What are they laughing at MLPG?Previous Thread>>13517231
>>13521724Anon's tiny, tiny penis
>Hey anon, I made some plans for a trebrua, a trebye, one of those fancy siege thingies after I was bored in twilight's library and read a little about them!>The other crusaders are grounded, wanna help me try and make it?
my hate for Pinkie comes from the people who call her "Ponk"
>>13521723>So now its what you want to do and not what you are innately good at?It requires boththey have to want it and be good at it to get their marks
>>13521739Her name is pank
>you will never palm a tiny princess
there are as many headcanons as there are people on earth
>>13521724Me. These mares are always laughing at me.
>>13521738I bet she's good with chemistry, she's probably a licensed pyrotechnitian for those super big and extra funnerific parties
>>13521739but Ponk is a cute name
EqG pinkie being age regressed by Sunset Satan
>>13521735>you will never build a trebuchet with a little filly
>>13521742>brony>love and toleranceBut we didn't even invent those or claim to invent them.
>>13521750I want to hug that thing so bad.
>>13521767Everything beyond the first 9 letters makes me rage
>>13521735Hell yeah. Let's do it....Wait, you're not just trying to get out of your math tutoring, are you?
>>13521769You are wrong on both accounts.
Would Applebloom still want to be an engineer after failing her calculus class?
>>13521779No it doesn't.
>>13521735it's called a trebuchet and yes, I will help you make oneI made one in my cub-scout days, so I know the basic concept. You're willing to do most of the work, right?
>>13521750Just give me the luna plush anon and no one will get hurt.
>>13521784Brony was another chan and I'm pretty sure love and tolerance was /b/.
>>13521782>Oh, yeah, I guess we should do that first then.>I guess we can run the numbers over once we finish the tutoring, like my sister wanted.
>>13521769actually brony WAS invented here.love and tolerance came from some twixie picture that may or may not have been drawn here, I think.
>>13521801>I'm thinking something a little, bigger, than what you tried in the past
How many Pinkie Pies have you murdered today?
>>13521805I laughed.
>>13521790>that image isn't on derpibooruFUCK, I KNOW ITS HERE SOMEWHERE
>>13521803You are incorrect. Brony was started here and Love and Tolerance was too, but it was mostly used ironically when we were being "trolled" or spammed.
>>13521804Good girl.Now, show me what you're working on right now and I'll give you a few problems you can try your hoof at solving. Let me know if you get stuck on something and I'll explain it for you.
>>13521816I used to say Fighting is magic would never be released all the time back when it was announced, and now I'm sad that I was right.
What if Return of Harmony was the first episode?
>>13521742That's often.
Have you ever wanted something so bad that you'd give up one of your cocks for it?
>>13521828>Alright, but my books are back home>LAST ONE THERE'S A ROTTEN EGG 321 GO!
>>13521838for fetish is stupid. Accept it and keep it to yourself instead of shoving it in front of everyone hoping they'll like it too.
>>13521812Mine was a good two storiesl and could fling a watermelon well past a city blockI'm not willing to allow you to go any bigger unless you bring in the labor yourself
>>13521856You mean like wanting to be the pretty mare?
>>13521859What is stupid about it?
>>13521848it wouldn't workThe new viewer would be overwhelmed
>>13521859Just ignore it if you don't like it.
>>13521831It's really disappointing, before the C&D it looked like it might actually make it.I always knew Ponykart was ded though, no matter how many Lyra butts or update videos Hoppip posted.It was particularly entertaining when he posted that shot with their heads turned backwards.
>>13521761>tfw each time you go to the general you're greeted by Batman
I like this OC.
>>13521858Hey!I'll get you, you little gremlin!I'll let her win this one. By a nose.
>>13521881why is she a blank-flankwhy is her hair so bigwhy should I care
>>13521872>>13521831>>13521816Weren't they going to do something else with Faust, a few months ago? What of it?
>>13521881She's alright. A little plain for my tastes.
>>13521887Wrong series chucklenuts
>>13521897>Don't care
>>13521881I like this one...
>>13521881Eh.I like this one. Mostly for her butt.
>>13521848There would be no fandom, season 2 is garbage at making lovable simplistic ponies.
>>13521906>defaults to PANK
>>13521893Well they're supposedly still working on it, but even back when they only got their expensive as fuck Skullgirls engine they were already talking about how they need more dosh. Also it's not like anyone's going to care about their game, without ponies it just falls in a big sea of mediocre fighting games.
>>13521848it'd be like "What the fuck are these guys even thinking?""The fuck did i just watch?"
>>13521897What's Pinkie Pie's favorite thing?
>>13521859What makes this fetish stupid as opposed to any of the other ones posted here?
>>13521918I'm going to cum inside, Rainbow Dash!
>>13521916Didn't they also lost their main animator at the same time since he was only in for the ponies?
>>13521916Yeah, I guess. Personally I'm not too fond of fighting games, and the only appeal was the pony factor.
>>13521912I never liked her, even for smut. She's just such a bland and ugly design. And RR has a better butt.
>>13521856>give up one of your cocks>one of your cocks>cocks
>>13521848Wouldn't work. Characters are undeveloped. The viewers have no idea what their personalities are like. Though I think people would still love John de Lancie though and the Star Wars ending.
Do you think Endii would not hat us if I commissioned a Butterfly plushie and sent it to him?
>>13521921looks bad
>>13521922Matters not; what's her favorite food?
Pony has decided she's going to woo you, name the pony and the song that she'll serenade you with.Lyrahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xat1GVnl8-k
>>13521922PK PARTY
>>13521941sentenal pls, that's creepy as fuckand I'm pretty sure endii doesn't hate us
>>13521759She's quite the innovator. She seems to have a solid grasp of economics and mechanical design.
>>13521941I don't think so. Even a plushie can't buy him more time from school and life to hang here.
>>13521935There aren't enough good pictures of RR's butt.
>>13521923the context in which its posted. It's always out of place and trying to force the topic, more so than others.
So much of the sex jokes, you guys don't even think IM peverted which shows how bad it is. Any other place on 4chen and i'd be ignored or berated
>>13521881her tumblr is funny sometimes. I like her.
