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A few nights ago, I held an impromptu, livestreamed PMQ/Q&A session.
You can find it here (and be sure to subscribe!). For a list of questions answered/discussed, go here.

This Q&A was quite a bit different because I gave live audio responses to questions posted in the thread. The goal was to answer more questions, more quickly, and not skip over questions that would require a long written response. It had a few kinks but worked pretty well, and it's likely I'll switch to this format for future Q&A's.

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You are to select 3 ponies out of the main 6 for the following. The rest are given a very minor part in the songs.

Give a pony a good song
Give a pony a bad song
Give a pony no songs

Previous Thread
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
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Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie (they're sometimes short)
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>mlp will never contain vidya references
Rainbow Dash.
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Rainbow Dash

Why would you give background ponies songs?
>Give a pony a good song
>Give a pony a bad song
>Give a pony no songs
Twilight ( just never liked her singing voice)

Old person power for the win!
>they actually do a vidya reference one episode
>its dark souls
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MLPG pls go
Is this the first time people actually answered the OP topic
I'm going to marry you!
I sort of doubt the writers are that in to videogames. It would be something fairly obvious to everyone
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>Hey Anon, you awake?
What is that look for and yes
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h-hi there pank
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There actually was a topic this time. Lately threads start with a link to the old one and something really generic.
Like what is pony favorite food
or something
drunk driving pony
Could be unintentional.

i.e. the writer has a pony say "praise the sun" unknowingly referencing the game
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I want to see mewanon being bothered by pank
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You wake up to find this thing tied up in your rape dungeon

What do you do?
>not Hoof of the North Star.gif
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What? No, have you heard he-I mean, uh, thank you for the compliment.

Is this close enough?
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Prostitution is legal in Ponyville
>I just got done masturbating with your computer mouse
>no Dash
>But AJ and FS are there
Closer, I want to see every detail of those eyes of yours~
Rarity sings "My Heart Will Go On" and moves the gathering crowd to tears.
Pinkie Pie looks over the sheet music for 4'33" and belts it out as loud as she can.
Twilight Sparkle's got laryngitis.
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It's About Time was very possibly referencing Metal Gear Solid, musically at least, for the meeting of the two Twilights. It was much more in line with TAPPY and the other Konami in-house musicians' work than the very 80s synths of Escape from New York.

It's not a definite given, though.
The audience is broader than you'd think these days. There are people who work on the show who play some vidya. Sibsy plays pokemon, among other things, and Faust was asking twitter whether she should get the new Animal Crossing a while back.
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>"Really? You're going to do what to me with that little thing"
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Untie her, and tell her to check your dubs. If she ran, I'd let her. Then, I would get on top of my tower and my backup plan would be shooting both of her legs with a sniper. As I drag her back to my mansion with her crippled legs, I say "check these dub crippled legs lel" and lick her tears while I talk to her with a top hat & monocle on about Twilight's panties.
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Well, I was kind of thinking not too old at the time, but she'd be a great spy any year.
I said I'm going to use this needle to inject Ebola into you.
This cotton swab? I said I'm going to clean out your ears.
It's either that or my arm.
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1. Wonder why I have a rape dungeon.
2. Take advantage of the situation.
dayum, Big Mac looks fine in a suit
Rarity, because I love her songs.
Applejack, because she sounds good even in bad songs.
Twilight, because I've never really been blown away by any of her songs.
I want to cum on it.
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Not bad. Would pay ~$20 for.
asking to get cummed on/10
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Untie her and tell her everything will be alright.
I hate those humans as much as I hate he EqG designs
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Those princesses are so silly.
So it's Nevada?
>good song
>bad song
Pinkie or Flutters
>no songs
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Eh heh heh, what do you mean you ejaculated human reproductive eggs all over a toy figure of me in your world?
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Don't be ridiculous, anon.
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Holy shit celestia is hardcore. She broke her hip.
...I don't think that's how it works, Twilight.
Multiple times

It's a sign of great respect
They aren't eggs, its spermatozoa.
My little autistic elitist circle jerking general
They're not eggs, just sperm. For fertilization.

And you may be misinformed
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It's hot glue I swear!
You should be happy I find you desirable.
maybe when im on a comp where drawing doesnt hurt my arm
Twilight, do you want kids with me? Be honest, already. You keep making all these hints.
RCh, please.
Hey Mewball could you color Rarity's cutie mark in that Twilight and Rarity drawing?
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It's dumb but I like them.
9/11 ponies when?
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Luna likes you and is being very affectionate.
A lil
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Close enough?
They all died on the plane ride over here.
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I still think his reaction is the greatest.

Someone should draw luna snacking on a large corndog at the fair
how high are you m8 it is colored i just chose weird blues that stood out because im hardcore
But...I like Rarity and love her.
I mena I'd love to be friends with Luna. It would be fun but...just friends
Oh no, I don't know what to do!
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how affectionate? do we get to cuddle?

*pony luna, rather
We had a party ready for their arrival.
But I think they had a problem with the landings...
Okay I guess
They look white to me...or did you post a new version?
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The longer you hesitate the more affectionate she gets. Eventually she won't take no for an answer.
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but that wasn't his reaction in the comic
That's rape, anon.
So it's like Pepe Le Pew but with a princess? I like it. Someone should do some writing/drawings of it.
Its cuddle rape
No penetration
I said "I didn't, I knew a guy who jacked off to a pony figurine."

Wait, what do you know about jacking off? The men here only orgasm well through pressure and heat.

If I'm not seeing swirling colors in my head when she blows me, the deal's off.
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Rape? Goodness Tex, what do you take her for? She's a princess, she just wants to cuddle.
well, i chose a really light blue for rarity's eye shadow, and i don't really like adding colors for little details so I just used that. sorry if you dont like it
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How would you react?
Mac secretly pines for Zecora.
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It's not that I don't like it.
It's just that it kinda looks incomplete to me, but eh.
Much the same, really. I'm not quite sure I'd completely register the tiny toothpaste pony that just got squeezed out of a tube.
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You mean you'd really do that for me? You'd spray your human reproductive spermatoa all over the real thing?
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You said you wanted to wear fire for the wedding instead of your dress uniform. And fire has always been green, don't be ridiculous.
Are you on the stack?
That's only applicable to Pinkie, you know that.
This is for everyone's benefit.
Well sure, but come on
I gotta have a LITTLE romance
i mean, its just a colored sketch, not really supposed to look all that finished anyway
Eww, no, Alicorns are gross
Straightforward, overly affectionate Luna is cute. I like the idea that she can't into subtlety.
Oh right I forgot
But why is my butt all shiny?
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>all over
that's not how you spell inside
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We can work something out~
I see.
Could you post the sketch again then? I only saved the colored version.
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She's already so cute.
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>"Pardon me dear, but does my butt look big in these socks?"
Thanks m8
Your butt always looks big because IT IS BIG
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ah man why'd it have to be lesbians
it's always lesbians
What does Applejack dream of?
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Sparity a shit
Sparity a shit
Even Meghan rekt it on Twitter
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Don't be greedy.
Jesus christ, celestia's hips are broader than anon's shoulders!
>go to Equestria
>royal summons about what to do with you
>sit and talk with the Princesses
>afterward Luna says, "You shall stay in the castle. There is a guest room next to my bed chambers."
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Okay so

