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Happy 10th Birthday, 4chan!

I toasted 4chan's 10th anniversary from 37,000 feet. What an amazing ten years it's been. Thanks, everyone.

Fernando from The Daily Dot wrote what is probably the most in-depth/well-researched article on 4chan's history to date: *link*
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This pony has a license. Does yours?

Non-licensed pony>>13868562
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yes, but I'm pretty sure it's counterfeit
пони должны пони меня
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You should be posting brony ponies now yes?
don't we all brother?
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Goodnight, MLPG.
Please don't wake up <3
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we can if you want
alright. If you see him, tell him to "pls go" pls
>brony ponies
What does this qualify as
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if you are the insisting comrade

all of the ponies and none of the ponies are brony ponies
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>tfw no femanon friend in equestria
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all of the ponies from this generation are brony ponies
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You too.
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eat shit
would you love pony as a person or would you love her more like a pet dog

be honest anon

pony is for more than cuddles and sexual if you're a degenerate furry like that
>Derpy will never sit on you

>"Lad what even WAS that?"
>'You said we had to get out fast, so I did!'
>"No, I said we had to get out of there, and you just...bounced!"
>'An' all you did was flail your legs about!'
>'An stop laughin! It's more 'ficient!'
>"I would rather die tired then die bouncing around like a git."
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Anybody know if any more of Issue #11's characters have been vectorized yet?

I like my skeleton in tact
>you will never erp with Gaffer
why are you even alive
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oh, i found you, fucker.
pls go
Remember when pony was farty?
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They laugh and talk and sing and wear clothes and tell jokes. How can anyone treat them like a dog? Unless they insist of course.
I don't fucking knoww anymore.
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because I am unable to self-terminate
What's wrong, Tara Strong pony?
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>Pone has emotional needs
>All anon does is hug her and call her cute
I love pony as a person.
Nice. Thanks.
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why is the fawn even on these adventures with the knight, anyways?
doesn't he have like, parents or something?
I wanna sex SA
Too bad, he's already married to Cadence.
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don't we all
>you'll never make her wings flare out by kneading her bubble cutie-marks while rimming her anus
>She sits in your lap, Your shaft pressing firmly against her cunt
>You can feel her winking against it
>It doesn't take long for her to get desperate enough for her to take command and push your shaft into it
>The gasp is cute, almost as if she hasn't taken it hundreds of times before
>She starts grinding her hips against you, making extra effort to use your body to press your butt plug further into her
>You decide you've had enough of the appetizer and flick the button on the remote
>You hope the scream is surprise or pleasure and not pain
>The splat of pre against porcelain clears your mind of worry
>The toy is tuned in half step with her winking, the latent pulses making her cunt flutter around you twice as fast as normal

>It's not long before Fluttershy starts wracking her body in pleasure
>You know from the sound of heavy globs hitting the bottom of the tub and her breathless gasp that she's cumming without even looking
>You kiss her on the back of the head and lean over to the basin and fill her a glass of water
>You tell her to drink, she'll be needing the fluids in no time
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Je t'aime, MLPG.
then just go for a leisurely stroll across your nearest highway
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Because he's lost his sanity. Also why he's willing to run in front of traffic. Not very bright if you ask me.
>You've been there for three hours now
>Her thick cum feels odd against your body, she's filled up the tub to just above her clit
>Fucking your wife's cum into her as she lies against your back, panting and squirming is easily the most arousing thing you've ever done
>Your wife scooping up cupped hooffuls of her own cum to her mouth so she's got enough in her to keep spurting for you is easily the most arousing thing you've ever seen
Money well spent
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I would assume he is one of those adventurous orphans that would not leave him alone on his passing of a particular village.
The knight could not convince him to go back and can't just leave him on his own.
Or he had to save him, and feels a bond or some shit.
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I would like to treat pony as a complex partner that isn't just for sex and cuddles, but those would be part of a full spectrum as a lover. But I'd also like to support pony's dreams and get to know pony's friends and share my own hopes and fears with pony and sometimes argue with pony (though hopefully not too often) and get teased by pony and guide pony through unfamiliar social situations and recommend books for pony.

Is that enough?
Hey now! Can't show that on a childrens' TV show!
I'm going to get married to Shining Armor and Cadance!
but hasn't he mentioned his parents before?
that his dad's a great warrior or something?
I would want to be friends with ponies who act cute upon failure instead of scary like humans.
It's been so fucking long and I can't find anything on the feelworks.
I may be pulling this out of my ass.
i'd like to treat pony like a person but i don't think i have the emotional capacity to treat her as the kind of person i want to

love is scary
I don't think anybody ever capped the knight/fawn stuff for the works.
>Anon goes to equestria and befriends ponies
>Anon's friends act exactly like humans

If I wasn't already fapping I'd start to this
That's illegal!
>Father is a great warrior.
>Sees a great warrior passing by (Read: some weird pony with some fancy armor.)
>Time to go on a great warrior adventure.
>(Read: sneak behind the pony until you are well out of town and 'join' him on whatever he is doin!)
Do you ever sit down and think about what happened to the librarian before Twilight?
but my point is what about his life back at home? wouldn't his mother be worried sick? would his father set out on a quest to find him?
Yeah well I'm gonna claim YOUR favorite pony for the Ultramarines. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, YOU FUCK?
She checked out
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Is it over now?
I'd so do love to ERP with someone AS Gaffer, but I haven't actually had time to read the comic
He's just so cute and I have a thing for "nerds"
Pony is not a sacred relic
she either retired or was assigned to a different library or similar position.
in my headcanon equestria has a large government labor force and the library as well as rainbow dash's and fluttershy's houses are actually owned by the crown and made available for ponyville's wildlife ranger and the collective weather ponies of cloudsdale and ponyville respectively
Sure the mom would probably be worried, but the dad probably watched him trail the knight that...night.
He always wanted to see the world, to see the places he talked about, seems like he found a guide to help him out like he had on his journey.
Only far less alcoholic.
>would his father set out on a quest to find him?

