
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>So are her friends

i'm going to live forever?
Honestly, rarity being a fat fetishest is not particularly funny

If you want a comedic subject, Rainbow dash.
What the heck is this?
I'm talking about Highlander immortals anon. You know the "There can be only one" immortals
Which is very bad for them
And no they can't make you an immortal
But anon, everyone knows nothingness is immortal in a sense.
And the friends of nothingness are immortal, too.
And that's when realism is more unbelievable than fiction.
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Is this a reference to something or just a silly cat suit
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>Written by: Cindy Morrow

I wasn't going for funny this time, just for something adorable.
Anon please just ignore him.
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MT what the fuck are you doing
Everything dash is a reference to fecal matter
hey ross >>>/d/5047777
She's a bandwagoner
The fuck do you think
I have a problem with replying

I see him doing his thing and I WANT him to be better with it. It may not be my thing, but seeing an obvious way to improve something and not telling them seems wrong to me.
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>spike collar
Fuck no.
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Her name is Maria. But the bigger question to ask is, "Did she marry into the Apple Family?" and "Is Smith her maiden or her married name?"
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That's one hell of an image
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But they won't improve
They're here to literally only dump their worst works on us
They can do much better without you, and know exactly how
There's no reason whatsoever to suggest anything
Shut up Megan, we know who's really in charge of the show.
Don't you try to put orange juice in the apple box, you hear me, Megan? Go back to using your thumbs to open pendants with the rainbow of light in it, go back to G1 you fucking blondie. Bet you have sex everynight with Rainbow Dash you sick fuck.
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What's wrong with collars?
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What book would she write, "How to be a Dork?"
>says the retard that produced a logical thought twice in all of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
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How dare people like popular things.
I know right
It's not even inherently sexual but that pose and that look and that hair
Granny's name is Granny. She was born into the Apple Family, but married some pony named with the surname of Smith, probably Black Smith or Silver Smith or something. Her husband was probably working for her parents when they met.
Rarity is the unfiest pony.
Why did Weaver never draw Flash Sentry? I particularly liked his desperate virgin Twi pictures, so having a skeezy Twi harrassing Flash would've been great.
Man, that pic made me think of TMNT.

Look, I may include Rainbow Dash later. I just don't know how to write for her at all, except to make her a douche.

How'd you feel about a fat Twilight?
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Why not ask him yourself?
You know his Skype, yes?
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Spiky Collar is too edge or "I want to stand out more". Normal one are usually cuter and you can still hug them around their neck.
Dash vs Rarity.
Who would win?
>Celestia as waifu
Good news for Inkwell.
Rarity only has a limited knowledge of spells so Dash could easily get the upper hand on her if she were quick enough
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Okay here's the deal.
You can be with your waifu but a horrible curse will befall her. No one but you will notice.

The curse will be revealed after you made your choice.
Do you accept?

If you accept you also get this lamp for free
>Flash! Thank Celestial you're here! I think there's an assassin in my bath!
>No, check deeper. Really reach in there.
>Yessssss therrrrre
Depends on the contest, but most of the time Rarity
Eh ma-
>If you accept you also get this lamp for free
>Use telekinesis on one of her wings
>If you accept you also get this lamp for free
Holy shit, yes.
Is this still a deal for non-pony waifu, too?
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>you will never a sledpone
I was not really requesting

just sort of throwing ideas out there

no strong feelings one way or the other on that last one
Dash only has to create some rain, and Rarity would turn into a sobbing mess because her dress/style got ruined.
stop posting my plane waifu
Fuck waifu, I want the lamp.
Sorry no. Only pony waifus count.
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Constantly drunk member of the Apple Family named Appletini constantly hitting on Twilight Sparkle at the family reunion, finishing with a brief but very firm session of getting felt up
>no wings
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Why doesn't Rarity just protect herself with magic?
You gotta share, bro, 'cuss I ain't backing off.
Shut up Chistery.
>not playing mmos alone
I don't know man. I mean on one hand she gets cursed. On the other that's a pretty bitching lamp...
you best step off and go back to your entry level planes like blitz and airliner
>playing mmos
I want games with closure
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excuse me while i go throw up
it's what I'm doing with GTA:O
There will never be a 3D pony MMO where we can all get together and hang out on one server
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>tfw City of Heroes died because a korean grinder took a loss in profits
>all the other superhero MMOs are shit
You can't just unfall in love. It just doesn't work like that.
>Not a virgin
Who would want to touch that fuck with anything other than melee weapons?
I'm legit mad about this

