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Happy 10th Birthday, 4chan!

I toasted 4chan's 10th anniversary from 37,000 feet. What an amazing ten years it's been. Thanks, everyone.

Fernando from The Daily Dot wrote what is probably the most in-depth/well-researched article on 4chan's history to date: *link*
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Narcissistic pony edition. Because loving a pony starts with loving yourself.

Old horse: >>13864263
follow me to the gay bath house
podc ast when
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More like ponecast.
To which, I say "cast away!"
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I can't love myself, I am an unsavory creature. No one would ever love a creature as unsavory as I.
Is she still in the library while seeing this?
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What a laugh.
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That's a weird way of drawing Applejack.
There's nothing wrong with loving yourself
being IN love is a diffrent story
Nobody believes Lightning Dust is best pony. Not even LD fans.
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What are you trying to say?

Does masturbation count as loving oneself?
Why be in love when you can be in pone?
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Looks like you got image swapped. And you spelled Rarity wrong! Get a load of this.
does fucking yourself count as masturbation?
>to tofu
>love, kraut
I missed the past few installments in this arc

can you bring me up to speed?
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You must be in a Chinese computer to have confused your folders.
Here, let me start you with the proper pony.
Onanism is an insult to Jesus 'King of Jews' Christ our lord and savior because spilling your seed upon the ground instead of in a woman to fulfill god's will for humans to procreate is wasteful
What are YOU trying to say?
same thing
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Are we still music horse?
I want to listen to art pop with this horse
Electric blanket stallion snuggling you and keeping you warm on a freezing night
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O-Oh my~
Whaaaaat. It makes way more sense for the blanket to be female, since she'd have knobs to turn to adjust the temperature.
Yes, yes that's immediately what I thought.

Excuse me, I think I need to go for a while.
Can't we just agree that Rarity, AJ, and Pinkie are the best ponies?
follow me to the queer sauna
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I want my harem of princess alicorns.
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your balls
you'll have to wait for the other mane 6 to ascend
Our balls
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I will music horse

you cannot
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Sorry darling, but there's only one spot for superiority and it's been filled.
more ponies should have tongue studs for sucking dicks
touch my ochinchin
The only thing Rarity is filling is my butt full of her sperm~
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Someone's poisoned the waterhole
Ew, gross.
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that's a lot of apples
AJ, I can't imagine that's comfortable.
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It's a shame the official map will never properly be utilized.
The one off areas in the show won't be labeled leaving us with no idea as to where the events take place.
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You guys
Rarity is getting a new hat in Season 4!
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You can poison my waterhole.
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Please, that news is so old hat
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But I love her almost as much as I love my waifu

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>inb4 1.33 ref craft hat
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and remember, friendship is everything!
>inb4 lime scouts wearing it with pride
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so? and most water on earth still keeps being wet
I just want pinkie pie to get a new dress this season
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not good enough
I don't believe you.
Now Applejack on the other hand will be getting a new hat combined with a tiara when she becomes the princes of apples.
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Is it a crown of cum?
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laughed hard
>Human poses
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Shouldn't you be doing your homework young man?
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Like you. For her.
She's too good for you, anon.
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>it's painted team spirit anyway
>AJ lights the Dash signal
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that won't stop me
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Hypothetical time.

You and somebody you hardly know survived a nuclear apocalypse and are making your way towards the nearest settlement with pretty much guaranteed food, water, and shelter waiting for you.

You are within sight but decide to camp out as it has gotten dark out and don't want to risk injuring yourselves trying to climb over the rocks in your path.

However, during the night the person you're traveling dies in their sleep from a heart attack. There is no one else around to witness what you do with the body, and no one knows about them or that there is another person traveling with you.

Would you fry up a piece of their flesh for breakfast, just to see what human meat tastes like?
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What did pone win?
not even once
I think Sweetie is the cutest but i still like Scootaloo the best.
No, I already know what it tastes like.
A romantic date with Iron Will
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I already finished them, Miss Teacherpone

Nah, I'd only eat human if I needed to in order to survive. In that situation I'd eat it with gusto.

Otherwise you'll turn into a goddamn wendigo.
Best pony award

What does it taste like?

And please don't say chicken.

Or "Scootaloo xD".
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Okay then have fun
I disagree, I think Chrysalis was a pretty great villain and she needed more screentime.
Getting a villain song was pretty cash, though.
pork, actually
All-expenses paid trip for 2 to Canterlot, with a room at the palace.
I'd probably bury that person.
Now that you've made an effort to give us that hypothetical situation, give us one that's pony related. Make it long so we've got a foundation.
Really bland pork, stringy, not quite as salty. Brain has a consistency of jello left in the sun by the way, very salty.

Okay then, same question but it's a pony you eat instead.
Pony just wants a quiet life.
I fuck the pony.

I'm skeptical, but not because I don't want to believe it or anything like that.

Under what circumstances were you able to eat human flesh?
I'd bury it too, wouldn't eat if we're talking about a sentient pony.
Different question.
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she loves company, especially when it's _me
I haven't (because that's how you get The Madness)
I only know because it came up once in Archer
This restaurant in South Africa had "exotic" dishes like monkey brain and human flesh. They get it the same way that whatever donor system they have there gets it.

