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I'm currently holding an impromptu, livestreamed PMQ/Q&A session.
Tune in here, and be sure to subscribe. To ask a question or participate in the discussion, use this thread.

This one will be quite a bit different because I'll be giving audio responses to questions posted in the thread. It should enable me to answer more questions, more quickly, and not skip over questions that would require a long written response. If it goes well, we'll probably switch over to this format for the future, and it'll also be a good opportunity to trial Hangouts on Air/YouTube Live for our upcoming 4chan panel livestream.

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MLPG, Non-Anonymous edition.

Previous, smelly horse:
Why are these threads a thing, anyway? To discuss ponies on the pony board?
The show isn't even airing.
Is this your first day here, anon?
Lurk more.
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Oy, this guy.
You're not even airing.
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Why is this board a thing anyway? To discuss comics and cartoons outside of the comics and cartoons board?

The show isn't even airing.
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"I hope you die today."
Why is this board a thing?
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I drew my first ever pony

I cannot into legs or perspective

where do I meditate to learn
nice going price you fucken asshole. making fun of the obese redneck mom is fine but not the little kid, its not her fault she has awful parents.
The ultra grim derp red eyes kill it.
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I'm not a huge fan of anthro, but that one gets me
10/10 it's perfect
That's the hottest thing about the picture
>standing on two legs
>red eyes

You're two steps away from sergals. Don't push it.
The thread number 21 on the art board in the sub.
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 9.9 lel
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Geez Twilight can you NOT bitch for once?
She is pretty hot.
I think it's the sash and just how fine that strut is.
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It's just a normal human with a big nose.
This should answer your questions:
>1337 1337
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fixed background edition

I went there
I should practice first
We're better at shitposting than /mlp/ though

Laugh of my day.
To contain pony since it wasn't wanted and/or allowed on 4chan.
Can you believe there are people that still think G.rule 15 will go away, Twilight?
Hah! Moot would make a serious /fur/ board before that happened.
Also her boobs, waist size, long legs... it pretty much combines everything I like

And on top of that she has wings
> ANYthing that happens on the board is MIRRORED there

I'm pretty certain not everything on the shitlord threads get reflected. We don't even TALK about PiE or batponies or whatever the flavor of the week is.
he sees no need to make a /fur/ board as /b/ is already /fur/

so he made /s4s/ instead and let the furries be
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It's kinda sad that people will actually believe that.
its so weird to see what /v/ speak is turning into. i wonder what it will change into in the next few months.
Breaking news: People unable to ignore things they don't like, complain on the internet about it
Of course not, we get our own flavors of the week.
That doesn't answer my question, it just gives me more reasons to question it.
>fuzzy hair
No. It shall be straight and greasy, as if she's never washed them.
wow that guy really hates mlpg
any time, anon
give me a shitty joke and I'll make a shitty picture
one day i'll be the new GG or Krabb
Some people took the rose tinted glasses a long time ago.
Like a lot of people on the board. And thing is they only hate it because other people on /mlp/ told them to hate us.
I blame the sergals

Sergals ruin everything. I really hate sergals, but I can't stop talking about them. Sergals. Sergals ruined my mind and now I'm full of sergals. Goodbye MLPG, I'm going to go sergal off a cliff and pony onto the sharp rocks below.
>I GO there
That's the worst part
>I'm a regular

>don't get me started on booping
That just says more than anything else in the entire post
i agree its all the same shit but its easier to browse and keep track of 1 thread than finding all the different ones out in /mlp/
It baffles me people go places specifically just to get mad. It's like they're terrified of how they'll fail to measure up if they embrace a thing they like.
you know, it's a really fun word to say

kind of like boop, musky, squelch, vagina, and ejaculate

it has a nice woody sound to it, you know?
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>>don't get me started on booping
Part of me believe that it's a joke because of that. I mean, what's more harmless than booping?
It's because other people told them to hate it and they never questioned it
I get mad at 4chan but I can't quit it.
It reminds me of the watermelon otter thing. What the guy said just makes perfect sense.
You hate it, but can't quit it.
But it's not a mirror. We don't reflect even a fraction of the wider board unless there's a special quest or someone decides to sneak in a cross-post to a Batpone thread or something.

MLPG is not all cheese and crackers but I'm not sure who would think we're some microcosm of all /mlp/.
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I really don't know why people can't ignore threads they don't like.
Phineas pls
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> last 10 mins: 41 (51.25%)
His point is that /mlp/ is the same as MLPG except better in some ways. He can just go to /mlp/ then. It's the same but better, it's on 4chan. But no, he has to come here, then complain about us here and on /mlp/.
>>don't get me started on booping
>That just says more than anything else in the entire post

It's $500-Anon. The same one that always starts "HAHAHA BOOP BOOP BOOP SO FUCKIN FANNY" when someone posts about something he doesn't like.
Why not fuck a cosplayer?

They can dress as your pone waifu.

Cosplayers are easy, you know
How about we stop carrying about what faggots say about us on /mlp/ and talk about ponies

So here's a topic. We know that the next comic is Shining and Cadence in high school.
Do you think it will be mostly them interacting in the high school or will we see them in other places. I mean by that time Twilight should be with Celestia right?
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Why is she so scrunch?
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Moist pony squelches through the musty, mucky mud
That makes sense, but I thought that was brokenenglishanon.
>awful parents

you mean the one who still works for a livin' because neither parent touches the money the show generates because they had it all put into a trust friend for each of their children? or do you mean the one that had all the money from the show put into trust funds for her children?
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Scrunchest pony
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Because she knows what she likes.
>Why don't people just ignore chikun on /b/?
It's daily and it never stops.
Because I live hundreds of kilometers from the closest ones and thousands of kilometers from pony cons.

he said the magic word!

...fuck I wish I had the gif of marker boopin' like mad
Who the fuck still visits /b/ in 2013?
...Was it even said that Twilight didn't live with her parents after becoming Celestia's student?
Filtering is easy, but I've seen MLPG leak on /mlp/ and talk about "we're superior". I'm not sure if those were just false flags.
So basically what he is saying is that he's mad because other people have friends?
>taking shitposters seriously
You don't consider random anons your "friends", do you?
They were the shitty people that come here just to talk about butts and suck mewball's prehensile clitoris
But there are many people who aren't Anon here.
No, not random Anons.
If I had to guess, it's the exact same person who wrote that post we're talking about now.
I mean come on, those of us that actually believe that we're better don't go to /mlp/.
There's so much irony in that post, I don't know where to begin.
But let's leave it at that.

Hopefully they won't show Twilight nor Celestia.
Shining armor needs his time to shine.
>He hasn't befriended people from the general
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>mewball's prehensile clitoris

Weren't you going to pony off a cliff onto a seagull?
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I only come here because there's no useless namefags here, everything is in one thread and I don't have to look for it, and we have better drawfags.

Also, there are no le epic gets!! XD, image dumps, retarded risk-esque games where everyone roleplays, or roleplayers in general.

This one general is objectively better than /mlp/ or else you and I wouldn't be using it.
>suck mewball's prehensile clitoris
And kiss his wolfshark head, too?
>dem kicks

Why don't we have pictures of ponies wearing air jordans
I'm pretty sure we'll get some parts where he's with Twilight at home.
I can't remember who said it, Marc Maron probably, but they had a really great bit of insight in something when they said that there is a very dark moment in watching someone enjoy something you don't like, because you're not a part of that.

