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Happy 10th Birthday, 4chan!

I toasted 4chan's 10th anniversary from 37,000 feet. What an amazing ten years it's been. Thanks, everyone.


On Saturday we hosted 4chan: The Official 10th Anniversary Panel at Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013, and streamed it live on YouTube.
You can watch the full panel video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0QRnufms-0

Also, we temporarily re-opened /con/ (first time in 6 years!) for people to post their AWA and panel pics, stories, etc.
Thanks to everyone who made it to our meetup + panel!

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Last Thread

Dash felt left out when everyone but herself has a pet. Was it right for Rainbow Dash to hole a race for getting the best pet? What animal do you think would fit better for Dash in that race? Was it Turtle or tortoise?
you're mam
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nigga who fucking knows?
All tortoises are turtles.
Not all turtles are tortoises.
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Why is it so dead?
we're slowly being saved
it feels more appropriate to specify the tortoise as a tortoise
Damn, I'm in early this time!
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nightmare night soon
>Shipping show characters with your OC
Absolutely discussing.
>tfw boku no titans is on hiatus now
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What if Celestia goes as Nightmare Moon this year?
Nightmare Night isn't for a while thankfully. I still need to get my Naked Snake costume together.
It is?
Time for me to watch it now!
Everything I love is on hiatus. While things I don't care enough to pay attention to are back, like Korra.
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I wish I could be be in the front row of a mac product unveiling press conference, just so when they go "dis new macbook is 11 percent thinner!! :DDD" I could stand up and yell "WHO GIVES A SHIT".
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I enjoy being a huge autist and monumental dickhead too.
pony kind of likes you
pony kind of hopes you like him too
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But seriously though that's the only thing they have to advertise shit with.
I'm about to hurt pony's feelings
Yeah, we can still hang out though.
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Her butt would never be up to the required standard
Is that a challenge, sister?
I didn't even notice the crown until I saw the arrow pointing to it
that ass 2 fat
She'd have to do that silhouette darkening thing she, Big Mac, and Luna did in the comics.
She's got the fattest butt when she gets enough love.
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No... Just a fact.
Rigor mortis gentlemen.
It's been a pleasure serving with you.
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Death is not the end
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>gender =/= gender

goddamn that made my throw up my coffee
Death is just the beginning.
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I want twilight to mindrape me to death and raise my corpse to serve her for eternity
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One month?
We'll just see...about that.
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Do you really?
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You can still save us anon

summon the pone
Oh goodie, the Twifu fags are jacking off to the thought of her mind raping them for eternity again.
pony is not allowed outside
Arise, General
That pony is so happy to go into the basement.
relieve me of the flesh burden
tether my soul to yours and command my bones
is that berry punch's sober sister
There's a skeleton inside you right now.
I don't believe you.
I know. I've accepted her and we're having a cup of tea right know.
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thats 3 spooky anon
i'm bored
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Pony IS NOT for basement anon. It voids the warranty and makes pony unhappy.


Only if she has pegasuseses in her family
>i'm bored
Hm, what?
Pony is only not for basement if pony is happy to wear clothes. It's in the pony manual.
rub one out to best pony
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What are you doing for Rartober?
>ctrl+f "pinkie"
>0 of 0
>ctrl+f "pinkie"
>1 of 2
>Not becoming a the warlock Twilight privately trained throughout the year
>Not forging your own staff from the flesh of fallen anons
>Not secretly plotting against her while putting on the facade of a ruthless warlock/magic understudy
>Not travelling deep within sprawling Everfree, subduing some large timberwolves as "war dogs" and finding some diamond dogs to help you in your counter attack
>Not making her your slave a few months before completely mind-wiping her and sending her into the gates of tartarus
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i was gonna start the whole
>girl on the internet
troll, but then i realized how bored i must be to even consider that
it's happening
can I still be a skeleton?
Haven't you heard about female skeletons? You should spend a little while in a skeleton community, you'd learn quite a few things.
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>Not posting the gif
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What's a test run in that context?
Odds:BF4 Beta
I like the part where she snuggle those dolls closely.
This is going to blow up so badly I'm going to laugh.
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worst ship by far
Sasuke, pls
Either it blows up, generating entertaining drama, or it will be entertaining. It's a win-win situation.
I can't
The pacing is very strange.
That looks really ugly
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I want to do that to pone.
Time of beb: 4:36 pm
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Its just a couple of people BSing with eachother about MLPG or something in podcast form. Maybe I am missing something but I don't see what exactly there is to blow up
1 2 3 4
Whats with the skull part? Why is that even needed here?
Anon will find a way. I guarantee it.
>you will never have a big coltfriend
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Inevitably at least one of the two shitposters will jump on the opportunity, more accurately they already have.
I'm betting he's talking about shitposting about circlejerking and shit.
It was the missing no joke from older pokemon games
>podcast happens
>everyone is having a good time
>sentenal shows up
>thread derails
>podcast turns into a meatball
>LK become Chief Ramsey
i fucking hated this quest, the whole thing was stupid, i hate it when people draw Pinkie being coy

Despite everything this animation is really really good.
>tfw no pony's hair will ever be as fabulous as mega Ampharos'
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Hah what
I can't help but feel like I've seen that "stroking" animation somewhere else.
And then she died of Mercury poisoning
the whole Buttom's Nom thing is the latest form of awful
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why do americans always draw the mercury inside a thermometer red?

its silver
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Instead of >feeling, celebrate and bask in theglam metal glory that is Mega Ampharos
It's not mercury or silver you idiots. American thermometers use alcohol with red dye.
Good, okay... But really really good? I wouldn't go that far.
Any surreal MLP fan art? Strange and bizarre versions of the world and other such things?
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you guys can't even have real thermometers can you?
That is the only cutest thing in that video.
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I guess.
Well BCS drew retarded things trying to be 3deep5u around a month ago, maybe two months. Check her tumblr or DA if you are feeling brave.
Chocolate eggs are banned here cause some retard kid choked on them, whatda you think?
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Why are you so angry and hostile all the time, anon?
Why can't you just enjoy loving cute pones?
Pony wouldn't do drugs at all.
MLPG people are not interesting enough for a podcast

