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I'm currently holding an impromptu, livestreamed PMQ/Q&A session.
Tune in here, and be sure to subscribe. To ask a question or participate in the discussion, use this thread.

This one will be quite a bit different because I'll be giving audio responses to questions posted in the thread. It should enable me to answer more questions, more quickly, and not skip over questions that would require a long written response. If it goes well, we'll probably switch over to this format for the future, and it'll also be a good opportunity to trial Hangouts on Air/YouTube Live for our upcoming 4chan panel livestream.

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Old Thread

What are some of your favorite cute interaction in the pony show?
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>Marking the second thread
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it melted my heart.
What the hell happened?
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Don't suppose we could talk about ponies for a change
>anon thread

Well those tend to branch off in the understanding that maybe we're one of the few animal-like or -based spacefaring species.

I take the closer reading that we'd meet other animals but they might have developed on lower-gravity worlds or simply don't have the shock response we have, simpler eyes, what have you.

We would still be pretty terrifying.
What to gif?
Yeah sorry about all that
I saw the thread was deleted and I posted the marker the first place I could to save it from Mito

I don't know what the deal is to transfer the marker to a marker

>Marking an Anon thread after a mito
Was just trying to get us back up and running, but y'all niggas are picky as fuck
>Around tripfags.
>thinking I'm not a reliable Anon
Spike and Twilight have some of the best moments in my opinion. Stuff like the end of Owls Well and The Crystal Empire make me happy.
Anon threads are fine when done right.
Ah, hey. I missed whatever happened.
You Anon's all look alike.
Sadly, you all look the same to me.
Just wait a day anon. Then you'll probably cna make a thread.

I'm just sad that a Rarity thread was used for that.
Rarity would be disappointed.
Hey at least I linked to the real last thread, and not the one we temporarily moved to after the real old horse was brutally slaughtered. Either way, it was fine to pick the Tripfag one in this case, especially because he posted the link first.
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You know people are always hesitant after a Mito
Just put on your trip next time if you're going to make a new one, it's not that hard
Also your OP was shit
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So, what is MLPG drinking?

Available at Dominick's.
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def that's racist
Used for what?
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Is a fun game.
For deleting the General
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They both look so cuddlable
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But people make Rarity thread sometime.
The real question is 'what edition'. 3.5 has the most insane shit you can pull, while 4e is the easiest to play and GM (though I haven't kept up since they started babby-moding it).
I dunno. You have a Steam or Skype or email?
Ah. It wasn't a very pretty Rarity, though.
I guess 4e? I'm probably going to need a lot of hand holding.
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>being this wrong
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That was disgraceful.
3.5 because fuck the alignments in 4
So quick question for the D&D guys.
What's with the hate for 4th Edition?
deaf make a /q/ thread for the thing so people can get involved pathfinder is better than 3.5
Please guys let this D&D hold until tomorrow. I have classes tomorrow and need to sleep. No classes Friday though.
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I personally didn't find 4e that fun when i played it, but that might have just been my group. Whatever you would feel comfortable playing, if you're offering to DM.
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gonna paint this


will stram whose line is it anyway later, but i'll make another post
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How's it feel being the least canon mac ship
It would go on /qt/. /q/'s just for running quests, /qt/ is for arranging them.
That is disgusting
combat takes for-fucking-ever, and there's a heavy emphasis on it. I don't have a huge grudge, but I like 2nd edition personally
yet to play 3.5 or pathfinder though
This is fuckign horrifying
Bet that DM felt like an ass for that one.

I'd like to try something other than D&D to be honest, but it's probably the best starting game due to how universally recognizable it is.

Pathfinder sounds neat.
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that's fucking adorable
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Makes me glad my DMs have never been the vindictive type.
I'm unpleasently reminded of that one episode of the Twilight Zone where the beautiful woman goes in for platic surgery because everybody else in the world is piglike and ugly, so she is regarded as being hideous
Thank you, thank you. I try.
> Isaac is the thread's slowest greentexter
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I don't get the hate
God dammit I made a song and everything...
No surprise.
I'm always MVP.
What it the image name from?
So deaf, looks like 3.5. How are we doing this?
I do hope that fluttershy can be a little more open about her troubles now.

AJ needs to get back to that book.
pathfinder is basically a rebalanced ruleset for 3.5 (arcane spellcasters are much less op but still pretty crazy especially)
Anon transferred the Marker back to the markers
Those are OK, but look at Cheerliee's expression and especially Mac's nose. Augh.
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Could Massive Rainbow Dash beat Rodan in a fight?
GG pls
So, what, the beacon can only BOOP a marker that was posted by certain people?
Anon: 1
Mito: 0
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What's worse is when a That Guy and a That DM team up.
but it's supposed to look like the faces they make in the very same scene
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>Not having a proper DM who will take you down to Scary Town.
Oh, how I wish he would
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>tfw you going to miss a painting of best pony

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>tfw a thread deletion ruined my chance at true love
qtanon I love you and I'll be dreaming about you.
So long as it's the right marker image and there are key words in the OP I don't think it matters who marked it. It should show up on all the locators.
I meant pls stahp
But I mean
Whatever GG wants to do
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You love Rarity? But she taken.
Same, I was pretty close to getting someone else to say they loved me.
>tfw LK will never DM a pone D&D for us
>Hope you had a light lunch, Anon
>It's been a while, it's gonna be a big one
No, but some people share the password to delete it so when a random good sumeritan comes along and saves it, its easier to transfer it in the thread to someone with the password than wait for the next thred
Why does this game exist?
Pony wants you eat her
Once read about a session a DM ran where he threw everything at the party in a massive ambush, completely catching them off guard and killing them off slowly, one by one until the last character fell.

Then pulled it all back to a tent at a fairground where the party was listening to a fortune teller warning them of this attack, thus giving them time to properly equip themselves, set up defenses, position themselves in the optimal formation to repel the ambush. Apparently the party never felt prouder of a battle in their lives.
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I read that one. Shit is pretty horrible.
A friend at work told me about having That DM. He kept trying to railroad shit even when my friend would try to do the most simple shit outside of his little box. He also kept trying to destroy my friend, but he ended up being a nigh indestructible dorf with a magical bag full of rainbows.
I love foodscat
>tfw SoAshamedPony appears ded
People have wanted a TMNT game consummate with the comic series for a LONG damn time.