I think the people who can't ignore things are people who, in some fucked up way, want to never be excluded from anything, so they have to try to destroy the things they aren't a part of. But there is no logical end to that. Best case scenario we all wear grey and feel no way about any thing
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have you appeased your grand matriarch today, mlpg?
I don't know about 'objectively better' but it's a damn sight easier to keep people on-task and have vigorous and even contentious debate without four Johnny-Come-latelys coming by and saying "OH LOVE AND TOLERATE DON'T YOU UNDERSTAAAND" or "THAT IS THE GUY WHO CAME UP WITH THE DRAFT OF MY OC, DO NOT ARGUE"

I can straight-up call a tripfag insane and still get a metered response.
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there is a girl at my work who is very nice but her disgusting cow tits gross me out. even though they are natural i told her to leave me alone until she gets breast reduction surgery.
>I mean come on, those of us that actually believe that we're better don't go to /mlp/.
That is what I don't quite get. I mean, we have people in here who consider everything on the outside to be utter shit - but those people never leave the general anyway so I don't see the problem. /mlp/ goers would have to come to MLPG and read posts here to encounter that kind of mindset - but if they dislike MLPG because of said mindset, why do they come here in the first place?
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>wearing a baseball cap
>wearing it backwards
... /soc/ is that way man
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>not wanting to cuddle human fluttershy
MLPG > /mlp/
Deal with it, hater.
>mewball's penis has a wolfshark head on it

i don't know what to say to this except that lyra must not be very excited for sex
You sick monster...
>wanting to cuddle MSOB's human fluttershy
>or roleplayers in general.
That depends how broad you define roleplaying. A lot of the smut greentext probably falls under it
>wanting to cuddle a human

absolutely disgusting
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>not wanting to
Super gay
That is probably the most easily hated person on the planet
They don't.
Most of them don't even know what the hell happens in MLPG. They just get old that MLPG is circklejerk general and that's it.
A few days ago when BCS made a thread on /mlp/ asking what they think about us if you went there you'ld have seen that most people said the same thing
>I don't go there but they just circklejerk about how superior they are
Then you have shitposters like >>13371348 who just want to start shit everywhere. I mean there was one guy that wanted to make us hate the Batpony general and that shitposted there saying that he's from MLPG.
Putting a name on and pretending to be a pony.

It doesn't.
Yeah, but it's at least one paragraph semilit, usually.
Don't you love the ponies for her personalities, Anon? What if your waifu was stuck in a human body? Would you refuse her love?
How would I do that if she doesn't even respond to my letters?
Did you remember to make your semen offering?
Does it count when it was 3 in the morning and before I went to sleep?
who is lyra having sex with? why?
The only truth is the superior part.
We do say that we're superior.
Weren't most people in there saying that they feel indifferent towards MLPG?
>implying my waifu would love me

I dont deserve her.
I'm done. MLPG a shit.
All boards hate their generals, /co/ included.
So how is that relevant/important?
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Can't we all just talk about my new boyfriends 9" dick?
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fuck you
We all know Shining has a big dick.
The only good thing about the cartoon
Sylvia is okay too I guess
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Is it just me or is MLP kind of fucking stupid?
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What if you waifu was stuck in a human body with the wrong gender?
You should really see a professional about your dick obsession Twilight
She better like it up the butt
What's wrong with it?
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>tfw you will never give rover a belly rub
>tfw you will never reduce him to a giggling, panting mess in front of his lackeys
>tfw rover will never lick your hand
>tfw rover will never hump your leg
>tfw rover will never do backflips when you offer him treats
>tfw rover will never cuddle up on top of your comforter and make your bed twice as warm
>tfw you will never wake up hugging rover through the covers
>tfw your house will never be coated with rover's hair
I think that person's waifu is a man

I'm .75" away from beating Brad.
I swear I'll get there Twily
This is perfect.
Man anthros are so dumb

Why do furries have to have such dumb ideas

Don't you hate it when pony won't stop licking you from head to toe to get all your salty skin deliciousness?
Yes. Pony has halitosis.
Hold on. What's your problem here? The species?
>Get /fit/
>Pone is attracted to you
>Get sweaty
>They get tipsy from licking you
>They wander down lower
>Fuck a second time
>Get in a loop of working out and fucking
>Die happy at the age of 104
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Certainly not
I don't know, it just seems dumb. Animal people are dumb.

Animals that are sort of like people sort of make sense, and they're unavoidable because we have magical empathy powers that let us relate to everything from ants to zebras, but animal people are dumb and boring.
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Would you love pony even if she had a bad sense of humor?

>she bought you the /pol/ster
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I don't even care about ponies on /co/ anymore, I'm sad because of all the other boards' missed interactions.
Proper quests on /tg/, japanese doujinshi on /d/, cosplay on /cgl/, the possibility to use related pony reaction images and gifs...
Having a containment board sometimes creates something original (although /mlp/ often feels like running every idea to the ground), but it really prevents interactions at large, thus making it so that new people never get in contact with the show, the comics, the Equestria setting at large.
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Would you eat it?

It's nearly breakfast time.
T-t-hanks, pinkie....
That's why I love the 4CC.
At least it gives a little crossboard interaction.
Can't use reac images, but tough luck I guess.
The pony I love the most isn't like that.
And even so if her friends are like that I'd still love them.
Fuck pony, pony a shit.
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>not liking /pol/
Were some feelings hurt?
the verdict on the part of the immature underage cancer that 4chan calls "the majority" was that ponies were fucking gay and a cancer that magically turns you into a fat autistic furfag freak

and you know, they're kind of right. sometimes it feels like this show is a drawn out argument in favor of wanting to fuck ponies


and to be fair, there's a lot of it that appeals to autistic failures at life and very little that appeals to people that don't desperately need simplistic saccharine escapism
> Quick, i'll use a FUN MEEM from 2010 and make it PONY
> And R63

This is not good for my blood pressure
>I don't know, it just seems dumb

I'm not really trying to argue with you here, but I'm a furry, and so it seems I have an obligation to at least say something nice about it.
>tfw Cosmo will never finish that fic of R63 Twilight fucking the hell out of Rarity
>Dusk shine
>Doesn't even look like a stallion

Stallions have robust faces that create a slope from their nose to their forehead damnit, even the effeminate ones

If it has a flat face, it's a mare. Or a stallion on HRT, but those don't exist because transexuality is magically cured in equestria just like the gay.
The movie sucked but the graphics were cute

Whats the big deal?
Seeing that idiotic bitch crying makes me smile
They weren't, EG designs are really ugly
/cgl/ doesn't mind cosplay, for the most part.
Well, that and maybe the ability to just lich out the whole of Equestria as she goes

But it's not like the rest of the Elements wouldn't be literally there in the Castle for the crowning ceremony
I want to worship Moonbutt's butt.
That's like an opinion, man.
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> Twilight REALLY doesn't want Anon to see her porn choices
Literally every attempt to draw them ends up being better than the original.
I'm pretty sure Celestia and Luna could beat the crap out of her.
6 Elements were needed to defeat NMM. One element means nothing to them.
Also she's sending her army to slaughter.
The mirror is tiny so at most 2 guys at once. In the middle of a fucking castle.
So just like Ross' designs?
It looks less like that and more like she's stepping onto a waffle iron
Her plan made its own bottleneck
She is NOT a very smart pony
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Have you ever looked at the background elements and thought "god, that looks delicious?"

Look at that fucking fence. It's like white chocolate. And those tents are like fucking orange creamsicles.

Say what you want about errors, but the colour palette in this show is mouth watering.

I want to eat ponyville.
Well, no shit.
They're made easy for animation.
But you have to do a semi-stealth thread, usually with no words in the OP and when you bump it to keep it around. And you better hope some shitposter doesn't notice, making it so that others will report and take the thread down.
Still, I'm appalled at how /cgl/ does not give any fuck about the subject of your cosplay or how you know the original medium, but will fucking burn you if you don't conform to their social standards -thus creating more and more attention whores, who create shitstorms, who create more attention whores.
Is this what happens when women run a board? Think about it, it's definitely that.
That's a mouse with a fucking scrollwheel attached to it.
>MLPG a shit
>using this meme

and nothing of value was lost
But they did a shit job regardless. There was a thread on /mlp/ talking about this, how they could've kept them easy to animate but not look like total shit. The completely awful body proportions aren't anything mandatory for them to be easy to animate, and yet they went with them anyway.
Look at this guy who doesn't attach a mouse to his waffle iron
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they're mandatory to make bratz rip off dolls, which are what habsro designed before EG was a thing
>a shit
It's site-wide culture, you philistine!
You're waifu a shit.
No, they're made easy for selling shitty dolls, not for animation
And does that mean that they are good?
it was never really used in mlpg until BCS started spamming it
Have you seen the finer workings?
They abused the fuck out of the bone tool.
They were literally rigged based on stick figures.
She is barely intelligent.
But honestly everyone in that universe is
>Sunset gives me pictures that show Twilight Sparkle destroying the preparations for the Dance
>Oh wait they are fake

>I'll offer to help Pinkie Pie
>Oh wait she says she has volunteers
>Hm apparently she didn't have any help
>Hm I better hurry or the portal will close
>Well I could ask for the crown and say it's a magical artifact and if asked for proof I could just show Spike and the portal that's in front of the school...

