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Announcing "4chan: The Official 10th Anniversary Panel"
Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013, Saturday, September 28th, 10PM ET – Main Events

News post with full announcement here.

If you haven't already pre-regged for AWA '13 (ends tonight!), use this link and coupon code "topkek" for $2 off registration.

mootnote: This is the first official 4chan panel in over 6 years, and likely the last. I never expected to host another panel again, but the opportunity to celebrate 4chan's 10th birthday with ~1,900 4channers proved too great.

EDIT: Also I participated in this podcast last week that you may find interesting: http://www.earwolf.com/episode/sup-b/

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Ponies are trapped inside the computer system.

Only you can help them escape back to the physical world!

Old horse: >>13322337
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I swear to god if it's this I will be legit mad.
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Oh my
To be fair that's pretty good conditioner
That part was fucking great
God I loved that part
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What if the CMC accidentally fuse into a single alicorn for one episode for season 4?
Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad a shit
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What, like some squishy Mega-Zord?

Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills is where it's at
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What if Sweetie Belle becomes an alicorn before getting her cutie mark?
> Blame my sister
You mean THANK your sister
Then Equestria woul be introduced to schizophrenia

But the alicorn looks "normal" rather than like a patchwork thing
Suddenly I'm imagining a three-headed alicorn.

I'm okay with this.
what if her cutie mark is only visible in the infra-red spectrum?
It's like Cerberus but shittier
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Would you sleep and cuddle with Celestia.
So birds can see it but ponies can't?
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Yous mean, a 4 headed alicorn? Right?
Without a moment's hesitation.
She seems like a nice magic horse
But I mean really I'd want to be with Luna, she knows how to cut loose
>Yous mean
Go the fuck back to your ghetto you fatass
>But I mean really I'd want to be with Luna, she knows how to cut loose

She looks so carefree and fun in the comics now.
Hater had the best faces I've seen out of anything in a long time
Are you saying you don't want to be an alicorn all on your own, even if it's just for a day?
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I fucking love this guy
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I don't think the fanon 'sad roona' was ever quite accurate, though she needed to get some adjustment time in.

She knows how to tour a fair for certain!
I want to hug rediv
Yes perfect

Now for the final stage of my master plan

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Alicorn for a day? Babs?
Growth spurt, big wings, tough attitude, larger body
Archive borken
And Jessy too.
They seem like they need one.
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Just means there's more of her to massage, and I can just imagine her reaction to having wings and a horn...

>uniform line color
>lighter than shaded areas

She was kind of sad Luna in her episode. Just more confrontational.

But since she's reformed from Nightmare Moon, she's been trying to connect with her subjects in a more positive way, and even if she's not quite 100% versed on the "fun" thing, she's working at it.
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truely, the face of a man who lost it all
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>They seem like they need one
>implying that's you
dat expression tho
That's what you get for making me join your musical routine panka poi.
my autism is flaring up as well
I like the part where he took the pencil to push the button
Well she was still in the "lashing out for 1000 years of torment and being wholly ignored by her subjects prior"

Depending who you ask she also had a dark magic Rider overshadowing her too which appears in the comics

So I think she needed to get the funk out and adjust to modern "fun"

Looks like she's having a good time of it
I don't see what you're getting at here.
I've done that too, so it was pretty funny
you don't become an alicorn for a day
you become an alicorn for life
don't break the news to babs just yet, she seems so happy
I'm sure she'll be okay with it.

why would she be unhappy?
To have that new size, strength, flight and magic?
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No cutiemark.
m-maybe it's only visible under UV light, like a watermark or something
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we ded
Thanks for cheering me up anon.
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
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Not a problem
No really you have no idea how much I love the character art direction on that show
Not to mention the promo art, like show logo
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remember when
Shit, son
That's the sort of thing that would get you fined in Canterlot
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Both the female protag and Carmen herself were damn sexy in that show.

>Bob cut red head in jeans, a brown jacket and white tank top

You, my friend
We are of a kind
The best part is Carmen always walked the tightrope between sort of catty/toothless kid's villain and very clearly the most competent master-thief their world has ever seen
Wait, hang on they were cargo pants.

They beat Kim Possible to the punch
For that matter, it was the deep 90's
Yeah? So was BTAS, Gargoyles and Samurai Pizza Cats
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In canetrlot they're touching horns al the times man.
She and Twilight are doing it in Ponyville too.
If only the other ponies knew how lewd that was.
Yeah, I'm just saying cargo pants are Legit(TM) any time before 1999
This calls for Carmen Sandiego pony
we ded
They do, but what do you really get out of harshing two people showing affection or even budding love?

It's not like any given couple is going to do something really untoward
In public
Before kid's curfew or something

Privately, however, it may sound something a little like this
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Nu uh
>chistery attention whoring again

good night then mlpg... or whatever left of it
I'm telling you man. Unicorns? Sex addict isn't strong enough. The kind of things that go in Canterlot? Would make a Pegasus and Earth Pony quit sex faster than a eunuch.

I mean seriously never ever go to a Unicorn's bedroom in the night. Earth Ponies and Pegasuses that marry them? Celestia have mercy on their souls.
Would you still be with your waifu if she couldn't talk to you?
i was gonna stram Whose Line? in a few minutes, you down mlpg?
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What's on your mind, MLHG?
Yeah, sure
This show is weirding me out
Anybody have those two pics of plane ponies "refueling?"

I think one was implied nursing, the other was sex
Man, if talking about Carmen Sandiego and horns touching is attention whoring
What the fuck do you call what BCS does on a daily basis
yes please
I like to think of "refueling" as boy ponies letting their genitals fill back up with cum.
>Mini Tuffs was ambushed today…jeez
Also, her egg's saying "not again". Does she keep getting pregnant?
I just can't get interested in that Lemon Cream OC
He's ugly in my opinion
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Edd's door reminds me of Rarity.
Double D's favorite pony would be Twilight but I could see Rarity as his second favorite pony.
Eddy was best pony.
>best pony
Nigga he's the worst between the mane three.
Better than Kevin, Nazz, Jimmy, Sarah, The Kankers and Johnny tough.

I really felt bad for him at the end of the movie seeing how his brother usually acted with him
I wanted to have a platonic, innocent, childhood romance with Nazz.
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we Whose Line Is It Anyway? now

be there or be nathan

This is bait

but nathan is there

this feels like a trick
He doesn't bite
He's just ugly
You can't tell via text
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I just realized I can drag the *boop* locator into my adress bar instead of opening in a new tab, copying the url, closing the tab and pasting the url into my pinned MLPG tab
Almost absurdly so. Think maybe that was the intent?

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It's my first try at making a gif from a video.

