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Our 4chan: The Official 10th Anniversary Panel is taking place at Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 *this* Saturday, September 28th at 10:00PM ET.

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I hope you've been paying attention to the show.
You're going to be quizzed on your knowledge of friendship and how you've applied it to your life at the end of the series.

Previous Grade: >>13739077
First for nono
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I have to admit this shit makes me laugh EVERY time
>at the end of the series.
No urry then I stil have like 3-4 years AT LEAST
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that bluetaloo and greenie belle
at least we know who they killed to replace in that class

>You in the back! No masturbating in class!!!
i would take Bluetaloo and Greenie Belle out for some off color ice cream
Holy shit that thing is hilarious
i'll pretend i didn't see that, Tara-san
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How come Sweetie and Scoots weren't in school before DT's cutsinera?
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i dunno
Does anyone in here actually like Apple Bloom?
captcha: ynotalk accused
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I do
my little elitist /co/ nostalgia autistic circle jerking general
I like Twist better
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She used to be my favorite CMC but she's since been replaced by Scoots
Different class?
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She is the best pony

I can imagine a handicapable judge saying that captcha angrily to a defendant.
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this is a looooad of barnaclesss
I like her. She just is my least favorite CMC
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I love all the CMC equally
Except Scootaloo
yeah different class is entirely possible since we didn't see them in the classroom again until S2 so it could easily be a new school year
they didn't exist, aside from that random moment where they briefly phased into reality in the first episode
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What the fuck anon
Good man.
i highly respect your opinion
That's amazing.
hello thing where's the satyr i was trying to talk to
she ran this way
So about that box.
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That can either mean you like her or do not like her the most.
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I like her even though she's a memespouter.
i could -in theory- watch this gif forever. i wonder how long i would last
Who lives in the UK? Just go to Shout and make him draw Pinkie opening the box already
>human poses
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Yes, clearly you like Scootaloo more!
that's cute
will draw later
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Just look at this ugly filly.
Absolutely disgusting
>who cares
Jeez, how long has this camp story and the rainbow dash is an egghead story gone on for?

I love them but man.

On a related note, they'll get PT
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>Those two
>In one area.
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She's good but not as good as sweetie belle
it's weird how much bloom reminds me of creber
Hey that one guy who asked for me
What did you want, the suspense is killing me
Fluttershy wants to get up close and personal with your butt balloons
ur great

Wow it's like the VA doesn't put some of her own personal nuances into her lines.
I wanted to tell you to fuck off
they sat at desks in the previous Gens
Goodnight, MLPG~
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I like her the least
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Silver Spoon seems to be sitting correctly at least.
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Good Night anon, I believe I'm headed to bed too.
Have a nice day tomorrow.
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>Goodnight, MLPG~
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And their children will be adorable.

Are you calling me fat you smug fucker?
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lord hater is doomed
Good I was hoping that wasn't a trap to trick me into agreeing Rumblescoot was a good ship.
fuck you Pinkie Pie

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They're not even the longest running.

But if you'd like me to end them, I will.
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>No you're just "big boned"
Oh no no no no no

let them continue

I love them.
I wear either Men's Small or Medium.
6'2 160lbs isn't all that big, XL would be ridiculous.

Oh I'LL show you a big bone!
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...This can only end in teats
Imagining Snips talking while fucking is horrid.
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Rumblescoot is awful.
/ss/ or nothing
Good night~
It's a good thing Apple Bloom is into S&M
>Japan pony con
I want streams for that
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> i was sitting in the AiE thread for a solid 20 minutes before i realized it wasn't mlpg
thanks anon
That doesn't look like Shout's handwriting or style too much, don't think its him
>And then they raped me for 5 hours
>They were so impressed with my stamina that they got tired and left
>And i only sobbed on the floor for 3 days
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I'm pretty sure I said this, but you're mah nigga

Rumble x Twins is bad though

Joke's on you! Cock shaming is my fetish!
It's not, not at all.
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you's a swine and you ain't my nigga
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lost it at the end there with the tunnels.
to hell with you both
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Good then we can both agree to like each other but not each other's favorite fillies/colts.
>implying I don't wear double X

I'm a big dude, in all dimensions except penis size.
God yes.
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>47 days nofap

Will I be okay?
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I'd let that cutie blow me
That's just wrong
have a nice night


Blow your load in a shot glass and show us.
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Rumble isn't my favorite colt
Even better than okay anon.
That's still only half as long as stint when I first started watching the show a little over two years ago.
>This Breaking Bad marathon.
Holy fuck...
This is some messed up shit going on with Walt.
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why is there no pony admiral ackbar?
What should I draw Mlpg?

I kind of want to draw but I kind of don't so I might not.
he is the danger. also
>BB marathon
almost shouldn't be allowed
what season are you on
"reverse" rape
It might be hurting a bit when you blow it, but it's a great fucking relief.
Draw a butt
Goddamn that was weird
2 months without fapping for me.

It's really weird how many people were affected.
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your weapon
Shining Armor in power armor
The motherfuckers are marathoning it.
I'm a lover, not a fighter.
This. Yes.
Draw a pony version of Admiral Ackbar.
I would fuck those grotesquely large tits
>dat twilek
>tfw no Aria the Anemone pony
I honestly didn't like the show at all until around the end of season 3 so if you're liking it now it really only gets way better. have fun,.
It just replaced my need/drive to fap.
I don't understand it.
Rumble sharing neighponese porn

Angel bunny in a gangster suit and hat smoking a big cigar and holding a revolver almost as big as him.
Fluttershy getting vored by a pony
Vinyl is hot

trappy colts

the voreanon does not use "vore" as a verb

he's done enough work for me already
Those glasses look frightening.. ;_;
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Let's make up pony names.

well I'm not the vore anon!
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I will draw these ones.