And I could just go on with every single character in the movie
no, it means they're double shit you double faggot
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Sorry, too busy making certain MLPG unfs are up to standards. It's not easy being in Quality Assurance.
How long have you been in 4chinz?
A shit is older than most of us.
Yeah, but still, I'm sure the original intention was to make them look like shitty Monster High dolls to sell toys, not to make animating easy
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I actually get most of my culture through this place because a lot of the messageboards I frequent aren't really popular enough, or populated enough by people hip to what's going on in the world wide web
>Twilight panics
>Computer doesn't boot up anymore
>"Anon gets to fixing it"
>The hard drive platters are a puddle in the bottom of the hard drive
That was the only half-believable thing about junior high/high school. One person gets burned and suddenly your 'super ultra besties' relationship goes up in smoke.

That pissed me off so terribly
Yeah, I don't think so
What? That's all from 4chan.
What are you babbling about?
I understand not using /mlp/, but you don't use any other board? Not even /co/?
a quick search of the archive shows that this meme was never used in mlpg even once when we were on /co/
Obviously not in age, but in how long you've been here.
I still don't think so.
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How old is "And nothing of value was lost."?
Twilight is not a very practical pony, besides she really wanted to see Flash.
Pretty much the only board I still visit is /p/, everything else I like is shit onw
> After realizing just how much painstaking collection work she just lost, she resolves to hiding her porn more expertly in the future
> This lasts about a week before Anon very nearly walks in on her with "Barnyard Follies, Barely Marely 7" and she simply sails it out the window
> The good news is Anon doesn't know what she's into
> The bad news is everyone on the street outside does now
Do you browse anything other than MLPG? It's used everywhere. /mlp/ not withstanding.
>That was the only half-believable thing about junior high/high school
No it wasn't. Because she didn't get angry after the first incident. She got angry after it happened multiple times.
And not even once did she ask her what the hell happened. The only believable one was the AJ and Dash one.

Also it's not just Twilight
Everyone at that school
>Huh we've been mentally enslaved and almost sent to war where we could have died
>And shit man we could have died here during that huge ass fight that made a fucking huge ass crater and fucked up most of the school
>Wait wait, shouldn't we do anything about the girl that almost killed us?
>Oh she was just lonely. And community service is enough punishment for like 20-30 laws she broke and would give a normal person a death sentence in a place that doesn't even do that
Well mlpg using reddits meme's ironically is what got me into the know of the ongoings of reddit, and people often talk about other reddit culture because they just hate that place so much

co has been good for, uh, rage comics, I guess, and some other cherry picked things. I think this place actually does a better job of keeping up on stuff.
I haven't really browsed any other board for a year
So she only got angry after it happened multiple times and her friend could be written off as a flake?
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Honestly? Since 2006-7ish.

And I'm only 19 as of five days ago. I'd say that this is why I'm a terrible person, but a friend I roped into 4chan at about the same time isn't nearly as bad as me. I mean, I anonymously shitpost at him whenever his identity is obvious and used to shitpost about him when he wasn't obviously around and he just reacts with good humor and bewilderment.

Think about that contrast between people in similar circumstances and wonder with me why I haven't killed myself yet
>Not browsing /gif/ or /d/ or /hm/
I don't like anime futa and I can get gay porn everywhere on the internet
I'm not really interested in gifs
Shit, man. We're on hiatus, you should check some boards some times. They got some nice stuff.
> lel I'm a terrible person because I was on 4chan-
Get out.

You're a terrible person because you're a terrible person, not because you hang around an image-based message board. The fact you're a seasoned shitposter isn't just "fitting in," it's your true freak flag flying.
/co/ got pretty toxic around the time of mlp, and I guess that's just more of "the board used to be better back in my day," but I think what really happened is a bunch of the twenty somethings I posted with cycled out because they maybe got a little too old for it, or they just found better shit to do, and then new early twenty somethings cycled in.

Those guys and I have not a lot in common, and so many of them have such a sense of entitlement, and inability to ignore anything they don't like. Being in just about any thread is difficult because those fuckers are everywhere
Never be creative!
/co/ became shit because they didn't apply the /a/ patented elitism and let shitheads from Tumblr and SRS in. That board is dead as fuck.
I flat out said that it's glaringly fucking obvious that I'm just an awful excuse for a human being.

I dragged another friend into the furry fandom just to watch him commit social suicide last year and I don't even into furry. He was 15, he didn't know that I was making him look like he was an enormous yiffing faggot. Why didn't somebody murder me?
Pretty much every board about things I like is shit.
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>literally 12 years old and what is this when he started browsing
I can never hate you enough
Hi /pol/.
Not the guy, but
> You like video games? /v/ will tell you why all your games are shit, EA is the devil, don't you dare like Bioware, don't enjoy anything that isn't fucking Wing Commander II or an off-brand RTS from '96
> You like television shows or movies? /tv/ will tell you why piracy is cool but only if it's Galaxy Quest, how their cartoons are totally not /a/, and speculate endlessly about whether Star Trek's TV series will be a "Lost" universe extension. Also everything new sucks, everything old sucks, you suck, go back to watch Johnny Test you cocksucking faggot.
> You like reading about current events? Well /pol/ will explain how EVERYTHING is the Jew's fault and if you refuse to listen surely /int/ will be there to talk down to you as an American user. Oh and don't you are link anything that isn't Russia Today. Your current events should be untainted by the multi-culti.

MLPG might be shit, but for anyone with a genuine interest in anything, 4chan can be SHIT.
Going to >/gif/ is horrible and a hotbed for old content everyone saw 6+ years ago.
I don't have any major kinks and I'm straight so the other two aren't interesting.
/sp/, /o/, and /co/ are the only ones I visit.
> man tee hee why didn't someone just murder me~ ^_~

Because you are indistinguishable from every other sociopath but derive pleasure from imagining us all wanting to strangle you through the Internet.

Haha, jokes on you faggot, I'm bisexual!

I would ream Twilight's tight pony cunt/take Duskies' nervous wang with equal aplomb!
What is it like to have ponies?
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But Anon
What if her genitalia is horrendous and inhuman?
A-Anon, what are you doing! My pony cunt, it's too tight!!
Honestly I mainly browse /v/ because they can be entertaining, and sometimes they actualy have very good threads.
Gothic threads for example are very nice. And sometimes they actually recommend a good game.

The amount of fun I had with Rouge Legacy is incredible even if it's basically Grind:The Game.
Also the soundtrack is very nice.
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No, /a/ represent. Those bastards fucked the board. That why you don't let people from other websites taint yours.
This ... never quite occurred to me, but what if human genitalia is simply too large for pony comfort?
/a/ is fucking terrible and one of the absolutely worst boards though
>going to /v/ for vidya
Well, duh! You got /vr/ and /vg/ for that.
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You're right. What sociopath didn't stomp on dog paws as a kid and fuck people over for fun?

Then again, how many sociopaths regretted it while flipping through pictures of ponies on a second monitor?
I'm sorry your recommendation thread got spammed. Lurk more next time.
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>"i am about to reach 5k followers"
>"the prize for the #5,000 follower is multiple character full page colored porn request anything goes"
>"because fuck my loyal followers who have been here since the beginning, the newest guy who just got here gets the prize!"

fukken tumblr artists
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what if pone was stylish
>never occured to me
Human genitalia is simply too large for the comfort of some actual humans so idk. maybe ur dum
You're confusing sociopathy with psychopathy, and even then you're muddling it with what you half-remember from Law and Order.

Unless of course your little gambit ruining your friend 'just because' was just bullshit.

Okay.png. That's totally impressive. Quite the, ah, 'troll' there, kid.
It could be brilliant, or horrible.
It depends on whether the pony accepts you.
Not by averages. It just occurred to me that maybe ponies are VERY modestly endowed, well below a human average.
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>not browsing the superior board with your fellow /m/en
You don't even have to know much about mecha anime or shows. Just lurk there and enjoy. Definitely the best among mediumslow boards.

The only people who don't like /a/ are those who never cared to lurk there for more than a week. You're as bad as those /mlp/ faggots critising MLPG without knowing anything.
Also why the fuck did the mirror dump them in ponyville anyway

they were in the crystal empire, should't the mirror have taken them to the alternate crystal empire?