I hope I did a good job with it.
The correct answer has been reached.
>Fashionbutt still in the lead
>Bookbutt on second place
All is right in the world
i have it keyworded
Actually, the /go locator, but close enough
I type pony into the address bar and it takes me to the current thread
It's painful to laugh that hard
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>that feel

I leave for a few months and suddenly I don't know anybody.
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New episode?
It's on yayponies
> cheese and crackers
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awww yisss

>Rarity still best

>Rarity won
>Twilight is second place
Like I said earlier
Everything is right in the world
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> You find Pinkie's porn stash
> It's under a floorboard in the bakery. A board came loose thanks to your big dumb toe.
> You're ... not sure what to think
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Fuckin' party time.
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>unicorns in 1st and 2nd place
aw yis
I'd like to be EQG Trixie's friend
>it's all riddled with strange fetishes
>most of them food related
>it's all trap porn
>gay trap porn
Unicorns are the most for sexual. This is fact.
Earth ponies aren't as good. They're the best for breeding but for sexual they are meh at most
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Well, I have been inactive for quite some time (mostly my own fault), but I'm not dead, and I certainly don't hate you guys.

I'll save you some personal blogging and just say, I could never hate you guys. A few of you worry me from time to time, sure, but... you've been wonderful to me since the Evil Enchantress remix days, and I cherish that.
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I hate myself, MLPG
I deserve being called worst pone
You're a straight up guy, Euro
Aw man that makes me warm and tingly on the inside.
Any plans for future pony eurobeats?
From what I've seen, Trixie is really cute in EQG.

>dat broken ankle
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Whenever someone posts something like that they're almost always joking
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>Unicorns are the most for sexual. This is fact.
Even this one?
Their cooches are more detailed than the rest of them, it's uncanny.
It is I who does not speak
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> You keep pawing through the pile of magazine cuttings, newspaper clippings, Polaroids, and what seems to be fine pointillist erotica from circulars
> There are a few stallions relaxing in the sun
> A few mares stitched up in lacy garters and bodices
> But the vast majority, far and away, are sweets
> Sweets and confections, puddings and lollipops
> You're still wearing your food safety gloves for the volunteer work you set out to do, which is a small comfort
> Most of them are sticky
> You're not certain if it should be so upsetting the jammy paste seems to be donut fillings, not ... "rose water"
>euro is still alive


Sunset Satan eurobeat when
I'm glad you yet live, Euro. Do you need some donations? Surely you deserve a beer.
Pinkie is a diiiiiiiiiirty girl.
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Aw, thank you.
Not likely. I might take on "Apples to the Core" as a stand-alone release (not part of SPB3), but unless Season 4 really seizes me and makes me have nightmares for concluding the SPB series as it stands, I see my time working on Super Ponybeat as a series as done.
What would it take for me to convince you otherwise?
What the genuine fuck are you talking about
Naw, I'm alright in terms of money for now, just waiting on a client who's been a bit late but I'm not lacking at the moment. Besides, I'm STILL behind on EFNW donation rewards, and I'm still ashamed I had to resort to that in the first place.

If I'm ever in town, I'll take you up on it though!
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>I see my time working on Super Ponybeat as a series as done.
Aw man that so sad to hear.

O-oh, I just hadn't seen you at all since I started lurking here again. It was sort of a joke post, but it's good to know you're still around, even if you don't have much time to do things these days. I won't ask what's keeping you on downtime, but just know that you'll always have some fans waiting whenever you get back!

I love you man. Never change.
>What would it take for me to convince you otherwise?
No idea, actually
>no more Pony eurobeats
I'm actually sad from hearing that. I really hope someday you'll do more if S4 doesn't impress you. You know the occasional song.
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> She's not quite "dirty"
> You're not too clear on this but it seems pretty tame
> Maybe she's into the taste? Fantasizing about the taste?
> A particularly dog-eared picture is tucked away into the little tea tin you found this all in
> You don't know much about equine anatomy
> But you're pretty sure you know a dried lick mark when you see one, all along the diagonal of the 3"x5"

...Pinkie is Terezi?
That looked much cuter before I opened the thumbnail.
She is not a Homestuck reference
Or a Marceline adaptation
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Sorry! I'd rather have the series end on a good note than give you guys songs that were half-assed or rehashed because my heart wasn't into it. You guys deserve more and better, and I'd rather give you guys nothing if not my best.

If anything, today's the first time in a long time I've worked on a completely original/new idea I didn't think was utterly shit in every facet. Yeah, the mixing isn't great now, but I'll still be making music of SOME sort soon enough. I'm honored.
Might I request, then, that you take me on my word?
That's the intention— if I do more pony-related material, I'll be able to release it on its own without having to worry about making it part of a whole album... EXPERIENCE. I might toss them onto physical copies of Vol.3 for cons, but I was just very tired of making it a whole series.
She makes a big deal out of buying peanut butter crackers from a vending machine and wears a robe and wizard hat to the fall formal.

She's a special kind of high-school dorky, but I can't help but find it adorable.
>Might I request, then, that you take me on my word?
Eh, sure why not.
>If anything, today's the first time in a long time I've worked on a completely original/new idea I didn't think was utterly shit in every facet.

That's really great to hear, I can't wait to hear it.
>That's the intention— if I do more pony-related material, I'll be able to release it on its own without having to worry about making it part of a whole album... EXPERIENCE
Well at least that's good to hear.
Good luck in the rest of your stuff than. You're a great guy. Love you
Sometimes, I wonder if I need to be less lewd....do you have this same problem general?
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Did you honestly asked MLPG that ?

Mand do what you feel like. If you think that try it and then see how you feel.