Though really thanks for all of the requests, If I was feeling better I would be more opt to draw something more challenging.
Rarity giving Scootaloo a makeover.
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You scared me.
Yeah, they're not very flattering. Wouldn't mind that tongue on my shaft, though.
Jackie Chan
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>"Darling you may look "cute" but looking cute won't get all the colts under your dock now will it, hmm?"
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I like Pony Docks
>under your dock
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Not everything has to be sexual, anon.
Why can't Rarity just be giving Scootaloo a makeover because she lost a bet or because DT and SS called her ugly or something.
What makes you think she wants little colt dicks rubbing the walls of her tight, moist fillycunt, huh?
Why would you instantly assume she wants to be used like a fucktoy by every colt in her class, all of her holes being filled by eager little colts?
You're sick.
Dammit Pinkie, you aren't suppose to swallow gum.
Neither would I. It's just that Vinyl has got beautiful eyes, and I think these glasses just don't fit her. At least not in this situation.
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woah nelly
R-Rara sama...
Without the glasses would be best since those eyes make my dick hard
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>MLPG not discussing my fetish
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I want to sleep in beb with AJ
ded beb
qeq pep
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>My name is Rarity, anon.
>Maybe you need to be disciplined until you can get it right~
Vore? Facesitting? What is your poison?

Followed, as a close second, by degradation and humiliation.
What colt should I be drawing?
Those innocent eyes looking up at you while she has her muzzle wrapped around your cock would destroy me.
63 sweetie belle
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Well, I guess facesitting would fit the last two.

Then let's talk about love.
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Why isn't there any art of anon spanking Rarity?
I drew Sweetie belle last night.

I don't think I've ever seen 63 Sweetie, but I already want to fuck him.
I need a good FlutterDash fapfic, stat.
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To those who were discussing it last thread, if you're still here:

I was planning on doing Puff Mystery whatever Quest soon-ish, if it has enough interest.

I could be persuaded to redo Cute "Quest" instead if you'd rather have a more fleshed out version of that instead.

I'll take a poll some time.
63... apple bloom?
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Puff Mystery Quest could be fun. I'd definitely play.
>So you believe that your 'last stand' has proven fruitful do you not? You have reached through the veil of this realm, you have reached out to the hearts of my minions, turning them against me, and you have reached my throne room. So I must ask, what now?
Aspirant on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is Never and 10 is Still never what are the chances of making another Rariquest someday?
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I love facesitting. Feet are also great.
It's shit faggot, kill yourself.
mlpg in general seems to like facesitting

I don't get it
Uh....depends on demand I guess.

I wouldn't mind not messing up the pacing the next time around, that's for sure.
Feet are disgusting
I only like it because it's an opportunity foe cunnilingus
Dash was nervous. Normally she'd try and get a hold of herself but the seeing Fluttershy acting so dominating had her in a daze. She had really only been joking when she had suggested some reverse role playing but Fluttershy was getting really into it. Dash found her self sitting like a good little filly waiting for Fluttershy's next command wondering if she should put a stop to this. But she didn't. She wasn't used to being so obedient but a tight collar around her neck seemed to make it feel so natural.
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So there's still hope

Thank you
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This pone is fucking adorable
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Probably because pony butts are fucking perfect for facesitting.
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I just want to plant my face in that ass for hours.
pfft hahaha
> something something sexually assertive amazonian hyper tits Celestia
Why does nobody ever draw these two
Facesitting huh.

What if it was Derpy though?
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Why is she so perfect /co/?
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im sorry its my first time
personally I'd say redo Cute Quest, then do Puff Mystery Quest afterwards.
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I don't sexual ponies other than facesitting and blowjobs. Those asses are perfect, they must have followed some kind of secret mathematical algorithm for the perfect ass.
Interesting way to use apples.
RIP Spike
it's the wings.
Hold up, are you the kind of guys that like facesitting lightly just right above you so you can worship her with your tongue kind of face sitting or plumps her entire ass into your face trying to suffocate you kind of face sitting?

Cuz I don't know if I'd want to hang with some of ya'll
I think I just died.
I don't like facesitting
I don't like thing
Both, but I prefer entire-ass facesitting if combined with a footjob
>you will never read the page in Lauren Faust's bible for FiM about perfect pony asses and the algorithms that detail them.
The first kind of a guy.
What about the pony blowjob algorithm, they even have dextrous tongues for giving your head a tongue lashing
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What if you could be a pony but you had to start out being baby-aged in Ponyville?
All the ponies you know could be older by the time you even get your cutie mark
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Can I be a human in ponyville instead?
I'd get all the pretty mares to babysit me and suck my dick
Nah, just imagine her lying back, mouth open, probably passed out from a night out partying, drunk ass bitch didn't even take off her shades, so you decide to sidle up and stick your dick in there and slowly fuck her face. And when you're almost done, the glasses fall off and she's got this super coy half-lidded look in her eyes before she inhales your cock and makes you cum down her throat.
okay but you don't get any legs
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woah did i miss facesitting talk?
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Do I still have a penis?
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I chose this pony
okay you can have a penis
One day you will see the light and let Rumble into your heart.
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Not a bad idea. I'll bring it up this weekend and see how many takers we get. I need something positive to focus on of late so that would do nicely.

Of course. I just don't like redoing something too close to when I originally ran it, make people sick of whatever the topic is right quick.

But it's been a year now, so it wouldn't hurt so long as people wanted to go through that stuff again.

Thanks gents, have a nice night.
I prefer slow, passionate blowjobs while she gives you that innocent look, torturing you by stopping every time you get close
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You're right, how dare I criticize our Lords and Masters at Hasbro? I'd better get back to eating their shit, like all good goyim!
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>no legs
>in world where fucking tortoises can fly
so i can to be the magical bionic man? neat
>never jacked off to ponies
>all this facesitting talk

Don't tempt me, I'm gonna go to bed if you guys don't stop making me fantasize about ponies.

