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Important news post that covers moderation, board culture, and shitposting, as well as a handful of notable changes.

I think this is the second longest news post ever, so it's probably worth reading if you're an active user (and if you want to be put to sleep by my writing).

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Time for bouncy ponies and bouncy pony accessories

grounded horse: >>13668596
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What's wrong with the ground?
panko pu

Shit gif.
As a person who wears socks and boots practically for a living i can confirm this
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I'm going to ask one more time.

Can you guys post some cute tumblrs that I can follow pony or no.
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Scootaloo in a hat for Saine guy
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If pony was a voice actor, what would their name?

Steve APPLEblum!
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Have the original.
Rainbow Dash is asking for advice about her fanficiton
>filename internal consistency

isaac, you are the best.
Go to be scrubbles.
What kind of pegasus can't fly?
that part was so cute
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Equestria Girls are Un-umfable.

If they were released without MLP:FiM, no one would care about them at this point.

And they are IMPOSSIBLE to make sexy.
I love it when people make little holes in the hats for their ears to go through
Oh, she never learned of the little mishap?

I bet she'll be so happy to talk all about her times in the school with dash
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You think you could draw more punch deer and/or punch horse?
>horn through pillow
every time
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how so?
tying something to a fetish with hardly any content is a surefire way to make something sexy to a small number of people

It's the content. Anything with Cadence = brony tier shit.
you should draw more pone. you're good at it.
you could bounce a quarter off that rarabutt
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Oh, that artist goes to the draw thread sometimes

If you were capable of getting people into bed, you wouldnt be here on a saturday night!
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gif animations!?
god, oh god when do they say ladybugs awake?
What DON'T you hate, dude?
Where are her legs
>Fluttershy is a duck
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anon pls
it's been more than a year
just accept her in to your heart and move on to being mad about Twilight's wings like the rest of the whiners
Ponies would be so much cuter if they wore bows on their tails.
AJ should have a tail bow.


Cadence was the death of the show. Everything after her is fan fiction.
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Cadance is worse then Twilight being an alicorn

At least Twilight makes sense!
>Sunshine, Sunshine! Sunshine, Sunshine! Sunshine, Sunshine! Sunshine, Sunshine! Sunshine, Sunshine! Sunshine, Sunshine!
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>>13673770 >>13673791
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That's such a cute gif. How old is that animation?
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>At least Twilight makes sense!
Is that for sale?
I'll buy her
punch horse vs sumo horse
punch horse loses because she went for a body blow
> "At my OLD SCHOOL we NEVER talked to talking ponies."
> "Yeah, well at your old school did you do anything that wasn't LAME?"
> Phoebe bursts into tears, but despite a few back-pats from Arnold and a helpful kerchief handed over by Dorothy, the rest of the class just share half-grimaces. The truth hurts, especially from a psychedelic flying horse.

>Having coffee and donuts with Trixie at a diner in the middle of the night after she finishes a set, watching ponies through the windows

I want this.
>she can still fly around with her wings
>she plops down on your head every now and then
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>Everything after her is fan fiction
It sort of does.
>The fat simply rippled and came back and knocked her against the ropes.
>Which then launched her into sumo horse.
>Her manager facehoofed.
This reminds me

I remember tossing around the idea of a fic with the humanaized cmc causing hell on the magic school bus

I should try and make that again
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I feel kinda sick. Can we post cute ponies?
> heh lel sameface in both expressions
Tex, I love you and all
But that shit is getting way past boring
It does.

Given it was rushed and I'm not at all happy with it, but there WAS build up to it and Twilight at least fits into the theme of Celestia and Luna. Twilight between day and night.

Cadance is just a big random toy shoehorned in to cash in on the royal wedding. She adds nothing to the show and detracts from it by trying to replace Celestia as Twilight's mentor
>sumo horse
this sounds like a job for ross

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Man, you are going to be so mad when you see how many episodes are in the Crystal Empire.
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this pony is cute, and there is more of this cute pony, per pony

therefore, in a single image I have posted more cute pony than you have
All I can think of is mixing that with that one bit from ATHF

"Welcome, to this horses anus."
I guess Quillweave can't help but stick her tongue in any crevice she can.
That pony is cute but it is also sad ruining the cute of the picture
>one link

calm your autism, anon
why do I want to be under her?
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>pony .gif thread

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>being this late
Someone's "just happened" to be posting in allcaps about Prequel for the last thread and a half.

"Just happened."

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>last thread in a half
>posting in all caps
>saying "PREQUEL UPDATED" once

again, calm your fucking autism.
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her canon bridle was cute too
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she totally makes the babs face
I know, its awful.

Hardly anything is done with crystal ponies despite them boing the 4th pony race. The Crystal Empire and Cadance are just a cheap replacement for Canterlot and Celestia and they dont even do it half as well.

There's not one memorable character from the crystal empire. Wheaties was the closest, but we've long since forgotten about here
Is dash scared of doors?
i know
i mean he should
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That pony could be cuter. Thank you, though.

This is mathematically correct, and mathematics never lie.
I'd be more upset about the constant bitching about contributors 'attention whoring'
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what if zebra crossbreeds
Babs looks up to sumopone for being a strong, full figured mare
> calm your 'BUZZWORD'
No, Prequelfaggot.
time to fap to an Argonian giving oral to a rock, I guess
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>mewball starts school tomorrow

>less art
thats bad
>less meme spam
thats good
Would you ride her? Or let her ride you?
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I guess.
nah man nah i am the average bear
not good not bad just chillin in the middle
lmao i literally made up that design for sumo pone in like 2 seconds dont tell me you like it
I think the key difference between the two apprentices:

Sunset Shimmer was driven to become greater than Celestia.
Twilight Sparkle was driven to be with Celestia.

Even if she'd been nofrens and the Nightmare Moon debacle was taken care of by Celestia, the worst I can see happening is Twilight trying her best to replace Luna in her teacher's heart if she could figure out why she seemed so disappointed in her pupil. And that might open its own can of worms, but she wouldn't ever have the same kind of drive as Sunset Shimmer.
I'd kill to attend a really nice jazz performance
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They seem to have been shouted down, though I'm not seeing GG post anything since

Good job, team

Okay, since you can't listen to something because of one wordbecause you're seriously autistic, how about:

stop being a fucking retard?
>Thats one less contributor

Thats bad

>But there will be less bitching about said contributor

Thats good
Go to bed Twily
>lmao i literally made up that design for sumo pone in like 2 seconds dont tell me you like it
In this case, its' simplicity works well and it captures the idea nicely
> you must be X because you don't like X
You are wow
>Dash, you're not wearing pants!
And they put Cadence in charge of the place to boot!
Why can't a crystal pony rule the kingdom?
Celestia fucking Annexed that shit.
>"Save" a kingdom
>Send in, not ambassadors, but put in a figurehead and send in your military.
All it means is that you have a fair eye for design.
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hey yo endii
I think you're pretty okay
whether or not you do pone
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good morning twilight

>defending Season 3

No, you are a retard because you consider posting one thing is "spamming for a thread and a half"

Are you done pretending to be retarded?
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Everyone already knows your answer.
The fuck is Cadance's qualifications anyway?