rarara best butt confirmed
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> A shudder runs through you as the last picture reveals itself
> You helped set cheesecake all day
> At least 10 caramel-fudge swirls are sitting in the chilling fridge
> It's sticky, clinging to the sugar-powdered thumb of one glove
> The fluid is musky
> Hearing what you think may be a door chime, you stuff them quickly back into the Sleepy Time Tea tin and put it back in its cubby hole, board sliding back all too loudly for you
> Pinkie traipses in, singing a song about daisies and candied daisies, short sweet hoof falls on the hardwood floor
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> She stops a little short seeing you "finish sweeping" just over the loose floorboard
> Her eyes dart - almost imperceptibly - over the knothole in the wood
> But all is well. She hops here and there and asks if you're interested in taking home a cheesecake slice as a "party favor!"
> "I dunno, Pinkie, it's rich!"
> Pinkie giggles, a cold thick slab of cream and crumble already finding itself in a takeaway box, "Enjoy it, silly!"
> You stare at that hardening chocolate-caramel swirl in a white sea of dairy
> You nod a little numbly, feigning that it's just been a long day, thanks for having me help, thank you for the cake
> Pinkie is still explosively glad to have the help
> Walking home is a little forgetable, you're just feeling a bit off. Was that something you just shouldn't see?
> The cheesecake is put in your fridge, like some coiled snake
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Minituffs cum inflation
damn right they are.
> A day or two later, all is forgotten
> She hasn't said anything and maybe it's best to pretend nobody never saw nothin', never
> 2am Thursday you're in half a mood to reheat the pot roast but that may be a bit much
> Work is in four hours, your tummy just needs something
> The cheesecake is transfered from box to plate to fork to nearly your mouth, all the while waiting for the temperature to rise just enough to get those creamy notes
> Even you know that's the best way
> Just barely crumbling at your lip you catch a whiff of something over the cool cream
> You're pretty certain even the raspberry drizzle shouldn't smell "musky" this fresh
Rarity and Twilight Buttbumping with First Place and Second Place trophy cups on their butts
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Sometimes I can't sleep so I get out of bed and go lie on the floor of my closet and cry myself to sleep
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I'm sad that real Cadence doesn't sayshe "love love loves" things. I'm sad about Cadence.
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I miss Time Squad
>you will never inadvertently eat Pinkie's candy horse semen sneakily hidden in baked sweets
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>she will never offer you freshly filled cream puffs with a wink and a wink
>the real Larry is in space, floating around with all the other "clones"
Cadence having a personality of a cardboard cutout really doesn't help her
I miss Beast Wars
There's nothing wrong with being lewd.
>2 winks
>she wants the D
I miss My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Being in the tiny space almost makes me feel like I'm not alone
The hard floor and cold remind make sure that I know that I am
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Fuck, 4chan ate my image.
Unicorns suck.
femanon x minituffs?
And they swallow, too.
> The bile rises immediately
> The cold slice goes in the trash, the plate in a bucket of bleach water
> You take tongs to the takeaway box, likewise bobbing it to the dust bin - only then noticing a careful Sharpie greeting on the inside beneath where the crust would have been
> "A little special something for my favorite assistant!"
> God damn it, Pinkie
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I know that feel. Unless the space is too small then I start panicking. I'm sorry to hear that's how you feel as well

>Rarara and Twilight both giving you a blowjob
It's "rose water"
This is by far the worst thing I've ever written on multiple levels
>This is by far the worst thing I've ever written on multiple levels
Yes, yes it is. You should be ashamed.
hornjobs when?
Well I guess the main flaw is it being about Pinkie.
That kinda ruins everything
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>giving Rarara and Twilight both a blowjob
Hornjobs a shit
Only use of a horn is by letting it fuck you
>that fic
It's just so damn perfect, combining so many of my fetishes
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>Hornjobs a shit
I will fight you.
But anon both of them a mares.
Also it's only unfer if I'm wearing a leash and am their loyal pet
Horns aren't sensitive you nigger. It's made obvious like two times in the show
Last thing I did for hornjobs was as Anon a while back
Something about how it tasted like how patchouli would smell?
It was a strange night

Girls, girls! You're both pretty.

Ehhh she's okay, but the only one craven enough to send Anon home with something special in food that wasn't a psychoactive drug or nootropic (Twilight) or liquor (Applejack) or an aphrodisiac (Fluttershy in Flutterape mode)
What does Zecora's semen taste like?
Marshmallow root. She eats a LOT of pygeum and other tree bark.
Watermelon and chicken
It's magic anon, ain't gotta explain shit
I thought that was a given~
>psychoactive drug in the food
I like where this is going
>you will never wake up as a girl
>you will never feel pony's snout between your legs
To be fair Spike spikes Twilight's food just to calm her down sometimes. You just picked from the "special" tray.

Unfortunately it's sleep aid / tranqs, not weed
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Hey i came here around after the end of season 3, at the beginning of the hiatus.

All i can say is that i havent finished all of Season 2, and i feel like ive been on a real journey. Something i havent said even about my vacations in a long time

Thanks for existing guys, even if i dont agree with you all the time.
>event if I don't agree with you
Continue having shit taste then you pleb faggot.
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Ah, I was expecting some sort of behaviour modifying drug. But I suppose sleep rape is possible

What is wrong with me
What's your favorite episode and pony so far? Has it changed since the begining?
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Wanna frot, Anon?
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Good morning.
Have a freshly baked greentext
It is delicious greentext.

Oh god there's marecum in it!
I have to fully admit I capped my own greentext
Really loathe to turn off 4chan x for any reason
Could you do a Anon with Rarity and Twilight at the spa sometime?
Exited for mighty number 9?
I guess?
Mite b cool
Cool. Thank
Between that and Project Phoenix, I am excite.
I really wish people would stop making EG porn
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If your greentext is good, someone else will cap it
If it's not so good, SOMEONE will cap it
This shit was so dumb. Yes, you dumb bitch, you can kick clouds. Every Pegasus can
You know that's Dash affected by Fluttershy's Mark, right?
You know I wonder what magic Rarity had.
Dash's cutie mark is that she can GOFAST. nothing related to weather. So what GOFAST Spells could she had had?
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Why can so few people draw good penises anymore?
Yes nigga, i know.
Suck a million dicks in ten se—oh wait
Well it's confusing because it's like Rarity gained racial abilities expected of a Pegasus, including maybe very basic cloud control or specifically weather/rainbow crap like Dash can do.

But maybe her OCD kicked in hard enough she never got around to GOTTAGOFAST
>six hours later
>doesnt realize that that is dash with fluttershys cutiemark
Maybe you should demonstrate proper penis illustration for them
more like 6 months later, if you want to be cheeky cheeky
Well, you remember in Cutie Mark Chronicles how Rarity got dragged by her magic?

Imagine that, but SANIC SPEED
That may actually come in handy.
Thing is the Unicorns have already spells to copy the Pegasus racial magic ( cloud walking) and control the wind.

So she probably knew that spells since that spell also changed their memories.

Really the thing is that she had no reason to GOFAST. She just had to take care of the weather. And since she was shit all she did was spent time trying to fix what she was fucking up.
I'm not falling into that trap again, thats how I got banned last time
That would be hilarious
Sure, but it seems like they all got some blending of their old and new selves
Rarity was doing everything in quiltwork, Dash was able to fly but pretty shy in doing it, what have you

And it seems like only a certain subset of unicorns are capable of aping other magic, which is why Twilight and her fellow Academy students so special

I think Rarity was stuck with controlling the weather without the benefit of wings and some imprint of her previous personality, i.e. "LET US MAKE A PICNIC TENT"
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don't worry
I'll be famous in no time and then we can circlejerk
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my little hyperion general?
art from three years ago: horses acting like horses

art now: the ponies use their hands for everything
u wot m8
Any programmers, animators or game designers in here?
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Have you ever tried to kick a cloud? No, so shut the fuck up and show some respect
I do a bit of programming, why?
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All night long.
And then try to make her stay in bed when the morning comes.
I think that any unicorn can learn any spell so her knowing those spells wouldn't be farfetched.