I wonder sometimes if my childhood wouldn't have been slightly better if I were a pony living in Equestria.

Then I realize that it probably would have been little different than it was here. I'd still be that little colt who just wanted to be left alone with his thoughts and who got bullied because of his weight.
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Holy fuck it's actually in the show
I thought it was an edit

Where's that sweaty Rarity face sitting when you need it.

Why won't /pol/ leave, I just want to talk about ponies
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What's wrong anon?
You don't want to experience those immaculate, slightly fuzzy and super squishy perfect pony butts with your face?
Eww, what would he do in my heart?
Oh jesus what
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I choose dugponetrio! Use rock smash!
Haha oh fuck that's amazing
>never jacked off to ponies
Its alright Anon. Just dont go to bed thinking about a pony's plump behind slowly engulfing your vision.
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I'm bored.
Haha how did no one notice this before
You know what else we should do sometime? Radical 80's highschool quest.
How the fuck are you still here, yet you've never once come to an earth-shattering climax while thinking about a pony doing dirty things to you?
_hug it.
cum on something
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Come on anon? You don't want your face filled with ponybutt?
>that first reaction


I've already jacked off three times today.
What if a million microscopic Pinkie Pies got inside you and started hugging you from the inside
With Cheerilee?

Or like, Saved By the Bell but with random ponies?
Doesn't count if it's in a dream, I can't control that
Why don't you want to fap to ponies?
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You'd better prepare for trouble then!
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Twilight Sparkle.
You would have a heart attack.

Next question.
Feel bad because my white blood cells will kill them?
The only thing you should rub into someone's face is chocolate cake!
Just pick a toy and go at it, RCH
If I were a human in Equestria would I just look like I do now or would I turn into a cartoon version of myself?
Yes, that is Twilight Sparkle.
Cheerilee could be fun. I was just thinking something inspired by the Shining Armor/Cadance comic that just came out.
>finally make it to Equestria
>ponies know every single dirty thought you've ever had about them
That image is bad. You should feel bad.
Just because you're in bed doesnt mean you're asleep.
She wont let you sleep. Not til shes done with you
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And make it double
Cartoon version.

Next question.
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Being bored means you're boring!
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And make it double!
i want to retain some small amount of dignity, but I can't deny that those plush, marshmallowy asses look tempting.
Could be fun.

I'll toss that up on the poll this weekend and we'll see if it gains traction. I'll definitely mull the idea over though.
What's bad about it?
Should I ask Rainbow Dash out on a date?
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Feet are only god on humans, hooves are boring. No silky soles or cute toes to suck and lick.
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>Feet are only god on humans
>Feet are only god
What kind of religion is that?
That bottom pink pegasus is straight out of nightmares
I dont get the appeal of feet but hey people get their kicks one way or another.
>Walt's coughing fits.
Fuck me...
It sounds almost like me every morning.
Bronchitis sucks...

She's going to say no anyway. And you could never take her on a date she would find interesting.

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Why are background ponies so adorable?
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Is it bad if I unf to my own art?
I don't take it as a religion, I just worship feet.
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She's pretty cute.
Nah, humans are boring.
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>Those two on the bottom right
I'm not going to sleep tonight

I maintain that if Vinyl Scratch were human, she'd be Swedish or maybe Dutch.
>not using Pip
>the perfect pony for trapping
It converges with my femdom fetish because of the humiliation aspect of being forced to lick/sniff feet
>that busty bod
I'd fuck her
No, you're lucky.
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She's absolutely adorable.
Wait hold up
I could totally show Dash a good time. She would love to go see an action movie or a basketball game or something.
Not german?
that face is all kinds of fuck
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That winehorse causes inflammation and swelling of my genitals as well as exudation of fluid
Yeah, she would.
Just not with you.
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same diff
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but I-

I don't have anymore questions
Is it really that bad? I thought it looked nice.

Too stern and serious.

Vinyl strikes me more as the liberated, fun-loving type who just wants to enjoy life and feel good, whether it's with her music, or a couple of drinks, or, hey, she's in the mood, and you're actually pretty cute - you wanna fool around a little?
>fool around
>with that >>13744727

Mostly because I think the accents are sexy, and because of the Euro scene for electronic/techno/house music.
Even ponies need love I suppose.
No, only changelings need love.
You should try a trappy Mr. Cake
The angle on the muzzle is a bit too far down (or the rest of the face is too far up) and the eyes don't match.
The back also travels in a direction that doesn't seem agreeable with ending up by the ass.
Also those eyelashes are a bit too crude, i think.
But Cadence
Is a slut?
>Eurobeat will rather talk to /mlp/ then talk to us now.
Good job, MLPG, you managed to push out a contributor who was there in the beginning.
Say la vee

Why is it always "You pushed them out?"

People's tastes are allowed to change, Anon.

It's sad, but it happens.
The only correct colt
I think she's the most attractive princess
I want to cuddle a colt.
Cute lingerie is optional
We'll she was literally designed by a six year old girl to be a pretty pink princess.
> implying she puts out for someone else than her highschool sweetheart
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>quit being so fucking gay and come back to bed
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That look better? I'm not sure if I agree his back is messed up but maybe.
Why are you in my bed, Dash?
Where's Rarity? I want to talk about our dreams of owning a little colt harem again.
Much better, yeah

>"Hey, Anon - you ever fucked while you were on E before?"

>"No... why?"

>"Just curious... had a couple earlier... and... fuck... ohfuckfuckfuck I think I'm gonna come --!"

>"...I'm just rubbing your feet, though."

>"I know! Fucking wild, right-- ah! Ohhshit...! Ohh fuckfuckFUCK it's like my feet are coming--!!"
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I bet she'd really like it if you suckle on her toes.
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I'd Dash.
This is why we can't be together, Dash.
You're always so quick to judge and you just can't accept my fetishes.
That's a very cute Dash you got there.

