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A few nights ago, I held an impromptu, livestreamed PMQ/Q&A session.
You can find it here (and be sure to subscribe!). For a list of questions answered/discussed, go here.

This Q&A was quite a bit different because I gave live audio responses to questions posted in the thread. The goal was to answer more questions, more quickly, and not skip over questions that would require a long written response. It had a few kinks but worked pretty well, and it's likely I'll switch to this format for future Q&A's.

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Best fillies edition!

old thread
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>posting the new thread before the last one reaches image limit
Is DT behind Babs?
Babs is a shit. Shit name, shit color, shit voice, shit everything.
Disregard old horse.

Post ponies
Your UU and UA a shit

Persia master race
I like this idea

I wonder what the cobbled it together out of?
I wish I could take Derpy to the gara
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Where are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?
I really want AA to do a human version of this pic.
With Butterfly as their trainer.
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You go to Equestria, but the only pony who wants to sex you is Twist. What do?
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Elsewhere, because they are terrible fillies

The ones in the OP are okay but this one is the best
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Is there a bad filly?
It's true, and there is no problem with that, other than that we actually are superior to the piss (for the most part).
is anyone behind babs? Jesus christ, get this S3 stand-in out of here.
that's okay, I don't want to sexual a pony anyways
Is Celestia/Luna/Twilight common?

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Wait until she's older, then fuck her.
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Someone post the vocaroo pls
She's just a bad OC, she's just a bad OC

Every time
Every time I see those as breasts
i thought they had huge breast for a second and i was going to berate you for posting disgusting shit. then i actually opened the image and i liked it.

but please babs no head shots. sweeties too beautiful. Sweetie no such limitartions for you, if anything you'd be doing babs a favor

if you don't sexual a pony within a month, your heart will explode and you will never even be able to one day convince a pony to hug you
Babycakes was always better than "China, Illinois"
Would you snuggle Fluttershy in her green hoodie on the couch?

What about if she got hard from being so close to you?
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What if Twist had titties?
Sweetie, how the fuck'd you get into mah hat drawer? How long you been wearin these? Oh gosh now we gots to go around town and make sure everyone knows it was a big mistake.
I'd pet it.
Fine, I tell Celestia the situation and ask to be pardoned of any crimes I would be committing by having sex with Twist because my life is at stake.
Then she wouldn't be Twist, she'd be somebody's redheaded OC
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Gotta agree a little bit
The animation was a bit weird, coming from the flip-card style of Babycakes and the original Professor Brothers stuff
What if your waifu was the chosen one and had a living tongue?
That's because China, Illinois is Babycakes and Professor Brothers combined with a bit extra
Their respective things were always better by themselves but they work really well together too
It just leaves you wanting more of both Babycakes and Professor Brothers than it has to offer
She would get mad at you for staring at them, you perv.
>Would you snuggle Fluttershy in her green hoodie on the couch?
I don't see why not.

>What about if she got hard from being so close to you?
Okay that's probably enough for a why not.
Pony becoming Pony from Polyjuice was pretty choice, I'm surprised it never became a thing here
I want to play with and praise a hyper futa dick girl.
Don't judge me.
Underneath the hoodie or outside?
who the fuck is babycakes
But I wouldn't stare. That would be rude.
That was one of my favorites. That and the Dream Reamer
"Hey guys, am I still a moose?"
d-does her hoodie have a heart on it?
Pony wants to see what you are working on.
I can never understand why there's so many breast lovers in the mlp fandom. ponies don't exactly have tits. and when they usually raise their arms up and cheer they look like they have DFC rather that big titties.

nah ponies have been and will always be about the butts. Ponies have fine rumps. I would've thought the fandom would've been all ass men.
A pink one
Outside, of course. Be proud, Fluttershy!
She would get mad at you for looking at them briefly then quickly looking away.
Too bad, I already am.

I judge you to be a fine individual with excellent tastes.
Never be creative!
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Babycakes anon needs to read more things

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What if they were a size that a normal woman would have?
I wouldn't lie, I do want to look at them, but I would refrain myself.
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>pony war is canon
>there have been attacks
>celestia has almost lost before too
Oh shit that means some ponies have gotten raped/murdered before.
One of the greatest minds of our time.
I like to think it's actually Neely but we all know that's probably not true
in the grim darkness of equestria there is only pony
but i'm not creative
and even if i was, i'd never post my stuff here

Sort of a mountain of a man who may be developmentally delayed. Cartoon.

But it's so big
Polycorn ponies when
Aw shit, sorry, double links, not double the Babycakes. That's a shit deal, son. Sorry.
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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared is a commentary on how the education system limits children's creativity.
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I want to go balls deep into Fluttershy's ass
I also want to give her a reacharound
Is that a problem?
You mean how the jews try to control the population and make the white man a nigger apologist.
>I also want to give her a reacharound
you better be talking about jilling her off
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Still funny.
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As if fluttershy would allow you to sully her honeypot like that

she's only letting you use her butt because you looked so needy
>mfw I'm fapped to the NSFW version of that picture multiple times and instantly recognized it
Well it's just that she's worried the other ponies might laugh at it
but what would you have him read?
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joke's on her, that's my fetish
Still nothing pony..
how kind, but i'll have to oblige her winking marehood
so some lolrandom shit?
figures mlpg would like that stuff
But the other ponies aren't here, it's just me and her. I'm not going to laugh at her.
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Love and tolerance goym!
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well LK HAS made Wizard People pretty much an MLPG staple
Maybe him and Neely are friends
I just want to suck her 2' long dick
Fluttershy sounded like a crackhead in "what my cutie mark is telling me"

did you guys cybersex in a general?

oh, my god, autism?
I just noticed all those clouds are are 3 rotating circles grouped up and tweened across the stage.
The whole thread
but its ok cause she had no frens
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Critique is done. Just sent it.
what if babycakesanon did a reading of Renne Quest
She's kind of adorable like that
She's far enough from human she actually looks less freakish than all the "normal" people
you know it! :^)
Guess it's a trick to make the whole "roiling clouds" look
I guess she could let you see it, if you promise not to laugh
What exactly do you think 'lolsorandum' means?

