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A few nights ago, I held an impromptu, livestreamed PMQ/Q&A session.
You can find it here (and be sure to subscribe!). For a list of questions answered/discussed, go here.

This Q&A was quite a bit different because I gave live audio responses to questions posted in the thread. The goal was to answer more questions, more quickly, and not skip over questions that would require a long written response. It had a few kinks but worked pretty well, and it's likely I'll switch to this format for future Q&A's.

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Best Alicorn
Best Princess
Best Pony

Twilight thread

Previous horse
>shitposting general
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i cant decide which pone to fap to!
none of them

pony is not for sexual
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Total slave for donkey cocks!
Even by her standards that's just silly
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thats it! anon you're of genious!

i'll fap to spike, its not pone so its for sexual
nope, still not funny, sorry
but all ponies is for sexual
it's canon
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That's going a bit too far, don't ya think? I mean, it's all about the outfits, not the knocked-about equipment.
Who does she play against? Ponyville probably doesn't have a lot of players
They don't have feet. The boots are part of their bodies.
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I would totally get subway tommorow
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My boot will become part of your body in about 10 seconds if you don't shut up
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no you won't
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That's a cute zeb
but can she really eat it all by herself?
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I was ready too, but


I fapped to that once.

I just wanna pick her hup and hug her
She's probably got contacts who call her about dresses and they talk about it during matches.

Which usually really means that Rarity's running ragged around the court in her stylish-yet-impractical badminton outfit while the other person just keeps talking about their dress details. All worth it, though. They pay mad bank.
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none of them
Still no pony version?
Now draw her with a tummy ache from trying to eat all that sandwich
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Ok i found my pen
what should i draw
I dont give a fuck do it itd be better for all of us
god I fucking love that image so much
that bird just makes it
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Draw Fluttershy on a simple tree swing
I fucking hate that face. Holy shit. It's like a face from a kids' stories, with the plump baby-like outline and everything. Fuck. Dammit.
I don't get it
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cancer pone trying to imitate a crab's sideways walk
Draw the CMC taking care of twilight who has somehow turned herself into a baby
Moth pony!

In my memory, the original Yu-Gi-Oh! anime wasn't that bad and that made me want to go watch it again.

Should I?
>this is average day
Fuck you it ain't. Or if it is, then the average has greatly been lowered in the past few months.
draw a coffee pony
sweetie belle excitedly sewing poorly
I'm so sorry you're so whiny
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You bet she can. She can eat anything.

What's not to get?
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God that's cute, thanks for doing it.

>all that mayo
I'm having Ice Pack flashbacks
I want to pick her up and pat her and rock her to sleep and oh god it's cute
That's okay, don't let my hate for it deter you from blowing your load to it. Although it'd be better if it was a pony.
Applebloom fiddling with a CRT monitor
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oh christ that's adorable
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I'm sorry, Anons, but the truth of the matter is Rarity is a very silly pony

Sounds right.
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It was an honest observation of your behavior dude, nothing more nothing less, i.e., "Fuck. Dammit."
Although it'd be better if there was more of it


Can I just hug pony nonsexually?
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Hey goat, are you here?
oh, let ME tell you all about it.
>cheap teen boops
That's right.
The whole pony. Her ponut quivers and her marecunt begins winking while you lick her ears and stroke her wings and run your hands over her soft, sweating coat.
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Toxic love
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Ponuts,hands off.
Shining armor will be....
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Don't bring it here.
Fern gully was neat.
Pony misplaced her butt
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>11 minutes later
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Dooks is playing a videogame.
But I'm not lewd right now. Sun's still up.
not where I'm from,sweetcheeks

Does this remind anyone else of Panty?
butt bump is not lewd, they do it in the comic
do this, MT
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what kind of anthro is that
Oh, okay.
How about a pony on a bus looking sadly at the viewer as it pulls out of the stop?
but dooks hats me
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>"Oh you poor boy, lost here in Equestria without another human... you must be lonely. Sure the ponies are nice to you, but what about your needs? I've handled lots of animals, and I know what kind of need happens when they get lonely. Why don't you tell me what you need and momma can make it all better. I'd do anything to make you happy..."
an appropriate one
>She probably won't even let her on the squad after she's done taking the whole team
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100 years dungeon
yeah that's nice and all
but I'm actually looking for RD, do you know where I can find her?
Fluttershy, my needs are physically impossible, even with magic
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You're an evil one, Fluttershy, but i don't see myself with many other options
fluttershy why are you taking me into your basement
I'd punch her in the face so bad.
Fluttershy is a very punchable pony.
yea, give her one of those Naruto punches. WHen he throws his whole body into it
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>Wander having sex with every guy he m-
On the highest mountain in Equestria.
Yeah, I have a need to visit Canterlot sometime.
>duplicate file exists
Will you be my toilet?
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Of course duplicate exists, I used it last thread!
Yep. as I said, very punchable.
I'd climb it if Dash was my favourite pony.
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i always thought the job of cheerleaders was to help the players "relax" after the match, i mean who would be silly enough to think their job is just to jump around like dumb cunts waving around, that did nothing for anything, the real cheerleader job comes after the game is over.
What's she doing up there? She can fly higher than that.
When he said that in the whinny kid voice I lost it. And then the pencil thing happened and I lost it again.
Can I stick my winkie in your kitchen sinkie?
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>half of the football team
>There aren't a few guys that find it morally wrong to fuck her in this situation.
>There aren't at least a few guys who wouldn't want to enter her for sloppy seventeenths

Why does the media always portray men to be horny pigs 100% of the time?! #sexist
Please stop having thoughts
no anon,that's just a fairy tale.
They fuck jocks because they jump around and they're hot.
we tried to warn her, huh, Scootaloo?
It's way funnier when you red it from the left to the right
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Better get going.
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i read this like a manga
"'ve never been a pussy, cause my hood would never let me
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Hater is the best overgrown nerd.
i do it both ways all the time, just to be safe
Did Rita from Dexter remind anyone else of Fluttershy?

twily now that you are a human you need to remember to wear clothes in public!
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Why is she such a slut?
he usually never lasts more than 50
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>wake up one morning
>Fluttershy is at your side as usual
>but something seems wrong
>she's panting and squirming a little
>she looks up at you in embarrassment and says it must be 'that time'
>she crawls on top of you and gasps suddenly as you hear
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Just need one more vote on something.
Probably because she likes sex.

