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Important news post that covers moderation, board culture, and shitposting, as well as a handful of changes.

I think this is the second longest news post ever, so it's probably worth reading if you're an active user (and if you want to be put to sleep by my writing).

Our "4chan: The Official 10th Anniversary Panel" is taking place at Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 *this coming* Saturday, September 28th at 10:00PM ET. If you're attending the con, we hope you'll join us. Otherwise, you'll be able to tune-in via livestream.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified when the stream goes live, and watch the previous panel videos.

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What if Scootaloo teamed up with Luna in the comics instead of Big Mac? How would she react?

Old horse: >>13701914
>implying Luna would chose that talentless reject
gems charged with magic that give the user temporary abilities. not as good as a horn, but it works for a day or so, depending on the spells used and the size of the gem.
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Have you ever scrunched so hard that the mad radiating off you turned the water molecules in the air into ice?
>luna runs off like road runner with scootaloo strapped to her like a kite
I hope she reads the right book this time
She's very impressionable
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I'm looking forward to the CmC episode where they deal with her not being able to fly, I think it will be great. I think Rainbow Dash will play a big role in that one.
I love price's wings.
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Did somebody say traditional unicorns?
where are their beards
Depends on if the comic happens before or after sleepless in ponyville

It's probably wedged between a lunch that was never eaten and the corner of the bookshelf
Sweetie's too young for a beard.
mad? she looks pretty chill to me!
they're too female for one
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they are nice wings
wait wut
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a zetyr?
You know what would be silly?
If Satyrtuff grew up to be shorter than her mother.
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How old does she have to be before she can get her own beard?
ahh mt that satyr is too cute

I dont know it would be good for Scootaloo to spend a lot of time with a princess with a personality that basically is a superpowered version of hers.

One might risk that she flees into the Everfree Forest in search of adventure and either ends up as snacks or as the Feral Filly of the Forest.
Applejack is huge.
You never struck me as a watersports fetishist MT
Average age for bearding is 17.
I couldn't grow a beard before 20
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Requesting Celestia wearing a shirt that says "Blame my Mother"

What about the average age for breeding?
You asked for this
>that combination of sadness and anger
I can't
Blame her mother for what? Raising her to be so motherly?
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Total slave!
After marriage.
Usually around 20, if you start early.
I didn't ask for this.
I never asked for this
I read those tags, and yet I clicked

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It's a Freudian joke about Celestiafags
I was just thinking back to the first time I saw that episode. I can't believe how hard it hit me then.
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Seriously, what were they thinking?
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I had to get drunk last night after watching that ending
Telling a relatable story
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> breeding
W-with pone?
I haven't seen any of it. Does Dex go full Walter White? I guess i know what i'm doing tonight
>College already

Wait how old is MT?
So...who's the father.
You're not fucking anon are you.
> funny loincloth for lack of better pants
I'm die
>those satyr-hips
no no no, it was rhetorical!
It's pretty bad but there were some good scenes.
Without ruining it for you my favorite 2 scenes from the finale are when he's in his boat just cause the music sets such a sad mood and when he's in the room with Batista and Quin.
I'm with you there, Anon

"Why so down, Scootaloo?"

"Its so unfair, after we won Princess Luna took off with Caramel and Big Mac, she said something about grown up celebrations."

"Oh, that too bad."

"....Yeah, but she told me to look her up in ten years time."
What an adorable little child. I could cuddle her for hours.
I could cuddle MT for hours.
MT makes me want to go out and make babies.
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They tend to be adorable.
and pretty hot when they get older
Don't. Practice safe sex.
I wish I could but money's tight right now
> tfw no ring

Scootaloo gets her first mugshot taken after Princess Luna bets she wont manage to tackle Silver Spoon.

Afterwards, Luna offers ice cream and advice on how to take out ponies so that they cant run off and tell the police.
>tfw no loli mt
In the context of a loving committed permanent relationship, I'm all for it

But you're still right in most all cases
she will kill him because scootaloo will ruin evrything
Happy Happy Magickeru

Don't practise safe sex? Gotcha.
I'd be happier with fully grown MT
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Minituffs is a cute zeb
Chistery pls
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>you will never best Luna in a ponut gaping competition
>scootaloo will ruin evrything
She's like that kid who's never invited anywhere but still comes
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I can't. I would have to practice sex first, and I can't even do that.
I wasn't talking about minituffs
Pony wants to build things
> can't masturbate with a condom, dams, etc.
Pony can erect my dispenser

recommend me some animus MLPG

need something to distract me from this place
Attack on GTFO and Go To /a/
Pony of the North Star.
Why aren't you good at art yet/
because i'm done
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Boku no Pico
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i've been meaning to watch that, so why not.

because why bother?
Battle Angel Alita
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Who will age pest in the primary and secondary cast?
dispensin' an erection
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Oh man that's cute

