Old thread: >>13560046Topic: How does pony prepare for their tasks on Monday?
>>13566427best retard pon is best
>>13566427All night parties.
>>13566505>thinking ditzyness is a mental illness
>>13566427Having a day of relaxation at the spa
>>13566461who's silver lining?
>non consensual sexual intercourse
>>13566535she doesn't look too happy about it
Fucking night threads.
>>13566563Pony is for consensual sex only.
>>13566427with lots of sleep
>>13566461Is dash taking up journalism?
>>13566566They touched her hooves.Twice.
http://imgur.com/a/j4PiL#0i just fapped to this pretending it was rose
>>13566604IT IS?
>>13566609Rose isn't for sexual, she's for draws and hanging out and watching animation together.
>>13566653What about other drawfags? Are they for sexual?
>>13566622You know it!
>>13566696Drawfags are not for sexual, well maybe cosmo.
>>13566604No it's not
>>13566720And it's going to happen again and again.
What if pony murdered your favorite animated show
>>13566743That wouldn't be very nice of her.
>>13566557A Wonderbolt.People think it's the stallion here, but I don't know if they've officially linked which pony belongs with the name yet.>>13566587Maybe. And hey, it's a piece on the Wonderbolts, it's the perfect opportunity to interview them!
>that expression
>>13566755It's hard to be nice when you're 1.5 terahitlers.
>>13566743That pony would be worst pony.Provided that pony doesn't interact with ponies I like far more then I think it will be okay.
>>13566762Whoops, meant to link to >>13566586.
>>13566766Why are ponies so expressive?
>>13566766>unpopped kernel rises to the topdem physics
>>13566727Me! I will be for sexual
>>13566722>>13566727Oh gollyIs tonight the night?
>>13566784But did they touch her hooves?
>>13566784ohWell then, I wonder how that worked out?
>>13566816Nah, I just realized that I was thinking about Rumble. You're not for sexual at all.
>>13566766I want to be friends with Dash and watch action movies with her while sharing a big bowl of popcorn
>"Do y'all like my new haircut?"manecut haircut whatever
Dredd has just declared your pony guilty.What are you gonna do about it?
>>13566843You look like you fought a lawnmower
>Rarity does her homework for her community college women's studies courses
>>13566830oh okay
>>13566843I like the short mane on the top, but cutting her tail like that seems a bit much.She's still beautiful, though. Makes the focus more on her eyes than her mane.
>>13566766Spike's such a little prick
>>13566843You look like a stallionGood thing I like stallions
Now that is a proper OP imageclearly this thread is blessedby what I am not surebut its definitely blessed
>>13566823>Rainbow Dash is almost admitted to the Wonderbolts>but she has to let them touch her hooves
>>13566843An ellen degeneres haircut? I don't know, i don't think aj is into eating carpet.
>>13566843Honestly, hell no. Grow your beutiful mane out again please.
>>13566848I'll tell him he's wrong.
>>13566907but she does it with her lover rainbow dash all the time
>>13566878>sticking your hands beneath the cushionsEw
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEfmSnL9x1Qget a load of this hasbro children brainwashing.the kid says he needs the toys even though he doesnt even know who the ponies names are
>>13566816Why yes, it is.
>>13566848See if I can get conjugal visits to her in the isocube
>>13566843>putting human hair on poniesfuck you
>>13566878>that aj postion>perfect height for you to walk up, lift her tail and give her a quick rut.
Pony asked you to shave your disgusting hairy legs
>>13566930this shit is old man, kids about big toylines without knowing the charachters for ages
>>13566930Pony doesn't know your name
>>13566500that made me happy
>>13566960>AJAnon, you're home, go drunk
>>13566961Pony should shave theirs first.
>>13566930>pink unicorn bullshit actually works on little kidsfuck this gay earth
>human rarara discovers the joy of taking the knot
>>13566930They're kids, they're pretty dumb by default. S->>13566974F-fuck you, Anon...
>>13566960Wrong pony name aside, if you lived in a single house containing the main 6, and were in a very open relationship with all of them and things like this took common place in the house, how long would it take for you to pick a favorite over the others and cause a little jealous chaos before things settled back in.And/or would this make a good porn game
>>13567031But Spikes knot would be tiny
>>13567049>And/or would this make a good porn gameno
>>13567075Why not? Too far fetched? or is it the polygamous relationship?
>you will never rub pony's tummy as an anon slowly digests inside.
Alright dorks it's request timeBut I don't know if I'll finish because there's lightning and my power keeps cutting
1. go to http://best-pony.tk2. vote in poll for giggets pony slut3. ???4. profit
>>13567124Why would I bellyrub a man eating pony?
>>13567124No, stop itWhoever you are, you are not stealing my thunder
>>13567105because anon x pony is too obviously wish fulfillment to be appealing
>>13566609>pretending it's roseunf
>that moment when you realize mlpg is stupid
>>13567131Spike playing jenga with rarity on a rainy day
>>13567131Fluttershy as a dragon fucking a 1963 23 window deluxe VW micro bus full of critters having sex while cheering her on.
>>13567131Nightmarity in Luna's sort of get up from the comic.
I'm sick of those goddamn zebras.
>>13567157even by horse standards, that's pretty big
>>13567131This but with anon and marker poy
>>13567172Granny, you are complaining to the wrong generalGo bother /ccg/
>>13567088I'm fine with every pairing on there except AppleDash. That pairing is complete shit.
>>13567151>Implying everything else isn'tI mean, yeah, relateability is up there for me as well, but if one just wanted sex stuff rapidly, wouldn't that be an efficient way to go about it?
>>13566653>>13567152I wish I could have rose for sexual
>>13567182It's adorableThe only pairing that just can't work is AppleJack and Fluttershy
>>13567194but she doesn't want you for sexual
Quick describe you sex life with terms from MLP
>>13567132Who is the pone in first position? It's some OC, right?
>>13567190s'true. If I wanted to play a whole game, I'd want an actual character to play as rather than "Insert-yourself-here man"
>>13566609wow that's kind of
>>13567219Anon, pls.
Scenes from a pone
>>13567236Again, grossly oversized tits ruining what could be a good picture otherwise.
>>13567219arm candy pony from S&E
>>13567157If real horses were that anthropomorphic, there would be a lot more horsefucking in the world.
>>13567212party of one
>>13567219braeburn is the biggest slut trappy slut.
>>13567252but I like giant tits so it's not gross to me
>>13567198You're right. It can't work, but I'm fine with it for some reason.I'm not so okay with AppleDash. I can only feel fury whenever I see it.
Even the pony gets in trouble.
>>13567259That horse there is pretty bestial.
>>13567274but they are so cute together
>>13567285AJ what are you doing with that apple
>>13567286the fact it's expressing human-like emotions and behavior makes it anthropomorphicthat word has nothing to do with anatomy
>>13567088dat tongue
Which is better big round butts or small firm butts?
>>13567313Makin applesauce
>>13567299So are Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.
>>13567323a true butt lover loves butts of all sizes, best of all the butt on their waifu
>>13567286But it's still far more human than actual horses. Apparent emotion and very human eyes lend a lot to it.