It's hard for me to just invent specific hypotheticals on the spot. Usually it's something my brain pulled out of left field and thought over for a good chunk of time first.
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Chysalis was a good villain.
The best villains do what is considered evil because they must.
Both Discord and Chrysalis were awesome, NMM was kinda petty, hopefully the S4 intro will flesh her out a bit, and Sombra was complete shit.
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Is it true that everyone who first starts watching mlp either becomes and Flutterfag or a Dashfag?
I started out a flutterfag.
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so that where that face is from

b-but it's dead
I know I shouldn't like BadgerBen's stuff as much as I do, but I have loved every single pony thing he's drawn
Did I fucking stutter?
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Most useful pones
>tfw looking for Nanaki fapfics
I'm a furry now.
I started out as a cheriliee/celestiafag

Currently applebloom is my favorite
I started and stayed a flutterfag
no it's goes in phase
First you're a dashfag then you move on to a better pony
M-me too...
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odds - AB and Babs
evens - take requests
doubles - stram
>Dash was love at first sight
>she has only gotten better since the beginning
Things were a little rough in season 2, but im committed to my waifu through sickness and through merriweather episodes.
Draw Discord sitting down for lunch or supper with the apple family
I request AB and Babs.
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enjoy your stay
though I'm still unconvinced that plushes are furry
Applejack talking with a grown-up Babs who came by to help on the farm.
i haven't even gotten any pictures.
what tags do i need to look for on e621?
Ponk riding a bike
>then you move on to a better pony
How do you do that when such a pony doesn't exist?
I was an Applefag early on. Now I'm sorta also a Rarifag. They're pretty close in my power rankings.
S-Shut up I can't find the good fapfics with his fursona.
I didn't.
I was a Twifag until S2 began.
Then LE aired and that was the final time that ever changed.
Thankfully I didn't have to care about how badly Twilight's character was butchered after that.
Octavia browsing /mu/
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pony wearing mask
Fluttershy is only useful as a dildo.

I vote this
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What if you had a little Rarara of your own?

Is it true you're a tex alter ego?
Hide the fucking bedazzler.
Draw Babs and Applebloom going to a school dance in pretty dresses.
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give her fabric
recieve stuff
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Been a Dashfag since day one

For some reason i fucking cracked up like mad
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A stray Changeling is lost from the hive and wants your love to sustain itself. It is willing to do anything you desire.
started as a flutterfag
Hopefully never.
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I would love her and pet her and call her Jorge
Filly Rarity bedazzling anon's clothes

Well what a coincidence, I LOVE getting my dick sucked


Does changeling love doing things that give him love?
A bit of a Flutterfag, but quickly changed (and stayed) to a Rarifag

i vote for this too
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that depends if you're fucking your plushie or cuddling it

Started out an Applefag. Became a Rarifag.Also, my name doesn't have anything to do with Apple pony.
>dying when 16 yo
the worst
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Explain the name then AJ.
buy her a million dresses

The first two initials of my actual name and what I've gone by for years

nigga maybe his name just be aj
he ain't gotta splain shit!
Don't splain shit
my client is under no legal obligation to explain anything
I know 4 people from my graduating class that have passed on already. Feels weird man considering 2 of them used to sit at my lunch table (they got hooked on drugs and od).

1 died in a car crash
last one died from cancer, she just graduated from college too...
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Reminder that BraeburnQuest will probably double session this weekend, Friday and Saturday at 19:00 GMT -7. 24 hours ETA til next session.

Touch her
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my blue nigga
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Get outta here.
fuck off

Hopefully changling loves getting cummed in, cause guess what I love
oh boy!

Princess Trixie when?
what does the process involve?
would you a sweetie or a filly rarity
>anon will never cum inside you
why does this hurt so much inside
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It does whatever you want, which you like, and therefor like it. The stronger the feeling, the better.

Sweetie with her mane done like Rarity's trying her best to take a cock even better than big sis can
Sorry, mate.
I can't feed you, this well has gone dry.
Why people die around you anon? If you did be a goner you could save 4 lives, faggot
as in, will there be negative health effects?
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Oh yeah?
Well I don't think i had anything to do with it, like i said the 2 guys got hooked on drugs and od.
it's highly illegal, for one
oh fuck
if she even tried to imitate her sister's voice but with her own voice crack i don't think i could last much
oh... uhh... about that
I still dont see what it has to do with anthropomorphic character
It's really fucking sad when you look at the last post on her tumblr, too.
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Here's an image I always wanted to post, but never did.
Would have been funnier if it was a gif
Hey anon, want to watch pony do a flip?
really glad that trend died out

dragons other than spike are just not interesting

I guess he can do menial house tasks to earn his stay
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only if they're at least this fast
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someone give me a hilarious name for my porn folder, in case someone sees it which is highly likely.
Sounds dangerous.
Do ponies have a program like Jackasspardon the pun where ponies do irresponsibly dangerous things?
If so, I'd rather watch them do it than see pony hurt itself.
The Big Bang Theory

>sweetie belle trying to say "dahling" as you hilt inside her but her voice cracks and she can't keep up the act
>I was staring at that for so long she started spinning backwards
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pls respond
i'm still gonna draw him cause he's cute
Sheila Ray the Brave.
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First attempt. Made Babs more squared as far as her body goes, along with stubbier and thinner legs and a bigger chest than Diamond's.
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic pornography folder
1997 tax returns
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He just shows up uninvited at least once a week. It was frightening at first, but now it's just annoying.
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There's Porn In Here

It's so blunt no one will believe it!
Housework? Wouldn't you like... sex or something?
make her arms more proportionate. she looks like a damned chimp.

