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Important news post that covers moderation, board culture, and shitposting, as well as a handful of notable changes.

I think this is the second longest news post ever, so it's probably worth reading if you're an active user (and if you want to be put to sleep by my writing).

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Old rancid horse: >>13661317

The human horse!
Which horse is the cutest human?
My dog just farted.
>2 months left

these are going to be the hardest
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these horses
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>human horse

Ew furfag
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>Want to make a thread since a while
>Fuck up bad apparently
Should I delete then..? I tried.
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That's a good point. I'll try to keep that in mind next time I draw it.
You can't delete threads.
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it's not marked so you can kill it if you really want
but you don't have to
just try not to fuck up so hard next time
Celestia giving you a 6-limbed hug.
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You know, there aren't enough pictures of rose in clothing.

Some drawfags should get on that.
We don't care.

frotting with Futalestia
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I will destroy you
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Now that S4 is getting closer a part of me is telling me that maybe is time to move on
ANYTHING with futalestia

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pony wants to dance the safety dance
Quit posting eqd no one gives a damn
The male VAs are so much better than the maim 6 Va's

Though Celestias va is
You can't delete threads anymore take that mito

And since we are already here, we might as well stay.

But seriously, how can you fuck up making a new horse? You just have to get the topic right and link to the old horse.
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Come at me nerd

yes you do
tabitha is best va

and I say this as someone who does not care for rararaaaeraearrararaarrara
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she can dance if she wants to
I wanted to make it special
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Hey, I'll get pictures of my waifu if I want.
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>he doesn't want pretty pony to wear pretty dresses

what the fuck is wrong with you, fs
Bitch they got nothing on T Pot
>is the first one to make jokes about double entenders in the script during recording
>brings cookies to the studio
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>all those pones in clothes

That is the worst alternate reality

>applebloom as a little newsie
oh god my heart
>not caring for best pony
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we rose in clothes now
Kill yourself.
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hell yes we are
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You want ponies to be naked?

What a weirdo.
that little horsey thing applebloom does is just too cute
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You're such a faggot
I'd post Rose in clothing but unfortunately I don't have any drawing like that so have a sad rose instead
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Why do you deny pone her right to be POSITIVELY FANCY?
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I have stumbled into a nightmare


Naked ponies are best ponies
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So was MLPG bothered by the timer increase?
Why would Moot make it so we can't delete our own threads?
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she just wants to be like yo-u-u-u
she wants to walk like you
talk like you too-oo-oo
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why is pone sad?
It's annoying sometimes
I didn't bother till now but it seems to be the new epic meme
What is it about
To make you think before making a thread.

because S4 is going to be shit
I bet that he drew the short straw

People were deleting their own threads and blamming the mods
I was. I keep running into the limiter all the time, even though I don't post all that much.
I don't like it much.
It's kind of confusing, too. Do images effect it, or what?
30 seconds was perfectly fine, changing it to 60 doesn't really change anything.
>I bet that he drew the short straw

something something tex's 5 incher
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because anon made her wear clothes
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Nothing affects it, it's 60s and that's it.
Statistics: The Gathering

>blame yourself, or spaerk
I choose Spaerk. Fuck that guy.
nsa pls go

That poll is rigged
Help me decide
1 or 2
flip a coin
3 master race
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>no Pip-chanfag
Someday you all will recognize the greatness of this little QT
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>1 or 2
>Not 5
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Pone is sad because flyingshithead took away her fancy dresses.

Those dresses made her so happy. What a jerk.
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I can't find my Celestia rigged the votes one. Damn.
pipsqueak is a nerd
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>30 votes
>no dashfags
>more sergalfags than flutterfags

pegasi a shit
I'm guessing rediv's awake?
pony stick figures are the cutest thing
I voted cadence
I'm not rediv
Yeah, Jalm did a good job.
I'm a Gildafag, Flutterfag, Celestiafag, Applefag, and Discord fag

I want a vote with more than one option
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>2 months more so we can be disappointed by Meghan
>i can't choose because i'm a fag fag
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she is a very nice pony


>30 options
>I can't choose

Anyway, I voted for my favorite.
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This evil must be opposed
>no octi/vinyl

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But she's so happy
Was there really a point in making that post?
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It's actually my fault, but he asked for it, thinking that book princess isn't #1 princess.
Stop being a faggot Rei
Also there's an option for that.
you say like that there's a point to any of these posts
>being a background pony brony
I'd take that pony out for a nice cafe brunch on a sunny day.
There's more point than just fucking reiterating something

don't be retarded
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you put those back on this instant
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>Twilight likes to make her wings invisible every now and then just to see the reaction other ponies give her.

>It usually makes Celestia laugh, at least.
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>she accidentally drops the genital cloaking spell while doing this
that's not a very good scrunch
Having fun drawing in school?
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Alright, I was just kidding around.

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>tfw no shout
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Why is Lauren so butthurt?

Can't she accept that the show is better without her?

Or is she butthurt because Meghan is better than her?
feels good man
>everyone sees each and every one of her thirty seven nether tentacles
>the mind wiping spell works well enough, but shreds of memories remain in the collective subconscious
>legends of elder gods appearing behind royalty begin that day
>Can't she accept that the show is better without her?
But it's not
Would you help pone record a cover of her favorite My Bloody Hearts and Hooves album by running a vacuum cleaner in the background?
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It is

Alicorn Twilight is about to prove to be the best thing for the show
>40 people browsing MLPG
I thought we were like 10 at best
I think it's the fact that the guy is pretty much insulting lauren and linking her to it
last year it was still 200
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Not now pony, I'm recording with my sunn O))) cover band.
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And nobody spam voted Celestia?

The curse is lifted!
Last year is last year
I'm talking about current hiatus times
the bait strong in this on
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38 fags voted within the span of two threads
Okay I laughed
How do I describe mlpg to someone thats never seen it?
....Why would you?
A bunch of people talking about horse butts
>that feel when I'm an Apple, Ponk and Celestia fag but voted for Applepone, because I'm an apple to the core.
Shitposting fetishistic off-topic horse retards
what the fuck I voted for RD
or is this another poll?
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>tfw no Rumble
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>Apple to the core

Good pun, anon, good pun
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>tfw MLPG hate pone
Pony is upset and goes to her room to sulk and listen to her favorite album that you've probably never heard of.
Your vote isnt acknowledged for good
Only the blue dyke one.
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>twilight sparkle cries about it to you that night while you massage her tentacles
background pony brony
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Rebno Des a shit
I don't hate Dash, she's just not my favorite.

