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I'm currently holding an impromptu, livestreamed PMQ/Q&A session.
Tune in here, and be sure to subscribe. To ask a question or participate in the discussion, use this thread.

This one will be quite a bit different because I'll be giving audio responses to questions posted in the thread. It should enable me to answer more questions, more quickly, and not skip over questions that would require a long written response. If it goes well, we'll probably switch over to this format for the future, and it'll also be a good opportunity to trial Hangouts on Air/YouTube Live for our upcoming 4chan panel livestream.

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Late Night Movie throd
Post your movie horses here.

Old apple thread:
Rarity's bdsm dungoen confirmed.
Nice S4 appearances you got there Babs.
>Rarity's evil p
"MLPG and Steamchat is like a bunch of grown masterbating while crying uncontrolably" - Steamchat, 2013
>You decide you might as well
>You never really liked your body anyway
>And you couldn't imagine a life without Celestia any more
>You get a kick out of everyone marvelling that Celestia got even taller

>One night she lets you in on something that she read about hundreds of years ago
>A powerful spell that allows two minds to become one

Do you do it?
I can control it just fine.
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Pony is ready for your money shot.
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4chan, I never know when you're going to chop off my filenames.
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>Implying I'd ever cum on a ponies face when cumming inside is such a superior option
I miss these voice commands.
What show is this?

From what I've seen, it is exactly the kind of thing I would be interested in.
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Why is she so perfect /co/?
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What did the doctor say, Applejack?
Shame the game was pay to win. Goes to show that one stupid decision can kill an otherwise solid game.
ur a faget
Well it's actually a strap-on but the fillies don't know that
It's evil because it was made from Sombra's horn which was found by some random pony. So his spirit in in there.
So the moemnt Rarity used it the first time Sombra slowly started to corrupt the her. Then he made Rarity go for Twilight since she is an alicorn princess and the element of magic so the best suited for fixing this rather scandalous and unfitting situation for a king.

But he needs to be in contact with her to have control. That's also Rarity hasn't unmounted Twilight for like 4 days and why both their eyes green. And why their voices changed.
Wasn't listening, I just can't stop thinking about donkey cock.
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Good night, and have a great day.
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Any game that is free to play is usually pay to win. I would of rather had it that you had to buy the game.
>tfw every one of the FPS games I've played for a long amount of time had memorable voice commands

I wonder if its just a coincidence or something mental.
Sleeptight. Hope I see you tomorrow!
its apples

You're pregnant Apple Bloom.
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I'm setting them up, be patient, Anon. Also www.livestream.com/ramirezstreameverything is streaming a movie if you want to watch that.

You can have a pony. Any you want in the whole wide world. You can go to Equestria too, if that is your wish.

But first you must kill Superman and bring me his body
unf unf unf unf unf unf unf
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i wish i could write as well as aspirant or smutanon, or at least stephanie meyer

hell, if i get real desperate, chistery
Hmmm, she could stand to be more blue in my opinion.
I dont want samurai!

Ok I'll take samurai....
No, it's a bull elephant.
>fighting monsters in a giant Applejack
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There's a script for embedded sounds.
You know I should have expected that response. I mean this is MLPG.

But honestly I just wanted to be ridiculous.
I really hope your joking.
It's because she's so imperfect.
It wasn't going to be EqG, haven't decided which to stram yet.
He died in like 2004 anon. His wife died 2 years later.
They should work on a FiM that isn't EG, should one of the characters turn evil, or die?
Then how'd he break Zod's neck a month ago?
/co/ a shit, just like that winged cat a shit.
That's not my superman that I love
That was Murderman, common misconception.
I thought it might have been
it was a tongue in cheek unf(s), I just wanted to react in a silly way.
but really corruption is hot as fuck
I want something real time that doesn't need images
I can't wait to see where this goes next

goodnight guys

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Mediocre Writefag reporting in
Lightning round
Third prompt gets the story
Anyone interested?
Image unrelated
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Have you revved up your Rarararr today?
Have it
Now take me to Equestria
>Last child
There's plenty of kryptonians left, hell braniac has an entire city of them shrunk down to fun size.
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Come to think of it, why is there such little Twilight as a mad genius?
Anon and Rarity celebrating new years eve
Fluttershy offering herself up to a colt.
Fillyshy and fillydash kissing.
Anon eating your least favorite pony

That's a relief.

How about... Trixie's "reformed" magic show
It's a very difficult trope to get right
Because it doesn't really fit her unless you go out of character.
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I want to thank you for this, and everything else you have done here.
Rarity's strap on requires a kick start.

Someone hasn't read "Frankenstein".
And by that I mean the actual novel, not the cheap imitation of a regurgitated history they show nowadays. Talk about a butchered tale.
Anon, you may be confusing Superman with Mister Rogers. He died in 2003 from stomach cancer.

I still celebrate his birthday because he seems like a really fantastic guy who empowered children and never used his powers of persuasion to put someone down.


I'm not kidding, it's worth it
Ok fine

Well, it's a challenge. I'm going with this. Thank you, Anon.
I dont like stories written out as past tense letters
Oh, the novel was a really gripping tale.
Pony wants to tell you how to fuck another mare and call you a good boy as you orgasm inside her.
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Here you are. I'm off to Equestria now
does she have a willing volunteer?
can I get some stallion time if I to a good job?
I loved that as a kid, including the Wishbone adaptation. People think it stops at "Scientist perverts nature, everyone suffers." Really it's about the monster/creation struggling to survive in a world he was never meant for AND the scientist's regret.

I avoided Spike as Igor because it plays a bit close to type.
Victor was such a retard. "I'll be with you on your wedding" night.
Of course he planned to kill Elizabeth, you fucking moron.
Do that with Rarity and Twilight and you have my vote for president
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Will pony touch the other mare while I do it?
That's my fetish
I'm not so sure. She's adventurous and a careful researcher, and it's not like Frankenstein just said "Fuck it, we're doing 11 blades." He thought it was legitimate research. It just went amok.
He wasn't very clever in the rest of the story either
cute please
no porn
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Yes, pony will watch and coach you two.
the way I see it? The cake is very much alive.

And it yearns to be eaten.
Dude they're like eight and ten. Don't worry.
Can I kiss pony?
Is it Celestia?
Look if you are going to be obtuse I'm just going to send you to a previous generation or something
i don't know why, but mami as green strikes me as odd
maybe kyouko or homu?
What happens to an alicorn when their power becomes unstable?
You said you want the head of the current green lantern correct? In exchange for that you send me to Equestria correct?
It fits your re-imagined Twilight Sparkle you've been writing, but it's not really a good fit to the pony on the show. Even in Feeling Pinkie Keen, the closest she came, she was more apt to stop pushing the boundaries of testing.
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they go on time-out until they get it together
If you are a good boy and do what she says.
Which pony? The coach or the one you are fucking?
The coach.