Just a guess
I don't really like the show but that scene was great
That's photoshopped.
I have never seen this and I tried it immediately after seeing that.
Clearly it was luna in disguise.
is it normal that I'm getting less and less turned on by humans?
To be fair, humans are also becoming less attractive in general
I haven't been able to fap to 2dpd for years
kidsune exempted
So no, probably not
Fucking freak
She's not attractive, particularly boring.
i can't find his videos anymore. where can i get them now?
So Twilight?
Well, that picture in particular isn't exactly arousing
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Ponies holding their own tails are cute
I always say that waifu stuff in a joking mannerBut I was actually stupid enough to legitimately fall in love with a fictional character and now I lost interest in any other potential partner.
Now if she was a fat ass, had a dick and was 8 feet tall that's a different story, right?
1-3 Doto
4-6 L4Deado
7-9 League of Logo (Yeah I play both so what)
0 Drawo
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Who is she, anon?
You're in a safe place
My dubs say you draw
no, its a pretty common side effect of people who are chronic masturbators to "extreme porn"

thats the term they use in a study that talked about men losing interest in real girls.
I don't know
There was drama or something and he took a bunch down
There's probably a few up mirrored or available for download somewhere, but I don't know
...moderately fat.
And with a dick.
And 8 feet tall,
can you download them anywhere?
I don't wanna say. FreudAnon will just laugh at me if I do.
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My quads say he draws despite drawing all day and extremely in need of a break
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How's this?
uh huh
I should stop masturbating to extreme porn then?
That's my favourite kind of porn.
My Little Anon Can't Be This Gay.
I like it
Nowhere that I know of, but I'm sure someone had downloaded them before they got set to private and has uploaded them
Cloud Chaser confirmed for being Cloud Chaser!
>Best Alicorn
>Best Princess
>Best Pony
>Twilight thread

mplg confirmed for ponychan scum
I like those bows
Oh look, it's this over emotional faggot who was crying when I posted scootaloo clop and asked me to stop because he was having a bad day.
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Me too.
I'm seriously hope to not do this
You know, it's possible to be friendly without being ponychan over friendly.
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oh you again, hows it going falseflag anon? post some more
Listen,I'm a 20 year old virgin.
I have needs.
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>not purple

naw nigga if she aint purple she ain't no twilight
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this picture makes me sad for twilight
Unrealistic needs
Everyone will become an alicorn, then spike will eat the amulet and become an alicorn too.

whoa that meme is a blast from the past. even readdit had gotten tired of it long ago
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best pegasus
When everyone is an Alicorn...no one will be
Yeah. That's what makes them something to be ashamed of.
Anyone got that picture of how ponies exemplify the golden ratio?

I need it for reasons
I think Rainbow Dash should become the next alicorn.
What a quitter
but I don't like you you ugly sack of shit.
>incapable of flying
>best pegasus
you could not be any further from being correct than you currently are
> talking down to a sentient creature
Worst thing
No then she'll need to ascend past alicorny, to alicorn 2, then alicorn 3, then super alicorn 3, then golden space form, then she'll get depowered for an arc and get her powers back using the alicorn amulet by striking a bargain with the demon inside, then she'll find her TRUE power and ascend to ultimate fausticorn form. Then the series will be rebooted with the cmc already alicorns.
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we rectangles now?
>>incapable of flying
She may not be strong but she can certainly fly.
I can fly better than she can
it's ok fluffershy
I'm going to marry Bon Bon!
>tooting intensifies
>implying you're not that samefag
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I got chu
This filename, and that other one you've got that's like it, continues to baffle me
gr8 b7 m6
I'm surprised this is coming out of mlpg

tfw I too, would want to tongue wrestle celestia's winking clit
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i dont know which other filename you're talking about, but have this one
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>"Don't be like that, I've seen how you look at mares. I've even seen you get hard staring at all those butts. What about my butt? Does your cock get hard thinking about me? Momma is here for you, won't you be a good boy and let me ease that pain?"
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Has the shitstorm subsided?
Guys this is getting weird. I'm scared.

this will be helpful
You are all beginners. I would rub her back and brush her mane all night long and then give her a kiss on the cheek before I fall asleep under her wing
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you guys heard this?


i dont know who did it but wouldmarry/10
>from getting hard

what? do you guys really get pain from boners?
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What is she looking at?
yeah, the other five are all going to become alicorns at the same time
I really need to read jojo one of these days.
that pony is my waifu

>>13466742 >>13467418 >>13467375
When i said impossible, I actually meant it.

As in, we would actually be dead if we tried it.
I like Celestia too.
She's looking at >>13467175
America made every attempt they could to minimize civilian deaths. Especially in Hiroshima. They only targeted military and factories.

Also Endii is a bitch.
Alternatively she's having a giggle about Fluttershy thinking she killed Philomena.
>with a nuclear blast
my sides are still suffering from the fallout
I smirked a tiny bit
1) it's rina-chan.
2) she was paid by alex the brony musician for that, 50 $ if I remember correctly.
3) She's an internet attention whore.
a dumpster full of dog dicks
who doesn't?
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she's looking at delicious ponk
>Not a screeching banshee
The entirety of hiroshima was a military outpost using it's populace as a human shield you fuckwit.

You don't get to play the 'we attempted to minimize civilian deaths' card with a nuclear weapon.