>the Fawn's dad follows the Knight's trail, always a few steps behind the two on their adventures
>finally catches up to them
>assumes the Knight had kidnapped his kid and charges him
>massive battle between the two as the Fawn frantically tries to split them up and explain
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>not blood eagle
What is it, Dash?
All of them except for poindexter are pretty cute. But gaffer and his neat coat design put him above the others.
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I know what you're thinking, Dash
You want Fluttershy to fill your mouth, cunt and ass with cum in that order
You want to be left a bloated, sticky mess

Me too, Dash
Me too
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>his pony isn't a sacred relic

wow get a load of this pleb
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You're not a relic, Celestia.
You're just really really really really adorable.
>The fauns father had a battle friend on his side.
>Well, 'friend' was a way to put it. When the drunken ram wasn't trying to kill him for some reason.
>Tried to call it 'trainin'.
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she really is, isn't she?
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The Fawn DOES have parents.

Who do you think gave him that stone he wears around his neck?


See pic related.
He wears a stone around his neck?
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I kinda wish her voice was more girly so I didn't feel like I was fawning over a married woman.
But she's still a total cutie pie.
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He does.
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He has an adderstone.
Adderstone, supposedly good for protection against spirits, as well as helping you find lost things.
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Why is she so perfect /co/?
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But the mature voice just makes it so much better.
Then again I like older women so I'm biased.
They also sound hollow when you tap on them and the absorb water.
Then they get cold.
Mine does...
what's got that little guy so spooked?
I haven't posted here in so long, but a dream I had last night has prompted me to return.

I was walking through a wheat field. As far as the eye could see, beautiful golden shining wheat upon rolling hills, gently swaying in the wind.
The sun was setting.
After walking for a while, I reached the top of one of the hills, and looked down into a valley, and there in the distance, down in a small valley filled with wheat was Pinkie Pie.
I ran to her.
As I got closer I noticed her hair was down, and she had a sad expression on her face.
I walked up to her and asked "Pinkie, can I have a hug?"
"Of course" she said with sadness in her voice.
She stood up on her hind legs, and I noticed she was wearing a necklace with a golden ring on it.
And then it happened.
A glorious pony hug.
It was so soft, so warm, I could see the detail on her coat, like a microsuede sofa but so much finer, and it felt so smooth.
It only lasted what like about four or five seconds, but it felt so real. I could feel the sun on my skin, the wind in my hair, the wheat brushing against my legs, it was incredible.
I shed a tear.
Then I woke up.

I didnt feel sad though, I felt lucky.
Well, she is a few thousand...
That just means it's working.
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>so I didn't feel like I was fawning over a married woman.
but anon
she's single
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Knight telling tales.
For a good reason too.
>In the event that an alicorn has started to misuse their power, specially designed Anti Alicorn Androids have been designed to deal with them.

What is the extent of their capability?

>They stop at an inn somewhere far to the north, where the snow falls and the pine trees grow tall
>A traveling storyteller entertains the guests that night with a few local legends
>One of his stories gets a little intense... and scary.
>Despite being in warmer and more comfortable environs than a camp outdoors, The Fawn has a hard time getting to sleep that night.
>Then I woke up.

How do I break it to him?
Opening a portal to Earth.
Alicorns are like Spectres.
If one goes rogue they send another one to deal with it.
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She's just the kind of pony I'd feel unworthy to even know, let alone be friends or lovers with.
Fuck this depression I'm going to bed.
>Equestria now has 4.
Celestia fucked up and had to create a crack pot squad.
Celestia wouldn't want you to feel that way about yourself.
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.
No less terrifying when being told by horses.
>sad Pinkie
>wearing a ring on a necklace
I think I remember some anon mentioning how he'd been having repeated dreams about Pinkie, then eventually he stopped having them.

I think you ran into his Pinkie, who's waiting for him to return.
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Rate this pony.
The scariest story I've ever heard is: They're watching you. But don't search them out. They don't like that.
I feel the same way.
I mean I bet every colt in Equestria develops a crush on her at some point. It's practically a rite of passage. Some hold onto that crush longer than others.

What makes me so special?
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>The knight doesn't help when he hears the faun talk about the fae creatures and informs him that they may be in such woods.
>Sometimes he forgets how supersticious the lad is.
>This isn't one of those times, the lad was being a prat in that inn.
Maybe if you treat her as a person.
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Pony wants you to stop procrastinating and go take your shower!

Oh now THAT'S just cruel.
But I have to exercise before I shower
It's hard. She's a princess. She's carrying the weight of an entire country on her back.
I'm just some random jackoff with an internet connection.
Short things like that don't do it for me.
What if your reflection blinked?
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Plenkemene / 10
It does. Every time.
Anyone have the image of the Knight helping the Faun cross a river?
Something about the Faun not knowing how to swim.
How do you like your morning cofee?

I like mine black and strong, pic related:

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Your a saint.
I like my coffee like how I like my pony.

Why does that image already exist?
I honestly want nothing more then to lay down and cuddle pony

But that doesnt mean I don't want to hear about how their day went and worry about their problems, too
>Anal caffeine
Oh god my bowels
I like my beer like I like my pony.
Cold with the head blown off.
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I feel like strammin'.

Who wants a stram?
I like my pony how I like my charcoal.
Carbon based and readily available.
I just watched kung pow

You'll need to seriously be on your A game
I'd drink a mug full of cum every day if my horsebando made it for me
He better have plenty left over though

I like my pony the same way I like my pony

snuggly and very easy to snuggly
I would never stop talking with pone
I'd cuddle her as much as she'd let me too
What if Anon went to Equestria but he had no legal rights?
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probably just gonna' draw some pank.
why is ikaruga on greenlight
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tan man you got to stram earlier i am gonna slep
Oh boy what is it
link it if you do
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Found this, too.

I keep telling you I can quit whenever I want to.
alright alright. Maybe tomorrow.

Harajuku girl Panko will have to wait, I suppose.
What it be MLPG!?
>that file name
d-don't remind us anon...
Th-the enemy team is in disarray anonsama.
So are we... ;_;
>tfw ded
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Would you help pony raise money for her school?
Howmayny ugly dumb ponies does it take to screw in a light bulb?

none becasue tehy are all very nice, pretty and smart ponies to love
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>go by tournament room
>everyone is shouting this in fps room
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MT pls, why the name change?
And yes, I probably would.
>Art Anon now has his own tripfag attentionwhores.
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one of these things is not like the other

Why do cute girls hang out with fat girls anyway?
Art Anon, you are a hero.
You have a cock?

If so, yes.

That's MT being very silly.
You're the prettiest mare on the planet
And your cock is the prettiest too
I wish I could be silly with MT
Fluttershy wants a relationship so bad that she's willing to be easy and put up with codependency.
>Art Anon puts his shitty fanfiction out. Uses it to post his fanart of his own fanfiction.
>Hets even more attention.
>Such is the life of a mega attentionwhore.
>tfw MT will never want to be silly with you
I can't take this much longer
So, you are going to throw MT under the bus for your trip being a massive attentionwhore move?