As far as the personalities go they were changed somewhat but deep down they were the same.
Dash was more calm and Fluttershy was more communicative but some of their old selves was still there.

They're in the end the same ponies just with different memories.
>tfw cant watch WoY because laptop is too old to run the mkv file

Let's hear it
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"Chic, unique, and magnifique!"
i'm pretty sure you just need to download VLC

You can't even VLC that shit?

she can still rock it!
hook and line deadline due
Sleep sex/rape is my fetish and nobody ever draws it. I'll take what I can get.
I only enjoyed 25% of it.
I won't really watch the show. I'll just the episodes that have Hater in it since he and his army are the only thing I can enjoy from it.
Fun thing:
It's not rape if you've asked prior permission
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I want to see her MMMMM mane again.
It's just a simple change but holy shit the difference is huge. And she's hotter like that
That's why I said sex/rape. Either one is fine with me. Though if I had to pick I do sort of prefer the latter.
I ain't gotta 'splain shit!
This. It ain't my sort of thing but I can enjoy the hater parts
no. the video freezes up and the audio keeps going
I can't say the same, but hey
Есть тут кто из RU MLPG?

What do you think of this game? think it will ever get off the ground?
She reminds me of Leela from futurama
Anything's possible, but I don't have the skill for contributing.
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Yeah that mane style was amazing
lyk dis f u crie evry tym
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Pone would like to remind you that it's not as bad as you feel it is

Unless you've got no friends
Then it's worse
fuck you
Rara, what is wrong with your eye?
>What do you think of this game? think it will ever get off the ground?

do I think a my little pony fan game will get off the ground. hmm, so far... zero have?
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Shit I forgot. Why do all good things have to end?
This is the final season
It's wrapping up
Because if they didn't, they'd end up like Spongebob or the Simpsons.
Or season 3 of Gargoyles.
>Fully 3d pony game made by one dude
Yeah that's not going anywhere anytime soon
Because it's outlived its usefulness. This new season has been shit.
Frankly, Futurama lived the perfect amount of time.

Cut just before it was completely worthless, but just after it went so downhill we all realized its time had come.
That way we don't get endless seasons of shit, and neither do we have to wonder what could have been.
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Most likely not. I mean, it's possible, but so far everyone gave up before they were done.
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>Or season 3 of Gargoyles.
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It's just a simple unity game using assets from Ponykart
More or less this.
The show this season hasn't been the worst but it's getting so uneven I'd rather it end on a high note.
Sometimes death is a good thing.
>Frankly, Futurama lived the perfect amount of time.

Don't ever say I died young. Maybe I died right on fucking time




we ded now
Stop posting it.

The people have spoken.
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It's already good anon, we don't need to vote anymore
R-Rarity, what are you going to do with that horn!?
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>apple butt
>mane 6
Since when did AJ become a main character
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>tfw speccy is ded
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Unf, I do love those traditional unicorns
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Its September, the summer is already over

Emphasize on "already"

Its not the middle of the year anymore, its closing to another end of the year

You will become older again.

Was it a good year so far? were you productive enough this year? Did you prepare for the future enough?

This thread needs more Cher
>no beards
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I've actually been more productive this year than I've ever been before. Unfortunately I'm just as depressed (if not moreso) as the previous years. Life sorta sucks like that
>white dude with dreadlocks

god dammit, 90's you sucked so hard.
Till you don't see a fully functional level design with enemies, scripted events, gems&bits, detailed background assets, bosses and power-ups, then it's not likely to be completed.
Try looking for something based off the Nightmare Moon episodes,
Харкач, ты тут?
Unexpanded, that really looks like a retarded child horrified by a big, throbbing horse dick with some kind of cock ring on it.
Celestia has to wear Fencing gear to talk to them
I've been much more productive, my art has turned a little more blue which is slightly unfortunate.
I haven't quantifiably achieved that much this year, but I feel that I've progressed as a human being and that's all that counts when you think about it, right? Right?
Нахуй иди, быдло.
Dude...imagine Celestia's horn.
Sorry, I don't speak Russian. Hello, though.
this is the kind of sweet art that a person can only look out for a very short period of time

like, I looked at it for more than two seconds and now i'm wondering how much fucking starch twilight used on those shorts
>retarded people are allowed to live.
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hello 2014, never thought i'd see the day
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Well if it doesn't count then my year was a waste as well
>straw hair

oh cher
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So how much tumblr drama will be about this?
What happened to those tulpa threads?
why are you so angry?!
Banned. Went to mlpchan
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>product placement
3/10 I perferred pre-crisis SB
It is my natural state of being
SB do you still have prints left. I want to buy prints from you but it's like months later and I can never go to a brony con so
best couple
Ah, thanks
Yes. I should go get some stuff to mail them out and see if anyone else wants some. I'll make a tamblr post when I'm ready.
Dude fuck what they did to Luna in that episode, it was like the empire strikes back all over again, only you didn't have anything good to compare it to.
You mean they gave her a character?

Heather Nuhfer (w), Brenda Hickey (a), Hickey, Sara Richard (c)

The ponies hit the high seas! A trip to Horeshoe Bay takes a turn for the dramatic when our gang is captured by Hoofbeard the Pirate! Will the ponies help him find his long lost treasure, or will they be walking the plank?

>walking the plank
My Little Edgeh comics
Depends what you've been doing.
Соси хуй, дружбомаг-илитарий.
That thing isn't a character.
Don't be a fucking retard
You mean a horrible character, right?
There are no pirates in Vancouver
Are you still mad that they ruined all your favorite fanons?
They won't ever fully develop lunas character or backstory in any meaningful way because being princess of the night is 2dark4kids

>inb4 season4 LunaLestia episode
>>inb4 season4 LunaLestia episode
>LunaLestia episode
>22 minutes of pure princest pleasure
What they did to Scootaloo was worse
but there's specifically an episode in season four that explains her backstory

it's probably going to be terrible because it's going to be McCarthy's interpretation of Luna's backstory which I'm going to guess is "Luna wanted to be the princess but couldn't"
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Vectoring, a little drawing and writing
Lol, with only two episodes (Sleepless and Eclipsed) she became one of the best characters, and her episodes one of the most enlightening episodes. So can you go and be fat somewhere else?
How the heck am I supposed to get a hold of you without a tumblr account, though. I will give you money and cover shipping to Canada if you still have the two prints I want
I can hear the writefags dusting off their typewriters now.
>So can you go and be fat somewhere else?

woah, trigger warning, anon
Try learning how to cook.
I have at least some of everything left.

