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Our 4chan: The Official 10th Anniversary Panel is taking place at Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 *this* Saturday, September 28th at 10:00PM ET.

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Do you think you would gain weight if you went to Equestria with all those sweets or would you keep up a strict diet and work out regiment?
Gotta look good for the ponyfolk.

Fat Horse:>>13753503
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>Whip it out so I can measure it darling
Ponies have to walk everywhere and I doubt pony would warm up to the idea of letting me ride them.
I don't even like sweets.

If a chocolate bar is under 85% cocoa or so I can't eat it. The taste makes me sick.

Cakes and pies make me nauseous for hours. I think my body is trying to tell me that pinkie is the worst pony.
One would never look good for the ponies since we're humans, not ponies.
Well she is
She's still great but the worst of the 6
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I would start getting ripped immediately
gotta seduce horses after all
> Anons in Equestria under siege by needy mares
They'd be the cutest sort of zombies
Hungering for dick
I already spend 2~5$ on candy a day, how much worse could it get?
>Anons hide out with the stallions
if i eat too much sugar i break out. walked around with a giant rash on my face for a year because my breakfast was pepsi and a muffin everyday
They think your penises are always out in the open

All ten of them
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>LK in charge of shoulders
Pass: bonbon

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Pinkie would literally be shoving cakes down your throat and asking you if you like them before grabbing a hoof full of candy for her next assault
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It would be the cutest form of awkwardness.
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Edit for anon.
>Pinkie Pie hugs you
>You're arm just falls off like that knight in Quest For the Holy Grail
what if bonbon violently insulted a pony that shittalked about you
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Ponies can look good to us. I don't see why the reverse couldn't be true.
You're just sweet intolerant.
What a curse, I pity you anon. Not being able to enjoy such wonders in life.
>And play some tabletops
>Eventually the group gets so big that it's a full fledged tournament
thanks a bunch
>mares have lost interest in stallions
>stallions are angry and blueballed
>stallions gangrape anon to teach him a lesson
Twilight and Rainbow Dash are not very observant, judging by the last few
it really is an awkward place for teats. Then again, isn't anywhere? Just look at how they move, they are like separate entitties. Like god just pasted them on
No, I'd probably lose more weight or stay the same twig I've been for a long while due to meat becoming more difficult to obtain.
What the heck would a normal diet even be?

No meat. Apples are fine, but tiring fast. Sweets arent substantial.

The only pony friendly thing I could of is pizza or something
All according to plan?
>Toon Link for Kerfuffle

Wow, that literally just killed any excitement i had for the game. There goes any excuse for me to even bother with it.
Fish and bugs.
hey i think i know you
you got better
it's like those aliens from FoP

Captcha:sugar otvide
The tape measure? Okay. I usually wear a 30 by 30, but I bet that's a poor fit.
Especially since it's already canon.
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salads sandwiches and cakes?
pony doesn't mind if you eat meat, so long as it doesn't die before its time.
You do know me but I think you're thinking of someone else.
But only to weirdos like Lyra.

What kind of bugs?

I bet Shining was the only hetero member of his DnD group
>Ham sandwich

Every timer
blazang please
> As Anons pass the Cheetos they ask the stallions how long the siege lasts usually. If nothing else their groans and the slow banging on the cellar doors make it hard to hear the DM sometimes.
> "Oh, about a week. You have four more days."
> The Anons bob their head appreciatively. That's going to leave enough time for a good long campaign, maybe a Legendary Feat or two.
> "Of course, some of them don't really stop 'til they get what they want."
> The Anons try to look pleased at this, but the scraping of little hooves against the wood panelling, the thuds of Pegasi against the roof, the groans thickened the air. Harem anime made this all sound far cuter.
Will you help pony build her nest so she can lay her eggs?
No, you're just too much of a lazy scrub to quit eating meat.
Pone doesn't like to fraternize with murderous cannibals.
less filling
tastes great
Sweets arent substantial. You can just eat cake when hungry. Its a treat, not a staple.

Also god damn where did they get ham? Did they just kill some pig neighbor just to please Celestia like some weird tribal tribute?
well nice art then
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>implying Toon Link isn't best Link.
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okay I guess

The royal guard broke him though.
It took high class alicorn pussy to bend him back far enough into bi territory.

they're easy to care for, have all the nutrients of typical meat, breed like mad, and nobody gives a shit about their well being.
She's only making the nest so she can lay them inside me...so no.
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I know that joke has been beaten to death but that wasn't bad
It's not murder if they're already dead.

Or cannibalism if they're a rabbit instead of a person.
I'd still cuddle both of them
I am desperate
he makes normal Link worthless. So why bother even putting him on?
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Gaffer is just jealous because he was planning on hitting on Shining
No she's not, pony will poop out her already fertilizer eggs
gaffer is jealous because cadence said hello to him in 3rd grade, so she's his waifu. HIS.
* I move away from my Mic to hug ponies*
Pony believes all life is sacred in equal measure and despises scavengers even more.
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>You have been living in Ponyville a while and worked out a normal diet
>You are able to more or less get your meat fix in the woods
>The ponies are fine with it so long as the animal isnt sentient and as long as you dont flaunt it around them
>Eating lunch on a park bench. A simple roast sandwhich with cheese
>Fluttershy comes up to you carefull, clearly apprehensive.
>"You need something, Fluttershy?"
>"Me? No....I mena yes. I mean.....that's meat, right?"
>"Can...can I try a bite? I've seen the bears and the wolves eat and they really seem to love it. They don't even touch the salad I make for them sometimes and I was just....curious what it tastes like...."
if you killed them to keep the exponential population increases down and preserved the flesh for later you'd be set

especially if you were feeding more than one person.

>parasprite divides
>kill old one, keep new one

>"how would you like to hold my +1 longsword?"
>"but shining, I don't have martial proficiency!"
>"that's okay, just use your master's touch spell"

And then they fucked
Maybe that's why they're not friends anymore
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whats up you meme loving fucks
>eating something that is just a head
no no no no no no NOOO
Pony is an irrational nutjob that places value on things that have none.

Therefore I shall eat pony.
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Would buy.
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Pony cannot lay eggs. Except for this one
Why aren't you drawing ponybutts?

So abusive tonight.