Bump off any super hero, really

But like a decent one. A c lister at a minimum
I dunno, I could see Mami as green falling into yellow.
>Celestia coaching you while you're fucking young Celestia
>young Celestia helping you satisfy old Celestia
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Homu has more of a chance than Kyouko
oh my god why did that make me boner
Okay great news
They don't exist in this world. So bringing their head to you means bringing nothing to you. And I just did that. I gave you nothing. So now send me to Equestria. And guess what Equestria is the FiM land. None of the previous gens
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pony is for kisses and cuddles
I have EQG of my DVR if you want to watch.
I got some popcorn.
Man, Applejack sucks at kissing.
Why is pony such a good kisser?
I would honestly rather watch any of the previous gen movies then EQG
You want G3.5 movies?
Your funeral
After seeing her response to having no Letter to Celestia, she seems to take some desperate measures in some circumstance.

Taken to a precipice she'd probably do something others find a little crazy, inclduing putting a pumping heart in a cake knowing a certain Mightmare Night Maid of Honor would bite into it if she thought making "the perfect gag" would be worth the effort.

It implies some back story for a 3000-character story but I don't think the person we've seen on the show isn't prone to doing something disturbing or unethical to reach goals.

Home of the best bad guy ever.
>e621anon will never share his favorites
My Little Pony: The Movie is actually pretty decent for an 80's animated flick.
But that was mainly because it was Celestia. So unless the entire thing is for doing one of Celestia's tasks it won't really fit.
Fluttershy would be the best kisser in general
She wouldn't be as skillful as Rarity with tongue but she'd give you short little passionate pecks on the lips
So which is it?

Maybe she isn't really in to it unless shes kissing you
>defeated by G1 ponies
He doesn't even deserve the title of bad guy.
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Babs is best pony
Evens: Write fapfic
Odds: Watch TV
Dubs: Video games
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>Write well

Just practice and you'll get the hang of it.
I think the fear of not rising to expectations from Celestia or more globally could push her to do some pretty terrible things, but maybe less after her lesson with the Gotta Have It Spell.
What fapfic
Tirek was dark as shit.
Applejack just doesn't like PDA, at all, especially when it's a taboo thing like that.
Anon hatefucking Twilight and calling her a worthless piece of shit
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what kind of fapfic?
Scootaloo superior filly, babs is only slightly better tan Sweetie Belle.
And then cuddling after she's treated all the cuts and nicks
>not calling her a fuckin nerd
Slightly better than, or a slightly better tan Sweetie?

The world may never know.
A simple one to actually put something up on my fimfiction instead of just doing ERP stuff in MLPG.
please no
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>Better than any filly or colt
This is what anonymous actually believes
He could murder ponies left and right but the moment he's defeated by G1 ponies, which are some of the most incompetent creatures that exist just show how nonthreatening he is
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Would you tempt her wrath?
Fluttershy would be a terrible kisser. You lean in for it and she shirks away at the last moments every time, so you end up just giving her little nose smooches

Twilight we also be bad. A couple of years ago she didnt even have friends

>they don't exist
faggot, they exist in comic books. literally. you should have cut the head off a page.

i'll be in equestria if you need me
Twilightrape is best rape
link to fimfiction?
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Write something and have people critique it. Gotta start somewhere.
But I just want to cuddle
>but dont touch

I'm sticking my face in there
why would she volunteer to be a pillow if she wasn't asking for it
>Get fed up
>Throw Fluttershy onto the bed
>Kiss her with everything you've got
>After a few seconds she melts into you
Here lies Anon.
He never scored.
The trick is to make her think the sex is her idea.
A no just means massage shoulders and ask again in 5 minutes.
There's nothing there. I'll link it when done. Don't hold your breath, no estimated time to completion.
Or her fault

"Look at what you've done? This will never go down"
How can anyone have such tertrible taste? Fucking rigged polls shitting up the board.
I got a movie to stram.
Streaming Chinatown, an awesome film from 1974:

>she starts to write
>kicks you in the gut
Forget it Jake, it's MLPG.
>she just magics it down
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Say no to this face. I fucking dare you.
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I blame the weebronies.
Pic unrelated.
too late
I took a deep breath and I'm not letting it out until it's done
That was neat do it again!
She makes it go up and down.
forget this, I'm gonna go hang out with chrysalis
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I feel like drawing something before I go to bed.

Something Filly Scouts, maybe.
That tumblr hasn't updated in a month. Answer the mailbox.
The clammy cool of the concession stand's wall was soothing. Fluttershy had low expectations for the Orientation Day at camp but somehow it'd turned out worse than expected. The proctor's accidental emphasis "FLUTTERshy" elicited pantomimes of weak, feeble insects in spiraling death, then worse. One brown colt with a football Mark was particularly good at the exploding sounds.

Fluttershy made herself as small as possible in the shade of the building. Everything smelled of French fries and she prayed for a doctor's note home.

Sounds of chattering, the fluttering of eager young wings - laughter, probably directed at her - echoed through the staging area. She heard a few things about Ms Keene's class, a stern reminder she was placed in First Form classes, not Third as her age suggested. Talk of First Form art class made her draw yellow yearling legs even tighter.

At least it was lunch. She hadn't paid attention; not like she hadn't two years' orientations before.
One of them clinging to a computer playing cookie clicker while all the others try to drag her outside

It's actually B, isn't it?
draw a pony
zebra pony using arcane sugar to make zebra cookies
As much as that's a dig, I'm reminded how much money Meyer made from that series.
Wait a second, what's the white block to the right of D?
What about the goat dude?
>zigger name in cursive
C'mon, ziggers can't read or write cursive.
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oh yes
Berry Munch eating the cookies they were supposed to sell.
I could use some more a somoa
Berry Munch selling the cookies they were supposed to eat

Working a "real" job makes that a bit difficult to do and keep the level of quality I wanted to have for the updates.

I've been tempted to put out a poll or something asking if anyone who actually follows it would mind a dip in quality if it meant updates coming more regularly.
WTF is it with you people and zebras?
>tfw no interplanetary traveling companion with a big butt
Lots of sketches > A few finished works
I haven't seen that one.

If he was still defeated by the G1 ponies and their friends that were as idiotic as the ponies it's the same thing.
If he was defeated by something that had intelligence than maybe he can be threatening.
why so racis anon
No, it isn't, because if it was the odds would be 1 in 4 because b is one of four choices.
>Her wings flare out beneath her, spreading across the bed as you press her deeper into the mattress, face pressed firm against hers as you hungrily kiss her lips.
>You break your pace to catch your breath, and she puts a hoof against your chest gently, stopping you from moving back in immediately.
>She's panting heavily, and the look in her eyes says she wants to continue, but...
>"L-let me....be...uh.."
>She swallows hard before pushing you backwards, off of her, before rocking forward with the momentum to put herself on your lap, front hooves on your chest as she whispers,
>"O-on top."

