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Important news post that covers moderation, board culture, and shitposting, as well as a handful of notable changes.

I think this is the second longest news post ever, so it's probably worth reading if you're an active user (and if you want to be put to sleep by my writing).

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Not even a horse: >>13678033
Rubmlest horse:
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horses are gay
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And so this is how mlpg ends. With a whimper.
>no postings
That's a good thing, gilda.
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Why does rumblest horse look like a filly but is clearly not
babbies with gilda

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Because there is variety in how pony's muzzle is shaped.
Arise Hoars!
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Trying to come up with some new sketches for the printbook thing. Not sure which one I want to go with.
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everyone is brobably doing something else.

also grey Pegasus master race
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Bubblebutt is the best butt.
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That works
"Mmmnn... super clean..."
[foalcon intensifies]
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On the bright side this means we have temporary relief from her
Holy mother of lewd
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did someone say arise
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Why is the pegasus race the best race?
>Top kek.gif
Heartnotes is BCS' reddit account and it's where she goes to shitpost when she's banned
if thats BCS thank fuck
well time for me to leave
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The pin-up thing?
I feel like the second one is a great opportunity for sideboobs.
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where are you going to go?
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That is a nice pone you have there
The one on the left looks more promising - can't really see much of rarity in the right one due to the chair
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You know what? I really like the stallions.
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I want Flying Saucer to make a dropbox or imgur dump for all of his background stallions
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I am glad someone else thinks that

The stallions are just as adorable as the mares in this show

I just wish we would have one as a more recurring character that uses the standard background stallion design. All the male recurrings get unique, pretty different designs for the most part
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okay, listen. I had a crazy idea.

What if the brain is actually a gateway through the multiverse?

What if what you actually imagined was not the product of your "imagination" but instead the memory of what happened in another universe?

Think of a pony doing something, it must have happened beacuse everything must happen in a infinite set of infinite spaces.

Think of a being, that must exist. It must have done what you've just thought.

Thought and imaginationa s we see them are not a complicated mental process, but a more complicate Palantir on every universe ever existed. Due to the fractality of reality and the universes themselves, you're actually seeing what happened, what is and and what will happen in any given universe.

So right now I know I'm fucking a pony in my bed. It's just that it's happening in generic universe number 10040404040410351.

Isn't this brilliant?

my little elitist /co/ nostalgia autistic cock sucking circle jerking general

>can't really see much of rarity in the right one due to the chair
True, although I could just rotate the whole thing.

If I do the left one, I may just put her in the silk bedgown she was wallowing in in Suited for Success.
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>>Think of a being, that must exist.
I will just think of myself enjoying a nice summer evening with my waifu then!
sounds good to me, and your thoughts on dreams?
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it sucks having a small pony picture folder,
i'm already out of images...
What's the point if this version of myself isn't living with pony then?

Why can't an alternate me imagine me in specific being in Equestria? Why can't I imagine myself imagining myself in specific being in Equestria?
_________________not pony__________________________________________________________


The whole multi-verse theory is absurd.

If there are an infinite number of universes where an infinite number of possibilities occur, then there must be a universe where something occurs right now to destroy all other universes.

We are, however, still here. Checkmate, scientists.
well, you can't manipulate a gateway for images. it's like trying to draw a world and then crying because you can't run into it.
>well, you can't manipulate a gateway for images.
Says you. I will just find a way to mindswap with the other me, abusing this gateway.
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I already did that for anon awhile ago, though for generic background pones. Stallions included though.


They are only my caps and .gifs and unsorted though
batpony ear tufts
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>Isn't this brilliant?
if you're /x/ then yeah, but this isn't /x/ and I haven't /x/ed in years
This guy was pretty cute.
I really like his mane.
but a universe that interacts with another one isn't possible. although, some theories say thats what gravity is, and you theory still makes sense. But, only because you don't grasp the concept of infinity.
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A bunch of the apple stallions were really cute aside from him as well, it was a pleasant surprise
Dreams are signals sent by the gods to tell us how awful we are.

Oh well, okay, Dreams are un-conscious recollections of what is happening in other universes. you're not actively thinking of them, but it still happens because of quantum resonances creating extremely small packets of energy every millisecond, some of them, at random hitting the raw frequencies your brains is syncronized with and creating the dreams.
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the best tufts
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i think i had bat pony dreams too last night

but i have forgetten them, and it was art related.
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>not being /x/
That has both happened and not happened.


Ah, but the multi-verse theory itself states that an infinite number of possible universes must exist.

Therefore, there must be a universe where interaction with other universes is possible. If not, then the theory itself is null-and-void, as we've proposed a possible universe that doesn't seem to exist.
I'm sure there's a unvierse where you are able to do that.
It is not this one.
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We science now.
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write your dreams down after you wake up in future
>batpony general is more active than mlpg
What have we become
As anon said, it happened and at the same did not happen. Because if it did happena t the same time there must be a universe in which the whole deal was stopped.
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>It is not this one.
Goodbye cruel world
thanks for sharing. Stallions really ARE cute
especially crystal stallion
sounds good too

although these thoughts have been thought and expounded on already. and not in that sense, but, i have heard this theory before. and coincidences with a bunch of other astral projection/metaphysical stuff.
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you're god damn right we are
it's like 10am in murrka
all the americlaps are still masturbating after they woke up
>ancient greek style
>private cities on the sky
>weather controlling and walking on the clouds
>the most of them sporty and clearer than the others
>warrior race
>even the slower fliers can fly with over 100 km/h
>wings that can be used as hands
personally i love this theory
you know what I really think of this theory though? It's goddamn stupid,because even if I say that my brain is a chicken, that's as true as what I've said before. It cannot be proved and, in fact, many facts prove against it.

It's just a fun little thing to think and nothing more.
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we stallions now

AND science
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i know, but, some things are best left out of the conscience collective
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>tfw no more tombstone just announced he won't be making anymore pony songs

Ohhoho. But there must also be a universe that is exempt from this rule. Again, if there isn't then then the multi-verse theory is disproved.

As I'm not shaking hands / hooves with ponka right now, we know for sure that there is no universe where she can appear in my own universe, and so we know that at least one possible universe doesn't exist.
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no it's not, it's like 8
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Oh yes. He is probably my favorite currently.
there must always be a batpone
no i have bpg up, and you are more active

but i suspect, we have a few other crossposting anon
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I just ponied in your bathroom, I'm very sorry.
maybe on worst coast
Even if the ride comes to an end, i'm glad to have been a part of it back when the show was still on at its prime.

Ok, tha'ts probably a lie since I only got into it during the first hiatus, but seasons 2 was great.
subjective reality is a bitch aint it?

This poster supports Tulpa creation!