Shut up NBS.
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Fluttershy is trying to seduce you
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Have a sheep. I'm going to get some sleep now.

Good night.

I'm watching Breaking Bad
>Implying I am NBS.
Art Anon has his cock sucked like RCH, Chistery, and GG. They do about as much as a dead rat at a water color contest.
Bets on the rats.
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I'll just ignore her until she leaves.


You sound an awful lot like him.
Remember when Art Anon drew well?

I don't either.

go to bed NBS.
we ded
Have you thought about doing anything original?
Because honestly, this shit is just boring now.
You're not even trying to hide the fact that your shit posting just to shit post.
Who are they to you?
You the MLPG, the hater of artists, most of which I give that name on the loosest of terms.
Art Anon, and GG are one thing, Chistery, and RCH.
The only difference between one and the other is, one still insists on posting with a trip.

Managed to shame out one tripfag.
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Ruuuude as hell
you're rad as hell
please draw more dino pones.
Pony isn't interested unless you're this big
Dash would make a really pretty archeopteryx.
what board and which decade are you in?
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implying dash isn't a raptor

>Finishing sentences with a period
>On 4chan
I'm not saying that NBS samefagged all of these
Just most of them
what the fuck is that horn
I'd never take my pants off with that in the same room
>tfw you have to make your waifu wear a thimble on her horn when you snuggle
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AA is just so utterly bland and shows zero improvement. Don't be surprised he gets shit on.
Pony is no longer available in your country.
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punchy little legs
>those gaps between her teeth
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I do believe it is the shark hour

I really want to like it

but it looks like humanized Lumpy Space Princess
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The Luna is loads better
Yeah, that was my first thought, too.
I can't even put my finger on what it is that kinda ruins this one though.
Best to worst from left to right
Fluttershy should be a little chubbier around the waist

She should be tall, thin and flat chested or chubby and stacked

You have no idea how much I want to see more
And how much I want to feel those shots in my mouth
I never understood why people even want body pillows with those on them
I mean I saw some with daft punk on them that I wanted just for sillies but they were expensive as hell
Fluttershy looks even worse than Celestia to me.
But the Luna one is definitely the best from the batch which honestly isn't that much of an achievement. I'm sure he could do way better.
Jesus Christ, Hotglueanon
Go find a boyfriend
This is unhealthy
No, you don't understand
I'd do anything
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Find a boyfriend and I'll make 50 videos for you
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you didn't answer my question
>I'd do anything
Leave the thread and never return.
But I only want one video from that anon
If you're that anon, let me suck you off
The point is he doesn't have to
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Well I don't really want the doxy pillows so I couldn't answer that question.

And it would be way to awkward for me to own one to ever think about buying a pony one.
It's kinda sad for how many artists in that fandom that applies.
See even if I bought a for sillies one like >>13873556 it would still be awkward as fuck

>anon what is this
>it's a character from a video game on one of those japanese pillows
>so you sleep with it then
>no it just sits in my closet
Well I guess for people that run around with fedoras and 20%-cooler T-Shirts it doesn't matter anymore.
>not praising the sun while you sleep
>not holding him tightly so he doesn't go mad
He was a bro. The only shining example of good in that setting. It didn't matter if he found his sun, the light that radiated from him was enough.
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I never played it
Still havent
>tfw I still haven't played more than an hour of Demon's Souls
Damn vidya games
>installed hitman and played 2 hours of it 3 months ago
I still have it installed. SOMEDAY
Sorry to ask but I think I missed it, can anyone link it?
Fucking PS+
I just want to play my games from 1993 on my $1500 PC
Are you sure you want to watch a guy cumming on a pony toy?
This is lmj isn't it
I'm trying to remember his shit art style so I can pick it apart when I finish this art class

Seriously, he completely covers her, and the shots are strong enough to almost tip her over

I want to feel that in my mouth before I die
For me, I didn't care for the PvP. The gameplay was fun for awhile, the whole point of it being mostly dependent on your skills is good game design. Even if you were bad, you could of farmed to help compensate and call a sunbro to help out. What I really liked was the setting. The existential bent of it all.

If you don't plan to play, watch this. Lots of spoilers so don't if you are going to. It helps explain Solaire. His other videos are good for learning the speculated lore of Dark Souls. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skV-q5KjrUA
Oh man, that's some strong cumpower.

I would love to experience it
I plan to play one day, but I have to actually get it first. I dont know if I should for pc or console. I don't plan on pvp at all so it's not an issue.
You guys are weird
PC. There are graphics mods and other fun things. Honestly I don't know why people use consoles. Although know that the game is near unbearable without a controller.
Homosexuality isn't weird.
Fantasizing about someone whose dick you haven't even seen let alone their body or face is weird
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I'd only use my xbox because no pc yet, only shittop

I haven't payed for online in like 3 years. Something close to that. The last game I played online was Halo Reach
on xbox mind you
I want to feel those shots hitting the back of my throat
I want to feel my shots hitting the back of a pussy
A boypussy?
that's one of my biggest fantasies
>Honestly I don't know why people use consoles
I didn't touch my xbox for months on end until Halo or GTA 5. Rest of the time it was a netflix machine
That's not something you can feel anon.
More like annoying. They do this every fucking day around the same time and it's not even remotely related to ponies anymore.
A girl's throatpussy

It is if I shoot hard and deep enough
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I wish that humans developed faster so that I didn't have to waste so much time and effort to find out that I'm a useless, diseased sack of shit
Unless you're the anon that made the video, you DON'T shoot hard enough
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I just want a hud in my eyeballs already
I mean, fuck actually remembering anything
I should work on that.
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To the window, to the wall
To the sweat drop down my balls
To all these bitches crawl
the fuck is even going on in that picture
i hate seeing MLPG this dead
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Open the door
Get on the floor
It's not like there's more then 10 people on the thread this time of day.
One of the comics came out around this time once and only got 3 or so replies a post at most.
I like to lick my dog's nose
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We need more after school to keep vulnerable young fillies out of trouble.
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Everybody walk the dinosaur?
I'll keep them out of trouble and inside my bedroom.
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Stand and Deliver!
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>Oh man this gilda pic looks pretty unf
>Look for more gilda stuff
>The disgusting lack of gilda lewd
Why. I consider 300 images small yet there is less than that.
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I want to Thickity to give me a titjob
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Should have payed up
they are probably padded
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Why do people bash Keep Calm Flutter On and then praise Magic Duel? Shit's messed up.
Bash it on what basis?
Who says this
In what context for bashing and praising
go to beb
Rushed, poorly written, character flanderization usually.
the only villain that should've been redeemed was Gilda

Chaos god that almost cast Equestria into permanent chaos and has done it before > Evil unicorn with power rivaling Celestia's that tried to take over Ponyville > Griffon with a bad attitude

now if you redeemed Gilda it'd just be shit because every other villain was too
The thing is
They would either have gilda VA or OH LAWDY STAR TREK
Which would you choose
>you will never be fladerized by hasbro
I'm almost certain they are
But still, she's stacked
I would _____ Gilda's VA
I think I already have, actually.