No idea if it'll get anywhere near as dark as the original material, though.
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That's clever as fuck.
Pretty sure GG doesn't spam.
I love Rarity and you
LK pls draw Sylvia with the biggest butt
I mean Please no don't do drap Wonder
But that would depress too many Anons
I retract the statement
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But his traps/crossdressing stuff is great
I'm the the Next beta
his latest wonder mayo foodscat fic was over the line.

i guess if your not in the fandom it makes a huge difference. now i can imagine how nonpony fans see the pony foodscat fics.
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I thought I saw some best ship in here
4e is fine, It's dumbed down in some ways but at the same time after you get your character built the actual gameplay is fast enough.

The biggest problem with it is the emphasis is completely shifted from roleplaying, instead of just doing random and crazy bullshit you pick attacks based of a previously prepared sheet.
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whenever you see someone in here spamming there is a huge chance it is BCS. since she has already been confirmed to be 3 of the regular spamanons here
>Wonder over Yonder
Fuck this should not bug me as much as it does
It's Wander for christ's sake
shit pic shit ship
Shitdefiler and Faganons are posting Fluttermac? Time to go to sleep.
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>tfw NBS will never summon Satan on you.
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You did indeed.

At the same time, the system allows for a lot more roleplaying when it comes to non-combat, due to the vastly simplified skill system.
Jesus fucking Christ, I would have walked around the table and punched that guy square in the nose.

You can't be a Paladin and rape. That's not how it fucking works.
i won't give that show any extra seasons
whatever contract they have is probably going to be it.
i thought it was Wander
That's not really her style, though.
It is
But several people in here call him Wonder
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that is one of the worst ships imaginable

here is objective best ship
I'd play DnD with you guys

Except....you're all kind of faggots
he did one Omni
that's why he disappeared for a week
You're a faggot!
Yeah, it's usually more when you see like Flash Sentry stuff turn up.
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I promise not to post anymore wander over yonder


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I'll show you a faggot!

He's over there, waiting for you in the mirror!
come on
it would be fun

I-I'm not a faggot ;_;
i wouldn't play dnd with any of these faggots anyway.

/tg/ has long sense abandoned mlpg
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Hey, if you've got the 3.5e Player's Handbook in pdf, I can put up the rest of the core books.
That Guys are a blight on any group, unless they're making the game fun.
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> objective
> best
> ship
Slow down there, pardner.
>not Fate Core
please leave
She's used to Wander poking her butt.
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That's like, your opinion nigga, but despite the unnecessary vitriol I respect it
Yeah and the Skill Challenge System was really cool too. The system has its merits, I definitely enjoyed it when I played it moreso than 3.5 in some ways, but being tied down to using tiles just isn't for everybody.

There are "Powers" that straight up don't work without tiles. (Or at least greatly reduce effectiveness.)
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confirmed for sexist.
taken down within a week because women are going to be but devastated by the brutal rape
I'm still here, as well as Def, LK, amid various other anons. /tg/ is not gone from this place.
> not Dunkaroos
>david siegel

So many guilty faps
>tripfags posting without reason
>thinks that is something to be proud of
okay goy
>/tg/ has long sense abandoned mlpg

We're talking about DnD right fucking now, what more do you want?

Heck we're even still /co/ talking about WOY
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>Smells like Tabasco sauce and cheap weed.
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why is derpy such a slutty pony?
If Trixie did this for me she would instantly be my number one pony
>implying MLPG isn't every board at some point
shit I remember once when we were /o/
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>moving the goalposts
Heck we were most of /k/ last thread
MLPG I need to change my steam profile picture.

Someone spot me an image to use
And we're /d/ every night thread!
fuck, and I missed it? TO THE ARCHIVE-MOBILE.
Well, they do all work, it's just more of a pain in the ass to work with.
Never been into furry for furry's sake, but Johnny and Carol is the least batshit couple from the show.
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make one to go with your username, 's what I do
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And now we a little /v/ I guess
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>Using a pony avatar
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You're going to be a princess, Anon!
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What is this, a photo for ants?
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>using a Disney avatar
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But I'm a dude
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Inky is the best princess.
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I wish to be the prettiest princess, I want to do silly girly things
That just makes it more fun!
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One day anon
do be sure to use them all
I dont like ponies and cute pony like donkys not respecting my masculinity.

I am a man! Rar! I can sit around all day not taking a shower and eat rare steak!
that's a cute manestyle
make a collage and use that
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Glad to be of help private.
Maybe you get to be a bear princess. Or a Canadian princess. Or maybe even a Canadian bear princess. That's manly, yeah?
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I agree
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Why can't I just be a prince?

Or even better, why not just drop the whole thing and let me enjoy ponies
>Best friend is putting together a pathfinder thing based around a world we came up with back in high school on Gaia
>Character Creation is all done.
>Day of first session
>No map, no initiative, just winging it
>This is everyone's first Pathfinder game
>Basically just what we did on Gaia but with dice roles and stats/equipment/etc.

I didn't even know you could do a tabletop rpg with no table or equivalent flat surface to put our shit on. All of our character sheets were on our laptops too.

Still have no idea what the fuck I played but I don't think it was quite a trip. I even managed to piss off a half dead skeletal dragon by jumping in it's eye and kicking around in its brain cavity.

I really need to find a real fucking group to play with.
> Anon discovers he's expected to reach "Prince" status if he's to be an eligible suitor to Twilight, at least as far as the Court is concerned.
> Not really sure how he's supposed to exemplify all the positive traits necessary, but it's worth a try. He resolves to take a year's sabbatical from work and endeavour to become a person deserving Royal status.
> The volunteer work in town and diplomacy touring with his fiancee isn't bad at all. Except for when it is.
> No matter where he goes there seems to be some weird happenstance that requires his attention and unusual skill as a human. He might fall down cliff faces, babysit Griffon diplomats' kids, tend wounds - but now is a better-rounded person.
> After nearly dying saving several foals from falling into an icy river when a bridge goes out in Canterlot Commons Celestia faces something of a quandary
> There's no standard "Prince" attributes for a non-Equestrian

What would you ask for?
* standard FOR, FUCK
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who's ready for pokymans?
Five dollars

winged dick
>I didn't even know you could do a tabletop rpg with no table or equivalent flat surface to put our shit on.

Oh yeah. Most of the time I don't, though its far easier to actually do pen and paper. Lets you improvise and visualise a lot easier
some wings would be nice.
Glorious fucking wings.

Angelic wings
go to bed /vp/
I'll just have them change me into a mare so I can be a princess instead. That suits everybody more I'm sure
Wings and a human horn.
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Back in the day on Gaia we had our own little private forum where we would gather around, brainstorm worlds and text roleplay in them without any real DM or set plot. Those things just naturally developed over time. Certain characters would become leads, others gravitate towards side characters.

