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I'm currently holding an impromptu, livestreamed PMQ/Q&A session.
Tune in here, and be sure to subscribe. To ask a question or participate in the discussion, use this thread.

This one will be quite a bit different because I'll be giving audio responses to questions posted in the thread. It should enable me to answer more questions, more quickly, and not skip over questions that would require a long written response. If it goes well, we'll probably switch over to this format for the future, and it'll also be a good opportunity to trial Hangouts on Air/YouTube Live for our upcoming 4chan panel livestream.

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Stock market pone thread.

Old, fetish filled pony:
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i hope that our few remaining friends give up on trying to save us
Pony riding your dick
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Why are gay stallions so cute?
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>bottom right

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I have the feeling something very wrong has just happened
which pony shares your fetish the most
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i recognized that ass and dick instantly

pantyanon is 0r0
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Applejack or Fluttershy
So who are these OCs?
Fuck that shouldnt have made me giggle.
make that the other way around and you have yourself an unf
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pony blowing his load on you from riding your dick
Is it faggot hour?
do you want it to be?
Seems that way.

pantyanon has better thighs than 0r0
She actually looks like Twilight in the top couple
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And you just made it gayer!
that is an old 0r0 pic he has lost weight since
well, red was right and 0r0 wasn't lying about his ass
It's always faggot hour somewhere in the world.

Usually in San Fran. Sometimes Germany.
It's faggot hour until you stop bitching and post about what you like
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When is it not?
that's actually kinda funny
I might try gay sex if the other guy wasn't masculine. The idea of fucking a futa is hot but not of an actual guy.
I want to fuck PantyAnon and jerk off his little dick
I'm not bitching u faget
What the fuck do you do?
Why a name?
This shit is too fun.
"No, they don't vibrate or- jiggle. Not much jiggling. There's sort of a -" You search for a good metaphor, "Like a magic story box you can wave wands in front of and it looks like a character mimics your movements."

She looks a little disappointed. "It doesn't do stippling?"

You shake your head.

"And it doesn't apply wax, either?" You shake your head just a little harder.

Rarity's face flows from disappointed to - hesitant? White snout comes conspiratorially close to your ear as she stage-whispers in the empty house, "These stories. Are they - romances?"

Do you have any way to respond well to this?
>Twilight just hung up all the extra pinkie pies she was keeping for study
You will never be a mare in a pretty dress
Homosexuality is fucking revolting, I'd rather fuck a mare than a man
I really like muscles. I want a buff guy to hold me after I cum in his ass.
I would blow filthy rch if he didn't look like that
If ponies didn't have magic, would they have come up with very effective mechanical solutions to the problems that keep them down, not unlike humans.
What would their mechanical "hands" look like?
Is there a way to improve on the biological human hand?
Hey guys are pony levels nominal?
SB pls
They have less diseases
>Slave oc that isn't a slave anymore because retcon getting the shit fucked out of her constantly
>Everyone is happy even though it started as a completely dystopian society where twilight was almost immediately killed
>Cause sex
Er, in a manner of speaking. Occasionally.
We don't have enough females for that image to work.
Oh god, there you guys are. I was getting worried! I hadn't seen you in a while.

Now that you're here, can I just say that I'm glad you're all around! I've been feeling very lonely lately.

Keep being your wonderful selves!

also Fluttershy is best pony
Crossdressing, anon. Crossdressing.
Yes sir, what would you like to do.
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she grew them for you
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Little queer poof
I bet there's at least ONE girl here.
There are no STDs that can be transmitted from an animal to a human
pls die flutterfag
>oh but see she's actually corrupted because dark magic and sombra! honest!
> responding
Of course.
Just explain to her that they do but we aren't very interested in them so we don't know anything about them.
Well, sometimes they could be romances. Not very good ones, in my opinion, since they were largely aimed at adolescent and older males that wouldn't know romance if it kicked them in the face...

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AIDS. Checkmate, Stalingrad.
>Don't be a woman

I want a super busty amazonian Celestia to hold me after I sexually please her.
Begin final ponying checklist
na it's just an edit from when she had tentacles
Fred Phelps pls
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tumblr please take your objectively wrong world view and leave.
What did Red say about 0r0's butt?
I like muscles on anything, especially Amazons.

I would also like hyper-voluptuous Amazonian Celestia to hold me after I cum on her feet
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But the pic is girls.
>super busty amazonian Celestia
>you pleasing her

I think you got that backwards, dude.
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oh geez
I hope they're not always like that

they need to be a lot longer to make me happy
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Are you saying you don't want to be the slutty mare?
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All this talk of MLPG working out and being faggots gives me great hope that I might fuck one of you guys some day
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It will take 77 days to complete it, sir.
[X]pony speculation(being largely overshadowed
[X]Chistery doing something interactive
[X]Drawfags sleeping or actually doing something cause it's Friday
[X]I'm sitting here in my hotel room browsing the general.
Anything else sir?
No way, I have to make her happy, otherwise I can't get off.
Princess feet are the best
the top one is her hat's apple
but if they get longer they won't be a heart shape any more
One of them aint hers, Jean-Luc
>old thread 404ing on page 8


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>everyone posting my waifu

What kind of satanic conspiracy is this?
butthurt twifags
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You don't make her happy.

She makes you happy.

You are a mild amusement to her.
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>mfw identify as a transformer
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What a cute best pony
Are you saying she don't know her apples, anon.?
>YOUR waifu
bitch please she can be all of our's

I'd still love her
No, it's not fair. I'd do anything to please her and make her happy.
Pants Status?
Anyone have that comic cover of pinkie dressed as a transformer?
I secretly hope this is true to see where the marker ends up.
Its a guilty pleasure I'm sorry MLPG
Looks like you got her

OP does that out of passive-aggressive spite for people who have fun in ded threads

fuck him
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Say that to my waifu not to my face and see what happens.
She has no personality.
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Celestia Quest resuming in 13 hours and 45 mintues.
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Would you rather take a bath or a shower with your little pony friend
>Hmm..that's it? Well, I guess that was nice.
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Best pone ever!
What if pony stole all the cute?
Anon will save the marker again
Just you watch
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Isn't she, though?


