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I'm currently holding an impromptu, livestreamed PMQ/Q&A session.
Tune in here, and be sure to subscribe. To ask a question or participate in the discussion, use this thread.

This one will be quite a bit different because I'll be giving audio responses to questions posted in the thread. It should enable me to answer more questions, more quickly, and not skip over questions that would require a long written response. If it goes well, we'll probably switch over to this format for the future, and it'll also be a good opportunity to trial Hangouts on Air/YouTube Live for our upcoming 4chan panel livestream.

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Hugging thread: >>13346352
Kissing thread:

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>tfw no one to hug
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>starting a thread with worst ship

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How fucking uneducated you need to be to do not know what is being measured in Karats?
what is chistery's hipster obsession with coffee
Just continuing here because I'm terrible at keeping place cross-thread

This happened once, twice - on the third occasion near August he realized midway through pouring coffee he knew just how she liked it and where on the left shoulder her head could rest without jamming her horn in his neck and Anon muttered "Hell with it."

The chamber was light and song as he remembered simply turning to her rubbing sleep out her eyes on a throw pillow and asking candidly, "Do you want to do something later?"

"S-sure, we could do coffee I guess."

They both stared at the two steaming mugs in his hands. His lips felt a bit cracked as he forwarded, "We could do coffee. Here. Together."

It felt like an eternity. There wasn't really Time in this weird place but the expression on her face was so slow and perfect.

She smiled a bit coyly and hemmed, "I'd like that."
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Librarians like coffee in the morning and I like buttered coffee. I can't be hipster about it; I don't even know what French Press is.
The carat is a unit of mass equal to 200 mg (0.2 g; 0.007055 oz) and is used for measuring gemstones and pearls.
Wait people are actually that retarded to use that picture
>you will never find your very own motherly and wise woman to impregnate and rule over your own little kingdom
No, what does that picture have to do with carats
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>buttered coffee
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I'll make it better next time anon, I swear
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Are you retarded?
Follow the link.
What about people who like them both for different parts of their personality
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Why is Spike's size so inconsistent?
How about posting the link then you fucking idiot?
I'm not gonna type out all that shit.
Look Anon you should have learned this long ago.
Use Chystery for his writing ability and just ignore his opinions and tastes.
They are like these weird, old, rich people who have a wife who is like 17 or something but not really in love but just a sex toy.
because his size is dependant on how greedy he is. do you even watch the show
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But I'm not old, anon
20 isn't old at all
>watching a show for little girls
Do I look like a gay?
You're practically dead, anon
It wasn't the most formal courtship, but they fell in together. Between her adventures - and sometimes in the midst of them, like on the occasion of the exploding vending machine - they dated and met and spoke outside of work. At work it was collaboration and cross-checking work and "looking over this again."

They still fell asleep in the library some times, but Anon could only handle a wooden floor so many times a week. Once or twice they adjourned to his apartment on the pretense he had some Earth book, but it always devolved into work minutiae or Daring Do speculation.

On the Apple's Harvest Dance they managed to dance together, though Twilight managed to dance almost exclusively on his toes. Anon could feel his feet throbbing in memory, and curiously enough none felt bloodied or broken from his fall today.

Mostly he remembered the beaming look on her face on her first dance with a "paramour." He never rolled his eyes when SHE said it, but it was a bit outmoded.
Pony is very little. Is little pony.
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I'll die sleeping with pone then
Tell my non existent kids that they need to get a job
Hey, if you can't afford to take time off for lunch, buttered coffee will kill your appetite for like six hours. Just never, ever use salted or you will regret it.
But I already have no appetite.
Did school restart in the states? It has in Canada, at least. Are the night threads night threads again?
Public school started yesterday and college has been in for a while
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Yeah I'm pretty sure theyre all at school again.
>20 isn't old at all
You're 1/4 into your life anon. Some people have kids by now, some people have died in war by now, a good many have married by now. If you were born 100 years ago you'd have been considered well into adulthood by now.
It varies depending on location.
semesters did, those on the quarter system start the 24th i think
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Dear god in heaven, help me! It wants my soul!
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>tfw justapony seems to be ded
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What should we do anon? Should we...should we post ponies?
Do you think their wives just sat there waiting for them to kiss?
The winter passed far easier this year. He never had to spend too much time alone in the little studio apartment that seemed a bit nippy with or without Breezy's fan. There was work which had some wonderful braziers in the seat, correspondence from Canterlot to deal with, warm cider in the back stock.

Dances - god, always the dances - came in rapid succession. Winter was wonderful and just about what he expected of a "family of friends," a few parties - one or two mishaps or disasters he was glad to let the girls handle - but mostly a motif of falling asleep every other night next to the best conversationalist and kisser in town.

"A Prince finds his palace?"

Anon just nodded, the whole world swimming. It was a good time. Then Discord, which was not such a nice time - he spent most of it turned into butter brickle and licked thoroughly by rabbits, entirely conscious for the experience.

He ran the clock forward, forward, forward - he even had thumbs to twitch now.
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Kids are asleep, post ponies

I don't have an appropriate image reaction at the moment so pretend like I posted a pony celebrating
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what are you? Gay or something?
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> writing ability
Possibly. I love how she missed the glass though. Also dem round thighs
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>2 of my high school friends are dead
>my crush from school is engaged to a guy with the same name as me
>most of my friends are in the top schools in the state while I'm in community college

Here's to the next 1/4th of my life turning around, I guess
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go to beb
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Alright that's enough posting ponies. Lets talk about horsedicks already
my phone/alarm died so i need to wait for it to charge a little bit or else i'll sleep till like 4 pm
Horsedicks are gay.

Let's talk about ponies.
>horsedicks are gay
Not if they're on a mare
>not charging your phone across the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off
I am a heavy sleeper
Well at least you're not dead or a dropout
But that pony doesn't appear to have one
My nigga
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To be fair anon, colleges are shit. Your friends in those colleges will probably end up in alot of student debt that they may or may not stay in depending on the state of their major when they get out of school. And your crush will probably be one of many, wish her the best but people that marry at this young of an age usually don't last long. It doesn't matter what situation you're in now anon, that time's coming up. And by then it's who you are and who you know. If you have those then you can get just about anywhere. The point of those big colleges is to make those connections, but you live in an age where that's pretty much obsolete, so take advantage of it now. Find the field you want to go into, email some big names, make friends, friendship is future job opportunities.
How about now?
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Can someone post that the D guy? I need it for photoshoop.
Well before early Spring were getting a bit more serious. Twilight moved a few essentials to the apartment for the times she dozed off. People were starting to ask "Where's Twilight?" should they not appear in public. Once or twice Anon got caught up in an adventure, though he was bound, gagged, and ransomed more than he would have liked.

"You needn't always be a hero to be Royalty, you know."

With a curt nod, Anon skipped ahead to Hearts and Hooves Day. He'd made reservations in Canterlot weeks in advance and somehow convinced Spike to lend him Dragon Powder. He insisted on referring to it as Floo. It did teleportation, it was Floo.

Dinner was wonderful, as soon as they managed to bat the tiny licks of dragon flame off their clothes after the, ah, surprise reveal of the night's destination. At least their gifts weren't singed. Dinner became drinks and desert, deserts turned to nightcaps, and then Twilight insisting on teleporting them home. No Floo.
You mean Descartes?
I guess

The hope is to get through to a better college
I got a free ride no matter what college so I thought I'd take advantage
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Vinyl plz stop being off white.
Lets see you post better then
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What are you talking about, anon?
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Your fingers rap against the painted wood, shattering the still and quiet. A heartbeat later, you hear a gasp, and a mild curse, then steps as someone comes to the door. She opens it and the familiar sight of her long, loose pink hair comes drifting down, obscuring whatever might be behind her. Standing at an angle, she very carefully keeps her body from you, only allowing you to see her face.