There were like 3 in development and we still have none
There was one, once. The makers received a C&D from Hasbro or something.
>implying it wouldnt be like that South Park WoW episode
Oh, so we're going to be talking about Rarity up to one week after she got her Cutie Mark?
Google Legends of Equestria.
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here's something more appropriate for you
The bed you share with pone has been creaking and sinking more and more every time pone gets on it

Maybe you should talk to pone
That's the one! I really thought the development had ended.
>paperplane pony
... it's adorable
Why must you be so crude?
There's all these permanently disabled SR-71s in museums left for us to enjoy. We can all share.
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>chubby pone waifu
>tfw you will never be more fun than the color pink
>implying horse raids
>pony pvp arenas
I am
Applejack told me so
I really should. It's time she finally accepts that she is pregnant.
eh, the bed had a good run, for a dirt cheap thing on eNeigh, we certainly got our money's worth
>there will never be a pony chess set
Any pony references in GTA?
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It's canonical that Rarity lost it to Hayseed Turnip Truck back when they were kids
>>pony pvp arenas
>148 smelly bronies re-enacting magic duel
Would both sides be symmetrical or would it be a good guys vs villains kind of thing?

Who would be the pawns
But they met for the first time at a Ponyville hoedown the fall before Sweet and Elite
Why should I? She doesn't seem to notice or care

Let's just...see how things go
Don't make me fucking want a pony MMO
Okay your post number decides the curse
Evens she laughs like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcSujceZDmg constantly
Odds She has Sean Connery's voice and whenever you have sex bagpipes start to play.
Guess fucking her into the head piece every single night finally took it's toll on the frame
Damn it. You've seen through my clever guise.
>dungeons would be 6 man groups
>have to harness the element of harmony to defeat certain bosses
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grinding for cuddle points
Scar did nothing wrong.
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>"Hey anon, we need a healer for our group. Fluttershy dropped out because of some animal shenanigans. You up for it?"

But only after she finishes this pie, ok?
>She has Sean Connery's voice and whenever you have sex bagpipes start to play.
Well my waifu is Rarity and her voice is incredible...But I get Sean Connery and bagpiges during sex and that lamp...WORTH IT
>I have been defeated..... The Eye of Fortune had foreseen that no matter which path I had chosen, I would meet with ruin, and yet I fought against my fate out of spite, I guess this means I am no less foolish than any of you. My power, my life force...... I shall soon fade away, there is however, something I demand to know. How were you able to complete the spell I could not?
Spike. All the pawns would be Spike.
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>She has Sean Connery's voice and whenever you have sex bagpipes start to play
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Move, schnel!
>tfw Sean Connery has Alzheimer and doesn't remember any movie he ever starred in
You forgot to carry a 3 in one of your calculations on the fifth page of the journal you had

Once that little problem was sorted out, it all worked pretty nicely.
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>tfw Terry Pratchett has Alzheimer and will forget his characters one by one
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Hey there, little girl. I heard yer lookin' fer yer special talent. Well I just so happen to be...somethin' like a talent-agent.

If I can't find somethin' yer good at, nobody can...
>fluttershy is a quick fix medic
>laways freaks out when you rocket jump
If I were him I'd want to forget as well.

No but seriously that is sad.
Twilight, I.... I love you...
He ends up starting a new book and it slowly transforms entirely into Guards! Guards! before ending with Small Gods.
I trust Mti and Mua more then that guy.
He looks like he will brandish a knife.
hey, um, does anyone have a link to some beast videos?
i know someone here linked them, but i lost the link when i restarted my computer
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Look through the archive
>quick fix
I bet she's the one that accidentally broke 6's with it too.
Man sometimes VAs are lazy as fuck...
Don't tell anyone, it's not supposed to be on Youtube
What'd quick fix do to 6v6?
9v9 master race
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Sex with Punchhorse
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I like this guy
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H-hi anon ha ha what are you doing here in my library?
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Checking out books?
This is a library, right?
Concussed sex with Punchhorse
...uuu~ speshur rubbu rubbu conofessuro
Surprise ponut inspection

I'm checking out a book, Twilight.
There's no reason to be so nervous!
Now when do I have to return...uh, "Equine Orgasms and You"
>tfw endii was driven out by MSOB
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When valve buffed it earlier in the summer, it was in the middle of the comp season

Players wanted to try it out of course. People soon discovered that it simply is too good in small games. Being able to reach mid with the soldiers and demomen is also pretty crazy and you can still cap points when ubered with it. Since the overheal is never the full amount, it still builds uber way faster than it should. And the really fast healing makes killing someone under it's effects more about attrition than anything.