>>13567354I already have
What if pony was real human bean?
>>13567132>celestia #29Fuck you guys, she's a pure maiden
>>13567354no u
>>13567049>Implying they wouldn't be fucking each other silly>Implying they'd care if I picked favourites>Implying they wouldn't pick favouritesPinkieDash and SquiggleKicker would pair offI'd just have threesomes with Fluttershy and Twilight and the occasional fuck with the others
>>13567285why so much extra chin aj
>>13567371With a harem of hunky guards at her beck and call.
>>13567365whoa nigga that's a pretty cute pony you got right therehave you been hiding him from us?What's his relationship with that foal on his back?
>>13567365>oc shitfuck off
>>13567371She maintains that with magic.
>>13567380Ya calling me... fat?
>>13567389You shut your filthy mouth right now or I will get the soap
>>13567157I'd fucking love to cuddle that horse in a big bed
i havnt heard of any drama in the brony fandom for so long, what is going on?no lmj, purpletinker or micthemicrophone. something has to be happening.
>>13567399Woah anon that's rude
>>13567418Nah, all's quiet on the pony frontI like it that way.
>>13567389guards are not for sexualif princess wants to sexual, she has a harem of fillies, mares, colts and stallions to satisfy her
>>13567418That one chick is revamping the dwm thingy to just cover 'rape culture'Other than that nothing
>>13567408Slabs of muscle and grit ready to take her and bend her to _her will.
>>13567418What about molestia? That was just a few weeks ago
>>13567393Friends OC that I drew because he drew mine.>>13567399Okay I'll just come back later when you're not here.
>>13567418Calm before the storm.69 days.
>>13567469thats already gone and past
>>13567418There's thishttp://pinkiepony.tumblr.com/post/61297282637/down-with-molestia-has-been-a-heck-of-a-ride-we>police rape content,
>>13567457Okay Anon, that's it - I'm going to come and wash the lies out of your mouth. Don't say I didn't warn you.
>>13567474Aj will forever be my best ponyNot waifu though, that's a different ballpark
>>13567438She needs ponies with endurance and training
>>13567474>tfw usually think of AJ as my second favoritethis is only made harder by the fact Pinkie's making a play from third
>>13567474I know at least four people who think she's the best pony.One of them is my mother.
>>13567502she needs ponies with curiosity and passion
>>13567482a few weeks is a "long time" for you?
>>13567502Everyone in her harem is raised specifically to satisfy her.
>>13567519On the internet a week is an eternity.
>>13567474Hey, if AJ is everyone's 2nd favorite, that actually adds up better than the rest seeing the wide array of opinions for first
>>13567519In terms of fandom drama bullshit? Three weeks is a decade.
>>13567486all else aside, that's a really shitty picture.
>>13567543"Rape culture" is a rather odd term. Do they have rape holidays?
>>13567543oh god celestia broke her leg
>>13567558I had to do rape overtime, so I fucking hope so.
>>13567405In all the right places
>>13567558They take a rape vacation to the rape resorts down in florida
>>13567571Shitty autistic recolor OC.
>>13567543It's a shitty movement
>>13567581boop culture
>>13567581gloomy is a boring ponydon't see the appeal
http://texdrawings.tumblr.com/post/61317326426/use-your-trip-only-when-talking-about-your-workIs it safe to translate this post as>I ain't gonna stop shit posting and there's nothing you can do about it?
>>13567543>>13567486Oh yeah, and this blog post is fucking creepy. Again, the message of the post aside:>This isn't what Faust or Zacherle would have wantedShe... she knows they're still alive, right? And that we don't have to follow their every word? I mean, I'm somewhat of a Faustfag myself, but this is sounding more like... worship or some shit.Do we need to start having "Faust is not a goddess" discussions instead of the usual ones about Celestia?
>>13567593It's nice to have a mellow pony
>>13567543>artist realizes that their art is to shitty to ever get the attention they want so they start some drama bullshitI can't say I'm surprised.
>>13567595Anon pls you had your fun during the day.
>>13567595anon, nowe dealt with this last thread and we will not deal with it again
>>13567558>>13567567>>13567578Reminds me of /tg/'s Rape Factory.archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/14288873
I started watching FiM so I could try to figure out what was going on in the old board.[/spoilerAnyone else start out the same way?
>>13567595That is a really bitch thing to sayWho the fuck cares if he does or not
>>13567595>shit postingNo, thats what you're doing
>>13567543>pikeichou asked: I'm sorry, but I have to say something... that whole "pretty princess" thing really offends me, as an FtM trans* person, because it feels like my gender is being invalidated and just... ahhh. I don't like being called a 'princess', because that's a term which refers to females in definition, I. Sorry to bother you, but could you maybe word things like that a little differently in the future? ;;
>>13567610I started a week or so after the end of s2 with similar intentions
Is there a name for sudden and extreme paranoia that makes you think it's not safe to go to sleep? I have a locked door and window, but felt like someone was going to try and kill me in my sleep. I curled up into a corner with a single blanket, loaded a gun in the dark, and slept with a knife in my hand. Even after, I was fearful that someone might try to stick a gun under my door and possibly try to shoot me, so I put a few pillows in front of the crack so they couldn't look inside. Has anyone ever felt this level of sudden fear or anxiety? Is it a problem? What's the proper place to ask this question?
>>13567595Please stop bitching.You're turning into a hateanon.
>>13567600Celestia is totally a goddess or at least a half goddess.
>>13567625>turning into
>>13567610I started watching because I heard MLP was getting a reboot and wanted to see what it was like
>>13567179Here ya go!
>>13567620>FtMThat exists?
>>13567624Yes.it's called extreme paranoia
>>13567610My brother was really into it and so I gave it a tryNow it's a disease
>>13567638I honestly hope he's still salvageable.
>>13567595You're hilarious
>>13567620But the character would define themselves as a female. How does that invalidate someone with a different choice, even by their fucked up world view.
>>13567595He made this post specifically for you, Anon. Reacting to someone because they have a name is gay and retarded.You're the problem, Anon.
>>13567626I, the poster, agree, but in D&D or Greek/Norse mythology power levels. She is not omnipotent nor omniscient, which should be obvious from the show. I don't think anybody's saying she is, though.
>>13567624most posters in MLPG suffer from schizophrenia and manic paranoia so this thread is a fine enough place
>>13567650it has for years
>>13567624Go see a psychologist if it's getting that extreme. Or at least talk to some friends you can trust.
>>13567620the fuck is an FtM trans
>>13567675Yeah, but I always just see MtF attention whores - never really the other way around because that doesn't give you much attention.
>>13567672>tfw psychologically healthyCheck mah privileges!
>>13567691Female to mare trans.
>>13567691A girl who thinks she's a boy
>>13567595YeahPretty muchI'd be happy if he actually had something intelligent to say though
>>13567698The combination of comment and gif made me laugh
>>13567647I can just imagine filly Dash screaming this adorably/annoyingly."Aaaaaaaah! Daddy dere's the Wundabods!"
>>13567697it took one search http://post-transition.tumblr.com/
>>13567684Trust no one
>>13567708wow, samefag harder. you're a shitter and will always be a shitter.
