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EDIT: Also I participated in this podcast last week that you may find interesting: http://www.earwolf.com/episode/sup-b/

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Where ponies face real life hardships and despair!

last thread
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If you follow me, we'll put our differences aside
I'm starting to think Dash might be a hardened alcoholic
What sort of real-life hardship and despair can that horse actually face
Your pony was arrested for being a pony on a friday night.
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>The bleeding looks pretty bad Scootaloo, you sure you're not the slightest bit woozy?
Pony drank Equinum
what do you think Scootaloo's blood tastes like
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Just saying, one time I managed to nick a scalp vein and it bled for hours
It doesn't mean you've done anything close to a concussion
>8 horse cocks
>pony feels a little dumber
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She'll be fine.
>tfw you find a fanfic you like but there's only one part and it was posted half a year ago
this thread is too sad already
I bet twilight would be a total munchkin

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that roleplaying games are in fact games first and foremost, and are not optimization problems that feature randomized numbers. Just because the rules you can carry a motorcycle, a deathray, a blessed battle axe and 300 pigeons, does not mean that you actually should.

~Twilight Sparkle"
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>tfw blueballed for a month
dammit, i need more of "consent".

Are you saying a concussion is the only thing that can make you woozy?
Oh jeez that's hurting my eyes.
Why is /pol/ such a cesspool?
Makes me curious, what is everyone's favorite fanfiction?

I personally love the fuck out of White Box.
It's terrific.
>because the rules SAY you can
fuck, I can not brain today for I have the dumb

It's a place where the truly crazy degenerates of society can congregate and circlejerk over their simplistic and offensive views.
No, but you need to lose quite a bit of blood before you feel "woozy"
Is that Rumble?
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Can't go wrong with background pony
I like Friendship is Optimal
mostly because it's not really a My Little Pony fanfic
silly endii
you'll never be like ghost
so stop trying
Head wounds are really over-dramatic, unless you crack your head good on concrete there's not much to worry about. Repeated minor head injuries over a long period of time will give you brain damage, though. Look at Chris Benoit and Derek Boogard.
>that combination of anger and sadness
my soul hurts
I donate blood once a week so I can get drunk off 5 beers right after it's over
this is what happens when you ship 2 ponies that have never met each other or have interacted.
Frick you and frick every mall santa that looks like you
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u chezy bag scruffy
What happened to Elslowmo?
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I don't really have the attention span for reading fanfiction, and all I've really read was hotsauce's fapfics...
Rarity upset about her newfound paunch.
CMC playing football
fluttershy singing that one evanescence song while drunk
you know the one
i know what i'm doing tonight
CMC playing dogeball with DT and SS

Sorry fellas, the front door is for ponies.

You zebras will have to use the back door~
Draw Allie Way
Don't look very coloured to me
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sunset satan

that's racist!
His ass exploded.
Why do you keep asking us about all these people?
Stop with your shitty opinions
Pony says that you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
A Twilight Sparkle version of this >>13296614
there's a million fun little oneshots that are enjoyable little bits of mental junkfood
instead of a high five, they slap their cocks together
that's very kind of pony, but I've legitimately fucked a lot of things up lately and I'm continuing to only make things worse
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>reading anything that isn't fapfics

why would anyone bother?
it happens
Projects. I thought he got better? Steam shows he's online.
My girlfriend liked to marathon-fuck right after I gave double red just to see how much stamina I had under duress.

I wish to be a cute mare and get double penetrated by these zebras
because I like them

I also don't find ponies sexy. At all.
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Gotta roll with the punches
poor pinkie!
extreme duress?
No, just duress. Duress is basically any stress or dismay. Extreme duress is like "I think I'm gonna die or my life is going to be ruined, my career is going down the tubes."
>Giddy Up Giddy Up Up (Buttercup)
>You Gotta Share You Gotta Care
so normal duress
And the first scene is done. Anybody want to read what I've got so far and let me know what they think? I can dump it in a pastebin and keep on writing.
fuck off
Maybe you misread the original post.
Pony says that it's okay. You need to forgive yourself.
pastebins are da bawm, what's it about?
You're the reason nobody writes for us anymore, anon.
You gotta Share is actually good. And fits us since everyone hates it.
Whoops, mislinked
writefags are attention whores that ruin threads. fuck them.
pastebin it

let us do some critique
sure why not
Sweetie Belle finds the Alicorn Amulet and starts using it to get revenge on Diamond Tiara for always bullying her.

Things naturally start spinning out of control as she goes too far.
So Twilight and Rarity only have one mode - extreme duress?
no i didn't.
Sounds fun, let's see it
don't know how much my critique will be worth, though
yea, they are dramacorns
How do you even work that precise?
So every time you see "duress" you presume that's "extreme duress."

Is that common?
Chronic anxiety is basically being under duress 24/7, constant hypervigilance is really bad for you
And what about any contribution at all?
There's a nigga who will slice a BB in half with a samurai sword if you shoot him with a BB gun
don't reply

he's gonna bait you along with the same circular arguments that he uses each time.

no, i thought you were someone else
The human hand is a marvelous piece of machinery.
i want a pen like this. those lines are like atom thick
Yeah, elevated stress hormones like cortisone alone are pretty bad for you.