There is already an annoying amount of contributor worship in these threads, and this podcast business will just multiply it
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Well, I have this
It won't be about MLPG people, as I've understood.
Right on time >>13832589
>American thermometers use alcohol with red dye.
I already knew that. I just wanted to make that comment.
Everyone is doing it wrong. They use Pinkie to project
Go back to sucking tiaras fat smegmafilled cock somewhere else, away from mlpg
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That was a nice comment, Anon.
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soon you will need to pay a license to have forks in your house

didnt know that until this thread, i always assumed they were just drawn that way because CARTOONS.

the more i know
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that's not how you smear
>he doesnt know about frame smurs
It's about MLPG people, not just MLPG

It's basically going to be an off topic skype call, but recorded for others to listen to.
>judging animation on a single frame
I bet you think smear frames are animation errors
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Don't talk about animation if you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about whatsoever
What? I buy chocolate eggs every Easter. Is my wal-mart trafficking illegal sugary sweets?
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I did this dumb thing
>It's basically going to be an off topic skype call, but recorded for others to listen to.
With much more structure than a regular skype call, I hope.
But that's a smear
It's two friends podcasting that might bring in some more mlpg people to guest star

mlpg thinks this means they have their own private podcast and they're all apart of it
Oh my. I didn't think it would reach here that fast xD
I dunno
if no one critiqued when you posted it the first time, no one's going to care this time.
>make an error
>it was intentional guise
Try to convince me a human would draw something like that intentionally.
I'd probably let mega ampharos fuck me
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only the Kinder brand chocolate eggs were banned because they come with little pointy plastic toys inside which americans eat whole because they can't into chewing their aliments, it killed some retarded kid and bam, b&
no magic of friendship
at least you added celest's wings
Wow, that is extremely old. The template you use, I mean.
I only learned last week that putting cucumber slices on your face and eyes is actually a real thing for beauty masks and not just a cartoon gag
I was stunned, it was more or less the same thing if someone told me that if an anvil falls on your head, your body actually becomes an accordion

No, that's not a smear frame
Notice the clear outlines of an unfinished face and leg
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What, you think she wouldn't get coy when being sheckshual?
fuck off
It's a bit sketchy.
I really like the Celestia and the last panels.
>candy with pointy plastic toys inside

Well no fucking wonder they're banned
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u wanna fkn go m8
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It's a joke smear. Look at the face, it's clearly a frame meant to be found.
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they point that fact out in every single advertisement they make
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I think it's just Kinder&Ferrero stuff. I pity you, americans.
They also used to rape other toys like in this gif

10/10 reference
>human poses

Those smear frames clearly implied motion
Is an unfinished frame
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I like that Celestia. I would buy her a cake to cheer her up!
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>it was more or less the same thing if someone told me that if an anvil falls on your head, your body actually becomes an accordion

it... it doesn't?

the whole selling point of Kinder eggs is the toy inside, its on the TV commercials AND stated in both the box and the paper wrapping it, not only through text but through imagery of white middle class kids playing with the things, how american do you have to be to miss all that and eat the thing whole?
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coy, stupid, retarded
yes, i expect better from Pinkie. Just erase her whole personality anyways, for the sake of moving your unimaginative plot. The "total slave" guy has more imagination when it comes to sexual Pinkie.
Just everything about the animation was terrible
Is it really a bad thing that our thermometers won't kill us if they break?
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Oh my god pinkie

fetishization of homosexuality? you mean…

you mean how lesbian porn is shot and directed towards men?

and in 90% of media that has the decency to show a lesbian relationship a character unironically finds it sexy and we’re supposed to laugh and agree with that character?

and how the representation of girl on girl relationships is so underdeveloped because many consider lesbians to be a taboo?

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I don't have bizarre, but I have a special little stash of neat styles.
It looks like a rabbit
>if Ross could draw good.jpg
I dislike that animator
>tiara gets money for someone else's animation
Pony wouldn't smoke pot.
>slapping off Pinkie when offered
That anon deserve no pony at all.
I know this isn't it, but goth pank is really cute
hello, late 90's
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What the fuck is going on in that gif?
Who turned Tuck into a pony?
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Alrighty then.
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I've married my little pony
That was a joke smear, it was meant to be found.
i have a bunch of folders of drawing styles i like for reference.
the second largest folder in the pone section is ghost's stuff
Me too. I'm very happy with Twilight Sparkle.
cat-eared robot girl thing toy eats chocolate egg, builds transformer toy, is attacked by transformer toy, knocks transformer toy over to assert dominance.
I summon tiarawhy in defense mode!!
>it was intentional
>i'm totally not a shitty hack cock sucking asdnnnuwefneffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
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Stylized pony!
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Twilight sparkle is nonsexual, though
My little pony isn't
I feel like that could have gone a lot better
how much money have you received on september alone?
What's it like living in a solid gold mansion?
Fluffy is much better not only at aniating, but also at "being a decend human being"ing.

There was rape
A lot of off-scene rape
You don't know Twilight Sparkle very well, do you?
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oh you want to play yugioh?
shouldnt you be drinking vodka right now or something
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No, your animation is terrible and you're a cunt.
tell me, what's more of a shitpost


or these

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what draw?

Expect terrible beginner to tablets drawing.

Also how the fuck to you guys make such nice pretty even circles with a graphics tablet...paper is a lot easier than this.
Fluffy may be stiff but its way better than someone who crealy worships John K
fuk off m8
Are you planning to die soon? I hope so.
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I know that horse pretty well, actually.
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It's just held for 2 frames between the 2 smears
scootaloo and featherweight
fuck off Tiarawhy

to die
Use your shoulder to make the strokes instead of just wrist movements. Also practice a lot.
You don't know her as well as I do.
I don't. Perfect circles are for hacks
Potatoes all the way bro.