>>13521937>not having the double D
>>13521951[embedded music]
>>13521937>not collecting the dicks of your slain enemies
>>13521966>more so than othersI really hardly see diaper fetish stuff posted here, and admitedly its often posted ironically since sadly most pony diaper porn is awful. So i dont really see how it is forced more than others that get whole threads derailed because of them. And what context is is apropriate to start posting any fetish in?
>>13521935I think she's better for humor and hot outfits.>>13521965RR rocks the cute outfits.
>>13521922donkey dicks
>>13521912>>13521935>>13521965But which one enjoys anal sex the most?
>>13522007that's adorable as fuck
>>13521953PK Thunder!PK Thunder!PK Thunder!PK FirePK Thunder!
>>13521912This one has a better butt
>>13522007I'm conflicted. On one hand I fucking hate babies, on the other that's wicked cute.
>>13522024You could always jam it up your ass.
pewdiepie likes your favorite pony
>>13521995>Red Ribbon will never wiggle her rump at you and show off her winking marecunt and clenching ponut
>>13521961And apparently explosives
>>13522028But why
>>13522004the one on the left here.
>>13522039who the hell is that?
>>13522039>RR maintains unbroken eye contact while sucking
>>13522036You need a reason to jam something up your ass?
>>13522046>unbroken eye contact>while she's clearly blinkinganon pls
>>13522022[more music]
>>13522043Unknown oc, shit oc, and shittier oc.
>>13521961I think she bought that from the prank storeShe did it with the party cannon.And she never showed anything related to that skill ever again
>>13522053you would too if milky kept smacking you in the face with her flailing arms.
>>13522057But there are thousands and thousands of shit OCs.
>>13522058it looks too much like something she would make herself
>>13522039RR is the only good OC in that picture.
Goodnight, MLPG.
>>13522043Cookie. The chubby one.
>>13522069what an ugly pony
>>13522061she clearly blinks on both the lean towards and the lean away from the flailing ponyregardless of excuses, broken eye contact is broken eye contact
Total slave!
>>13522058She did have a pinkie watch
>>13522070So does the Party canon but it's bough according to her micro
>>13522083Damn son, where'd you find this?
>>13522081That's unkind, Sibsy is a beautiful special woman. And anyone would like ugly next to Derpy.
>>13522081yeah, brown on tan? who thought that was a good idea?
>>13522061I'd rather her slap me with her flailing crotchtits
>>13522088I don't recal the panel, care to show me?I don't doubt it, but I just want to be sure
>>13522069Derpy is such a kind pony.
Superior OC coming through.
>>13522075Only in the same way your opinion is the only good one in the thread. In that, no.
>>13522108Nice RD recolor.
>>13522079>chubby anal sex...I can unf to this
>>13522081They are both adorable as hell ponies
>>13522094Take that back, derpy is a very pretty pony
>>13522108Kids these days.They don't know.
>>13522102Let me redownload the comic since I chanced computersThe clown dude who's name escapes me now says it's model number and some stuff like that.
>>13522098I know anon. I know.
>>1352211690% if the ponies in the show are recolors
>>13522095Most background charachters have simple color schemes like that, even if their pallets are typically a little more vibrant
>>13522035Those would be useful on a rock farm, probably.>>13522058Perhaps. She had her whole "welcome wagon" rig for Cranky Doodle, too, though. And I wouldn't put it past Pinkie Pie to have an affinity for the craft even if it's not her special talent.
>>13522126Oh yeah, I remember that now. They discuss the finer points of using it toono need to show me now
>>13522129that wing looks freaky as fuck
>>13522131excue you, Poodle hair is a total qt.And I can never get over how gay that sweater is.
>>13522151It's too much like a hand
>>13522142Trees are probably like weeds on a rock farm. Takes up valuable rock space.
>>13522131yes! Give them to me!
>>13522145wait whatwhy are the colors of that picture so terribly off
>>13522151It's a hand wing.A wang.
>>13522155>picYep, that's metal as all hell
>>13522146Oh well I needed to download the comics eventually. Guess I'll have one less to download now.
>>13522091D-d-d-d-d-damn son, where'd ya find this?
>>13522165Because they spent money on a sewing machine and fabrics instead of a camera.
>>13522120Of course, she just makes anyone next to her look inferior.
>>13521804Do me a favor and just blacktext this, you're posting AS Applebloom, not quoting her.
>>13522145>iron-on cutie mark/eyesthe mark of a low quality plushie
>>13522171Looks more prog, actually.
>>13521750>>13521820You're welcome
>>13522172Download them alleven the RD microanything less than a comprehensve collection is unacceptable
>>13522185It's Spinach, a purposefully low quality OC. So of course.
>>13521881DID ANYBODY SAY OCs?>>13516950>>13516950>>13516950
>>13522143I want to wear that adorable zebra like a hat while I go about my daily business.
>>13522180well shitwas this a commission or did someone actually get internet popular enough by avatarfagging on /mlp/ that someone made this as a gift
>>13522184I kinda stopped as the thread decided to change topicsI had my fun and moved onNoted for future reference though
>>13522132the magic of flash animation
>>13522207Please remove your helm. Its bad for your head if you sleep with it.
>>13522216She's just a bad OC, She's just a bad OCYEAYEAYEAYEAYEA
>>13522216stop linking to the piss, brony
>>13522171Meal is for children
>>13522206I'll have them eventually. All organized and beautiful. Eventually.I need to go to sleep now. After I click on some more cookies.Only 2 more TM man. Only 2 more and I'll be free.
>>13522222>that fucking heist on the russian streamThis is fucking payday done right.
> Pinkie laughs at meWho cares? She's a whore and a slut, she's always on drugs and laughs half the time anyway.> Rainbow Dash laughs at meLike I care about what some mega-dyke thinks of me.> Rarity laughs at meOh, the prude bitch who thinks she's too good for everyone else has the audacity to laugh at someone? Bitch please, everyone knows she's Fancy Pants special 'girl'> Fluttershy laughs at meThe cottage-owner at the edge of the forest? Who cares if she laughs? She's probably high on something or fucking crazy.¨> Applejack laughs at meOh, the backyard trash redneck who is desperate for everyone's appreciation laughs at me? Oh wow, the lack of talent of that bitch is mind-numbing. Bucking apples? Nice cutiemark and talent.> Twilight Sparkle laughs at me.Now I am hurt.