It was much more like writing by committee than it was anything else.
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Holy shit, look at all my niggas.
Just a bit of magic

Or for her to set me up with 5 great friends like she did with Twilight
Big ass wings and curved goat horns.
A fine magic scepter and angelic wings
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MLPG you dont really want wings, right?

I mean, how would you even sleep?
I've got the love of my life and the safety and well-being of the ponies I saved. I think I already have everything I need.
Upside down
On my side or stomach.

Worse comes to worse? on a cloud.
I want to be a male alicorn, in addition to being granted enough land for a small home and tax exemption.
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>"Can I touch your hand?"
in a hammock with two holes
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>this is a.jpg
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Wrap the wings around myself to use as a feathery blanket.
Stop doing acid Fluttershy

It's bad for you

Congrats anon you passed the final test. You truly are befitting of the title of Prince of Equestria.

Because mewball needs to stram
I would get a nice new royal bed to accommodate them
He is stramming.
Where did all these wingfags even come from.
Not that I'm complaining, but just outta fucking nowhere.
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I would prefer my sweat glands to release powerful aphrodisiacs instead of sweat, but to each his own, I guess...
you can even hold it, if you want
God fucking dammit how do I always miss the link
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Oh you know, they just tend to fly in.
It just seems like a logical thing to ask for
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mlpg pls come play Cards Against Humanity with me.


subby's game, password is boop
Could be worse

The other guys tend to get a little horny
don't you get wings if you become a prince/princess?
2/10 Apply yourself
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I was more expecting weird, and half retarded fetishy shit to be honest.
>hurr I want a 50 inch dick
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What if I don't know how to play?
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You could say we're birds of a feather.
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I assume this is from Newgrounds, but what is it exactly?
sorry, reading up on d&d to play as a awakened undead
We just spent a year becoming a better person
it's super simple, it's "competitive" madlibs.

>no wings
We were always here.
that Twilight is 2cute4me
never leave me
all you do is pick cards to finish a sentence
its kind of dumb really
>implying a year is enough to fix anyone here
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>Carlos and SB
>In the same general.

I guess we could be in for some double pun trouble!
Of course I won't.

Unless you say someone else's wings are prettier.
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it's a party game. Mechanically they're all pretty stupid, most of the fun arises from the discussion surrounding the game.
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I think it's awful and I hate it
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pony will never understand you and you will never understand pony
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Its not like either of us are all that complicated

I like to sleep in. She likes to eat hay. Whats not to get?
Celestia congratulates him and poses the question of what to give Anon while still in recovery. She's not pressing just yet - he's the hero of the hour and still not at all well from the lacerations and hypothermia. The knitting and pain blocking drugs are dizzying.

Celestia's back is turned just slightly to the window overseeing the river and the still-smoking bridge forms, making a comment about better civil engineering standards. Anon can't help but mouth, "What I want is a WINGED DICK" to Twilight at his side.

She has to stifle a laugh behind a hoof, but shoots Anon an accusing glance. He gave her a Hell of a fright, and this is still a Princess extending Royal power and status. It means everything to the both of them.

Anon's voice is still shaky with laughter as he - gently - interrupts Celestia, "The kids are alive and - bonus! - I am too. I don't give a damn what comes after that. Your Majesty."

She gives Anon a smile over her shoulder.
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Well, I know for a fact MY wings are now the prettiest and most glorious.
Such is most befitting of new prince of Equestria.
why is she in a washing machine?
Thats ok, I still love her.
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Why is the hetero guy so miserable?
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I'm so confused right now. I didn't attach an image.
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that pony looks like she needs a hug.
>seen as better than hetero
i bet the faggot that made this honestly believes that
and cake
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Because gay agenda.
I still don't get why transsexual is on there
pansexual is just a slut
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>"Hey, sötnös! Wake up! I'm back from my holiday in Greece!"
>"I brought you a cock!"

so anyone else up for this?
because retards think it's a real thing and not just a mental disorder
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Because idiocy
Pansexual is basically someone with no standards or morals that fucks everything and anything.
>grandmatriarchs status: awoken

How badly have I fucked up?
But mental disorders are real things
a slut
My god that image is silly as fuck.
Far as I can tell, bisexual means you'll fuck any man or woman of sufficient attractiveness. While pansexual means you have no standards and will fuck literally anything that will hold still long enough.
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That is an extremely cute and cuddly pony
i think you are not getting what a slut is.
that is what a slut is.
>I still don't get why transsexual is on there
Feminists are the reason why. LGBT was originally called GB because gays and Lesbians are both homosexuals. It's why L come first in that name. Only feminists pushed trannies in the same boat as gays and bis.
guys pls.


subby's game, password is boop.


The only thing I find offensive about that picture is that it implies heterosexuals are less interesting than the other special snowflake gender identities.

>waking you up
>not just putting the tip to your mouth while you sleep, and seeing how long it takes you to react
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Can we get back to determining what we get out of being a genuine prince in Equestria, instead of just the title of prince?

It was giving me a boner.
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imagining cuddling a pony while they wear this is too much for me
why do these morons side with islam?
do they not know that under islam they would be stoned to death?
You power hungry fuck.

I like you.
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>getting a boner from just that
You don't hang around the night threads much do you?
I'm pretty sure they're promarijuana too
>implying my boner can be contained during night threads
You're silly, anon. I like you.
You gain the rights to be a spouse to a princess

You gain the responsibilities of thhe throne.

You become the face of the nation, for better or for worse
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Because liberals gave them the world Islamophobia. Just watch the young turks. They act like they are super Progressive news channel. Yet they always defend and white knight islam. And give them a double stander.
Why contain it?
I want five plots of land, a flock of geese and a maiden of virtue true
they are only pro marijuana if it is done by females niggers and other mud skins.

if it is done by the white man after a hard day's work, it is supporting the patriarchy, white men shouldn't relax even after they are enslaved by women and are forced into only manual labor jobs working 18 hours a day.
>pinkie keeps going
>Rarity, I had this great dream about the big marchmellow!
>She looks around
>Uh Rarity?
>She looks down at her gut
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I know this feel too well. Then the conversation shifts to something shitty and I'm just left with a pile of boners and nowhere to go with them
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Look, ultimately I just want an excuse to hang out with Celestia and Luna. Also maybe Twilight and Cantdance. Plus, wings and magic. How could that not be cool?