Why the fuck was the crystal empire in the movie anyway it didn't do shit for the plot, I mean if they had it in simply to do a paraody of the Disney Intro as a visual joke then that might have actually been good
The magic deity that designs cutie marks is going through a phase
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That's his fanon name, you queer. Dusk Shine. Duskie.


Tentacles? Too massive? Tiny? Weird talking fish thing with its own sapience who may or may not regularly fail to consent?

I'm game.


We'd make it work. There are more things in heaven and earth than exist in your wangology.
I don't care about mechs at all though
>Why the fuck was the crystal empire in the movie anyway it didn't do shit for the plot
Those Candyass toys don't sell themselves.
the mirror only leads to the other half of the mirror and that shit was in ponyville
He would have looked a right knobhead if that windscreen didn't break.
Duskie is on the same level as Twily
What are you, Shining fucking Armor?
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> What if pony were starships?!
Fuck this gay Equestria.

No, my dick is bigger.
I don't know, I'm just a faggot and I hate my life

I killed cats, wore my sisters panties, rubbed my dick against my sister's pet cat while wearing my sister's panties, jerked off to so much child porn, molested two nieces while still wearing those fucking panties, and have dedicated the majority of my mind to thinking about having sex with ponies for the past two and a half years.
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I dislike that /a/ can shitpost anime reaction pictures anywhere they like with no repercussions but i cannot reciprocate the gesture unless they descend here from their nimbus cloud of enlightenment.
I could imagine Tara Saying the "I CAME PAPER" In the mad Timmy voice
> Isn't my edgy JTHM life at 19 totally cool and not at all fictional
So how the fuck did a magic mirror getimbeeded into a statue in a world without magic?
4chan base is anime, so they get a working appeal to tradition. They have the support of the original fag, moot.
I fucking wish it was fictional.
>I had to google JTHM
>now I am more confused
> I wish I weren't heavily invested in a fiction I've invented for MLPG
anyone have the screencap where moot recently says he hasnt watch anime or done anything anime related in over 10 years
Except only the first half of that is right, Moot says /a/ shit needs to stay on /a/ but the janitors don't enforce it.

If I so much as post a picture that looks like it might be -hinted- at being pony, no matter how in context it is for the post and the board it is deleted in fucking seconds.
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No but I have this one
In over 10 years is wrong, I'm just listening to the Q&A and he said he still watches anime, just a lot less than he used to 10 years ago, because job and less time and such.
Moot says a lot of shit, but he always supports /a/ and all 16 Japanese media boards.
However, he also loves to shitpost on them.
/a/ is like moot's beaten down wife. N/a/ruto was fucking glorious.
The solution is to not do that then.
>you will never work with moot
Sometimes Moot really knocks it out the park
You know what else is fictional? Every fetish the people here pretend to have. It's all ridiculous bullshit. Don't believe their lies until they give you a timestamped picture of their semen on a picture of their specific fetish.

Please beat me over the head with the word "fictional" until I'm a happy person that can do things other than retreat into a world of marshmallow horses that love you and forgive you after all those gory fantasies.
/a/ shit can go anywhere since anime is not prohibited on global rules. I'm referring to reaction pictures naturally, but sometimes threads also slide, like the LOGTH threads on /pol/ or the upotte threads on /k/.
If you shitpost as much as moot you will inevitably have a few good ones from time to time
/soc/ pls go
/soc/? Do you mean /q/? We talking 4chan meta here.
But apart from wanting to fuck a cartoon pony all my fetishes are pretty tame and realistic
if you're not lying, you're genuinely degenerate

kill yourself or join the military.
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do you think ponies have the same problems we do sometimes
> hurr boo hoo don't call my bullshit lies about edgy2max child predation and killing animals fictional

You're supposedly 19 and hoping to sop up some "understanding," but even if this is true, what the fuck makes you think we want to help you?
But anon, my fetish is transformation and anthro, neither is real.
Can you just fuck off?
But Anon

I DO want to cum inside rainbow Dash and impregnate every mare in town square while also plowing Rarity's ass with a dildo as she screams into Fluttershy's clenching wetness.
I guess I'm just sick of the double standard, but people just get so buttmad about ponies for no fucking reason, even reactions.
Not even close.
> posing as GG using oldy moldy horse
I didn't know people came this stupid
Bitch I'm signing up for infantry tomorrow

I'm an attention whore that makes up for their total lack of companionship by pining for sympathy and hatred on the internet.

I'm BCS crazy with a hint of fapping to more vore than anyone is meant to.

I'm a mentally unstable piece of self aware shit that does bad things just because they might be caught.
I said I was interested in it, not that I want to discuss it at length with those fuckers. Sheesh.
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MLPG, I must confess.

I have an OC.
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>I've got a game I need to play where I manage an entire European superpower between 1450 and 1790
>And 200 others
I'm pretty sure you'd constantly see Celestia on /pol/ if pony wasn't banned. Every time her name is brought up (mostly in degeneracy threads) everyone pops a boner.
Then please fuck off. We barely tolerate just One BCS as it is.
I am the real gg
>moldy oldy horse
is this not the current horse
the op looks a little off but I mean this is the marked thread isn't it
> I am so totally fukkkked up
NBS please go don't you have satan to summon or something
Is it a pony?Is it a cute pony?
Post it
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horse cartoons
I fucked up the title and there's a cooldown of like 16 minutes between OP posts I guess. I was eager to move us out of an Anon thread.

>there's a cooldown of like 16 minutes between OP posts I guess
Huh, really? I barely ever make threads so I never encountered that.
> I'm "signing up" "for infantry" "tomorrow"
You are so chock full of shit.
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Yes.You be the judge.
>not living your dream of being the little girl through a female pony OC

What's his special talent?
what does this have to do with my little pony.
If you can tolerate yourselves, you can tolerate anything. You're smart enough to use a computer, how can you not be smart enough to realize how disgusting everyone here is, including you? Then again, you're probably smart enough to realize that you're barely annoying anyone and that any idiot with 4chan X can recursively filter you out of existence.

I'm here because I'm too much of a pathetic coward to do anything in real life that actually warrants attention. Who gives a fuck if a cat is knifed and thrown into the road? Nobody notices. Nobody suspects anything.

No, really. These are probably my last posts on 4chan.

I know you get ten 14 year old girls saying "WOW IM SO EMO XD LINKIN PARK COMIT SUICIDE 2MRW" a day and refuse to trust anything that isn't at least 25, balding, and neckbearded, but sometimes it's just an immature faggot with issues talking about his awful fucking life as an immature faggot with issues

Sometimes the bullshit stories for attention whoring are real stories based in bullshit acts of attention whoring. And nobody cares, so much that they continuously bitch and tell you to leave, so much that they call "fake" once every five minutes, and nobody cares so much that they give me the exact attention I need to feel a little justified in being a piece of dogshit.
Out of about 20 posts in either direction only two are pony-related, why are you jumping on that one specifically?
It's made by Craig McCracken who is married to Lauren Faust who created MLP:FiM.

totally related.
>What's his special talent?
Staff fighting with a side of defensive magic. Wound up in the Royal Guard, second-line fighter.
He came about because I wanted to get in on a Fate Core game, and a friend of mine pointed me at one that involved pone and needed another player.
> that fucking wall of text pity-whoring
These won't be your last posts on 4chan. Not by a long shot.
That's like saying Tribes is related to Planetside since Smokejumper worked on tribes.
Or that Fallout is related to Planetside 2 because T-Ray worked on both of them.
I'm also smart enough to know your full of bullshit to fish for responses

and your probably going to get banned in about ooo haolf an hour of this, give or take 2 hours if the janitor isn't busy fuckign over some o ther thread
Or God Hand and Bayonetta
>japanese doujinshi on /d/
thank god
I would like to be in the royal guard.
Protecting the Princesses tea parties.
and Duke Nukem Forever
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> I maintain I'm a glorious winged faggot in real life, please respond
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>responding to NBS
> let me just use this long drawn out sentence to seem edgy2themaxhardCORE
> kill sandniggers XD
> the blood drowning seeping out so much red ichor
Stop responding you fucking imbeciles
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Seriously this pony came to life in my head and I have no idea why. There's backstory waiting to be written and everything.
If you read fanfic, the game itself is in the Five Score Divided By Four setting.

Can we please stop talking about her? She makes fucking sick.
Oh wow how terrible how awful a fictional non-existing "special snowflake" unicorn is getting made fun of. The zoomanity! The terrible bullying of it all.
The second to last panel is what makes it so great for me
...I don't even.