>>13567691Faster than Michael transit.A type of transportation created to always travel just above Michael's current speed.
How many Wonderbolts does it take to screw in a lightbulb?Who knows!Thats why they're called the WONDERbolts!
>>13567726... FtM seems to work way better than MtF. They aren't as blatantly obvious.
>>13567732that was a good one
>>13567624Yes, give your weapons to a friend you can trust before you hurt someone or your self.
How would each of the mane 6 handle babysitting the CMC?
>>13567708>I hate when people shit post
>>13567740Let's wonder how long you'll live after I bolt your trap shut
>>13566427wonder who got>>13566666
>>13567730Trust someone, even if it's just one person. Please get help, paranoid Anon.
>>13567744some of them are cute
>>13567474sorry, but I like rarara better than you. you're third best pony
hi 4chan
>Something something tex>HOLY SHIT FUCK OFF SHITPOSTER x8>This only creates more replies>Both sides are acting fucking retarded in their own right yet none of them realize it and thus only contribute to shitting up the threadWhy do I even come here. You're all stupid.
>>13567749>AJ: Lets get to work!
>>13567747I wish I could get a hug from Derpy.
http://vocaroo.com/i/s0aOk7jj4sYjTIS A LIE
>>13567684It usually doesn't get that bad, hence why I asked. It just hit me like train early into the morning. I've never been that scared before. I won't clog up the thread, but judging from a few responses, I should probably talk to someone about it. Might be a problem as I don't trust anyone, but maybe a professional would be okay if they didn't share the information with anybody. I think they have to sometimes, though, which would be disastrous. I'll do some research.Thanks, Anons.
>>13567697MtF gets attention because it's so much harder than FtM and because MtF trannies are attractive to a lot of people
>>13567600Neither Faust or Zacherle would be fans of this content but would they have started a movement against it? No,especially Faust who has said in the past that she's a big girl and knows how to deal with things when stuff gets icky.It's a poor appeal to authority. And essentially what she is asking for is for people to be accountable for others actions when people themselves should be held responsible.Policing content? You've got to be kidding me.
>>13566427by getting in here >>13567629
>>13567754>extremely magical and powerfulBut that is pretty much a god or demigod in everyones book apart from a bunch of the current religions.
>download a million artbooks>too lazy to read any i will try videos>download 70gb of videos>too lazy to sit through themwhy cant i download information directly into my brain yet geez
>>13567780Look at yourself, anonit's a sandtrap. The harder you struggle, the more you sink.
>>13567754>May 4th 2013
>>13567785I wish I could get a winghug from Derpy.
Holy shit Tex Internet Defense Force.
>>13567780>pointing out shitposting is still shitposting, even if it's not in the reply chain>pointing out shitposting and wasting an image is metashitposting even harder
>>13567780>I am the intelligent being amongst a cage of monkiesYeah, why do you come here. I'm sure there are other communities that will accept your holier than thou attitude.
>>13567754>>13567814>not worshiping Houdini
>>13567828She says that to everyone
>>13567571now make it male and it'll be the perfect 63'd pinkie pie
>>13567543>Using PARC's glorious acronym in vain
QUICK POST YOUR FAVORITE PONY BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE DOESThis doesn't count as my favorite pony so ponka is still free
>>13567789Psychologists are only required to share information if it's criminal or life-threatening.http://www.apa.org/topics/ethics/potential-violations.aspx
>>13567857But she really means it this time ;_;
>>13567818>that feelingWhy is it so hard to properly learn stuff - I would be so much faster if I just did that instead of goofing around and trying to find out on my own but I can never bring myself to do it.
>>13567828I wish I could get a kiss from Derpy.
>>13566427They fap>>13543030
pony is going to sleep now
>>13567830Shut up, Ross.
>>13567870>Ready for workYou're not even wearing pants!
>>13567778I want to fuck her so hardI bet she'd love a hands touch on her dick
>>13567754I did just say I was a bit of a Faustfag, but "extremely magical and powerful" and "in control of celestial bodies" definitely puts them in the realm of Greek gods or other gods of mythology. The question asked, "are they gods?" implies the current usage of the word god as "omnipotent, omniscient," while that is not the only use of the word. So, in other words, my choice to think of them as similar to gods has been shaped by my own experiences playing a lot of tabletop RPGs and reading a lot of Greek Myths. In this case, it really doesn't matter if she's a god or a princess, because she's still pretty much powerful enough.It's really a question of semantics and personal preference, both of which are terrible to disagree on over the internet. I'm sorry if that bugs you.>>13567805I know, right? But, uh... who's Zacherle?>>13567866what does it usually stand for?
>>13567888Luckily its a night job!
>>13567778this guy started off strong as a new favorite artist of mine but he is quickly going downhill.it went from cute horsedickmare fluttershy in a hoodie to creepy tentacle bondage fetish bullshit with new weird style of penis and he changed it to include a vag instead of balls.
>>13567814>>13567902Magic and power pretty much has very little to do with godhood in any religion. There's certainly correlation but there were just as many divines far less impressive than mortals. Being a "god" is pretty much a useless label that at best means that the entity in question is/was worshipped.And Celestia isn't.
>>13567901the acceptable range of chub
>>13567901I would rub the hell out of that belly. No homo
>>13567893>tfw too late to claim my waifuGoodbye cruel world
>>13567914Mr. Turner Plz
>>13567917>>13567919I prefer them bigger, but you gentlemen are still classy as hell.
>>13567747what a fucking slut
>>13567698tfw checking my privilege is actually a self esteem boaster
>>13567870I hope I get this post in earlier enough, I know lots of people are going to post this cutie
>>13567901what a qt
>>13567871Very useful, thank you. I've never done anything illegal, so that wouldn't be a problem. Worried that they might deem me unstable or something and I'd be absolutely crushed if they took away my guns for any reason. I love shooting clay pigeons and target practice like none other.Last post. Again, thanks.
>>13567941you sound hugless and jealous
>>13567932>tfw someone finally gets the referenceI love you
>>13567902>"in control of celestial bodies"Thats not a unique ability though
>>13567915>Being a "god" is pretty much a useless label that at best means that the entity in question is/was worshipped.I... shit, I think I've been cornered on that one, actually. I'd do the traditional "With Celestia as my witness...!" argument, but we both know that's just a cheap reference.I could say the Solar Sun Celebration almost looked like a religious ceremony, but that's a bit of a stretch when it could just as easily be a mere spectacle. I guess I've got some thinking to do.touché, anon
>>13567915I think you will have a hard time to come up with a fictional character that controls celestial bodies and isn't seen as a god.
>>13567828>finally go to equestria>realize wings dont unrealistically bend like they do in your bullshit headcanonno wing hug for you, so sad
>>13567914Nickelodeon pls
>>13567918she looks filled from that point of view, so rarara is fat.
>>13567963thank you anon senpai ;_;
>>13567963>Fairly Odd ParentsLook at this guy watching a show for kids
>>13567902Xerox Palo Alto Research CentreThey pretty much invented everything to do with modern computing>The mouse>The GUI>WYSIWYG text editors>Ethernet
>>13567958>They look like clay pigeons to you?