Maybe they just don't have middle gears or were never taught how to deal with projects in manageable ways, because people expect they work best as miracle workers who get things done in the clutch.
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I'm glad mewball keeps drawing my waifu for me
drawfags actually contribute with art, quests and critique. colorfag also help out. writefags are just worthless and aren't useful at all.
holy moly
>Implying writefags don't actually contribute with writing, quests and critique
Yeah, I saw that one. I still call bullshit on it, I do Batto myself and he would have to know where the BB will be at the right time before he even draws the sword because once he does he won't have a chance to adjust the cut.
I mean, maybe he's really just that good, but I can't see how - so I'll just assume that he tried till it worked.
there's only one L in pal. Good job though
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>your waifu
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Oh, it's you again

I thought you fuckeed of back i nthe season 2 hiatus

good to see ya, loser
>Trigger Warning
>Pinkie touching his face with his hoof
> two highest
But how many men are in the top five and ten?
IQ tests are bogus to begin with.
Who cares?
these always make me laugh
Your prose at the start felt generic, but that felt revised.

Dialogue felt like something straight from my elementary school days, so good work on that.
when was the last time you've seen a "writefag" critique shit? why do you think so many old writefags do art now? no one gives half a shit about fanfiction
>tfw slight tremor
My body is defect, where can I get a new one?
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Maybe it's like the woman in Chocolate
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yes, mine
She's your fiance

> no one gives half a shit
But Anon
If "no one" gives half a shit how does any fanfiction get written?
My negro, I've had essential tremor since I was a 6 year old. Makes my hands shake so bad that I can't do things that require precise fine motor control. Makes my voice quiver too.
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pls >>13296844
You know a metric is bogus when Guinness stops keeping records of it

Also I'd like a citation
You clearly did not see all the excitement earlier today when people were strumming up fanfiction ideas.
how do you type?
>Prose at the start felt generic
I'll take note of that and try my best to improve it.

>that mess

Beta blockers will make it go away, Propranolol works really well
whoa, what?
Which thread, I gotta see these
He's going to say that fanfiction is a waste of time and shit. He does the same arguments every single time. When enough people respond, he resorts to copypasta again and again. There is no discussion here beyond him slinging insults.
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I want to stain your mountaintops
It just takes me longer because I hit the wrong keys and misclick all the time.
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your forged documents are worthless
my left eyelid was trembling all day for 2 days
Thats an early sign of latent homosexuality.
It helps if you vary narration among the senses. if Sweetie Belle is running along the edge of the yard, wouldn't the air be filled with the SOUND of the fillies and colts playing?

As it is you're only describing position and time, not really sight, sound, smell or anything tactile.
How adorable~
>all this unf
Really gay
Should I continue it?
to "prove" me wrong
if it wasn't for that, no one would care

no one gives a shit about fanfiction IN HERE.
It's not as bad when everyone leaves me alone and it's a task I'm confident with -though people still claim that my hands are shaking then-, I just have to be a bit more careful.

But if I'm excited it's not even just the hands but my whole arms are slightly shaking it's fucking impossible to not look like a Parkinson ridden doter on a date
Never tried it so far but it's not like that would be a constant solution anyway.
That will actually help a lot, thanks.

I never even thought about that.
one or 2 threads back from this one.

We also started layingthe groundwork for a neato lunaquest.
you're trying to cheat me again. I wouldn't mind being gay if i was gay, but i'm not gay so i'm not gay
Your favorite pony had sex before

that's not good
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why aren't you experimenting
it not gay when it's r63'd best waifu
I mean jeez
Applebloom is too little for that!
where else can you go from here
Do you get enough sleep? Could be a sign of stress or sleep deprivation, if it's not that go to a fucking Doctor.
...good for her?
Not in this day and age!
Because I'm too busy rigging a poll.
You didn't
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Because I'm an engineer, Dotty
Experimenting costs money
Google it buddy, thank me later.
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So would she be like an angel or something
On the day in question, i slept 3 hours, and the day afterwards, 7
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music embedded

It has a dick, silly. That's no lady.
Yeeah, when people point it out I get really self conscious and it gets so much worse. I've had lifelong chronic treatment-resistant anxiety so that aggravates it. I went to a neurologist because I was worried I had Parkinsons.
Because I suck at sound design right now and are learning to get better at it by reading a book
She hasn't even hit puberty man!
>Anon horse
>That shitty old /b/ anon face
It's disgusting
More like blatant!
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Damnit rainbow adsh
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Things must continue

I blame Facebook
Just because she's a LADY doesn't mean she doesn't have a dick, DD.
experimenting is scary
Yes I have.
Please no.
why is there a creeper ther
...good for you?
Wasting color ink?

How many mili-Hitlers is that?
Well, I guess if you wanted
>you will never give pony belly rubs from the inside
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I don't have any talents or skills that could be called for experimenting.
Dane Robbash
>>when people point it out I get really self conscious and it gets so much worse
>that feel
I can play guitar just fine, even advanced stuff, but as soon as someone who knows me joins and asks how I can do that with my tremor it's over.

