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Happy 10th Birthday, 4chan!

I toasted 4chan's 10th anniversary from 37,000 feet. What an amazing ten years it's been. Thanks, everyone.

Fernando from The Daily Dot wrote what is probably the most in-depth/well-researched article on 4chan's history to date: *link*
Also I started a blog: chrishateswriting.com

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Human should princess pony edition.

Non-alicorn thread: >>13860416
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But what about the other ponies?
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Best topic.
I dunno, but you just posted a princess so what does it matter?
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Well, I'm gonna call it a night myself.

Also reposting this in case if the requester didn't see it the first time around.
She should really file a complaint
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>princess thread
here comes that depression again
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I'm gonna call it a day
Good night, MLPG
Oh no! Is she okay?
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C-Celestia! What an un-princess-like thing to do!
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Strange memories on this nervous thread. Two year later? Three? It seems like a lifetime, or at least a Main Era — the kind of peak that never comes again. My little Pony General before the February bans was a very special time and place to be a part of. Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run . . . but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the internet. Whatever it meant. . . .

History is hard to know, because of all the brony faggotry, but even without being sure of “history” it seems entirely reasonable to think that every now and then the energy of a whole fandom comes to a head in a long fine flash, for reasons that nobody really understands at the time — and which never explain, in retrospect, what actually happened.

There was madness in any direction, at any hour. If not in /co/, then in youtube or down at fimfiction to tumblr or deviantart. . . . You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning. . . .

And that, I think, was the handle—that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn’t need that. Our energy would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting — on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. . . .

So now, little more than two years later, you can go up to /mlp/ and look at the reposts, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark — that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.
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wow kill la kill was really good
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But it's more than that
Shit like Harvey Birdman is just a cartoon
This is so much more
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I'd that princess so hard.
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>Wanting to touch Celestia with anything other than the rays of a shrink-gun
what's kill la kill?
some new anime
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>not wanting those massive wings to swallow you up in the coziest hug you could ever experience
Anime made by the team that made tengen toppa gurren lagann
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I'd rather my little purple do that
I want to cum inside Celestia
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Yes, but THEN what do you do with her?
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You have a purple, too? I wonder if my wife Princess Twilight Sparkle knows about her.
what about?
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Don't tempt me, anon.
I swear.
hnnnng i love it
I kinda like the new curls in her mane.
They're cute.
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you and everyone else.
They look like Celestia's
What if Babs Seed Princess
It's about a student council that rules a giant city, while wearing combat school uniforms that boost their strength, and then a girl comes into the city with a half scissor sword, looking to find the other half.

It is ridiculous, over the top, and amazing.
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I gave my little purple away for this beauty.
But his wings are a little short of a winghug.
As somebody who really didn't like the "Alicorn Twilight" direction, those are pretty fucking cute.
Alternative hairstyles in general are so cash.
I disagreement. Curls with stripes != ephemeral cloudy mane.
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I just want to get cozy with Celestia.
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I can't wait for more
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I'd lie down in the grass with her.
I wonder what kind of alternate hairstyles the other mane 6 will get when they become alicorn princesses
>ridiculous, over the top
I can smell the shit all the way from Japan to Here.
I want to do all those things too
I just also want to fuck her



While she swaddles you in her wings?
>implying Applejack is a pony
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I choose Peňjo Pé
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>almost 5 000 worth of panko
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She's at least half-polar bear.
>4,869 variations of ponk poo
Not him but yes. Especially then.
You're only hurting yourself anon.
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So if you lick ponk then do you taste sugary pop?
I wasn't trying to hurt anyone, just expressing my opinion just because.
>punk pee
haha ew
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>in class
>overhear some bitch talking shit about my waifu
pic unrelated, obviously, i would never waifu a slut
>no poinky pae
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>implying she isn't
alternatively, while she kisses me.
or whispers to me that she loves me.
or humps her ass back against my hips.

...what? I like intimacy AND wild sex
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She'd be the only chubby alicorn
Alright, no joke, what is this?
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twilight wants you to take her for a ride
What if she humps her ass back against your hips while she tells you how much she loves you in a raspy voice?
>No matter how much she diets or exercises, she can't never shed her plush off
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It tastes more salty than sugary.
There is also a slight hint of coins.
also yes.
begging for more would also be acceptable.
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I can live with that.
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I'd take her for a ride if you know what I mean.
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Did someone say the secret word?
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Princess Luna sees Anon as an exotic creature, one that she wants. Unfortunately she knows her sister too well, Celestia would never allow it. So Luna decides to underhandedly use her powers and position to make Anon move into the castle. Then she tries to convince him, saying that he'd be safe and well cared for under her. Anon tries to expose Luna, but Celestia doesn't believe it. Thus begins a conflict, one where Anon's freedom is at stake.
I'd say that's a step beyond chubby.
Still cute, though.

Next time on Luna Quest[/spoiler
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Why would anon resist this though
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Rarity is cute.
Because then there wouldn't be a conflict. Do you even story?
> miss blood discussion
What if you have incompatible blood types, not accounting for species barrier? Do you come down with the Unicorn Shakes or grow fetlocks?
because anon wants to woo luna
Why would I resist though?
Would Luna be mad if I went after her sister?
R-Rara sama...
She'd be the tallest, thickest princess in the land.
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no and no
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why not both
I can see thickest, but not tallest.
That's a relief.

I can only imagine funny side effects from Equestrian-made synthetic blood for humans, same as Diamond Dogs. It makes you go funny colors all over, for example.
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loving sex with Celestia, or kinky sex with Luna?
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>Princess informs Pinkie that all the food on the table was poisoned
>Being immortal, the poison doesn't affect her

I can't enjoy porn with Mrs. Cake unless it's explicitly obvious that she's with her husband
That scream will forever haunt me...
You're supposed to choose one!
he just kept screaming
Oh come on, there has to be some sort of struggle. Aren't you interested in the battle of wits? The scheming and plans? The near Pepe Le Pew style of chasing?
I didn't really think much of it while watching it the first time, but fuck, when I rewatched it it was actually pretty crazy
What if the kind of sex that you both enjoy with a lover that you're comfortable with and love deeply?
>Since it doesn't affect Pinkie Pie, she thinks that the Princess was just joking with her.
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Yes please.
Hes still screaming in that pokeball.
If I have to choose I'll take Celestia but I'd prefer both at the same time
>mfw poor pronoun usage
> she's eaten so many terrible things her digestive system has adapted by simply refusing to absorb most of it
> she's always ravenously hungry for calorie-dense food to maintain her body on the thin percentage that is taken in
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Every fucking time.
>Celestia uses poisons to test for future alicorn candidates
My mom's an alcoholic who sneaks out to get bottles of wine and get shitfaced in the middle of the day.
Pinchy who let you on the computer?
>Celestia cooing in your ear while you're doing uncouth things to her sister
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Oh yeah, she's need some serious magic to reach Celesias height.
I request something cute between Fluttershy and Twilight.
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I can relate only it's my dad instead.

