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Important news post that covers moderation, board culture, and shitposting, as well as a handful of notable changes.

I think this is the second longest news post ever, so it's probably worth reading if you're an active user (and if you want to be put to sleep by my writing).

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Old, organic thread: >>13686712

Topic: It's time to discuss robot ponies. Do you think we'll ever see any in the show?
Writers are hacks that don't hold up any sort of consistency regarding technology in Equestria.
So yeah, most likely we'll see some robots.
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Does OP even watch the show?
>No one, the people who complain about tripfags are 100 times more annoying than tripfags themselves

>This is what tripfag apologists think
Asteroid Boogie
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I want to see that robot pony

derpy has best costumes
Don't bring this into the new thread.
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I am ready for S4
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Character developement =/= world buildin but i agree
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Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
I expect those episodes to be bad.

Because it seems like they are banking on creating 'feels' which usually means they will resort to the basest emotional manipulation.

Feels shouldnt be the goal of a story, they should be the result

I really really do not understand this fetish
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im rdy 4 it
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>so many feels

No Meghan.
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Commander Pnoy reporting from the settlement, We have started work on our outer wall for our courtyard to ecnlose our fortress's entrance, we will build a moat as well. Will report back when there is more.
It's an acquired taste.

And I learned even most body odorfags don't like foot stink.
I eagerly await your filenames, now that there's a story going on between them.
she's used it before
sorry but she's been corrupted
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>how i feel downloading 40gb muscle girl fetish siterip

Fucking disgusting neckbeard. He grosses me out just looking at him. Makes me want to vomit.

How can they let themselves get like that?
Point Dexter isn't a robot though.
pastebin when
Got a link to that siterip?

what's in the bag?

and is dash still off learning things elsewhere?
whats wrong? she is using language that is popular in the youth culture, which is the target audience.
my mom is verbally abusing me what should i do? should i call the police?

My headcanon is that Poindexter/Gizmo/Whatever his name is' special talent is building automatons.
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It sure is >pic in here.
We should play UT2K4
but his special talent is robots

or atleast that what his cutiemark is telling us
I want doge to die already
maybe i should tell lauren faust or moot do you think they could stop it?
write a book about it and make bank like that one lady did


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Do you think it's strange to get aroused just from knowing someone else is?

what is that
It's a first person shooter.

>defending a disgusting neckbeard
>white knighting a disgusting neckbeard

I think you really need to re-evaluate your life anon.
Unreal Tournament 2004
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>>how i feel downloading 40gb muscle girl fetish siterip

Tex plz.
>those welling tears
release that pony at once!
He's Jontron.
It's different.
Call me when you have a shitton of subscribers and have done something worthwhile with your life.
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Rainseed. Handy in a pinch, though the effects are too local (by design) to substitute for weather by scheduled pegasus intervention. Yeah, it's still a little hook in that series.

>White knighting disgusting neckbeards
>thinking minor e-fame is meaningful

haha oh wow
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He's no Inuitinua that's for damn sure.
Not until she says the secret word
>thinking minor e-fame is less meaningful than anything else

>Ball gag

Uhm... what's the safety-signal?

Gonna need a link, right now
no, keep with the stories, they are too much fun

now seriously, I would just love it if you sat down one day and put these names in a pastebin
well, it's mostly because I am sadly not in MLPG 24/7 so I miss bits.
If it's not too much trouble it'd be much appreciated and whatnot
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>you will never be one of Fluttershy's well cared for animals
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If pone were horse what would job be?
>error 503
Except they clearly are
That is one slutty horse
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Lest you forget.
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our first pone death, will post his description.
it was from empornium
Honestly? I want to fuck Backy.
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There are notable exceptions.
Never mind, I guess I won't, because he is dead.

He was an earth pony that mined dug himself into a hole he couldn't get out of.

sucks bro.
i want the professional memers to leave
I want pony to come.
But sentenal DESERVES all the hate he get's, that's the important thing to keep in mind.
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but anon i have bills to pay

I would instead lovingly rim her anus.
not shitty JJ gamer luna, but actual show Luna yes.
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of course
Pony keeps giving me a boner.
>so jelly
b-but im no a girl!
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yeah me too
anally, if possible
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Dammit Anon why are you constantly trying to make me fap?
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Join us, in the quest to find the next new EPIC MEME
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fapping is good for you.
You'd have to take the helmet off.
Not when I'm trying to get rid of my death grip
what do you mean?
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I'm sure Luna can help you with that. Just give her a chance.
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Total slave!
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>tfw Celestiafag
>but I enjoy the night more
I'm so sorry, I have failed you, my waifu
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Biggest shit head ever.
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how can she be your waifu if you fall to such weak seduction?
>wanting to kiss a babyfur
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It's okay

I'm a total slave for Fluttercooch

i just want to stick my tongue in it
I'm not falling to Lunas seduction, I just like the quietness of the night more than busy days ;_;
Why can't she stop thinking about donkey dick?
What could stop her?