High explosives may be addressed, but nuclear weapons are 'To Whom it May Concern'
She did it though
and I uploaded the edited version
> I don't know how blast radiuses work
> or how they totally somehow didn't avoid nuking Kyoto or Tokyo due to the cutural value of both
Now talk about pony, both of you fucks.
Rine chan is the same girl that voiced >>13467441
and almost the entirety of female voices in animation since 2008.
I know right, only now she's stuffed with delicious cake. It's the best of both worlds.
>Dumping 5 million leaflets saying "GET THE FUCK OUT" over a city isn't an attempt to minimize deaths
and when I mean she voiced that video I mean she voiced EVERY voice.
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i dont know who that is but damn she did a good job, muh dik is trix now
is this a porn thing or a game thing?
Man, I Like Junji Ito.
She's like the Tabitha of the internet/newgrounds
I mean the amount of voices she has done
>tfw you will never hear her soft chuckle, accompanied by a quiet "Oh dear" when you drop your spaghetti as soon as she enters the room

Kyoto was only spared because one of the senior government officials involved in the decision had been there on honeymoon and thought it was a nice place.

The 'cultural value' thing was just postwar American apologetic revisionism.
The only thing I know about her is that she's a decent "Youtube VA" and had some parody video of her fucking Captain Falcon made to spite her.
she's the one who did every single female voice on newgrounds too, isn't she
just google "rina-chan"
she's appeared in hundreds of animations.
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Do you think humanized magic would follow Zatana rules?
>die from a unfortuanatly tiemd papercut

so who do I call to prosecute the guys who killed me
> I'll just say this, it'll be okay
It's not okay
good god I haven't been there in years.
absolutely disgusting
quest when?
That body is great
the face kills it.
who's that dude?
i accept your offer, but not because i like you or anything. This is strictly for my needs, whatever you get from it is extra
Oh god

I can just imagine a japanese person going about their lives before their entire body is lacerated by hundreds of paper cuts falling from the sky.
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>"I'm not just talking about the pain of that hot monkey dick having no loving mare to take it, but what about your heart? I'd love you, any way you wanted. Come on babe, let's get weird. Take me..."
Not really my favorite, but it's one of the few with her in the suit that looks much good.

Dunno, maybe a few hours. Class soon, then naptime.
you stopped being Fluttershy like 3 posts ago
Now you're like a changeling or something
boner destroyed
Alright, you dirty mare, I'm going to bite your dock
No, Celestia is looking at that animation error of Rarity's placement.
Fluttershy. You are a dog with a dick.
What if your spaghetti is her fetish?
Woah woah woah

I was interested when you were taking the dominate role and acting all motherly.

This is just weird now.
when I said that my desires were impossible, I meant it

this can only add in sadness
"No" must mean something different in Equestria
It's not because they want to, its because they can.
alright mom guy.
Alright, I want to continue working on Sour Belle but I need a short something to warm up with.

Taking a quick request, something that can be done in 1000 words or less.
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That would be a good thing because I'd drop loads of it.

Though I guess she would find it more endearing than arousing.
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Shaka Shaka Shaka Shaka Shaka
Thunderlane, litter and Cloudchaser preparing Rumble for his first date.
sorry Fluttershy, no one should ever ask me to get weird
Luna needs to burn a lot of incriminating evidence.

Like a LOT of it.
Shining armor training a recruit the art of sword fighting
no, I'm the voreanon
Oh. Honest mistake.
Scratch that.

Dash preparing Scoots for her first date.
>no 1.5
But what the fuck would Dash know about dating?
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>"Shit, I knew I was coming on too strong. The Queen told me to see if I could get the human's love, but its just my first assignment. Look, how about I just do whatever you want? I can't go back empty... she'd kill me."
Sweetie Belle being prepared for her first date by her very proud and not a little bit sentimental big sister.
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I can't not read shake in the voice of that girl in Mischief Makers.
>boys like it when you go fast
Or you can just have Dash and FS with Scoots for extra hilarity.
A story about pony and anon reliving some memories while walking to the bus stop knowing that is may be the last time they see eachother for years or ever.
"You'll write won't you?"
Well for us sex doesn't always mean love, like at all
And somehow you picked the pony I love the least
Do you think you could be Rarity and we can pretend for a while?
What if all she wants is someone to dote on and pour her love onto?
Maybe nothing. I can see potential for fun there.
>"Alright, Scoots, first things first: right off the bat you have to challenge him to a hoof-wrestling contest. Beat him at all costs to establish dominance"
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I'd give the changeling some hugs and love.

Dates a running theme this night or something?

Think I'll go with this one since I'll be writing Sweetie Belle quite a bit later. Now the only real question is, who is her date? Spike? Some other guy? A filly?
>Dash and Scootaloo double date
>Scootaloo is a little awkward
>She's fine with her partner, but Dash's blushing nervousness is a little infectious
Change into the best pony and let me have some nonsexual cuddles
I'll give you a hug, mate.
Don't worry about tomorrow, today has enough troubles of its own.
Keep the date unknown

just focus on pre date antics
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She has experience on that.
I saw that other guy's request with Rumble and thought it would be hella adorable if you wrote both as a kind of back-and-forth, contrasting how the twins and Rarity handled their respective sibling/sibling stand-in going on their first date, with the obvious conclusion being Rumble going on a date with Sweetie.
Pony is sad that she premature ejaculates.
"Guys REALLY like to eat, so you should chow down! Make him feel comfortable, talk with your mouth open!"
the changeling gives you a weird look and then complies

after your done it bites into your neck and sucks your love (soul) out

You die

Good end
Y-you take that back!
I'm the guy who requested the Rumble thing, your idea is exactly the same one I want to write, but with Scoots and Dash instead of Sweetie.
That would be great. I want to be that someone so badly

