Old Horse >>13514177What would it take to make your favourite pony this angry?
>>13517231I just stained her favorite dress.
>>13517120because you have a sick goblin fetish
Look closely. The lamps are giant eyeballs.
>>13517246>still having nonprincess twilight pics savedget out brony
I just fapped to a fantasy involving picking up koboldjack and using her as a fleshlightATTACK ON UNF
>>13517268>MLP is actually written and produced by Lovecraft's skeleton
>ponies have sharp teethPONIES ARE PREDATORS
>>13517266does anyone here not have a sick goblin fetish
>>13517280Don't forget front facing eyes.
>>13517289I'm pretty sure the majority doesn't.
>>13517273>I just fapped to a fantasy involving picking up koboldjack and using her as a fleshlightyou're sick
>>13517289I have a sick nevrean fetish
Ross, have you uploaded your latest pics anywhere? Because I've been away these last hours and had no time
>>13517297I attack the KoboldJack.I roll 20I kill KoboldJackWhat loot do I fund?
>>13517306you can't do that
>>13517316I already didWHAT LOOT DO I FIND?
>>13517320The timestamp is a year off
>>13517316I roast the twilightboldSparkolbodWhateverAnd eat itI roll 20. How savory is the experience?
>>13517322I always fuck up the year in the first month of a new year. Maybe it's the same
>>13517330you can't just go around eating kobolds anon. you need a permit for that.
>>13517334Meant to respond to >>13517328
>>13517328Well he had to buy the iPad now didn't he?
Legend of Korra Book 2 premieres tonight. Are you excited, /co/?
>>13517350>korraLol no
>>13517350Not really.
so has the luna micro been posted in full somewhere yet?
>>13517368I don't think it's out
>>13517368no, luna is a shitty pony
>nobody has rolled for kobold anal circumferancewhat kind of /tg/ are you
>>13517375Fine, I hug the sparkolbold. I roll 20. The sparkolbold is happy.What affection do I win?
>>13517388>Nazi furries
>>13517385i would sooner roll for the amount of stray sergal hair stuck to your couch than anal circumference
>>13517378Why is Rarity so fat?
>>13517384>>13517387kobold is happyYOU GO ON ADVENTURE!
>>13517394Your last two digits are your roll, anon.Enjoy your butt. I'll enjoy my fluffy ass couch.
>>13517402Great I assault the evil lich's lair I roll 20SparkleKobold rolls 20FashionGobold rolls 20SweetieKobold rolls 1What happens?
>>13517402I eat kobold while it is still happy
>>13517406I would cuddle MT ___-sexually
>>13517368It was just a preview cover I think - I don't know if it has even been confirmed apart from that cover.
>>13517422I think you might be cheating anon
>>13517429I say I don't cheatI roll a 20You believe me
that's enough for tonight
>>13517488not pony enough
>>13517460>>13517485WHERE ARE THEIR CHINS?!
>>13517511But how could she even be any more pony?
>>13517485>those posters
>>13517533she needs to get some sass
>>13517540Lyra is less pony than other ponies
>>13517558>pony is less pony than other pony
>>13517517show takes place 1000 years in the futurechins evolved away
Chocolate rainSome stay dry and others feel the pain
>>13517575I cringed
>>13517575Make an autism check anon.
I have seen the truth MLPGDue to this revelation I am forced to abandon my waifu for now I love someone else
>>13517575Have we reached the maximum amount of autism possible?
>>13517575I'm not watching that, anon
>>13517590the waifu police will dismember you in your sleep
>>13517602What the fuck is that thing? A cottonball with a mouth?
>>13517602They can try but they will not stop my love for the ocean
Someone hold mehttp://www.ebay.com/itm/MY-Little-Pony-FLUTTERSHY-Friendship-is-magic-Custom-Handmade-Plush-Plushie-/141059943044?hash=item20d7d3ea84
Anyone have that pic of the size comparison between ponies? I require it for...reasons.
>>13517624Aren't there a shitload of charts in that beginner artist on the sub?
>>13517650Oh, yes. Thanks you for reminding me.
>>13517609When autistic fantasies, desires, and comments go unposted on the internet, they leak out of their originators like an unholy ichor, unknown to sanity and sense. More often than not, such wisps find their way into normal brains, creating shameful thoughts and unacceptable comments, but rarely, these itinerant ghosts, single but not unique in their telos, coalesce into a more complex being. Its opinions and fetishes always differ, but the form is always the same. A white, fluffy creature with a flattened, triangular head, almost reptilian in appearance, that blends into the eternal depths of fuzz that obscure the rest of its unknowable and undoubtedly terrifying form. An irrational existence that boldly defies every law of motion, spits in the face of thermodynamics, and idly consumes the flow of time like a grazing horse passing through a flower patch.Those who encounter it live to tell the tale, but are so consumed with madness and autism that none can take them seriously.
good things when
>>13517679I attack the autism fluffI roll 20 and kill it. What loot do I find?
>>13517700A fedora and cargo shorts
>>13517685No she isn't.
>>13517700A chest of poorly drawn porn mostly depicting twilight sparkle and fluttershy. Underneath the collection, you find a rainbow fedora, 20g, and another fluffy.
If I fall into a trap, can I roll to take him home and fuck him?
>>13517679actually anon it's just rain silves
>>13517590I wish I was able to escape this by falling in love with someone else but I completely lost interest in any of them
>>13517740I remain unconvinced of the difference
>>13517746i wish i was able to escape the eternal cycle of infatuation and boredom with waifus by just finding the right waifu, or getting a real girlfriend. either one works. i don't care who or what it is. i just want to be happy.
>>13517757>i just want to be happy.Even the right waifu won't make you happy.Because she will never be real and you will always be aware of this.