I like it.
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Total slave!
Ponk laid an egg



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She did?
> "That seems like a pretty bad idea, Fluttershy. You don't even have the right flora to eat this, right?"
> She seems fixated on the thin edge of brown roast folded over one side, "I- I just ... It ..." her frail jaw is opening wider with every other word, head zoning in to intercept the toasted caramel-brown perfection you worked up on the grill.
> You pull it away instinctively, only for her neck to crane to suit it. She wants this. She wants this badly.
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But she's Ponk
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High quality stuff right here.
call me a fuck again. Call me a bad pony. I've been bad Red. Abuse me.
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because im drawing zebra butts
>zecora larger than pony

Ponies eating meat is like my favorite little thing
they should have had a scene after the credits where it shows the egg hatching slowly and a fragment of the egg falls away and Scootaloo comes out. All the while it says ARISE!! ARISE!! in the background
>implying this isnt the exact shit hasbro is selling

is that a wonderbolt with a giant serpent eye?

Why yes, this is relevant to my interests.
He's still got quite a bit of talent, and it sounds like he's been taking further instruction since Chocolate Rain.

heh I never noticed that before
at least they have better vector choice
that's creative
but gross
i'll stick to eating unwanted fillies thanks
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I wish Pinkie was my total slave.
implying talent is something you can run out of
for me?
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Moving on to BIGGER and BETTER things I see?
I have to tell her no.
It's not an essential part of her diet.
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Would you let her go if she asked?
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How do you teach the CMC to be tolerant of different sexualities?
Pinkie why are we still playing this game?
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Sorry, I meant "despite the criticism I maintain he has quite a bit of talent." "He's still got" sent the wrong message.
>thinking you could ever hold on to or contain Pinkie if she didn't let you.
yea, i got it the second (read: fourth) time i read it, i was just kind of fucking with you
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Other sexualities are useless flaws that humans have to put up with, but ponies don't have to worry about that. Ponies only have one sexualitiy.

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total slave for demoncock
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S'alright. Have a pony.

I can see that backfiring very bad

>"What can I do for you today, master?"
>Pinkie bows down eagerly, nose to your feet
>"Clean my house."
>"Okie dokie!"
>A pink tornado shoots through your mess of a house and leaves a somewhat larger mess. She's just so excited she doesn't really notice all that well that cushions go on all the furniture, not just one chair, books are not coasters, etc etc.
>"Make me dinner."
>"You got it!"
>Ten bags of sugar later....
>"Oh boy oh boy!"
>She ties your dick in a knot
>"Ta-da! It's a poodle!"
>ponies teach humans how to be ponysexual
What in the fuck is kerfuffle
>implying that mac is gay

He's just a bit of an autist

A big autist that still lives at home despite being in his 20s and uses simple farm work as an excuse to not look like a loser
Smash 4.
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Demons are for ripping and tearing.
bad pony
> Trixie suddenly realizes her date proposal plans are a "sure thing"
> More or less
> Well, after the fire, the exploding window and a few hurt turtles it was a sure thing
Super Smash Brothers We Aren't Even Trying



>ripping and tearing your anus
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I wonder how MLPG would handle a Derpy Quest where she had to go on a silly and whimsical adventure. She'd try to do what they want but mess up in cute ways.
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boku no smash
Also, sadly, this.
>catch me anon!
>"Ta-da! It's a poodle!"

Mon sides
implying Scootaloois Pandering was better than Magical Duel

So wait
what's the problem with Toon Link in ssb?
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anon we've been over this you don't have wings
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>tfw no inspiration to draw
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Boy that Rainbow Dash sure is fast!

>How fast is she?

She's so fast that when she wins races, she's having a literal winning streak!
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Show and/or tell time guys!

Either describe or post the last pony related thing you've drawn on your own. Not a contest, just show the class what you've been working on.

>pic related. I drew a pone that is two pones because there's some anon on this board who keeps requesting it everywhere. A lot.
Rara sama!!!
Fuck you too.

At least twilight taught me how to do magic with my dick. Who can cast fireball with their crotch? me. Who can't? you.
Am I the only one who think getting fat would be fun?
I drew some pone expressions and some human pone practice
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Yes. She'd only be my total slave when she wanted.

We'd have a safeword so she could beg to be freed without really meaning it
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I can't tell him
a really shitty picture of twilight and me hugging

i wiped the canvas clean and didn't even save the file
>Who can cast fireball with their crotch? me.

Anon, we've been over this. That isn't magic.

You just have the clop.
I drew an angry looking applehorse
>human pone practice
human looking ponies, human pony hybrids, or humans with ponies?
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Celestia is surprisingly light on her hooves.

I'd play Derpy Quest.

A random roll each turn to see if her ass destroyed something.
Pass: bonbon

A friend of mine came into my condo and noticed my pony mousepad and we shared a chuckle as he remembered that I enjoy the show
Humans with pony legs

and shark heads

and wolf fur

Wait, the SA comic is out? Where?
But anon, you can't unsave what's drawn on your heartdrive.
I guess you could say that she's so light, she's sunlight!
I'd actually play it a quest for once. I'd be down for a romance quest, but adventure sounds way more fun.
ponis as humans
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was it worse than this?
> "Sssso I have to be sexually attracted to ponies?"
> The remedial teacher sighed a little, "It's not that you HAVE to be, but it's ... easier around here, for certain."
> The Anons in the room share a look of total disbelief. The teacher begins to panic, hoping they aren't starting to become disheartened, "It's perfectly alright if you don't find ponies attractive, just that we - we don't really have a frame of reference for apes making love to other apes and it makes many ponies feel uncomfortable-"
> Laughter rings out in the classroom, feet stamping, the works. The hand-clapping is always going to take some getting used to.
> The closest Anon to the teacher wipes a tear from his eye, "I might speak for all of us when I say "if she likes grass in the field, PLAY.""
> She tried not to snigger too loudly.
> The "affinity group" was dismissed after this. Their take-home exams were all exemplary except for a few who believed hope against hope some mares had tentacles or some sort of 'prehensile clitoris.'
> She tittered grading them. "Maybe in CANTERLOT if you're kinky ..."
>some human pone practice

Link it. Missed it.
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I picked the boomerang!
are you sure that's not Vinyl?
I'd help her
Kevin is probably in my top 10 favorite porn artists.