>not normal harmless myokymia

fucking pleb
With rare exceptions, that will always be anon.
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If MLPG is so mad gay why haven't you sucked a dick?

Why haven't you sucked mine?
Now is not the time to photocopy your butt
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That's why god gave me two fists.
NEVER be creative!
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woah now
>not wanting to rub the belly from the outside while another anon is inside it.
I only suck my own dick in my dreams
AppleDan pls

I would if I knew where you were.

>Are you nervous, you're shaking
i don't care. A gay guy flirted with me at the bus stop a few weeks ago, and someone also asked me if i was gay.
Nibs take a while to get used to, not to mention you need good paper too, but she's using the side of a spoon nib
>"Thanks mate, now I am."
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I want to rub my finger on pony's canines.
And also Winona.
>you will never return to your office the day after labor day and hear a crunch as you step inside and turn on the lights
>you will never look down to see that you stepped on a piece of paper which was slid under your door probably after you left on Friday
>you will never pick up the paper and see that it's a photo-copied printout of Rainbow Dash's ponut
>you will never immediately call Rainbow to your office and give her a raise
would you sacrifice yourself to become a martyr and ascend to Equestria

What did you tell them?
>the nature, characteristics, or feelings often attributed to women; womanliness.

So how does that prevent her from having a dick?
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what if pony likes your canines
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>tfw no pony drossel
Because that's an adjective form, not a noun form. It can be womanly, but not a woman.
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fine jeeze


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Can pony take the canine?
Bit her leg off?
What else can you do with them?
what if you and pony rubbed tongues over each others canines
would she mind if I bit her a little?
>adjective form

5. the nature, characteristics, or feelings often attributed to women; womanliness.

Wow, do you even read your own link?
I want pony to lick my erect penis and tickle the head with the tip of her tongue
>Rumble wanting to do filly stuff

>Do you like guys
No, sorry
>Are you gay? I wouldn't care if you were
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pony wants to feel your canines
with her tongue
But.....you lied to them, why?

ill take a request
Bite her tongue off?
draw sassaflash
crossdressing pony
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Why do we not have art of this.

What are you doing, drawfags.
CMC playing with 12 year old mewanon
Something gay
Rumble crossdressing
sweetcream scoops kissing lyra
*grabs you by the throat*
I don't see any crossdressing in this pic.
Draw a proper pony crossdressing and show this fellow how it's done.
>tfw I bet my family is going to ask if I'm gay soon
>Don't know if I should lie to them
Belopheron Plz.

I know that's you.
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And then I'd hit on you.

With my fists.
THIS >>13297139
>le fa comment

This is annoying by now.
i don't think i lied. Any uncertainty is just because i talk timidly
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Fine, I misspoke. Not an adjective form, but an attribute noun, similar to 'fastidiousness' or 'sharpness'.
snack the crunch off
Ok fine, if your not gay, who is your favorite pony and why?
but his OC is crossdressing pony
CMC sneaking up on MewAnon while he's sleeping and pulling down his trousers (bum exposed) to try and see what his cutie mark is.
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>Being a gaybasher
then he should draw someone else's oc crossdressing with his oc
I suddenly want to see them with afros
Me to, I would want my first to be from mlpg.

I'm still a virgin ;_;

Human FS embarrassed at the beach because her bush is poking around her bikini
Now go groom yourself.
And Rarity's attribute is all woman. Don't be intimidated by her dick.
>son, why don't you have a nice girlfriend?
>are you gay? you can tell us. we wouldn't judge you or anything
he should draw rediv pony giving his pony a makeover!
>Not carrying 300 pigeons
When it comes time to use them, you'll know.
piinkie futa frottage

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This pony just kicked you in the dick. What do you do?
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I don't think that's a good idea
It sounds like we're all disgusting or have telephone poles for cocks
>just rewatched that episode with granny smith and applebloom making jam

hnggg my heart.
Like a salt lick?
Please Celestia, I'm trying to fall asleep here. Get off my chest and cuddle with me instead
Let's Fly to the Castle~
>Jailbait's futa cock mare
that's pretty cute but I'm bored of rediv pony
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>your wings will never be pretty
I'd suck his cock
People stopped asking me if I had a girlfriend at family gatherings when I was 15 or so when it became clear that I was beyond help, it's kind of a relief.
Well, if nothing else you can tell people you're a master of inferring unintended meanings.
Kick her in the tits, shit herts
No, you'd wait for me to finish, then get the last 2 shots.
Despite me being an unsavory creature and the looming fear of going insane due to 20 and a half years of virginity making me unable to give the dick, I am not THAT desperate.
I dunno
is ded and hats us too
If they dont understand that there are more important things in life, they are fucktards anyway who probably live in a trailer.
>me being an unsavory creature

Take what you can get.
Your indecisiveness is without a doubt linked to your gender confusion.
>2 shots