Jokes aside, I've often see the trick of drawing a big black circle and erasing the inside with a pen size slightly smaller.

Also draw a Chrysalis please.
no one cares
it sucked
Apparently you care
That was terrible
And now we're the Sonic fandom.
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and then this donation thing.
tiara really knows how to scam people.
i thought it was ok
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>Jokes aside, I've often see the trick of drawing a big black circle and erasing the inside with a pen size slightly smaller.
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it wasn't that bad, i just hate it because Buttom's Nom
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I know all there is to know about my little Purple
is it badly drawn or what? Nobody seems to find this interesting. No unf?
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Also what is every fandom ever
Stop trying to shit on the Sonic fanbase by comparing them to us, they're quite respectable people.

holy shit he knows how to market to gullible fucking bronies, if anything it's admirable

how blind can you fucking be
The heads are strange. A bit flat for ponies. And look at the size of the slut's neck!
>being tiaradrones
Can you post the one where she's like "i told him his story was cool, but it wasn't"
we should all just pretend to be fluttershy like you do
fight fire with fucking holocaust nuclear aids ebolapox

u guess
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All-around second best filly
But she's not your little purple.
How many people you've murdered yet?
Were their corpses good?
What's wrong with donation things? Everyone gets a product and people who want to donate can. I don't see the problem, it's not like he's keeping it behind a paywall and making you pirate it instead.
I do not save macros of my little Purple, sorry.
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Stop trying to argue with retards
Pony made weed brownies and only told you after you ate them.

How do you react?
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Oh i know, that's not what i meant.
This one is mine now.
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How does a dead artist come back to life?
Nothing is wrong with donations.

There's plenty of wrong with giving money to tiara, though.
what a sadistic little purple horse

>one-punch man concept based on real shit

well damn
Twilight Sparkle and I wish you two happiness.
I dunno. Concept should be unf, but lots of little things about it just kill it for me.Too shiny, Rarity doesn't have a mouth, Applejack's face is weird, Rarity's whole head doesn't look right to me, the blushes are more like bloodied scratches.
Hah.. A talking horse.. Hahahah
pretend to be high because placebo effect
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Bash pone's head into the wall and stomp on pone's neck until there is no more twitching.

Leave a note saying "pony poisoned me and now I must take her life and my own"

Then shoot myself in the head
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Joke's on the pony, I switched all the weed brownies with cocaine coated cookies.



Pony is not having an A1 day

what do
>All these people who are okay with poisoning
I bet you were okay with those kids who sold weed brownies at a school bake sell
I fucking love that gif.
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Twilight Purple can tell me so herself.

Tell pony to stop quoting current memes in an attempt to seem relevant.
the donation raffle thing is pretty shady. i think its even illegal in most places.
w-well i-i'm sorry, y-you want me to reccomend another car wash?
Why is she so perfect, MLPG?
Man, fuck that documentary. 20 seconds in and it's already sensory overload.
Looks like something a dumb pothead would come up with.

I don't wanna look it up. What's the donation thing? What's being offered and what's the price limits?
The sharpshooter was pretty neat. Nailed a really tiny thing in midair.
She's busy right now. Maybe you can visit us later.
you were on /x/ yesterday too
Fine fine.
Donate 5$ or above, and a random winner will be chosen. Winner will get a custom animation done by Tiara and Mittsies. Doesn't say how long of an animation, only that the characters has to be from the show, and that some fetish restrictions may apply.
Pony insists on not being cummed on her face
Pay 5 bucks to enter a rafle for a full complete animation. The winner will be picked on random on live stream.
pony ate your snacks
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what if you go to equestria and your favorite pony is a huge meme and tiarawhy lover?

That's not bad at all honestly. Pretty smart. I would've priced it lower I think.
>inb4 I came on pony's face
I have no snacks
Bronies throw money at anything though. If anything he could have priced higher.
Would anyone like a draw request?
>Terraria 1.2 has a Pinkie Pie human NPC that sells party goods
Well, duh, pony ate them.
Scootaloo wearing a hat.
Rainbow Dash scared and shaking from behind
no I mean I never had snacks to begin with
I am a very poor man
i hope they choose the winner by looking through the tumblrs of the donators and choosing someone who isnt a complete retard. you dont want some idiot winner choosing lame ponies with a stupid fetish and making your flash look bad.

im sure someone popular is going to win.
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>not being a cartoon
It's funny how no one else is still making any fucking flash games to make money off bronies. Everyone here knows how tiaras doing it, why isnt anyone else trying it?
are you asking for requests or if someone is taking requests?

I don't really see a reason to look down upon him for that then.

It's a market that's profitable, and he's using it smartly. I can't find any reason to dislike someone for being profitable besides jealousy.
Pinkie pie would robably just make black and orange ones then

maybe ones that taste like candy corn too.
futa sharks
Because it's one thing to say how to do it than actually to spend time doing it.
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What if the only way you could travel with pony were like this?
i'd tell pony not to fret, and that i don't consider pony an animal
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I'm not really interested in making money with something that doesn't interest me.
I also have other projects.
Fuck off
It's a /b/ meme
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Would you trust pony enough to crash at your place?
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mspaint is surprisingly fun to scribble with
Learning to animate is pretty hard work
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Nevermind him, he's from /b/.
He's obsessed with this shit
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Twilight dressed as dantilan
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>you're driving with your windows down blasting Winter Wrap Up when suddenly this horse trailer pulls up right next to your car

>what do
every time i see this i imagine celestia has a tiny body with giant head

someone draw it out
Oh that.
I just need to make sure she doesn't figure out my password
I miss pre-Seven's paint. It was simpler and less bloated.
>arrive in my bedroom
>implying clothes in my closet
>implying laptop
Do a 360 and drive out of there
I would refurnish the inside of that cabin to make it comfy for my pony.
>implying I have more than a single set of clothes
>tfw the only thing acceptable to blast in your car is rap music and country
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>someone going through my room when i am out

this is my worst fear in life right now.
>your favorite pone will never be in Smash Brothers
I love you.
For pixel-art, pre-seven paint was much nicer to use.

