Scoot scoot thread!Old thread>>13715577
nigga fuck scootaloo
>>13718127ill fukn wrek u
>>13718127I'd fuck her.
>>13718132Benis 2.0 :DD
4chan is turning 10 in 4 days.I feel old.
>>13718153oh god you just made me remember my early 4chan days>the tripfagging>the epic trolling by pretending to be an idiot>the edgy racism and gore>the bragging in real life that i have seen the worst things on the internetwheres that bleach
>>13718185don't worry anon, we were all faggots once
>>13718185NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU SCRUB, WE'LL NEVER BE CLEAN,ANONNEVER BE CLEANI just want to forget and put it in the "I was 14" file.
>>13718185Try Everclear, it's a little less fatal.
Would any of cool cats like request?
Heya, MLPG!We're planning on doing a MLPG-based podcast. The base idea would be having guests (That is, any of you!) with us each episode, discussing...pretty much anything. Pone, for sure, but also videogames, other cartoons, comics, quests, whatever. We'll keep you all informed about it.We do need some help, though: We need someone who knows how to properly edit sound files, to cut off all the bloopers and unplanned incidents that might occur during the recording. We plan on using Audacity, unless we find something better.This is something we're gonna do for fun, of course, but we can still make something interesting out of it.So yeah, if you have any questions, suggestions, or think you can contribute in some way to this project, just say so!
Is any marker mover or Deaf on right now?
>>13718218Why single me out?
>>13718215Eurobeat could help you
>>13718225you weren't our first choice
>>13718215That sounds dumb as fuck and idiotic. But fun. Hope you find someone because I'll listen/
>>13718215who gave you that idea?
>>13718215I'm just not sure MLPG is big or active enough for this to get enough support or enough of an audience, although I'll probably listen to it if you get something done. I also know how to do all that shit, but don't really have the time, so I wouldn't be of much use.
>>13718215I'd listen, I also have some experience with sound editing using audacity if you need tips. I used it for some commentary for let's plays.
>>13718225I was looking though the thread and you name came up. I am holding Marker at the moment when the thread before this was deleted. Can you get the Marker from here?
>>13718247>let's playnine picohitlers
>>13718268Here you go.
pony is going to put on the shirt with long sleeves again
>>13718274I'm kidding,mate
>>13718275Can you take a picture of her? I bet she is adorable.
Twi goes bookDash goes fastPink goes bounceand Rar goes chasteBelle goes crackScoots goes ScootAnd the fluttershy goes toot
>>13718263So being a let's player is morally equivalent to bringing about the deaths of 0.000099 people over your lifetime? That's like stealing a candy bar and leaving half of the cost by the register.
>>13718215i have edited sound for quite a while, maybe have gotten a bit rusty but i don't really want to involved in anything MLPG does like that. it always ends in disaster.
>>13718215This is the coolest thing I've heard of all year! Man, 2010 is gonna be GREAT!
>>13718295But the disaster is the greatest part. COME ON ANONDO ITPLEASEI WANT TO HEAR SPAGHETTI FROM HERE
>>13718293no that's 5 hitlers.
>>13718302not for me. i had my fill.
>>13718291Apple goes apple
>>13718185>>the tripfagging>>the epic trolling by pretending to be an idiot>>the edgy racism and gore>>the bragging in real life that i have seen the worst things on the internetI've been with 4chan since it was 3 years old and i went through none of these phases
>>13718296What are you trying to convey?
>>13718318well... you're a butt.
>>13718226He's not around often enough, we plan on doing this in an almost weekly basis>>13718237Actually, someone said something about doing a podcast around two weeks ago, and that kinda sparkled the flame>>13718247Would you be available for editing it?
>>13718185>bragging in real life that i have seen the worst things on the internetmore like PTSD
>>13718322a misquote about pony with long sleeves
>>13718305Not much.
>>13718293You still feel kinda bad though.
>>13718185>tfw all you did was shitpost on /a/ and brag about how you knew about all these weird secret nerd cults like "the waifus" that were wonders of failed human psychology>because you had a waifu and secretly loved her>and your 14 year old self really wanted to tell but couldn't
>>13718305[lesbian tank noises]
>>13718327>Actually, someone said something about doing a podcast around two weeks ago, and that kinda sparkled the flamewas it in the thread?
>>13718332...Why is he holding that sword backwards?
>>13718331OS X isn't the only operating system with a non-shit file system that can handle special charactersbut its file system is still shit. lol case insensitive.
>>13718352There's something very cute about this.
>>13718357This needs to be posted on /s/ in a butt thread
>>13718353And 4chan x lets you choose filenames, anything you want.
>>13718327No, with school and work and other projects, I'm pretty swamped. I can help out in the beginning, giving pointers and stuff like that, but I don't have the time or interest to put a lot of time on this project.
>>13718331>>13718353I'm using windows.In 4chan x you can edit the filename before clicking submit.
>>13718365Not on linux, but that just might be the shitty firefox gtk version being shit because gtk is a pile of burning trash.
>>13718358Yeah, sort of cute and familiar.
>>13718373Just lick the filename and start typing
>>13718372...Wait, really?
Pony thinks you're an inferior species because you don't have the magic of friendship guiding you towards the Greater Good.
>>13718379Haha, I never caught that those were Rocko's boxersawesome
>>13718386ARE THOSE BOOBS!?
>>13718387Nope, can't happen with gtk.Gnome pls stop ruining linux
>>13718396I become further disappointed with you with each passing moment.
>>13718402Are you using the latest version of 4chan x?Also yes gtk is fucking terrible
>>13718344Yes, yes it wasWas it you?>>13718369Aw, alright. We'll contact you if we don't find anyone else and try to figure it out ourselves, then
You are now an Equestrian politician, practice your buzzwords. Friendship blah blah blah love blah blah round plump horse asses blah blah blah.
>>13718351That's the only thing i dislike about the picture.The first 20 times i saw it i thought he was holding it in a comfortable safe way.Now i can't stop seeing the imminent cut.But then i'm sure those beautiful muscles can take it.
>>13718412but you are not rose
>>13718414>Was it you?It might have beenso who is going to be helping with the podcast?