Oh boy, it's nearly that time again.
>saw the blank from the notifications
>no chance of getting hopes up for lewd

Actually not that bad
>Everyone get's a catchphrase
>Every episode has some random celebrity showing up to save the day
>Ponified Obama
Disney villains are so much better than the protagonists
And if I ain't satisfied?
So that retarded twily sombrero thing is done forever?
Thank fucking god
Is it bad if my favorite villain isZera?
Blame hasbro.
To be honest, you are almost as retarded as the people who run around and spam-report porn blogs because they want to "keep the fandom clean".

No one forced you to visit the blog.

On the other hand I don't care too much because the story line of that blog was stupid anyway.
This. Who cares if they want to run a stupid blog? It doesn't hurt anyone.
>No one forced you to visit the blog
I didn't
I hated the artwork and the whole idea was retarded

Going out and seeking things you dislike it stupid
Gaffer rolled a 20
Open wide
don't I get to make a saving roll?
you just did

Get the lube
Unf. That hits my buttons
Nope, it's DC 80 to squeeze into an anus.
Which button is that, Anon?
Do you want your jaw stretched until it hurts? Do you want to feel that POP when you can barely get the head in?
Sorry then, I assumed you were one of the Anons from here who regularly went to the blog to send the artist hatemail.
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I'm bored

Any fun FPS games come out on steam recently?
Hey MLPG I didn't have internet for a week so any interesting news or events or something?
>fps shit
I just think it's fucking hilarious
BF4 beta
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I want pone to tell me to stretch wider. I especially want that pone to be a third party to my facefucking
ponies confirmed in season 4
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I just feel like something that doesn't require a lot of thinking, just point and shoot.
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>going through that much trouble to send hatemail

Fuck that noise
I think the most effort I've ever put into a complaint was for my 4de plush a month after my order
Seriously, I can't imagine anyone actually taking 'ur a shit' seriously which explains ross somewhat
I heard the new Shadow Warrior is fun..
There's always rise of the triad if you haven't gotten that yet.
>seriously twice in the same sentence
I really need to go to bed before I embarrass myself anymore
Buy Unreal Gold if you don't have it
Play it if you do
Shit really? Welp gotta stop watching the show if they are going to do shit like that.
This would have never happened if Lauren was still in charge.
Fucking Hasbro

Nothing? At all. No new news, no nothing?

In any case I missed you guys
Would pony happen to be a married mare?
Would she be laughing at you for not being able to handle her husband's massive horsecock?
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this dick was made for cumming
and that's just what it'll do
one of these days my dick is gonna cum all over you
I want her to show me how to really please her husband
I want to see her take his entire shaft down his throat
Then I want her to force my head down on it
"It's how I learnt, though I wasn't quite as hopeless as you"
You know those videos of girls fucking stick shifts?

It would be funny if one of them somehow popped the car into neutral while doing that and they started rolling down a hill.
I wouldn't want to fuck Big Mac
He just seems too dumb
no I did in fact not know about those videos

No he's actually really smart, he just prefers working outdoors.
Would you want her to get the bellyriding harness?
Your arms and legs tied together, you wouldn't have much choice
All you can do is relax your throat and jaw and hope he finishes before your air runs out

we actually haven't seen anything to indicate his intelligence

we just know he doesn't talk much
that would be big mac in real life.
hard to tell from video, but it looks like it's somewhere in the 28" area
best job ever
is the red one autistic?
>that gaffer post looks like it will just lead to a lot of gay shit
>better hide it and remove the stubs
>and that big mac one, too

>thread has now been completely dead for 13 minutes already for me
You did it to yourself
tiny pony
nestled in pubus
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Have fairy ponies ever been a thing? Tiny horses are best horses.
Going by those figures, Big Mac would have 8" of usable length
You have the flutterponies or something like that from older gens...
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What I mean is
Equestrian ponies are 40% of earth horses
40% of 28" is 11.2"
Ponies can only penetrate with 75% of their shaft, so ~8"
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I cant tell what gender this pony is. We'll have to sex her to find out.
no anon, they are sapient and we can ask its gender
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Seems like just about the perfect size.
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oh lawd
This one doesn't seem to talk

well then we'll have to put it down so as not to pollute the master race
that's a shire and they're a lot bigger than your average horse, so mac should be a little smaller

captcha: thrust ectandam
>score: 101

derpibooru pisses me off so fucking much some time
literally just draw the same fucking presenting pony with a line on her butt or any anthro brony-popular oc with huge tits and you're golden
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>Ponies can only penetrate with 75% of their shaft
Then why even have that length to begin with?
For reach
...that parody...is the epitome...of awesome
That horse breeding video doesn't work for me
>caring about derpibooru at all

I think you'd probably have to take into account proportion, too.

Big Mac is from the the right proportions compared to a normal stallion. Horse legs are a lot thinner than what he has, and he's bulked up considerable everywhere. Measuring by ~40% doesn't really take that proportion into account.

Since most of his body parts are thicker in comparison to a normal horse, I'd assume his cock wouldn't be as thin and long; it's probably bulked up and thicker too.
because their anatomy requires it. general survival had a higher evolutionary priority than penis economy
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>8" with extra girth
I want to impregnate every girl who ever MLPG'd
>Implying pone isn't going to bend you over the counter and hold his body up by the overhead shelf
>Implying he isn't going to get it all in
pony fucking a human with their entire length
Me too
>tfw tons of 150+ db images
damn, my best picture only has 250
>tfw of 20lbs of pussy and ass
I want every guy in mlpg to fuck my ___pussy
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No one would ever want unsavory sperm from an unsavory creature.
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dragon ball?
I'd like to get to know them and be friends with them

here's the real test though

was it button's mom/something anthro with good tits/pony presenting itself

tell the truth
I keep telling you, Anon, I would
what kind of porn do you draw?
I already fifteen minutes ago
That would kind of depend on whether she wanted to as well, wouldn't it?

