Old thread: >>13555467Topic: It's a nice, calm Sunday in Equestria. How does each pony enjoy it?
>>13560046by booping
>>13560046Recovering from a hangover.
>>13560063>>13560084pony is not for sad
>>13560046By masturbating to animals having sex.
ONE PONE IS 69 dayshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYWT4uYOPvs
>Anonymous asked: Use your trip ONLY when talking about your work, questions are addressed to you personally, or are posting art. Take it off when you go into general brony chit chat mode please. You're just going to annoy some people.>No. I don’t really care about the type of person who would get upset at something so insignificant.http://texdrawings.tumblr.com/post/61317326426/use-your-trip-only-when-talking-about-your-work
>Twilight goes to church with Fluttershy>accidentally brings the Necronomicon
>>13560116He's right
>>13560116I really need to filter the word tex, too.
>>13560116Do people still get mad at tripfags or something?
>>13560108Pony is never not sad
>>13560134It's 4chan, what do you expect?
>>13560116>mfw people piss and moan at exactly this
>>13560116Fucking told
>>13560108But pony is often sad.
>>13560134Only when they have it on when posting worthless shitSee:Tex, BCS
>>13560116What sort of onomatopoeia is "Weeh"
>>13560163Learn to filter or go back to /v/.Remember when on /co/ no one cared about trips? What happned?
>>13560134>>13560130>>13560128>>1356012475% of the hostility towards Tex was that he used MLPG as his brony chit chat. Avataring, inane pony talk. 25% was because of that whiny post he made in response to the hostility from his avataring. He's just gonna get people mad at him for no reason. and then he's gonna get all mopey again.
>>13560183Shitposters happenedSee:Tex, BCS
>>13560163Anonymous posting worthless shit isn't any betterSee: You
>>13560183the ponyfags from /b/ came to /mlp/, then here.>>13560188>tex>shitpostingyou're reaching, anon.
>>13560186Then hopefully it all comes together and the cancer cuts itself out again.
>>13560116>Tex: I'm gonna shitpost and there's nothing you're gonna do about thatT-Thanks Tex!
>>13560183They still don't care.But here, it's /mlp/, aka a clusterfuck from all boards. You're bound to find Anons from boards with a native hostility towards trips and names.
>>13560183/b/ and /v/ happened
>>13560186Also 95% of the hostility towards Tex comes from shitposters
>>13560186Which whiny post?
>>13560213>Also 95% of the hostility towards Tex comes from shitpostersThey were only shitposting in response to hating Tex.
It's pretty funny how you can go back to the beginning of this whole thing and see Tex STILL shitposting back then.
>>13560186Look, I understand that you're upset because he refused to concede to your demands. But dragging it in here in hopes of getting people to co-sign your bullshit is just stupid.
>>13560213I like to think that 83% of hostility comes from shitposters.
>>13560097Rainbow Dash you have to slow down! No pony has ever gone this fast before, the side-effects could be disaster!
>>13560219For petty reasons.
>>13560186>75% of the hostility towards Tex was that he used MLPG as his brony chit chatGood heavens contributing and talking about pones???? Capital punishment!>Avataring, inane pony talk. 25% was because of that whiny post he made in response to the hostility from his avataring. I take it you never go to /co/
>>13560215The one he deleted (he deletes like everything) where he said MLPG doesn't love him or something. Accompanied by this picture.
>>13560219So you're saying the shitposters were the ones defending Tex? Because I don't see anyone calling people who hate him bronies or cancer.
Cherry Jubilee was a wasted character.
Hey, let's post waifus! and not talk about shitposting!
>>13560237>Good heavens contributing and talking about pones????http://archive.heinessen.com/mlp/?task=search2&ghost=&search_text=&search_subject=&search_username=tex&search_tripcode=&search_filename=&search_datefrom=&search_dateto=&search_op=all&search_del=dontcare&search_int=dontcare&search_ord=new&search_res=postThis is inane shit.
>>13560243Oh yeah, when he took a break.That's understandable, look what happened to the thread right now.
>>13560252>no shitpostingBut you posted the wrong horse
If Equestria has instant noodles, what flavors does it come in?
>>13560243This image will never stop being funny.
>>13560258>nobody took the bait an hour later>now the thread turned to shit
Sometimes I wish these threads had forced IDs like /q/.
>>13560287Would help me filter shitpostersSee:Tex, BCS
>tia>lulukill me
>>13560046Reading the paper, drinking some tea, maybe some light gardening in Fluttershy or Applejack's case. Family time in Applejack's case.Rarity may or may not take some time in the afternoon to have "girl time" with Sweetie if she's not involved with the CMC.
>>13560252This one love to roll around the sweater I bought her.
>>13560287I wish people didnt take MLPG seriously but then day threads wouldnt be day threads.
>>13560287Forced IDs worked so badly they even removed them from /b/, so there's your ID shit
>>13560287I'd be pretty funny if it happened for, like, a week. I'd love to see the result on shitposting.
>>13560283>baitIt's not. Just that Tex is as brony as they come and his brony tendencies are annoying.
>>13560298>Tavi>Ditzy Do
>>13560297>lel I posted it again guis
Fall's cominghow would you keep favorite pone warm?
>>13560308Wait, /b/ doesn't have forced IDs anymore?
>>13560297Also see: sentenal01, Strider, Dave
>>13560268>took a breakWhen he left all the groups, unfriended everyone on Steam and left?I was hoping it was for good.
>>13560287We should all use tripcodes!
>>13560315>It's not.Horseshit.
>>13560297I'd like to filter you. Or maybe I should just filter "See:Tex, BCS" since you keep repeating it like a parrot.
>>13560324No. Because, wow, what a surprise, they didn't do any good at all.
Rinky Pinkie Parlez Vous
>>13560326>StriderIsn't that guy like, one of THE nicest people here?
>>13560343But I'm not a shitposter like SOME postersSee:BCS, Tex
>>13560352Wouldn't go as far as nicest, but he's alright usually.
>>13560294This is silly, but that's not an equivalent example since the argument is about his action in MLPG and that will have pulled posts from throughout /mlp/.
Post your filters
>>13560338No shit!
>one asshole repeatedly shitposting about contributors>every other dumbass in the thread keeps responding to himWhen will you people LEARN?!
>>13560252She's a very silly pony
>>13560252Blue pon is best waifu in my heart
Tex, come to Excalibur so I can cook you apple stuff and call you sugarcube.
>It's shitposting if I don't like it.
>Tex used to be cool>Turned into the biggest god damn brony ever>Refuses to go anon>Avatars>Inane pony chit chat>Fanfiction tier art about being in love with AJ and having kidsWhat happened?
>>13560368"become Anonymous".That's it.
>>13560358>I'm not a shitposterHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAyou just keep telling yourself that, kiddo
>>13560364All Tex had to do was ignore the anon, instead of saying "YOu can't stop me! I'll avatar as much as I want!"