>>13517760I want to have anal sex with pinkie pie
>>13517772maybe i don't want to be aware of that
>>13517772Don't listen to this faggot, once you find you're waifu you can become happiness incarnate
>>13517757Congrats anon, your waifu is now kobold sparkle
>>13517789But I found my waifu and I'm less happy than ever.
>>13517765I-I wasn't staring, I swear
You know what really chafes my cams?Diamond dogs with tits.
>>13517810Why does that bother you?
>>13517772>Because she will never be real and you will always be aware of this.You are worse than Hitler. The lowest of the low.
>>13517810If there were diamond bitches in the show they'd have tits. You know it to be true.
>anon goes to ponyville>ponies just rub their heads against his legs>takes it as a greeting>anon asks for a hug after a while>"but we've been hugging you all this time">anon is disappointed
>>13517855I'm sorry...
a wild bughorse looks kind of cute i guess right in front of you or maybe to the side a little if you don't mind that and like turning around to react to things i don't really know you so just think of whateverhow will you react or not react in a way that does not involve sex
>you will never hug a colt
>>13517884Daww, what an awful pony.
>>13517884Even in the storyboards she has downs.
I still can't finish watching S3.
>>13517884Why can't the show be in this style?
>>13517913I don't blame you, but I do judge you.
>>13517913What's the problem? S3 wasn't that bad, a couple of the episodes rank amongst my favorites to be honest.
>>13517922Because that would cost more money.
>>13517922Because Flash?But who knows maybe we'll get a different animation style sequence. They probably hired a timing director for that.
>>13517928Oh g-geez, Celestia pleaseI'd prefer a plushie that gives me a less lewd look though. It doesn't really seem to fit her character.
>>13517922>actual animation>instead of reusing the same handful of flash assets even though that leads to disconnection errors (especially in talking animations, dem sliding jaws)>not costing more money than anyone dare allot to a little girls show
>>13517913I hear yaExcept for 2 choice episodes I've never re-watched S3
>>13517947Please what?
>>13517955Please don't tease me like that.I'm a weak man.
>>13517947People buy these to fuck them. Good plush makers leave a nice, flat, barren spot you can cut a hole into instead of just a crevasse, ensuring the ability of small dicked bronies to hilt a flushly fitted fleshlight.Don't expect innocence with ponies. It's a subset of furries.
>>13517967>not wanting to fuck a plush celestia
>>13517981I want you tooSunshine
>>13517913i never started
>>13517967Fucking plushies doesn't feel good at all, I doubt people buy them to fuck them
Finally fixed my hard drive, now I can spend all day on MLPG againI was getting withdrawal for a bit there
This thread isn't as fun as I remember.
How muc would a 4 foot tall flesh light material plush set me back? Does realdoll take custon requests?
>>13518007There's an entire DeviantArt group dedicated to that ship
>>13518022We could make it fun
>>13518013>not mlpging on your phone
Evens: make some foodOdds: pony on
>>13518037Make pony food.
>>13518044I don't have any hay
>>13518030She likes the blue dudes, anon.
>>13518032What kind of fun anon?
>>13518051Edgy fun
>>13518036I don't have a phone...
>>13518036I MLPG at work even.
>>13518069I MLPG in my sleep
>>13518084you too, huh>S4 day is every night>tfw
>>13518048How much blue?
https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/1236415_663819350305746_281523233_n.jpgI saw this on Facebook. I guess the saying is dead.
>>13518084I MLPG from beyond the grave!
>>13518043Pony knows very well where the kitchen is.
>>13518084>>13518094MLPG dreams are the worst kind of dreams.
>>13518094S4 will be the best yet.
>>13518096s/dead/too mainstream/
>>13517922Why would you want that? It's just the same but badly drawn.
You know, women are more attracted to men that wear red
>>13518115It's the same but much more expressive and visually appealing
Rarity's big fat ass
>>13518137>visually appealingWhere? All I see are ugly giant eyes.
>>13518123Did you know, girls need cute things otherwise they'll die.
>>13518142>not rediv's
>>13518149The eyes are the same size as on the show
>>13518157Cute girls can live forever
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?
>>13518197Pony I don't love youPlease leave before I call the ponelice
>>13518202Not even a little bit?
legends say that if you break the heart of a pony you gain their power
I love Fluttershy but she's not real so I have sex with random strangers on the internet
>>13518241>she was such a slut that they had to remove her orifices to ensure that the local men would fuck other womenDownright tragic
>>13518232I tried TAB once. It tasted like flat diet coke.
>>13518241>Implying I wouldn't just fuck her thighs
>>13518241Best Fluttershy
>>13518232How very pragmatic
>>13517262when I hear that pony boopingI hung my head and cry
All pony and no sleep make anon go unf all poony and no sleep make anon go unf all ony and no sleep make anon go unf all [pmy amd mp s;ee[ ,ale ampm gp imf
>>13518260I'm hard pressed to say best humanized pony. Fluttershy's not even my favorite, but damn if her humanized art isn't fantastic.
>>13518234>implting rediv isn't a hairy,non attractive woman>implying she isn't in an asexual relationship with another woman through the internet>implying she's good looking
>>13518317Man, those look like shit
>>13518289Do you ever go without sleep for a long time and start to hallucinate ponies?Twilight just nuzzled my leg. It was cute.
>>13518321A MAN CAN DREAM
>>13518241>>13518260>>13518292i'm actually amazed that people don't like giant tits human fluttershyshe's already the most annoying and boring character, might as well give her so big tits to make her seem interesting
Pone has habit of falling asleep on your chestShe says it gives her the best rest she's ever had
>>13518321Unlike you children, I see the beauty in all things instead of expecting them to conform to narrow standards.
>>13518326she also likes worst princess.
>>13518334MT PLSI think she's cute too.
>>13518342She's kinda cute. I've got a soft spot for indipendent black girls that need to man.
>>13518321>Implying I don't want to fuck Anon>Implying there aren't plenty of attractive anons in our numbers
>>13518340I'm sorry, I can't hear you. You're standing on a ground that is too high.