Fluttershy seems nervous. As in, more so than usual. "Ahm. Hi. C-can I help you?"

You stare at her in wonderment. "You called me. Told me to come over here."

"I did? Oh! I did. You're right. I'm sorry. Um. Oh dear."

I died, but then I got better. Human or pony. Godzilla unrelated.
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I'm gonna have to look pretty hard, I don't save dicks normally
i dont have a wall charger

but that's not a bad idea, although the problem is is i'm so stubborn i'll fall asleep with the alarm still going, even if its loud, but maybe that'll help me get up a tad earlier
>Doesn't have a folder full of horsedicks
>complains about my horsedicks
Set it to a song you like, though I guarantee you'll end up hating it.
You could just have different things that have alarm functions and put them in different spots of the room
Like old ipods phones whatnot
i have put my phone into a satchel tied with a knot inside my buttoned-up pillowcase and have set it to ring six different alarms, which i have to turn off individually and a normal alarm clock at the other side of the room.
still doesn't work at least once a week.
>Not changing it every three days
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>i don't save dicks normally
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>has to save pictures to appreciate them
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Anon, you look fantastic today.
yeah i know, that's why i wouldnt want to do that

that would make it even easier to fall back asleep

i do hate waking up at 1 pm + though. I feel exhausted if i don't because I stay up so late, but i love mornings.

first world problems right?
Holy shit a talking horse!
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oh god you can see me
Anon would forevermore respect Twilight for being able to use such high-level magic five glasses of wine in and so far away. There was only a faint popping noise and only ONE small lick of flame at his elbow as they apparated in his tiny studio apartment.

He stepped to the door, prepared to help pour Twilight in her feathery bed downstairs across the Square. Lord knew she needed it after that Spell-

As it turns out, she didn't. The door closed on its own and Twilight -- well, they spent the night. "Here. Together." He held the memory tight to his chest which had somehow risen from the vapor.

Celestia said nothing. There was maybe a musicality - triumph? Wistfulness? but it passed.

The next year flew fast. A small pile of savings rose like stop-motion, bits on bits. A goal of $1,300 for an engagement circlet he'd seen in Canterlot. Dinners. Disasters. A few times helping Spike out of a jam. A few times bribing Spike to leave the Library for the night ...

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I'm not gay
But I look like shit today
I loved this show holy shit
That series had a cool concept, but it turned to shit at some point. Was it worth watching it to the end?
>not saving images so you can easily appreciate them again
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> not giving explicit sex in the middle of MLPG
... What did you put in this tea?
Thank you fluttershy, you look pretty good yourself
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I only do that for things that I really enjoy
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Why aren't you challenging your brain, Anon?
y-you too
not that i like you or anything
>He doesn't enjoy horsedicks
Do you even own a Chance?
Because I'm watching a show

why does she look like she should be in Saints Row
A what
>tfw want to draw something lewd
>but no good ideas
Rule 63 Pinkie and normal Pinkie talking eachothers ears off.
I was going to, but MLPG distracted me

Rarity and Twilight bdsm
or Your favourite pone and Your 2nd favourite pone bdsm
During sex.
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Which three would you adopt? Which three would leave to die in the woods?

Heaven or hell? Let's rock!
Octavia cum inflation
rarity twilight fluttershy
I point to something interesting in the distance and then take them all home with me
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>70 dollars
jesus christ

Also gross
Twilight for usefulness.
Pinkie Pie for fun.
Applejack for sexual.
That's just the small.
>not having at least a medium Chance
That's just the small one, the large costs $190
What are you, a fucking casual?
Can I just bring all six to a nice house where I know they'll be cared for properly? I couldn't handle dooming three of them.
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>raising baby pony just to have sex with it

That's just not cricket, mate.
The pile of gold rose and fell with each broken window, each unexpected "book bounty" from the Library Guild, each odd job around the Apple Farm. Mac always gave a coded nod when Anon asked for extra work on the weekends when Twilight was visiting the Crystal Kingdom or Canterlot. There always seemed to be "something" worth a few bits.

It rose and fell, rose and fell, the dinners, the dates, the parties blurring in the backdrop.

It stopped at 913 when everything changed. The whole town went upside down, Marks changed around - Twilight vanished, came back --

A few nights later they had a Talk and Twilight decided it wasn't "too complicated" to stay together and train as a Princess. The determined look in her eye was unforgettable. They spent the night, and Anon revelled in it. The new wings were ... well, novel. Waking up felt all brand-new

Anon sold a few of his oldest, prized books - ones Twilight wouldn't quite notice missing. The pile reached 1300.
>having rectum destroyers makes you not a casual

I don't like insertion on my end anon
why does this hurt
Horse butts
Because chistery, anon. Because chistery.
Go great with Horse dicks
>rectum destroyers
There are videos of people taking the entire thing, anon, it's entirely possible
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That's their fetish though, so good for them
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>on my end anon
>it goes in so deep that you can see it poking at their stomach
That's the best thing
Never trust a smiling wolf, for it does bare its teeth still.
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That's splendid, stomach deformation is so hot
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I agree completely
Yeah you would AJ...
Some people just need a big ass hug
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I really like the work of ponypron.

Not really those ahegao Twimor incest pics, but I really love those bdsm ones.
Oh, dang... that looked sfw from the thumbnail, maybe I should finally make a nsfw folder
>Applejack is used to that because of Big Mac's schlong
The next few weeks had a tenuous, nervous excitation. Twilight spent a few nights after long days of Royal Etiquette under Celestia's direction when she could get away. She heaved relief every time she could come home from hours of table manners, state-craft, and proper Procedure to drink a hot tea, talk about Ponyville gossip, and fall asleep on Anon's arm.

Anon always had trouble sleeping. She was maybe two feet above the box he was hiding the thin opal broach. He always managed to, though he'd wake up a bit after Twilight disappeared off to Canterlot again.

Spike didn't seem to know anything. It helped he was a bit wound up in his own play-dating. Or that's what Anon thought of them; it was just visits to the soda fountain with Sweetie. You wouldn't think it from how Spike would obsess over every nuance, every inflection of Sweetie asking "You want to try the brown cow next time?"

He had to shake his head, but not as though he wasn't practicing "Will you--"
Some guy who draws porn.
they are just doing the same thing they always do. Appeasing the fans. Of course i'm biased though. I probaby think Larson only tweets about MLP, based on screencaps from here.
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> that comment
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Don't trust thumbnails
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>DC editorial manages to drive JHWilliams III away too
>we will never have based Batwoman again
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I wonder what that means for apple bloom

I'm sorry, /co/mrade. You aren't the first to be hurt by DC's bizarre editorial style.
She is basically a glove at this point.

Some things never change, huh /mlpg/?
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chistery, pls.
A conference in "Outsider Experiences in Equestrian Language Studies" in Appaloosa came and went. He'd prepared for weeks, but public presentation and discussion of Modern Modes of Low Griffon Speech in Canterlot Exurbs wasn't all that challenging any more. Anon wowed the crowd with extensive citation and supplemental materials. The Native Appaloosan studies director liked the samples of both those under and over 40, and college entry essays.

Anon would have never gone so deep had it not been for Twilight's insistence he read certain circulars. All the while he expected harder questions and social Implications as Twilight liked to ponder.

The after party had a few people wagging tongues about "a ring around that finger" and a few words of encouragement from a Griffon and his Minotaur wife. Anon just nodded and said thanks. He knew how rumors worked, and Twilight corresponded with half the crowd.