And I've really never written anything about her either. Should fix that I guess.
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that was me
Cheer up dash, you just tied with the angry russian sergal!
pony wants to be your girlfriend
i watched the show 2 times, but i failed to find any lesbian pony in it
We all agree
seriously, what an autist
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U wanna go m8?
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But I just voted for you
pony must accept that i'm too unprepared for any kind of commitment further than "friends who know just how fucking lewd they can be to each other"
Of course pony can be my girlfriend
unless she's a stallion or something
Aj is obligatory second best pone
i bet they hang out and bond over their mutual unpopularity

>then dash gets drunk and eats the whole sergal
Where is that guy that always posts luna pictures
I forgot the name
Don't tempt me
I'll have to take pony on a few dates first
>tfw dynamic IP
haha, time to put trixie up there.
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go get em' fearsome tinypone
No she doesn't, stop lying to me bro.

She just likes going to concerts with me and hanging out at the shop afterward. And sometimes surprise visits me with cake or doughnuts and we have coffee with 'em while watching the afternoon shows, then naps at my place before having to go do whatever it is she does all day.
It would be pretty easy to notice considering ponies don't wear clothes. Just check to see if she has a marecunt or a giant horsecock when she isn't looking.
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>unless she's a stallion or something

O-of course not, this is just some kind of temporary thing. You'll help her, right?
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>Trixie and Babs

what the fuck Rei?

if you are going to draw weird pairings then at least also draw more ghost light
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T-t-total slave for c-crack cocaine!
While ross jerks off in the bushes
You aren't the same guy who did it before....are you?
wait what?
Roogna is a Gildafag though
Get out Seth.
I'm from the front page and I voted.
yes though he still looks pretty feminine so who cares, would date
I'd love her even if she was a him. Same with all of my top 4 ponies.
that's the joke
How disappointing
Na, I wouldn't rig a vote that actually matters
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Total slave for donkey cocks!
I'll do it

but he hates vore
Books. Final destination.
I missed something
What the fuck is sergal
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Total slave for dank ass weed nigga.
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That horse needs therapy
What happens when a russian fucks a bear, that half-bear fucks a wolf, and that manbearwolf downs a bottle of vodka and draws a self portrait.
Yeah, sure, I guess
sex probably wouldn't be a guarantee, though
Total slave for le epic memes
>Actually matters
>Rotational waifu quests

That aside, somewhat disappointed. I wanted to know if that particular anon stuck around and saw SmutAnon's quest and enjoyed it or not.
So to clarify, it's a quarter man, quarter bear, half wolf hybrid?

So you didn't get the joke even as I posted a drawing from me with that comment? Come on, man.
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This is sergal.
What a terrible OC
Why is MLPG obsessing over it?
I am aware
I know, we should obsess over Caimon instead.
No, it's a quarter man, quarter bear, half wolf hybrid's drunken self portrait that might have had vodka spilled on it at some point
I'm pretty sure I know who it was and if I'm right he didn't read it because he claimed that only Aspirant and some other writefag whos name I forgot can write Celestia in character
And with 'matters' I meant that the poll actually has any influence
Vladimir Putin
I have no pone and I must boop
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That hurts, man.
because it has a prehensile clitoris and shares MLPG's interest in raping, killing, and eating everything.


every. thing.
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yes please

It's a monster thing. I forget if it's even from a tabletop system, but there was a popular troll on /tg/ who only posted Sergal pictures while arguing semantics with the rest of the board in pseudo antiquated format.

>My good sir,
And all that.

That's funny, because when I wrote any kind of Celestia during any other tidbit I wrote he didn't like that either. Then again, I think that might've been two separate anons since the one had already expressed disappointment in my characterization, but the other rigged the poll anyway.

Doesn't matter in the end, I was just curious about any closure to that anon's wishes.
It's just the shitposters newest flavor of the month.
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Into the trash it goes!
When I was a little filly, a galloping blaze overtook my city. They shipped me off to the orphanage, said ditch those roots if you want to fit in.
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russian jazz pinkie brew > pinkie's brew > other FiW songs

Did you read the Quest though?
Pinkie's Brew > It'll be OK > Gypsy Bard > Sweetie's Race > Sees Bad > all
The Gypsy Pinkie's Brew and It'll Be Okay are tied for me.
Sergals are repellent
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>not sharing your pizza with pony
Patrician Tier:
Caimon, Gillou

High Tier:
Agua, Paula, Dewbon

Mid Tier:
Elinda, Veronica, Gumberry

Plebeian Tier:
Princess Bitch, Wosyet, Gnathodelli, Meara
Merzbow > Kidz Bop > FiW songs
the word your looking for is "repulsive"
>gg shit art
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11 KB
Fuck off.
No it isn't.
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I saw the ending but missed some of the in between bits. Need to go back and read it all.

It was good, even without seeing all the lead up. Good work. Everyone seemed very pleased with the ending as well.

I hope your writing for the VN is going well, also.
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This is my list
It was made for me
So when you get Caimon in bed does she wrap her arms around you and roll around?

Or is that HOW she gets you in to bed?
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i don't know, they're kind of cute.

Shame they'll never be as adorable as everything in equestria. They can go fuck off and live in their swamp or whatever.
Oh, I'm not SmutAnon, sorry.
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Woyset would be fun to mess with. She's very emotional for a golem.
No, she clamps her jaws down on your arm and rolls around, twisting the limb, breaking the bone, and tearing the flesh off, dragging you underwater until a combination of drowning and blood loss leads to unconsciousness, whereupon she devours what's left of you.
unrelated question: do you know a good way to get vomit out of a laptop keyboard?

>Monster girls I like tier:
Caimon, Princess Bitch

>Monster girls that are okay tier:
Gnathodelli, Agua, Gillou, Dewbon

>Meh tier:
Veronica, Gumberry, Wosyet, Meara

>Who? tier:

>Eileen tier:

Caimon and Gillou are entry-tier monsterwaifus

Well, whatever. What I saw of it was good.
gorefag pls fuck off, fluffy pony threads miss you
Lighter fluid gallons of it
why not just 250 mL of it?
>not liking Princess bitch
Finally a list I can agree with
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knock knock
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>Satyr over Human
Opinion invalidated
I can agree with this. Except for appablewm being that low.

Why just AppleBloom is heretical CMC?