>tfw came home with 2 friends
>tfw walk into living room
>tfw dad passed out on the couch in the living room, naked, spread eagle and with a boner.
Celestia cooing in your ear while you're doing uncouth things to her sister
> The Baked Bad cupcakes are the first thing to make Celestia vomit in centuries.
> it's a novel experience but one she'd avoid in the future.
> Spike's burnt cupcakes at the reception force the issue again. Have you ever tried looking regal heaving ears-deep in a trash can?
I wanna kiss aunt cherilee.
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>encouraging you
Well at least your dad isn't fucked up on xanax and starting a fire by trying to toast water
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>actual potfags
Don't make me masturbate again
fuck i'm gonna watch it again
And you know the best thing, Anon?

She knows all of Lunas preferences and whispers them right into your ear so Luna can't hear it and prepare for the mind-shattering pleasure that's about to come.
I hope this puts an end to all the loli bullshit that anime has become and returns out to the glorious 90s era anime style.
Did you start bleeding, too?
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Well what else do you do when you're thousands of years old? Regular sex just doesn't turn you on anymore, you have to go deeper.
>Celestia vomiting in a trash can while everyone tries to play it off as not abnormal.
It's just that I already came five times today and my dick is actually kind of sore
"She loves when you rock that clit between two fingers pressed deep - yes, that's just how Discord broke the sweet little whore."
i'm boku no googling
>Regular sex just doesn't turn you on anymore

Nah, I can't see that.
>"You certainly are making her feel good. Look how she writhes."
>"Now use her other hole for a bit. She loves that."
The pony is aggressive!
>that's just how Discord broke the sweet little whore
>sweet little whore
Immersion ruined.
Sway pony on the nose with newspaper.
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What did you do to piss off the pony anon

fess up
It's a shame that fic was so awfully written, the idea behind it was pretty hot.
*throw rock*
Can I suckle it for a little while to soothe the pain?
What fic?
I don't think that would help anon

At first it's just Anon x Celestia but later Luna joins and tells Anon what Luna likes.
> "I hear they do that up in Canterlot to make room for the next course!"
> Everyone nods agreeably, murmuring assent which almost but not quite covers another splash against the aluminum and a baffled gasp for air.
gasp for air.
Left the seat up.
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Total slave!
I promise not to swirl my tongue around the head, just some gentle sucking
And ball fondling
Pony measured your waist and asked if you wanted to try out this pretty dress she has for you
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There any buttsex?
Virginity is sex.
Row Row. Submit to the power
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What's the catch?
Wouldn't be the first time I've worn a dress.
> Celestia raises her voice just enough that Luna can hear it, slippery "sweet" to accusatory "whore" hot trickles in her straining ear. It's deliciously mixed with her own panting, harmony and melody.
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What a splotchy butt.
Well, if you word it like THAT...
>tfw not an inflationfag but a massive fatfag

the fuck is up with her ass?
That's how you win new fetishes, Anon.

god dammit
it'd be even hotter if she gets Luna to say it.
"I-I am....your sweet little whore..."
confession time mlpg

I sometimes hate how sexually charged I am, especially when I'm ERPing and I try to start a second round after my partner cums
Drinking too much out of that lime kool aid dispenser isn't a good idea.
Source: http://pixelvixens.tumblr.com/post/62796938138/pre-orders-for-my-little-porny-fucking-is-magic
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Why is it so terrible in every way
I figure if it's to spurn Anon to do wonderful terrible deep-down-shudders things to Luna, Celestia would barb her asides and instructions to make her sister cringe and quiver in equal measure.

I mean that's how this arrangement works, right? This was that Anon's train of thought.
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what kind of filename is that
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We needed more stallion art but not like that
Chistery, please, write a fic about it.
I would forever love you.No homo.
I know right, there's maybe one person with a decent face and her body falls in the "jacked" category.
Nah, they all want to be able to look eachother in the eye when it's all over.

dad catches his sons playing with pony toys
The father is the problem.
Can't even see the toys
It would need some framing but you can do some really terrible things in the bedroom and still look each other in the eye. A little coyly maybe.
>stop liking what I don't like
I wish I could get through a day of classes without distracting myself with fantasies about sex with ponies.

>dad beating kids
>I'm too busy trying to see the toys to determine the taste of the kids
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An accurate one.
Look at how happy that moth is!
What is she eating?
Corn flakes?
It's third on a list now, behind Cosmo and AJ. Not likely to get done this weekend, out of town, possible 0pone.>>13865375
>It's third on a list now
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>all this anime talk

twilight transform!
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>People are going to defend the kids because we live in age where "muh feelins" and victim hood is Celebrated

The dad don't want them to grow up into faggots that do nothing but posts about ponies and discuss OCs.