Serial Experiments Lain
I haven't touched my tablet in about 9 months, and earlier today I was thinking of dusting it off. I just love the feel of physically putting ink to paper and actually creating something.
Princess Tutu
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Oh my god, that's kawaii as fuck.
How sad was she when she learned zebras don't get cutie marks?
* age best, fuck
I can only see this ending with her blocks bursting into flames

what a cute pony that is
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You should watch Record of Lodoss War. Even /a/ likes it.
Because I haven't got what it takes
You just can't resist, can you?
She has nothing else
Pinkie will probably have a pretty nice face if a bit chubby.
It has one of my favorite opening songs, too
I wonder what kind of trophies rarity has
Silly zebra. qt marks are for non-inferior equines.
I'm not genetically superior enough
She would kiss Scoots instead of Big Mac
You're one to talk, anon, you're still here too.

*clicks everything with a pony on it*

damn this is some easy money
Synchronized impregnations, best mouth hugs, best ass.
sex with celestia
>you will never meet your pony waffle
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I heard chubby
chubby ponies are cute
Still no actual job, huh?
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Burnt penis.jpg
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BCS show your vagina

No, long, slender ponies with stronk are.

Weaver pls
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They can be.

> tfw no Giddilee

I recently asked MLPG for suggestions of Animu similar to Slayers. They said Scrapped Princess (great so far) and Tower of Druga or something like that.

Know any others?
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>pony waffle
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so slow down, geez
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Drawing chubby ponies>drawing ponies chubby
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Wow, there's a pony picture for everything isn't there?
Why is Celes pone working at starbucks?
I'm dieee
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You betcha

if you insist
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Giddilee is way too heart attack inducing
Isn't it just some rando Unicorn?
I was just joking at the fact she looks like Celes, I dunno.

Was a NSFW video ever released?
They're even better when getting railed
>you will never equip pone with an underslung grenade launcher
nope nope nope nope
No and never will
Would you his chumble?
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MT pls

Im gonna die.

Lodoss War isn't quite as silly as Slayers or Slayers Try, but if you're looking for high-fantasy animu, then it'll scratch that itch. And scratch it good.
Even the dubs weren't bad.
what sort of silly things would they do?
Is BCS calling Rarity a slut on stram or something?
How do you know?
But MT, what if I want to make babies with you?
RIP Woodchuck best thief
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I think Snips is cute an you can't change my opinion.
I actually enjoyed the dub for Slayers.

I may give it a shot if I want more serious stuff. Thanks
Because the creator himself said that an explicit version does not exist and will not ever exist multiple ever times in the comments of the video and image.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, Anon. Cheers.
Won't that make him grumble?
I want to impregnate every girl in MLPG.
okay apple bloom
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If you do a good job, he'll take a tumble.
WOAH there mate. You calling Slayers silly?! We gonna fight. Cause that's like a great show that was really well written with a good female lead.

Not if I impregnate you first!
People will jack off to pretty much anything, Twilight. I figured you would have known this already.
I want to impregnate every boy in MLPG.
Take out "in MLPG" from that sentence, and I'll agree.
RIP in peace. ;_;7
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I haven't a uterus tho.
Guy asking for similar anime here. Slayers IS silly at lot of the time which is what makes it great. Along with the stuff you said.
Then I'll pass. Sounds like something I'd bumble
Similar to Slayers? I'd say Magic Knight Rayearth
I swore to myself I'd never ship. But god fucking dammit...

...I ship LunaMac so hard now after that comic. It was too fucking adorable.
> impregnation
In all the wrong context
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>letting that hold you back
>giving into oppression
Noted, thanks MT.
Fuck off, brony.
You'll be fine as long as he doesn't fumble.
>I swore to myself I'd never ship

How does oppression come into it!?
But CheeriMac is canon
too bad the comics aren't cannon

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>Tfw you just want to curl up and go to sleep instead of taking care of responsibilities
I would feed Treekicker apple fritters I made myself.

Should wouldnt be able to stop herself, and neither would I.
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>not Macora
If he does then it's me who would stumble.

>actually discussing ponies
Someone's projecting. hint: it's you
I don't like the way this is going.
Their love was never real.
There are no boys with uteri here.
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That pinkie eye makes it look like a Conker's Bad Fur Day character.
Pathetic as it is, the thought of curling up with my pillow at night and imagining it's a pony is what pushes me to work harder at my job. As though my hard physical effort busting my ass for 12 hours earns me the right to do so.