too much fat , not enough curves
>some days the food simply goes missing entirely
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That's fucking adorable man
especially Applebloom
.../show me your genitals/your genitasl/show me your genitals/YOUR GENITALIA
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>not the music version
hahaah, that's great

I love applebloom's reaction

I got to see if he's worth the company in the first place
So, what, he's Mr. Mxyzptlk?
>tfw I masturbated to a barely pony related screencap about a guy unknowingly taking drugs then watching MLP despite not even being remotely interested in it

The anon from a few threads ago was right, I need to focus my hate somewhere else.
i'm not trying to hide it. i know a guy will most likely see it so i wanted to put something funny
We can fuck later
I haven't vacuumed in months
he needs to get on that
All my faps over the course of the past year or so have been very underwhelming, how do I get that sexual thrill back like I did when I first started jacking off to ponies?
>not this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGNiXGX2nLU
Yeah, you have to get him to say his name and then he'll leave. Which is really easy to do, because he just loves to talk.
I think you have a very interesting fetish
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Try risque faps over sensitive material.
and he's voiced by Gilbert Gottfried.

>tries to regain her composure after that sudden feel of fullness
>"O-oh my dear A-anon... You r-really k-know how to make a-a lady feel g--good...."
fapping to dead people isnot really "sentsitive".

Oh, goat, you're here. Good. I've been meaning to get on that Mayor Mare pic, but I've been a little taken with plotting out Luna Quest. I'll get to it eventually though.

Okay, shortened up the arms. Working out another shape.
Mrs. Cherilee is really pretty and sometimes my bathing suit area gets all hard and tickly when I think about her
This has always bugged me, so I made a poll

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frenulem edge
fap while high
fapping only to your waifu for a whole month
the stack
the list could go on
I've been waiting my entire life for this picture

Please tell me that it's cropped from something larger, tell me that there's more
>dragons other than spike are just not interesting

That is a flat out lie!

Spike isn't interesting, either!

Spike is great, he can make fun banter and provides an outsiders view
My best ones were when I first found beast, nothing is gonna top that except fucking a real mare. I got that pounding heartbeat like when you first discovered internet porn, it was really exciting but it felt like you were doing something wrong.
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I use that song for [this].
Stop fapping for a month.
By that point you may not even be interested in starting again, but when you do it will be like the first time.
I don't know why I have this fetish and I'm pretty sure my hate for it is slowly turning into a want.
Why is there no "I'm indifferent to Ross"?
Oh, that was you? Cool! I'm looking forward to it, whenever you have the time. Questing definitely takes priority, though.
I could really see Discord just being straight up Q now

>The mane 6 all minding their own business in Ponyville
>Suddenly TELEPORT
>They're in a strange woods wearing weird clothes
>They have to play out the tale of Robin Hood and they are the merry mares
done literally all of those things, maybe I should take a break
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>bought a 100 piece mini twix/snickers/mm/mars set for halloween for kids
>halfway through the box already
fuck me, at least ponk understands.
You just now saw the Q parallels?
Oh my...
What happens when you cum inside her?
We doing a podcast or what?
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Okay, here we go.
we're not
fantasies about being tricked into taking drugs or taking them unknowingly are pretty common

I want Vinyl to slip me an x pill and take advantage of my foot fetish until I get so aroused I cum in my pants
You have brought so much joy to my heart this night anon
No, I mean him doing it MORE so. Like how Q on TNG starts out as an antagonist but over time develops into just being mostly dickish

I'm saying not everything is ruined despite Flutter On

I do not understand why anyone would want Ross around, but I suppose there are people who like his drawings.

Slightly better, but now her lower arm is out of whack with her upper arm
Why must you be a constant tease, MLPG?

I'm like Spike and you are all ponies strutting your butts in my face all day
Seconding this.

Close enough, her arms will be better in future drawings. Glad you found it an improvement either way.
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Something about watching this gif and listening to this song made me cry of laughter. It's not even that fucking funny.
Nah, KCFO fucked Discord for the most part.
He'll be Celestia's lap dog, it's also a real shame that the staff probably never had any bigger plan for him now that he is good beyond "Celestia needs him because reasons."
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Having a face full of pony ass and marevag 24/7 must be torture knowing they view you as nothing more than a servant

Holy fucking thirteen year-old, Batman
One other suggestion would be to thicken her lower legs a little so her profile is more distinguished from tiara and pinkies mega uber thighs.
But have you done them ALL AT ONECE?
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>straight edge yet have a fetish for taking drugs
>tfw that pic of gilda smoking while in panties

I'd kill a man to be able to bust a huge nut all over those glasses
Man, you are like a camera

full of negatives
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Good idea. Edited.
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I'm stealing this one
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more trap pone plz
Slightly better than your usual stuff, hard to appreciate since I'm not that into your fatty drawings.
Try new things, it's fun
Sweetie's mane starts to lose her "Rarity" look, looking more messy and like her normal mane style, while she stops trying to sound like Rarity and just starts to moan and call your name in her regular sweet voice
Now I have to kiss her cute asshole.
Eh, her upper legs still positively dwarf her lower ones, which is a pretty prominent feature with your other designs as is.
something about ponies giving head is hypnotizingly arousing, I think it's those demure little mouths and the eyes
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I'm sure she'd eventually find a bunch of music she'd love, but her first impressions were not favorable.