It caused constant stalemates with neither side able to push as both medics became forced to run it. The most infamous stalemate was on the last point of gullywash between the two top teams, and it lasted for 30-45 MINUTES.

It is currently and hastily banned.
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Do they really have those in Equestria?
Consensually or non-consensually?
Rarity sent me to get a book about cross specie sex. But hey you're smart right? How good were you at biology?

Consensually, of course. She would be enjoying it very much.
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I still believe that Alzheimer's disease is probably one of the worst ways to die, mainly for the observers.
It's one of the longest, most mentally painful ways to die, really. You have to watch a person slowly regress back into nothingness, and you can't really do anything about it.

wait, right, pony
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>tfw no fapfics of punchhorse
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I prefer it too

but 6's is the main comp format
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Man, that picture always makes me sad
I agree, but couldn't the pic just reflect a change in style?

>naming the zebra character "zeb"

That's like calling all the ponies "hor"
67 to 96, maybe, but the others are when the poor guy's mind was actually going
Reverse image search it.
that's rarity's second name, actually
Only Rarity gets called that.

The 96 one is still pretty cool
>tfw no good porn of punchourse
Yeah, I did.

Yup, there's a couple.
I'm fine with that

MSOB is a better artist and told Endii occasionally acted like a retard and a big baby. What's the baggage?
why is she so perfect
Are there any fapfics where you get high with pony and have intimate relations with her?
What exactly happened? I missed it
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He's just adapting to living in a Pony world. Most ponies are going to call him "That zebra guy who sells cocaine" so he just embraces it
i think 9v9 feels more "natural" so to speak, since it stresses the abilities and deficits of each class.
and sometimes i just like to watch highlander matches, since you can learn from watching good players.
getting good at vidya is kinda like getting good at drawing. one small part is tutorials, one bigger part is watching others simply doing it and the largest part is actually doing it yourself
>MSOB called him an attention whore
>meanwhile he brags about how he started satyrs
>and how his pictures keep spurring greentexts
>and threw a bitchfit when people liked that one picture that spawned that porn-star Fluttershy thing, while he had been drawing big-tit Fluttershy for ages and never got that kind of attention for it
>and called Renne Quest autistic pseudo ARG shit, because it was more popular than his quests
He basically told endii to stop bitching about people liking his OC
Isn't there a pony police?
Hey, there is no pony police! What the hell.
>wanting JJ junior here
Okay but the real question is who cares
>all this middle-school tier drama
Who the everloving fuck cares
Woah woah, gonna need a source on all that.
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Yes, and it's mandatory Celestian law that ponies must go along with it
I would rather everyone play nice and all of us stick around
Skype chats.
>I would rather everyone play nice
This is 4chan. Not possible
>all of us stick around
Anyone with a thick enough skin to ignore anonymous insults over the internet has never left.
Of course there's pony police.
What do you think police pone is for?
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>Dash mooning
Why, MLPG of course!

And don't forget to look forward to the new MLPG Podcast that's coming out!
Look I never liked MSOB and always though his humans are shit but really? I find it hard to believe that. Especially the last one.
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Fun fact: Most serious crimes are rewarded with either summary executions or manual labor
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Princess Celestia's butt is fascinating you
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try lobbies or pugs, best places for actual experience. Here's a good place if you are NA based http://steamcommunity.com/groups/mixnahl

HL is more "natural" and it is gaining ground, so that's nice. And both are really fun.
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She needs to be fatter
>MLPG Podcast that's coming out!
What's the latest news about this? Man, we should have a podcast for the podcast's advancement.
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octavia's large breasts
>there will never be a competitive community for the game you're the most skilled at

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>wake up
>anxiety kicks in full gear
>can't even get back in bed to pass out
oh good.
Fuck off.
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octavia's soft rear
>wanting to have try hard assholes ruin your favorite game

It's hard bring a Smash fan
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octavia's joyful smile
Not that guy but this sounds pretty interesting. I haven't played any highlander matches but I've watched streams and it amazes me how competitive TF2 can get.
>tfw there was one but the game got ruined with pay to win bullshit
But the royal bed can't take much more weight!
I don't quite get it either but apparently Endii was upset about his OC being so popular for some retarded reason and MSOB told him to stop moaning about it.
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octavia's lack of dialogue and character development of any sort outside of "musician"
He accuses LK of ruining quests forever by raising the bar too high.
Octavia is a pretty pony.
>implying there is even anything left to ruin
In space, nobody can hear you bitch 'bout the coders, community and admins.
*anxiety intensifies*
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Well there are security guard pones at the very least
pugs and lobbies are nice, low pressure environments to experience higher level play.