She can make you love? By that logic they should have a six pack for mayor
>search pone episode hurricane FS on YT
>YT turns yellow

Is YT bronied now?
>lmao i literally made up that design for sumo pone in like 2 seconds dont tell me you like it

We have really low standards and we will latch onto anything so long as it means we get more art of it and maybe some porn of it. Be it written or drawn.
We suck.
So now I'm not autistic for pointing out someone's forcing something not related to pony repeatedly across threads, but retarded.

You really are WOW
You know that Season 3 was supposed to be the last season?
Because of it, we get season 4.
has been for some time
This would be an alright show if the designs weren't eyesores and the humor was a bit more structured.

What a shitty design choice.
She's a princess
Luna is still in probation from her attempt to murder everyone so Cadence got the empire
I keep seein things about Uncle Grandpa, but know nothing about it

What's the skinny?
Season 3 was ordered with season 4
I just like ponies with big bellies
Also, I bet she's a lot taller then Butterfly when they're both standing up.
You forgot "this is a dead fandom," Anon. And whatever other chum you're stirring in the waters.
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I'm glad they don't, though. I'm very fond of the current mayor.
>The mayor is a pack of beer.
>Every year it gets re-elected.
>There have been a few assassination attempts.
which of the earth ponies will become alicorn first
applejack or pinkie pie
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look at her ass

it was a case of Ass of Destiny

The empire was hers to take, because of fate mumbo jumbo

I see you're pretending to troll now because you got told, so I'll leave you be.

But next time, think before you post you autistic retard.
i think its better than wonder over yonder

I know you aren't crazy about Butterfly, but I think she's adorable. Thanks!
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Where have you been for the past month and a half
>look at her ass
I probably won't stop doing pone. I just be doing pone less frequently if anything
nah youre cool you just have hot/cold opinions of things and develop them quickly
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N-no you don't
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Luna didn't try to murder anyone.
She just wanted eternal darkness.

God, you try to blot out the sun once or twice and then everyone labels you a murderer.
What is this, Korea?

Lulu ain't do nuffin' wrong.

It had a really great pilot, but then the actual show dropped the ball.

> pretending to troll
I'm pretty sure I'm just calling you WOW for using a potpourri of curse words against anyone who wants to keep Prequel shit out of a pony thread.
i know i would, and im sure Dash likes a guy who is sure of himself
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>Hardly anything is done with crystal ponies despite them boing the 4th pony race. The Crystal Empire and Cadance are just a cheap replacement for Canterlot and Celestia and they dont even do it half as well.
>There's not one memorable character from the crystal empire. Wheaties was the closest, but we've long since forgotten about here

Meghan McCarthy is 100% responsible for this. She even wrote most of those episodes dealing with them.

>Meghan McCarthy creations = bland and forgettable
Na, Dash likes the shy type so that she can be the dominant one.
I wasn't trying to rile anyone up or anything.
I was just posting a slightly "humorous" observation.

Not everything is a personal attack.
You sensitive faggot.
The lizard and the pizza are so fucking annoying, I wish it was just Grandpa and Giant Realistic Flying Tiger.
i enjoy it. it is holding my interest so far.

the creator seems pretty cool also

>implying Dash isnt a switch
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sign onto skype
> "humorous"
I can just smell your fedora.
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>Husband throws you at bad guy.
>Catch crystal heart.
>All the crystal ponies call you the 'Crystal' Princess.
>Know instantly how to activate that motherfucker.
Seems legit.
now you have me worried
>Rainbow Dash flys up and perches herself piggy back style on your shoulders
>She knees you in the sides
>"Get going!"
>"Dash this is lame."
>"You lost the bet. This is what we agreed to."
>"Fine. Where to?"
>"To the burger place. I want some fries."
>Carry her on your shoulders a few blocks, having everyone watch
>"Dash, this is embarrassing."
>"Quiet! Horses don't talk!"
>Get to the resturant
>"Go through the drive through!"
>"Hello, what would you like?"
>You order for her
>"Ten orders of extra large fries, please."
>"You want ketchup with that?"
Ssh, ssh, only dreams now. Only dreams.

I'm so sorry your first words were 'troll,' 'told,' 'autistic' and 'retard,' but that's okay. They have classes for that now.
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They don't really care about stuff like consistent world building anymore

We would technically be up to 5 pony races if you count the bat pony guards as representative of an entire type of pony

They completely vanished after one episode
>Horses don't talk
oh god i am die
10/ fucking 10
In his defense he has a point.
I don't have a problem with it, but this is a pony thread for things related to MLP.
There's a thread for that that comic on /co/ and if there's not you can make your own with people are more than willing to talk about it with you.
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D-don't look at me like that

>ten orders of extra large fries

That sure sounds like greasy stuffing incoming to me!
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> Arnold hears the 'best all-around pony' song by Pinkie
> Things escalate wildly from here
> At least now they know how jurisprudence works in a Kingdom!
You sure have some original insults.
you disregard all the world building you don't like anyway

like ponies adoring wearing fashionable clothes

his point is "stop posting things I don't like"

he was a big help when there was GG-related shitposting for an entire thread, I'm glad he's around.
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>implying that wouldn't be fun to hang with Dash like that
Minus the neighing.
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>horses don't talk!
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Actually I did help with that, but I understand Anonymous is hard to tell apart from Anonymous.
All you Anon's look the same.
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you helped so much that it only continued without stopping for a whole thread!
>There will never be a highly detailed gif showing 30 seconds of a pony's anus farting in slow motion.
That faggot's gonna get punched
I'm not a miracle worker, Anon.
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I like fries
and... cloth.

Don't let that stop you from bitching
I think his point was that this isn't related to ponies so please stop posting it here.

I don't dislike Prequel and I'm trying to catch up with it myself, but this isn't the place for it.
Especially when there's an active thread on /co/ right now.

It'd be pretty silly for me to start dumping random comics that have nothing to do with ponies and using the excuse "you just want me to stop posting it because you don't like it".
I really like that pony. She's a qt 3.14
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>I need you

What were those moments for you MLPG
Shut up cloth horse. Horses don't talk. Not even about cloth.
I ended up getting a burrito from this awesome mexican place and picked up a smoothy from mcdonalds on the way home.
I watched a horse fart today, it was nothing special, and actually really gross
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>there will never be a pony episode animated traditionally

I'd understand if off-topic were against the rules, but it isn't.