Aside from the color picker still being crap, I actually have with drawing with these brushes win7 added.
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What are you talking about, they confirmed her a while back.
yell at them to show tits
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Of course, specially that one.
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thanks Rose, i love you too!
>implying anyone gives two shits about your collection of dragon dildos
I actually have fun*
we can dream, but imagine the scourge it would cause. Pony would be more mainstream than ever
If she did, she'd probably be only in full princess mode

unless final smashes were back
>winking Celestia
oh my
>pony goes through your room and finds your dragon dildos
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Who cares. Sanic is back, and that's all that matters.
GTA Online
I only use SAI for pixel art nowadays. But yeah, it's not a bad drawing program.
>hey Dash have you seen my boxer briefs, they're all missing
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I'm gonna call it a day
Good night, MLPG
Pone wouldn't want to be in a shitty fighting game series.
They are back.
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Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
huh, when did they announce him?
Dash, please refill the Brita for once.

And pick up your horse panties from the living room. That's disgusting.
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>using briefs

Today nigga
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Sure. I have nothing to hide!

I am more worried if the pony could trust me.

Pony just stuck her butt in your window. What do?
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>horse panties
Why don't you be a good homemaker and pick up her panties and make her a sandwich
Close curtains
pony is secretly a fifth columnist
Start speaking with her vagina.
What makes horse panties any different from regular panties?
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>not wanting to live in an egalitarian utopia
the dimentions and proportions
They smell like pony.

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Pony says you're too safe.
Pony complains that you'd rather do nothing
They expand to cover potentially embarrassing horseboners.
Unpredicable schedules and accident prone
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I would take pony on a hike or explore in a wilderness. How about them apples?
>Rara sama
having to go to bed at a reasonable hour
Would you go with Rarity on an action packed trip to Detroit?
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>Implying there are any downsides to having best pony as roommate
Well, I guess pony DOESN'T want to go rapid rafting in Tartarus after all.

Pony is a loser.
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>playing GTA V online
>playing GTA V
>spending money on GTA V
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Everything is a crisis and or/panic worthy

God help you if a spider appears

also flower themed decorations everywhere
This is why you're alone, you pathetic psychopath
Say goodbye to any privacy you might have with Pinkie as your roommate
>Twilight or Zecora

Twilight keeps me up at night with experiments. Of which I'm sometimes unknowingly a subject. On top of that owls are terrifying and spike has burned my sheets three separate times. I have to wipe my internet history every. fucking. hour. Also purple as in my face all the damn time. It's distracting.

Zecora also does experiments but luckily will ask before trying to experiment. The dozen-or-so glowing bottles in the fridge are worrying, though. They've eaten through the glass a few times. Won't teach me about alchemy, and that's a shame. Also I those masks are freaking me out and the fumes aren't helping that fact.
that pony looks bleached

I declare a hoof war.
AJ would get up really early and would probably smell after being out all day working
I would use this to cause torment to no end.
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she just hasnt hard her morning cup yet
>Gets mad when you dog-ear book pages
>Gets mad when you don't re-shelve books, even if you're currently reading them
>Tries to force you into a strict schedule
>Drags you out with telekinesis if you refuse to go outside to make friends (assuming humans aren't magic nullifiers and can't learn magic)
>Always beats you at warhammer
>And 40k
>And MtG
>Minmaxes in every RPG
>Uses you to test new spells
>Treats you like spike sometimes, just out of habit

Twilight is a shitty roommate

Is that Lauren's daughter or something?
She periodically expresses her concern about my unhealthy living habits.
Not that that's necessarily bad, but it will make me feel like crap.
>you will never stroke her cock
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Is it time?
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Hey Anon! Why do you have folders full of pony crotchtits on your laptop?
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Either she is too afraid to get out of the room or she would whimper that she misses the forests and all her animal friends.
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Why the fuck not? Leave me alone Pinkie I was edging and you ruined it.
>"what's edging?"
>pinkie will never give you a superspeed deathgrip handjob
Is there any more of goth pie? I remember a picture where she's excited for a party, catches herself, and sombers up. Shit was 2cute4me
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I can see it.

But Spike would be a total bro.
And it'd make her feel bad because she wants to help but she knows that she has to let me make my own decisions, unhealthy or not.
And that would make me feel even worse.
>nasty uncleaned teeth

>tfw no more time
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Probably her laziness would be her bigges con. She could be pretty messy as well, and speed metal 24/7

which pony roommate would enjoy having casual and emotionless sex with you
flicky little tail
Your pony roommate is ___8-Bit____
Mrs Cake, Gilda or Pinky Pie
I'm a psychopath for not getting getting gta v? I was already like that before
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>implying Dash doesn't listen to Motörhead on a constant loop

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>pony roommate
ps3 or 360?
Although she is a griffon Gilda is still a pony.
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Good thing I've got noise cancelling studio headphones.
Motörhead is okay but listening to it on repeat would drive me nuts
griffon is not pony
>casual emotionless
you mean she's asleep? Because that is my fetish
Why do I find the "something 2: electric Scootaloo" pony jokes so funny
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>having gilda as your roommate
I am sure you just want some causal sex from her, but Gilda will force you to do all the cooking and clean. And pay the bills. And berated your every moment.

This anon speaks the truth.
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she would probably wake me up every morning by jumping on me

she is a very excitable pony
because chikun
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maybe if you don't punch her in the nose first to assert dominance
sex with Anonymous
>not kicking her in the ovaries
You guys are implying children will read the box before they eat what they presume is candy. Especially a retarded kid.
Griffon is not pony but Gilda is pony.