That's terrible, right?
Why not both?
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Adventure is more fun but only if there's a possibility for a bad end. Ded Derp. Ded from too many cuddles
inb4 girl with a penis
>girl with a penis
how many points do i receive?
It's not a prehensile clitoris, it's a nest of prehensile clitorises. Multiple prehensile clitorises. No less than 12.
Looking at his more recent stuff I'd almost say that but no it's not actually terrible I guess.
You didn't miss anything, it was my sketchbook.
I might upload it tomorrow if I remember.
ok, you can either be in a sleep over with the CMC non sexually that will involve pizza, video games ans staying up late

Or you can get third degree burns on the bottom of your feet
can i drop out and fuck diamond dogs instead

this class sucks
He'd going in a direction I really like
Orgasm worshiping.
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Vinyl is at least adorable.
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I guess, but more adventure than romance would be good
i want to cum inside vinyl's brother
I'll take the burns

the flesh on my soles is thick and dead anyways. the last time i stepped on glass i didn't feel it.
what kind of video games
What character was it at least?
that's not how male pones work
>You are Derpy
>You are delivering a package to Zecora when you come across a Leviathan in the forest
>You are pretty sure it would like a hug
>Do you hug it?
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celestiaquest worked out to about 70/30 adventure/romance

I've burnt the shit out of the bottom of my feet before. Blistered, peeling, bright-red awfulness for like a week. It was terrible, I couldn't put on shoes or walk around for more than a minute at a time.

I choose the third degree burns, the CMC would steal all my stars and keep calling Bowser on me.
Applejack is pretty.

>implying that isn't her dad
>implying she wasn't the result of a teen pregnancy
Star Fox for the snes
math blaster
and Riven
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Everyone brought there favorite multiplayergame

including you
A worse bad end would be losing Derpy and seeing her with another pony.
While she still thinks of you as a friend.
Yes, but your name will be changed to snoop dogg, and whenever you enter a pony city they will play "who let the dogs out" on loudspeaker to mock you.

Fun fact.
The notes actually playable on the Ocarina in the game fit in a D melodic minor scale. It has all the notes of a minor arpeggio and a sixth(B) thrown in just below the high D.
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I for one can't wait for Rartober
Some more pony and human stuff, but I erased it when it didn't come out well and I ran out of ideas.
Pinkie, Twilight, Dash, and Applejack.
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Mario Party
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But leviathans are aquatic mythical creates, silly filly!
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This is very creepy. I never understood how people can find this sort of obsession cute. What if it was a guy doing that? Or a brony? Would it be adorable? No.
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I can't post any pony pictures because my external hard drive is tied up.

I just want to post a panka....
unf unf
Ponies make obsession cute.
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got you covered
Where can I find the Shining Armor comic?
>that giant Rarara

Sorta want.
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I don't think you understand.

You play AS Derpy
>implying you don't want to post lots and lots of fetishy porn
>implying you don't want to steal my protein

>Unfortunately it turns out that the Leviathan was in fact a cardboard decoy for a trap.
>A net falls on you and you are hoisted onto a dirigible
>You have been kidnapped by pony sky pirates
>You also think that big scary captain would like a big friendly hug
>Do you try to hug him?
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Up at the linkboa-

...oh yeah
Did people stop posting the linkboard because of that one asshole who spammed it with that imgur script?
> It's down the hall
> The board has a simple scrawl and a scruffy-looking short stallion, both of them saying "SO YOU WANT TO FUCK DIAMOND DOGS?"
> The whole curriculum is proper feeding and care of Dogs (if you're into that sort of thing) and how to properly manicure their nails.
> One Anon dared ask the question "why grate them back so far?"
> The stallion sucks through his teeth and smooths, "They like to feel things out. Everywhere."
> The dumbest Anon in the room raises his hand. The teacher groans deeply and sighs, "YES, I MEAN EVERYWHERE."
> The hand remains up.
> "Yes, what is it?"
> "So I heard they like collars ..."
> The teacher bristles under the tweed jacket and simply points to the hallway, "I'm sure you'll pass this class in the take-home, just go and catch the tail end of the BDSM class."
> Half the class sniggers, the other half shuffling toward the door to this purpose.
> The teacher grits his teeth. The money pays all the same but half the "extra credit" questions tonight are going to be about ass-whipping and 'gingering', he can just tell.
How was MMC such a depressing episode
Scrubbles I swear to god if the captain is a cardboard cutout and you're taken hostage by a Leviathan I'm going to punch you
I'm so happy to be together with her.
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>"It feels good to be inside me, huh? Let me engulf you, it'll make you feel good forever..."

I want to play that now.
It's because i always stop watching it after Twilight has been zapped
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I wonder where the ponies would end up on this alignment chart.
Because you're a brony.
As long as the engulfing is not sexual. Rumble is of course not for sexual.
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>Some more pony and human stuff, but I erased it when it didn't come out well

You son of a bitch. You should have posted it anyways. Even if it's not "great", or of it's an imperfect mistake it'd still be interesting.
> Dash's house is pretty large, a gift from her parents' will
> Every other room is dedicated in a shrine to someone or another
> When people ask why she never has a guest room free, she just shrugs and says "I don't really have one to give."
> With a smirk she always remarks internally, "They're all taken by my dearest friends already."
The anon who keeps spamming requests that stuff is me.

I regret nothing and feel no shame.
Everytime someone says brony i think of that fag Digibrony
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It must be great being Spike's height, he gets a face full of mare butt everyday
But I erase things all the time, anon.
Use this chart.
I too am haunted by pastel disembodied butts, Satan.

Yes! Hug him with our butt!
>You hug the captain through the net
>But wait a second, something isnt right here!
>Touching his face, you discover it to be a mask!
>He takes it off with a flourish, to reveal he is actually a griffin
>And he sticks a needle in his crew, showing that they were only balloons!
>And he kicks the ship, showing that is was merely only the back drop to a set in a TV studio
>"You're on hidden camera!"
Are you implying I don't want to make you masturbate or suck your dick?
>and 'gingering'
that greentext was pretty hot
After getting so many horse queefs in the face I bet the novelty wears off.
You can either be thrown into a pit of used hypodermic needles and as you lay writhing in the needles, flutter wing Rarity will flutter down and queef in your face before fluttering away (you may or may not ever be able to climb out of the pit)


You can stay where you are, and turn around to find yourself face-to-vag with Rarity who will queef in your face before giggling then warping back to her own dimension, never to be seen again

Of course it's not. Engulfing is for eating
There was a comic ish thing some one made that was basically all the ponies from Spike's point of view and it was just a bunch of poorly drawn pony vaginas and some Mac balls iirc.

