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/mlp/ - Pony

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Announcing "4chan: The Official 10th Anniversary Panel"
Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013, Saturday, September 28th, 10PM ET – Main Events

News post with full announcement here.

If you haven't already pre-regged for AWA '13 (ends tonight!), use this link and coupon code "topkek" for $2 off registration.

mootnote: This is the first official 4chan panel in over 6 years, and likely the last. I never expected to host another panel again, but the opportunity to celebrate 4chan's 10th birthday with ~1,900 4channers proved too great.

EDIT: Also I participated in this podcast last week that you may find interesting: http://www.earwolf.com/episode/sup-b/

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old thread >>13331095
I can't wait for [lemon]
Yeah retard
The only thing I'd give that pony is a swift kick to the snout.
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I mean something like this.

Last time I'm posting this, just wanted to get as much people as possible but I don't think there's many people left to vote to make a difference
>6'10" 6/10

Not bad
chubby butts
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Pony vampires are trash... the lowest of the low. They gave up their ponyhood to become something inhuman... They're not worthy of respect. They are to be exterminated by the Hellsing Organization.
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See >>13333735
>they'd miss the
They'd miss the what, Isaac? They'd miss the what!?

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a very puzzling horse
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What's the joke?
Except this thread's existence doesn't break any rules.
Oh hey, I didn't know somebody made a statue of Fluttershy.


Human beings in a mob
Not Ben Stiller please die
Bon-bon having multiple voices.
Also see >>13312925
bonpun.tumblr.com I guess
It's an entire board for one show that goes on long hiatuses

Nothing should be here. It should be a link to pawsru or some more appropriate site.
>you will never look at Bonbon's butt and get yelled at for it
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Hmm? Oh, 4chan, I never know when you're going to hack off the ends of my filenames.

The idea was that she'd be pointing one out to him as she said it.
It doesn't, but /mlp/ would still be better without it. Hopefully there will be a "no generals" rule. Let's keep our fingers crossed!
>like we got rid of Tulpa general

They did? For what purpose?
Why that filename?
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There won't be. You'll sit and rot in your own anger filled pool you've built for yourself for as long as /mlp/ exists, and then some. Enjoy.
Puzzle pieces are a common symbol for autism manufacturers.
Threads aren't problems, people are.

>get rid of MLPG
>MLPG's worst shitposters spread their attention across the entire board
Someone else said that. People are just copy pasting it now.
>she keeps deliberately repositioning so you'll be having to look at it at some point
Stop responding to the shitposter.
B-but mulpug is a circlejerk and they told me to fuck off for not watching the show ;_;
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It's not even that funny
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>ban /b/
>/b/'s worst shitposters enter MLPG
>ban MLPG

All according to keikaku
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drawing for anon in previous thread
>53 posts in

Bon Con
I think something else is being filled.
This has to be bait. Please someone tell me this is bait.
that's really adorable
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cute picture
bad ship
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>storm coming
>lights flickering

I dont wanna go. Hold me.
Woah man, thanks for doing my request. I love it!

Who are you?
office ponies are so cute
Just huddle with Luna.
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I would attend Bon Con
I wish it would storm here. It's perfect weather all the time. Fuck mother nature.
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Post cute background ponies.
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Are you calling me a fucking liar?
>Who are you?
let anons be anons
Is that pony suppose to be that happy?
>wish it would storm
>it's perfect weather all the time

If he is an anon. Then just let him say so.
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Vampire ponies must die!!! -- Integra Hellsing
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But that is nearly all background ponies

you clever devil
Reminds me of Remilia Scarlet
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>dat panel featuring ALL her VA's
Can I cuddle with Applejack instead?
which pony is the biggest buttslut?

I arted in MLPG for a bit like two months ago. Trying to get back into making more pony art. http://hydrourban.tumblr.com/
Here are some:
explicit, vagina, penis, cum, rule-63, bondage, king-sombra, crotchboobs, UNOPT
>uploading the image
>along with an imgur link

for why
twilight sparkle is the villain of s4
how do you feel
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Which Bun Bun voice is the best
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It almost worked. Anon doesn't want to post ponies though.
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>hard to avoid it when you're a tranny
Ah, it seems I've already been following you, your style has changed a lot in these past 2 months. For the better
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I am probably the only one but I liked her original MY BAAAAG voice
I like the "Amazing doll!" voice
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Im off to equestria guys
I liked her "THAT AMAZING DOLL" voice
Link full pic pls
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Green Isn't Your Color
fuck, why didn't I think of that
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That does seem to be a favorite around here, it was pretty good
It's still the best bon voice and bon moment.
in the Iron Will episode

'I laugh at anything~'


I've been trying pretty hard to get in a lot of practice. It can be a struggle at times.
I used that voice to read that one fic where Bonbon was semi-valley girl and got Anon to buttfuck her.
I like to think the ponies didn't see the doll in question but whatever their heart desired. Its why they fought so hard over it.
GIYC isbest voice
I like your little animation thing.
...got a recording?
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bon voyage!
I don't mean I voiced it, just used it in my head as I read it.
I want to stare deeply into Bon Bon's eyes.
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Its a good voice, but I didn't think the whole valley girl thing fit a pony that seems to be from a small town like ponyville. Then again we saw those other two actual valley girl pones in the iron will episode so who knows
no thanks libman pony, I get really nervous around pretty mares
>date rape
>she's willin'
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Imagine you are now an astronaut orbiting far above the Equestrian planet. Your observation equipment give you a perfect view of Equestrian life and all the many ponies. However, your craft is either damaged or just too weak to survive reentry to the planet.
How aggravating to be that close to ponies, but yet so far?