>>13522193Thank you
>>13522217You mean you want to skin her alive, sew her into a hat, then bind her soul to the lifeless husk so she lives in everlasting torment, her face twisted into an eternal and silent scream while you go about your daily business? That's sick anon, SICK!
>>13522220it was a gift as far as I know. And it was more "gift from a friend" than "gift from a fan". Someone was learning to make plushies and made that one for fun.
in my dream i came up with a marvelous project idea, but in the dream i forgot it. Later, we found out that friendship is an actual form of magic
>>13522241>Dashshe's a marechild.
>>13522254Hey, you're either a legit wizard or a pussy wizard.
>>13522263Yes. Yes it is.
>no time to pick out some music before the gym>just throw it all on my phone>on my last rep>song ends, shuffle picks a new one>"din, dun dun didun">oh god no, why. please pinkie, shut the fuck up>"my name is pinkie pie, and I am here to say 'how you doin'?">pinkie please, I'm dying here - this is not the time>"I'm gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your daaay">SHUT THE FUCK UUUUUP
Baby's cold, sad to admitNeeds mother hen to sit on itAnd you have got the biggest butt
>>13522261this looks like a pony everypony should know
>>13522242>ortiel's wild ride>ending>everthe grandmatriarchs are most displeased with you
>>13522269Where's Twilight's wings?
>>13522261I always liked it when the ponies wore cute outfits.
>>13522250>getting laughed at by nerds
>>13522280>not putting SF4 Guile's Theme on endless loopYou deserved it.
>>13522254No, I mean just have her lie on my head and every so often point out something she finds interesting
>>13522286I don't know who that pony is.
>>13522285bestfags, I know.
>>13522248We should play.
>>13522292AhhhHHhhhh~What- the magic we're made ofAAAAhhhHHI'm a ponyyYYeeEAA
>>13522305Might as well until GTA5 comes out for PC.
>>13522297Oh I was way off.
>>13522305If I buy Payday 2 can I play with MLPG and not be made fun of for being bad?
>>13522316Let me help you with that.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS3ZxOtTD5A
Are we still OC?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvXtRVifAXEWhy aren't you talking about Doctor Lollipop?
>>13522296I normally have the Mortal Kombat theme on repeat but that got boring after a while.
>>13522328You might want to wait. A lot of people are saying that there's not $30 worth of content. Right now I'm almost lvl 50 and it's almost a bore to me unless I play with friends or play stupidly.
>>13522345>only 3 billion per secondpleb
>>13522336I watch it already. I never get how a raptor would survive in that land if he cannot eat any animals. They all fucking talk.
>>13522296>implying that's not the best song to workout>implying that's not the best song to do anythinghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOMu36rw-Yg
>>13522285See how the Earth ponies serve the masterful and graceful Alicorn Twilight Sparkle?Twifags = Master race.
>>13522360finger bang bang bang
>>13522374masterful at ruining the show
>>13522369Oh man we chiptunes now?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZlYGN5W2Yg
>>13522374>it ain't gonna suck itself.gif
I think I heard DeLancie on GTA5 right now.
>>13522345What, you can't eat your cookies anymore?
>>13522336Because I couldn't laugh at a single joke.However, I cringed at many.
>mlp references in GTAV
>>13522296>SF4 Guile's Theme>not this onehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b6vFMkMQTE
>>13522388N-no! Go away scary human. please.
>>13522348Use this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFPphPbpev4
>>13522391You must be terrible.
>>13522394The thought of /v/ discovering such a thing sent shivers down my spine.
>>13522394haven't they done enough to pop culture? It's not cool anymore, the pony show is not cool
>>13522409the tears would be glorious
>>13522408Terrible at what?
>>13522409Why? I'd love to see them overreact to that.
>>13522414anon no, you'll get them dirty.
>>13522416Being a person.
>>13522417After a while it got old.At least they love mlp humanized porn.
Do you like ponies with braces?
Under every unicorn's horn is a third eye that only opens when they use magic.
>>13522360anyone else luking the EQG fingerbang threads?
>>13522445nah. cute though
>>13522445I never liked them.
>>13522380Pretty cool, but:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr4j2dwMg-8
>>13522445I don't know what it is about a girl with braces and freckles that makes me want to cum on her face.
>>13522442But I laughed non-stop at WoY. That must count, right?
>>13522450>>13522454You guys are going to make pony feel insecure.
>tfw an artist you like opposes your political beliefs
>>13522448under every earth pony's tail is a third eye that only opens when they walkunder every pegasus's wing is a third/fourth eye that only opens when they fly
>>13522442that's overrated
>>13522466I would never tell pony that I dislike them though. I had to wear bracers myself and know how shitty they are.
>>13522469Who fucking caresMy favorite artist could be a white supremacist and I wouldn't give a shit as long as his art isn't affected
>>13522456http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhl9pJB-2AkThe music of true men
>>13522465doesn't woy premiere today
>>13522469>tfw senpai is a total dick>but he's still your senpai and a part of you respects that even though he pisses you off
>>13522469making your way in the world today takes everything you've got
>>13522465Wander vs. Spengbab goNot the shows, just the characters.
>Do you want to read my book, Anon?>I just finished writing it..>It's about a human who can use magic.. without a horn!>He wears glasses and goes to a school for other hornless magic users!
>video game music>not even good video games music Get better taste in music and video games please.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjKlZEYyWPY
>>13522496They team up and go jellyfishing.NEXT QUESTION.
>>13522483Soooo you're not a white supremacist?
>>13522501I take the bookShove it in her ass, and then burn it in a Third Reich firewhile it's still inside purplecunt
>>13522501Holy hell what's wrong with your eyes?
>>13522483But imagine if you follow them on tumblr and they clog your dash with shit.