Alright, I started you up, get goin.
Lots of cum and jungle fever.
Most Ziggers don'e end up in scouts either.
She speaks without an accent, yet can on the fly speak in perfect Zebrish.
Sadly, the only zebra beyond her parents she can speak it with is Zecora.

And like hell the scout leader is going there if she can help it.

Samoa once convinced her to take the troop there, never again.
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She is so pretty
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There is no answer to this question.

Reading headcanons from other people about my own characters will never not fascinate me.
Which is the one that went "Oh my stars!"
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Nigga, Grogar was a monster.
Her voice is too black. All I hear is the gargling of purple drank as she tries to perform freestyle rap about drugs while pieces of watermelon fall out.
Give me three reasons not to cuddle a zebra
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That'd be Savannah.
>There will never be an episode where Trixie and Zecora have a rap battle
She sounds African
She doesn't sound like a nigger
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Making shit up off the top of my head about characters I only know images of is a hobby of mine.
I miss thsi tumblr

It was good
I can't
Pony aids.
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There is a new pony creator version.
I wished I knew someone who would say that
She heard a coughing and some gagging. A younger filly had wandered behind the stand, spitting out a bright green ball. There were tears in her eyes.

She said nothing, waiting for the coughing to subside. There was some wheezing. She waited longer. She finally piped, "Are you okay?"

Rosy, watery eyes turned to her. The blue filly gruffed, "Y-yeah. Sour Bomb. Couldn't quite make a bet." She hacked, maybe out of habit. "Lost two bits."

Fluttershy pointed to a fountain and caught a blue blur and noisy slurping. "You're fast!"

The girl beamed mid-stream. Raising her head from the fountain, "The fastest there is!"

Fluttershy couldn't help but smile. First Years were spunky. This one was even precocious. "I bet," she murred.

Dash glid down with some pomp, preening, "You should."

Fluttershy felt a bit lighter in the hooves. This girl was infectious.

"The name's Dash. RAINBOW Dash," boasted the scruffy blue filly. Her hoof stretched out.

They shook. Hard.
because im already cuddling them
So blue.
So rainbow.
So perfect.
Are there pony cuddling transmitted diseases?
Oh hello /b/
Fancy seeing you here of all places.

See, this is /co/
I forgot you knew how to read 'the pretty picture books!'
>Mordecai replaces Bloodwing with RD
Artist is on a break being a mad SJW.
Such is the fate of all tumblrcunts.
>His alcoholism increases ten fold.
Fact: 3/5 zebras are unaware that they have pony aids.
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I like this horse.
This horse is my favorite horse.
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pony heads are strangely impossible
You are a terrible person, anon.
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Why is she so purple, /co/?
No I'm not, you're a terrible person.
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thats a pretty good horse there
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but that picture is out of date
That horse is ok

The horse behind her is my favorite
Prove it.
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They don't work in 3D because the 2D animators cheat with placement of features.
Yes, the pink one is nice but all that purple is ruining the picture.
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>It looks like this artist crossed a few lines in his cast.
>Yeah he crossed a few, but he sure did crease even more!
after looking at pictures of panka and twily on google, i came to that realization

which is why i grabbed my derpy vinyl
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Go grow another set of princess wings you fucking fat piece of shit.
You forgot a comma between Beauty and and.
Stupidity, Arrogance and Terrible Fans.gif
But that 3D model is amazing
I hate that Twilight has Luna's ugly wings
Get out of here, oxford.
>tfw Oxford comma is dead
>didnt even know it had a name until after it died

Feels bad man
fuck your oxford comma
>Grab Derpy vinyl.
>Eventual snowball.
>Own even more vinyls.
Better than having Cadence's wings at least.
it is

but it's probably fan-made
That's the best I can find but even then it dips into the uncanny valley.
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>luna's wings
it started with the doctor
then the derpy

but that's it
Luna is best pony princess, prove me wrong.
You can't.
I use it
Not using one is so ambiguous
yeah she was in desperate straits and wanted to provoke some reaction and saw it immediately spin out of control, but she wasn't really any sort of clinical methodical sort

actually that's an interesting thing about her, she gets pretty impatient and frustrated and improvises when her carefully laid plans fail, she's very much un-"cold unethical experimenter" and much more "my grant was just cut off so I'll have to try pulling off this idea last-minute to prove my genius"
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Why aren't you drawing?
>holding a coffee mug
>with a hoof
>no magic
>not even using the handle
Oxford was right
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my hand is broken, I might never be able to draw again
I just got four in the mail...
Lyra, Bonbon, Spitfire and Pinkie.

Shut, up, I had a hundred bucks of free money to blow on stupid shit...

And no, I didn't blow all that money on those...

Just most of it.

Fuck my book case is getting full of pony shit.
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I have work to do
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Nigger the only reason people don't use it is because the information age where dimwits were mass communicating with poor grammar. It's used to separate things. Every time I read and it's not there it makes me stumble and I have to correct it for them.
Oxford pls
What about that one artist who learned to draw with his other hand, he never gave up.
pls pls
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Chubby butt sylvia when
These animals don't listen
No not one little bit
James Brown pls
Dash's face clouded over. "You're a Yearling?"

A special insult today. Fluttershy shot back her hoof and curled in like a stomped spider.

The rainbow-maned girl's eyes widened. "N-not there's something wrong with it!"

Fluttershy smiled a little blandly. There was everything wrong with it. "Third time's the charm," she sighed.

Dash looked around a bit helplessly. Failing help, she rose from the heels, tall as possible. "You'll show 'em!"

Fluttershy frowned. She hadn't before.

The blue face went sly. "You know what I think? You need some luck."

Fluttershy unfolded just a bit, knees splaying out. Her face drew close to those rose eyes, "What kind of luck?"

There was a blur and something wet pressed hard against her lips. Firm. Insistent. There and gone again. "Some GOOD luck."