You mamaluks!
Pure, virginal Rarity
Pure, unwashed Rarity
>tfw you curl up and chastise yourself mentally because you were feeling kinda happy that day
>tfw you go out with friends, have a good time and then almost start crying on the way home

G-good thing it doesn't happen too often!
Is a wonderful dream.
>getting upset when someone calls you a brony on MLPG
>implying you aren't upset because you know its true
>Big Mac hates cherries
>Does't eat his fill
>Luna has to eat both

I can see where this is going
>rarity as a sperm
Pristine white pony buttocks.

Best sort of pony buttocks.
since when the fuck has shipping counted as discussion?
So... Shining Armor or Prince Blueblood?
*wwanders over yonder*
I just realized something

I like Fluttershy more than Rarity
So I'm changing waifus
I'd cum inside a Sylvia

sylvia > hater > peepers > literally every other character > wander
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Such a fun show
I don't think this is acceptable.
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I've always liked Fluttershy more than Rarity.
Just barely though
And waifuing is for faggots
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Celestia's massive white pony buttocks, silently vibrating and smacking against each other while she giggles
She is a pure maiden
Just like your waifu is

GG monstergirl Lord hater when?
but that's a grey butt
fuck off
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Unless you're going to draw Sylvia and Applejack buttbumping, get back to ponies
Well, you see, Luna is a very competitive mare, and if Big Mac's not gonna eat his cherry pies, SOMEONE has to do it.

Even if that someone's belly is already full of her own cherry pie
But my waifu is a slut.
But GG
My waifu is Princess Bitch
Rarity is a canon slut, so who cares.
>not addicted to anal sex with her brother
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its all the same to me i will still love rarity if she is virgin or if she has had a billion horsedicks go through her
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I'm going to cut you.
So you're saying Luna is a fat pony? Guess that makes sense, who else would keep a recipe for 10 grilled cheese sandwiches.
You are my favorite Anon, Manfaceponk-Anon.
Who cares. She's not even that good.
File deleted.
Now you're just being delusional.
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...No sir, I most definitely did not.

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>there will never be a MLPG SS13 server
Horrible sister
Manipulates a little kids feelings to get what she wanted
wait, is this real?
I was sorely mistaken
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Today is Celebrate Bisexuality Day
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She's worse than the sodomite.
Really? I am Bisexual, so this is great news for me!
She is addicted to anal sex the ost
When aren't you, GG?
This, I like.
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Not when he was thinking Starbound would come out this year.
It looks like something somebody put together in Byond
I laughed way harder than I should.
Shut up, GG.
I'm at a weird point in my life that I could just kind of slack off and shoot for being mediocre and still have a great future ahead of me, but i'm still in "have to be the best" mode.
I am also Bisexual.
I feel as if I'm bisexual only for certain people
Be honest. Who is your favorite princess?
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Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
Bonbonbonbonbonbon is a very unsupportive fillyfriend.
I'm pretty mediocre at everything. I'm just trying to finish college at this point, I don't care about my degree and I kind of dislike my field but I just want to get through it and get working.
I'm bisexual for cute boys and horsecock. Otherwise, I'm all about DAT VAGINA
Celestia, but she isn't that high on my list of ALL ponies.
I know that. SS13 is a byond game, I want to know if there are really ponies in it. SS13 is the only worthwhile game on byond
I like Luna the most.
>Celebrate Bisexuality Day
>It's an actual thing

>tfw no bf
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She needs a better mike.
Also, der fuck?
Meh. Fuck Canterlot, and fuck you too.

Rule 63 Shining Armour.
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Those are some...interesting legs.

Cute as fuck though.
Headcanon Luna
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I'd cum inside her and make Prince Cadence watch.
Didn't you post this earlier
A virus from OUTSIDE the space-time calliope!
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is there a point to all of this? That manga from last thread did nothing, I can't find myself caring about the comics, most "topics" here are either rehashed or just not related to the thread, can't enjoy anything from the fandom at all. I honestly don't even know what I'm doing here. I don't even post anything or contribute to the thread anymore.
If I'm not mistaken, the voice clip used in the video was recorded like sometime last year.

Dunno if that specific VA even does any voicing anymore.
So go do something else?
Rainbow Dash.

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Princess Twilight Sparkle, of course.
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>"Anon stop staring at my butt!"
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>tfw no bf
>tfw no gf
your butt.
What's the haps, MLPG?
I really don't know what else to do.
futa celestia
Ha! Try and stop me.
>You will never cum inside your qt gf and bf simultaneously
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they're all good, as long as they have dicks
your favorite thing to do is shitposting obviously. i would ask you to stop but i know it is your favorite and you wont give it up.
Get some friends
Diamond Dogs having sex with ponies.
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Try wearing more scarves
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This is how I feel when I go to sleep every night. I need something positive in my life beyond material success and achieving all my educational goals.
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I don't have a favorite princess