I recommend a changling tulpa personally.
Are you sure? Maybe there are global rules, like "everything can happen, EXCEPT when it generates a paradox".
Speaking of global rules, I just read moot's message. That's pretty cool.
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I think FS might be the only tripfag here who genuinely likes talking about the show in discussions that aren't "pony should pony pony"
What a wonderful feel.

But quantum tells us that it is already happening anon. every second, billions of billions of events like the one you've said (death of reality) are happening. We're dying every millisecond and at the same time we're not.

It's shrodinger's principle.
It's going to take half an hour to get the smell out
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ok enough, of that, the natives will get restless
I already tried a tulpa. I got to the point when I forced I felt shivers up my spine and I could hear her talk every now and then, but I decided that living as a shut-in just to talk with a renegade part of my brain was not the best outcome in life for a virgin like me. I can and am doing better.
Is it good?
FS please
no need to draw more attention, you don't deserve it so much

>who genuinely likes talking about the show
You mean - personal, retarded, brony-level fanon? Sorry, it has nothing to do with the show.

>praising tripfags

You are everything that is wrong with MLPG,. Go back to piss.
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>implying I'm not an mlpg native
>implying mlpg wasn't discussing bat ponies since last year
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that reminds me
What's your excuse today MLPG?
Now THIS is shitposting
he's shit.

anon we're discussing quantum theories subjective reality and the multiverse theory. There will be another time for "pony".
I don't support tulpas. I prefer spending my time on the internet rather than actively trying to become insane.
>What's your excuse today MLPG?
The same I have every day: I'm a lazy slob
I hate myself. Also, I need to figure out what clothes look good on me for business casual because I need to find a job that isn't minimum wage.
why not both?

other natives, rather

also, i have too been talking and discussing both bat pone and plane pony for a year or more with mlpg
excuse you, pink pony
I'm doing my best
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I'm writing.
Also I don't have a tablet here, so I can't post here even if I had to.
Because alienating yourself from reality and thinking that voices in your head are real people isn't good for your already low social skills
plane ponies are dead because jessy is dead
when she stops being dead and moves into a new place plane ponies will continue to not be dead and merely on life support
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My brain now hurts.
christ why is it always so difficult to stay hard once the condom is on

unprotected I've never had any problems but christ condoms make things difficult
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pony baked you a cake
well, its a nice mind excersie , and like everything, moderation is the key.

i have noticed a +1 spike in visualization and creativity since i started.
Recovering from a party and buying a suit for an interview.
Don't give me that look panka ponk, you'll always be number one in my heart~
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>waifu baked me a cake
tell smitty that he's an idiot for me
But the wonderful thing is that isn't not hurting and hurting at the same time!
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Pone wants more cookies
buy a bigger condom

normal size ring squeezes the shit out of me, and the magnum gold ones are prettier with the gold foil wrapper. or try different brands
brain damaged stalkerpon is good waifu.

You're right, I didn't think about it.
On the other hand, that's something you could work on even without making a tulpa.
She's clogging my facility and I'm already running 60 billions/s. Pony has a problem.
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She is the cutest completely unhinged stalker around
ETA RTB for jessy?
can someone post that picture in the upper right? I really like it but seems I didn't save it last time i saw it posted
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I'm going out for a bit
exactly. I'm telling you, if your life is successful, you have friends, you have a girlfriend and you get out often, you're free to make a tulpa.
If you know you'll end up masturbating in your room while your mother calls for dinner, don't. There are better ways to get creative.
I have almost 10k pictures to choose from
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I don't know
I sent her a request for a plane pone commission a few days after she posted that she was taking them so I assume she's just unable to get online for the time being
If anything he was trashing tripfags.

>You mean - personal, retarded, brony-level fanon? Sorry, it has nothing to do with the show.
Just like pony should pony pony am I right, tex?
pony just stole your oc
but its 11 on worst coast
Pony can't stop eating cookies
that can work too, spoiler alert: they usually turn into thoughtforms then tulpas anyways. Writers always talk about how their chars develop into their own. Even Tara and other VA talk about how they become into there own. Multiplicty is much more common then you think. It's just there is a lack of proper language that discribes them and the stigma of anything that has to do with anything out of the status quo.
that's basically what fs does

You dun good, anon.
that is great news, thanks
Pony has been spending too much time with Pinkie Pie. Pony is grounded from visiting her for one week.
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>Just like pony should pony pony am I right, tex?
that's what we do
i'm playing hats. it isn't very much fun, but at least i don't have to draw.
Because talking about multi-universe theories and shitty one liners >>13681530
>>13681541 is more preferable. It's hiatus. Anything we've discussed has been already talked over, there's nothing wrong with discussing fanon or possible canon. You're just trying to stir shit up.
for a moment with the reflections on her glasses i thought silver spoon had snake eyes like nightmare moon
>"what do you mean i'm grounded?!'
>you cant tell me what to do! your not my real dad!"
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too busy with studies and hobby coding
You have been given the chance to kill one general on /mlp/. Which one do you kill, and why?
Us, we are no longer fit to live
What was the oddest thing EG Trixie ever done to get her fix of peanut butter crackers?
The one you like the most.

too busy watching this
Fluffy pony general.
When nobody's looking, she likes to pretend to "cast spells" on the machine as the spring rotates her snacks out.
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>Boy howdy, I like stallions!

That's pretty much "Pony can't stop eating cookies," so I don't see why you're putting him on some kind of pedestal.
flutterrape or homolove general
Would read a daily strip like that.
You know, like a newspaper strip.
What doujin is that from?
I don't know any, so this one.
None of them because I only go to this one and their existance doesn't effect me
so jelly
Your face is no longer fit to live.


Humanity is doomed.
beautiful, isn't it?
What a very tired filly you got there.
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>Ylvis - The Fox
Excuse me while i go throw up
Probably amongst these:

>Man, stallions don't get enough love. Yet they all have unique and pretty designs
>Actually posts screencaps from the show
>Then posts a massive pony folder because someone asked for it
Yeah, "Pony can't stop eating cookies" is definitely on par here. That was sarcasm if you couldn't tell.
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Here you go friend
Bah, it's just viral videos.
Also, isn't the fox one ironic, or a parody?
>having friends
>on MLPG
Thank you, I just love the juxtaposition of their expressions to their normal personalities, its really cute
I can't tell if you're braindead or intentionally trying to make low quality posts.
What's it like being autistic, MLPG?
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Speaking of newspapre comic strip, is there any comic that is like the Daily Derp?
I dunno
But Satan, you're my friend as well.
>Also, isn't the fox one ironic, or a parody?
being this naive
You're here so you should already know.
it kind of is on par
>befriending Satan

south park movie pls
foxes bark

i don't know, why don't you tell us?
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Now we need a version with AJ and Ponk
It's really annoying. There are tons of things, especially in society, that come naturally to people and not to you.
But I wasn't joking.
Should there be a two-part tropical vacation special?