Say you got one of the princess sisters
And another anon got another of the princess sisters

would you bro it up with your brother-in-law?
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Look honey, I'm feed--er, marrying you for a reason, and it's not because of your sparkling intellect.
MLPG hep

I drank so much I think I will thow up!
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you a shit

suck on it
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>tfw cutie pi
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>Twilight will not outlive her friends
>Unicorns are goddamn elves that live 1000 years
Rarity confirmed for last surviving member of the mane cast
Sweetie Bell confirmed as the last original CMC
What does Pinkie Pie dream of?


Guess we're all dreaming now huh?
Fuck my cropping
No, but it looks AMAZING with those socks
why would they steal our picture
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>she's not actually coming onto you
>ask if she's coming onto you anyways
>watch in amusement as she sputters and gets indignant
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It could of stayed a lot long if it wasn't pay to win. I'd be happy to actually buy the game.
Meghan said on Twitter that S4 will have Rarity and spike moments
Then she posted >>13475442
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Well it's not like I'm marrying you because you've got such a hot body
oh wait
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Suck on this
>Unicorns are

Granny Smith is hundreds of years old. She may even be 1000+ herself. And Surprise is still one of the Wonderbolts, and she's been around close to as long as Inkwell.
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How does that wreck anything?
It's even better when you get someone in a bind by looking indignant/surprised
The sputtering is great
this is supposed to mean anything to me
you assholes ship all of the mane six together all the time
>There's only a guard room, Luna
>Oh they must have remodeled while I was away. No matter, you can stay with me
wait how do you figure rarity outliving twilight
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But that's a writer for the show confirming no shitship in S4
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You talk like she's a piece of property.
Hundreds of years. Can't be over 1000+
So okay Pinkie and AJ confirmed for the first mane cast to die of old age
Pegasuses and Unicorns are elves togheter
Meghan said that Twilight won't outlive her friends
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Twilight will have Rarity stored in a gem for eternity, like cryostasis
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MY pony.
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>pony will never pony inside of you
MLPG should play a few games one day
Hats is getting boring
The few times mare bits show in that artist's work it's so scrumptious
What is 'to apple'?
I'm so proud of you guys for not giving them attention.
>be shown around the castle and have a busy day learning new stuff
Luna, there is only one bed in your room.
>Is that a problem? I promise that I bathe. In fact, let us go wash our day away. Come, to my private bathroom
>Translation: I am getting tired of getting raped by the rest of the players when I fail to play Pyro.
She's into vore
I don't get it, Is pony part of my digestive track?
I may have confused them for Pokehidden. Nevermind.
I don't want to be a fatty though
We still don't know how old Ponyville is exactly, and Granny was already looking like a young adult when it was founded.

Say it was founded 900 years ago; that'd be hundreds of years. Say Granny was in her early 100s then. BAM 1000+ YEARS
>Twilight won't outlive her friends
>Because she is going to alienate everyone
>In the end she will have no friends or mentor
We only play because its free and MLPG don't want to spend money.

you ate the ponies

both of them
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>eating the sacred food onion
>not using it to build you shrine to your ogrelord or in rituals of praise
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>loses friendships
>loses her powers
>dies as the princess of nofrens
But tribes is free
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>Hungry Hungry anon.png
>Not Twilight giving Dash,Applejack and Anon a lesson by turning anon into a femanon and magically inserting the two pones into his Uterus.png
We should play Doom.
Nigga she was a filly when ponyville was founded.
Even the pictures in AFR showed that.
And if it was 900 years she'd say almost a thousand years ago.
You know, "You apple", "I apple". "Last night we appled the bedsheets."
But it's dead. Not only that, how are we going to server just us?
but that is clearly his stomach
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Will draw some stuff later.
How would the food get to the uterus?
erase the onion part and change the filename and now it's TF vore
MLPG should play dota inhouses
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>not ruling Equestria
>TF unbirth
technicalities are important
The same thing as "Feel Boss"
Didn't you know?
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How would Synsthesia work in unicorns?

Would they feel like they're grasping objects in a TK field if listening to music or drinking tea?

Planetside 2 is free.
Dota is too much effort
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You guys do know that there is a video game board in our sub, right? If you really cared about wanting to pull MLPG together for gaming, that would be the best place to organize it rather than hoping for it each thread.
shit why did I never think of that
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>implying this is a filly
It's an easy f2p game and you only have to click around
more colt x femanon please
but that would mean I'm in charge of fixing things
>tfw no quake or UT or doom
Why is MLPG full of such plebs?
>that greentext where you give Twilight a hornjob and experience synesthesia

Is it time to talk about Chrysalis depositing her eggs inside Anon?
I never did like MOBAs. They are too competitive, minmaxy, and reinforced skill gap for me to enjoy.
Dota is so complex that you can't even comprehend it without at least several hundred hours of game time played
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Too complicated
Not if you rule with an iron fist.
4chan x is goofing Name fields something fierce today

Glad you liked that
im try take request again

pls gif
Larry flirting with loliball
Rarity assembling an AR15.
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B.. but I thought you requested doge's?
Perhaps later
can that get reposted? I have reasons.

boner reasons.
Rarity jazzercising.
But tf2 is quite complicated aswell
Cloudchaser with her hair down
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dash clinging to anon's back
CMC learning to operate a browning M2
different anon
but thanks
Sweetie riding Spike
>this is what hatfags actually believe
Starts here http://archive.heinessen.com/mlp/thread/S13058545#p13062932
No where near as much

9 classes to know, and really the tutorial covers everything that you need to know to play

Dota has so many heros and builds that you need to pay hundreds of matches before you even see all the heros ONCE
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Mane 6 as chess pieces on a board?