Why don't we ever have chess derails at least in night threads, MLPG?This thread is pure bliss, it started as lolicon and now people are playing chess and telling those who're trying to rerail it to shut up >>>/a/93933563
>>13718420Something something rape something inferno of suffering something something total annihilation something glory to man something something hope something YES WE CAN
>>13718432because we're not your personal army
>>13718432because chess is a shitty game and most of chess skill is experience and memory instead of deep thinkingcall me when people invent something that's always intellectually stimulating all of the time
>>13718432Because such surprises are a Rarity?
>>13718474booo get off the stage
>>13718455Warhammer.Really though, the only way to make a game that stimulates intellectually all the time is to make a game where a significant amount of the playing field is determined by the players.
>>13718466my name is dave the destroyer and i play IG all of the time
>>13718455They already did. Play Dota2
>>13718481I guess we can't all be Scrubbles
>>13718420Working towards togetherness yadayadayada Stronger, purer community yadayadayada damned ziggers yadayadayada
>>13718424We'll be accepting help from everyone who wants to help. Quite a lot of people have already shown interest and presented themselves as possible guestsIf you're asking about concrete names, there's LK and GypsyMagic as hosts
>>13718455Like Go?
>>13718503>there's LK and GypsyMagic as hostswho are you?
>>13718516>LK and Gypsy will never finish the flutterstuffing story>you will never dildo applejack with a mlpg bro
>>13718523wait what flutterstuffing story? link?
>>13718493>not liking ziggers
>>13718523I don't remember that one.
>>13718420I'm the american ambassador!Shit damn motherfucker damn twerk swag nigga #YOLO facebook virgin betas ALPHA AS FUCK swerve. Hope terrorism ya'll targeted founding fathers jesus degeneracy liberals. Lets get burgers dude chevy levy toyota hurricane katrina mcdonalds health initiative. Synergized burgers burger motherfucking burgers swag margins proprietary fuckin burger solutions man. With fries. #420blazeit
>>13718525I'm at peace with that, horsefucker.
>>13718523>Jalm will never do any more violated femanon quest
>>13718530there is no link
>>13718525>Vomiting intensifies
pony's friends told pony that you aren't realthat's not true, right?
>>13718414I can help you get started along so you're not going in blind in audio editing. I just can't do all the editing for you. If you need help with certain things or need some direction on how to get started, I can do that.
>>13718548It's trueI'm one with the warp
>>13718503>interviews with famous shitposters of mlpg>such as fartfartfartanon, forsexualanon, wonderovertapanon and a bunch of other reposter shit i cant think of nowi would be interested in this
>no one remembers meI'm quite happy with this.
>>13718541>tfw no more femanon molesting a colt
>>13718548Pony does not care for me anyway
>>13718523>>13718530They never finished it, so there is no link. Pretty much it was about discord stuffing fluttershy and her friends. And fluttershy was unwillingly willing to let him do it because she wanted to make him happy. It was based on KCaFO.Probably the hottest story idea I've heard.
>>13718414what the hell are you trying to accomplish? who is going to be in it?
>>13718566Fuck you, Hater
Why do ponies have trains with engines that are pulled by horses
>>13718554Y-you think I'm a shitposter...?
>>13718573but anon he's the greatest in the galaxy
>>13718576Oh god, it hurts to laugh
>>13718554Let's not forget Mr. FUCK MY BUTT.
>>13718562that's not truepony likes you a lot
>"Delivery for Anon!"
Rate my sketch?Should I continue
>>13718561Man, I would love to see more of this, not molesting but rather passionate love ie femanon teaches colt some stuff about sex.That would be cute.
>>13718575They have both steam-powered trains and horse-powered ones. Possibily depending on distances and destinations?Maybe there's more than one company?
>>13718577to me reposting the same text or picture or meme over and over is shit never adds anything new to the discussion and you only do it for attention.
>>13718589If you'd just fuck his butt already, things would be better.
>>13718554I want an interview with chip the space marine>CHANGELINGS ARE NOT SEXY YOU HERETICAL PIECE OF SELF SUSTAINING SHIT>we haven't asked a question ye->YOU CALLED ME IN FOR THIS, BUGFUCKER? I AM A SPACE MARINE. I AM THE STRONGEST IN THE ULTRAMA->Steeeeve! I bought your cheetos!>NOT NOW MOM
>>13718595tighten your lines
>>13718582But he didnt even win the "greatest in the galaxy" trophy
>>13718595yes BDFcontinue
Morning already?
Goddammit you guys>>13718551Sure! Basically we need to know how to cut out chunks of it, introduce an intro and an outro, and if there's any way to reduce feedback or anything that would improve the sound quality
>>13718613>BDF is dead forever
>>13718601So why do you keep doing it?
>>13718613that's not BDF
>>13718613nope, try again>>13718608its just a sketch, not exactly a finished picture
>>13718603I don't fuck butts, anon. Especially not guy butts.
>>13718595>not fappable/10
Big ponk.
>>13718595>>13718594>>13718615Sexualized ponies are the worst forced meme ever.
>>13718616Being given the trophy is not "winning it"
>>13718634>its just a sketch, not exactly a finished pictureTighten your lines
>>13718643HOW MUCH!?
>>13718644Hating shit not made by you is also a very forced meme.One enforced by you.
>>13718643I want a big Ponk to cuddle with
>>13718650Tighten your pones
>>13718643Seems a bit too tall to me.Aren't the ponies supposed to be about waist high?
>>13718648he won the race to the statue for which the wager was the trophyhow literally won the trophy for being the greatest in the galaxy
>>13718643That seem too big for a pony.
>>13718654Don't touch me furfag
>>13718666But Satan, pones that high wouldn't be rideable.Unless you're a midget.
>>13718638But we have proof to the contrary
>>13718598>femanon/colt lovemaking...unf...which colt?
>>13718327I wouldn't be able to do it weekly, but if you need a musical guest and it's not on a Monday, I'd be more than happy to pop by once until you get bigger, better musical guests.
>>13718685not rumble.
>>13718560Are you Cheerilee?
>>13718675Celestia would be waist height in the right placeIYKWIM
Pony asks when is the last time you have taken your computer apart to clean it.