As long as you got a mic and mumble, you are golden.
I am sure even if she had dialogue or a character that her breasts would still be up for speculation
drawing is my primary concern when it comes to investing my free time, so playing on pubs and getting good enough again is where i want to go with hats. i do what is most fun for me
and i used to have a shared steam account before i quit vidya for a while and i have no longer access to, so i miss my old items.
i got an axtinguisher a while ago and found a degreaser shortly before that. that was fun.
You are a retard. He was obviously joking.
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Eh...I'll miss Endii. I liked him a lot. His ponies were cool.

Aain very hard to believe that.
>that one picture that spawned that porn-star Fluttershy thing
can I see this please
Now I don't know if MSOB really did say that and I don't care, but regardless, that's such a stupid critique.

>the Smash Bros of FPS

I'd spank that ass and then claim there was a bee on it.
Smash bros is fun
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I got weapons to spare
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You don't have to believe it.
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He was fucking joking you retard
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I would have believed that too if he hadn't followed up with the "autistic pseudo-ARG shit" comment.
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That was a nice little fic.
She looks so serious.
What's she thinking about?

You keep quoting that as if it's sourceable

>"h-hh-he said it, i-i swear! !!!"
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>Wake up
>see this
>what do
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I still need to watch avatar

right after I marathon TNG

>You'll never churn butter inside pone
What the fuck are you doing on my bed? Get the fuck out of my house you ugly, smelly horse
Dans quel but
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>In the days of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns

S-sempai...p-please accept this gift for Hearts and Hooves Day...and...and continue to do your best to pass your exams!
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24 hour comicing is toooo hard for me
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She'll need to lay on top of another pony to cushion her from the bedsprings, maybe that will help. Twilight Sparkle seems like a good choice.
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I'd rather wake up to this, thanks.
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Awww yeee

That pony sure does look good in that shirt and tie

>Being sat on to support her weight was Princess Celestia's plan for Twilight all along
I was sleeping when it started. I'm so ashamed.
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What a great sight to wake up to
>implying Twilight would be like that

Stop projecting your shitty korean slideshows into somewhat decent shows

Poor Twilight
I thought that was fluttershy's shtick
Damn, what is that? A pony? An hybrid?
Take a screencap or fuck off.

Either you have proof that he said it or you are just trying to stir shit up.
What the FUCK

>NMM avatar pack on Xbox Live
What's with Xbox and ponies?

That face, man.
Tell them to go back to their own country.
NMM is sexiest villain
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I think he looks kind of dumb

Imagine what it would look like wit him trying get get anything out of those tiny belt pouches being set in that position, or even using that tiny little radio set attached to his shoulder

Pony looks goofy in human clothing

At least gala dresses are usually designed to fit a quadrupedal form
Get a new door and close it in their face
It's simple

ponies are a marketable thing, and alarge portion of the "brony" demographic falls into the typical categories that xbox content is marketed to.
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>tfw you will never have rough hatesex with humanized NMM


ew, gross
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That is most certainly a pony
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What do you want in life, anon?
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I would agree if it Nightmare Rarity didn't exist

But then Nightmare Rarity is just NMM in Rarity's body so basically it's the same character just with a different look so I guess you're right

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Nightmare Rarity has an awful design, though.
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So how about that live action MLP porn movie?
*Rarity has an awful design, though.
Is 'my waifu' a valid answer?
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Not dying before I finish my projects would be nice.
Also meeting a pony from the pastel show.
MLPG GTA5 crew where?
Shh, one step at a time, anon
And I disagree with you. But hey opinions. You know how those work. The only thing I kinda dislike is her hair but other than that shes's great and i would have nothing against being her sex slave
Become a corpse
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nightmare rarity was a boring piece of shit

at least we got some porn out of her
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy
I don't know. Do you want me to make one or something?