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>just helped make and frost 300 cupcakes for a wedding
>it wasnt fun at all it was torture

who's there?
Elinda's the preying mantis girl in a one-piece swimsuit.
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>Sweetie Belle after trying to get her cutie mark as a plumber.jpg
Ponka poe
You just ha a shiba inu say silly things with bad grammar in comic sans.
She wasn't there to make it fun, anon. That's not her fault.

I think.
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whoever you are

I will wrek you
you just went full Pinkamena Diane
GG's art is sexycute.
That's some high tier heresy anon
>Liking Princess Bitch
Get a load of this guy.mkv


She'd go in okay tier.
ea pls
thats not how dicks work
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that picture is suspiciously anthroy. i need to see the full before i rage.
where does MLPG keep their emergency boner suppression kit?
I think you should just jack off.
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Save the inquisition for tomorrow, I'm kinda tired.

You'd be right
>listening to Pinkie
Okay, now tell me why?
>emergency boner suppression kit

Haha! Hahahahaha!
Over by ross.
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>feeling of being appalled
Fuck off Mandark
Pinkie Poo
you finally have pony

but pony can only laugh like mandark

what do
That wasn't even the right pattern for Mandark's laugh, you fool.
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laugh my ass off
get my vocal cords surgically removed
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Have a free sample
If this is your means of introduction to the Bubble Berry Quest, that's okay but please finish Ponko first
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What if monstermare
Yeah I misread and thought he had three ha's in the first part.
Hatch plan with pone.

Mandark laugh with pone when its finished.

The plan was to get ice cream
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I hope he draws more Trixie like this.
But with bigger tits. What's the point of that amazing cock if she doesn't have a rack to complement it?
what, is she a sumo wrestler?
Fluttershy laughing like Mandark would be great, even if it would make it hard to tell what's forced
That's not coffee, that's INK, man.
That's a pretty old picture and I'm not Braeburned.
We'll need more evidence for your hypothesis.
Would you uproot Maredragora?
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My good sir, you are an enormous furfag.
Alright, sorry. He's leading up to some Bubble Berry Quest and all.

Would her voice get more robust, or would it be her quiet squeaky laugh in Mandark's pattern?

I think the latter would be adorable.
I'd rather have monster mares than monster girls
An episode where Pinkie and Fluttershy decide to hatch up an evil plan and both laugh like Mandark would be great.
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Rei seems to be torn between DFC or bountiful bubbly breasts.
Maybe rubbing them together would help him make up his mind?
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what if
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>not for sexual.png
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brae is great, he even did a futa edit
Some of those transfer well into pony form but....eeeeh. I dunno.

Half the things from that book want to eat your soul through your dick anyway. Or just eat you.
Do you have that picture of pone Caimon around? I forgot to save it.
What a fucking goon.
She'd keep her voice.
>"Hahaha. Haha! Ha-um. I mean, that was pretty funny."
cyclopean pone?
I'm sure the image got you excited, but you should really take the time to read
He's just doing an edit of an image or two from Pinkie quest.

1,3,5, and 9
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This one?
What if instead of taking care of animals fluttershy took care of monster mares?
aw yeah, what a cutie
>vagina isn't leaking too
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I freely admit to crossing the street without looking both ways. I deserved this bus.

Here, have a hoodie.
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My good sir, I beg of you, do go fuck yourself. If anyone is going to post shitty rumble pictures and talk like a snob, it's going to be me.
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Sorry kid, but when it comes to dickgirls, they gotta have a nice set of tits too.
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She could probably pull it off, she's taken care of harder
tell him to fix it then, his site's right there on the pic
i would like some leakage too
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She would be very busy
you kind of have to draw sergals for that to work
Derpy just looks so confused. It's kinda cute.
>Hey Fluttershy, I dropped something in my box, mind getting it out for me
Pony just put you in the friendzone.
She'd end up more a harem manager than a real caretaker.

Though I suppose keeping the succubi from draining the souls from ponyville denizens would be the most important bit. Probably.

I would run and/or go on an adventure quest involving some of these monsterpones. Either as encounters or companions.
what is caimon's special talent
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We also have the dragon version
>harem manager
>implying she would not be the one the monster mares turn their lust to
there are some nice flatchested futas too
>inb4 yea they're called guys!!!
Is that anything like the dangerzone?
>what is caimon's special talent
Cajun cooking maybe
>Caimon's Cousin from out west
>>inb4 yea they're called guys!!!
no, those are traps
> Caimon watches Lilo and Stitch
> Decides the flaming fuel truck thing looked awesome, this is a ticket to YouTube fame for sure!
> It does, but --
> Well, video counts don't pay for burn ward care
Yes, but she's only one pony. She'd have to get help dealing with all those desires from someone. Or a group of someones.

Especially if she likes not being a zombie.
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I say.
you just had to be smart
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There are more to pick from
did you draw these?
it would be like that scene from Lady and the Tramp
I figured, but I meant more the concept is appealing than picking from those specific ones already listed. Could be fun.

Did they ever finish this thing? I know the artist was trying to get them all colored and put in a compendium of sorts. Was it ever finished?
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I just found them from the internet
Last one
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I've just realised that I'm going to die in this thread
They kind of look like they were drawn by Lemon and Jalm's lovechild
looks like
Yeah I finally just recognized it as you posted
He's dead isn't he
seems that way
>legs spread
you should ever be so lucky
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>tfw your waifu defends you
no. I'm staying in this cottage with your forever, and nobody can stop me. By the way, i sent Angel bunny out on a long trip.
>Fuck bee monstermare
>Her stinger keeps slapping your ass with every thrust

You're right, Fluttershy. I've had too much pone this morning.
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Fluttershy doesn't understand why she has to wear this all the time for you.
NOW I can unf to this.
>people still enjoy the fandom
i told you not to ask questions. Looks like i'll have to spank you again. Go find the paddle. The big one.
If i didn't enjoy MLPG I wouldn't be here right now
>>the fandom
I wish to rub my peen on something soft and warm.
Preferably part of another person with similar desires.
>she begs you to pollinate her and make her bear your swarmlings
I'm mostly here because I already have been so long and might as well see how it ends.

