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Important news post that covers moderation, board culture, and shitposting, as well as a handful of notable changes.

I think this is the second longest news post ever, so it's probably worth reading if you're an active user (and if you want to be put to sleep by my writing).

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My pony went surfing and now there's something wrong with her
have you been taking good care of your pony?

Mistreated horse: >>13657590
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What are you doing, man? You're too early. You're supposed to wait!
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>going slow
pls no

Hey thanks l really like tgis picture and even though it's a little rough aroung the edges from a young artist it still clearly captures the love between my favorite characters and is definitely going in the 'favorite' folder
What the fuck is that little shit
I have no idea
I think it's supposed to be a lovechild between Spike, Discord and Twilight but I really can't tell
I wish Anonymous loved me
That actually is a pretty decent attempt. Aside from the mouths and the weird whatever on the left there isn't much wrong with it.
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I wonder how old that thing is
>Rainbow Dash in coat, tie, and pencil skirt

Can't argue with that, boner
What if I do?
why so dead
Pony rejected most anons so they committed suicide.
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all the ponies are asleep
East coast is just waking up.

'sup, britfags and morningfags?
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>fluer is suddenly a normal sized pony
I bet he wouldn't even know what kind of guitar that is
The original is much better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX4ul5KW-H8
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My pony lives in a hole in the ground behind a yard-thick steel door.
...I need to get her out of there.
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the joke is still the same
and its so stupid but really funny in a simple way
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>through the noose
>right down batpony's throat
Do any of them even have a voice
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Sure, but you wouldn't understand.
Hahaha perfect.
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Their voices fall outside the normal human hearing range, so you wouldn't hear anything but high-pitch squeaking.
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Yes, yes, yes, professor. We all know that pony should pony pony, but what captains of science and industry would we be if we never dared to dream?

What men of this enlightened age could we be if we didn't ask ourselves, "What if? What if pony DIDN'T pony pony? What if pony ponied gryphon? What if pony ponied mule, or chicken, or pig?"
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How do ponies pull their tales through their panties?
In the show you little fuckers
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I don't know what this means or whether or not I should like it.
With magic.
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this one does
Should have made the magic effect transparent, confused me for a second before I got it
>the guards have to close their eyes
For a second there, I thought something had been chewing on Celestia's hoof.
Shit, I need to sleep.
>no wings
>Edge for, not sure how long exactly
>Everything hurts, my arm keeps twitching
Who ever thought this was a good idea
The cake is really confusing because it blends so well with the curtains.
Should have made the magic aura transparent and around the whole cake to make it more obvious
>right pec visibly bigger than the left one due to constant edging
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My dear boy, you forget yourself! Pony has ponied pony since the beginning of time! It is verifiable fact!

Your vague assertions may entertain the boorish fellows down at Piccadilly Square, but we would be remiss to lend credence to "ponies ponying gryphon" nonsense. It's absurd!
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you asked and I answered
everything else is fanon
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Luna sure likes bat themed costumes
>those horrible voices
No thanks
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We need to use this image more often
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Well, she IS the Princess of the night and bats, owls and the moon are probably the best symbols for it.
I wonder if Luna has an owl. Celestia has a pet, wouldn't be too far off that Luna has one, too.
Aw man, I know I've heard that music in something else recently, but it's royalty free stuff so I've got no way of finding out what without relying on my useless memory. This is going to be annoying me for the rest of the night.
Her pet is her bat cowl.
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Twilight already has an owl, I would think Luna would have something a bit more exotic, maybe something from mythology, considering Celestia has Phoenix

Or maybe she channeled her autism and has a pet moon rock
I want to snort pony off a pony's ass
I really can't come up with any night-related mythological creature that would be suitable as a pet.

Yeah I am wracking my brain on that one as well
I want to huff dank ponynuts
luna has batpony minions.
Luna likes spiders.

Batponies that defy their cultures norms become cursed by luna and turned into Baiders

(batpony/spider centaur type creatures like Driders)
What should I eat today
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There's a fucking ghost in this image. Look closely.
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...Should I want this?
a case of beer and a bottle of liquor
no solid foods
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Only prunes
And coffee
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I think I lost all my sides
>Not embedding the Walk Theme

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drow pls go
>spider rape
What the fuck
That fuck was terrible
Spider and Moth ponies are coming.
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I don't think I've ever sighed this hard in my life
>that fucking random dubstep
Why is this considered standard now? These people used to be ostracized just a few years ago. Reminds me of this
(warning; you may lose your sides)
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>they're selling Count Chocula, Boo Berry, and Franken Berry cereal at the store now
It's officially Spooky Time, now


We need some spooky pone
>>turned into Baiders
>turned into Baiter
Don't know how well it suits and has probably already been kinda covered a little by the moon creatures in the comics (Hey, how about one of those?), but a bit of googling brings up this.
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No Fruit Brute or Yummy Mummy?
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GG I like you. But doing art of your monster characters and just inserting a pony character should not count as "ITS PONY RELATED"
>[cringes internally]
what's the deal with russians and shit taste in music
>that obviously traced silhouette for Luna
Do they really think it isn't obvious when there's suddenly such a jump in quality?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Melee Magthere, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the surface, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in the art of levitation and darkness globes and I’m the top blind fighter in the entire Underdark. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Plane, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Menzoberranzan and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to every known weapon used by my society and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
at least he's posting something with ponies in it

But we're already discussing her right now.
Russia make good music sometimes too
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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it was better than anything I could do, at this point.
The Chrysalis thing was fucking stupid though.
Walking scene, not bad..
Weird master pony thing...What? I don't know.
Other than signs of amateur animation, not bad.
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nah fuck you.
>Weird master pony thing...What? I don't know.
Pretty sure that was Fausticorn
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>minecraft server updates to 1.6.4
>still using nodus 1.6.2
>nodus 1.6.4 will be updated in two months from now

And that's why I don't play minecraft. Also pon.
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>no breast edit
K, well that doesn't help his case.
That ruins the whole premise...now
wat? even more.
>liking a dirty cheap slut that steals from little kids

Fucking disgusting
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Dont you just want to hug it
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Celestia stronk, fellow anon.
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Clearly there is only one option


this guy gets it
So wait, now it's supposed to be some abstract thing?
That's overestimating your abilities.
Though, it was probably founded heavily by imagination so...good on him for making something. I guess.