He clutched his valise and its jewelry box close all the way home.
I wish I'd followed this from the start now. I had no idea it was going to run on this long
> waiting for Chistery to finish Pen Pals or Rose Tinted
> for two, three years
> Instead get Anon in Equestria which burns like fire in a single night
There's bizarre and there's fucktarded.
I still haven't recovered from Robinson leaving and Morrison's Inc ending. My LCS is lucky that I still follow the GL books out of abitude.
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the eye sparkle at the end gets me every time

anyway goodnight mlpg, ill post the painting i did tonight when i figure out which version i like the most
I'll Pastebin it.

The day arrived like a thunderclap. Everything in the Memory Chamber strummed and hammered at his nerves, now there more than not-there.

It was the "two-year anniversary." Of his assistantship, not their dating - though close enough. That was a light joke among The Gang, especially Applejack, who insisted on repeating the joke Anon should give her TWO gifts with all that work he'd been doing.

He just demurred, saying Twilight probably deserved two. Changing the subject was getting to be old-hat.

"A Prince AND a diplomat," Celestia chuckled. Somehow Anon could feel her traipsing just past his shoulder in endless non-space.

The plans were laid simply enough, though everyone presumed it was just an anniversary party. Pinkie was thrilled to do a few small cakes, Rarity insisted on taking in his jacket. Fluttereshy coaxed her woodland friends to tack up some ticker-tape and balloons in the absence of the Apples in mid-harvest.

It came.
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So...yeah Twilight made everyone including herself a small filly. Also Spike is an egg so no way to contact Celestia.
The spell will only last 24 hours. You can take care of all six of them for that long can't you?
Spike was the only one to notice he seemed a bit nervous. His own dating had hit a bit of a stride. He didn't ask much, at least not after Anon tossed a small emerald his way.

The suit pressed, the legs pumping to the dance hall - everything was in preparation. It was magnificent. They all made small talk and asked after each others' sisters (barring Anon; they had known not to ask overmuch) waiting for Twilight to arrive.

And she did - in a simple white dress and purple bolted bow he remembered, with two winglet holes. She seemed agape at the party, doubly excited to catch up.

Dinner was sumptuous, though Pinkie had gone light on the arugula salad and heavy on the strawberry ice cream cake. The talk moved from family to work to the latest news of the day, and it was wonderful. Twilight and Anon squeezed hands beneath the table every so often, maybe a bit sharp when Anon teased Spike on his own four-month anniversary coming up.

Spike blushed like christmas lights.
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Good morning what's ponying?
Late packages are worse than Stalin.
Define everyone?
* hands -- (Hands? Hooves? Whatever --)

1000 characters are a fun challenge
I liked the one where the foreground was greenish best
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The mane characters and Spike.
Also the CMC will help you.
Draw sugar giving snails a hoof job
You are seeing Hell freeze over.
Chistery is WRITING
Sounds like we're gonna have a pretty fun 24 hours then. I'd be glad to
Well you better start. The CMC already set the library on fire, AJ and Dash are missing, Fluttershy is crying, Pinkie got her head stuck in the Cookie jar and Twilight and Rarity are shooting magic beams everywhere.
Can you imagine the CMC looking after them though? Especially AJ, Rarity and RD. I can't even imagine the CMC reactions to that.
Just get each of the CMC to babysit the pegasi personally and I'll watch over the rest
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Just kill me now
>Sweetie looking after Rarity
Damn that'd be cute as shit
Kinda reminds me of that Pony or Die with the botched Twilight spell
At length they all turned expectantly. Maybe Rarity could simply "taste" the gem work in his breast pocket. Maybe Applejack had worked it out ages ago just how much "extra money" Anon had been saving but not quite spending. Who knew? But surely they all knew. Days ago. Of course.

Except Twilight, who asked "What's everyone staring at?"

Anon could feel the Chamber as a limitless beach with a warm sun peeking over the horizon, but the images in place, running. It was curious, but felt perfectly natural. Doors closing, opening, gusts pouring through.

One door opened --

There was only one thing to do. He dropped to one knee, pulled out the box, and popped it open. "Twilight, will you marry me?"

Here - now - knowhere, everywhere - Anon's ears rang. "YES!" She yelled. "YES!"

The others at the table erupted in delighted laughter and hoof-beats. He felt a little jolt up both legs. Stomping felt pretty good.

So did closing a clasp around his fiancee's neck.
Hmmm. The CMC can go look for AJ and Dash while I look after the rest. They can't exactly light them on fire (i hope)
Well since she wasn't an alicorn all her life she is now a unicorn.

Of course if that happened in the show she'd probably still be a alicorn.
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I'm not sure what you're on, but it's not like this is unusual or anything.
Just FYI: >>13349765
was a good reaction. I like your feelsmithing. Please continue.

Hwy SB
Would you mind taking coloration request? I asked Dooks but he said he can't do it and gave up.
* knowhere, NOWHERE, FUCK

The rest of the night was a blur. It was some small Equestrian tradition to go out on a girl's night or stag night on the night of the ENGAGEMENT, not before the wedding. They did bachelor and bachelorette parties too, but frankly they liked celebrating.

Magic was wonderful but honey mead and half the town insisting on buying more mead played Hell with his memories. A few snatches of dancing, hard hoof-claps about the lower back, and some traditional song about "plowing fields" came to mind but melted into an easy dark cool memory of being poured into bed.

The next morning found them both in bed, sloppy and in half a mood for a coffee. There were some sly shared smiles and titters over what they remembered, but mostly welcome silence.

By noon they were ready for the day. It was hard avoiding the sea of congratulations, but chores called. They split at the door.

The bright green necklace clinked on her neck as she turned around the corner.
Sorry man to busy laughing at Australia
>opposition wants to make Cyberbullying a criminal offense
>Can survive in the worst place on Earth
>can handle being called a fag
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reanimate your feet!
Prettiest pricness
>hit submit by accident before I added the comment


>you watched this as a kid
>you liked it
>you didn't automatically hate it because it had a bright red talking wolf in it
I didn't and I hate it because it's shit
Chores devolved pretty quickly into smoking some cigars out by the bar with some well-wishers who insisted. No alcohol - HE insisted - but the chores took three times as long with this new entourage.

Anon managed to shake them off politely around 3 with all his quills bought, letters sent, and dry cleaning tendered. It wasn't so different, being engaged and all.

Celestia cooed in the ether. She seemed to be rolling in the memory, like a cat in fine sand. Or that was the touch-taste-feel.

Anon made no attempt to push forward. There was all the Time in the world here in the Chamber.

He stopped by the apartment to drop off dry goods and go back for greenery when he heard some voices. Ponyville was low-crime enough he didn't think much of it, maybe Spike back for some caramel cookies and "guy time." He was getting tall enough to reach the high jar.

Anon was still surprised to see Spike, Twilight, and what seemed like an art holder stand under a drape, the two antsy.
I liked it because it had a bright red wolf in it

but I also like the enthusiasm and sincerity. someone isn't just saying that they're writing dopey fan fiction, they're fucking screaming it.
You had no adolescence
> fanfiction
> AiE fanfiction
I guess
>having such shit taste
looks like a fox to me
There's nothing wrong with either of those.
It's just that it's kinda ridiculous right now. This is something you just link in a pastebin not post in here.
It's not the worst ship but it's pretty bad.
Still I can name a shitload of ships that are worse than that one.
>pony in middle ages fanfiction

would your favorite pone richard the lionheart?
While I am inclined to agree, if you let it slip to Pastebin or GDocs we'll never see the end of it. The last time we did that Rose Tinted never got a fourth chapter. It's a bit of a pain for non-readers but "Make Stub," "Hide Replies" in 4chan x might help.
I dont like his new way of drawing ponies at all
I couldn't stand that cutout look in older flashes, so I hated this video
Then, next time he posts, tell him what you think could be changed, what you liked more in his old style and he might listen.
Nah. She'd be all over the French.
Then get disappointed because holy shit did the middle ages suck complete ass.
Also she'd probably be considered a demon and be hunted and killed.
True I guess. This is Chistery we're talking about.