No, DD. She's not asleep, and you're not raping her.
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She'd just punch you back.
sex with Bon Bon
Flavorless posts
And then we'd have sex
The "pointy plastic toys" are inside of a huge plastic container. I have no idea how anyone could be retarded enough to try and swallow that.
Actually, you'd need to swallow the whole fucking chocolate egg in one piece to not realize there's plastic in it and that should already be pretty dangerous without the plastic.
It's good, I like having it.
sex with hardcover secret belgian binded books
>I have no idea how anyone could be retarded enough to try and swallow that.
A retarded kid.
that hurts
The plastic container is big. A kid that's stupid enough to try and swallow it will also sooner or later try to shove its own fist down its throat and die anyway.
Yeah, that's how any interaction with Gilda usually works. That's part of the appeal.
sex with shining armor and 8-bit
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>you will never recreate Jackass stunts with Gilda, Dash, and Scootaloo
Winghugs from Rainbow Dash
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>throat fisting
thanks for the new fetish, asshole
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Ponies and humans and griffons and diamond dogs and minotaurs and goats and dragons and buffalo and zebras and donkeys and mules and mimickers and deer.
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Gilda is second-best personhorse.
>it turns out she's one of those motherly types that's constantly pushing baked goods on you
>but they taste like shit
>she uses hay in all of them
>second best
anal with apples
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It would be nice if the show or the comic introduce a female griffon that isn't as violent as Gilda.
beb as fuck
But Gilda was never shown being violent. Aggressive perhaps, but never violent.
Drink tea and vodka all the time and squat instead of owning furniture

Like I already do

Thanks slavic heritage
Princess Celestia's fat butt
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>she has some Slavic blood in her

All this means is she will be as adorable as Mascha.
Is there a pic of Celestia squatting?
I really don't understand the squatting thing. Someone want to explain?
And the first?
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That is true, but Gilda leave such a bad stigma that follows her for all these years.

At least that japanese fan comic about gilda was cute and nice, for a change.
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Whatcha gonna do with all those apples?
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Rarity is best.
Twilight Sparkle requested for you to bring some human literature for her to read to further her understanding on human society.

What do you bring her?
my dick
All those apples inside yo'... bapples?
Guards! Guards!
I tell her it's an accurate retelling of historical events
La Charca
Past Sins.
How to Kill a Mockingbird
Nowhere to sit outside, nowhere to sit inside. Why else would you be squatting?
Harry Potter series. And then tell her it's based off a true story.

the Commies banned chairs and it's a carry-over from the USSR.
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Pinkie is best person horse.
The Bible, the Quran, 1984, the Odyssey, the Iliad, The hunt for red October, and something by Hemingway.
franz kafka's collected works, a few history books, and an anatomy/physiology book or two in case she wants to know what human penises do
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Chubby Gilda is now your roommate
Good Omens
>bible and quran

most religious people don't care about half the shit in those. she'd just think we stone disobedient children to death and decide what to eat based on whether or not it chews cud.
Fuck, this does not deserve to be unf, but it is.
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>this is the story on the life of an artist I used to talk to!
too thin/10
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World War Z.
Tell her it's nonfiction.
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well that is their problem
maybe gilda just really likes iron will's assertiveness lessons
cultural significance and influence. Probably moreso with the bible.

I don't follow either but for someone that wanted a comprehensive study of human literature, understanding the bible is pretty important

I just threw the Quran in because why not.
American Gods.

stuffed belly is always megasexy

>you will never rub your cock against that big fat sloshy belly and in her bellybutton until you cum all over her
She looks preggers though
>Pinkie Pie
>Way too loud and hyperactive
>Try to get people to be my friends
>Would question me about my lack of friends
>Would probably want me to do drugs

>Pony vag
>Cute and cuddly
>Floofy mane
>Can make cakes (although I am a diabetic)
Write more bellybutton stories, LK
I need it
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>getting double-teamed by Iron Will and Gilda with a strap-on
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I am mad at you anon and I don't know why
>Rainbow's nipples

I'd love to just take that Fluttershy out on a picnic at the park, and spend all day just talking to each other and enjoying the sights of nature

I'm sorry

I'll sleep out in the barn tonight

don't get mad, get glad
Casual babby faggot.

Battle Royale.

Tell her it's non-fiction.

Failing that, the screenplay for Evangelion.

Tell her it's etcetera.
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no, like this

Aw yeh
The bible isn't as important as the way people interpret it was my point

You need to bundle it with some history and theology books or it's misleading
>Battle Royale and Evangelion
>calls others casual babbies
I'd love to just take her boots off and sniff her smelly feet after a long day of hiking through whitetail woods
Is it because I broke that apple cart?

Because that was totally on purpose and I'm not sorry.

Looks like you can't work until it's fixed.
I guess we'll just have to have the day to ourselves.

How's your penis?
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>doing anything else with Fluttershy in any form that isn't glancing at her in disgust and quickly depart in the fastest possible way
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Can it time be for bug horse?
>Anon tries this
>Gets hit, and then AJ makes him fix the cart
what the fuck are you going to show her, some moeshit?

evangelion, punpun, and kaiba are some of the best
"Candide" by Voltaire
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>that size difference

Although WWZ is terrible.

A more fun way to fuck with bookpone would be something like House of Leaves.
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Atlas Shrugged and The God Delusion.
Pony becomes euphoric.
>Anon cannot into hard-working girls.