MT draws cute pon.
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As you wish
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that was beautiful.
Thank you based Norwegian Lonely Island.
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>you will never punch lauren faust in the face
>over and over
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Look at this pedophile
What if pone actually had high-speed regeneration
What if pone had a healing factor
They have spells for that. It's just that only fancy expensive doctors from Canterlot know them.
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So I really want Bon Bon but the figure doesn't come up anywhere other than online shops
Are they only in toys r us stores?
>So I really want Bon Bon
She doesn't seem to want you, though. Maybe you should leave her alone.
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Nigger I want the figure
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I assume you are talking about the Vinyl figure? If so Hot Topic

The Lyra one is like eternally out of stock though so if Bon Bon is anything like her you may have to wait awhile
>every fucking server runs on another version
I know why I really hate it when there aren't any officialservers
That's even creepier
Bon Bon is taking you to court.
>those long, slender legs
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>Lyra is eternally out of stock
I just got Lyra the other day
There were 3 in the shop

Bon Bon is supposed to be a toys r us exclusive but I can't find a confirmation on that
It's mostly because nodus is a hacked client and people need to work it out again and again and again. It's frustrating,really.
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Nice to know you like shit.
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hey there
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I WANT YOU TO ...how did that go? ejaculate in my mouth?
rape my mouth? Man it's been a while.
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>implying this isnt the peak of pony PMV

Spitfire is the Toys R Us exclusive

unless there are two
how much would it cost to commission a pmv by that artist to this song?
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Supposedly it's Bon Bon and Spitfire.
I saw an article about Celestia also being an exclusive there, but there wasn't a source to go with it. I guess I'll dive deep into pink when I got to the only store in like 100 miles
What if you grew up with your waifu?
I don't even know why that makes me laugh so much
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Well Spitfire is the only one of the two listed on the Toys R Us site

Maybe bons just isn't released yet?
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Maybe. I don't want to make that drive just to find out that I can only get Spitfire.
The thing is, you can order them online, but they are like 30 bucks a pop.
I would be a much better person.
Also a lot happier.
Well, at least till that point where I asked her out and she rejected me and I took the rope.
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>Well, at least till that point where I asked her out and she rejected me and I took the rope.
She would never do that to you.

Jesus fuck go away.
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Well some detective work (IE reading the reviews of people who bought them from third party sellers off amazon and complained about the price) Would seem to indicate that they are in fact being stocked and sold in Toys R Us
>not caring
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>not posting the more complete version

Oh wow, that track is hilarious.
She probably would.
No, I don't.

I'm pretty fucking sure that the people that care about that "game" already know about it.

So just shut the fuck up.
this ylvis guy is fun.
lol umad bro?:D
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It might be too early for them but my friend called a store that wasn't near me and they said they didnt know what the fuck he was talking about.
It's on the fence here.
You know thing is that the song starts pretty okayish and then just goes fuck this shit
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Sounds like its going to be a store by store thing then. Good luck with yours
It's a good thing I have 1000 bits
What does that buy me
I would panic but attempt to maintain a coherent conversation
100 kisses
But that pony isn't cute
a kiss on her marecock
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I'll make sure to show her off with muh lyra
Maybe make some sort of funny with them, I dunno
Yes, yes you are.
lel nice comeback faggot
Yes, yes you are.
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yes, yes you are.
>Didn't capitalize the first 'y'.
Soiled it.
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>No uppercase Y
yes, yes you are.
>playing cookie clicker
What does that have to do with anything?
crappie dicker is not a game.
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That's nice, are you done being lol randumb now?
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Because my dick needs some rest. Seriously Celestia, this was round nine, give me some rest.
>tfw you have a good idea for once and it even gets drawn
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>not being able to do it 15 times in a single night
you disappoint your princess.
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Because you're not real.
what a punchable pony
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where is the marker anyways
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The porn writes itself...
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Good artist.
It won't be fun if it doesn't have my favorite fillies.
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Watching. Always.
>tfw disappointing your waifu
Maybe if she gives me 5 minutes rest...
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Always booping
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>booping herself
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she finally found someone she likes doing it with and now she needs to alleviate those thousand or so years of frustration, yet you're letting your body stop you from continuing. She likes you anon, don't blow it.
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You're 220 posts late, Issac.
I'm going to marry Bon Bon!
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But i've already done that
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Fuck you nigga pony boops hardcore
The masses want more Futashy. Somebody pitch me an idea.
Oh, okay... I'll just keep going then till my heart surrenders and hope her magic can fix it
I hope I can be best mare!
Bonbon said no.