No, and that's terrible art.
it was a lyra picture
and it was SFW
some of my pictures aren't marked as mine, so i don't know if i'm missing something
>best DB image

I'd like to cuddle and maybe sexual with MT
Ew, what a creep.
Trixie needs a bulge
I'd do that with rediv, maybe
I'm sure a lot of anons here would though.

Which r63'd MLPGr would you?
did you post it on reddit yourself?

She looks like she has an ass on her front side too.
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No but I would this one
No, it was that animated Lyra comic by stoic5
No she definitely doesn't
That would be weird to see in a 3d model
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Would you?
oh, i thought we were talking about pictures the respective poster made
And I thought it was just ones you uploaded

tfw can't art
Suck SB's 5"?

Yes she does
A nice thick one that ends right under her bust
learn to deep throat and take the remaining 3" too
Funny you should say that
I'm up to 8" in my training
good boy
I don't know why, but that always makes me uneasy, which is strange because I like being told what to do

oh yeah? well I'm up to 4.5"!
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give me your money
That doesn't even hit the back of my throat, but it's still fun as fuck to suck
What's wrong now AJ?
oh, I thought you were talking about dick length
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Sorry, I meant for sexual stuff
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Someone stole the apples!
I wish these ponies would stop standing so close
maybe they just have really bad eyesight
I was, the amount I can get in my mouth
I enjoy smaller cocks a lot more, even for anal
Uh...you harvested all the apples yesterday you silly pony
This could be sexual.
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Alan Turing, the "father of computing", was gay.
Leonardo DaVinci was also, in fact, gay.
They were however, not gay because of the internet or constant influence of gay porn. They were gay because of hormonal imbalance, which may aid creative ability and, in these times, is very rare.
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I liked dicks the moment I figured out how to masturbate
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They just want hugs anon
>tfw AB is dead
>tfw Apple hats us
>tfw BDF is ded
>tfw Caluriri is ded
>tfw Changelingbro is ded
>tfw Cheshire hats us
>tfw ciircuit hats us
>tfw Corwin is ded
>tfw Dafty is ded
>tfw Dalapony is ded
>tfw Disco hats us
>tfw Don.ko is ded
>tfw Endii was killed by MSOB
>tfw Gypsymagic is ded
>tfw Hoppip is ded
>tfw Jalm is ded
>tfw Jailbait is ded
>tfw Javkiller is ded
>tfw Kloudmutt hats us
>tfw Kraut is dead
>tfw LK is ded
>tfw lolip is ded
>tfw Megasweet hats us
>tfw Mocha hats us
>tfw Moe is ded
>tfw Moophins is ded
>tfw MiLes is ded
>tfw Metals is in jail
>tfw Nithirian is ded
>tfw Noel hats us
>tfw No-Ink hats us
>tfw NPA is ded
>tfw NTSTS hats us
>tfw Obsidian is ded
>tfw PHN hats us
>tfw Peanus is ded
>tfw PNGLN hats us
>tfw PS is ded
>tfw Reu hats us
>tfw Rubro is ded
>tfw Scherzo hats us
>tfw Shout hats us
>tfw Smile hats us
>tfw TAW is ded
>tfw Tess hats us
>tfw Tex hats us
>tfw Unity is ded

So on a scale from 1 to 10 how much pain would I suffer if I played this song on all my devices till the battery is dead near her farm?
Liking dicks is natural for heterosexual males though. Liking men, no.
rumble riding your dick
I'd hit you hard enough until you stopped
Who said I'd ask their permission?
>tfw 8.25"
>tfw almost 8" NBPEL
Keep at it, Anon
It's worth it
They also didn't run around like obnoxious fagets and told everyone how much they want to suffocate on a load of cum.
>They were successful because they were gay!
That's an insult to their intelligence and tenacity.
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>tfw no lesbians in MLPG
>tfw Braeburned is not ded
Not to mention in one case, it was outright illegal and punished by death, while in the other it was extremely inappropriate.
it's the typical "famous person X had condition Y, therefore condition Y must be required to become great". there is no correlation at all.
I'm not too familiar with their physical attributes.
Nanaki has a cute peen, but if he were r63'd that wouldn't apply anymore, would it?
How long did it take?
I'm 5" and I'd like to get at least an inch
>tfw Corwin is ded
>tfw Endii was killed by MSOB
>tfw LK is ded
>tfw Shout hats us
>tfw Tex hats us

these are wrong.
>implying I said that gay = intelligence
I said that the source of their homosexuality also may have caused them to be intelligent.

Besides, Hitler got kicked out of art school and I'm not a dictator yet.
I'd bury my face in her butt.
>you will never wake up as a girl
>you will never have lesbian sex with your waifu
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What does mlpg think about >>13860705

Here's a pony
It's past the highest form of autism and is to be burned.
I started late Feb this year. I've been pretty lazy these last 2 months though
Added 0.75" so far
I'm sure that adding an inch will be possible for you given enough time and dedication
a girl human or girl pony? I want the second more but could go for either.
I would like to show my disapproval but also not say anything at the same time.
mostly indifferent
It'd be funny for a couple pictures on 4chan but most of the time they'd end up regretting it.
People do it all the fucking time.