Fine just take them all, Hitler.
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my nigga. I was hoping someone would get the joke.
I'm way way past that age and they still won't shut up.
>Telling me something i already knew
i already knew you would do this
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...what is it about hyper futa horsecocks that make me want to play with them?
>there will never be a fapfic where femanon is forced to give Luna her first blowjob after 1,000 years of chastity on the moon
Duh. It was subtle, but still noticable
she seems a little smaller than she looked in the end of MMC
Your Precognitive ability has without a doubt been developed by your psyche in order to help you deal with your gayness.
Has anybody written a 63 fic about Luna yet?
They feel sorry for me all the time and talk to me like I'm a little kid with cancer, I almost prefer being pestered about my relationship status.
>Mentions the word blowjob
>She explodes all over the room
>1000 years of edging
also, i'm not gay
My lack of self-esteem, my paranoia and my acuity in the art of spaghettimancy led me to never really bother trying. I've isolated myself for so long, I've gotten used to it.
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I have no idea, but I feel the same way
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I want a premature ejactulatory Luna.
>they ruined the golden rectangle

does semen really taste like salt, mine smells like bleach
So, r63 luna comes back, finds a kindred soul in femanon and they bond over being out of place in the world. they want to be lonely, together.
i hate that special stuff. I can't be friends with you if you're going to be like this
why ;_;

WHY WHY WHY;_________;

the moon was originally all dark grey. the lighter parts only appeared after luna was there
I really hate the fast one
Too late anon, you ssaid you were, cat out of the bag.
Embrace it The D i mean.
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Sorry I haven't been around lately to discuss this, I've had a few things going on, such as my final semester at university. I have... a lot of planning and work to do, and I haven't been in much of a mindset or timespan to produce as of late, though that may change in due time.

What did you have in mind?
it varies based on your diet
I don't know why they just can't let it be. I already told them a thousand times that I hate this conversation and definitely won't grab the next girl that looks at me just to make them shut up but they keep bringing that topic up every single fucking day.
What the hell is that?
i'm running away from something, that's for sure
when did i even say that?
talk here
oh my...
Mine doesn't smell

At least not usually, if I go a day or two and don't drink as much as usual, it comes out REALLY THICK AND MUSKY

And the smell is hard to get off

tl;dr: Keeping thins in a certain ratio to make them as ascetically pleasing as possible.
Why wont you just admit it!?
>See Anon? I'm perfect!
I seriously don't know why you guys get so upset about that tiny difference. Yeah, it wasn't necessary, but it's also completely irrelevant.
And rectangle with sides a and b such that
(a+b)/a = a/b
Start drinking, it's the only way I can stand family gatherings
Golden rectangle is bullshit anyway. I can guarantee there's prettier ratio's out there.
>using math to cheat
Worst horse.
nah, it's a lie
But every part being measure is at an angle, wouldn't you need her to be standing straight up and facing directly to the left to actually suggest this?
I'm not upset about it, I'm excited to see her friends with the same body type soon.
so...should i draw my oc or do you want a different pony
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>give Luna her first blowjob
>give Luna [..] blowjob
She doesn't have a dick, Anon.
My cum is always really thick, almost chunky, I thought everyone's was like that.
Mewanon confusing your OC for the slutty mare
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this guy
Hush now, quiet now. It's time to lay your sleepy head.
Might as well do that, yeah.
futa or r63

your call really
with a drunk cloudchaser egging him on.
I like your OC and it fits, why not?
It's clearly fate
I want a pony to give me my first blowjob and then make her gag on my unnecessarily large loads
This isn't the place for us, Anon. Come to /co/ with me and wait out the Hurrigayne.
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Draw the gayest pony.
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I read this and thought of you guys.
Is -- is that a dog?
I can function semi-normally if I'm buzzed, I didn't get the appeal of drinking until I turned 21 and could do it consistently.
>crying panda
We've seen it.
Centaurs are pretty fucking hot.
But why so few satyrs?
/co/ is just as gay, though.
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/co/ is more loli. Don't tell them i said that though
>drunk Cloudchaser whispering in Rumble's ear about how horny she is and how hard she's gonna make him cum, gently rubbing him with a hoof while he blushes beet red
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cute pon
MT has a big dumb face.
> drunk girl whispering in your ear how horny she is
That is
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get an addon that lets you edit your cookies, log in to e-hentai, change all instances of e-hentai to exhentai and bam, no more sad panda
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I am just going to leave this here.
anon has a big dumb butt
I just log into e-hentai and somehow the cookies transfer over okay
>tfw not even drunk chicks want to talk to you
oh my
oh geez
oh god
>log in
ah fuck it then
never worked for me, used to have the exhentai addon for firefox, but nightly broke it ages ago apparently
here i gooo
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Oh. If I had known that I'd have posted something else.
It's been kind of a dry week for beast doujins and I don't want to start posting non-beast stuff because I don't think anyone would like it.

And Japs don't like satyrs.
too asymmetrical
same criticism goes for that pank bj too
> Japs don't like satyrs
all the best pornography is login restricted, anon
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sorry dotkwa, but your work really isn't unf worthy
Beast is really popular in Japan because they don't have to censor it due to their weird porn laws. It's all dog stuff as far as I know, no man on mare stuff.
I just use cookie manager.
Do you like satyrs?