>>13522501What's it called, Twilight?
>>13521856I am sorry but i have already given up too many coks, now i have only one left.
>>13522501You're not Twilightyour eyes are blue
>>13522501That sounds like a book from back home...Sure, I'll read it.
>>13522501Yo Twily, what's up with your eyes?
>>13522513Well I wouldn't follow them regardless of whether I agree with their political beliefs or not, I don't want my dash full of politics shit
>>13522487I stop senpai'ing people if they're jerks.Like Sunny.
>>13522517rediv how does an asexual relation even work?
>>13522517oh shit it's a changeling
>>13522517Of course not! That's my original character, Bluelight Darkle!
>>13522501Changeling spotted!
>>13522527Yeah, I agree. But that means you'd have to find another way to find their art.
>>13522495>SPC-700>not chiptunes
>>13522463she has wings anon. That's probably why they're so clean. She flutters around to see over all the tall humans.
>>13522517That Twilight is a changeling!
pony wants you to eat more goo
I'm gonna call it a dayGood night, MLPG
>>13522530you can have an intimate relation without sex, or, in certain cases, the asexual person may not have sexual attraction, but may enjoy the act of sex/masturbation
>>13522540>>13522536>I'm not a changeling.. see? >I just wrote this story f-for you anon..>won't you read it?
>>13522554>Your eternal reward>not stock master race
>>13522501How do you mess up that badly
>>13522561>may enjoy masturbationshe'd feel at home with rediv then, I'm sure.
>>13522560That's suitcase is smoking...it's a bomb!
>>13522564Hell, I'll read it
>>13522558anon why are you so mean to shy ponies? I bet you wouldn't bully rainbow dash.
>>13522549That's acid house.This is like saying Casino Palace/Shotgun Kiss is Jazz rather than DnB
>>13522564Sure I will read it. But do you know what would be even better?If you sit here next to me in the couch and read it to me while I scratch your ear.
>>13522552I'd fuck Red Ribbon while Palette watches.Then Palette while Red Ribbon coaches her.
>>13522528R-Rarity sempai is not a jerk!
ur a faget
>>13522501>most of the wizards there use unicorn hair to do magic.
>>13522580I'LL TAKE TWO
>>13522580Sunhorse is too much maintenance.
Couldn't a unicorn magically widen their ponut to allow for easier penetration?
>>13522594I wouldn't even care how much maintenance she needs - I would take her with me right there
>>13522589>most ofnigga, please
>>13522580I guess they're out of blue ones...
>>13522528I find that difficult.Because in some ways I like senpai but every so often he does things that just drive me up the wall.
>>13522574>>13522579>oh good!>Now that you've read the story, how do you feel?>Do you.. love it?
>>13522501Better idea. How about I read you the tales of Rincewind? He's also a wizard.
>>13522609is shit
>>13522599Where's the fun in that?
>>13522604well not all of us can use friendship for our magic twilight! Shut up.
>>13522602But it's a changling!
>>13522609Yeah, it was quite interes-... why are you looking at me like that?
>>13522609It was alright.When's the sequel released?
>>13522600>being this dyslexic
No video game has better music than Gitarooman
>>13522578Not him, but isn't it the same as saying that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_gObHt1uZAis prog rock rather than a chiptune? Maybe I don't understand what a chiptune is. I thought that just designed the way the tune was made.
>>13522609It's so good I think I'll steal it
>>13522606You'd like this: http://www.wushuplaya.com/boundtogether/
>>13522609This is just a blatant copy of Harry Potter Twilight. Are you sure you don't know anything about human civilization...?
>>13522615That's actually a pretty nice pun
>>13522631Joke, Anon. JOKE.
>>13522623I will never be with the real Celestia so I might as well just live a happy life by lying to myself for a few weeks after that I'm probably drained empty and dead.
>>13522557>inflation with gooOoooh god ooooh my
>>13522606I love this. I've spent countless hours trying to play it on the keyboards.
>>13522638I'd read it due to the strange and hilarious cultural misunderstandings.
>>13522647I know right?It's a shame there's so little of it
>>13522630>>13522636I'm glad you enjoyed it!>>13522627Oh, no reason....hehehehehe>*slurping noises*
>>13522609Why is there a sex scene every chapter?
Alright who ordered this baker's dozen of glazed ponuts?
>>13522609jesus, I just started reading it. These things take time
>>13522662Slurping noises?
>>13522647>>13522658only other one I know of
>>13522662bap pony on the head with a newspaper and tell her to change into my waifu right now
>>13522662Waaaaaait a minute
>>13522676obviously she's licking your dick.get with the program
>>13522669Can I have the baker's glazed ponut?
>>13522637This looks neat LK
invited to party in equestriagosee this
>>13522688pretty unf
>>13522689I'm not LK, although I wish I had his questing powers.
>>13522691kill self immediately
>>13522691Do the safety dance with her
Pinata Pone or Mecha Pone?
Never be creative!
>>13522691fuck it
>>135226911000 years dungeon
>>13522706mecha pone
>>13522632THAT'S NOT SONIChttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMYattv0aMo
Did I ever tell you what the definition of friendship is?
>>13522632You obviously haven't heard the->open youtube>entire soundtrack removed due to copyright claimsNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>13522691Show her my sick moves.
>>13522662>secretly changeling>means more holes to fuck.
Do you ever come across a really cute drawing of naked kids, but you're afraid to reblag it lest someone mistakes you for a pedo?
drone pony wants to fly loudly above your house for days on end
>>13522726the 80's was a hellish time
>>13522691Princess of the dance floor!
>>13522707What happens if I get creative?
>>13522733No, I don't ever have that problem because I'm not a pedo
>>13522739You die
>>13522733Nah, I ain't afraid about reblogging or liking things I like. If followers don't like it, it's their problem: they followed in the first place.
>>13522632Sanbone Trio is best song
>send jessy a commission request on tumblr>jessy's internet connection goes dark>leaving tomorrow for 3 weeks
This image baffles me with its' existance
>>13522635That and this sounds completely different.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFU6zwV47Q4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmuYSU0ghKU
>>13522728what do the holes on a changeling feel like
>>13522755You are correct.Bee Jam blues and Tainted Lovers are tied for second.