I want my waifu to be real.
Financial security.
Her hair looks like Purpletinker's OC's.
Fly over the moon
To be the best husband I can be to my Pony, sir!
Man, rule 63 is OLD
waiting for it to come out so that someone here streams it
Call it MLPG Corp.
you made this joke last time and it wasn't funny then either
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It will be the death of me

i will die of laughter
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What game's that?
I'm already disappointed in it
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>That shuckle
Haha, wow.

boku no showdown

pokemon showdown
>those stats
What the actual fuck
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you're wish is granted, but you this adorable pony instead. What would you do to her?
Idk do we actually have more than two people that would join it? It would be for PS3 if I do make one.
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Ugh, damn.

Thanks for delivering.
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>a favorite past time of Princess Celestia is to sit on a stallion's cock and rapidly gain weight until her crushing girth overstimulates the stallion into an orgasm
I could join, but it wouldn't be for another 2 weeks or so
PS3 here, make a thread on the sub.
He's the strongest pokemon.

>Although the circumstances would be nearly impossible, a level 100 Shuckle can potentially deal the most damage in one single attack through the use of numerous stat boosters, by using Helping Hand, Metronome held item, Power Trick, a Skill Swap to Huge Power or Pure Power, and the Defense Curl/Rollout combo. On the 5th impact of Rollout, if used against a level 1 Ledyba or Yanma that have been hit with negative Defense modifiers (such as Screech), it can deal over 315,000,000 damage.
Well I am completely indifferent regarding Renne quest so I'll just continue disliking his for his shitty humans and apparently for making Endii leave
Wait, I'm not following.
I get Pinkie in addition to my waifu?
Can't they just use magic to lift her?
>My fuck a pony with no personality quest is better
hahahaha wow.
My preference was Fluttershy, sir!

But I will accept the pony that has been chosen for me, sir!

I will lovingly brush her hair every day and provide a fulfilling romantic and sexual relationship if it is so desired, sir!

Wait, so do I get my waifu AND pinkie? Or just pinkie?

Celestia's so heavy that magic hardly helps. It's gonna take grit and muscle
Never heard of it.

Also, is MLPG getting XY? I need an excuse to add you fuckers to my 3DS
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>it can deal over 315,000,000 damage.
And people will still defend whatever shit he throws out
Well, I am

Of course I am nigga.
sweaty bike shorts
Sheesh, if no one else will I guess I'll have to be the one to violate her

I need rank names (10 of them) and a motto (64 characters or less)
what if we get 18 people and have an MLPG highlander?
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x version master race
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You did receive your waifu, but it was Pinkie wearing a costume that looks like your waifu. She burst out of the costume and gave you a hug.

I hope you enjoy your Pinkie. She would love that, but only with consent.
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pony should wear scarf
I'll protect her from anyone who wants to violate her using my Strong Punches.
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Dibs for being a completely useless lucksman sniper
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My nigga
Wow, Art Anon, that's a huge dick move for you to post that screen
There was a highlander team before, we play with ponychan and have some plans to go up against fimfiction
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> He doesn't know about the Second Life group

Well, that's fine too.
I guess...
dibs for being w+m1 pyro
>one minute between them
You are free to post the easily editable screencap now.

If it was AA himself his name would have been grey. Only the names of other participants appear in blue for you on skype.
Is that
Is that from the fucking game
They have to keep re-selling the same thing somehow
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>4 days till NYCC
>5 days till new preview

i meant MLPG vs MLPG
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Pony casts Wing Buffet
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yes it is
I'm getting X
>You are free to post the easily editable screencap now.
>If it was AA himself his name would have been grey. Only the names of other participants appear in blue for you on skype.
>defending your husbando that much

Jesus man.
I don't that would work as well, the people that play hats regularly enough would barely make a team, factoring in the need for subs to fall back on.
>You did receive your waifu, but it was Pinkie wearing a costume that looks like your waifu. She burst out of the costume and gave you a hug.
Why Pinkie... why would you break my heart like that? What did I ever do to you?
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would you all give it a rest?
it doesn't really make any difference either way
well, i meant the format, but basically for >fun
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>one minute between them
That denia.
I don't really care about MSOB but it's quite obvious that it is one person trying to make him hated
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Did they ever confirm which legendary you'd be getting in which version? I don't want to get X and end up getting the dumb looking black and red handbird. They did that shit with black and white.
I'm willing to give it a shot, if she thinks she can keep up a convincing roleplay of Pip-chan for the course of our entire marriage
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Question! Did she burst out of the costume Alien style through the stomach, or through the anus like Ace Ventura in that rhino disguise?
Oh i am aware, but even getting 18 to show up is a problem
I thought you were supposed to be the element of laughter, not the herald of sadness.
You always get the one on the cover, anon
Why did anyone even ask for a screencap, what is this, Equestria Girls where picture manipulation software is unheard of?
It's pretty obvious this time around
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>second life