And now we are also reaching the line where it slowly turns into sadness again because >you will never
I'm not okay with this.
I should have clubbed that changling to death.
>good end
That would be a great idea for a longer fic than I am planning. Noted. May use a different couple, but noted.
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It's not lewd to go fast.
that's not how you get love at all
Pone likes to take things slow.
this is why I only go around in a full suit of armor

good luck biting me!
>scoots not worried about her date
>keeps getting worried that she'll look like a fool on front of dash
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Would you a sad Ponk? Lovingly?
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you'll never get the good end that way, anon
No, because manic pixie girls are poison.
No, but I would console her anyway and tell her it would be alright.
Thanks I guess
Oh man, double pegasuses. That would be cute too.
See if you can beat AASBA to the punch with it!
what's the good end
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>"I can do that! Let's see here..."
>"Why hello darling, it seems like your dick has gotten too big for those pants I've made for you. The way it bulges is unbecoming... but if I was on you, I'd be cumming too. Take them off and let's see if we can make them fit any better."
dying isn't a good end at all
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Zoom zoom motha fucka
Nope, not feeling anything.
How about we just talk, that's how love grows anyway.
>Scootaloo is sweating bullets
>Dash goes to the bathroom or something
>Scootaloo visibly relaxes. Her date realizes Scoots doesn't even care about him and is heartbroken, but doesn't say anything
why is it so much easier to write fanfiction when I've got much more important things that I actually need to write?
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I would attempt to write it but I dont know half of those characters (I dont follow background/OC pones)
You're going to fast!
why do you always find the thing you're looking ofr whenever you're not looking for it?
Look, my fetishes are not love.
You're confusing the two a lot.
Just- just be happy being friendzoned.
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My dream fetish is to be pulled into the air by dozens of tiny fluttershys who whisper sweet nothings into my ear before they drop me 500 feet to my death, laughing the whole time
If that's the case, we're in the same boat
I should really do some of these little fics that people keep doing in the general. Ideally not greentext ones. I always either treat an idea like trash and just halfheartedly greentext, or get so involved I realize there's no way to make it good and trash it
I think if we Pony or Die again I might join
Hey, take it down just a touch.
Just, I dunno, come over here.
I want to hold rarity, maybe do the giggle if you can.

Did you learn how to do this from porn? Like BAD porn?
that's still not a good end
also >not cloudchaser and flitter
GG pls
make Sylvia pon
Can you do one of Sylvia gasping after she found out the egg was okay? That part was so cute.
It's an escape.
Practicing guitar as an escape from everything is all I do anymore.
I practice a lot.
I think freud should take a stab at this one.
... yeah

Now that I stop and think about it that kind of back and forth would work GREAT in art or animation but if it's just in writing it could become far too confusing really quickly.

There is a reason you don't see that kind of cutting between scenes in novels, it just don't work outside of visual mediums.
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Hey guys what's cracken
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She's a very silly pony
Ehhh Tone it down
>changeling doesn't know how to get love
how is it not dead yet
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I was brainstorming the most efficient way to kill a kracken when playing a sorcerer in pathfinder
He's been feeding off the hive.
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did someone say cancer pone
leo is still best horospone
It can feed off of the embarassment others feel for it. It's like living off sugar-free cookies.
why does his buckle say that
you're banned from posting female ponies for an hour
Can you explain to me why it's named that?
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Fluttershy can tame the wildest of beasts.
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Official zodiac horses
nothing to do with buzzwords or diseases at all
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Someone, somewhere decided to name the crab zodiac cancer
Cancer is the latin name for crab. And that's a zodiac pony.
It makes me feel like I really have people who want to talk to me
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That is outrageous!


Cancer pone? Because she is one of the zodiac ponies hasbro put out, representing Cancer
I feel you, sir
Fuck, I'm not feeling it today.

Sorry folks.
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I want to take you to a gay bar!
Never be creative!
If it's anything but lightningspam or an ice-9 spell, you're fired.
Pinkie you aren't any match for him
I don't know if this works in pathfinder like it does in 3.5, but my favorite way to do retarded amounts of damage is to prepare a deck of 52 exploding rune cards (or 104 if 52*6d6 isn't enough and you have enough time to prepare), throw it at your target and intentionally fail to dispel magic in the area

it takes several days to prepare, it's hilariously dangerous to carry around and your DM may not interpret the rules in a favorable manner to allow it, but it's great if it works
Maybe that's her thing?
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Let's begin the Celestia discussion.

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But that's not the best pony

and my cuddles are nonsexual only
What would you do if you had a random BG pony to befriend?
I'm sure artists have off days too.

I'll try again later tonight since that's when I've been doing most of my writing.
your highness, requesting permission to hook Fluttershy in the gabber to express my love
File deleted.
haha oh god
She seems like a pretty neat pony and takes most of her subjects' antics in stride.

Do you think she Knew about what really happened with the Parasprites in Ponyville during her visit?
God fucking damnit when is moot going to fix it
Are you me?
because i have 2 stories im supposed to be working on

and here I sit shitposting on mlp and eating cheetos
ponies blowing their load at the slightest thing is my fetish

I bet someone in /soc/ just got banned
it happens
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qt zibba
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Would you scratch her feathers with the grain or against it?
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She needs a ball of yarn

Wtf is this captcha
never because IT'S GREAT
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First one and then the other.
Only against a little to ruffle them a bit and during preening.
Captcha seems to be trying to do door numbers
Captcha always consist of one actual word and one nonsense word.

If you only fill in the actual word you can put anything for the nonsense word. In your example,
what the fuck?
Google Earth's street view car needs your help deciphering adresses, meatbag
how do you convince your dm that you can actually throw the cards far enough
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I want some art from some of the scenes out of Celestia quest.

Man, those full body hugs would be 2fuckingcute drawn out.