>>13522772would you like to find out first-hand
>>13522777Okay, I take my original statement about ponies with bracers back, this is kinda cute.
>>13522777I am going to cum on that face so hard.
>>13522769best battle themehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWN2xaOhj1U
>>13522766Its a Bionicle/Pony crossover dubsey mcgee
>>13522744>>13522743Don't you dare look at me like that, you fap to horses.Or are at least tolerant enough of the same to hang out here.
I have a boner just from thinking of how this is going to look...
>>13522777Nah Metal Header is my 2nd favorite
But if you feel like helping, we'd appreciate alotif you get down here and spread some cheer and show them all your cock!
>>13522794I am a lolicon first.
>>13522788nigga pleasehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd8gwYJA6Y4
>>13522794There's a pretty big gap between cartoon horses and real-life children, pedo.
>>13522790I knowBut why the anthro twilliy pulling takanuva from the sun?
>>13522769Yes, but they are both chiptunes, even though the genres are different. I think.
>>13522807I never beat Earthbound because I couldn't get past this boss
>>13522812>real-life>drawingsGet some reading comprehension, horsefucker.
>>13522821Did you use the Franklin badge?
>>13522795I don't know what you call that fashion. Goth? Whatever it is, I hate it.
>>13522830It's been awhile. I'm assuming no if that's the key to beating it
>>13522831moth 'er? I barely know her!
>>13522831[freuding incestifies]
>>13522831it surely doesnt count
>>13522794>>13522824>not fapping to horseswhy are you even here?
>>13522817That's a really nice low-poly model.
>>13522837If I remember right he's got these devastating thunder attacks you can bounce back using the badge.
>>13522824Get out, pedo.You're disgusting.
>>13522847I never said I didn't just people who do shouldn't be judging me for finding pics that aren't even porn cute.
>>13522867I loved that look she had when she was watching Wander talking about how he could do tons of things.
>>13522867Sylvia is a cutie. That part made me like her.
>>13522867I don't remember that gif being so fast...
>you will never get into a barfight at a bar in the frontier lands
>>13522817I would fuck Ken's panda like the fist of the north star would fist Luna
>>13522893That actually sounds pretty good
Pony says you'd rather give her that nigga nigga please award
>wake up>see thiswhat do?
>>13522912screamlike a bitch
>>13522912Stick foot in pony's mouth.
>>13522912wonder why I only have four toes
>>13522912Tell pony she doesn't know where those toes have been!Stop that.
>>13522912Pinkie what did I tell you about stealing people's feet? Now go return that to its owner.
>>13522923she keeps going and has you up to your knee now
fart fart fart faaaaaart
>>13522942take a knife in case of swallowing to open a way outlet myself be consumed if that is pank's wish.
>you will never blow a raspberry on Derpy's stomach
I eat my toenails.And fingernails.
>>13522818If you want to be extremely technical about it, yes it can be considered chiptune do to it produced on the SPC-700 which is an audio cpu but obviously they're completely two different genres on the surface.If I used a 3d program to animate 2d characters on a 2d landscape, could it still be called 3d?
>>13522964>you will never blow a raspberry on a girl's stomachhere, now it's more realistic.
>>13522933There's an animal chewing on your foot, do you really need to wonder?
>Twilight's only wearing a diaper because she's studying a new spell, and first time users tend to lose control of bodily functions.
>>13522977>a girlThats disgusting Anon
>>13522980 thanks op i came on cat she hiss at penis i fapped so hard mine dong flew out da window i here its in china now wow op i fap so hard my dick bigger 2 inches great vid omg i coming cats and dogs thnx for pic!! omg op i come so hard that I shot a whole in my wall. now my mom is angry and said i had a hug cock! i came so hard im now a woman thx op The hurricane winds generated from how fast I was whacking it knocked down my entire south wall of my house and now car alarms all over the neigborhood are going off. I just shat my pants in class now i cant move or it will all squelch out and the girl near me is starting to notice the smell thanks op! i know own a small fast food chain in rhode island thx op thx op for share her exclusive move make sister grew dick to fuck my ass with op i slipped on my own penis im calling the police fuck you op WOW BITCH NOZE HOW TO SUKK GUD I CUM SO HARD MY BUCKET BROKE super hot chick thanks op I came a whole mom oh god all i have left to cum is bone marrow aaaah god no stop it hurts m bone marrow thx op 10/10 holy penis i shat pics of spiderman epic win OP I cam shit and shat cum I’m watching this now with my family and my granpa is winning the cumbucket challenge thx op 10/10 I came so hard my cum created a sonic boom and now I can’t hear shit thx op 10/10 your under arrest op for make this such fantastic porno movievideo, I birthed several sperm childs thx op i came so hard my dick split open and wasps flew out and stung my mom 9/11 thx op i cut dick off and threw my dick like cum grenade 10/10 op made me cum like a small turtle call me franklin awesome porno op I came in a poor man’s suit pocket. I RIPPED MY ARM OFF AND CAME TO STOP THE BLEEDING THX OP omfg my dick got so hard i could fuck my own asshole! thx OP! I had balck labador retriver dog and i cam on him now i have Dalmatian dog
>>13522967That's gross.
>>13522977I once kissed a girl on the stomach repeatedly on the stomach while we were on the beach. I kept my head on her chest afterwards and I felt that her heartbeat was going faster and faster.Man that was a good day.
>>13522964>you will never kiss her stomach, slowly making your way even lower
>>13523004I don't know that feel but I wish I did.
>>13523012>not making your way to her face to smooch her cheeks
>>13523012>go lower>about to kiss ponegina>she queefs super hard on you
>>13523012>you will never reach your goal only to remember they dont have anything down there
>>13523004that sounds super ticklish
>>13523036>who the fuck cares>not caring about pizza day
http://www.livestream.com/nukedstreamXIERIL IS STRAMMING AMNESIA
>>13523047But that's tooooo scary.
>>13523047Which one?
>>13523047It's still a shame what they did to that game.