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>And Japs don't like satyrs.
what the fuck, you'd think kawaii shit like this would be right up their alley.
It's, well, a mixed bag.
Once I had a girl take me home after we were good and drunk but it didn't go anywhere
I ate her out a bit and then promptly vomited red wine ALL OVER her bathroom
I was as close to blackout drunk as I've ever been, and now I wish I had a total memory wipe
She was still pretty hot and thick but not super-fat, it was great, just the rest of the night was a clusterfuck

Just be careful of women who are TOTALLY on the prowl, it might not end with the fuckerings
search pinkie pie, explicit
I would an MT

I'm not just saying that, I really mean it.
Those red outlines are absolutely obliterating my eyes and giving me a headache
Part of me thinks "ugh, horse vag"
The rest thinks "AWESOME, winking cunt AND I can reach around and knead those amazing breasts and pull her hair and bite her neck like a normal human!"
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>no man on mare stuff.

Are you kidding me? Where were you when I posted this
>Luna satyr
Please no, it gets hard to resist

I can kinda see what you're gettin' at, having the far eye bigger than the close one isn't too asthetically pleasing in most cases.

Except for Discord.
baw, nevermind

or just artist:dotkwa
> still not translated
why not bite a pony's neck
they'd probably like it
I am genuinely upset at this artist.
Didn't know i would ever, ever NEed~
Yeah, it looks like watching a 3D movie without the glasses or some shit like that. Simply hurts my eyes
>Luna satyr

Looks at the eyes.
It's probably not going to get translated for a long ass time.
Beast stuff is rarely ever translated. The original Horsholic still doesn't have any English translations to my knowledge.
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>go to a random page
>horse is actually winking
Mares can wink as hard a blood pressure cuff, imagine how tight a mini mare would be. I couldn't last more than a few minutes, the ultra-tightness combined with the warmth, winking, and sopping wetness would be merciless.

Nah dude, give it a shot.
I like seeing you experiment and improve, cause i see a ton of potential with you and each piece is neat. Go for it.
... that makes it even harder
Yes, certainment
But I know where and how hard to bite in human women
But I have actually had fantasies about knickering Twilight's neck as I plunge a finger or two inside her, pressing against her clitoral cuff in ways she scarcely could have imagined before
I'd be okay with that
It's delicious enough when a human woman cums while I'm inside her
>wwinks at thread
why do people put up with having to create account and login to ehentai?
everything there comes from somewhere else anyone
creating an account on a forum just to download hentai comics, this isn't 2003
>almost finish something
>someone draws a quick sketch over to point out a problem
>it looks a million times better
>have to redo it
>pinkie pie will never wink at you
>she'll never say "peekaboo!" every time she winks
>she gently dabs at the tip of his aching cock and pulls away a string of pre, showing it off to him and then sucking it off her hoof slowly
>she drags her tongue down his belly, slowing as she comes closer to his manhood, making him gasp and shudder
Pony just winked herself into an orgasm
Where's your friend?
stop making me sad
why is creating an account such a big deal?

it takes like two minutes and if you use one of mailinator's alternate domains there's no problems
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> her aim is a little shaky and uncertain as she's so drunk
> But so ... earnest
Yo babbies
Well, to be fair it's not because I'm inside her
Some women really only cum clitorally
It's okay, Anon, there's some girl on OkCupid for you
>tfw you actually have a sexual encounter with a pony and you're so horny that you bust the second they touch you
yo MT
What's up, MighTy?

I would drop massive spaghetti if I met you.
don't let one anon dissuade you
go for it
don't worry they probably expected that being a horse and all
I actually don't like pony sex that much, the idea of getting blown by a pony is much more appealing to me
Cosmo I write you I call you I knock on your door and you still don't talk to me. Why Cosmo, I just want to ask you something.
please, go on
>you will never give anon a pony blowjob
Because almost all of it comes from incomprehensible moonrune websites or physical retail in other countries or something
Using exhentai for western stuff is pointless
I just can't help but think...what the fuck. What's the point of vaginal even if it hardly does anything for the recipient.
>I don't like pony sex, pony sex is much more appealing to me

so are we done shitposting our contributors tonight?
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> implying that isn't according to keikau
They've heard that human men can take minutes or even -gasp- half an hour to orgasm again
They've heard the stories about humans and their insatiable appetite and ss-s-stamina
They want to ensure Anon lasts a while
You're not a contributor, BCS
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>What's the point of vaginal even
It "does something" for almost all women, it just that for some it doesn't get them close enough to orgasm to, well, orgasm
But there's almost nothing in the world like getting a blended orgasm with someone else filling you, either with their organ or a toy or strapon
this confuses me
I don't like it
>human shoulder
fuck off

>everyone I don't like is BCS
>as her tongue reaches the base of his shaft, she starts to fondle and very gently squeeze his swollen sack, kneading it with both hooves while her tongue dances languidly around Rumble's throbbing erection, paying special attention to the sensitive spot on the underside of his head
> her breath is so hot and almost ... woody?
> she smells like such wonderful scotch
> sweet and buttery as she kisses the corner of Rumble's mouth, one bang brushing past his ear
> it's almost as intoxicating as the hooftip which is circling his belly, fetlock just barely brushing at his manhood
Shut up, BCS
Most of the times it just kills all my motivation to finish it. I mean, I'm grateful for people trying to help me and show me whats wrong and I normally take that advice for the next picture I draw, but seeing someone crank out the 'same' picture ten times better in a few minutes is demotivating as hell
> it just that for some it doesn't get them close enough to orgasm
>for some
you mean many
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It's something like 70% of all women can't cum from penetration alone
"Some" is highly variable
Sorry to upset you
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>everyone I don't like is BCS
Anal doesn't make most guys cum
It's still fun
Having someone pound you is worth it even if you have to jerk yourself off a little to cum