It is just "stop posting what I don't like".
So what's the story with this. She visits Earth and is scared of humans?
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>30 seconds.
>In slow motion.

So...would it actually be a minute?
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More like CT PiE! Amirite?!

But horses dont talk! Dont your Remdeber the begining of Best Night Ever?

I want to meet another soul in real life who has fapped to the Scaterpillar in a confused haze after his normal fetishes couldn't get him off and then went to bed right after because he was so disgusted.

or maybe I don't
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Its a pony clothes propaganda piece

Its insidious really
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Pone should wear caps more often
That's horrible. Worse than Scrubbles.
Kill yourself
>went to 2 different restaurants
those were mutant rats
they don't count
>I'd understand if off-topic were against the rules

It kind of is. That's why each board has their own topics and shit.
I know for a fact I'd get banned if I started posting my favorite comic here because it's not related to horses.

>read horses

Don't care. I want a FiM pony butt producing a long soft toot.
>goes to earth
>scared of humans
>likes human clothes
>cuteness somehow.
It has nothing to do with what I like, Prequelanon, and the fact it's not goddamn ponies.
I've never fapped to scat
But that caterpillar is pretty unf

Yes AJ. It would be one of your solid minute farts.

There's a difference between dumping a comic and mentioning a webcomic.

what don't you understand about off-topic not being banned?
slow down wideload, there is no need to rush an obesity related death at the age of 40
>arguing with shitposters
just report and ignore it
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>we will never get an episode done in various art styles

I have always loved episodes like this. Almost all of my favorite cartoons and comics have had episodes/issues like that. It pains my heart knowing that FiM will never do one.
I doubt the comic will have an issue like that either.
>an issue where a different style is used every page or panel.
That would be awesome.
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Tough crowd.
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It is kinda cute though.

There's just something about those little ponies being afraid of us that's adorable.
>what don't you understand about off-topic not being banned?
Actually seeing the bans page for the last day I think it is banable
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>Ignoring things they don't like
Where is this pony from? Someone's OC?
It's unlikely, but it's cute.
How do Applebloom's friends handle the ghosts that dwell on the farm? Presumably Applebloom and Applejack are both used to them, take them in stride, but they can be awful unsettling to the unaware. None of them are outright hostile, but they'll let you know they're there. The hostile ones were banished years ago, the portal to the netherworld closed.
If a crowd is tough, maybe its because they are all jerky!
I got 1 burrito and a smoothy from McDonalds. How does that make me a fatass? The mexican place doesn't have smoothies.
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Nigga they were afraid of a damn Zebra.

its from a fanfic and she also seems to double as the PiE thread mascot
don't listen to them, they're just misinformed fatties that don't understand moderation
We had A Friend in Deed that featured felt animation but I'd love to see an episode with different animation styles kinda like that KND episode
Scootaloo pretends to be brave, but is spooked to hell

Sweetie ranges from delight to terror
And blase about a minotaur and a griffon.
Depends on the framerate and how long the initial recording was, actually. A 30 second fart recorded at 1000 frames per second is somewhere around 16 minutes of video when played back at 30 frames per second.

>you will never spend half an hour watching high-speed video of AJ's anus mid-fart
I want to circlejerk with anon
the lesson is horses arent xenophobic theyre just very very racist
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What's the dirtiest joke Rarity knows?
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Well. She does look like a whore...
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> KND episode

That's and Chew were exactly what I was thinking of when I posted that.
I want to erp fetish things with anon but I'm always too awkward or tired or have other things I should be doing instead
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>Minotaur wants to do a rally.
>Sure you can do it.
>In the middle of my hedge maze!
got a link to what fanfic? That's a cute OC.
I want to ERP but I don't know how.
holy shit is that Roseluck?
I'd still really love to see an episode where each of the mane 6 tell the same story, but from their own wildly different perspective and in each flash back its in a different style.

To Flutterhsy, everyone seems to be yelling and towering over her. To Twilight, everyone is dumb and picking their noses. Rainbow Dash see's everyone else in painfully slow motion. etc etc

you write sex things

it's easy
>implying a maze isn't a minotaur's natural habitat and he didn't request it special
how can you call it moderation when you know nothing about the food?

we need to see pictures of it or give the nutrition information before we can judge.
What kind of fetishes are you interested in, Anon?
when the heck did Ponyville even get a hedge maze
I bet he made it himself
your ensemble at last nights fondue party, how gaudy
You'd think it wouldn't be so hard

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No, silly, it's an Apple pon.

you've just proved you don't understand moderation
It's apple bumpkin
>I'm a cute pony
>touch my butt
>look at me in the eyes when you touch my butt
>tell me I'm pretty
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Apple Bumpkin
Teach me pls
>the Blue Mare, a strange blue blob that projects a feminine energy, most commonly seen on the porch of the farmhouse
>the Scream, a wandering entity that, true to name, sneaks up on ponies, jumps in front of them, and screams for a moment before vanishing
>the Family Dog, a strange creature who crawls up to the foot of a bed, pads around and scratches for a while, before crawling under the covers and sleeping next to whoever is in the bed
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>look at me in the eyes when you touch my butt

Whoa, this sounds like we need to do some acrobatics here
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there's nothing wrong with looking like a whore
>anon will never touch your ponybutt
>you will never be pretty
It was the one in Canterlot.
Remember the one Discord sent the ponies in.
He had to put it back.

>partner writes actions
>imagine yourself in the scenario
>describe what you'd do, what you would feel, see, and smell
>make a lead for your partner to pick up

and most importantly: practice
did looking like a whore get Applejack that cheek nipple

oh god, you're still here? Your tired joke sex comics got old 2 years ago.
Would you still love pony even if she wore a saddle out in public?
I don't think that's accurate, but it's been a while since I've watched that episode
I'm pretty sure they don't go all the way to Canterlot for the seminar
unf I came

I really do need to learn though, I missed a great opportunity to see a guy blow two weeks of cum in a hotglue video because he wanted to ERP first and I couldn't bring myself to do it because I knew Id disappoint
Anonymous, why are you still here?
Variety is the spice of life
Although inflation and/or hyper are usually the default when nothing else is particularly attractive

oh, and taste and hear I guess
It's easy, anon. You just come up with a scene and say what you do. Then when your partner replies, you say what you do again.