>>13522967Stallmanu pls
>>13523045>Implying everyday isn't pizza day
>>13523018I also blew between her open legs and I saw her moving her legs slowly. I also saw a hint of bush under her bikini.TO this day I don't know what the hell happened after because I could feel she was enjoying it then after a while we stopped, she turned around and I put my head on her ass.She had a very soft ass and quite large too.She was pissed off after that.No idea,really. I thought she could be dating material but she just turned up to be "what the hell" material.but at least I touched a butt that day.
>>13523069Whoa there sugarcube
>>13523059>amnesia>scaryMT pls____________________pls
>>13523026I'd stop before I get too low then go back to her face, then kiss her on the neck.
>>13522903You will also never watch ponies and griffins fight in the glorious arena!
>>13523070>put my head on her assASS ON HEAD RETARDED
>>13523064What happened?
>>13523029>a ten seconds edit I made gets reposted more often than my own stuff;_;
>>13523059>"Horror" game where you can't defend yourself>scaryartificial horror.
>>13523110A horror game where you can defend can by definition not be scary
>>13523101>not wanting to put your cheek on a glorious ass
>>13523110It's not scary if you can just shoot everything.
>>13523110What's true horror?
>Atryl finally admits to being a furry
>>13523110The Last of Us is the best survival horror game I've played in years and it's not even a survival horror game
>>13523153He's been denying it?
>some league of legends convention>there is a huge announcement going out to remind people to shower and use deodorant>same warning went to bronycon>and anthrocon >and comic conit kinda makes me want to rethink my choice in hobbies if this is the kind of people who are in the fandom
>>13523155That pizza looks a lot like Rarity's hair.
You know what animals I want to see in MLP?
>>13523171Conventions always smell, especianny in the summer, no need to make it worse with bad hygiene
>>13523194I want to see snakes too!
>>13523194ur a faget
>>13523143What could be in the nothingness.
>>13523208Was that even worthy of posting?
>>13523205I'd rather see Nagas
>>13523158That's survival action.
>>13523201its the fact that they need to be reminded to take a shower when going in public that worries me
>>13523170Yeah, he said he wasn't a furry smut artist
>>13523241i'm about to go to the store without showering, and nobody can stop me!
>>13523241Any kind of nerd convention is going to attract both semi-normal people and extreme social retards
>>13523171>there is a huge announcement going out to remind people to shower and use deodorantHAHAHAHAFucking really? This had to be just to poke fun of stereotypes.
>>13523153>Anon will never admit to being a furry
>>13523194a baby or teenage dragon that's not an asshole preferably a girl
>>13523267As long as you don't go with sweatpants, it's fine.
>>13523276No, many cons actually do that, the warning, and they are serious
>>13523218Is that one of those gendeers?
>>13523153>Draws literal piles of porn involving horses>I-I'm not a furry guysWhat really?
>>13523280I am actually 100% sure I'm not a furry.I just would have sex with other sentient nonhumans. /co/ says that's a xenophile
>>13523301actual quote"I'm not a furry smut artist"
>>13523280I ain't a furry. Furry is a frame of mind not what you masturbate to.
>>13523316>tfw this is as lewd as it gets in the MLPverse
>>13523301He has once said something along the lines of "I'm not a furry smut artist." as in: it isn't the only thing he draws.Some guy keeps bringing this up, despite most likely knowing the context.
>>13523319Oh, that's probably because he doesn't want to be seen as a furry smut artist, even though he draws furry smut. Maybe he draws less smut that non smut.
>>13523301Being a furry (I suppose I am, i guess, I like the stuff, if that makes me one. Not on a deep spiritual, mental, emotional level, but I think they are pretty) made me start drawing anthro ponies to begin with, so I suppose this had to come at some point. I like it so far, I hope you will like what I will come up with later on :)
>>13523316belopheron please
>>13523288oh lord. Clean sweatpants (not the ones you've been sleeping in for 2 weeks) are so nice and snug
>>13523321It should be the other way around, but I suppose it's kind of like with the term "brony". Those who embrace it try to promote the broader definition so they seem more acceptable at least in their own minds, those who fall under the broad definition, but don't want to be called one, prefer the less broad definitions. Neither of them are actually defined.
>>13523336>Maybe he draws less smut that non smut.He doesn't.
>>13523343And no room for her guts, slim the hips to be only as wide as her shoulders
>>13523319i get what he was trying to say. he just didnt say it right.he is trying to saw being a furry porn artist isnt his identity and main thing. but goddamn he is working on 3 furry paysites now and 2 major mlp/furry porn projects.
>>13523319I'mmmm not a crook!
>>13523342kill yourself
>>13523371That is a copy paste from Atryl's newest image.
>>13523363>being a furry porn artist isnt his identityit is.
All twifags are cancer, except for those that realize that their waifu has been confirmed as utter shit as of S3.#Fact
>>13523354I mean, I jacked it off to marty like everyone hereand I jack off to poniesbut I don't like furry art in general and I think that the non-pony artists are pretty weird. How does that qualify me?
>>13523383Maybe for you and a lot of people as well, but that isn't how he personally feels.HE DUG A PONY SMUT HOLE FROM WHICH HE CAN'T CLIMB OUT
>>13523381ohGod damn, what a fag
>>13523381i've fapped to most of his pictures, and now, lo and behold, i find out i'm actually a furry...
>>13523383ya i know it is.he doesn't want it to be though he wants to get into concept art design for games but he is stuck in the furry smut artist pit. i wish him luck in breaking free one day.
>>13523387I never jacked off to martyWhich is strange since I'm bi but prefer porn with cocks
>>13523413There there anon, it's okay. This is why god invented suicide.
>>13523384What is this, Jehova's witness but for twifags?
>>13523074The one that's still bad but not quite as bad as the second one?
>>13523416The biggest shame is that he has great real art stuffI also love his SFW stuff
>>13523363Or perhaps he was wondering why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane!