>>13567968What, like the unicorns?
>>13567958Unless you're blatantly suicidal, you'll be fine. Also >tfw nogunz
>>13567971But we've seen wing hugs
>>13567985That show was the shit back in the daySame with danny phantom
>>13567902He could be referring to the Palo Alto Research Centre (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PARC_%28company%29), but I might be wrong.
>>13567870>tfw no one will claim her even though she's best pony
Remember that time Twilight nuzzled Applejack in Dragonshy?Do you think they're tennis partners?
>>13567986computer science isnt a real science
>>13567968That douce from the movie of Recess
>>13567991"A" fictional character, Anon. Not a whole race. If one human could achieve what all of humanity together can achieve, he would be considered a god.
>>13567902Bonnie Zacherle is the creator of My Little Pony franchise.Also PARC Stands for thishttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PARC_%28company%29
>>13568004eat shit and die
>>13567986>>WYSIWYG"What you see is what you get"?
>>13567961why would i want a hug from a fucking retarded bitch who throws herself at anyone?
>>13568002That's my favorite, but it wouldn't have been fair to get a headstart
>>13567965There's a little bit of give on that: plenty of people say the play was allegorical or not strictly historical but I feel like that argument's almost in denial.Is it possible to kind of passively worship a god? I mean, if they exist and you are in their favor just by not doing anything fucky, maybe they don't have to do it explicitly?
>>13568004THE FUCK IT ISN'T
>>13568009falsely of course
>>13567971'scuse u
>>13568030Just a guy who loves adventure!I'm Sonic, the Hedgehog!
>>13568035Not really.
pone science isn't a real science
>>13568003But Pinkie nuzzled Twilight in Lesson zeroSo maybe they're also tennis partners!?
The hotglue collection grows
>>13567971watch the show you fucking degenerate brony
>>13568060Would you play doubles with pone?
>>13568031are you lonely?
>>13567950whats wrong with that cut in the cake. its a mindfuck trying to figure out how it works.
>>13567902>>13567986AND ALSO THE LASER PRINTER
>>13568046That person would be pretty much like the god emperor who's considered to be a god.
>>13568030Basically visual text editors with font type and size, images and graphs, where everything on the computer will looks pretty much the same when it's printed.
You are at your computerPinkie Pie walks in to the room, eyes closed and just plops her whole self down on your lap. She stays there, snoring warmly. What do you do?
>>13568063Just a silly thing I remembered~
>>13568082falsely so, that is one of the specific ironies
>>13568100>falselyBy what definition? The one of Christianity?
>>13568071As long as I had a Pegasus (that isn't Fluttershy) as my partner.
>>13568073yesbut that doesn't change the factt hat derpy is a slut
>>13568058what did you say anon
>>13568106by the definition of the setting
>>13568094Rub hand along back
>you will never see AJ and Sylvia bump butts
>>13568075While physically contained in the icing, the cake actually has a near infinite mass, extending far beyond our comprehension of matter. With the icing broken, we can see inside the cake and view the temporal compression that allows such a vast amount of matter to be compressed into such small mass.
>>13568094lower the volume and try not to hug herand maybe if I do I'll try not to hug her so hard she doesn't wake upand if she does wake up I'll act surprised or pretend I don't notice her and that I wasn't hugging her at all and where did you come from?
>>13568111But derpy isn't a slut, she's just very nice to everyone because she does not have it in her heart to be cruel
>>13568106Yes, the thing about language and definitions is that it really is a popularity contest.
>>13568114[citation needed]
>>13568123which one has got the biggest butt
Does edging count against nofap?
>>13568094pick her up and carry her to my bed, then climb into bed and hug her, hopefully falling asleep with her hugging me back
>>13568145fap away
I like the princesses. They're pretty.
>>13568077you wasted your education on a useless degree pinkie, and you almost never help out around the store. Mr Cake and I are not going to pay back your student loans for you. You need to get serious about your life. We want you to move out.
>>13568145nope, you're still touching your dick
>>13568128but she was cruel to me!
>>13568135The setting he refered to is 40k, based on the "god emperor" lineunless there's a very small chance he was talking about doom
>>13568143Sadly I'd have to say Sylvia. But which one can twerk it better?
>>13568123>talking about the shittiest pony and my woy waifu in the same sentenceFUCK YOU
>>13568164>doomfuck, I meant dune
>>13564804https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28501521/GeneralArchive/BraeburnQuest/BraeburnQuest.htmlAll fixed now.
>>13568145noFAP not noCUM
>>13568145yesyou are self stimulating
>>13568112it kind of bugs me that he doesn't show any work
>>13568094Wake her up and say "you don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this" and hand her a bowl of eggs.
>>13568158They're pretty hefty.Weigh as much as 3-5x your weight.
>>13568180cheers, man
>>13568180You creep me out to the point where, if I had tits and a uterus, I'd be finding out how to get a restraining order against you. Go fuck yourself off a pier, taintshoes.
>>13568176thathat's fake right?
>>13568112Nice to know they at least do their math in base 10
>>13568204You have issues, Anon.
>>13568193>showing work when you arrive at the correct answer
>>13568094Wonder where she came from and how she got onto a military compound, but most importantly: Why me?Then throw all those notions out the window and promptly go AWOL lest the government take her.
>>13568158>everyone looks concerned but fluttershy>"Damn that bich got owned pretty easily"
>>13568199Wander's partner in traveling the galaxy
>>13568229braeburned pls
>>13568221I'm not the one buying people computers.
>>13568229I'd say his work checks out.
>>13568204It was funny the first timeplease stop
>>13568230That part made me unf.
>>13568125>try not to hug sleeping pony>try not to>do it anyway>just holding them close to you, their form soft and relaxed against you.>"Their mane is really soft too...>"Wa....what are you doing?"
>>13568242Anonymous you should see a doctor. It's not healthy.
>>13568231But that's how Fluttershy's face always looks...
>>13568235>Snoopy danceTop kek
>>13568226But there's no reason to write out the number like that for a class if he's not teaching them.
>check rediv's tumblr>I hate small talk so much. chances are if you message me and it starts with “sup, hi, hello, etc” I will not want to talk to you or respond>and it’s not because I’m rude, it’s just because>that’s so boringsuddenly I don't feel so bad about not trying to reach out to other people
>>13568260Non consensual hugging is a serious offense mister!
>>13568229>Now students we are going to discuss my class policy on horse boners in class.>Let it be clear that if you cannot control you horse boners in class, you will be required to wear a horse condom at all times>Are there any questions about this?
Which pony is the greatest in the galaxy?
So what is it you guys actualy DO in mlp general?
>>13568227is small pink horse contraband?
>>13568275Just have something a little more substantial to say
>>13568145i convinced myself that fapping without cumming doesnt countthen i convinced myself if i cum without using my hands then it doesnt count
>>13568235I hope episode 2 is better, the first one made everything feel forced
>>13568275>it's not because I'm rudeit kinda is>that's so boringthis is also true
>>13568287bitch about each other
>>13568299>hands freeunfmake a video
>>13568299Whats a BRDASHNY?