Should we do pony?
I want to do pony.
There's never any good pony foot porn anyway.
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It's harder to find a picture of her not being cute.

Depending how strong that stuff is, you could turn her into a boneless, panting ball of pseudo-orgasms, gripping the sheets until her knuckles turn white, her nipples so hard it's like they're about to rip through her shirt as she writhes under you - even moving your hand over her skin is enough to send a buzz through her.

And that's to say nothing of what happens when you lightly drag the tip of your tongue across the sole of her foot.

"Fucking-- christ, what were those fucking pills?! I gotta get mmmore of them--!"
You know who else is cute, Saine?

You are~
You're a cute Dash
Back off, he's mine.
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Yes, yes pony is good.
Don't make me pull a Highlander on your ass

There can be only one
And it's me
We would all win if you both killed each other.
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I want to do pony too
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I can't wait for season 4 and more Dash
Oh my you guys are so ___Nice___
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oh gosh that's cute
Oh shit.
Driving her mad with lust would be so fun. Just seeing her react to every touch like her entire body is an erogenous zone.
To say nothing of suckling on those plump breasts and teasing her nipples with your teeth.
But you're a lot nicer
And cuter
And talented
Maybe, maybe not
I'm not that talented
How good is pony?
You can draw purrty pictures with purrty ponies
I can't do that
Would she cum at the same time as you if she gave you a footjob
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Soft and hugably good.
I'm warning you, man.
pony is unhuggable.
Back off, I want my cute creative cuddlebuddy all to myself
What happened to got glue
>you will never have creepy and obsessive Anons fighting over you
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Pony is too hugable.
Dangerously hugable.
Hot glue?
It cums and goes
I wish there was more of it
Hugging pony is dangerous to your health. It could kill you.
pony should pony pony
You aren't persistent enough.
He's mine and everyone knows it.
Pony should pony human
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Yes they should
So make some, you've got a pony toy and some cum, right?
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Please, I've been hugging ponies for years and I'm fine.
Just like smoking.
You don't even KNOW how persistent I am!
You cant just DECLARE that you've won, thats not a fite
Stop being so creepy Faggot.

I don't know how to feel about all of these compliments.
Excuse you, anon, he's clearly mine.
You can't love him the way I do.
I'm hotglueanon
I would but I fapped twice tonight

Why don't YOU make some? Everyone's seen my stuff, we haven't seen yours.
why settle for a foot when you can experience the tightness of a nice vag?
or ass
That's actually possible, a friend of mine said he did E then his girlfriend gave him a massage and he came, works both ways
>rch is finally dead.

oh IM the one being creepy
It's not a fight because you've already lost
She'd come after seeing you writhe and explode all over her foot
>Dash loses a bet with Applejack and has to go around in bows for a whole day.
>The rest of the mane 6 are amused, but then surprised by the amount of attention she's getting from stallions.
NGO is a fetish of mine
It's entirely possible to do that without drugs
I know it's possible to cum hands free through sheer willpower, seems kinda hard

She'd probably come a good one or two times before you did. And again when your semen hit her feet.


She'd be totally incoherent by the time you actually got to her breasts - only conscious enough to grab your head and push you further into her chest while you torment one fat, thick nipple with your mouth, and the other with your thumb, rubbing slow, determined circles around it. And this is before you even get her shirt off. Or to be more accurate, before she frantically pulls it off and fights her way out of her jeans and panties, the crotch all but soaked through, desperate to let as much of her skin as possible feel the sheets under her, and you on top of her.
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>gets a huge bow trend going
I'm okay with this.
She's absolutely DRENCH you when you go down on her.
Thats very different from NGO
Hands free orgasms come from INTERNAL stimulation of the genitals, using your kegal muscles

NGOs come from being REALLY TURNED ON and getting other parts of your body stimulated. I've had an orgasm from scalp massage and leg rubs

Her clit is so hard, you can almost see it throbbing. All it takes it one good suck, and your chin and chest are soaked.
>you'll never have a cute pegasus mare girlfriend who's totally head-over-hooves for you
What does NGO stand for?
Jesus. How much more can the poor girl take before she passes out from the overstimulation?
Hopefully enough for a good rimming.
Did you actually ejaculate or was it just the sensation of orgasm?
Non-Genital Orgasm

I made a girl squirt once by massaging between her toes
non-genital orgasm
you couldn't piece that together from the conversation?

i did
God that fetish is terrible.
I hope my mare girlfriend wouldn't use "hoof" in place of "hand" for all those every day colloquialisms or I'd go crazy.
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>Sorry this took so long. Cel-shaded bedtimes for Anon.
>Does anyone know who drew the original?

Sorry man, I don't. May be Nasse. Either way - thank you, goat!
oh god unf
You're terrible.
I did ejaculate
>Cloudchaser rolls her eyes and settles in while Flitter goes on and on about how sweet and funny this guy is.
>And did she mention he said her bow was cute?
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time to go sleep with my little pony
you know ponies have a bit of a thing for that
it's part of the package
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but anon
the cuteness would end me
I wonder if ponies can orgasm from ear stimulation, or dock licking
How can you say you love her if you won't cum in her nipples?
>Not respecting your girlfriend's language and culture.
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just like that
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>cc meets you for the first time
>"Like five times..."
It would be awkward to accidentally make pony orgasm by rubbing her ears.

That is the cutest fucking picture
Those arms look so good for cuddling
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>Well he's MY weird ape thing!
>pony didn't know that could happen either
>now you are both just sitting next to each other, awkwardly looking in different directions
I'm going to marry Spike!
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Changelings are very silly pony...bug, things.
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>"YEAH, well you still haven't told Dad you're seeing an Earth Pony! What if he sees those pictures of you from the Apple Reunion?"
>"S-shut up! He'd be cool with it..."