The father did nothing wrong.
>tfw no porn of rarity's comic dresses
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>M-muh violence
>responding to obvious shitposting
I don't know, I might fap to the Mr. Cake/Pinkie scene.
It isn't anything about violence, it's about setting them straight, he didn't choke them and beat them half to death like some anti-pothead shitposter, he gave them a few slaps.
>I can't draw wings
>Fuck it wings are now curtains
It's shit.
>you will never be resurrected from the dead by your benebolent dictador so you can embrace your true destiny
It was good until the wings acted more like fabric than wings
>Somewhere in the world an animator always makes his curtains look like wings.
What is my true destiny?
Remember how you felt during the first week you got into mlp? Do you still feel it?
This is kinda true. Can't help but feel I should have been smacked around more as a kid. I was a little shit, and look where I am now. And now I see my 5 year old nephew acting like a little shit too, and god forbid you so much as yell at him. He will literally cite "You hurt my feelings" as a reason for his bawling if you do. It was supposed to hurt your feelings, maybe you won't act like such a dumbass next time.
To punch wolves.
>you will never be teleported to a chamber of memories while your closest teacher helps you accept your transmutation into a new species
I remember struggling repeatedly to place names to the ponies I saw in images. It was always a challenge naming all of the mane 6. No, I don't feel like that anymore.
How long have you been doing it? How regularly do you do it?
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>tfw this will never be true
Do you scour the recent images on derpibooru to link here? Because usually I do too. And it's posted here before I get a chance to myself.
When it works
>New species.
Oh man, I hope I get to be a Na'vi.
It's working fine for me
PS3 even.
Every time I try to remember all six I can only name five and have to think really hard about which one I forgot
Yes, but I only post things that tickle my superior fancy
Fuck, I always forget Applehat
The only thing that changed was favorite pony
Such a pitty they made Twilight and alicorn and ruined that plot.
Exactly. It fades with time, Anon. Cherish these few months when it's still something you do because you want to, and not because you have to. Ponies are like heroine, in a way.
I started watching the show and visiting MLPG two years ago
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>tfw I make a list/comparison/whatever while using the mane six and I keep forgetting rainbow dash
A deep loathing for the assholes that drug me into this mess?

They ruin the lives of everyone they touch?
Me to
And the one I can't remember changes

Its never Twilight or Rarity
but I been completely unable to call all the others to mind on at least one occasion
>Ponies are like heroine, in a way.

>"Chasing the Purple Dragon."
Holy SHIT!
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pinkie flavoured
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If you want to come right out and say it like that... Yeah.
Not gonna lie...
A small part of me really wants that bit coin.
I'll make you a believer in jungle fever
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Why is Pokemon Origin so fucking based?
What is it?
A stick of gum or one of those drink flavor crystal packet things?
Because it's not shit like the anime
>Squirtle bites Charmanders to death.
>Blastoise, you don't get a chance to rescue your pokemon before he blasts a hole through it.
That's one fucking pissed Blastoise.
Wow, I didn't know this was a thing. Thanks, Anon. I've cast my eyes away from the abomination that Pokemon has become ever since Ruby and Saphire, but this looks good.
Looks like a flavor packet.
Because I haven't seen it.

is it subbed yet? Someone should stram it.
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>that Charizard/Mewtwo battle
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Gen 6 Pokemon look really damn good outside the starter evos and some mega pokemon. I'm honestly surprised at how many of them I like.
That Charmander getting nearly killed hurt me, man.
I always had a soft spot for most fire types.
whats the motto
we maintain harmony?
>not liking ninja frogs and wizard foxes
But I like Ninja Frog. Been a member of team froakie since the reveal.
Okay guys I need advice but in the spirit of the board I'm going to ponyfy it. Let's say that a pony was having too much...let's call it pony juice and that pony promised to stop drinking pony juice for the rest of the ponies. Then ponies friend finds a stash of pony juice hidden away, what should the friend do?
Wizard fox could have been much more interesting
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I just think it looks fucking cool.
Then again, I also saw this.
And my "Oooh, shiny!" part of my brain went. 'Oh fuck, look at that shit!"

Less detail, but pretty!

Lol. Is this that mlp video everyone was talking about?
A lot of things could have been much more interesting
They could have also been much worse
The fox might actually be my favorite starter since gen 3
>Posted one year ago.
commit pony sudoku
I'm just waiting for the reveal of the winged Mega Rapidash
What the fuck is that, vanilla pudding?
Why didn't they just make this pony a cow?
That's also not semen.
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I really want to make a full pony team
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I want Princess Celestia to use my face as a throne.
Mega Absol is really pretty
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>Why didn't they just make this pony a cow?
B-but muh brony fetish I stole from MLPG!
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I can't decide between Ampharos and Absol, they're both so pretty
I don't know what you're trying to say.

I just thought a cow OC might have been more interesting and made a lot more sense.
Milky is dumb
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>"My wings are so pretty!"
- Mega Absol

What the fuck is Absol supposed to be anyways?
I'm surprised there aren't any cow fetish OCs
Sure the cow designs that have been in the show so far are pretty unattractive, but that didn't stop people from doing it with diamond dogs.

A cute little dairy cow might be great
She could deliver her own milk
Sure am glad we here in MLPG are full of responsible owners of their plushes!
Defiantly now known for worshiping tripfags who jizz on their toys! nope!
>not engaging in mutual intercourse
>not watching her face as you rim her
>not massaging her wings until she's a drooling, panting pile of pony
I imagine being a popular MLP drawfag is much like being a White House custodian.
Wow. You weren't kidding. This is dreadful.
Do you have anything better that involves buttsex?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this fandom is terrible at coming up with original OC ideas.
Anime goat
Like ponies, but ponies are the lucky star goats, and absol is Bleach
>not watching her face as you rim her
You wouldn't be able to see around the huge mounds of her ass.
Well, considering that they're usually considered the harbingers of disaster, maybe MegAbsol is supposed to be angelic?
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there's always this
And really good at taking joke OC's we make and turning them into horrible, horrible things.

Thankfully, they are both bannable here now.

I don't quite remember if it was written well but I think it involved some anal but also futa
Princess Absol is very pretty
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>Speaks in formal matter around nobles and such
>Slips back into her Manehatten accent whenever she's around friends or flustered
>Still thick as brick
Best Princess
What a peeky pone
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Ohhh godddd
Pokemon a shit
Digimon is better.