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Anon says over 400 posts into the thread
I want more Rose and Silver.
It'd be great to see Anon actually dropped just a little by Rose at the end after being a jape
>almost 2 hours late
I just got here faggot.
take a deck of cards
rubber band or tape it closed
go outside and see how far down the street you can throw it

now compare your strength to your character's, or give it to a barbarian and tell him to throw it further

you're not throwing one card at a time, that would be stupid
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>>13468030 >>13468058 >>13468075 >>13468109 >>13468112 >>13468254

>"Okay fine, I lied. The Queen didn't send me here... she was going to kill me anyway because I'm a fuck up. Do you know what it's like to try your hardest but even then its not good enough? I was going to get turned into cocoon goo. I thought that... maybe if I could get human love, she'd let me live. Please, I don't want to die... I'm trying the best that I can. Please..."
Hang out with pony and have fun
>tfw just got offered a job

this will cut into my ponying time

what do mlpg
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They're all bretty good horses
Make money
Buy pony plushies
Comission porn
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Apple Bloom just saw your cockathingy

Her eyes got wide and she's blushing

What do you say
>work more
>pony less
>save money
>spend money on smut/plushie commissions
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which pony has the nicest butt for facesitting
>"don't talk about Celestia while I'm gone"
>Celestia talk starts
I hate you guys. Good thing I wasn't tired enough to fall asleep yet.
>tfw you're actually helping Captcha-bot stalk it's ex-girlfriend
Do you wanna touch it?
Have you ever thought about becoming a pony in practice and taking their love ambiently? Just sitting around the Apples Farm would probably do it.
It's simple

just turn into applebloom and let me cuddle you nonsexually

why is this so hard
>implying I am
I enter 99 every time when it gives me numbers
>I want some art from some of the scenes out of Celestia quest.
Which ones?
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Take the job you lucky sonofabitch.
Then you can have friends that also want pony.
Celestia's butt is like a big plush pillow, it's perfect for sitting on the faces of spineless human sexual deviants
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Nope sorry
This one in particular is shit
I assumed you meant flicking all the cards out at once like when you spray a deck of many things at somebody
told you not to eat that whole sandwich
Take the job, anon.
I'd love to have a different job right now.
See, you're trying for sympathy right now, not love. Maybe try not lying constantly? Being a likeable person?
she turns around and you see her nethers fairly rippling with need

she asks if it's safe yet
Yeah yeah, sure. And I'll keep you safe from overzealous ponies.
Google street car needs your help~
It can't read street numbers or letters
i think we can do it
but we need to work together~
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The ending scene would be a good one. The one where she grabs you and rolls onto her back to give you a close hug with all four of her limbs and both wings.
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So "all of them are pretty shit"?

That's a very negative way of viewing the totally fictional world.

why haven't you killed yourself yet
I will see what I can do
Though I suck at humans so it might take a while
The scene with her on the scale while it's moving up and anon's is going down.
The "how could you?" scene
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Why doesn't pony have big thighs?
Just her crying openly, clasping Anon to her chest would be pretty amazing
I guess you could if you really wanted, but the whole point is that you're carrying around a magic grenade that can do (on average) a thousand points of force damage with no save (if you can it next to your target)

the other thing is that your DM has to allow you to intentionally fail a dispel magic on the area

when I explained it to my DM it all sounded very reasonable so he allowed it, but I don't remember exactly what I said
>fluttershy with braids
Oh god I'm die

the cute is too much
I'm more of a belly and tits guy
Alright, alright. Take your time, man. Thanks.

And this one right here, in case anyone is wondering what I'm talking about.

The roar of a gallop born of fire fills the hallways, echoing throughout the entire castle. The guards on your run, fearing the wrath of that thunderous mare bearing down on you. The second you're free, you break into a sprint right toward Celestia. The collision is one-sided, Celestia gathering much more momentum than you, and she takes you to the ground in an overwhelming hug. When holding you in her forelegs isn't enough, she rolls over onto her back, grabbing you with hindlegs and wings as well.
I already get sad just from reading that line again - I'm not sure if I want to or can draw that
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more pls
i even used less tildes but i'm still hated
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Pony's thighs are fine.
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oh yes, this
my heart won't be able to take it
I have the vision of what a simple coloured drawing of it would look like, but I haven't drawn anything since grade school and am confident I wouldn't be able to.
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>celestiaquest discussion
I liked the nickname the 'traveler' gave her.
Snow White.
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I don't have very many, but
She looks nice in a bun too
Where's Twily dreaming a dream?
Is she mad that we're touching the inside of her thigh or that we're moving away from it?
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>mlp giving Hasbro half of it's total revenue
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Do it.

Our feels will never be the same.
>tfw I suggested it
oh fuck
But its hard to draw when you can't see anything through the tears
Pony's thighs need more softness.
To squish, you see.
too bad they're cancelling the show after season 4
-Anonymous, 2013
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What about when it does 2 of those?
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Shh, it's okay.
Draw through the pain, draw through the pain...
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I like them firm, anon.
hasbro getting paid.

>implying they aren't planning a sequel series
There are things in this world that must be done. The ones that evoke the strongest emotions are worth it.
They're going to run the show into the fucking ground.
You know what happens to cash cows like this.

>you will never wait out a storm alone with your waifu in a lighthouse
It happens pretty often. I was the Anon who wrote on /r9k/ about how full of hot air Gary Wilson (the nofap guy) is, and it got posted here on the General near-instantly.

There's no escaping.
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Of course, they've proven over and over they're fucking incompetent and the guys making the toys are either chinese kids or old fuckers from g1 with the company version of tenure.
I will give it a try but no promises.
name a colt, any colt
Pfffffftthahahaaa. It's totally accurate.

Fair enough.
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>implying it's not going another three seasons at minimum
Huh. I thought Transformers was bigger.