She couldn't even resist as you grabbed her, flipping her over on the bed with her ass in the air. She's literally drooling by the time you're done, her leg shaking from the force of her orgasm, bonelessly grinding her chest against the sheets.
>Dash has very sensitive wings
>But she doesn't realize just HOW sensitive
>After some initial reluctance, she lets you help preen them.
>Ends up coming from the stimulation.
>You're both just left standing there in awkward silence.
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Every time you say boneless
Sexiest pegasus twins
You ever have that one friend that told a funny joke. At the time you thought this joke was hilarious.
Then he tells you the same joke again and it's still kind of funny.
Then he tells that same joke a third time and yeah, you giggle, it's not as funny as the first two times, but it's still pretty funny.
Then he says it again, and again, and again. By now the joke has gotten stale. It's not funny anymore because you've heard it so many time. You know the punchline. You know the setup. You are just so over this joke. But your friend, he thinks it's still hilarious so he will not stop telling you this joke no matter what. He still believes that this joke is so fresh and original that it will be funny every time he tells it to you.
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>it's the same with belly rubs
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>same when you touch her hooves as well
>in fact, it only ever seems to happen when it's you
That pic will never not be hot
Goodness, she's really been enjoying herself, hasn't she? It seems like it's just about time to have your own turn.
I bet she'll squeal when you push your way past that saliva-slick pucker and fill her ass.
Who is the squirtiest pony?
I agree
>tfw no kinky unicorn gf to make you wear a cock/ball ring and use her magic to tease and prod your swollen balls and angry red rock-hard veiny cock
I want to lick her frogs
>ignoring tight virgin vagina for hooves
dumb retard
The one who's closest to an anime character
And this is why you deserve to be alone.
MLPG, why are you such terrible people?

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>Flitter and Cloudchaser defending their choice in boyfriends to their more traditionalist pegasus father

Oddly cute.
>you will never with pone
Don't say that anon.
I just can't help it, I hate you so much.
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I love xanax
>their mother, by contrast, doesn't seem to mind at all
>the earth pony is such a strapping young lad
>and honestly, how many ponies could claim that their daughter is dating a bona fide ALIEN?
My little pony refuses to go to bed.
And now he's gone.
>you will never force a mare to squirt on her foal
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Of course not.
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I usually just go with Advil PM.

Works great.
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She's so overwhelmed she's barely able to stay upright, leaving it to you to thrust into her, your hips meeting her soft, plush ass with a slap. Every so often you hit a sweet spot and her arms buckle beneath her as another gush of girl-cum trickles down her legs. She's incapable of forming words beyond "fuck", "yes" and "so good."

When you blow your load inside her, she sits bolt upright and yells "POP!" as she gushes into your lap one last time, then promptly passes out.
It's cheaper to by diphenhydramine by itself, they usually sell it as 'sleep aid'.
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My father abuses xanax
It's not fun
Would be a good Button's Adventures topic.
>she sits bolt upright and yells "POP!"
Sleep well, Vinyl. Hope you weren't planning on walking much for the next couple of days.
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So why is Fluttershy suddenly a crackhead.
Your dad knows how to party
>Their Dad isn't exactly comfortable with it, but his daughters are adults now and he respects their decisions.
>He's not...he's not racist or anything, but there's some bad blood between him and Earth ponies. The apples in particular.
>And he worries that Flitter might be getting in over her head.
>But if they're happy, he supposes he can manage.
It's not crack, it's an anti-anxiety medication. And for obvious reasons.
he's 48 and doesn't leave his house
She popped a xanax for anxiety. It makes her loopy, as Fluttershy is probably rather susceptible to mood enhancers.
I've been marathonning Doctor Who the past couple of weeks and now I really want to see Twilight or someone as the Doctor's companion.
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I'd do my best to make Flitter the happiest mare in Equestria
At least you can borrow money from him all the time, if you take xanax all the time you can't remember shit.
Because the guy that runs that tumblr does a lot of drugs and decided to make Fluttershy anxiety-ridden
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Well then.
That suddenly got cuter.
He hasn't remembered the date for 2 years
I'd fill her with my average sized penis and leave her sweating and completely exhausted after a 15 minute fuckmarathon
That is literally my favorite picture of Fluttershy
But she is anxiety-ridden.
Twilight would probably really enjoy that. Think of how much she could learn?
pinkie pie on meth
I'm pretty sure the guy's clean, and the only real problem he has is that he's some type of colorblind.
He decided to make her DO something about her anxiety via xanax
And he's rather U MAD BRO? about that headcanon too so its really annoying
She'd probably be the most technical companion, beating out Martha.
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I don't understand how people can hate that little pony.
ok, that's a better answer.
>Fluttershy taking steps to treat her anxiety
>this is a bad thing
I hate her because she's what I used to be and I'm fighting every day not to go back to that.
She's actually my least favorite of the main cast.

I'm pretty sure it's because she's yellow.
Well, considering that most stallions barely last 10 seconds...
She'd probably consider you the best lover she's ever had, at least as far as sex goes.
As for the nonsexual aspect of the relationship, you'd have to actually work for it.
>taking medication to the point where she's tripping and not just mellowed out
>this is a good thing
She has her moments I guess.
She only takes the one pill. She's not ODing, at least.
We have no real context on it though, Mood stabilizers can do all sorts of weird things to different people.

Sometimes it takes a bit to mellow out, sometimes you have to change the medication.
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But she seems so...cuddly.
I don't understand how people can hate any pony.
She does when people bug him about it
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It makes no sense.
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And then it's just a shock image, which is about as canon as the rest of the blog. Or any other blog.
I wish I had pony.
I still find Twist pretty anoying, as far as cartoon pony hate standards go.
If you take xanax in its therapeutic dose it's probably the most effective medication for anxiety on the market. Unfortunately it's short-acting and taking it every day for a long period of time has negative effects. Also the most widely abused prescription drug.