I don't mind it. If I had read it from the start I'd probably be interested. Right now I have no idea what that's about.

I just hope the next time he does something like this, it's the Anon with Rarity and Twilight at the spa thing. If he wants to that is. And if the next time is before the next hiatus.
Two earth ponies walk into a bar

One turns to the other and says "You didn't see it either?"
"Hi, sweetheart," he managed to gawp. "What's this?"

Twilight steeled herself a little. Anon could tell by a quirk in her tail dock "It's a present I didn't get to give you last night."

Anon's eyes slid over Spike, seeking some kind of clue. Even a good scowl like the Bad Old Days did nothing. There was no sign from the dragon other than twiddling thumbs.

"Oh- well that's great!"

"You have time to see it?" Her purple eyes shone. So it was something VERY special. He'd half-wondered if it was a flock of geese, but now ...

"Yeah, I think the bok choy could wait," Anon smoothed, not quite knowing where to put down the bags with the room suddenly half-full of pony, dragon, and fine art. "I'd love to see it."

Twilight trotted by Anon's knee, nodded to Spike, and the black satin came free.

Anon saw-felt-tasted the bags drop from his hands and hit the floor.
I dunno, Rarity would probably like the French not just for the language but all the heraldry. Then again she'd hate any place so full of disease, violence, raping, pillaging, war.

I don't think Equestria has never seen a war based on the existence of knight stories and war weapons, but it's a very distant memory to them now. Europe of that time would feel like a kind place.
There might be a new season
french language a shit

it sounds like barbarians talking with their mouths full
I probably should take this to a Pastebin or something if nothing else because soon it'll be a real Day Thread and it would get in the way.

That's more a time for > would you
> tfw,

Not some terribly longish comfortable-AiE love story
That's the funniest description I've heard for it, though I disagree with you.
Just continue, it's super-easy to filter anyway.
If you feel that way, sure, but Rarity seems like the only canon Francophile or even enthusiast.
Please, keep going.
Fluttershy seems like the kind to have in interest in France or the French laguage as well
He's right about it being shot tough. It just says fuck logic we have 10 exceptions for every rule.

Also fuck third class verbs. Just fuck them.
Don't know about that. She probably knows a few sewing terms but that's all.
Which pony would hate danish numbers the most?
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People like this?
Are they, like, drawn with dead snakes or something?
You know the way I see it is like this
Rarity - speaks fluently in French
Twilight - knows the basics of multiple languages, including French, could get around with them but speak a bit too fast and she's lost
Fluttershy - Very basic French, doesn't really understand it, but can read and pronounce it perfectly
AJ, Dash - Don't know any other language
Pinkie - Doesn't know either but just bullshits her wy trough conversations like she knows what she's saying.
Why french?

Also, Twilight is more on the german side.
What, like Pinkie just says "CROISSANT feux faux Genevieve vraiment bonjour?"
if she met someone speaking German she'd just combine random japanese, russian and french words .

She'd even go like "Girl, let me handle this"
Man, Lecithin smells like shit.
Try sunflower, not soy.
Because English speakers love french for some reason
She'd probably know German the best but like I said she can speak multiple languages good enough to get around
There's sunflower lecithin?
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>Twilight is more on the german side.
Why this?
I don't get the filename.
I can't guarantee you won't dislike it too, but it seemed to smell less than the soy preparations for me.
Most of that things do. Try Arginine Hydrochloride - such a disgusting fishy smell and taste...
>how ponies see creatures with arms
I guess I'll buy those when my supply runs out, thanks
She is THE german stereotype.
>You'll never have tentacles for genitals
>You'll never have slimy tentacle sex with your waifu, wrapping your sensitive tentacles around hers and oozing juices
You guys have weird stereotypes then, I don't really know anyone who's like Twilight
How is a nigga suppose to watch Arthur?
We see the germans as worshipping organization and procedure.

Blame kafka and all those imported scientists.

>Americans read The Trial
>"What is this, a diary of daily life in Germany?"
You don't know any bureaucratic, über rational bourgeois?
Pony just said season 3 was good.
>tfw disorganized, lazy fuck
I have brought shame upon my ancestors.
the last pony in this thread was posted over 40 minutes ago
Me too anon, me too.
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>German Twilight
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I don't mind, being a leech in germany is pretty efficient.
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i don't images to see the pony I love everywhere but fine
femdom is a russian thing
those are ok ponies, but where is the best one
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>i don't images to see the pony I love everywhere but fine
Got you covered >>13350451
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Why this celestya so pretty

Such unf


Is make heart much beating

Wow horse
i'm normally big on being the active one in a battle of fuckings and cuddles but I would be celestia's little spoon

i would be her little spoon so hard
Your shitposting aside, the
>makes heart beating
line actually fits.

Why can't she be real? ;_;
Just the kissing, now post some kissing.
I wanna have sex with you, Rainbow Dash
What if Celestia could be real, but only as a seductive german bureaucrat?
I have seen lots of German bureaucrats, none of them were seductive.
It was a perfect rendering of his parents' wedding anniversary photograph. The laugh lines, the bushy push-broom moustache. The greying hair - his mother's hazel eyes - the stupid cardigan Dad insisted wearing - it was the most realistic portrait he'd seen anywhere. The dappling of their skin alone was a master-stroke.

Anon's throat caught. It was like an iron ball stuck rested his vocal cords. He tried to step forward to look closer but one knee managed to drive to the floor instead. His face became a hot sticky mess, sobs coming out in a dry wheeze.

Twilight rushed to his side, her head coming to his face, worried. "Are you okay?"

"Fine" just barely squeaked out, a forearm wiping away the snot, "This- this is amazing-" broke in his throat.

A box of tissues appeared at one side. He blinked out the tears, catching his voice again. "How did you-"

Spike spoke. "We - I found your special photo-box." He looked at Twilight, "I helped with the thumbs and all."
somebody post some porn already, it's time for my wank
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I think my eyes are leaking.
Nor beautiful.
Dear princess Luna

Today I learned that there is a furry porn edition of magic the gathering. Please give me pleasant dreams rather than the nightmares that I will surely have.

Love, Anon
throbbing musky girlcocks
So what do you say?
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> the nightmares that I will surely have.
>tfw rewatched nightmare night today
>tfw subconsciously adopting luna's fedoratastic speech patterns
the name of the episode is Luna Eclipsed you fucking brony
elbow deep
I haven't remembered an episode name since season 1 give me a fucking break
LK are you here?
there are better ways to clean a toilet
>not having a reference card with all the names and acronyms
Inside who
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That is actually a really good idea
i'm not LK, but i replied anyway
>needing a reference card
it just said "elbow deep"
no context given
You are too lewd to be the real Xieril
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More often than not. What's up?
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I'm just gonna say it.

I wish I were a mare and I wish futa Dash would impregnate me.
Would you mind sharing?
Rubbing over that sensitive spot over and over again
>check the Celestia Quest thread
>everyone plays as anon
How am I supposed to make fun of people like that?
I just want her foals, so no.
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Big thighs built for bucking apples with.
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any chance of a stram soon?
it's been awhile
>implying I want to be friends with a pet
I still wanna fuck Rainbow Dash though
Sinewy thighs only good for stewing

0/10 pone would not eat
"Special photo box-" and it struck him. The phone. He hadn't so much as glanced at it in months. The charger box was tucked away in the supply closet - or likely wasn't now.