>Give pone a nickname?
>Best Pony
Removed and discarded as requested.
Still on, not likely to come off due to guy I'm rooming with for tonight.
So [X] Pants on
Can't pony too hard.
No one can take all the cute from Sweetie.
Shower, but only if there was a bench or something for me to sit on. I'm sure hands are awesome for reaching those hard to reach places pone has.
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she is panicky little paranoid flower seller, that is good enough for me anon


You wound me anon
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"Wanna dance with me?"

guardian part 3 when
What if hard to reach places are actually filthy and in need of cleaning?
to be fair they probably don't clean their butts very well since it's hard to reach
especially the simple earth ponies
Zecora tried to use her zebra magic on you!

You now have 250ml of cum in your balls!
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Such a beauty
why is her right eye sliding off her face?

I'd rather take a shower, but I'm sure Fluttershy would rather a bath.

I'd love to wash her hair, I bet it's silky smooth.
If I continue this any further, I'm going to feel like I'm cybering+roleplaying with you.

That was spoken ooc.
I don't give a shit about Worst Princess. I expected something decent for the genre and I got the Nerf Playskool Shitty Romance Novel version of it.
Hot water, soap, and a washcloth. This is what showers are for, faggots.
Your testicles can't hold it!

They erupt!

Blood and seminal fluid is everywhere!
It's good enough for me too
she's very nice
>"Play like a damn woman and kick the damn balls!"
>that last session feel
God knows I'll probably be busy tomorrow too.
oh god oh jesus why did I wear jeans

Agent Orange contamination
i want to fuck an anon
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Play with me~

I don't know. There are a couple other things that need to come first before I can write a part 3.
i use the 250ml of cum on zecora
Take 1d8 damage and make a fortitude save to not keel over in pain
Where's Twilight though?
>hanging out at Twilight's place pretending you can read their writing
>suddenly tingling sensation in your crotch
>look over at Twilight to see her swallowing something
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I would dance with a Sweetie.
Too bad neither of us know how.

Do tell
oh god
oh man
oh princess

i hope we can do this ;_;
why is friday night mlpg always the gayest?
Just pick her up and throw her around
You're an anonymous pony though.
You're probably not my waifu so it's an unnacceptable desire.
>aa will never draw anon and sweetie dancing
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I'm sorry but that's not how you spell "best pone"
>roll additional Will Save
>spend rest of week feeling like a failure of a man and worry about how everybody will judge you
I just want to cuddle
is that so wrong
in the butt
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but I took this stupid feat for physical resistance to pony magic
what's the dc to save my junk
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Testicles only contribute ~5% toward semen volume

I've got 5L of cum to get rid of
because tomorrow is stallion saturday
But that's a 50% chance of killing me! You know I only have 4 hitpoints!
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best feet
assuming the picture is, in fact, 0r0

i'm an admirer of butts
I need to edit and post 2 short stories to fimfic (been putting that off for too long) and write at least 2 scenes for Starswirl. Then I can think about continuing guardian.
F-fired ;_;
Zecora used a potion on you, not magic, so it doesn't apply

I can read English.
>it is Friday night
>remember I told a friend I'd LARP with him tomorrow
>Sentenal uploaded hours of the TF2/Minecraft server onto youtube.

How can one man be so autistic?
Twilight...are you jealous I don't think you're best pony?
ok make it nonlethal damage instead
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She truly is the most beautiful pony.
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She has a wonderful time and asks you out tomorrow.
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how many mlp waifus am i legally allowed to have?
and can you have multiple versions of the same waifu like futa rarity + normal rarity?
help, I can't write smut (because I can't take it seriously) and non-smut writing doesn't interest people! what do.
She's leaning pretty far forward.

You scramble to remember much about video games. The best they have here are cabinets and you feel like a creep in an arcade full of kids. "Not with this controller, but there are a few I heard of. Meeting girls at school, dating them, that sort of thing."

It kills you to see her eyes sparkle. You're fairly certain she's holding back a four-hoof rumble-clap. Especially when you see it die as you tack on, "I- I don't think any of the equipment or stories have come here yet. I'm lucky to find pants that fell through the Void."

"Oh." Her eyes bolt straight to the floor. "I see."

You shuffle your feet a little awkwardly. "Without the games you could use it for a massage roller I guess."

She hovers it close to her face, brushing it against her face as she saw you do it. "Like this?"

You chuckle a little nervously. This was silly.

A few strokes and she began to giggle, "It's so soft! And you say it vibrates?"

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What's that musky smell?
>Season 4
>Introduce a new character out of nowhere

I think Countess Serenade is Sombra's niece.
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fucking zebra

Blueblood is the main villain of season 4
"not taking it seriously" is the best way to write smut
Don't care what other people think and do what you want. Those who like it will stick. Hateanons can go fuck themselves.
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I'd read nonsmut writing
>that pic
I really hope I'm imagining where I read that last...
You're not.
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oh god
i don't know where to take her out
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i know a popular clopfic writer who just takes top fapfics from other fandoms and replaces "woman" with horse and changes the names of the people having sex to twilight and shining armor.
how can he be the villian
Twilight Sparkle is in love with him and they're going to get married
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would you this pone
don't be that guy
>those too wide horns

almost a perfect picture
Sugarcube corner
Share a milkshake and some cupcakes or something
He and Sombra fight over her
It's just going to be like the series Twilight
Not a bad idea. Though anatomy details being changed is usually a good to do.
>braids and drills
>strangely stocky
i don't know, i just don't know
I'd most any pone
>Season finale is the wedding
>to both of them

I like my muscular horses to not look like plastic bags filled with rocks, but the concept is nice.

I want muscular horse Celestia to hug me.
>She gets DP'd
Or the zoo. The zoo is always a good choice.