They have a booru anyway.
of course!
Yes. No question.
With swimsuits and sunglasses.
>pick a pony
>she spends the whole vacation worrying about her job/friends/books
>when she got back, she wish she was in a vacation
Sounds like it sucks. Sorry mang ;_;
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>not following your dreams
>listening to satan
i could totally see her doing that
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>I think FS might be the only tripfag here who genuinely likes talking about the show in discussions that aren't "pony should pony pony"

The point here is that you're making this assertion after he's demonstrated nothing of the sort, then trying to build it up as something grander than it is because he typed more than one line.

Sure, it's more effort, but it's a higher effort "pony should pony pony," and you're engaging in some useless egostroking for the sake of that. I don't care that he's just having fun with inane fluff like Tex does, or that he likes to waifu like mewball, but it's not worth patting him on the back for it.
Everyone post one of your favorite headcannons!
you hit the nail on the head, foreigner.
Derpy mail mare.
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Pinkie Pie invented sing alongs in Equestria
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Tia is Celestia's real name!
That ponies have penises and vaginas!
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Pinkie Pie is a troublesome patient.
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It's okay dude, at least I'm not autistic in the 4chan sense of the word.
Actual cannon.
Interesting headcannon.
Bad headcannon.
Actual cannon.
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>Pinkie Pie invented sing
>The Heart Carol have been around for over a 1000 years
Are you telling me that Pinkie Pie is a time traveler?
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Still not as bad as dealing with discords shenanigans.
I thought her real name was Mom:

Sylvia is best pony.
I think Twilight has feelings for Celestia.
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Good on you, dude.

Posting Chryssy Wissy Fangs n' Hissy.
i mean conscious, spontaneous sing along, where everypony already knows the words
Shining Armour only managed to become a captain because Cadence pulled a lot of strings.
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Why would name Tia be consider a bad headcannon?
it's the worst, man
It's like being a machine with broken parts, but not so broken that you don't realize it
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WoY is overrated
Then why don't you get this pissy when people pat Tex or Mew on the back for it?
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Wow... right in the feels.
It means Aunt in Spanish, so it just sounds weird if all these characters suddenly start referring to her that way.
so jelly
Not as much as MLP.
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You want to know what's overrated?
i think he does, theres always those guys telling tex and mew to fuck off
You want to know what is underrated?
Pone queefs.
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My headcannon is that Celestia and Luna are living goddesses.
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not broken, just different. If you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life thinking it's stupid.
But what if I judge a fish by its ability to be a fish and it comes up short?
Is giving head considered uncivilized in Equestria because it's not solely for the purpose of procreation?

You look familiar. IS THAT RARITY?
There's no wrong way to be a fish
Nope. It's more like a warm greeting, like a firm handshake.
Then the fish shouldn't pay you any mind
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It's not good to be self-loathing, but social interaction is the most important human trait, anything that affects your ability to socialize properly is going to be fairly crippling. It affects your physical health, too, worse than smoking 2 packs a day.
>Being that much of a troll
>"always works" face
It's Faustershy
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>implying the ponies only drop their genital invisibility spells, drop their ponut invisibility spells, let their cocks slide out of the cock sheaths, and their teats slide out of their teat sheaths, ONLY when procreation is involved

No, ponies are way too horny for that.
So does that mean I have to give oral to a pony when I greet them or are humans excused? How long do I have to do it for, is there a minimum time? Not saying I wouldn't do it, but my jar would be sore by the end of the day. Still worth it if I get my cock sucked by a pony multiple times a day.
On that, past a certain point, there is some rule of inverse power, where the more you have, the more frail your body is. A glass goddess you have to protect yourself.
...teat sheaths?
it doesn't affect your ability to socialize "properly", i'd just say it affects your ability to socialize with "assholes"
You don't always have to do it, but it's nice and polite when you do.

Makes a good first impression, too.
have any of you gotten head from Rarity? It's really nice
What's the equivalent of a sloppy handshake?
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Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
She's not real, but if she was, I'd assume that she could make you buck your hips, grit your teeth, and grunt in ecstasy with ease. Of course, all ponies could she'd just be noticeably better at it.

Nightmare Spoon
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the opposite of firm is LOOSE, my good man
If they stop sucking as soon as you start cumming
Why is Froodie Bagbone suddenly a prrincess?
quite an ordeal to go through before resuming business
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Guts pls go
You'd only last a few minutes if she was going easy on you, otherwise she could finish you in 30 seconds, but that would be rude. The full half hour is for paying customers only.
Are you not happy that our quest is complete, and we can return to our flats at the Shire?
I was just watching the new movies this morning. They are good.
Is magic considered cheating

Would Celestia have been a better Bingo?
oh shit
i was about to walk into ponyville but i only see stallions around
what the fuck do i do
shit i hope that red one didn't see me
would take at least 10 seconds to regather my composure. Half of it would be spent marveling.
>Unlock Crescent Spirit, a super strong bow weapon with homing shots.
>you can get it either by letting Luna die at the end of the sixth chapter, or by speaking with her at the beginning of the semi final chapter to get the completed version.
I hope she uses that magic to deny him
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I want to get wet with ponies.
what the hell are you talking about?
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>uberweapons that you get with only a few fights left in the game
>also, no NG+ or equipment doesn't carry over between games
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That's colored already?
Didn't he just upload the inks today?

That Dash and Luna, hnnng
Clearly, the colors were taking a while and they either forgot or only uploaded the inks briefly before the colors.
>Shining Armor trying not to get a boner from Luna
It's too late, all the stallions have been infected with the butt lust, and one of them heard you snap a twig under your feet, they are broadcasting your position to one another with their inaudible radar communication, and they are preparing to swarm on you. they can all outrun you, and overpower you, so there is no escape.
What the bloody hella re you both talking about?
How much time did they take?

I would fail.
it's still shit
ded and hatsus

I think >>13682174 is probably right. The non colored inked version was posted not long ago, earlier today I think
Aw shit nigga.
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>earlier today
some people color really fast and the amount of detail in this picture isn't huge
the bottom left panel makes no sense here
stop reading right to left
I'm going left to right, that panel doesn't look like surprise
that's a good poop
princess celestia please
I prefer dikekike's.
that's pretty cute apart from the genitals
Sweetie for the last time stop it.
You're a kid. You're just having a childhood crush.
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Calculus exam
That poll looks rigged.
MLPG is filled with lusty bottom bitches
which pony is the most euphoric
Cadence is the best femdom horse
>You will never make it to Equestria
>Upon making it to ponyville, you will never be abducted by Gilda and taken to live in the griffon kingdom
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well duh it's pinkie, she's always happy
No idea about that but denial is hot as long as it is done in a loving, teasing way.
Twilight Sparkle
Because the dream we humans have the most isn't of unicorns and magic. It's flying.
Well doesn't help that most people are faggots with no imagination

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of some phony Celestia's blessing, but because I am enlightened by own intelligence.
i laugh at all you casuals who can accepts such low quality in porn
Beggars can't be choosers.
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>Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]
that's the furriest thing I've seen all week and I browse mlpg
Is Rarity into denial
>implying ponigina isn't cute
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I'm okay with this
Maybe we can raid some pony villages every once in a while
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Though strong enough unicorns can have both

That wing spell Twilight used was recorded in a spellbook after all
Probably. Though my waifu is another whiteish pony
That's probably because flying is a real thing
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Y-yes Rarity. I like them
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I like how she has that body pillow between her legs too
Best position
Last time I check, that spell is a bit complicated and time consuming to do. I do not think its water proof.
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Behind the bleachers, anon.

pony wants to watch you fight minotaur in smt4 again
I think a Unicorn that practiced it for a few weeks could cast it.