R63 Applebloom
All the real colts kinda suck
shining armor
yes please
model 1903 pocket hammerless
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Remember when mentioning > shipping would light this place up like a Roman Candle?
All I can think of is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz5BU44_h74
It will be okay
You could make the picture close to anon's perspective looking up at the scale that has Celestia on it while she looks down at him.
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does that girl yelling have a dick?

i am going to need source on this artist if you have it.
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oh you
This contract is sealed

Best colt, hands down.
is this like the official mlpg tripfag reaction image?
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>all those terrible ships
She keeps sprouting legos!
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Yeah, that sounds about right
You pressed the button...
Do you know what you've done!?
a "fart?"
w-what's happening to markerita
To be fair she didn't try pissing on it first.
I can't fap when my cat is sleeping on my desk
Daily dose
>Inky voice anon will never record new voraroos
Pretend it's pone
boop forever
boopin' free
let's boop together
you and me
Pet your pussy, he/she is saving you from yourself.
Does your cat hiss at your penis to?
thanks guy
Best colt of all colts.
Is Marker Pony flashing because she booped too hard?
Truffle Shuffle is best colt
which oc is that?
whoa that is a little too extreme for me

fucking newfags
>neither will babycakesanon

>this will never stop being funny
> not just putting the cat outside the room
You're its owner. Fucking handle it.
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post the first one
still the best
i'm ded
But that's Teacher's Pet.

You were talking about...Truffle Shuffle?
>Anon stop staring at my butt or I'll drop you.
don't have it, unfortunately
Drop me and ride me?
NERF Tv show when?
I've made my choice
anon pls
Same shit different name.
Or do you call Cloudchaser Stormwalker?
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Sometimes Slipshine artists reblog their work on Tumblr. It's really crazy hyper-elephantitis stuff half the time. Kind of hard to get into.
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yes, because Stormwalker is a fucking awesome name
But nothing has ever called him "Truffle Shuffle"
>teachers pet
Never heard that one
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You must live.
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>Anon, are you staring at my butt again?
>Let me just shift a little...there. Can you get a better look now?

I can see her doing this in public to embarrass you for staring, actually. It seems like something she'd do.
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it's from the gameloft game

why can't you guys just accept that it's possible for a pony to have more than one name

it's happened in canon
it really shouldn't be that big of a deal
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i didnt realize this guy visited mlpg
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>"I can do apple pony! I saw her at the market!"
>"Well howdy there mister human alien sir, would you like an apple? How about my apple pie? You know, because... uh, apple... sex... do you like my bow? Would you like to pull on it? I'll moan in this cute little voice for you."
Have you seen the girls nerf crap yet?
not really
stop projecting your fetishes you retard
[sweating intensifies]
ew gross
Look, look, let's just start slow. How about you tell me your name?
Isn't she a bit of a prankster in the show? A subtle prankster.
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>she's pushing this
AGAIN with the sex=love confusion.
You're not a very bright changling.
That said, the moaning sounds adorable.
Ehhhhh no. How about we do something in your ball park maybe...Chrysalis?
In-character she'd not be interested if you accidentally or "accidentally" shot a look, probably giving you a look that says she likes her body but not yours, not like that.

But don't leer, that's really rude
nothing about this is good, at all
that doesn't really sound like her at all
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I can almost see it
Not in public, or at least not so overtly

>standing behind Celestia at some event
>"Oh, I'm sorry, were you having trouble seeing?"
>hikes her ass a little higher
yea I have.
do you think japan is full of nezumi clones? like how we have atryl clones here.

and they all point it out and discuss it and greentxt at each other about it
>Spike and Angel set out to kill Pony Justin Bieber.

What happens?
How many Pinkie Pies have you murdered today?
Ah! I wanna taste a ponut~
I wish I could into moonrunes
would you seriously see her doing this? like, at all?
Dr. Comet clones.
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If she liked to tease you in particular, sure.
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why dont we go to the queen and i give her my love personally?

you'd get a PRRRRRRRRROMOTION that way probably
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This I can see. Just for that extra embarrassment and "yes, I caught you staring" factor.
Ponies don't seem to listen to music often in their day to day lives.
I don't think they have something akin to pop music as a result.
That said, their music does sound like pop music because that's what the staff feels will appeal to the greatest number.
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Promotion? What for?
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It fits her character a bit

Doesn't fit the show at all, obviously
But in a universe where such things were undestood, and assuming she knew you well enough/knew you were attracted to her
It wouldn't come out of the blue, and she wouldn't be at all malicious about it, but she is a bit of a kidder.
you let this happen. you are all responsible for this.

when has she ever intentionally done a prank?
cuddles =/= love

you're getting this as confused as he is

what are you, a changeling?
fuck you, I didn't show up until the end of s2
I'm not taking the blame for this
Watch the show anon
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for getting fresh love for the queen?

wasn't that its purpose?
the episode with Fluttershy's stupid bird adventure
That's a name I haven't heard for a while
He gives me the cuddles, I'll give him the love afterwords

I shouldn't want to do this.
It is when there's a movie out.
The tea comes to mind. It's not Trollestia stuff, but it proves she's not above the occasional joke with her subjects.
anon that's just using him for sex
I want my non sexual applebloom cuddles damnit

I don't care what the price is
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>still waiting for scraps of season 4
>not getting hyped for season 2 of the best cartoon of the year

but when?

the only time i could see it was in fpk,

do you really think she planned that?

best night ever? i guess. and she didn't plan on it going like it did.
a bird in the bush
I still need to watch all of avatar first
Most ponies probably think of you as pretty odd, unaware what body language signifies what and how to be polite in personal space and the like.

> Humans always stand, like, THREE FEET away all the time! They didn't even do a group-hug or looped their neck or arm around my neck when he came back to town and I said I missed him!
> He does this weird thing with his hands coming together with the flats coming together. It's REALLY loud.
combine >>13469105 and >>13469101 and go watch the show you dorklord
____no unf____
/co/, i implore you...
>ponies assume you're asexual because you never stand close to them
holy shit, just go to the aie threads
they would fucking love you and any stupid shit you say
Too many
The first seems strange, why wouldn't you give a friend who missed you a hug?