Daily Dose
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I -- I think I finished it.
you rubbed your peen on ross and got stuck in his rolls of fat
I don't even really like MLP in general anymore I just come here because I did for such a long time.
Hard to get rid of habits
ross isn't fat
I don't wanna marry a horse!
>not finishing the angry Latin chanting one
Goat pls

Also why don't you wear your name?
Man, that looks really great!
I'm worrying about you Goat, you know that you can only have one waifu, right?
She looks like she has a lazy eye.
Shouldn't she be gazing at the 4th wall?
When you get to the point where you marry the hiatus thread it's time to stop, isn't it
>tfw not many radio commercials in GTA 5
Yeah it's really changed in hiatus
I want to boop the bride
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> no AAx16
No please it's perfect. I have to start saving for a ring in the real world, I think
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>not marrying Gloomy
what are you, stupid?
Looks good! For some reason I don't remember her having lines through her tail/lower hair like that, but my picture folder's a bit messed up so I can't check at the moment.
It still goes through good and bad bouts, if not bad more often lately
It comes down to how much you can ignore I think

get a thread first you two
Having sex with one I understand, but why would you want to be hitched to one?
The smile is a bit weak for having tears of joy
> "Come to beb, sweetie ..."
Pony wants you to know that everything is going to be okay.
Artistic freedom I guess.
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Gloomy is a big mare though
She doesn't need anyone to take care of her
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Reminder that WayForward wants to make a real pony game.
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Derpy does seem awfully excited about that letter she has...
Who do you think it's from? What do you think it says?
Pony can go fuck itself.

he said it was to make it prettier

like you'd do at a wedding
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No it won't.
I don't think marriage is supposed to be about needing someone to take care of you, Anon...
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But I love you Fluttershy! I didn't know that vitamin supplement I put in Angel's food was rat poison!
>Marry gloomy
>think she's chill
>The next day she's wakes you up in a stained sharkraptorwolfbearrussian fursuit
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How much do you think that horse eats in a day?
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>Gloomy is a big mare though
For you
What happens when the hiatus is over?

a mare after my own heart...
ok i recognize the guy in the image but i can't place him....
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That can be arranged, Anon.
Also, I dunno. I just don't feel like it right now.

>implying I'd ever cheat on my waifu
I thought we knew each other better, man.

She doesn't normally have those, but I wanted to make her mane and tail a bit fancier.
that's terrible but I laughed
I hope divorce is legal in Equestria
You can put her into your pocket and take her anywhere
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Getting caught was part of my plan
boku no littlefinger
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i would marry hiatuspone
We'll have to wait and see.
But her Aspect is ded horse, so any time late at night, she will find her succor.
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of course!!!
>breakfast is consumed by her rambling about rediv's vagina
>she does all the household chores while screaming about monstergirls
>takes a nap for lunch
>pesters anon about a fursona he doesn't have while making dinner
>serenades anon with tubby wubby pony waifu before bed
>fucks him with her futa marecock
>sits still as a statue, eyes wide for the next few hours, interrupted by proclamations of dedness and pony preferences
>cycle repeats
I want to marry or take in Marker Pony when the show is over.
>keeps a pet sergal and feeds it shitposts
>>serenades anon with tubby wubby pony waifu before bed
>>fucks him with her futa marecock
And that's why you stay with her
Gloomy falls into a deathlike trance when the show starts

The entire marker family turns to ash when the ride ends.
>>sits still as a statue, eyes wide for the next few hours, interrupted by proclamations of dedness and pony preferences
my sides
>you have to be careful with that stinger when you're rutting her from behind to keep yourself from getting poked
>you learned that the hard way - last time you got stung you were out cold for hours
>fortunately she took good care of you the whole time
>...after finishing what the two of you had started, of course
>she assures you she won't try that again - the sex is a lot less fun when you're not moving
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Would you put on puppet shows for her that are "new episodes" to cheer her up?
The eyes are still wonky.
marker pony move out of the house and on with her life
I will do one better. I will DRAW her a comic series!
>to be honest, you think you're starting to prefer the pet to your wife
>but you're getting tired of scooping concentrated shitposting up in the backyard
>the time you stepped in BCS was just awful
Let's not even begin to pretend Marker pone is any better

>that and the sergal has a nasty habit of trying to eat the mailmare
>or you
>wake up and find the sergal dead
>PURGE THE HERESY is written on the walls in blood
>looks like gloomy is on a 40K kick again
Let's not marry MLPG

It's a silly horse
>"Embrace your hunger, your lust, your desire. The universe is ours for the taking!"
>Gloomy please
>leaving blood, or a body
bro do you even purge? fire or bust

>come back from work to find a shipment of stolen contributor panties sitting there
>marker is trying on 8 pairs at once
You're right, but people here think they have a shoot in marrying their waifu. Can you believe that?
you can marry a threadpone, but she drops dead every few hours and a new pone pops into existence right next to her corpse
>you'll never consummate your marriage with Gloomy, seeing her laying in bed with her gown stripped away save for the garters, her tail covering up her naughty bits and her eyes gazing at you half-lidded as she bites her lower lip and flutters her eyelashes at you
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Fluttershy is attempting to draw you
*grabs dick*
>mid coitus she shouts "GREATER THAN RAPE"
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Remember when this scene happened? Were you surprised to see it like I was?
I really wasnt expected the show to go all out showing a character bawling in tears, usually they have the character just run off without a word or just shrug it off.
By new pony do you mean she's identical to marker or gloomy?
Does she retain all the same memories? Did it hurt?
It'll be just stick figures. I know her too well.
I remember that episode hitting me pretty hard

RD was amazing, and so was Fluttershy
Yeah, and it hit me pretty hard
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>anon I can't see what you're holding from all the way over here
Great scene. Hoping to see more like that in S4.
That episode was so damn good.
I should probably apologize, huh.
That'd be effective but you could break it down a little. You've got several STATES of being for her clothing, her, her eyes and one action - a lipbite and an eye-flutter - all running in train. For that matter, "you'll never" ruins any suspension of disbelief. If you want to make it hurt just leave that part out. Longing does the job for you.

"Consummating your marriage" gives the game away at that - at this point you're just getting drawn into your marriage bed for the first time with someone who's so comfortably familiar but brand-new - your wife, your lover, your Booperkins.

"Covering up" is also a little cold or impersonal when it could be "draping."
>this happens mid coitus
>suddenly she's standing next to you egging you on
>Does she retain all the same memories?
Thank god for the archive
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Dash was great in S2

and S1
and S3
The FUCK scene was this?
>she whispers one word into your ear
hurricane fluttershy

god damnit that is adorable
Its a nice scene but the mood of it is completely different compare to the other episodes.