Even so Twilight isn't the epitome of magic casting. It's canon that more skilled unicorns exist.
Not only simultaneously, both have happened an infinite number of times.

N-no! Don't boop me there!
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What a whore!
fingerbang that bitch
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It was definitely said to be a hard one, though most good things are. Some other unicorn recorded and used it before Twilight though, so its not something unheard of. I also wonder what alternative spells may exist for the same purpose.

Besides with as zany as equestria is, any pony that wants to fly is going to find a way
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Look at those fucking zeppelin Apples. I bet they go on all sorts of crazy sky adventures.
Would you captain a ship in the royal air fleet and battle griffin sky pirates? Or would you be a privateer yourself and collect bounties wanted by Equestria?
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Seriously, people poke fun at the apples for being farmers but how many farming families have access to frigging airships.

They could be the pony version of a skyborne East India apple company and we would never know
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That's combining a lot of my favorite things into one.
If half the time we weren't fighting and just cruising around and drinking rum it'd be perfect.
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Is it Celestia, pony and human Celestia are both sexy as fuck, 10/10 would let sit on face and give me a footjob
well the resident librarian has a balloon so maybe it's not that uncommon
It's a very shitty airship tough.

They probably are the Las Pegasus branch and needed something to gt up so they got the cheapest thing they could find.
Well she only has it because Celestia made her take it so that she could sell more toys.
With magic or by lightly, slowly suckling and teasing your head with her tongue while playing with your balls and taint
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I would want to see what the military style Equestrian airships looked like first

We have only seen frilly private ones
It's not her ballon tough.
It's that cherry pony's ballon
The cheapest zeppelin airship in the fleet is still a zeppelin airship.
I want to glaze those thighs and feet with a nice hefty load
Not a fan of footjobs but I would let her do pretty much everything she wants to me
>playing with your balls and taint

Lewd, ponies wouldn't do that. Except for Rarity.
I bet they have runways for pegasus take off and landings

like an airborne aircraft carrier
Jailbait pls
My guess is that they would looke more like warships (y'know actual cannons, places where pegasi can paratrooper their way off the deck), and that they would do everything they could to make sure that they have enough lift while simultaniously making sure the zepplin balloon itself isn't a incredibly easy target (possibly a special material coating the balloon to make it a little tougher)
Yes and the Nokia 3100 is still a mobile phone
Still doesn't compare to an S4, 5S.
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That would be neat aesthetically but pointless since they can seemingly stop and go as they please physics be damned
same, don't care how beta it is, it gets me really hard, good mixture of shame and lust
But Jailbait is an applefag. That looks more like Smut to me.
the wonderbolts have a runway on their cloudbase

maybe they have launch catapaults like aircraft carriers for high speed launches
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It wasn't actually that shitty

It just had a very simplistic gondola

The rest of the thing looked like a damn rocketship
Maybe they have some small scale cloud makers.
Something that make clouds big enough that a Pegasus could hide in for stealth missions or scouting
He posted the same picture before and drew footjob and facesitting pictures with human Trixie
Applejack is unsure of where to take your story next. She's written where you'll be in five years, but now she's trying to tie it together to now and it's just not happening today. For filler, she just has you browse MLPG some more.
yeah they probably do
still seem kind of pointless to me
>He posted the same picture before
I post that picture all the time, too.
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A friendly reminder you could have a gorgeous satyr daughter exploring her body in early adolescence if only you'd remained a wizard and opened a portal to Equestria.
I don't know who that is but it sounds like he has good taste in (person)horses

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That or they recruit unicorns with shield talents like Shining armor to try to help actively protect the gas bag(s)
Everything you say is shit so fuck you
Doesn't really look like a rocketship to me. Looks more like they started putting some armor plating on and didn't have the fabric to cover it.
You want to add your experience to the pile? For SCIENCE?

that's true, they could do a magictech solution to protecting the bag
>I don't know who that is
Confirmed for Jailbait.
Oh I know that drawing, the Trixie sketch with the feet and cumming dick, right? I love that one, he should do more, Trixie is my femdom fantasy
Doubtful, the unicorns are a ground force. At best they'd enchant some devices for further use.
You didn't become a wizard and failed. That's no reason to lash out.
Sentenal you're being really creepy here
Jailbait has some unf as fuck fetishes
Man Twilight could make a shield around the library
It's Twilight but still it's probably a standard spell. Shining was probably the only one to make it cover all of Canterlot.

Probably most Equestrian Army mages could make a shield around a small balloon.

Ground forces are exactly who would be used in airships though. Pegasi wouldn't need them
No, no Sentenal would put up a Survey Monkey so he could discern individual respondents, anonymous or not.

This is just a straw poll.

Too bad he'll never draw them again.
The unicorns don't need them either, they'd be for the earth ponies to contribute.
And they could tie the useless earth ponies around the air ships to be used as shielding

Everyone has a job!
>I don't know who that is
If her VA recorded herself talking dirty as Trixie it would kill me.

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Cadence is known for how much she loves to root around a guy's balls and taint with her snout. She just loves to push a guy's heavy, musky ballsack all around with her face and feel its weight on her snout, while prodding the taint gently with her tongue, and getting the thick musky man-smell all over her face. In fact if the guy doesn't remind her to get back to sucking, she will sometimes just loose herself in her ball and taint worship for up to a half hour at a time. She is so mesmerized by balls, a total ball (and taint) slut if you will. It's well known through all of Equestria, and it's why you'll often see her attendants leaping forward to nervously spray some perfume on her face and neck as she steps out to public appearances. Because it's very likely that she was just moments ago letting some hefty rubbery horse ball sacks slap her in the face.
The Wonderbolts shine in war, since they're an elite military pegasi team.
They probably use Earth ponies as boarding crew or fighters that defend the Unicorn cannoneers from flying enemies like griffons
I would fly an airship to deliver apples, cider, and apple accessories to foreign lands.