I worry about her.
... that Luna is surprisingly well written for a smut greentext
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gosh that was cute
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>implying your favorite pony loves you
>take a look at my own thing
>than at what other people can churn out on the go
People who support, write and like Luna stories and pictures are no better than sentenal01 and 90% of all bronies.
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Fuck you, she DOES love me!
I had a feeling it was you
Great, now I have blueballs
Thanks anon
That's stupid.
>implying anyone loves Satan
And yet people continue to do it. Sad facts iof humanity.
Ready for what?
He is pretty stupid, but he can't help but bait.
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you know what you must do.
>tfw not MT's bf
>tfw don't care as long as shes happy
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>those names

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How do I tell if pony likes me?
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>Snips and Snails with Pinkie
>not Trixie
Dammit Hasbro, you had one job.
how the fuck does this set make any sense
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Why will Twilight never measure up to being a great ruler like Celestia?

Because there are too many that think LITTLE of her!
>fucked up Daring's Hair
Sparkler is rolling in his grave right now.
Rainbowfied Rainbow Dash?

Jeeze, talk about a DOUBLE RAINBOW
progress goes well, we are building subterranean farms now.

We may also have superterranean farms as well to support our other types of plants.
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forgot pic
<spoiler>Why do you guys keep making theme threads like this?</spoiler>
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I have long wanted to dive into DF, should I just start out vanilla or are there any recommended mods and such?
but Dash is already Rainbowfied! i want my money back!
[s]Because your a puppet.[/s]

>soaring set
>no soarin
>Just Thunderlane
Good for him.
oh god i am die
>those small as fuck eyes
Oh god I can't
start out with vanilla i'd say, or if you feel like being raped. Get Genesis Mod but I would reccomend a tileset like iron hand or phoebus, unless you want to learn the ACII, it's just harder to understand imo, less information.

>I can spell
>to muffin
>that smug look on Twilight's face
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>brace yourselves
the kittens are coming
>caring about merch that isn't the 4DE plushies

Top Hue
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>snipsy snap

Ginger Snap's brother?
everything is certainly fine
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>Snipsy Snap
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Do you think Snips has secret incest fetishes for her?
These look cool as fuck.
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for those that think cats are harmless.

Run you fools.

But that isn't Ginger Snap.
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>Randomly adding crap to pony names

Ponies are forbidden from having one syllable names, or names without girly crap appended apparently

I wonder if this is for some kind of crappy trademark reason

Would certainly explain the flower trio toy naming issue
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Holy shit, Season 4 leak!
>"Has anyone seen my cookies?! I have to go to a den meeting in half an hour!"
>She runs around the house trying to find her boxes of cookies she needs to cell
>But finds Snips gorging on them upstairs, his cheeks swollen with thin mints
>"Snips! You big fat jerk, those were my troop's cookies!"
>He just spits the half chewed cookies back into the boxes
>I wonder if this is for some kind of crappy trademark reason
The toy stallions seem to have a more on model head than the mares do
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we neeeed foooooooooooooooooooooood.
it's trademark stuff

you can't copyright "snails" or the word "snip"
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No, but it looks like he cuts her hair

Which actually sounds adorable
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So I'm watching "Baby Cakes" and I notice the order that the Cakes go to the Main 6 to ask them if they're able to babysit the twins.

So the order is Fluttershy > Twilight > Applejack > Rainbow Dash > Rarity > Pinkie Pie.

Does this mean that's also the list of who would be the best mother? Have we been wrong about Applejack this whole time?
I have no idea why I believed you

I really don't
I think they should get along, sibling rivalries/fights are too common

They were pretty bad to start with. Thunderlane there is definitely one of the best I have seen and I hope he sets the new standard


Yeah that is what I figured, most of the ponies with the most drastic changes had the most simplistic, common names

Rose --> Roseluck
Lily --> Lily Valley
Daisy --> Flower Wishes


I didn't believe you, but I like SFM porn

joke's on you
I still think its odd they went to Dash before caving into Pinkie

I mean, do you really think Rainbow Dash would seriously be better with kids then Pinkie Pie? She's probably just put them under an upturned laundry hamper and put a brick over it
Applejack is busy. They know this and they still consider her a better candidate than RD, Rarara, and Pinkie.

Think about all the dangers there are on a farm, multiply that by the presence of the CMC, all the monsters that show up near there, and they still consider her a more viable candidate.
>not a god tier mother for her own foals
Babysitting does not equal being a good mother. Fluttershy would be good because she takes care of animals. Kids would be sorta like animals, right? And Twilight would follow a How-2-Babysit book to the letter, so she would be good. But babysitting is just for a short time. Neither would be that great in the long run, as mothers, with those methods.
LD pls go back to the hood
I think its also they may not want to use the fanon names
It's a cartoon show!
>there will never a SFM pony video with good models
thugderechan pls~
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lamar pls
>there will never be good sfm models

Everyone starved to death the end.