I do have a favorite queen
>You'll never have a qt crossdressing bf or gf
>You'll never fuck her male and female persona in the same night
ah shit i forgot about this. has anything interesting happened in the last 3 years?
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>boo hoo I have all these things and I'm smart
Go away
Got 3U, so might as well.
I'm lazy
>Get some friends
All of them are working plus school (I'm on a temporary college vacation and don't have a job)
all of them are good
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i will be your gf. you just have to lower your standards a lot.
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I like all of you

I'm not so sure about you
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Why is she so perfect, MLPG?
even skyla?
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because she has the ability to transform into rarity
>Chrysalis will never be your DM
>Start jerking off to that
>Realise I wrote the last two posts
Every time
GG have you seen the Shining Armor comic preview yet.
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Not sure how good a princess she'll be, but she's always been my favorite.
I really like the idea of a girl dressing in a schoolboy uniform, and her pulling down her pants so only her butthole is showing, so you can give it to her in the rear.
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I used the /adv/ board for the first time a little over a week ago, I got an answer so great it was almost like the person answering knew who I was and gave the perfect answer. I ended up deleting the thread after the only response I got and took that advice and it honestly has just what I needed to hear to make the right choice.
I strongly recommend it.
Results may vary.
Skyla has yet to apear in any of the proper mateiral.

She's as canon as AJ's pink truck with a twilight cut out.
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she's very pretty
>how can someone fap to words??
>begin to read the posts
>get massive penis boner

alright then, that explains that
>qt gf and bf
Could they like, make out with each other while I play with their bits?
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I loved her since the moment I saw her.
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>"I'll try to be a good princess."
>"If you promise to be a good boy."
Rarity, stop being so rough! Don't just messily cram your stick in there any which way!
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this much?
can someone please make a list of all the top futa celestia fics.
y-yes your highness
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Sometimes, just sometimes, Doxy can do really good MLP porn, when both idea and execution are good. Which is Rarity in mlp porn at all.
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Not sure if I understand the question
Gilda sure loves hotdogs
>You'll never have a polyamourous relationship with another guy and a girl
>You'll never have all kinds of weird sex with the both of them and sometimes just one
celestia quest thing
And when you're to tired or whatever, you can just happily watch them pleasure sharing.
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>still living in a place where weed is illegal

how does it feel you nerds
Honestly Celestia
>you'll never have a polyamorous relationship with femanon and a pony (stallion or mare)
I'm not 21+ anyways so I'd still be missing out on that
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>tfw florida
Huh? I don't recall Aspirant or PQ doing celestia quest
Yes. That would be unf.
Oh my God I'm sharing this site with fucking kids.
And then when they're finished you get to cuddle and kiss each other in your king sized bed
honestly show and comic celestia is awful. she is only my favorite because of fanfiction and the fetishes i force into her.
I prefer Ma' Guns and drinking myself to death.
I do hate this place for different reasons however.
This nigga is saddle sore
Is there anything in this world more terrifying than a pregnancy scare?

I'm never going to trust durex again.
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>tfw britain
Pretty much sucks, I think of quitting my job and moving there every day
poor Durex
poor Anon for not going bareback
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>not wanting to get a girl pregnant
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no, but smutanon did one. it's pretty good.
I'd really like to try a relationship like this but I'm scared of the potential drama that could come out of it.

I'm pretty laid back myself but everyone has to be really cool with each other for something like this to work out so I'm not sure how a three way relationship would even get started successfully.
>not wanting to be girl pregnant
>not running away afterwards

>no guns
>no fun
>max surveillance
I have to pay $20 a gram where I live for dank, but my dealer is really cool and smokes me up for free so I'm totally fine with the current system.

Plus, I own a bubbler, so I can smoke efficiently enough that a little weed goes a long way.
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I should try pixel art
Tried it once, forehead felt like it was growing and was swarming with wasps. That was over two years ago and I want to try it again.
>ftw britfag
No guy exists that's cool and gay
I've done that shit before, it feels amazing but she REALLY doesn't like the risk.

Oh well, only one month before birth control starts working anyway.
Go for it.
Post results.
Sure. If yoo think ya' can; go for it.
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I wouldn't know how to start though.

Either way I'm not really interested in celestia quest from anyone but these two.
ms paint
you can start by doing fluttershy
/ss/ with Tex and Applejack
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>zoom in all the way and paint one pixel at a time
Only school laziness has accomplished this

I mean like what program to use or whatever
I'd ask mew how he did that flutters but he's schoolin
start by drawing a pixel
and then draw the pony
it would behoove you to at least give it a try. smutanon's a writefag and I think he did well enough with it that it's worth a look.

but I'm sure it's not everyone's thing. as a celestiafag, I enjoyed it.
Clearly her butt is broken, someone should inspect it.
Most people use Photoshop's pencil tool for pixel art. You could try that out.
Also, you should check this out as well
With their penis.
you should try lots of things, you never know what you might like.
It's Ponut Inspection Day