>person x followed religion y/was gay/was a lesbian/was 0,1% black and so on and because of that was the greatest thing mankind ever produced

Always looks like they suffer from a massive inferiority complex and thus have to constantly come up with stuff why they are actually totally great.
- no >rape because the manufacturer wouldn't allow it

It's fucking shit
It looks pretty cute.
If I give a fuck about it I'd buy it...maybe...
Jesus was black.
Red is a lesbeen isn't she?
At least bi
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Looks kinda cute I guess. I wouldn't buy one but I can see why people would.
I wouldn't mind a blue scarf with >rape emblazoned upon it
it's shit
You're still a human.
>implying half of the people in here even breath through the nostrils at all and not to the mouth
Fluttershy has a really manly face
What if pony was at college?
My left
My right is blocked
Pony would need to horse a lot of books
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1.04 MB PNG
Yo MLPG wassup?
Get out of here with your zebra-babble
>Average size is 5.9" so far
It's actually believable
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9 KB
Like my keyboard MLPG?
That is not, in fact, a keyboard.
That is a key piece of shit
Anyone 6" or less line up for a free blowjob for a
Why you would lie on an anonymous poll anyways.
Also we ded.
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Is there a source model for marker pone?
>20 votes
>14 posts since it was posted

>or less

I'll take anyone 6" or greater
But I'd have to type to post
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how does it work?
no, thank fuck
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Where do I sign up?
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Well dang
I guess I'll have to make it myself then
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Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete,and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
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>SFM pony models
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Depends where you live and how big you really are
>something something America
I know they look like turds but that's the only pony model I needed
I had an idea and I'm bored
>having to hold up your hands in the air to type
I'm sure that worked out well for them
fuck off, pink.
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Total slave for donkey dick!
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But your quest isn't over yet.
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Time of beb 10:02
>tfw you will never own a princess plushie
>that feel when wanting to reset at 1250 heavenly chips
>that feel when I still had a large margin
>that feel when Cookie Chain gets to 66 quads
1264 HC now, what do
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Stop playing and go outside.
it's a beb place, and they say it gets bebber
looks kinda like the 4th dimension ones, and makes me wonder how they will tackle wings folded/unfolded once they get to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash
the final frontier
I just finished watching an entire moeblob series and loved it

I...I don't think I can fuck my pony waifu anymore. I get it now. It's just not right.
What's up with the whole 'Celestia has pink hair' theory?
tribes a shit
I'll go there when I'll start to see people arguing about dicks and cum redirected to >>>/hm/ and >>>/soc/, so not anytime soon.
ya fuggin dingus, you were never supposed to. I feel like slapping you over the head right now
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I would redirect them but they won't give a shit anyway and I don't want to look like blinker anon
Was it Nichijou?
That shit is tight
>tfw you know someone who owns one of these irl
That isn't really any proof seeing how she was shown with blue and green hair in things like that.
Anybody else get really weird, vivid dreams when you're sleeping on a full bladder?
implying they just didn't have enough colors
You're a fool for not understanding this before, but I'm glad you finally saw the light.
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Opener of Season 1 Episode 1.

Also, it's cute.

They always forget that the wings were pink too though
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good morning dash
Does he like putting vanilla pudding on his, too?
Welp, time to watch s1 again.
Probably. Dude's a freak
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>can't fuck waifu
No, but you CAN fuck your Pony Girlfriend
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>Average MLPGer has a 5.94" dick
>No-one shockingly small
>A few big ones
You can't go wrong if you suck a dick at MLPGcon
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>tfw no work tomorrow
I need more time before I should watch S1 again
I watched it way, way too much
But anon she is a full grown mare. She has needs. A healthy relationship includes sex.

Unless your waifu is one of the CMC then yeah it's kinda wrong.
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This, but with ponies.
I can't afford to buy one? I will make one! Sewing machines are cheep, I can afford some decent fabrics. My only issues is how to make cutie marks. Something iron on won't work well with some materials and I can't embroider or afford a machine that can.
I want to find an insecure anon with a small cock that I can worship
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>Now ya DON'T want to?
>Unless your waifu is one of the CMC then yeah it's kinda wrong.
The only thing that's wrong here is you.
Commision hoihoi about that.
There are factors besides size;
>san hat
That's where Scootaloo came from
Sadly, I have no idea how to sew. And I'm sure it would end up looking horrible if I tried.

My mom is pretty great at sewing plushies but I don't wanna ask her to do one because that would be awkward as shit.
>tfw stubby cock that I've never been able to get into an ass because it's too thick

fuck you abnormally thick cock
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Are there any new epin horsemaymays?
I feel you, I'd ask my sister to sew me a pony plush, but I'd rather not reveal my horsefucking power level to her.
I don't like hat
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>tfw no work ever
I am so fucked when the Happening happens
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You can always resort to papercraft.
Well hat doesn't like you either
Also AJ declared war on you
I think I could handle a few little ponies, anon
I feel like I could lose all of my weight if I just had someone telling me to
you can't hug papercraft without it crinkling. I'm gonna figure out how to make luna plushies and figure out the cutie marks later.
Stop being such a fat piece of shit or your waifu will never love you
You can't
You can have someone to motivate you
But you need to decide to lose it

Anon, that will melt the pony. My semen will literally warp and mutate Applejack to the point that she's a puddle of soggy goo.
>a few
Her entire family is backing her up
You're kinda outnumbered 164 to 1
>1 5"
>1 6"
>1 coke can
>1 pencil dick

A diverse bunch of cocks
No show, so no.
Also people who are talking about sexing their waifu aren't understanding the concept of waifu.
If I take my pants off would that calm them down?
I bet hotglueanon is into that shit
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What's in the bag
What would your waifu think about you being a fat slob?
So you have had romantic partners?
No, anon, I'm really not
I wish people actually understood my fetish
>voted for pencil dick for shits and giggles
It's my goal to fuck up the world simply with polls

>inb4 something something lying about girth
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Well they are laughing a lot so you probably have a few minutes to run away.
is 10am mlpg usually this terrible?
I'm not usually up this early
Stop eating so much you slob. Just stop. It's not hard. It's the act of doing less of something. You are already a lazy fat slob, so why not stop eating so much and be a lazy thin slob? You don't need a major exercise regime, just smaller plates.

stop drinking soda. Get a tall cup for water and one of those little bottles of flavoring that turn it into vitmin water. Drink that instead. Make a food budget for how much you spend on food. Be stingy with your food money. Suddenly you're buying less of it, eating less of it, and buying things you have to cook that don't take a minute to microwave so you only eat when you're actually hungry.