Sex is more about intimacy than sensations
Shut up BCS
hoh my unf theres a lot of power in dat ass
star power
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sorry, anon, shoulders are canon; it's been proven multiple times
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Why do I love him so much?
Which leads to the same question; what the fuck is the point and why the hell is it like this.
It's also true that being that intimate, the weight, the full sensation, the heat, their hands all over, what they say, how they approach it makes any blended orgasm pretty amazing
>Sex is more about intimacy than sensations
the heat, touch and sounds coming from another person drive me wild enough
being fugged feels good as fug
>ball play

My nigga, so few fics have it and it feels incredible
I'm just trying to share my insight, Anon
I've never been with a girl
They're gross
There is no correlation between fertility and sexual pleasure

There is however some correlation between sexual satisfaction and pair-bonding

This means a weak evolutionary pressure for a woman to orgasm consistently from penetration alone, and perhaps a stronger one for finding a mate able to pleasure her in other ways
I drink way too much to care about you or anyone else, and NTSTS wants me to think about atoms and shit to really experience the universe. His dick feel really good when we go at that.
I've had women who came from anal alone
don't do that
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>pinkie pie writes snack advice
Intimacy makes me uncomfortable, I want to get a mare because the sensation is superior to a human and I can fuck her whenever I want
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More Cards Against Humanity when?
that shits weird, yo
Pinkie doesn't use toothpaste for party snacks you doofus
I think you're better off with just getting a hooker then, Anon

were we playing it
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>Cards Against Humanity
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>"Oh joy, another specie for me to fuck!"

>I can fuck her whenever I want
>HEADLINE: Man Trampled Whilst Raping a Horse!
Do what? Think about NTSTS pounding my ass?
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sounds good to me
Stop that

shit motherfucker hold on gimme a few minutes i gotta shower
protip: don't fuck horses
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I'm too nervous, I actually ride horses and I want to own some land and a mare out in the country, so I can go on leisurely rides with her and then hitch her to a tree and fuck like animals

Oh man, I wanna play.
The last time i played was at unicon with stephan andrews
A horse will kick you hard enough to pulverize your organs and bones if agitated
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What if Pinkie's big secret is that she's actually a really malicious practical joker and loves to feed people treats and sweets which are actually inedible things in disguise
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what the fuck is that
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Will there be Skype again?
Yeah no you actually need a girlfriend
Or a therapist first
Japanese candy kit

Just a single specie?
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So anon... you probably heard Iron Maiden is touring and uh, I got t-two tickets and I was wondering ifyou'dliketogowithmeplease?
when was the last time you cleaned for smegma
How many fucking times is the Doctor going to 'finish off' the Daleks?
I've been going to therapy for more than a decade, I just want to make love to my mare in peace and quiet
> "Specie"
> not "Species"
> You realize all too quickly she means "specimen", one she'll test in all manner of ways to feel out her pleasure
fuck a cartoon pony instead
I don't like what this did to my youtube

>everyone I don't like is BCS

sorry yellow horse i already bought tickets for koan sound
hey man its your call

just do me a kindness and let me know what state you live in so i can at least read the hilarious obituary
look when you're the size of a horse you can't easily fuck all the bloody little single-celled organisms that you see everyday
I'd love to go
I hate Iron Maiden though
I hope she genuinely likes them and isn't just taking a stab at what I'd like

Ross please
>thinly veiled attempt to ignited cut v uncut arguments

I'll have you know that I haven't touched my penis in over a week because it got all sore from jerking off too much, night threads make me want to cum bad, but I have to resist
But Fluttershy
My tinnitus is terrible
I'll seriously have to put in earplugs for a $100 concert
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Not the exact video, but

That's not true, but it will fuck you up.
13 years ago
Oral will be for tomorrow.
Seriously, someone tell sentenal to stop asking me to say what underwear I use.
What should we design the Counter Twilight robots with in the event that she goes rogue of course?
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this kills the heart
I'd take her to a music festival and smoke pot and take mescaline together, then watch the sun set and the stars come out while we hold hands
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i can't write dialogue
>pink pone will never be there to cheer you up when you're sad
>no one will ever be there for you
hnnnng that's a cute pinkie
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I love you lemon

Do you have a tumblr?
With a donate button?
>One great Zebra/Human threesome pic
>Think it's gonna be the start of GG drawing great new stuff
>Then nothing

I'm not Ross either you dingaling

guess again
Would Pinkie Pie do sexual things just to make other people happy?
Alright, you've had your fun. Move on.
But I had these Mountain Goats tickets and I thought maybe you would want to go with me.
I guess I'll ask Twilight.
>pinkie pie hugs you while you sleep and dissappears the moment you wake
>she continues to do this in hopes of making you feel better long after you've forgotten all about mlp