What kind of penis could survive an encounter with the Grey Death?
That would be too dangerous, she might break it because of it's general calamity factor and/or tightness.
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>control the art by each little dot
I'm going to enjoy this, a lot. I can already tell. Thanks a bunch.
I want to stick my Ponus in Pany's Anus
chad tyrone thundercock
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Would you tip this pony?
Only if she remembers the stuffed crust this time.
You guys make me sick. I'm blowing this popsicle stand
I'd argue with Dash that she was past the delivery time and I should get my pizza for free
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So I managed to get into bed with a guy
But he could only manage to take 3 inches before he tapped out

Am I still a virgin or do I need to try again

Seems like pony is already tipsy.
Fuck off Lil.
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typical mlpg
wanting to blow everything
Not with those bandages on, I would try and catch her so she doesn't get hurt even more.
Ah sweet, Thanks for the link.
Put it down to damaged goods, Dash would take the "delivery on time" as a personal challenge and be there in a heartbeat. The pizza however, would not survive.
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Someone beat you to it.
>tapping out
When will the gays learn that sodomy isn't natural? Maybe you shouldn't have things in your ass in the first place
You aren't a virgin.
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Good luck! Pixel art is pretty cool

I'd tip her swiftly and generously
The fuck happened to her tit

Danke shon mein fruend
Your favorite pony just ate your second favorite pony

what do?
Quality post, mate.
>sodomy isn't natural
Anything that happens in nature is natural
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is cartoon pony natural?
I hope that my second favorite pony had already eaten my third favorite pony so I could enjoy an earth pony, inside a unicorn pony, inside a pesasus pony style turducken.
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I wouldn't blame her, it was dark and she looked a lot like Flash's dick.
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To his credit

It's a pretty big thing to shove in for the first time
AJ or FS?
Alert the proper authorities.
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vore time?
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But, putting stuff in your butt can be fun.
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You aren't a virgin, but I'd suggest you try it again
Maybe with more lube
Or patience
Hell, BOTH
I just noticed how badly the artists cheats in that third fram, god damnit

still pretty unf
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>Your favorite pony has fallen in love, but you've never been in love
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>honestly show and comic celestia is awful
Say what?
with me?
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To anyone who might be interested, I'm starting up a quest over in the FOE thread. Hop on over and join us if you're ready for some irraditated >Fun
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But I saw Brian Wilson once.
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I'll post things that I think are nice.
Am I doing it right?
Why is Rainbow Dash wearing girly eyeshadow?
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What whores!!
cheats? Not really, look closer, it's a new drawing, just similar to the second picture
You're doing it about 27 kinds of right.
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I love goth/punk Pinkie
No, fluttershy is smaller in that panel, she was shrunken a little
you like vore?
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I'm trying to imagine the scenario, and all results are just too silly

>Oh flash sentry...
>um twilight.
>so much yellow goodness
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From time to time
She secretly does girly things in subtle ways hoping nobody notices.
Pony has developed backne. She wants you to help her put the cream on it.

What do?
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Pls no.
what sort of rock have you been living under?
Why does Pinkie love licking butts so much?
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She has to hope that some one notices
Why else would she do it?
She hopes the right one notices, she hopes you notice
>tfw Lamar hats us
because she might as well eat out while she eats!
Rainbow is a natural beauty, I think she's perfect the way she is.
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Glad to please!
I'm always I'm open to feedback and critique, and its appreciated.
I got asked if i was gay once
But butts are dirty.
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Why are there so many actually gay people in this thread that have actual gay sex?
i don't mind so much
now I'm hungry
In that case try drawing on a large canvas, these are a little too tiny for my liking
I'm bisexual and I'd like to have gay sex, but never have.

I like, but I'd recommend you draw your pictures bigger.
pony is the authorities
normal people have left mlpg long ago. all that is left is the mental unstable extreme fetishfags who are into everything.
I hope you die
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me too!
Don't forget the people who feel the need to talk about the "state" of mlpg by making posts talking about things like gay people. And even worse the people who respond to them.
I mean what are they thinking?
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How's life?
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being edgy on an anonymous forum is fine but too many idiot young kids dont realize this is not acceptable behavior using your real name in public.
I'm mentally well

And I only have one crazy fetish
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Terrible, but that's not important
the straw poll a few days ago showed that 97% of people here believe they have mental issues or depression.
I missed it

I'm not depressed or mentally unwell though
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fetishfags? I'm no such thing!
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Good job anon
I literally have asparagus syndrome.
The other 3% don't believe it?
Really shitty
Had sex though
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i am going hard
Thanks Rainbow, that makes it all worth while.
Send that badass pony boy to Compton, yo.
Why do people say that killing yourself is the coward's way out?
they say people who kill themselves... never regret it
They're too cowardly to kill themselves.
I feel ya.
hey i have that shirt

Because you went the beta way, rather than the alpha way of dying while orgasming inside of thirty five horses.
Did you cum at least? If the guy tapped out and you ddin't get to finish, I think I would be a little angry
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I think it's kind of rude how much everyone makes fun of Dash
I mean if they all just openly burst out laughing at Fluttershy she'd run off crying
Life nothing more than a journey to prove you're worthy to enter into Equestria, you can't skip the trial and expect to pass it.
Thats because her friends were bigger cunts in that episode then Dash has ever been.
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Can you remember what life was like before you were born? That's what awaits all of us the day we die. Nothing.