You would survive all of 5 seconds before having your eyes melt out Nazis-Opening-the-Ark style due to all terrible OC ponies in 3d form in close proximity
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Panka is an okay pone
I was expecting my waifu though...
What chat was that?
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X should be the stag, Y the bird.
X gets a black Charizard mega evolution, Y a red one.
but that's the thing about shitposters. first people will step in to defend the contributors, but they will get tired of it and soon there will be only the shitposters and then the entire thread will start hate the artist
more ponies in glasses and shirts please
I don't care about Charizard
X also gets the pistol shrimp pone while Y gets the kelp
...there's a pistol shrimp pokemon?
Which pony could relieve my headache
MLPG fanfiction chat
pinkie pie
>I thought you were supposed to be the element of laughter, not the herald of sadness.
Oh please. You're the fool for not realizing it yet. Look at the S3 finale. She made the entire Ponyville dependent on her. She'll just leave the town and let it descend in anger and sadness.
The fact that their mane source of apples and cider is gone and that the weather is shit giving them sunburns and frostbite over the sunburns at the same time is just a coincidence.
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Dunka dunka!
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I'm not so sure about that pony anon
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Make me pretty, /co/!
Who do you want next?
>gif doesn't loop
why hasn't anyone fixed this
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Not him but I'd like to see Luna
But pony....you are already pretty~
Because it's an awful thing to loop?
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hell yes.
and he even get's a badass evo
have you done Rarity yet?
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Not is you stay away from the Everfree and Pony Union sims. The /mlp/ and mlpchan group is great
Cute enough! Can I hug her?
that's actually pretty cool
Because it doesn't make sense as a loop?
I'll do those two in a bit.

>tfw will miss out on the Pokemon hype, just like with AC:NL
>pretty cool
It's a fucking pistol shrimp, of course it's cool as hell
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What does a clock do when it gets hungry?

It goes back four seconds!
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what do you mean? all gifs loop. that's like, standard issue for gifs.
Look we go trough this every time you try this. I suck at drawing just make a Rarity version for me since I am com[plete ass at drawing.

Could you make her wear a pretty dress this time?
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... terrible
Best thing about Pokemon is that it's not some shitty flavor of the month shit and ha actual gameplay.
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> implying dishonesty
that was the plan anon. Humans have natural bacteria and parasites incompatible with pone body. Thats why I need the condom. One of those stallions is for me.
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as stupid as this looks, it's better than anything i can make
They censor stuff on the site so I don't think anything with fag or fucker will work.

Horse related things would work like whisperer and jockey. Or Foal, Colt, Filly, Stallion, Mare thing. Or different types of equines.


Umm Motto: MLPG co leader in tender horse loven' since 2010
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now she's a nurse
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>mlp and mlpchan groups

I would have though those to be completely overrun by batponies and the like
See? This guy gets it.
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Yes, yes it is!
I doubt that people will drop Pokemon as quickly as they dropped ACNL.
Simply because you can grind for all of eternity if you feel like it.

Do you plan on getting it?
Anyone interested in a stram of The Princess and the Frog?
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Of pone girls with glasses or more of the Dress Up pics?
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Fuck does the mplchan group ever do?
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>First, it cocks it's claw like a gun
>As the claw snaps shut, it fires a blast of bubbles
>Incredibly, as the bubbles collapse, they momentarily reach the temperature of the sun
>This implosion causes a shockwave that stuns
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>tfw you'll never be invited to join the fic chat
>tfw I lost all my dress up pics and the link to the game