Fluttershy felt burning hot all over. She certainly hadn't expected a good luck kiss today. Or kindness, really-

The bell rang. Fluttershy stood proud. Her lucky lips buzzed.
James Brown pls
Why would I use the oxford comma if the second option is clearly and objectively better?
> Oxford comma
Personally I blame Chistery and Carmen Sandiego
Fluttershy invited the critters, Twilight and Rainbow Dash to her house.
Hmm. If anything I wonder if she isn't just sort of brazen and dangerous if she thinks her deadline is passed.
Pony should sing more.
goo monstergirl in the sub
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But Carmen Sandiego is cool
>Anon's answer for everything is a good dicking
>friend in trouble? good dicking
>bad party? good dicking
>animal with a wound? good dicking
>farm work? good dicking
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Okay I get Rarity, Twilight and Pinkie but can someone explain me the other three?
Who is Fluttershy and Twilight?
I think we're gonna get our wish
aw yeah
>anon gets a cold
>pony suggests the standard cure
he said no magic
>erectile dysfunction? good dicking
> Applejack is a pirate
She steals apples from wandering merchants?
Which is?
Technically, they ARE critters
>"Why is the cider always gone?"
>anon good dickings the cold out of himself
>anon good dicking his dick to be erect
>good dicking? BETTER DICKING

This board is full of faggots, MLPG and /b/-kids.
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Twilight is Evil-Lyn from He Man
Oh, uh
That's the end
That was the end
Everyone in this thread is getting a good poneing
Fluttershy is Scar from FMA
I have no idea who rainbow dash is, any idea?
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> a good pone
> -ing
Can we best pone'ing?
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Pinkie is clearly the Mask, and RD just looks like the Assassin.
Why is that pony shitting a purple corkscrew?
As you arouse your pony waifu more, she makes more realistic horse whinies and snorts
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Yes we can bestpone

I'll go first

You may either have endless sex with any woman you choose

Or you may cuddle a pony nonsexually once
Pony is ill.
She needs a good dicking
Getting your dick wet is no big deal.
I take pone.
Pony is woman
I have endless sex with pony

You mean like there's no way to move on from cuddles to more than cuddles with pone?
My fetish
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Dash has the firmest posterior.
I convince pony to bring me to equestria
Pony wearing panties is sexy. Espesially when it's blue pony.
>You may either have endless sex with any woman you choose
so great
so novel
so amaze

I'll take the pone.
Pinkie is Beetle Juice.
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I'd cuddle a pony~
So cute!
I need like four hands for this
>best pony
I like you more now
Pure pony perfection.
I guess it's time to rewatch movies huh
endless sex with Rose please
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>green ponies
I'd probably take the girl
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I choose rediv
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That's my blue angel.
As soon as you stop cuddling for any reason, its over. They vanish

Need to use the barthoom? Voosh! Time for work? Poof
>You may either have endless sex with any woman you choose
Sex with humanized Rarity
Twilight insists on more educational programming. It's been a week since last time and you've both conveniently forgot the awkwardness, at least as far as you'd admit. You huff a little less when she insists you need to answer the program questions to get snacks.

She's upgraded to buffalo sauce potato chips. They're smell amazing.

You guess the protagonist gets separated from his sister and detective partner, and then this shit comes up. You aren't sure how it's related to the show.

Twilight looks at you expectantly, PAUSE button active. How do you respond?
Carry pony everywhere, constantly in a state of hugging
Merge yourself with pony.
what if i continue to cuddle pony while using bathroom and going to work?
>They're smell amazing
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You realize you've been staring at her, not the screen. You dart a glance.

You guess it's nerves since this is the first time you've been together alone in a while.
It's been a long fucking day and they do smell amazing. The English language can barely contain how the chipotle and rosemary scents are wafting from the carefully crafted snack bowl.

She's put out celery and carrots but fuck that, these chips look good. New peach tea this week, too.
MT would you go to a MLPGcon and hug me?
electrolytes, brawndo, and electrolytes
Nutrition, sunlight (specifically light with some content of infrared light) and water.
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but where's the meat
i want steak dammit
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>choosing an OC
>what if i continue to cuddle pony while using bathroom

Do you really want to put pony through that?

Carbon, Nitrogen and Potassium
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Now it's just a question of who would I like to cum inside everyday
sharkpone porn when
That gif is hypnotizing.
a condom
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Yeah sure~
I don't see why not.
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Wow. What a wasted opportunity.
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I didn't say I would hug that pony.
There are WAY better ponies to hug.
Like Pinkie Pie.
Pony wants a cupcake but you don't have any.
I personally suggest a good dicking.
I baked some like 4 hours ago
Pony is a dirty liar
pony should put that on the list because I'm going shopping tomorrow
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You half-remember what the characters were saying. To be fair you were only paying attention to what Veronica Hale was saying because she's like a younger Commander Shepard this early on in her career.

You mumble Carbon, Nitrogen and Potassium. Twilight rolls her head this way and that way and points to the chips, pressing play even as you stuff the brown yummies in your mouth.

Twilight sighs when you deliberately overlook the napkin.

She's giving you partial credit. She's also sitting in front of the couch just in front of one leg. It's interesting but you pretend not to notice.
Want want want, that's all p[ony ever does.
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She's not real silly
It's really too bad that pony wants anything other than a good dicking, because that's all we have in stock tonight
pony wants you ____________ _________________ ______________________ ___________________________ ______________ _______________ _____________ ___________
>not wanting endless sex with femanon
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Icecream will have to do

>"I keep telling my hoof to stop clicking, but it won't listen!"
>not wanting to be the femanon
>assuming I'm not already the femanon
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Which pony.

You should draw fillyscouts without hats.
then why wouldn't you want endless sex with ponies?
Because pone is too small for me
the one who wants a cupcake
did you even read the chain of posts you're replying to?
>not wanting to have endless sex with ponyanon
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there's always a bigger pony
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Even as the handful of oil and potato melts away in your mouth, you consider how weird that answer was. Sure it was for 12-year-olds, but maybe they could have made a riff on "carbon-based" life.

You don't say anything. After all you just won. By some newly relaxed standards ...

Twilight's totally enraptured by whatever's going on. Maybe it looks like the Crystal Kingdom? You're just biding time until the next commercial break.

She's really getting into this. Your pet theory she's an Earth fiction reaction to Earth fiction is building.

Twilight slackens and leans her left flank heavily on your right leg as a prop. What do you do?
man, if I were a pony I would suck so many dicks

you don't even know
I'm sort of just winging it.
why only as a pony?
what a hideous ponies
those pone is clearly on steroids, they must be even smaller
*reaction, REACTING, FUCK
>implying they aren't on magic steroids
>implying everything isn't way bigger
new from bad-dragon
chance the stallion flared XXS
just kidding it's a kneaded eraser again
i didn't even try this time i'm done
forgot my link
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I hear that
I tend to drift in and out myself

lets go with this pony
>magic a huge dick
>please all the femanons at once
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>she's not a little pony yet!
>Not sucking dicks anyway
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secret stream party yey~
Pass out
>most are disgusted by your impractically huge junk
>the one hyperfag keeps following you around
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Oh shit it's this story again
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>scoot master
I don't know anyone who would let me practice

I'm scared to drink the bleach because it sounds like it will hurt

but that's a cute zebra scoot
I'd let you practice every day~
your molestation badge
>magic yourself a bunch of separate cocks instead
>impregnate everything in Equestria
>serial dicking
My fetish
american horror story
Clearly we need some dick-sucking volunteers for you
what's the point
it doesn't matter how much time I spend on my knees, I'll never give a pony blowjob
I'm horny.
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You loll your head back entirely, pantomiming deep dreamless sleep. A few snores here and there. She jabs you in the leg with her horn until you stop.