No, I'm implying that's what you want to do, you lewd furfag.

I'm on to you, and my semen is under lock and key.
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every time you erase a pony she dies
Why is Gaffer such a qt?
Why the fuck are you telling me that Fluttershy??

>Tex likely deleting his best pictures
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cuddles are in your future.

Blush uncontrollably from all the attention.
Good thing show ponies aren't real and real ponies are dumb animals
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My poorly drawn ponies should be put out of their misery.
So cute.
Because his face patter and horn together looks like a penis



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I don't like it when you do that
You could at least post it and say why you think it's bad
You'd get the 'fuck you' but also some good critique
So help me this is actually pretty attractive
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>You wake up it was all a dream
>A dream induced by the Leviathan, so that it could devour you in one bit
>You shouldn't have tried to hug it
>Bad end
That's okay, I'm sure I can find some somewhere else.
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Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
But sharing is caring and friendship is magic.

>in one bit

Alas, we should have priced our butt higher.
This is a little more my speed
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>friendship is magic

N-no wait!

I was being a sun deer!
I dunno, arent you happy that you show got canceled and you can go back to doing nothing?
I'll share a new pony picture if people give me suggestions.

Use our ass to destroy it on the inside!
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What a very carefully orchestrated act of bullying

I'm impressed
Wow they put tea leaf in the SA comic. Neat
Shining armor is a pretty cool guy.
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Pone is this big
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How well do you think your favorite pony could handle taking on a friend's work for the day, something unfamiliar to them?
That's a cute pon
>You use your rump to beat your way out
>But the story of what happened got out
>You already have a reputation for using your butt in every situation
>Everyone thinks you are a literal butt head
>Bad end
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Draw a nerd pony's elaborate revenge fantasy
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But if you share your things people can give suggestions and critique.
I really hate how he leaves half of his ponies unfinished and calls it complete
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Fluttershy too scared to come out of her room when angel has bunny friends over
What is the pony equivalent of a school shooting?

At least she lives to pone another day.
So if Shining Armor used an elaborate musical performance to get Cadance's attention in the first place, how do you think he proposed?
>Twilight is able to do Pinkie's job rather well, following recipes exactly and carefully
>Pinkie also is able to do Twilight's job of being a lazy piece of shit that stays inside all day
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You know who else is a cute pone?
Not Dash
>not looping so the colors flow
It's like you didn't even try
he asked her
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I'll try.
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Good pponies are better for eating than for doing the eating
>Can make dresses
>Can cook
>Can do weather shit
>Can harvest apples
>Can be a lazy slut and read

>No-one can take care of her animals

Fluttershy is the all around best pony

Right after Luna found them banging and gave them the ultimatum to marry or throw Shining in the fungeon for violating royalty he was charged with protecting.
Okay, bend over.

>Tex is wanted in Equestria for Mass Pony-cide.
oh I'm looking forward to this one
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I hope that pony feels better soon
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I have no idea what you're talking about.
I did it with MSPaint in like five minutes.
>"I cast magic missile!"
>He shoots a spell out of his horn
>It hits the bully and bounces off, like a paper wad thrown underhanded thrown by an asthmatic
>They give him a swirly

Can you at least tell us what the premise of the deleted pictures were?
Yeah but If Dash was clearly pretending to be sick and wouldn't get out of my bed for days, I'd never have the heart to kick her out
>Can make dresses
just 'cause she knew a lot of buzzwords didn't mean her design was any good. Remember Rarity's won out in the end, because Fluttershy's was awful?
Rarity is supreme dress horse
Hot human on pony action.
i rode past a girl riding a horse while on my bike today. It was freaking huge
Who is more pathetic

Fluttershy or Ronnie?
She can sew, but is terrible at design.
We havn't seen any proof that she is exceptional at baking anything
She is a terrible flyer, very slow, and is probably afraid of Thunder and Lightning.
She is physically weak and would again be slow at it
I guess she can be Twilight
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>did that in mspaint

Come on nigga step it up

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Big pones are good
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I'd let that pony stay in my bed as long as she wanted too
>an ancient evil awakens
>the elements have no effect on it
>the last hope is Derpy's ass
So human was riding pony on top of a volcano?
I have 2 waifus
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What is your favorite pone's stand?
I love that pony
>Fluttershy glaring at Angel's friend from her cracked bedroom door because she wants to get a glass of water
I don't know image editing for shit.
Telephone the constabulary and demand satisfaction.

>She is a terrible flyer

No, she just doesn't like to go fast. She was able to catch Rainbow Dash while dragging a hot air balloon.
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>We havn't seen any proof that she is exceptional at baking anything

That's a shame. She's been shown making a few food items at least for her pets, I'm sure she's a wonderful baker.
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it isn't in the budget
>being able to cuddle in a very large pony's hooves
my heart hurts
Where is my pony? You promised to look after her while I was gone.

Rarity's Asshole.
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Baking and making salads are two completely different things.
She has Gohan retard strength and thats it. She is canon slow under normal circumstances, which is what a day to day job would be like. Besides its not like Dash was at 100% either
Well yeah but I get that vibe from her.
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>It's not like Dash was at 100% either

She was trying not to be caught, I'd say she was at 100%.
>Sombra did nothing
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There's no consistency past S1.

If Fluttershy needs to be faster than dash for the next episode, she will be.
So is 8-bit like Button's Dad? Or thunderlane

>Game Dumps

God damn, that's shit.
I'd like to do another quickfic. Third prompt gets written, anything's on the table. Aiming for around 4500 to 6000 characters (so three post blocks), so nothing all that long.

Anyone interested?
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>It isn't canon because I don't like it!
he just stood there, menacingly.

Waiting for his corruptive magic on shinning to maybe bring down the shield faster but otherwise acting like a foreboding ticking clock on the wall during Twilight's "test".
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>search that shit up
>110 bucks
>find this
>110 again
>reserve not met
Why would someone who's obviously capable of fine work sewing the construction of the body skip out on embroidering the eyes?
Blaaaaarghhhhh ..
But he's right. The show is inconsistent as hell.
She was also being dragged down by two other ponies, and was hardly in a right state of mind.
>it isn't canon because it doesn't support my arguements
If you honestly think Fluttershy is on Dash's level of speed or flight capability you are touched in the head.
there was no consistency in S1 by your logic. It's cartoon logic. Technically none of them are faster than Dash but for a cheep gag Pinkie moves at lights speed.