Ponies wearing your underwear.
>>13718700How can you tell if she's not colored yet?All ponies look the same.
>>13718708I wonder how pony got it in the first place
>>13718678Sure you do, anon.
>>13718693>femanon x spike
>>13718707i sprayed a can of air at it a few weeks ago.what else can you do?
>>13718644Ponies not being for sexual is MLPG's oldest and tiredest meme. Respect tradition, piss.
>>13718712She saw you wearing it and pulled it out of the dirty laundry pile to try it out.
>>13718717that's how I clean my ponies
>>13718685You will do it?Well, we don't have many colts there. What could be the choice besides Rumble? Pipsqueak is too small, too childish yet.
>>13718713dont worry deafwe know you would never be able to have sex
>>13718724d-did she smell it?
Butt parties.
>>13718720>been here since 2011>called piss>tfwI'm sorry, I've been rewatching the show and it really kills me ability to see ponies as sexual and not see people who want to fuck them as also makes me really, really attracted to sharks and I don't know why. i'm fapping to sharks right now.
>>13718744objectively best party.
>>13718724But that's inappropiate and unhygienic, anon
>>13718743She did.She thought it smelled relatively fresh.
If you could have any one person that works on the show or comic come regularly to visit this thread and hang out with us, who would you pick?How much of the fandom would follow them into this thread after they found out?
>>13718746I'm disgusted by it too but I keep it to myself, MT.
>>13718760probably price
>>13718746Oh. Hi MT.>>13718754that's because I don't wear underweareverI just threw some boxers in my dirty laundry for pony to discover them
>>13718744pony does not have broad hipspony has a tight booty
>>13718706Is that one on the left a zebra?Is this real life Mti and Mua?
>>13718760Price. He looks like a guy who wouldnt be too disgusted by us and he draws cute pone
>>13718694I'm not sure what I expected
>>13718767You still wear them under your clothes.
>>13718686Dang! Well, ok, we'll keep that in mind. Thank you!
>>13718760Larson maybe, MLPG would be ruined completely if bronies found out.
>>13718760price, he's already a neckbeard
>>13718786that was horrible come back when you can finish my smell fetish
Black Furry Raptor Pony Jesus
>>13718808you missed out sergal
>>13718799price is best neckbeard.
>>13718621This might be a little long:Introducing an intro and an outro means that you'll have to make a separate file that only has the intro and one that only has the outro. In the tracks menu, you can make the beginning of a track align to where you selected so you can move tracks aroundReducing feedback depends on the quality of the mic. Have a good mic, like the Blue Yeti would be beneficial. A way to get rid of background noise is a menu called Noise Removal. Select an area of just "noise" and go into the menu and press "Get Noise Profile", then select the whole track and just press okay.To get rid of any unwanted audio, there's a button on the top that will flatline the audio. Or you can just go to the Amplify effect and just bring it down to as low as it can go.Also there are compression techniques that you can use to normalize the highs and lows of your audio so you don't have any crazy spikes.Hopefully that's a start. If you need more, maybe I can show you by a stream.
>>13718760Price seems like a cool enough guy, either that or some of the male VA's who wouldn't start some Twitter stampede (and probably lurk as much as anything).
>>13718634I don't play games
>>13718814Pony ate sergal. You worship pony now.
>>13718744according to the judges those horses are not fit for breeding
>>13718740Are you going to wear them?
>>13718766>>13718780>>13718785>>13718799That's what I thought. He'd probably be great to talk pony with and get drawing tips from.Wonder how much of the fandom would care to follow him in here initially and after he stayed for a while.>>13718798Any of the people involved in the show coming would bring a stampede in guaranteed, but it would still be fun.
>>13718835I am fine with this.Pones are not for sexual.
>>13718835> ponies may have a "cow-hocked" fetishOh dear.
would you separate pony from their waifu?
>>13718847take pictures
>>13718842>Wonder how much of the fandom would care to follow him in here initially and after he stayed for a while.oh god that'd be horriblewe'd have to move to the sub
>>13718852Fuck no, anon. That is cruel!
>>13718815price is cool but i would rather have someone who can have actual influence over the show.
>>13718853is this a new forced meme to fight another forced meme?
>>13718853I still want a drawing with Rarity like thatRarity Rarara Raritovich
>>13718861who gives a shit about the show, let's have price and he'll put a lot of mlpg references into the comics
>>13718874Please no
>>13718874>that one time marker pony was in the background of the comic
>>13718861But I dont want to have any influence on the show.
>>13718835 pretty interesting how they evaluate horses, if anyone is interested.
Which pony would win in a fight against THE WICKED WALL?
>>13718746What if ponies AND sharks?
>>13718817Got it. We'll see what we can do, and I'll try to get a better micThanks!
>>13718900>rarara playing an instrumentlol no
Ponies sharing a bath together.
there's a pony in my basement
Odds: draw sfwEvems: draw nsfwDubs: vidya
>>13718924Rarity violating chechen ponies
why is she crying? :[
>>13718924you got evensbut only evems let you draw nsfw
>>13718932thingken of scratch
>>13718904I've been using a $15 logitech headset that has background noise removal that works extremely well, it's cheaper than some other options like a Blue Yeti which is normally $150. The only downside is that my headset isn't usb, it has audio in and out jacks. So if your computer doesn't have those, disregard this post.
>>13718924Rarity using Twilight's horn to pleasure herself
>>13718924Rarity hate-fucking a broken mannequin.
>>13718925holy shit why does everyone have such small beds for two people?
>>13718932Because Vinyl touches her at night.
>>13718945Because Russia, I guess?
>>13718932Raped by awful brony fanon involving dubstep artists
>>13718940I think my biggest issue comes from my soundcard, which is old as balls, though
>>13718991into a sergalsatyrthen pitted against MLPG's finest warrior in the arena, armed with only a horse dildo against his sheer mightcan you survive the trial of ultimate autism?
>>13718932Emotional climax - she's going to be a mommy, she's sure of it
>>13719009but every pregnancy test comes back negative. she goes to a doctor and finds out that she is irreversibly barren, her womb cursed with eternal chaos still hanging around from the discord incident.