Maybe you could somehow contact the Princess of the Night with a distress call and she could magic you down, but just pretend there was no possibility of ever joining your four-legged friends down below.
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>I didn't think the whole valley girl thing fit a pony that seems to be from a small town like ponyville
>everyone fell in love with a last-minute replacement horse
>she'll never show up again
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Fuck. No.
>space talk
The distress call is screaming "neigh!"
Angle for the moon. Maybe the moon denizens can help.
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i was gonna make some joke about how /mlp/ should be getting it's rest but i realized that joke wouldn't have made any fucking sense at 3 in the afternoon
I dont care, my burnt up body particles would reside on the planet i love the most till the end of its existance.
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Pone is naked all the time

It would not surprise me if they bathed together as a fairly normal thing
>no siesta
>all the time

Not really, they love to dress up and wear clothes.
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>inb4 shitstorm
Don't really care about the valley shit but the voice is super cute.
Why is a hunchback wearing a Twilight wig
I'm taking a siesta right now actually.

That's MT
>fell asleep wearing glasses once
>woke up with frames completely distorted

Never again
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You're weird.
I'd do her.
bump the rump
I'd impregnate her against her will
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I've done that a few times. I just brought them into the glasses store and the owner fixed them for free. I live in a small town though so it might not work in the city unless you payed extra for their glasses protection plan or whatever.
I wish I could lift my partner. She's too heavy though.
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What a smug little tease
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Ben Ben has been caught
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grimace color alt

yo i've had this happen before and it's some REAL FUCKING SHIT, i was lucky they were made of fairly light material and could be reshaped with tweaking
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i read that as
>reshaped with twerking
Pony wants to know how being lazy for one more day will let you be ready to self improve.
>reshaped with twerking
Which horse penis?
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>not reshaping it with terking
In the show Game of Thrones they have horses!
Lots of em!
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Like anybody watched Crank 2.
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>not fixing your problems with booty clapping
>Little gay

I have some news for you, Anon...
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Mily Cyrus pls
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PYHD voice
I have no intention of self-improvement. I've tried relentlessly to inflict even the most tiny positive change upon my life, but it always ends up as a one step forward, 500 steps back situation. I'm being lazy because its the only thing I can do that doesn't fuck up everything even more than I already have.
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>price is an obese balding nerd who writes mylittlepony comics
>making fun of another obese american for being a loser

pony wants to spread your cheeks and lick your taint
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I'd rather have the real deal
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>golden cookie
>+30,000 cookies
>Already at 85k Cps
Does that cap say Camp Fap?
Why is girls doing the "no homo" thing hot?
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>Twily Cyrus
>mangneto is not ded

The Difference being Price is based
such a terrible ship
>still playing that website even after Reddit found it
Sure if you want to be a pleb I have no right to stop you.
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>one more month till you need to take boilerhorse out of the basement
Stagnation is worse than failing.
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>Reddit likes something guys, we have to hate it now

Sure if you want to be a sheep I have no right to stop you.
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I hate you
And have it melted down for scrap metal.

Natural gas is the new hotness.
I don't check Reddit, I wouldn't know that they found it
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Tasty sub..mmmm
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>tfw no heatpumphoers
Remember when people liked to think Fluttershy farted a lot? That was weird.
>not saying ">liking mlp even after reddit found it"
Are you even trying?
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Shut up baby, I know it
I'm still around. I'm on break for now
That was like one or two people reposting it all the time.
>liking mlp after /co/ found it
See this Anon knows how to reply to a shitpost.
>liking mlp after little girls found it
isnt this an actual sign of autism? you dont see the obvious signs that we dont care for the game around here any more.
>Liking Anon after something something.
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There are no obvious signs, just nobody talking about it. Back when apparently everybody was playing it, there were still six-ten hour periods where it didn't get brought up.
>liking Anon after he called your waifu a slut
I could go for a hot dog...
the food, not the sexual act
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Talk about a real sausage fest!
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>liking anything
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I saw your stuff on /v/
it's great
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>rarity misplaces her bullet vibe.jpg
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Annnnnnd the results are in!