I'll take a note. I've put essentially the same drawing up three times, don't wanna spam.
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I never got why that song got so big

It's easy on the ears but it's not worth masturbating over

Horses have higher body temperatures than humans so it'd be like putting your dick in a hot tub. And their muzzles are super soft.
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Happy october mlpg
Getting teased relentlessly by pone until you blow in your pants is my fetish.
That was my reaction to /mu/ too.
I was also hoping they'd do proper music analysis, but there wasn't any of that there either.
I never understood why people that don't browse /mu/ shit over that song and album so much.
It's a really well put together album.
It's like going to /v/ expecting good game reviews/discussion or MLPG to talk about ponies
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Does the butt look better? I made it bigger.
I'm listening to that album for the first time in a long time, and I think it's good. I can see why it got so much hype behind it, even if I'm not quite as enthusiastic. Maybe it has to grow on you.

I mostly go there for the sharethreads. I haven't been in a long while, though.
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Your favorite pony is so nice and good

On opposite day!
That much closer to Pokemon.
I've listened to it, and it certainly is a very nice song

Infact it is really good, but the reaction and love seems very disproportionate.
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Happy Rartober
also those tongues teasing your head and frenulum
For such a good pony she has really shitty taste in ponies.
>we don't
I've been working really hard to spark discussion, it's just hasn't lit yet.
I have plenty of flint, I'll keep trying.
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Scratch being a /mu/sician is kind of amusing.
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what? look closer
>there will never be a good ponk edit
I really dont understand this gif at all

They're friends. Why doesn't she just spend time with Rarity?
I thought the term was /mu/tant?
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You are now a pony in Equestria
But you're an earth pony so you wont ever do magic or flying.
And your special talent is farming cabbage. Enjoy[/spoler]
You know what's a good Pinkie Pie edit?

the one where she's edited out!
Oral sodomy is illegal in Equestria.
mega unf
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Shit, nigga, is that a word?
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Can't it be both?
Sounds not so bad

Plus it gives me an opportunity to do the "MY CABBAGES!" bit from Avatar all the time
>Dashfags trying to start shit again

When will you idiots learn?
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I used to like you, but now I just don't know
It's easier to talk about contributors/drama/fetishes than anything else. And god knows what'll happen if the podcast shit turns out to be real. You know those LPer threads on /v/? The same shit would happen here.
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Time to farm me some motherfucking cabbage, swerve noblemen.
It's that little piece of skin connecting your head and your shaft, it's the most sensitive part of the penis
Oh sweetie...
Yup. Even little ponies on the show have them

Except they call it a friendulum!
Who peeled AJ?
We weren't talking about it now until you brought it up.
Let's drop it.
creepiest cabbage ever, in one frame it's a face
not for royalty

it'll be the best fucking cabbage in all the land. ponies will be flocking from all over equestria to swather themselves in my pervasive horse semen in the hopes that celestia will honor them with a baby
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Do you guys think Sweetie Belle could develop a magic spell that allows her to imitate the voices of others?
Do you like big butts?
>Marry Applejack
>Make apple and cabbage stew
>"Did I make you feel good anon?"
>"Because you made me feel so good..."
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That was bad and you should feel bad.
So like Superman's voice imitation?
I guess, though she doesn't seem terribly adept.
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>you will never tease Carlois's Friendulum
would be nice if it wasnt for the tube dick
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Why would she do that?
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I can not lie
I don't.
Human dicks work better for pony blowjobs
They'll shower us with diamonds~
>Rip it off in one quick motion
>Bald butt
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>doesn't like big butts
>Remove it
>Apply to her mouth

much better

stop right there, criminal scum
I like butts when they're well drawn
i am trying to imagine what that dock looks like without the hair and its creepin me out
>rip it off in one quick motion, hungering for some ponut
>there's nothing there
>literally nothing
Its like that episode of Rugrats where Angelica make all those prank calls
What's not to like?
You never go ass to mouth.
They're all whippy and thin. We saw them in the show that one time.
Two in the pink, one in the pink
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How 'bout w/ pic related?

Lyra is really hot for a pony
Unbelievably, I happened to see that episode on television just a little while ago.
I watch an episode of Rugrats maybe once a year.
but in the picture you posted it is a short stump
I just want someone to give a backrub to. Those bits are going to get in the way somehow.
>You stare into the abyss
>The abyss stares back
You made me feel wonderful.
I love you.
>tfw no yandere pone
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Captcha: atBoom having

dash would be yandere-est pone
>that tiny ass load
Shameful, how do you expect to get her pregnant like that?
You can go to Ponyville and live there as long as you like

But you can only ever get a job at the local petting zoo. As an attraction.
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but that is one of my top fetishes
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Looks pretty big to me
I've had my mouse over the thumbnail for minutes and he hasn't stopped cumming yet
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Time for better fetishes

If I was balls deep in a wet, warm ponyvag clenching around my cock I'd drain my balls bone dry
>50 minutes
we got time.
Nah, I see FS or Rarity as being the most Yandere types
I'm pretty sure being sentient rules us out of that role.
Sentient creatures seem to have a pretty solid standard of living, just not as good as ponies.
>Rarity will do anything to make sure no one takes you from her
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>Helicopter-dick in front of audience as they watch in awe of amazing penile abilities
oh god oh god

Do...do I get the wire? Or do I hug her? If I run will she jsut chase after me, butt first?

magic blowjobs
Normally yes, but the job market is really bad right now and this is all there is

You are sent to jail for indecent exposure
>"I'm glad..."
>"Love you too, anon:
Can I pet the fillies back?
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>sent to jail
Worth it
How bad can pony jail even be?
super mega unf
PRONZ pls stay
Hey guys I was just
glitter glue
glitter glue
glitter glue
season 2 when
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No, it just means Pinkie's a bombshell.
Yes, so long as you are nice and gentle. Like if you were petting a horse and it decided to rub itself on you affectionately