I always thought the threshold was somewhere around Invader Zim or Foamy the Squirrel.
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I want to shoot at her until she friendships
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holy shit how new are you?
there's like an entire booru filled with those things
Does she want me to see it?
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I remember my first day in MLPG
If you promise

And maybe touch it a little
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This is a very old horse, there are many things we have done.
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>you will never make your 12 foot tall futa demon girlfriend this happy
>first day
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> still spoilered
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Should I ink a Ponk Gilda picture, draw something of this Bunny Pone, or take a new request Mlpg?
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Yeah, pones was clippin'
and cloppin'
and movin' to the groovin'

And just when
it hit me
some ponies turned around and shouted

Play that queefy music white pone!
Play that queefy music riiight!
Play that queefy music white pone!
Raise up your horse butt
and play that queefy music till you die
That might actually make things not terrifying
Horse apples.
So she's really fast at apples?
I would never laugh at her. Why does she want me to touch it so badly? Is there something she isn't telling me?
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I wasn't saying...

you know what, never mind

have something older
Draw the new pone draw the new pone draw the new pone.
I want to see her big meaty ears in action.
> Fluttershy proposes a three-way with Rainbow Dash and Applejack the only way she knows how: cosplay
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No, she is the only one for me.
>End of EqG
>Sunset is un-eviled
>She's stuck in that body

Would you cuddle with a snarky, controlling but loving 12' tall futa demon on the couch?
Good. Demons are for ripping and tearing.
I bet she fucks like a tiger
Could someone cap that Celestia/Twilight "luna walks in" thing from the last thread? My cap script is busted
She's embarassed to admit that the only reason she's hard is because you're snuggling her
oh maaan so qt
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how is everyone? Is everyone fairing well in the hiatus?
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get on my level.
why did you have to throw futa in there?
link pls
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why does she have to be a futa demon
can't she just be a princess
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Doing well enough
Having fun with the comics and vidya
I could not possibly hope to satisfy her sexually.

Or emotionally.

Or mentally.

I am worthless.
>Fluttershy just stays there and bucks her hips up and down
>AJ can't get down, she can't even move save for what Fluttershy does
Mewball, I still want you to draw her too!

I'll probably draw her eventually but you're better than me and I want to see her in your style.
for me, it's something for me to relate to. we both have a penis, so no problem
Did you even read the other post you turbonerd?
Does she like being snuggled? What if I snuggle her harder?
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I think this was the first legit "erp"
tfw ignoring the comics
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fine, geez
I wasn't tying to make a dickwaving contest out of it
normally I don't like GR's humans
but I make an exception for his Silver Spoon
especially the one on the right. my god, the things I'd do to those tits...
She'd probably get off on that
>I wasn't tying to make a dickwaving contest out of it
sir, you are on 4chan. it's always a dickwaving contest.
I'm not sure who I want to devote myself to eternally worshiping and servicing their insatiable cock more:
12 foot tall demon Sunset Shimmmer
DJ Acid

With DJ Acid I can sleep in her huge boobs after she fucks me in front of everyone, and also I can hang out in the Butt Club

But on the other hand, Shimmer is a demon
What's not to like?
Then she'd blush hard and squirm a little, drooling pre
Like what? Get graphic and detailed...
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I prefer the left one to be honest.
But what if Acid ate and absorbed Shimmer?
>tess is ded
have them fight over you
Thanks for the effort.
Even though it's painful to read, it really does help.
Thanks for being honest, too. Much more than I got from my friends.

Although, I don't even know how to do half of the things you suggested.

sir, we're going to have to ask you to step outside
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>I could not possibly hope to satisfy her sexually.

I don't know, since your touch is so much lighter, you could tease her for hours.
Edge her frenulum for an hour before sticking your tongue down her urethra and getting drowned it hot demon cum.

And you might not be able to take her inside, but your hips and arms would surely give her enough to fuck, and you'd be lined up to get a hot facial too.
It's stupid, it sucks, and I hate it.
Also, I feel it doesn't really capture anything I like about the show.
>not posting the hobo rarity pic
I'd worship Sunset's hyper cock
I'd worship Fluttershy's hyper cock

I'd pretty much worship and hyper futa cock
Oh no. No no no no. You aren't suckering me in THAT easily.
Titjobs would be involved. And leg-worship, though that has nothing to do with tits.
Okay, so that's why the cover art has twilight about to get hung

I never read it and always sorta wanted to know
That would make me feel so special~
Oh that poor girl, so wound up. She should tell me how she feels.
i think i will
i dont really like her colors though, might screw with them a bit
Don't say that to me, i haven't even read them
I don't think she'll be able to do much other than gasp and shudder in between throbs and jerks of her on-edge cock
Why hello there stranger, what brings you round these parts?
and jerked her off half way through eating her for good measure
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please stop mlpg

I need to not fap

doctor's orders
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would you sate her hunger MLPG
"Doctor, it hurts when I poke my arm!"
"Well then stop poking it."

Close the tab, mang. Save yourself
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>I need to not fap
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Your waifu just told you she's going to become a stallion

She's given you the ultimatum to support her or leave her
Did you tear your frenulum too?
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I don't lactate tho?
just keep a pack of ice on your groin and regularly walk around a little every now and then
>sunset shimmer wins the fight
>eats Acid, despite only being 12' to Acid's 15'
>carries around a big fuckin' belly for a few days
>finally grows in to it, develops some actual tits
>dick turns green
Owursu werr endingu werr
No, dry chapped skin from not using lube
I can't wait!
Does this mean she would support me in my transition to becoming a pretty mare?
I say its about time
Oh no, I better hold her tighter and whisper that it's okay in her ear.
>gains strange taste for dubstep
>asshole becomes sensitive, hungry
>pre takes on a glowstick hue
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so how about that bluefast?
How would she react?
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>develops some actual tits
>>dick turns green

bitch the fuck you think this is? Shit ain't a democracy
I'm such a sucker for big ponies
I know this feeling all too well
I don't think you'll pass by walking around on your hands and knees
I can't read that.
>ruining everything
you don't say
It's not painful or anything, it just needs to heal.

Going from twice a day to once a week is going to be a bitch
too much fast, not enough blue

Best pone.
>green dick
Should be faster and bluer.
As long as you're prepared to watch her cock flex and throb, her balls quivering as she gently whispers and begs you to stroke her
Measure your loads for us
As if I'd leave over that. It's their personality I adore, and that won't change.
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Well...that grin makes it seem like her...upgrade, has given her a bit of a confidence boost. So I bet she'd be enjoying herself, taking that busty new body for a test-drive.
Though I'm also willing to bet that the sudden growth has made her chest a bit...tender.
Goodluck my friend
>you will never take supplements that make you slowly grow an equine set of equipment
>you will never keep the general up to date on your length, girth, and volume with photos
uncut master race reporting in
I tell her I need to think about it but I still love her
I need to think about how to break it to her that that really turns me on
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that's a thing that happens?
I've never fapped with lube before and I've never had that problem
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>sit down to fix errors
>worried about messing up even more
>try to remember the other critiques
>the fix doesn't sound right
>check notes
>can't figure out how to implement notes
>continue "fixing things"
>they keep getting worse

Wrestle Manticores.
You are your own worst critic. Keep going.