That was sweetie drops.
I asked Bon Bon and she accepted!
I thought you only did humanized shit

I can tell them apart. It was Bon Bon i married.
embarassed futashy and size-queen gilda
Prehensile genitalia
Yes, and?
>spike with wings and magic
Gilda solo witha huge dildo.
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>playing GTA 5
>the strip club is called Vanilla Unicorn
Futashy with a vagina and no penis
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It did my spychecking
She didn't catch fire.
File deleted.
Spike is rather confused also.
Would you have consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation with rarity?
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actually anon, changelings are fireproof.

but ponies aren't.
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I'm a dummy, here's full rez.
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But that's wrong.
Changelings are flammable.
Wives aren't.

enjoy having a wife that doesn't really love you
No, you sick fuck.
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That's you
because I married the real bonbon
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>tfw ruler
>tfw cant ever let your guard down
it's fake
but the guard lets you down all the time
This sounds really fun, especially if regardless of how big Futashy is, she's not big enough for Gilda.
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She could around me.
I'm not really one of her subjects anyway so she isn't my ruler and doesn't have to act like one.
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>not letting her rule you
Other than the lips it's not that bad, but
For some reason this feels like a trace they modified-

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>Bon Bon waifu battle

And to think I can remember a time where Bon Bon had a grant total 1 anon obsessing over her
>it's not that bad

are you fokin kiddin me m8o
How sure are you that she's the real Bon Bon?
How strong is her scat fetish?
> ... WAIT
You magnificent bastard
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These may be the first pone toys I've wanted.
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It's strange, isn't it? I'm just glad that I have the exclusive love of this beauty.
>deciding to be just like every one else towards her
dash is the niggerest
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I would never let Celestia down

>Doctor Hooves
Meh. Fuck th-
>Bon Bon
but she doesn't have mr.popo lips
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Anon, you misunderstand.
She's willing to let you rule her, why not reciprocate?
Bonbon looks like she has those googly eyes
> I love my Wife Weekly
The Zimas say otherwise
The first comic teaches us a valuable lesson. Sex Sells. Always.
Oh, in that case..
The proportions are on par with a decent human or anthro other than those Godless lips of theirs
There's a good idea in here.
but why?
It looks cool.
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Oh anon, you are quite the silly one. You know that pony has been my waifu for years!

It was kind of you to post her however, she is such a lovely pony
> that anthro AJ
> sopping wet in grape jui-
>they're all dead
>Volnutt jumped off the building
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I've liked her since applebuck season aired
I just don't flaunt it or really care about her that much because she's not real
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>Linux Steambox announced
>Steam goes GPL
>CS: Source 2 announced, Linux exclusive
She can dance on my pole any time, hur hur hur
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Shaka shaka.
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It's okay, MN9 will have an original character:
Volnutt Steel
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>has been my waifu for years
Caterlot is Elysium.
I love shy girls being slutty, and vice versa.
You take that shitty movie and think about what you just said.
>Everyone is smiling
>Except X and Zero
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>Celestia pole dancing
>just for you
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It's amusing that you seem to believe this, when in fact, she's always been mine.
So wait, Nightmare Rarity is a real thing? Not some fanfic bullshit?

what the fuck
God that movie had such a shitty moral.

>Someone else has it better than us, better go and destroy everything they own
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Eww gross.
>not reading the comics
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> Mrs. Cake makes a move on Prince Artemis
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>steam goes GPL
>LGPL2 to be exact
>games still DRM
>shitload of closed-source server side things maintaining strong DRM
You take that back or I'm going to gut you with my sword, heaten.
How did you manage to miss that?
It's technically fanfiction bullshit since it's not canon to the show
Isn't that what humanity did for like almost forever?
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>2 hours

In today's Luna QuestTHINGS HAPPEN
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*toy squeeze sound*
>just read the comics actually
..still a fag I guess for being so late.
Princess please, this is not the time to be lewd
Your Lord and Master Matt Damon is no god, Anon.

Artemis is a retarded name for rule 63 Luna since Artemis is a goddess anyway.
The show is technically a well funded fanfic since it's based on earlier generations but unrelated to their canon
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>not having the same waifu for years

Step it up anon
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We silly princess now?
matt damon? Anon it was russel crowe.
> it's technically FANfiction-
It's in the comics, asshole.
But it's laaaaaame.
It's not fanfiction if it's by the same company, dipshit.
It was actually

>Look at those assholes having it better than us
>they could share but they don't
>let's kick their ass until they decide to stop being selfish fucks

which has never worked ever, but working class audiences love to hear about it
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Depends, often enough the ones that had it better just enslaved everyone else.

It was still a really shitty message. I doubt they held the pods because because "lol, let them die", the fuel for them must have been limited or something like that

It very clearly wasn't.
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oh, okay. she'll just take a nap, then. completely benign.
fuck >>13662642
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Silly princesses it is, then.
Strictly speaking, it's fanfiction if it's a story based on something written by a fan of that something.
Yeah, but the second line is probably wrong. There must have been a reason why they didn't share it, especially when sharing it would have stopped the illegals from coming over.
...oh. I thought elysium as in " the heaven" in gladiator. You know. Never heard of that one before.
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Comics canon have some weird stuff. Pic related.
M-maybe I have time for a little bit of lewd..
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princess is never not silly
Rumor around /tv/ is it was originally a "Prometheus" concept - stealing fire from the gods - then the 99% thing happened and they thought "why do a space heist when they can just SMASH KILL SMASH KILL DOWN WITH THE OPPRESSORS"

No wonder it fucking tanked.
You start talking about magical tech that only the elite can get and use "Elysium" and I'd sooner think of that Damon-vehicle shit heap.
...That's not even comics canon. That's a fanart by the comic artist.
Like the fact that their stuff was expensive, and humans have a hard time leaving their expensive things around the poor people that slaved away making them?