You're all nerds.
Where can I watch the whole thing?
I love SmutAnons stuff.
>What the fuck is Absol supposed to be anyways?
some kind of goat
Oh well, beggars can't be choosers.
I have a split personality
One is super lewd 24/7 and the other is reserved and almost never sexuals
>Goat Pokemon
>Blamed for disasters it predicts
It's a scapegoat
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>animation class
>briefly glimpse at one guy's screen
>red and black pony ocs
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Not pony, but a new foxy Rena is out
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I drew a butt. Would you make a wish upon this shooting star?
Your last name wouldn't happen to be Voerman would you
I didn't know that was his
Her sister is better
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Fat butts are the best
>This is Rumble's point of view all day
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>Cloudchaser butt
I wouldn't betray my waifu but that's a nice butt
Don't worry. You'd still be able to hear her, moaning and cooing and humping those soft cheeks back against your face as your tongue traces circles around her pucker.
What if your waifu thought you were gay for not admiring such a nice butt?
I thought that was Aspirant.
they all have the same butt
I'd ask her to repeat herself because I was too busy staring at her butt.
I would like to shoot inside that shooting star

also, >unf unf both cutie marks ung
You should draw the twins' butts.
SmutAnon thanked Anon last time when he pointed out that Luna is really well written in that one so I'm pretty sure it's his.
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No, there are many butts but this one is mine and it was made for me!
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We're always marebutts.
Why are we never stallionbutts?
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nevermind then.
I love pretty pink mares
Nope, wasn't me.

I wasn't around again until very recently.
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It is a mystery anon
Ctrl+F "dick": 1 result
Ctrl+F "cock": 0 results
Ctrl+F "pony": 26 results

Is this the same general from this morning? I'm almost proud of you guys.
Because they are always tainted and nobody has the real balls to post many.
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No, I should do my homework
I wonder if Fluttershy has a cock.
She has all those chickens, after all.
why not coltbutts
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Because females have nice asses.

Also because fuck you.
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Now you're speaking my language.
I sure hope we're cute colts tonight
And also the winking. With all the teasing, she'd be winking like mad. Every time your tongue completes a circuit around her clenching anus you'd hear another wet "squelch" from below as her muscles flex and push her sensitive little clit out into the open for the briefest of moments.
If you time it right you may even be able to tease it a bit with your thumb before it slips back into her.
I imagine if one wants to raise chickens properly you would need a rooster of some kind for the eventual mating. I think they're normally kept in a separate pin most of the time.
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Only if they're paired with cute fillies.

Source? I know it's from some youtube video
Cute Quest when?
Fluttershy would be that creepy chicken farmer who watches.
that's not a very good butt.
the right cheek is way smaller than the left one.
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Oh, right, almost forgot:

I'm redoing Cute "Quest" as a lead in to a subsequent quest thing, as requested.

First session is to be on the sub Saturday night at 7pm PST, unless something happens.

If you aren't interested, well, hope you have a fun weekend anyway.

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>Not Silver Spoon.
Step up, faggot.
>tfw no more rumble/silver spoon
>Soaren's giant icecream scoops
oh yes.
>no anal penetration
still pretty good!
Aspirant doesn't write too much anymore and SA's style is pretty obvious. Especially with the princesses.
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>not DT

Bad taste,
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Fluttershy would have to watch
If she's not there he can get so mean

Now isn't it so much nicer when you be gentle?

>Tiarawhy is making bank off someone elses shit.
I would be kinda peeved.
This was pretty lame.
How is my style obvious? Just curious.
I'm really happy we have writefags again, but I miss Aspirant and Cosmo
Can we all just agree that Rumble can easily get any filly he wants?
He doesn't go for ice cold blue eyes.
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no because he isnt for sexual
You uh... type with a weird accent?
I don't write much anymore because I was preoccupied with other projects, as well as having class/requirements for most my day.

I'd like to get back into it, but I'm afraid I've lost relevance. We'll see, I guess.

>Missing me
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He can, but he's to naive to realize it.

You're right. But it's not like he has any say in the matter.
can someone post that exhentai link again?
Yeah, but he's not like that.
You were there for us when we barely had any writefags, and you were pretty good
Yeah, without him we only had some greentext "writers"
It makes sense
He's on of like 5 colts in the entire town
Two of which are snips and snails, and another looks like an alien from the front
>redoing Cute "Quest"

sweetie better win again, or at least get the hot for teacher route this time
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DT would just try to use him.
Unless she discovers somewhere down the road that she actually does sorta like him for reasons other than not wanting any of the CMC to have a coltfriend.
>more Silverspoon shit
pls no.

Those faggots killed her for me forever.
this time silver spoon will win
but she's with that other colt
There was nothing to kill.
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>Barely had writefags

I remember stepping on several anon's toes in my blatant tripfaggery.
It's why I took a break after a while, to give a chance for those who felt crowded out by me sitting in MLPG all day to do their thing.

I do appreciate the compliment and sentiment though. Makes it worthwhile.

I took a vote, twas the result.
Mostly because people wanted a more in depth version instead of a less than 2 month speed run.
not in THIS continuity!

tell me anon, what is your Silver Spoon fanon? I'm honestly curious.
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Sure she make him carry her books, and do her homework. Sure she calls him names and sometimes forces him to do embarrassing things, but deep down I'm sure she really does like him a little.

Plus how many fillies can say they're dating the cutest colt in school?
Nobody really asks for stallionbutts
we need more weed pony x anon
but mainly we need more more stallion x anon
Did you...did you draw that?

I don't remember anyone back then except TAW and darf, and you never butted with those
Then lets put them together.
If you're not busy can I ask for a stallionbutt?
very little beyond her being DT's lackey. everyone trying to force that shitty "SS is actually really sweet and kind and anon loves her" bullshit completely turned me off to her as a character and as a design.
I could draw more RumbleSpoon if you thought it'd be cute.
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I could draw some Stallion butts this weekend if you're interested

No way. That was cosmo I think. This is from a series of pics he posted the other day that I saved.
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I'd be very interested in that.
Well that's too damn bad, ain't it?
I thought this was fine

What stallion
>you will never live with weed pony
>you will never swallow his mellow cum
he sad stallion x anon, not stallion x femanon
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That's an interesting angle
I could see him carrying her books, but not doing her homework.
If anything he'd study with her, and she'd keep trying to get him to just give her the answers, but instead he gives her advice so that she can figure it out on her own.
It makes her grumpy for a few days, until she sees her score on the last test and realizes she did way better with all the things he helped her figure out.
She's still grumpy because she didn't get her way, but she sort of appreciates the help. Not that she'll openly admit that it was due to anything but her own brilliance.
Anons, not other named folk.

TAW was already on his way out when I started, and darf had taken a break or was sticking with fimfiction.