Anyone who uses this word or 'ponut' should be shot
> expecting a human to last more than minutes
> When stallions cum from pressure alone in 30 seconds or less
Well SOMEone is basing their expectations on fantasy porn of The Humans.
where do I sign
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But he drew this just two or three days ago
How did you know that I also love ponuts
that filler must be exciting
>"You're a faggot!!" typed anonymous, his rage at the online posters steadily increasing

The unicorns certainly would need them if the point of the airships is force projection.

Unicorns cannot swim across a sea or mountain range, or cross a continental expanse with speed.

Airships need crews and would honestly benefit from all three breeds. The reason I said pegasi wouldn't need them is because pegasi can already fly by themselves, with great speed and agility- talents that would be wasted sitting around on the deck of a ship. I would see them serving as fleet scouts or harassment troops if anything.
or "unf" as a verb or adjetive

seriously? "I want to unf that" or "that's not pretty unf"?
Why is she sweating if she's using magic
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> penetrated digitally
Are they asking if I've been fucked on The Grid?
id read it

isn't that sort of thing kind of wasted on a three-year-old?

Also anyone who uses a tilde, unironically or otherwise.
>no period after "blessing"
>no comma after "because"

kill yourself
>Airships need crews and would honestly benefit from all three breeds
That's just being kind to mud ponies
Pegasi would absolutely be the most able-bodied support for flying the things, so it's unlikely that an airship would be without at least a few dedicated pegasus riggers for troubleshooting.
i wish more females were unhealthily attracted to balls. it would make me feel more comfortable about being unhealthily attracted to breasts
Those are streaks of cum.
Waste of a good salt lick.
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Pegasi would actually be useful just as deck hooves. They'd be useful to maintain all parts of it.

Their strength would be useful in moving things about and tieing it down during storms.
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everything else
I massaged a girls ass in a filled up spot once
Does that count
he means he cake has 3 candles
Okay fine, I dare you to describe a stallion's ballsack without using the word "musky"
>Twist satyr
no thank you
Oh, missed that.
Probably under "touched each other in places other than our genitals"

You mean it was a crowded place, or ... ?
Balls are kind of a weird thing to be attracted to, I wouldn't complain if a pony wanted to suck my balls, but still.
>no Twi ships
She didn't know who did it and walked away shortly after
It was a nice day
Vinegary, earthen, sweaty, salty, sharp-smelling, warm, unusually cool, low-hanging, close-fitting, full, what have you
>no box for sexual experiences with animals

Also how do you turn on the flags thing in 4chanx, I want to see what country horsefuckers are from, bet it's Russia or Germany
If this is you playing some H game --
i did the same thing with my penis. She didn't know who i was and she moved to a different part of the crowd shortly after
>Unicorns cannot swim across a sea or mountain range, or cross a continental expanse with speed
Says who?
No it actually happend
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So would any other pony though. All the equipment on the ships we have seen is gondola side, they are not big rigid hull deals like actual zeppelins. A few pegasi would be nice to have around for inspection and maintenance purposes, especially for the gasbag, or to serve as scouts, but most everything else on the ship could be done by any pony type just as easily. Humans got by without pegasi just fine after all.

Regardless as i mentioned I imagine there crews would be thoroughly mixed as far as pony types went. Unicorns for defensive and offensive spells, maybe even navigation and stuff, pegasi for the afformentioned skills, and Earth ponies for ballast
It's a little distressing but I intentionally left it "someone" to include people who've only had sex with animals
>then there must be a universe where something occurs right now to destroy all other universes

It's cute seeing you try, but have you thought of all the other universes stopping it from happening?

Checkmate Anon.
Twilight is a foreveralone just like every Twifag
Opinion disregarded
i like to dream, you gaffot. Isn't that the point of fanfics?
forever alonneee xD

Actually, it took me a while to realize it, but wouldn't Earth Ponies have an advantage. Even in the air, they'd have a better connection to the Earth and be able to read the directions and weather better.
Only things that have any chance at all to happen can and do occur in alternate universes. If something has no chance of happening at all, then it doesn't occur. The only single thing you can learn from what you said is that the event you described is impossible.
But pony knows that your balls are where that sweet, sweet semen is made and kept. They are the source of everything. One day pony became so wildly desperate by the thought of being impregnated by you that pony just started suckling on your balls as if possessed, pony knows that she needs you to fuck her to get her pregnant, but her incredible horniness and need for your seed is too great, it defies all reason and shuts off her logical brain, making her into a semen-lusting zombie, and in her mindless state all she can think of is that she wants the most direct access to your balls as possible. She's going totally wild trying to suck your delicious, invaluable seed right out of them with her mouth
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The point of fanfics is making untalented, uncreative people feel talented and creative.
What the hell has weather, a thing controled by pegasuses, have to do with earth ponies

>those hips and thighs
I want so badly ;_;
Dogs > cats
The point of fanfiction is to write them, not get your applause, fanfictionhateanon.
Sky Islands, son

Well assuming earth ponies do not have that connection messed with by being very far above said earth, that would make a good case for them being good navigators. Being really good at map reading and recognizing landmarks and vegetation changes and all that
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...... He's right, you know.
>typical fanficfaggot
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I'm too hungover to remember what "squigglekicker" means. rarity and applejack?

It's funny how my god tier ship list was all confirmed for god tier by season 3:
>Fluttershy with the token straight ship (fluttercord)
Why would an Earth pony be better at reading maps or recognizing land marks.

That makes absolutely no sense at all
Not all areas are controlled by pegasi, and they'd be able to detect changes before the other races saw them if anything else happened.
So if you were to end up in Equestria, ponies would just be pushing and fighting each other to get a chance at blowing you? That sounds like a pain in the ass, what if I want to shop for groceries or get a haircut?
You forget her special talent is magic and she's so good at it she's become an alicorn princess.

I doubt average unicorns can do spells beyond their special talent and simple utility spells.
> typical armchair genius who thinks they know why an author writes better than the author
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Why does she looks like an elf?
That makes no sense.
They can just grow plants. That's all.
>they know why an author writes better than the author
I was willing to not hate this until we hit the "Pinkie can do anything all the time lolsorandom" singularity.
>using lol
sure is 2010 in here.
You can still shop with a cute pony sucking on you like a foal at the teat, it just takes longer.
It's Pinkie Pie!! xD!
>using lel
the point of fanfiction is to have an easy excuse to write for the sake of writing. It's like practicing drawing by drawing fanart of things. In fact, it's exactly like that. To become good at either creative work you need practice. Fanfiction is an excuse to practice and a way of easing into the writing of fiction by not having to create the thing entirely from scratch and focusing instead on the more specifics of creating a narrative.

Stop being a faggot.
>letting the "10 second flat" joke go by
It's not just plants. Earth ponies have a connection to the earth. You could easily expand that leylines, magnetic fields that compasses use, even changes in weather and season.