I guess pones can't grow things under ground.
Babies are kind of like animals at least.
Kids are a bit different.
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Man I love this game, great characters and awesome missions.

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> that face
Earth ponies can grow food anywhere.
>Applejack is the median
what if little guard pony with pajama armor
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Be more specific.
Then he would protect nap time
AJ has a job. A busy job she tells everyone about and they still thought to ask her early.

What did you try to plant?
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Would you fight whores of demons with Pinkie?
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>whores of demons
>whores of demons
I guess, but why are we fighting them?
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because friendship
Is that motherfuckin armstrong?

Of course the phone ducks up the rotation...

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This is my favorite pony, Rarity.
She is yellow and loves apples.
>you will never be a qt π+1 filly princess nonsexually cuddling with your colt guard
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you said some things that don't make any sense, but I like that pony too
That's not Vinyl Heartstrings.. it's missing her Cello
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Guess what

It's request time
Sweetie Belle gets her horn stuck in a tree
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Draw Ms.Peachbottom in white panties.
Celestia wearing Leona's armor
draw >>13692045 + >>13692045 + >>13692193
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this pony ripping and tearing a delicious snack cake
pinkie pie stomping grapes please
shota anon cuddling with his filly waifu
one of those links was supposed to be >>13692075
>not knowing about best one shot pony
Rumble in a wonderbolts-academy outfit
Apple Bloom dressed in a nice suit.
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I could never really get good with her character, but I like her too.
demon sex is not on the list of things to try
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Oh, Chickenbutt.
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Leona, the champion of the sun
The Radiant Dawn
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That's a very good bg pone
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Unknown pose is best pose.
I really want to hug this pony.
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1.64 MB GIF
pony should relax pony
What if pony licked you?
>champion of the sun
But that's not Dayman
I'd lick pony back.
yea sure i'll flip you over and take care of the front, Applejack
I wonder if the artist who made it for me would do it again with their improved skills.
It depends on where she licked me.
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I would lick pony all over.
And what if pony licked you again?
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I wish I had friends
I'd lick the pony inside her nasal.
Human friends or pony friends?
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I wish I were a pony
Would these be expensive to import?
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Twilight really needs to learn how to use a phone.
Like, just rando on-the-street?

Maybe back away slowly or quickly
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>80cm Pinkie Pie
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26 KB
this one might be
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err, not a 4chan error, actual beef on my part.
Damn this new post timer.
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>119,00 €
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she seems to be doing just fine
Do they think we are made of money?
wait for next week

That'd better be a Hell of a plush
But that's not how you use a phone at all! Twilight's just faking it!

She's a phony!
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What is phone pony's number
I just need it for emergencies
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72 KB
in case of emergency just dial pony-one-one
It's stuffed with 1940's German dollars.
> GERMAN dollars
Ha ha ha ha
i imagine a brony who buys plushies like a heroin addict shoots up just clicking the buy button like "just one more just one more"
Does Applejack butt dial?
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Stop calling me!
these niggas started using that shit for wallpaper. Shit was TOUGH
When she needs to call someone her phone is already ringing when she takes it out of her pocket
>modifying dreadlock Pinkie
>no usable ponut
I'm not quite sure how or why the velvet would feel all that great

Now if it were a true onahole in silicon or something, I'd get it
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12 KB
>implying the phone would survive more than one butt dial
She tries to, but she sometimes forgets.

She dilates!
I never understood that.
>Hey we can barely eat and the money we have is worthless
>Oh ohhh let's ask 1940's German Martha Stuart what we should do

She clearly has her hat on. Nothin lewd goin on there.
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Oh my
Sweetie Belle you stupid girl! It would never work between you two!!
Gilda better not take Pinkie's virginity. Or I'll be upset.

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Is that so?
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i just want to wipe that smug ass look off her face
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I just want to have my way with that asshole
I'm with you on that, no matter which definition of "asshole" you meant
>not being creative
I just had the nastiest fucking GERD burp
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pony fears for her asshole after last time
>being creative
>tfw going to /v/ and finding pony porn

unexpected UNF is the best kind.
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Pony needs to have a stiff upper lip about these things
Never be creative!
you can't just say something like that and not link it
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she knows she loves it
maybe you should be more careful
They've been doing this for a whole month now. /v/ hates ponies but loves the porn.
pony is the one who ruined MY asshole in the first place. Payback ain't sweet, bitch
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I think its the other way around
Why doesn't everyone just cut the bullshit and agree they hate bronies and not throw a shit fit when a horse is posted somewhere?
I'm having déjà vu
Yeah, /v/ actually really likes the porn.