I remember one time an anon was writing about dating (humanized) Scootaloo and going to a pool party with her. He was taking a while in continuing his tale and I thought he abandoned it, so I posted my continuation of it about the same time he posted his.

I promptly apologized since everyone seemed to hone in on my post and not his.

It happened again the same night and I felt bad for hogging the spotlight, or feeling like I did. My existence as a "writer" was always to entertain during the hiatus, but not at the expense of others trying to do the same.

I digress. It happened last year but I've been nonexistent this year because of stuff.
Which ones
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More stallion stuff is always good, butts or no
Do it.
I like it when you draw ________.
What a feminine name
I think you care too much, you worrywart!
fucking markerknight
no way! that bespectacled filly is all ours!
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How's Sweetie Drops doing?
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Its actually Meadow Song

Which is probably even worse in that regard
What he said.
what if colt x anon? no, not anon x colt, i mean like a colt fucking anon
Blueblood and/or Braeburn.
I really just want to read a fic where straightedge anon gets raped by weed pony and ends up gulping down his mellow cum
mindbreak it is my fetish
also there isn't enough stallion x anon

Just write for the MLPG again.
>guitar cutiemark
Oh god
He's one of those sensitive singer-songwriter types
You're entering retard territory, anon.
But it would unlock the DT route.
You got something against sensitive singer-songwriter types, anon?
>writefags thinking they're so important to MLPG

I have to admit, that does sound kinda how
I ignore shitposters, but mindbreak and forced intoxication are really hot
might be good.
i'd still prefer big stallions though
oh crap, I didn't think of that.
I'd be interested in seeing how Aspirant would handle such a route.
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>I like it when you draw nothing
At least I can please somebody

I never waifu'd a bg pony

Sounds good. Still gotta finish that fleetmac pic but yours is next on my list for friday/the weekend
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Yeah, I know.

Oh I plan to. Hoping that redoing this silly "quest" will get me back in productive mode.
but it's my fetish anon
but not with straightedgy anon
I am fucking up all over lately

>Silly Quest

Are all the writefags just doing quests now?
it makes too much sense, so of course he won't do it
unless he's reading this right now
MLPG, hold me, 4chan outside of here is descending further and further down the spergish "fedora/euphoric" hatred ladder.
Someone not Braeburn?
It's because moot wore a fedora at awa
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He is also a ninja
Anon being against it makes it a little better, but that guy specifically would be retarded and meta.
I feel enlightened by my own indifference.
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You best start believing in euphoric threads, anon...
I dunno, could you deal with breaking Silver's little heart to go for her friend-boss?

It's actually a redo of a "quest" I ran last year around the same time. I took a vote and this was the result.
The second half of it is going to be an adventure/mystery quest thing. But that's after the redo of Cute "Quest".

And I dunno, I've always been a more interaction focused person. Writing out the ideas in my head is cool and all but getting input and varying ideas form others and adapting them is just way more fun to me.
>human Sweetie
well since this time we won't be rushing through the whole thing, I can't imagine why he wouldn't include DT/SS as possibilities.
the question is how he'd handle pursuing them. would going for DT require turning Puff into a bully? would he actually be able to coax some form of goodness out of her? would there be fighting between the two of them over him?
but μt is a qt
well it's not like you'd have to start dating SS before unlocking DT's route...r-right?
no I meant I like it when you draw. it doesn't matter what.
From what I remember of the old cute quest, there was a colt who liked SS, but couldn't be with her due to DT. Maybe by helping SS get together with him, Puff could get with DT.

Man, why am I even talking about this? I want Sweetie or Scoots to win this time. Fuck DT.
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>you will never a sweetieboy
we ALWAYS focus on the CMC!
I want something new and exciting!
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>not hating euphoric sperglords like pic related
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I wanted Scoots to be the one last time. Felt bad, man.
I could be your twink sweetieboy tonight
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or this one
I dunno, anon. Would DT go for some unknown pony just come in from a different town (or a previously silent background equivalent) just because he might be a little cute?
Or would she go for the one making waves at school, so <whatever he's good at here> that he catches her right hand pony's eye?
And how Silver would go on about how kind he is, how talented, how everyone likes him...
Then lets do Cherilee

Her ending sounded the cutest really. But I can't go against my dear Sweetie.

God I sound like a faggot.
well, maybe if she interacted with him a bit...
anon pls
don't do this
I couldn't break Silver's heart like that.

Man, all this talk tells me we should do a cute CMC VN.
don't joke about that.
>tfw no qt3.14 bf
Just because sweetie is my imouto doesn't mean she would also be my otouto.
>implying I am joking~
But would she actually like him?
Or would she just want him so that the others can't have him?
Well yeah, there'll be interaction before any of that probably.

But just think of what motivates her and her common courses of action. To make her step away from those you'd have to either really sweep her off her feet, be super influential and/or wealthy, or make her confide in you.

Not easily done, one would think.

Couldn't you though?
>he even has "pone" in his name

fuckin bronies man

always changing their names and shit
It wouldn't be fun if it was easy.
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That's the question on both your mind and hers, I'm sure.


We're going to have all sorts of fun! I can't wait, to be honest.
h-how twinky?

>that smile
>wearing fedoras
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I hate these fucking images so fucking much
>Y-yeah I-I'm just invisible
>With the exception that I'm friends with one of the fucking A-TEAM of Equestria
>Oh and my friends are sisters of them
>I'm so invisible
>Those two mud horses made fun of me
>so sad

We'll never get a micro or fic that can truly deliver feels
>No homeless scootaloo living in multiple areas, sometimes in cloudsdale and looking at other fillies and colts go to their home
>No backstory of abandonment due to wings not developing fast enough and her dad was a complete jock

I'd care more about a story of a grown pony who could never find their special talent, at least it'd be a lot more relatable for me
maybe it's because of the whole teen silver spoon fanon from here, but I really couldn't
Wow, not a fuck to give.
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>People still shit themselves over gets
Don't they know how stupid they look?

It's like someone saying TF2 is a good game and having a folder of TF2 reaction images or worse TF2 pony reaction images
well I do have that on thread on /unf/ now...
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So then you'd defy DT, commit to SS, and help her break away from DT, who could potentially lash out at her/make her do menial things as revenge, right?