And what you do is typically erotic.
>"Yeah, well, I dare YOU to suck my cock for money."
if its one of those 1,200 calorie chipotle burritos with a 600 calorie smoothie drink. how is that moderation?

also saine constantly posts about eating fast food. while getting no regular excise.

you sound like a fatty in denial
>Sleeping in bed.
>Night terror shocks me awake.
>Feel cat jump on bed and walk beside me.
>Reach out and pet it, feel its fur.
>Hear and feel it jump off the bed.
>Start to go back to sleep.
>Realize I have my door closed, so my cat can't come in.
>Can't sleep any more.
Biggest "Nope" moment of my fucking life.
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Oh god you're still here? Your incessant whining over things you don't like got old months ago.
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>...how much money?

>how is that moderation?

moderation would be not eating that shit every day, dumbass. Do you understand moderation now?

>fatty in denial

I'm Anonymous for a reason. I'm not some attention whoring tripfag who passively aggressively attacks his critics under the guise of anonymity.
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I want to visit Applejack's kissing booth.
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You are correct, Iron Will's hedge maze is located on the road outside of ponyville and is much smaller than the Canterlot one
How much money do you think you're favorite pony would cave in for snuggling nonsexually?

I think Pinkie would do it for free
Bullshit, I know for a fact that Anon is one of the biggest attention whore on this SITE!

MLPG is going to keep replying to you

you've already won
i dont think you understand what that word means
is there anything that's just plain off limits?
5 bits
5 extra bits if i enjoy it a ot
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Oh good. Me neither.
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What kind of maze is that?

>go in
>turn left
>fucking done
Its more of a corn maze
I want Applejack's kissing booth to have the option for ponut kisses
ponies are easily confused and he didn't want to scare off paying customers
it looks like you have to take a secret path to get to the rest of the maze
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Well it WAS designed by the ponyville ponies
that is great

the avoidance of excess or extremes, esp. in one's behavior or political opinions.

it would appear that you need to learn what it means, anon.
>Corn maze.
Oh fuck it is.

You think the Apples make it?
Like, getting ready for fall activities?
Look at the trees.
Fall colors.
Nightmare Night Corn Maze?
>start to go to bed
>hear "White Rabbit" coming from living room
>figure it's just a speaker left on or something
>not coming from any side or corner, just a general pervading noise
>dogs can hear it too
>completely alone in the house
>it starts getting louder
>dogs start whining, trying to get out of the house
>keeps getting louder, until i have to yell to hear myself over it
>suddenly, it ends
>two seconds later, hear a male voice in my ear say "yeah."
>neighbors next morning wonder why me and dogs were making such a fuss, but they couldn't hear the music

only paranormal experience i've ever had, but fuck i don't want to have another one.
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Trixie wouldn't let you snuggle for all the bits in Canterlot. You'd have to be doing something for her the whole time.
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that's true for all mazes
Ponyville's hedge maze... is actually a maize maze. dammit.
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oh boy oh boy
usually it takes more than a single turn
eating 2,000 calories in one meal for an average person is extreme you idiot
So far I haven't ever been able to enjoy scat/farts etc, or body odor.

But I didn't like watersports a few years ago, so who knows what the future holds?

Or, and gore that isn't inherently sexual is hard to enjoy
>Ponies still get lost for hours inside.
>Even with the help of Pegasi.

>"Go left!"
>"No, the other left!"
>"Guh, no, now you have to go back..."
>Pegasus gets frustrated and just lands to guide pony out.
>Eventually she gets lots too.
>This is not an uncommon thing.

extreme would be doing it every day, you retard
>Eventually Iron Will gives up and has guide ropes installed
>the goats eat them
I don't constantly post about eating fast food. This is the first time I've ever brought it up if I recall.

I usually eat pretty well honestly. I don't work out much anymore because I'm so busy but I'm pretty skinny either way.
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so is my masturbation extreme?
You sound a lot like me, anon
Down to the recent acceptance of watersports
Do you only like LIGHT watersports?
>Applejack isnt doing much business, so she caves in and opens up a kissing booth
>VERY reluctantly
>"What are you doing here, Rainbow?"
>"snrk, just wanted to see what your going rate is nowerdays, Applejack! Ahahahah!"
>"Very funny Dash. But uless you're buying move on. You're holding up the line."
>All thats behind her is a tumbleweed
>Dash drops a big bag of bits on the table, making Applejack raise an eyebrow
>"Here, I'll help you along. I'll give you all this."
>"Why, thanks a ton Rainbow Dash!"
>"....to kiss my butt!"
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You seem to think I'm some "troll" doing this for attention. Truth is, I just can't stand Weaver. There's a reason he was run out of every community he's joined.

I've tried helping him. But he doesn't help himself. He's in the same situation he was 5 years ago. And 5 years before that. Jobless bum doodling stupid drawings that mean nothing. He has the potential to be a real artist, with a respectable job, and real prospects. He's going absolutely nowhere, and he knows it. Just another failure at life mooching off of others because he's too scared and too lazy to move out of his comfort zone and take risks.

Dude, I'm probably the biggest Weaver fan there is. It's all because I'm utterly disappointed with him I guess. What he is right now sickens me.
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No it's radical
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to end this debate you need to post a picture with shirt off.
Some say there is a 5th yet undiscovered race of pony, long trapped inside the maze, building their own civilization
I guess?
What counts as "heavy" watersports?
>the kick on Shining Armor's guns

There's two corn mazes the Apples have set up.

One's for the kids.

The other one only opens once the sun sets. The Nightmare Night maze.

They have other stuff, too. It's an entire harvest festival, for about two solid weeks. Magic, a psychic, stories, the whole lot of it. But that Nightmare Night maze is one of the biggest draws.
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>box's face when
Pony wants to push it to the limit.

>home alone
>used to random bangs and stuff from my drafty house
>but I hear heavy footsteps
>regularly spaced stomping footsteps
>my cat is in my room
>grab Springfield XD9
>Chamber a round
>Clear hallway
>Clear bathroom
>Slice dat pie around the corner
>Check closets, behind shower curtains, under beds
>Absolutely nothing
>Hear random whispers for the rest of the day

only real NOPE experience
piss drinking and non-consensual/humiliation based watersports
>all these bitches don't know how to get through a maze

just keep your hand on the right wall and follow it
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Oh, I remember you now.
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I hope you enjoy body odor some day, anon.

people who enjoy it are far and few between, so it hardly gets content besides terrible stink line edits.
It's fucked up.
The house isn't even haunted!
Seems like every place I go, shit follows me.

I am starting to regret buying those statues in Mexico...
But that shit is /x/ level nonsense.
Cadence used to do that dance with her little sister...she used babysitting Twily to find someone to take her place after she'd drowned when she was ice-skating...
Shit, you share a lot of the same views I do. I really do enjoy his art though, even if he won't do anything worthwhile with it so I don't bother him.
I get where you're coming from, but you really should stop churning MLPG into a frenzy over it.
>Oh, I remember you now.