>reduced risk of cancer>fewer awkward erections>no more pining over deflated love lifeWhy haven't you been castrated yet, MLPG?
>>13518338Then she's welcome to do it as often as she likes
>>13518352Because I really like sexAnd my ballsAnd my testosterone
>>13518352I kinda want children
>>13518352I kinda like orgasms.
Why is Rarity such a slut?
>>13518352testosterone feels great.
>>13518358What the fuck man
>>13518366it's her character. Dunno. Why is fluttershy so shy?
>>13518377Sorry dude
>>13518377come on bro. it's not that she's into kids
>>13518230But I would never want to break her heartAnd I would inevitably break my own heart in the process, too
>>13518364You can still cum.I think.
>>13518380She got molested as a filly
>>13518394That's a nice headcanon.
>>13518391But what's the point without libido?
>>13518400Lots of people who were castrated when young killed themselves because they couldn't feel orgasms anymore.It's THAT bad.
>Pinkie was raped
>>13518396Who would even waste their time with her?
>>13518407don't be silly. She's naturally happy.
>>13518407You can not rape Pinkie
>>13518413Not anymore...
>>13518406Wow, that sucks
>>13518407Can't rape the willing, that\s what she gets for hanging around all those donkeys.
You should die.
>>13518425One dat at a time.
>>13518425I really wish I wouldI'd be so much better
>>13518407>implying she isn't the one raping
>>13518406>tfw you never orgasm, just ejaculate
>>13518440Science is already working on a chip that can be implanted into the spinal cord that can trigger orgasms at the push of a button. It's probably already finished too.
>>13518416do it, Celestia.
>>13518416>Tempting dieting women into indulging themselvesThe unfest
I wish I could cryogenically freeze myself until pones return to me.
>>13518416Look at how scrawny your legs are, you're practically starving, you need that cake!
>>13518472She needs to squat more
>>13518467It's like 10 weeks dude, we're all going to make it.
>>13518481What if it gets pushed back?
>>13518425I'll die eventually.Today, I LIVE!
>>13518481I will almost definitely died of terminal, chronic depression by then.
>>13518453oh wow.Think about the twilight rape dungeon.
>>13518513Oh my GOD
>>13518507Nah.By the way you're a bitch for ruining AJ's barn.
>>13518515>implying Twilight needs a dungeon>implying she doesn't just mindrape you in public
>>13518522This is my fav: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHsQeHAI4Tg
>>13518523She was just cheering up her friend by painting a giant portrait of herself on the Apple family barn, why are you so upset Anon?>>13518536Trollestia5k please.
>>13518539>twilight please let this song end, we're a bunch of floating heads
>>13518524>walking through grocery store>buying up some things for dinner>suddenly feel body get very hot>feel something sliding into pants and across dick>fall to knees as wave of orgasm overtakes me>people start to watch, looking on with a mix of disgust and concern>peeking out from the corner of one of the aisles>Twilight
>>13518524>Implying she mindrapes you>Implying she doesn't mindrape everyone in the area into not seeing her rape you
>>13518559That's really hot
>>13518539>>13518545>>13518546>>13518555Fucking 90's catchy Eurobeat trash.
We doing songs?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KlutxtbQ_4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoB543m9ZzwSLOGANS THAT STICK!
I'm loving this new embed feature.Thank you moot.
>>13518551>at work>business as usual>suddenly start cumming>no stimulation>Twilight's just triggering the nerves in your brain that cause orgasm>she does it over and over again>you barely manage to get to the bathroom, cumming uncontrollably>eventually pass out from the intense orgasms>she keeps doing it to your unconscious body
>>13518582>tfw no friends to wear "hey I'm grump" "I'm not so grump" shirts togetherLife is suffering.
>>13518589what embed feature?
>>135185894chan Media Player is better because it creates a window in the thread that stays when you scroll, and can create a playlist.http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/
>>13518592Man, this is great
>>13518603This. Sorry for png.>>13518608Thanks!
>>13518595>tfw friend to wear shirts with. at least your life isn't as shit as mine anon
>>13518622Oh I see!
Wait a fucking minute, jontron is 22?holy fucking shit I'm 20 and I'm wasting my life.
>>13518622It also does [embedded music].
>>13518608>tfw Youtube (and any form of streaming) crashes your internet on your PC only so you'll never be able to use this
>>13518631I'm 27. What's your point?
>>13518624but you have friends, what more do you want?
>>13518646It's too late.
>>13518639>>13518646I'm 29.
Best pegasus
>>13518656>>13518646>>13518639We can still do it anon, together! turn off the computer and go outside!
>>13518666Worse that Fluttershy, which isn't even possible.
I'm 19 and I'm going to kill myselfHow did you people manage so far while being so pathetic?
>>13518681Because I realized after a few attempts that killing myself is boring.
>>13518681by not being pathetic. And slapping myself everytime I thought something in those lines.
>>13518674Even though I shit up MLPG with my random shitposting on an almost daily basis, I still lead a very active healthy lifestyle.
>your fathers married when they were in their 20's>you're discussing a cartoon for little girls on the internet
>>13518699Bcs, please. Nothing in you is healthy.
>>13518699Mental health still counts as health
>>13518712>BcsYes! Another check-mark for people I've been mistaken for crossed off the list!>>13518716I've come to terms with this.
>>13518674>Jon and Arin got famous mainly by doing nerd shit in front of a computer>you can be just like them by going outsideI don't follow. This clearly means I need to play more video games.
>>13518708I don't believe this.I don't want to believe this.
I'd go outside if I had friendsI'd have friends if I went outside
>>13518723>tfw only 28 thousand daysThat settles it. I'm going to stop sleeping and working.
>>13518747That is going to... give you only 7 days.
>>13518733Life is going to happen. You can't stop it, only steer it a bit.
>>13518756I don't want to die. I've spent too much time of my life living, I'm not accustomed to not living.