It's around the middle.

Well, do you do it twice a day?
Edging for an hour an average?
You sound like a programmer
Critique for what?
Get a job
Oftentimes three.
I reserve edging for when really unfworthy greentexts are being written.
make a google doc that the two of you can edit together at the same time or something
Well why didn't she just say so? I'd do anything for her. I'd only use my fingertips and gently go up and down her length.
That pony is sitting still and isn't blue
I have one. I do one in the morning and one at night.

Sometimes a quick one at work
Would you explore it with/for her?
what does tha mean?
You have a job?
And that would be all she needed to squeak and push herself against you, cock spasming as she starts cumming hard all over her face and hoodie
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Your waifu is delighted by your response
She's got a little bit of a request though

She only wants you to fuck her ass from now on
She's never really liked her vagina
>I feel it doesn't really capture anything I like about the show.

What do you like about the show that the comic does not provide?
No matter what creative projects you engage in, you will always see the flaws in your own work staring back at you.

Your audience, meanwhile, may never even notice they exists.
you guys are always about sex, i swear
I guess
how long until she can fuck me?
Only if they return the favor every now and then.
isn't that being a good critic?
Oh no, cumming to such a soft touch. Is that normal? Did she like it?
>pony will never peg you
They'll only do the reassignment after she's lived as a boy for two years

Y-you'll be around for that long, r-right?
>anon's not buying it
>he think's it's just an elaborate photoshop prank
>demands to see it in person
>it was a ruse
>he just wanted to get his hands on your junk
>now you can't get rid of him
The touch was just what pushed her over - being held in your arms was so arousing and exciting for her that her body just couldn't handle it
that was disappointing. work on recognizing where your partner wants to go
>not turning it on yourself and giving yourself a nice shower
what the fuck am I doing
>implying it's not your partner's responsibility to communicate desires with you
Only if she fucked me in the ass sometimes too
just relax and enjoy it
Well that seems like a given.
It'd be hard to resist the idea of hearing her gasp and groan while you play with her breasts, cupping them in your hands and giving them a gentle squeeze and maybe teasing her areola with your fingertips.
Trannies are shit and messed in the head.
Fuck no.
I UNF'd way too hard and now I'm going to be legitimately sad all night that this will never happen to me

Well, maybe in the afterlife, if I get lucky
But purple tinker seems well adjusted
of course
>you will never have a pony in your balls
Is she still aroused? What if I held her tight and told her how beautiful she is while feeling her cock?
I like this. It's cute and I enjoy premature ejaculations.
>you will never pony pony inside anon
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why is she so perfect
>you will never have two overhung miniature stallions for testes
>you will never cum by having them gush through your cock
>implying afterlife
If life was nothing but a series of disappointments what makes you think the afterlife would be any better.
"I'd only use my fingertips and gently go up and down her length." sounds an aweful lot like "more teasing please" to me
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B-but I've always been like this, Anon
I haven't changed!
i sit down in a dark corner after fapping to trannies
She's so pent up from having ignored her big shaft for so long that she's still achingly erect
I used to fap to trannies
Now I've got a boyfriend

Don't end up like me
Is there anyone here who wouldn't mind this happening?
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even fetishfag general is better than shitposting general.
>shaming fluttershy because she's a premature ejaculator
anything's gotta be better than this
My power surged and I lost all of my progress when my computer shut off for a half second.
I always assumed this from anyone that puts that much weight on their sexuality. It's like a guy getting 30k dollars worth of plastic surgery on his penis alone, just because he can't be happy with what he's got.
don't listen to him dash, i will always love you
Why is she so pent up? I'm here for her. She could tell me anything. What if I told her that her horsecock was pretty?
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What...what did you do?
That's why you should save often and buy a UPS
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>pony will never pony pony inside you
This legitimately makes me sad.
"i just think of it like sucking my girlfriends cock ;-)"
I hit CTRL-Z alot.

Now I'm staring at the page wondering what in god's name have I created
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lets all agree to never be creative again
What if she wanted to use her newfound height and strength to have some fun?
>that Baby Cakes Diary #5

Holy shit, my sides died. Why didn't I know about this earlier?
It's not sexuality
It's identity
I only drew a few circles anyway... Just kinda sucks.
b-but it's called Spanish, it's not a ghastly taco language!
how minature we talking?

Do you still have your old copy?
>supporting someone you love in mutilating themselves
It's okay Dash. I'll always be there for you. And love you all the same.
It's going to be fine. You'll be fine. Take a deep breath and realize that you can fix it.
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I know I wouldn't mind being the subby trap with a heavy horsedick and a loving master
What kind of fun does she have in mind...?
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How depressing.
It's because she doesn't drain her heavy balls at all, her lust building and building.

And if you told her that she'd hide her cum coated face a little, smiling wide as she throbs and wiggles her hips back against your body.
Because I'm always tired.
>pins you against the wall and mounts you
>you can hardly breathe with your head in her chest
Maybe your sac is twice the normal size?
Yes. Yes I do.
I'll agree that the technology really isn't good enough to consistently produce good results but the idea of someone being abandoned over it hurts me deep in my heart.

Then again I'm Bisexual so maybe being on the other side of the fence so to speak means less to me.
I want to jerk off Anons
>Wanting someone you love to spend their entire life pretending
Sluttymare pls.
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Good. Don't change it. Rewrite everything in a different document using the notes.
>not sucking
I also want to hook up with an anon

Mah Nigga Stat +1
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It's obvious the one true path is through transhumanism.
>tfw these are the only two options
me first
>wanting someone to get help for an obvious mental condition
or are you a trans-apewoman-seminigger
Then I'd call her a cutie. Such a wonderful smile, good heart, and amazing body. Perhaps she would like me to massage those heavy balls and see if I can make them hurt less.
I'd love my waifu no matter what and I would support her life choices 100%

>an 80 year life is 700800 hours long
>one third are spent asleep on average, making it 467,200 hours conscious
>I've spent at least 500 hours playing Left 4 Dead 2 alone, accounting for over approximately 0.1% or one one thousandth of my waking hours

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what if they were always like these two?
She's been so meek, and now she can do anything she wants.
Like this. She'd love the feeling of being able to dominate.
I prefer sucking, but I've never given a blowjob and I think more guys would be comfortable getting a handjob while they look at porn.