The hell you talking about?
>right wall
not required. pick one wall and follow it, left or right, and you'll get out eventually.
This is the most intense mini quest I've ever seen
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He should do it in the sub!
The fuck is that in her hand?
She's an orphan mang
Don't fuck with Mexican spirituality, man. They actually know what they're doing. All these California hippie witches are just playing at it, but the Mexicans fucking know how to do spooky fucking shit.
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A badly drawn gun
Come on pony fhqwhgads!
what hand?

Looks like that vibrating thing from Iron Man
so was her sister
>non-consensual/humiliation based watersports
That can be fun
Piss drinking on its own though doesn't sound that arousing, but depending on the situation it could probably be a sort of intensifier.
Hawaiians too
That taking sand from the beach as a souvenir shit is real, man.
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Don't fucking tell me this shit now, man!
Fuck! Two of those stone carvings in my room, Christ.
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If they're just ancestor-relics, you're fine. Spooky, maybe, but they won't go for you specifically. If they're ancient, you may be in trouble. If you don't know what they are, get them checked.
If Pinkie Pie was human and real, I would very awkwardly ask her out but probably chicken out at the last second
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I just have a really bad dislike for humiliation and NC stuff I guess.
I've been told not to post pictures of myself on 4chan.
She'd probably agree to go on a date with you and be really flirty because that's just how she is, but she would always see you two as friends.
>aj with largest boobs
>rarity with lesbian hair

into the trash it goes
Oh stop being morons
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AJ having the largest bust makes sense
Big tis and wide hips, yo.

>Lesbian hair
I'll do it if you do

we can imgur it and everything
What's that Dash?

Fluttersy trapped in the well again?

>chicken out at the last second

you know she'd just force the issue, right? make you tell her exactly what you wanted to say. and then she'd say yes.
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who told you that? they were pretty much calling you ugly.
I bet AJ has the biggest Apples
*tips fedora*

you tell them, fellow anon.
>browsing mlp draw thread
>some guys has a coloring request
>some trip says he'll do it
>a few minutes and 1 ms paintbucket session later he posts it
>white bits still everywhere
>requester thanks him
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NC stands for non-consensual, right?
I've seen it around a ton, but never actually with a definition, so I'm just assuming from context.
I know

Pinkie has no sense of shyness or tact. Thats part of why I like her so much
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I'm a loooosah, and I'm not what I appear to be
That doesn't look like howling.
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He's so dreamy
That's a great picture
But it looks more like moaning
R-remember that guy who was talking about sand from Hawaii...I was checking a rock collection I inherited...I found a vial
Yeah, non-consensual.
Fin fact: there actually is a moon in this

Ablppleblooms butt!
What you expect someone to make fun of someone that even does a half assed effort? "Hey thanks for spending time on this but it's shit fuck off?"
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You don't look like a howling

L-let me try that again
>not getting it

You will. Everyone does sooner or later. That's the way it works. The knock on the door never comes until you lock it up tight.
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I want to fuck his virgin asshole bloody
>What you expect someone to make fun of someone that even does a half assed effort?

Well, we are in MLPG, if that happened that is exactly what would have been said.
>"Hey, that is shit, try harder or don't fucking try."
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>indoor baseball hat worn at an inappropriate angle
Well actually maybe, the dialogue in those threads are pretty terrible I just go for the pictures.
I just thought it was funny that some one colored something using the paintbucket tool and got thanked and that was it but I guess we all start somewhere.
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You should be good if you haven't been getting loads of terrible, terrible bad luck already.

Most of the bad luck around Hawaii beaches is really in the lava rocks anyway.
Damn Xieril, Why are you so hot?
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>"C'mon, tell me! I'll treat you to dinner if you tell me! And take you to that movie you wanted to see! And and and then you can come over to my place! And we can just hang out or do fun stuff together, like baking a cake, or cuddling on the couch, or helping me organize my wardrobe, and you could even sleep over and we could share a bed and sleep in and wake up late and make breakfast for each other and stuff!"
>"Just please please please pleeeeease tell me what you were going to ask me!"
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keep dreaming nerd
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Good. That's one of those things that makes you worry about looking retarded

But yeah, I generally quite like it
I have even less of an idea how to go about ERPing it that than most things though
That's Eddie Murphy
Damn Saine, why are you so suitable for laying eggs in?
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I feel so bad for xieril but this is hilarious to the point of physical pain
>you go to a movie
>she looks over at you half-way through
>"Hey. This movie kinda..."
>>"Yeah. It is."
>"Wanna fool around?"
I hope the box is okay
Pinkie too
Which is why our horse is very, very dead, and all our contributors hat us.

Chrysalis anon Pls,

Pls lay eggs in me
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If she was human she wouldn't be Pinkie Pie.
He said asshole
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>"O-oh ok!"
>The two of you atart fooling around
>with silly string
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Well it is labeled 'lava sand'

Looks black with white flecks all in it.
If it's blood, you have a problem, and even then, it's not a huge one. Otherwise, you're fine.
I just imagined trying to ERP rape someone out of nowhere
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>you will never be good enough for Saine
Are they going to make out now too? These ponies sure do love to make out with things.
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>baba yaga pony



any terrible misfortune?
>The attendant comes walks in to a movie theater full of silly string peppered with popcorn
>It's kind of pretty actually
>He still kicks your ass out to the curb
>Dash I....I...

>I thought you were a potato
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I love people for their hearts, not there looks

You're a cutie
Fuck you Roogles. You could totally fuck him if you wanted.
Well, I DO work retail!

Most of the shit I own ends up breaking at some point. That usually gets fixed with the magic of glue or money.
>all this fucking decompression
would make Warren Ellis proud
>sitting in the back
>annoying everyone with your giggling and strange noises
>"Oh man, this stuff is impossible to get out of hair!"
>The manager finds you huddled sheepishly in front of the empty can, green foam lines crisscrossing your bodies
>Anon face down in the gutter
>"I beleive I had a hat!"
>They toss out Pinkie Pie
>Stick her on your head
>"Thank you!"
Implying I'd let that dweeb top me.

Then I'd say you're good.

The misfortune that happens to people that take lava rocks from the beach is usually catastrophic.
would you let me top you, saine-san~?
>tfw xieril is one of the best looking dashfags around
>tfw wouldn't stand a chance against him if rainbow dash was real
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I'm skinny and black.
You would not love me.
Please don't toy with my heart, Saine.
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Now I can play with it!
Or their grammar for that matter.
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>people not seeing ERP rape
Have you never played SS13?
Or HellMOO?
>black people on 4chan
I thought it was a myth
I don't see this ending well
Aww yes. Double team that box.