Second's great, though.
Korra is ok.
When does it air, holy fuck it has been so long.
but ponies clap and applaud too
clapping is the weirdest human shit
Korra a shit
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Not as good as Avatar: The Last Airbender but still good.

Hopefully no love triangle bullshit.
Didn't they say they would focus on the romance this time around?
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>>13468949 >>13468950 >>13468972 >>13468973 >>13469051 >>13469075
>"Oh no, I could never imitate the Queen. She's too perfect and strong. It would be an insult to everything she is. I'm sorry, I've... never been outside of the hive. I'm not even important enough to have a name. All I know are stories the others have told me. I'm doing everything they said... am I really that bad?"
Yeah but it probably sounds different, sort of like the coconut scene in Monty Python. Like furious clop-clop noises. In large crowd scenes they seem to prefer stomping. Maybe the best example of a pony clap is also pretty reserved - Twilight bringing her front hooves together during the Sleepover.

Ours probably sound like wet steaks hitting each other. Really hard.
I remember a lot of talk after the end of S1 that there would be even more.
I hope they were wrong.
The showrunners have a lot of fun trolling the fanbase.
>size difference tag to click on
I guess I'm spending the next few minutes being disappointed in porn quality
kissing babies, servicing whales...you're on your way kid.
if you dig up anything good you should start a thread on /unf/
What you need to do is research my changeling chum.
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I'd think she'd be "innocent" about the whole thing.
>"Is there something on my butt? You keep looking at it. Could you get it for me?"
I am giving you the most straightforward instructions with clear terms, you were close last time but too much sexual

I will give you the love you need once you do this

How much time did it take you to write and post that instead of scrolling or not reading things you don't like?
Does anybody have the leg slide screen cap/gif from EG? From the Cafeteria song?
Well you're going for skimming others' love.
The real good stuff either comes from wholesale replacement of the pony or making someone fall in love with you-you.
Remember Canterlot? For a week or so, Chrysalis WAS Cadance.
Can I feel your wings?
I would vote purple pone into office
Anon. Don't respond.
You're not supposed to respond.
We need to not do this again.
That's nocapsanon, it's guaranteed bait.
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>tfw pone yearbook
>tfw cadence most likely to succeed
>tfw in your high school you didn't even have your photo in the yearbook cause you didnt show up for picture day
>tfw the ultimate looser.
Sometimes i wish i could die and start over as someone else.
if the scene kept zooming in slowly while they were dancing, it would be a perfect nightmare sequence
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who says you can't?
Do you have a still of just the part with the leg outstretched?

I need it for... reasons
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Celestia would be funnest pone. And princess.
I giggled
>that Thunderlane

What the hell are Shiny's legs doing?
I never really gave a fuck about yearbooks.
Applejack's trademark pose, but he has to lean against a tree to pull it off
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post artists you look to for inspiration
i warn you Anon, you know not what you do
Thunderlane thinks he's an anime
I think I do

over the line, they made him too much of a loser
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What reasons?
>"Who did I do this for hey, you or me?"
>cadance was a princess even before highschool
>voted most likely to succeed

no fuckken shit
>dat shit eating grin sweet cream face
>that emo thunderlane style
>dat loooong lyra mane
my sides
Something makes me feel like she'd rather just be Cadence for her yearbook.
Having her full name there just seems like she's raising herself above them.
Yeah, Luna would still play "jokes", but she doesn't seem to fully understand humour so what's funny to her might be horrifying or possibly even painful to you.
Not intentionally, just accidentally.
Wait, what
>Braeburn is in there, half cut out
Did everyone go to the same highschool or something
I'm gathering all the hidden "unf" moments from that scene into a single folder. This is the last one I was missing.

Mostly as a novelty and to confuse boners with.
>that Lyra
>that Minuette

These are all great, holy shit.
Shes not in yearbook club so she didnt get to put the name down. That being said, shes a fucking princess/alicorn. Royalty is royalty. Hell when englands kid was born for a week straight it was nothing but news about his glorious birth, like everyone else is just gutter trash in comparison.
"I missed you" doesn't spell out "I want a hug," and if you didn't grow up in a culture where that's the expected greeting you might just say, "Oh yeah, I missed you too!" and ask how things went while you were gone.

> Anon literally comes across as a sperglord in Equestria
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>that glasses mare in starwars shirt with cool hair

welcome to the waifu herd
Gosh I really like lyra's mane

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lyra best hair
>still not as many replies as Tex

I'll never have that many replies.
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That would also be adorable. Celestia is subtle and Luna is brash.
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>tfw dropped out because I was shit at all my classes
>tfw watching my friend graduate and go to college
pony butts
oozing human dicks
winking marevag
>implying they give a shit about continuity
Isn't that cook's ponysona?
Makes sense
I always thought of her as a little older than Twilight and them

Although she was in that thing Rarity made costumes for to get her cutiemark
> She makes someone's sheets haunted, wrapping them up and belting Huey Lewis and the News
> That's not really "funny" at 3am, more like "oh god where are my heart pills"

so now we can safely say the comic breaks canon and everything is separate now
Oh EM GEE look at Minuette....she's a cutie booty
taint fair
Would you quit shitposting.
>Shes not in yearbook club
Good point. No way any of them would want to somehow offend her by not giving her her full name in there if she's a princess, so I guess that makes a bit more sense.
i sure as hell hope not
the covers are not nescesarily canon
>Sweetcream was always a ho
>Caramel was a hippie
>Thunderlane was a neeeeerd
>Lyra had fluffy hair but was otherwise just as cute