Are we getting raided or something?
Keep going. I like having more excuses to pity whore without having to actually do anything else. That's what's nice about the internet, you don't have to do anything else. I like the cat I have now, and even though I hold it down and rub my dick against its crotch I don't want to kill it and timestamp it for anyone. Shitposting is easier and less likely to get you "kicked out of the house for real this time" by the parents you still live with and leech money from.

You two are the only reason I haven't moved on to /adv/ or /b/.
I had just realised what she reminded me of, wondered if anyone else thought the same thing.
Apparently so.
>pony is mad scrunching at you
> my shitposting and wall of texts and bait aren't the real villain
>not being grateful that you are allowed to be around the Princesses
What a dweeb
It appears we have a influx of shitposters, yes
I double scrunch at the pony
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Oh no
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That's a strawman ad hominem to the max.
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> see fapfic
> get to fap
> realize it's entirely futa girls banging each other
> literally two months since the last update
> "you're the only reason I haven't moved on"
> not Anon trying to be as Heath Ledger Joker as possible
Okay, champ.
>double scrunch

You toy with forces you do not understand Anon
>futa girls banging each other
Might as well read gay fiction.
But anon! Tits!
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I guess, but half of those are written so flowery by 16-year-old girls they talk more about the table arrangement and total awesome clothes than they do about the sex
Oh, dang, I forgot. Carry on
>tfw several episodic erotic stories you've been following and jerking off to
>one hasn't updated in 6 months
>one hasn't updated in 3 months
>one hasn't updated in a year and a half

why do people post stories that aren't finished
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its friday and im durnk
> one hasn't updated in a year and a half
I'll bite. Which one's that?
>50,000 words fapfic
>only 200 of those actually deal with the sex
I hate those. This is not what I signed up for
Alright anon, i believe you did get someone into furry

not because you're mean though

I think it's because you're a furry. You just said you were a furry, anon. i think you wanted a connection to that community, so you created one without putting yourself at any real risk. i think you killed animals "for attention" because you were fighting your furfaggot urges and proving shit to yourself, and i think that you're only here because you fap to the show instead of watch it. i think that you're only shitposting because you have a lot to prove to yourself, and that your glorified murder trip to the military is a pussy's way to suicide.

CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE AN ARCHETYPE, NOT A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE! Enjoy crying through basic and getting stuck on a base for two years, faggot!
They are just like girls! They have boobies!
it's on fictionmania
not horse related
I don't have anything to prove to myself.

I already know that I want to fuck animals.
guess i'll go do something else then.

Please stop shitposting, guys. You're better than this.
> implying this isn't just the same anon making another volley back to the original shitpost for bonus roiling clusterfuck attention
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Klondork I miss you
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Damn Anon. It's 8 in the morning.
just fuckign report him jeese
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Enjoy your early morning, MLPG.
It is sort of the awkward part of an all-nighter when you aren't certain if it's best to sleep or open a beer.
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Ew Why?
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Plane ponies are the cutest imo
>Maybe if I samefag and call myself out on samefagging, other people will do it too!
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Because you're never on skype anymore honey

Also don't listen to that whore GG. I love you too.
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Im jealous...I have work first.
THEN I'll join you.
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Yeah. It's one of "those" Fridays, too.

I want a reward from Femrover.
>You will never bounce quarters off that ass.
I want to fuck that dog

I also want to kill it
>tfw wasn't going to drink today because I wanted to study
>Didn't study and now I'm sober
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Skype a shit

I haven't been on the computer that has it in forever since new laptop to draw and play dota on without lag from either.

besides we didn't even really talk anyway
>my life is so edgy im so regret
>such depress
>wow such alcohol
>lets all drink

this happen every friday morning or what
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I want a mayonaise sandwich
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Twilight forces you to watch some educational programming. She refuses to let you eat the snacks she laid out until you answer the interstitial questions.

What do you do?
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what a shame
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WOY airs next Friday
Don't worry, EA, we understand, we understand.
I don't know about the depression but this is the earliest day drinking I've seen in a long damn time.
>That question
Dicks, vaginas, calendars
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well at least gimme your steam or something god
we may not have been chatty cathys but it would at least be nice to be able to send you stuff

The episodes already went up on itunes dog

hang on

let me go read the Civilopedia
This is too funny to not be copypasta from a wannabe noir AiE fanfic, but the panties part is probably true for the person that wrote it originally.

tfw you wear panties all the time too
>What do you do?
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She allows you no partial, though she doesn't smack you for the cheek. Maybe better luck next commercial break.
what is love
baby don't hurt me
every fucking civilization had those are you fucking kidding me twilight
>SBS wants to be edgy like the cool sergals on furaffinity but his mom won't let him
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"But it's what they're principally known for according to the show."

You protest it was last produced in 1996 and literally references "First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton."

She turns the volume higher.

She scowls at your outburst. The show had already moved on to some part with horses. You never knew a pause button could be struck with such anger, or without proper fingers.
>anon wants to leave the library but pony won't let him
>pet play

woah there, we've filled our edgy quota for today
Why is pony such a tyrant?
>"You cant leave until you're full"
>"Full of what, Twilight? I've been here for 6 hours"
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Why do people use words if they don't know their meaning
Twilight, how many times have you gotten on my ass about having current sources? This show was produced nearly twenty years ago.
>decapitated legs
>decapitated pony hooves
>Twilight the only thing I know for certain is I'm bored of being here now. Can't we go outside and learn things there? Perhaps pack a bag?
Sometimes it's worth it though.
Every once in a while I stumble over a story with a really nice build up that leaves me with a cozy feeling on the inside which is then normally destroyed by brutal fucking.
Edgyanon pls

You'll never be an elite sergal edgemaster if you keep this up
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The next break comes up. You're not really sure how she's verifying all this or how or why she knows Earth geography. If this is her only source of information it might explain why they referenced the old Czech Republic.

Pony turns to you, a bit miffed at your prior displays. What do you do?

She stares at you, not even blinking. She seems to think this is an earnest historical documentary and only frowns at your insinuations. Maybe it's because she's a cartoon looking at another cartoon?

Shit, you just want some cheese doodles.

The old CRT buzzes in the corner of the library, the words fuzzing just a bit.
Why would butchering pony make me happy? You're a sick bastard Anon.
That's a Gaucho. Now hand me those snacks, Twily
But we just added a pony section to the newsletter
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>leave me alone until she gets breast reduction surgery
What is it
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>Mating takes place in the follicle opening
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She waits a good half minute while you practically hate-fuck her with your eyes. You probably should have paid attention to whatever was going on in this stupid cartoon but the last question was such bullshit you spent most of the action yelling.

You begin to spit out "apples" just to insinute "it's all horse apples" then remembered the incredibly racist "temporary guide" in Mexico said something about ... guacamole?

No. "Guacho." You roll it with the best your old Spanish II drilling can muster, rolling the 'cho' to say how fucking done you were with this.

She gives you a wary look, as though you might still be wrong. She presses play --

And you've won. You jam your mouth full with bright orange snack. You reach for the iced tea ---

And Twilight magics your hand away, tut-tutting. One more question to answer!

You though you wanted cheese doodles. More than anything you want to brain a certain purple mare you're so goddamn salty-thirsty.
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Anything new today?
Not really
Cute pone though
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>And Twilight magics your hand away, tut-tutting. One more question to answer!
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Pony was cute today

that pony a shit every day
Too cute pony.
Man, 4chan is really fucking up for me lately. Only loads gifs half and then loops the part it loaded.
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Not really. Why are you drawing such an inferior pegasus.
This one is much better.

Same here.
Yeah, me too. The hell is going on?
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You are shaking with rage, smacking your lips and attempting to swallow the cheesy cinders that have built up in your mouth. She seems perfectly content to watch as some fucking Lipizzaner horses come rolling down a mountain toward the Orient express.

She keeps pressing you back into the couch. You can't table flip. You're pretty certain you can't even move your feet to kick her to death right npw.
>identifying as pegasus
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I'd draw her in the past. RD is far better pegasus, in my opinion that is.
I would be more than accepting of this.
>The hell is going on?
Well, considering that already 3 people in a rather ded thread have the same problem I guess it's safe to say that the 4chan servers are at fault.
It's six.