They're hypocritical faggots that caused all this mess.....but its /v/ so its not like we can say anyone is surprised
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Pony wouldn't be dressed like such a slut if pony didn't want it
I'd love that catbird tenderly
just sayin'
fuck you. Everytime i get excited about it, no one gives a shit
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Pony will give you a shit
Furatashai dansu pahty!
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>That episode
>dem emotions

What was your moment of mlp for you?
F-Fluttershy, no! My perfect ass!!
Would you lose your virginity to Pinkie Pie?
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Anal sex, anon
I'm talking about anal sex
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>Flutterbitch will never delight in your whimpers while she destroys your anus
That depends on how she'd take the knowledge that you've never done this before.
When Flutterguy and Spitty Pie did the evil enchantress. i was like "What the fuck am i watching"
Is there any more pics of official merchandise?

That shit's golden sometimes.
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>A-am I late for the spankings?
Human or pony?
where the fuck is PWA
he does futashy stuff right
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>You've been saving it for someone special?
>Am I someone special?
not at all
Pinkie sense.
>even asking
>Fluttershy will never be sexually fustrated and dominate in the bed room one night
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She just felt like destroying something beautiful
She is Jack's misplaced libido
Humanized, but yeah
I wish he'd do pony stuff, but he's not bad for what it is
Aw jeez
I don't waifu Pinkie but she's pretty much perfect isn't she?
I said human, not shitty movie monstrosity
I'm 19 and what is this
Who cares what you said, this is what you get
Pinkie is unfortunately a nympho.
Would you really punish your own waifu?
Then I'll take the pony
come right in, you're just on time
It's not punishment if she wants it
Did you feel insulted when I insulted your hair?
How is that in anyway unfortunate ?
I was reading something the other day that was interesting. Someone asked the question if "virginity" made any sense, since the first person you become sexually aware with is yourself. You make yourself a sexual being and learn at least some likes and dislikes long before you ever have partnered sex.

If anything Pinkie's been extremely self-aware since early adolescence, but she'd be keen to learn what makes you smile smile smile
You insulted my hair? When was this?
what he said >>13693169
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B-but you have you friends over anon.
I-I don't wanna interrupt.
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name your location
name your action
will she make it a special experience?
The window.

Pony is not for sexual.
She'll make it super ultra special. And even throw a huge party and invite all her friends.
raspberry right to the tummy
They were just leaving. Now sit down, i got a pillow for you. You'll need it when i'm finished
Sandwiched between crotchboobs
>throwing a "popping your cherry" party
is...is that really necessary?
does she do this for her other friends too?
every one of them
although technically she got most of them in a single party
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My dick.
Oh God.

Send help.
I'm not sure if we're on the same page here or if that's exactly what Pinkie wants.
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i would ruin it for her. maybe she wouldn't be so smug then
Ooh I wanna take ya
Come on pretty mama~
how disgusting
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>Not wanting a tall waifu
You're SOMEone special, but
Am I your special someone, though? I sort of
Wanted this to be special for both of us
She's so freakin tall anon
that bitch is just skin and bones
it's weird how their's so many non-verbal gifs of Twilight
>You will never get there fast and then take it slow with Pinkie Pie
My dick is up for the challenge.
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as opposed to other ponies?
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Twilight has the best gifs
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anon is a hatin ass nigga
ms.peachbottom when?
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ruin it?
no no no, you gotta get her dripping.
get her so damn excited that she's BEGGING for your dick.
then make her cum so hard she couldn't walk for a week even without the raw, sore feeling in her ass.

you wanna wipe that grin off her face, you gotta show her who's boss.
and if your little buttslut ever wants more, she's gonna have to say "please."
I know Spike is a girl, are you implying Rarity is a guy?

>the weight of her bearing down on top of you.
>pinning you
>trapping you
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Do you still have your receipt for the genital store? i think they gave us extra
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Have you OHP your Twily today?
>Right back up in yo muthafuckin' ass x3
>Golden Oak Library

Ohhhhh, so THATS what its called
Would she even acknowledge you? You're so short for your age, Anon. And she's so tall...

Honestly, although this Rarity is very interesting, the contrast with Spike is what kills it for me.