With 145 votes, I think this is one of the most succesfull headcounts we've done on MLPG so far

also butts
Man now I want furnacehorse to heat me up now that Im a literal basement dweller
What if I love being angry?
flitter where r your wings???
>Anon never wakes up again.
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Dash confirmed for worst butt.
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>no Italian sausage
It's very easy to vote multiple times. At least halving the number is necessary.
are you for real mlpg?
>Unicorn superiority

How worthless
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74 KB
How longs dat sub?
I can give you my italian sausage.
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>someone saved that
thanks, anon
>butthurt Rarifag
Now include sunbutt and see the votes skyrocket when everyone starts rigging the poll
if I die with pone I die happy
11 inches, but it also looks very crushed inward, probably because of how the subs are shaped in relation to the bags.
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capped this from last night. thought it was cute.

holy crap this image is massive
So how many people voted more than once?
I voted three times. Not because I wanted to cheat so much, but because it was easier to vote than to add /r or whatever you have to add to the URL. Reason I got the option at all was dynamic IP and VPN.
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More stats
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shit my sub exploded.....
Is it racist if you love chocolate girls but hate the noticeable color difference on the palms and soles?
>Rarity winning now

>NSFW: 1017
>SFW: 129
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>"Oh hey Anon, I was going to do some flying today and wanted to know if you'd like to watch..."
It is racist to like hooves but hate hocks?
Is that a list of recommended topics?
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>10% prefer human dicks

That's what you get for including a joke option in a poll.
>I'm part of the 11%
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Have you hugged your pony today?
Let's make a poll
Who the fuck wants to watch a dumb pegasus fly? Sounds boring.
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I feel sick
Fucking wait a minute before capping results.
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I waited 2 minutes
>Meta strawpolls
So no-anthro ponies with horse parts, no crotchboobs, and with a focus on their vaginas.
That would be pretty helpful if I ever feel the urge to draw porn.

>tfw only a 1/10 care about SFW
No love for the nonporn artists. Oh well, I have fun so whatever.

Poll invalid

Everything there is declared good
Rest for a while and unless you feel like puking get some good food in you.

>going to maymaycenter

>Human dicks
T-This can't be!

I'm sure these statistics are scientifically accurate and not biased in any way. Say, by being administered solely to browsers of a pony porn blog or anything like that. Only 100% of the other questions have to do with sexual preferences involving pony porn.

Surely anyone scientific enough to create candy colored diagrams is reliable enough to use random sampling to ensure equal representation!
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Well i posted it on my nsfw tumblr so it might be slanted there....
sorry dash, but it has been decided you have worst butt, so im going to have to pass
yea sure lets go
do we really need a news flash every time your body does something?
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They missed out SB
I liked WoY. The pilot was iffy, but the show was good. I can see it breaking down over time due to the sillyness entropy, but hopefully it doesn't happen and they kill it before it jumps the shark.
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I came.
i voted ironically
>fat girls that love Ponk and dressup
I'm interpreting this as a checklist of things to jerk off to
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1.61 MB GIF
>twitter is one of the most used social apps out there
take a guess
We're talking Ross-tier fat
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>"Wh-what's wrong with my butt?"
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I just want to hang out with a bunch of internet weirdos talking about horses is that so wrong?
i forgot we were posting on SBs twitter
>fapping to BCS
>for any reason
is shit dash
like the rest of you
Ross isn't THAT fat.
Too many calories
god damn it hasbro

The animation is what makes it for me. Lots of silly shows tend to grate after a while due to the visual humor not holding up the silly writing, but WoY's animation is so excellent the visual humor kept me laughing the whole way through. It does what a cartoon should do.

You can get away with any amount of LOLSORANDUM as long as it's actually visually humorous and not samey flash-animated stiff crap. And the writing is actually pretty good besides that. Fast and wacky, but well paced.
Okay, talk about horses. Which one would be the most likely to work at a Hot Topic?
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Someone out there thinks that butts are as bad as sergals

I must suffer for humanity's sins
>i feel sick
>i feel tired
>i think ill take a nap
>i didn't do anything today

be more of a weirdo and less of an annoying twat
or actually use your tumblr
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337 KB JPG

think again
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Wow, what an ugly princess!
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>not following SBs twitter

I'd bang at least 4 of those.
Maybe a bit, but I'd bet the majority would still be more interested in NSFW. Especially here which sadly is the only part of the fandom that I can stand for more than a few minutes.

I had a list of drawing things that I wanted to get a yay or nay on. Not sure where it went though, but keep doing things like this. Its nice to see what people really want so I don't have to guess since I'm usually dead wrong. No one will ever like ponies with horseshoes.
feed me
>I hope sempai made it out to watch me fly, i'll be so nervous if he doesn't show up!
They're not "as bad". they're worse.
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Top butt.
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The princess spell has gone awry. High society has shunned her. She doesn't really mind too much.
The one in front of the man I would consider fucking if I had no other option in my entire life, 2nd most attractive is the man even if you are straight, and then comes the rest
Too many calories
this gives me an idea
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Anon pls
I'm sure all of them drink diet coke, so it's okay
>rararare wins
>get called rarafag
>must be butthurt for winning

Feels bad being a loser purplefag?
I tend to differentiate the two by the words absurd and randumb. If something is absurd, it's silly with fast changes, but it can be followed back upon itself. You can see where it came from and where it might go, and hopefully where it goes is surprising without completely ignoring what it did before. Randumb has no logic other than spouting stuff. Non sequitur and is just plain stupid.
Use your words, Twily. Lets us hear your beautiful Tara Strong voice
this isn't your personal blog, stop being so entitled
oh yeah thats right

sb hows yer babs seed gettin on
I voted for Fluttershy. Canon best butt.
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well I like it
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She's not endangered by that
They all have the best ass, depending on which fanfic you are reading. I am a fan of the huge unused Twilight nerd butt and the Applejack stronk from kicking trees tight butt
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>"I just wanted to hang, but no, all you think about is sex. The other mares were right."
thanks a bundle

that was a cute thing
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That we can agree on.
Good luck getting rid of a general that's been around since the fandoms birth, retard.
I'm partial to the Rarity soft marshmallowy butt, myself
Why would I want to hang out with you? Now get to sucking