Yeah, not sure what happened there.
>Frau Totenpferd
anyone know what happened to braeburned? rumor is his parents found out he was gay so they kicked him out of the house and stopped paying for his school.
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>Or HellMOO
>first thing I think of is hell bovines from d2

Man I miss that game
>found out he was gay
Man, what were the signs?
Black people do everything cool. I constantly see black people in the anime section of my local DVD store.

>Tex pics will never leak.
No. Just because you got away with having it doesn't mean anything. Respect is just as important. Even more, maybe. You treat objects with power like they're toys, and sooner or later something's going to bite you.
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>tfw coming back to D2 to participate in a custom ladder server
>know buttfuck nothing
>go on to replay the whole game
>ladder is gone now
No, but I've heard that there are specific rules against nonconsensual erp on SS13
That's hilarious
It kinda makes sense when you can tie them to a chair and take off all their clothes though
I thought that kind of thing only happened on TV.
>Stay a while and listen!
Human ponies
All of my white friends tell me black nerds make the best friends.
And no one will ever fuck with them because they hang out with a black guy.
tgstation =/= SS13.
>pics get leaked
>he is actually Kenichi Smith
we saw a picture of tex's hand once. the nails were dirty and untrimmed and it was the hand of a pale pasty obese man.
It's a trap don't fall for it Rainbow Dash!
I was joking.
I almost opened the fucking thing and part of my head went 'Oh yes, kick the hornets nest, idiot.'
Back into the closet it goes!
You must live in the backwateriest of backwater towns.
>tfw know qt black girl who loves mecha more than life itself

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You're not praising the sun hard enough
>we saw a picture of tex's hand once. the nails were dirty and untrimmed and it was the hand of a pale pasty obese man.

When in the hell was this?!
vg and presumably the SA servers too, as long as they allow erp at all

Although yeah, I didn't mean that it was a mechanic or something
And I might still be wrong anyway, because all I know about the game comes from skimming a thread or two and the wiki
What dose sentenal look like?
there is always diablo 3

I'm so sorry
Yeah you know me.
What if I took a picture of myself but left my shirt on.
Probably a big neerrrrddd.
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ROSE why wont you sell me your panties for $50.

it is a good deal.
what a silly rumor
he's just busy with coursework
No, there isn't.
There never was a Diablo 3 and never will be. Blizzard said so.

>anon making things up
Nathan, Sentenal, Ross, and NBS are all the same person.
I thought his mom made dick cupcakes, and that they knew already.
Guy's not exactly secretive.
that wasn't part of the deal
Why did you post Leth?
Anon why won't you sell me your ponies
the valentines picture. there was also a ton of trash and food wrappers around his desk in the background
>diablo 3

Blizzard broke my heart man...
>You will never stay a while and listen anymore.
let me know if you finally talk her into it, anon.

maybe you could bribe her with art supplies.
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No no, they already knew he was gay. What happened was they found out he was super gay. I heard when it happened they took away his cape.
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One day, Anon, you'll learn the value of a pony.
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no, this is leth
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Time for humanized ponies
they just killed him off. just like that

also the new expansion will not fix the game because the game's core design is flawed
No, that is beyond all disgusting.
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I see some panties in that picture, lets roll with that instead
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Those are the most specifically tailored shorts
>the valentines picture. there was also a ton of trash and food wrappers around his desk in the background

Now I know you're making stuff up.

I don't even remember any valentines pictures.
He wasn't even killed off in a cool way!

>You will never spend all day with Twilight reading books without pants together

I honestly think I should just kill myself
I still can never see the upside down woman in her design
I don't know but it's still my screensaver.

>don't draw disgusting fatceps
>draw disgusting fat calves

way to fail at making a fat girl sexy
Like at all?
Mlpg has done a collage 2 years running now
There have been valentine pictures Anon...
>Like at all?
>Mlpg has done a collage 2 years running now

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I don't have the 2012 one
>tfw kept putting off making one for the 2012 one until it was too late

>numbered pics

There a corresponding list for that?

Who waifued Ross? xD
Sweetie shined her flashlight across the darkened room. The light brushed against nothing but bare wall, a small circle of illumination cutting through the inky black.

A shadow cut across the light.

The scream died in her throat. She pulled the covers over her head, curling up into a ball, holding the flashlight tight. She knew one thing when it came to monsters, the one thing every colt and filly knew: they couldn't get you when you were under the covers. Expose even a single hoof, a single hair, and you were a goner, but Sweetie intended to live. The beam roamed across her dark room, illuminating everything beyond her little cloth cocoon. She couldn't see movement.

The next thing she felt was the covers being torn off of her. The scream that she had swallowed a few minutes ago tore its way out of her throat.
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Every time
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>Lyra plushie
>Sleep with Pinkie Pie nonsexually
>She snuggles close to you
>Lays her heat against your chest
>She loves you and all is right in the world
>biggest weaver fan
you didn't dream of being bros with him, nigga.
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>Dreamed about being dead.
spooky text will always be a guilty pleasure of mine
>that feel
>monitor died right before the 2013 one
>had to put in a shitty hard to see picture of my shitty laptop

>a rainy, cold, windy day
>spend the day curled up in bed, covers up to the waist, reading books and watching X-Files, your bare legs intertwining
>all is right in the world
For one, Twilight isn't dead, so that clearly cannot be true.
>EG Pinkie Pie builds a pair of robotic fondling arms for the science fair.
>Has Fluttershy demonstrate their usage.
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>Sugar cube corner
Also "I'm his biggest fan, that's why I shit on him and despise him and constantly start shit because I don't think he's living up to his potential" is a pretty dumbass thing to say.
>"I um... Once caught a fish this big."
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Thats more of a Twilight feeling
>In the middle of the night her hoof accidentally makes its way down to your crotch
>you try and move it but she's passed out and it won't budge
>you let out a sigh and laugh to yourself and just try to fall asleep
>a small hint of a smile curls at the edge of Pinkie's lips
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Spoiler Image, 38 KB
>reading snopes
>Tomb of the Unknown guards kept their step during fucking Hurricane Isabel
>200 mph winds and they kept guard

holy shit
It's ABOUT Twilight you numpty
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that feel

>lays her heat against your chest


heh heh
wait did i miss d2 talk
>not rolling her PJs down and hot-dogging her exposed mare liips
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>raucous applause throughout the gymnasium
I hope Dash is better at opening boxes than she is at jars
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This has aroused me in a way I didn't think possible any more
which personhorse would you go for a walk in the rain and take a nice, hot shower together with?
i slept with a girl nonsexualy the other day and thought of pony
college is fun
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You mean her giant futa mare cock?
manicpaint pls... i know you didn't finish it
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this one
So she's not going to open the box?
Indeed nigga. Even though I'd like it if he said anything when I told him I like his drawings.
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Good for you mewball.
Pinkie Pie