The nothingness is painless, and cowards opt for the painless route.
But Dashfags are the worst, I mean seriously they even make pinkie fags look somewhat normal
That episode makes me so upset
and not just because I'm a dashfag

MMDW is not canon.
Because they're jealous that they had the courage to actually do it
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We're not so bad
because dash is the brony pony
>implying any Xfag is worse than the other.
Only the ones that spout Xfags are the worst are really the worst
Holy shit that is fucking adorable. M-my chest hurts.
He blew me at least
He got teeth in the way though

All the ponies are brony ponies. Even your favorite.
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You can't like Rarity and worst pony.
That's against the rules.
Have you ever met a dash fag in public? They have 0 understanding of how many fucks people give about them sperging over RD.

At least pinkie fags are usually girls, and flutterfags keep to themselves
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>she snuggles all those rarity dolls

You've never met a flutterfag, have you?
Well I don't really know about fandom goings on outside this thread any longer. I meant the Dashfags in this thread don't seem too bad. No one pony fan group does really.

Except the Celestiafags. Those guys are weird.
>met a dash fag in public?
Thats the problem you are talking to a raging brony not a dashfag
Flutterfags are usually really obnoxious.
Your post completely contradicts your image.
No, but I was cautious about approaching him, since he brandished a .50 cal Barrett and a combat shotgun.
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yeah well you're weird for having a favorite pony that's not as great as the best pony
Who are the worst waifu fags?
Very defensive of Fluttershy IMO, not so sure why they're so insecure.

The ones who won't shut up about hating waifufags.
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weird in the best way
Celestia fags are okay, it's more of the fandom interpretation of those characters that erks me, when shit like GAMER LUNA, LUNA AND DERPY, TROLOLOLECTIA, or MOLESTIA come in to play it goes to shit
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Whoever spergs the hardest when their waifu gets shipped.
into the trash it goes!!
they are talking to themselves
Why don't you go wear a tiara and go sit in the sun, nerds
because it's night in my time zone
which means it's time to cry and masturbate, and I have have no desire to cry at the moment
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They were bein some hatin ass niggas
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My ponimouto is NOT a brony pony!
I love Rarity
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I would but she's playing with it right now
how come Sweetie is the only pony I ever see people referring to as their ponimouto
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Super bron pony
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>that's nice dear
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Sweetie Belle isn't a brony pony. Octavia and Vinyl Scratch are ONLY brony ponies
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>"I think it's a certain young dragon's bed time.~"
Because I coined the term ponimouto.
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Cutest filly
What's that, Rara-sama?
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What about Lyra and Bonbon and every single background pony that has no shred of personality?
Because Scootaloo doesn't have a sister and Applebloom seems too American.

They're still on the boat.
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Best mane 6.
Best cmc.
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pony should fight
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>Scootaloo doesn't have a sister
she does now
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>2 Weeks

Soon new preview, what do you hope to see?
>RD wearing lipstick
still fucking cute though, I relate to this so much
that's not Twilight and Apple Bloom...
full penetration
>finally get around to reading paranatural
>read up to current comic
>tfw burned out on archive binging and want more
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I disagree.
Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo are best main six and CmC pair.
New preview? What?
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You guys are both wrong. Panka and Scoots are the best.
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why does twilight treat spike like shit so much
I know that feel.
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Worst feeling
Because Spike isn't man enough to do anything about it.
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Never watching previews, spoilers and such.