Time to start the long, long, long walk to the recruitment office

Fucking farm country
if you don't quit during training you'll shitpost from the base
>living in Fagafornia
Good luck, Anon.
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Several minutes of practically internally screaming for some iced tea and she's clearly gotten the timing wrong. There was no more question. The restraints come loose as the framing device comes back, shitty beige box and all.

Your limbs feel free again. Before she can even turn the iced tea is at your lips and then down your throat, mostly coating your throat and getting the worst of the salt down.

"You know, Anon, you seemed to have some trouble for a children's show and all."

You come very close to pointing out you're still thirsty and someone just forced you to watch a geography show almost 20 years out of date, but

A better idea occurs to you.

What is it?
That's the same Anon faggot who claimed to have raped two nieces and brutally murdered or smooshed all manner of small animals.

Take it with a grain of salt but you probably shouldn't wish him luck
Vicious fucking.
Take the snacks and bolt before she starts up another episode.
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If Griffon Land isn't even in Equestria according to this map, why was Gilda in Cloudsdale? I get Gustave LeGrand since he's a famous cook, but tween Gilda?
Is there an exchange program? Is her family rich as fuck?
I'm under the impression that I did give you my steam but you didnt add me. Oh well. Its just Klondike. I got a hogwarts black guy on my avatar.
because throbbing, musky marecocks
I have canine teeth. There is prey right in front of me. Blood is thirst-quenching, right?
She never said she was in Cloudsdale. She was with Dash at the Junior Speedster flight camp.
Who knows where that was and when that was.
It could be that she was just kinda born in the area?

I mean sure it's unlikly to see Gryphons in Equestria but it's not like they can't't live there
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>It could be that she was just kinda born in the area?
What if everyone in the show speaks the Common Language in a superthick Equestrian accent but we just cannot notice?
her family was probably poor but had enough cash to emigrate to equestria
>I mean sure it's unlikly to see Gryphons in Equestria but it's not like they can't't live there
I'm now imagining pegasi living all over other continents just because they can. Neat.
Think of the life of a small pegasi's colony among Griffin culture.
There are no cats in Equestria and the streets are paved with cheese?
You briefly entertain the thought of wedging Twilight - horn and all - between the cushions in the library "media center" couch and violating her in frustration but you're pretty certain that's the dehydration talking. At least that's what you tell yourself.

A plan hatches in your mind - first you'll frighten Twilight more than a bit and dash off with at least the almonds and the orange soda. She can keep her fucking cheese doodles at this point. They've brought you nothing but misery.

Twilight is apparently searching the episode listing again for one on Russia. She's interested. Interested enough she doesn't notice you swishing out your mouth with some iced tea and working out where the "nape" of her long slender neck is, clearing your throat for a stunning performance.

"This one looks interesting, Anon-" she remarks, neck turning just slightly. You see a bulging vein that looks ticklish.

With a lurch you roar, "I VANT TO SUCK YOUR BLOOD!"
Why would they even do that?
>inane pony discussion

scroll scroll
scroll scroll
> not enjoying Anon versus Carmen Sandiego
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>pony discussion
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Haha this is great stuff
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>She was with Dash at the Junior Speedster flight camp.
It was definitely in Equestria, though.

Because they can? Think of all the Roman analogy and imagery Pegasi race have. There are probably pegasi colonies all over the known world.
They want to spread their culture and possibly create settlements for future takeovers.
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Would you be ponys cubicle neighbor?
I hate canada
Why wouldn't they?
You know I wonder how Griffon land is

My headcanon is that it's a mountainous country and that Griffons live in a combination of cloud cities and caves at the peeks. Also that they are at constant war with the hippogriffs
I'm afraid of Americans
It begins.
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Because of guns and freedom?
You're a terrorist.
Your anti-pinkie.
What's your problem bud?
You're not even a real country
writing is hard.
>Not a Pinko
U wot

David Bowie pls
>It was definitely in Equestria, though.
We don't know that either.
All we know is that they were there together.
For all we know it's an one of the best flying academies in who knows what part of the world and recruits students from all over the world or it's just a silly summer camp near Canterlot
We know nothing about it

But I think that Gilda is Equestrian born. I mean the map makes Equestria look like America and Griffon land seems to be in Europe.

So maybe they really are frenchies. Gaston is born in the Griffon kingdom
But my dick isn't
Write lewd stuff.
David Bowie pls Aladdin Sane is the best album ever
>Capitalises the first letter of the sentence
>But not the first letter of a proper noun

In preschool, maybe.
Ponies come from Canada.
Are the Aussies baiting again?
>worth capitalizing
not if you're writing fanfiction
then it's the easiest thing ever
>Aladdin Sane
>Not Station to Station
no i have to stay away from lewd
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could we sexually in the copy room?
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In Canada, try and keep up.
>tfw no s3 poster
Luna's dick sucking lips
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Australians are chill though
Their peak is our ded chill
>wanting to memorialize s3
Which pair?
The pair that drools the most
I absolutely don’t think bronies are pedophiles at all. You like a cartoon for kids, that’s fine, everybody does that to a certain extent. However the “cloppers” who jack off to little girl horses give me pedo vibes, big time. “but it’s rule 34 yadda yadda” isn’t an excuse — it’s way above and beyond on the scale of creepy than a lot of things I’ve had the misfortune to see.

You're the 23rd person to post this in MLPG since its release
Which pony is a good goy?
And guess what? We'll never know! Because fuck the lore!

Didn't Hurricane Worstpon show us the Junior Speedster Flight Camp? Or was that a separate school for just pegasus ponies?
>keeping count
It was just flight school. And RD never passed it for some reason. Got kicked out.
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The fact that this show has garnered so much porn is slightly disturbing, but not surprising.
Thats probably because Rainbow Dash didn't read any of the materials and didn't do the courcework
It's only because it's such a massive fandom
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You were never prouder of a floor-tackle, or the vicious claws your hands made. With a Vaudeville robber's swoop, you cackle with glee as Twilight yelps, squirming as you hold her down at the head and barrel and hiss cartoonishly "Your blud vill qvench my THIRST!"

Your lips curl back from pearly whites and her eyes close tight. Ponies are such wimps, this is all too rich -- you nearly let her go in sport but then remember "roads, calendars, and schools."

Anger renewed, you dive to her neck, making as many over-the-top "blood sucking" sounds as you can, smacking your lips. Kid's stuff. Your nose runs along what you imagine to be a fault line, and the way she kicks and pants sounds like a good armpit tickle drenched in fear.

You take the kill - front teeth to the vein just south of her jaw gingerly. Wet lips, probably thinking it's real blood, the dork. She'd yell, you'd laugh, run off-

"GOD," she groans. Low. Throatily. Her legs don't kick, they ... rub, "YES."
Oh right, I forgot. For some reason I got the two mixed in my head.
Maybe it's my mind trying to filter anything FS-related?
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>She never got a flight school diploma
>that's the real reason the Wonderbolts haven't accepted her in the team
>The main reason Hitler wasn't accepted in the Art Academy was that he didn't have a high school diploma
Dash is the next Hitler guys.
By that logic furries are also pedophiles
>That belt
I cannot and I will not
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yeah what a ridiculous notion
Smack her butt
>But I think that Gilda is Equestrian born. I mean the map makes Equestria look like America and Griffon land seems to be in Europe.
>So maybe they really are frenchies. Gaston is born in the Griffon kingdom
So dragons are southeast... Dragons are in the Caribbeans?
Oh my.
>Hitler was an admirer of Wagner's music
>Wagner wrote Ride of the Valkyries
>Dash hummed Ride of the Valkyries in the pet episode
Sweet mother of mercy
Art Academy would be Wonderbolt Academy and she was admitted, so no.
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Guys I found an unused condom outside my dorm room. Is this a sign from the pone gods that I am going to be laid?
That or Africa
Which would explain why they migrate so much
She did? I never noticed it.
THAT was a little trick Celestia taught me.
It's a sign that there are people fucking near you and you're still a virgin
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Didn't see that coming
No, it's a sign that some chick is going to get pregnant because some guy lost his condom.
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>you will never hug the pony version of yourself
Oh. Well c'est la vie.
She whistled it for a few seconds...okay 2 seconds
Nothing yet, we probably won't have anything new until a month from the season premiere.
What if the first few (completed) episodes of S4 leaked prior to their airing?
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Dragon Quest showed the dragons migrating to a place a small wingless dragon and ponies in a giant costume could reach by feet in an acceptable time.
So, no. Unless Dragon Quest covers months and months.
I woke up without a headache for once.
And with that attitude you always will be a virgin.
I would be pissed as fuck.
That or they were at the end of the migration. Who knows.
I'm just saying.
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Just like he said, we are DD x Pone today.
No we're not
Diamond Dogs are banned
That's also a prime hotdogging position.
That thumbnail kind of looks like Dash riding his dock
>Not just hooking up with some guy on Craigslist if you're so hung up about your V-card
He could lose it tonight if he really wanted
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Banned from living in Equestrian towns due to the high rate of crimes that occurred when Celestia temporarily decree'd they were allowed to live there.
I wonder how long ago did they build those huge ass temples
Oh yeah because the very site your own never had a board dedicated to posting loli and even after that STILL post loli.