>>13560362I'm pretty sure all of those are from MLPG, it's just that there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of those posts. They're not very valuable, but better than the average MLPG post either way.
>>13560385Kiss my ass.
So here you are. You and pony. All alone. One single escape pod. No time left.
>>13560404Thanks Dash
>>13560386Maybe he stopped taking these threads seriously and started doing whatever he wanted, without trying to keep up with inane rules.
>>13560404FUCK OFF DASH
>>13560386You realized all too suddenly people don't dance to your drumbeat?
>>13560252>Luna scarfPlease don't tell me this is some weird TF shit
>>13560393But I'm notIf you want to see shitposters, just look up Tex or BCS
>>13560386Are you just going to keep doing this for the whole thread?
>>13560386He stopped drawing.
>>13560404Then who's the fisher?
>>13560404I LOVE Tex. He's one of my favorite artists. All I want him to do is to tone down the tripfagging and attention whoring.
>>13560410You're the worstYou're worse than >>13560385
>>13560408Push pony in to pod. The virus is already spread too far in my body.
>>13560408Oh jeeze, the escape pod is pony sized. Well, I guess it's the end for me.
>>13560419If you want to see shitposters, look in a mirror.
>>13560432> all I want is him to do x thing he's not beholden to, or I'll just keep bringing it up like a shitlordOoooky
>people shitposting about the best artist in the threadAnd he's only 15, too.All the shitposters are just jealous because they wasted their teenage years when they could've been as amazing as Tex.
>Tex drones
>>13560408Go, pony.Leave me.
>>13560448>tex>best "artist"PFFFFFFFFTHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA
>>13560433Oh. I'm sorry.
>>13560404Did you ever know that you're my hero?
>>13560417she likes her sister and wanted to wear a scarf to reminder her of Luna. I don't see where TF comes into it.
>>13560454>>Tex dronesIt's obvious Tex is defending himself as anon.
>>13560458FUCK YOU LUNA
>>13560448What's this about him being 15? Where does that shit comes from?
>>13560448>And he's only 15, too.
>>13560448>>13560471I heard he was 16.
I want /v/ to leave.
>>13560465> everyone doing x is one personUh
>>13560458Mines is a cute yellow pony. What does that said about me?
>>13560479You'd think that /v/ would be good, with all the dipshits fleeing the actual board.
>>13560435>>13560434Before pony can say anything you push her in the pod and press the launch button from this side.As you watch as the pod drifts away and is picked up by the rescue shuttle you hear the reactor exploding.Hopefully the rescue shuttle is far enough...
>>13560491Only daytime mlpg would defend the Super Brony Tex.
>>13560401>I'm pretty sure all of those are from MLPGNah; I opened the first four that were up there when I checked just now, and got one from an "Ask me anything" thread, one from AiE, one from a thread about the toys, and one from a desktop thread.It's the /mlp/ archive, and you're just pulling all the anonymous posts from throughout the board.
>>13560470He never talks over the mic even though he has one. Supposedly someone Dooks heard him say "SO WHERE'S THE MEXICAN?" while playing tf2 and he sounded like a kid.When we ask him about it he says he doesn't like giving out his personal information, yet he would've already given out his 'personal information' when he clicked yes on the "Are you 18?" button when you open 4chan in the first place.So yeah, he's at least underage.
Tex and BCS are PERFECT for each other.
>>13560461I've seen flutter panties too many times on the board to think some picture isn't something weird
>>13560479>there will never be a good pony vidyaexcept secret of the magic crystalI have it installed, have yet to play it. Im scared.
>>13560500I hope pony is alright.
>>13560458Not a waifu, butfavorite poneI guess
>>13560417She's just wearing a scarf with her sisters cutie mark. If you immediately think of transformation fetish it might be time to take a break
>>13560495Low standards.
>trying this hard to derail a thread>>13560458Sure thing
>>13560104It's already warm enough outside, couldn't we cool down with some nice frosty sharboop?
>>13560500Godspeed, pony.
>>13560513"What's your age" specifically is a little creepier than volunteering your age range to a site that doesn't really give a fuck about fine distinctions.
>>13560527pal friends when?
I wish I had my own library like Twilight
>>13560458Of all the stuff to wake up to at the crack of noon.Here ya go, bud.
Would you?
>>13560541Dr. Dick pls
>they keep persecuting the best artist in MLPG
>>13560544> pal friendsWaitWhat?
>>13560530She felt low at times, but I would love to cheer her up, if I could.>>13560527Its a nice pony.
>>13560531so tsun tsun
>>13560559texdrone pls
>>13560458The one on the right.
>>13560550Shes alright.
>>13560513That's all? But there are plenty of drawfags who are very secretive and never gave their age.
>>13560550Arguing is a form of attention over a given subject/entity and that's all Fluttershy wants out of given situation! It's not good for her to develop as a person to just wantonly give in to her moment of shallow desire!
>>13560512It wasn't me who posted the link. But it's not like his MLPG posts are much different either way, although he doesn't post here often nowadays to begin with.
>>13560500>>Begin crying
>>13560550She's ok
>>13560581wonderbolt plushie IS best pony.
>>13560585While saluting the pod as it leaves.
>>13560574Exactly the problem.
>>13560521>>13560539Pony is saved. After a few hours she wakes up and asks about you. Pony is devastated when pony finds out you lied about finding a way out.
So let's be clear.I can avatar all day and discuss the most inane fan fiction tier shit about ponies ("Which pony would like chocolate bars the most"?) and it's okay?
>>13560550She's not bad, but the others are more interesting. Maybe with the exception of AJ.
I'm gonna call it a dayGood night, MLPG
>>13560518>I have it installed, have yet to play it. Im scared.It becomes rather repetitive after a while.Sadly, my save files went lost before I could finish it.
>>13560596What the fuck that's not what I wanted to post.
>>13560601Yes, that's exactly what literally everyone here actually does.
>>13560571I hope Goat's working on that picture of her in the bridal gown. It was damn cute.
>>13560597I'm sorry pony.But I couldn't watch you die.
>>13560609Hah, I was scared it would be like Mystery of the Druids and I'd never be seen again.
>>13560601Sure, when all day means 15 minutes a day with a posting rate of about .7 posts/minute and your posts consist of non-offensive things and you also take drawing requests and deliver most of them.
>>13560601Why the fuck wouldn't you? It's even in the rules.
>>13560583A good thing really.
>>13560597You are more worth then you know, pony. That is why I push you in the pod.
>>13560601> can avatar alllllll day> FFFFANFICTION tier> IIIIT'S OKKAAYYYYYou know this isn't a committee that green-lights what every person posts, right?More to the point Tex doesn't post an avatar image with every post. That's what avatarfagging is.As for æ> fanfiction tier", you seem to have a case of "stop liking skub."
Pony's cock is dragging on the floorGive her a hand
>>13560632>and you also take drawing requestsI can't remember tex ever taking drawing requests.
How long till I can see my pone waifu with my oculus rift?