You'd be there for her 100%, right? Maybe miss that meeting with Scootaloo because she needs your help with homework?
Or treat her to a milkshake since she didn't want to be in the talent competition Sweetie organized, thereby missing the show?

These are all hypothetical and not at all indicative of what I have planned, I'm just teasing you.
I'll try T lane then
Why are there zero indie FPS games?

The only new ones I ever seem to see anymore are CoD and Battlefield crap.
o-oh, it's you~
>hiding your pony folders in your Fallout NV directory
Anon, don't link that shit here.
First of all that's against global rule two.
Damn you, opportunity cost!
Crippleorphan used that newspaper she took at the end of Ponyville confidential and used it as her bed that night.
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Well then I applaud you and hope that should she be the main target in the end I can write a decent set of characteristics for her that you enjoy.

Oh and you guys will be able to make the main character again if you want. Maybe specify a talent you want or some such at the beginning too so you can meta game a little.

In some ways I'll miss Puff, but options are always better than sticking to one thing indefinitely.
what about DT? there's gotta be some sort of benefit to choosing the path of greatest resistance
He can still be named Puff.
He just needs better colors.

And wouldn't giving him a talent make him not a blank-flank? Or would he not realize that it's his talent yet?
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Aw c'mon man, what benefit wouldn't you get?
She's rich, pretty cute, has influence due to the previous two, and you can maybe help her be a better pony towards others, thereby helping everyone be a big circle of friends. Which might be useful in the future, you never know...

Plus, think of all the parties that wealthy tiara wearing cutie could fund for you!

Cost and reward, anon!
If you specify his talent and give him a mark, that's what he's great at, but you just lost potential to be good at something else. And it might be harder to get close to certain ponies. Maybe not, but maybe so.

Meta gaming vs potential
Potentially useful ability vs random potentially useless ability

Or I can make a secret roll against an ability chart and not tell you, then when you perform an action regarding that ability special things happen until you realize what your talent is and he gets his mark then. Just a thought.
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I like that idea
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Winky pinkie is feeling kinky will you stick it in her stinky?
I guess it was just Scootaloo.
Oh well.
Wow great argument fagtron, you sure convinced me with those hot opinions.
derpy is a very unsavory pony
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>9-1 Cardinals victory over Shittsburgh

Everything has gone right today
actually, her backside seems smaller than normal in that pic

thank fuck.
>You will never again witness subhuman transsexual pedophile attention-whore filth accidentally out themselves as a pedo ever again
>Some will never cry again

We've passed our peak. Maybe it's time to let the general die.
And then you kiss her on her bandaged nose and she punches you in the arm while giggling.

The end.
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>have to take my g1 exist test soon
>nervous as hell
I really hope you're pretending and not seriously one of the people who does wear them.
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Everything except your hands.
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>post stickball scores with anthropomorphic kitchen utensils
What are you even doing anymore?
I just wanted to say that.
That pony's hair is too big
Nice joke anon.
As much as I don't want to talk about it, I don't think MLPG will ever be able to do something as weird, and exciting as AB's fuckup.
Maybe she has been hanging out with Pinkie too much
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pony just snuck into your house and is trying to play coy
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Ponies rubbing and grinding against non-ponies.
Hair extensions
Ross you know that anime is essentially exaggerated features of real life proportions right? Well you're exaggerating anime/disney styles, leaving it really, really warped. I suggest you compare the facial proportions of your work to...pretty much anything else ever, and you'll find that your eyes and foreheads are blown way the fuck out.
So what fashion crimes are there?

I've only heard no Jorts, fedoras, trenchcoats, and curtain cargo shorts.
>reposting Ross' mannequin stuff from earlier
>likes the Cardinals
I may have to stop supporting my local team now.
"Hitler liked breathing too" etc.
B-b-boop...boop, BOOP!
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I saw one of your pics the other night where one character is moaning about being fat or being embarrassed about being fat or some other fat problems that seem to plague your characters, and the dialogue reminded me of this:

AB wasn't that bad and he was steadily improving.
It's a shame he had to go and do somehong stupid like that.
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Goodnight, MLPG.
>and you can maybe help her be a better pony towards others, thereby helping everyone be a big circle of friends
DT confirmed for best end.
Something stupid like secretly be a pedophile for years and years?
He literally told someone to check their privilege once, man. Literally.
It really was a peak.
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hahahaha yeah, my dialogue ain't too good
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>fluttershy DP

Why do artists love to hide the word "sex" in everything they're commissioned to do?
Get some rest.
hey you, anon
come here
Because Al Hirschfeld
you still here?
sorry, but i can't hold back when there are cute boys around~
>not explicit
Maybe you should stop commissioning things with the description, "Rarity Sexcapades"
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That must be some ripple
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Pretty sure your dialogue stems from the fact that you never do anything different, ever
Every single time its someone fat getting stuck in a door
Or someone fat teasing someone else with their fat
Or someone becoming so embarrassed at someone else's fat that all of the blood in their body appears in their head
Pinkie please get down from there. This is no time for your shenanigans.
More like Still la Still.
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Pony had a spell cast on her
You haven't seen her for a long while until one day pic related
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What anime is this.
pls be nice I can't /a/
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I used to offer ross advice too at one time, then I got better.
only if she never uses that word as a noun again
>disappointed it wasn't a slow pan up DJ Acid's legs
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oh u

kill la kill
File deleted.
You lookin to buy a pony?
I don't think I can afford it.
okay, I'm here
>Anon trys to fight the mass of pony
>He can't
>It's too powerful
>He can see himself becoming slime bit by bit
>A few hours later he ends up putting his slimy "gift" in the drinks of every anon
>A week later slimy pony orgy
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I still try every now and again in the hopes that one of the nearly hundred times I've flung shit, its going to stick this time
Maybe this time...
It took my a while to figure out what I was looking at, but then I unfed
what kind of ponies you got?
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I'm looking to buy a human.
I didn't think that was legal?
>those subliminal messages
I didn't even see it, no wonder everyone here finds the ponies so attractive.
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You've got fucking brain problems.
This is some Beatles tier message.
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>you'll never a thick princess
pony wants to see the sun blotted out from the sky
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It'd rather a pony than those anthro satyrs.
Sure Pinkie!
Just step inside my dark apartment
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pony has good taste in music
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Well you better hold on to both sides, then.
"Rampant Optimism" is a condition I would not wish upon my worst enemy

You better believe it. Give her a hard time.