>nathan's average day.gif
>Fluttershy singing
not sure if it was in Ticket Master, but shit was gr8
>I'll dress up in underwear and claim that I'm Rarity
>This is totally a cosplay and doesn't aim at making people horny
Dash why are you listening to him?
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>I don't want people masturbating over photos of me cosplaying
What a prude
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Which pony is the best belly dancer?
It'll be the next thing I do.
though she's training Fluttershy to be pretty good at it too
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I miss jesus.
>under 18 makes it worse
>implying it doesn't make it better
Ponk, she doesn't even have real bones.
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Just let him mount you, stuck up bitch.
fair enough
Fluttershy and Rara make the best futas. Pinkie too
>under 18
God save those helpless 17-year-olds in revealing cosplays

I also like how it's always the ugly ones complaining about this
it's a hobby she reserves for her private time, or for when she wants to do something nice for her special someone
...which she doesn't have...
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Is that drool on her mouth or "other"
What's the current thing you're doing?
we're not talking about futas
>4DE is making a Celestia plush.
>Promised I would not own merch.
He still appears sometimes, but he doesn't even try to do anything funny anymore.
Rest in peace.
Drool I guess since she's asleep
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Pony is sad that you've been stuck in an emotional rut for god knows how long and wishes you were real so she could hug you and tell you everything's going to be okay
probably snips or snails
Being nauseous.
They are?
God help my wallet
>She just does it in front of a mirror.
>Then gets depressed and eats ice cream.
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Wait, is it confirmed now? I thought that was only a "maybe some time if the distant future" answer
And the CMC too.
Sick isn't fun.

Especially when you're hourly and miss out on $144-ish for it ;_;

I remember when I did a really shit illustration of one of his stories for a Friend-Off as a joke and sentenal got really really mad about it. Good times.
I'm making pony sad because I'm not happy? That's sad.
>don't hit on me silly boys~
pony is not for sad
I want my goddamn Fluttershy one
Jesus was never funny, anon
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Well, that's it. I'm finally going to have to buy pony merch.
>Butts are as bad as BCS and sergals
bitch did you even try? She's like those people who dress up for haloween as "Cat girl"
...I pretty much never look at a girl and think 'she's asking for it', but holy shit.
That's just a rumor, as far as I know. They only said "it might happen eventually".
Is that seriously her? Geez thats terrible
Which pony stays up all night to get lucky?
Can they just ban her because she is obviously just dressing for sex appeal.
There are children around for fucks sake!
>not rucky
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Pony loves to live it up1
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Would you Pinkie's unbaked goods?
That's not cosplay. That's lingerie and a wig.
>Someone is trying to get Lucky.
Why would you stay up all night to get lucky? You'd be so tired you'd just fall asleep and then you'd lose your chance. Daft Punk needs to get their shit together.
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>granny panties
>sex appeal
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The results are in.

No more posting about these things. Ever.
Dash, if his reputation is being a skirt-chaser, why "hang" with him? You could hang with Mr. Breezy. He even does that voice-through-a-fan thing.
Lucky's a stallion, anon.
P to the LE A-S-E
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Bad idea for futashy to do that.
You're kind of splitting hairs here, anon..
>cropping out the best part of that picture
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Shantae is a very pretty pone or would be if I hadn't beefed it.
He's right.
You take that horn off and she is just 'That weird chick walking around in her bra.'
The one who gets all offended and yells at you for looking at her.
And blogs about it.
I don't get it.
Here's a proper one
Disproportionate Futa Orgasm is a nice name for a band
A hole is a hole.
Somehow she mixed up her love fluids in the raspberry drizzle if not the sugar base for the cheesecake somehow and thought Anon would enjoy it, wittingly or unwittingly.

Pinkie is a very mouth-rapey pony
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Exactly. Cosplay.
She's still pretty
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Is that a guy?
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The horn is probably plushy too. I'd be more angry if this wasn't a Rara cosplay though
No, it's Cosplay only if they have the ears.
See, I thought that was actually Rarity for a second.
Ach, the skeletons have escaped from auschwitz
it's shit

Pony has to use the bathroom.
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>flagging like that

pones have no modesty
anon a shit
she did
>no dock
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She really let herself go after her banishment.
Cosplay that at least tries has themed clothing that is either similar to what characters wear on the show or is otherwise fitting for their character inb4 rarity is a slut joke
You're not gonna come off as cool just for bashing all cosplay for no reason
Pony wants Anon to notice her.
Pony wants to be Anon's special friend.
The moment I can see ribs, all sex appeal is gone
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why so unf
Nothing against skinny girls but when your fucking ribs create an overhang I think you've overshot your target weight.
10000 years moon, all of you
1000 years no trial
Those are men.
Docks are my secret weakness.
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Modesty is for dorks anyways.
suni pls go
God bless this fandom
i ain't even mad
Thanks, I wanted to post that one but couldn't find it

lazy thunderlane
Never be creative!
I wasn't bashing anything.
I just don't think this is much different from any other cosplay.
Certainly nothing to get upset about.
> Dash just leaves her panties, porn, lube, toys all scattered around her apartment
> Her only saving grace is no one ever comes to visit and aren't in more than half a mood to come inside
I'm not so sure that's the right expression for getting pegged in the ass by Dash.
>bought Shantae GBC on 3DS
>bought Shantae DSi on 3DS
>planning to buy Shantae 3 on 3DS
>already backed Shantae HD