What someone masturbates to means fuckall about the person
But still dragons migrate from place A to place B
They were migrating home, so for Spike and the ponies to follow them in a reasonable amount of time they couldn't go THAT far.
You're taken aback, not the least because you can actually feel her rumble through your jaw. And a pounding heart between your lips. The "claws" spring away from handholds on any purple pony and find homes in either pants pocket.

You make a closed-leg vault on the couch in one swoop, arcing away from Twilight still flopped like a wet fish on the floor. Maybe only few seconds have passed. She was taking a little breather, you supposed, quite exciting, getting Dracula'd. She seems fine enough, breathing, just, ah, laying like normal. Nothing unusual. Normal. She seems-- actually WET, you notice--

You shift your gaze to a nearby potted plant. She liked her air plants. You mumble to the room, "Oh Jesus this just got awkward." This is accurate.

This gets her attention. One eye opens. She quirks her neck up from the floor and rasps, "Why'd you stop?"

You see the snacks and a clear exit. You see her. Which do you decide to deal with?
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>tfw Friday
Or they could be like the Huns
Go to place A, use everything there, then got to place B, then place C and so on.

Also that zone where they migrated doesn't look like anything one any of the two maps of Equestria.
It's even more awkward in real life.

Sorry, it looks like you're out-voted.
Saffron thinking about taking the knot from Spot Fido and Rover at the same time
Why do I have a boner.
What would you want a FiM game to be like?

>Vast Exploration of Equestria
>The ability to play as every kidnapped pony you rescue
>To get the true ending, you have to play the game on 2- player co-op mode with Twilight and Flash Sentry on the highest difficulty, and defeat the final boss's secret third form.
*pounding PULSE, fuck

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Dogs have their own mines and culture you know.

nigga pls saffron already has a waifu
The ponies were the ones committing the crimes during that time in an attempt to drive the dogs out of town. The statistics weren't detailed enough so when Celestia read them she assumed correlation was causation.
Because Anon accidentally found one of her very biggest kinks?
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>tfw not Friday any more
>tfw didn't go out
>tfw not going to go out at all this weekend
>tfw no frens
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>Washing pole
Run. Just run and never mention this again
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but Saffron doesn't into knots
not shit

the huemanity!
don't forget to vote.
Depends. She really needs that stapler back.
Already did
Fuck the lines
Either like FFVI with the mane cast or like the Mario Brothers RPG games with the CMC.
That or the Lost vikings with the CMC and a shitload of barter.

Or really a Infinity Engine game but with the mane cast. They're playing D&D, Spike is the Dungeon Master and you're controlling them.
hoooooooooooooly shit how did they get this so accurate
Two of those aren't even negative votes.
If I was an artfag I would draw an exquisite donkey on the ballot instead of voting.
"What have you done" and "abort mission" combine to form two "backpedal faster, bitch" votes.

Sorry, m8.
You've done nothing wrong, no need to run away just yet
>surprised that the boniest option in an online brony poll on a brony site was chosen

the idiot is YOU

Evens - Draw
Odds - Vidya
Probably not. I am just focusing on my work for now, and I want to get a good job and make good money. Just gotta be happy with your life, man.
Maybe you should watch a vampire movie with her
I want a lover and a friend
Sylvia isn't ponies.
>Diamond Dogs on friday
>Stallions on saturday

What if we COMBINED them?

Stallions fucking Diamond Dogs
I'm not surprised, merely disgusted.
Boner control reporting full readiness.
wat draw, lk
You can only have one. Pick one.
and neither is more than half of the shit talked about her
> Chistery literally going from "Anon is angry to a children's cartoon" to "accidentally just lubed up his landlord"
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But...it's filly Friday
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>she will never be real
>I will never get to take her on a surprise trip to the Winsome Falls
>we will never goof around during the picnic, me managing to pierce an apple on her horn before she jumps me, both of us rolling down the hill, enveloped by her wings
>she will never come to rest on top of me, trapping my gaze with her magenta eyes, slowly moving downwards to my face
>I will never close my eyes, expecting a kiss from her, just to squirm in surprise when she laps right across my face instead, giggling at my embarrassed expression

Reality is so cruel
And you want to make that worse?
and MLPG has never been happier
Then lets combine ALL THREE

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>other people are acting retarded
>so that means its ok for me to be retarded!

what kind of retard logic is that?
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What would be your preferred choice of suicide, MLPG?

I'll answer later to mix in the masses.
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>You will never have sex
Why do they call Rarity a slut if Pinkie is such a bigger slut?

also unf
But what if cute sexual fillies?
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Sounds pretty gay

I hear it's particularly effective.
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Why do I like Andy's art so much?
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That's great
Who said the Diamond Dog had to be male?
Gunshot through the brain. Quick and irreversible, if somewhat messy.
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Because it's simple yet expressive.
whichever one is cheap, painless, fast, doesn't leave a mess, and has a 99.999999% chance of success
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Cheeselegs is a better nickname anyways
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>think the idea of women warriors is stupid as hell
>and at the same time it is a huge fetish of mine

you cant explain that
Probably >>13372815 because I mentioned it earlier and she does have the biggest butt.
Gotta shower first and then maybe.
That wasn't funny.
was that femanon stuff from last night ever capped?
>Casual encounters

>Grindr if you want something more personal

Sorry if you're straight or something
Shotgun in your mouth is probably one of the best - lethality is almost 100%, no pain (unless you have bad luck and belong to the ones that survive), quick and you don't traumatize others like you would if you jumped in front of a train or something like that
men are the warriors
women are the mages
this is how it's always been
this is why FF4 is awesome
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>stumpy leg ponies with giant heads
>Implying anyone would have sex with a monster
Being gay must be like life on easy mode
Hot hetero female is life on easy mode
>Not being physically attractive
I thought you just had confidence issues

It's really not
You can have more sex but every relationship is made harder by it
Give yourself more credit.
Being a pretty girl is easy mode
But what if I don't want sex?
That's tutorial mode
that's kind of weird

do you even jerk it?
>New Series
>Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are introduced as villains.
>They become Twilight's friends after she discovers their motives.
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He who has the largest folder officially gets that waifu. That is the law.
Worst unicorn.
That's retarded.
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I wish I was a sexy bisexual guy with confidence
I wish I were a little pony
>winning your waifu in such a inane contest
>not doing your best to impress her and conquer her heart
You can become sexy if you work out
But you will never learn how to become confident
I work out every day

Maybe I really need that confidence
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I wish i was a horse.
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furfag luna is way more entertaining and believable than gamer luna
>I better go resize some rarity images to a few hundred GBs
>that feel when vascular anomaly on face
>that feel when wouldn't even be sexy if I worked out a lot
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what a dumb fetish. you are in the same tier as inflation and obese anthro
At least my fetish is one that I can take part in

With other people from mlpg
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>Better go rename my steam folder to 'Rarity'
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You stare at the last cube in the glass and swish it. You're of two minds. One to run, take a Listerine break, shower - for hours. Another bellows "STAY." It mentions Twilight tastes of juniper.

Your lips feel cracked. You stumble "I- well, I was goofing off and-" you barely meet her eye. Her face is already crumpling. "I- I'm sorry."

"Oh," comes thin. Twilight manages to heft herself up, face turned away, "I'M sorry, I shouldn't have assumed-"

"I was all over you! All claws an' fangs and shit. It's okay, not a normal situation-"

"Anon, you don't even like me and I still thought -"

You huff, gesturing with the cup, "I LIKE you, I just don't want - you know."

The silence stretches. The purple mare grants herself one sniff and turns, all candor.