>No matter how much he wishes.
Good call

Some history books and a copy of "The Prince" as well?
Are you telling me you wouldn't use her for sex before leaving without speaking to her or looking at her and never talking to her again?
Canadians are a pimple on the ass of America.
Nice government you've got.
No, that's Mexico. Canada is America's funny hat.
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Normally I don't care about FS, but there's something about that human FS that makes me like her a lot.
Canadian bacon butt lover.
>clogging up our vending machines with their fake money
>sneaking their fake bacon into our grocery stores
>smuggling illegal maple syrup over the border
>goose rustling

the snowback is the greatest scourge to face this great nation.
It's the future we chose
>even remotely thinking of touching Uttershyte
>sticking your dick in that filthy used goods
Abusing Fluttershy is just wrong...
The thick eyebrow makes her look too manly.
It's nice that Goat gave it a try though
the canadian education system makes americans look like a bunch of prodigies taught by clones of famous intellectuals

i wish i went to school in america
So Florida is America's penis?
The only bad thing about America is Americans and American society.

And America.
She obviously does drugs so there's no problem with it.
>large blue eyes
>long hair
>strawberry blonde

I think it's the fact that you have a penis
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We resemble that remark
People who generalize Americans are the worst

It's like assuming all of Europe is a combination of the UK and a poor slavic state with France and Germany as islands of sophistication and reasonable people.
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i know what you mean, but that only elevates her from complete crap to just okay.
who AMERICA here?


Floridiots are disliked by all ponies
I'm not a fan of big tits/hips Fluttershy since I can never imagine her voice coming out of that body
I feel the same way for most humanized Rarity pics.
Hey why did you delete it, I didn't get a chance to see it :(

it's far better to generalize by state. america is more like a fragmented empire not unlike rome than a unified nation with a single identity.

for example, idaho is full of idiots and canadians, whereas washington is full of microsoft, coffee, and canadians.
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I need a link to the page hosting the IDW comics in pdf form!

But just -how- gay is Gaffer?
Not gay in the least.

"Say you want it, slut. Say it."

"I want it..."

"Louder. Unless you want me to stop."


Abusing Fluttershy is literally the best.
Gay enough
Open enough to bet sexual favors with his group of friends in games
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I'd love tenderly that Fluttershy
or fuck her hard if she's in Flutterbitch mode
>Actually caring about a half life movie
>People still caring about half life
We need more gay porn of Gaffer
Straight as a pole
I'd rather get high with Fluttershy than abuse her.
Yes and BCS is a huge wad of smegma.
More heterosexual than you.
I'd rather beat you up and then steer fluttershy away from drugs.
Someone draw Big Mac fucking that pegasus mare that Pain and Panic turned into in Hercules.
That doesn't really seem like abuse so much as kinky sex.
Gaffer is equally heterosexual and homosexual.
Zecora would be more fun to blaze with
rarity wants to go flying with rainbow dash
But you see, she didn't want it at first.
nonsexual sex with gilda
>implying I wouldn't want her to abuse me so hard.
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>"Tsk tsk tsk, how do you expect to please a mare with something so small? I'm going to have to prescribe you some medicine to help you out with that. In the mean time, take these suppplements to get used to the feeling"
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That's it, thank you.
party inside pinkie

now we're fuckin' talking.
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You're not a doctor, Fluttershy, fuck off. You're not even a goddamn animal doctor, you're some crazy hermit who collects animals. You don't know anything AND you smell like shit. Fuck off.
best ponies to get high with: Pinkie, Zecora, Dash, Gilda, Twilight, Celestia, Mayor Mare
But Rarity is a unicorn and can't go flying. She is slightly disappointed, just like she is by something every day.

Rarity realises that life is very long and filled with nigh-constant tiny deaths.

Well, wasn't that a good story.
Good night kids, sleep tight, don't let the crushing inevitability whatever, go to sleep.
fluttershy, I came here for an ear inspection
Size shaming/penis modification fetishists creep me out
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Luckily, Rarity becomes an alicorn and she and all her friends can go flying together.
best ponies to completely forbade drugs and focus on the magic arts with:Twilight (objectively best pony, but not my waifu)
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Rarity already went flying with Dash

it did not end well
I feel like Twilight would be that annoying little first-time high bitch that won't fucking shut up and just ride the waves.

Celestia would be chill as all fuck though. As would Luna.
>you will never rape Gilda
>you will never see her go from furious and trying to buck you off of her to sobbing and just half-heartedly pleading with you to stop
>you will never leave her bruised, battered, and broken

Just like the rape scene in Irreversible.
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Don't be too sad. Right now she's in heaven and has been granted powers to create whatever universe she can invision and do anything she wants in it.
Mormons please.
twilight is intelligent enough to see no harm in using a chemical to temporarily modify your brain chemistry, so long as it's not detrimental to your long term health

rarity is the type to forbid things on principle because they're "just bad" because she's fucking nuts.
That's the secret conclusion to Applebuck Season.

Applebloom walks in and yells "Hey! He's MY boyfriend!"

>3k in 3 minutes
You disgust me
So you encouraged her to step outside her comfort zone. She's enjoying herself by the end, right?
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Despite herself. She doesn't want to enjoy getting slapped in the face with every thrust.
He'd not gay he's just a nerd. And didn't the other one put on on the dress?
>Brony ponies

0/10 would not bang
People care about Megaman.
Capcom has been murdering Megaman.
People have been switching off from Capcom
Megaman creators create 'Megaman' and ask for a little money to help them.


This is very good.
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Would Rainbow Dash tell embarassing stories of Fluttershy at Wonderbolts camp when they were younger?
poindexter was the crossdresser
megaman ZX was the last megaman-named game i played

i never played any of the suppsedly terrible 3d/open world ones so i never got mad at anything
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How hasn't Pinkie Pie driven Twilight crazy yet
No, she wouldn't want anything to temporarily modify her brain chemistry, she's a good pony.
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Explain why marijuana is morally wrong to pony
What? MM Legends was fine. Nothing too mind blowing, but good fun.