I don't have a problem, do I?
It's still cute.
I like your style a lot.
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dear god
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>nopony will ever want to come inside
>all that effort
>to create an OC
i''m seriously starting to think that people not only do these jokes unironically, but actually laugh at them
I doubt its' ability to stand on its' own
nigga obviously ran out of blue and green
You're also posting on a board devoted to a show for little girls. You have many issues my friend.
There's a land you promised us!
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I wish Thunderlane was more popular here.
They might, but
She's sort of a "take her home, have a fuck, push her out the door with a coffee" girl
Would YOU want to make love in a house that smells like Astroglide, whey shakes, and wet towels?
Only if you're kidnapping women to surgically make into half-genie monstrosities.
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You're still cute.
If Dash was in Super Smash Bros, this would play during the credit sequence after Battle mode
couldn't find the original version
Does it have one of them "hoppip-holes"?
There's some irony
Not much though
oh gosh~
I'll draw him more if you want.
Another pony on my list of things I should actually draw.
He is pretty cute though.
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No you
I love cute boobs like this.
Clearly not, he has to prop it up with a wooden stick
Braeburned pls
I'd love it
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I like him and his brother. But he misses out on all the fun shenanigans.
Hoppip wasn't the one who first put a hole in a plush
Yes please! I like Rumble, but his brother deserves more attention too.
I liked that movie
It's hard to balance that much hair when the plushie is so narrow. Maybe if he had her tail draping in the other direction...
I knew you'd think I'm Brae. Sorry to disappoint, but he is not me.
>Not mounting a chance on it.

I would buttfuck that Dash
Because my favorite pony is terrified of getting pregnant, whether or not the species barrier makes that impossible
Condoms are fine, but
I'd rather bareback with someone who won't panic for the next two weeks and burn through like ten EPT sticks
I stand by my statement
I will pony your pony.
This is making me so angry
>pure black OC
>not small compared to celestia

No but he got loads of attention.
Whatever happened to him anyway?
I-It's not like i'm enjoying this sodomy, S-Sempai...
It's a good movie.
It's a royal guard.
read the description.

It's still shit
Because its a long dead meme. Don't worry, they'll forget about it by next month and it will be banished to the depths of Reddit.
The head is inappropiate. Also, you know you did something wrong when he looks at you like that
What a strange place for a laceration.
I always wonder what the context for these situations are.
> Lemon Puff is a LONG DED MEEEM
But he's not
New art crops up every day
I'm so angry maybe because he clearly goes from inseminating Zebra OC's to getting belly rubs and fuckings from everyone else
His dick is a Mary Sue
You're looking at the wrong thing ya dork.
I wish all these fag artists would stop drawing gay art.

Get that gay shit outta here
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He went to work for Codemasters.
I have to wonder whether they joke about the plush he made?
Surely they knew of his work on Ponykart.
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she wouldn't even be able to form coherent words
this is what happens when you dont use a reference when drawing a pose you have never done before
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I don't draw gay stuff! In fact, I'm homophobic!

I'm also scared of bugs!
> Dash just LOVES the Anal
> only grants herself vaginal after a win
> only grants herself really good anal after a gold

Is Lamar making good money from this?
$80+$50 per extra character
draw gay changelings please
> several figures at the end
And THAT is why you don't fuck in the locker room
what differentiates really good anal from just regular anal?
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But is it worth?

How long do you think it takes him to animate?
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>not having a life-pod on your craft

Holy shit, check out this pleb
Thicker dick, edging, a good buzzy vibe against your cunt while he fills your ass, maybe more than a few glasses of wine or a bit of weed
fucking in front of others isn't my thing, but the other anon seemed quite set on it
His style really doesn't work for the Princesses
>you'll never fuck an evil princess through a cosmic portal
Anon, your unf license has been revoked until you get some good taste.
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I can unf to this.
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I don't NEED a license to know how to UNF!
>WONDERBOLTS! wonderbolts wonderbolts wonderbolts wonderbolts
No, you misunderstand
An unf is a public performance of your arousal, signaling to others "I LIKE DIS"
You know how to unf
But clearly don't know what to unf to
It's degrading the unf quality for the whole town
Community standards, mate.
Why do we unf?
What is worth unfing for?
don't forget the thick, hot creampie
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Tonight we shall unf in hell
If he finishes balls-deep like she likes and has a nice long one, she'll just experience the squishy coating sensation for a while.