Heck, look at all the things Granny Smith did in the Zap apple episode.
or you just want to write about ponies
>using any variation of lol or "lol"
I'm against it.
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Because we were flat out told that their special ability is a nebulous "special connection to the earth" and navigation via natural landmarks and other cues is a big part of wilderness survival? Especially in unfamiliar areas? Have you never run into the concept of a "ranger" in a fantasy setting?
> "The purpose of fanfiction is to make uncreative and untalented people feel creative and talented"
Or at least that's what was said back at

So I take that to mean this person thinks they know some universal rationale for a writer to write anything about cartoon ponies - to make them feel better about themselves! To bolster unwarranted self-importance! Wow! A breakthrough! Universally, all of them, just doing it for the adulation of the cheering crowd!
They would basically go completely feral and just trample you, pushing and shoving eachother aside as the swarm stomps all over your helpless body. You'd feel one pair of horse lips wrap around your balls only to feel it forcefully slide off a few seconds later and another take its place. As the ponies get increasingly agitated and frenzied, one would inevitably clamp her teeth down on your aching ballsack, before being shoved aside, ripping your scrotum open and violently liberating your testicles from your body, and crushing them under the mob's flurry of hooves. As soon as the mob could sense that you can no longer produce semen, the frenzy would instantly die off and they'd return to their normal, calm and friendly selves, apologizing for their absurd and rude behavior. Then a local group of geldings, who had been watching the whole time, would come over and patch you up, inviting you into their ranks and explaining that the same thing happened to all stallions in this town once their balls dropped. You would be free to go and get your hair cut after all that.
To shop or cum?
Never you mind most writers are expected to fulfill some mode with an archetype to please the publisher, which is why we suddenly got so many Katniss and Bella clone fiction.

Shit, it's almost like writers are asked to write near-fanfiction of pre-established works because that's where the money is!
>and navigation via natural landmarks
Which you only need eyes for.
Fuck sake in Hearth Warming they weren't exactly good navigators.

And Twilight was the one who used a map to find their way to the dragon.
There was never shown that Earth Ponies are somehow good at that stuff.
take a look at trip, silly bear

Refer to: >>13681401
That doesn't sound like it would be fun at all, why would pone bite my balls? Oral in Equestria sounds dangerous, I just want a cute mare to give me a gentle, slow, passionate blowjob, no potentially testicle damaging stuff.


Who doesn't?
people who write about other things

I guess
Pony wants you to get off the computer.
That is where the money is. Star WArs at least hired people to write fanfiction for them. You know what though? If more franchises realized how much people like fanfiction they'd do the same, and if they were really smart they'd know they don't even need to pay for the people to write the stuff, they just need to give it the title of "almost canon".
She could be sweaty from arousal
That's where Amazon is going with their derivative works project. I'm not even joking. It's easier than asking someone to rebrand Buffy fanfiction to make the next Twilight.
Pony's thick cock fillong your anus, her warm musky balls slapping against your ass
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>that sad feel when this isn't actually happening to me right now
>implying George R. R. Martin isn't staring at a new chapter heading right now and thinking, "Man... I'd much rather be writing about ponies right now."
I'm pretty happy. I'd hate to have anything inserted into me.
>And then he does
>For 2 weeks
>Then he watches football

Fuck you martin
>tfw no humanized spa twins double oil massage and handjob
Pony doesn't have a cock, she is a mare.
Well I'm glad at least one of us is satisfied with the state of things
Pony has been getting uppity lately
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this cost $10 million
you humans and your phallic symbols
That looks nothing like my goat animes
>tfw humanized aloe and lotus blossom will never pleasure your love-stick with their feet
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>human dicks
I can't believe goat bought that.
>human dicks
>tfw no pony to rut you on your couch
>her forelegs draped over your shoulders, and her hips thrusting deep into you
>your moans mixing with hers and the frequency of her pumping increases, before she buries herself to the hilt against your ass and unloads her viscous pony cum
>you will never hear a wet 'plop' as she removes her sizable member from you and her seed drips out if your abused orifice
i can imagine a group of people all standing around greentxting that exact thing in real life.
is that one on the left supposed to be a female goat with a human penis?

how does this shit get made
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>how does this shit get made
there is no limit to faggotry and no shortage of people who want to throw money at it
>Modern art
Stupid goys
I would buy it.
Gah!! R-ruin my asshole, Fluttershy!! Ruin it!!
Reminds me of that cap of the guy complaining about how he spent all this work on a dragon and it was placed next to a guy sucking himself off statue.
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Hey guys what's going on in here tod

>fanfiction defense force

Welp, time for football.
pony wants to play CROSSFIRE with you
b-baka janai! we've stopped talking about that!
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Divegrass is love
Divegrass is life
Last time we played she got really caught up in it
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It almost feels like I know what I'm doing!
I had plenty of help, though.
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Yeah but my divegrass team a shit this year
So time for handegg
It looks nice I guess

It just doesn't remind me of pony.

I thought the 4chan cup was already over though.
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>human dicks
To be fair, the statue with the dude was pretty funny, and the dragon tail wasn't finished, even if the carving was impressive.
Learn to love Handball
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Do you think I could do anything to fix that? I'm open to suggestions.
I'd rather see this costing $10 millions than three color rectangles on a carpet, even if it's overpriced.

purple hair would help, probably.
Fuck you Chrysalis, don't prevent people from doing what they like as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, etc, etc.
The summer cup yes, it was ruined by height abuse.
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I don't know man. Thing is that really human pony doesn't really work well on it's own.

I guess after coloring it and adding a fitting backgroud would kinda fix it but other than that not really.

You either give them the exact hairstyle that they have in the show or put backgrounds and other external thing that make you think of pony.

Other than that nothing really.
That's a big forehead. Probably because of the hair.
Actually, ponies have big foreheads too.
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do not
Bcs, I thought you were banned.
Yes look! She looks even bald! Bald Dash! Bald Dash!
Switch a letter and she's bold!
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What the heck are you even saying?
He probably would. Song of Ice and Fire must get depressing.
Nevermind, I just remembered that ponies have a coat.
I thought they could be bald, but they can't. Unless they're really bald, you know? Like that old pony. Or was he a donkey?
>had plenty of help
Goat... you have a girlfriend?
he;d kill off half of ponyville before the first chapter ended
You're losing your edge, man. Like anyone gives a shit.
you're an idiot. you know that?
am I the only one who would let chrysalis drain me of my free will and turn me into a mindless changeling drone to serve the hive for the rest of my natural life?
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> 15 literal kissless people here
I mean WHAT
>Thing is that really human pony doesn't really work well on it's own

Yeah, I know. That's one reason I've never been to keen on human horses (with some exceptions): it's difficult to make them look like the pony while not making them look silly for a human. It's one of the reasons I think AJ works so well as a human - her hair and color scheme aren't too far off from a normal person.