It was a pro-socialist movie what did you expect
that's just a sketch by the guy that does comics, why would that be canon at all
oh dear.
Oh dear.
>playing with a supernova sun
>the white bg isnt white
>just everything surrounding her is dead and burned
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Does this count as a silly princess?
That's fanart made by one of the artists, not anything green-lit by the editors or published in the comics.
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you should make up your mind. she's fast asleep now though she wouldn't mind being woken up if you do it the right way.
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>Spike is shunned by his kind
>he turns his back on them
>goes to live in a library
>obsesses about gems

his story won't have a happy ending
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>implying pinkies weight problem isnt canon now
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maybe a little silly
>tfw that's literally instinct
>tfw if our ancestors were trustworthy the poorer apes would have ran off with their hard earned spears
>tfw humanity was forged in conflict
>tfw we could have just went the cooperative pony route and overcame our violent environment together as a species but we failed miserably
I press my face against her gorgeous buttcheeks and start blowing directly in her asshole.
Anon, please. I know you enjoy these doodles, but you're going into "the main six are changelings because it was on a cover" territory.
When you talk about the comic, I feel like the lady who doesn't like spam in that Monty Python sketch.
But he already has scales, silly
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Though in his defense it would fit right in with the totally unhinged stuff that IS in the comic itself
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idea: ponies being either fat or skinny is completely unrelated to their food intake.
Ponies that consume unhealthy amounts of food still gain weight, but simply become more dense.
How Pinkie gets off the ground, let alone hops around all the time, is a mystery attributed to her metabolism.
Derpy may have a problem
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Yes, just a little bit. We don't want to go overboard, now.
That's too bad. Here, maybe this will calm you down.

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Its my headcanon and you cant stop me!
>the first
>not the second
> making a Paris Hilton joke is "totally unhinged"
Please tell me you have better examples, you crazy UFO.

>she rolls over
>and you feel something wet and warm stroke your cheek
>her prehensile clitoral hood is erect and wriggling
>her vagina is going crazy, winking several times a second
>the princess moans in ecstasy, slowly awakening to a world of pure pleasure

>and then she farts in your face with the force of a jet engine
>anon is propelled all the way to manehatten
>celestia opens an eye to look for the brief screaming sound that came from somewheere near her bottom
>but it's nowhere to be found
right in the fetish
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that'll get you bucked in the face. her natural reaction would be to buck if something touches her there.
> lactation
> long hair
> shower
> self-love
Ohhhh fuck yes
> satyr
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Now you can really praise the sun
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Just pick a page of the comic and you will find something that really shouldn't be there

And I am completely ignoring the crossover references that fill pretty much every page
Oh fuck, these 80's ponies are so great.
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of course
>self love
it's called masturbation, dad. God.
Blow it out your taint, boy.
Son, she's clearly loving her nubile body and exploring her budding sexuality above the waist. That shit is a delicate exploration of her womanhood.

Also go clean your room, it smells like a church basement full of Cheetos.
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Or the moon. Your choice
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I mean, you know what happens when we go overboard with the silly princesses, right?
>implying it's not coming up with the simple solution in a time of crisis
pony is not for (lethal) violence
that's why i pretty much ignore these pieces of shit comics
Was getting booped part of your plan?
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I praise it daily
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> Button's Mom sees what all the fuss is about
> "They do top surgery like that now? Jeez. I thought "landscaping" was crazy enough."
Getting booped is a part of any good plan, Anon.
Ponies know what war is and one third of the populations history is "we were a giant military legion of spear wielding hawk horses"

Just because their military is useless against zerg rushes doesn't mean they never fought things. I mean, they took the time to develop armor.
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oh, yes. It's imperative we keep the silly princessing at a reasonable level.
> nofrunarrowed
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Pony may not be for lethal violence

But COMIC pony sure does enjoy the normal kind
Skub a shit.
It's all about Frun now.
Which comic is that one from?
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don't be thinking naughty thoughts about your daughter
save them for your wife, twist
I really like how if the show makes any references its shitty pandering. But when the comics are full to the brim with it, it's like the second coming.
> don't have naughty thoughts about your daughter
> post the Twist-satyr daughter x Dad anon
I'm getting mixed signals here, dork.
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>just COMIC pony

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polearms are the best weapons

even if you don't fight or plow fields by hand you should have one just for the cool factor
Different people have different tastes, Anon. Some people have been complaining about the references, usually just when it's storytimed though, and in case you didn't pick up his tone Saucer there is one who thinks they're overdoing it a bit.
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Okay, as long as we're all on the same page here. Silly princessing in moderation.
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I've yet to see anything wrong with a little reference here and there.
The comics go a little overboard at parts, it's true, but it's honestly not a big deal for me. Most of the time it's either a side thing, or throwaway stuff, like crowd scenes or something
but anon
don't you like epic pop culture references?
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>thought Nightmare Rarity was just fan creation
>"It's in the comic"
>google it
>It's real

I knew Rarity was my favorite for a reason.
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>I knew Rarity was my favorite for a reason.
>name is AJ
Why aren't you reading the comics?
the comics are kind of dumb
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that's funny and adorable at the same time
Remember last time the silly princessing got out of control?
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because they're shit and non canon
Because I'm not a pirating asshat and don't have the money for it yet?
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Well, yes. Rarity is AJ's favorite pony.
the show is kind of dumb
Who really gives a shit about canon

>I limt myself to the show only. It's the only one that matters because stuff.

What's the fucking point?
no shitty horse
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>giant military legion of spear wielding hawk horses

I now cannot help but imagine Commander Hurricane was a pony version of Vultan
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Oh gosh, don't remind me. I spent a whole week cleaning up the mess.
because why waste my time? i bet you read fanfiction too
why are you here if you don't like the show
oh boy here we go
saying something is kind of dumb != disliking it
> why waste my time
You realize you've been hanging out in a forum in the midst of a no-show hiatus for like four months, right?