>>13568301the picnic?
>>13568299Just imagine what was going through the artis's head with thatEw zit ew another zit, holy shit the ink is slipping with all this oil
>>13568299Do you sometimes feel guilty about spreading word of the fandom in the early days because of shit like this? I do.
>>13568299>>13568317>THE DASH DON'T BE SILENT
>>13568314>hands freegoogle jackpot.mp3
>>13568275>suddenly I don't feel so bad about not trying to reach out to other peopleIt must be boring to see 10 or more people ask that same thing every day
>>13568260oh shit, oh jeezI knew I shouldn't have smelled her, her scent is my weaknessjust be cool, be cool
>>13568275>Ignore people because you can't be assed with themNo it's pretty rude, being polite doesn't mean "I do things only when I feel like it" it's being considerate of others despite what you feel like. Somehow people can't seem to see themselves in a negative light I've noticed, always an excuse or exception.
>>13568334I never spread anything.By the time I actually did watch the show, in August 2011, before S2 it was already too late.
>>13568349gosh i sure would hate to sit down to my computer every day and have a bunch of fan mail from people that want to speak with me, that would really be the absolute most awful thing
>>13568350what does Pinkie Pie smell like?
>>13568392it's boring not awful
Pony is listening to jackpot.mp3
>>13568349how are you supposed to get to know someone without making small talk?
>>13568393Vodka, aderal, and energy drinks.
rarity wants to play a game with you
>>13568334the only thing i regret is being so involved in the fandom early on.why the fuck did i think it was acceptable to go around yelling at everyone that i watch mlp and try to convince them the "story" and "animation" is so good???
>>13568422>>13568423could she be any more perfect?
>>13568425what game is it you had in mind, fashion horse
>>13568417d-does she like it?
>>13568425What kind of game?I'd be down for some chess, I haven't played in a while.
>>13568450She's sitting in your chairGet a towel.
>>13568425We're going to play Apples to Apples.Pinkie is invited
>>13568455ugh, couldn't we play something that I have all the pieces for? Unless you want to make a ghetto trap
>>13568462b-but I'm in my chair right nowWhat's happening? I'm confused.
>>13568301There's currently 3 episodes out.
>>13568465Earth to earthApples to applesDust to dust
>>13568486She's on hhyyyyyyour yoyyyour your
>>13568486you are the pony
>>13568465>Apples to Apples>not Cards againt humanityspeaking of which who wants to play
>>13568513I've always wanted to be the pony
>>13568393Well, she lives in a bakery. Realistically, I'd say she probably smells like a blend of cake spices, which would more specifically be whatever was being baked that day. I'd say a medium vanilla mixed with something kind of like a pumpkin pie smell would be typical. There would also be one other off key smell, something like latex or fresh rubber, likely from a prop or costume she was wearing earlier that day. You'd only notice it if you were really close, though, like nearly touching faces. Other times, she might actually smell kinda gross, like if she was playing in the swamp with Gummy. You'd have to be careful when smelling her.
>>13568522I would but I'm going to go Dark Souls instead.Good luck though!
Have you ever wanted to pay someone to make a video of themselves masturbating for you?
Daily reminder that trance around the world is dead and above and beyond's new show is kinda lame
>>13568546EA plsThat's just weird.Unless it's a qt femanon then it's awesome
>>13568555its a cute femmytrapanon
>>13568555>implying anyone would film themselves taking a chance for mlpg
>>13568542I think the ms paint looking one was funnier with it's more simplistic apearence matching the text better
>>13568539Does your waifu smell like a bakery?No? Then fuck you
>>13568580>tfw you would if you could do it completely anonymously
>>13568619>imfuckingplyingnigga just post anonymously like you're doing now? or hide your face if we already know who you are.
>tfw you were the machine all alongomg spooky
>>13568639If you have a chance and you're from MLPG, that limits you down to being like one of 4 people.
>>13568539What does her ass smell like
>>13568673Like shit.
>>13568550Fuck you
>>13568693i can't read moon
>>13568693I find it kind of interesting how into the .MOV series japanese artists seem to be.
>>13567088that Fluttershy Rara is elegance defined
>>13568700just enjoy the pretty pictures
>>13568701what? really? they like that shit?
>>13568709Captcha: and creatury
>>13568687What's the matter, upset?I am
>>13568605My waifu would probably carry the fragrance of whatever was the most popular perfume in Canterlot. Her favorite would be one that smells like a fresh, warm Spring day downwind of a blossoming mountainside cherry orchard, though without a fine nose, you'd probably just note it for being very pleasant.When she's not trying to impress, it'd be a much simpler scent, something like a light lavender or a bouquet of field flowers. Sometimes, she carries a 'new' scent that she picks up from the fabric of a recently finished dress.Personally, I think her best smell would be the one she carries when she's drying her mane after a morning shower. With all the different shampoos and conditioners she'd no doubt implement, it'd be a pretty unique concoction before she splashed on her perfume.
>>13568709Even sans shipping I've always liked the idea of Rarity showing Fluttershy how to be elegant or the sharing of things she enjoys that FS may enjoy that just so happens to expand her world view a little bit in terms of regality and poise.
>>13568718Yeah dude.http://footsam.tumblr.com/post/60931169774/umenoo-pony-mov
>>13568740wowthis is really patheticthen again, all waifufags are
>>13568693This is actually pretty neat
>>13568752Probably because they like making fun of murcan culture
>tfw you will never be 17 years old
>>13568758Just trying to have some fun here, Anon.Why don't you come up with something?
>>13568718Are you seriously surprised? They're still some of the most recognizable fan animations in the fandom.
>>13568693The pony stuff on there is disturbing.I didn't like Monster's University much either.Not ny cup of tea.
>>13568767I don't want to be 17 again.
>>13568693>>13568752Any one in here speck &/or preferably read and moon?
>>13568767But I already was, and it wasn't anything special.
>>13568762Nah I think they actually think they're funny/enjoyable. Then again, maybe it's funnier when you can't understand it. Kinda like how we liked that gameshow MXC.
>>13568693>>13568752Any one in here speck &/or preferably read and write moon?
>>13568773fun is talking about the FIM universe or something, not imagining what your favorite pony smells like.
>>13568811...Oh wait, MXC was dubbed. It's been a while.
>>13568821>no left side
>>13568740Sorry I cant hear you over the sound of fresh baked bread and chocolate!
>>13568811I don't understand Gaki no Tsukai unless it's dubbed but that show is fucking hilarious
>>13568835The dub wasn't anything like what they were actually saying tough, so in a way it's similar if Japan were to dub over our show with ridiculous jokes.
>>13568853I do Applebloom, she just hasn't noticed me.I suppose part of that problem is I haven't tried to speak to her.
>>13568853I could use more bloom.
>>13568853Didn't someone already do this same type of pic? With AB and the same question?
>>13568853Same reason Miss Cheerilee doesn't.
>>13568879Well of course it wasn't what they were actually saying, that's what made it funny.
>>13568853I will wreck you!
>>13568853Because I'm a emotionally unstable man-child, Applebloom...
>>13568853Because I'm a disgusting,useless and secluded person and not even the EoH can fix that.