I gotta try, though.

Does this seem more Rarity-y?

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I'm sorry, it's been half a year since I've seen an episode.
make that 16
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Where do you think we are?
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wahaha pictures are hard to post
>oily Aloe/Lotus footjob
>those accents

Fuck, that shouldn't be so hot Even without the footjob and just the massage it'd be nice, my back is stiff as hell.. I almost want to write something for myself to fap to, but I end up not liking them by the time I'm finished.
I'm actually a robot.
In 22 years I've never had a girlfriend, because love isn't my fuel (it's cola).
People in their 20's who at one point have hooked up at a party at least?
make that 17
Never made an attempt.
WAIT, YOU don't? man that's sad.
Can I have that image you used,then? I wanna try too.

see >>13683835
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>trying to instigate /soc/ discussions/pity parties

horsefucking discussions only pls
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He probably reads and writes fallout equestria fics to cheer himself up.
Is it that crazy to imagine? Maybe some people don't like going to parties.
>I don't like thing
Fuck that.
I hate parties.
It works a bit better.

I'd fuck it
I don't like going to being at parties, why do you think I let myself get dragged off by drunk chicks?
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Cover that part with hair. She looks a bit like Krillin with a wig otherwise
Hooves just aren't the same; no toes, no silky soles.
It looks more like Rarity, but the face is a bit strange. I can't put my finger on it. The hair?
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That looks pretty good! I will admit my first thought was Sunset Shimmer though, not Rarity.
It's shit.
Myyyy DICK
Help I'm addicted to prostrate mastication
I couldn't answer because "done ALL of this" was not on the list

Rigged poll
...wait what's that
is it from fallout equestria? It seems pretty cool.
This woman's mouth is on the side of her face.
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You can click any or all choices.

Aloe straddling your back as you lay on the massage table, her hands gliding over your taut, sore muscles with delicious precision, while Lotus sits by your head, her fingers running through your hair as she massages your scalp.
>"Let us work allll of this tension out of you, yes?"
>"Just relax... let it all slip away... that's it... Just listen to the sound of my voice, while my sister does her work... there we are..."
Nothing wrong with wanting sensual feet massage from the spa twins.
Ponies couldn't give me a footjob, and feet are my fetish after all.
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I wish Fluttershy was my girlfriend
I'm partial to ponies but even human Celestia manages to be boner-inducing in almost all cases. The other two princesses have some sexy art, but not as much as Celestia.
Chrysalis a shit, you should know that.
You can click several choices.
Also, there's an option "done all of the above in a bed" or something.
One time I felt a girl up on a bus.
Holy shit that sounds relaxing as fuck
you're like, so wrong
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>one twin massaging you while the other works your boner
muh dick
Pony says you shouldn't do things you know are bad for you
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I did once, a couple of years ago. Stuff didn't work out though, and now she's married. And I don't know what you mean by the second part, sorry.

Oh wow, yeah.
so wrong
so bug
so majestic
so worst villain
You want I should bop you with this here lollipop?
She'd get on my nerves after a while, I've already got enough anxiety for the both of us, can't handle anxiety for two
Pony isn't bad for me. Can I do pony?
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I love how much maniacpaint draws her but I wish he knew how to draw more than 1 body type.

I also love the idea of Celestia being larger than the normal human. Amazon-like.
she would never hate you no matter what you do
Which pony is a hero?
>worst villain
now you done fucked up
Also a soothing hypnosis tape type chant from the one doing the massage
So, no larger than a normal woman?
Oooh. I understand.
and nothing, I was just pointing out that if there are people that want to become living food-factories for a bug posting here, you shouldn't really be shocked by the fact that there are 17 kissless virgins in this thread.
good job, maniac paint. now finish that one where Celestia straddles the guy in reverse cowgirl
>I also love the idea of Celestia being larger than the normal human. Amazon-like.

>tfw no guardian humanized celestia

I remember her standing 6 foot or so in that height chart in pony form. That's about perfect for human height too, 6'2 would be ideal
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This one.

really anon?
>worst villain
That's not
I was thinking Sombra, but yeah, she's a pretty bad villain. Great design and powers but shitty presentation.
Tell pony to come here and help me break out of my bad habits, I can't do it myself
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Total slave!
[ominous hpynosis chanting]
>Nightmare "Scary Trees" Moon
>Dis "All I really wanted was a friend" Cord
>Spooky Cloud
>>one twin massaging you while the other works your boner

I wonder if that's a real t hing in countries where prostitution is legal, like a legit deep tissue massage and hand/blowjob.
What if I don't smile, even when I'm happy inside?
Do you want a fake smile, Pinkie? Is that what you want?
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they can both be worst villain.
They can be worst and worstest.
I-I'm sorry..
I couldn't contain my orgasm while I was thinking about it.
Pony says she can't make it, and you have to take care of yourself right now
[orgasm intensifies]
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Yeah, a tall, but still reasonable human Celestia would be nice.

I still can't deny an exorbitantly-tall and muscular Celestia gives me all sorts of boners. 6'8", able to pick me up like a child but so precise with her strength she don't hurt me even though she could snap my bones without a hint of effort.
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which is better, jack stacks or princess stacks?
I hate fake smiles.
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I don't like pancakes with syrup.
it's the only kind i have
>cookies all the way down

Wafflebro master race?

I'm trying to smile, Pinkie... but it's really hard to do that these days.

It's nice having you here, though. ...Can I have a hug?
well apparently it's impossible to stack more than three princesses.
If I was rich that's how I'd go to sleep every night, a before-bed massage and a nice slow blowjob, that'd blow insomnia out of the water. Or maybe I'd fly that guy in with the horse trained to give blowjobs.
Damn right
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>people thinking Chrysalis isn't the best villain in the series since Discord pussied out
What the FUCK is this from?!
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>having a nice life that you enjoy
>Dis "All I really wanted was a friend" Cord
Let's see what you say after years of birds shitting on you.
Some french movie about marquis de sade I think
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you can stack 4, but it'll cost you.

I only want the one on the bottom.
The wizard of Oz
u fukin wot m8
Crepes are better.
Why is Twilight on there? She's not a princess
>not enjoying life
Wow, that's a short Celestia.
i want to lick the entire stack bottom to top
>not soaking in a hot tub beforehand to help relax your tight muscles


>not 13'
What if you only smile with your eyes?
you're the same guy that posts about donkey dicks, aren't you?
Will one of them rim me if I ask nicely
but that sword is nearly 2 meters tall.

don't do this to me, anon
Boku no Potter.
>not waiting for the episode where Trixie demands that Luna take her on as her own personal student.
>not wanting sunset shimmer to return while the mane six are out on an adventure elsewhere
>not wanting the battle of egos.
well tough
you are now both the same person to me
Wow, then Verne Troyer is nearly 1.5 meters tall!
I don't want any of that at all
Impossible! Aren't their feet fused with their boots?
Whatever floats your boat!
Nightmare Moon > Chrysalis
No anus to mouth contact, prostate massaging with a finger is acceptable
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What if pony poofed into existence right in your home, but in order to not raise suspicion they had to pretend to be your pet for the time being.
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>Luna taking Trixie as a student
I thought this fanon was dead back in 2011. It was shit back then, too.