Dabbing his eyes and drawing himself into a sitting position, he darted glances from Twilight to Spike and back. "When?"

"I was pokin' at your stuff," Spike breezed, looking intently at his feet. "You have some nice stuff and one day I saw this black slate thing that tasted funny-"

Twilight cut in, "And discovered all these photos. These two looked like your parents or grandparents, so we commissioned a painter in the City to make it bigger."

Anon's head shook slowly. He laughed, "They even got that mole Mom always hated."

Twilight seemed pleased if a little misty, "I'm glad you like it, love. But there's something else. Are you ready?"

Anon scoffed a bit, "Well I thought I was before this, but ..." He smiled with a nod.

The painting raised slowly - gently - solemnly with her glow.
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Why ain't you breedin'?
y eat pon tho
Because I have inferior genetics.
Human can not and should not breed with disgusting inferior horse.

Horse is only good for company and cuddles.
>it's been awhile
Don't remind me... Maybe in like an hour or so? I think I might be able to.
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Human and pony can't breed AJ. And no don't listen to Twilight, I'm not going to let her get near my balls with her magic.
Unf unf dash butt unf
but i am
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2late shes already in there.
people say things like this just because they're not towering supermodels but unless you have something extreme like microcephaly/a missing limb you're fine, and probably better adapted for modern life than your attractive peers. remember, the things we consider good in a mate haven't changed since the savannah, but we don't live on the savannah anymore. if people made sense we'd be breeding ourselves into tiny gray bald things with oversized brains.
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Shes not real.
Luna a shit
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I'm trying but opening up a conversation about how morrowind was slightly worse than Oblivion and garbage compared to Daggerfall isn't exactly getting their attention.
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>in there
>in your balls
God damn I want to feel my thighs slap against her pert little princess butt
Scoliosis is something nobody should live with, and I am doing my part to eliminate it from the gene pool.
No that isn't a proper Dash butt
Dashbutt is taut firm yet slightly plush
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>>>13350691 #
Damnit, Twilight. Unless it makes my junk look like a stallion's, no.
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Why does she keep smelling it?
human musk arouses pone
Pony is like a dog, every time you walk into the room she has to sniff your crotch.
> maybe in an hour
Spike's paws had found their way over Anon's eyes. He sighed a little wearily, but didn't protest as Spike piped, "Hey speed-reader, no peeking!"

Twilight hissed. That surely spoiled the surprise!

The scales fell from his eyes (literally) and clearly the surprise had not been spoiled.

In the clearest, simplest Helvetica Neue a calligrapher had written "Good luck today!! We are so proud of you."

There weren't any sobs, just tears. He could hear - feel - his two friends exchange a worried look. "The last thing Mom ever told me" fell from his lips.

He turned to the strange woman to his right. Strange in all the right ways, bright and sparkling and clever and nosy and wonderful. The best. He didn't have the words just now. He probably never would.

Twilight seemed to hear it anyway. She wiped Anon's nose with one fetlock and drew him in cheek-to-cheek in the deepest, longest hug.
It's been done. On MLPG, at least.
Do you ever suddenly realize how horrible you actually are and then go back to saving pony smut five seconds later
>tfw pony will never casually ask you for sex
Not really. Could be worse honestly.
>tfw you will always have a poner that needs attending to and now pone to attend to it
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Which pony gets real deep into sweaty crotches?
>feeling horrible because of your sexual preferences
You mean "ask for casual sex," or "casually ask for sex"?

Because some of them might get all confused and casually ask for deeply committed married sex on the first go.

That's their fetish
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> we have the newest "tell her her stars are more brilliant than our stars"
> He turned to the strange woman to his right. Strange in all the right ways, bright and sparkling and clever and nosy and wonderful. The best. He didn't have the words just now. He probably never would.
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This one
Pone never liked you. In fact, pone always hated you with a seething passion.

Pone also fucked your sister. Many times.
Daily reminder that transgendered people are mentally ill.
>>Do you ever suddenly realize how horrible you actually are
>tfw waking up on the next day after you drew a bunch of pony porn and wondering what the hell you are doing with your life
I don't really think I'm horrible though
That's a really nice description, not a cheesy attempt at getting sex.
I also fucked pone's sister
>some of them
No it's only Fluttershy and that's why no one ever fucks her
Daily reminder that you are right______________________________________
I am aroused by the fact that the ponies have simplistic personalities like little girls and prefer them to the real complex personalities of adult women. I am fully aware that I do not want to fuck ponies out of a horse fetish, but out of incompetence.

My favourite is fluttershy
No like
>"Hey dude, wanna go bump uglies?"
No context
Just a good half hour of senseless rutting
I know this is bait
But it's always pretty funny
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So you mean
> you will never weigh at a given moment's notice whether you're interested in NSA sex with a cartoon horse?
Or is it fate?
>Tfw your life is bait

What have I become
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What do you have against flutterfags?
why do these comics about furries apply to us so well
>uppercase X
>all this lewd
You're not the real xieril
my art husbando would never talk like that about pony
good question
But Anon, Twilight and Luna are the same character and it's both Anon. It's the same thing.
what are you implying here
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Because we're faggots
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>rarity will never get deep underneath and have a good long sniff
"Pinkie, what are you doing in my house?"

Except what Chistery wrote is not said out loud by Anon and is well after giving Twilight the D. And it's still not cheesy.
That's not Pinkie at all
No, that's clearly a younger humanized Mrs. Cake, curlers and all.
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Disgusting and pathetic

Lean, agile human is best human
Amerilard pls
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I like it when best ship kisses.
If you want someone to mock, it's only been the lack of an opportune moment that's stopped me pulling a cheesy line about how our world literally revolves around the sun (since if she's literally moving the Equestrian sun through their skies, that means that their sun must go around Equestria).
Useless pig
That's probably too great for that quest or all of Equestria to handle.
Do you ship FLutterjack, Isaac?
This. Why prudes are still alive is beyond me. Shouldn't they all kill themselves out of misplaced guilt already?

Natural selection.
anorexic cunt
>having muscle tissue
I want to contribute to this place and its coolness but im not very good at anything. What do?

I can kind of write, sort of.
I think he's heavily hinting that Fluttershy's parents are dismissive or even abusive. It may have quite a bit to do with her leaving Cloudsdale and concerning herself with land ... creatures.
Writing isn't a mentionable skill. It's on the same level as being able to read, aka even a preschooler can do it perfectly.
> let me switch to MAXIMUM SHITPOSTING
>what the hell you are doing with your life
I never understood why people ask that question.
How was that shitposting?
chocolate pudding
ok let me rephrase
I've written a story once or twice and it turned out okay?
Well we do some silly fun greentexts, so it's sort of round-robin. Stick around for a few hours and you'll see a few.

Some get more than a little racy, other times we stick to "I hope that pony has a nice day."
so, do you?
Write, mate.
By all means.
I guess. I really doubt people would care though.
Oh shit source to that picture please
Are you actually asking how it's shitty to say writing - cadence, structure, characterisation, plot, mood, the works - is something "even a preschooler can do perfectly"?

Unless you somehow cut off the working definition of "English" to "I KNOW CHARACTERS AND SOME WORDS," that's not accurate.
Ignore him man.
Just ask for story requests when you can. Also the most important thing is to have fun and pony.
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>I know he's shitposting but I'll still respond! That'll show him!
Just don't worry about him.
Even if a preschooler could do it, they wouldn't be able to contribute meaningfully here anyway.
Not really. I don't ship Fluttershy with anyone in particular. It's hard to judge at a given point in show whether she has some backbone or back to pudding-strength resolve, and the latter doesn't lend a lot to a relationship.