it hurts man. i need my cute human fluttershy dose.
Ah that cute.
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now you're pretty
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mewball pls
thats not pretty
it's less of a fanfiction chat and more of a general MLPG chat
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You are literally the worst person ever.
>/pol/ is okay with weed
>/v/ is okay with weed
>/a/ is okay with weed
>/mu/ is okay with weed
>/mlp/ is okay with weed
Why isn't there a straightedge haven?
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theres like one or two batpones
one sergal
a skeleton
mostly pones
we go on adventures and have questionably ironic horsesex
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You just have to ASK
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Go ye forth, and hurt no more


surname pliesgo
that has got to be the craziest evolution ever
I don't have the dosh for a 3DS.
I spent most of my savings on a new computer for uni stuff, and I still need to get a new heatskink for it.90ºC after a few hours of idling isn't good for any CPU...
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Hot damn that's a cutie.
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PS3 group. Everything is changeable so don't worry if I picked a bad name for something. Posting in sub after.
thanks so much
time to rebuild my cute fluttershy and pinkie collection
with absolutely no sexual whatsoever
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Isn't she?
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Nothing sexual about Pinkie Pie just hopping out of the shower and running up to greet you
You know it!
>Nothing sexual about Pinkie Pie just hopping out of the shower and running up to greet you
The why I have this big boner?
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Then ask?
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Ok that was one of the funniest things I have read today

Keep them on the straight and narrow anon, and remember earth pones are best pones
it's just cute and silly
just like her
that colt has a massive forehead.
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I felt dirty when I made this......
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I'll do what I can
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He does indeed

Its just news colt with a tragic misapplication of forelock
good to see you are not ded

also that pony needs a tail
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Good choice
Even without a tail
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There's no good way to position those party hats

I'm not sure if that's how these garters should work, haha. Any help at all would be appreciated.
holy shit who did the art for this? It's awful
>them balls
Thanks man, I've just been busy with school and other side projects.

I'll add the tail in a bit.

Panka is the way to go when I warm up for drawings
We should play hats
why is she so perfect
dem balls
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"Ah shucks, anon. I ain't no good at this seducterin' stuff."
And a cutie mark.
Applejack pantsu
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Can we find something other than hats to play?
Get rid of the lump under her crack, looks like balls.

Very good otherwise
>there will never be a CMC version

not the best, but it's certainly better than most dress up "games"
later tonight

we regularly play awesomenauts
That requires people having to have that game

Everyone has hats

Therefore we hat
Why dont you guys play mafia?

I obviously have no idea what I'm doing.
I think don't think the art is so bad; on the other hand, it has an unfinished look to it, like sketches. I think it's fine.
Never played it, might try it out with MULPUG

When? I've never seen that be organized here.
Why don't we play with ponies instead
What if we CS:GO or L4D2
>When? I've never seen that be organized here.
it's largely spontaneus and organized by the steamchat

ask krabb or something
no. pinkie pie always runs around bashing people with the frying pan and thinks it's super funny
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>tfw shitty pc
>tfw i will never get to play with mulpug
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whats cs:go
Europoor pls
I have both of those, though I'm very meh at CS:GO
I don't have hats
counter strike
the worst part?

she's the deadliest play with it too
Mafia has pony template, but yeah. I bet if there is a mmo of pony out (NOT FUCKING SECOND LIFE), most of us will be playing it.
Counter Strike: Garbage-O

Yes you do. It's F2P, you just have to install it.
Counter Strike: Global Offensive

We could be meh together
>tfw mafia is dead

>tfw 1.2 is a terrible update

>tfw no SS13

>tfw only playing ASSFAGGOTS

All is dire.
counter Strike: Global offensive

L4D2 sounds nice
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congrats, you win an orange horse for having the best idea of all.
>tfw 1.2 is a terrible update
>Yes you do. It's F2P, you just have to install it.
But then everyone will steamroll me and laugh at me being bad because they played it for hours already while I'm completely new.
I'm meh at FPS's in general, don't worry.
Find a server.
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like that one time she did a spycrab and got ubered by fluttershy while doing it?
one time i was with her on her server and she used rocket jumper, buff banner and market garndener.
finished top scoring
>earth ponies are best pones
I'm drunk as fuck and I can still say you're a huge faggot and have horrible taste.

The worst thing possible, Can't fly, Can't magic. And their special thing is farming. Which is sad. Because all you'd do as a Earth pony is make food for the others.

I mean Earth ponies are important, true, but That doesn't mean it doesn't suck. Wow you make food for others to eat while they do more awesome things like CONTROL THE FUCKING WEATHER WHICH CAN COMPLETELY FUCK YOU OVER IN LESS THAN A SECOND. Tornado? Bam your entire farm and house is fucked.