I think that's a bit beyond "special services".

On the other hand, if you want, Aloe could strip down, put a little oil on herself and massage you with her whole body.
Nighthorse is great.

I think that would still raise suspicion if anyone ever actually saw pony.
i live with other people; it's going to be impossible to hide a pony from them
I'd be good off with any kind of action, if it were Aloe and Lotus.
Only because she's sexier
>not wanting dark lunar magic used for good against corrupted celestial magic
>not wanting Trixie to upstage Sunset Shimmer through superior showmanship as well as magic.
That's actually a real type of massage too, sounds kind of ineffective.
That would be strange anyway, I like in a 20 square meters apartment in the middle of the town. I can't even have a cat.
It would be like a sitcom where everyone just assumed she was a weird dog or something. Like Lilo and Stitch.

I know it is.

>sounds kind of ineffective

If you do it wrong, maybe.
How old do colts have to be before they can opt in for special services? Stress reduction is very good for you, mentally and physically therapeutic.
>sexier than something that can be anything you want
Plus her original form is sexier anyway.
no that's me
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I mean for the massage part of it, boner wise it would be a knockout

Whatever age they're considered to be an adult.

It used to be that you had to have your cutie mark, but there were complications with that, because not everyone gets it at the same time. So they decided to go by age - it's a bit unorthodox, but it's kept them out of any legal trouble.
Wow, that's a short man.
>Luna sexier than NMM
wow,that's a short man.
"Today, a great sword that is said to have belonged to Pier is on display at the Fries Museum in Leeuwarden. It measures 2.15 metres (7 ft) in length and weighs about 6.6 kilograms (14.6 lb). Some sources put his height at 7 ft.[22] Pier was alleged to be so strong that he could bend coins using just his thumb, index and middle finger. A huge helmet said to be Grutte Pier's is kept in the town hall of Sneek.[23]"
For you
An image of a pony attempting to bark seems kinda cute.
No, Chrysalis is sexier than NMM.
it's over. 60 second cooldown killed any possible hivemind.

It was a good run.
But that's cheating.
What a great guy.
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>she does this for 15 minutes every day
That's the deal with shapeshifters.
Now if you find a shapeshifter that is also a mindshifter or charactershifter... Damn.
As soon as they're old enough to cum, it's considered a medical treatment. But you'd have to prove it first, don't know how that would work, maybe you cum in a little specimen jar or something so they don't end up sucking a dry fire.
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Muh negroid

Those smooth thighs gripping your sides
The two hard little nubs of her nipples teasingly rubbing up and down your back
The comfortable weight of a lithe, beautiful woman pressing herself to your back
The faintly coarse feeling of her pubic hair
Her hands stroking your shoulders and arms
>"All right... that's the back done... turn over, please."
"In 1791, Jacobus Kok wrote that above the porticus of the New City Hall of Leeuwarden, two remarkably large swords were found which were said to have belonged to Grutte Pier and Wijerd Jelckama. Donia was noted for the ability to wield this great sword so efficiently that he could behead multiple people with it in a single blow.[21]"

it isn't proven that the swords actually belonged to the historical person, but 7ft wasn't an impossible height in the early renaissance and swords of this type were usually made to be as long as their wielder was tall and 14 pounds isn't impossible to handle for someone of that stature
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>the faintly course feeling of her pubic hair
I'm not worried, I'm sure we will find another funny gimmick.
I actually like changes in my 4chan experience.
For instance, I find the ban page hilarious. I don't know why.
Yes ma'am
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>it appears as though a frog might have been hanging out on the rocket, unaware that humans were planning on launching it into space.
>dry fire

I remember dry orgasms being a lot more intense than the wet ones, they lasted longer too.
You forgot
>that accent
whats the original panel say?
Nigga, the guy wanted to come with.
What if that happened to a pony?
Which pony would that happen to?
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i am so sick of people being ironic to be funny. i know eventually this style of humor will burn out, i just wish i lived in the future where it already has.

It's hard to put it in writing without risking it sounding stupid.

Kinda like fanfics of the Apples.
That's the original panel, dumbass.
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it's the 90 days ban for the underaged kids.
it is?
link to comic?
A week later Twilight wonders why one her book's titles has mysteriously changed to "The Elements of Harmony: A Ruffrence guide".
it picked up steam around the time i was a teenager. I'll give it 7-10 years, or at least until something so important happens, that we no longer have time to be ironic
It's also the 30-day ones for ban evasion. Especially if you find something in common with all of them.
6'8" sounds like a good height, just tall enough that I will have to look up a bit to see her eyes.
>30-day ban for ban evasion

Wait, I thought ban evasion meant a permaban.
>all those "Global 6-quality of posts"
but anon, that's a real screencap from a serious tumblr.
I think it's because you were younger, not because it was dry, when I started to cum it was still very intense compared to the previous dry ones
>serious tumblr

fuck me then.
It's my dream in life to make a living buying and reselling crap on the steam marketplace.
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I love gilda.
I like her breasts being at eye level, and when she hugs you she smothers your face in them.

She could act like she doesn't know what she's doing. Maybe smirk to herself when she feels your bulge rise up, exactly what she was going for.
>that theme
seriously turns me off of browsing anything on any blog that has it for some reason

also there's several workarounds for not having to be caught on those stat tracker things, like the mobile app

I like to see her abs if I'm looking straight ahead
fuck you I saw her first
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fuck why does my ass and back get so sore from drawing all day.

its goddamn 2013, why dont i have the option to remove my ass and replace it with robot ass.
You made me look bad!!
>merch sexploitation is a hidden tag
I wish I hadn't read that crap
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I don't even know what's serious and what isn't.
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I love Gilda too.
That would be a bit too tall for me. I don't want her to be able to pick me up like a doll.

>she also rests her chin on your head
>one of her hands tracing over your back
you're sitting on your ass too much. And you're getting a hunch from leaning over the tablet/paper.
If they worked in some teasing and edging that would be perfect, cant think of any flaws with that scenario
Be careful, if you stay on your ass all day long you'll have heart problems and circulatory problems. You should take breaks, I usually walk a few hours per "sat on my ass all day" day.
>it's not happening right now

Well it wouldn't be like a doll, she'd have to use both hands.

I like her that tall because then you could probably fit your waist between her ass cheeks