She could use a good breakfast tomorrow morning.

And plenty of fluids. You have no idea how much she must have lost from squirting alone.
All of the ponies are pretty likable.
Except for your favorite pony, they're just awful.
I really hate drug abusers, but it is kind of fun to hear them rambling about random shit and mixing their thoughts mid-sentence

I especially love making fun of them for it whenever they aren't high
Pony wants you to pony with them.
I don't either, I don't really like Twist or Snips & Snails but I wouldn't call it "hate" and they're pretty much designed to be annoying

I don't have a problem with any other pony
Which pony? Where is pony? I can't pony with pony if I can't find them.
Good breakfast, lots of fluids. Will do. I could make a seedy joke about cum here, but I think she'd do better with water.
And maybe next time she can score enough doses for the both of us.
That's one thing I dislike about this show
EVERY colt was designed around some kind of imperfection and then exaggerated
They were?
I want to pony pony
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Goodnight, MLPG.
Your favorite pony, the ponying begins with a game of hide and go seek. Better start looking.
there's no excuse for being that fucked up in front of people, stay inside if you're gonna get that fucked, no one wants to see you drooling and nodding out on oxy, and I say that as someone who's guilty of all of the above
Pony is mean.
I kinda want to do ecstasy but I wouldn't have anyone to do it with.
>she has some truly sadistic things planned for you when you dose
>by the end of the night she'll have you shooting blanks and pleading for sweet release

Snips: Purposely made "ugly", huge eyebrows, buckteeth, bad haircut(this is a really bad one, THATS HIS TALENT FOR LIFE), short, chubby, annoying voice

Snails: Purposely made "slow"

Featherweight: Thin and lanky, messed up teeth

Rumble: Effeminateand he wasn't around long enough to see any other flaws

Pip: Short and childish, the definition of "nonthreatening"
Do you think they threaten changeling prisoners with cute things in order to get them to talk?
Would nurse Redheart help you with your donation if you were having trouble?
>Rumble: Effeminate

>his muzzle isn't the same shape as the other colts'

>therefore he's effeminate

Boy are you dumb.
Yeah, she'd break out the electric prostate stimulator
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Chrysalis has grown on me over time, I even think she's a little bit sexy now, especially with that voice.
And the fillies are any better?
The CMC are huge failures at everything they do, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are huge assholes, Twist is Twist, etc
I actually bought one of those things, it was the Naughty Boy, but I tried to get it up my ass and it's too uncomfortable. Shame, I've heard that prostate orgasms are mindblowing.
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And he has a high pitched voice

And he looks like a filly
>Nurse I um... might need a little assistance here.
>What do you- OH. Oh I see, yes sir just go in to that room there and I'll get you all the help you need~
>you go in to the room, just a normal doctor's room
>a minute later you hear the door open
>biggest, ugliest nurse you've ever seen.
>"I heard you needed a little help there sonny."

He's a little kid, you idiot.
AA is here?
A little kid with a high pitched voice and feminine features.

I bet he's a choir boy
Is masturbation to pony immoral?
When he grows up he's gonna be hung like a horse and a true knockout stud, his babysitters will find themselves having conflicted feelings and shameful thoughts about the little colt they used to babysit growing up into such a handsome stallion. He'll be pounding that pegasus pussy and making Flitter squirt while Cloudchaser rims his ass.
>RCH hateanon spent 500 bucks to moot for the ad to the sub.

Pony likes it
The material is irrelevant, it's still self-pleasure, nothing to be ashamed of. Even cartoon ponies masturbate.
>implying he won't be gay
>and in an incestuous relationship
Well let's not go all RCH hateanon hateanon
stop projecting your degenerate fantasies onto underage colts
Pony doesn't know, does she?
He pretty much admitted it in the thread accusing Eurobeat of quitting the fandom.

I'm imagining myself sucking his innocent little coltcock right now while his brother fucks his ass, and theres nothing you can do about it
Oh she knows

It gets her hot
But he's not a brony any more
I'd say it's pretty obvious how he feels
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I'm going to bed now, Goodnight <3
>RCH hateanon spent 500 bucks to moot for the ad to the sub.

I don't get it?
Elaborate please
That book doesn't look like a very comfortable pillow.
That's creepy. Pony is creepy.
I'm done masturbating to pony.
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I still want to cuddle with you
Eurobeat may be history but hey.
Business is business.
please don't play into my empathetic arousal fetish
If anons start fapping to it I won't be able to control myself
I'm sure it's fine. She's kind of drooling all over it though.
Horse is sleeping.
I am unable to find pictures of sleeping horse at this time.
A particular hateanon has focused on the general.
This is the time o day he tends to loose his shit for no reason and attack.
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Please, you tend to shit yourself around now about his destruction of the general, despite his entire lack of presence.
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You dumb retards, I'm not him. I was curious what does this means:
>RCH hateanon spent 500 bucks to moot for the ad to the sub.

I've got an impression someone spent 500$ to put ad somewhere that has subtle reference to RCH? I can't see ads, adblock + corporate firewall/filter.

Can someone link it?
Would pony let me lick her cutiemark?
I want to get stoned with Vinyl and get my asshole rimmed and then my cockhead licked and suckled on until I explode in her mouth, shaking and groaning as she laps up the thick seed gushing down her throat. Then I'd pinch her teats while eating her soaked marevag til she squirted all over my face.
You seem rather curious over it if you don't have something to do with it.
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>Not knowing about the ad some faggot spent to link to the sub.