And I'll turn on anonymous asks so you can send me an email address or something.
Man go be George Lucas somewhere else.
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I sure hope they do.
Slow, romantic and caring Princest please.
You mean a playful intelligent laidback leader is not better than an obnoxious awkward dumb nigga girrafe?
>dumb nigga girrafe

um, giraffe shaming... I guess
Sorry, I busy with Lauren doing a new crossover. We both were fucked out of our franchises, so we decided to work together helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown
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I've done that before, but I'm no good at it. I follow the instructions far too closely so if there's suddenly a lapse in the directions I'm lost. It's probably why vectoring suits me much more. Though I'm gonna need to change that if I'm ever going to improve my drawing ability.
>We both were fucked out of our franchises

you sold your franchise for billions of dollars you fat bastard!
She spent a thousand years on the fucking moon, of course she's awkward you idiot
Don't touch my waifu you movie molester!!
Who let the autist in the general?
Don't you see that he's cyber bullying Luna? Hell I bet it's also without consent which means she's also raping Luna
I dunno, how DID you get into the general?
Dude he's clearly shitposting. Stop responding.
''Logical'' thinking doesn't belong in writing. You need to write what gives the best results, if you keep setting up crap conditions and trying to not break them then you end up with a shit result. Most of the time writers find a way to go around or twist those conditions in order to get the best results, other times it's just best to ignore what you said earlier and be a dynamic person.
Really mature, horsefucker.
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>helping twilight sparkle win the crown
My sides are in another galaxy A long time ago, far far away
woah, nostalgia macros
>I'm so sorry.jpg
I just wanted to buy all the taco in the world.
Btw, we think to cross Twilie with general Grievous. Fluffle Puff will play a wookie in new movie.
>>superior ponychan
>Twilight with Grevious
If you're not combining Dooku with Rarity and have the glorious space adventure of Grevious the Nerd and Dooku the Fashionable across the Galaxy I ain't watching
This is the new Derpy and Muffins, isn't it?
>Talking about Luna
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Maybe try to talk about characters without resorting to buzzwords next time
Except, you know, he doesn't even knwo soemthign that the first fucking twoparter answered

It's nto even a discussion if you havn't even bothered to start watchign the show, is it?
Am I smelling chatter about George Lucas and season 2?

Then reply to posts like these >>13328668
But obviously we are all to dumb to expand on what that man said.

You can't even write.
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This general is kinda slow, isn't it?
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Yeah, we are kinda dead right now
shift change!

what do the three of us who are still here want to talk about?
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Trixie's futa horsecock
Discord's song?
Discord's futa horsesong
Discord's song about Trixie's futa horsecock
You guys suck
I would contribute more but I'm writing something, basically: Fuck you
Trixie's futa cock?
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So Discord sings a song that endows every pony who hears it with a futa horse cock

How do the mane six stop him
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What are you writing?
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Obviously this means we need to bring out the hose again.
they don't know yet, it's a twoparter and in the first episode they're mostly just sucking eachother off and being surprised by their semen volumes
Why would they want to stop him?
By pinning him down and raping him until he realizes what a horrible idea it was to give them all cocks
if he isn't Water/Steel and Mega Charizard isn't Fire/Dragon so help me god.
because when every pony is a futa horse cocked pony, no pony is
Work stuff, trying to fluff up a boring speech.
When I'm done I might finish my TwiDash fic

Does this mean we aren't neckbeards?
oh my god are they really poking fun at honey boo boo this is great
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Charizard will never be a real dragon.
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Disgusting. I hope you spend an eternity on that speech

Good luck man. And I respect your opinion in ships. EVEN IF IT'S SHITTY
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Actually this sorta seems like something discord would actually do now. It'd cause untold chaos and probably be hilarious to him to watch it all unfold
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>Mega Ampharos turns into Electric/Dragon
>Mega Charizard is still Fire/Flying
Oh god, they are.
why do bronies get so upset about being friendzoned? i thought friendship was magic
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The assravaging if that happens... /vp/ will likely explode.
Can you lease explain to me who that is. All I'm finding is something a bout a TV show.
do you think he'd give fluttershy an extra-big one since they're such good friends?
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is it wrong if i want to stick my penis into her
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Don't you start that shit again you little faggot
Arguably he's being nice to them, giving them all an excuse to have sex with each other. Discord's a pretty swell guy
where are her funbags
You know I really want Discord to bond with the other ponies too.
Really him with Rarity would be the most hilarious.
Yeah, that little girl has her own TV show. She was on toddlers and tiaras to start off with though
>Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is an American reality television series on TLC that features seven-year-old child beauty pageant participant Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson
Jesus fucking christ, do people actually watch this kind of shit?
>A reviewer for Forbes criticized TLC as trying to "portray Alana's family as a horde of lice-picking, lard-eating, nose-thumbing hooligans south of the Mason–Dixon line," stating that "it falls flat, because there’s no true dysfunction here, save for the beauty pageant stuff."
Holy shit what
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>MT is going on a spree of drawing her OC fucking famous tumblr furbronies

pls now i cant take this. someone let me know what its safe to follow MT again. tell me when the cute is back.
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Most likely, then she can show everyone how assertive she is

This. We'd probably get some sort of discord fashion line out of it
honey boo boo is sweet, tough, and not even in an ironic way. her mother has taken everything from the television show and put it into savings, instead of buying stupid lavish shit, so they can live off it

and honey boo boo herself is weirdly wise
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They do.

>The series premiere episode attained a 1.6 in the 18–49 demographic, attracting 2.2 million viewers
Mega evolutions are a fucking stupid idea.

And the fee for cloud storage is bullshit.
>badenglishanon's deathrattle
>being jelly
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you can always instead follow our other star contributor, mewball, who seems to be pretty content in stealing lyra's agency
>there are people who will actually use cloud storage

Poke Transfer is free, and the ingame boxes should be enough.
Daily dose:

It's the nickname of a disgusting lardbeast who first appeared on a show called 'Toddlers in Tiaras' about professional child beauty pageant contestants. Her mother enters her in these contests and feeds her a disgusting mixture of mountain dew and red bull or something to 'give her more energy'. The fact that the girl is almost literally a perfect sphere would indicate that she does not now and never will require any additional energy for the rest of her life and yet she still pumps her full of it.

Thanks to the morbid fascination people had with the disgusting little girl and her disgusting-er mother, they got a reality show out of it. ON THE LEARNING CHANNEL. AND PEOPLE WATCH IT.

Needless to say, life on this planet is no longer tolerable because of this.
you are completely and absolutely misinformed
i thought you were banned again BCS
I just want a permanent way to store all my stuff that isn't subject to shit going wrong and my cartridge getting wiped.