His longing looking up to that tall beauty who wouldn't acknowledge him. Not the way he looks up at her. To be so close yet so far.
so much leg...
I'll say this about JJ

He knows his engorged vulvas
Some of the hasbro material calls it "books and branches"

and currently, both names are canon until we get some proper word of god
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Alternate art styles: yeah or nay?
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I fuckin love legs.
>he's not a camwhore for other beta neckbeards to lust over
That's a good thing.
bullshit thats JJ
Yeah, that's news to me too.
Are you kidding me? That's a terribly-drawn vagina. It's the kind of vagina people draw having only seen other terribly-drawn vagina and low-quality, late-90s hentai.
great in small doses but would probably lose their novelty if went on for too long
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> that face
Yay, but get thats awful shit horse away from me
that's a lot of butt
are we going to play hats tonight?
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Rarilegs are the best
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YESSSS. You are excellente.
nah, not feelin it

Would motorboat those cheeks.
Oh my god is Flim okay
>Rarity gets strangled by a giant spider
Yeah, he's jsut laughing

Someone must be tickling his funny bone!
He bonered too hard
never be creative
> vagina

That's clearly a vulva. Some women have puffy vulvas.
No, I'm just confused as to why you're wearing panties.
sometimes it gets puffy from sexual arousal. i know this from porn
Kicky legs are best legs
it should always get a little puffy from sexual arousal, blood rushes to the genitals when aroused.
Raributt is better
They do, and it's fucking amazing.
Zebra Cookies now give Milk
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50 KB
>find a cute Dash tumblr
>it's ded

every time
>taking back extras
what are you, rich?
>that crack
Oh unf. Why do you unf unf unf?
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the best word i have for it is animalistic
You know what I fucking meant.
It looks awful. It doesn't look like a real vulva in any way, it's based on other terribly drawn vulvas instead of real ones.
> doesn't look like a real vulva in any way
That sure is an opinion
> based on other terribly drawn vulvas!
That's a speculation
it's too much and we don't need it
>you will never cuddle up to Trixie in her little bed, keeping her warm because her wagon is drafty and cold at night, even under the quilt
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Most of the tumblrs I used to follow are dead or closed. I haven't looked for any new ones to replace them either.
and then ruin her asshole?
>"Anon why do you smell of mint?"
Fuck you
the more the merrier
no, she ruins your asshole
she has to keep her asshole tight and fresh for her show
I had a mint.
Want one?
you're being selfish
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>X is not similar to Y
>That's an opinion!
I could post cookies that look more like vaginas. This guy just drew a smooth ballsack with a single fold in it. Vulvas don't look like that from that angle, aroused or not. Arousal usually affects the labia minora more than the labia majora anyway, it's not like the fucking vulva just grows.
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it seems like i can never keep it unruined for too long
>at first she's shivering like crazy
>but after you've held her close for awhile it starts to subside
>finally she's completely relaxed and sleeping soundly
Mint toothpaste and chewing gum
You should try it sometime.
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The anus repairman does good business
> I could post things that fit my arbitrary view of what 'real' vulvas look like all day
Knock yourself out, asshole.
you're taking more than you need. Save the extra genitals for those who don't have any. No reason a mare should have cock, balls, and tits
don't worry, it tightens up on its own over time
just try to space out your buttfucking a bit
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that he does, Scotty. that he does
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She needs to cool down
Godammit I JUST cleaned the carpet.
>AJ catches you masturbating
>slowly removes her hat
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b-but that's my fetish
and besides I think we were shortchanged a vagina
>What does something look like in reality?
>It's arbitrary, really.
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thanks mlpg for the new fetish
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How many fights start at the Apple family dinner table over team sports?
Hi Tex
What you abstract from reality isn't reality
Like cartoon vaginas
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anon that's Chistery.
Only 39 days to Hallowe'en!
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you're welcome
no, we sold the vagina to buy the other three
Strange, that was a Tex tier post
He might have Tripcode Blindness. It's okay, mate.
Fights start at the table over everything, Big Mac stays out of every single one.
quit arguing over vaginas

if it's a hole you can put your dick inside, that's good enough for me
Let's build a mecha Sombra robot using the remains of the original Sombra, nothing could possibly go wrong!
I've got a mouth available, Anon~
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and I know just the magic artifact to power it!
Oh fuck King Zebra's on the loose again.
Rarity pls

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I forgot to add "attached to a woman"
sorry EA
Would you fuck Braeburn's boy pussy? While wearing a hat?
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we gifs now
>everything is Tex pancakes
I'm confused, am I wearing the hat, is he wearing the hat or is the buy pussy wearing the hat?
A mark of one's destiny let alone fulfilled
normally I prefer Dash being short
but that...is also acceptable
No, I'd fuck his ass because he's a bloke.
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then why are you talk about taking it back?
you make no sense
the boy pussy is wearing the hat. He got it at the taint fair
I'd rather watch as Braeburn fucks Femanon
I feel the same way
something about it just works
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Hi anon
i meant the cock and balls. the balls were buy one get one free
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I found a new artist.
Hi Proto-Flash
hello there
I miss baseless shipping
>A-are you shippin us together, Rarity?
Because nothing's more essential in a family than a person who disengages from all of it