You really do get mad at people over nothing.
Are you seriously this paranoid?
I think they meant this ad?
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Yes, that horse is sleeping.
Thank you anon.
It;s funny how innocent you seem to be after last night. You were loosing your mind about RCH, and those of us who were defending him.
I thought it was something that worth attention.
Thank you, I was worried about that horse. I needed a visual confirmation on its safety and activity.
it's pretending to sleep and waiting for you to go away
I guess you are paranoid.
I'm not rch hateanon
unf, orgasms while high are so intense, I'd pass out if I ever got a blowjob from a pony while stoned
Like you said, 500 was hardly worth a dime.
No no...
You just jump on the injured, thinking you have a chance at glory.
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Okay then, who are you?
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>yfw reading your really old posts in the archive
My ponying got a bit out of hand some nights, good thing I never used a trip.
I'm just anon. What exactly am I supposed to say?
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You act like sentenal. Which can mean only one thing.
>ponying with your hands

anon pls

God gave you a penis for a reason.

tonguejobs give you the best orgasms ever, fuck that must have felt good
The thing about Snip's haircut: Have you ever heard that riddle about the town with two barbers? One with a bad haircut and one with a good haircut? you go to the one with the bad hair because he has to go to the other one to get his hair done. The barber with the good hair gets it cut by him.

You're kind of reaching with Rumble and Pip, but you're right as far as recurring colts go.
Why were you jumping to defend a hatean-
Nevermind, you are free to go.

Hello, RCH hateanon!.
Did he pot here today and anger you in some way?
Oh man, I bet he posted all over the place with his filthy trip!
That asshole!
Most nights my hand is the pony.
her powers are working
Seriously, what the fuck with high concentration of autistic retards in this thread?
Can I offer you a coffee, how have you been today?

goddamn right they do
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It's magic I ain't gotta explain shit. But seriously, you've had your fair share of warnings, you should know by now.
Drunk shenanigans with Unicorns would be so fun. Especially with Twilight and Rarity.
What's your problem bud?

>that changeling tongue
i wish i was attractive enough to have sex with someone
I am not autistic nor am I retarded.
>The shitposter says in MLPG, mid scramble to cover his shit.

Especially right on that underside where the frenulum is
Joke's on you, he just tricked you into shitposting yourself.
I wish I was a pony so I could stare at my butt.
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Well, I guess I fell to a master baiter!
>prehensile changeling tongues

Their best feature, the things they can do to you with it are endless.

Would you let Celestia perform Solar Penectomy on you?

I had to google what it is to be honest
That's an ugly and horrible Celestia
you don't need to be attractive, you just have to find the right person

Id have sex with you, anon
Only if she kills me beforehand.
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No, but I'd let her do pretty much anything else she wanted. Human Celestia femdom and orgasm denial are my ultimate fetishes.
Does that mean she'd basically burn my dick off? ;_;
So someone requested this quickfic a while back
It's not so quick
To be clear the prompt is "something something sexually assertive amazonian hyper tits Celestia," so
Most of it is "something something"
>Human Celestia femdom and orgasm denial are my ultimate fetishes.
In case it's light femdom - ma nigga
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nice digits you got there
"something something X" is the new dogespeak
I've made peace with the fact that I will likely never have sex with a woman, so I've made up my mind to buy a mini mare and a ranch, then pound that beautiful, tight, winking pussy every chance I get, and teach her to give blowjobs like that horse in the video. From what I hear, mini mares are so tight and the winking/milking action is so powerful that the orgasms you get from them far surpass ones with a human woman.
>amazonian celestia
This will be a good way to start the day
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You're all idiots.
>>and teach her to give blowjobs like that horse in the video

>and then Anon cried for months on MLPG because his dick was bitten off
It was the second prompt when I said "second prompt gets it", and I try to keep my word.

Mmmmmmaybe, I can't make promises. Humanized is a royal bitch, and so is keeping pacing and the level of detail steady. So is accounting for fetishes I don't have.
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For some reason it's the scarves that get me. Wintertime drunken reveling with Unicorns seems like it would be a great time.
>hurr durr imma cleverer than all of you
Yeah, not extreme, I like stuff like teasing, dirty talking, orgasm denial, like bringing me to the edge and stopping until I get so desperate that she finally goes all out and sucks hungrily to drain my aching balls and make me groan and shudder in my throes of ecstasy.
I'm smart. I wear glasses.
They're drunk
No one is safe.

Not even Celestia. Hundreds...thousands of snowballs going towards a surprised Celestia. All because Rarity and Twilight are drunk.
I emailed the guy who owned that horse, got his email from beastforum, and he gave me instructions on how to train them and the right technique to use.
Why not just one giant snowball?
> "No, because I chose you before this stupid ceremony ended. I wanted to take you in my chambers," she pulled him close, warm soft bosom presing into his chest, hands now snaking down his back. She brought her lips in close, still speaking plainly- but with a certain clip- "but now we can do this here, none to see you tupping me like an ewe."

...Why not both?
Rarity is probably very accurate. And she can levitate a shitload of things.

And if somehow someone survives, manage to defend him/herself from the initial volley they will just find themselves under a giant snowball thanks to Twilight.

And then it all comes crashing down.
I did that to a guy once
He didn't tell me that he hadn't cum in 6 days
Oh man, looks like I'll have to actually get around to reading that quest, if it's getting a followup.
How did it taste?
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Yeah - that is pretty much my ultimate fetish, too.
salty milk and coins

Actually it was thick and a little bitter, but tolerable
There was just way too much of it
It wasn't enough, though, was it?
I have a cum fetish
No, it wasn't
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>tfw you look so much better/smarter with glasses
Did you spill any? Did you clean up?
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FUCK me~
I almost swallowed it all
Coughed near the end and got it all on his crotch
Licked up every last drop
good night :3
Saine is still mine
maybe tomorrow

Why you gotta play hard to get baby?
Any good?
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Why are you drawing?
No inspiration
So you draw to gain inspiration?
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Well yes, but also I misread the question
I want hotglueanon to blow me
I never drew.