>>13518341you wanna fuckin go
I've got 185 days
>>13518763Everybody dies. Why be scared of something that's going to happen no matter what you do? Better come to terms with it because if you don't, the fear of death is going to hinder your life.
>>13518782The fear of death prevents people from doing stupid things
>>13518777Celestia can't even beat a bug
>>13518745Sounds like a bad circle. Break it.
>>13518772/fit/ please, this is far from motivating.
>>13518782The onyl reason we have to die is because earth would be overpopulated if we didn't.We could live forever in cryo-chambers and virtual reality if we could make those things together.
>>13518787Your princess isn't even a princess, she's just a fucking unicorn with wing implants. My princess is ove a thousand years old and can raise a body the mass of billions the size of earth.Beat that.
>>13518790He's so flabby
>>13518786Having a healthy respect for it is a needed thing, but to let the fear control your life is cowardice.
>>13518787If cadence hadn't existed, cheeselegs couldn't have used her and SA's love to defeat celestiaCheckmate, fedoras
>>13517231Misfiled a book. In a big way.
>>13518790B-But it's best drawfag.
>>13518811Luna is best pony princess.
>>13518827>best brony princessfixed that for you.
>>13518826sir is top notch, I love his /fit/ comics.
>>13518779>Deciding to kill yourself more than 6 months in advanceIf actually do it it's probably for the best at that point
Bestprincess >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Showdestroyerprincess >>>>> Bronyprincess >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Merchprincess
>>13518839true dat.
>>13518779How old are you?
>>13518826I understand the whole strength thingBut massive thighs are so ugly
>>13518852>this was done before /fit/ realized Zyzz was just on lot'sa steroids
>>13518849but showdestroyerprincess and merchprincess are the same princesses. That's because cuntdance isn't even a princess.
>>13518858Too old
Would Twilight attempt to make up for lost "reading day" day-drinking time?
>image resolution too bigFuck you 4chanhttp://i.imgur.com/pA5OrVF.jpgLeft side lewd, right side sadlestia
Whats new today?>>13518877Most likely not.
If Fluttershy's home were foreclosed upon, who would she live with? Rarity?
>>13518828shit motherfuckait's on
>>13518896>>13518891Sorry, imgurs faulthttp://sadpanda.us/images/1836224-0Z96CNN.png
>>13518898>tfw I was in thatHere, this might help.http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/147520
>>13518910>If you don't know or can't figure out what the name means, you don't need this script. If your name is sentenal, you do.Thank Anon, y-you too
>>13518898Great job anon. Saved.
>>13518892Fluttershy will go back to Cloudsdale (the finale show us this when she cannot become Pinkie) or live with the woodland critters.
>>13518877>>13518890If you convinced her it's what "real students" do or did as part of a "complete college experience", you might wrangle it out of her for Homecoming, butThat's only going to work once
>>13518892She'd walk into the Everfree and sit under a tree until she died from dehydrationHer little house is all she's gotShe forces herself to be friendly
>>13518910I was in that too!
>>13518860You get used to it after a while. You just have to keep them kinda proportional and not go full t-rex mode
>>13518898> all pictures have the same filenameWhat?
You don't actually have no friends, do you?You're just exaggerating right?
>>13518953I-I have three friends back home.It's keeping them that is hard.
>>13518953If you can call them friends. I prefer to call them leaches.
>>13518898>lewdgoes on for tens of posts>sadgoes on for 9 posts or something.Mlpg. Pls.
>>13518970>leachesit's Leeches,you dump idiot.
>>13518971Wow, you mean people like stuff that makes them happy more than stuff that makes them sad?
>>13518953...internet friends?
>>13518978But feels are good. Feels make you alive. Lewd is just for sexual.
>>13518985Arousal is a positive emotion, sadness is a negative one
Have you finished those projects?
>>13518953I d-don't have friends because I chose not toI chose that I don't deserve them and that it'd be easier on them when I eventually kill myselfThat's better than having no friends because no-one likes you, right?They probably don't like me anyway
>>13518983No, That's final. Internet friends are not real friends.
>>13518944Guess Anon had filenames which would have given away who he is and thus just edited them all to the same one.
>>13518977Those are my friends you're talking about mate, best mind your tongue about them.
>>13518992But one is in-character the other is not.
>>13519001Arousal is a positive emotion, sadness is a negative one
>>13519006Being in character is a positive thing, being out of character is a negative one.
>>13519012Nigga that's like reverse sour grapes
>>13519001They were both pretty out of character to be honest.
>>13518993I've stopped doing projects for almost two months now. I thought it would make me happy, but all it did was make me comfortable with nothingness. Stagnation is a bitch with Stockholm syndrome.
>>13518953I have a fairly close group of male and female friends. It's a shame that I don't get to see them as much as I used to.
>>13519016One is cheap waifufaggotry, one is cheap masturbation materialBoth are completely out of character
>>13518993I finished the coloring works for my job this week. Also finishing some mlp related stuff for later.
>>13519043Celestquest is In character at least.
shut uppost horses
>>13518953I have a really close group that I trust my life with that's pretty much going to be solid forever. The problem is that I've gone through this self hatred phase and all friends who aren't in that circle floated off. I didn't know how much I needed different flavors of friends until I had none. Now I have to win them back and fill in the gaps.
>tfw Friday night is coming to an end>tfw wasn't invited out>tfw didn't go anywhere or do anything enjoyable>tfw didn't even drink enough to be happy>tfw had enough to make me sadder and sleepy
>>13519049LK will never stream again.
>>13519049shut upand post with mecome on uh-huh and post with meshut upand post with me come on uh huh and post with me
>>13519069that's because you're a princess nowyou gotta do princess thingslike rule the land with an iron fist
>>13519043I'm scared that anything I write is going to be OOC and be shit.
>>13519073thanks anon.