You're either Ross or BCS

there is no other option
Why does it always have to be sexual with you guys?
That's pretty good
It works great for a drunk mare that's lost all subtlety, Dotty
draw drunk Flitter joining in also
I tried but the bubble berry tf story from earlier broke me
I want to take Twilight to a stargazing party
Give him time
He got a little burnt out on Mti and Mua, but I'm sure he'll do more.
teasing like this is way too hot
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Thanks for reminding me
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>traumatizing the poor colt
I'd like it more if she was less needy looking and more overbearing
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I would anon, but I can't waste these tickets. I saved up f-for a while for them...*sniff*..

see you later...
I wish stallion/femanon saturdays really would become a thing. Or every day.
> you wanna /ss/
wait, whats different from the first one?
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>tfw MLPG only cares about sexual things
Well no wonder no one ever notices my stuff. I don't even want to draw porn though. I should probably just leave.
I have been party to this
By the end of teasing she sometimes jumps me
Like literally, roll-me-over and mount me
One time it went up against her pubic bone
I got pity blowjobs for a week
Seriously, sentenal is so fucking retarded. How do you put up with him every day?
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>males can be raped by females
ahahahahahah no such thing.
It's an honest question, she obviously wants to make people happy, but how far would she go? Stopping every 10 minutes to please a lonely looking stallion? Gently sucking off a nervous colt while telling him that it's OK to feel nervous, and to just relax and let his body do the work?
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I thought Ross fucked off to draw the sanics and the mogamen.
You ain't starting shit.
I'll go with you
I forgot to put in the word "now"
I don't post porn here and they're usually fine with it, just keep trying as long as it doesn't wear you down too much
because that's how shit works, bitch
adapt or get ignored.
what do you have against making smut?

there ARE things that are nonsexual that get our attention, but lewd is way more popular
Just say "hey guys, I made a thing"

I always respond to those. I'm not here for lewd at all.

I am neither Ross nor BCS.

No, he came back after realized we're literally the only people who pay attention to his art that aren't creepy fatfurs.
We like non-porn art too
Don't be discouraged
I dont know how to make a donation button. I dont even have a credit card.
>implying my work is worth donation.
this bait is old and stale

What's it like not existing?
Probably by ignoring him like every sane person should.
You're worse.
You don't keep an archive of things I like and all you do is shitpost about someone who's easily tolerable.
Ross came back a few days ago, and shot down my fetish
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I haven't had a heart attack today. Was it good? Are you a good artist.
I have this ability to ignore things that bother me for the most part, and generally avoided him wherever possible. Until, lately of course.
If it means that much to you I'll go with you.
I can listen to The Mountain Goats anytime, and I don't want you to miss out on seeing your favorite band just because of me.
I'm sure we'll have a great time together.

People loved that pinkie sleepover quest when it was clean. Some people were even for keeping it entirely clean.

If you can make cute ponies people will enjoy it.
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I want to see Twilight doing high level illusions in S4

Like how Luna could make herself look like nightmare moon, and make her guards look like bats.
She's a vicious tease, she'll do that for an hour or more, drinking in his desperation and frustration, coaxing him into earth-shattering orgasms that make him shudder, grunt, and moan involuntarily
>You have a moment to blink before Pinkie gasps, eyes lighting up as she dashes to you and begins tugging on your sleeve in excitement.
>Her smile gets even bigger as she wraps you up in a tight hug, pinning your arms to your sides and causing you to drop your fork with a clatter.
Majority vote.
If it isn't lewd, then go fuck off somewhere else.
You need Paypal. Not sure how to set one up, but you can probably find some guide with google.
Oh wow i didn't realize lemon came here, I love your stuff!
That's not true though, normally I prefer cute or funny or romantic stuff over lewd.
Why did he even want to bother you so much anyway?
>make her guards look like bats.
They are bats
>when it was clean

it started dirty though
>make her guards look like bats.
subtle bait
i dont draw porn and i get called a popularfag on the daily
>Gently sucking off a nervous colt while telling him that it's OK to feel nervous

Pinkie, that's rape, that's not ok
oh, I was looking for you

I wrote this because of how hard you got slammed http://pastebin.com/prUyySqN

I started writing a second part but it was shit so I dropped it
no it didn't

It was pank sending boxes and then coming over for a nice friendly get together
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I'd hang out with Fluttershy.

you should draw provocative things
Pinkie Sleepover Quest is great whether you stop before the porn or after the porn
Part six WHEN
>her lips press against his, her tongue forcing its way into his mouth
>he can taste the alcohol on her
>feel her body burning hot against his
>he doesn't want to want it...
>but he does
>he wants it so bad
>one hoof comes to rest on the back of her head as he returns the kiss, entwining his tongue with hers
>"Mmm~" she hums with a giggle, feeling him throb against her hoof
Yes it did.
>no it didn't

We sent her dildos and got back cum-stained letters.
I assume you're sexually attracted to Lyra and regularly masturbate to fantasies about her, right?
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Who wouldn't want a blowjob from a cutie like me!
Anybody up for Cards Against Humanity?
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Brae pulled a Jr.
You're drawing stuff that I like, so in my book you DO deserve a donation.
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I dont even know or care to find out. It's no longer important though, so now we can pone and have fun.
Saw it the other day

It has movement, could go places. I feel like you wasted a perfectly good chance though with the distinct lack of tongue play in the act of swallowing. Not a bad start.
I wouldn't

hopefully never
i'm sick and tired of you faggots asking for it

Well, it sort of sucks... I don't like it, sir. Not one bit.
the majority can go fuck itself
What is this even.