>>13523333>at least 3 different people brought it up ITT>it's just one guy, probably a shitposter that hates Atryl!That one guy thing doesn't work like thatAlso the context is perfectly clear, it's that he's wrong. Drawing furry smut is, by far, the thing he does most, thus he has no grounds to call himself anything else. If it was like 50-50, he could go around picking what he wants to call himself, but when he's drawn like 10 times as much furry porn than anything else, that's just really moronic.
>>13523421He invented suicide, but we can't use it? Damn, what a tease!
>>13523420there's lot of cocks when marty's around.
Giving yourself a label based on what you masturbate to is absolutely retarded
>>13523431>blocked image
>>13523431>Submission blocked>The owner has chosen to block Guest Access to this submission.Bleh!
>>13523421Thank you. You know, you remind me of my favorite pony Fluttershy
>>13523438>>13523387>>13523420Marty a shitDoxy a shit
>>13523436Maybe he's trying to change? When he appeared (and even long after that) his smut pics were all over the place. I don't feel like I see that as often.
>>13523448Oh you sweet talker you.
>>13523439But modern society demands we must?
>>13523456That's a pretty well done Celest
>>13523456Very, very nice. Except the wings, what happened?
>>13523456Apart from the mouth that looks pretty great!
>>13523449The man can draw hips, he has that for him.
>>13523216Remember when horror games used atmosphere to make people afraid instead of jump scares and 'ARE YOU SCARED YET?' music?
>>13523439This negro knows what's up.
>>13523474hips connected to broken backsand i hate his faces
>>13523461The order of events was the other way around though, he said he's not a furry artist a fairly long time ago (not long enough for my 10 times the furry smut-statement to be untrue). Now he said he's a furry apparently.And I still see porn from him regularly, it's just that he enters less 30 minute challenges perhaps? I don't actually follow him, it's just the porn I come across.
>>13523143that thing in the corner of your that you quite get a good look at
>>13523456I like this guy's pony sculptures, it's too bad he doesn't take commissions
Spike and Pinkie Pillow
>>13523497>*that you never quite get a good look at
>>13523463didn't atryl draw an Angel x Fluttershy picture? It was hot but i always debated fapping to it. I think i'm gonna look up materials for a makeshift fleshlight and go buy them right now
>>13523474I really hate how he draws every character with a broken back. They would be so much better without that, but still with the large round hips. It's not like one couldn't go without the other.
I just commissioned a Caimon sculpture.
>>13523509Just buy a fleshlight
>>13523502Vade retro satana.
>>13523507You mean that poster on the wall? Fuck that shit. It vanishes as soon as I turn my head. I hate it.
>>13523502What are they seeing?the blob?
>>13523515"hello, i'd like to buy a fleshlight"yea, no. I'd have to go into spencers, God forbid
>>13523512From whom?
>>13523456>http://frozenpyro71.deviantart.com/gallery/>all dem sculps>Do I accept commissions?>No. Not at this current time
>>13523515I'm kinda torn because they are so expensive and it seems time consuming to fap with them.
>>13523559You don't have $40 to spare?
>>13523559>time consuming>fleshlight5 minutes+cleanup
>>13523532>spencersGo to an adult shop like a man you wuss
>>13523575Or buy it off of Amazon
>>13523531Yes. It's a 4D viewing experience. Spike can see and FEEL the blob. Of course he likes Pinkie Pie way more than the monster in the movie.
>lost 4 inches on my waist over the summerAWWWW YEAH TIME TO FUCK BITCHES
>>13523566Is it really worth it?
>>13523583Don't be such a dweeb
>>13523594I have no idea
>>13523587>>13523502The only thing that Ross did right here was that he made Spike a dragon and not a human, which every other artist seem to do. I do not even know why people draw Spike as a human if he clearing is whole different specie compare to the ponies.
>>13523593>gained 3 inches on my waistaw yeah, time to fuck bitches
>>13523496you'd think someone born in grove city would know how to live a fun life.
>>13523594Different anon, it's not bad but I find hands are betterIf nothing else, get one from dealextreme's adult site, it's like $8 incl. shipping.
>>13523606Glanco does it too, and I like it
>>13523539>Celestia, Scratch, britbong convention OC, Berry, FO:E, nightmarararathis guy would probably make a lot if he took conventions
>>13523575at any rate, it can't be helped
>>13523502>moovies kek.
>>13523633Yeah, but who wants to commit to sculpting that many eyestrain-color OC's?
>>13523640jp pls go
>>13523607>>13523593>neither gained nor lost any inchesAw yeah, time to fuck bitches!
>>13523593>thin=good lookinghaha no fag BUILD SOME FUCKING MUSCLE AND THEN WE'LL TALK
>>13523607>>13523593>>13523679>implying anyone of you will fuck any bitchesYou would have to leave MLPG for at least a few hours to do that.
>>13523682It's bettetr than being a fat dude
>>13523696What if I STOPPED LOVING PONY?
>>13523707I'll give you this, that's kinda cute
Post "smile smile smile" or a variation thereof in this thread if you're an autistic shitstain.
>>13523707Oh man, that's actually pretty cute
>>13523714You will never stop loving ponyThe ride never ends
>>13523720>autistic shitstainWhat's with that being forced in the threads?
>>13523725Who cares about thatI get healthier and feel better about myself
>>13523696Fluttershy is stoned as fuck
>>13523740But you just said-
>>13523696I don't think I could handle it.
>>13523707Yes. It's cute. but it's inherently wrong.
Evens: SleepOdds: Horse
>>13523745And?Isn't she always?That's like saying "Dash is arrogant as fuck" or "Rarity is slutty as fuck" or "Twilight is worstpone as fuck."
>>13523752can I get a piece dat ass
>>13523761The ride never ends
>>13523763Oh my god
>>13523752I'd like a regular hug and a winghug.
>>13523766I just want to hold her and make her feel better
>>13523768Sure, but I think she looked particularly blazed in that image
>>13523747that was not me
>>13523780But that's Tara
>>13523777>>13523784Um those aren't on the menu, I'll have to ask the chef if he takes special orders
>>13523791me, too. as long as it takes.
>>13523798Pank is Tara
>>13523696Why is she so perfect?
>>13523797Oh. well,yes. It is indeed better in any case.