Admit it, the only reason you knew about him anymore is because of


I frequently ignore the canonality of things I think are shit.

>S3: Not canon
>Half of Season 2: Not canon

I just ignore the shit.
Gilda foot fetishry
Pony acting like pony
Actually I knew about him because my sister went to high school with him.

I'd say more Thunderlane, because Button spoiler]]IS A NONCANON 1-TIME JOKE PONY[/spoiler]
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goodnight MLPG
have a ponybutt
I like the S2 design better but this plush is shaped much better for hugs and cuddles.

second >>13758044, but smelly
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This pone right here

Biggest QT on the show
No I don't accept a pony butt you've already drawn
I need new pony butt
I've seen this butt before though
God dammit.
Fucking smellfags.
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Again, fair construction, but embroidery not done, and the satin stitch detail on the wing is "meh".
Why? It's like an addition two minutes of work on a thirty hour project.
Oh jeez

I'll see what I can do
>7 day ban finally expires

Oh god I missed you guys so much. I guess strams are no longer safe to have.
I don't know. It's probably like a 300 reserve too, which blows
Stolen by a brony.
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this butt is stale and rubbery
I need tender, fresh butts

I missed you too.

people have been streaming though, just using derpy.me.
For future reference just use this site to post stream links
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there's just no pleasing you, huh?
Will do from here on out I guess.
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I'm holding you to that
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If you really don't want to do it, you could do you massaging an anon with your big hands
There's already crossdressing porn of that nerd isn't there
I like my butts new, thanks
Rule #11
I don't get it either. Maybe those doing commissions where using it as an advertizement?
No, I'm pretty certain I can handle Gilda smellfag stuff more handily.
Is it Nightmare Rarity?

Because I really want one
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one day...
>pony is actually 3 times as big is you
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I wouldn't care
It would make things interesting
there are hot dogs. In Fall Weather Friends Pinkie Pie talks about a hotdog eating contest
I ask pony to use magic to make me bigger.
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Everfree NW charity auction.

The SA is about 4 feet tall. They're made of inch think plywood sanded down and painted really well. And the SA is signed by Andrew Francis.
>I don't get it either.

It's because of the spammers. There people in /b/ who constantly spam streams and make money off of it. You can't make rules allowing for some of them.

Just don't post links to any major streaming site here. Just post a redirect.

Do you thrust SA against Twily and make unf noises?
Why would you want this
Wow, how much did those go for?
They have to create spells that work on your human body. That will take time, even for Twily.
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that's perfect.
One day what?
That's silly for a plush without embroidery and a synthetic mane/tail.
A price of half that would be a lot closer to fair ..
I do my embroidery free form and it looks great so there's no reason tot to do it imo.
So 3 times bigger, would that mean I'm about the same size as spike?
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Would let the nightmare possess you?
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You'll love it Pinkie don't worry
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I'm too tired to try to do anything nice
have this in the meantime
Anal with fast horse
I just want S4 to come so I have more ammunition to insult your favorite pones with.
Nightmare Scoot is a cutie.
Cons do things to your mind.
$80. But it was for children's charity so I can kinda rationalize it.
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I didn't mean make one against your will
But thanks
Something like that.

Though Spike is stronger than you.
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Why would you want to insult pony?
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Draw anon kissing that pony

On the lips

And they're both shy and bad at it.
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I eagerly await the Crippleloo ep.
I meant like tomorrow, but thanks
That pony?
There's a good reason to not go to a charity auction
My mind was telling me to buy everything at spaghetti con that looked okay but when I went back to it, they were either sold out or looked a shit by the next day
Think about what you're gonna buy
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Spank a princess
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Too bad, I have complete control of your body now.
That was one of the saddest parts of the series.
don't listen to him, Pinkie
you don't have to do it
sex with little fillies
I'd love to.
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THAT pony
You know?
That one.
Why does she look so fuckable like this?
I'm pretty sure the nightmare would do CMC fusion with one large alicorn with an identity crisis but still no cutie mark.
Spanking is not good enough for a princess. Princesses deserve your best WPSHH
Are we talking weight?
Because that's probably not far off when you're 160. Celestia certainly does given her size.
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pony wants to lay in bed with you
I I love little fillies they make me feel so good.

Yes that pony.

You know, the one with the tail and hooves.
> Filly AJ kissing anything [posiler]but Uncle Orange's cock
I renamed it for that post.

Original name was rollout.gif
My bed isn't big enough for both of us.
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That is pretty unf. But C-D?
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>not using cntrl + S to spoiler
You know that was the futa / "packing heat" version, right?
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Hiking with Fluttershy
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I just went in to the con with $200 that I let myself spend on whatever I wanted. It worked out nicely.
It's just a little collar Pinkie, come on
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you'll just have to sleep on top of each other.
Nice cropping.
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He makes the best Babs
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I'll stop being your friend if you don't do this for me, Pinkie.

I thought you cared about people being happy...
Then what kind of friend even is he?
I'd have to be on top, she's too heavy.
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good opinion
Mauled by a bear with Fluttershy

Babs is a pony. A filly at that. That is a grown woman with a haircut similar to Babs. But it is not Babs.

those freckles are too cute, I hate it when people forget her freckles in art
is anthro foalcon


basically childporn?
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Hiking with Fluttershy: Going Steady Edition
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that's okay, she understands. she is a very large pony after all.
I kind of hate that little bald spot that the ponies have

I mean they essentially all have come overs


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What plugin are we using now?

There are so many...
naw, >>13758342 is a better /ou/ ensemble
not by much, but it counts
I'm sad because pony isn't real.
How do I stop being sad MLPG?
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Birdwatching with Fluttershy
Oh, okay... does she still have a vagina? This is important.
Make pony real.
please Pinkie?
you said you'd do anything and I need this
I don't you think the purpose of the expedition in >>13758391

I'll give you a hint, it's sex in a secluded spot in the woods.
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What we gonna do tonight mlpg?
I have no idea, but this one is the "vanilla" version maybe.

holding hands with Fluttershy
Same thing we've done every night for the last 3 god damn years

Nah, it's not even the good one
The same thing we do every night Pinkie.
Okay, but what the fuck is "C-D~"?
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I don't have a fucking clue, man. I just saw this link in-thread. My guess is it's the person who requrested in Kevinsano's stream or something.
Well, I was going to get some sleep, I've got a long day tomorrow, like 6am-1am more than likely.
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>getting anywhere secluded
>in those shoes
maybe if 10 feet away from a multi-purpose trail is your idea of secluded
unf as that would be
Clopper-Dude, or Crack-Dragon on Tumblr.
It'll be just like a band aid I promise
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>music plugins.