>>13560601Isn't that what everyone does?
>>13560624Me too.Not a big fan of what he did with her mane though.
>>13560601Normally I'd say Panka would like chocolate bars the most but I bet Luna packs dark chocolate away like nobodies business.
>>13560646Well Fluttershy shouldn't drag around her chickens like that. I mean really, I thought she knew better.
>EqG Pinkie Pie realized during lunch that she forgot to put on her underwear that morning, so she put on her extra pair while everyone in the cafeteria was staring awkwardly.
>>13560648so you are never here then and dont know what you are talking about in the first place?
>>13560648He took like 4 different requests off me alone
Did anyone watch these new korra episodes?I'm too scared to watch them
>>13560648He doesn't take requests often, that's a given, but I'm pretty sure he does, although I don't remember it well since I never really request anything from anyone.
>>13560639>>13560626Pony keeps crying. Pony is filed with anger. Pony says Pony hates you because you lied to pony. Not even the other ponies in the shuttle can calm Pony down. Eventually Pony just sobs and falls asleep as the rescue shuttle prepares to go back home
>>13560650I thought some dude already made a fuckable RD.
>>13560672They are worse than MLP S3
>>13560666She must be French-Canadian.
>>13560672They're okay.Nothing spectacular.
>>13560659Eh, he's workin on it. Maybe he'll change it maybe not. I just thought it nice to see him excited about his drawing something so spur of the moment.
>>13560666At that point, why even bother?
Why is she so inverted?
>>13560675Because she chose me.
>>13560675because celestia quest
>>13560672I'm too scared too. Apparently a lot of people hate Korra... Since I already don't like her after S1, I might as well drop it.
>>13560671Not anytime recently.That's for certain, he used to draw a lot more often.
>>13560675it was love at first site
Am I the only one who wants to know where the fuck Twilight's clothes came from in EqG?She wasn't wearing any when she went through the mirror and her saddlebags transmuted into a backpack.
>>13560659I actually liked it.Had that rustic appeal.
>>13560707Terrible writing.
>>13560695We are on /co/
Anyone else notice that Seasons of Pony Seem to go like Sony's consoles?S1 - GreatS2- BetterS3 - Meh but had some good momentsS4 - looking to be the best yet
>>13560707Stupid children's movie
>>13560707Magic...or something
>>13560601So, let me get this straight: You think that Texs posts are utter garbage and because of that you'd rather have him drop his trip so you can't filter him anymore?
>>13560693She is blue and fast and loyal and pretty and best pony
pony should human human
>>13560715Your post - Opinions
>>13560679Forgive me, pony.It was the only way.
>>13560715>PS4>looking to be the bestHA HA HA HA HA HA
>>13560707The Mirror is a Gate of Truth, allowing the violation of the laws of Equivalent Exchange.
>>13560675She's exotic and knowledgeable.
>>13560675She more symbolizes some of the characteristics I realized I was most attracted to. So I hold her slightly above the others as a result of that.>>13560730That's cute, yo.
>>135607154 isn't looking to be the best yet, or are we comparing it to Care Bears/Xbox?
>>13560707id it gave spike a colar, it can give her clothing
>>13560715S1>S2 m8
>>13560715>S4 - looking to be the best yetHm. Whatever makes you think that? We don't have lots of info about it.
>>13560675Because I love her.
>>13560675I have absolutely no idea, but she is also my imouto.
>>13560675>THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE PONYI don't understand.
>>13560744Pinkie Pie would make a great Bob Ross.
>>13560747Do you have an imouto?
>>13560749Tan you are no longer my nigga. I'm afraid I'll have to take my nigga card back. Sorry.
>>13560715S1: GoodS2: GoodS3: GoodS4: Dems aint even out yet
>>13560750The only good things about S4 as of now are AKR coming back and no massive merch adverts going about. If the latter happens anytime in the next month or so, then this season is going to be as fucked as 3 anyway.
>>13560749Not a chance.If it wasn't for ACW, every single aspect of S2 would have been superior.
>>13560758She seems too hyper too often to do that consistently, but if she did it while making something instead of throwing a party I think it'd fit her real nice.
>>13560729I can confirm this.
fart fart fart faaaaaaaart
>>13560675Pip-chan is my waifu
>>13560758Her voice isn't calm and calming enough, unfortunately. Very unnerving. I'd see her more as a television direct-response advertisement salesperson.
>>13560769S1:GreatS2:GREATESTS3:Almost greatS4:Excited
>>13560779>>13560766>>13560765All y'all buttmad niggas. It's fact, 'cuss Lauren Faust worked on it. Cry'em bitch tears.
>>13560749I like this opinion. In fact, here mines.S1>S3>S2Season 2 take itself way too seriously with their lesson. Season 3 was Season 1 lite for me.
>>13560783Apuljeck pls save it for the bedroom
You are chillin' in the library when suddenly this bursts from the basementwhat do?
>>13560790I fucking love the full image of that.
>>13560773The only thing that fucked season 3 was 13 episodes
>>13560750The storyboard preview sold me on it.>Dat luna flashback>Addressing scoots flying>Pinkie Parent's episode
pony loves you
>>13560794She also worked on s2
>>13560803And that the 13 episodes were worse on average than either of the other two seasons
>>13560807oh gosh~
S2 > S1
>>13560813Only they werent. S3 had like 4 great episodes, most of the rest were good episodes, and only one or two bad ones
>>13560807Pony shouldn't lie to make me feel better.
Twilight and I discuss philosophy while walking through the lyceum. We discuss whether or not something is pious because Celestia loves it, or if Celestia loves it because it is pious.
>>13560800Depends, is it solidifying or turning to goo?Is it friendly?Is it corrosive?Questions need answers before I attempt to fuck it.
Which pony would use Colgate toothpaste?
>>13560807She does?!?
>>13560813But that's wrong.The worst episodes of S3 were no were even near the worst of S2 and S1Also it had pretty great fucking episodes like Magic Duel, Sleepless, just for Sidekicks and One Bad Apple
>>13560836Twilight cannot discuss philosophy. Twilight is too dumb to ever even think about that. Twilight must uselessly study all day for no reason at all.
>>13560807She shouldn't love a monster like me. I don't deserve it.
>>13560804>luna flashback>flashbackAre you trolling or just stupid? Twilight Sparkle is RIGHT THERE. That's no flashback, Luna's going Nightmare Moon again.
>>13560851Fine then, if not second best pony Twilight, then who would I discuss with, and argue whether or not a mare could prosecute her mother?
>>13560851>hours and hours of late night cramming trying to understand what friendship and kindness are
>pone will never come to your birthday party
>>13560866Are you retarded?
>>13560838It has the consistence of a thick jelloto the touch it feels like a diluted lemon juice
How widely agreed is it that the comics are better at being Season 3 than Season 3 is at being Season 3?