No argument there, man. trying to perfect it.


I understand that I'm going in a different direction, but I honestly can't help it. I feel like I'm finally getting a sense of power and fluidity in my designs, I lean towards more extreme proportions because it gets a reaction from me. I admit that I'm very sour with popular design conventions and that I see them as tools rather than an end in themselves.

It's why I loved Toriyama's style in the Vegeta saga. It's definitely wearing Japanese design conventions, but it feels a little more loose, cartoonish, and the proportions are crazy. Just look at Nappa, and Vegeta and Goku's hair and how long it was, along with the compact, simple muscles.
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Some ponies just want to use their new gifts for good
People who don't improve their craft at all in 7 years have no hope for optimism.
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would you rather go here or to meghans equestria?
Why don't you ever draw either of the only two fatties I like?
>those princess
Yes ma'am
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What's Cloudkicker thinking about?
i would an anthro hyena.
they are the only real life futa mammals that actually exist.
You should draw more butts

Pinkie butts
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Is she going to be in S4?
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this is the best kind of good
Kicking things
>No argument there, man. trying to perfect it.
Trying to perfect being stale?
I'm saying that you're stale
Try something different for once
how did mlpg turn into the fat fetish area. all my life i had been on the side that makes fun of the creepy fetishfags.

>black bars

Wearing cute clothes.
You mean "widescreen effect"

It's supposed to resemble a scene from a movie
Toriyama draws solidly, loose maybe in the sketch phase but it can be animated because it can be rotated in three dimensional space. Your stuff however looks like it's molded from clay then stuck in the microwave for several minutes. John K is more solid than you, you don't even appreciate that loose drawings need to convey a sense of shape where as you focus more on the line while artists like Rose who draw loose things beautifully focus on the shape the lines are making.
cum sandwiches

that's dumb
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She is dreaming of the day she will regain the spotlight from Cloud Chaser and Flitter and regain her position as the alpha lavender pegasus


If only I could glare through text anon, you would be glared at. With gusto!
Short answer:No
Long Answer: No this was confirmed back at comicon
Why is bonbon eating a transluscent lyra?
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Pone asks if you'd like some fries with that.
in the grand scheme of fetishes

fat fetishism is pretty mild
>another chicken joke

I don't know exactly what will please you, so all I can say is that I'm working on it. We've come a long way from two years ago and that ugly, ugly first lineup I did. Just keep in mind that I'm still going to go for extreme proportions, although hopefully more diverse proportions and shapes and silhouettes.
Any idiot can fill out a captcha and post in mlpg
And there's just as many people who simply don't post about their fetishes as there are annoying posters who bring it up every chance they get.
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>tfw fluttershy
It's just Scootaloo working at KFC
I don't see a joke in there.
It's by relation
Why not subway or tim hourtons
I've always liked this comic but it makes me feel so awkward
Dash isn't deep enough emotionally to deal with that
She has a poor education and needs to work a dead end job well into her adulthood.

I don't think it's fair to assume that I don't appreciate shape and form, because I most certainly do. I just haven't grasped it, especially since I set myself back by using thick, black lines for so long (like, since I was four!). It's a bad habit that's being broken down.
but what if you can only choose one?
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I consider MLPG's acceptance of mild fat fetishism as one of the few things that keeps us connected to /co/.
because lyra wants it
Cloud kicker is the one that does a trick, right?
I always liked that one
She's a minority.
I'm talking of your subject matter
Everything you do boils down to your fetishes which is why all your shit seems the same and all your dialogue sucks
You never do anything different, and just rehash the same scenarios and few words over and over with different characters blushing this time instead of others
Why not KFC?

She's got to grind it through, and hope she saves enough.
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You've been drawing since you were 4 and your art is still this fucking bad?!
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and she is awesome at it
Like I said
Another chicken joke
>Chrysalis is trying to conquer the Crystal Empire
>challenge her to a game of puzzle block stacking
>if you lose, she asks if you'd like to try again, or go to the level select
>if you win, she withdraws her army, and surrenders, no questions asked
Tough chose but I'll go with Celestia
Look at that adorable tubby little pony
Bonbon could curl up right on top of that and take a nap
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To be fair we don't really have a good way to judge her at it
I bet Dash could give her a run for her money
Excuse me,I meant choice,pardon my grammar.
The only joke I see is you being too conscious about the implications.
Seriously, good Anon, that stress is shedding a couple of years away from your probation before Equestrian immigration.
Fat fetish is really mild, dude, and more people like it than you would imagine
You can unf to chub but that doesn't mean you have to unf to ultra-fat blobby ponies
Sounds like she just wanted to play Tetris
She only had to ask
I wish LK drew more. He's the best.
You clearly don't appreciate how shapes behave in three dimensional space or you would work on understanding it. Which none of your work in the last year has tried, this is why /ic/ always answers any questions with "loomis" because he breaks facial and anatomy construction down to basic shapes in space.
i wish NBS would shitpost about the things i dont like such as the extreme fetishfags. instead he only shitposts about bullshit not even related to ponies.
>she asks if you'd like to try again, or go to the level select
Then what's the point of challenging her then? Stalling for time so that the others can come up with a gameplan?
But that's Envy.
I've always thought Rainbow Dash lacks the usual grace and maneuverability that other pegasi have. That's why she opts for aerial maneuvers that take up lots of space.

I bet she can't navigate herself very well (or at least as well as the others).
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and what would you do with your thick sun-princess?
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>not inside her
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I'm still guilt tripping over Ghost so stress is sort of expected
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>he will never draw the sequel
That guy said mild, anon
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Pegasi always seem to be the happiest and most adorable ponies.
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Na she's pretty acrobatic when she wants to be
Why because you did something to her?
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Don't worry, Ghost is in a better place now.
A place full of pones.