You fucking fat slob.
More than you'll ever realise.
More than I'll ever feel about a woman.
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golden apples.
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>having romantic partners
Where do you think we are?
My genitals do have a positive effect on people so it's not surprising.
I'll just calmly explain that it's all a misunderstanding before grabbing Applejack's hat, putting it on, and running away.
3, more young guys fooling around then anything
That Rumble is a cute yet uninteresting pony?
Quick man, who's your favorite pony?
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I don't count pencil dick or coke can
Always give people an out that you can easily identify in polls
I want to set Fluttershy on fire.
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>queers in my MLPG
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...Look I'll just skip the part that happens after she catches you.
Point is you're dead for that.
Game over
With the friction made when I make love to her so hard she and my dick burst into flames
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>tfw fucked plenty but never had a boyfriend or girlfriend
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I've got some bad news
>indicator of sexuality
Isn't there someway for me to get away?
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Did you brush today, MLPG?
I think the results are conclusive by now.
It was in the same night, Anon
No. I simply hate that cunt and wish she never existed in G4. I would've taken any other pony in the mane 6.
I was feeling lazy so just used some Act
Is that okay with pony?
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You need to drop some of those psychedelics, you're not seeing straight.
>mlpg hating on fat again
i really dont like saying it
but privilige

seriously i hate it how many other can eat exactly the same shit and do exactly nothing as much as i and not be fat holy shit
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Since Dash is my favorite pony I gotta say that I enjoy Fluttershy since she usually brings out the best in Dash's character.
>pony saving comics industry
>cannot discuss it on comics board
But he's not interesting at all. He's all fanon. Still a cute pony though, but then again, you'd be hard pressed finding an ugly pony Twist is cute, so fuck you.
And I wish you would keep that shit on /unf/

Sadly, neither of us will have his wish granted.
Drunk highschoolers messing around at an unsupervised sleepover

You can fill in the blanks that my cock was too thick to.
No, Anon
They have greater calorie requirements than you
Or far more likely, you're a fatty that eats more and does less than you think
Make a thread about IDW sales and maybe just link to it
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I almost never bring up hotglue here, most of the time I'm just telling anons how bad I want to suck them off
You are a retard.
They either don't eat that much more than you or they work out way more than you.

Even extreme differences in the metabolism only make up for about 300kcal.
>meanwhile on /a/
>naruto is still there

"It's still anime and it would make people want blacklists on other boards too" -moot
That shit was included in my statement.
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"Anon...you know that I love you. You know that right?

You know that deep down, I don't care what you look like. But...sometimes I worry. I'm worried that one day you're going to be gone and I'll be left behind.

What am I going to do without my big strong man around?

When we started this affair, I promised I'd never try to change you. But...for me, anon. Would you do anything you could to stick around...for me?

Please, I just want us to be together for as long as we can. I'd do anything I could to support you. Please lose weight, anon, so we can spend a life time together..."
Please stop. I know you're enjoying yourself but it's at the expense of the mlpg.
he really is super-cute
he seems rather clever too
you should totally check out the comic when you have a chance
I don't even wanna know how many angry mails moot got from /v/ and /b/ to ban ponies completely from all of 4chan except for /mlp/
That's not what I hear from the guys I've started erping with from mlpg
He's right though
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A Twist is fine

Derpy and Rarity are the ugly ones.
Well we clearly got his stance from his awa panel
The difference's that moot cares about /a/ and posts there more often than probably on all other boards combined. He knows /a/ and has stances on its problems, while he doesn't with /co/, so his opinion was more influenced by what the posters thought.
They were probably just shit at it
Rarity is pretty and Derpy is cute yet uninteresting (just like all background ponies)
Dude, I can't wrap my hand around my cock, unless I meet a guy with a large chance, it aint goin in.
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It is not even remotely related to the topic of the thread.

And it's not like the E3 or whatever that is just there for a day or two, you do it every single day at the same time.

It is annoying as hell and I really wish you'd keep it on /unf/, skype or wherever else you guys have your ERP sessions.
When we all reach hell, they're going to line up everyone from MLPG together and just lock us in a big room. Then after we get bored of sitting around for all eternity, we're all gonna remember this guy who promised to suck us off, and then he's gonna choose the handsome skinny anons to do first and then he'll just keep on doing them without paying most of us any mind.

Thanks a lot, asshole.
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I'm not going to stop posting Gaffer just because you're throwing a fit
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Anon that's rude
I didn't watch it. Can you give me a tl;dr?
So what are the chances of Pinkie and AJ dying on the way to whomever's home planet they are going when they sing Apples to the core?
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>tfw your dick is literally a fist
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fuck you
>brony apocalypse
>bronies = furries

This was like the first thing to happen, too
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What's with people who spoiler every post?
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You haven't been paying attention, Anon. I don't care about looks, I don't care about cock size, all I care about is making others feel good.

I'd actually start with the standoffish ones probably, shy guys are too adorable
It's their way of trying to be polite while they shit up a thread on purpose

Like putting a doily on a baseball bat as I whack you with it
It's like using quotations marks but much more effective

You ever ignore a spoiler? It's maddening!
>Rumble's vibrating balls
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>Still no mash video of Crystal ponies marching under Sombra's rule with this song
This fandom is shit and composed entirely of kids
I just want to make mobile users to suffer
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What if Scootaloo and Rumble broke up?
as an actual shitposter I am ashamed that I have to share this thread with people who just talk about sucking other people's dicks all the time

take it to /unf/ goddamn
They think it's less obnoxious when they post stuff that definitely doesn't belong here under spoilers.

They are wrong, but whatever.
Rumble x Button shipping when?
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>Tiara 140

Dump your folder
never because they're both heterosexual colts who haven't even stood next to each other
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I wonder what even happened. A few months ago no one cared when he posted his hot glue dropbox and at best told him to buzz off, but now just even mentioning him is enough to derail the thread for hours.
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wouldn't he have to eat it first?

I do it because I don't feel like what I'm saying is pony related or contribution related...but I still wear my trip when I do. I really gotta stop that.
probably samefagged a lot
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Do you ever wonder why you save some things
I can't remember for the life of me why for this one
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>90 second cooldown on images
Tom Hanks
I'll just mediafire it.
Because it's great
Because shitposters
MLPG was loads chiller just a few months ago
This hiatus has taken its toll on us all
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I try not to worry about it
That's something I don't do, any responses you see aren't from me, unless I'm correcting myself
Also, dat funky bass.
Then nothing would happen since that's a retarded ship.
It's always like this.
The last month is the worst till we finally get something good about the show.
It also doesn't help that this is by far the longest hiatus.
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That's probably a good idea
I always save anything that's cute, cool, or makes me chuckle regardless of usability.
Not sure what I'll do with some of them, but they're nice to have.
Wait, which episode was it revealed that Rarity was Belle's sister?
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>"Good morning anon"
Stare Master
morning already? Time to sleep I guess
Dead Freight
It was fun.
Everyone just going "Sister?"
Wasn't it thought that Sweetie was Bon Bon's kid or something?
Good morning post hiding and recursive filtering.
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>Activision and Hasbro today announced a partnership to produce a series of My Little Pony games on the Wii U.