And all the pawns are anons?
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They moved from somewhere, Anon. You should watch the show, though, because this is prior to Ponyville.
Speaking of games, watch this.
>mane 6
>not celestia's pawns
Okay but playing tf2 with skill is more difficult then dota
>Me and my family were pilgrim pony folk, back when I was a little filly. Oh, we ventured far and wide, collecting new seeds and sellin' the old. But my pa was the finest seed collector in all of Equestria.
>We quickly found that land near the Everfree Forest, and we built our first home

The issue with tribes wasn't pay2win (because honestly many of the basic weapons were better anyway... although the few standout examples didn't help).

The issue was that the game went nowhere, and when it tried it went towards shit and pandered towards the reddit crowd.

A slew of terribly implemented weapons (jackal, anti air turret, plasma rifle and that fucking raider smg), vehicles having very limited presence outside the hands of pros, new maps being awful.

Everyone just got bored when they realised that the game was never going to get better.
much appreciated, anon.
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Apparently you never played competitive tf2 then
I started playing tf2 because you guys kept prattling on about it.

Now you guys already hate it.
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okay seriously all this talk of free games and only one of you faggots mentioned planetside 2

what is wrong with you
You have that on speedial?
It's a great feeling when someone reposts your art.
it's a fun, silly game
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Who cares, this is where its at.

Poorly balanced tripe.
I had fun with Planetside 2 for a while. Now I've been ripping into people on War Thunder.

granny was older before she moved to ponyville?
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Yes, it was based on a gimmick rather than actual content and it became stale and ded.
No, I just remembered a few words that showed up in one part of it.
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War Thunder. Fucking loving the German planes.

Draw that feeling.
Not really.
One is a flashback the other is a photo.
Granny could be remembering it wrong.
Point is she said herself she was a filly when they built their first house.

That doesn't make any sense.
All I remembered was "patchiouli" and it's all over the place in the archives
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>free games
you missed the point anon

>Poorly balanced
Against playing solo. Make some friends, faggot. It's leagues more fun when you and a bunch of friends roll up on a base and proceed to shit on disorganized pubs.
>You are captured by the cvile......new villian that is evil
>But you are miaraculasly saved by the CMC after they break in and bust up the plase
>But they are giggling the while time
>You ask them why they wre gigglingb ut they nevner giver you a stright answer
>Turns out you were naked the whole tiem haha ha ha
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>competitive TF2
What next, are you gonna lecture me on competitive cup stacking?
tastes like fluttershy
It's a shitty feeling when you art gets posted once or twice a week when you see other artists art posted constantly
In Tribes, you go fast and use projectiles instead of hitscan weapons. That's the core gameplay. You do that to reach an objective, which was either CTF or killing. It got stale.
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I just... i dont.. i...
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This about sums it up
>not cup stacking competitively

That's like saying Quake is a game where you rocket jump and shoot people and is therefore based on a gimmick.
Just saying how it is. If you say tf2 requires no skill at all you are probably a shitty pub player that can't even rocketjump properly
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If you want to see your art more, create reaction images. People love those and will use it to "enhance" what they are posting.
They set up Sweet Apple Acres before Ponyville was truly settled. It's not actually part of the town proper, it's been described as just outside of Ponyville. Granny misremembered some of the orders of the events.
> literally in the middle of a thread where people are asking common source for a greentext sucking off a horse's unicorn horn
> "Wow what is this guy thinking saying his relationship isn't so weird and it's shitty of an Australian video games review to make it the butt (or dick) of a joke"
part of it is also how much you produuce
And people liked that gimmick. A game has to be something. Quake uses hitscan so it's fast and based on the player's ability to click on bad guys and the results are instant. People like fast and instant. Tribes wasn't.
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It's not like all pictures fit all situations, anyway.

People liked the gimmick in tribes. The gimmick wasn't the problem. In fact part of the later problems is that they nerfed the gimmick.
People like games that have huge skill gaps and reinforce them for a feeling of accomplishment and skill status. If people aren't going to be able to show how "awesome" they are or ruin other's fun, then it isn't going to stay.

Are you saying Tribes didn't have gigantic skill gaps?
No, I'm saying other games does it better so they went there.
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Is there Daring Do fanfiction for ponies who read?
So dead
get out.
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Eh...I prefer Flutterdash for Flutters
AJ doesn't really ship well with any pony so I just like ApplePie for AJ ships since the name
It seems to happen earlier every day
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How many of you would actually marry a cartoon horse if you were able to?
Some days all the green text in the world doesn't do what a gum commercial can.

Only certain horses, but yes
RarityxFluttershy is my favorite Fluttership. I'd post one but all of it is pornographic and I don't feel like going to imgur.
If we could live in Equestria, sure. I don't want my wife to get ET'd and taken off to a lab
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I already have.
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There's a lot more details that need to be presented but on the whole, sure
Who is none of them?
What is any foal
What's that? We're talking about games? I'm doing a pony game.

I'm still doing this thing.

I can make maps in MSPaint now (each pixel corresponds to a particular tile or object on that tile). The more complex bits of the maps (where exits go, etc) is in a corresponding file. Monsters and heroes are described in text files and a master config file lists what files should be checked for said types. I plan on having 'campaigns' that basically list a path of maps to get through and simple text+picture+basic animation cutscenes.

Right now the projectiles fire but do nothing. Monsters don't attack yet, but my fps for drawing them all is still a solid 60 fps.
Who is all of the ponies?
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Well you don't like Twirity either so what else could I expect from you?

I respect your opinions tough. Even if they are bad, I mean seriously Twinkie?

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Why can't Applejack ever run for office?

Because she'lll just get impeached!
Twinkie would only work as a really short-term
"fun thing" and even then it would get awkward among the friends group. I don't think they'd see eye to eye well enough to do "dates" more than once or twice and call it off
but that's
> fanfiction
Scrubs, what are you drinking?

I had Redd's Apple Ale tonight. I was not impressed.
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I've really gotten into Twirity lately, shits too cute/unf
I blame /v/ for killing this thread.
I think they see eye to eye a lot more than that, but I've known a fair few married couples like them, so I'm biased.
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Okay so which of you was this?
Most likely I'd be Donut Joe's chubby gay husbando.
There are thousands of accounts on porn sites who'd say the same thing in that exact same fashion, oddly enough.
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close to a half gallon of malt liquor
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I'd cuddle with cartoon horse. They look very cuddly.
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Wouldn't getting wings clipped be really really awful?
Even if they had been around for a while I'm sure there would be quite a stigma towards bipedals marrying quadrapeds. They would talk about how lewd they are. Horsefuckers, apelovers, etc.