Again, as far as working on getting a three-dimension planed look across, I've been working on it. Learning it mentally is one thing, learning it with your hand is another matter entirely. I go back to Jean Singer Sargent's work occasionally (not often enough) and just try to crack that technique he has.
ya, but for so long i would enjoy laughing at the furries or sonic fandom who made fat or vore or diaper porn.

and now i am apart of a general thread who accepts and encourages that type of this.
>saves her life
>only gets a hug

she should have least kissed him on the mouth
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Is this the face of a man who cares?
No, it's just that anyone could have talked to her. It wasn't that hard.

Hopefully so.
She rolls forward and somehow manages to flip herself onto the other side when she shouldn't be.
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Too bad?
Roll with the punches bro
Celestia has about as much character as derpy.

You just like her because she's supposed to be big enough to hug and mature/motherly. Come on, we created gloomy for that shit.
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Come at me bro
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Happiest, maybe.

Earth pones will always be the most adorable though.
what the fuck bro
We know anon
Really we do, we're just having fun
those fetishfags are fans of the fandom

you can tell because their fetishes are barely even derived from things on the show

>lets make backgroundpone fat lol
>Implying she didn't gave him a celebratory blowjob offscreen

Which two fatties are those, man?
do you follow envys blog anymore? he changed his name and everything to get away from the fetishist image

>envy draws a ton of fat fanart
>then he goes to art school
>3 years later and he has given up fat

funny how that turned out
All the ponies are big enough to hug.
The difference is that Celestia is big enough to wrap you in her wings.
Yeah, anyone could have, but they didn't.
Okay now without the pole dicks and a little bit of tongue
Rule 63 Flim and Rapidfire
I'm here for the ponies, but if something I unf to comes up, that's just a bonus.

But since 98% of all content involving shit I unf to is complete trash, it's not very fun.
>you can tell because their fetishes are barely even derived from things on the show
Not every show is Totally Spies.
>LK in charge of shoulders
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>Rarity will never give you a celebratory blowjob
>just for something little
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Tax Mare here, your yearly bits are due.

Yeah nah, I don't see any appeal in those two, sorry.
if you dont like creepy fetishes then you need to leave the creepy fetish general

the real mlpg died long ago
you too?
>You carry her bags from the shop to her house
>She casually wraps her lips around your dick before you even say anything
MLP is totally spies though

Every episode has a new fetish for you to fap to!
>overfed venison
>venison pudge
>still draws fat
Are you sure you're following the right person?
i miss september 2010 so much ;_;
who in the fuck is rapidfire
More Pinkie butts

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I know anon
And that's why I'm guilt tripping
those french and their silly fetishfuel cartoons

I'll see what I can do.
As if I were ever on any planet going to get a different response.
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Why does this give me a fucking boner?
I don't even like ugly horse.
But MAN that pose...
Ross, listen, you have to do a little give and take on this sort of stuff.

besides, oddball requests will do you good in the long run.

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pank is not for sad
Considering you might as well have requested your own OCs, you shouldn't be too surprised
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>she was even in the same chat I was in
>but I didn't go through and add all the people and so I never really realized
you're a giant furfag
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And you aren't?
>revealing your fetishes
At least he a had decent taste in predator
You are not entitled to free art. If anything you owe ME for all the requests I already did.
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Pony needs you to check her for "lumps"
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Nope, those wings make them top cute.
>Celestia invites you to be shrunken down and come move into her vagina and live there permanently.
>Of course you accept, and as you are strolling through the palace on your last day of being full-sized, you bump into Princess Luna
>"Oh, you are going to go live inside my sister's horse vagina? Neat. Well, there's just one thing you need to know about and I bet she didn't tell you. Her and I have sisterly queefing contests every other night. Sometimes they can be pretty fierce, knock-down drag-out fights."
>Thank Luna for her heads-up and meet with Celestia a little bit later.
>She asks you if you're sure you still want to go. Last chance to change your mind
what do
no, i'm not a giant furfag

i'm an enormous furfag
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What if Pank was for mellow
Alright then

I never got a particular request done from you, ever but meh.
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Pank is for ascension.
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Kill you.
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*lyre chiming*
Already? Before her other friends?
Pinkie is the unfest when her hair is halfway between straight and curly
will you rest your head on her pillowy bosom?

I can't imagine what that looks like, got an image?

Don't listen to the other response, I've been polite this whole thread.

What I have to say to that is that I do not have to do any give and take. I'm an artist, yes, but I'll draw what I want, man. Nothing personal.
What. The fuck.
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I don't owe you shit.
i wonder what qualifications it takes to become a pokemon designer.
they are really running out of pokemon
>tfw everything in life loses its luster and can't recapture the magic and wonder anymore
>Tfw you had it
>Tfw MLPG even talked about it
>Tfw your hard drive died

My life is hell.
Holy unf
Rate this idea out of 10

>jock pone from comic fucking Cadence while shining armor peeks through a door.
celestia is fat
>tfw you never lost that luster for the magic of something you love and never will
>"Lets do naughty things, Anon..."
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you didnt get the point
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You're about to get a few posts about ntr being terrible but I kind of like it
I would amend it to them doing something completely mundane but shinning THINKS they are fucking
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If it's timed after they're married.
Pony wants to listen to your magical music slab thingy.
What song do you pick?
I don't get it
Still a little bit unf
>You two end up egging the mayors house
The world needs more tubby dragons
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not that great. change it to the jock fucking SA in lockerroom and cadance peeks through and then i am in.
>implying the father didn't just want a reason to hit them
Pony says you can thank pony now
Pony says go ahead
maybe you're just not old enough yet
translation: that pokemon is so bland like this shtity pone :^)

>Be Comfortable, Creature by Explosions In The Sky
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>after they are married

I dont have an image more wtf enough.
Evidently nothing anymore, especially after that fucking ice cream cone.
FIM theme
That should be fun
>>13867778 I like this Idea
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Very fat.
Man you must be a real riot at parties anon
here's a response
>that fucking head
I laughed pretty hard
>a panel of them playing a board game or something
>next panel cadence is like
"so... wanna fuck?
Why did this reaction make me laugh so hard?

I dunno man. I've still got Teddy bears from when I was a newborn
i need to source on this right now
You ever drawn Babs?

you should even if you already have
She grows wider every season.
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Didn't we already have something like that?
I don't care but i want more cadence teen art. Her bun hairstyle was much cuter than the one she has as a princess.
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I feel helpful right now so here

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