She shoots you a furious glance before turning back to the episode.

You resolve to do nothing in particular to the weight against your leg. Maybe she's just tired or sitting in place like that gets tedious. You resist the urge to pat her head or stroke behind the ears. She's not your dog or anything.

The episode closer has a quote and she seems to double take perceptibly, not quite meeting your eye. It's barely more than a blink.
I'm high

nice to meet you, horny
> responding
How can you like this?
hello horny I'm anon
>You'll never have a sub that sucks your dick and begs for you to fuck them every day
cum inflation badge
That's totally inappropriate.
This is a my little pony thread on a blue board.
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here's your lewd. is this what you wanted, you pigs?
>tfw you'll never be black owned and have your only responsibility in life be that you service a 9" black cock multiple times a day every day
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I want more Dash.
>you will never milk his horsedick in to your morning oatmeal
>you will never scratch his ears as a reward for sticking to his diet and staying delicious
You've got a problem

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>not Iron Will and Zecora
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Pony approves of freedom.
Who doesn't?
>Milk him
>Not fuck him with his flare positioned over your bowl
>Not collecting the sweet pre
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pony should eat her apples
LK pls
Sylvia butts
I didn't want you to feel bad
I was asking what you like about it
Because I actually like contribution in my MLPG, and this is a cute story
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>tfw no guns in Yurope
>sandniggers can still rob you but if you defend yourself you are the criminal
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>You'll never be that sub
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Good point.
>tfw slavistan
>get all the guns
>no sandniggers

is good life in glorious communistic republic
I'm glad that if someone breaks into my house or tries to rob me I can just shoot them in their faggot face.
What's nice about giving your sub a horsecock, is that he'll be incredibly sensitive and easy to satisfy
so it doesn't really matter how you harvest him, it won't take long and he'll absolutely love you for it
>She jabs you in the leg with her horn until you stop
Freaking adorable
if you like pony so much why dont you just marry her
>You'll never move in with a guy
>You'll never develop a crush on him
>You'll never find out he's bi or gay
>You'll never wake him up every day by servicing his morning wood
>not cutting him in pieces with a zweihander
You don't deserve your right to bear arms, best go ahead and switch places with me by getting mugged and being put on a list of potential dangers for buying a kitchen knife
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Just a little early stream for requests.
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It's some sort of time travel episode. She's rewound parts of it at least four times. Her lips purse as though about to ask about Albert Einstein but she resolves to instead press PLAY.

America is falling around its ears, people suddenly becoming British, the Queen's Standard flying in Boston. It's not as bad as you'd expected.

The question throws you. You've even been paying attention. The Hell does this have to do with colonial history?

Twilight turns to you, eyes shining. This is something she can relate to in her crazy world, even if her own time skip was a mess. You grimace despite yourself. It's gonna be a long shot maybe.

What's the answer?
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Your fantasies are disgusting and I hope you contract aids.
What if pony doesnt love me back?
I cant handle rejection well
>He'll never fuck you late one night
>You'll never begin to roll out of his bed to go to yours
>He'll never grab your arm and ask you to sleep with him tonight
>tfw you will never be a female's fetish
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Pony actually finds you disgusting and is sickened that you like her.
Good. Being someone's fetish makes me want to deck them.

I say this a lot whenever you start drawing

But that is just too cute!
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Pony is genetically engineered for love
>a female
how impersonal
yeah, nah
this is more realistic

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>"What do you mean I smell pretty unf anon?"
>tfw big dick
>tfw don't now any girls with a big dick fetish
Met a few guys with it though
I have no fucking idea
>tfw not american
Your fictional history is silly anyway
but i think i am
well, probably
chances are high
Poetry and history are gay.
>not having a small cute cock
an ass can take more than a vagina can
I want to kiss your sweaty wingpitts.
That|s a good thing
>preferring evolutionary degeneration
Dammit anon. My smile's already gone, what else are you going to take from me
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>"Sorry to disappoint you, anon"
but why
I like the dick, anon
That's my fetish
Only if he's happy about it

Don't need envy in the bedroom
It would be great if you'd keep it to your damn self for one night.
I want a woman. Apparently sheepish and really skinny guys are like grade A gay beef or something but I don't want a guy.
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>he likes that you like his
>but he likes playing with yours more
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>ready to cum after edging a bunch
>do 35 chin ups
What really? That's a shame that that happens to you.
If i scratch your ears and pet your mane,will you winny like a real horse?
>all the drawfags are moving over to Wander Over Yander General
>tfw no more drawfags in MLPG
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You balk. They spent some time in Boston and some sort of ladle disappeared in a puff of pink smoke. You sort of remember something about Washington and the cherry tree but only have the Futurama episode to really fall back on.

They did some shit with Paul Revere and Fry ruining everything by stealing two lanterns. That even rhymes. You chance it. "P-Paul Revere? The horse guy?"

The presses play, eager to see the answer herself.

The answer is a palpable relief to you. As for Twilight, her hooves clap together. Loudly. "There's a HORSE in the ride?!"

You're not certain what you've unleashed here but she seems pretty excited. It's a nice change of pace from finger- er, hoof-waggling.

Now that's just hyperbolic.
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere?
I wouldn't really consider that part of the same line

>"Sure, it's nice..."
>"But I think I'm more interested in what's under it~"
>She kisses your left one, then the right, her lips warm and soft against your sack, before gently suckling one of your balls in her mouth.
What, that gays want me but I can't find a girl who won't go all super commitment on me?
> mfw average size but with testicles plenty large enough to satisfy Flitter

How about what's in them? Do you keep them nice and full for her?
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finally something not beyond fucking gay
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Ah, it's you again.
Yeah, I'm sorry for your predicament.

I dont see the apple
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You really eked that one out. Thank God for what you half-remember from third grade.

The next four to five minutes are what you'd expect. A Disney simplified version of the American Revolution, right down to the Tea Party literally being led by people who claimed the sole reason for busting up the place was taxation. White wigs and everything.

What you remember flipping channels informs you of the next question. Twilight is practically bouncing in anticipation of starting the video again.

What's the answer, gumshoes?
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>You will never hear Flitter squeal with delight while your balls slap heavily against her ass from the force of you pounding her
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because they wanted to be nice and share with the fish
If edging and big loads are her fetish, I've found myself the perfect lady.

Of course I'd keep them achingly full for her. Pygeum, lecithin, leafy greens, good nutrition - and edging. Endless edging.

I wouldn't waste a single drop from filling her cunt like wonderful creamy batter.