At least its not a fucking shitty episode like Putting your Hooves Down where they force the emotional crap on that pony just because.
that was terrible
never say that again
>jalapeno cockring
A rapidly-rotating storm system characterised by a low-pressure centre, strong winds, and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms that produce heavy rain named after Fluttershy
Shut up Rarity. We all don't have precision magic like you do.
What part of PYHD felt forced to you?
It wasn't my favorite episode but i didn't think it was bad.
As pet names go that's probably better than "your Play-Doh-maned fucksleeve."
I'd like to see your take on the scenario
not in a "let's see you do better" way, I just think you'd do a better job of it than I did
but boops are Marker's thing

I like playdoh maned fucksleeve better, actually
This is why I never discuss the show with Twilight
>let make everyone a bitch to Fluttershy!
The whole fucking town for the first half the episode. Iron Will and Fluttershy deserve a better episode than that crap.

But then again, this is Merriweather we are talking about and she sure love to write anger in all her episodes.
except for episodes written by merriwether
Was that some kind of coop thing? Because the line art looks like the artist kinda knew what he was doing while the coloring is shit
even mmdw did good for dash in the long run
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What if S4 has backstory building?
Merriweather is a not a bad writer, she's made some damn good episodes on other shows, her style just doesnt mesh with THIS show.
Either that or she just phones it in, so to speak.
I thought that everyone treating Fluttershy like a doormat was kind of the point for the first half of the episode. They had to show that she needed Iron Will's help and only so much time to do it in, and since they were just random townsfolk it didn't feel out of character or anything.
Dealing with threadhorse's cycling fetishes would be tiring
>Put this collar on me and call me slut
>now lick my hooves
>this sucks, I'm going to swallow you now
the nightmare moon scene practically guarantees this
Do you think pony would like it if I added jalapeno to the chili con carne?
Because it got Dash some pity points because it was so awful?
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Thats what I always maintained. It did make her less of a braggart afterwards. But for her to learn that she has to become one more than usual. And what was a better way for that to happen than getting her relentlessly hero worshiped and inflating her ego.
>not "this sucks, I want you to swallow me now"
for shame anon


>she briefly, ever so briefly gets philophilia, but forgets what to do with it.
Dammit dammit dammit
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I just hope that there are some Dash episodes in S4 that don't revolve around how awesome she thinks she is or the Wonderbolts.
engineer please
WA was qq
Oh man I wish I was Fluttershy there.
Sleepless was not particularly about either of those
>curled up in her stomach
>"Ok, now you swallow me!"
I know and it was wonderful. my favorite of S3.
Scootaloo is the worst
She'll be an awesome alicorn Wonderbolt princess.
But many of her episodes are not about that
>Merriweather is a not a bad writer, she's made some damn good episodes on other shows
This is a retarded excuse to defend Merriweather. Every episode she made in this serie somehow screw up, one way or another. Just because she made a good Spongebob Episode does not mean shit in the long run or for other shows.

I see it otherwise. They were all bitches to Fluttershy, and when they force the anger crap to Fluttershy, she was a bitch to everyone else.

And then there is the part where Pinkie and Rarity act that way to Fluttershy in the beginning and constantly consider Iron Will a monster. Its a load of bull crap and definitely stray the overall feel of the series.
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But she is a Wonderbolt now!
come on, it was just a mini sentry
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>oh yeah, I guess you'll have to take the long way out
brokenenglishanon pls, nothing in the episode was out of character.
MLPG i got to brush a horses mane today.
That's it!
I am
Totally awesome
heh heh
Was it a cartoon pony?
No, she isn't.
Did you grab it's ass?
me too. i also scratched it's chin.
and it unsheathed, despite being gelded.
Most of her episodes arent about that.
as long as its clean
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I said horse, but most of them were blonde maned and had orangeish coats.
I brushed its ass, petted its face, and one of them licked me in the face.
>Disagreeing with an opinion
>call him a shitposter
I guess this is the reason why no one talks about the show in this thread.

There is a different between "joining an academy" and being in the team itself. Your hero is not a wonderbolt, yet.
You suck, orange alien
Technically, we don't know if she actually left or not.
Pinkie and Rarity are nothing but friendly to Fluttershy the whole time, they just were trying to help her in the beginning to not be such a wuss. You can't really compare them to everyone else since they never had malicious intent.
The monster thing I could take or leave since it felt kind of tangential to the point, and the episode could be summed up as another Fluttershy Learns to be Assertive. But I didn't think it was terrible, the plot still flowed nice and had multiple enjoyable parts.
>I brushed its ass, petted its face, and one of them licked me in the face.
Way to make me jelly

I thought about taking riding lessons once I finish my studies and have a job, I already had a few back when I was young and its a lot of fun
That part of the song always makes me smile.
Evo pls go
Did they smell like shit?
Rose pls
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Whatever! What would you know? She probably is.
Generally no, but i mean it did when one of them pooped.
I'm not Rose
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Maybe, but I would like it if Dash kept off the Wonderbolt stuff for awhile. At least until the season finale where we see all the 6mane in their older years.
She was never a wonderbolt in the first place
Who called anybody a shitposter?
are you misquoting someone? nowhere in that post did he call him a shitposter.
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The original ending made it clearer, but Rainbow Dash isn't a Wonderbolt yet.

It's more like she went to Space Camp, but isn't an astronaut yet.
It's pretty fucking clear even with the canon ending
and the episodes that followed
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fart fart fart faaaaarrrt
Pinkie's and Rarity's action isn't really in their personality, either. It make it seem that they could easily be replace with some other ponies. Their intention weren't malicious, but they were no helpful, either.

I did not actually enjoy the episode simply because not only they force anger into everyone in the episode, but they force a lesson onto Fluttershy that isn't her strength or her harmony.
> You close the door and seal away the plate-clinking and high thin laughter of the party. Gloomy seems at home in the quiet and sudden darkness of the room, leaning heavily against your hip.
> She fills the stillness with a burbling giggle, "Some party, huh?"
> Blearily you crook your arm around her long neck, the silky mane wafting something in 'hibiscus' against the Oxford. You croak, "Ain't no party like a MLPG-Club party."
> Her cheek finds the hallow of your collar bone. She's warm from the bubbly and the dancing; she has a sheen on. Sort of after a long healthy run.
> Her sudden kiss tastes distinctly more sharp and floral than after her 'constitutional', though. It lasts for maybe a second or two, but time's flowing in starts and stops since "I do."
> You break off, wrapping a bit tighter and stroke her long mane The veil's long gone but her dress still ties in a simple knot between her shoulders. With a short nuzzle against your ear Gloomy signals for "a little help."
> The knot comes loose and she groans audibly, mixing with the slow cool bristle of silk sliding down her coat. Her trotting form ambles in the darkness to the wide fourposter, pinks merging perfectly with the oak and linen whites in the half light. She strikes up on one foreleg, stretching her barrel over a side - one eye banking a smoulder. As you stare she purrs, "Come to ... beb, Anon."
what kind of reaction is that?
>Hoo-wee that's a good lookin medal
fluttershy pls
>leaning heavily against your hip.
two sentences in and I'm already die
I think that we attract things like tgchan dwellers because we are on the same level as them. The same plane.