Avoid X7 at all costs though. Christ what a piece of shit. At least X8 was pretty fun.
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>not casually smoking with your favorite villain
>smoking at all
Smoking what? Crack? Tobacco? Cannabis? Crystalized love? The dried and powdered hearts of innocent fillies?
Which Call design won? If it's not E then I'm not buying.
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>morally wrong
>you will never smoke Sweetie Belle's dried up and powdered remains
"Once upon a time a man had a monopoly on the manufacture of paper made from tree pulp. He also hated Mexicans very much.
One day he saw that the Mexicans were smoking that same plant that was used to make superior paper to his own and they seemed to enjoy it and that made him mad. He tried very hard to have the plant banned, so he could have his paper monopoly and also to take a little joy away from the Mexicans he hated so much, despite all of the plants useful properties (not just paper! Lots of things!) and because the men in charge also disliked mexicans it was actually pretty easy.

And that's why a plant that grows in the ground and isn't even hard to cultivate is illegal and wrong.

Well, good night, Twilight."
using logic or by using false dichotomies and screaming about degenerates ala quentin

because the first one is pretty hard unless you reuse kant's arguments about violating the ultimate purpose of man (which also make masturbation immoral), which are very, very debatable
I guess you could say she's CHILLIN' LIKE A VILLAIN.
Then anon took a long swig of vodka and lay in bed feeling bad because he didn't have the courage to get it on with pony

You can argue that anything that significantly alters you state of consciousness is morally wrong to use that way, but materialists and pragmatists would laugh you out of the room. Fucking rational people.
Okay, I dunno if I could do that...
Making her beg for the dick would be exhilarating though. Teasing her and goading her into getting more and more explicit with what she wants you to do to her.
wacky changeling tobacky, of course
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Since when did pony have time for morals anyway?
Morals are weak in nature and is saved for children.
Pony wants Philosophies.
Pony wants Ideals.

I doubt pony would listen to my chatter, although the "straight edge armor guy" is a caricature of my straight edge ideals it's still based on somewhat "in real life" things but I didn't actually beat my cousin because he did drugs, I gave him a stern talking to.

Sorry pony but I simply won't engage in alcohol,drugs or sex, instead I'll stay outside your home in steel armor waiting for any ruffians or changelings to make their move.
Or then he lit up a massive spliff and made to leave but was stopped by bookpone, her curiosity compelling her to at least try it for sciences sake.

Then stoned make-out time.
pony refuses to use any drug that doesn't increase her productivity
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Pony enjoys the suffering of others
wow, someone else that share the same opinion on that quest. i just find it funny that he decided to put extras of the quest behind a pay wall, after giving some out for free. gotta milk it for all it's worth i guess
According to Dick Cheney, marijuana funds the 9-11 terrorists that did the 9-11.


which any idiot gardener can produce using plants that are still legal to grow

lol american drug laws
but they fund themselves with opium
If you keep getting mad like that he'll keep posting
So you're a self-aggrandising faggot with delusions of importance who genuinely believes it matters what he thinks about the actions of others and that he can change them.

Good to know.
>He also hated Mexicans very much.
Race had nothing to do with it
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>human poses
that and it's also not that well done, the guy can't really draw anything but ponies, i find, so the human was poor
pony is taking your words out of context to smear you in public
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Pony says letting others dictate what you can and can't enjoy is a preposterous sentiment
Actually yes

Racist newspaper articles were even used as arguments for banning it

>Cannabis makes niggers act out of place! They look at white wimmens twice!
>Lazy spics won't tend your garden if they're smoking pot!
Pony should shut up
Pony refuses to leave until you eat her.
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But the bottom picture still looks horselike.

Pic related is the 2nd worst offender of human poses btw.
Pony just doesn't understand how the world works.
>"C'mon, lemme hear you say it."
>"I...I-I want you."
>"I'm right here."
>"No I mean...I...I want you...to...oh dear..."
>"Want me to what?"
>"To...take me..."
>"To the movies?"
>"N-No! I mean, that would be nice too, but..."
>"I mean I want...you...in me..."
>"What, like stab you?"
>"...Sort of?"
but when does it end?
Actually race has a bit to do with it. He wanted it banned because of the paper thing, but the fact that the mexicans smoked it was fuel for his ban-fire.

It wasn't a major issue, but it was certainly an issue.

And now Americans can't have a naturally occurring weed that grows in the dirt because of a racist paper merchant.

And here in England we can't have it because fun was banned by Queen Victoria a year before she died and also that was when we killed the sun.

It was our greatest triumph.
And our greatest sin.

And it never stops raining now.
pony is reposting that unfunny image/post again
Pony doesn't give a shit about drugs or anti-drugs.

Pony just wants to know one thing: WHEN'S MAHVEL?
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>open MLPG
>people STILL arguing over pot
Bottom one is them breaking their forelegs in what should be a detailed and memorable scene.
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Pony alternate mane styles!
>not pinkie pie reading the newspaper
>Implying I have delusions of importance or that I self-aggrandize myself
I simply don't like drugs and I don't like when people discuss them.

and checking previous threads a lot of people have been imitating and making fun of me, I just don't like drugs.
Quiet Woolie-pony. Mahvel time is any time.
Pony is a pie-stealing liar.
Pony wants you to stop posting one-line statements about her on imageboards.
I'd rather have Tiarawhy shitposting than this god damn pot shitposting
>the whole time this conversation is going on, you're sitting naked at the side of your bed with your dick standing fully erect and Fluttershy gazing hungrily at it
>"Fluttershy, I can't help you if you won't tell me what you want."
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That's a very masculine pony
We should talk about those nerds
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I like this comparison myself
I would lick pony's ponut.

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I can't really tell. It's all glowy and shit.
>not the very next few seconds of this scene

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derpy is a very ugly pony
Pony the liar stole my pie
Pony is disappointed in you.
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Oh yes.
Fuck you she has a butt of gold.
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She's a very ugly human too
oh, it's NBS

this explains everything
"Shitposting" has lost all it's meaning
>i'd rather have a person I dont like saying something then these faggots arguing about which freedoms to trample over next
screw it, i'll play hats instead.
or another chargin targe so i can craft them.
>in before both
shitposter pls

with that view, shitposting never existed

>these guys aren't shitposting, they're just posting in all caps about stupid things
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The ones from the front are creepy as hell
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stopped reading.