I'd still go in for a stealth swallow though
>tfw can't sleep all 700800 hours
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If you could just switch lives and bodies with one of the mane 6 permanently would you do it
>Thinking that you don't get therapy before any hormones or surgery
Transition is always the last resort
>1400 hours on hats
There are stranger compromises, but
I mean does she
Does she want to do it bareback like all the time?
Because she's gonna have to learn how to clean out her ass first
That's a no-go for me
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my nigga
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>not being a natch
No I'd be objectively making their world a worse place by doing that.
>Diamond Tiara loves her new attitude

>0.3% of waking hours
Yes. Not sure who though
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I'm sorry but you have to be a girl. I don't find men attractive.
Read pic.
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Let us put these ridiculous notions of sexuality behind us and move forwards.
It's obvious sexuality is more of a detriment to humanity than a benefit.
The mere suggestion would make her shiver a little as she scoots up some so you don't have to reach as far, her cock throbbing as she starts breathing heavier in anticipation
>Watching porn
That sucks
If I'm having sex with you then you're enough
>beautiful, has a direction and motivation in life, is an artist, loves what she does and her friends
>cute voice, can probably pick up any stallion she wants (inb4 slut jokes)
Should watch all of Professor Brothers stuff, now. Start with Bible History.
That would be unfathomably cruel to the pony
Then of course. She can indulge to her heart's content.
What's her pleasure?
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Oh christ this is turning me on

>tfw you can't be awake for all of them
>Essentially killing someone by switching minds with them to steal their lives
This is why you'll never go to equestria.
Do you want to be a mare, anon?
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Now, now. Sexuality has its place.
She cleans every time she thinks you're going to have sex
She's always wanted you to ask
> Anon shows up in Equestria, Twilight has a lot of questions about Earth!
> Just none that you'd expect, like "Did you play in a rock band?" without prompting
> and "Do they still make those Lunchables with the pink salty things?"
> You're pretty sure she's not talking about the Laffy Taffy
would you still be able to satisfy her now that she's grown so much?
This always makes me laugh, but then I feel a little bad after.
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I'd be up for it, provided things go well
I do, if you're offering
Maybe, maybe... But as it is, it needs to be toned down.
But it wouldn't be "sex", I just want to jerk a guy off and maybe eat his cum when I go to "clean up"
Well that sure was a thing
From the new Amnesia I'm assuming?
Twilight's life isn't half bad at all, and she'd still get books out of the deal
But nofriends, nomagic, nowings
I feel the same way about RD
I'd switch places with her in a heartbeat
It might be cool, but I think I'm going to stick with this life for a while
it's looking up
I read it more as me becoming her. No killing necessary.
Like always, the technology will not choose sides, it will always be neutral.
But like usual, it will most likely be under control by horrible people.
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Pony wants to to come see her band preform.
But then what happens to the REAL her.
No matter what you think, you're not her.
I've had several Morrowind files over the years that are each 500+ hours
I bet she never expected hands and fingers to be so fun nor feel so good. Wrap one arm over her shoulder so I can cradle her head and body, lightly feeling the shaft while resting my face against hers. And use the other one to stimulate those big pony nuts, rolling them around and maybe even tugging here and there. Ask her how she feels.
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War. War never changes.
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daily reminder that the show is ruined and pretty much has been since s2e25
Or maybe she assimilates me, and I die instead?
Jesus, you know there is no established protocol for mind-melding, right? This is all entirely speculative.
>not ruined since S1E1
Yes, The Pigs. I just finished it.
It might be because I'm a huge TF fetishist but I prefer the idea of gene splicing stuff
God, that's terrible! Maybe they felt they had to 'get past it' because it was their first boyfriend/fling?
It's more like corruption never changes. Always worms it's way into powerful positions.
You're still replacing/altering the mind of another living thing without it's consent. I'd call that pretty evil.
How do you think the war started, anon?
We'll have both. We'll have even more than both.
The only problem is it will be used nefariously.
I will humor pony, but her band sounds like garbage.
white council pls go
You'd be corrupt too if you had any power
Would you give up your ideals to reshape yourself as you see fit?
bae area

opposite of friendzone
>Not finding someone that's actually gay
We've got an abundance in MLPG
She wants to control you a bit, make you all hot and bothered over her. To feel beautiful and desired.
>without it's consent
>it is
Again, dude, there's no telling if consent need be involved at all. Speculative
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I basically just want to upgrade from this squishy, easily destroyed body.
I mean, fucking really. I could trip down two steps and break my spine or something.
> something we all saw coming "ruins the show"
Okay there champ
I'm glad this is copypasta
It's possible.
That's why we need really harsh punishments for such things.
>tfw I will never eat Rainbow dash or see her kicky little legs flair helplessly in the air
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Friendship does.
How so?
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Pony is happy that you will come see her band play
But no one in pony's band can right music so they just play a bunch of punk rock and Weezer covers.

This is their first song

What do you tell pony?
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Why didn't she just ask first?
like a boop could hurt me.
Was it worth getting?
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So do I, anon. So do I.
I tell her to keep trying
Jap game devs love Garbage don't they
pony is not for eating
> Garbange
> gar-bang
I know it's Garbage, but it does sound like "music to fuck to."

Alternately, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy1LdAaGASw
Why would anybody eat cum?
>But no one in pony's band can right music
And i don't think you know how to write words.
When you put your cheek to hers feeling her still warm cum, she exhales shakily. And as that hand gropes and toys with her testes she starts moaning softly, her balls warm and heavy. She mumbles softly, "Mnnf-full... feel so... full!"
How does it compare to the first one?
Because fetish
Because it's fucking hot if you haven't cum yet
there will be no abandonment of the flesh
you will think you are getting what you want
and then there will be blackness
a willing suicide
Pony is for eating out.
>not enjoying the sweet salty liquor, thrilled you gave him such a juicy orgasm
Men are expected to lap up ladycum throughout cunnilingus. I don't see why it's so distasteful to do the same for male partners.
Pony takes it as an insult and insults your taste in music.

How do you respond.
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Tease and denial
This is my fucking fetish
nonsense, pony is delicious and very filling
>Flash broke up with Sunset Shimmer because he doesn't like it rough.

Why did they start dating anyway?
>Not swallowing
What a shitty boyfriend
>because I'm a huge TF fetishist
human reacting to their newly formed marshmallow hooves when?
Why did this suddenly get so gay?
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get out of my head
I rectify by saying that pony shoud keep trying to chase pony's dreams
>GT music

Didn't the Cardigans have the opening song on GT2? That shit was great.