>>13717503pardon the late replyWAAC = win at all costsnetlist = a specific build that has become the latest trend, often a variant of a tournament winning list. A netlist propagates itself through major blogs/forums as it becomes the current meta.Cheese = builds and unit choices that are optimized for extreme competitiveness, often to the complete exclusion of any other factors that SHOULD influence an army list, like flavor and fluff.In short, I was making a joke of accusing chrysalis of being a hardcore neckbeard that plays to win and is insufferable to play with. did I get addicted to japanese At The Gala?
>>13719038My Little Pony is not a lifetime original movie
>>13719004So you're a slutty mare with sergal legs and a freaky vagina? And you have to fight chistery with a horsecock? And it ends in consensual rape?Is this meant to be giving me a boner or is it just me?
>>13718932>>13718983Ghost draws a very cute Vinyl/Octavia
soft vore
>>13719038> I like fucking with fetish textPlease, Anon
>>13719068Neither unf nor eww
>>13719051Ooooh, okay.
>>13719054>japplejack voiceSo unfitting. They should have looked outside the usual "cute anime girl" seiyuus.
pony dropped her pants
>>13719054PAHTI DE
>>13719086thank goodness pone was wearing underwear
Why is she so perfect /co/?
>>13719095hard vore is complete ass
>>13719017Didn't the kickstarter to continue that series work out? Has there been any news about that from the studio recently?
Is your pony smart?
>>13719114the kickstarter went wellestimated date for the next episode is sometime late 2014 I think
>>13719124SOPA 2: Electric Boogaloo
>>13719117>chrysalis' horn
>>13719113Hard vore is good for arousing your stomach but not much elseI refuse to believe that anyone masturbates to it
After re-listening to At The Gala, I can't help noticing that the music often overlaps itself and it it just sounds bad.
>>13719135oh NOT AGAIN
>>13719145its guro with cannibalismguro and gore certainly have their niche
>>13718858>>13718842Bronies dont read comic, much less watch the showwe wouldnt have to worry about the fandom
>>13719160taking a nap
>>13719160Palmala Handerson
>>13719160stimulating your own penis
>>13719160'baitin' it
>>13719157>strawpoll is pretty cool and fun to use to learn about mlpg>i hope people use it morein reality all we get is dumb bullshit like this and "how gay are you" polls
firm fluttershy legs
>>13719160Fapping, but only because my father asked what it meant at a family gathering
>>13719185To be fair the breakdown was interesting.> tfw "gay with straight exceptions"
>>13719160Applejackin it
>>13719160Stroking Private Ryan
>>13719105pony should not wear underwear
>>13719193Fluttershy's sweaty boot feet
>>13719214List several reasons why.
If you don't post what the poll is, i wont follow the linkpeice of advice to faggots who keep positng that shit
>>13719218>no unf or sergal options0/10 strawpoll
>>137192321. You enjoy it, Tex
>>13719160burnish bamboo
>>13719232Texual feelings
>>13719214I must agree with this statement
Preferred Pony Pussy
What are your favourite euphemisms for watching pony
>>13719226i prefer fluttershys sweaty boob stink
>>13719218>>13719215>>13719211Good I had no idea polls weere so much funI need more
>>13719226Adorable not pony.
>>13719232I don't have to texplain anything
So there are 12 people on mlpg
>>13719256doing something 'useful'
>>13719252Pony should wear many, many layers of clothing to protect her from flyingshithead's perversion.
>>13719238Who says I enjoy it?
I'm gonna fuck so many ponies
>in animation class>three or four people doing brony animations
>>13719276now it's 11smell ya later fagt
>>13719160Shaking Hands with the BishopFloggin' the Dolphin
>>13719232because they are not for texual
>>13719264Favorite pictures of humanized have to be of pegasi with their wings carried over.
>>13719288>You are one of them.
>>13719292The mango is meant to be eaten
>>13719292häst är en frukt
>>13719307>>13719288the class is taught by tiarawhy
>>13719292India also worships cows and rape is very common.
>>13719324I like Spike
>>13719318>you learn how to not improve for a year
I can outpoll any and all of you with the shittest poll ever made
>>13719322The clitoris really IS like a tiny penis!
>>13719336>Class gets delayed due to the sudden flood of cash causing students to not find their computers.
>>13719324The last panel murdered it> that vein-popBuhhhh
>>13719324Twilight x Rarity is like the ultimate wet dream for him gayfags
>>13719327>>13719327>>13719327stuck ponies is my fetishI want to tickle them and boop them and they can't stop me
>>13719340You will have to prove that.
>>13719339>leth.exe has encountered a malfunction.poll
>>13719336>everyone in the class suddenly gains thousands of dollars
>>13719343Your little pony is a tiny penis
>>13719324>>13719352Someone edit out the last panel.
>>13719353Well the ultimate wet dream is probably getting transformed into SUPER SPIKE and being their lynchpin in a threesome.
>>13719354I think I know what's in there
>>13719363Can I suddenly gain thousands of dollars?
I don't care if it's been done
Rainbow dash is not a very feminine pony.
>>13719307I'm actually doing something involving a former barbershop quartet singer who got PTSD from a shooting that killed the other three members of his quartet while they were still performing and in order to distract himself from that, he becomes a cook and lives with some guy who gets shit on by awful fanfiction writers because he's so awful, he makes their shit look like Shakespeare in comparison.
>>13719358Could it be you're a fan of bondage.
>>13719379I did indeed.My body is ready for everything that may come.
>>13719384Twaifu fags pls
>>13719380I actually laughed.
>>13719379>>13719340Go home Spaerkdon't play second mewballfag
>>13719141It's all fun and games until Luna rips a fart.
Three months of winter coolness
>>13719387noat least not as in ropes and leather and gags and having sexI want something like pony rolled tightly into a blanket, unable to resist my cuddle-raping
>>13719403Enjoy your ban.
>>13719380>swagI'd have given it a 0/10, but now I'm giving a whooping -5/10.There was no attempt.
>>13719362is leth still playing that pedo game
>>13719327I'm going to carry that pony home
>>13719423The real question is - is that a note to Celestia to have fun, or a note for everyone else to "have fun" with Celestia?