>>13560792I like this list.Call me a sucker, but I actually think S4 will deliver and have some of the best episodes yet. Yadda yadda the writers getting Twilight as an alicorn has opened a ton of new doors, while closing some, let's hope they find a way to really use the opportunity.
>>13560867Celestia, Luna, Mayor Mare if she weren't busy, any pony other than the lobotomized purple one with wings.
>>13560866Out of all the ten's you got 0 of them
>>13560830SayS was the only bad episode and it wasn't too bad, but AFR was very meh and WA and KCaFO were forgettable and just not all that good respectively. GPP is somewhere between good and meh. Again TCE wasn't bad or meh, but it had its serious issues and nothing very memorable came of it that isn't negative save for sad crystal ponies, like Sombra's shitty character or Tara's awful voice acting, and managing to not develop either Cadence or SA even after 4 episodes nearly dedicated to them.There was also MMC's shitty ending, although the episode was definitely good otherwise.
>>13560894I really liked WA and KCaFO suffered from overhype and could never have been not a dissapointment
>>13560768Yes I do! She's my favourite Along with Twilight because she's so upbeat, because she truly loves her friends and because "I give a smile, I get as smile, and that's so special to me" has to be about the sweetest sentiment I've ever heard.
>>13560874>implying I didn't reserve the VIP section at the DJ Anthro Butt Club for my birthday party
>>13560894>SayS was the only bad episodeNah, AFR and GPP were worse.
>>13560905Nice try /ccg/ but i have autogif.
>>13560894SayS wasn't even bad
>>13560922That is factually wrong
>>13560919>has to be about the gayest sentiment I've ever heard.
>>13560890You're just jealous of her wings, aren't you?
>>13560905Well duh, I can't really click in real life.
>>13560855Where is her hooooorrrnn
>>13560765>>13560766>>13560775>>13560779>>13560789Look at all these Bronies
>>13560895OPINION NUMBER 2: Thats terror
>>13560924Spike was awful all throughout and it brought down every other aspect of the episode that would've been good when Spike tumbled in and had to be retarded for the sake of the plot.
>>13560923why would you have something like that with all the beastiality gifs that get posted here
>>13560874That scene is actually a Christmas party
>>13560873Those fucking hip movements.Is there more? I think you should post more.
>>13560942Tan...I am so disappointed in you.
>>13560942I made no comment on your post I simply WPSHH
>>13560924SayS was akin to EG. The overall package was really bad, but it had cute moments. The whole episode was just spike being horribly OOC and AJ being a retard about it
>>13560952Do you have a link to the actual thing? I've never scene it
>>13560950There were like three moments where Spike acted retardedThat's what, two minutes out of 22?
>>13560928Agreed, WA and OBS were worse, too
>>13560877I think I'd try to communicate with it, see if it has some kind of insight as to whether it's going to turn more stable or go liquid on me.>Diluted lemon juiceSo a slightly acidic feeling to it. Perhaps not the most comfortable sensation, but we can find a way around that should things proceed.
>>13560951Meh...I have a really good mental filter
>>13560874...I never knew the Luna thing wasn't the original.
Can't wait for S4.
>>13560973But WA, while just an average episode admittedly, was really good for Dash's character developement.
>>13560968Yeah, it was the Sweet and Elite of S3.
Why can't pony orgasm while I fuck her? Is there something wrong with her?
>>13560993Should add a brony scale which is always completely "best episode evurrr"
>>13560983I wish I could forget
>>13560966I thought WPSHH was a negative thing or something. I can't tell what anon is doing in that picture.
>>13560968I agree on SAYS but disagree on EGI found EG good for the most part but dragged down by a handfull of dumb moments
>>13560997I really don't get what you are trying to say
>>13560993That's actually all kinds of wrong except for the /mlp/ part. All episodes are rated by bronies as 9.9/10 or 10/10 regardless of quality, all episodes are rated in MLPG on a scale where 0 is actually 5-6 and 10 is just 10, so here if anyone says an episode was total shit it still means it was around 5-6/10 on a global scale.
>>13561012No something's wrong with her vagina.A pony is more than a vagina.
>>13561024Are you blind?
I'll just leave this here http://offbeatr.com/project/discord-in-equestria-your-ponysona-goes-here-58998173679
>>13560997Not really. S&E is atleast a decent episode, SAYS was utter shit.
>>13560186remember, he's like 16
>>13560941pony doesn't need horn
>>13561026>by a handfull of dumb momentsBut the whole thing was a complete shitfest. The only good thing about it was that all the characters were done really well, especially fluttershy, and we had some adorkable moments with Twilight.
>>13561012Pony is for non-sexual silly!
Rainbow Dash was M.V.P. of S3, prove me wrong.You can't.
>>13561012>that tripWhat
>>13561037Wow, great, let me get sentenal to send me money and I'll support it
>>13561035No, there's lines of motion coming off of his hand which was on the booty. That implies to me, that he's just pulling his hand off or something.
>>13561059>We are all talking about the show and having a good time>hurff durff better try and stir up shit again!
>>13561059the only shitfest moment was the ending reallyeverything else made sense at least
>>13561061Without Twilight Sparkle, there wouldn't even be a show. She's the MVP of every season and since she's ascended into alicornhood she's objectively the best pony. Get fucked.
>>13561074the whole premise dosent make sense
Which pony enjoys cosplay?Which pony enjoys anime?Which pony enjoys manga?Which pony secretly ships characters?Which pony blatantly ships characters? Which pony watches things dubbed?Which pony watches them subbed?
>>13561070WPSHH is a sound of slapping.Duh.
>>13561074The entire concept didn't make sense
Remember when Tex didn't purposely shit up the thread?
>>13561029Te first 24 hours after an episode airs is all over the scale.
If you could invite one pony over for strawberry ice cream, which would it be?>>13561068There's no shit posting. We're talking more ponies than you are, friend.
>>13561086SS is just an idot blinded by her egoonce that is factored in the mojority of it is resolved
Did we make a S4 Bingo Chart yet?
>>13560448Ross is better than Tex
>>13561068That's okay I guess. Was too early for me to be writing goo pony sex anyway.Ah well, I'll be back.
>>13560969http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cManFDH8ZQFrom Kyojin no Hoshi, or Star of the Giants, a baseball manga (same guy who wrote Ashita no Joe, it seems).The familiar table scene starts about 1:20 in.
>>13561070He's just struck it and pulled his arm back.
>>13561108dunno lol
>>13560046Celestia is just waking up.>but she raises the sunThe sun is late today. Deal with it.
>>13561131Time for dashbutt
Pony says the only reason she hasn't left is because of the shitspawn growing in her belly.
>>13561108I think so. Or was it for S3? Everything is so blurry...
>Pone nibbles your handwhat do
>>13561089RarityPinkieProbably Twilight out of curiosityAll of themTwilightFluttershyDash
>>13561107The whole "Twilight has to win the prom to get the crown back" Doesn't make sense. It was her fucking tiara and all she needed to do was tell Celestia that it was hers and she would like it back.