Yup found it

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What if pone was goat?
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There's always a circlejerking minority that swoops in.
She pushed herself onto him. And there was a lot of pressure for him to accept. You know, being the local male hottie.
I have some art of it but I don't haven't drawn any myself. Also I'm horrible at humans because I never practice them.
Mmm, it is hard to explain. It sure differs a lot from DD, it is mostly focused on the story and immersion, on the audio and visual, rather then gameplay itself. Some people didn't like it, but I think it it was quite an interesting product. They tried to make an art piece and I think they somehow succeed. The ending was beautiful.
Who doesn't
I think it's my fault. Tranny-Dash seems to have started it
no time like the present then!
I'm excited for this upcoming season's episode where they talk about Scootaloo not being able to fly. More Scoots is always a good thing.
MLPG has a tendency to do that.
He was a prize and she knew how to frighten off anyone else he might be interested in.
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I've been drawing in flockdraw for so long...
Now I find SAI so very overwhelming
that or the sunset shimmer/dj acid
Just laying eyes on her would be enough to get me hot and bothered.
Would she feel beautiful if I stroked her calves and thighs while peppering her legs with dozens of tiny kisses? Her legs have always been the loveliest part of her body next to her pretty face, and the recent changes to her body would make them simply divine. Shapely and well-muscled and soft and smooth to the touch...
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Scootaloo is the best pony!
Well quit that fucking shit. It's getting annoying.
Well it was made by the Dear Esther people, wasn't it?
I can't help but feel it's catching flak because of that alone. As long as there's actual gameplay it's nothing like Dear Esther whatsoever.
no end in sight
Kinda started that too
Aw, she has my pity. I'd give her a kiss on the cheek and say that everything is going to be alright, I'm here now. In order for her to cum a lot, I'm going to have to continue to tease and stimulate her dick. But she needs to get into it. Ask her to talk more, to say how she feels and let it all out. I promise that I'll listen...
Pony now feels bad that she insulted you.

She hopes you can still be friends.
Bronies would still be a thing but the show would be far FAR more popular in the middle east.
>Stop having interactive fun, it's impossible for me to recursively filter a chain of responses!
Nigga ...
the issue is they removed pretty much all the challenge
You should do some requests.
What about soft sex?
TF isn't even a fetish for me
I fucking wish I was Dash, it hurts that I can't be her. All the time.
I like tranny Dash. very sex.
That tranny dash thing really got under my skin. Now I just want to cuddle and reassure Dash.
The music was great too.
Though I think there could have been more actual danger.
The number of actual enemy encounters in the game could be counted on one hand.
>They tried to make an art piece and I think they somehow succeed.

I wish people would stop with this whole video as art thing.
I would never leave pony for something so petty

I sit down for one last song
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I will fucking gouge your eyes out through my monitor.
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It's not about the enemies, it's about WHAT IF there is an enemy?
And people wonder why I keep doing dialogue the way I do. <3

As you speak to her gently she starts to rock her hips back and forth, grinding her shaft against your hand. "I-It feels good when you p-play with my hahh balls hahhh hhah and when you nnh! rub my p-penis hhhahh hahh"
Oh for sure. As long as it's with someone I like.
I can make an exception for Fluttershy though. I couldn't do anything but soft for her. She's cute.
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Total slave!
I've never played an amnesia game, but that sounds dumb as fuck
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what would she even do
> I have a disproportionate rage response to something I have control over, instead lending a locus of control to others and lashing out against for harming me.

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Gosh Unca Scrooge!
yeah but DD had a reasonable number of actual enemies to make the "potential enemy" moments actually scarry
>tfw 'le epin meem' is now a le epin meem itself.

And it's all thanks to jerks like you.
evil, if that's ok with you
Brutally punish anyone harming wildlife, "improving" various creatures to defend the forests, deciding all of Equestria is now a wildlife preserve and God help you if you litter or piss outside designated zones
The thing is that they CAN be art. It's just that you don't need to so blatantly force it like some are trying to do.
I'd say that a game like Thomas Was Alone would be considered art, to me. It had excellent music, the visuals were interesting, the gameplay was fun, and the narration as well as the characters ended up making me feel. It was very well done, I think, and wasn't trying to be art. Hell, I think the game started as a tech demo because the programmer couldn't art at all.
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nightmare a shit
Celestia is best.
She'd like that. It was always Diamond who had the spotlight, but now it's her turn. And she needs it bad. She wants more worship, more praise.
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Just sit on her throne

Being evil

She'd send her minions on evil missions, but only to desolate places on the moon where they wouldn't cause any harm
Not always, but yeah.
Crippleorphan: the episode should be solid.
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1. JFS
2. SoME
3. SayS
4. DQ
control hordes of woodland creatures. When you defeat them and get to her lair, you'd just lose all motivation to stop her evil plot
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I would.
Pony is glad to have you as a friend.

Her band (badly) plays Falling For you as a closing song.
It works really well in DD

The limited lamp oil and sanity makes it pretty frightening.
It's about emotional investment. The scariest thing is nothing, to let our mind worry about all the bad things that could happen. If there is a bad guy, then it is immediate danger and scary. If you know that there might be a bad guy but he isn't there but he might be around the corner or maybe he's right behind you oh god what do I do then that's horror.
needs more eclipse symbolism.
That became a lot less frightening when I realized that I most likely wasn't going to encounter an actual enemy.
Dark Descent had me checking over my shoulder constantly. Machine for Pigs just didn't do that for me.
It was more of a thing in the original if you didn't know that the enemies have scripted appearance points or that you can prevent them from seeing you by carrying around something that blocks line of sight- you had to manage your lamp oil and inventory, try not to directly look at them (because that drives you mad) and hide from them in the dark (which drives you mad) and hope they don't hear you (on account of being mad).

With the removal of all that, the pig things are pretty innocuous, all told.
Not cotton tails or pony tails
Swap 3 and 4
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Shit nigga, imagine how awesome it would be to control the sun itself.
>you will never WPSHH MT
Irony is a cruel mistress.
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I bet she'd like that
You know that Christmas episode of south park where stan meets the satanic woodland critters?

Something like that
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But it's true
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I imagine it would be rather unpleasant at first
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This comic has Price-tier amounts of references.
Rainbow Dash is going to be an adorable princess.
You mean 'he', right? The thread here indicates they're FtM.
Princess of what?
RD is a total cudlebug, but she hates to let anyone, even you know
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Worth it.
The Wonderbolts!
and brony pandering.
Twily saves the day with mass teleport a shit.
> Ron has no Mark
that's the second pony harry potter now

because i remember one showed up in the background on the show proper
I wonder if Celestia went a little silly with it the first time she realized she could move it herself?
In that order.
EA, is that you again?