I had a full Pokedex on a 1st gen Red cartridge that got wiped years ago. I was so pissed.
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Unless you're transferring all the way from ruby and collecting one of every gender+shinies there is no way you will fill all of those boxes
Unless you're a fucking absolute nerd
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>having any expectations for console games
>handheld console games
The family is raking in anywhere from $15,000 to $50,000 per episode (reports vary). Yet their only major purchase so far has been a 2005 Ford Expedition. More importantly, Mrs. Shannon has made arrangements with TLC that the bulk of the earnings from the show are paid directly into five separate trust funds, one for each daughter. She doesn’t even see the money, apart from an email once a month confirming that the deposits have been made. The girls have no access to the funds until they turn 21. Meanwhile, Papa Thompson, aka Sugar Bear, continues his job as a contractor in order to pay the household bills.

this family is amazing, and they're just fucking with you, and everyone is falling for it
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Derpy delivering mail and landing on my face will always be my premiere fetish
Well if what you said is true Wow.
Anyway now a My Little Pony comic is depicting her as a retard
That sounds pretty cool.
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That doesn't address the problem of all of that shit being on a cartridge that could implode at any point.
I'm pretty goddamn sure 3/DS saves last a fuck ton of time
Oh please. Explain the shit out of that to me, you think I don't want to be wrong about every single thing I just said there?

But go ahead. Show me, point by point, what I got wrong there.
But people still watch that show
That family is setting up their children for life by tricking stupid people. That doesn't seem like a bad thing
get off your high horse, nigga, you're screaming about obese americans on a thread dedicated to fucking characters from a children's show
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This just means that Tumblr will explode even harder because of that panel

I hope the writer and the artist of the comics will be okay
He's just asking for explanations.
You kinda need to see the show to understand why they are the absolute last people to whom you would want to give money.

Those children don't need trust funds, they need dieticians and schooling.
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>raising a family of fat rich assholes with contempt for poor people
I hope tumblr implodes while the writer doesn't give a fuck
>you will never have a playful fight for dominance with her every night
>she will never let you win on purpose half of the time
What if you're just being tricked? What if the fat is fake and a prop?
Well, you could have visited me instead of hanging out in this awful thread...
Look I hope the same thing because really after the Derpy incident there's no way he isn't expecting another fucking Derpy Drama from this.

I just hope that IDW won't care about Tumblr and the artist and writer won't get some kind of red card and be fucked in the industry like that Adventure Time guy that got fired from the show by Yamino.
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Hollywood fat suits look like shit on adult actors with movie budgets.

No way a TV show is going to able to afford convincing fatsuits for a bunch of talentless kids.
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Rainbow Dash covered in cum
I'd rather have her turn me into a mare and using her princess strength to fuck my silly with a strap on or a thick and long futa cock
That's very pretty.
I'm pretty sure they won't care about this at all
I'd chuck his wood
Just tell Social Justice Warriors that they're fucking horrible people for assuming that a girl, even if she speaks properly, MUST be retarded because she's cross-eyed. Tell them you have a cross-eyed little sister and people assume she's retarded and that's your trigger.
You sure?
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IDW that is, not tumblr, I'm sure tumblr will flip their shit
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>wanting her to fuck you silly
>not wanting her to let you overpower her and fuck HER silly
Why do you always have to be so selfish, Anon?
>like that Adventure Time guy that got fired from the show by Yamino

What panel? When was this? Am I really this slow?
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Big Mac is a power bottom.
why would anyone want to advertise something on 4chan?
Guy got fired because he said that Princess Bubblegum and that vampire chick aren't lesbians or some shit and Yamino fliped out on tumblr
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Celestia micro preview
This is in it >>13328452
So, what? The producers of Toddlers in Tiaras had a little girl and her mother - who are both excellent actors - fed to the point of obesity, planted them in a fake child beauty pageant and scripted their interviews and pageant performance just to make money?

Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity, anon. They're just some stupid people who were found by a reality show and their popularity gained them another reality show.

It's depressing, not evil.
How could I overpower something so strong? It wouldn't even be believable and I'm about as strong as a newborn foal.

Slightly unrelated
Also I would like to have the royal child in me
Large user base of people with a wide variety of interests.
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unf corruption unf
>How could I overpower something so strong? It wouldn't even be believable
Are you implying that she's a bad actor?
She probably is and it would be hilariously over the top how she fakes defeat
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and ponk
If something gains popularity on 4chan it often becomes a big thing
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Who's going to waifu her?
Well AppleDan already probably waifus her.
>implying I haven't already built a shrine to her
Yeah, this thread is kinda proof of that.
>My Little Embalmed Horse Corpses
everyone into kawaii teacher-samas
Because when it comes to spreading things on the internet, 4chan is kinda like a spring - if it get's popular or well known here, people will drag it over to other websites. Much easier than trying to advertise on all those other sites.
AppleDan waifus anything that has hooves
Very nice.
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Even Iron Will?
I really like the art style, but the artist is terrible at drawing cutie marks

Should I buy the whole set, or only best pony?
Especially Iron Will.
But that set doesn't even include best pony
Gingersnap > fatty mc fat
Do you want me to strangle you with your vocal cords?
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Yest it does
>no wings

>no fan art

she's shit
>edge for 2 hours
>hear roommate coming back
>no time to finish, only to hide evidence
>my balls feel like they are trapped in a bench vise
I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone
The comic isn't even out yet, give it time.
Is that from the ____tia micro?
When you get a chance, finish on a pony

It'll be glorious
>implying that should stop people
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wow so art good such deep style wow
>not finishing into your roommate's
There was porn of chrysalis before the wedding episodes even finished airing
That's no excuse man
>try edging a few times
>always end up just finishing when I reach the edge the first time

I am so undisciplined.
Cum into his shampoo bottle. Alternatively in something he's going to eat
are these mass produced or something? BCS can watercolor better than this.

just look at all the missed hair spots
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does rarity take the knot?
is there porn of her taking the knot?
I think I'll need to find a European publisher for that one - I really want a copy of it
>Copying me.
I started it first, I have an account on cumonfood.net.