>>13561143>shitspawn growing in her belly.Sounds dangerous. She should see a doctor.
>>13561083She's only there for ballast, the show would be better without her.
>>13561151scratch pony's ear
>>13561107Not really, I've only met people who were completely mentally insane who thought things equivalent to what she planned to do were good ideas.
>>13561155Nobody would have believed her if she just ran up and told peopleit's that simple, even with a talking dog
Has anyone drawn Cherry Jubilee as Jubilee from X-men? That'd be funny, for about 5 seconds.
>>13561089>Which pony enjoys cosplay?Plenka Pleh>Which pony enjoys anime?Fluttershit>Which pony enjoys manga?Fluttershit>Which pony secretly ships characters?Twilight>Which pony blatantly ships characters?Alicorn Twilight>Which pony watches things dubbed?Rebno Des>Which pony watches them subbed?Ra ra tea and Applejack
>>13561151Path her head. Scratch her ear if I could.
>>13561179uh huh, whatever Meghan
>>13561074No, the entire thing was a shitfest with very few moments that were not bad. It started right off with the title sequence and it hasn't stopped until the credits rolled, not for a minute.
Someone should write a "Tex shitposting" bot. With a control for "level of inane chatter".
>>13561161She didHe says it probably won't kill her, but it can be her mealticket.I like meals so I said let it grow.
>>13561183>vampire ponyHmmmmmm
>>13561179>even with a talking dog>and a portal to a different planet>a tiara worth $5 in their eyes and they can't be convinced by a talking dog to let the crazy girl have itcool story
Which pony would wear a fedora with you?
>>13561207Jubilee's a vampire?
>>13561141I don't know what to make of that look she's giving medo I say something or just keep staring
why does bcs shitpost so much
>>13561179She didn't have to tell them all about equestria, she just needed to tell her that the tiara was hers. Thats it
>>13561233She's mentally ill and no one around her IRL seems to care
Pony wants you to ride her.
>>13561217exactly, they would have just thrown her and the dog in the loony bin
>>13561221Rarity. We also have appropriate suits in an appropriate situation and aren't being Euphoric about it.
>>13561237The tiarea was school property as far as they were concerned
>>13561233Because her booty's not as big as Rediv's.
>>13561244Yeah, just like how they did it with SS. Or how they called the cops when there was an enormous explosion in the middle of the town that took down half the school bui- OH RIGHT THEY DIDN'T DO THAT, INSTEAD THEY WENT TO THE DANCE
>>13561221Twilight. Obviously.
>>13561243I'd give her a rub before I got on.
>>13561260only it was found/donated if i remember correctly. All she had to do was tell her it was her tiara incorrectly given to them.
>>13561233Tex said it was okay.
>>13561260>I had a similar tiara and it got mixed up somehow but that is mineyou're not even trying anymore
>>13561270>holy shit that chick transformed into a deamon>holy shit she destroyed half the school>holy shit she enslaved us and wanted to send us in a war>holy shot we could have died there>oh wait she's hlping fix the school? She's alright then. LET'S DANCE BROS
I seriously hope you guys don't do drugs.
>>13561243I used to have a rocking horse with yarn hair.My stupid baby sister cut its hair and my family just let her do it.
>>13561319Ran out of pro-EG arguments?
>>13561313The ending is where it stops making sense, until then it all seems pretty reasonable for me
>>13560874>no shit on the wall0/10
>TFW when i argue about episodes i typically rewatch them to get my arguements right>really don't want to do this for EGMMDW is probably my most watched episode for this reason and it is my least liked episode. guess that just goes to show how shitty i think EG is
>>13561292>>13561303Alright fineConsidering how stupid anyone but the lead is at anytime in FiM, I still doubt it would work
>>13561346It doesn't seem like there would be more than one shitposter ITT, so the one defending EG was probably you.
>>13561346>Rediv's custom made armor
>>13561359the other fact is that EG is over an hour versus just 22 minutes
>>13561359I do that too though I've never watched EqG.
>>13561365Why does he have to be shitposting? maybe he likes the show and people just want to debate its merits?
>>13561359I was thinking about that many times, but there's just no way I'm going to rewatch that, ever. I don't care about my arguments enough to watch that piece of shit again.
>>13561365You are really retarded, I didn't even watch that movie because I was put off by the designs and premise.
>>13561365I like EG but fuck the armor faggot, seriouslyI doubt this even is the armorfaggot though, he's not posting the same go to images
>>13561340What about the part where they fucking glued a picture together and Luna didn't see itAnd the part where SS somehow tricked the others into not being friends anymore with things only a 3-year old retard couldn't figure outAnd the part where Celestia doesn't even check if Twilight is a studentAnd everything else that happens after Twilight enters the human world
>>13561243Holyshit you are as creepy as basic brony
There's nothing to really defend about EG, because it routinely shits the bed so much.
>>13561399I only post armor when promoting straightedge values.
>>13561376>ASL?Not saying, male, Equestria
>>13561394Shit man, you've missed all the anti-drug references. If there's anyone who should watch EG, it's you.
>>13561386EG is obviously shit and you have to be really dense to not find it shit. If you enjoyed it then that's your problem, but there's no way to be actually oblivious to the massive amount of flaws the movie throws at you.>>13561399If you mean armourbro, it's not him, although he is pretending to be him. Armourbro only comes here occassionally, plus he has a really huge library of armor pictures.
>>13561340>And the part where SS somehow tricked the others into not being friends anymore with things only a 3-year old retard couldn't figure outWe are talking about HS girls here anon the mentality level is basically the same
What's EG?Equestria Girls?
>Tex gives the finger to MLPG>MLPG defends himtop lel
>>13561425Nice try Stephen Fry
>>13561434They didn't even talk about each other, not even high school girls are that stupid
>>13561404>And the part where SS somehow tricked the others into not being friends anymore with things only a 3-year old retard couldn't figure outI've seen things far stupider workthese are high school girls anon, they are not the brightest bunch
>>13561404The biggest things that bothers me are:The fact that she didn't just ask for the crown. >Hey it's a magical artifact. What proof? Okay here's my magical talking dog? More proof here's the magical portal I came trough that is in front of the fucking school, how the fuck did no one ever accidentally fall trough it seriously it's like right here?The fact that they just went back dancing after all that shit with SunsetAnd finally>Oh hey the portal is just about to close for like 80 fucking moons but fuck that let's fucking dance.
>>13561447I take it you didn't mingle with the ladies much in HS anon, if a girl has a grudge against another they basically treat them like don't exist
>>13561447>>13561451Facebook and text messages like that can easily drive people to just not want to talk with eachother at all
>>13561438Uh excuse me, but I'm Anonymous, therefore I AM the one who speaks for everyone else. Not you. And we agree that you're a faggot.