Old men.
It's a bit strange how her eye alone speaks such pride. It pauses meaningfully at Anon's hand grasping Twilight's hoof on the bed, still almost blue with cold.

"I'm glad you feel that way, Anon, but you are Chosen. We - I - can't let your bravery, loyalty, or love for others go unrecognized. It's not a brand for life, Anon, it's a gift. Every Royal chooses what it means to them. You're in a very unique position of choosing what that IS."

>>13347083 (etc)
Anon bites hips lips, eyes meeting Twilight's. She's never looked prouder or more in love than right now. Even harried and worn from the explosive instant teleportation from several countries over - a footnote to Anon's stunt in the papers - she looks beautiful. Her wings flutter a bit at her side.

"I think I want wings, your Majesty. Maybe I could have dodged hitting the ground." You laugh a bit at the end, only to discover those broken ribs are still very broken.
I just want everyone to shut their fucking faces and leave me alone :(
You had me at wings.
/v/ is a nice touch.
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The cutest of cute.
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aww yiss
motherfucking wings
> Anon
> You
I'll allow it. FOR NOW.
unf unf upskirt unf

>She takes a picture of you

>she races for the laxative
>As she enters the kitchen, she is surprised
>Oh RARITY, never disapear on me like that again!
>Rarity just stares for a moment in bafflement, and then smiles
>They both start laughing
>Pinkie's stomach shakes visibly again
>A squeak comes out, along with a muffled "um, pinkie, would toyu please do that thing you needed to do for rarity, it's not very comfortable in here and I need some help
How come there no Cest pride flag? Like homosexuality most places incest is not against the law. Cestsexuals deserve the same rights as gays!
if this doesn't turn out to be a package deal that ends with male alicorn I will be every kind of disappoint.
I want to have a nice magic staff

full pony is for loosers
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Poor sweetie
u wot m8
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Please respond
Like fuck I'm giving up my glorious human body with glorious opposable thumbs to become a horse.
I was thinking fluttershy, but that works too I guess
I have to admit mutant Trixie is pretty cute
>wanting thumbs when you could have fucking magic and the power of flight
are you high
You know you been looking up on tumbler lately. Looks like Cest rights will be made into the next civil rights movement. That's not even looking up Gravity falls fans on there. LGBTC
>not being a magical angel
No, fuck you. I ain't giving this up.
This guy gets it.
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>no mac users
Do wing hugs tickle?
I'm pretty sure angels don't have dicks, anon.
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Well sweetie would be delicious marshmallow too, it runs in the family
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They tickle and they're soft and they're comfy.
Think parts of it became banned text. Haven't seen it come up in a while.
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only slightly
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Neither do pastel cartoon ponies.
Only because it's a kid's show.
Anon trying to sleep after a night thread.gif
Damn twilights wings are so huge on her body. Even if she is 4 inches taller they don't quite look right.
Every night
Would you hold her close to keep her wings down? Just so she could sleep comfortably?
This kind of bit would actually be amusing early in the season
whats this from?
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And this is why pegasus pones would be 2cute to sleep with.
For Twily? Of course I would, but only if its plutonic.
I disliked a lot of that movie, but parts like that keep it from being a complete loss.
I'm looking forward to that kind of awkwardness in S4.
Equestria girls

just watch it
Beginning of EQG
But I don't wanna...
I really do hope Twilight is awkward with her wings in S4, at least a little

I'm fine with her becoming an alicorn, but for fucks sake do something with it
>sleeping with your favorite pegasus pony
>resting your head on a pillow stuffed with their own shed feathers
>one of their wings draped softly over your chest, occasionally twitching while asleep
Shining Armor plz.
Would you help your waifu deal with her wingboner?
But my waifu doesn't have wings yet
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Now I won't feel guilty for not bothering with a Mac version

Apart from that one stupid sod
But he can just install Linux
Twilight rubs at Anon's back a bit helplessly where she can't see a bruise. It's comforting despite the ache it trails along one shoulder.

His eyes are clenched tight but he can still feel Twilight's horn prodding - gently as she can, surely - and melting a KNIT BONES spell into his side. Her magic is familiar and warm as a summer breeze. She can't out-do the finest at Canterlot General but the ebbing pain and sounds - like knuckles cracking - are good sign. He hopes.

Wishing he'd thought of this ahead of time, words hiss through clenched teeth, "One of those couldn't h-hurt either."

Celestia can't help but laugh, "Like birds of a feather, Twilight?"

It must be have been a private joke. Anon desperately wishes Twilight could laugh without prodding a bit hard between his sixth and seventh rib. He hisses out a bit stronger than he wanted.

"S-sorry!" she sputters. Anon can tell bearily through teary eyes she's visibly shaking.
It's an hour and change

Take the time that you would spend ponying pony here and just watch it.

As a whole it's pretty much a unremarkable average episode that's feature length.
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How many actual good pony bits are there in EG?

Because this one was surprisingly amusing
I'm totally predicting some form of episode focused on Dash and Twilight flying around together.
Fluttershy can come too
>her face when Twilight has thrice the wingpower she does, gets all envious
>rainbow also, having to deal with her enourmous plumage interrupting her flight patterns.
It's like the only one sadly
>It never happens.
>All of the scenes with Twilight have her wings tucked.
>Even when Dash and Fluttershy are flared, obviously using them to emote something.
>Twilight's are forgotten.
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why cosmo
why do you do this
Beginning and the end are the only pony parts.
And now I'm not surprised at all
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>Relating to or denoting igneous rock formed by solidification at considerable depth beneath the earth's surface

So only if her wings are rock-hard?

Completely unrelated question but how did they get the bed sheet pattern to angle like that using flash?
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pegasus pones would be fun
>no option for all 3
he probably only voted that because that anon said no mac users
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Guys i think im in love with this pony, what do?
>tfw back in the day anon never finished the preening of NMM story.
Continue living your life knowing that you're longing for something that doesn't exist, and likely wouldn't want you if it did.
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get better taste in horse wife
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Because dreams can still be had
Reminds me of this

I need to watch that series again.
Fuck I meant platonic.

kill me
>likely wouldn't want you if it did.
Dash might not return my same love, but im sure we could become friends
Such a horse doesn't exist anon.
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empty, unattainable dreams
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I only care about limitations
>animators forget to put on the wings in several scenes.
She has a fanclub anon, she wouldn't have time to deal with you. I mean sure you might exchange pleasantries every now and again, but to her you'd just be "another fan."
Im sorry, it is a bit drafty in here, let me get that for you.
when's mahvel
why did it have to end this way
Leave and tell fluttershy to come in. Thanks
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did you ever continue that AJ x Spike thing?
no gg, why
don't do this
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do something instead of shit posting old shit
I will soon anon
and Ice Pack too
just working on something at the moment
>bad end
i don't get it
What's that something?
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It's okay, I'm in love with this pony. Let's make a club
Anon slammed the door in her face before the quest could even begin.
It ended there.
>3 years
Also, Rainbow Dash is GG's least favorite.
>Dash wants to put her on an extreme trial and training to help develop her flying ability. She's her friend and she's a princess now, so she's going to get the best of the best of the best.
>But most of her moves and techniques are far beyond Twilight, if not just flat out dangerous for anyone. Some of them require an open flame.
>Most of the time, Twilight ends up getting stuck in a tree. The same tree.