You are locked in with the worst pony prisoner in all the land

He litters on purpose!
>see through horn
>sonic's rings around dick
0/10 too confusing
...You wanna do it again?
He's really not that bad at art or anything, but I really hate his style and can't find it attractive at all
What does magic even feel like, and why the fuck is she so pink
I love you, MLPG.
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on your first day, you need to either pet somepony on the head, or let a pony cuddle you

that's the only way you're gonna make it in pony jail
What if I do both?
I lust you, Anon
...You amuse me anon.
What about hugging? Is hugging allowed?
>Fail to disarm in time
>It's just a bunch of party poppers and confetti goes everywhere
>Pinkie laughs and give hugs
>"Silly, it was the pink wire!"
>All the wires were pink
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Is Celestia using the ripple?
Woh man do you want to get the warden to crack down on you. You could end up in the time out corner.
I want to frost a pony.
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>In pony jail
>Don't want to be no bitch, so the first thing you do at lunch is find the biggest pony there and shove him to the crown
>He starts crying
>Oh jeeze
>Everyone calls the guards
>You're placed in time out for half an hour and dont get dessert
>latter in the exercise yard no one picks you to play 4 square
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Pony says that desert eagle's really gonna tease your spine
If I were ever in pony jail I'd probably lift weights until I could lift every guard there over my head then give them all free rides on my shoulders.
>shoving ponies
get that grimdark shit out of here
>They want to let you out for good behavior
>But they really like your pony rides
>you notice that she isn't responding
>giving her small body a closer look, you discover that Sweetie's fall asleep
>she starts to lightly snore and mumble your name in her sleep, no doubt dreaming of the wonderful feelings she's just experienced
I tell pony that that jewish piece of shit does everything a pistol should do completely wrong.
You'll start a cuddle riot
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do you think your fetish is the weirdest?
which poni would accept it and why?
>Shinning Armor in: The Hurt Locker
>It's just old high school stories about how he'd get beat up and trapped in a locker

facesitting is the best
>3 guards were cuddled that day
>The entire jail loses desert privileges for the next week
>And the guards slam your cell extra hard
Do you guys think Pinkie Pie would be down for cuddling ABOVE the covers?
Then I shall give the PRINCESS a piggy-back ride!
I hate my fetish, but I'm convinced weirder ones exist

and by their nature, pony would never accept my fetish
>which is really hard to do with those foam edges
>maybe you shouldn't have tickled that old, grizzled stallion
Is it vore
In seriousness guys, ponies commit all kinds of crimes.
Theft probably isn't uncommon based on Gilda, extortion was used in PYHD etc.
Their criminals may not be far off from ours.
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I dunno, but it's probably gonna be a while, since the first season just ended.
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Rainbow Dash covered in cum
ding ding ding
>that one guy that mentioned parasitic castration
>Never actually seen porn of it and kind of sad about it
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We know Pinkie
for all we know,manehatten is a crime infested hellhole worse than 20th century NYC
>For you behavior, yo uare locked in solitary
>You are in a Hannibal Lecter style cell and restrained to the wall with plush retraints
>Celestia herself comes to visit to see the monster she's heard so much about
>You strian at the chains
>"I'll hug your mother!"
Pinkie... What are you doing?
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they recommend anyone with a strong vore fetish to seek help and medication immediately
spike does crimes, all the times
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Rainbow Dash covered in gum
I'd cover pretty much any of the mares in cum
I have no desire to be prey
I blame the griffons.
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>non consensual hugging of other pony's mothers
anon calm down this is getting a little extreme
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Hold her close and fall asleep at her side.
"My little sweetie."
>The guards jump back as your chains draw taught
Whoa. I should really hulk out and boop the Princess.
Especially if I could stroke her mane a little while she's stunned.
always dresses in style
Only if I can hide under your deck and eat you out
Prostate massages, dirty talk, and teasing from Nurse Redheart
Well this is neat.

>Ceslestia rests a hoof on your head
>"You need to calm down. You are being silly."
>She lets you go
>You are on your best behavior from now on
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>revealing your fetishes
>acting out that kind of fetish

at least he had the right idea of who makes the best predator

but fuck being the prey, I'd rather rub that stuffed gut or make sweet love while the victim struggles inside.
Three things involving the butt!
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>at work
>boss tells me to "be creative"
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I hope you picked a creative color.
>But you are a plumber!
Sorry, was that too strong
Axe Cop.

dash sure a hipster
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Hope you don't use green
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>tfw green is not a creative color.
seek help immediately
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pan's labyrinth was a good movie
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Yeah he should pick green
>except for that one colt who tried to be "prove" himself
>he even pushed against you, his hooves shaking with exertion
>you just nudged him and he fell over
>and got scolding from FIVE different guards
i cant hold this much crossover
Dammit MLPG.
>not hugging him
Good Night
Hope you have a better day tomorrow than today was.
seek Celestia immediately
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I know that feel
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>tfw you agreed to never be creative again
I guess you could say Green Isn't Your Color!
Dash is a potato
If I can find this damn TV remote
those poor chav puppets

I'm pretty sure everyone was alluding to that, thank you for the clarification scrubbles you shit.
That's called assisted donation and it's a medically approved treatment for stress and libido issues
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sleep tight MLPG
m8 ur abt 2 get mashed da fk up u wee cunt, swear on me mums life m8, u avin a giggle at my expense
>all this green
It's lacking a little...
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>tfw no little blue speed demon waiting for you
Is the white one with the crown also my little pony? She's bigger than all the other ones
but princesses are not for sexual
I sleep like I'm dead after having a pre-bedtime edging session, never fails
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No, you're hers.
>She gives you a horsecock and makes you walk around on all fours
Fuck that, I'm a loner on the road with nowhere to go and nowhere to be

Smell you later pony, aint no horse gonna tie me down
I remember how made people got just for the fact this video exists
oh fuck Celestia keep going, fuck don't stop I'm gonna cum
>stallion taint
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pony needs assistance
>"Oh, really?"
>She gets up and leaves the room.