Nothing quite like jilling off a bit after he's gone and just relishing the spent, sated feeling in her ass
You can unf largely because you find something attractive
But there's a review board, see
This is all performance art of a noble register
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I like where this is going
What, you've not masturbated after your partner's gone after some real REAL good sex?
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>ever having sex
Remember where you are.
Ever masturbate right after having a really nice fap session?
it hurts
>what is a refractory period
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If she's feeling really frisky, she may even keep him inside and tease him with her snug insides until he's nice and throbbing-hard and ready to go again.
I keep forgetting other people have those

That's the spirit
Nope, nope, going straight to Heaven or Hell.

Don't even care if pineapples go up my ass, my dick is going nowhere near those anthros
>ooh look at me i can keep fucking as long as i want and i'm capable of having relationships and am not a perma-virgin

Stop, Anon. It hurts so much.
I'd haunt Celestia IYKWIM
That's why she picks nothing but the best studs she's heard of from the team for a victory fuck. The ones with the iron-bar arms and nice thick dick and just as pent up from training without sex for weeks. She can feel him throb and almost crackle with lust as soon as she makes a proposition "for a wind-down" at the winner's circle.

She's looking forward to not walking straight for a few days.
Anon, I didn't say anything about relationships.
Or even being a non-virgin!
It's just that my dick doesn't really go soft as long as I'm, you know, engaged in something. I can go from one load to the next. Sometimes it's sort of a pain in the ass because I don't feel "sated" at all until I've cum like three times in diminishing returns.
what is unf
Soon her ass will be so thoroughly filled with warm, viscous cum that it starts to seep out from around his cock, dripping from her spread anus down her puffy labia and dripping down onto the sheets.
Or running down the insides of her toned thighs.
The half-grunt people make when they think something's hot.

Spoken it means the same thing.
unf is life
baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
no more
unf is eternal
Unless you're talking like hyper-dicks it won't get that messy
Unless he finishes with just the tip in
Unless she begs him to cum just outside her ass just once so she can feel the tickling trickle down the crop of her thigh
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Nobody knows
Onomatopoeia for a grunt, usually in context of sexual pleasure
We should ask him, then.
> Literally not even 5:30 CST
> Erryone already horny as fuck
What the Hell is the stack doing to us all?
He forgot.
It's not our fault man.
Celestia Quest is today!
>actually doing the stack
>having money to buy all that shit
It's the europeans
>Being this horny

You're going to fail.
You're going to get booted out of Equestria and Celestia is going to cry and it will all be your fault.
If you stick with just pygeum, zinc, and lecithin of some kind it's pretty fucking cheap over 30 days
The rest is a little unreliable
Through unf we shall reach salvation
How many people actually participate?
Smutanon was concerned that only a couple people were watching.
4chan time (eastern time) is the only timezone that matters.
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does the stack work for chicks?
what is boy
what is girl
Seems like 3-5 people are playing. No idea how many are lurking.
we need do way wih instain mother
I only take longjack as a bodybuilding supp because it increases blood test levels, but one of the side effects is greatly increased libido. I stopped taking it because it made me so horny I had trouble focusing.
>not going for maximum results
You might as well not even bother stacking at all.
I do

You gotta take on account that there's 5 lurkers for each active player
>You're going to get booted out of Equestria and Celestia is going to cry and it will all be your fault.
Celestia won't be the only one if we fuck up.
Well they don't have a prostate but have some almost analogous glands
I've heard some anecdotes about lecithin doing the trick for women, but pygeum doesn't do much
Just imagine how exhilarating it must feel to be one of her newer picks who isn't familiar with her..."preferences" yet. Taking her up on her offer and heading back to her place, thinking you're in for some vanilla, if particularly wild, sex.
And then she tosses you a bottle of lube and bends herself over the side of the bed, slipping her skin-tight gym-shorts down her thighs and cupping her taut cheek, tugging it aside to show off her tight little asshole.

I'd be rock-hard instantly.
I don't have a solid number for it but my guy tells me that it's kind of be a rolling number of participants, anywhere between 3-7 at a time, and that some of them drop out early in a session and some show up late.
Yes, just think of your poor mutant satyr baby
Thats not who I meant
But oh god, that would be even more awful - having to leave Celestia when she's carrying a child ;_;
Oh shit, she's pregnant?
But Anon
I get maximum results on those three alone, provided I take three zinc pills over the day

Really eating more leafy greens and staying hydrated on the big three does more for me than MACA or Jongjack ever did, though pumpkin seed oil seemed to make the cum just a little less viscous on third or fourth orgasms during a marathon fap
We don't know if she is or not.
But we fucked that horse good.
No joke my baseline testosterone is already a little higher than my endocrinologist would like it to be, it already puts me at elevated risk of diabetes.
That's way too much zinc, 50mg is fine
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but does she like being spanked?
Mine is 550, I thought I had low test so I had mine tested
And she wouldn't really say anything, just sort of give you that bedroom expression. She'd kick off her running shoes and drop her tracksuit pants just a little lower but leave the jacket on.

By the time it fell to her ankles she'd have a gloriously thick lubed cock circling her pucker.
>I was the only one who voted no
If we leave behind a pregnant Celestia you can't blame it on me!
>Implying i'm not a nigger and was planing on doing that anyways.