How much time have you conserved, exactly?
How is this better than /mlp/ calling everything immediately after a new episode airs 'shitty brony pandering'?
Maybe you'd belong better there.
he's here because of the community
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at least we had a lot of help. who knew it was that easy to reverse the spin of the earth?
>Ecate, the Greek Goddess of the moon, was also an aspect of Diana
Is this intentional?
I would read fanfiction if it was well written.

Consuming entertainment isn't about striving to a standard of purity (eg: "i only read REAL books, get your modern trash away from me"), it's about consuming things that you enjoy

Reading a fanfic isn't going to destroy the show canon forever or make you a 500lb autist. The show is good and all, but there are things other than the show. There have always been things other than the show, that's why this is my little pony "general", and here an official handful of side stories come out and you're shunning them for being official side stories which are pretty much guaranteed to not massacre the characters and involve them in awful romances.
>giving a fuck about piss opinion
>giving a fuck about mlpg opinion
>he thinks I come here every day

I only come around when I'm really bored, and only to shoot the shit really.

I've still gotta download them. I'll do it tomorrow, or after Luna Quest


>that reaction

It still throws me off when they call Applejack, A.J. in the show
Pls leave
Artemis was originally a girl's name that somehow ended up being a boy's name. In Sailor Moon, it was used for Luna the cat's boyfriend/husband. So yeah, "Artemis" is the perfect name for Rule 63 Luna.
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I guess it's just one of those things people never really bothered looking into. At least we know better for next time.
Oh, so you come here CASUALLY SOMETIMES to whine about how nothing's the show
In the middle of a hiatus
That's an interesting hobby
The difference is that he's providing pretty good arguments for considering it overdone. The comics are literally filled to the brim with references with almost every single panel containing at least some distant, but usually very obvious in-your-face reference. Doing references is fine, but putting them all over the goddamn place is a completely different thing. It's not even pandering, the artists just don't know where to put the limits, and how would they.
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whoa, there. you might want to dial it back a bit. that last image was pretty silly.
>some distant, but usually very obvious in-your-face reference
I don't think that's what minor background characters are
Unless somehow you just can't help but feel every joke character is a knife in your eyes and you can't focus on the primary cast doing anything
In which case I'm pretty sure that's a cognitive disorder
It's not an in your face reference if you don't get it

but sometimes they're really awkward and shoehorned, like the body snatchers reference in the first issue
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Wow, you're right!
My bad. I almost did it again.
Except not really. I can recall just a couple of times when the panels were really cluttered and detrimented the real story being told.
Because if you didn't notice, they tell stories, references are usually in the background in Ponyville scenes. And they make the town feel more alive than copypasting in Flash a dozen different bg ponies anyway.
Let me put it another way:
good reference: something only someone who knows what the referenced subject is will notice
The fact that they made a reference to something is obvious very, very often, even if you have no idea what they referenced. There are plenty of good references, but plenty of bad ones too, worse yet altogether there's a shitton of them.
Even Huey, Duey and Louie didn't feel like that and they were literally splashed all over a page.

Is there some sterner example you'd like to cite?
it's a comic made for little girls.

they just think they're ponies in silly clothes.
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much better. who knew princesses could get so silly, so easily?
>human collarbone, shoulders

Little did Luna know that all that white stuff was, in fact, pure cocaine.
It's the only thing that thrills them any more.
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Yes, it's dangerous territory to tread, that's for sure.
>butt/thigh bordering on human

The duck tales reference did feel that way. They looked completely out of place. Then there's the Doctor Who reference in the Big Mac comic, with speech bubble and all it's really hard to get noticed, and generally many of the old movies/series references tend to stand out because of the coats and body colors.
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Alright, you mugs, I'm going to have to insist that this entirely too silly.

And a bit suspect.
>Is there some sterner example you'd like to cite?

The door panel with all of the horror movies.
They didn't look out of place at all, and if I hadn't played Kingdom Hearts or had that one episode of Duck Tales on VHS I would never have caught it.
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That is not whats at the heart of the issue. The artists are fully capable of fleshing out background scenes without dragging in other characters or items from completely unrelated universes or intellectual properties.

They already have at least 3 canon pony military style dress uniforms. Why did they choose to put the pony in Marine Corps dress blues? Just because.

They have an entire setting full of unique critters, places and other things that they are given free reign to explore and flesh out and instead they choose to just fill the pages with completely unrelated stuff for a cheap chuckle.

Plus, I think it affects those of us a bit more who actually get the references at a glance. Its kind of distracting
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hey, we're not the silly ones here. that's the princesses.
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I'm one of the people defending the comics and yet there's a few times in Ponyville scenes when you feel they clearly exaggerated. Maybe 2 or 3 times, but still.
Pic related definitely felt that way. It's still not that bugging.
That sounds like a personal problem.
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Yeah, it's not our fault! I mean, look at this horse and tell me it's not being silly.
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Your ponies?
The only one I'm catching is Hooves with a Sonic, and well, what the fuck ever.
They did. They are the first ever ponies to have the same mane color, or rather, to have no mane at all, they had super short tails that didn't look anything like a pony's, all of them had the same body color and then they had those eye/cap colors, all in all if they didn't pull half of these things they'd still have stood out.
if they didn't fill the comics with references, the hot topic audience wouldn't care about them.

MLPG is less than 1% of the money-bearing fandom. if you have taste and standards you're a minority, and you shouldn't be surprised because this is a show for little girls.
Actually, I'd say the obvious references aren't as common as all that. Some, like treating the Changeling invasion like a scene out of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" were, but then, that was the point of the story.