That's it, she needs to be a good girl and let it all out. I bet underneath that scared exterior she's really lewd. Grab the base of her dick firmly but don't move my hand. Tell her to say how bad she wants it.
It's a spider
You couldn't see Draco Malfoy's, either.
I just want to hold her and tell her I love her just as much as I did before the operation.
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It's a book aimed at fans of the show, so yes, it panders to them.
It panders to them, but not in a way that detracts from the overall story of the issues/arcs.
1. JFS
2. SayS
3. SoME
4. DQ
Gets points for going full on crazy with the Ducktales references. They work better as earth ponies really.
>dat wrong
God damn, the comics really do do a good job of making up for season 3.
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Totally worth it.
man i love shit like this.
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Only one Earth pony duck.
It's Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns though, so they probably need be unicorns to easily explain being in the hall.
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Me too, reminds me of how fucking awesome humanity is.
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like what?
What is episode 46 even about?
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I always loved the idea of seeing celestia be wrathful, just once
yeah but still.
When it all boils down, it's a video game with scripts and triggers. If you think about it too much, like a movie or show, then it becomes less fun. You have to let go and have fun, even if it is campy.
what do those letters mean
But of course~

As you grip her tight she starts thrusting her hips, trying to fuck your hand as her balls churn in desperation. "Please... please rub me! I n-need it, need you! nnh hhn p-please hhn nmh please m-milk my big penis!"
noone knows
They mean DYEWTS
>that much stuttering
Pls no
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She's a well aged pony, I'm sure she flew off the handle once or twice back in the day
what do those letters mean
And the Sailor Moon references. They even had that lesbian/"cousins" in the flashback (it's been years since I've seen Sailor Moon, so I totally forgot their names)
I play videogames for their gameplay elements. The story is just an excuse to give me more of the content I enjoy.
"Do you even watch the show"
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Who's the filly in the middle? Beta Twilight?
Uranus and Neptune. Their cutie marks are the zodiacal symbols for the planets.
Then Amnesia isn't the game for you. It isn't about winning, it's like a movie or a book you enjoy.
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Just anything about ponies being bad ass.

I remember requesting this from MS spent 5 minutes in a stream until he did a guess the image (which he'd start drawing) after two lines i got it.

I didn't want loli, or futa porn like anyone else. I wanted ponies being awesome.
> He's storming out because they didn't honor his very explicit Emergency Protocol note, "When there's trouble, you call D-W"

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What if your favorite pony stuttered that much, anon?
Albino Twily.
is that firefly
But Twilight is a beta.
I would probably leave in disgust.
Those were the ones thanks.
She imprisoned her sister in the moon, and she tried to fight that changling queen that one time.
Amnesia was the game for me before the original studio passed it off to someone who would compromise everything for their artistic vision.
Celestia's side project has begun.
Yes, it was made by Chinese Room, but it is barely resembles Dear Esther, it has an actual gameplay.

>I wish people would stop with this whole video as art thing.
I hope they won't. I hope they will continue to try and at some point they will finally succeed. Sure there were some failures, but it is a long way. At some point videogames will evolve.
at this point i care more about the comics than s4.

hell, i think i might even just drop the show completely.
That's Twilight's G1 equivalent, yes
1. Just for Sidekicks
2. Spike at your Service
3. Secret of my Excess
4. Dragon Quest
5. Owls well that ends well

your powerlevel is weak anon.
My first crush on a guy had a lisp, super-nice, and short and stacked from track-and-field. I still find lisps and stutters really cute except for Twist's.
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Twilight made you a purple buttplug
She's enchanted it so she feels it like a phantom penis

Do you use it?
She'd probably be in the mood all the time if you did

Then that's exactly what she'll receive.
There is so much more to praise than just her lovely legs. So very much more.
Like those wide childbearing hips that you'd normally expect to see on only the most fertile of sex-goddesses.
Or those full, plump breasts, big enough to smother your face in and pillowy soft. And more than a little sensitive thanks to their sudden blossoming, requiring the most delicate of care while fondling them.[/spoiler\
And let's not forget her pleasantly plush rear, so perfect to squeeze and tease and let your fingertips sink into her soft flesh.

But even with such a voluptuous new body, the most beautiful thing about her would still be that lovely bespectacled face.
there was supposed to be gibs and magic flying out the back of the dragon, but who ever coloured it didn't realize that. and its so well done i'd hate to try and mess up the colouring.
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Not yet, S3 was very nearly a breaking point for me, but give the S4 opener a chance.
I am and if it sucks I'll quit watching and stop coming here.
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That's something I'd probably want but how the Hell does this come up in conversation? I don't want to have a classmate just hand me a sex toy, shit.
no harm in trying anon
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And here we are instead of in your thread doing the Anon x Cassus thing.

How cute. It might be painful, but I need to edge her more for her own good, even though I want to force an orgasm. Lay both hands on her lower tummy and inner thigh, not touching her member at all. Tell her that the more she fucks the air, the less I'm going to touch her. Give a small kiss on the lips.
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>judging the season by the opener
What would Marker sound like?
I just want to play a fun video game with good gameplay.
Games being art should not matter at all.
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>except for Twist
yes, yes there was. there was tons of harm in trying. trust me, i tried.
I imagine her having a bit of a rasp and a squeak, but very excitable.
Well now that she's an alicorn she's passed the testing stage and ready for consumer release.
It's gotta be small.

I dunno, precocious little girl? Who sometimes lapses into Spanish when frustrated.
You should judge it by the first non-opener episode. The openers and closers to each of the seasons are too polarizing and rarely representational.
I don't follow.
What could be so bad about copying an image and trying to improve the coloring?
It grows as you arouse her
Juniper Lee. No reason.

Return of Harmony was awesome and more. Everything I could have wanted after a long hiatus.
If a flashback episode that (hopefully) expands upon Celestia and Luna a bit can't be good, then I have no faith in anything anymore.
Even though her body is like that, her mind is still behind. All that would be too much and she would melt into a lustful haze.
Sorry, beefed it.


Sweet an innocent, playful and chipper
Your doctor sounds like a dumbass.
by not being very good at colouring at all. especially not in a similar style.

also over dramatization for effect

the clash of the colours was too much. I'm just not a colourist. I mean i do paint and i can paint, but just not on the computer. not in that style. i need a brush in my hands not a mouse.
Ah, I had a sneaking suspicion it was you.