...I used to craft.
But you didn't ask about that.
That's what they all say
Why are you crafting?
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Do you love me, Anon?
I love you
I don't know who the fuck that is.
I don't even think he ever posted here because I have never heard of the guy!
You are very ugly.
but beggars can't be choosers, if you were real i'd give you a chance.
but you aren't and i can't love an ugly cartoon character.
I'm not drawing
And I'm not programming either
I've all but given up on meeting my previous deadline
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I cannot love pony anymore. The magic is dead.
Because I am good with my hands, but drawing was never a thing for me.

I can take some material, and turn it into something... I don't know.
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Of course I love you

A.Beat her
B.Scold her
C.Tell her to never talk to you again
D.Report her to the police
Since the filename doesn't have either
>It's yours
>Wow, anon sure is trying to fight the transformation
>Struggle please, it turns me on

I'm just going to assume that someone stuck a pipe up her ass and blew air into her
Ask her for some
Chill out on the couch with her
Why are you even here?
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I'd try to at least be friends with that pony.
LK that femrover thing is unftastic
Why would you do drugs?
Hello Speark
>Be besties with Derpy
>She really isn't all there in the head, can't really fuck her with a clear conscious
>All the mares in Ponyville see you with her
>They think you're an absolute sweetheart
>Drown in marepussy
Start programming.
>Babs' VA featured on that huge show cast poster

But I'm sick
And I need to study for a laboratory
So study
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That's some neat effect around her horn
> not letting it just be a happy, healthy, if a but surprising pregnancy
Fuck's sake
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>Changelings become a PvP covenant in Dark Souls 2
>You have to convince your host that you're here to help them and then kill them after you reach a certain point in a level like a fog gate or get to the boss etc
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hahaha i forgot all about this guy


... WHY?
Did I miss ELAOWF thread again..
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I do too, you silly mare.
r63 derpy
Oh wow, I really like this.
When I first opened it and could only see the left side with the minecart and that colouring, I was expecting it to be a Bastion picture for a moment. Glad it wasn't, though.
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You get to go to Equestria only if you marry your waifu and r63'd waifu
You have to fuck and get fucked by them in equal measure
So... dream comes true?
I doubt many people here would have a problem with that.
>in equal measure
and pleasure.
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So this is supposed to be the S3 poster?
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>Every Brony Musician
I'm kind of sad they didn't use Corey's dragon there.
Did you expect someone to hate that idea?
I like how that implies that they're interchangeable
>in official material
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>Alicorn OC
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Surprisingly enough, they're using the word right.
>an american deserves respect
>Bonnie Zacherle
oh boy... how many "official" alicorns that makes? That is show and staff side?
I believe that I missed so much fun drama
Amy Keating Rogers is an alicorn.
Didn't Oliver have another OC? I think she posted some pink Alicorn on her twitter once
>That sex hair on Nicole Oliver
St Germain pony is super kawaii.
But Lauren is neither cast nor crew
>Thiessen relegated into a corner

That makes me kinda upset
At least it's justified for her and Lauren since their visions were used to create the worlds, but Meghan having one doesn't seem right.
If you went to hug Derpy would her sentient butt move to intercept thinking you're a threat?
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>this is meant to be the poster of the season
But Meghan doesn't have an Alicorn OC, she's a filthy mudpony
Not sure why that swapped in my head. Meant AKR.
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>Cindy Morrow's CM is bacon

The fuck?
Pony ate too much pie~
>The CMC's OCs are hnggggh as fuck
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Oh cheer up, lady
Have a snifter
Does pony need a belly massage to help that pie accomodate?
> any pout is manface
In the middle, above Faust
The three fillies and pink pegasus on Fausticorn
I think it's because of the way she sips. It's like posing and over doing the "Not bad" face at the same time.
Who's the earth filly bellow Faust?
Babs' VA
no getting my hopes up no getting my hopes up no getting my hopes up no getting my hopes up no getting my hopes up
Why is Wootton getting his ass inspected by three mares?
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why dont you have a special somepony anon
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>Andrea isn't the pone from WA
because I'm not a faggot
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Daily reminder.
Tabitha's OC is vogue as fuck
what if he was admitted because he's bald?
does cancer pone start cooking pone meth?
>not liking men
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men are gross
>only 4 celestiafags
It was a better time
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>You will never feel your waifu's muzzle on your marecunt
anyone know any good recent fapfics?
>ends before it really begins
Why Chistery
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[x]destroy and hate
That isn't even a question you dumb russian horse.
I wonder if he's the dead pony from the next episode
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What the heck, don't swear, Rainbow Dash!
but sister/brother incest is hot
especially if it's incest
incest is not ok, even between brother and sister
Smoking pot is fun because it makes edging feel amazing, the orgasms are absolutely explosive, they'll make your toes curl and wrack your entire body with pleasure so overwhelming that all you can do is writhe and groan.
In this very special episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic...
Heeeeere comes armoranon
It's only hot when it's between Celestia and Luna for me.

Tell her do that shit outside.
I'm not one to judge, I just don't want my house smelling.
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I just realized I haven't been here in a month or more.

I...I think this is it MLPG...it's been fun to share two years and a half with you...
> they'll make your toes curl and wrack your entire body with pleasure so overwhelming that all you can do is writhe and groan

That always sounds like it's taken straight out of some cheap fanfic.

And is especially unbelievable since I never even came remotely close to that.
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There is a new student transfering to Cheerliee's class.

Now the episode revolves around the CmC befriending the anti-socal pony who could barely talk.
anime is shit
You're shit.
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Fucking druggie
You're shite at wanking then bruv
I probably am.

I also don't use drugs to enhance it though
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wwould you?
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What wrong with the show? It reminds you of yourself?