I guess you could always tackle Fluttershy as she appears in the comics.
Holy shit thank you
I'm not that into same sex ships but Rarijack is so fucking hot
Write greentexts. It's very basic, but it can be done really well and opportunities arise fairly often. If you want, they can be smut, if you don't, they don't have to be.
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Me too.
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>that is the whole image
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Is it even ok for two girl ponies to kiss?
You know a picture has some dynamic if just their faces scream both care and passion.
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Well I guess this is the kissing thread afterall.
It is so super okay

You have no idea how okay it is
Those two ponies totally kissed in The Canterlot Wedding.
It's not okay.
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why is squigglekicker so canon and patrician
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Is it okay for two guy ponies to kiss?
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Pony should pony pony
>tfw not the perfect chance to unleash your autism yet
If that's wrong, I don't want to be right.
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They have some tension and disagreements but as the show and comics move in it seems they genuinely care for one another. The preening, the way they revolve in each others' social circles well past "the whole gang is together," seeking each other for advice despite themselves, the functional blending and co-care of their families through their sisters' interactions --

It seems to go way past "opposites attract."

Please disregard this post I suck dicks.
My dick likes it, so it's okay.
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You're insane
Those horses are too fat

It ain't canon
But it's not just "Shit these bitches hate each other, they wan' fuck."
Yeah, friends generally don't hate eachother.
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whos next to get a pinkie kiss?
It's almost not anything you wrote either. The only thing there that actually is kinda close to reality is that each asked the other for advice once.
Rarity and Pinkie have had some "stab a bitch" moments.
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Being annoyed at each other sometimes isn't hatred
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>Yeah, friends generally don't hate eachother.

Welcome to women.
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Best ship of course.
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I think only Fluttershy never ha no wait there's tha Parasprite part.
All of them had that moment
No wait Pinkie wasn't there. I think Pinkie and Fluttershy are the only ones that never had that moment.
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this is not a good kiss dash this is wrong and you will be sent to pony jail
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that better
No. No that is right. That is all kinds of right.
What was it?
That looks like a closed mouth kiss
That's A-OK
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is this a kiss?
Which is still stronger than what we've seen between Fluttershy and Applejack or Pinkie and Applejack. Rarity and Applejack might get thrown together simply because they get so much interaction time to goose fanon off of.

Like I said, shit, son, you're not gonna find a lot of support for an actual romantic entanglement between the characters. It does seem like Applejack and Rarity have a trust Rarity doesn't seem to have with anyone but Fluttershy and a sort of tension/rivalry Applejack only has with Dash.
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Even this is better than that
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more kiss
Is it a kiss if one of them wants to make it count in "Never Ever Have I Ever"?
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>It does seem like Applejack and Rarity have a trust Rarity doesn't seem to have with anyone
You truly are insane.
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Ok you seem to be new here and you are posting borderline pornographic images, so let me introduce you to the rules, because you have broken one already.

This is a Yotsuba B or Burichan (blue) themed board and is considered to be "work safe." That means no porn (no R34).

Please read the global rules here: https://www.4chan.org/rules#global
and read the board-specific rules here: https://www.4chan.org/rules#mlp

Please don't break the rules or otherwise you'll be banned.

Other than that, welcome to /mlp/ and enjoy your stay!
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Celestia thats not how you kiss at all.
look at this newfag, look and laugh
What, barring Twilight in "Green isn't your Color"?

Who else has Rarity confided anything in?
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This is bait?
But yeah, posting porn directly is not okay.
The only possible enjoyment one can gain from /mlp/ is to shitpost it as hard as possible.
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>all these pone girls kissing each other
Thanks for the feedback, I'll now know what pisses you off and what should I post more!
Can't think of it but in both cases it was always the closest pony. She didn't go to someone to tell them and ask them for advice.
She asked AJ for advice because she was the only pony there. And she was there because Sweetie was there.
She told Twilight because again, she was the only one there.

She confides in whichever friend is the closest.
>and enjoy your stay!
It was more fun in hell
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too many mouthugs
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Pony can sense your arousal and does lewd things in public so other ponies can sense it too.
> I have no idea how fast Scruffy will slam my ass
Do you seriously think anyone at all cares about deletion and/or bans?
>Celestia will never sit on your face
Speaking of which, someone was saying the other day they were writing a story they'd post later that evening that sounded interesting, but since I have the attention span of a gnat I'd completely forgotten about it and can't even recall what the premise was going to be. Anyone remember anything of the sort that could jog my memory?
Thanks dash.
Well I'd say you have some time given this.

when i was around 13 years old my babysitter occasionally smeared nutella over her vag and told me to lick
she was rather pretty so after being assured she doesnt pee in my mouth i complied because come on free nutella
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Kissing you say?
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Maybe if you asked nicely.
Was it Sweetie with the Alicorn amulet? The guy said he'd do it in chapters but was interrupted by real life.
He said he'll post them later
Alicorn Sweetie Belle
That's some gay ass shit
Well to get specific she never really asked AJ for advice - but Applejack seemed to know Rarity was way off the mark on how to make amends with Sweetie. The fact she listened at all says a lot for how much she respects Applejack and her relationship with Apple Bloom.

As for Twilight in the spa, it was hinted that Twilight had become a regular with Rarity on spa days. Though it's true she might be the best available, not the one she would normally confided, it seems a little odd they'd draw strong parallels between Twilight's time with Rarity and Fluttershy's time with Rarity if they didn't mean it to imply Twilight was being a stand-in Fluttershy, someone Rarity already trusts almost implicitly. One that she knows will listen to her troubles and volunteer for her if Rarity asks.

Though you might have grounds to stand on given Rarity has to prise a promise out of Twilight that she won't tell ANYONE the Secret. One that, ah, she breaks.
I'd prefer it if she sat on my chest, bending down for a kiss while her wings run along my sides
That was it! Ah, so it isn't done yet. I'll keep an eye out for it, then. Thanks both.
* one that she doesn't break, but not for lack of trying. Go team Twilight.
>having a static IP

witch dyke status: startled
What play, MLPG?
> man look at this faggot talking about what happened on the show and how the characters inter-relate
>The fact she listened at all says a lot for how much she respects Applejack and her relationship with Apple Bloom.
Or that she listens to all her friends every time to see what they have to say, with the exception of when they want to refuse her help.

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What if you actually did come inside pony?
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It feels even better
he's over thinking shit
plus it's not like it matters anymore
the show doesn't care about character interactions anymore.
What if your post didn't resemble something you'd see on the front of this shitty board?
Everyone would have a better time.
Phrases you can use to describe a truck

but not Rarity
Fuck that, I can pretend we're still mid-s2, when it was nice to speculate about the characters.
Maybe, but she sure as hell isn't asking for advice here. She's whining about how badly it went, and Applejack takes the horn.


Hell, she didn't really ask for advice from Twilight in "Green isn't your Color." She just whined.

All-leather interior?
XM radio included?
and i can pretend that the show is still good
doesn't mean it's actually real.

don't we like this stuff?
Yes, but the show is the show, and discussion is something we influence. If we can have good discussion on characters pretending nothing show-related has happened as of late, why not.
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> he's overthinking it
> You sound like a fag and your shit's all retarded
So she doesn't even ask AJ for advice. And the fact that she listens to what she has to say means almost nothing since again she listens to all her friends.
If Sweetie was at Twilight's library she would whine and listen to what Twilight would have had to say. Replace Twilight with any other pony of the mane six and nothing changes.