As you move away she bucks more forcefully until you tell her that, her hips quivering a little as she tries to hold still. Your hands on her belly and legs make her moan into your kiss, leaning in as you pull away, eager to keep making out with you.
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Because I've been practicing and want to do lots of lewd stuff.
Torchpilot? Dipmarine? Damn it, it's right on the tip of my tongue, too...
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>I just want to play a fun video game with good gameplay.
And nothing stops you except your own bragging and anger. Play the games you want.
Oh my. Did I go to far...?
Well fortunately for her, it wouldn't be enough to simply look upon such a body.
I'd want to touch her.
Feel her.
Taste her.
I've only really disliked Two episodes period so I'm probably not the greatest judge on it anyway.
I want to play with those foals while chatting with Fluttershy
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anyone else wish the comic had more reference and fandom shoutouts in it?
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Ramsay Pone is misunderstood, is all.
It strikes a balance. So no.
Applejack, I said I wanted Applejack!
> First birthday party, the kid's edition. Everyone has a nice time, play with the kids, show off some magic tricks to make 'em laugh. The kids are in bed by eight while the girls chat and try to finish the cake before Pinkie does
> The Cakes on the other hand are having a rager across town, celebrating a year of surviving the twins with a keg and at least three strippers
Do euphorics even drink?
inb4 grudgefag
How'd you miss his third panel?
>nonchefs giving critique to ramsay

whatta fukken bitch
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After she puts the kids to sleep would you be up for some hardcore snuggling?
What made you guess it was me? Is there a pattern? We should play tonight~

Now that her orgasm has waned, time to bring it back to the edge. Use her own cum as lube and slowly and softly go up and down, feeling each time her dick moves, rolling over the contours. Also, hold her tightly.
terrible dicks
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what's the difference between hardcore snuggling and just regular snuggling?
Man, of all the hats people had to go and ruin it's the Fedora
Especially since that's more like a Trilby
But now people will think Indy looks like a tool in an actual Fedora
that's adorable
>third panel
It's more sexual.
what kind of stupid name is floribunda
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you call a reference in every panel the perfect balance?
yes this
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Being bigger would mean she has a lot more body, more sensitive areas to play with. She already was meek with sex, but now every touch is going to be multiplied. How would you do it?
> To be fair it's "at least" three because Ted just started tearing off his clothes and everyone seemed pretty into it
> They sort of wander in at 7am the next day, finding Pinkie sleeping in a chair in the Nursery, the kids still sound asleep
> Pinkie doesn't seem to notice the stank of gin or the "cat ate the canary" grins on the Cakes but the stripper glitter dust gets a rave review
>the stripper glitter dust gets a rave review
Just a hunch is all. I'm game for some more fun in the sub if you'd like.

Gathering up her seed on your hand, she pants as you hold her to you and slowly stroke her shaft. Every slide from base to flare makes her tremble and moan, her pre pouring out and helping slick up her cock. Her voice raises in pitch as her heavy balls tremble, her body getting closer and closer to the brink.
>she goes from being a wall eyed retard to being FUCKING ADORABLE

Damn it Honey Sweet, my list of favorite fillies is getting too long.
What a silly pony
Oh, Honey Sweet is her name? I thought that was just Floribunda saying her kid was a sweet innocent thing
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Well for starters it involves you embracing her in your arms, lots of giggling and tickling and a long kisson the cheek

It's really hardcore stuff. Not for beginners at all.
Fluttershy is a total slut.
She's a play on honey booboo and her cutie mark is a honey pot
I'm not sure if it would be better to start with her feet and tease my way up, or to dive right in for a face full of nipple
im up for it
She seems so sad...
that cock was edited in. she's not sad she's ASLEEP and also being the little spoon.

Wouldn't you be if all that hot doggy cum was going to wast outside of you?
>on the cheek

which end?
one and then the other
am in Ireland

please send real food
1. Where is it supposed to be
2. >Diamond dog
3. >inb4 "buh don't you want to something something knotted dick"
My sisters going to have twins soon, i am excited.

if only she wasn't on the other side of the continent.
Gently. You'd have to conduct yourself with care, to not be too rough and hurt her.
Slow, sensual caressing would be the way to go. Stroking one hand up her leg, past her hip to come to rest on her breast. Cupping her chest in your hands and delicately kneading them through the fabric of that eastern-style outfit she's wearing.
Maybe after some more teasing you could slowly tug the fabric aside, and let her bare breasts hang free before your eyes, revealing her tender nipples already stiff with excitement.
>talking an anon into trying edging for the first time

Tonight is a good night
There's also that one guy wanting some casual sex with Fluttershy. You should respond to him and put our little thing on hold when he responds back.

Continue and use the other hand to touch the rest of her body, making sure she feels sensational. Nibble on the ear a bit and ask her if she likes this and if she trusts me.
Ohhh if I gently massaged her back muscles while holding her, would that be getting too lewd?
>Not edging him yourself
>Not edging him with your ass
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Oh, she loves to be kissed on her face
The left one is the most sensitive.

She practically melts when you kiss it.
fluttershy why are you squirting so much from your vagina
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I hope someone's going to be capping all this if you guys are going to be lewd all night, because I'm out
You two play together, I got other lewd to do. Trying to juggle three boners is hard. Get it, hard?
how do you even do that? I tried going and stopped, but it's just boring. and no, i'm not actually gonna do it, you guys make it seem psychotic enough
>human clavicle

into the trash it goes
>you will never kiss flutterhy's left face
I've got the whole thing copied
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forget that
>somebody using my filename
Awwww yeeaaa
I want to pull up fluttershy's hair and kiss her nape
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I'm sure she'd be a little nervous about that, but it'd be easy to talk her into.

I mean, how often to you get to snuggle in someone else's house?
B-But it was just getting good...
you should post whatever you've got in the greentext dump thread in /unf/ when you're done
pony should cuddle pony
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Are they done writing yet though?
And where's /unf/, mlpchan?
Are you that OP from the other thread?

You have to get REALLY close, then stop JUST SHORT of cumming. If you do it right, it feels like a continuous orgasm.

And you need really good porn, stuff that hits your fetishes.
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no, and, sounds complicated. i always end up just cumming anyways even if i stop
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Why is this pony so kicky

Your touch makes her squirm and buck her hips a little into your hand, unable to stop herself. Her eyes start to unfocus as her mind begins to soak in the intense pleasure of having her fantasy come true - hugged tight against you as you stroke her cock and play with her fat balls. Your question barely registers, Fluttershy blinking as she nods softly, trying to focus on listening to you instead of losing herself completely.
Very itchy crusty cunt
because she's trying to get the firefly off her dress
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Is the anon who wanted me to color this still here?
fuck off
we're erp now
Oh come on, all my attention is being Anon edging Fluttershy. I just implied things with SS.