That's easy - they were protesting high taxes King George had forced them to pay for imported goods into the colonies - tea chief among them.
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much better
>You will never hear her let out a gurgling moan as you drain your fat nuts into her greedy little womb, basting her most sacred of inner sanctums with an ever growing pool of thick, hot seed
Being australian is a real handicap here. I know none of this shit

>Anon is unable to answer as Derpy accidentally hipchecked him into a wall
You should know about American independence

You don't want to be like a Yank and know nothing of the world
If pony isn't for sexual, then why is pony so sexy?
To protest the taxes imposed on them by a government in which they were not represented?
Well none of it is taught here. To know any of this I would need to have gone out and learnt it myself for whatever reason, and few people are going to do that
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It's easy as the dickens. You almost make a joke about being "on a boat" but pretty sure she wouldn't get a Lonely Island reference.

"The tea tax was too high so they started throwing things in the harbor out of protest-"

Midway through your sentence she's already pressed play, shushing you with the motion of one hoof, "Less talking, more time travel."

You take the chips a little gingerly and chew a bit thoughtfully. Her eyes are totally bolted to the screen.
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You have Google and Wikipedia

There is no excuse
Spend less time on MLPG and more time being curious
Fantastic, I have a reputation.
I find ponies more sexually attractive than humans at this point. You can't explain that.
You post about your philophilia and disdain for commitment quite a lot
Then, assuming you're not australian, how much australian history do you know of?
I would marry a pone
Many people aren't interested in history.
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>he finds pony sexually attractive
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its all a trick by the pony devil to make you think pony is for sexual, when in reality pony is not for sexual
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>tfw I regularly vacuum pump my balls
I always think of Flitter ever since you guys came up with the headcanon
Beginning with Eureka you beat back colonial rule, became independent, and beat back the Japs in World War II on your own theater with little or no help.

What's more there to say?
I want to taste the Rainbow.
Are there still actually people here that wouldn't?
>pony not for sexual fags
I am Australian
Why the fuck would you even.
I wouldn't
Because it's my fetish
>I regularly vacuum pump my balls

Maybe its just me but that seems like it would suck
Only in MLPG where we can debate about the morality of marrying/fucking a cartoon horse and discuss US colonial history
Damn, she's really into this huh
Just wait till we go full Australian politics in a few hours
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i know about the great emu war
It's fucking retarded. Like usual.

>you watch her reach down to scoop up the rivulets of cum running down her legs and gather them back into her pussy, not wanting to waste a single precious, pearly white, delicious drop of your baby batter

>she leans back, breathlessly rubbing her stomach, a dopey, dazed grin plastered to her face, quietly whispering to herself

>"Oh wow... wow.... wow...!"

>It may just be a trick of the light, but you could swear her tummy pushes out juuuust a little bit further than it did before.
We weren't really debating the morality of it.
I'm disappointed that's not up on the actual wiki page
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Carmen's gang manages to hijack the ship carrying the tea at the Tea Party and wants to hock it in Japan as "Dutch" businessmen. She's leaning awfully far forward during the cute animation explaining the international tensions of the time.

During the standard "teleportation" of the agents from point to point, Twilight pauses the film in medias res for the first time that you can remember to scribble something in shorthand. Your vantage point isn't ideal but you're pretty certain her horn is sparking.

You don't know what exactly kicked this off but you pray somehow Ponyville isn't going to suffer for all this.

Very clearly. You're fairly certain you smell magic - like burning tin. She's literally scorching notes, and continues to after pressing PLAY again.
But it's nice to have a big package and low hangers after
That's probably as much as I could say about american history as well.
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Pone bought you a ticket to the moon.
Then I guess I'll stop.
>shading with black
Wow fucking amatuer
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You're not quite certain why she paused at that point at all. You ask her to rewind just a bit. She casts you an absentminded look and hits the "BACK 30" button, returning to her notes.

You're not sure whether to worry or write this off as "normal" for her.
>Really? When do I leave?
>Right now!
>Shoves her butt in your face.
This isn't disturbing at all...
but will pone fly me to the moon?
Change it then.
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I let pone have it.
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It'll be here soon...so have a pone
Best gift ever.

>"Look at this... you filled me so full, my belly's gotten bigger...!"

>you give her a kiss on the stomach, and another on the lips, and tell her that's just the beginning
S-stop it Anon
Pony disagrees with you but respects your opinions
What a cute pono
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>Pone will never be your eager little broodmare, always willing and ready to drain your nuts of their baby batter, constantly keeping her in a perpetual state of pregnancy
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Oh yes, please do go on.
I want to size shame a poorly endowed stallion
What does she disagree with me about?
WELL THEN I kiss the pony
But what about /ss/

You're saying you wouldn't want to see her with that maternal glow around her?
You wouldn't want to see your child growing inside her, making her even more beautiful than she already was?
>cancer pone singing a song to get you to kiss de pone
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/ssloli/ time?
your taste in pony
I'm "saying" I'm in public and I have a raging breeding fetish
But thank you for spoiling
That SHOULD have helped
Fuck my life
Sweet grief.
how does a new mlpg draws sound?
>mlpg draws sounds
Nobody would find this hot.
Anon I swear to gosh I'm gonna punch you
Fuck off.
Lyra, you're drunk. Get Bonbon to walk you home.
Pony and I are running away together to follow our stupid childish dreams.
sounds like I would be out of the job
go for it man
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She seems to stop - or at least hit a wall - about midway between interstitials. There's a faint smell of burning paper.

You've never seen her simply etch words into the paper before. She's always so prim and precise and eager to use her handwriting with flourishes.

She slumps against your leg again, a muscle going off on what passes for her shoulder. She's staring into the middle distance past the screen during yet another "teleportation."
I love you too, Anon
I want to fuck you passionately till you cum
>days later Anon is spotted walking down the road pretending to be a mare in a pretty dress while pony rides on his back
why are you so perfect, anon
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Lyra is my pone. I'm taking her.
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why wont you accept my feelings?!
I'd wait for it. Maybe start it in October and stretch it out, give it a spooky theme.
Pony is just jealous.
What if /ss/ with oppai loli
Because Bonbon would kill me. She already knows I look at her butt. No need to add more fuel to the fire.
>Pony will never happily enjoy a ride on your back.
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>give it a spooky theme
What if Bonbon secretly wants you to look at her butt?
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feels bad man
protip: you probably should be able to hold your breath for a long while
You know what pisses me off?

People naming their party after their self
>Katter's Australia
>Palmer United
>Celestian Socialist Party
How egotistical
Then she needs to show her desires in a form in which my people can understand it.

By twerking it.
Reminds me of the feudal eras.
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It was some sort of two-parter. As Benjamin Franklin lost his key to discover properties of electricity the future timeline is polluted and the "Ziggy" computer the agents used was disrupted, being future technology predicated on that research.