Where the fuck has braeby been anywho
going to school
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Wanna hang out in the park later
> "Wh-what's the safe word again?"
> "Marmalade."
> "J-elly on toast!"
> "I didn't hear 'marmalade~"
420 bro awww yeah.
I'd be pretty upset if I was turned into a princess without giving consent

Thats a lot like rape
you are in Equestria.

but pony is only as tall as your knees.
That's kind of cute
Applejack seems ... concerned
for sure
I've got a rack of beer
Can we wank together after?
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Harwick? He's been around for ages.
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I'm okay with this
oh no
how will I ever ride pony like this
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>he doesn't want to be a princess
Sensitive ears and exhibitionism.
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>39 Days to Hallowe'en
lets compromise, how about we just take the balls back and keep the tits. this is an acceptable amount of genitals, yes?
>He'll be an outcast, They'll kill him
>No... He'll be a god to them
You mean reluctant exhibitionism
>a short little imp of a girl
>with a toned body, a a tight buttocks, and a flat yet sensitive chest
what's not to love?
>using desire as an excuse for rape
>so was wet, so it wasn't rape
stop endorsing princess culture
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That's a little forward...
I'll agree only if you rub my neck and scratch my mane while you do it though.
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It's a good thing only Twilight will become a princess.

okay, but you have to let me suck your dick too
Pony can use magic to make me tinier.
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Beautiful apple goddess
The balls were a good bargain..... Eh, what the heck, sure.
But the only way to save the show is if the other five become princesses too
why is dash short a wing?
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those two sure do stand together a lot
>dickgirl amazonian celestia
the morning in Apple farms shimmers
the morning in Apple farms shiines
If that makes it more comfortable, sure
If you want, you can just watch some straight porn and I'll jerk you off
What if I said I knew a guy who could genitals on the cheap?
You just have to keep it hush-hush
Who doesn't.
Did you find this artist in yourself?
>the sun becomes a big ass apple
>applebottom jeans are mandatory fashion statement
well of course
they're best friends
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I fucking love Braidjack
There isn't enough of her
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What do you faggots see in this ship?
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unf both cutiemarks unf unf
jesus, that looks kind of horrifying
0pone is all I see there.
I see nothing.They're just niggas as far as I'm concerned.
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>Aj kicks the sun
>There were no survivors
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I self.insert me as Fluttershy and Dash is my mistress.
as long as they are of good quality. Some people get them all blue then return them
Tonight I've been having a real nostalgia trip over late Season 2 stuff. All the buildup to the wedding. It was actually really fucking fun looking back. I remember when the first image of that cardboard cutout of SA came out and everyone freaked out. And then Cadence. And cautiously optimistic as fuck. And Tori Spelling. And crying over Love is in Bloom.

That horse is ugly though.
> mistress
You mean you'd be cheating on Someone else?
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it's so fun to do
I don't know why the conversation turned that way, but I'm glad it did
Goodnight, all 7 of you
xieril's Dash is so unf
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I like my horses like I like my women. Human.
That butt is too unf. Please don't right now.
that's furry as hell, you know what with erotic target location errors and all
Would dash let me use her boobs as punching bags?
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94 KB

What the fuck
that fluttershy has a huge penis
>Horrific monster made of buzz saws, nails, and shrapnel,
>rams into it head first.

Applejack is one of the genius minds of this generation.
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She's so brave.
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Sometimes, simple tactics work.
well you saw what she did to those gates and fences
>anyone was cautiously optomistic
About the time we learned SA was Twilight's brother everyone pretty much gave up because we knew there was no decent way to introduce him.
The amount of pessimism was far greater than the handful of optimists.
That ass is very fine.
The Rainbow one isn't bad either.
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its a good butt
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Is this a Dwarf Fortress skin?
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>She did one on me
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Dash gets the most dual qt mark art.
What are those hair ball thingies called?
Nah, it's a separate program that takes "screenshots" of your fortress and puts it like that. It has no real-time application.
...And you know, it wasn't the end of the world. I really like the two of them nowadays.
>you'll never give Dash a good ass-slamming after a long workout
Why do i find seeing both cutie marks so hot?
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Dash has dem hips
>liking those blank slates
They've had so much screen time and they're still awful characters.
Anytime spent on them is wasted.
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We human now?
We got the comics but in terms of the show I need to see something from them for me to like them. Right now they're just there.
Not even

They get shuffled off before any real chance to interact
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no, are you even following the thread?
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Dash is most beautiful and/or sexy pon.
I would
I would so hard
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i know right?
>"Wanna go 'cool off'?"
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>Not Applejack
Dash represents passion
>no cutie mark
They'll only ever be used to move the plot forward, their never written in an episode because they'd be a good fit.
Rather the writers have to think "man, where am I going to put them because I must"
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I like my humans with wings.
>tfw no wings
okay, not sure if I would that one
that tan looks fake as hell
>what is the comics
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The thumbnail looks like she's doing the jew pose
Is she going to transform into a titan?
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I prefer my fashionbutt people to be a little lighter.
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Maybe something like this?
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She...she's wearing a gown.
We can boop if we want to.
How does that affect their status on the show?
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I like my ponies like I like my ponies.

getting warmer...
not a fan of the lipstick though
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She caught you looking
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she is wearing a nightie
We can leave your friends behind. Yes we can boop and if you don't boop you ain't, no friend of mine.
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How do you like your ponuts?
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muh nigga
Dash didn't strike me as the night gown type.