It's not Twilight, it's 50 shades of grey
You are disgusting
also u da bes
>50 shades of purple
>EqG Fluttershy tries to explain to Celestia that she doesn't know why her biology report has lewd pictures of Sunset Shimmer in it.
>different colored muzzle
The single most furry looking thing you can put on a pony OC
even fox tails and shit don't look as furry as that
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my nigga
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Twilight is a messy pony
>cake looks like shit
>it's fucking delicious because baking is science
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She'd do more than just hug you...
Guess where aids came from, buddy.
>50 shades of neigh
You really hadn't expected her to do anything with it, at least not with you here. Being an "Earth Expert" is a delicate and painfully awkward thing some times

It's been a long time since you did any electrics work in high school, but surely the batteries had played out. "It's supposed to a little but the batteries are probably dead."

She simply raises her eyes as a pulse runs through the length of her horn and the blue-ended wand shudders with a strong deep hum. You don't remember any of them being nearly that strong.

"Oh. Well that's ... novel."

She brings it close to her face again, hesitant. it goes up against her cheek again and she giggles more furiously, rolling it under her chin with a short sweet yelp.

She seems to be enjoying it thoroughly, brushing up against it with a swoop of her neck. It's the closest thing you've seen to cows with stationary brushes.

Is no one tired of things like this being posted every thread?
What if pony X?
I want to X pony.
Pony just X. What do?
nice try nerd
That's not nearly as spaghetti as it could be.
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L-like winghug me?
All encompassingly revolting.
More like, "can't draw feet". That s some Liefeld shit right there.
Baking is the most delicious science: Chemistry.
And afterwards comes home-made ice cream.
Killryde worst oc 2013
Not from human-animal sexual contact, what is this, the 80s?
I'd rather take a shit
I'll do both.
Hey, I haven't seen AppleDan in a while

I hope he's ded
"Honestly, I don't know how that got in there! I d-don't even really talk to Sunset..
M-Maybe Rainbow Dash put them there by accident?" Fluttershy seems to get smaller, as she pulls inward into herself, guarding her features and pulling on her hair timidly. She has a heated blush painting her cheeks a bright crimson, and is avoiding any and all eye contact.

>"But it's your report, Fluttershy. It has your name on it. You handed it in." Celestia's gaze doesn't falter against the onslaught of shy and cute emanating from the girl in front of her.
... What do you do? You're not sure what to assume about horses but "neck massagers" are repurposed awfully quickly back home, and she seems to have already half-forgotten you're here.
Depends, occasionally "what if" situations provided the premise is innocent enough evolve into something greater.
What would you do if every MLPG contributor just stopped? No more art, writing, streaming, names, interaction...
your gonna post a pastebin of this later, right?
Or pin you beneath her surprisingly heavy body as she whispers teasing snippets into your ear and strokes your exposed body with her downy feathers.
I can't imagine a toilet is easy to share. Maybe if you sat in eachothers laps and had really good aim.
I think he was just on the server.
I guarantee you that artist could draw feet if he wanted to.
I'm telling you man. Get Rarity to decorate that stuff and bam you get two orgasms every time yo eat. One from the seeing the food and another when you take the first bite.

You don't take any other bites because you pass out from bliss/
Mourn the 2 good ones we have and laugh at the others for being shit.
There's more than just pony you know.

I guess? It's just a silly "Sony Motion quest" thing.
i am already into other fandoms and forums. i could go on without mlpg.
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No please

I've already spent >$100 on pony dice
Excuse yourself for interrupting and ask if she needs something else.
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Thanks for reminding me to filter his pictures
You're gonna get banned, Anon.
Clear throat and ask if she'd like me to leave.
>$100 on dice
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Jesus christ, that ass.
it's ok I have a dynamic ip
thanks for your concern, however
Nah, it's the overdone self insertion and self shipping with other artist's ocs
impressive trips
Crotchtits are the worst
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>self insertion and self shipping
Celestia being heavy wouldn't be surprising, she's probably 500lbs or greater.
Then I guess I can stop making stuff for you guys. Goodbye.
Those look like shit though
There are actually really fucking cool dice you could be wasting your money on
Offer our further assistance, of course.
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I know! That's just lewd!!
>$100 on normal dice with pony covers
At least 5 picohitlers.
come back if you ever feel like ponying again
Good luck with life. See you next thread.
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There were 10 sets made, 8 of which went to VAs
I bet those things are uneven as fuck.
my nigga
Oh, you.
i dont know where I was going with this.
fuck, writefagging is hard.
Wait for season 4.

Unless EVERYONE stopped. Then, I don't know, most likely I follow their works because I also like their other stuff. So there.
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Bye. Hope you're okay.
Those are actually pretty nice
Not $100 nice, you could probably have had them made up and shipped to you by some completely automated service on the internet for less than half that, but still.
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What about cute tiny pony teats?
Okay I love you buh bye!
See you tomorrow, Anonymous poster who never contributed.

Which OC is worse
Killryde or Lemonpuffs?
The best,
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i will be seeing nude horses tomorrow at a fair. i am planning on getting a ton of pictures.
those are okay I guess
I mean they're not even that noticeable in the first place
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writefagging is fun.
I still wouldn't buy them
and I've spent way too much on other pony merch

That pic should be the only one to have correct spelling and such
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Lemonpuffs is actually kinda cute
That's lewd.
You shouldn't degrade those poor animals.
I fucking KNEW it.
Somehow I KNEW.
I like your work.
Even when he's raping a retarded zebra midget and impregnating her against her will?
I think he's very ugly
Its only fun when people respond positively!
When you get ignored it feels like such a waste.
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What do you mean?
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I want this
Jeez, Anon. Calm down.
I went to the PNE a couple weeks ago
They had some really fucking huge horses
And also some really little ponies
One of the ponies was off the the side in a pen for reasons I couldn't discern. It had pink hair extensions and looked sad.
I didn't ever actually see horse genitalia
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>Lemonpuffs is actually kinda cute

I'll have to disagree with you.
holy shit that's a huge stocking
Doing something interactive will net you more responses.
Acceptable but as soon as you put a rack on a pony's crotch we're gonna have problems. I think milky way is cute but her "assets" are really unnecessary.