>>13519069Going out every friday must be some kind of modern form of torture
>>13519069>mfw pool party tonight>free food and drinksits gonna be slammin yo
>>13519080MLP characters aren't exactly complex and multifaceted, unless you're mentally retarded you really can't fuck up too badly
>>13519088Never going out is a much better form
>>13519088It must seem that way to somebody who never gets out
The first few times I jerked it to ponies I came really hard, the novelty is wearing off now. Hopefully when S4 comes out there'll be a new flood of fics and porn
>>13519069You gotta make your own fun sometimes.People can taste desperation and flee it. Go out, see a show, check out museums, have something in hand to talk about on Monday.
>>13519105Between school and internships I need my friday nights to relax, not to party
>>13519106>wanting fanfiction
>>13519097>have something in hand to talk about on Monday.with who?
this is my favorite pony butt
>>13519111Ouch, anon.
>>13519110I prefer fics to pictures, always found them a lot hotter. Using your imagination for fap material is superior.
>>13519115you have very bad taste.
/v/'s going crazy over this shit.
>>13519122I find the best fap stuff is when something surprises you. A fic can do that better than a picture.
>>13519127m8 i will mash u up wee bloody cunt
>>13519115I can never look past those weird pointy back 'elbows'
Perhaps Shadows later.
>>13519131/v/ going crazy?What a shocker.
>>13519136Over the internet? I sincerely doubt that.
>>13519115>shining plsYou're a horse.Horses aren't allowed to use the internet.
>>13519133Yeah, when you get a pleasant surprise that's the best.
>>13519131I just read it on /v/Honestly I laughed a bit.
>>13519127It's a pretty sexy pony butt if you as me.I mean it's no Luna butt, but it's pretty good.
>>13519156Meh. everyone's entitled to their own opinion.
>>13519131As they should - Zimmerman didn't shoot a random blck guy, but soemone who physically assaulted him who happened to be black
>>13519147I think that's true about life. If there were no surprises and you had life your way, it would be very boring. You'd become god.
>>13519131Doesn't make the Escapist magazine any better.
>>13519156moonbutt is pretty good, my in my personal opinion Celestia has the best butt for sexual
What is the best approximation for "bed head" among Equestrians?(Hard mode: Barring Twilight waking up with a frizzled mane in Bridle Gossip)
I crave human interaction but actively avoid itPost your favourite ship and lament the fact that you'll never have a relationship that ever approaches it
>>13519178Really that's the only thing that didn't made me smile there.
>>13519190where twilight?
>>13519131Son zone?
>>13519131>throwing away your twilight plushie>in any situation71 picohitlers!
>>13519192All of them. Their mane are always large and long.
>>13519197twilight's not a princess,silly.
>>13519197giving me a sloppy blowjob
>>13519192Twilight's ma->(Hard mode: Barring Twilight waking up with a frizzled mane in Bridle Gossip)Well you can suck my sweaty balls
>>13519131>Beta just throws away his $600 waifu plushie to shoot some black dudeTotally reversed priorities, there.
>>13519195True. But I avoid it because I'm extremely afraid of people my age.
>>13519232don't worry dude, it was decent.
>>13519226You would not avoid them if they are ponies.
>>13519237Celestia has a strong back
>>13519237>nobody will ever finisht that drawing
>>135192370/10.Apply right the fuck now.
>>13519244Ponies are light but stronk
>>13519242Of course.Sometimes I wonder waht will happen when I'll become thirtysomething. Will I be afraid of people that are my age or just teens?
>>13519074Jesus christ that picture is old. And I never said I wouldn't.
>>13519222S-sorry, Anon>>13519211> they all have bed headSo you mean Rarity just arises looking like that? Golly damn.
>>13519237Twilight = purplest buttCadence = perkiest buttMoonhorse = most balanced buttCelestia = most sexual butt
>>13519237woop woop
Okay chooseDerpy's ass heading towards you at terminal velocityOrBeing in Eqeustria but never allowed to interact with any race, Only wild animals who most likely will kill you.
>>13519264but which one is the tightest?
>>13519277>Get disintegrated>Get killed by wild animalsGee.
>>13519263Rarity wakes up with her mane like normal as seen in Reading Rainbow and Sisterhooves Social.
>>13519277>certain death>prolonged, certain deathI'll take the mystery box I guess?
>>13519277AWas planning on killing myself anyway
>>13519277Derpy's ass.At least I will know happiness for the split second between contact and death.
>>13519277Derpy at terminal velocity on Kerbin
Relationships on the horse show and other sitcoms always seem better than real life relationships because there is never any over-hanging, persistent awkwardness or frustration or hostility between individual characters. There's conflict between parties, sure, but everything is wrapped up nicely and nobody ever gets directly or indirectly ostracized/sidelined from the group for more than a couple days.Real life relationships are not like this.Also I like Squigglekicker.
>>13519277mystery box pls
>>13519277I'll take the butt.
>>13519279Okay.What do you wanna do?
>>13519291>everything regardless of mass volume and aerodynamic shape slows down to 100m/s before impactgg squad
>>13519296>>13519286Mystery box is Sweetie's ass on top of Derpy's ass hitting you at terminal velocity
>>13519277Mistery box.
>tfw moonhorse will never invade your dreams and give you a footjobhttp://i.imgur.com/JmcFdt9.jpg
>>13519312I want the other mistery box.
>>13519318I'd rather she screamed at my dick
>>13519318That's not a horse at all
>>13519318thank god.
>>13519318before I click that picture, was it drawn by sunnysundown?
>>13519318>Gilda will never murder you with a hatchet
>>13519279Well seeing how I'm not allowed in the Griffon kingdom anymore thus can't go with Rarity I guess so.Wanna play some board games?
>>13519318Eww, she looks like a robot.
>>13519319Rarity and Twilight stabbing you multiple times with their horns
>>13519325yeah, pretty sure
>>13519307Reaffirm my life choices and give me the illusion of affection and concernMy friends have been 'busy' for weeks
http://i.imgur.com/lih6MqC.pngI might.