Vote for fillies
>>13719423isis that semen around her mouth
i'm lazy where's the new comic
>>13719418wrong celestiafag
>>13719430anon pls
>>13719448No, shes drooling
>>13719414>2 other foodscatfags in here
>>13719444holy shit I had a flashback of when I was 14 and thought "through the fire and the flames was the hottest shit ever".OH MY MY MISS AMERICAN PIE
>>13719426But isn't consensual cuddling so much better.
>>13719403is applejack jacking off back there
>>13719448>>13719445>waking celestia in her sleep turns on her audo defence mode>it burns everything around her>every time a guard needs to wake her up in her beauty sleep he has to pay for it with his life.
>>13719447Anyone who picks DT is objectively wrong
>>13719472That pony needs to be sheared
>>13719354>public futaboner humiliationFUCK my ultimate fetish
>>13719454>pink pinkie's pieunf>>13719460>tfw soashamedpony stopped writing
>>13719472both are fine
>>13719447>rumble>fillyONE JOB>>13719414poll link?
>>13719472>flutterfag self portraitHahahahaha
This bed, this bed, what we gonna do?
>>13719491He looks strong enough to carry his .50 cal and combat shotty.
>>13719489Here. It's not exhaustive.>>13719300
>>13719489Check your privilegesIf Rumble wants to be a filly, you can't stop her.
>>13719502His .50 beowulf at that
>>13719512What a fag
>>13719482>humiliationdoes a girl hiding from nearby people and desperately trying to jack off count
>>13719530yes. why do you mention this thing?
>>13719542Why would God hate us so much?
>>13719491Yeah, his version of what I assume is anon looks fucking gay. But the ponies are cute.
>>13719536 least link a good one.
>>13719550we've done some hellish create fluttershy.
r63 CMC
Pony threw something at you
>>13719540Best part of the show, 11/10
>>13719559yes saine, pelase post a good one.
>>13719588That show was great
>>13719521>>>13719583Every bit as rambunctious
Princess Celestia insists sex is the pony way of greeting new people into Equestria.Do you take the offer?
Pony wants to remind you that pony is for sexual.
>>13719585I clump of dirt? Well, I'll grab one myself and throw it back at her.
>>13719559Hey Saine, I think I found a flash made just for you
>>13719598 best
>>13719599For a second there I though Discord was sucking his own dick.
>>13719608Pony is wrong, pony is for cute.
>>13719615That is the dumbest fucking thing I've read
>>13719606>Do you take the offer?I proceed to greet her.
>>13719599Yeah, rambunctious sexually.
>>13719632I coldn't read it
>>13719631Pony is not wrong, pony is for cute and sexual.
Silly pony coming through!
>>13719637>cmc for sexualnooooooo
>>13719647Don't believe Celestia's lies.
>>13719652fuck off markerknight
>>13719643You didn't spank Celestia, you tried to force Spike to throw up.
Would you really sexual this pony, MLPG? Really?
>>13719637It's either this or monsters, ghosts, and Fae, man. You wanna do sexual, or you wanna do spook-show?
>>13719643>posting gore on a sfw boardgues whos getting banned
>>13719656Fuck off to steamchat, Broke.
>>13719540Derpy what are you doing
>>13719656there are ponies for sexualthe cmc do not fall under that category
>>13719643how the hell does that happenand yeah, I think that's pretty dangerous rule-wise
>>13719663>reportingworst scum ever
>>13719661I don't into Necrophilia.
>>13719649SO silly
>>13719661I will find a magical cure for her addiction.
>>13719669wrong again, boyo.
>>13719669refer to>>13719656
>>13719649so silly
>>13719688Princess of silly
>>13719615Reminds me of:
>>13719681the addiction is easily dealt with magically.but all you do is swap one drug for another. magic becomes the drug.
you're a pedophile
>>13719688>>13719699How can one pony be SO silly?
>>13719695Such a disappointing movie.
>>13719699Whenever I see winona I remember that people have drawn porn of that dogAnd I feel shame, because I am loosely associated with those people
>>13719701Madmax pls
>>13719112She's pretty gud
>>13719688>her wings knock her hat off>"Dangnabit! Not again!"
>>13719694Okay.I'll hug Rarity instead.
>>13719701Oh that guy yeah>>13719721It wasn't madmax, it is some brony retard with actual autism commissioning to him bunch of dumb shit
>>13719707i wish I waskids are so much easier to rape than full grown women
>>13719725Good choice, she's one of, if not THE MOST huggable pone
>>1371971321st century silly pone
>>13719701>you'll never smack Fluttershy's fat ass
>>13719699no, she's the princess of agriculturethis is the princess of silly
> mfw I will never amplexis with Crysalis
>>13719731True, sluts are higgable and fuckable for free, you don't even need to pay
>>13719731Pinkie has a much cuter pajamas.
Applejack isn't sillyShe's just unintelligent
Who did twilights mother cheat with in cloudscale?
>>13719731one of. Gilda is MOST huggable pony.
>>13719748So Applejack is from Oregon?
>>13719737No it's not, get that shit out of here
>>13719666FlyingSatan plsEquestria is a free country
>>13719748Yes,we know, dumb mudhorse who can't even write
>>13719734Her silliness has been passed down the Apple family line for generations!
>>13719713its just her nature to be silly
>>13719766Aj should have an episode where she has a vacation. A vacation away from everything.
>>13719753Dash's dad, which is why Twilight so SOFAST at thinkin'It also makes Dash's brand new feelings about her pretty awkward
Which pony is a twentieth century boy?Which pony wants to be your toy?
>>13719780A vacation away from being an Earth Pony.A permanent vacation into alicornhood.
>>13719754but she's not a ponyI would like to hug her though
>>13719788>pony wants to be my toyTop unf.
>>13719753Shining Armor
>>13719788*sax solo*
>>13719753can you imagine how happy her parents are2 top tier children
>>13719770Is there a limit to how silly she can be?Because I don't see one
>implying Twilight's mother didn't get drunk and sleep with Shining Armor when he was still just a teenager>implying the magical feedback from this incestuous union didn't mutate Twilight into an alicorn
>>13719796>part cat>part bird>perfect formula for being 100% assholeGyphons a shit
>>13719782dont you mean spitfire
>>13719790>>13719790>CloydesNONEVER AGAIN
>>13719814I don't understand how magical lesbian spawn work.