>Mini Tuffs was ambushed today…jeez
His colors piss me off for some reason
Like, I don't care about the character at all, or lamar in general, but those colors make me feel vaguely angry whenever I see them
>says the guy who likes skin cancer hyper obese incest anthro
twilight sockle
Yeah, it doesn't feel so great to be ignored, but there are plenty of ways to keep yourself motivated. I'll admit, if you're driven to write only for the attention, you're going to have a hard time. I focus on myself. If I get attention, great. If I don't, then I come back and do better. All that work can't be a waste when it's the very thing causing you to improve.
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Did I hit close home, anon?

Here, have a pony.

Okay dad
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thank you
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Oh, would you look at that. I actually meant before Lamar made his smut blog, I don't really care about what he does with his character now

Das okay m8
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keyword accepted
enjoy your pony
i would have pocketed the shit outta that
good lucking
You... you stop making sense right now.
Go back to typing pony sex!
I'll just be here, half assing stories in random threads.
I'm my number one audience; I do stuff and post it because it amuses me. Audience feedback is just a nice bonus.
The off-white mare has alf-folded into a puddle on the floor, running the new toy along her jaw line. She's making snow-angel motions with at least two limbs and mumbling contentedly. You clear your throat, first a little softly, then a bit loudly. Maybe it's hard to hear with the motor so close to her ear.

"Is there anything else?"

She cracks one eyelid open, looking a bit far-off. "Hmm?"

Your heel turns to the door. "Is there something else you'd like done before I go? I'm taking up enough of your time."

You're hoping you are saying very loudly in context you want to leave before things get awkward. Well, more awkward. She makes no sign but quavers, "No, I'm - I'm good. I'm gooood." You take the final throaty trill as a sign to LEAVE.

You bark, "Haveaniceday, ma'am!"

You try not to make a big show of hefting your toolbox and vaulting the exit door but it's moot - The fuzzy lady-puddle isn't aware you exist right now.

Do you dare look back?
Oops I beefed it
Never look back at an explosion.

What's our next stop?

On to the next job.
Would anyone be interested in a stream of the love action Phoenix Wright movie or 1986 Transformers movie?
daily reminder that I filter that thing you like

and that that should bother you

Well...just a small peek wouldn't hurt



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Live action*
Don't look back. Look forward to your next encounter with her.

Who says it's rape

MT has an impregnation fetish
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Pinkie has a strange diet
Wait, how is that rape? It's just him cumming inside her.
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that she does
You should start taking yourself seriously. I'm sure you have something to offer.

That's a good way to look at it. I admit I'm fairly ambitious about writing and very self-critical. I like to amuse myself, but mostly I'm looking to always get better.
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i would watch but livestream all of a sudden freezes and crashes on me. light googling and doing the obvious suggestions hasnt helped at all.
Yes, look how happy she is
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I fixed your picture for you
Eh, we really didn't need it here.
There are so many courses that are completely useless.
But I don't have autism.
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That gif cracks me up everytime
TMPPs was a pretty great episode if you ignore Twilight's pinkie-killing spree
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>ponies aren't your mouthpieces
maybe not your mouthpieces

She could just be embarrassed over how affectionate he's being with her tummy.
Why doesn't she have a unicorn perform a telabortion?
the only ones who would have sex with that disgusting yellow thing are either those who he rapes, or those who are so mentally challenged that they're legally incapable of giving consent.
which is also rape.
>if you ignore Twilight's pinkie-killing spree
But that's the best part!
Yeah, I can do that. Right now I'm just looking for stuff to write about. I tried a little in that "time stop" thread but that fell apart. I just can't seem to get myself to sit down and write longer stories.
TMPP, Magic Duel, and Sleepless in Ponyville were, in no particular order, far and away the best S3 episodes.
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>love action Phoenix Wright
oh my~

Is this A or B?

I say B
You could try short little interactive quests in the general
those are fun
Don't look back.
Duck in a bush and watch through the window Wait for the insertion
What if she sent the actual pinkie back?
Bad Apple and JfS are better than TMPP
So because you said so?
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What if ___________________poop
>the DL-6 incident flashback in the live-action
oh my christ
you don't have to start with something long right off the bat. A lot of my earlier stories are around 5000-15000 words. Stuff that's even shorter in-thread can make for effective, cute/sexy/sad scenes.
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I'm glad you have a goal, and I do enjoy your writings. I was mostly speaking in terms of this board; you can occasionally get some decent feedback, but it's not really the best venue for seeking constructive criticism.

I've had some really dry periods even when I was particularly proud of something I wrote, but I power through it and try different approaches.
what, like a CYOA thing? I think that's a tad bit out of my league. Could be entertaining though..
I could use my improvisation skills I acquired as a GM for D&D
i love hiding
Bad Apple was tainted by the introduction of a single annoying character.
Coincidentally, a self fulfilling episode title.
I've seen worse courses.
Well seeing how the cones were simple minded cheap clones that had a single unchangeable goal in life that couldn't be changed and had no memories at all about you'd have to literally not watch the episode to actually believe that for a moment
found ya
Would you live with a narrow pony?
Finish it anyway. I was liking it.
I'm not good with acronyms
Best way to advance with those is with gets, and MLPG hates gets.
Ponies only do that in outhouses or their in home restrooms.


I might actually buy one for shock value
Choose your own adventure
>You appear to have used a tripcode when posting
You beefed your pasta, anon. They're only using names, not trips.
Chose your own adventure.
I would say that no one cares what you do in the dead horse, but our horses keep dying early so you can't really do that anymore
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>You appear to have used a tripcode
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Of course, I'd even get up early with her to cheer and give moral support as she practices her patented signature maneuvers.
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>wanting me to read all that
Here's a pony that likes to read
If MLPG settles down for a second and let's the CYOA fill the general for 1 or 2 horses, then you could carry it out.
Anyone else watch the launch?
Yeah like that
I mean nothing extravagant if you don't want to

It could just be like a quest about being a pony and trying on dresses
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of course


If you could get simple graphics like inept does with PONY QUEST III it would be awesome.
I always get excited when I find or figure out something new. Gives me an excuse to use it in the next thing I write.