>>13568883That one had applebloom sitting on his head
>>13568895It will be okay, your pic is different enough.Try it with Sweetie Bell next time, she's the shippingest pony anyway.
>>13568826What's not fun about thought and creativity exercises with your favorite ponies? I think it gives a writer or a thinker in general a way to more fully develop a character in their own mind. Sure, it's not canon or anything, but it's not like they'll ever talk about it in any canon materials anyways.It's all in good fun.
>>13568911I still hear the musicIt pervades my dreams and is clawed into the very essence of my soul
>>13568895It had anon in it, but it was the same question with the same pony (applebloom)It's from a ded drawfag though.>>13568920Well yeah, but still.
>>13568853I do! But they're not a pony, they're a human boy like me!
>>13568931you sound like those tali fags that actually tried to imagine how her sweat tastes like, or some shit like that.
>>13568853Because I like meat too much
>>13568853maybe you could be my special somepony...
>>13568948Oh jeez, way to bring back horrible nightmaresI thought that after I got off the ride with me3 those memories would leave mefuck
>>13568955dude, she's under aged
>>13568920and that stupid feel edit
>>13568693that is some excellent taste in pone
>>13568949But anon, you can have a special somepony and still like meat
>>13568948What would Derpy's asshole taste like?
pony just invaded your privacy
Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
>>13569017get out pone im piss
>>135690173/10 perspective 4/10 posing
http://24.media.tumblr.com/c396516064ebb2c0645b817ca7f4d970/tumblr_mt749biACn1rss0c2o1_1280.pngGREATNow draw her without clothesEating out Mini Tuffs
>>13569017well drawn, but still gay. Like you, mewball
>>13569030How much is it?Or is that someone showing off?
>>13569017Which pony? I need to know whether I should be upset, or expose myself to them.
>>13569001...I didn't know that.
>>13569051>Eating out Mini Tuffs
pony wants a hugy/n?
>>13569017No they dont. I locked the door
>>13569053What's wrong, Hatefag? You sound tired or something. Is everything alright?
>>13569017I really don't know whats more weirdThree littel filleis wanting to "help" you in the showerOr someone just having a picture of their waifu on the wall in their bathroom
>>13569084nPony is obviously up to something.
>>13569103>Or someone just having a picture of their waifu on the wall in their bathroomI think that's just a ;little bit of self aware humor
>>13569084Of course
>>13569023The fuck is a Canterlot Master Frodo? Also im not your student... did you hit your head or something?
>>13569084Sure. If shes offering.
>>13569023Suck a dick frodo.
Should I buy GTA V?
>>13569134Who the fuck is this guy, Ryan?
>>13569100yea i'm tired. No, i always feel this way
>>13569170No, you should buy a pony.
>>13569170Yes. And a pony, too.
>>13569107correct, so as your prize you win nothing>>13569132>>13569156you were tricked you get an hour long hug with no hope of escape
>>13569203>720>HD>not 4k
>>13569203space wolf go home, you are drunkprobably
>>13569231Go back to /v/ and /g/
>>13569170Pokemon comes out in October.Games are a luxury I can't afford so I'm waiting on that.
>>13569213What do you do with a Pinkie strapped to your chest for 1 entire hour? Hard Mode: Her forelegs are wrapped around your arms
>>1356920340K?More like 40 GAY
>>13569266I go to a bouncy castle and bounce around
frotting with spike he has the double d
>>13569266Take a nap?
>>13569249>tfw xbone already paid for>and CoD Ghost for the 360 that I'm going to upgrade for the xbone when it comes out>and pokemon X paid for>and BF4 paid for
>>13569271you made this joke before scrubles imitator
>>13569288If only you could invest that money in social skills and good looks, huh?
>>13569266I lay on top of her in an attempt to reciprocate the bodily pressure if I can't hug back
>>13569283>one on each side>humping the space between them while holding both of his tips together
>>13569290holy run-on sentence batman
>>13569296>10 good friends irl>girlfriend>she's into polygamy>sex at least 5 times a week>swole>6.5"
>>13569296He easily could if he applied himself and wanted to change.Not that he's going to anytime soon.
>>13569192I want one.
>>13569288>Xbone >CoD>BF4I don't need to know anymore to know I'm not jealous of your financial situation if it meant having your tastes.
>>13569290B-but I'm the real one! Not the gay dragon one!I'll prove it, uqick give me a pony to joke!
>>13569301>"G-guh....anon...">"What, give up already?">"I...c-can't...breathe...">she passes out
>>13569203would i defend Fluttershy?of course, with my lifeWhy are we being chased by these fucking goons?Who knows
>>13569337PS4 was sold out like day 1
>>13569325>300 friends irl>5 girlfriends>each of them have like 3 vaginas>sex 24/7>2swole>8.3"Your move
>>13569325Yeah, I ain't buying that shit. No need to hide your lack of social skills, look where you are.
>>13569339YES, now I can properly hug back!
>>13569348and you couldn't wait?
>>13569357>sex 24/7>not 25/8get a load of this nerd
>>13569338Write one of those charming vignettes about the CMC
>>13569364I'll still going to get one anyway
>>13569356Hey, you guys know where Gilda learned to fly??Kitty Hawk!
>>13569358>if I can't be social, theres no WAY anyone else here canpls
Which pony enjoys blowjob sex the ost
>>13569393>blowjob sexwhy
>>13569369PUNK WEIGHT
>>13569325>10,000 good friends irl #420 legit>22 wives, 58 girlfriends>enough penii to fuck all of them simultaneously>no point in which I am breathing and not having sex at the same time #livingthedreamUSA>body consists of a rock hard penile shaft with a giant pair of balls, swole as fuck>10 stories tall/intellectual checkmate
>>13569388That's hilarious
>>13569393we don't even know if he means giving or receiving! What the fuck is blowjob sex!
>>13569377I always get a kick out of your jokes, scrubblesnever change
Can I get some refs of Featherweight?
>>13569441the one on the right
man, why does sticker star suck so much, yet have an amazing credit theme?
>>13569441nah, Featherweight is lame as fuckdraw cooler pony instead
Twilight Sparkle just found out your sex crazed, freaky fetish side of you and found all the greentext and stories about what you would to do her on the archiveWhat do
>>13569473Blame it on my estrus
>>13569473Lick Spike's asshole.
>>13569473But I don't talk about Twilight that much.
>>13569473bitch don't flatter yourself. My fetish is anything unobtainable. If i can have sex with it, it isn't my fetish
>>13569467Because Miyamoto(why it sucks) and the composer(why music is good)
>>13569464oh sorry here you go
>>13569473But I wouldn't do anything to Twilight Sparkle.
>>13569473Ask her if she liked them.
>>13569473I don't have one of those really.I've never typed anything up like that either.
pinkie pie facing left
>>13569473There currently exist zero greentexts with my fetish that feature twilight
>>13569524rainbow dash facing forwards
>>13569524pank to the leftponk to the rightcha cha real smooth
>>13569464That is literally my face for every thing Square Enix announces these days.Fucking Type 0 for iOS/Android, and that's the version we're going to get.
>>13569529>"Wanna make one?"