After all, we want to fuck our own thread.
my sides are beb
>but they force a lesson onto Fluttershy that isn't her strength or her harmony.

Yeah I can see that being a cause for some one else to really not enjoy the episode. Even in the same season during RoH Fluttershy admitted that her friends knew she was weak and helpless and they accepted that.
i would have preferred seeing lightning dust with the wingpony pin
Everytime I seen someone disagreeing with someone else's opinion in the past couple of months, they kept calling that poster (or posters) brokenenglishanon or whatever crap you guys mention.
going to watch gravity falls and then pick up mlp back from S1 watching upto S4's start.

What am I in for/
O-oh gosh....
Everyone who does thing you don't like is one person, but it's always at least two guys stuck in a feedback loop

A lot of MLPG is probably two man feedback loops, and MLPG doesn't even know it
a mildly pleasant marathon of animation

fun, annoyance, back to fun, and then horses
Better be watching more than one episode a day; we've got less than 65 days until the new season starts!
63 days.
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>until what?
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My birthday, you should know this pinkie
Just watch the first two twoparters in one go and you'll be golden.
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Until you die!
That episode is still one of my all time favorites from across any animated series.
The lesson that she learns is that she can take steps to improve herself without throwing away who she is in the process. It's fine for her to recognize that she's "weak and helpless" and be fine with it normally, but when it interfered with what she wanted to do, she wanted to step up her game a little bit and ended up diving in the deep end.

It's not unprecedented, since she'd done something similar without actually resolving it in Best Night Ever.
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>I bet I know what you want
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a slow but sure realization that you are wasting your time

>tfw not rewatching pony so you don't actually think about the episodes and realize that they're shit
>tfw living in ignorant pony bliss

pony is like a rollercoaster. you don't want to go again because you'll be bored as hell.
Wait, since when was Deaf into sucking cock?
it's just because of poor grammar
everyone who messes up english is brokenenglishanon
this includes chistery
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Would anyone be interested in watching me stram the newest episode of WoY?

Every time
But only 21 days until Pokemon.
But who even gives a shit about Pokémon anymore?
Which one is that? I've seen 1-3, if it's anything newer than that: Yes.
Since he was born.

It's just who he is.
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it ends
Fuck your pokeymans
Who cares?
go to /co/
How do you know you won't like your second time on pone?
How did you know I want a 50mm lens?
i still havn't watched that show
i haven't seen any of them though
>not pony

Yeaah no....
Time enjoyed is not time wasted
Which pony has got the biggest butt?
You guys are such downers.
I haven't played a game since I was 11 (23 now) and was looking forward to getting back into it.
Because the pictures of her rump you took before were kinda junk and you left yourself a note.

I forgot there was a new one
I'd watch it
I havn't played a game in the past 20 seconds, you don't see me bitching

a pony version of your mom
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i already ruined half of season one for myself
Oh my
I still maintain that Pinkie is top of that list since she eats so much junk due to working in a bakery and running parties. She works some of it off, but not all of it.

I feel Rarity is number two, Fluttershy three, AJ and Dash are similar due to their work, Fluttershy I'm unsure of placement but think she's at least better than Twilight, who is in last.

Opinions subject to change when evidence is presented.
that feel when avoiding rewatching the episodes like a former meth addict avoids meth
i rewatched five episodes yesterday

it was still fun
I imagine Twi's would be plump from sitting on it studying all day.

i'm just angry right now, and if i watch pone, i know i'll take out my anger on the show
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Shh anon pony is trying to read
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Did someone say pony?
i'll be back in a yiffy
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she's a very cute pony but not very bright
Is your ass plump because you sit infront a computer all fucking day?No, it's huge because you eat three pizzas a day, you pig
Studying, not eating
> The cufflinks, the cumberbund, the shirt ties all seem to fly away - though you need a mirror to untangle this ridiculous four-in-hand. You can swear you can smell her perfume drifting toward the bed, drawing you in even as the final snap on your shirt is popped clean away. Damn the tailor, this was your wedding night.
> You turn, pants still buckled but on their way to freedom and pause.
> The white linen gown and sleeves have spirited away - save one she's pulling away with her teeth, delicate and quick as a preening cat. Before your hands hit sweet cool sheets she's down to the garters and luxuriating, all fours running lazy circles on the silk. She glances down to your pants with a lazy grin but doesn't seem to be in any hurry to flare her magic to assist.
> Hunkered down at the knees, you drink it in. She's spread and waiting for you to fit belly to belly, but - this is all new somehow. The first time since taking the vows - and let's face it, how many times does she have on garters? The lacy heart-motif ones you just want to dance a finger under?
> The ones half a breath away, practically - you run a hand up one kicky leg and feel the snap, taking in the curve of her hock to her thigh like the first time. Gloomy sighs contentedly, one forehoof bending down to rub the other shoulder. It's been such a long day, you both need to be close.
> You oblige, falling into her quickly-wrapping forehooves as she giggles.
> The kissing is long and slow, her tail rustling at your chest, trailing up from down below. You're not quite sure but there's something a bit tacky against your stomach - You bend out and crane your neck down to see.

2/3, not going to go super-Turbo here.
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I'm skinny you presumptuous fuck.
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She isn't that dumb anon, its just by comparison she isnt that smart
Bet you're a twifag, too.
N-no thanks Dash I got it
Really after last time I think you should just stick to helping me with my uh
Well just sit there
i'm going to help rainbow dash with her depression after she realizes she can't do algebra
But she's a dumb cunt
imlplying total slavery
What, you want Twilight to help you with that?
Don't make me laugh.
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Pony wears clothes
Okay who would you rather get help from with your math homework

Applejack or Rainbow Dash?
Maybe he wants help from Cheerilee, anon.

Maybe he likes teachers.
>Implying Dash isnt really well read in mathmatics and aerodynamics
Its how she plans her routines.
Does anypony give a fuck?
and then anon, gloomy, the dead pet sergal, and the restraining order anon filed against gloomy all took part in a depressing montage set to the mountain goats
No no, Dash is more akin to those musicians who had no clue how to play or read music and just got good over time through practice
She has a feel for it, anon. She doesn't need math for that.
yaw pitch yaw!!
We're all humans here, except for that guy that likes rainbow dash. Someone with his number of chromosomes really isn't the same species anymore.
Just like pilots need to know advanced algebra to plan their flights.