There are a ton of references, but most of them are pretty obscure, such as ponies in the background who look like TV show characters. I don't notice them right away when I'm paying attention to the story; it's usually when I re-read the comic and pay more attention to what's going on in the background that they stand out.
Well? No one's going to point this out?
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that princess is not—pfffft I couldn't keep a straight face. She's silly.
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We had a full-blown spaghetti fight over how well-established the Equestrian military is and one of the key arguments for them having one like a Western military is Spitfire's attire at the camp and someone who seems to be dressed in a general's insignia at the royal wedding (with the possibility of Soarin's suit being dress-casual in the Navy or Air Force at the reception).

At this point the Marine blues might be close enough to whatever the show's half-suggesting.
No one gives a fuck, Anon.
>"whaddafuck peasant I would fuckin kill for lights populating yonder village how the fuck else art i supposed to encourage a night life goddamn thee"
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Or, they are Marine Corps dress blues.

Just like this pony has a Green Lantern symbol on his butt.
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I know who you are.

I saw what you did.
That's probably the weakest thing you could bring up, though. They have movies in the show and elsewhere in the canon; poking fun at real-world movie titles is something other properties do all the time. I guess Rambo XXXIII in Airplane 2 is breaking the fourth wall and causing autsitic splinters to fall in our eyes too.
shhhhhh sentenal
>They have an entire setting full of unique critters, places and other things that they are given free reign to explore and flesh out
1. It's not entirely free reign, there's things they're not allowed to do, by Hasbro in the first place and by IDW next with the all-ages rating
2. They're limited to the TPB format, so they cannot do overarching plots and do standalone issues, that's what the Micros are for
3. You can't just show random places and creatures, you'd have to build a story around them
Eh the Green Lantern Corps are full of faggots anyway. Pony fits them.
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She can't help it - she was born that way.
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what did I do?
> or they're Marine Corps dress blues
I didn't say they weren't. I'm saying they may not be THAT out of place as the comic references go.

> comic artists in charge of not making comics references
And now... kiss!
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>tfw there won't be another halloween episode
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I thought this was a good way to make a reference to a different series and make it fit pony. You really wouldn't know it's Sonic as a pony unless someone told you or you payed real close attention to him.
good. holiday episodes suck, and MLP has no exceptions.
We're getting a new musical episode
Have hope Xieril. Another Halloween episode is possible
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w-what? posting silly princesses? I have no idea what you're talking about!
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It's simply scary stuff, perfectly fitting in the contest of the story being told, not something that distracts your attention from it.
That's supposed to be Sonic? How can you tell?
Yeah, I never said that there are no good references.
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>We're getting a new musical episode


i'd rather have an episode co-written by a group of three hundred famous wolf nanaki clones and sentenal than more songs

>tfw only listenable song in the whole show is pinkie's polka from SOTC
>tfw not at home and can't access my silly princess pictures
I honestly think that they are going a bit overboard with the amount of references but I have to agree that at least they do it correctly
99% of them are in the background and very very easily missed.

As >>13663311 said they really can't do that much in the background. So it's either small things like this, another BG pony with a random color scheme and cutie mark cloned a few times like in the show or nothing.
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>not liking pony songs
It's almost like you hate fun and have terribad onions dude
The blue and very spiky mane, the ears and the green eyes. Not to mention that the artist of that issues does art for the Archie Sonic series.
>rarity isn't shallow

Generous indeed
If it's some sort of trans-dimensional gateway, wouldn't it open up to all sorts of horrors anyway?

At least they made it funny in ways kids wouldn't feel scared instead of some Bosch painting shit
Then why couldn't they just do original scary stuff instead of using already known horror movies?
She didn't say "oh man he's ugly." It's true the Phantom CHOOSES to live under the Opera house.

We make choices, she makes hers.
fun is grating on my ears.

i have to go listen to midori and AnCo now.
Huh. Well, that went right over my head.

>Indiana Jones
>Creature from the Black Lagoon
>Twilight Zone
>Evil Dead
>Phantom of the Opera

Its very specific scary stuff

I feel like this is some kind of quiz
A true true friend is good too
Aren't the twins in Dash's door from The Shining?
A true true friend is the entire point of the show as a song

A remix or something would fit great as something to play during the ending of the show


I wasn't sure though as there was an outer limits episode with the same kind of deal going on so I left them out
>Room 237
I say the s3 finale was worth it just for that song.
I honestly cried because of it. I mean at the beginning how Twilight was so happy it worked...I mean I know it's obvious that they really care a lot about each other but..that happiness there is just so great.


Doctor Weird pls
Not that guy, but I found that song pretty neat
>they play it when the mane 6 are all alicorns
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>having feelings other than loneliness
>still being able to cry

do you even pony

>implying that isn't the best ending
>implying I didn't wish for that since S1
I wish someone would clone fluttershy just to sing at my coronation
I'm really hoping the VN has this as a possible path for Rarity
A true true friend's biggest problem is that Song Smile doesn't have a part in it.
>the VN
how is that, anyway? Anybody played it?
what VN?

I think there is something wrong with your video feed OP
The demo's okay, though the writing for the text could go through some QA.

And it's a truncated story line as a proof of concept, so it sort of goes from "studyaaan in the library" to inches away from coitus in like 5 minutes' gameplay.