It doesn't make me "ultra-aggressive," just makes me look like a wooly bear and functionally doubles my risk of diabetes.
Wish I had high test, makes it easier to build muscle
and diabetes
Well, that's what it says on the marketing material but it's hard for me to lose weight
To some extent testosterone can screw with fat retention almost as much as estrogen
Anecdotally it does seem that women "like the way I smell" even on days I'm not wearing cologne or deodorant because I'm an absentminded dumbass
You smell like a man their man can smell like.
Eating right and lifting weights also builds muscles.
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Show was good

Will watch
Pony is straightedge
Haven't seen the second half yet - is Wander still such an annoying cunt?
Is Hater still that great?
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Spoiler text abuse.
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>motivation thread stickied on /art/

Why aren't you drawing?
>Can't find episodes anywhere
Fuck you, corporate assholes.
Hasbro lets me watch pony for free on Youtube.
Guess that's why they are real HasBRO'S
Would you scratch behind sphinx pony's ears?
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Even that bit of pain when the tip first spreads her anus and slips inside her ass would rev her motor like crazy. She'd be pushing her rear back against his penetration, practically begging for more. Begging to feel that pulsing cock completely filling her snug, muscular booty.
She'd be dripping wet by the time she feels his lap pressing firmly against the cheeks of her butt, his cock buried in her rear all the way down to the hilt. She may even squirt a bit as his sac nestles up against her slit.
what's a sphinx pony?
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ive been drawing for like 2 days strait my eyes hurt
pony is ponying pony don't tell Celestia
I thought it was free on itunes
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We need more ponies getting bapped with newspapers
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Wander's still a doofus.

Hater is magnificent.
Slyvia is wonderful.
Those people are doing God's work.
shitty oc from that batpony faggot
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But I am
You're so abusive. We need more of you getting bapped with newspapers.
>Using iTunes

Please what?
That's a long horn
What's the point? I don't deserve to do fun things.
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>dat azzzzzzzz
For you
Celestia can't help it.
She is a very horny pony.
But I already shortened it a bit..
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Wander isn't as annoying, though I may just be desensitized to it.

There's a song in the second half that includes lyrics about Sylvia's butt.
>ruu yev
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If I was a pony, you could bap me with a newspaper anon. They are only newspapers!
I'll do my best.
I already have the vodka ready in case we fuck up
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You made her that way.
No, you're not good enough to be a pony. You deserve newspapers as a human.
This shit is totally Lauren Faust
*wwanders over yonder*
It's from the Celestia Quest
She did help write The Egg.
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>all of these replies
Guys plz
Even if I end up not liking the show, I'll get at least tons of new image macros from it.
GG pls

Don't draw the canon trapWander

And don't add lipstick
do you rike it
It's pretty McCracken
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You are a cruel person, anonymous
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How do you write an egg?
Don't you lay them?
That doesn't happen in humans usually
You want this should be a pony?
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It has a little of the Fosters vibe
H-hi senpai
Wait, that gif is canon? I assumed it was an edit, especially since the face doesn't move
fuck fosters
blu made it impossible for me to like that show
insufferable little faggot
go watch the show
Its funny
Nope, 100% canon

Also 100% appealing to GG's "secret" fetish
The Egg, not an egg. And nigga capitalized both words, so we can assume it's a title for something that can be written. Perhaps an episode?
Taking a break from jerking it to ponies was helpful, now I can get off to tamer things and the final orgasm feels better.
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I wouldn't expect it not to

It's a bit of cartoon humor, like make characters dance it's only the bottom half of their body moving.
You should watch the episode, seriously. It's fun.

Wander gets Hater totally hooked on trying to win that trophy for being the Greatest and Wander goes through a bunch of self-swapping frame-changes like, say, Bugs Bunny, and that's part of it.
You tricked me once with ponies Anon...
No no, human. Definitely human.
Sorry, got a little carried away there.
But thats my point! They were gonna ignore her from the start.
I know we can never know this but...
If she told them that those cute little new things they found were deadly and were going to eradicate Ponyville, they would just laugh at her.

Another thing,
She didn't have time to explain anyways. Look what happened to Ponyville even when Pinkie was on the job ASAP, it got destroyed anyways.

I'm not saying that doesn't bother me that she didn't just say it anyways, but i get the feeling it wouldve made a more hurtful scene for Pinkie where everyone just ignores or laughs at her warnings.

So yeah Pinkie = Ponyville's True Hero
what a doof
>responding to something five hours later
Wander is pretty clever, for how he acts
It definitely seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing
>5 hours later
where do you watch
over there
My favorite thing about how they're playing Lord Hater is his utter "watching a train-wreck" bewilderment at Wander.

Every time. It's the best thing to me.

Probably, but in an Irresponsible Captain Tylor manner.
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>all you think about is sex

On the edge of my seat.
Equestria prevails made a sphinx pony
Over yonder.
Well, I don't mean to veer off-topic, but how would she like a side of breast play to go with that ass-ramming?
What's your opinion on mashups, MLPG?
>Not posting it.

Panka, pls
but it's show discussion
Well, they may not be very big.
But what they lack in size, they certainly make up for in sensitivity.
>Probably, but in an Irresponsible Captain Tylor manner.
Thank you for reminding me that I need to watch this, I had completely forgotten the name.