I'm not even sure if I'm okay with it.
I said it before I like Twirty because it's one of the few ships that's simple. That doesn't have ponies with completely opposite personalities.
Very few Mane six combos are like this.
The others that are like this are Appleshy, Pinkieshy and Flarity...I guess Applelight too to an extent.

It's probably some unicorn slang for sex with pegasuses
You never cease to disgust me with your choice of drink.
that's just you projecting your fears upon them
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>really really awful?
you may leave now
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>break up with gf because she won't physically initiate anything with me
>she's screaming outside my apartment building and I had to turn my phone off

What the actual fuck. She was never like this. If she didn't want me to leave her, then why wasn't I allowed to even kiss her?
I dunno, in terms of Pinkie's pranks, the constant partying, and novelty-seeking? it might just pizzle out on its own.

It's not like they can't be friends; they're pretty great friends. But despite all the socialization Twilight's had she still seems to like quiet study, close careful work, and leisure activities that would make Pinkie's skin itch waiting for something else if they were doing more than casual dating. Even then there are only so many parties or party balloon expos Twilight would be interested in either.

But this is pretty > fanon so your vision's as good as mine here`
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>Boo hoo I used to have a girlfriend
Borderline Personality Disorder

No, really
>unicorn slang for sex with pegasuses
I guess that could fly. Unlike a Pegasus with clipped wings. Slang is slang. I wish there were more of it.
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>dating real girls
Did you ASK HER why she wouldn't?
Isn't it just maintenance? I think it makes flying a little harder as well, but it couldn't be that bad

Unless she's going to clip them off completely, as long as it's painless I could get behind that
Probably. I could see people talking.

If pony were relatively cute I guess people could understand. There would still be a vocal minority against our happiness. But I guess that's always true.
Pony wants to see what you are working on.
>derpibooru has more shots of the celestia micro

it's out?
she said that if I really cared about her as much as she cared about me, then we wouldn't need to be physically intimate. I whole heartedly disagreed and stupidly let this go on for 2 months more than neededw
She wasn't for sexual anon, she was pony.
It might mean like "come down to Earth" because a clipped pegasus can't fly for a while, might as well enjoy it - with a Unicorn or Earthie. So it's a light inter-racial slang maybe?
Naw dude, you're thinking of preening. Clipping is cutting the primaries to make sure they can't achieve flight.
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Oh you're that anon. Sorry to hear it didn't work out..

>stupidly let this go on for 2 months more

Well, at least you know it was your own stupidity.

You need to talk to her.


I plan to get projectiles working tomorrow then start on monsters attacking player characters. They'll only calculate a player's position every now and then to keep calculations down (once a second or so)
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No that's what I was thinking of, I just figured it wasn't quite that severe. Still, a non-flying twilight is fine by me
>Appplejakc invitess you over to a splecie provate thing for the two of you
>When you arrive "you have to help he wrangle up her big runnning about!
People say "they're a scumbag if they don't Wait for you," but unless the person is PRESSURING x person, that's a snide way of saying "the intimacy-seeking partner is not allowed to decide what's important in a relationship."

That's fucked up.
Nothing at all, I'm too tired to draw today
Scrubbing have you been drinking soap again? I told you before that won't get you to equestria.
Oh, The Celestia Micro IS out on yayponies
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hmmm maybe I should art instead of make dumb gifs
But dumb gifs are fun
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Have you read the Animator's Survival Kit?
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They really are
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Because what if a Pegasus pony rolled in their sleep?
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From the thumbnail I thought Rarity was working out her fifth leg.



unf indeed
Good lord, she's adorable!

Thanks, Mewball!
that might be bad tail placement
control the growth and harvest of rapeseed
Rebrand rapeseed oil as canola oil.
Female vies for male's attention? Grade A humor.
Male vies for female's attention? What a creep.
Create an intentionally bad New Rape, then in a year come out with Rape Classic
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maybe better
Looks like Fluttershy with a horn.

'cause, you know, everyone immediately thought it was a huge horsecock on Rarity so you had to change it.

I do thing it's equally as good though.
nbs pls
well, slowpoke here, read the rest of the celestia micro

Philojmenia actually makes a appaearance

also there's a pony that looks sort of like Magica DeSpell
No, her hair clearly has the curls and alll. Fluttershy's ends terminate in maybe one flyaway spit-off.

I guess some gems would drive it on home.
human shit
Basically, I mean the eyes. They're pretty much the same.
That or colour
Pottery class taking a fun turn?
Pony wants to ERP with you.
Only if I get to be the pony
Which pony?
I'm terrible at ERP, but a good bonermancer
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this pony is really demanding

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I guess they're a little rounded more like Fluttershy's
I'm not gonna dictate Mewball though, I don't know jack about drawing consistently
This is my level of power
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why not physical
Pony likes your attention. It is like candy to her.
Still better then me
The applejack micro was shit
the CMC micro was good
Can't wait for celestia micro
Look, I know you're scared of zebras and unicorns, but this is just ridiculous.
Because she's not real and the only way is through MLPG.
>Look at me.
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No more candy for that pony
The Celestia micro is still in the previous thread.
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I don't hate it
Princess Celestia Micro is already out on Yayponies

its also posted in >>13442659 (it's a fair way into the thread)
Mewball stop worrying so much about blending. I want you to look at a picture with deep shadows and just imagine them in black and white. As long as all the shadows are in the right place, and the lighting is consistent (ie the darkest parts are still the darkest and the lightest the lightest) the face will look right, right now you're ignoring alot of the anatomy of the face because of that super soft blending, I know you know construction and thats now how it goes.
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But pony needs it.
but why
>ponka will never be this real
oh god I wanna kiss those lips so bad
But I don't want pony to get fat.
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Remember mlpg, there are an infinite number of universes where you are with pony and pony loves you. This is not one of those universes.
Am I supposed to feel better?
Rarity has the best butt of the mane 6
not really sure what you mean at all.
i just threw on some quick shading on a stylized face. how exactly is that ignoring anatomy
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This is supposed to make me feel better?
You know technically by observing that I've collapsed all those universes into one, and now it's been made true. Hooray quantum physics.
They all have identical butts.
Pony wants a lobotomy.
But why?
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Some are just more identical then others.
No shadow under the nose or eyes despite the other shadowing, or the eye sockets, and the shadow you have across the cheek ignores the turn of the cheekbones. So it's conveying incorrect information about the planes of the face. If you hadn't put them there it would just be saying "There are no shadows in this universe or the lights so bright and even it doesn't matter." Instead your drawing is being inconsistent with itself.
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I'm bored and don't feel confident in my writing enough to finalize my fapfic. Let's get some juices flowing, someone play with me. Give me a character and fetish and I'll see what I can do.
Even though there COULD be an infinite number of universes, we're not in one so who gives a fuck.
You're already dead in a billion trillion universes.
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Celestia's aide is a cutie
Twilight's first experience with horn fellatio.
Cheerilee. Impregnation.