>>13569017Thank you hungry skeleton.
>>13569371>Scootaloo and Applebloom were busy in the kitchen at Sugar Cube Corner>The fillies came by preatically begging if they could help make something and they didnt know anywhere else to go and the must have the biggest kitchen in town and all the ingredients too and is that a new hair cut you have today mrs. cake, until the Cakes eventually agreed to let them at it after they were done with the days production so long as they agreed to help clean>They were in there for many hours with a lot of noise and giggling and the Cakes got worried, so they went into check on them>But when they went into the kitchen, they found a very large, well done looking chocolate cake covered with real french butter cream and home made pastel flowers>the place was a mess and the two fillies looked exhausted, but it was so charming who could be mad?>"Wait a second...." Said Mr. Cake. "Weren't there three of you earlier?">"Psssyt!" Scootaloo says, elbowing the chocoalte cake. "Thast your cue!">Nothing happens>"S-sweetie Belle?" Applbloom says, concerned, to the cake.>Later, at the hospital>Sweetie is recovering from a few minor burns and deep frosting inhalation, but she'll be ok>She's pracically sobbing by the time Rarity gets there>"That wasn't like the old movies at all!">Luckily and tragically ironic, she can have all the ice cream she can eat
>>13569473nothing, all that shit about hugging pinkie speaks for itselfshe knows what to do
>>13569546I doubt even the most morbid/fetishy twilight would want to
>>13569473Uh, I've done like two at most.I dunno, ask her opinion on it? Wanna try some of it?
>>13569569you sure about that?she's in to some weird stuff
why is everyone an idiot but me
>>13569593That... looks really bad.
>>13569588Talk about getting rock hard from a pony!
>>13569560no anon being horribly injured, not the real scrubbing bubblesAmusing story though
>>13569599Because you're an idiot
>>13569588My fetish would be a one way trip for her
>>13569610They dont have to all be about the CMC hurting some Anon. I'm not some one trick fully pony
>>13569634Alright then, you passGood work
>>13569473ask her if she's down to try it
>>13569593why so glum?
>>13569529>>13569569>>13569620D-don't ask me about my fetish or anything, guys! Really!
>>13569473How could she find something that doesn't exist?
>>13569683I wasn't going to tell
>>13569672red pls, draw a phat bottomed rarara sitting down like this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvJrBqsc37AWhich pony would like this?
Sometimes, I like to imagine that Trixie is riding me and after I orgasm, she jams her hooves into my shoulders and keeps riding me while I'm hypersensitive. Her eyes light up with sadistic glee while I struggle to get her off my manhood, but she doesn't stop until I'm no longer sensitive.Then I imagine her caressing my cheek while I'm worn out and panting. She says something like 'nice performance', but sarcastically. Maybe afterwards, she orders me to make up a pot of coffee. That'd be really hot.
>>13569683My fetish is too disturbing for 4chan. Even /b/ tells me I'm completely fucked up.
>>13569724Parasitic Castration?
>>13569724>visitng /b/
>>13569734I go for the loli threads and little else
>>13569724I bet it's super lewdis it something like this?
>>13569704maybe you should take a break from pone
>>13569718fuck off nanaki
>>13569724>/b/>Not full of the most normals of normals
>>13569683Trust me, I was not going to post itIt derails the thread every time
>>13569742>>13569733Swings and misses.It can't be summed up so simply.
>The mane six face a horrific abomination,>Rainbow Dash tries to dive bomb it>a giant maw opens from its spine, and swallows RD whole.>the other five start screaming uncontrollably.
>>13569739>>13569724ya, you're a pedophile. no doubt about it.
>>13569724Is it something like hyper fat hyper cock children raping a pregnant mother's baby in the womb until it's just a mess of undeveloped organs and blood?
>>13569724Is it consensual intercourse between two people that love eachother for the sole purpose of procreation?
My fetish involving pony is brushing their mane with a big sturdy comb and letting them eat alfalfa cubes from my hand while I talk gently to them so they wont kick me to death
>>13569749Mentioning you have one that derails the thread derails the thread just as bad with people trying to guess it.Good job.
>>13569759And FPS players are mass murderers
>>13569770mine is similar except I wish to be the ponyhaving a pony like >>13567157 is a close second though
>>13569767No, no. It's a bit more realistic than that and more disturbing for it.>>13569759It goes beyond just that.>>13569769Anon, that's just sick.
>>13569771won't do it again
>>13569791Lets be the pony together
>>13569771maybe it's so bad that it derails the thread even more
>>13569833You -definitely- need a break from pone.
>>13567157Is it so wrong to just want to nonsexually cuddle a large animal like this?
>>13569838h-how lewd!
>>13569791That would be nice, wothout the kicking
>>13569850as long as she's sentient and no human, by george
>>13569793>>13569793OUT WITH IT ALREADY!
>>13569850it's part of the reason I'm such a celestiafag
>>13569833that one's not badwackier eyes, though. Are you trying to look more cartoony?
>>13569776http://edition.cnn.com/2013/09/12/justice/cannibal-eat-children-case/index.html?hpt=hp_t3this guy only looked at pictures of children and purchased butchers tools and cannibal books and built a secret soundproof dungeon with cage and slaughter table. but he never harmed anyone in real life why was he arrested?
>>13569770>>13569791>>13569838>>13569857>One Anon is brushing and hand a feeding a pony, who in turn is made up of two other Anons in a hose costume
>>13569857It doesn't have to be lewd..
>>13569864the funny part is, that wasn't the guy who made the initial chain of posts leading us here, that was me. But now even I am aflicted with morbid curiosity
>>13569861Snetient is good, but if no its also good.If its nonseuxl, how is that creepy? Dont you people like to sleep with the dog on the bed?
>>13569881>Pony is watching this in utter confusion
>>13569874was this colored traditionally? and then the guy scanned into his computer using his asshole?
Space SPACE Spaaaaaaaaaace
>>13568275I don't see the problem. It's being introverted.Plus if I had literal dozens of people messaging me with just "hi" everyday I'd be bored too.
>>13569902my dog used to rape me while i was sleeping, so no
>>13567595Holy shit. If tex comes back I'm shitting up the thread. Fuck that guy.
>>13569916>you will never space with pony
>>13569875I guessjust messing around atm
>>13569950but why
>>13567595It's stupid how much this fandom cares about this stupid board and this stupid general
>>13569950what the fuck anon
>>13569876>Fapping to 2d lolis = plotting to kill childrenhahaha
>>13569950Anon, you are the problem.
is it queef inflation?
>>13569936Talk about doggy style!
>>13569864It takes the form of a psychological experiment meant to discover whether or not the prejudice and taboo against pedophilia is a product of society via conditioning or biology. Nature vs. Nurture as it pertains to sex with minors. The experiment would involve several girls raised from infancy, with at least one acting as the "control group" that is raised normally as a part of society with no sexual experiences. On the other end of the scale we have a girl who has no contact with society outside of myself (to the point of not even wearing clothes) and conditioned from an early age to receive sexual stimulation as a reward system, progressing in stages with age until intercourse at around age 8-11.In between you'd have various girls raised with varying degrees of societal interraction and sexual exposure. Some would be raised in full contact with society with sexual conditioning, others would be raised with no contact with society and no sexual experience until a later age etc. It would also be interesting to see what would happen if two girls from different points of the spectrum were introduced and left alone together.Yeah, I'm fucked up. But think of the science! A less uptight society would give me grants for this shit.