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Pony must be liberated from its cloth oppressor
I dunno, I feel she just does what she wants in her routines. Whatever she thinks is awesome and will impress people. Mostly instinct by now, surely.
go on

> She's holding her dock close to her front, but clearly some strands are draping slick over her marehood -- and more. Even in the darkened room it looks though she'd not quite toweled after a shower. It all flicks, a strong musky whiff of ... Gloomy rising to your nose.
> "I've - been ready since the first toast," she whispers, drawing your attention again with her snout against your neck, trying to draw your chest back to her barrel. Even her back legs are working at your thighs.
> You pull the dock firmly, grinding it against her aching wetness, rocking it left-and-right against the notch you know is there. Pastor Ivy be damned, premarital sex has its advantages. Gloomy gasps, the rough part of her hoof dragging across a shoulder blade.
> "I've been ready since "I do'."
> The touching, the rocking, all of it punctuated with her clipped Equestrian accent - "I do." Does she want you 'there'? "I do." Does she want it harder? "I do."
> The rest of the night was sort of a blur, but
> You would always ask on an anniversary to renew your vows.
That's not how you spell "Twilight Sparkle".
Well that's actually not a very good argument since you do need to be able to pass a basic calc test to get a pilot's license. And that's just for a single prop plane so it probably gets harder for jets.
Just let me have this one little headcanon. She can be dumb as a rock in all other subjects, i just like to think that she is randomly really good at math
I'm pretty sure the people planning stunt flight routines need to know some math
S4 is going to be great, but how great will it be?
Maybe she's a savant for numbers but not formally.
Like she can do advanced calculations in her head as ideas not numbers and has never had formal training.
i like it too
But a pilot never needs to calculate a damn trajectory. Even when in winds. Experience beats uselessly drumming around with a calculator and pretending to know a damn about what the hell are you doing.
They know their plane's specs, but experience goes much farther than a few numbers.
>You would always ask on an anniversary to renew your vows.
12/10, would beat senseless.
>savant for numbers
>not numbers

Derp, you know what I mean

she would be one of those girls you meet in college
>derpy's motherly muff

That more of Twilight's place. You would find Dash in a race course or in academy like the wonder bolts.
* clipped Canterlot accent, FUCK
yea, she has number autism.
#4, right?
Yeah, let's go!
>anon and gloomy's bitter, inevitable divorce
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>That feeling

I know it well.
> bitter, inevitable
fluttershy does
i see Dash in college on a scholarship, struggling in most of her classes except math. Twilight would be a ghost, you'd never see her cause she'd always be studying
Well actually that depends on how simple of a plane you are flying. You do need to be able to calculate that stuff while in the air in order to be able to tell the tower how fast you're going and so they can correctly coordinate your landing with other aircraft. So depending on what kind of equipment you have you might have to do it yourself.

All that aside, all pilots still had to have at least done it before hand to get their license which would imply that Dash had done it before as well.
oh yeah well you have FACE autism!
Well I mean, it's just some dumb "Anon and Gloomy on their weddin'"
But man
Equestrians don't even have an accent, it's like Nebraska
You could say Canterlot has some "fancy" Mid-Atlantic register
this is quite unbelievable
work on your verisimilitude
i enjoyed watching the pilot with /co/ but i can't be damned to look up the episode myself. The only way i'm watching it is if someone posts a link
I could see Dash being a very good student if you could manage to make everything into a competition for her.
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Hey guys, I just wanted to say that I got an email saying the Pinkie and Twilight plushes from 4DE should ship out next week
but dash is a pony
Reply and ask them when they are going to release the Fluttershy model
It's not enough you're born with a vulva, now you gotta make fun of us for getting a plushy we can't have too. : (
>replying to automated e-mails
no i was being serious, i didn't mean internet "autism". Alot of autistic people are savants
The highlight of the previews so far is YOU'RE MORE FUN THAT THE COLOR PINK, so probably not much.
Well yeah, it was an analogy.
I do wonder if it's an effort of putting on airs rather than something truly developed, or perhaps something developed in current generations from older ones having put on airs their whole lives.

I digress.

I do wonder what other dialects one could find in the lands of Equestria.
No, a lot of savants are autistic people.
>not replying to every automated text and email with "ok"
I dunno, I really exploded that one Anon's greentext and sort of cheated at it. I should have just restructured the things they said to doll it up.

"Getting started" is about as far as I'll go, sorry mate.
Anon and gloomy in their fiftieth fight that month, the twentieth about tripfags, the fourty ninth to touch upon anon's taste in ponies

Most of it was gloomy screaming her head off while anon asked her to stop

She slapped the poor, broken man in the face with a pair of heavy stallion balls and stormed out of the kitchen while anon tried not to cry
It actually wasn't automated!
Well, I'll see, I want to know about Rarity too
>he did it again...
>What? we specifically posted "do not reply to this email"
>i don't know man, some people just don't get it
is there a fic for this?
>anon steps on sriracha pone's remains on his shambling way back to the bedroom so he can lay down and cry
>he's so devastated he doesn't even spice up the night
>hopes to god that gloomy didn't stain the last good pair of sheets with 250ml of marecum again
I don't think any serious company sends out non-automated e-mails for order status changes. Even if it seems like it was written by a person and doesn't state that it was automated, it's still more likely to be automated.
Last I heard it was just a collection of images based on story the artist kind of had in his head
so no
>>hopes to god that gloomy didn't stain the last good pair of sheets with 250ml of marecum again
I'm certain there's a very special sort of gentleman for her
Exactly the sort of person to put up with her shenanigans
What's going on

Is that pony anon and the only mare that would go out with him

I'm guessing it is by the hair on his neck
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>tfw no cmc plushies
what a horrible feel.
>to that
You are smalltime
My dream last night had a pony in it
it was a bat pony, I played with its ears

I'm pretty sure I can't top that
Maybe anon thought he was that gentleman, but found out otherwise after an extended period of time with a near schizophrenic MLPG literally living with him?
hope you are feeling better
I'm sorry anon
but I'd sexually Gloomy in a heartbeat
Maybe we're forgetting whether she's the reflection of all MLPG'ers or just the ded horse that puts up with us.
my last dream had my family in it

they started clawing their own throats out while i drank red coffee. then i was posting on MLPG and reading all the posts out loud in a raspy voice.

i usually have dreams about office buildings so that wasn't exactly pleasant
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She's both. It's kind of tragic, really.
shut up gilda
well I dreamed I was bros with GG and we got high together.
And then I was raped by all the anons in mlpg.