Go away.
Is that snooty-looking fucker in the black cloak supposed to be Lucius Malfoy? Just look at his kid.
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just download it
>puke green skin

That's fucking yellow
Are you that one anon that wants to fuck his roommate
He wants a copy, smarties.
I'll probably do that anyway but I also want a copy of it.
I really like that the comics do different body types

A small if anything.
this is disappointing. i didnt want this in the celestia comic. i was expecting some real lore.
then just print the cover, retard.
Come on he's at least medium
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>mfw he said that he put his cock on my fast while I was sleeping
Yeah. I kinda wish it was done by Price though, I'm a total sucker for his art style.
On your fast?
Fuck, I mean face.
Nigga it's a fucking Micro. U dumb if you expected something grand from the micros.
Yes, his fast

>You will never hold Dash's back close to your body
>You will never breath deep into her mane and smell the mix of her sweat and shampoo in all its tangy fruit glory.
>You will never be a little unsure how much of it is natural
Damn, just fuck already geez. Or don't and increase the sexual tension between you two and continue to post about it. I enjoy these stories
Maybe his roommate isn't gay
>all these gay niggers
>I enjoy /soc/ shit

piss off
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>What are pranks
>not being a gay nigger

I bet you're not even from outer space.
One of my friends sometimes takes out his dick and slaps me with it as a joke
Is it huge?
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Every Lyra plush has to be shown from this angle.
A little above average
Now that's enough talking about my friend's dick
You should suck it next time he does
>no matter what Hoppip does in life, this is what he will be remembered for
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>tfw your friend throws his underwear in your face
>mfw trying to control my boner
I wish my dick was an inch longer

>slugbox copycat
I wish my dick was two inches longer

so i win.
I really love the idea of a small, underground grotto with a few sun rays coming through a tiny hole in the ceiling and absolute silence apart from the purling of the water

Sadly, I've never been in a bath like that and doubt that there even is one where I live
I wish I was born into a rich family
I wish my dick was 5 inches longer
I normally don't judge people for that, I started as a Rose/Tess copycat too because that way I could simply copy their methods.
Though 2 pages full of pictures with zero change in the style doesn't really look like that artist is only using it as a stepping stone.
>Roommate asks for dirty clothes to wash the next day
>Put them in the hamper
>Go looking for the pair of undies I was wearing today to wear to bed instead of soiling another
>Can't find them
>They're not in the hamper
What could you be going for and mispell it like "VGTG"?
It's not a misspell
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Try controlling your boner if your friend shows you his boner in class
Then what the fuck does VGTG mean?
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I wish I could get a regular boner and then concentrate and turn that into a double-boner, so my dick had like two settings.
"I am the greatest"
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How new can you be?
Even if you don't vidya
>tfw sitting around chilling with your stallionbros
>Drinking cider and talking shit about ponies you know
>Your best friend gets a random chubby, not a raging hard or anything but just a bored boner
>tfw it's hanging loose but it's the length and width of your forearm
>Awkwardly get caught staring several times during the conversation
>Not shifting your dick into second gear
It's like you want to tear up your transmission
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яблоко чрезвычайных!
Oh, you mean that cancerous pay2win call of duty mod that pretends to be a continuation to tribes franchise that entire /v/ was jerking over like a year ago?
Are boners in public socially acceptable in equestria?
It truly is an utopia
>he didn't play the early beta
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I didn't because my machine couldn't handle that bloated piece of spyware, but even then I didn't need to play it to know it sucks.
>hitscan rifles
>2 shots needed to kill
>no jetpacks
at least it was somewhat pretty
thats all i could say about it
Did YOU?
They didn't ruin the game, it was already crap.
>I didn't need to play it to know it sucks.
Fuck off to /v/
I wish the Apple pony would talk Russian to me. She could whisper her apple pie recipe to me for all I care, I could sleep to the sound of her voice.
You first, shiteating "gamer".
Applejack's singing voice is SO good

I really wish se had more songs
>how dare you listen to people
I heard how terrible the game is so I already knew it was bad.
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Boners are perfectly fine. The issue is what you do with it. If you let it go away or excuse yourself no one's going to bat an eye.

If you start fiddling with it you're going to get the death glare from older mares for being uncouth.

>tfw be socially awkward teenager in one-room schoolhouse
>Watching Miss Cheerilee's ass for three hours straight in the morning
>"It's time for recess!"
>Everyone runs off to go play; can't, I'm stuck
>Only the desk is hiding my raging boner
>Miss Cheerilee comes over and is wondering why I haven't left yet; make up lame excuse
>The conversation isn't making me any less stuck, she turns around and goes back to her desk
>Close full on view, can smell it from where I sit
>My desk gets flipped over
There should be more space battles in the next season.
You NEED to watch this

And fight scenes.

Ohh! And car chases!
>that preview
Yeah I'm not gonna watch that
You NEED to suck this cock.
No I don't
I hardly think I 'need' to...

I will, but only because I'm trying to convince myself to commit suicide.

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>daydreaming about Cheerilee's squishy pony butt in the back of her class
>get a raging poner
>"Anon, why don't you present your work in front of our class?"
>oh shit oh fuck
>walk through the entire classroom with a diamond boner, dripping pre everywhere
I refuse to vote on this one until you add proper butts.
God damn it. It wouldn't happen too.
As soon as the boner reaches maximum strength you always get called
>Girls are giggling everywhere
>Hear whispering
>"Looks like he wants to show us something else."
>122 votes
That's a lot of people, still
for a hiatus
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>wake up
>see this

What do?
This is probably our most succesfull headcount so far
What if Sweetiebelle was a dinosaur?
I'm sure some people voted a second time using their phone
>mfw Cheerilee stops you later after class
>She asks you if you have a condom
>Obsidian penis
>She hands you one
>She wants you to wear one to class from now on
Ask her to pinch me to make sure I'm really awake.
Then probably faint.
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Always bet on butts
Even if they all did, that's still 61-ish people. Still more than I would have thought.
Panic I guess because I have no idea what she wants from me
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At least the ones here have good taste in pony butts
>tfw your favorite butt is third, but second-favorite butt is first
Such is life.
>try not to get an erection
>realize I'm already at full morning-mast
>try to keep dick as calm as possible so she won't feel it
>realize she's already kneading it between her thighs
>Favorite butt is first
>Second favorite butt is on second place
Indeed. Life is quite beautiful.

I said what what
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I used to like rarity a lot, and still do, but i grew to like fluttershy more. Although pinkie tops all of them.
Favorite episode has to be between the Gilda one and the Parasprite one, where Pinkie proves herself to be the unsung hero of Ponyville more than once.
>Parasprite episode
>Pinkie is the hero
It' s because of her being so goddamn idiotic and incapable of communication that 90% of the shit happens.
>"Girls that's actually a very dangerous animal that will devour all our food stock if we don't get rid of it"
There. Done. All threat eliminated.
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Pinkie is probably japanese
Bring out yer requests!
are you going to post them?
Maybe if they listened to HER instead of themselves nothing bad wouldve happened to them. Besides its not like she can convince them that they are deadly because NO ONE LISTENS TO HER
Why not?
If you want, draw Fluttershy and Celestia having a tea party.
Yes Ill do this one
This is an ugly pony
What's it like being Applejack's boyfriend? Coming down to the farm? Holding her close? Getting a long whiff of her when she's been working on the farm all day?
Are you really that fucking delusional.
If aliens invade the Earth and their only weakness is Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen what's better

Run to the front of the White House and scream HEY OBAMA PREPARE A HUGE ASS CONCERT SCENE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DESERT QUICKLY and then get annoyed that no one listens ti me, buy a ticket to England and order the queen to order Freddie to resurrect himself or tell everyone that Guys the weakness of those aliens is this song?
What kind of tea? Fluttershy seems like she would go for sencha
Actually an aliens weakness is it's immune system
That sounds like summer blockbuster material, anon
That would be lovely, actually.