> inb4 "when slide home"?
the current release is a test, more to make sure that everything works

the actual release will be more intricate
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They get spookier
>using her wings to hold the sheet up like ghostly arms
clever pony
Don't hold me I'm scared
what VN?
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This still cracks me up
The ugliness adds to the scariness.
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looks fine to me
some fellows in /mlp/ have sat down, and over the past few months made a VN based on EQG

at the moment the thread is down
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Whoops, wrong one
This one. derpy.me/mlpVNDemo

It's just the demo but it looks like they've put a lot of effort into it.
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sounds terrible
What is a VN?
I'd rather squish she white-pinkish butt.
VN = virtual novel

basically a glorified choose your own adventure book
Not even gonna give a fuck.
Shame I was interested
>not honk
Visual Novel
Draw pony brushing human's luxurious mane
I don't know, visual novels tend to go for the high school / college model as a rule. Maybe it's easier to figure out scripted events among a certain set of rooms and locations in the school.

That said I really hope they vote in some nicer body models for the rest of the cast; Twilight looks like she's shrink-wrapped in that shirt.
Video Novel.
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Hah! You call that spooky?
A CYOA with long fades, slow text speeds, and pictures under everything

They usually end in porn and reuse the same couple of portraits for each character the whole time
those designs were largely solidified months ago in a very long running vote
They also let slip they're going to do more rounds for body models of other cast members, maybe the secondaries like Celestia, Luna and Cadence.
Viscous Nog
>playing visual novels
still sounds terrible
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They kind of are.

Almost as a rule, even.
>. Maybe it's easier to figure out scripted events among a certain set of rooms and locations in the school.
There would be absolutely no difference if they used Ponyvile and some select locations from the show.

Really it would be the same thing just with a different background.
I think VNs are okay...
Your biased since you're writing for one.
I think maybe they wanted to avoid becoming Horsefuckers Simulators Deluxe
There are a couple that I've really liked, but I tend not to like the romance-focused ones, which are the vast majority of VNs.
Rebno Des is a very spoopy pony.
Also fuck the 60 second thing
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"I have stood knee deep in mud and pone, and filled my lungs with pony semen. I have seen two waifus fall. I have lain with pony wars and copulated with the fallout fanfic. I have dug trenches for the /co/ refugees; I have murdered dissidents that embraced Fluffly pone, and starved the Quest threads into faith. A retarded pony's shadow burnt into the brickwork. A house of pony-butts in the jungle. The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, cuddled and hugged and brushed and nuzzled and stroked and kissed and sexualized. This is your My Little Pony General! They will eat them Mandus, they will make ponies of you all and they will bury their scrunched up noses into your ribs and they will eat your hearts!"
They're okay and terrible
It's a wonderful world we live in
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>guy draws giant boobs
>people get legitimately angry
>"disgusting, so unrealistic. a girl with boobs that size would have slight back pain in real life!"
>"get back to drawing proper fetishes like vore, futa, and hyper obesity!"

i laugh everytime
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So instead of that they went with a horrible premise that had a horrible execution and make it about cheap shallow copies of the main character that lack a lot of qualities that made the real main character so lovable.
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Do you ever wonder if you have too many dice? Or not enough?

>three sets of 7 standard

I need more d10s
yes thank
my opinions are pretty shit
They can be good when done well, it's just that so many of them are awful.
Oh don't make that face at me.
At least use my waifu.
It's still almost as effective as my waifu since a small part of me loves her...
So totally on-model for EQG
90% of everything is crap

you should know this by now
Actually I misread and thought you said you only like the Romance ones. My bad.
>tfw only got a D20

It's not like I use it anyway.
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Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
Anon, please, don't confront me with reality ;_;
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i have that same problem, but with horse dildos.

im sure any normal person would say 4 is too much but i still need more to complete my waifu set.
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I have a single set of Chessex to my name, which is definitely not enough.
I've even got a sweet purple Crown Royal bag to put them all in, I've been thinking about buying either some more Chessex sets or just getting a pound of dice and hoping I don't get all d6's or something.
who's your waifu?
My biggest regret in my life will always be that I'm not able slap you
on the bright side

the remaining 10% is just to die for

and makes it all worthwhile
so the pony world has a dice bag company that makes purple velvet bags?
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What if you met your beautiful waifu at last and it turned out she's a dickgirl and her cock is bigger than yours?
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Six dice.

>this cover

There may be a con some day, somewhere, somehow.

We'll always have ALLCAPS.
you just simply die!
This is all of my fetishes.
I'd unf loudly.
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lament my lack of a horse vagina and jerk her off
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oh haha
no worries
I still think you're PAAFECTO!
yeah, back in his younger days, shinning armor was a total fa/tg/uy
I feel sorry for your taste
is she uncut?
I'm not gay
Not as much as I am for yours

It's the upcoming Cadance/SA comic. I believe it's going to be about how they meet in High School.
Shiny's a fa/tg/uy just as divined by the Weaver
what with the shitty fluttershy recolor hair in the comics?

you are getting lazy price
I don't like dicks.
Is dickgirl the one where she has both? I could live with that I guess.
is it general rain silves? kinky.
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No, that's a futanari/hermaphrodite.
A dickgirl is simply a lady who has a cock and balls.
Why so slap-happy?
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What the fuck is with the stallion in the back? Is he half shark?
This edit makes me laugh every time.
Well, I guess we can still be friends...