As I said all you said at first isn't true.
We like art, but not awful memes spouted by the horrible people on the board.
at the end, it's all pointless
the show won't care about inter character interactions like before, and we're disillusioned if we think otherwise.
Where do you think you are?
But S3 had a lot of character interaction.
Of course it won't. We've also known that they'd never show lesbian horses, didn't stop us discussing them at any point.
You mean like what I said back here, "despite themselves," which is admittedly vague as fuck
Or here where I actually said "she never really asked AJ for advice"?

All I'm seeing is evidence that Rarity is the worst pony for seeking and maybe taking advice.
I want all those people who hate the show and spend their time here shitposting about it to leave.
Wanting to cum inside ponies is one thing. Repeating the CUM INSIDE PONY meme is a completely different one, and has little to do with the former.
To expand upon this, The Crystal Empire(that many people hate) had a lot more character interaction than The Canterlot Wedding(which somehow some people enjoy)
Character interaction by itself is not automatically good. Granted, the interaction in ACW was rubbish. People like ACW because they were better episodes overall with a less shitty story. They still weren't very good though.
Single owner
ACW had no interaction at all.
The character interaction in TCE was great though
See your first post. This one >>13351064

Nothing from there is true. Except the first phrase, which is true for all of the ponies from the mane cast

>All I'm seeing is evidence that Rarity is the worst pony for seeking and maybe taking advice.
That's way to true. But it fit's Rarity the most. She's the most independent pony from the mane cast. And seeing her family it makes sense. She probably could never ask them for advice for problems she had.
Tell us about your artbando, mulpuhguh
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It did, most of it was everyone thinking Twilight was shit and telling her that.
I don't have one because I'm not a fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fan of the fandom.
He's dead, Jim.
ACW had 0 interaction.
The interaction in TCE is fucking great and if you don't think that you're clearly wrong/
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I would bang his OC, then let his OC return the favor.
He's ded and hats me.
I kinda stopped caring.

What he does is art.
That's hardly interaction.
Most of it was to the effect of "Twilight, you're wrong."
FS didn't even speak and the rest hardly had any lines.
i-it's just a screenshot from /bfg/, I swear!
Okay, it had no interaction. Your point?
His point is that Twilight-centric 2-parter episodes are shit.

Most of her one-parters are also shit.
Mmm, well I'd give the writing staff some credit for throwing them in together more often than not, but that could be a function of keeping Rarity in she show on a given frequency. Helping on the farm on a given day when it's not make-or-break*? In another work it might be interpreted as one or the other seeking out company, but it's like 24 minutes that need as many candy-colored equines to sell as possible.

But, let me stress this, this doesn't mean that two friends seeking out one-on-one time means they want to be face-first in, ah, friendship.

* trying to find the relevant episode, it's part of the opener. The joke was Rarity an barely buck at all.
I don't think that's real.
But honestly it wouldn't surprise me seeing Xbox Life
For a show that lives off of it, those episodes are down there next to OWTEW.
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I know that is your opinion and that you are entitled to it
but holy shit, you are making me hate him more then I hate ross, BCS, scootanon, and NBS combined

do pantyanon a favor and stop mentioning him here
he made a thread on /unf/ for a reason, you know
He's not pony
I like her better with wings
apparently it's real, if you type Ponies in the search bar they appear
gg EA
because you're homophobic?

...and this is a blue board?
Me too.
my niggas.
Eh can't see the big deal. Really people should get over the pony hate and you know just ignore things that they don't like.

Star Wars fan don't go to complain on the facebook of game developer because they made a Star Trek reference like that Bioware pony incident.
God that was sad and hilarious at the same time.
He made it because he's not a pony.
Really I want them to completely avoid Rarity and AJ together and focus on combos that barely had any interaction like AJ and Fluttershy. Or Twilight and Rarity. Really it gives me hope that we're getting an AJ with Pinkie episode. Maybe we'll see the other too pairs in their own episodes.
dat cancer
>Really it gives me hope that we're getting an AJ with Pinkie episode.
Aw Hell yeah. Yippe-ay-yay.
A proper Spike+CMC episode woul be neat to.
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I want 2005 /b/ to go
I can't hate her. And I can't hate the concept. I'm just a bit worried that the writers can't handle it.

I still like her and the alicorn thing really didn't change my feelings towards her
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>because you're homophobic?
>...and this is a blue board?
no, because he saw the reaction he got when he started here, and when told to go to /unf/ and apologized for his behavior, thus doing the only thing that I respected he for, then you guys show up and start praising he left and right every night thread even there he doesn't come here anymore and only goes to the sub
that's why I hate him, because of you
so go to /unf/ and please keep his praise centeredon that thread or any other website that is into that kind of thing like /soc/

besides he know it wasn't pony-related
unless he had mlp themed panies, then maybe I would have liked it
>I'm just a bit worried that the writers can't handle it.
So am I, anon. So am I.
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I really can't even begin to care about her becoming a princess, if anything she looks even cuter with her wings and it gives them some good opportunities for episodes
S2 pretty well ruined Twilight's character anyway.
Character interactions were what made SAYS actually watchable.
>all these twifags
he's kind of inspired me to try and take up art
also, i promised i'd name a pokemon after him for doing a request
i know it's really gay, but he's a cool nigga and does cute as fuck art
Yup. She became worst pony in MMDW and never got better.
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I want to draw something pretty. Can I have a request?

I say burn them, burn them all at thy stake!
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That episode had so much potential.
But then it turned into Spike Is a Moron and Everyone Else is Passive Aggressive: The Episode and went straight to hell.
Honestly I think people are exaggerating with SAYS. There's nothing wrong with the episode besides two scenes where Spike had no excuse to fuck up (cooking and using a broom) Other than that it was quite nice. And the character interaction was incredible and entertaining.

A lot of people see this episode as the lowest point of S3 but it doesn't even come close to the lowest points of the other seasons. At all.

I found Reunion even worse. it was just so goddamn fucking boring. Still as above far from the lowest points of the other 2 seasons.
yes, exactly
thank you for understanding, now can we PLEASE get back to pony?
Draw Derpy in a really pretty dress wih a date
I can't really think of a S2 episode as boring as AFR
Rarity and Twilight bumping butts with A first place and second place trophy cups on their butts since they won the MLPG butt poll
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AFR was pretty bad.
Were any of the main six in that episode other than AJ?
See thing is that AFR is just boring but not bad. It's just there, stuff happens, makes you smile because hey cute ponies but nothing makes it a bad episode.
Can pony wear panties?
On it, boss.
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Are you trying to impersonate BrokenEnglishAnon? Because that's not how he types.
Man, I watch this show to be entertained, an episode being boring is kind of a dealbreaker for me
That's the same reason I hate OWTEW
man i love bonbon's dress
Luna braiding Celestias mane

Man, I start feeling like SexyNMMAnon
yeah sure why not?
if they have clothes, I would assume they know what underwear is, after all its wear that you wear under your clothes
no, I am just tired and in need of sleep
the typos were genuine typos that I realized after posted
I wish I was a futa mare in a pretty dress
She looks like a princess
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OWTEW was too predictable, Spike also doesn't fit the villain role very well in his natural state.
They really forced him into it.
squiddie belle
Oh god she just look like on of the first monsters you'd fight in some JRPGs. You know the ones that have those really adorable, mostly harmless and cute appearances and the most threatening thing they do is have angry eyebrows when they attack you for 1 damage.
Someone post that pony version of the ghost
and now i have to play dragon quest 8 again
Can I be your slutty mare maid?
Sweetie is cutest squid


You can be my feminine stallion
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Close enough.
But he's entertaining as fuck

FFVI may not be my favorite Final Fantasy but it's the best one with IX
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I'd like to volunteer for a maid position too, but one of us has to be a full-on mare with no penis and a functioning vagina. Otherwise there's no pregnancy or lactation.
I nominate myself.
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I want to quit MLPG so I've got more time to vidya and watch movies

I'd also like to have more time to study too but as if that's going to happen
M-maybe we can trade once every few months?
>no penis and a functioning vagina
Why not both.png
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Let's all go to the lobby,
let's all go to the lobby,
let's all go to the lobby,
get ourselves some snacks!
Get a second monitor
Then quit?
You fools, they're cleaning you for slaughter.
This isn't how you get your squidie mark!
Every few months might be too often
How long is the gestation period for ponies
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>"Here, let me kiss it all better!"
>"Pinkie, really, I'm fine!"
11 months
Well, however long it takes to rear a foal.
Mainly I just want to get pounded.
When will Squidaloo get a swimming episode?
>Implying you need any mare parts for that
We can go out at night when our master thinks we're asleep and get rutted by the whole town
I can fuck the normal stallions and you can fuck the ones with a futa fetish
Unless I'm a retard, this is a recolor of a Rose pic.