What if she gets to the point where she demands it rather than letting you set the pace?
Because it's REALLY easy to animate that in Flash.
The Stitching is irritating
She likes to be limber for running.
The face on the left is really cute.
Then stop a little sooner.

Also, if a little cum comes out, DON'T just grab your cock and finish. You can still keep going since you haven't actually orgasmed

I swear it's worth practicing
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The real question is how she is such a tomboy, yet so fucking beautiful
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She was such a qt, but I think we know who was the qtest of p2test
Who stitched her vagina closed?
>Dash trying to erect her fat horsecock but its too heavy and just slants downward when hard
Not the one who requested it, but I'd like to see it.
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Would you touch those hooves?
Diamond would be proud.
And Silver would get exactly what she demands.
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>I think we know who was the qtest of p2test
Yeah, young inkwell
Ginger Snap?
What a wretched and shameless hive of scum and villainy
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Only if she wanted me to
I wouldn't want to invade her pony space
>she can't cum because her balls are too heavy to pull up against her body
>she just gets on edge and feels them jump until she starts to back down, frustrated
Ever so gingerly if she allowed me too.
Y... yes.
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Since I'm hard I guess I'm gonna have to write something lewd.

Hopefully this doesn't end in me dropping my boner like a sack of bricks and end up playing doom.
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I know isn't it great!
No silly, it's spelled Giddilee
fart fart fart faaaaart
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I like them both. A lot.
Thats not how orgasms work
Why haven't you drawn young Inkwell yet?
mt dew viral advertising pony?
young Inkwell?
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Well of course it's not.

But it's still hot.
gotta give us the juicy details
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yeah, but she doesn't have delicious, flowing, chocolatey brown hair...
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Mind break
Not as hot as jerking her off yourself and stopping right before she blows her load
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Look, look, they were both very pretty, but I'm strictly talking about the cutest pony here.

Here she is again being cute.
Lay her on her back and loom over her. Place one hand over her heaving chest and press down. Use the other to play with her sex. Tell her to fuck my hand and moan, lose herself into it.
what if space was made out of ponies?
Some of the worst fetishes.

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Mew's already colored the sketch, so I wasn't sure if the guy who requested it still wanted it.
But he also said he'd be alright with me coloring it, so I'll probably just go for it.

not my thing at all

but good luck, have fun
What if the air turned into ponies?
> implying we wouldn't be knee-deep in how hot it is to have your brother's soda socked in your mouth while your gay brother makes out with a girl and your feel every movement and little nuance of her lipgloss, doing your fiercest to fake being asleep
> She's wearing Jolly Rancher's tonight and the popcorn smell rises to your mouth like musk

This is the life we've chosen, Anon
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>GTA5 pics are leaking

Welp, time to get the fuck out of everywhere.
What happened to Rei's thread on the Sub??
Goddamnit Rara-sama, pull yourself together!
That's the best Twilight/Rarity I've seen in a LONG time. Mew a genius.

Still wanna see how you'd color it.
>Mind break
Because I don't enjoy "fetishized bodily functions".
Have you ever frustratingly masturbated, unable to cum even though your sensations are through the roof? I went for like thirty minutes of hard fapping and couldn't cum a second time. I know her pain...
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chistery, I love your writing and all, but that was just weird.
bye personalbloganon
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I don't know what my lungs would do
probably deleted it because nobody ever talked about anything in it
his tumblr is still up
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Does anyone have the gif of Twilight doing the Teleport dance in S3 E1-2? that pic is me when on /tv/ avoiding Breaking Bad spoilers
Well tell her not to do it again.
Shit, I just hit Poe's Law.

I meant it to be a joke. It's about as weird as half the late night > would you a DJ Acid stuff here
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Did I hear transformation?
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>right now there are thousands of ponies living inside your lungs
I think that's kinda the joke
oh not the green one, pull any one but the green one
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Yeah, I've seen Mewball's that's why I wanted to see yours. I was under the impression you already did it is all.

Also Bunny Pone
As you pull away from her she whimpers, cock throbbing as she reaches out with her hooves, a pleading look on her face. But as you roll her onto her back and hold her down, she looks up at you in confusion. Your words make her shudder, her hips moving on their own the instant you tell her to fuck. She can't stop herself, bucking and thrusting into your hand as she lets herself go, eyes glazing over completely as she starts to drool a little. Her hips are a blur, pounding your hand as she grunts and fucks it, her deep needs driving her movements as her mind floats off.
I see it as one, enormous, amorphic pony.

In all of our lungs.

At the same time.

The pony with a billion backs.
give a fuck about your lifestyle!
>Ruined O

This general keeps hitting my fetishes right on the head tonight
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I want to this Fluttershy SO HARD

It's more that she can't bring herself to orgasm no matter how hard she tries. And then when she's all backed up and needy, you come along and tease her some more.
This. It was just a sad "h-hey guys I can art too!" thread where nothing at all really happened. Everything I posted could be found elsewhere.

I tried jerking off while standing up the other day
I'd get really close, then the feeling would just stop
Not yet, no. I'll probably sketch out this Inkwell picture and then get on it, hopefully getting it done before bed.

Also Bunnyhorse is adorable. Good job!
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That's it, I only drew three crappy sketches.
Well, if he's backing out...
Tell me what you'd do to her next.
oh yeah i should do that
At first i thought this didn't seem like Fluttershy, but i can see it now
I would smell the chair.
That is so cute.
You should totally draw a bunny pone too
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I was poking fun at some of the sort of elaborate setups for the fetish threads
Sorry if it hurt
I'm fine as long as it's not described like this
>she can't cum because her balls are too heavy to pull up against her body

I know, I'm supposed to just not think about it, But I DO
>those base of the tail tufts
>fetish threads
W.. what?
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I still think you're a pretty chill dude. Don't be mad.
i ain't gotta splain shit!
i would live inside of her anus
nah, it's always a pleasure
fucking unf.
unf unf analvore
whoa now its not like that. get your creepy disgusting fetish away from me.
Oh, I have a better idea. Flip her onto her stomach and reach underneath. Across her torso in a hug and use my hand to make a fake hole for her to hump into. Lay on top with all the weight, telling her to be a good girl and fuck hard, and the harder she tries to pound, the more I lessen my grip so it edges even further. Tell her to let it all out, to moan and tell me how she feels.
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Why so glum?