>>13561459Don't forget>Oh shit it's closing better wave goodbye hugs all around yeah yeah yeah>Enter in at the last possible second
>>13561462I've never seen that happen after middle school
>>13561475hi tex
>>13561459>>13561481I agree that the ending is just plain dumb, but other than that it was fine
>>13561434It's not an excuse. You expect me that Rarity didn't ask Pinkie why she lied about volunteers but asked later to help her again at other stuff? And then this happening multiple fucking times?Nah. No. This is fucking bullshit. The only and only believable one is the AJ and Dash conflict. All the others are just stupid bullshit that had no fucking explanation and jsut proves that those things were not even closely related to the ponies their supposed to represent/
>>13561462These were goddamn single instances, it's not like shit happened over and over. And literally all of them got mad at each other, even Pinkie, who would normally not care in the slightest for anything like this. Also the not talking part much more often than not comes after a lot of shouting at each other, which, had it happened, would've made it obvious that the circumstances were different from what they had assumed.
>>13561485That's how it happens nowadaysunless they are a bully, they just pretend people they don't like are never there
>>13561475Trolled ;)
Are the IDW comics canon? In the issue with Nightmare Rarity, Luna meets the mane 6 and gets to know Twilight Sparkle, yet in the episode "Luna Eclipsed" Twilight had to reintroduce herself and her friends again like they've never met.
>>13561459And the missed opportunities that could have just made it better even with the shit premise. Like Dash and AJ's making up with eachother, or Twilight explaining to them all what she was and why she needed to win
>>13561509The Nightmare issue happens between S2 and S3 iirc.
>>13561505Those were friends, not people that didn't know each other
>>13561509Hasbro's marketing team says noEveryone else says yes
>>13561502Except that Rarity says it happened multiple times.
>>13561438>Sent gives Tex an $800 dollar computer>Tex says Sent isn't worth his time and never talks to him again, straight up ignores him when he's in the threadlel
>>13561526Only there are several S3 characters in it
>>13561526So why did her hair go all S1?
>>13561509Comics are canon to the show, the show isn't canon to the comics.Basically, no. The comics aren't canon.
Would you teach pony how to small penis?
>>13561526Nightmarity arc happened between Magic Duel and Magical Mystery Cure.
>>13561509The comics happen after S2The Nightmarity comics happen after APPle Family reunion and Magic Duel.
>>13561545It seems to occur post magic duel, with a reformed trixie
>>13561553You got that the other way around, but it's not really true either way. The comics are lower tier canon than the show, higher than everything else, that's it.
>>13561551Because the nightmare creatures returned and she was having confidence issuesShe gets her flowy mane back when she's encouraged and finally has some goddamn confidence.
>>13561540This is still one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. No wonder people make fun of the guy.
>>13561551Stylistical choice.
>>13561540Well it is sentinal.I wonder if dooks ever got around to playing that machine for pigs game
>>13561538To her. Most of them got buttmad over single instances and never even looked at each other ever again.
>>13561586Except she gets it back later.
>>13561560But Luna's mane isn't flowing like Celestia's until the end of that comic, and her mane is flowing in the episode.
>>13561605Yeah, nevermind, I forgot about that.
>>13561601Which doesn't make any sense and further proves that those are just are shallow copies of the characters and should be compleatly ignored
>>13561580>No wonder people make fun of the guy.No shit, people are assholes.I think it was really weird, yet nice.
>>13561540That was a stupid/creepy move from Sentenal.And a low one from Tex, he could at least have done Sents one request.
>>13561608We're aware.Probably due to a stupid design choice by the artist or Luna being troubled.
>>13561151>Pone nibbles your hairwhat do
>>13561608Yes it's kinda a big point that she gets her flowy mane back after having her ass kicked by Nightmareity and then encouraged by Ponyville.Because she was in self doubt and worried and blaming herself constantly for this almost the entire arc probably made her lose her flowy mane.
>>13561630I wouldn't have.
>>13561630Tex probably lost his spaghetti.
>>13561646Don't wake her up because this is adorable.
>>13561668that pony is clearly awake anon
>>13561646Pone wants to play fight with youwhat do
>>13561646Ask her to stop, having your hair pulled out hurts and having it soaked with saliva is gross.
Is it still creepy if you send someone something that you bought for yourself but don't want?
>>13560046Going into town and splashing liquid LSD into everyone's face.
>>13561690Punch her in the mouth
>>13561690beat the shit out of her. fighting is not for play
>>13561662Unless Sentenal has amazing stalker skills and Tex doesn't know how to handle personal informations on the internet Tex must have given him his address.
>>13561679But that's a scene from the Celestiaquest and Celestia was asleep when she did that.
>>13561690We'll play fight then.Hope she doesn't injure me.
>>13561694If they actually express that they want it, then not at all. Otherwise it's just kind of in the middle, it's not really creepy, more lame if anything.
>>13561690... I couldn't bring myself to hurt her so I'd probably lose on purpose.
>>13561694Not really, unless you do it to get something out of it instead of just being nice
>>13561723oh, i dont into stupid quests.
>>13561731>>13561748Alright, creeper status avoided.
>>13561690begin the wrestlingshe's a big pony and can take it
You're already dead.This is hell.
>>13561739>Not attacking them with your secret technique that doesn't hurt them in any way and making them forfeitFaggot
Is Tex autistic?
>>13561768I don't know any of these techniques, I am trained to kill [/gorillawarefare]
>>13561780maybe he's just weird and timid
>>13561784Yes you doIt's called Tickling
>>13561780Why don't you ask him? He responds to some messages he gets on tumblr.
>>13561780Is the yellow one autistic?
>receives expensive computer, says the person who bought it for him isn't worth his time when he asks for one drawing in return>Never takes requests but instead posts about applejack or "pony should pony pony" all day every day>Says he doesn't get enough attention when he's one of the most popular artists in the thread>underageWhy do you like him, MLPG?
>>13561780I think he just doesn't want to be bothered by stupid people unless he profits from it some how.
>>13561793Anon, don't you know by now? That's what autistic means now. Along with retarded, annoying, and all kind of things you don't like. It really is a great word
Do you think we will see any more shipping in S4?They said no one will be disappointed
>>13561794Oh, I can do that!
>>13561805I like that he got a free computer from some moron who isn't worth anyone's time, then confirmed it by not spending any time on him.
>>13561805I don't but I also find your shitposting more annoying than Tex could ever hope to be.
>>13561805If that's what happened with Sent, then fuck, that's not nice. However we'll most likely never know the final word on this.
>>13561805because if this is about taking sides, I'll go with the one you're not on
>>13561805where did we hear how old he is?
>>13561860We never did.The computer stuff is all true though.
>>13561805He likes talking about ponies more than drama
>>13561860when he mentioned the high school he graduated from. that was several months ago, so well before that anon got here.
>>13561831We might get some big mac and cherilee interaction, but no outright shipping
>>13561866well yeah, i didn't saw that proof, i was just wondering if he was slipping in lies with facts.
>>13561893Link to that tumblr?