>>13519334No she doesn't, that would be kinda hot, this is just weird
>>13519338When will people finally stop making EG porn?
>>13519335I'd be worried getting a blowjob from a unicorn, because that horn would be dangerously close to your boner
>>13519336I knew it
>>13519277A. If I fail to dodge it I can at least die with the knowledge that I tried
>>13519337aww. come here you stupid horse.
>>13519337sorry, I can't do illusions and I'm awful at life choices tooWould you rather drink until we forget our problems or smoke pot until we forget our problems?
>>13519337i have mario kart, would that work?
>>13517231Can she at least take her shoes off? And not stomp on my dick like that?
>>13519339>Robotic horses will never cross the uncanny valley in your life time.
>>13519337Let's watch this, maybe it'll help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWVElQ6NfcE
>>13519345neverdeal with it, nerd
>>13519366Doctor Caramel isn't wearing any shoes and he's going to stomp your dick just like thatalso, he prefers masculine pronouns
>>13519366Second, footjobs are best with bare feet so she can knead your dick in between her toes
>>13519337>No job>No education>Not married>Probably lives off the state>Best friend is an abusive rabbitSsssure I can help reaffirm your life choices...
daily dosewww.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ5LpwO-An4
>>13519379I actually dislike footjobs.But if she had some silky stockings on I guess I could live with one
Oh hey, Knighty actually did a good job on the EqD redesign
>>13519318fuck I love princess femdom
>>13519391step up
>>13519384She's like 20 years old, why the fuck would she be married
I never got the appeal of footjobs but I guess we all get a kick outta something.
>>13519327>you will never play Agricola with AJ>you will never play Puerto Rico with Rarity>you will never play Settlers with Celestia>you will never play Power Grid with RD>you will never play Dominion with TS>you will never play 7 Wonders with FS>you will never play Ticket to Ride with the mayor
>>13519397>implyingshame for the fursonas there.
ropes of cum seeping from pony's stretched ponut
>>13519396Stockings and pantyhose feel so nice, it's like an angel caressing your skin
>>1351940011 year olds can get married, so what?
>>13519400yeah, she's got at least 980 years ahead of her if she _doesn't_ become an alicorn
>>13519397The banner is fucking ugly though even the 3D effect is niceAnd I'm kinda missing the "filter bullshit" option.
>>13519409They can, doesn't mean it's a good idea
>>13519397>Knighty>EqDu w8 m8?
>>13519415He's friends, presumably in the loose sense of the word, with Seth
Stop giving me a boner at 11 in the morning, this is way too early.
>>13519400She's got nothing else going for her. All her friends either have a good education, a job, or marketable skills. The most she could be is a housewife
>>13519406>you will never have a stretched ponut
>>13519419>something clever about member numbers
>>13519419>one member
>>13519423She can talk to animalsI'd say that skill would be pretty marketable if she didn't have severe autism
>>13519413Banner's not knighty's doing, though
>>13519421its never too early for a boner
>>13519436I know, I just wanted to mention that it kinda kills the overall look.
>>13519400>tfw 21 and a girl I played tennis with in high school is marriedIt weirds me the flip out.
>>13519440You think that'll stop anybody?
>>13519438Oh wow. language evolution is always so amusing.
>>13519399This is like watching someone play IRL cookie clicker with pony merch
>>13519453Half that picture destroys all boners.Bet'cha can't figure out which.
>>13519453That is fucking hot.
>>13519459Is it Twilight? I bet it's twilight.
>>13519459I bet its Celestia
>>13519459the right half?
>>13519470You win a cookie, anon.Congrats.the cookie is poisonedby the way you're wrong
>>13519476Thanks Anon.Maybe in death I can finally be with her
>>13519483Oh, stop being a big baby.
>>13519472Nobody said Cookie Clicker, anon. Go back to your rehab center
Pony knows its fridaypony knows you ain't got shit to dopony knows you don't smoke weed, but pony is about to get you high
Great news everybodyApplejack and Fluttershy are being removed from the show.
>>13519510Fuck, Dash is staying?
>>13519510but I like this poniesI don't want them to be removed from the show
>>13519494I can't. I lost all hope long ago.
>>13519509That doesnt rhyme!
>>13519509thanks, pony
>>13519510pls remove rainbow cunt.
>>13519514Too bad>>13519512Yes>>13519519Celestia removed
Great news everybodyEveryone except for Twilight are getting removed from the show.
>>13519131>zimmerman modeI think that's kind of in poor taste...
>>13519530But that has already happened
>>13519532So is the rest of that>wow entitled white males so awfulThe bit about facts is the most ironic thing
>>13519518pony apologizes and offers to introduce you to zecora if rhymes are so important to you>>13519518pony's just looking out for you
show me pissed off Applejack , i dare you!
>>13519548no, fuck off pony
>>13519557After 10 years I can't understand this picture.
>>13519561She mad as fuck, whats else is there to understand?
so that luna cover is a mirror to the celestia covercadance is on bothwill there be a cadance micro
>>13519561Ponka and Dash played a joke on her and she's now mad, I don't think there's much more to this
>>13519574we had a Shining Armor microI don't see why not
>>13519574The main series is about to have a 2-parter about Cadence and SA, so hopefully no
>>13519574Cadance already gets an arc in the regular comic, doesn't she?
>>13519546>offensive to white maleboo fucking hoo.
>>13519599Good news, everyone!I'm a horse's butt.
>>13519548Pony's good with me and I'll be good for pony.
>>13519589I don't care at all, but the fact that the comic is about white males being offensive to everyone just by existing does make that matter.
>>13519527>celestia removedSHOW DROPPED
>>13519587It seems to be more about Shining Armor, but I guess we only have a small part of the preview so far.>>13519581It's not a micro, it's a 2-part arc in the main comic.