She feels the clock a-tickin', and she needs a lickin'.
I can get behind both of these ideas
Twilight teleporting a magical vibrator into Fluttershy's uterus
Scrubbles, come home. We're worried for you.
> lickin'
> not dickin'
Not sure if goof or she wants to get mare'd
> Uterus, for le bleeding
> not ass
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This one seems fun. How is she doing it? With Big Mac? Anon? A student? Is MLPG going to play the male?
Remember Anon, there are an infinite number of universes where you are a twisted and poorly crafted abomination for whom every moment is the most excruciating agony and you spend every concious moment wishing for death to come but one day sooner.
Also pony loves you
Also pony is spiders

This is not one of those universes.
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every things so sad now a days
but i have a question
do you know what this is?
>pic related
> going to play
Wait, I thought you needed something to start a quick fic, not a quest
I'm sure MLPG will have one breeding fetish guy to help you out
I vote Big Mac, and he thinks there have been Measures Taken. There have been none. She's entering heat and wants a foal so so badly.
>EA is like that
>Plane pones will never check out your junk
>you will never be qualified to perform maintenance on plane pone
Don't worry, I'm not like that.

I'm not bald.
Onta's new shit.
youre right no shadow under the nose
there are shadows on the eyes and eye sockets, perhaps not as dark as they should be, but they are there. i kinda didn't want to make them very deep
not sure about the cheekbones tho

maybe better? i dunno, this was kind of just a doodle thing, wasn't really looking for critique, but might as well i guess
I feel like Pinkie is the type of person that would be able to pull Twilight out of her comfort zone and get her to have more fun in social situations.

One is a fun loving extrovert and the other is a slightly awkward introvert. I feel like they balance in such a way that they would make each other's time together great. In social situations Twilight would be more relaxed around Pinkie and alone Pinkie would feel close to Twilight.

Those are my thoughts on it.
EA pls
There's some other guy wanting your attention in your thread.
You expect people on MLPG to be handsome and well groomed men?
is it true you're married to a hot woman? Does she know about this whole deal?
>"He only takes 12.7mm rounds!"
well, I am.
I am
I'm also hung like a horse
What do I have learn to become 'qualified'
Man, I wish!
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Isn't it getting kinda late there?
Well, you need a degree. How hard do you think it is to perfrom repairs on a plane, double that difficulty because now the plane is sentient and can complain the whole way through
I've been bamboozled!
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You're certainly not wrong. That seems how their friendship works. I just don't know if that's enough to keep a solid thing going without further mutual interests and hobbies, but I've been surprised in real life.

In romance, no thing's a sure thing and "unlikely" ones crop up 7 of ten!
>EA isn't gay
Would you fuck a guy?
Blitz complaining while you do maintenence would be the cutest thing ever
is it new?
i think it is but I've been out for a long time and when i found it i felt like sharing but i don't want to share something every one knows about already

I still probably have maybe another half hour. I think I'm gonna ink this thing I've had laying around before bed.
Probably not for real. I like dicks (who doesn't?) and I can appreciate the attractiveness of the male form, but real life, in-person men don't do much of anything for me. Like I've said before, I'm super vanilla in person.
well, it's a game.
you can't simply share it.
and I don't evne think it's really out yet.
also it's onta and the onyl good thing onta ever did was marty unf unf unf.
But thanks anyway.
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Well.. alright..

But after that it's bedtime
Ah sorry for the uncalled critique, bad habit. Yes looks better, but the eyes themselves are a little bit too tall. I know it's a stylized look but they just look out of proportion since everything else is very much realistic. I would also add some dark slashes for the corners of the mouth, the dots there look like you attempted as much but they look more a part of the upper lip than what they actually are. For what it's worth the nose is top tier.
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I suspect many plane pone technicians took a minor in psychology. Just imagine how nervous a plane pone would get about flying after needing major repairs.
That's a shame
Ink what thing?
no problem, i mean it's not a bad thing, its just not everything i draw is sort of perfected enough for it

Ah, that's good to know. I'm still screwing with proportions as far as stylization. Gotta keep working on it I suppose
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>going into 0pone stasis
And you were doing so well.
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h entai org/g/628483/94dfe76e19/
>you'll never fix a badly damage plane pone
>you'll enver create a bond with her
>you'll never romance her
>you'll never enter her cockpit while she moans and spurts her combustible all over the place
5/10, I saw where you were going but didn't feel.
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>Celestia micro

Damn thats cute
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This thing, I drew it when I was feeling depressed and I liked how it came out.
what is that link? it takes me to some shit site
how does that even work? what spaces do I have to fill up?
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Why would you even do that?
A Mewball Original, too.
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Didn't you know? If you've been good during the day you get lots of pone in your dreams.

You have been good lately, haven't you anon?
I already have pony.
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>you will never bond with your war machine
that feel
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>Cheerilee goes into heat around Big Mac
>Help her get laid!
The students finally gone, Cheerilee finishes cleaning up the small things in the classroom now that they have been dismissed. She's been piling on the projects and interaction, wanting to take her mind off of that "time" of season. Teaching young ponies has sedated her want of a child of her own for a long time, but she isn't getting any younger. The window is felt getting smaller and smaller.

She does love children, their potential and her gift of nurturing, but now Cheerlilee feels like she might not be fulfilling her wants. Teaching kids isn't the same as having one of your own. And her mother won't stop reminding her of these facts. Heaving a sigh, she sits in a desk and listens to the rhythm of the hammering outside.

A trio of explorative fillies has ruined yet another jungle gym. She still can't figure out how they melted all the base supports. Fortunately Big Mac has personally offered to fix it as an apology. Looking out the window, Cheerilee can see him. He's been working a long time. All that sweat going down his body... those muscles shining in the sunlight... such a strong pony.