You know damn well moot is going to shut that down again. You know it. Why keep doing it? Most of the time he shuts it down, it causes glitches for the whole site. Why must you put us through so much torment anon?

Why do you hate us?
Why is Anon such an asshole?
Okay, I guess I'm going to be autistic and erase the speech bubble for self inserting purposes.
Fluttershy knows those woods like the back of her hand and her feet are nice and calloused from all the exploration she does. She'll be fine.
I don't give a fuck.

>like the back of her hand

Pony won't stop staring at me.
Remember that time we argued the morality of sexual attraction to children?

Good times.

What are your MLPG memories?
Did you even look at the pics we are talking about?
The attraction isn't morally wrong
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Because it's [fun].
The message was plain. No socks. No socks all day, mid-July, wandering through Canterlot before meeting at a specific address. Whomever this "rough bi-dyke" was she certainly had a thing for sweat-lined leather and the Humans who rocked it.

It wasn't like Anon to deal in "rough trade" but the cuddles and snuggles of the ponies around here were not satisfying that itch deep down to fuck and claw and thunder. There were a few obliging mares, but schedules just didn't seem to align. Some 'end of the world' scenario or another and a certain purple-and-white slip of a tailor would be out of town for weeks at a time.

Desperate times, then, called for desperate measures - like the "Fetish Love Connection" line. The anonymous respondent was willing to play ball with all of his kinks - biting, scratching, power-fucking, cock-worship, creampies - but only if he obliged her "foot fetish," novel as that was here in Equestria.

The sun was beating down on the shopping complex he was picking up a few essential supplies. The cheap hostel he was staying at for his "special trip" to Canterlot didn't stock much of anything, and running the circuit from convenience store to market took the better of two hours. His soles squished by the time came and he hopped on the little trolley to the destination in a suburb.

It was a little brown town house. Based on all the names scratched out on the mailbox it was a rental flat, all "MY NAME IS" tags stamped over one another. There was a G next to the call button he pressed, but that was the best he could make out. He already felt a familiar twitch in his cock as a rouch butch barked through the speaker, "What do YOU want?"

Angry. He liked to fuck that out of a woman, or work with it. Preferably both. He drawled, "I think you wanted me to say 'parsnips.'"

The gate buzzed.
I remember when we weren't mostly about porn and sex.

Then Kevinsano made that line of Pony Lingerie art
>what is ankle support
>what is stepping on a damn rock, no matter how hard your feet are
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I liked that one time we discussed butts.
Not a whole lot sticks out too much, I guess when TLR aired.
>pretending to be an oldfag
You mean Kloudmutt?
I remember kloudmutt
January 2011, come at me.

Yeah, I got them mixed up in my head
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Would you help pony with her computer problems?
She'll call you constantly and swear she has another virus
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Good Night
Get some rest, yeah?
>I remember when we weren't mostly about porn and sex.

It's the hiatus.
Teach pony the basics of computer safety and install fool proof add ons and programs.
That depends, will pony help me with my erection problems?
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We should do that again
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> happy
> at THAT
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Gardening with Fluttershy
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Anal gardening? Cause if it's that sort of gardening...

>traced lolicon
I liked when we used to do hot glue
No. I don't really know much about computers, stop making assumptions pony.
>what if pony viruses
>cute pony viruses
Needs more holes.
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Do you have actual evidence of this anon?
The attraction is morally wrong
falling asleep in the afternoon sun with Fluttershy
>pony viruses
>it's just pixelated background ponies running across her screen
This was a test. You passed.
I would love to help with computer problems.
Pony is not for holes
We can't control what we're attracted to
Checkmate, atheist.
at you
when a bunch of people started rebelling against the brony label and calling ourselves horsefuckers
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>enter the command prompt
>run dir
>pony thinks you are a hacker
What does a pony virus look like?
I get that shit already from a lady friend of mine. I hate being "that one guy who knows computers" sometimes.

Unfortunately I'm too fucking nice so yeah I'd help pony too.
I take my driver's license test in eleven hours. What do?
Pony can be for anything she wants to be.
Why is Fluttershy so shit at innawoods
>g against the brony label and calling ourselves horsefuckers

I kind of just forgot that we stopped saying horsefuckers.
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Have you ever really been in the woods though?
Draw a pony's driver license.
Because wood is for sexual and Fluttershy is not.
Drink heavily
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Do you think Derpy could ever get a license?
i don't see the words horsefuckers or ponyfuckers thrown around a lot anymore. just fans or people in the fanbase. brony remains but the word's connotations have darkened a lot more.
people using the word "feels" without contempt
Always be creative
/mlp/ started using it to describe themselves.
Yeah, whenever I can.
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I don't think Derpy is anything but a little clumsy, so sure.
At least some of them have boots
whoever gave her those pink things in the original "hiking with Fluttershy" thing must not enjoy much hiking
Did Spongebob ever get his boating license?
The extra-credit episode doesn't count.

But what if she was clumsy while driving?

Does she know why we stopped the car?
I remember the first summer hiatus before I took a break from you guys.

Every day people that were for porn and people that were against it would constantly argue. The word prude would be tossed around a lot. It was the same argument everyday, but it just would not stop.

I remember Vash begging people for money for his shitty coloring.

I remember Faceless begging for money so he could commission porn.

I remember floating asses

And I remember necrophilia talk.

That's when I said "I'm done with this fandom and I'm never coming back to these threads until the show started again because I'm sure things will get better"

Why am I so fucking dumb, MLPG?
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It's canon
It counts
>necrophilia talk.
>I don't think Derpy is anything but a little clumsy, so sure.