Read some CYOAs you liked, then steal bits and pieces from each one to make the one you run your own.
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>tfw mlpg is writing again
Would you hire a pony to read and respond to posts in mlpg for you?
We've had CYOAs in the middle of the thread multiple times. It's not a big deal.

I guess you could try the morning threads since MLPG is mostly ded then
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What if she snuggled you at night?
is it possible to play with a CYOA without using gets?

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don't jinx it you stupid horse
Not live, I had a look at a replay.
Overall exactly like I thought it would be from a rocket.
Caralight will be finished soon, for those who care.
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remember that episode when pinkie lost her wings
play fallout 3 instead
same shit
>reading Fan Fiction
You are making a huge mistake.
Yeah, popular vote
ASNYIP uses a combo of suggestions and gets.
You can run by picking suggestions, but it's not as "fair" if you get me.
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>pony will never use her magic to pull all the gunk out of your blackheads at once
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The first episode? Yeah, I remember.
if you run it on the sub you can use dice, but no one uses the sub
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Only if it's sarcastic Twily from s1

I'd die happily
It's not really all that bad for what it sets out to be

Just not what facnices my interest.
I sure hope so.
The recent amount of interactive stories was a great catalyst for reintroduction.
No link yet, but it's coming.

I'm making sure of it.

There are some good fanfictions out there.

FO:E is not of them.
Majority of votes, interesting requests, whatever's the right answer...
there's other ways, yeah.
Yeah, basically just try and go with the most popular decision
Go hang out on /tg/ a bit, its fucking covered in quest threads almost constantlyand some of them aren't even terrible
...that's ominous
wait what
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oh god that would feel so weird but so good
If you haven't played at least Fallout 2 and 3, yours gonna have a bad time.
I only remember that creepypasta about it
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But they have dices on the board. We don't.
That's why people use gets here.
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My nose is so full of blabbed at this point that it is literally impossible for me to pop them all.

Thanks a lot, Satan
Hmm. That sounds interesting. I'll see what I can do tomorrow.
If I don't remember, feel free to remind me. I work better when people are expecting things of me. most of the time
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Should I try and organize a new MLPG Writes again?
Or is it too early?
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You live a long and loving life with her THE END
I really dislike using gets. While it can offer interesting actions and challenge the OP to integrate some crazy stuff, it's too prone to shitposting and you might have one anon who wants the story taken one direction when everyone else wants it taken another. Since it's the action the questanon takes, it should be based on reason/logic to some extent, but gets tend to just throw that out the window.
Pinkie was originally going to be Surprise from g1 MLP
>pony will never use her magic to pull all the gunk out of your lungs or even better teleport it out

I wish I could breathe properly again

Well the general likes the comics and that's clearly fanfiction.
stop smoking
plus gets are prone to cheating
But we don't need gets.
Really if you want to be fair choose the most popular vote. It's the best choice. It's better than doing some bullshit thing because a guy got lucky with the post numbers
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>that's clearly fanfiction.
Yeah, I prefer majority or even "that single suggestion I can use to move this in a manner that maintains verisimilitude."
I'd say wait a bit and make sure the traction is there for it, but there's something to be said about striking while the iron is hot.
Maybe it'll catalyze the writing if you do one now.
Too soon.
Give time.
I know that, but you know just how easy it is to samefag a "popular" opinion?
They're just little story prompt-things, right? Or full blown fics?
I don't want to commit to something I'll pussy out of.
I guess I should draw something.
The only thing ominous is it being revealed how it's being finished. /stories/780/sa

It'll be worth the weight, as it is with these things.
This is like a singularity of bait

A gateway to the plane of worms shall soon come forth and we shall all drown in bait.

Is she in labor?
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She'd do that...?
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I think now is a great time for something like that
We're still in the dead of the hiatus and we need something like that.
Although if you're going to do a writing event I want it to be something that is relatively easy and fun to read. Some of them turned out a bit daunting when you got hit with 20 different stories at once.

Keep the prompts short, like a few paragraphs at most.
I wanted a plushie so bad that I got one of those 4de ones
And now it just sits there
Doing nothing
appropriate reaction, i want it
/tg/ usually uses its dice for skill rolls etc, not choosing responses, which is what I interpreted him as meaning.
That's what gets would be for, ie "dubs chooses the response"

Rolling using a post number is kinda troublesome though, if you want to have mechanics like that
I want to draw but nothing comes to mind. What should I do?
Well it would get suspicious when suddenly you have the double number of players
why don't you hug it
How about Dash getting her ear pierced for the first time
Look at the terror on Twilight's face as Spike rapes all of her books
GOOD. FIRST THING TO EXPECT IS Im tired am sleep gbye
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goddamnit now i'm sad
You hasten to promptly and charitably misremember the encounter. Maybe over a pale ale. You swing your toolbox forward a little hard and it pulls you through the door like Mjolnir.

The lock nearly clicks before you realize the pay for the job is on the oak hutch. Just inside the door. With the noises.

You suck air through clenched teeth and open the door a crack. Just enough for a head and a searching arm. The envelope is easy enough to find but navigating the space takes a fraction longer than you'd planned.

Just long enough to catch Rarity's frame turned away, shuddering, or register a long low throaty rasp. Burningly powerful magic dribbling down her mane. Something like a shuffling of cards. Wet cards. Roughly.

There is no memory between bolting the door and being a block away, still running. You manage to 'forget' it - until a request a week later. A chandelier fixed, and "Earth artifact advice."

You bill overtime.
ask for requests?
Draw Twily working a paper tape computer
I don't like piercings.
I have
And it just makes me more upset about how i'm hugging a toy thing of a little girls show
Pony is sad she doesn't have a human to hold.
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but she's reading the book titles.
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>You bill overtime.
I dunno, writing 1000 characters at a time makes things move at a pretty good clip. Maybe strong challenges would win out some fun entries.
Scootaloo, the bleeding seems to have yielded some unfortunate results
Requests never interest me at the time.
This entire board should get dice. I can see even the shittiest CYOAs improving from it, and we would be able to use them as well.
but you enjoy the show and the character the toy represents, right?
Okay, how about Fluttershy lying on her back and grabbing her own tail dock?
is appledan around?
pastebin where
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>those big happy eyes
why is she so adorable
No where, you goof.