>can't log into scrollsMOJANG
>>13519648I haven't played Scrolls in like 2 monthsDid they add that black deck yet?
I could totally imagine Celestias bedchamber looking somewhat like this.
>>13519654Yes, and it's fun as shit.
>>13519648>playing scrolls
>>13519660NeatMight have to start it up again soon>>13519674I'll look forward to breaking it further
>>13519697Too bad Pinkie, there's only one thing that could cheer me up and it will never happen. Sorry.
>>13519710okay buddyyou can come back tomorrow and tell us of all your accomplishments
>>13519704PffftThat is hilarious, wowAre they going to tone it down at all?
>>13519728Whatever you want/ whatever you want/ wherever you want
>>13519745changelings pls go
>>13519745Lyra, please.
>>13519728Alabama State Landfill?
>>135197281251/female/canterlot palace
>>13519720Nope, it's what Decay is based on, killing your own stuff.
>>13519745Discord plspls
you mean mojansg made something that isn't shit?This scrolls seems seems pretty neat.
>>13519771>12Aren't you a little too old for ponies?
>>1351972816 f cali
>>13519735alicorn isn't a sex
>>13519792Yes it is.
>>13519792Maybe not for you, virgin.
>>13519735Celestia pls respond
>>13519769The only thing is you need to already like TCGs and strategy games.
>>13519792count it as "both"
>>13519769It's like a combination between MtG and chess sort ofUnit placement and movement is just as important as deck building
>>13519803Make it quick.
>>13519815you're a great person and I would love to date you.
>>13519798>>13519802>>13519807I'm the royal physician. The Princesses do not possess anything but female genitalia.
>>13519805you mean it's not like MTG?
>>13519829Yeah, right. Give me your ID.
>>13519827YEAH, SHE SITS ON IT ALL DAY DOING JACKSHITWHAT A wonderful thing to knead and nibble.
>>13519826Thank you, but being royalty doesn't leave any time for romance.
>>13519829And I'm the royal harem and you're full of shit
>>13519849oh you're telling me you can't find a place in your busy schedule for someone else? That can't be true.
>>13519850>tfw wait-listed
>>13519849Thanks that you took the time to respond anyway.Farewell, Snow White, I will never forget you.
>>13519857Try being a god-given-duty monarch for a day, and we'll see how you end up. Raising the Sun isn't a particularly easy job.
>>13519872Show me the rope.
>>13519836Not in the sense that it's not a straight up card game.It's like a combination of a TCG and a board game. Creatures can move around, and they have a "countdown" to when they attack.
>>13519872Discord did it without even trying.
>>13519872...just five minutes?
>>13519864Oh dear, if what you're insinuating is true, that's awful. Surely, that must be in jest.
>>13519876Hmm. I'm less intrigued.
>>13519890Yeah, that happens.Too bad they don't have a way to just try it out without buying it.
>>13519883Five minutes could be spared, but then I would have to go without a stall visit for the rest of the day.>>13519882'tis all just rumors.>>13519875I'm afraid doing so would require many hours to carry out. Too many hours that I cannot spare.
>>13519876>44 attackGod damn
>>13519898a...stall visit?
>>13519884>tfw Celestia would even make me feel bad about ending my sufferingCan't win here, either I live a lonely life and she's forgotten me by today or end it and she will look down on me forever.
>>13519898Stop abusing spoilers and get this shit to the sub faggots
>>13519876Of which game is it a direct plagiarism? Or was Notch not involved with development?
>>13519915She'll only look down on you because you didn't let her participate
>>13519920Stop not liking what I like
>>13519913Going to the restroom.>>13519915There's no-one to look down upon. Unnecessary loss is simply just sad.
>>13519924well, it's a turn-based chess MTG.that's your answer.And it's probably coded in java.
>>13519924No game that I know of.Some of the designs look ripped though
>>13519946>implying I couldn't be her living toilet
>>13519946Well thanks Anon, now I feel awful.
>>13519959That's disgusting and unhealthy. Nopony would ever do such a thing.>>13519961Sorry, it's just how I feel about it.
I don't like this celestia, bring me the EA one.
Isn't spoiler abuse bannable?
Princess Celestia fully supports your right to self-terminate
>>13519974Why the fuck would it be?
>>13519981Probably because someone got frustrated over some black lines.
http://i.imgur.com/zlOHJPN.jpgunf sleep molestation
>>13519974only if you're using it to hide pornography
>>13519991Why do I get so needlessly angry whenever I see Lamar's OC
>>13519966Time to live a lonely life then, forgotten by the only being I loved.
>>13520016Because you're an autist?
>>13519991How the hell would you even stay asleep when another person is bouncing on your dick?I can't even have another person enter the room without waking up.
>>13520022That's just foolish. Instead of setting heights that even you think you cannot accomplish, why not aim for a lower target? A cute girl, maybe. Or a degree in robotics so you can make your own.
Question: Do they use the term "horses" in the show/comics? And if so, is it an insult?
>>13520016>Lamar's OCIt's not, though.
>>13520043Yes, they use the term, but not as an insult.
>>13520045>loves deepthroating her sister's penisYou know there's some sentences that just make you stop and realize how retarded they are.
>>13520035Lots of practice.
>>13520041Because you don't get to choose on this one, the bar sets itself.
>>13520061http://i.imgur.com/PNSaaYz.pngBut it's still true.
>klondike plays SS13
>>13520061You mean your sister doesn't have a penis? Weird.
>>13520045>loves deepthroating her sister's penisIt's like he comes here.
>>13520069Why would that be?
I want Prince Blueblood's dickwhat do
>>13520108And I want anon's dick.So what?
>>13520108Buy a white Chance?
>>13520129Why would you want Anon's dick?
>>13520135Why would you want Prince Blueblood's dick?
>>13520102It's not like I willingly chose to fall in love with a character I can never have a relationship with.