>>13569909Europe pleasesend me one
>>13569984>>13569950>>13569965wtfI remember nothing but complaints about Tex's behaviour just a few months ago. Now you're all defending him?! did all the Tex critics just leave or osmehing?
>>13569876Child porn's illegal no matter how you slice it.His having never harmed anybody was his defense, though.
>>13569876the police were like "let's stop this before it gets out of hand"
this is stupidthis is so stupid
how do i get to the good part of the pony fandom?it feels like every fandom i get into i end up hanging out in the deep diarrhea pit side of the fandom. i want to see the good side for once.
>>13570007what the fuck is wrong with youI'm not defending anyoneI'm asking why you feel the need to shitpost every time someone you don't like is mentioned
>>13570007BCS please go.
>>13569994fuck off m8 i'll kill u
68 days?
>>13570030Stay away from 4chan, then
>>13570004that just sounds like an elaborate excuse to fuck children
>>13570030the bright boys with stars in their eyes and dreams in their hearts? Be one and they will gravitate to you
>>13569988>Become a full fledged mare>Walk up to Pinkie>Stand next to her, looking up and around at stuff>Suck air into pony vagina>Rip out a loud queef right next to her>Few moments of silence>She rips a louder one back and giggles, looking around like nothing is happeningWould you try to beat Pinkie is a queefing competition with your new vagina?
>>13570004so you want an actual way to fuck little girls?
>>13570004I've actually heard of that one before. Way to get me all hyped up, sheesh.
>>13570030>>135700494chan /is/ the good part
>>13570030>the good part of the pony fandom
>>13570030you need to go back in time about 2-3 years
>>13569983>>13570017the article is exaggerating to sell a story. he wasnt plotting to do anything. he just did some greentxts on a forum about his cannibal fetish. greentxts dont mean you are actually going to do it.
Oh no. It's happening again.Uh...RARIJACK IS BEST SHIP
>>13570024I agreethat little zebra IS stupid
>>13570050Partly, I suppose. But if they enjoy and desire it because of conditioning?>>13570061150 years ago girls as young as 13 were marrying and fucking guys in their 30sNothing has changed except the standard of living and societal views.
>>13570071That expression is hilarious
>>13570050yea, i wouldn't give him a grant for that either
>>13570007the solution is to ignore it. you are making the problem worse.
>>13570064Pretty sure I posted it in these threads before.
>>13570004that's unethical
>>13570082don't stop.
>>13570082How can other people even defend other ships when matched against Rarijack?
>>13570071yea, um p-put it in your mouth?
>>13570030>mfw for a short while I thought this was the good part of the pony fandomhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wnevk-6h6aIDon't get hooked on a 10 hour Twilight Zone binge like I did yesterday.
>>13570004Anon, not to judge or anything, but are you overweight and a virgin? Not to be mean, I'm just curious. Sounds like an elaborate domination scheme that I'd only associate with a man that hasn't been in a loving or lasting relationship.
>>13570071No.I have clothes on you silly pony.
>>13570004>>13570090Eh, make a fapfic out of it and i'd probably read it
>>13570007You are the problem, Anon.
>>13570117Absolutely disgusting
>>13570082That is not Macora or Sweetiespike>>13570106So was the little albert experiment>>13570127Virgin, yes. Overweight, no.
>>13570113I WILL NOT STOP>>13570117I'll be honest, FlutterDash comes in a close second.
Pony hasn't blown her load in over a thousand years
R-Rara sama!!
>>13570030Come back while the show is airing and not in hiatus. MLPG is the good part then.We're probably going to be the least annoying and brony of all of the community.
>>13570164I can fix that
>>13570165oooo you touch my Rararaoooo my ding ding SLUT
>>13570164I would be honored to assist pony, if they need help
>>13570121oh god i feel like watching twilight zone now
>Tex: apples apples appples for 8 hours a day>Anon: Man tex is annoying>Tex: Oh man, no one loves me. I am not getting enough attention ;_;>Tex: I'm going to post a blog post about how MLPG hates me
>>13570173>MLPG is the good part then.Yeah because we did so well during S3.
>>13570176>>13570188Pony has doubts that you could handle such a monumental load
>>13570151>Macora>>>/co/And SweetieSpike does not even COMPARE to the MIGHT of RariJack.
>>13570191>Anon: Tex is gone but I better shitpost about him anyway!>Anon: Maybe if I fling enough mud everyone will hate him when he decides to come back!>Anon: What I'm doing isn't insane or pointless at all!
>you will never make a cake with Panka the Rappa
>>13570151Alright, thanks for being honest. For some reason, I have noticed that virgins tend to pick up some rather interesting fetishes as compared to people that have had sex. I wonder if it's a psychological coping mechanism that's used to satisfy the desire for love and sex?
>>13570219Just try me
>>13570191whats wrong with apples?
>>13570219I probably can't but I'm willing to try!
>>13570234C-c-crack the egg into the bowl.
>>13570229Eh. I actually saw that same AJ face on a wall on my little sister's art class.
>>13570193>S3>The Season of hiatuses and bad episodes every other weekI guess it depends on how good S4's eps are. We're much better than the alternatives, like EqD, Ponychan, or some of the other autismal cesspools.
>>13570275You forgot the frequent leaks.But still, just because we were "better" than the rest, doesn't mean we weren't still horrible.
>>13570283I'd WPSHH that
>>13570227Anon pls>>13570237Probably. I've actually had some interesting conversations IRL about how drawn/illustrated pornography can be a lot more satisfying than a lot of photographic or live action pornography because it allows the expression of different fetishes without the accompanying guilt that would come with seeing those things happen to a real person.And that conversation was with a sexy, nerdy burlesque dancer who I'm good friends with and broke up with her boyfriend six months ago. Still trying to work up the courage to ask her out.
>>13570191Do you not like apples or something? Jesus christ get a load of this loser.
>>13570230>This is what tex drones really believes
>>13570283mate stop. Just go on a pone hiatus and draw other things. At least for a while.
Smile*3 is objectively the best song in the show.
>>13570322Thats not the super speedy cider squeezy
>>13570322Pretty much. Though that new AJ song comin up might be purdy good
>>13570322that was the episode where Pinkie found out she was a total slave
>>13570298If she's that open and was comfortable talking about that kind of stuff with you, then go for it. You've got absolutely nothing to lose by asking. Seriously, if you ask her, the worst she can do is 'ehh' and walk away. You won't kick yourself in 5-10 years wondering what would have happened if she said yes.I'd give it a shot.
>>13570298Where did that ship even come from?
>>13570322Rebuttal: Rarity's dress song is far superior.
>>13570230>wanting attention whores to come back
>>13570298just do itit's not going to work out, and you'll blow it big time.but at least you asked.
>>13570343yea, go ahead. i want to fuck your dirty toungue