Unicorns have it the best. I mean look some Earth Ponies need to be farmers because Equwestria needs food and they are the best at grwoing things. Some Pegasuses need to be in charge of weather no matter what. Meanwhile Unicorns? Fuck the sun and the moo, Celestia and Luna handles that shit ewe can be whatever we want. We have complete freedom.

And don't give me that shit that "ha ha that means Unicorns are useless" while it is true it doesn't matter at all since even if they are useless they still are the ones with complete freedom and control over their lives.

>Sorry son we're one of the last farming Earth pony families, we need to make food for equestriaatever you want
>sorry son we're one of the last Pegasus families we need to take care of the weather.
>Oh hey son you're a unicorn, do whatever you want, hell if you work long enough you can be a great magician and learn spells that completely replaces Pegasuses and Earth ponies since those exist.

see >>13894081
>being this mad
We are almost all bad

it's equal parts chartroom and game time

besides, no time like the present to git gud

hell, I'll throw weapons your way if you show up and ask nicely
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Nah man, only one who'll do that is Krabb or Highwind.
Everyone makes fun of everyone last i played with MULPUG
And half of us, me included, are terrible.
I've over 100 hours and i'm worse at it than the day i started.
Well I've never played hats and I'm downloading it right now.

Mainly to test out if it can run decently.
but anon

cowboy pone penis
I'd be up for a little of either.
Not really in the mood to try my hand at ranked in League at the moment.
The only thing I'd want to play against mlpg is TCGs
there are a variety of performance configs that will aid even the shittiest of toasters
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"Thanks for taking me to the animal sanctuary today, anon. I was just thinking we could sit here and talk...or maybe we can just sit here for a while. Please don't go home yet..."
I want in on the Hearthstone beta so bad and I don't even know why.
hearthstone is shit
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Luna shirt thingie
I still can't into princesses' heads and general anatomy.
they're cute as heck but so hard to work with
What's that?
"Only if you let me smell your butt."
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what is hats
What did you want me to do, give it tits and dragon wings?
Hi Pank
That looks more like Sakura from Naruto than any of the ponies.
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But we know thats wrong for a fact from the show itself

We know other species, even other pony types can grow plants. Earth ponies may be the best at it, but they are not the only ones with the means, or the need.

We have also seen plenty of them with completely unrelated special talents. The only thing we were ever actually told about whatever their special trait is, is that its some ill defined "special connection to the earth", which covers so many possibilities we may as well know nothing about it.
if it's supposed to be puffy labia, maybe move them a little higher?
Can I stick my winkie in your kitchen sinkie?
Aspirant I love you
Also quick question. I didn't have internet for a week so what happened with your poll?
Thats what practicing is for. Its cute and I like the wing imprinted detail on the shirt.
forgot the link for you: http://clugu.com/tf2mate/

absolutely adorable
Same, except I know exactly why

It looks polished as fuck and super addictive

Trading Card Games
Hearthstone in particular
>tfw charting every inch of the nighstky on that Chronicle thing

How'd ya do I
See you've met my
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team fortress 2

the internet's fore most war themed hat simulator

>implying they wouldn't both be for her and you also for her
Making a tornado and destroying barns are going to do them a lot of good when they're FUCKING STARVING TO DEATH BECAUSE NONE OF THEM WILL PICK UP A DAMN SHOVEL!
Have you tried putting all the skies together using layers?
> some ill defined "special connection to the earth"
When was that? All I remember from Hearts warming Eve is "hey we can grow shit".

i run hats on a 3 year old macbook and it runs at about 40 frames minimum. so unless you're bitchy about muh graphics it should run just fine
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That pony sure does love hats
Sure thing Fluttershy.
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>MLPG is talking about playing hats
>It's 22:20pm
>I have to work tomorrow
I never get to have fun
There are only two skies

but no, I haven't, I can't into draw programs

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That was Faust's explanation for it very early in the run of S1 when people kept asking what the deal with earth ponies was
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Majority decided we redo Cute "quest" a little more in depth as a lead in to the adventure shenanigans I want to run.

So we're starting that tonight at 7pm PST, (about 5.5 hours from now) and getting the train a rollin'.
Love you too~
Definitely polished. I suppose my days of playing MTG seem nostalgic and I want to play some quick paced card games without buying or carrying a bunch of stuff with me again.