The comic is a brony pandering fanfiction of faust's original vision. Accept it.
Is /tg/ the only board with dice right now?
The votes were cast. GTFO was the order of the day.
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I do, don't get me wrong
I think I've just ruined the image for the show by going to spaghetti con
b-but I want to read it later
How about multilpe categories?

Small oneshots, medium stories, larger tales?
You can pretty well just have the DM/Story Leader roll for the players and post a screen cap.
it's exactly as it sounds, but fuck it. I want it done.
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Speaking of the comic, I haven't read the last four that came out. How were they?
Get out.
Only a couple of the micros have that shit.
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I thought about writing a little more with Anon being asked to please help roll it behind her ear, but

Clearly that would sail into "spaghetti anon drops spaghetti ERRYWHERE"

They are also the only place that allows direct pdf uploads right now. I really wish /k/ got them

They also have pdf uploads, which for a board centered around documents is fucking great.
Remember that episode where you focused an inordinate amount of time on pinkie's butt? She sure does.
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Maybe I could get some ideas on what to do if I decide to make a new one? I thought 1k minimum was fine, but of course, there can be improvements

>10 available
Big Mac arc was great as was the CMC micro.
I believe so.
/s4s/ has been trying forever to get some too, but no luck.
All amazing
Oh I didn't mean I needed him to have sex with her or anything. Just that you obligingly had him turn into Max Awkwardly.
anyone here use monoprice tablets?
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>you'll never go on an adventure with pony and her human self
I'd say wait. We've had fits and starts before.

See how well MLPG takes to having greentext or other long-form stories.
Good stuff.
I actually don't know what you were alluding to there. Is it some kind of SEEKRIT url?
so where else would anon wind up helping out?
>Only a couple of the micros have that shit.
Like mando appearing in the nightmarerity isues?
If pony derpy and human derpy bump their butts together what happens?
Last four would be both Big Mac comics, the CMC micro, and something else. All of these I've mentioned were very good, and the CMC's had some stellar art. Check'em out, they're worth your while.
fuck that, if you look presentable in the least bit then you're helping undo the stereotype

don't stop doing things just because you're afraid of what other people think, as long as it's not hurting you, or the people around you, let them have their judgements

if you must, take solace in the fact that every fandom is awful, not just this one, bronies are just a bit of a hot topic right now
Remember that episode when it was revealed Pinkie was a unicorn? Wish I still had the pic.
I've learned it's better to follow the votes than start some shitfit about how "you like totally ignored the prompt!"
The Big mac miniarc is loved by most people here. Honestly I think it's great and fun but not that memorable and enjoyable as the others since it's not with the main character.

The CMC micro was adoable and cute, almost as good as the Rarity Micro in my opinion
>you will never help pony fight her shadow, the true self
No she said she was horny, big difference.
>1k minimum
like I said, I think you'd get a lot more people enjoying it if there was a maximum around that word count instead

This is just my opinion though, I don't read many fanfictions.
More like another foolish decision I've made.
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?
Alright. But the whole comic is too good for me to be ruined by such small things.
I don't actively look for references on the background.
Okay, pony knows that you should keep moving forward, no matter what happens. Find yourself a nice girl, one she could be proud you got because she wants you with someone you deserve.
Good night, xieril
>Pony thinks that she can beat the shadow by accepting herself
>Goes to try and hug it
>You yell out "No use a healing spell! Healing spell!" just before it takes a swing at her
the nightmare rarity arc was pretty meh
>don't stop doing things just because you're afraid of what other people think

This is my biggest anxiety so I don't know what to say
I like to think that I'm presentable
Jesse didn't cringe or anything at the sight of me so maybe that says something
Does anyone have that GG drawing of Anon, Twilight and Rarity at a hot bath?
I wonder whatever happened to 11
the force is diflected
stop being cryptic
I'm not one to pry, but it seems like I missing some kind of secret stash of stories
Essentially inconsequential
Amazing, especially if you pay attention to small things.
i think it was too squeezed for page space, nightmare rarity barely got an issue's worth of time
It will all be revealed in time. Night.
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y-you too
Inclined to disagree
>Oh look a pony oc you know, now your day is ruined
>400M away grandmapocalypse
#11 comes out at the end of the month, after the Celestia micro. You might see the first preview for it next week.
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>hello anon?
>it's me again
>how do I know that the light in my fridge is off if I can't see it when the door closes?
You should try being less creepy about it.
It's my favorite arc
How can I train myself to write without my fingers touching the paper? The back of my fingers are starting to form calluses.
Put angel inside it and ask him
Probably the farm. I've thought about asking MLPG how they'd respond to the Apples inquiring all about orchards on Earth only to realize he doesn't know jack shit.

And has to stretch out what he half-remembers from a Florida Orange Juice commercial on how fruit baskets work.

Anon is not always for sexual, but maybe he wants to be with Applejack but she doesn't like him that way
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>those faggots who thing all people who create things for MLPG should shut up and stop making things
there should be a switch in the door
you can play with it and see if it works
It's not nice to make fun of the mentally challenged, anon.
that's why i prefer the chrysalis comics since she had more screen time.
type instead
Fluttershy, we've been over this. There's a switch inside. When you close the door, part of it pushes the switch down and turns off the light.
stick angel bunny in, he's small enough to fit
have him tell you
There's a little switch at the top that the door hits when you close it. Push it in and you can see it turn off.
You close yourself inside sometime if you can fit.
You'll know pretty quickly.
Ever see that anime gif of those two girls hitting buts and their clothes exploding off?

like that
i don't have it
but like that
I mean drawing, sorry.
at least one anon has admitted to just wanting to watch the General burn.
don't let them have their way.
>Wants to be with AJ
Twilight, Rarity, Dash or nothing
U... unf?
I like both OC's, specially that OC on OC
What happens when two falcon punches collide?
the best way to do that
is by playing both sides
She also had a very poor resolution.
After feeding on those tiny animals, Twilight just went full Sue and slapped her around.
Lemon pls draw pone impregnating pone
Try alternative positions for resting your hands
fuck you
they cancel each other out because they have identical priority
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that's insane
you're insane
I don't want this thread to devolve into /soc/ or worse, /fa/ but if you can pass in a pair of jeans and a decent t-shirt for casual wear with a shaved face and short hair then you're fine
>no dogs
he'll never do it
And people dislike ME...
then that's what happens
Lemon I loved that new Dog x Dash pic
your lines are so pleasant to look at
>shaved face
Sometimes I forget but I don't go full neckbeard unless my hockey team is in the playoffs
Hmmm, could this be what sentenal was talking about?