>>13561914>wanting to follow a 420blzfgt tumblr
What is your least favorite euphemism for penis?
>>13561943Burrito. It just makes me hungry.
>>13561943"Log"There was a DBZ doujin that was comically translated with that."Yes, fuck me with Log!" or something to that effect.
>>13561989Quest anon fucked up somehow not long after returning to Equestria.
>>13561989Bet her she couldn't turn black like Big Mac did
>>13561989rapeall i did was make eye contact with them
pony has developed unhealthy sleeping habits
>>13561999Finding log in something would be an awful thing to trips over.
>>13562065Man, Tex does great stuff
pony was so scared pony shit your pants
>>13562065Pony should stop staying up late.
>>13562065Tell her that narcolepsy can be overcome with medication.She doesn't have to fall asleep everywhere.
>>13562065>RD sometimes falls asleep while flying>she lets her instincts guide her way homeThat's cute as heck
>>13562112Yeah no
>>13562112yeah, no
>>13562065Love this drawing.
>>13562065hnnnng he shouldn't be able to draw this cute
>>13562124Why?You already posted the prettiest.
>>13561860>where did we hear how old he is?It's an epic may may that Tex is 16. >>13561866>We never did.In one of his tumblr posts (since deleted) he said he was "mid twenties", which fits his taste in media (all of it implies mid to late 20's).
I like attention.
>>13562065Pony should start going to bed earlier.
>>13561989No idea but I'd probably find a way. I manage to disappoint everyone anyway.
>>13562183We know.
>>13562065Best artist best pony.
>>13562145>>13562146Not to imply that you two are samefag, but that's very easy to fake, and not even posting within the 30s limit and different styles make it particularly hard, although to do it within 1:30 of the post calling you out would require preparation.
>>13562065Why is Tex's art so shit? Huge heads, stiff poses.
>>13562183>I like attention.Hi Tex.
>>13562203>but that's very easy to fakeWhich is why I don't understand why people still constantly cap it and post it as proof. I'm not even implying that it is samefagging in this case, but when I already have photoshop open to crop the screenshot it just takes 1 second more to remove the (You) so its completely worthless.
>>13562204Fuck, you got me.
>>13562247>>13562203>>13562204>>13562145>>13562146this is stupid
>My Little FUCK YOU TEX General
>>13562265Where is the pretty pony? I don't see her.
>>13562283goat train pls
>>13562253That, or edit the html live.I did not bother to edit the reply links but it'd have taken me like 30 more seconds.
it ain't gonna rub itself
>>13562283Who the fuck is this bitch and why do I see her EVERYWHERE
>>13562280Okay, you win
what pony would make a cute bride?
>>13562370Sweetie Belle.
>>13562370Any of them probably. Except Twilight, or Twist.Who's the groom?
>>13562370MT pls draw muh waifu in a wedding dress
Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
>>13562422>F/F incest, foalcon, futa and cum inflationYou are going to pony hell, Anon
>>13562422ARE THOSE DOGS?
>>13562422>CL drawingIt can only end badly
>>13562422>those trigger warningsgoddamnit. It actually sounded like a nice story
>>13562422>futa, cum inflation
>>13562422>futafuck you.
>>13562422i wasn't interested until i read "futa"
>>13562422haha wow, take a load of this shitter's taste
What exactly is the problem with incest between consenting adults?
>>13562500only if it's siblingcest
>>13562500Nothing, assuming the female doesn't get pregnant. If she does, there's a serious risk of the offspring becoming retarded or mutated in some other way, and in general it's bad for the gene pool.
>>13562500There was an episode of Maury where a bf/gf found out they were brother and sister. They kept dating though, and it was all [crowd vomiting]
>>13562541Appledan please
>>13562422>trigger warningwhy is everything a trigger warning now
>>13562422I can't find it on fimficLink it?
>>13562526>serious riskNot that much more then non-incestual offspring.
>>13562526only if it occurs over several generations
>>13562557It's a misuse if anything. People see it used often so they use it too. Those aren't meant to be triggers in the sense feminists like to use the phrase.
I can't believe Meghan McCarthy is fucking dead.
>>13562431luna can't be a bride. NERD.
must draw bigger
>>13562557I use it to devalue the more common usage.
>>13562583W-why not?
>>13562583Talk about a fivehead
>>13562589ur hardcore.
>>13562581le xd
>entire thread of Tex shitposting
>>13562583I want Caimon to be my bride.
Anyone feel like watching a movie stream with me right now?
>>13562583that Sweetie has a HUGE forehead
>>13562612Is this what kissing is like...?
I love hiding.
Bottom heavy ponies
>>13562621She has a HUGE brain.
http://www.coroflot.com/kaylenek/PROSTHETIC-ARM>tentacle rape porn is going to become a reality
>>13562617What you got?
Harshwhinnyand ChickenbuttAs filliesHaving a teaparty
>>13562636I prefer consentales.
>>13562612back on topic then.Tex is a jerk for accepting that computer from sentinal. I think he was also making up the story about the broken computer to just not have to draw for us anymore.
WowBCS can't draw for shit.
>>13562655Here's what I got.
>>13562702>no best mare packpleb
>>13562646I love how you can just look at a pony's butt whenever you want, and it's not weird.
>>13562702Hot Fuzz.Still haven't seen it.And The World's End wont show in my country.
>>13562702oh oh Tremors. Cause graboids look like sand sharks
would anyone like a request done?
>>13562702Where's your massive zebra fart porn folder?
>>13562754Mighty Po. 9
>>13562754CMC playing with Tyrunt (new Pokemon)
>>13562670Tex should have told Sent to donate the computer or the money to someone who needed it.
>>13562754Shinging armor and Cadence on a double date with Cherilee and big mac
>>13562742Every time I hear Tremors, I get reminded of Molgera fom Wind Waker and it's amazing music.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlF0-Qs2xkI
>>13562702>VLCGet with the times gramp.http://haruhichan.com/forum/showthread.php?7545-KCP-Kawaii-Codec-Pack
>>13562719well, you probably shouldn't stare TOO much
>>13562826But didn't somebody stream Tremors and Tremors 2 just a few days ago?
>>13562742>sand sharks
>>13562811>KCPI had to dick around a lot because it fucked everything up with the audio only parts of K-Lite. Now I'm just back to K-Lite.
>>13562826>LaterishChange now.
Has anyone strammed Now You See Me yet?
>>13562754Rainbow Dash trying to convince Twilight to cosplay characters from Daring Do with her.
I love you hiatuspone
>>13562878I could stram it next week
>>13562754More art of Rarity being fabulous with Major Armstrong.Or fawning over his fabulous body with spike being jelly in the background.
>>13562907>spike being jelly in the backgroundYES
>>13561135New otp
>>13562899Asking because I could upload it to YT once I get my alternative account verified and then we could just watch it with sync in a whole lot better quality. Although technically I could do that with any other movie too for all it matters.
>>13562920If Spike would only lift he too could have a body as fabulous as the Major's
Best pony.