As in all mine mine?

Does that mean I can brush her nice coat and feed her from the hand?
>You never see her again
What would she even do?

Just be mildly disturbed?
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pony sees you as an equal and will only treat you how you want to be treated
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>"Hey, Anon. Thanks. Turns out I was next in line for the throne!"
And I'm glad pony is that way. I hope to return her kindness in an appropriate manner as well.
>"Happy to help, best princess"
Princess Celestia has appointed you the honor of being the "Royal Alicorn Ruthole"

You will start your training today with Princess Twilight Sparkle
Then why can't I ever get a hug?
I really want to take an eraser to her mouth. I dont know why
You're not real.
i ask pony why her gabber is so large
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I guess alicorns have THREE horns!
*live studio audience going insane*
anything to help the Princess. Must be a tough job, the last guy who had the position seemed kinda butthurt
Couldn't she just keep the sand from falling with magic
He just needs to learn to be less anal about things
it's magic sand
Why can't Princess Celestia cure my depression
Then why not just plug the hole with her horn?
What if she plugged up the hole
You keep telling her sexual healing isn't legitimate
No thanks
Because she isn't real, and because your depression isn't real. And you aren't real either. Nothing is real.
why can't celestia get me a date with a good pony
Then why does the pain feel real

she's trying to get you to date her, dummy
is my skeleton real
After seeing that video of a mare sucking a cock and swallowing I've decided that if I ever get rich I'm flying that guy in to train my own personal mare
Zen Buddhist plz.
Why can't Princess Celestia be my horse mom
celestia is not a very smart horse
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I couldn't date a princess
there'd be so much pressure
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>"He... he hasn't noticed? After all the hints I've dropped?"
>"Am I going to have to flat out state I wish to become involved with him?"
>"No, wait, he may not even catch that. I think I may need to rut him. That has to work."
>Builds Ponybots
>uses magic as a powersource
>magic causes them to have free will, unique personalities, and the ability to form cutie marks

What do I do now?
You're gonna need two guns for this one
>two days later
>anon takes celestia to court for rape
>walking home late one night
>Celestia just swoops down on top of you and just slams into you repeatedly
>You cry until she goes away, not sure what you did wrong
But what if more than two of them want to enlist in the Royal Guard?
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Rainbow dash wants to date you but she's a raging feminist
Would you fly a few anons too

for MLPGs sake
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Prevent Skynet
Treat ponybots with respect and kindness
>reverse image search
Holy should not unf.
>Princess Celestia wants to date you
>but her sister wants to date you too!!
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>mfw just played the phoenix wright dual destinies demo on my 3ds
>first time i turned on the 3ds in months
I have a no tiny butt policy
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am I allowed to unf at this? they won't confiscate my unf license, will they?
We should go on maury to figure this out
>spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler!!!!
>spoiler! spoiler spoiler!
>Next day she presents you her leaking marebits
>You slowly walk away
>Brain about to explode because she was practically assaulting you yesterday
Yeah but not for free, however the price would be reasonable. And I'd make you finger the mare in front of me so I know you're not an undercover, after that I'd leave you to your own devices and stay as far away as possible until you finish.
something something double princess blowjob
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We can unf if we want to, we can leave our friends behind.
That pony has a hole in her leg, she is clearly a changeling
I fucking love cheezyweapon
Everything is just so ridiculous, its great
I can't wait for http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/cheezyweapon/208276/My-Fat-Ass-Horse-Wife---cover
please don't make me make this choice, anon
>case is dismissed because "stallions can't get raped"
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How is it
pony always introduces you as "anon, the furfag"

she asks about your fursona whenever she's bored and is planning on getting your input on possible yiffing
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It's spectacular. Even though the graphics is now 3d all the silly whacky emotions that the witnesses/proescutors used to do are all still there. It's not out fully till the 24th of oct, just the demo now.
>you'll never make a sad pony happy again
>tfw you realize that gg, leth, scootanon and rockman all never post in mlpg anymore
i dont even know any of you

If polyamory isn't an option, then there's only one way to settle this fairly.
It's time to ROBATTLE!
You only have two hands, ya dingus
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why not both?
So it still feels like Phoenix Wright despite the 3d models? Neato. How long is the demo?
because that's not how intimate relationships work, anon.
I'm pretty sure I saw Scootanon post within the last week.
I've seen enough chick movies to know what would happen
I already told pony my fursona was a half raptor quarter wolf dwarf-elf with iridescent fur and a mane made out of stars that was abandoned by his father for being too fabulous and exiled to the shadow realm so now he has to become the lord of evil and enact revenge on his dastardly parents (both his father) or else he'll cry and cut himself forever, and that his likes were darkness, hate, gay sex, love and tolerance, my little pony, staying up all night, pie, and ninja swords, AND that his dislikes are homophobes, atheists, happiness, furries, and yugioh. Goddamn.