The comics were never going to be canon to the show to begin with.
>for a spooky nightmare night prank she makes a skeleton pop out
>your skeleton
>pops out of your body
>in her defense the dance routine she made it do was kind of neat
>tfw watching friends drop off and turn into losers
>tfw try to help them but all they do is smoke and play video games
>tfw leaving everyone behind
Which pony would you go to the Taint Fair with?
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Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
>Caramel rocking the pedo stache

top fucking lel
Even they have girlfriends, what's your excuse?
Yeah, they're mostly gags.
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is there any other choice?
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Yep, sounds like Lyra.
it is. the one on the left is Price's ponysone.
the nerds keep trying to say it is. even though the people in charge of canon never said it was.
If you only think women are important in any way, shape or form then you're going to end up as trailer trash.
Sorry to tell you, but it is
did you mean to post a picture?
What an excitable, happy pony. I want her to bounce up and down like that on my penis.
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>sunshet shimmer meat suit
>not just a little "off", completely fucked in the head
>meat and murder canon

holy shit.
No? Just look at the cover. If you see a pony with Batman's symbol, it's Price.
No they don't. The only one who had a girlfriend was too much of a loser to work hard. They were going to go to Yale together.
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i can't handle all these broken dreams
I thought that was supposed to be his mouth, and they just didn't color it like the rest of them
A mustache makes more sense

I mean, if I looked that feminine I'd rock the trap thing so hard, but if he wants to fight it that's fine
>fanart is canon

I'd totally that Lady Gaga pone though.
I eat that pony with light seasonings.
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Fulfilling the basic human need of companionship makes you trailer trash?
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>pinkie coming to terms that shes overweight
Justice is swift in Equestria
But that's just fanart AND those casings look pretty loose.
oh i thought you had a picture for proof instead of just telling me to believe you.

its too hard to tell rusing from real these days so i need some evidence first.
God, I can't fucking wait for this. Slice of life > Adventure shit
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>"But the ones with the most love always have lots of sex. I just want to give the most I can to our Queen. It looks like my best... wasn't good enough. Maybe as goo I'd be of more use... wait, what about my wings?"
> meat
> murder
Wait no
Those are turkey legs, chicken wings, sausage and lamb chops
None of which have been shown as sentient on the show
Maybe if you ask nicely you'll get a pet pony for Christmas
dammit, this changeling has problems
Real adventure shit > Slice of life > hasbros idea of Adventure shit
>you will never be lonelyanon's christmas pony
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A real pony?
Feeling Pinkie Keen had a perfect mix of both.
le taken out of perspective
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your wings are pretty
Every time I'm like "Yeah, time to start writing that Rarijack fic!" I hit refresh and then I get caught up in conversations with you assholes.

fuck off homo, take your faggot shit to the sub
>not sentient
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>that feel
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and nothing of value was lost
Never be creative!
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>french ponk
I hope she speaks fancy in the comic.
You have to walk before you run. And that involves research ever thought of reading some books on acting and love itself?
It's literally a need, there's endless scientific literature showing that people who aren't capable of forming intimate relationships have severely affected physical and mental health functioning.
> implying they talk on the show
We haven't seen that just yet
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I could love you if you just be yourself, little changeling And also have a huge dick. Do you have a huge dick?
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>fluttershy becomes a huge party pone after getting drunk
>all that frustation she hides underneath
>wanting this
i was about to say they have, but then i remembered i was thinking of FiW
Haha well I know everyone wanted me to be at this party but it turns out something came up at the last minute.
pinkie pie
that feel when can't hold a friend for over a year
Uh huh.
>focusing your entire life around women
And it goes from a need to a toxic poison.
Anon don't mess this up. We're trying to help this changeling and teach him
I never understood why that tumblr piece was at the top. It isn't needed and adds nothing.
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>tfw comic is trying to mirror pone world not a perfect happy pone land but instead a human world mirror


Son of a bitch
yea they take things too far sometimes. Just consider it fanon
We know pony's world isn't perfect or happy at all though.
Problems are just much simpler than the human world.
Ponies are assholes
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just for you
>earth pony
>bullying a unicorn

yeah, let me just yank your guts out of your mouth with magic. See how you like that
let's see how good you are at magic when your skull is caved in with a hoof to the face

And shit, it's not like anyone actually cares about consistency in FIM.
I don't think they can, that'd be too OP.
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Gonna draw a bit if you guys want to come in
As they always have.
Life goes on.
>thinking they are not
keep living in denial brony
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How is that taking it too far?
It's not like they're taking it to suicide from depression from bullying or anything.
The entire thing is basically an excuse to revisit 80s sitcoms.
They're flying away with an idea that isn't theirs.
It works like this

Show > Comics
Comics > Comics
Comics >/ Show
Anon, they're canon.
We know that.
Let the baiters be wrong, there's only two of them anyway.
Time to invade

Thanks pony Obama
Pony should pony pony.

Screw you Celestia.
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don't forget that
merchandise > show
because the show only exists to push toys
but I can stop your hoof with magic

because its fucking magic
>MLP and LPS are tied as the most watched shows on the hub

oh boy, as if the overlap wasn't annoying enough
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I'm burnt out on ponies, can't sexual to them anymore.
I can't watch now though.
Maybe next time.
oh my god that dress is so fucking cute
I love it when pank gets all 18th century
Show = word of god (current staff) > The good Comics > word of god (staff no longer active) > books >the shit comics that we laugh at for poor production values
Thankfully, where we are now we don't see much of the overlap.
I haven't watched the Hub much since Dan Vs. S3 ended.
probably because that's the wrong pony
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so what, you're gonna sexual to humans or something?
>taking word of god as canon
get bent
We can work together to help Twilight Sparkle win the crown!
Except... the entire thing is so completely locked down by Hasbro that they can barely breath without Hasbro approval?
Christ, it's not like they're handing off the license to artists/writers and telling them to go hog wild for the official series, they're working closely together on the shit.
I still haven't watched EqG.
Don't plan to either.
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Maybe, preferably humans with pretty feet
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