The memory of that little love potion incident comes creeping back. It might of been artificial, but Cheerilee did still feel somewhat attached to him. In fact, she can't stop staring.

What do?
It's a changeling actually.
how do you not know what site I'm referring you to
That's a lie.
Quit the game since ponies don't go in heat
I sometimes feel envy, most of my draw turns out not that cute at all.
Me too, and I like to think of really lewd stuff. But the hottest thing for me is philophillia, and that's like super vanilla.
nah m8
they cute
Speaking of dreams, I've read junji ito yesterday, quite a lot of it.
I've dreamed of watching two completely misbegotten and mishappen things having sex in a sanitarium, as if: they both had horribly gaping toothed mouths on their stomachs, were half rotten, dishelved and generally disgusting.
Also I dreamed of going into that room after years and finding 3000$ hidden very nicely and love letters of them both, they had a relationship over the years in the sanitarium but something had gone horribly wrong.

Never junji ito again before sleeping,anon.
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I like where this is going.
Wait are we playing as cheerilee?
Yell "Why ain't 'cha breedin'?
what is with those dicks
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Pony is itchy
I know rediv. I know.
I've had a lot of gay dreams lately.. and I'm not even gay
> A poor dumb kid finds a Dragon scale in his room and recites the wonderful chant:
> Only to find himself in Equestria and wedged in a toy box, beating furiously to get out.
> Something scaly opens the door - a tiny dragon! It did work!
> "TwiiiiiiLIIIIIIGHT!" he shouts into the next room,"You know how you said that toe wouldn't grow into a monkey?
> Some purple pony comes prancing in. Looks like one of those girly dolls Anon's little sister keeps. He's getting a bad feeling about this; the little dragon doesn't even have a Heart Bracelet.
> The pony lets out a scream.
> The scaly thing only huffs, "I know you owe me dinner and everything but come on, it's just a monkey."
Kind of not really. Just help direct the story.
I scratch pony. I get filth pony collects under fur under my nails. I wash hands. I tell pony she needs better bathing habits.
don't ask me i didn't draw it
i just thought it would perk this place up
>you will never spend weeks helping Blitz get back in the air after she gets on the bad side of some AAA.
>you will never help her through her issues while you repair or replace her damaged components
>you will never have Blitz sneak a kiss on your cheek while you rearm her for her first post-repair flight
>you will never wait up late in the hangar for her to come back, only to fall asleep on your workbench stool
>you will never have Blitz wake you up with a hug as the sun rises, nothing but praise for your work pouring from her mouth
>Rediv has looked at so much hyper porn and owns so many giant dildos she doesn't even know what a real dick looks like
Why am I not surprised?
yeah but THAT was weird.
Also, everyone has sex in my dreams. Always. There's always someone who has sex.
I think my subconscious is trying to tell me something.
Well clearly cheerilee should go have a look at how they're doing
Caper around a bit, get a good angle on those firm "chest" muscles working under that yoke of his. It's heat season, a girl can have a gander.

She could nicker appreciatively. I'm sure he could use a compliment.
dude what
>You will never decommission your pony plane
>Stripping her of her weapons and useful components then leaving her to rot in some godforsaken junkyard
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>ponk tries to imitate rediv.jpg
Chin up! You've got some nice stuff, Lemon. Do you maintain a gallery or Tumblr?
Damn right I'd never do that.

Though I imagine the weapons would have to go when she retired.
You mean unrealistic.
That was weird, just having some input.
I don't have sex dreams often so that's why it's confusing me, and a couple of nights before that I was literally told by a family member that I should meet a guy

I have no idea how to feel about it
no i dont
none of those dicks even look normal
Onta likes to draw retarded dicks
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Ok so i was fondling this girls ass and i didn't think about ponies at all
i think im off the ride
see yall in s4
Aha! But you do like humongous dicks.
Admit it. It's somewhere in your fetish list.
Told in a dream that is*
Everyone's a little gay
Being gay is fun
so are small ones
No idea too anon. at least I know that I really want to just get laid.
I just hope so that it is. Its a hit or miss affair, its either cute, or lewd for me.
She likes every kind of dick what a slat
And not the medium ones? That's racist probably.
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What the fuck happened to just vanilla.
I hate you people so much.
There are worse things than meeting dating or just meeting a guy. If it clicks, what ever, bro
what is that even from
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ur racist
I like big dicks and little dicks but not average dicks
The comics, obviously. Haven't you read the pinkie micro?
I like the face, but
I know what's cropped out
Pony how did you turn your pupils into hearts? Can you even see right now? Pony I think you have heart shaped tumors in your eyes.
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I guess.. But to my knowledge I'm not gay. Just in my dreams apparently.

Yeah you should probably do that
I only like huge dicks.
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>What the fuck happened to just vanilla.
First mlp thread ever had a scat conversation going on for about a hundred posts.
I think you're just delusional, we were NEVER vanilla.
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I really like her wings.
Anon just looka t the pinkie micro sheesh. It's not like price has never drawn dildos.
and where do I find this thing
I meant in the normal world with normal human beings.
>tfw no one with a massive dick to fuck
What's normal? Is that some new fetish?
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I like pictures of Pip Crossdressing
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we're in the normal world.
We're normal human beings.
That can't stop thinking about donkey dicks!
>you will never fuck a massive dick
But... But he's a guy!
> But to my knowledge I'm not gay.
This may be an overshare but I don't feel much attraction to guys because most people in my age group are jerks or children or both. But if a cute starts up something, I'm goofy-giddy excited instantly. I go from having almost no interest to getting picked up and fooled around with, and it's much stronger than with my female partners.

So I don't know, give it a go?
unf unf sounding unf
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I know you do
As Cheerilee sits there, she continues to gaze over Big Mac. Time melts away at the impromptu show going on outside the window. With all his focus on the job, he doesn't notice the one mare audience. Before she knows it, she's leaning on one hoof with half laden eyes, noticing how his tail is too short to fully cover his swaying, heavy, full bal-oh no.

Realizing what she's doing, she stands up quickly to get the lewd thoughts out, unknowingly leaving a small spot of her fluids on the chair. At this time, Cheerilee notices the play structure is nearing completion. She figures that getting him out of here as fast as possible is for the best.

Going to him, she calls, "Hello Big Mac, I'm sure you noticed the children have already left. So, are you done?"