>The games, which will be based on the hit TV series 'Friendship is Magic', will feature "open-world sandbox gameplay, with farming elements"

>"Think Animal Crossing meets The Sims" ... the games will be aimed towards an "older, male, tech savvy audience".

>"We want the fans themselves to be involved. We've already reached out to prominent members of the Pony fandom"

Yeah, but moot's a shitposter as well.
Fuck off /v/
Things like this made me wish I was watching MLP already instead of ignoring and filtering the threads.
Oh, I think you got me wrong.
I meant why suddenly everyone started responding to him and being OffTopic for hours instead of just ignoring him.
Because shitposters and idiots, Anon
What's the first episode you watched live?
>first ban on bans page
I really wish moot would put in a ping for each ban that comes up on the page.
But it's been morning for some time already.
Wow that sounds great
I might have to actually buy a wii U
>making an exclusive ANYTHING

>Wii U
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Which horse would drink unhealthy amounts of caffeine?
not surprising, it seems like people who enjoy the show before the fandom are in the minority
You'd have to turn me into a girl for that
Or you into a stallion.

I'd rather the latter
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People freaking out over things like that make me enjoy episode threads.

I really wish there was a way to filter by IP.
>Wii U
I find it funny /v/ loves humanized MLP porn

we could all put tripcodes on
it would be like the /co/ days
you fags are always going on about how you loved it when you were on /co/, right?
It's fake you mongoloids
>bad taste
fitting enough
/v/ is totally tsundere for ponies.
Lesson Zero.
Stare master. I thought it was shit until the table surgery scene. Then I ignored pone for some months until I cave in and saw like half s1 episodes on a sitting.
>Activision games
Could be worse, EA

Probably just shovelware. You know this will make them millions though. It's going to be 60 bucks with some sort of payments for 'extra' features.
That's me actually.
I would actually love it if some people here put a tripcode on.
Do ponies get periods?

How do the CMC deal with it
Call of Cutie
I never got in streams quick enough. 50 person limits was stupid.
And because all streams were being reported and closed meant that the only way the stream could live was if it as the laptop recording the TV.
Couldn't hear what was happening because the fan was so loud.

Before that I just waited a hour and a half till someone posted a crapy recording of the crappy stream and I downloaded it.
6 hours till Pensivepine posted a less shity version on youtube.

I wonder what that guy is doing now...
And I'm a retard. Didn't saw the 'live' part. S2 finale I guess...
Lesson Zero. And then I had to be somewhere the day of Luna Eclipsed and I could literally not stop thinking about ponies
come on man, now you've put me in that position. you should know better
Who was the YouTube account who posted all episodes in full HD the same day of airing, and then he just up and left for no reason right in the middle of S2?
I stills ent to EQD
the only person that comes to mind is xyro, but I'm pretty sure he quit during s3
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Sonic Rainboom. It was awesome.
Ticket Master I think. Or maybe one or two episodes later, I'm not 100% sure anymore.
Oh man I remember watching streams before Ponykart. It was horrible and elitist.
Pensivepony maybe?
Xyro was around at EqD for a long time
Remember that wander show that never took off?
I don't remember, actually. Something in Feburary.
We all have names, but they aren't relevant to the general
we can do that again if you want
just ignore the people who cry about it
I'm not sure if I'd seen FPK live, think it was only a couple hours afterwards as I was still marathoning the episodes on YT when it aired. I remember watching Sonic Rainboom at 3AM after coming home from a school dance, so that's out too, which means it was probably Stare Master.
pensivepony or masterlinkx
There aren't really many who do it anyway.
I remember skipping my school dance because I wanted to finish watching season 1.
doge and pone show
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Is that true, anon? You really like me?
Sisterhooves Social
For the most part I didn't care for all the pony nonsense until a link of all of S1 HD was posted on /tg/ and I gave it a try when S2 was starting up again. Took me a few weeks to feel like checking out the thread on /co/ for other opinions of the show.
fuck off shitlord butthitler
I do
I think you're a very nice pony and I want to touch your wings
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More than you know it.
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Remember when you'd get pone aired at 1pm?
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Yes I do. You're a pretty purple princess pony.
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Yeah, you're a great friend Twily.
It was 8 PM here.
I wish they returned to that timeslot...

Remeber when we had to wait 2 days for the HD version of the episode?
It sucked
what the fuck Soarin'
why are you a mare
you get your penis back this instant or I'm telling Spitfire
When it was before noon I had just enough time to watch it before going to work, and then boom, 1pm. Fuck
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Pony sex?
How many of you strayed away from FiM because of the intro.
>hey anon watch this show
>uh ok
I liked it best when it was 10am. Got to wake up and watch pony with some breakfast.
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For sure. Can't tell you how many times I closed the episode thinking "This is stupid" until I came back to it again.
I never watch the intro
i normally got pone at 4 PM. enough time to sleep in, have a good breakfast, maybe get some snacks for horsegazing and draw some warmups in preparation for the post episode hours
I forced myself to watch it despite the cringing because I thought I needed to see all of it to qualify as giving it a fair chance.
I didn't, but I still skip it every time

>you will never experience the feeling of watching the show again for the first time

I miss that. It was a confusing time.
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>tfw pone used to air at 11pm
>then 12
>then 2am
>tfw I never missed an episode unless it leaked
I remember the Ponychan episode threads back in Season one were better than MLPGs
Thank the hand of god.
I watched the intro once then skipped it ever since. I do this with every show I watch.
>tfw ciircuit hats us
>october 2010
>"hey maybe i should give that show a chance"
>"once upon a time in the magical land of equestria"
I watch it once just to see if they sneak anything in. On mute.
I couldn't watch the last of s3. I can't stand the music at all.
I found it to be shitty but I generally trust 4chan's recommendations enough to make me sit through something like that. The tune was a considerable improvement over the original anyway, so in that regard it supported the idea that the show actually tries to be not shit.
Having three episodes in a row leak was annoying last season.
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>watching all available episodes
>see sonic rainboom.avi near the bottom

I was embarrassed as hell through the whole thing. 4 years later and now I'm watching Doc McStuffins with my 3 month old niece on a daily basis without a qualm.
I still feel weird watching streams. It's definitely not something I'm used to and honestly I always felt like western cartoon fandoms on 4chen are shit because of that instead of downloading.
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>Old job used to finish at roughly 3pm on saturdays
>Pone started at 3pm local time
>Used to do work as quickly as possible then rush through traffic to get home to watch pone being streamed