Pony has a bad memory.
It starts off the begining of the game and lets you do two witnesses before it cuts off.
I still don't get this comic. Is it Luna that discovers anon fucking Luna in his dreams but anon was dating Celestia?
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I'm not sure you could handle both, anon.
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I'd give it my best shot. How hard can it be?
>luna kid
>emo hair
>shitty tanktop thing
>broken horn

Can I disown that one? Please?
Where is Leth?
being gay with PHN in skype
Nah, there's nothing going on between Anon and Celestia, but in Luna's outdated mindset their going on a picnic means they were obviously together.
So when she discovers that Anon is harboring lewd thoughts and wet dreams about her, she needs to make him take responsibility for his perceived adultery. Namely by being hers and hers alone.
it's not a broken horn, dingus. Bitch only has one horny parent, that shit is recessive
that picture does things to me
PHN is still alive?
GG's been in here a little, but he's also doing stuff like playing vidya.
They both have horns. They're just tiny.
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>unironically liking anthro
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is pony tipping illegal in equestria?
Even if the point is to be unf, I think it's pretty fucked up that she would do that. You can't control dreams at all, unless you devote time and energy to be able to do so.
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Is it night time yet?
That's what i said
They both have wings too, you just can't see them there.
those are both 4~5's.completely acceptable even if you're a prude
Isn't that from that animation? Something about the night and how Luna kidnaps fillies but everyone is cool with it
I like it too.
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My dick doesn't care if it's anthro, human or pony.
>you will never tip your pizza delivery pony
50 days remaining.
Night time thread.
Shameful fap Nanaki fursona frottage
Shut up wolfshark
Almost unfed,
Then I saw that it is shitty anthro.
Close call
> > a a v v
well, you jerk off to sergals

>that size difference
oh my.
How about
http://i.imgur.com/AOvlJ1G.jpg or
http://i.imgur.com/1CuDSfz.png ?
I like his sfw stuff way more
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I think we're going to make it!
slavic furries
Pony wants to watch anime
First one looks like lmj
Second one is eh. Not really unf at all
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It's time for bug horse
Second one is cute
i give pony ghost in the shell, fma, arika, and cowboy bebop
Anons in cute dresses
Pony will surely be pleased with this selection
I know it's really too late, but if you're still here, look for pony gaku
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Is this considered hyper? Because I like it, even though it's dumb. Such a exaggeration of the sexual.
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ДА? Вы назвали славянской фурфаг?
Pony complains and insists on watching Bleach
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I like bughorse time.
Yeah, that's pretty definitively hyper
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>forgot what is like to browse derpibooru without filters

>mfw i logout

welp, never again

has it always being this bad or we are running out of content?
Is that the guy from My LIttle Porny?
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Pony has given up on dieting after a month of trying
She's blaming her genetics now
And that she has 'big bones'
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Let's talk PURPLE
atryl is really good at drawing boobs
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Eh heh heh, what do you mean you don't smoke weed anon?
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>correct phonetic transliteration
>same thing with the trixie/lenin poster
I wonder if Kraut speaks russian
D-does this make me a fetishfag?
T-Twily sama!!
Too much purple.
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you'll actually find something close to those proportions irl. it's freaky but not unattractive
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So how high are the princess's tolerance levels compared to regular ponies
I don't understand.
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Let's talk RETARD
Size differences eh?
Any loser can learn cyrillic

It's easy as hell
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Is it time for autism horse?
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>her last drawing
Would you?

>The old one is not domming the young one
how she died
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I think there needs to be more blue.

that's not a pony
>tumblr never deletes unused blogs despite all the rumors
>nor DA
>her accounts forever will be there...
All artist twaifufags will die of influenza.
That's illegal you know
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how incredibly boring
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Would you help her?
That's not actually her last drawing, just her last horse drawing.
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Heart failure.
Or possibly suicide or something, but the reported cause of death is heart failure.
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i can't help but still feeling sad
Twilight's face in the last to parts was really hilarious until I realized that it's the doll from JD's other art.

Now it's extra funny.

what's her actual last drawing?
What if she died because of a broken heart?
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I'd give her a hug.

That always cheers ponies up right.
You heartless bastard.

isn't that one already on derpibooru?
I would cuddle pone
>reported cause of death
"heart failure" and "accidents" are the most common downplayed causes of death.
i think it might have been suicide that the family chose not to make public.
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Ponies aren't animals, they're people with boundaries and emotions.
Well, I'm not really laughing at Trixie's misfortune. I'm more laughing at the memory of that picture where she's kissing the twilight doll.
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If I'm close enough to her to know that she wants to date Twilight bad enough that she's got a life size plush of her I think I can give her a cuddle
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100 replies

who is that?
best call
assistant in Mighty No. 9
This? http://joey-darkmeat.deviantart.com/art/Tainted-Love-301789937
Also these:
>the one on the left

Yeah, that's what some people here said, and it seemed like some people she went to school with might have thought the same thing.
It still could have been heart failure though.
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Hey Tex, since you seem to like to ponify vidya

please draw pinkie and gilda as banjokazooie
What if some asshole out there has an actual death note

How long until everyone who connected their real name with ponies drops dead? I hope it's soon.
Rose, Jessy, and a bunch of people who do commissions would be dead
How does the Death Note treat people with identical names, anyway?
What if you want to kill only one John Smith?
>tfw pony will never roughly force me to suck him off, gag me in the process, and toss a few bits at me as I gasp for air after he's finished?
>guy has a death note
>is automatically "some asshole"
Is that a question?
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You have to imagine the face when you write the name or it doesn't do anything.
>casually writing in it
>last words:
>"some asshole that faps too ponies too often dies, i think his name was andre"
Yes that feel when.
I had a feeling that the comic involved discomfort
We should talk about Shining Armor and his gaming crew
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Get some real kicks, bitch.
Why do you even need their name then?
Why can't you just picture them and write "that asshole"
into the trash it goes
Which tumblr is this?
We talked them to death. 8 bit was steve jobs, gaffer was a professional game designer, trappy stallion made robotic sex dolls, and shining armor was the bum of the group and rode his family connections to the top.