"Eyup," he says in his usual tone. Standing there and looking over his work on last time, Cheerilee notices him more so now that she's close.

"So, I guess it's time for you to... go on about your way, right?" She asks, hoping to end this before her urges start to fog her thoughts any more.

Big Mac thinks for a solid few seconds. "Nope."

"...no?" she asks further, "You... don't have anything planned for the rest of the day?"

"Nope." He says once more, sitting right there and admiring his work. Cheerilee would feel bad for just leaving him...

What do?
Can anyone cap that Twilight synesthesia hornjob? My cap script is not working.
is it "post your weirdest fetish" time?
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Well it's not like I've ever turned anyone down, and I'd be willing to give it a shot. I haven't met a guy I was attracted to though.
It might be a matter of just finding the right people, however I do that
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Top this!
But anon, I helped write that
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Find out why he's not leaving
what dress should i put pip in
But anon, I did too
Pretty gala dress!
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Perhaps I'll finish this later.
schoolgirl outfit
with toast in his mouth
late for the first day of class
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jump him
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I wanna watch you have sex

With a guy
she looks pretty sad.
enjoy your ass aids
Yeah but what do I get if I do that?
Cheerilee and anonymous student is GTOTYAY
What are you gonna do for me? Also who?
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I'll blow you
After you've cleaned your dick though
Okay, but in return I want to lick your horn.
what, just that?
Suggest he come in to look at the agricultural diorama ...
N... Nothing lewd there sir, no siree.

Just woke up.
That's very generous!

>Just that
W-well I'm setting up the guy for you
I've seen how you look at him

oh man can you imagine waking up a girl with sex
she'd be so infuriated
Sure, but why only watch?
Oh..oh my. What would you like in return?
C-Can you pretend you love me whiel we do it, twilight
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DEAL, Twilight.
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im not gay tho
It's pretty clear she just wants to see it and get in close to see you both trembling, human in pony, pony in human, probably giving brisk hot whisks at her sex. She doesn't want to put the fire out, but let it stoke and stoke until she can barely stand it.
such a humongous faggot
I uhh... Alright. Then I get to lick your horn too?

You drive a hard bargain, but sure
If it gets to be too much, it's not like I'll be using my mouth on him all the time, and I do have two hands.

Twilight has vastly underestimated how humans approach sex, hasn't she?
What's that supposed to mean?
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why does twilight pose like that so often
She is a devilishly lithe pony
"Well, I..." Cheerilee tries to come up with a reason to make him move instead of just walking away, "so why not? There's plenty to do around town, and I'm sure you are busy at the farm."

"Nope." He says, "...it's AJ's time again."

She knew what this meant. When AJ goes through her own heat, she works extra hard around the farm and gets very assertive. Big Mac has never been known to be social, perhaps he took this job just to get away from her, to enjoy the peace.

But even then, the mare next to him had her own problems too. The mere fact she was comfortable around Big Mac didn't help. She could just walk away... but she didn't want to. Now that he won't leave, she didn't want to either.

Cheerilee wasn't blind to her desires. She wanted him, but there are many mares who did. It's kind of a joke around Ponyville of how big and strong he is, yet he shies away from any female attention. The fact that he wasn't scared around her said volumes.

"Um, ma'am?" Big Mac interrupts. She was leaning toward him, trying to smell him more so. All that work makes him so... "Is something wrong?"
I've posted that image before and you posted that subsequent image
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Oh god, is that supposed to be like Morrigan?

I still can't stomach the english intro
Y-You too...
I would. Hard.
>Not sucking two zebra cocks at once
H... how infuriarated?

O.. oh my.
I want to fuck him gently
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>Twilight setting me up with a stallion so she can watch
This is my UNF
This is my other UNF
>you will never be seduced by Succubus Twilight.
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oh boy here we go
Be honest. Try to contain the urges. Don't frighten him off.
I watch it every time still.
This thread got really gay really fast.
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A lot. I mean dude you're waking her up with sex. It's not something most women enjoy. Not all of them have the sex drive of a mare in heat and mostly just a few of them have it in their sleep.
It works with men,not with women.
Y-You too..
Succubus Twilight would be inexperienced and stumble over herself a lot. She couldn't handle the lewd.
That's disgusting. I hope they take you to a back room and harvest your organs.
I'm just waiting for a bug that only targets gays.
>implying I wouldn't teach her
>It's not something most women enjoy

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S-so, is it a yes, Anon?

You have no idea how much I've wanted this
I'm sure you'll have an amazing time too!
What? Like an actual bug? Like you could release a swarm of spiders to attack the gays?
Listen anon, have you ever had a girlfriend? AND had sex with her?
God I love her so much
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>not something most women enjoy
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Would you make Celestia feel like a woman?
those pone looks like angry cats.
Your every wish is my command.
So, let's wrap this up.
1) I fuck this guy
2) you blow me as I lick your horn
3) we cuddle afterwards
Is that correct?
Sure. When's it happening?
Mewball, will you draw the bunny ear'd pony?
No, I'm not gay.
Go fuck yourself, Toilet Sprinkle.
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we all do,anon.
Not that Anon
But man alive! Yes, all of my girlfriends have liked morning sex. That includes"wake up rearing to go" morning sex.
Oh yeah, that's true. Has moot done anything?
>Implying that wouldn't seduce me
maybe tomorrow, i think im done drawing for tonite
Human, anthro, or pony yes.
It was her plan all along.
Fucking hell why must you do these so fucking late.

It's 5 in the morning. I'm going to bed.
well uh okay then.
I'll just uh
go now.
But he is just cuddling Sunset Shimmer
If this is thinly vieled attempt to make me make draw lewd of SS then I may later.
don't be silly it's half past noon.
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Maybe this could be a regular thing?
I know Brae would like that too~

Brae might want to cuddle too
Lemon come on everyone can see that bit of flesh coming out of her rear.
Eat shit cunt horse.
Twilight, are you trying to set me up with Braeburn? He's a great guy. Why not just have him ask me for a date or some "friendly time."?
>Brae might want to cuddle too
Is this turning into a three-way? Interesting. But tell him to back off, you're mine and only I can cuddle you.
How would you feel about joining in? I do have a tongue and two hands, you know.
Ok! I'll ask again tomorrow then.
Twilight, I've been craving some dick for like a fortnight. I'm totally okay with this.