>Fluttershy tries giving her lessons too.
>But these have the opposite problem. Fluttershy is too gentle and not challenging enough, to the point where Twilight is becoming actually WORSE at flying.
>Sessions ussualy involve a lot of stretching, looking both ways, up and down to make sure no one is coming, and then doing it again jsut to be super sure its safe. Most flights arent much more then hovering a foot off the ground dor a few moments
it's a secret
GG is a cock when it comes to Dash.
This is true, but it was still anon that slammed the door.
I'm gonna marry Shinning Armour AND Princess Cadence!
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>Eventually twilight learns to master Dash's tricks using magic as a crutch
No it wasn't it was the wind
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>super weird shit going on in Celestia Quest's metainformation
>last session this Saturday
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We've been over this before
Denile isn't just a strip club in Seattle.
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It's that time once again

Stramming "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"

Be there if this image gave you a hard on

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Would watch this episode!
Also it's scary how easily interchangeable Twilight is with Scootaloo
You may control this universe; but you can never control the universe in my head!
>Scootaloo teaches twilight how to fly as a happy medium
>Twilight starts to scoot around on a moped
Anon wished more than anything he could twist and draw her close. As it was he felt lucky to be able to move both arms, and even then he wasn't dog-paddling any time soon. The best he can manage is bringing his fingers hazily behind one ear.

"It - It's okay, sweetheart. I feel better! Thank you-"

"You almost DIED today! And I just m-made it worse!"

The sharp yelp hangs in the air. Anon's head is turned the other way but he's fairly certain Celestia took a step back.

"You almost died in the bottom of a river a-and I was nowhere! I wasn't here when they brought you in! They didn't even know what bones were broken or just little ones! I- I had to send them my notes and ran and ran and hoped they knew how to read it all and-"

Anon ignores the creaking in his joints as he sits up - an eighth of normal - and draws her as close as he can, rumbling "THANK you."

Messy tears wick dark purple hair to Anon's bed gown. This was a long time in coming.
>Twilight is such a flying beginning she's put in the same tutoring classes as Scootaloo
>They are both equally bad
>Sometimes even mirroring the same errors and crashing in symmetry
>solve puzzle
>solve puzzle the solution provided the final piece to
>receive mysterious picture that explains nothing and is probably yet another puzzle
I honestly don't even
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Go to bed while you still can
You're not the boss of me Twilight.
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>"You want them on this time anon?"
Is it too much to hope that we'll get something like this out of the show in S4?
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all of it
if the opening scene in S4 isnt Twily beefing it after her takeoff at the end of S3 i will be very upset
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Yes I am

You too
I'd rather make it something like Fluttershy accidentally being a better teacher by remembering rhymes from her childhood that helped her learning to fly (kinda like in Dragonshy), and Dash just doesn't get how it works to be a teacher or something.

Though your version is super adorable, and I think we had more than enough episodes where Dash is in the wrong and has to learn her lesson in the end about how she was too much like... herself.
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We can only cross our fingers and hope so. Man maybe we'd even get lucky and they'd sing about flying.
Maybe it will be good.
Maybe twilight was telling the truth when she said it'd be all right.
more, please?
but I love that pony!
Yes. Oh God Yes.
This is the best outcome.
Oh god I would.
The idea is both Dash and Fluttershy are wrong because they're at extremes and Twilight has to find the golden middle path just for her
I don't think I'm in your jurisdiction.
That would be perfect. I doubt many people would be mad at that.
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I'm too tired to puzzle it out now and the journal shit is worrying together with the stuff from earlier and there's still so much we just don't know and it's ending and we won't have enough time and oh god it's all going to hell
In my head, flying and going stright is easy, so Twilight can do that no problem in the last episode

But strange concepts like hovering, landing or turning will have her stuck in a tree
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I could use a refuel~
Yeah, that is better than just downright antagonizing Rainbow in the end yet again.

but s4 takes place after equestria girls
Homestuck sucks
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I think an additional funny thing would be having Twilight pulling out a book or two.

>You can't learn flying from a book Twilight!
>and I read that one it's not even that accurate
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Well you are now
>Aristotelian definition of virtue
I don't think they'll get it beyond "find the way that works for you, not what works for others."
D-Does that mean I get to live in ponyville?
I don't think that's how it works

Flying guns a shit.
You mean where it showed her struggling to fly, or even manager her wings? Face it, one of the few good things about EG was how adorkable twilight was with her new wings.
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>Not posting the edit.
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>Dash actually tries to make Twilight do a trick involving flying towards the sun
>Fluttershy is scared and wants them to just stay close to the water
I don't think he means Twilight will be a great flyer, I think he means that it can't open with Twilight crashing after the end of S3 because that would happen before Equestria Girls
>It'll never cold open with Twilight flying away from Canterlot
>And slamming straight into a tree
>It'll never cut straight to the opening theme when she does

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Yes, but you have to go to bed

It is now
>still listening to MOOTCAST
>someone tricked him to going to e621

Why couldn't it? EG isn't canon anyways
at least they are not the fucking stock vectors
>Twilight's wings were fake all along and the glue melts
i want it
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I guffawed like a madman when that happened
p sure that Celestia is
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But what if I want to worship the princess of the night?
We need to figure this shit out by Saturday.
Or the Guardian will zap us back to Earth for sure.
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you still would
someone was discussing ads and he had a ling to e621 in his post and moot stupidly followed it
Moot didn't know about e621 before that?
Whelp that's unfortunate. But it still doesn't mean they couldn't use that open that way or just have some fucked up continuity. I mean look at DBZ with its movies.
>papercraft raid
Man, imagine building a tank around that thing.
Or a hover tank.
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You can do it tomorrow, it's bedtime. Also that's heresy and you're going to the dungeons
i guess not, hes still a virgin to the stupid side of the internet
Fuck that things awesome.
It's even more awesome stuck on the A-10.
>Twilight will never roll onto her back and ask for bellyrubs with that cute little smile of hers
But what if I worship the Twilight and the Night. Just not the sun because that's when it's sleepytime.
that kind of gun would be really impractical on a ground vehicle

even this is pushing it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RURZrtES9jU
Oh look, rch is being an attentionwhore again.
How badly must you need attention to leach off of streams?
did he just look at the front page or did someone direct him to something amazingly stupid

i once had an idea involving pokemon which had a rhyperior lugging around that thing as a ground-bound anti-everything weapon
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Why is she so perfect /co/?
you would be really impractical on a ground vehicle fgt
>Celestia see's twilight making a mad dash for her sun
>Assumes she's grown mad with power and gone full NMM, trying to take her sun from her
>Twilight's wings disappear
Them fucking Shilkas man.