>>13523813n-noi refuse to believe it
>>13523820>ross>drawing things people want
>>13523758What's "inherently wrong" about it? Pinkie Pie's still being a cutie, Spike is still being Spike. They're just friends.
>>13523780is that a cahracter from viewtiful jow or something
>>13523799Wait wait hold on. Who's the chef?
>>13523824She's the Tara Strong of the pone world
>>13523829>Even Ross hates my fetishA shame
>>13523781taht's why you don't fucking send anons to equestria before doing a complete mental health check
>>13523696>mad dosh
>>13523852chubby dosh
>>13523763I'm trying to understand why he taped the tail to a pillow.
>>13523830The drawing style.
I'm a special little snowflake
>>13523871so he could pretend that the pillow was the pony.
>>13523874This, Ross I really don't see how you fuck up on drawing fat humans so much when the style for almost everything else is objectively better. It's like you suddenly forget that you're supposed to draw shapes and just draw wavy fucking lines for everything.
>>13523852Embarrassed dosh
>>13523820full pic?
>>13523891But there are more pones, many more.
>>13523901and the wonky hands and feetseriously pank's feet are too small, they tend to blend into her legs
>>13523909anon he was in love with THAT pony.
I hear Klondork has started playing SS13
>>13523938I don't carecall me when SS13 is on a not shitty engine
>>13523937No. No unf.
>>13523937>those tagsnope
>>13523927But there are more to love, I don't understand your line of thinking.
>>13523871To hug it, duh.
>>13523938They made 13 Samurai Shodown games? Wow I'm behind.Cham Cham is best pony.
>>13523937Funny how it's never a unf picture
>>13523937Nothing about that is unf in any way
>>13523953Oh.OH.I'm an idiot.
>>13523820SB's Sugar is fucking awful
>>13523937It's close to an unf but still slightly away - sorry Anon
>>13523870They're called gains, anon
>>13523938no shit?what server?
>>13523977You're awful.
>>13523921The small hands and feet are to make her look dainty, but also fat and puffy in contrast with the rest of her body.
>>13523989Yeah, WEIGHT gains. In the belly.
>>13523977Come on Ross what did he do to you?
>>13523989Dash is more like a cardiobunny though
>>13523999Hands are forgivable I guess, but seriously the tiny feet really just look out of place and draw attention AWAY from the features of pinkie that you clearly want to draw attention too.
>>13524015He asked nicely, I think
>>13524020>you will never marathon cardio sex with rainbow dash
>>13523947There's this, and then there's Centration.Neither of which are ever going to be in a playable state
>>13523999Pinkie's chin is visible through her shoulder
>>13523989What a sexy horse, her attitide only adds to the attraction.
>>13523999They don't, they make it look like you spazzed out and said fuck it. Like, okay look at your other human drawings. Consistent shapes, I could accurately break down those drawings to basic shapes like circles, ovals, triangles and the like. The fat drawings though? Those are nothing but just fucking smoothed curves you quickly scribbled out using a stabilizer. Look at, say Rose's drawings, mostly just ovals, look at your drawings, the lines have no coherence, two circles that make up her gargantuan ass are just scribbled, it may as well be a cauldron. It's like you take everything you know about anatomy then immediately forget it when fat is involved, fat doesn't act like its in zero gravity, it has rules.
Ross needs to study some better fatty artists.
>>13523631Ah that artist! Yeah I his idea of Spike as well.The way I think of it, if they made Spike a human, then they have to consider that "dragons" are giant people with wings. That is an ugly picture to think about.
>>13524058Those tits do not feel right, gut too small2/10 would not tenderly squish
>>13524075To be fair, a lot of woot's boobs are the balloonish variety. Definitely not the worst offender in that aspect, though.
>>13524058Woot draws really awful sameface though
soft vore
>>13524088HARD vore
>>13523999Also your faces are super flat, like even cartoon artists draw the eyes like they're curving on a sphere, you just draw them like the character got smashed in the fucking face with a frying pan.
>>13524079Fucking her into the carpet until she can't even beg for mercy anymore
>>13524088>ross will never draw itDamnitI actualy wanted him to do things with his fat personhorses and he burned me downa shame
>>13524087So take what works and throw away what doesn't.Don't you know how art works?
>>13524099god nogore and pain are big N-O
>>13524115A little bit of pain can be nice.Like spanking her ass and watching her back arch
>>13524114>whiteknighting>"improvement is bad"
>>13524115>not liking light pain
>>13524145Neither of those things applies.
>>13524140>>13524157A little teasing or stuff like that, okaybut hard vore implies mutilation and evisceration
sergal softvore
>>13524187fuck ooofffff
>>13524187fuck nojust no
>>13524207What is that, a pea on a leaf-OH
>>13524207same sized is master race
pony just unfed at you
This horse is dead.
Mlpg help me what should I masturbate to now
>>13524277>>13524278pony unfed and died?
>>13524301She died doing what she loved.
>>13524301pony wants you to use pony for necrophilia fetishmake sure to resurrect pony when you're done
>>13524301blood flowed away from more important things for too long
>>13524301another tragic victim.
climb in
>>13524277How dare she!I‘m going on a manhunt for pony! She will pay!
>>13524337>Climb inside>Every so often I stick my hand out and grab some food>This doesn't sit well with the other ponies
>>13524337Would you climb inside Jessy?
>>13524337I should really get that welding kitthat's the third time this month
>>13524352>Ponies strolling down the street>Feel someone slap her ass>Reach out, slap them back
>>13524352>>13524376Are you detatching the butt to do it, or reaching through her mouth or something?
>>13524376>be a stallion>make out with a pony>slowly reach out for her ass>there's some resistance>try harder>get bitten
>>13524399There's probably something like an access hatch for them to store things in, big enough to fit a hand through.
Just a reminder that BraeburnQuest resumes tonight in about five hours.
>>13524512Groovy. That boy learning lasso tricks?
>>13524512Now draw him riding mewball centaur.
>>13524468oh boy
>>13524512he's a cutie
>>13524512I am not surprise by this. Not at all.
>>13524512Show him with pap tex and the rest of the family for scale