Cometh the new season I am hiding from /mlp/ to avoid spoilers and such until the end of the season.
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>all these plebs failing to know who the REAL best pony is
You have my pitty
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Spike is shitty
>there are no beaches clean enough to do that on
You know Sweetie and Rarara, Scoots and RD, and AB with AJ are obvious pairings, what if we see more off pairing in S4, man that could be interesting. May be a lot of potential there. I'd like to see Twilight helping Sweetie out with her magic.
this is how serial killers are born
Little slut

I honestly can't give a shit.
Michelle Creber pony pls
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How can people not know DT is the cutest and best filly?
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>finally catch up with comic
>updates are scarce or non-existent
Yeah she's pretty awesome.
>you will never play hats with noel
seeing these makes me wonder why should i even bother take up drawing
Because someday you could make someone else say that about your work.
It's not a competition, Anonymous.
"I'm gonna rape that doll"
>Putting on an edgy front to cover that soft mushy center that has longed for their very own Pinkie to cuddle at night.
i lab u michelle
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Not best pony, not best filly
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salty apple juice and coins
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Goys I just realized that S4 starts 1 week before black friday
evens - printbook
odds - doodle ponies
yeah, whatever. i'd love to try, but by the time i'm good enough this whole pony shit is going to be all over, and i'd only take up drawing to do pone.
I... uh. what?
S4 is my birthday present
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Apple family fun
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doodle fluttershy getting sat on goat
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>liking a cad, bully, coward and thief
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Applejack - Alabama (SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC)
Rarity - Oregon (such fabulous uniforms!)
Rainbow Dash - Texas A&M (because she likes what's popular)
Twilight Sparkle - Georgia Tech (because she's a nerd)
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3 KB
me too
Express yourself, some very memorable drawings I've seen were so because of the ideas they were portraying and the thought behind them rather than the artists skill.
One day the excitement will die down to a glimmer but you will always be a fan.
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>Celestia was actually a complete dick to Luna pre NMM
pony can't stop thinking about you
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not really. i realize i'm only here because of the hype and you guys. once it's all over, i doubt i'll care much about mlp.

that would imply i have artistic ability.
All hail Apol
Pony needs to leave before I call the police.
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Yes, I DO like best filly.
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I can't stop thinking about pony!
Look at that filly butt
You make me sick.
Draw Mayor Mare celebrating at a party!
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I'm naturally drawn to the best.
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That filly manages to somehow be uglier on the inside than on the outside

The fact that someone can have such a terrible opinion is a serious cause for concern
i don't even like Mayor Mare
Was there supposed to be a comma in there?
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>dat butt
>dat pose
>dat face
I mustn't.
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>watching the televised jew
I have to agree here. I have pony on the brain so often throughout the day it's like there is a cartoon playing in my mind.
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I don't really care that much.
total slave
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She's very sorry to hear that, but she'll forgive you if you dance with her.

fuck man, get it right

Goyim is the plural form, not goys.

That's like saying gooses instead of geese
>kiss one
>bite one
>spank one
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>tfw best filly
ur a faget
I knew it was you because you talk about printbooks sometimes~
Pony has me by the balls.
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how is it even possible for someone to be so very wrong?
kiss Sweetie
bite Scoots
spank AB
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Don't tell me Diamond Dogs aren't scary looking rape creatures.
Tell her to get off me, and that she stinks
don't lie, you love it
I love it too

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You're a pretty good guy, Anon
Why do they want to eat a satyr, anyway?
>tfw MLPG hates you
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I need to find a better way to get myself to work on the darn thing.

That is incredibly rude, Anon! Why, she took a bath just this evening!
ross/bcs/terse plz

They need something to sate their appetite.
Not all of mlpg
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I hate myself for loving you.
is he ok?
>The technical moral of Dragon Quest was that it's best to assume all of your kind is evil, and is to be alienated with extreme prejudice.
well maybe if you weren't such a butt
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that's very nice of her, but i still don't like her
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>Sweetie is actually enjoying it
what a slut
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Look at all of the butts

>DT in Candy dolls style loli-matrix outfits
>taunting you, calling you a perv while you're tied up
>sticking her crotch in your face, taunting you for getting hard
slutty cmc fapfic where

i know there has to bbe something out there
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Unpopular opinions?

I still like the whole fluttermac ship even though it isn't canoon
Just because I hate drugs,satyrs,batponies,shipping,fetish discussion,erping,gay shit,most of our contributors and anthro shit doesn't mean I'm a butt
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Butts are a beautiful thing
>Why do they want to eat a satyr, anyway?

because tex was reading Lone Wolf and Cub at the time and thought it was a cool premise. Tex just draws whatever random shit he thinks up without putting much thought into it.

It's almost as if he draws because it's fun.
She takes after her sister.
Are you me? I hate or dislike most of the things there too.
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That's a tiny Rarara
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>that whole list
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Best part of the pony.
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>not hating shitposting
I bet you like meta and offtopic too
My niggas
Rose pls