I'm sad to say I have fallen in love with a fictional character
>fall asleep next to Pinkie after a tiring day of parties and baking cakes nonsexually
>in the middle of the night something brings you out of slumber
>Pinkie ended up backwards on your chest, her tail starting to get in your mouth
>her hips are shifting in her sleep, a veritable torrent of almost scalding liquids soaking your chest
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Did she smell nice?
Did you have an erection the whole time?
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Whoa man, whoa
If she didn't say "fool around with me while I'm under," no go
If she did, fucking motorboat that shit

>feels kinda nice
>go back to sleep
remind me of what happened in that episode?
Now it goes through

That broken gif hit me right in the autism >>13675861

I'm keeping my terribly looped one out of spite
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You can sleep with a pony nonsexually

But you have to wear a pillow case and pretend to be a pillow
>fool around with me while I'm under
>implying any girl would say that
>tfw last /d2g/ was in July
Does it cover my head too?
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Trying to find a pic of in-game Glados to compare pic related to.. not finding one in a similar pose
They have and do.
How does synchronized anal work?
And now that I think about it, I totally agree that luna would be champion gape
Throw the box at her Pinkie
That'll teach her
>no "Princess Impregnation" golden trophy
There's always /vr/ mate. I had a 100+ post thread there once.
there are holes for your head and limbs

Its mostly a torso thing
Well that's not so bad.
Diablo 2 does not belong on /vr/. Ever.
I have a really comfy chair
I wonder if pony could sit in it like we do or if they would have to just sit on their haunches in the chair
But you'd wake her up!
You have no proof that happened!
>not gold, silver, bronze and all the consolation prizes
Its a loophole in the rules you exploit by unbirthing all the other contestants
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... Oh fuck yourself mate, for 6 months. 6 months. The release date was way before 2000!
You mean proof that you started fooling around while she was still asleep?

I'm pretty sure my dick slipping inside of her just as her eyes flutter open is proof enough.
You can't have had sex,mate. you're in mlpg.
1-5 Video games
6-9 Draw
0- Mlpg choice
Spooky shit and monsters are going to start coming more and more frequently the closer we get. It's the summer equinox today. Make sure you take precautions against the monsters as the barriers between worlds start to get thinner.
Goodbye Dash
I always loved you
Not him, but google says release date was July of 2000
Play Sleeping Dogs.
I think being spooked is fun.
Yes, but you have to count the beta. Every game in /vr/ has to count the beta.
Earliest release date: June 29 2000
I'm gonna play Saints row IV with Roogna
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>as the barriers between worlds start to get thinner
are you thinking what I'm thinking?


There's no such thing as a summer equinox, it was the autumnal equinox.
the Summer solstice happened a long time ago.
This isn't 2005 any more, we aren't 14, and - interestingly enough - most of us have probably lost our virginities between 15 and 19 with a peak average of 17.

This is not the lame kid's hangout any more, Anon. Even MLPG is full of borderline-functional people who've had sex.

I know you're mostly joking but bears repeating
>summer equinox
>not the safest day
nigga don't throw that shit at me the only bad day is the winter solstice.
>Summer equinox.
fuck, draw backgrounds first people.
I think it's more of a healthy mix of all types
>Sweetie Belle becomes the mighty stegosaurus
>Tramples Diamond Tiara to death
>The announcer declares that this first degree murder
>The CMC win the studio contract by technicality
Nah, the only bad days are unsafe weeks
>This isn't 2005 any more, we aren't 14, and - interestingly enough - most of us have probably lost our virginities between 15 and 19 with a peak average of 17.

>peak average of 17

this is why I laugh at /x/philes
Luna was so cute in these past couple issues.
> healthy mix
I don't know from healthy ...
Is that true? I've never heard that.
Did a mod say so or something?
I hope it is allowed, personally, because I just started playing it on a friend's recommendation. I spend a lot of time just fucking with my inventorynspace, though
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>Even MLPG is full of borderline-functional people who've had sex.
Pony dares you to say Bloody Mary into a mirror 3 times in her dark bathroom
>Winter solstice
>The day when our glorious god Ra defeats that faggot snake and frees himself thus slowly returning to his full power and making days longer
>bad day

I'm thinking you're playing with forces you can't control. I'm thinking you're going to let something in. I'm thinking you're welcome to try, but I'm thinking you're going to regret it.
handjobs are fun
Trying to find the citation, but that's the US average.
MLPG is gay as fuck.
Gay people have lots of sex.

Got my 9mm right here.

Don't think I'll come face to face with something that 16 rounds of 9mm won't kill, but we'll see.
80% of males lose their virginities before they turn 19

You're not that uncommon
You're still pathetic though
20 here
I haven't lost mine yet
I JUST PRAISE Yog Shoggoth
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Are you a unicorn?
>Even MLPG is full of borderline-functional people who've had sex.
Sorry m8, wrong.
Pony is inviting me into her dark bathroom?
This is womderful.
> If you're a loser then you haven't had sex
N-no, being a loser is uncoupled with having sex in the past

Lost mine at 15

sex is overrated
blowjobs aren't, they're incredible
Gay people can be dysfunctional too
I should know
None of them are bad days. None of them are unsafe days. Not in and of themselves. It's just that things are more likely to come through. Veils get stretched and walls come down.
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>tfw am now a wizard.
Go meee...
Skirting the stereotype...!
Its Yog-Sothoth you plebeian
I bet I'm the oldest virgin here
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>virgins are pathetic
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>80% of males lose their virginities before they turn 19
>tfw 20
I want the suicidal anons back
at least I can feel better than them
I'm 19
I've had multiple opportunities to lose it to really attractive girls and guys and kept backing out of it

I'm a top tier loser
Not true
Gay people might be more outgoing and willing to do it with more people, but gay != lots of sex as a rule.
There's nothing wrong with being a virgin later, Anon. It just seems silly to assume "If you're a dork you must be a SEXLESS dork"
Would also like to add that I'm 20 almost 21

I'm gonna play with an Oujia board in the woods with some friends on Halloween

we're gonna get drunk and be irresponsible too, like something out of a slasher movie
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>20 year old virgin
I'm a 24 year old virgin.
You're welcome to feel better than me, i don't give a fuck.
At least we'll be free from our suffering when we commit

You're stuck
>tfw gonna end up a wizard
Try going after a 6
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I'm saving myself for a pony.
Anon, it'll happen when you find someone you trust and maybe even love. It's not a race, it's just a law of averages.

Cheer up, buddy.
>worshiping Yog-Sothoth
>not worshiping the creative force that propels conscious psyche
>not worshiping myth in its purest form
At fate worse than death

If these categories seem ill-fitting, let me know. We can let the hem out a little.