I'd really like to give you some mouth love after - or during if you want to see the fireworks up close!
Twi are you trying to set me up with braeburn
So, Awesomenauts are free to play this week... are they fun?
O.. oh, I;ll edit it out, and seperate sfw from the other.
Catching herself, Cheerilee sits down a little faster than what would be considered graceful. "Oh I uh, there was a thing... on you that isn't there anymore."

At this, Big Mac looks over himself to see what it could have been. Now that he isn't paying attention, Cheerilee fans herself with her hoof to calm down a bit. Her face feels a little hot, along with other parts of herself.

When he stops guessing, she snaps back to attention. Cheerilee didn't want to be rude or scare him, she knew how he felt about sexual attention. But she couldn't help but try to figure out a way to make him fuck her like the stud that he is.

What do?

I'm testing out my speed and not going over myself, I write slow and need to work on that. Let me know if there's something I'm doing wrong.
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W-well you see
Him and I have talked about it
And we're both OK, but only if the moment takes me

A-are you sure you wouldn't mind if I joined in?

He might be into you though
He was quick to agree
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Ok I'm finished! I like how it came out.
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I'm good and game, Twilight. Where do you want to do this?

Does Braeburn have any advance requests, like what to wear ... ?
>signature looks like "some cry"
>A-are you sure you wouldn't mind if I joined in?
Of course not. Heck, I've been having lewd ideas on how you unicorns can use that telekinesis of yours in the bedroom ever since I showed up.
I want to have a relationship with that sunhorse so bad
I love it
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Alright. So he's shy and timid about sexuality. He's really helpful, though, and the odds of that birth control spell having worn off by now are pretty low...
Whatever you're comfortable with. I know how tag-in's like. If it looks fun, jump in!

Now where's the little fellow?
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>you will never be his little mare
Heh, it does kinda.
Like what?
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Oh, I'm sure he'll be wearing enough for the both of you

I've learnt a thing or two~
Thank god
Birth control spell?
This is gay, I'm leaving.
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I don't like chocolate anyway.
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Unicorn magic has medical uses, anon. Try and keep up.
Give him a whiff of that musk, maybe just a bit at first. It can't be that hard.

Whip away as you turn to the door. Really get some side-breeze action in.
At least say you like dark chocolate.
W-What would he be wearing..?
Two words: Magic fleshlight.
I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time
twilight, tell me. How will I be able to have sex with the both of you if you're only on the internet?And don't tell me you can magic me into equestria because I asked that hundreds of times before and when you said yes you never did it afterwards.Stop playing with my feelings, you purple one
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So I'd say it's bedtime now, hmm?
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let us dream dumbass
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I do like Dark Chocolate, ya got me.
1.Human female with male horse
2.Female horse with male horse
3.Human female with human male
4.Male horse with female horse
5.Human male with female horse
6.Female horse with human male
7.Male horse with human female
9001.Human male with human female.
>Succubus Twilight visits you in the night, dark urges compelling her to seduce you.
>You awaken to find her shifting awkwardly over your crotch, apparently trying to find a comfortable "sultry" pose.
>This continues for 10 minutes before she notices you're awake.
>"A-ahah! Now, we can fun the start~"
>"I, uh, I mean, start the fun~!"
>She tries to strike another provocative pose, but nearly slips off your legs.
>She resorts to just straddling you before continuing.
>"I've come for you, anon~ now, won't y-you, come for...um....me?"
>She manages to press on, despite the awkward silence
>"Let's...let's not waste time...show me that big, wonderful d-d-d-d-d-mmnbsjksICANTDOIT!"
>She buries her head in your blankets
>You try and ask her what's wrong.
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I do think it's about my Bedtime Princess.
>"Should've just said that in the first place."
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Too much hnng/10
>you will never add pony on skype
>pony will never tell you to go to sleep
>pony will never care about your wellbeing
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Well, off to bed then.

I once had a girl watch me sleep over skype.
It was weird and nice.
>She tries to slip out of her Morrigan-inspired garments as slowly and teasingly as possible.
>But then she notices you staring.
>"Don't-Don't look! You're making me nervous!"
Purple horse is talking to herself again.

im not supposed to like twilight
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Goodnight best Princess!
you knwo how it is, without friends. She probably talks to her books,too.
>"Alright. I'll be right here when you're ready."
>Close eyes, smile.
>Man, those wings are convincing.
M-Maybe I could be your pony...
>you pull out your penis, complying with succutwi's demands
>"Now we're talkin" the purple horse says
>the horse becomes so nervous her bowels release
>horse poop all over your blankets, making you and the purple horse, soaked in horse shit
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Yeah...let's leave it at talks with books
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>you will never catch yourself a princess
But she has friends.
Of course not. Ponies are not for catching.
Maybe something like >>13477014. Or maybe just some subtle flirting...just enough to try and gauge his interest.
Why do you love Celestia so mcuh
>you will never have your princess ask to be 'caught' every night before bed
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Does this count as oral?
do you have a pretty mane?
nah dude that's vore
because she just is the best pone
except for twolot
Best thing in this whole thread.
This is bad for the book.
You know what's terribly sad? The ponies will enver know how much we love them and how much they inspire us.
It's really terrible when you think about it, all this love to something that can't love you back.
I could if you want me to..
does twilight know you shouldn't literally devour books for their knowledge
someone gonna cap it?
Big Mac closes his eyes and heaves a heavy sigh at the tranquility, but for Cheerilee it sounded too much like a lustful moan. Her body reacts with a wink against the grass. "Well I can see you'd like to be alone so I'm just gonna go now okay bye see you later!"

Trying to get out of there before she jumps him, she accidentally bumps her butt against his side. Not taking anymore chances, Cheerilee walks quickly toward the door, but almost trips over herself when her own sex clenches again. Regaining her stance, her momentum lost, she turns to see if he noticed, partially out of embarrassment and curiosity.

Her tail is flagged to one side, exposing herself in a lewd manner. Big Mac is wide eyed with a blank stare. It was obvious that he knew what was going on now, and the idea made Cheerilee even hotter. She couldn't put her own tail down, and automatically flexes her hindquarters in an animalistic urge. He slowly turns his head back to the front and remains motionless.

What do?
Why don't YOU love Celestia so much?

I don't know, I just do. I guess it's because I really love her calm, loving and wise character.
>All these Harry Potter and Sailormoon references



c-can i pet you?
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Someone should. Better than capping synesthesia last thread to explain we sometimes don't go full "musky Fluttershy bangs blitzed Braeburn."
The also won't know about the the creepy fetish stuff people write about them.