It'd be useless
30mm would take far more room to take out a tank than a conventional cannon
Because she is autistic
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I really wish I was a girl so I can have one of those on my stuff
Fuck the present tense.

The world waited while Twilight thoroughly jellied the thin linens. It might have been minutes, it might have been far longer. The best Anon could do was wait and stroke her mane idly.

Celestia cleared her throat. To Anon's ears it sounded a little thick. Her voice launched a bit lower than her normal patter, "I am very proud of my newest Princess and her husband today."

Twilight's face lifted from Anon's hip. She sniffed hard and croaked, "What?"

"The Clerk doesn't have the gold-leaf parchment in stock, but" - she turned her head as though a potted plant was extremely interesting as Twilight used a kerchief - "I think we can have a stand-in Formal Royal Engagement transcribed by noon today. It may have to be silver."

She gave one of her sly smiles and a curious raising of her wings friends knew as a wink, "I hope you don't mind."

Anon could only smile and let a tear roll down. "Thank you, your Majesty."
nah he didn't get past the front page, as soon as he figured what it was about he closed it
(it took him a few seconds which was kinda surprising)
Merchandise Hasbro will never allow someone to release with an MLP theme:
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You're still going to the dungeons
I'd say do it anyways, but make it discrete.

it'd matter depending on which mascot he got
single barrel 30mm is perfectly fine though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kvdhth6mSo
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>Not a lot of complaining about MLP in this thread. That's a bit of a surprise

Just a few minutes ago from his Q&A thread. I'm paraphrasing it and it's not an exact quote.
Who cares about practicality? That shit's awesome.
A professional video game that has longevity and playability to it beyond the fact that it has ponies in it.
You don't even have dungeons.
MLP anal beads
any publicity is good publicity anon
What are we gonna do in the dungeon~
Ponytail butt plugs.
MLP strapons.
Flavoured condoms
I'd buy one
Hell, I'd buy the entire set
probably people whose lives it depends on. military equipment isn't designed for your own personal entertainment.
Quality merchandise
licensed BD toys
Didn't those things sell out in like 30 seconds?
I'm not saying we should just take anything Steady says at face value, but... the Guardian has been suspicious from the beginning. We encounter her in our dreams? Alone? She's pretty much a fairy tale for the ponies? The two that most closely confirm her existence are a known dreamwalker/shaper and her equally matched sister? Luna can turn herself invisible? The compass pointing to the princesses?

It could all be legit, but there's a lot of strangeness around it. And how convenient that the Guardian can't just kick us out before we finish Celestia's business with the shards.

Goddamn how is there only one session left?
That Lyra plush. Or any other pony, really.
...actually, yeah, I think currently the thread would fit right in.
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are plane ponies for sexual?
I'm assuming this impractical stuff is being made while there is no need. Were it actually being made with live combat in mind, then I would be supporting the most stable, durable, and accurate one.
I'm not part of this, but I heard something about a five-letter word with R as the fourth letter. You mention 'The Guardian', maybe the word is 'guard'?
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I do now. I had spike build them under the library

You're going to undergo a series of magical procedures to remove all of the dirty night-worshiping thoughts from your mind. Also I'm going to paddle you
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Its not like MLPG is more depraved then most threads on /co/

Or most generals for that matter
Not if it creates an April Furs Day 2.0
or 4chan
He had his chance for that 18 months ago.
or life
It's like my fucking shopping list
'BD toys'?
Oh, we already figured that part out.
It was "extra."
Now we're working on a much more puzzling conundrum.
I'd lick that rim.
i can't believe you've been here this long without automatically associating the initials "BD" with Bad-Dragon.

a toy with the name "Derpy" explicitly on it
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Twilight didn't jump for joy or begin prancing. There was just palpable aching relief, slumping between her chair and the frame of the bed. A marionette with the strings clipped. "Finally," she quirked thinly, turning to Anon. She didn't seem to mind resting her head on the tears. "Finally-"

Her eyes widened, and suddenly the strings were back. Almost pitched. "But the transformation -"

"Can take place immediately. If successful, it may even solve a few present problems." She looked meaningfully at the tubes running into the arm not running a hand through Twilight's mane.

Anon shot what he hoped was a brave look at Twilight and simply nodded.

The room filled with light. Everything fell away, existence running away screaming.

All told it was more pleasant than seeing a burning bridge abutment falling toward him, but there wasn't much time for that thought.

There wasn't Time anywhere.
Bad-Dragon hasn't really come up very often in the last few months. Hell, since one of the founders died even.
>a toy with the name "Derpy" explicitly on it

Done and done
>since one of the founders died even
Mr. Hands.avi
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Does a flashdrive count?
> liking any of this
You are all scrublords and mah niggahs
There's also that "LIAR" message in the background of the OP image...
>tfw their stuff is atrociously expensive
No, it was a car accident I think.
>That bit thumbnail
Oh god please don't use high definition cameras.
oh god muh dick
I know, I know... but, then again, that's what led to the message we know is from Steady... but we don't know he's not lying about that and... my head hurts.
Silicone is pretty expensive, anon
You're getting like 2 kilos of it
aw shit here we go
I fear the day when HD porn will be the standard
>A fetish for pimples and rashes becomes popular
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?
Am I wrong for thinking that this is the best song poni since season 1?
No, but I sometimes feel like breathing in one.
Go to bed Katy
Full of cucumbers?
Sometimes I feel like a plastic pony.
>tfw more fun than the color pink
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That wasn't so hard now, was it? I've even got this pillow for you that I made myself. You can keep it as long as you go to sleep now
A plastic bag being slowly inflating until it's nearly bursting?
Go to bed LK
>You will never reach out.
Anon couldn't open his eyes. To be accurate he didn't seem to have them.