There is only fetish left.
you need both.
What flavors of instant noodles would there be in Equestria, and what would each character's favorite flavor be?
the name seals the deal. Haven't you learned about true names and their ties to magic?
Grass flavor.
Most of the time your given name isn't also your true name.

You need to go hallucinate in a forest or something to find that out
>There is only fetish left.
>implying that's not fun to talk about
instant noodles in equestria are fresh and healthy meals summoned into existence using prepackaged single-use spells, an invention of twilight sparkle

the flavors are infinite. a pony only needs to think of what they want when they mix that magic powder with hot water and recite the incantation.
It has to be official. writing the name and writing "some asshole" is like the difference between selling pot and having a real job.
I want to play O&O with them.
>tfw you hallucinated in a forest and a tree told you that your true name was twily sparks

>>There is only fetish left.
there's a lot of fetishes out there


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just..50 more days
What if I think about marshmallow candy pony semen
>Any flavor.
I will take the sodium bomb that is instant noodles, please.
And i swear to god if that sodium is magically fake or something i am beating her with a newspaper.

Also, what the fuck is healthy?!
She gets a smack on the snout for trying to pull off making instant noodles healthy.
>"Hey anon, let me make you lunch"
>pony draws symbols on the floor with chalk and starts sprinkling dust out of a packet labelled "sparkle's instant noodles"
>[ominous latin chanting]
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imagining this interaction was hilarious.
Magical talking horse says that if you want to eat garbage the trash is right there
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So there is really no mlp panel at NYCC?


october 10

3 years
>pony has prepared a Great Feast!

Would you be willing to do any of the other Call designs?
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You expect Hasbro to have that much foresight/care.
>tfw pony will never be reduced to a water dispenser
Pony would think we are trying to both eat and get wasted at the same time.
Especially after sneaking a sip.
Maybe. I just liked E the most.

yes, because they had a panel last year
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Best princess coming through.
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If the polygons go on a diet they'll fit
>not doing design B
>have her sorta like Sweetie Belle
>design I might be like Rarity
maybe those polygons should kill themselves and remove their shitty shapes from geometry
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But that's not being yourself anon.
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Twilight Sparkle is coming through?
Thanks cadence for letting me know.
They're not polygons, they're polygonal prisms.
That's a queen retart.
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not on my watch
Thank you, kind Anon.
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Of course not, don't be silly
Life is situational and unfair. Stop using it as a means to be a victim.
>"I'm gonna go work at Applejack's for awhile. You mind conjuring me about 500 loaves of bread?"
What a tosser...
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Neat. B was the one I voted for.


Another B-bro. And yes, each pone could work for each design.
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Am I not being myself by learning new things and improving myself?

fuk u
The trapezoid would actually be able to get through if he went in sideways.
when i was her age i had a suicidal phase as well. everything just seemed so hopeless and just when i thought i would do it i made one last attempt at salvaging my life. it hasn't improved by much, but i'm 24 now and despite my current situation (which is bad) i plan to go on till it's over for sure. i wish she had done the same, because if it was suicide she has killed herself over things that were ultimately solvable and trivial. and that greatly upsets me, because her ability for her age was quite unusual. the way she created and talked about it, it just looked to me that she had a future with this stuff. when i looked at her stuff for the first time over a year ago, i actually thought she was much older or even in art school. the way she just did things reminded me of other great contemporary artists, she was made from the same stuff as them.i immediately thought that she's gonna go places and get great.
and then this.
it hit me harder than i thought.
i didn't even know her and feel like someone close died.
That's not what the comic is saying. It's poking fun at those who are 'just right" that then go spewing their ignorant mouths how everyone else should be just like them when its impossible.
But when the wall stretches to infinity and the only holes that don't lead to worlds made out of literal shit are circular, life sucks. You're a victim of chance. The worst sperm won the race to the shittiest egg. The only ways out are suicide and waiting until you can have your brain and body augmented to work right.
to be fair, a cylinder is an n-gonal prism where n is infinity.
There's just so much potential for those little signs.
Some of us felt the same.
Terrible day to be on the general that day.
>she has killed herself over things that were ultimately solvable and trivial
Krautism claims it's first victim.
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why aren't you buying your pony buttplug for bronies?
Whining because you weren't born the way you wanted to be is just an excuse to play victim. The grass may be greener on the other side, but it's just fucking grass. Life is situational and no one way is better than others. Judging based on some made up absolute system of value is pointless.
Pony wears the buttplug.
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There's no green grass on the ugly, sutpid, and autistic side unless you're willing to delude yourself. Just a lot of shit, that the ugly, stupid, autistic people are forced to walk in.

I urge them to kill themselves instead of leeching off society and escaping to the internet.
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