I bet it's obvious to everyone that follows fanfiction
Diamond dogs breeding Twilight and Rarity for more ponies for them to use then
>BG pony shipping with a main character

How about no
I bet your the type of jerk who loves to destroy sandcastles at the beach. Especially during a pro competition.
They're my favorites too but challenges make for better writing and certainly better fun.
I feel you MAH NIGGA levels falling fast

Oral is the only way to fix that
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Remember that Strawberry Shortcake general
But that human Derpy has noass
It was during 2011

We were young, naive, and stupid.

Mostly naive.
>that whole thing started long ago as a short one-shot
>from a request that I made
what an odd feel
What if Spike gets sick and Twilight needs a temporary library assistant?
Many of them.
If you feel that way. Have fun, that's the most important. I wouldn't have fun with that but that's just me. I'm sure others will.

So you know, have fun.
That food reminds me of pony now.
pony can't stop pooping
she needs another roll
please can you help
maybe bring her a magazine
talk to her
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I want to feel love

I didnt say I hate anybody.

That has to wait, work has gotten in the way.

I love you.
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>fat ugly mexican guy with small penis spreads HIV to over 300 people

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but ponies don't poop
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Do you guys want to watch a really cheesy samurai movie? I got tons.
I could drawstram afterwards, if it makes you guys feel any better. Don't know why i've been on a movie kick lately, but it'll end soon, I hope. Still got chip quest to do and all that.
>christmas gift

>those poor factory workers that had to make these
That was sort of the kernel for that romance marathon fic I started a night or two ago. Anon falls into Equestria, continues Library Science as a career, just "happens to" get transferred to Ponyville LIbrary as her assistant.

I play to what I know. I'm sort of self-conscious it went from "what would you do" to "Anon is a given name for an OC OH FUCK."
he gots the game
i want to feel pony
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And probably Craigslist
remember when sequential art was always terrible
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man, changing diapers as an earth pony must suck.
>Jeff Mangum

well it says up to 60 were because of prostitution

the rest are one-night stands with gay truckers and shit, apparently.
is it just me or has this place gotten better lately?
>with small penis

I didn't see that in the article
i don't think anyone cares about you
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It's about the same it's been all hiatus, really.
You can fuck all you want if you're gay and lower your standards
Just use Craigslist
I fucked two guys in one night once
the poster was one of the 300
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you're welcome
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once you lower your standards enough its easy to get sex
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I'll see my way out then! Later scrub.
During hiatus MLPG is always having ups and downs
You haven't done shit, worst horse.

I got a Bioshock mousepad

I wish I'd have gotten furry porn instead
Fun is the best catalyst for getting something you're in any mood to see through. Why /v/ seems allergic to it I'll never know.

Who's your favorite pone, Anon?

bronies hit mainstream forever ago and /v/ is still crying about it

why is /v/ so awful
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I'm going to guess which samurai movie.
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>you'll never have a femanon as your only human friend in Equestria
But the thing is I don't want one of those disgusting gross guys who visit Craigslist ads. I'd rather have a nice guy who likes ponies to have sex with, he doesn't have to be very good looking as long as he isn't creepy.
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Yeah Bioshock is pretty lame
I'm sporting this baby currently
i would hug that pinkie so hard
>you'll never support her through her engagement to that nice pegasus
Because it's /v/.
I'm just one guy. There are more that would enjoy that.
Like I said have fun
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"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"
Why are they all crying when there's no source link for the image? Or am I just missing something?
>feeding Pinkie frosting like you would feed a dog whipped cream
Too bad, it's sword of doom stream in email and all that
Well you could fuck me
I'm not that creepy
I've just got terrible confidence
You feed a dog whipped cream?
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I got this one when they were like a buck
I should have gotten something else
If that's true, that's pretty funny

I highly doubt it though
>she'll never in turn support you in your budding romance with that cute unicorn mare
>Or am I just missing something?
You're missing that it's /v/
I'd play but I had to uninstall it because Payday 2 wants to take up 21 Gbs on my SSD.

It's not that Bioshock is lame or anything

it's just that a Bioshock mousepad is a bad way to show off you got a mousepad for free thanks to 4chan fuckery
Is that actually Kojima
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Pony should human.
I was just happy to get 2 free mouspads
Yeah nigga, you just get one of those spray whip cream thing and you point it down to the dog when they come over and you give them a little of the cream. They love it.
Was? Also being so deep seeded in the furry fandom Jolly jack pretty much surrounds himself with a circle jerk that makes him go nowhere. He's like a little self contained mlpg.
>Not transferring it to your mechanical drive
That doesn't apply when you legitimately HAVEN'T done anything at all. Fuck off.
I need ideas

Ideas for an image involving Rarity and Red Ribbon

I just have a dedicated 2 TB HDD for my Steam games.
I was getting sick of uninstalling and reinstalling things.
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wearing silly outfits
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We mousepads now?
>2 TB

I should have gotten a 3 TB...I thought I had enough.
the two discussing dress details over lunch

Or red ribbon eating rarity

Or red ribbon eating rarity as the two discuss the finer details of dresses
> Anon gets something lodged in his throat. He panics, uncertain how to throw himself right over a chair
> Femanon rushes behind him and jabs hard in the back, resorting to what she hopes is the Heimlich
> The hard sticky oatmeal cookie cough dislodges, Anon hacking and coughing, wheezing "Th-thank you."
> All the ponies are either screaming or in simple shock. They had been totally useless. Femanon seems like some sort of master-hero now.
> Femanon hands a handkerchief and a glass of water.
> "Now do you think you could afford the flower arrangements?"
> Anon can only nod hastily.
>tfw you will never get Big Mac drunk and convince him to try gay sex
>You'll never shyly ask eachother if they'd be willing to help you and your spous have kids
>Her husband to your wife and femanon for you.
trying on each other's dresses?