>>13719808It's limitless
>>13719810It's shit porn, anon-chan.
>>13719813>Part Cat>Part bird.She would absolutely lose her shit at a mirror.
>>13719813you a shit
>>13719826I just audibly squeed.
>>13719843pls no
>>13719790I fucking hate derpy. Im not even kidding. I hate the entire fanon of her too, fuck I wish she was gone already.
>>13719851clean it up
>>13719853it says FUCK YOU.
>>13719813Hey anonat last she has a proper vagina
>>13719836>gilda arrives to pick you up>you're in the bedroom fucking rover
>>13719804superior version:
>>13719810>NMMhead sizebeefed it.
>>13719836>picks me upWhat happens then?
>>13719836> Anon gets this at random> She's some sort of celebrity stalker after all the news coverage about a Human> Restraining orders in Equestria are a little more forward - she needs to wear a collar that prevents her from entering a 500-foot radius
>>13719445look again special ed dropoutit's signed "-L" for Luna probably
>>13719872But it's a cloacaunf
>fluttershy treeyeeeesh
>>13719813Best shut up or get shut down, bitch.
>>13719898but the bits are on the lion halfthey would be all liony
>>13719875Love you tex
>>13719875fun fact: pony's digestive system can break down almost any substance into useful nutrients, even hats
>>13719884She puts you down.And then belly rubs.
>>13719901at least it's relevent within the context of fallout
>>13719898Umm.. no. her rear is lion's ie cats.
>>13719901>or a bit over the giger counterI laughed
>>13719896> note TO celestia> note TO everyoneThat Anon didn't say jack shit about the author, but who it was addressed to."Special ed dropout" my foot.
>>13719884you go to a luchador wrestling match.she's competing. you're her teammate.don't let her down, dweeb.
>>13719902happy birthday to that artist
>>13719911thank you, Lyra
>you'll never be walked with a leash by trixie after she dressed up in slutty girly clothing
>>13719901Nope, thats cool, just completely rip off harold.
>>13719875Quality posts all the time how do you do it
>>13719917>>13719905Let me have my unfy headcanon while you keep your tiny cat vagina that's too small to accompany anything but a tiny cat penis.
>>13719884she flies you to a mountaintop overlooking the town.she's terrible at this romance stuff. it was the best place she could think of. she really hopes she got it right.
>>13719911what about other ponies?
>>13719921I'm three times the size of all the competition. This isn't even a threat.
>>13719930dressed YOU up*FUCK.
>>13719901>The Giraffe has the same voice as that chick in Megaton.KILL!
>>13719931>rip offwhat is a parody?
>>13719923>those eyesThat's a lot of apple
>>13719888That was some random nonsense, but there is something that caught my eye>collar>gilda forced to wear special collars>some of the griffon have to do it because they are unstable due to their nature>this collar limits their freedom while they are on pony territory>for some reason anon counts by collar as pony and thus gilda can't come close to himMan, I'd love to know how this story unfolds.
>>13719923>tfw Worstpone just happened to know a Remember Everything About Your Life spell that fixed everything>tfw there was zero foreshadowing about this>tfw she didn't just use it at the start of the episode but suddenly remembered it after she cried and sang enoughSeriously why the fuck does anyone like that garbage episode
Applejack is a meme pony.She can go sit over there with rumble and the sergals. Go on now, hop to it. Git.
>>13719921This would work better for persongriffon Gilda.
You think anyone wears horn extensions?
>>13719663>>13719673>google search image>first result says its fake special effects makeup
>>13719980I don't.
Maybe I should make more Applehat gifs
>>13719981If any one pony represents memes, it's Rainbow.
>>13719887>>13719907>>13719932>1 minute between each oneSomeones really mad
>>13719962I don't think it's all that random nonsense. You get a random "I GONNA DATE YOU FIERCE" as the only Human in Equestria, it's from a stalker. This is from Gilda. She's a stalker.The bit about having a restraint collar seems prety on the even though.
>>13719955your opponent is Iron Will.and a goat. a swole goat.
>>13719988No...why would you even ask that?
>>13719988All the time.
>>13719989Still looks pretty realistic and painful, though.
>>13720008NBS picks a contributor of the week to rage at.
>>13720002she deserved better than her microalthough to be honest the lines that didn't suck were frequently over-the-top cheesy and wonderful. Assuming that was all intentional, of course
>>13719959parody par·o·dy [par-uh-dee] plural par·o·dies, verb, par·o·died, par·o·dy·ing.noun1.a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing: his hilarious parody of Hamlet's soliloquy.2.the genre of literary composition represented by such imitations.3.a burlesque imitation of a musical composition.4.any humorous, satirical, or burlesque imitation, as of a person, event, etc.5.the use in the 16th century of borrowed material in a musical setting of the Mass (parody MassI'm not laughing
>>13720014>Traditional_UnicornsBut where are their beards?
>>13719967>>13719997You should, seeing as how she's the silliest pony.
>>13719258I want more of that written.
>>13719980>just happened to know a Remember Everything About Your LifeJust like she knew it in RoH?
>>13719810is this an old pic? that seems pretty bad quality for a niggerfaggot pic
>>13720028They start at the base of the tail.
>>13720020NBS only picks a contributor that has wronged, so that is only Jessy, Dooks, and OmniWhy would he go for Tex?
>>13720028Spike had an errand to run.
Traditional unicorns are actually goats
Pinkie Pie wants you to fuck her butt.
>>13720045...What's the definition of "has wronged"Are any of them like, legitimate?
>>13720053but I want pinkie pie to fuck my butt.
>>13720045>has wrongedBeing an 'attention whore' is enogh.
>>13720057>...What's the definition of "has wronged"If you have ever disagreed with him, you have 'wronged' him
>>13720057ignorance is blissthat whole incident was stupid and full of autism
>>13720045There's that one "vidya" guy who seems to get all "fuck this thread" around Chistery, the RCH hateanon, lowcaps fanfiction hate anon, "uncreative" fanfiction pasta slinger anon, "fucking terrible drawfags" anon, "this fandom is dead" anon.Our standard of shitposting is not very high here.