Her in show appearance paints her as a downy. Then they changed her voice.
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What if Ponut Holes

I men did he ever legitimately get his license. Like, actually pass without it just being Mrs. Puff trying to get rid of him.
the general is what you put into it
if you complain you're going to get more people complaining
if you argue you're going to get arguments
If you post some interesting thought you had about the show you're going to get more of what people thought about that thing
If you post Rainbow Dash you're going to get Fluttershy posting more Rainbow Dash pictures

It's so simple, come on.
>I remember floating asses

What if you draw?
I hated her original voice.
Lots of people loved it, but I despised it.
Yeah last season, fucking weird

>>>/glitter garbage/
Then you make pony real
I find it cute and after everything that happened endearing.
I don't know I don't draw
Well I do a little but not really
>spend hours on a drawing
>a few notes
>draw suggestive
>get a hundreds of notes
>Downs Derpy
But Derpy sounded nothing like a person with Downs Syndrome. Consonant sounds were too well formed and the speaking too clear. Not to mention no physical deformities aside from the wall-eyedness
>People nearly got fired for the Derpy fiasco
>People likely were fired for the derpy fiasco
To be fair, about the best you can do with what you've got in that dress-up game is a sweater, jeans, and boots.
Gravity Falls Season 2
They're doing a third season? Not Dofus?
aw shit, I really gotta finish season 2 now.
Why haven't you shaved your legs yet?
I still enjoy picturing some suit at Hasbro head office frantically making phone calls trying to figure out what the hell a derpy is.

Do I look like some sort of queer to you?
The gate swung free and he stepped through, small valise in hand. He didn't expect to need it but some good old friends rode along, waiting for their time to shine or slicken. His knuckles rapped on the door. Best to make her open it.

And she did - though he came close to calling it 'it.' A fraction taller than the average pony and certainly more avian. He'd heard of Griffons but this one was up close and personal, stretching like a pouncing hell-cat. Rough claws yanked him through the door by the collar. Two eagle eyes narrowed to near-slits, a beak simply hissing, "All-leather soles?"

He only smirked, raising one foot, dangling the leather boot by her barrel. She tried to roll her head almost nonchalantly but he'd seen kittens put up a better show around catnip. Her face-feathers flanged in surprise, a high whistle sounding through one narrow slit in the beak. She liked what she saw - and smelled. The claws raked down his shirt, down and along the polo, the denim pants, standing stock still at the tongue of his welly.

The display was remarkable. Every part of her began to curl around his boot even as she teased the lace away iner beak. The long brown wings, the feathers giving way to brown healthy coat, the tail twitching as it coiled high around a back leg.

Anon almost laughed at the full-body shudder as the knot came free but instead took to stroking the white down of her neck. She didn't seem to mind, though she was altogether fascinated at the wet slide of leather gripping at pale flesh, puckered from the sweat. She rocked her hips against the floor even as the shoe fell free.

It was like someone opened a junior high locker room. Something in the curry he had last night had taken a monstrous form, all radish-spice and garlic and elevated on a sulphur plinth. Anon's eyes watered. This might be his ticket to a good fuck, but it was not something to be proud of.

Gilda disagreed, dragging the flat to her beak and huffing deeply.
I shaved them this morning.
Heavily, yeah.
Yes. It was a weird day. It started with some anon posting instructions on how to fuck a dead body and it spiraled down from there. He even claimed to have fuck some before.

I don't remember the exact prompt but it went something like "if you saw a floating ass in a void would you fuck it"

I think I got it all wrong, though except for the floating ass part.
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I've never even heard of that game and I'm mad
Are you pantyanon?
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I don't know about you, but this and the new PPG comic are what's holding me over.
I am not
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pokemon X Y
One Piece
>email from aeriagames
>account suspended due to "billing inactivity"
>their games are free

u wot
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...Wait, seriously?
Wait, are you trying to say that I've been where I've been trying to go all along?

Some deep shit Anon.
Is Rarity behind second best pony?
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>how come you lock your door sometimes?
how can i become applemancer
>They're doing a third season?
Not exactly, they're doing a 3 episode special at the moment.
Maybe a season 3 if the ratings for it are good.

Oh christ he's back
Ah, so you were just whining. What a shame.
Since I posted a comic shouldn't I be directed to /co/.

Also since when could we link to /b/?
It's a rarity summoning ritual
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moot just tweeted a pony
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ask Applejack.
>still have habit of locking door
>sitting on the couch reading
>loud crash at the front door
>"Morning Pinkie"
Or what?
Oh god I couldn't handle that
I'd install a pony door for her or something
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Its super effective.

>pony door
>she can access you whenever she wants
>can never fap
Because sometimes I need to masturbate, Pinkie.
Ah, excuse me.
Perhaps I should have replied "the second half of the Shining Armor comic, and the Luna Mini." You should have specified
Don't care.
You can't stop me.
This is MLPG, meant for discussion of ponies
So fuck off if you're not talking about ponies, faggot

>>>/b/ and stay there
>Filly rarity
It came out even better than expected!


I hate how MLP is shunned by the rest of 4chan. They even argued to remove it from the 4chan article despite having tons of reliable sources say that it started on 4chan.
I really want to see a a big doggie door looking thing with pinkie peeking her head through now
Look harder
what is pony's favorite Lovecraft story?
her Pinkie Sense tells her when you fap anyway
Why do you think she was so eager to come over?
That was a couple days ago, but yes that is a pony.
>install pony door
>"Ooh thanks Anon!"
>weeks pass
>loud crash at door again
>"Pinkie why didn't you use-"
>she is wedged in at the hip
>"Oh hey Anon! I think I may have had a bit too many cookies heehee."
there's a little pegasus in that poster, actually
What, does she want to watch or something?
>Look harder

I ain't seeing MLP. If you mean the Robot Unicorn that was some /v/ thing for a week. Even minor forgotten memes get more love than MLP which is one of the biggest things in the last few years in 4chan history.
Ross, go away.
I wish the show still aired on Friday afternoons.
I'm never off on Saturdays.
>there's a little pegasus in that poster, actually

Point her out. Can't see her.

Look directly behind the party van, it's clearly derpy
Derpy's in there, flying next to the far end of the POOL'S CLOSED line and that one dude kicking from Code Geass.
...You're not actually looking that hard, are you? I'll give you a hint, it's next to an >implying.
look right under tits of gtfo
I'm marrying Cadence and you're all invited!
Hey whoa, not talkin super size here.
but she's already married...
shit nigga that happened a year ago
shiny you a dumb fuck
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>Derpy and Spinzaku
>Together, their might is unstoppable
>No man, mare, nor building will be left standing

Uhhh, thanks shiny. Free booze and food atleast.