Red Ribbon lets Rarity borrow one of her crotchbras
I stole some of the MLP:CCG gamepads to use as a mousepad. They work pretty well.
>pony will never tickle you buttonhole
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anon just get out of the way
princess coming through
> unimportant
Your favorite pony or least favorite pony doesn't color the next story or even necessarily start it. I'm just curious. It's fun to hear what other people like.
>not watching 13 Assassins
Rarity getting Red Ribbon to lose weight, with work out outfits.
They go out for lunch but are confronted by a unhappy cow.
Out. Now.

And I won't tell Celestia about that shit you tried to pull with Cadance and Rarity.
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pony confirmed for mgs5
No honking.
>it doesn't take
>you just aren't compatible with femanon for some reason
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what stuff
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Rarity wants to be lolita and Red teaches her the ways of candy loli.
>You thought it'd be more awkward than it was
>You didn't think it'd end up in regular swinging between the two couples
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>"It is I, Princess of the Night! Let me share your wet dreams so I may satiate my lustful urges..."
>candy loli
I meant sweet lolita. But Rarity wants to be goth.
Why would you even buy a hard dildo that small?
Luna, I'm not even asleep yet. Do you want to have sex or what?
ribbon trying on panties for rarity. the panties are too small and extremely tight. asscheeks hanging out and anus visible.

bonus:rarity has a boner
Gonna have to look elsewhere

I only get psychedelic ones
nohooves loves bonbon
it's a kneaded eraser that i decided to turn into a penis for some reason
The butt stuff.
> you will never escort her to Barren Anonymous (they're pretty blunt here) as a "friend"
> or go less-than-secretly yourself as a man with no possibility for children
> you will never talk things over carefully with your wife and agree you should be mutual surrogates, one biological child of her husband and your wife living with you, another with Femanon, "Aunts and Uncles" all around
> You will never see your wife shake her head, sighing, "Anon, you think I'd want it any other way?"
Wow that's really detailed/good anon. I did that too but I made a human head, different priorities I guess.
That doesn't sound right at all for Luna
Go back and try again anon
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>"what are you looking at? there's nothing there~"
* sighing, SMILING, FUCK
>Anon sitting in a featureless, kaleidoscope landscape. Bored out of his mind
>Luna can't even comprehend what's going on, she just wants the fuck out of your dream
I'm addicted to butts and I blame every single one of you.
it just happened one day when i was fidgeting with it out of habit that the thought popped into my head
>Hey, this kinda looks like a dick.

should probably try making other things too, when i'm not using it
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just pony butts?
Pretty much. Unless its a really good butt.
I want to rub that smooth area where there isn't anything there

I'm worrying about your neck seeming to be missing

should we get you to a hospital?
muh fetish
> that face
"Hey gurrllll ..."
Dem eyes
O.. oh my.
You could probably whittle a pony out of that stuff
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Guys guys guys.
Listen I have an idea.
Listen okay it's a great idea.
Okay are you listening? Alright get ready.
Cause it's pretty good.
Okay bat/zebra ponies, flying pony planes, using pony condiments and drinking pony cokes.
you are a true artist. i am going to pretend you are rose.

because that is how image rose is in real life in my headcanon.
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>she can't find her way out until you wake up
all at once?
higher res pic
offsite link due to notpone
i spent quite a bit of time trying to get the junction between cock and balls but it just wasn't coming to me

probably gonna try that when i stop drawing for tonight, i need the practice

i'm not even going to pretend i'm rose
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diapers are really pretty cute once in a blue moon
>"goddamn moonhorse, stop screaming and calm down"
> You will never go to the leather shop and very - clearly - order gloves with five fingers
> Femanon in tow, brandishing Diamond-Dog gloves a little angrily
> The Grand Galloping Gala is coming up and there's no way you're just "cutting holes" for your fourth fingers like the owner suggests
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How about just waifus?
Of course at once. And their sidekick can be a wise cracking deer voiced by Chris Tucker.
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Best in the show
Best in the comics
Best in EqG
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thanks rose
I haven't read any of the comics
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>but it just wasn't coming to me


>"Seriously, just...sit down and take it in. It can get kinda pretty sometimes."
you are my new best friend
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movie stram
>best in EqG
Nigga I'm a Rarifag and she was horrible in EqG. All of them were.
Except Fluttershy and Spike
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You're doing yourself a disservice by not reading AT LEAST the Rarara micro
>The next day she's so inspired she tries to do the same for the night sky
>Mass panic
>At a con
>The only pony merchandise are beanies
>Want to support my good pony-wife
>Want to maintain dignity
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You like them?
I was looking specifically for beanies at the last con
nothing but shitty official merch
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did someone say moonhorse?
>show up to the gala in a suit
>you have to admit, Rarity did a pretty good job on it
>femanon shows up
>you almost drop the flowers you were holding
>holy SHIT she's gorgeous
Luna is a terrible horse
>"Maybe next time you should try it with auroras instead of comets. And, uh, an announcement probably wouldn't hurt either."
Pony is giving you a night call to tell you how she feels.
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Shouldn't I read them in order?
>you will never share Rose's lewdness
Anon. Please. It's an extremely formal occasion. The ponies all wear their best hooves or leg-gloves and it's only right you should wear something far north of driving gloves.

The Ponyville "Leather Presser" proprietor doesn't seem to understand just how awful it would look with a fourth finger hanging naked int he breeze.
What a handsome horse that is.
You did put your friend code in the sub so we can all play games, right?
Can we talk about nonpony for a moment?
The micros are their own separate stories.
Pony, it's the middle of the night...
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No sir
The main comics kinda
The micros are all independent
But you should read all the comics
You could skip the Dash and Flutters micros since they are the worst ones but all the oters are at least decent
>/v/ thread 404'd
but I was having fun