This is Japananon, right?
What if I told you yes?
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as soon as she gets out of there I am going to sniff that mud
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I will murder you son
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None of those
We give Popeye some spinach
Do you even IDW comics ANon?
>Not sniffing her dirty clothes when she takes them off
>Not sniffing her shoes and socks
thats quite the elaborate scheme, but im not sure i can convince the president that a song by Queen is the aliens only way of defeat, so nobody would listen. there fore i would take matters into my own hands like pinkie did.

And Pinkie, despite saving the people that ignored her, still doesnt want recognition. I dont know how much more heroic that gets
>she acts like she doesn't realize it though
>starts a conversation with you
>mentions that it is so nice to have someone she can just talk to without said person seeing her as a sex object
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I would not be surprise at all. You done like two or three request for me and I thank you for it! I am a bit shock no one else as you for a drawing request. I guess its just slow today.

Cake butts
There are videos of women farting onto cakes. I don't get it. Waste of a cake.
no it's actually all her fault because she didn't warn anyone about the parasprites

If she said guys those are dangerous and then everyone ignored her true it's not her fault. BUT NOPE. She's just acting like a crazy person asking for random musical instruments for no reason at all.

She is the only one responsible for everything that happened in the episode. Okay FLuttershy too for half of the shit that happens since that bitch kept an parasprite.
I would like to see you try. You should have been exile for your crimes against invading ponies' privacy.
>favorite main6 butt is on the last spot
>favorite butt isn't even on the list
Rigged as hell.
That picture is awful
oh god
you just reminded me of that CWC video
wao, what shitty porn.
It's like MS if he were concussed.
>you refuse to play her little game
>she puts on a pout and tells you she'll come back when you are in a better moot
>bad ending
>when you are in a better mot
So what Celestia wants to mootykins to eat me?
Huh, I was listening to this when I opened up that image.
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I meant mood, sorry

I shall restore my honor right away
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Yeah it's not the best, but it's the first one I saw.
I don't have much humanized porn of Celestia.

I'm just tired of the same damn set up every time.
Hey Rose are you in here I drew a thing for you.
The purple one's kinda cute. I wanna play with her boobs.
I can be your Rose for tonight if you draw things for me Anon-kun~
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Awww, don't BE a party pooper, Anon, get IN one!
Looks like Sibsys OC
You are not rose anon. I can see through your ruse.
Vagina boobs I like Tess
>I'm just tired of the same damn set up every time.
Maybe you should visit her in her bed then - pin her down and gently nibble at her neck while rubbing your leg between her thighs
You know what? I'm surprised no one's made a femboy midget called DJ Base to balance out Acid.
When they pair up, they become The Solution.

I was going to accept your offer strange crossdressing anon but you went full japo.
Nope still not rose.
I don't know man >>13329938 seems legit
7 ft tall acid is all kinds of unf.
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I thought it'd be DJ Alkeline.
That's all I remember from chemistry.
Drunk Cadence teasing colts.
Pinkie Pie with long, straight hair. Longer than Fluttershys
>Want to hate acid
>Want to hate vore
>My dick doesn't
>Japansese shaming
Are you the anon who doesn't post them?
Applejack and her family square dancing.
Mostly I'm just throwing the opposite ends of the pH balance spectrum.
Bonbon complaining to Lyra about a pony offscreen eating all them crackers like she owns the place
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Now that I cud definitely go for.
Does your favorite pony remember the last time they cried?

Why were they crying?
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all nope
That Pinkie face is terrifying
Rarity's asian grandfather being disappointed in Rarity, pointing to Twilight and asking WHY CAN'T YOU BE PRINCESS LIKE FRIEND
I hate all cosplayers
I can't wait until we have something besides sexual to talk about.
When has it ever been not sexual?
No one's commenting about the get?
I'm fine with sexual, I just want stuff besides sexual as well.
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Guess your head down there is smarter than the one on your shoulders.
Just go ahead and fap to some delicious Acid.
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Talk about this rainbow dash
when the show was on
We're not pitiful morons.
We're not fucking /b/ rejects
Is that girl gonna kill her?
I'd rather complain about Korra
Sorry. Didn't notice I was on MLPG.
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Except this one, right Anon?
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filly pone comes with wings or without
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>not this one
There is something off with this image
Just like S3 right?
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it's not a pinkie cosplay without giant boobs
Giant boobs are never relevant
her staff looks way too gritty and real
Her eyes start to flutter, the Princess waking up after a while of whispering dirty things right into her ear.
She bites her lower lip and keeps your gaze trapped with those beautiful magenta eyes of hers - you just hover over her, admiring her beauty - snapping out of it only when she moves her hands, pretending to try and break free from your grasp.
You tighten your grip a little bit and move her hands over her head, wrapping one hand around her slender wrists and reaching for a scarf on her nightstand with the other.
As you lean forward Celestias raises her head of the pillow, breathing against your neck and asks what you are gonna do with her now that she is at your mercy.
A shiver runs down your spine when you hear the desire in her throaty voice.

Also please no more pregnant Celestia art, thanks.
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Pinkie is flat and proud of it in my opinion.
What has Samsung to do with the show?
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now you're just being silly
>Being into boobs
Are you 12?
but is her butt flat?
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>not this one
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>not flat
What if Flash Sentry was made into a joke character?
I don't understand what's being changed here.
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That just looks fucking stupid
Why would she be? All those cakes, pastries, and candies go right to her thighs, giving her plenty of cushion for pushin'.
I actually agree with anon for once. Hyper anything is a cheap way or grabbing attention. Don't get me wrong I used to jack off to this kind of stuff on a daily basis but you know what they say when you have too much of a good thing right?

It's the only one that I have, so yeah. And what's wrong with preggers Celestia?
We've seen her butt.
I'd legit suck pony flash sentry's dick
Meghan isn't self aware enough to do that. Alternatively she is, but she doesn't care in the slightest and doesn't want to put effort into things.
Boobs filled with air like that wouldn't even be soft anymore.
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What do they say?
I like boobs and dicks. Please anon give me your bone.
I have never seen her butt so I am hardly convinced
>I have never seen her butt
You've never watched the show?
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I really doubt it
then what about something like this http://derpibooru.org/377724?
Let's say each of the main 6 had to be a different animal instead of pony

Which animal would each one of them be?
Now he actually has a character.
He was as flat as a cardboard cutout before the change Anon suggested
eH, TOO much.
I feel like their pets do a pretty good job of that.
Save for Tank.