>>13720073Careful, Anon.Lest he summon Satan at you.
>>13720070>no hornthis dont even watch the show
>>13720070dayumn nigga, that's kawaii
>>13720008>people have similar opinions>must be samefagYou're gonna have to shitpost harder than that
>>13720045>>13720045>Why would he go for Tex?jeez lemem think
>>13720088Sometimes she and Shining like to play "stranger" and pretend they're picking up a random filly or colt in Cloudsdale or Ponyville, swapping around Equestrian orientations to suit. Maybe.
>>13720081and straightedgeanon, and Broke
>>13720081Hi, I'm propercaps "fanfiction is a waste of time and rarely meets any sort of good set of standards for literature" anon. I don't post much, but when I do, watch out!
>>13720093>posts on his own tumblrhow is this attention whoring?
>>13720081>Chistery, the RCH hateanonWell, I guess you count me as a 2nd hateanon, because there are legitimate reason to hate these 2 annoying fucks,Pretty sure there is more than just 2 of us. But of course it is>always that onr fucking hateanon
Anal Trees!
>>13720093> Fuck that faggot, he has feelings.Wow, you must get a lot of points.
>>13720101man, unicorn sex would be so fucking kinky.Like the monstergirls one.
>>13720093>I hate when people make posts on their own website
>>13720093Oh wowPeople are REALLY stretching for reasons to hate contributors, aren't they
>>13720117>Getting mad at RCH.Do you hate fun? I bet you hate fun. You are the guy who wants to cancel Christmas.
>>13720101>swapping around Equestrian orientations to suitis this your way of saying they use gender-changing spells and then hook up, pretending to not know each otherunf
>>13720093That WAS a bitch move on Tex's part.
>>13720088Cadence was once a pegasus
>>13720070That's a lot of pink, but she's still not pinkest horse.
>>13720053i'll just bet.
>>13720111I'm "i want to fuck featherweight" anonnobody ever pays attention to me
>>13719810dammit I can never get a clear view of pinkie's dick in these group shots
>>13720139>Cadence uses a gender swapping spell on Shining, then dresses him up at Vinyl scratch
>>13720149Over pankdoing well?
>>13720117Wasting time on what and who dislike or style as 'hate' seems like a really uninteresting hobby.
>>13720139Shining also lets to let his friends in the Guard fuck Cadence, as long as he gets to watch. Cadence has picked this up since, and has her handmaidens fuck Shining while she watches.
>>13720139>>13720169Unicorn kink seems pretty bottomless
>>13720172I'm doing very well, thank you. Pink on, my friend.
>>13720183Can you draw a leggy Snails?
>twilights brother is shiny>he works as a knight>he is a knight in shining armorWow i just got the reference.
>>13720138If that annoying fagot didn't pop-up every time (like these wooden guys in these annoying kid's toys) when someone mentions or posts a pony he once wrote a shitty, 3-sentence greentext, to remind everyone that is was HIM, him and no one else who "made" this pony - I wouldn't care even in slightest. But such kind of desperate attention whoring is something that only the lowest of scums have and I cannot respect someone like that.
>>13720183For a moment I read "Rose" and that was a lot funnier
>>13720117In RCH hateanon's case it's either the same guy every time or someone playing from the same playbook every time. "Don't you get TIRED of someone coming by after HOURS of WORK and STEALING THE ATTENTION?"The "making something out to be art theft" thing is pretty transparent.
>>13720115>>13720123>>13720133>Most popular artist in the thread, 8+ replies every new pic he posts asking for more>"You guys don't appreciate me enough"
Catlike silliness.
>>13720194Jessy Please draw supercute celestia in a hoodieor pajamas
>>13720183That would be one thing that does not need to be brought into this wolrdAnother thing is LunaXSpikeI hope it doesn't exist>>13720207it's sad because she would probably do it
So does anyone around here still like Cloud Kicker or has she been entirely replaced by Cloud Chaser/Flitter as far as cute lavender pegasi go
Where's LK when you need him
>>13720222I don't really see a date on that Tumblr post. Maybe he had a bad day and posted about it on his own blog.... Wait, he fucking did.
>>13720225smallest head
>>13720230oh goodness
>>13720229they're all useless sluts for bronies that don't even watch the showwhat are the main pegasi not good enough for you? rainbow dash not "easy" enough for you? too much charater to force into an awful waifu greentext?background pony bronies a shit
>>13720243Makes her look really young.
>>13720204Yeah, I hate how he seems to always be here. You know, constantly posting with his trip for no reason, replying to people and generally being a constant presence in the general.Wait, he hardly posts with a trip.
>>13720190>Rarity enjoys wearing a latex suit that completely covers her body except for her ass and a hole over the mouth which is usually filled with an ring gag
>>13720237Because it's his own blog doesn't invalidate the fact he was obviously talking about us and complaining about not receiving enough encouragement despite the opposite? I don't see why him posting on his blog is a bigger problem over the actual contents of the post.
>>13720267THAT BITCHHE SAID A THING I DIDN'T LIKE ONCEI HOPE RUMBLE RAPES HIM! MLPG STRONK![masturbating to ross art intensifies]
>>13720230I would not mind a well drawn fat-fetish Sylvia
have you ever hateanoned in here before?my confession is i hateanoned mangneto and MT for a while when they posted a lot in here it was mostly obese anthros. but i stopped when i realized how stupid it was getting mad at.i also hateanoned donve ironically for a bit.i did some serious ross hateanoning for a bit but stopped when i realized i was taking it way too seriously.i almost got on the meghan hate train but after seeing so many others doing it i realized how autistic it was.i havnt hated anyone recently so i like to think i am improving.
>>13720229attic pony
>>13720274Why do you have to sarcastically shitpost, Appledan?
>>13720253ponies are cute
>>13720287I hateanoned saine once, but it was just to see how he would take it in good spirits.Besides, I don't like that guy. he's too goddamn nice. You hit him with a stick and he hugs you.