Twilight segues by way of laughing, "The show's still running. Want to watch some more?"

You turn to the screen. The stupid thing has been running all this time, fake Russian accents and all.

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do I win?
I'm torn between cutting my head off and drenching myself in gasoline and lighting up the night.
>cutting my head off
that's metal as fuck
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No, because I have two 1TB drives. She's mine.
>suicide by anything other then jumping off of a building
The joke would get boring equally fast though.
I think she'd rather watch vampire movies with you, then you could cuddle up all cosy-like together
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What's a greentext when it isn't green?
Don't Dew yourself in
exit bag or any for of hypoxia
>"Finally I can fly"
>All this suicide talk
Request something else to watch.
>tfw i live in an area without high buildings
Well then you have an excuse to travel
I'd shoot myself in the head but I'm Australian
I'm probably going to slit my throat or lie in front of a freight train
>Rose has a fetish for warrior women
I know that feel aus bro. I guarantee I wouldn't be alive right now if I could actually get my hands on a gun.
You're in Australia, every other animal there is a venomous, hating killing machine!
You should go and cuddle each other better
I'm just amazed anyone's still hanging on here. Just a tick.
You can still get them, you just need a license
And none of them you want to be killed by. Those are some of the worst ways to die
>All this suicide talk
We may be pathetic, but have some hope: at least we're not THIS pathetic.
Seriously, try to read through all the thread.
I'm blacklisted
I'd have to be proven to be mentally stable
I'd be up for that. I bet the other aus anon lives somewhere on the east coast though.
I don't think I want to
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Absolutely. I want to see what happens
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I'm in Melbourne, SA-anon
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How the fuck did you know that
Do it. There are some gems, it's worth it as long as you manage not to relate too much
I have a gigantic raging poner but I can't masturbate right now
help me
>that shitty mic quality
Because everyone is on the east coast
Apart from you

We should meet a Bordertown and fuck
>you will never submit to Chronicle
>he will never show you such wondrous sights
That thread is too pathetic for me, sorry
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How big is gigantic?
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And how can I help you?

Captcha: she helpyou I'm not even fucking shitting you
Two miles
>scroll through the thread
>all vocaroos
>one YT towards the end
I should've guessed things like this existed, but still what the fuck, it's beyond sad.
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Captcha doesn't lie anon
Yeah, they usually are.
Might be fun
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I'm calling the police
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Make sure you make some porn when you meet
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She just wants to help anon
I'll have to bring the pony fursuits
>we will never get a chance to experience what LK originally planned for the quest
I'll bring the horsecock dildos
On the one hand I'm glad that you don't get to know what could have happened, on the other its kinda sad that all those stories will now be untold.
Oh good, I've only got the one
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Alright guys, I managed to do.. something I guess
Twilight trying on human clothes as my first writefag attempt.

Note: I am simply looking for critique on the writing, that is all. The content was just one of the topics you guys threw at me.

This is not finished. This is not LEWD. This is probably not even that interesting. You have been warned

is that a gill cutie mark or are his gills on his ass
Instantly I can tell you that you need to split things up into paragraphs. That's a really daunting wall of text you have there

To be honest I'd be more interested in Baldwin's story than any of the others
That's a good question.
You sigh, "This is the worst show."

Twilight laughs. A bit loud. "That bad?"

You let the hard press of the EJECT button on the DVD speak for itself. She titters, slides it back in the sleeve. "So, you pick the money shot movie!"

You cough. Some things are still lost in translation. You smooth it out with what you hope is a broad smile. "Maybe something else? A fun one?"

Twilight flicks through the collection with her magic. "You're the Earth expert, but -- oh! This looks like a fun play!"

She extracts "Hotel Transylvania." At least it wasn't "Milo & Otis." That had been a vale of tears.

The DVD starts on FastPlay. Twilight climbs back on her side of the couch, very deliberately not touching yours. Your skin feels nervy.

It's fun. Breezy. You're not sure how much she took as real but she laughs at the things, rapt on the thin plot. She relaxes, limbs folded up. This was a nice change of pace.

The sun pours in dozy sunlight by the half mark. It's thick.
Noted. honestly, im not sure how to paragraph properly. I usually just wait until someone else talks.
what did he originally have planned?
Is it faggy if I wish those two depressed anons could date and get better?

It'd be so sweet
And hot if they're sexy
Protip: Split walls of text into paragraphs. It makes the writing flow easier and much easier to read.
"certain purple pony"
I haven't read fanfiction in a long while, but back when I did, every 2nd fic started with that.
Use "the purple pony", or anything, but not certain.
is everyone else going through that arcanine thread?
They're like sentences
Split up ideas and scenes
When you're dealing with one character, it can be a little harder to split into paragraphs. What you should usually go for is having each paragraph be its own idea, if that makes any sense.
Aw, I thought I was being cute. I don't read much fanfiction though. Definitely will avoid that in the future
Well what you have there is really damn difficult to read. You can update pastebins right? I think I'd have a much better chance at reading it if it was a bit more spaced
Did you know that Hasbro made an X-COM game?

The more you know.
you have to be logged in to update what you posted. I could just re-upload it after trying to space it out a bit?
Gradually work your way into a hug/cuddle. She's gotta still be feeling pretty bad about the whole thing
You can only update pastebins if you make them with an account. Guest Pastebins are doomed to remain as is.

@ The Author: Couple further things to note:

a) Make sure your verb tenses match. You keep switching between past and present.

b) Commas are not always your friend, sometimes it is better to break off that extra piece and turn it into its own sentence.
It's not that faggy. It'd be nice if that could make two happier people. Though I have no fucking idea which anons you're talking about because the vast majority in mlpg are depressed anons
>very deliberately not touching yours.
Aw. Give her a hug or something.
Well I'd appreciate it, but you do have others going through it anyway
Nice keywords, Chistery.
That's great coming from the guy that marked a thread that wasn't even a general
Odd, i thought I kept it entirely past tense. Drat, that's a problem I always have when I write. As for the comma thing.. I have gotten in the habit of using ellipses to represent pauses, and I tried to cut that out for proper writing but it feels weird using commas.
I don't know much about that, but an equestria-based x-com game would be the only thing that could steal my time more than enemy unknown did
pssst, LK

Sylvia butts
When was this?
The two Australian ones that can't get guns to kill themselves with
They're in different cities
Using ellipses for pauses is a dialogue or inner monologue thing, not necessarily a narrative thing.

Periods work great for pauses too!
oh yeah I remember that
it was the first shitpost I made
all I did was link to the fetish general, and deaf marked
it was so good, I vowed to never shitpost again

Yeah, I can see that. I just really type it how it sounds in my head, and using periods makes things sound a little wierd, having to break off where I would normally pause for a moment. But yeah, that's a personal thing, and I can see your point. Noted.
pony just caught you mirin
that looks like shit
Oh, that. Well, I like to think I learned my lesson.
Well melbourne isn't that far away. I just can't imagine a relationship starting on 4chan ever working. Especially here of all places, the awkward conversation would be ridiculous
Pony is sexy
I want to fuck all ponies

Except the window cleaner one and the old sweeper and maybe the kid with the asparagus
so did I
By the pool scene your head lolls. The first time seeing this movie was boring enough, now it's just candy floss.

You startle when a weight falls on one leg. Twilight was clearly waging war with gravity and sleep too. Her eyes still point ahead, a little blearily, but now they rest against across one thigh.

Fuzzily she mumbles, "S'okay?"

You reply by mumble. By the sauna scene warm sunshine had crept across all your limbs and your arm falls slowly over her long neck. You're too muzzy to scratch but settle your elbow at a good place. The tension in her jaw evaporates, "candor," "bearing" dropped.

You're half-asleep - more than that, losing whole scenes now - and Twilight keeps burrowing in deeper. That leg is a WONDERFUL pillow. You smell juniper.

Just as you wink out during a stupid dance number, your ears catch deep regular snores. You chuckle weakly, thinking something clever about being a "pain in her neck."

You let it go. This feels better than "clever."
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the wind from an open window keeps blowing open and close a door down the hall.

the sound is annoying but i dont want to get up to fully close the door
>Not just sending nude pics and then setting a date if you're both acceptable
>Not fucking as soon as you meet
>Not getting to know each other in the after glow
You must be a cardiac patient
Because that wasn't a jolt at all
I had to do something for the time being. I dunno if I have enough time to stram today. Sorry.
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