I'm curious now.
>ouija board
>anything but a game
anon this isn't /x/, ghosts don't exist.
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This is why we're going in the woods and getting drunk on Halloween

that shit wouldn't go down if any of us believed in ghosts
Just don't burn it or break it when you're done.
>no slutty mare trapped in a man's body answer
nope, not voting
by writing?
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What if they didn't save themselves for you?
Why would i care?
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There's gonna be a fire, why shouldn't I toss it in afterwards?
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>Anon, it'll happen when you find someone you trust and maybe even love
Anon, this is a survey of sexual activity, not orientation
What a suprise

Rarity's box stole teh show!
I wouldn't even stare

I like your type of body much better
>Only opportunities were the fucked up or the insane.
>One girl said she wanted wanted to, while we were fucking, hit me with a stick encrusted with broken glass shards.
Please don't, this is interesting / important even.

It may be useful to do the poll again during other times of the day to see what the rolling average is


No, anon. Sex needs to be penetrative, lest it is third base.
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>>One girl said she wanted wanted to, while we were fucking, hit me with a stick encrusted with broken glass shards.
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Lost mine at 22
to a guy
we met here
Oh my god you lucky sob
I want that to happen to me
That's not a very healthy way of looking at it, Anon.

But Pinkie is the one I love/trust
No, Anon, that does not expand dong.
Plus she had fucking halitosis or some shit.
>Implying there aren't lesbians here

>hit me with a stick encrusted with broken glass shards.

Did her daddy put glass in her vagina?
anyone specific?
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>we met here
Well NOW I'm curious
>not penetrative

I didn't know putting my cock in a mouth wasn't penetrative.
No, but he was a Trekkie.
Had to bail out of that shit fast.
You'll feed the energy of whatever spirit you've bound up in the Ouiji board, and release it simultaneously. Fire only purifies and cleanses if it was made with that intent.

>these suggest a winner and a loser

No it fucking doesn't, that's retarded as shit.

This is a good reason, though.
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>I'm the only "Yes, but not penetrative" there

Feels... good?
>Never had a single girl so much as want to spend time with me, let alone love me

Why do I even bother
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>implying there are women here
Guess it runs in the family, huh.
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It's not genital penetration, anon.

Hell, with that logic we could stick food up our asses and call it sex.
I'm not going to make this survey reflect a needlessly competitive and combative model of virginity, if that's what you mean, pal.
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Stop depressing me
I'll go slut myself out on Craiglist and catch AIDS if you keep it up
Not really, just someone nice who I can learn with and be comfortable with

So no deaf or 8" anon
Well, anything's possible, apparently. Best of luck, anon.

Yeah, three guesses how it started out.

Anyway, I'm going to sink back into the foreground now. No need to attention whore.
The link is pretty fucking hot
But the post is lame

I'm gonna do it!

I'll let you guys know if my life starts turning into a Paranormal Activity-style nightmare, though.
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>all these virgins
>all this sadness

Oh god thank you mlpg. Thank you. I feel much better now.
>8" anon

I still call that a myth. And that was a tripfag.
total art
I believe it would be in favor of all human kind that you would go and die in a hole somewhere. Preferably on fire. While drowning. In liquid metal.

you know you can just hit up Cougarlife right
I doubt fluttershy would drink

And I super doubt if she was a real full figured human shed want to drink with me
How does it feel to need other people's tears to feel better about yourself?

I don't know why this is so sexy.

I don't even want pubes on it, I'm scared.
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Pretty great!
Or just go and fuck a bum, you'll probably get less STDs that way.
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>Make sure you take precautions against the monsters as the barriers between worlds start to get thinner
Alright, I'm going to bed.
Goodnight, angryanon.
I'm a virgin and I don't regret it.
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fluttershy is a skinny twig and any other portray is objectively wrong and stupid
Hyper crotchboobs are even sillier than hyper normal boobs
But I love them so much
Also the numbered anal beads is a really nice touch
the implied huge amount of insertion is really hot

I'm probably going to fap to that image in an hour or two.
>I still call that a myth.
I'm certain there's someone in MLPG with an 8" dick
Not sure if it was the same guy that was boasting about it

There's probably a couple if you use measurements from the bone
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>that sweaty dash
What's wrong with being a virgin if you don't want to have children anyway?
I'm a pony and I don't regret it.
That is somewhat better.
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I swear to god Shout if you kill Rarity I'll cut you
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Do you ever feel good about yourself as you are, or only when you see other people put down?
Doesn't mean a thing if you aren't measuring in Insertable Length
> No it fucking doesn't, that's retarded as shit.
When you literally model sexual activity on a scoring system and stealing bases, what do you think happens when you compare those who've "scored" with those who don't?

Look around, man.
Most of them feel like losers because they aren't someone who's "rounded the bases." That's an end-goal they haven't attained and they haven't turned in their V card at home plate.

That's the shtick.

Maybe - fuck, I don't know - they haven't found someone to split a pizza and pizza is okay alone but maybe fun with friends.
>this guy
Where's the other two?
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I'm not a virgin and I kinda regret it.

I lost it to a fat slut who ate cold Chef Boyardee from the can while we fucked.
I dont even care about my virginity

I just want to snuggle Pinkie Pie
Goodnight for real.
So what if she doesn't want to? That's part of the fun of Fluttershy. Bitch won't say no.

She loves being taken advantage of.
Have you ever loved somebody so much that thinking about them makes tears pour helplessly down your cheeks uncontrollably in sympathy and pain?
Pizza isn't okay alone. Pizza is just fat alone.

They feel bad because they haven't fucked, not because of some dumb baseball metaphor.

They're gonna feel bad about it no matter what you say. As far as I'm concerned, every time I use that metaphor we're all on the same team.
I'm actually pretty neutral towards it. It's not a big deal for me.
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>I lost it to a fat slut who ate cold Chef Boyardee from the can while we fucked.

Holy fucking god
Ponies are better than sex.
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wow you must have been really boring
I feel for you, Anon..

...was it good?
Yes. Once. It was a very specific circumstance though.
>This nigga
I fucking love you man
But I dont want to take advantage of Fluttershy

I'd want to lay down with her and hug her, but only if she wanted to
Let me pitch an idea here;
Maybe it isn't because of not fucking or getting to third base, but it's more about society implying that they need to penetrate the defense to be strike in life.
every night
>pinkie enjoying it
bad touch
What if you could have both?
He's done it once with a fat chick who was busy gorging. Even on the off chance it was good, he doesn't have a reference point.

Thanks, it's nice to have validation. I love him so much but I think he hates me.
>every time I use that metaphor we're all on the same team.
That's not actually possible if you use the baseball metaphor. If anything it should be fucking track and field if you drop the defending team.

Unless somehow you "strike out" against no one in particular.
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