I'm not sure I could break my waifus heart, even if she had a dick
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SA stop scrunching at people
Of all the xenos anyone could ever waifu, even in the same shitty species, people like the one that literally eats babies

I'll never understand
Why not just have anal sex?
I mean, it's not gay unless your dicks touch, right?
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what would you do if pony said you are not allowed to go on mlpg anymore?
explain, please
irreversible rectal prolapse
Does pony have a good reason for saying that?
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If I had a pony, I'd like to think I wouldn't be on here nearly as often.
Why is pony saying that?
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You roll for positive and negative values in between -6 and 6 to determine if things go over instead of consulting the arcane table of 4d20+1d12 divided by 1d4 plus 2d4 plus six.
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I miss ciircuit's pony gifs
oh come off it Anon, I'm sure your dick's not THAT big.
MLPG objectifies ponies. pony thinks it's a bad influence on you.
That's it, young man. No more scrunching for you
Pony just wants to check out my butt more often.

some ppl have giant dicks anon, deal with it.
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I don't get it, can you give me an example?
Or just the name of this system, so I can look it up or something?
Well, I did agree to some compromises when I married pony. I'll wean myself from MLPG if she can promise not to spend so much time at the club without me.
...what exactly is scrunching, anyway? is it a sad face? or what?
Fudge dice.
but I'm a cmcfag, specifically an applebloomfag
>tfw no full frontal scrunching
>implying the celestiafags wont rig the poll
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>cant decide between rarity or celestia

That thing doesn't look fun, like at ALL. Unless you go anal, soda-can-diameter is a bit much.
Does pony like kisses? Or is that weird to them?

here, scrunching tutorial
>3 Rosses

I am three of those things though...
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whatever it needs to be.
I can't pick "Slutty mare etc." and "Rarifag" and the same time, this is bullshit
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Pony has no problem with kisses.
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>posting goats in mlpg
yeah okay man
> hitting RANDOM EXPLORE on 8tracks
> starts playing just as Twilight's face loads

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Prepare for the night time eternal.

>Rev 22:20 by Puscifer
This may be the only time I ever unf in the MLPG

Oh and Luna Quest is starting soon
Well he certainly does have Jaws!
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We Twifu now?

I'm more interested to know how it fits
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Headbutts are a sign of affection.
>background pony brony
This Luna look like she should be strutting her stuff at a disco. Lookit those little disco booties.
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You had one job, Rarity.
there's a mad brony right here >>13664022
Main character syndrome.

> Filename
I don't think that's how dick works.
Obviously peoples first favorite ponies weren't on the first one, so they voted for their other favorites.

Like applebloom and cadence. Plebs.
That comic is one of the most stupid ones I've seen
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I rather sunbutt
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The apron? Sweetie, you don't need to do that for my birthday.

The cake looks great this week though!
Daily reminder that twifags are the cancer.
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Someone should draw this Rarity Rarara
I'm not sure where the clothes start and where they end. I assume her bra also covers her shoulders and shes wearing stockings and gloves?
Rari Rarity Rarara
Her eyes are so dead
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So who was the artist?
Don't know, don't care, keep the drama the fuck out of here.
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>unsourced art
>commercial venture
Rara Rarity Rararararararara
Princess Celestia sucking your head
american names

>this is smitt smithberg smitherson
>and his friend, taylor tyler tailor.
>this is his cousin aiden kaiden braiden
>and his girlfriend rosemary rosebud rothschild

What is this?
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>inb4 fans of the fandom

>implying MLPG is any different

I am not for food

now spit me out
Rainbow Dash's sweaty bikeshorts
I knew two James Jamesons and a Smith Schmidt in middle school
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doge is one of my guilty pleasure
Eventually, you realize that becoming a fan of the fandom is really just the natural progression. If there's not enough content being made, you'll seek sources of new content elsewhere, and you'll adapt to the new source completely

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Didn't they also lost Xyro some months ago?

Damn, Equestria Daily is falling apart
Do you think the creators of the show ever makes porn out of if and keeps it for themselves?
>and this is shaqueefa obamaniqua ledasha
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if i ever learn how to draw well enough, i'm making a comic where mewball is raped by doge

>such dick
>so tiny
>very small
allegedly, price made some and has a secret stash
> numbered Twitter caps
> hey you guys know what artist was EDQ so bad so awful pls respond
Seeing how the male VAs are? Yeah. 100% sure
Celestia chewing on your hair while dreaming
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>your favorite pony
>such knot
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why yes she is
how did you know
I don't know who any of those people are
I just remember Seth, Cereal and of course Nathan
I'm sure they will always be there
They are the core
What did the male VAs do?
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What, Celestia wishes she had the curves?
>not having a gf to joke like that while having sex
Backy is my guilty pleasure.

I think Calpain is Cereal
>Male VA panel
>Little girl asks what would have happened to Shining Armor if Chrysalis would have won
>All the male VAs look at each other, trying not to laugh and having a hard time finding the correct words to respond before just saying that he'd remain a slave
Celestia laying her wing over you while you sleep.
Your favorite ship wants you to have a threesome with them.
What if pony made the doge face while you ponied pony
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pone is very bitey in her sleep, isn't she
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>magical sex times two
oh god

I don't think I want to be in bed with discord at all
But that's just one ship, where's the third?
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I can't ruin the purity
>I ship myself with an actual ship.jpg
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awesome, I accept
>being in the center of a Big Mac and Caramel sandwich
woah nelly
You have to be in the middle.
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Backy a cutie.
Stop fucking posting EqD
Who gives a fuck about that
>implying that's not what I wanted
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Those two are cute together.
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>letting other people who like thing determine if you do or do not like thing
I can't fucking comprehend this shit. If you enjoy the show, WATCH IT. If you DON'T, you don't HAVE TO.
Seriously, what is with some people?
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That is actually pretty darn cute and normally I hate pones in clothes

Though the forelegs really bug me, they are out of proportion to the hind legs, and it seems nearly every artist does that. Imagine that pone as drawn trying to stand on all fours

I wish more artists would be more careful with that
There are no words to express how big of a scrub she is
why would that be a problem?
>240 images
>people rush to make threads
>image limit
>no new thread