Beat that!
In my Dash headcanon, the novel she's writing isn't a thinly veiled, poorly written version of her wanting to be a Wonderbolt. It's a literary masterwork, a historical novel about one Wonderbolt from early in their history, that one mare who was always on time to the airshows and never had any scandals in the limelight. It's well researched, and historically verifiable. The main plotline is about her struggles, from foalhood disappointments, uncaring coworkers at her day job, and the abusive boyfriend she finally found the gumption to quit.

Twilight Sparkle reads it, and learns a lesson about assumptions.
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Total slave!
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please let me sleep
I'd sooner think she's the overseer of the dullest possible moments on the thread, though it really gets to her sometimes.

If anything Anon might have to suggest she enter counseling because she's on such a hair trigger about certain things, like "zebras" or "GG drones."

She misheard the Nightly News on aerial drones and just broke down crying, something about a 'refueling station.'
>theoden pone pone poner saddest theoden.jpg

And that's why you don't mlpg while drunk. I saved an image and I remember I was drunk but holy shit I don't remember calling it that.
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so a literal dont judge a book by its cover episode
Oh, uh
I made a pastebin
MLPG - deep set issues
Turns out she plagiarized the whole thing. Most of it is word for word copied from Sinclair's The Jungle and everything else is just lines of dialogue from various boxing movies like Rocky and Million Dollar Baby but with some of the words like "boxing" and "fight" changed to "flying" and "flight."
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>not expecting issues
>with 20/30 year olds watching a cartoon for little girls and discussing it for hours every day mfor months even after the show has ended for almost an year
something something gloomy marriage literally gloomy
This is correct. Many people with autism never find their cuti- er, never find a special talent that comes from a place of sheer instinctual knowledge of the subject at hand.

Case in point, it was only after getting a job at the print shop with my dad that I discovered I could monetize my talent for getting the right document to print correctly on the first try. I understand image formats and print dialog boxes.
is that xieril?
actually anon and gloomy had a long, happy, and prosperous marriage with occasional squabbles until the both of them died of old age

the end
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> She always comes home exhausted around 4am CST
> Most days she's just tired, but other times she's just keening on her last nerve
> Anon brings her some tea and biscuits and helps take her bags, offers a warm shower. On really bad days a lavender bubble bath.
> More than once she's just heaved a sigh, 'What would I do without my sunshine?"
Somethign something dicks as large as a soda can unf
>bdf is dead forever
then anon woke up and had to deal with gloomy's crippling depression for another 3 hours

then anon gave up and went back to sleep, right next to gloomy, who was too preoccupied with trying not to see fetish greentext emerge from the walls
>She beats him up every night he doesn't bring him her scented candles
If you really think so, but
That's a little too "The Notebook" for me
what's the notedbook.a
>whisper into her ear
>"needy, drippy winking marecunts"
How about this one: Applebloom meets some young donkey her age and starts going out with him, and AJ walks in on them kissing for the first time.
It's a tortured relationship that goes on for fucking ever
And then they twist the knife because it's so sad she can't remember them overcoming 'adversity' 'together'

It's like of "The House by the Lake" were written by even more boring people
Ponuts which need to be injected with your cream filling
oh man
that looks skkkhggfz.
Replace young donkey with mysterious goat and kissing with engaging in horrifying activities that applejack would rather not remember
All of them.
"anon, you said that same thing yesterday"
"but isn't it unf?"
"i don't care about the ponuts, i care about you"
"well I"
"whatever, i'm going to beb"
"we beb"
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What if anon x zebra twins?
... If she's not a racist, it'll be your typical "Apples can't into Applebloom having a budding sexuality"
> "What the hey"
> "Biiig Mkinteersh, git out here, she been' kissin' boys!"
And getting run out the barn
GG mode: they lay off when they realize this particular donkey is sterile and can't knock up their sister
Then the donkey gains Big Mac's and Applejack's respect because somehow that's the problem, not Big Mac and Applejack cutting him a break

There's a reason I don't do much in the Apples
Amateur marriage counselor cherno alpha trying to save anon and pone's dying relationship
> dying relationship
It seems like there's "rough but more or less stable" and "heh lel Anon has to deal with marrying MLPG's conduit"

Both branches are okay but kind of dumb
this "dying relationship" is ridiculous
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I'd cuddle her.
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Shes gr8
it doesn't help with people telling you what to do all the time. It's just distracting

distract with satyrs
Shitpost waiting for your mark
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Wake me up when we are pone again
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remind me to remind you to never try and imagine what marriage is like ever again you colossal dvoynoy pedik

no fuck that

it's pony time
We're always pony in clothes
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Quick post ponies that aren't the mane 6
in our hearts, we are always pone
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Why are Pinkie Pie and Rarity the only two with male satyrs?
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there are so many to choose from

and that is great
He's up here, being my fursona and shit.

*tips fedora*

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good design, but they fucked up the butt just for >m-muh fetish once again. 4/10
Pony wants to remind you that nothing ventured, nothing gained.
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That's one good background pony
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You are an evil person, anon
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>Sweetie Drops
spit that pony out right now
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the non mane 6 ponies are so scary animatronic and lifeless. Just like Scootaloo
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Junebug acted in a pretty adorable manner and had a cute voice

Its a crime she never showed up again
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I can't do that, I'm a sergio. I am Sergio Nanako of sergia. It's my instinct to eat ponies and take jobs from hardworking americans or something like that. You just don't understand my deep and emotive struggle against fake humanity.
pony just ingested two pounds of hallucinogens
pony is going to die

what are your last words to pony
total slave for donkey dicks
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she's naked under that blanket
I'll get the stomach pump
she is naked outside the blanket
besides her panties
I cover myself in glitter and glowsticks. Try to hug pony the rest of the night while speaking backwards.
Time to shove my fist into ponies throat and make her vomit.
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She is always naked anon

One of many reasons she is best pony
That pony needs some clothes.

Needs more art
except when she isn't

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Nonsense! Rose is pure and free from her cloth oppressors

Daisy is the one that would be into that sort of that thing
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Another reason she's best pony is that she will never be FlyingSaucer's.
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Not MMC or Donut Steel
Why don't you draw her some
Is that your way of saying that you want a drawing of Rose with clothes?