My first thought was her going nude but out of all the ponies it'd have to be Fluttershy.
but it's transparent
>implying those are ponuts
I know a ponut when I see one.
>Cloudchaser will never nuzzle your side
Someone just forgot to remove some of the sketch and add in curves to the gown itself in relation to her body.
I regret nothing
>she'll never giggle at your tiny penis as she luxuriates in the feeling your muscles
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Humans would look so much more elegant with wings.
>Yes want to go fast goim.
>Don't breed.
hey wait a second
she'll never get your arm stuck in flitter's bow
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To be honest, the only good looking ones are Sash and Rarity. The others look pretty bad.
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>she will never preen your wings for you
>she will never give you a tender kiss on the cheek when she's done
Why do you always have to be such a gigantic faggot all the time.
I swear it's you every single time too.
>and a tender kiss on the dick
Don't think you're safe tonight, either. It's the equinox. The veil is getting thinner. Can you feel it? Feel the walls dropping? Between reality and myth, between logic and superstition, nightmares dwell. And nightmares can see you too. You are not safe.
Rumble please.
thats ugly

>large heavy boobs and tanlines

uggggghhh you got me, saved
Can I release my nightmares into the real world.

Say yes.
Even if they weren't capable of carrying us?
It would make shirts a little difficult.
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Come on anon don't burst my happy bubble.
Flitter pls
He's got the cutest little cock, you should see it for yourself, it's almost smaller than Rumble's!
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Oh really?
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>anal only
that seems like something Dash would do
Old gods pls
>9and then several not so tender ones
Find the lady of the light gone mad with the night, that's how you reshape destiny.
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Canterlot Gardens is trying again for 2014
I hope they make it
those tanlines arent very good

>hint of panty

ya got me again
weird tanlines notwithstanding, I would
Fluttershy will never fuck that mouse

They're already released.


Her cabin has no key. A lock, yes, but no key. Not a soul escapes Baba Yaga.
>No way I can't join the wonderbolts if I have to sit out 9 months
>You'll use what I give you and be damn happy about it
Have you had the dream again? A black goat with seven eyes that watches from the outside.
I'm not saying they wouldn't be pretty. They would be very pretty.

They could have some kind of use, I'm sure. Maybe if they were big enough to slow a fall?
Could wings help us swim better?

I recall someone doing the math for how big pegasus wings would have to be, assuming a small horse. It would pretty ridiculous. Like the wing span was six times the size of its body and it had to beat its wings at a speed so big it would burn through too much energy.

I can't imagine humans being much better.
I want to steal Dash'a body pillow and sleep with it, smelling her scent on it and pretending it's her
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Probably not related, but this made me remember those cool Goosebumps episodes

>The Haunted Mask
>Night of the Living Dummy

Fuck those things
Flutters looks squished
As if she was resized
I hope they do it in Vegas!
joke's on her, that's my fetish
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Her night juices are all over it
Why is sylvia wearing a bridle?
why haven't you drawn Fluttershy in line to purchase a spanking paddle at the sex shop and nervous somebody she knows will see her yet
>Twilight frees Celestia and Luna from mind control,
>they start convulsing for a moment before coming to their senses.

Twilight should be more careful, she might've brained their damages.
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Last one.

Like I said, only Rarity and Dash look good/decent.
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It'd be totally worth it. It'd probably add a whole new layer to social interaction and attraction.

It's fascinating to think about.
>Dash is persistent about only doing anal.
>She doesn't want to get pregnant.
>A few months in she's looking at your dick and a thought crosses her mind
>"Why don't I just... put it in my mouth?"

You hear the howling, little Fawn. You know what comes. The Moddey-Dhoo. The great black dog of death that pulls the Devil's carriage to Hell.
Obviously not correctly.
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I'll wash it then, that's kinda gross
but unscented detergent
unless you mean drool. Inbet Dash drools, that'd be pretty cute
cant save this one even though i have a glasses and tanlines fetish

this just feels too off
Would you go to pony's sexy Halloween party?
it'll be on my to-do list
Bullshit this can't be real.
Pfft. Baba Yaga is easy to outwit.

Just get her to sit on her shovel and put her in her oven. Easy peasy.