And bridesmaids. Pony bridesmaids at that.
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How would a kid know this?

inb4 Equstria Girls song
tfw that just used to be a song name
What would pony prison be like
...Then I'd help her get unstuck.
>They even pronounced it DJ-Pone-three

Fucking disgusting.
>riots are just prison-wide pillow fights
>"What are ya in for?"
>"First degree name-calling"
>How would a kid know this?
Her headphones say Pon-3 and she's a DJ
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Actually got around to doing this.
A small cage with metal bars.
To be fair they had to pronounce it that way to give the appropriate fan shout out
She has toys.
speaking of which, you know the recent shining armor comic that was released?

she just got her cutie mark there
>that Dash
She wants the dick.
non-consensual cuddles in the showers
>"Cmon fuck already"
christ that's adorable
thanks Tex
She's not doing a very good job of concealing herself.
That is why I picked her
forgot about that
>Oh please go away, just go away, Angel's friends
>I just want to get a glass of water
>I wonder if they're going to go now, or maybe if I get it really fast they won't notice me
>maybe if I just went out the window I could borrow some water from Rainbow Dash
>I'm so thirsty
>Go home Angel's friends. Go home
>finally get around to reading the comics
Oh my god these things are great
Flutterronny pls
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we told you so man
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>those little ruffles in the suit around her legs
fucking adorable
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Price is the best
>Twilight pops Flash's dislocated wing back into place
>this apparently fixes his two cracked ribs in the process
>and somehow removes the space cobra venom
>Dash will never hit on you
I really regret not asking him for a doodle
Maybe next year
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Price is my nigga

Angel isn't evil looking enough. He is a wife beater if you remember.
Angel doesn't always look mad.
Why is your waifu such a slut?
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Just most of the time.
I showed her the joy of a good dicking.
>Dash will never awkwardly hit on you.
She just cant say no to apples.
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Most of the time he is kind of an asshole but he's ultimately subservient to Fluttershy.
Rarity is a pure maiden
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Only in secret, because she hides all her emotions and sexual tension to seem tough
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He's a bitch ass nigger and I'm glad Fluttershy finally started using the stare on him.
Bitch should have done it since S1
What kind of lines would ponies use on humans?
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The purest.

Bitch needs to use THe Stare to keep him in line.

Magic is needed to keep a little bunny in line.
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What if you stopped running away from your problems and started facing them head-on?
its eyes are like derpy's

Back, back, back it up
>Hey buff guy, Do you have a mirror in your pantaloons?
>>Dash will never drunkenly hit on you.
What if I stopped running away?

...I'm not running.
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She has a great body and great looks and she knows it. She uses her assets to get what she needs, but she's pure.
She's saving herself for her very special somepony.
Someone that will rock her world and steal her heart.
Maybe they're just aren't any stallions good enough for a goddess like her.

What if my problem is a hungry bear?
my condition would worsen drastically before I'd have any chance to improve it and I'd likely do things that are bad for everyone
Rarity is vanilla-est unicorn.
All pone are pure maiden, not just Rarity.

What about Fancypants?
>"You better f'r sprint'r cross-country?"
>she winks at you, eyes unfocused
Except Fluttershy. Any stallion that's horny just goes to her house because she can't say no.
And Pinkie. She's the town bicycle

You bet your fucking anonymous ass she is
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Twilight is lavenderest unicorn.
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>Nathan now has fucking mutton chops
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I'm afraid that if I man up and face my problems I'll no longer have any excuses for being a lazy good for nothing. People will stop pitying and giving me the "he's going through a tough time" card
But I am trying to make an effort to change
holy shit spike has a long arm
Not really.
And Rarity was hitting on him in Canterlot Wedding
Only if Fluttershy and Twilight agree too.

It wouldn't be a proper orgy without them.
Yes really.
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>you cant hit on a married person
I love this picture
she has such a dirty look on her face
I wish her nose wasn't so round.
shes even naked
I'm proud of you, Anon, and I know you can make that change.
it's not really very detrimental for me, just seems like a style choice
So the third leg got a little long and dirty. If anyone wants the Gilda Foot Fetishy thing, it's at

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A total hunk.
He's probably the only stallion her looks don't work on.
But if he ever did persue a romantic relationship with Rarity she would be putty in his hands.When they make love it would feel like time has stopped. He would be everything she's ever wanted in a stallion and more.
wait what
Trixie deleted her mouth.

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What happened to your snout, ponk?
I know I can too.It makes me feel like shit because I knew I could do it all all along, but I'm past the point of putting myself down and feeling sorry for myself because that's what's been holding me back
And thank you.
I love how it was a cursor. Bitch was using Flash to delete her mouth
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Someone asked to see more Juniper.

Writing Doric Scots is fun.
Not make Rarity make her pretty

1. You're probably Nathan himself. So FUCK YOU.
2. Nathan loves attention. Any attention. The solution is to ignore him entirely.
>I've nae a talent...
thanks for writing it
>thinking doe spots are a cutie mark

I fucking love it, thanks AA

Dooks how bad is machine for pigs?
Those accents are just so adorable.
Wouldn't Nathan just post the pictures here himself?
I feel your pain anon.
My pony would like to marry your pony.

>OCs interacting with show characters

Just make original characters and settings and see if your stuff can stand up on its own.

Note: This applies to other fan artists in this thread too.
You're welcome. I'm gonna go bathe like four times now though.
Not Dooks but I've been waiting for that sequel for fucking 2 years
It might be the largest gaming disappointment of my lifetimes.
It was basically everything you can do wrong in sequel

>no sanity
>regen health
>infinte lamp

0 spook out of 10, or rather, art/10
This is so cute. You should draw her with a crusader cape.

Nathan wants to drive up hits to his shitty tumblr.
You really love telling people what to do.
>not Duke Nukem
Then wouldn't he link his tumblr?
>"If I told you I was a mailmare, would you let me handle your package?"

>"If-if I told you I wash a mailmare, would'ya be happy to see me? Wait, s-shit..."
I don't really understand what you're saying
Are you saying no OCs should ever interact with show characters in any medium?
Can I bathe with you?
It's not that it's "bad", this sequel took out most of the major factors that made the game what it was, and for me to love/hate the first Amnesia game.

I think I broke the game two times, once while streaming it, and later then when I found the second pig, and found out he couldn't hit me if I got near a box.

I do have to say, the scene where you find the pigs eating humans in a big dining table was really freaky
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>That Pinkie suit
Ever play Dear Esther?
I can't believe anyone expected forever to be good.
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