>>13562933>Major Armstrong teaches Spike to be fabulous with strength training techniques passed down for generations in the Armstrong family.
>>13562958I wish I still had that collection of all the rarigets
>>13562958She bribed her way to the top with sex and fashionable ensembles of well tailored clothing
>>13562973>Spike sprouts a curly scale in the same shape as the traditional Armstrong hair curl passed down for generations in the Armstrong Family>But he can't put his arms down anymore.
>Stick a cork on top of a unicorn's horn>prevents unicorn from using magic.
>>13562843Yeah that was me>>13562847>>13562861I didn't realize there was such a distaste for VLCWhy is this alternative so much better?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M5Qdz4CCqEPone will never sit on you
>>13562933She does have a pretty fab body
>>13563029Wrong Major.
>>13563015It's not
>>13562995>accompanied by small pink sparkles that Twilight just can't explain
>>13562999>cork a unicorns horn>bind a pegasus' wings>pat an earth pony's head sympathetically
>>13563035It's a joke
pony has been on the toilet for hours
>>13563017ross please
>>13563038>As Spike grows older he passes these techniques down to his children and his children's children, on and on for generations>These techniques eventually cause a new species of dragon to be classified.>"Draconus Fabulous"
>>13563036Oh, uh. Okay
>you will never R63 mewball
>>13563088>a meek limp-wristed girl who dreams of someday becoming swole
You Should buy a Human Mask
>>13563088Thumb included?
>>13563122>Mewball-chan is pettankoYes
Anyone else watching the series an episode a day starting Thursday so they'll be completely refreshed on it at the end with new pony the next day?Should I start on Wednesday instead and include EqG?
we ded
>>13563122>>13563186shota to loli
>>13563216Let's just enjoy a lazy afternoon together.
>>13563216Hiatus isn't so bad with you, Gloomy.
Not sure if any of you from last night are here, or care really, but here are the changes that guy did to our part of the map.Full map here:http://images.4chan.org/mlp/src/1379274771479.png
>>13561135Sweetie Belle, you're so fucking stupid, this would never work. You're too fucking plain. Silver Spoon needs a real mare, a special mare, like Diamond Tiara. You look like someone dragged you out of the trash!
>>13563323>a special mare, like Diamond TiaraShe's special alright.
Our next poster like ponies that have sex for money!Give it up for Anonymous!
>>13563122i'd anal her just because mewball is annoying.>W-wrong hole!bitch, try and stop me!
>>13563321>no satyr or batpony stuff on the main islandI am disapointedthe nightly drunk threads are long gone, clear that and make room
>>13563336damn right, don't forget it
>>13563015>Why is this alternative so much better?vlc is a cheap media player meant for streaming. MPC is meant for actual video playing. KCP is a codec pack for it.
>>13563241>you will never a qt π+1 loli mlpger
>>13563366Batcave is supposed to represent the batpony threads, but I don't see satyr stuff there. That is a big oversight.
>little girls>dreaming of becoming swolewat
>>13563472swole in the titty area
hi mlpgim back on my nice computerstram tonight aw yis
>>13563472fuck yeahget swole
>>13563532Let's watch Homestuck
>>13563532i didn't mean what i said about doing you in the butt
>>13563088>>13563122>>13563186>>13563356wait what the fuck did i walk back into
>>13563017How does she move?
>>13563577Get out while you still can!
>>13563321Not enough gay
>>13563597If he leaves, he forever forfeits his swag
mlp is kinda boring
>>13563321There should be a prison for all the drawfags we stole from the rest of /mlp/.
>>13563577Welp, might as well draw it and make the best of a silly situationhell, make her the little spoon for r63 lyra
Twilight 's tender, tender teats
>>13563645her swolen labia
>>13563645she slaps your hand with her hoof if you try to touch them
>>13563665breathe on her neckstroke her wings
So I was thinking about humor in the show, and realized that I don't remember a genuine funny scene in MLP.There are of course plenty of cute moments (heck, that's why I'm watching it), but I can't think of a single time where I jerked my head back to laugh like a madman.What about you guys? Do you remember scenes that made you cry with laughter, or simply got you a chuckle?
>>13563577remember when everyone lusted after femMSOB's tits?it's like that. except with a flat chest.
>>13563645Has accomplished many, many feats.
>>13563743and magic makes them start to gleek
jeez we dedwhy so dedis something going on?
>>13563731If your definition of genuinely funny is crying with laughter, then no
>>13563784>or simply got you a chuckle
>>13563781Maybe they're asleep
>>13563781hiatus newfag
>>13563798Every other episode, then
>>13563781there is a stream happening right now
>>13563815go play with the asians
>>13563731I remember having a good chortle at a part in Ponyville Confidential with Truffle Shuffle/Nathan pony near the beginning.
>>13563833what is it?
>>13563833Stream of what? Who's streaming?
>>13563874me fucking you're mom
>>13563731Well, I remember chuckling a lot when watching "Luna Eclipsed" yesterday, but I cannot for the life of me remember why I chuckled...
>>13563645>Twilight 's tender, tender teatsHer tooty butt.
>Pone finds your condoms
>>13563906>Pone thinks they're silly balloons.
>>13563731I know I actually laughed out loud a couple of times, but I don't remember when.
>>13563906>never thought i'd be using those>better toss those out, they're expired
>>13563906How did pone discover my pokeball full of condoms?
>>13563892>>13563931It's weird, right?
>>13563906wouldn't pone be grossed out you had sheep stomachs in your possession
>No disembodied penis fics
>>13563968how about doujins?http://www.fakku.net/manga/sei-so-tsui-dan-sha-chapter-01-uncen-english
>>13563961W-what are you jewish or something
You know what's hot?Deepthroating a guy with a condom, then after he cums you pull the condom off with your lips
>>13564019She's black
>>13564031You know what's hooter?Ponies wearing socks or underwear
>>13564047you can be black and jewish
>>13564062Are you jewish?
>>13564047I meant using the lamb stomach for a condom
>>13564073I'm nondomoniational All gods and higher powers are fair game to my beliefs
>>13564096So my point still stands.
>>13564096Soit's like a diety slut
COMEONE MLPG 69 more days till new horse we can make it, right? RIGHT?
>>13564122heheheh 69
I NEED it.
>>13564122HAHAHAHA 69
>>13564007That's pretty good but I still want a pony fapfic about an anon with a disembodied penis
>>13564143You need the dew.
>>13564143What is this and why do I want it so bad
>tfw foot fetisht>tfw see this image
>>13564143oh fuck that's pretty damn cool
>>13564143What the shit?Why does someone have a random Nightmarity cardboard display thing in what looks like a shitty convenience store?
>>13564143Aww man, where is this?
>>13564183Dash has very sensitive frogs.
>>13564188Maybe they sell comics there?
>>13564143>4' tall cardboard cutouts cost $65FUUUUUUUUUstill considering itUUUUUUU