>>13720253>thinking you're good enough to be a main pone's husbandoAnon plsBackground nobodies are all we deserve
>>13720218I think the RCH hateanon is literally getting mad at nothing. Seriously, what has RCH even DONE here?
>>13720287I hate almost nothing. Also I forgive you.
>>13720302>not just posting it spoileredshit nigga you want em to look at all that shit?
having hateanons just means you've made it.
>>13720306I like you Anon. Even if you don't like me.
>>13720302OH NONONOOOOOOOOOOOWhy is it bad again?
>>13720293Nice try, but I'm sergalfag
Tell me for real.Would you?
>>13720319>you'll never sexually scarfdoge while she's wired on espresso
>>13720137Yup.> BUT THEY TRIP WHEN SPEAKING OFF-TOPICYeah, when the whole thread is off-topic and we branch into different conversations there's literally nothing stopping you from "force anonymous" and keeping your life pure-/b/> BUT THEY SHOULD DROP ITThey don't have to, and they won't. More to the point there's a big difference between FlyingSaucer, Deaf and BCS. The former don't avatarfag or just get all mopey-dopey and even talk about the show on average.> BUT THEY SHOULD DROP ITAnd they won't.> BUT THEY SHOULDAnd they won't.> THEY'RE ATTENTION-WHORINGYou mean they're getting attention in a public board for things they write and say and maybe fuzzy-wuzzy contribute sometimes?> THEY'RE GETTING ATTENTIONThey're getting attention, that doesn't necessarily mean they seek it any more than someone who posts as Anonymous. That's sort of reading into it.And as much as this could be "strawman" for the dialogue, these are things I've read in MLPG as the key arguments against tripfags, contributors and non contributors alike.
>>13720349Who said it is bad?
*pinks into thread*
>>13720358Yeah, I'd be busy sexualling scarfpone while scarfdoge is wired
>>13720355ew, no.
>>13720349Taking a shot in the dark, but something along the lines of "oh no, the bronies will take off with marker and make her a shitty thing"
>>13720362> BUT THEY SHOULD DROP IT>And they won't.> BUT THEY SHOULD>And they won't.This is the whole ball of wax.
>>13720367Aww, you don't mean that. Let's be friends.
>>13720355Hit them with a crowbar?Yes.
>>13720362RCH hateanon, take notes.You are getting mad for no reason.
>>13720355Every single one of them.
>>13720368you know she'd try to join in
>>13720355I'd Sweetie Belle, crazy look and all.
I hateanon the hateanons, but I have never hateanoned an artist. I like them all.Especially MT glitter glue, and rei
What draw?
>>13720355Sweetie maybeThat AB and scoota, def not.
>>13720355>sweetie belleyes>the restno
>>13720399bat pony
>>13720399Jalm please draw Celestia personhorse
>>13720355God yes.Grown-up CMC is definitely for sexual. When they're human, they're even more for sexual.
>>13720399Sweetie Belle and Babs
>>13720376you stay the hell away from me.
>>13720399girl bat pony making advances on fluttershy
>>13720388I can't remember the last time I saw rei here, he's on the sub pretty often though so maybe I'm just on at different times.
>>13720399Hobo pone
>>13720399Twily needing stuff
>>13720399Gilda x Anon having sex
>>13720381>going at it with renne>you're both really into it, she's riding you like a champ and it getting close, you can feel it>suddenly saffron grabs her face and shoves her tongue down her throat>renne floods your dick
>>13720355i would give them a chance sure
>>13720416>spoilers for Luna Quest
>>13720416what seth masturbates furiously to every night.
>>13720416Why do her front arms look like little T-rex arms, all hunched up, when they should be load-bearing?
>>13720422He's pretty horribly depressed. I hope he finds some way to get real, effective help.
>>13720416when is she going to fuck a vw bug
>>13720431>suddenly saffron grabs her face and shoves her tongue down her throat>while sitting on your face
>>13720431but that's sad.
>>13720444I get that reference.
>>13720442Foreleg proportioning is actually a really, really, really common issue among pone artists
>>13720453>>13720463I don't.I don't.
>>13720452>not wanting to help bring Renne to a triple-consecutive orgasm with the two she loves most
>>13720446mehas long as he doesn't shit up the thread, whatever
>>13720474Reu has a thing for ants. You know, it actually feels incredible nice and weird if you put them into vagina
>>13720482noI want saffron to sit on my face though.
>>13720444>All those broken fingersAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>13720431>and your dick floods renne
>>13720364that a very pink attempt at animation
> wanting to fuck saffronwow furfag alert
>> do YOU know.and seriously? ants in the vagina? What the fuck man? How can you take them out afterwards? what if they bite? It's more likely than I thought?
>>13720485You heartless bastard.
>>13720513>not wanting to fuck Saffronwhat are you, queer?
>>13720513>not fucking female diamond doghey check this guy out I bet he doesn't even want to fuck his pony waifu
>>13720513>wanting to pony pony
>>13720513first of all i am a furfagand second of all
>>13720514These aren't just ants, it is particular species (they are pretty common), they don't bite (and even if they do you won't feel pain, but rather tingly, pleasant feeling). You can later just wash them off.> do YOU know.At some point in my life I visited questionable threads on questionable forums where people shared questionable experience.
>>13720494what the fuck, infestation is disgusting.
>>13720010Okay, so I'm two times the size of one of them and three times the other. Still not exactly an issue.
>>13720522oh boo fucking hoo
Prince Blueblood cockvore
>>13720560what are you, an ogre?
>>13720554but do you have a vagina?This is important.also what other kind of questionable things
>>13720568>blueblood>not Shinning armor or big macmissed shot there buddy
>>13720570Less ogre, more giant.
>>13720568Prince Blueblood absorption to impossible sizes
>>13720497you wanna give her a bone?
>>13720514>It's more likely than I thought?hehehe
>>13720560You're also about 160lbs, right stringbean? Wouldn't take much to put your ass on the ground.
>>13720581just how huge ARE you?
>>13720587too tired.
>>137205906'8" and 266, silly Anon.
>>13720577>but do you have a vagina?This is importantNo, but as I said it was first-hand info (some even posted photos).>also what other kind of questionable thingsa lot, including some rare bestiality
>>13720607that's not what I-nevermind