I need a higher CR threat.
S-shut up..
Good Night
Don't worry about tomorrow, today has enough worries.
you should make pone eyes more symmetrical
pank's right eye is about 4/5 the size of the other one and looks weird, everything is great though
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I don't think a big pale ape is going to be very sexy to ponies no matter what he wears, I'd rather stay at home and maybe hand out candy.
I am deeply afraid.
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Should I draw my OC ponies in panties?
I also talk to them every night btw.
Echoes, like all ghost stories. Even the oldest myths had to come from somewhere. Even the most fantastical stories started with the truth. Monsters exist, dwelling in the footsteps behind you on dark nights, the gnawing under the bed, and the voices in the walls. That sinking feeling in the pit of your gut is a survival reflex. Don't ignore it.
I imagine there would be noticable difference in the wings on particular races. Some would be larger, others would be fuller. Some would be petite and make you just want to preen and nibble on the base.

I could see some race from the middle of Africa excelling at the some jump and glide sport in the olympics.
>Don't you forget about me

nigga they canon find you sexy
live a little
maybe you'll get hit on by a cute stallion
Kill it
Knock knock motherfuckers, what's new in the land of Pony and Pasta?
What if you wear your fursuit.
in that case, I'll just let it dry
that'll be the part I pretend is her lips
no, you should draw other OC ponies in panties
possibly being frens with your OCs in panties
show's been confirmed to merge permanently with equestria girls in season 5
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Such a cutie.
>I also talk to them every night btw.
u wut m8
You would have to play up your strong suits: being bipedal and an ape.

Either go as a knight "looking for his mare" or dress up as a gorilla.
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i want to snuggle with her all night long
You know what, maybe it's the alcohol talking, but I'm alright with that.
U-uh shit
I'm not very /cgl/, and I doubt any pony costume shop will carry shit my size.
I bet I could get a net and some grass and make a ghuilli suit, pretend to be a swamp monster or something, but that's not sexy to anybody really.
I'm screwed
those are gross and weird, no thanks
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>tfw you don't draw for a week and end up completely forgetting how to draw
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lets see your OCs
>changeling dash gets upset
Also, MLPG, who is the best tiny equine.

No cheating.
Jesus Christ. If Dash were real she would be too cute to live.

She would be way out of your league, you know that? No matter what your league is, she'd be above it.

She'd be hanging out with all the cool humans doing ridiculous sports things and modeling ridiculous pony accessories.
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>implying a changeling would turn down your love
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You guys my niggas.
>Watching paranormal shows.
>Most of them end up being some dumb fuck bought a carving from some foreign place and it's full of real bad juju.
>Some asshole is selling cursed shit to tourists for cheap.
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you can't just announce it you have to take her by surprise
>French Maid ponies
That's it. You've over unfed me today anon. I'm going to boop you.
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MarkerPony pls, you know what happens when you start booping.
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Yeah, probably. When you think about it they all would probably be way out of your league and busy with others to give a rats ass about you.
But that's okay.
Calm down, im not for non-consensual snuggles. It needs to be on her terms or else it just wont feel right.
What if a changeling lived with you as your favorite pony?
What if you knew full well who and what they were, but you didn't care?
What if they gorged themselves on your love for years?
What if they eventually confronted you, asking why you loved who they pretended to be, and not them?
What if they cried themselves to sleep the next night, knowing that you could never love them for them?

That best not be you m8, or else I'm mad disappointed.
if thats happened it just means you never knew how to draw in the first place
B-but...they don't want me to.
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But anon, she'd love it.
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do it faggot
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I asked Rose to do a Dash version of that
She doodled this but she didn't seem to like the idea of pony chest tufts all of a sudden, dunno why

Nah, I just came across this deep in my pony folder and forgot when and why I downloaded it
It'd help if changelings had personalities, ambitions and goals. Instead they just have dependency issues.
i have already given up on this show
Pony does not naturally have chest tufts.
>there will never be a pic of Sylvia and AJ bumpin butts
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Watch the new one
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You motherfucker, what if anon makes porn of them?
What will I tell them then?
Or you just have some really REALLY nice lights.
So bright...
Are these LED's?
Just because it's unnatural doesn't mean it's not attractive. See: Mrs. Strong.
>Not having chest tufts

Are you some kind of megapleb mate?

I've been in the same place, anon, I think some of us just download images from MLPG because we just can't get enough pretty ponies in our computers
tell them that they're popular and attractive
>that smug as fuck look on his face after that
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Yeah, she doesn't like chest tufts. But they're adorable though.
Also that's great.
The only way to give a pony a chest tuft is to pet them the wrong way.
And that makes you a monster.
i was thinking about it. from the gifs i see it looks like a sylvia heavy episode and she is my favorite nonshark character in the show.