Twilight is in absolute terror suddenly. She's leafing through notes as quickly as she can, entering some sort of hyperventilation. The scratching and rolling track and rolling colored static take over the characters like a sandstorm.

She's croaking, "No. NO!"

Twilight begins rocking back and forth on her haunches, staring at the final page. The singed-letters say something clearly disagreeing with the show.

What ... what the Hell do you do?

>you swear you can see her eyes dilate when you say it to her
>she can't even form words - or any sound beyond panting and tiny moans of satisfaction
>A shudder goes through her, and a hand slips down, between her legs as she starts playing with herself.
>"You're making me wanna cum... but I don't wanna lose anything you put in me before it has a chance to take...!"
You carefully put an arm around her and then ask her what's wrong
oppai loli is shit
Punch her in the face.

Out of concern, of course.
Pony thinks that's the stupidest idea you've ever had.
It's not a plan, but it's the perfect plan!
So everything I've ever written?
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>Creampie/Pregnancy fetish Flitter

...I'll be in my bunk.
but i haven't gotten to the part about the dinosaurs yet!
How would she know what other stupid ideas I've heard?
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How is Palmer United beating the Greens in so many seats? Who is voting for them?
Celestia has a socialist party?
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y-you can be my pone if you want....
>Knocked out Bonbon




>She will never beg you to fill her
>She will never beg you to make her a mommy to all of your children
>She will never stare into space with a blank, dopey grin on her lips after you pump her womb full of your rich, thick, potent seed - the grin of a woman doing what she was made to do.
He hired them all specifically to vote for him.
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People that somehow buy into his "Just spend the money 10 times and we'll have the same revenue" shit

You know
People that failed basic maths
Heaven help us if he actually gets a seat
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what kind of a reaction is that?
is it a yes?
Well of course
Everyone knows that socialism is the best philosophy
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She's blown away.
Why does she have a party at all though?
She's a princess.
is that still a yes?
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You have to admit her panic almost spills over. It's not hard to think a grand Mage here would know more than you do. Somehow you suspect this is not a real threat.

Taking the chance, you bend low on the couch and draw her close with one arm. "Is there something wrong?"

Twilight simply closes her eyes and nods.

You pull the paper tablet from mid-air with a thumb and finger. The magic field doesn't resist; if anything you pull a bit too hard. It goes sailing in front of the television.

She's still bound up tight. You press on, "Is there something I can do to help?

"Does it use a negative mass? Does it use a Time's Arrow Anchor?'

That throws you just a bit. She must glean as much. Her eyes unscrew just a bit, giving you a furtive look. It's as though she knows the answer already, "Did you ever use a time machine like that on Earth?"

You look at the TV, a bit baffled. It's not offering any help.

Do you know how to answer that?
pls stop, you'll summon the hateanons.
Where the fuck are all of you during America Strong hours?

That's not a pony.
Why would you post that?
Why is it so small?
The clenching is just so damn hot

I want a smooth boy to fuck
I'm American, anon.
>AJ gets wings
>puts on weight

Im ok with that
>Why is it so small?

that's what she said. hiyo!
Because she's not going to be around for ever
Through this her ideals will live forever
Seriously, fuck off. I hope you get shot.
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>his "Just spend the money 10 times and we'll have the same revenue" shit
This gets me every time holy shit.

The money will just go round and round.
Not everyone can have an 8 incher, Anon

You need long nights of finding new positions to make love as her belly swells bigger, making your old routine rather impractical, and kicking her already-considerable libido even higher?

You need her always wanting you to come inside her? To be her man, her stud, her virile sex god who makes her feel like a real woman?
Yes, eventually. Pregnant sex is amazing sex.
>A pegasus who doesn't even like to go fast.
>Such a social loser can only be friends with shitty animals.
>Ugly pony.
How can you even keep a straight face while saying Fluttershy is a good pony?
No it won't, it'll all get funnelled right into Palmer's gaping maw
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does not compute
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rape jokes aren't funny anon
I'd scream. And most likely knock both of us off the bed.
I do not know how to feel if that happens to me.
That's not even a joke GG.
Do more portal fleshlight pictures~

Ponies are just plebs.
but it's not rape if the victim is male
What if we could harness scrunches for power?
Me too
After that I'd apologize and invite her back into my bed
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I'm so lost..
The guise of democracy
oh shit
this as fuck
Stop the bloodshed! Stop the violence!
It's so simple, yet I fucking laughed hard.
I blame lack of sleep.
Why does no-one pick him up on this shit?
He has like 5 ads every half hour

Ideal case:
>All of the money is spent on Australian goods that aren't fresh food
>After 10 circulations you've only recovered 69% of the money

Real cases:
>The money is spent online to buy Chinese goods
>The money is used to pay down debts
i just want to not be fat anymore

i've come to peace with my tiny dick.
What if we could harness ponies for power?
I'm reporting as hard as I can.
Can someone explain this to a non-australian?
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>reporting a link
>announcing your reports
>reporting frivolously

you is a whole mess of faggot, anon.
>Ah darn the ponies in my phone died.
Where are her front legs?
Insane billionaire that's rebuilding the Titanic is basically trying to buy a seat by flooding us with advertising that is filled with insanely illogical shit

If he somehow got into power he'd have no fucking hope of delivering on any of it
But he's just trying to trick some idiots into giving him the balance of power in the future
Clive Palmer is essentially Australia's answer to Donald Trump. He's a rich dipshit who's trying to become prime minister so he can influence the law in such a way to make himself even richer.
They fell off. Dont worry they grow back.
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What a douche.
Clive Palmer, ie. the hero Australia deserves, not only plans to recreate Jurassic Park and build the Titanic II. He is also going to fix our economy by pulling billions of dollars out of his ass.
sorry anon
been drawin googirls all night
I'm a little spent
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He's rebuilding the Titanic?
To be fair, he does actually have billions of dollars in his ass.

You say as evenly as you can, "I'm lost here, Twilight."

She groans, head thrown back mid-crook of your arm. "They don't exist where you lived, do they?"

You shake your head. "No, we just make stories about them."

She rolls her head to give you an inscrutable expression. "You mean like Equestria?"

You consider that. You eventually shake your head. "Not anywhere someone's gone. Just silly stories. That's - well, it's a cartoon based on a game kids play to learn history and geography back home."

Twilight seems to lose all her bones, slumping ragged-doll into the coffee table. The paper tablet wearily bobs to the trash can. She almost drones, "So it doesn't matter if the model does or doesn't resolve time paradoxes along the device or user's own history because it's just a story."

Your hand strokes long and slow down her mane. It seems the right thing to do. "No."