>2 days
brotha ive been streaming work on a flash for 2 weeks straight with 2 days off (8-10 hours a day)
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I didn't have it saved

I want to see it too
You sound like that guy that always tries to one up people.
Oh thanks, that makes my eyes hurt less
messed up the link there

did gilda have sex with a pony
This is dumb...
Did a gryphon fuck a pony or something?
Or did a pony fuck a gryphon?
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How long after first watching the show did you have dirty thoughts about pone?
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+50 right in the childhood
So whats new today?
Yes, just like satyrs are part human, these are part griffon.
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pinkie is a very pizza pony
I've watched since the show started and still don't have such thoughts.
During episode 1, season 1
I was WANDERING the same thing.
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maybe, who knows really
because its finally fucking done and akll thats left is for the code guy to put it all together. customization clothing, never again.
She's a fat, ugly, annoying pony
See, i'm okay with this because that's a fucking seapony.
Is it Rumble that insists he's for sexuals or is it the pegasus twins?

Thank you.

explains a lot.
The twins have had fleeting dirty thoughts about him, but they'd never act on them because he's still a young, impressionable colt
Wrong twins, bucko.
Unless I'm incredibly horny and feel like fantasizing for awhile. Then it's the twins.
A seabatpony to be specific
Rumble doesn't know what sexual is.
The twins just love how he's so innocent~
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>yfw the voice of Bloo is also the voice of Lord Hater
what other pegasi twins are there?
A week after first seeing the show I had a sexy dream about Twilight. That planted the seed, I'd never had sexual thoughts about ponies before that point.
Fuck me, it works.
They aren't pegasai

They aren't even ponies
That's pretty cool
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And they just loooove to tease.
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Don't their hearts ever race at the thought of doing something so taboo and filthy to the cute, innocent little colt they have at their mercy, knowing he wouldn't ask them to stop because it felt so good?
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The twins.
But they only have the guts to act on it when they're drunk.
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>The twins have had fleeting dirty thoughts about him, but they'd never act on them because he's still a young, impressionable colt
Don't be so sure.
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shut up lemon, no-one cares what YOU think
you can't get off unless the woman is broken and crying
that's probably because when their durnk rumble usually ends up almost sufficating between their ascheeks or soemthing
>there are people who seriously think rumble is for sexual
>in the year 2013
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I much prefer nonsexual Rumble/sisters.
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You sure?
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>colts or fillies
>for sexual
>there are mewballs who seriously think lyra would even like them
>in the year 2011+2

nigga if they're pedos they better hit that shit before he grows up

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
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I agree

Cute >>>> sexy
I find the two to be mutually exclusive, so don't tell me "why not both?"
why do bronies get so upset about being friendzoned? i thought friendship was magic
double lewd
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That thick sexual tension is the best
Rarity making sweet love to fluttershy
pony on diamond dog

They're not mutually exclusive, so why not both?
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That just looks like Soarin

>Implying I dont like cute
>implying I dont like cuddles
>implying I dont like cute colts
Rumble is not cute
CMC accidentally being fused into an alicorn
Spike and that other dragon driving a fucking 1951 Plymouth Fury II down the side of a volcano.
So, what places do Celestia's students hold at court?

Twilight has always seemed capable going anywhere and doing anything. Was she like Celestia's Head Wizard at Canterlot?
It's after 2011
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I guess some of them just can't stomach the thought.
I guess they don't like the taste of it on their palette!
I come here because it's better than nothing
pony riding on diamond dog shoulders and cheering
>They're not mutually exclusive
yes they are
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a pony

extra cute
Would a Diamond Dog pup be cute?

Would pony slut tease Diamond Dog pup?
Would Flitter and CC tease Rumble about his horseboners

what wizardry is this
if anything him growing up will make them finally gather the gumption to hit that shit
because now the sweet little boy the always loved has grown into a big strong stallion who they can fuck to their heart's content without worry
and he'd probably never be able to turn them down since he's always found them pretty and now he's got hormones egging him on
I don't really see any sexual tension happening to be honest. Maybe Rumble having a small crush on them when he starts to get older, but not much after that.
I doubt they have any formal power
Nah, Celestia is the head of the Magic School, and Twilight was her personal student. She's more like a grad student assistant.
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You're probably one of those people who like this weirdo.
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>talk of flitter and cc
I really should go back and finish this some day.
but that's wrong
They're really not.
Sexual fantasies involving them for when you're horny, cute nonsexual scenarios for when you're not.
It's not like there's some sort of rule that says that everything you think about has to share the same continuity.
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It's the same deal as this image

except it's blank
Nah, that's alright.
A grad student assistant who just happened to be taught personally by a royal figure.
Rumble is THE cutest colt
Try downloading
And opening it

No, that's alright.
That can stay dead.
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Most likely.
why would someone pay $110 for porn of lamars OC?
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Yeah, you should.
Even though Flitter's tits could afford to be more reasonably-sized like her sister's.
I know that Featherweight is a cool nigga, but I bet he eventually posts on /adv/ about being a total wimp around girls.
That nigga is a british pony.
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>small crush

I really doubt it. Specially with CC around.

Why not?
The point is she'd have much more doors open for her than usual
No, I'm guessing its just carefully corrupted so that browsers can't display it correctly but Moots thumbnailing program or whatever it is can
Featherweight > Rumble
What if pony slut played red rocket with Diamond Dog pup?