What are you still doing here?
Why would Rose hate antrho?
I like talking about the show,comics and ponies
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Because despite me not liking a ton of stuff, I enjoy my time here (sometimes). It's really not hard to hide the shit one doesn't like. I do it all the time.
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Ponies be small mang
You can't even see them sometimes.
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What's your beef with contributors?
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why is ponk ronk?
Most of them are either pot supporters,satyr lovers or just plain shitposters
I think we need to post ponies anon
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She's blushing
Not the guy, but they all suck and circlejerk 25/7/412. That's right, they make extra days for that shit.
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Running away again, anon? You know the inevitable outcome. You might as well just enjoy it.
I'd fuck that pony so hard
when she's grown up and her figure's filled out
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Thats a pretty good pony.
ponies don't fill out
they just scale up a bit
I don't particularly -hate- them, but I honestly don't give a fuck about their lives outside the thread. Which, of course, annoys me whenever some anon brings shit from their tumblr to here. Cass in point, anything related to rediv.
And how does that affect you?
Braeburn is a Husker's fan
It causes great strife in the family
That kind of transparent Celestia's pretty cool.
I have an important meeting with the local weathermare

I have to give her these plans to improve rainwater distribution.
johnjoseco did draw that
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She's sweeter and tighter now
That was more a little quick theorizing rally than calling Tex's tastes into question.
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* Huskers, wow
they totally do
mostly in the butt and legs
These stopped being funny months ago.
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How much headcanon will be destroyed in S4?
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Nope, that's a myth
Look at this tiny butt
look at it
Didn't she turn bright red while drinking Rainbow?

Maybe she just happened on Rainbow Red Hot Sauce.
But all you talk about is meta and how much you dislike other things

You never talk about ponies
she'll be sweet and tight even as a mare
>thinking contributors are shitposters
there's the door
will celestiafags ever tone down their shit.

it's like it's fucking S1 ponkfags all over again.
It's revealed that the entire show is just a show

BCS isn't a contributor.
>Make one post
>That's the only thing you talk about

More like a contributor of shitposting
No. And Celestia Quest made them even worse.

Still, nothing hiding can't fix.
There's so much headcannon I've lost all track. How about let's say how much of the actual comicbook story will contradict with the show itself.
But will she have the voice cracks?

Like it or not, she often takes requests and draws for us.
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i will fite u m8
I want to fuck a pone butt

I don't even care if it's a mare butt
SA's story seems to be killing any semblance of consistency and canon so far.
Which stallion has the best butt?
> tfw your straight exceptions are almost all mares, the fictional kind

They've all got the same butt
How do you mean?
I don't really hate BCS or anything
She gets annoying, but no worse than lots of the other people who are only really different in that they don't wear a name
But she really doesn't do much
A really half assed sketch every few weeks, usually of some random oc

I do feel kinda bad for her though. She should take her pills again or something

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C-can I maybe have one more request, please?
>tfw my only exception is r63 of my waifu
Fluttershy getting payback
dats really cute
I request you work on your colours.
I think a Prince Blueblood would be much different from a Bic Macintosh no? This isn't comparing apples top apples Anon.
Draw Fluttershy getting sat on by a filly

Just they're sitting in her lap and Fluttershy has her hooves wrapped around her
The CMC all grown up.
And Scootaloo is a full head shorter than the other 3 and griping about it.
>ask BCS for a picture of your waifu
>she says she never really liked that character
>doesnt draw her
well fuck you too

Draw Celestia as a dragon napping in her throne room and all her guards are just standing around awkwardly
applejack smoking apples
>banned like 3 times
>Keeps coming back posting completely unrelated stuff to mlpg
>only came to mlpg because he got banned from SA, The roundstable, and I think ponychan

>thinking BCS is a she
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Luna getting too affectionate for comfort with Big Mac.

Backstory that's never been hinted at before, with important characters to SA that have never been mentioned or even hinted at, not to mention the seemingly modern looking high school setting.

I know this whole thing is just an excuse to play up every 80s romantic comedy trope, but still. I'm sure the comic will explain everything, but so far I can't bring myself to care about it.
I've seen her vagina anon
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>So many straight fags

Pone will never be friends with you if you don't like fucking dudes
They just can't trust you
Over a pit, or rolled in a paper?
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She must be so soft to sit on
and it backfiring
Name a tripfag worse

>inb4 sent
He really was only annoying like a few times on /co/ then assfags kept complaining anytime they saw the trip
That made me laugh.
But how can pone trust AIDS?
>not just calling people whatever the hell they want to be called
She looks like a chick, im going to call her a chick.
your choice!
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hurr durr
Take it elsewhere, faggot.
Chistery, dipshit.
I request that you stream whatever it is that you draw next.

We know absolutely nothing about SA's backstory so there's not much to contradict. Ponyville also has a modern looking rural school, so I don't see how a modern pony high school changes anything.

However the writers have admitted that the whole arc is one parody of 80's romance movies as you guessed.

>"world building"
>fan side works
No, he's still really fucking annoying. And a rude little shit too.
Probably not
But she'll have hormones
And a creampie fetish
MLPG has a pretty good track record of making giant villains out of good honest people
Any of the one's that show up occasionally just to "troll"
The only name I remember is spitfire, but there have been plenty