Fuck off.
>"Ohhh please quit teasing me! You know what I'm trying to say!"
>"I'm not sure I do."
>"I want you to f-!..."
>"I-I want you to fff-....!"
>"Can't quite hear you there Fluttershy."
>she promptly hides her flushed cheeks behind her bangs
>"...Good girl. I knew you had it in you."
I wish I were a real pony
Pegboard Nerds?
I have both of those if you want one.
post id

I have a spare
Well, she's about to, anyway.



Ha haaaa. Sex jokes.
i can believe that i guess but why is it illegal in other countries like russia or china.
I think it's cute

I want to kissu
I keep finding metal boxes how do I open them?
no argument pls
>inb4 "I dont need an argument, youre just wrong!"
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hey dork, your argument is right here >>13835092
I dont need an argument, you're just wrong
Scrubbles pls
keys that you trade for or buy

don't bother opening them unless you have divine luck or the crate number is divisible by 10
I don't know what that is.
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I like it.
i'll find what i need soon enough, but thanks anyway
Well that whomps.
I have like 5 now.
Oh well.
I hope I start finding weapons for the classes I love soon. I keep tripping over fish and launchers.
>with enough of this, you can get her so pent-up that she starts speaking like she's in an h-doujin
le irritable self-important aspergers man
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Cute horse
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>rarity and mrs cake, eh thats kinda cool i guess




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Anon was walking around in his new space marine suit and accidentally stepped on your favorite pony
you are one to judge, when you are kinda ugly yourself anon.
you can always go to the scrapbanking sites to trade for weapons you don't have

Scrap.tf and scrapbank.me allow you to trade for most things with ease

Also, I'll send you some items if you want
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But after her orgasm(s) she'd probably flush a deep enough red to look like Big Mac.

could master chief beat up spider-man
that's ok, I'm tony stark
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Hehehe, stupid goy.
Never have pancakes been more relevant
subtle 11/10
what pattern of armor?
*unsheathes twin powerswords and cocks meltagun*

Scrap.tf mate, it will let you trade for nearly any weapon you need with ease
>"Now...how do you want me to fuck you?"
>"How. Do you want me. To fuck you?"
>"Uh...I...I-I don't-!"
>"I'll do whatever you ask me to."
>"But only if you say it."
>"The more you say, the more I'll do to you."
>"So go on...Don't be shy."
Black templurr
>getting a boner to ponies
You bitched about not having them and now people want to give them to you for free and you decline?
Pony has straight edge anon locked in her basement, what do you do?
Oh damn Id totaly appreciate that! I'll check out your spares.
that's a chapter, not a partern of armor
But pony is supposed to be in the basement. Basement is not for human.
Geez, wh40k is a meme, not something you actually like.
And every lewd word out of her mouth would get her absolutely dripping.
Hey mlpg, how did fluffy ponies start?
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pony disagrees
Pony spent too long in the dryer.
Pour gasoline down the stairs and toss a match.
silly greentexts and cute art, just like batponies, background pony fanons, and satyrs
As a joke in MLPG. Back then the only death I can recall was drowning in absurd ways. Usually it was just cute stuff though.

we started writing and drawing cute things about extra-fluffy normal ponies

then we started making them pets

then people were writing them constantly every thread and it got annoying, so people started writing grimderp stuff

and then it stopped here, but the piss picked it up
As a joke.
batponies started out as being a thing on the show
i already added someone a while back who wanted me to give items, but i always feel like an ass for just taking something without any compensation so i declined.
and i'd rather keep vidya and MLPG seperate, because i don't want my name to be associated with sucking ass at hats.
i'm a casual and don't go in too deep.
Started on MLPG as death prone little ponies that anon always tried to helplessly save but usually failed.
that were blown out of proportion with cute art and greentexts, like all the other background ponies.
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Yes, I am okay with this.
be friends with him because I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any
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this is a thing that happens here dude
it's not even hardcore stuff mysterious blue pear for 2 refined

you just click the weapons you want, offer up an appropriate number in return and then trade with the bots

super simple stuff that takes no time at all
Shut up and take my items Xieril
Not the ones that people talk about always.
did anon draw that fluttershy orgasm denial
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Of course you are, you slutty little pony.
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Still, I doubt that they would even be a thing if they hadn't appeared during Luna Eclipsed. Or if Equestria Prevails hadn't drawn them.
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oh man, this was requested?
oh jeez
i got almost all unlockables and for now that's enough variety. i just wait for shit to drop
i don't even have a gibus
nobody even knows i play hats
i used to be good at TFC and it's almost amazing to see how hard your skill deteriorates
If EP didn't draw them, we wouldn't have talked about them, and they wouldn't have been a thing on /mlp/

So, as always, I blame MLPG for bringing something retarded into the spotlight
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Total slave for capital consumnerism!
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they're cute
anon said he'd give it a try yesterday, I'm eager to see it aswell
They are totally cute.
>bringing something retarded into the spotlight
like the first person who pointed out Derpy
Then you have the million OCs in their own little continuity thing
i love hiding
that is fucking nasty.
I don't give a fuck about that, I just save cute pictures

Who cares about those?
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Total slave for donkey cock!

>that Rarity

Welp, looks like I'm gonna fap to it
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T-t-total slave for c-crack cocaine!
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>Total slave for forced meme
You arrive in Equestria but Celestia demands that you receive a cutie mark as a human. She magically zaps your ass and your face appears on it with a giant cock in your mouth. How do you explain what your talent is?
If the AJ one does anal I'm going to be laughing too much to fap.
total slave for small cocks of cute boys in pretty dresses
>total slave for being mad and not knowing what a forced meme is
Don't you ever get tired of posting that same thing over and over?
>total slave for donkey cock
>I'm calling it a day, good night (except that other guy who is mixing it up)