"As a Human you may experience this differently from others in this chamber." The voice was definitely Celestia's.

"This is a chamber?" The voice sounded like his own, but not rising from a throat. There wasn't an up or down, no ears - this was all confusing. There was the impression this was in a very large 'space'. Everything was echoing.

"Hmm. Well, it's really a portal at the Castle and also party to a nonlocal region of space and time--"

Somehow Celestia felt his confusion.

"Magically speaking it's a chamber, a palace. A palace of the mind, your soul, every action you've taken."

With or without eyes Anon began to see flickers, baubles of his past life on Earth. A bike ride. An ice cream cone. A scuffed knee. It was all bubbling past, the specifics blurring together.

"This is YOUR palace. You are its Prince."

He "was" age eight, nine, ten. Math was easy, PE was awful.
Wow, that takes me back...
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You really think I'm smart?
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I'm going to marry Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor!
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Don't you fucking dare
Oh god oh jesus please don't see the one time I walked into the bathroom door in sixth grade that was so embarassing
It has already begun.
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Filly Twilight should be for sexual.
But anon, they've already been married, they don't need you to marry them.
Oh Twilight

You're actually kinda stupid bu tI still love you
No anonymous, fillies should never be for sexual.
I'd fuel Blitz.
What should I masturbate to tonight MLPG?

First odd response wins.
>tfw Jailbait is ded and hats us
>actually masturbating to planes
Your own dick
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I don't have time to make more images, just don't do it. Kay?
Twilight is not stupid, she is a very intelligent pony.
i can see a snout, but i have no idea what the rest means
You can't stop it.
But you return to me at night just when I think I might have fallen asleep.
Your face is up against mine
And I'm too terified to speak

I like this
You can't stop me.
When was the last time Twilight did something smart?
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You can go to the dungeons as well
magical mystery cure

It was the episode where she magically found a mysterious cure.
It's too late.
Why is her face so chubby. I want to cuddle it.
Can I go to the dungeons too?
Are there books there?
Thats right


Just just a big fat purple dumby. She's like the grimmace with a horn
She is neither big nor dumb.
She's bigger than her friends.
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Well.. maybe if you prove your loyalty to the princess

No books. Just chains and paddles. Feel free though
Shes big fat dumb ugly

And her hair is icky
"You are being given a gift not just by me but by your actions."

Eleven, twelve, thirteen. Life was all floppy disks, trips to 7-11 with your buddies, Huffy bikes with multiple(!) gears, curious new feelings-

"WHOA." The images slowed, skipped and stopped, thankfully just past the first episode of "Animorphs" and before Orbitz stopped being shelved at the Kroger. Not the, ah, "diverting" discovery in a box beneath a cousin's bed.

"Anon, please. I can't really see what's going on."

"Then how-"

"You're burning with embarrassment."

The images ticked back a bit. Anon supposed it couldn't be helped. It sank down and fell away, like a plane dropping cargo.

Anon could see wider, broader. Multiple images seemed to dance in film strips in parallel - stuff at home, at school, with friends. Junior High. High school. Jejune parties, a good college, a bad job, ordinary-

And world blurred again. He could see through eyes again - five years ago.
You're not my princess.

Cadance is.
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>tfw getting inspiration
That sounds like a terrible dungeon.
My dungeon is much nicer.
Fluttershy has a better dungeon.
I actually get a lot of inspiration from these threads, it's part of why I never leave
"I never do shi-"

-Moot 2013
I want to go to Pinkie's fungeon

They have rides
what horse things am i drawing, mlpg
is a good feel right?
r63 ponka
First you got mad at her becoming royalty.
Then you got mad at her for finally getting a guy.
Why can't you be happy for her?
rarity have sex with bonbon
I just want to know how you would do that
Scootaloo hopped up on too much caffeine or sugar.
jet refueling
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Well when you're a princess, you can get a better dungeon. But you won't, because you can't and you're not a princess. I am, and my dungeon is sufficient.
>no surgical equipment

What kind of pleb dungeon is this?
You're not a real princess, and you have no dungeon.

I'm telling Celestia.
Because both were executed like shit.
But I already have a dungeon, and it's much better than your dungeon.
Were you even paying attention?
The cracked mirror in the library basement. The cold fall into the palace ornamental pool. Celestia coming back from a week's research with a heavy heart - the other mirror merely copies the duplicate on Earth and transforms the user to it. If the original is no longer in that locus of time and space, there is nothing to be copied and --

Anon felt numb. The past few minutes - moments? "Years"? - he'd spent seeing the life ... Before. Family, friends, a comfortable if tough climb from unpaid intern to "assistant to the assistant of Dean of Research" The day Earth was barred to him hurt like a canker - it only didn't hurt if he didn't poke at it.

He could feel his hands again, clenching in frustration. It was like being half a ghost.

"Anon, I don't know why, but this is your destiny."

Anon mumbled, "I thought you said you couldn't see this."

"I can see what you want me to see. We lived it together. This is something that happened TO you. What did you do next?"
But she hasn't gotten a guy.
Is a great feel
Almost motivated
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Who needs surgical equipment when you have magic?

No you don't. That's a pillow fort you just made and it's tiny. I have a real dungeon.
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R63 Rarity and R63 Twilight
Twilight, that's a cardboard box with a sticker that says "TWILITE'S DUNJON" on it.

I thought you said you have a real dungeon.
well keep going man, you never know when that motivation just ups and goes
hold on to it and try your best to never let go
I still have my motivaion, and am not looking forward to when I lose it

Draw the guard ponies binding each other's tails in the morning.

While Cadance watches.
God, that comic was awful.
>five years ago
As much as I don't want to show who I was before I came to Equestria, I should probably let it all out anyway. I was an asshole, but it was a defensive reflex. Sarcasm and a sharp tongue were less likely to get me hurt than kindness.

And it sucked.
back to painting now if anyone cares
>Pony fan game

>Paid DLC (Pay what you want donation) to get more playable characters
>Money goes toward artist

>Downloadable soundtrack
>Goes towards sound artist

>Level pack DLC
>Money goes towards level designer and programmer

>Common pool donation gets beta access to next project
>Money is split up between everyone
That's not my dungeon, my dungeon is hidden.
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No, that's my other dungeon. I have two dungeons. Go look under the library for yourself, I had spike build it.

and now pinkie's here for some reason
>Hasbro cease-and-desist.
The door won't open, it seems to be stuck from the other side.
And it must be destroyed?
The next was real and a dream. Friendly faces - at first gentle and a bit patronizing, then delighted to see the "double-tall ape" could not only speak and read but alphabetize. The coffee shop around the corner from his apartment, double-lattes. The strange quirks of the people in town, the fast storms that could sweep over the valley.