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we augmentation now?
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>/d/ shit
>this early in the morning
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I'll be in my bunk.
>tfw no augmentation porn

>based on this
>by ~Elslowmo
It is
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>implying this kind of hardware-level I/O interface isn't porn
> Finish final Futurama episode
G-goddamn it
Eh, I can masturbate to it but it isn't porn
I want to be a slutty mare but I'm terrified of getting pregnant

how reliable is pony birth control?
>original line art by rose
What if I were to join you in said bunk after returning from town, still wearing my maid uniform and leaking several liters of stallion spooge from all three holes?
The best pony birth control is pony abstinence, but that only has an 85% success rate.
Probably pretty reliable but I doubt if their rubber is better than anything post-World War II on Earth.
What BC?
Most ponies just wait, the Cakes were unlucky with twins.
Well you can't very well get in bed until after you've cleaned up properly. To the showers with you.
I'll bring my tongue.
>tfw he could be extremely ill
>he's literally rectumwrecked
ow, my boner
i could do without him really
he wasn't that good
Just imagine how much more dexterous a pony tongue has to be. Their mouths are primary manipulators, after all.
And that tongue is going to be everywhere. Particularly the places that make you shiver and go weak in the knees.
>wishing death on someone
I always liked the "I fucking love colouring!" Pic he'd post.
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>a master/maid relationship in which the maid goes out and gets fucked by other guys and then comes home, then the master sucks the other dudes' jizz out of the maid's various orifices

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i dont want him to die
but if something happens to him, what can we do?
Enjoy your boner, anon. I require horizontal.

Do you love me, MLPG?
I've got no-one else
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>If he's not a great artist I don't care if he's sick
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So I overslept from staying up too late ponying and I missed my first class of College thus far. Nice.
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glad you cleared that up
Im watching you
are you a pony?
"Oh my, there's a lot of it up here in your asshole, my dear."
"Mmf... mmf... it's so salty. Still warm, too."
"Haaaah... ahhh..."
at least you were able to update your personal blog
Don't make my mistake, Anon. Go to class.
to be honest, i don't really care about any of the artists here. i appreciate what they do, but that's about it
Dude. Dude, no.

Never, ever do a pone bender unless your schedule is free. It's like dropping something analogous to drugs.
Pony is a hell of a drug
Don't miss assesments
They all add up and they'll get away from you before you know it

I never go to lectures though
Fuck that shit
>"t-that mare said she wouldnt give me the wonderful white dust i love to sniff if i dont do that"
This is too much of a coincidence that I get talked about the moment I get back.
I wasn't ill, but some major family shit happened and I was not able to get to a reliable computer for a couple weeks.
>you will never choke on Soarin's flare
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Well yeah, I spent like six hours writing some Anon in Equestria, 1000 characters at a time. Sober, even.

It's a HELL of a drug.

What's your roughest pone story, MLPG?
RD, get of the computer. Should you be at work?
I don't like flaring
welcome back
not even mareflares?
What the shit are mareflares?
I'll bite. What's a mare flare?

I was implying futa

please don't bite the futadicks
the usual "all nighter marathon" of S1
I don't like flaring as a concept, regardless of which kind of pony the cock is attached to
Do you think the race of sheep was enslaved as punishment for Grogar's crimes?
Welcome back
>17001 posts on EqD

Shit zigga.
"flaring" is when the end of a dick becomes engorged, right?
I wonder when we had the last thread without the mentioning of futa cocks.
why not?

I think it's kind of neat that the horse's penis swells and changes shape at the point of climax
It seems kind of dangerous
I'd like to suck a horsedick without it asphyxiating me
Staying up till like 4am doing requests when I had work in the morning
this happened many times
Oh. Humans do that.
fair enough
Thanks, good internet is a tough thing to lose.
Not quite the same, like at all.
>Implying it wouldn't be hot to be stuck on their dick for a few seconds
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Does MLPG like selfcest?
I'll take the case! ;_;
What were pigs punished for then?
The only reason why I partly like it is because it probably gives your partner additional stimulation.
I prefer human on pony selfcest to r63 selfcest
I like hair as swirlycones
Thank you for posting my fetish
I'd panic like hell
Why is Celestia so infatuated with that bearded lady
So wait, is it over?
does such a thing exist?
>sucking ponydick
>he flares in your throat
>you start to choke
>black out
>wake up with a different ponydick in your mouth
>the cycle continues
Being delicious
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Because some ponies grow beards suddenly.
I'd like it more if it was pony celestia on r63 pony celestia
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But you'd know it's coming
And once you got to know your pone boyfriend better you'd see it coming a mile away
If you squint it looks like she has a long nose along with a great bushy beard
Aw shit
Sorry, forgot to append - I need to get some sleep. The rest will be done later today I hope.

Anon goan' get him some wings an' horn an' shit after just a bit more soul-searching. It'll be a bit more encapsulated than all this.
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assassination attempts
sexual innuendo
kidnap, torture, and suggested rape
boring political dialogue
forced amputations
drug dealing
mass murder
best season ever
>Breaking Pone
That is what I see when I look into the eyes of the beast.
>that MS pic in the first row

It shouldn't be hot, especially not after having it seen for a million times
>human ponidox
Why can't derpibooru use intuitive tags?
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you forgot Cadence's gunrunning empire
>suggested rape
>not explicit

Fucking dropped.
I don't know

my first search for [human on pony action, selfcest] was incredibly disappointing
Shut up and go back to your hellhole you useless sack of shit
>implying she isn't using the crystal empire to launder her drug money
> is it over
> Deaf caring about a fic that so far has no explicit sex
> let alone rape
roll for initiative
"Maybe an hour."
pls stram... pls
is that a d6 or a d20

or are we just using post numbers
That wasn't LK, anon
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I read a lot of books, Anon, and very few of them contain any rape.
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alright, what now
Pony rolled a natural 20
> Deaf well knows this as his Amazon reviews never fail to reflect the rape/nonrape metric
I'm not too sure if I want to unf or not
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pony has to roll where I can see from now on
I wouldn't, but you're allowed to if you really want
>starting off well
This could be a very good thing.
>the uncomfortable knowledge I would fuck that poorly-modeled horse person
> but only if she was wearing flannel
Something came up, and then vidya happened for a bit. Sorry.
Gimme 5 minutes and I'll stram.
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what does mlpg think about hairy penis?
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Pony pouts and is upset that you don't trust her
This does not upset me whatsoever.
I am perfectly entitled to not trust pony when pony claims to have gotten 18 in every stat on character creation
I would let pony be up in my grill