>>13520141I don't, that was someone else. Stop avoiding the question.
>>13520141because it's huge and pink and I want it inside me
>>13520088>playing anything on the BYOND engine
>>13520149I don't, either.
>>13520147Was it because she's very cute and large and MOTHERLY?
>>13520178If you want to summarize calm, understanding and loving as motherly, yeah, I guess.
In a fuck competition, who would win? Discord or Celestia? Rarity's the judge of honor, so she can't participate this time.
>>13520185Tell me about this 'affection', young fellow. Why, exactly, do you find her attractive?
The worst feeling in the world is someone ruining your edging session by walking in on you
>>13520214>not finishing on their face
>>13520214>he doesn't live alone
>>13520178Why does MLPG have such an obsession with fucking mothersThis is starting to creep me out
>>13520208Freud, pls. Go rub dicks with you mother's penis envy.
>>13520214I can think of one even worse>someone ruining your edging session by walking in on you right before you cum on a plushie
>>13520226pretty sure that's just another one of anon's ruses
>>13520208I'm pretty sure wanting a partner who's relaxed, will try to understand me and loves me doesn't mean that I want to fuck my mom.
>>13520232Can you edit that to be Fluttershy?And change the batman logo to a heart?
>>13520227I am already doing that.Now, please, explain your current romantic state.
>>13520226Because according to Anon, everyone who doesn't just want a nymphomaniac slut has mother issues.
>>13520262what if I want to be a nymphomaniac slut
>>13520269Then you fit perfectly into MLPG.
>>13520259n-no reason
>>13520282ffuck off futafag
Fluttershy enjoys death metal and ocasionally hiphop
>>13520255Well, doc, I was thinking about Button's mom and how hot she was, then I was thinking about being Buttons and fucking my mom. This is normal, right?
>>13520289>occasionally hip hop>occasionallynigga she listens to biggie and nas non-stop
This tumblr isn't even entertaining, but I can't stop reading it.It makes me feel funny and I have no idea why.
>>13520291>Button will never fuck your mom>he will never tell you over xbox live
>>13520295Does she listen to Scarface?
>>13520291Yes, it's very normal.Why exactly would you want to have intercourse with Button's mother?
>>13520302you didn't tell me what die so I went with a d100what does this result mean
>>13520296I love that joke with the cutie-mark far more than I should.
>>13520319A mare's hoof
http://mlpg.co/v/res/1447.htmlIf anyone is interested in playing LoL with MLPG
>>13520331No, go play your terrible games to /vg/.
>>13520319You don't play hide the sausage. You play hide the watermelon.
>>13520316It's not just her ass that I find hot. She's also a great mom. My mother used to touch my penis a lot in the bath, but she'd flick it if I got a boner. I don't think Button's mom would do that and she'd just let me have the boner. I find that extremely hot for some reason. Also she's got a charming, caring personality.
>>13520319Would you get perks so pony can climb in your ass?
>>13520302What happens if I roll a natural 20
>>13520357Don't sit on any barstools.
>>13520351I see, I see...I can relate to that.So, how was your mother?
>>13520351>My mother used to touch my penis a lot in the bath, but she'd flick it if I got a boner.
>>13520341>hide the watermelon
>>13520389slow the fuck down
>>13520369Amazing. You know, looking back, there were a few times that she'd make me naked wrestle her in bed when dad was overseas. That was always a lot of fun, but I think it eventually made me want to do MILFs 24/7. Again, I think it's normal, but some of my friends give me weird looks when I tell them about these things.
sex with sylvia
>>13520454I don't know who that is, so I'm going to pretend it's some weird changeling thing and I'm not allowed to resist
>>13520454Sex with Wanda
>>13520494>"what'cha thinkin' about?"
>>13520500thingken of moon
>>13520500thingken of moon's moons
>>13520500The best princess
>>13520554but I like all the princesses
>>13520354A DC check of 80, right?
>>13520576ask for a new oneif you ever have the option enter the number as 99 so google doesn't get to exploit you for free data processing
>>13520564Even magucpurplehornsmartbutt?
>>13520569If memory serves, it's an escape artist check of around that
>>13520588yesI'm very happy for her and I hope she helps the rest of her friends ascend
>>13520588>not liking petitest princess
>>13520576>still having captcha
>>13520605>paying for browsing 4chan
>>13520588Yeah. All of them. Even Cadance.
>>13520608>3 luna moon
>>13520614If I had a credit card or asscoins I'd probably get a pass, I hate captchas.
>>13520623who doesn't like Pinkest Princess?
>>13520603But I do.
>>13520632I almost forgot how posting without captchas was like.
>>13520638A lot of people
>>13520638>liking a unicorn with wings implants
I'd fuck Princess LunaWhat kind of fetishes do you think she'd have after spending 1000 years on the moon?
>>13520614I have always said Taffymane's prettiness makes up for her lack of personality.
>>13520587Why 99? Surely any random entry'd do just as well.
>>13520654>What kind of fetishes do you think she'd have after spending 1000 years on the moon?Physical contact with other living beings.
>>13520652but that's wrongit's canon that she was a pegasus that ascended to princesshood after defeating an evil
>>13520638Factually wrong
>>13520668whatever, pegasus. alright.you get the point.
>>13520662because if you enter 99 and I enter 99 and we convince anyone else to enter 99 there's a very, very, very small chance we'll all get the same prompt, all enter 99 and google will be convinced that one of their numbers is 99 when it isn't
>>13520654cuddlingsmoochingHoof holdingsnuggling while watching the sunsetpicnics under a beautiful starry skyAnything that allowed her to be close to another living thing
>>13520616I feel bad for Kamiya. He makes great games, but they never sell. I'd honestly buy TW101 if I had money (and a Wii U)He might catch a break if does rumors of MS buying an exclusive Xbone Kamiya directed PG game are true.
>>13520671Why is she so fat