Lots of work - binding and cobbling and writing down careful entries for the old books, the new books. Meeting some fellow book-lovers, mulling over "what the 'old country' was like" (they never did quite understand just how far from home he was!), sort of falling into an MA program to polish a career --

It was happy. The work was rewarding. Every day he knew a little more, met a few better people, helped out around the neighborhood. A powerful thesis defense. Applying at a branch library as "Special Clerical Assistant" and pull some rare books for a historiography conference paper --

Anon could feel a smile. Not just his.
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Well your mileage may vary. I figure Anon focuses on reflecting and improving as a person in his Gap Year.
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Yellow pink hores is always awful.
>Not releasing it only shortly after announcing it to the wider community
Fair enough. In my mind, realizing you're a huge asshole is certainly motivation toward becoming a better person.
You're face is always awful.
And your waifu is a slut.
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But I can see you browsing 4chan in it from over here
I don't know why that would be. I only just put prisoners in there a few minutes ago. Are you trying to trick me again?

Why is Sweetie such a terrible horse?
At least she has taste in milkshakes.
Look for yourself! I'm shoving, I'm pulling, I'm ramming, I'm yanking!
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We should break her legs.
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Do you think you could overpower Celestia sexually?
No, you're a terrible horse with a terrible dungeon.
My dungeon is superior.
No chance
I'm amazed they'd put Babs so close to Apple Bloom in S3 only for her to not show up at all the next season.
No. And I am okay with that.

Her dick is probably stronger than any of ours.
Yeah sure, I'm totally stronger than a draught horse.
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Face it; you're never actually going to overpower Celestia in anything unless you supercharge yourself with love or something and suckerpunch her.

But if you play your cards right, she might let you take the lead anyway.

Nah I couldn't overpower moth-I mean Celestia.
"You knew, didn't you?"

He was hovering over a memory of the letter of acceptance to "Special Branch 17B." A flicker of Celestia's face over tea the following week, discussing if "she knew anything about the place." The funny lilt as she said "Ponyville? I've been there once or twice."

"I might have."

The next part was a bit rockier. The scoff as Spike greeted him at the door with a plateful of candy, handling what was clearly a 7th-century sheepskin binding with no gloves. His claws were scuffing it at the least, and God only knew what the blue dye was doing. That fierce finger-wagging was not his kindest moment. Or the many to follow.

Ignoring invitations out to the farm, ordering takeaway from the Cafe and spending all night transposing Low Griffon. The invitations never stopped coming, not exactly, but they grew less hard to ignore. Work to be done.

Anon was pretty certain he had lips again. They were starting to frown.
silvia's butt

Is Celestia muscular or just big?

Is the ass firm?
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Someone's not getting a homemade pillow.

Here, see? You weren't using your magic to open it. It's a magical door obviously.
>Implying Celestia would fight back
>She wouldn't just play along to steal her sister's crush
>Wake up and see that the thread is still up with the last pastebin in it
>"I had a good time with you. Yeah, I know, it was under false pretenses and such, but you and me, we're working for the same thing. The only difference is our methods."

Please no please no please no...
But it's still closed.
Why would I want to?
Celestia is not for sexually.
Just firm enough.
Yes she is
An ample layer of fat but completely toned below. Of course you'd probably be well past dead by the time that registered.
If any horse is for sexual it is solar horse.
No anon, she isn't.
In fact, none of the ponies are for sexual.
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No it's not. Anon stop closing your eyes in frustration, it's open right in front of you if you just open them.
All of the ponies are for sexual.
Look, I've even got my hand on the door. It's not swinging anywhere. What are you trying to pull here?
Pony wants you to know that it's okay, there is always tomorrow.

But what if I go supersayan?
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Anon I think coming to equestria has damaged your mind. Maybe you should leave
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What are you waiting for?
I want pony to know that she isn't real.
For a better horse.
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But I was meant to get it all done today. It's not okay
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You can go to Equestria, but there's a catch. All the ponies speak Japanese and expect you to as well. You have one year to learn the in and outs of grammar, pronunciation and learn all of the Kanjii. Not just the Joyo Kanjii. Are you up to the challenge?
Twilight, you're blind. Look, YOU open the damn door.
I still need to brush my teeth.
Yeah, I guess so.
>I get one year in equestria
You're free.
Run-ins with the Cutie Mark Crusaders knocking over his -very- carefully stacked books. Twilight accidentally - or probably accidentally - misplacing notes for his curriculum vitae. Sweetie Belle confusing lemon-scented floor polish for lemon concentrate and selling lemonade. Each and every time he shot back with something nasty and awfully specific to the worst thing going on in the pony's life.

Everyone's business was Ponyville's business, and it was something of a ... Human trait to know it ambiently. Scootaloo failing her first flying exam was a particularly sweet deep cut after she managed to douse his only good shirt in purple paint at the Autumn Wrap-Up dance.

He didn't feel 'embodied' as such but a shudder ran through him. This was just three years ago. He wasn't a Prince, he was a human Gatling gun.

He wallowed somewhere in the first deep Winter. A silent apartment, no one to bother him.

"These are things you did to others. What did you do next?"
>You can go to Equestria, but h-

I'm in
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I JUST did. You're going home anon
wait for dungeons and new buildings
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Going home with you?
y-you're not quite the "mint" I was expecting...
Did you not see the achievement list?
That's okay, there's still tomorrow.
Look, I've been watching you, I've watching the door, and you're just standing in front of it. I mean, your horn's glowing, I can see that, but that door isn't moving. What have you even been doing for the past ten minutes?
now get true neverclick
>now get true neverclick
Isn't it already on there?
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Bow before me
Pretty sure that's the farthest bottom-right one, Anon.
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>"Don't mind me, just gettin' ready fer bed."
Just fuck already, god dammit.
If it were me?

Complete breakdown. That instinct to lash out, to react, was hurting people - ponies, if you must be technical about it - who hadn't done a damn thing to deserve it save for be in the wrong place at the wrong time. How in the hell would I fit in if all I brought with me was misery?
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No, back to earth. You're not allowed to come back either, being here has clearly damaged your mind.
The door opened anon, I've just stepped inside now. Pack your things
You pipe down, Spike.
I reset my cookies to 1 to get the achievement once