Her face buries into the polished oak. Her voice muffles, "I'm just STUPID."

anon don't worry it's fine
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Spent to much time with Rarity
Pet her
I love that picture so much.
Anon told her that he's always wanted to try a fleshlight so she ripped them off one by one to surprise him.
You've got no idea what our rich are like

You've got Buffet and Gates
We've got Palmer and Rinehart

Palmer wants to build Jurassic Park and the Titanic
Rinehart basically tried to by 30% of the nations newspapers because she didn't like them
And she also said that criminals should be able to pay their way out of jail yesterday
>Anon makes some passing remark on how he bets she tastes like grape
>days later it returns to her mind
>licks her hoof
>I really do taste like grape!
>Twilight fucks with herself in the the past
>because she fucked with herself in the past
And she's complaining about paradoxes?
How do dumb fucks get so insanely rich?
By exploiting our nations natural wealth
You're not stupid, you just got caught up in the show, don't worry about it
and then the cuddling commences
Not sure if it's important to the story, but
It would be nice to strike upon some sort of time travel that allows you to avoid paradoxes or has some sort of Back to the Future grace period

Maybe hoping for that and seeing it go up in darkness and terror was a bit more than she could stomach after her experiences with time-skip.
What the fuck. I want a limb too.


When youre born into money you have to try really hard to not make more of it

Although I don't know anything about these crazy australians


>Pregnant pone at the doctor
>"Congratulations its going to be a filly!"
>"Now how would you like her to taste?"
>hands her a paper with all the options
You know, being exposed to a world were everything doesn't have a happy ending would be pretty traumatic for a cartoon pony
It almost seems like they are trying not to make more of it.
no fucking way.

oh man there's so many flavors to choose from.
Rinehart made $9 Billion in 2011-2012
what am I doing wrong
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Your first mistake was being born.

It's all been downhill from there.
He could just give it to me and I invest it into the genetical research of marshmellow ponies
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such pretty pone
Good night MLPG.

I hope I dream of butts.

If I dream about Derpy sitting on my face would that be a wet dream or a nightmare?
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Would you believe that she said that Africans working for $2 a day should be an inspiration for Australia?
Because I sure as hell can't
>Georgina Hope "Gina" Rinehart (born 9 February 1954) is an Australian mining heiress.
Well, if you get born into a money making machine it's not hard to make money

And I'm not sure she believes in DNA.

Because it's not made of coal.
She wants minimum wage to be abolished.
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I can just pretend that I'll make ponies out of coalif that makes her happy
You decide to cheer her up with some misdirection.

"I think this goes on," you gesture kindly to the television's 'TO BE CONTINUED', "I don't think they'd just leave Zach and Ivy stick in Old America. Do you?"

She rolls her face to catch a glance at the television. It's hard to tell but her expression seems to soften a little as she extends, "You mean there's a happy ending?"

You swing for the fences and scratch just behind one ear, "Maybe just for Carmen, but sure!" A ticklish smile starts to creep at her features, the ones you can see despite her rolling her face into the table.

You ease up after a bit as she makes to get up again. She alights the couch and sits side-saddle, still looking sheepish. "I must look pretty silly, though."

You opt for a good headlock and noogie, raking knucles across her scalp - gently, but quickly. You pull back and give a grin, "It's okay, we all get caught up."

She smiles and decides to jelly-bone into your lap. You let her.
rub her tummy
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>australian politics
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Say good bye to having fibre in the next few years, Aussies
And gay marriage
>Palmer's going to get Fairfax
Guys, we have an angry conservative in charge in Canada and he's not really done anything. We didn't even go to war with Iraq with the Americans
You enjoy having her close again. It had been pretty cozy falling asleep like this, it was even better to idly stroke down her mane, like a friendly huddle-up and petting a fiercely independent cat at once.

At length your eyes wander from the heap of purple roosting over one leg at the television. "You want to keep watching?"

She makes a shrug you feel more than see. "Maybe in a minute. Kind of draining." You make a note again to ask if this seems 'real' to her.

You stroke for some minutes and a growing question finally pops out, almost unbidden. "Why was a paradox-solving time machine important?"

Twilight hemms, speaking almost directly at one knee, "Well ... I thought you could travel back along the path that brought you here. Go home. If the Void is just some orthogonal time-space you could just go back along every point like ... like going back over your stroke lines with a pen or pencil."

You stroke deeper. "Thank you, Twilight."
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And we survived the economic recession pretty bloody well.

Hey did you guys know Melbourne is the nicest city in the world? Three years in a row
>no fibre
Sucks for you guys, man
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I wasn't going to get FTTH any time soon. I'm in such a safe Labor seat that we weren't even on the roadmap.
>tfw Malcolm won't kick Abbott out
>tfw Malcolm won't turn the ship around like when he was opposition leader
>tfw Malcolm won't give us the full NBN

Turnbull would be 10x better than Abbott
At least he's smart
He's promised to spend $30B to give us 25mbps internet
There's no changing that unless Turnbull causes a spill
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God, I would assassinate Abbott so hard if I thought Malcolm would replace him.

So hard.
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Wills has the NBN
Lalor and Scullin are getting it in a few years
They're in the top 5 Labor seats
Wills is 3rd
Fuck off Roogna
Is this new

Why would she want me to leave though, and for that matter why would I ever want to leave.
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>This thread
Her breathing seems to have slowed well south of normal from her rapid heaving earlier. You suspect she's starting to doze. It's worth taking the chance to rubbing her belly.

Your hand scratches down the side of her barrel and dances along her underbelly, like rolling a fine drum. She's so tired there's little more than a hint of a chuckle. One leg very slowly kicks in unison.

"You want to get rid of me that easy, Twilight?" you chide.

All she does is shake her head into your belly and start snoozing. It's a little disconcerting feeling the sawing logs in the taut of your jeans' denim.

... You press MUTE on the remote and begin fast-forwarding. Peeking for next week certainly isn't out of the question.

You are more than a bit relieved to see there was a happy ending.

Twilight begins to drool heavily through your pants.

... A mostly happy ending.
I love those comics
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Adorable again
That dude in the bottom left is aesthetic as fuck
I don't know if there will be more installments but
Surely that would come later
I'm not sure what to think if CarmenSandiegoQuest becomes a requested thing
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Same here, I wish there were more.
>Oakeshotte and Windsor are going to lose their seats
>Katter is probably going to keep his
>The Greens might lose Melbourne

>UN spears of freedom
It'd be pretty funny if these were all drawn by a character just to see what bullshit analyses come of them
>>Katter is probably going to keep his
Oh shit, he is too. For some reason I thought he wasn't doing too well.
No one actually votes for Katter, they vote for his hat.
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I have 10.
He didn't do more than those right?
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No idea, I only have 8.
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Wait I have only nine
I also counted this one even tough it doesn't belong to this artist
Too lewd.
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We should play hats
I'm missing #1 and #4.
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> miss the impregnation discussion
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That one doesn't convey the absurdity of his hat and suit
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