It had a hint pinkie was hot for anon yeah, but it was still clean and cute. It wasn't explicit or anything.

It was still not really sexually based though, which is the point.
But the Tumblr says --

because "projects!"
>she scrapes you with her teeth constantly, sucks painfully hard, and makes exaggerating slurping and gagging sounds while going as fast as possible
What time should I meet you?
Just set a room up, people are more likely to go if you have it ready instead of asking
you know this
circlejerking all day doesn't halp, retard
Game is "Pone's Game"

Password is boop
Why do you dislike him so much anyway?
>i dont draw porn

-Present Evidence

Really? I think it'd be nice to get rid of all the burden that comes with existing.
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but I just want to chill
It's pretty easy to pick up when you see it.
Fluttershy = best blowjobs

Going slow and paying attention to what your partner likes the most is the number one aspect of giving a good blowjob
We're talking pictures drawn, not what we assume people do
I'll keep that in mind on the off chance I decide to write more!
I think we went over this a few days ago. Sentenal wanted to ask him/add him for a project the two of them where in, but Cosmo never responded back. The way sent made it out, Cosmo was being a prick the entire time.
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I just draw what I want and really care little if I get flack on it or not. I even have some art that generates hate.
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Stop browsing MLPG and clip your nails.
porn isn't a regular thing for him rather
He won't feel so nervous after his orgasm. Besides, she would at least have the common decency to cuddle with him afterwards.
You use words on cards to fill in the blanks and be a terrible person
College starting is pretty rough. That guy deserves a day off and a pizza maybe.

I hope that was his Labor Day. Pizza and lazing in air conditioning.
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Lets chill with your dick in my mouth
GG pls

color the old twins stuff
Those who want nothing but mlp porn online are the EXTREMELY vocal minority, they simply samefag until it seems like a large amount of people.
Unbelievably obnoxious.
oh fuck.
she needs to do some tongue sucking and play with his tip.
Celestia is way better at sucking dick than you, fuck off
I've got no nails because of my anxiety
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I feel like drawing but I can't promise anything

I already have, and they're clean too
coloring = too much time not enough return
I got other stuff to be doing
Dash, I just wanted to watch a movie and maybe listen to some music and play vidya.
I'm not attracted to you like that. I don't even want to fuck my waifu.
Can't we just be friends?

this this this this this this this
I need my right hand's nails to play guitar.
How about fuck no.
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Hey, ain't happenin' less I'm reciprocatin'.
pony contemplating their marshmallow hooves
or maybe it could be that everyone on 4chan is really horny by default and being on late at night just aggravates that fact
It started sexual, went tamer because we feigned ignorance on her overtures (despite sending dildos), and got to a branching point where it could get sexual again. He always wanted to do the sex part but was okay with the cute part, and the majority agreed to to the SFW part before the NSFW and continue the NSFW from the SFW part.
CMC playing with a pile of dice
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The concert is this Saturday and it starts at 8, so we should probably meet up around 6:30
fluts having picnic with angel
CMC braid train.
like celestiafags

fuck you
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Ahhh. Gurl look at that body.

(she works out)
>starting new projects to never finish
good idea anon, I'm on it!
I liked the wax and wane.
>not flicking her tongue against his frenulum and tracing small semi-circles over it with the tip of her tongue
shota anon cuddling with his filly waifu
If he can't figure it out at this point that's his problem. I was being crystal clear enough through text. Anyway. Irrelevent. It's pony time.
seconding the braid train
Okay, sounds good. We can grab something to eat real quick on the way.
Shall I pick you up?

Crossdressing dudes is my fetish
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dash is a very firm pegasus
MLPG quick to combat the shitposters, post all your nonsexual unfs!!
Exactly, have to vote like 20 times so their waifu is chosen only to be DQ'd
Girls fresh out of a hot shower wearing a bathrobe/towel
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oh fuck Sibsy don't stop
Who the fuck has a pile of dice?
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Hoof holding
It didn't matter anyway, LunaQuest was a bust from shitposters all around.
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but I'd rather unf
this guy's work may not be the most anatomically correct, but god if it doesn't make my dick hard.
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She works out, is a blackbelt, and rainbooms like nobodys business
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yes please
>he doesn't have a pile of dice
oh fuck
I feel ill
FaceCheek rubbing together
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And this killed the quest
What doesn't get your dick hard, anon?
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I love GTA:SA

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lyra got into the cupboard under the sink and destroyed her stomach lining
she's bleeding internally
-How probable is it that your request is going to be fulfilled/finished? v2.5-.

-Your request contains a popular BG pony. Ponies who are not G4 do not effect this either way (i.e. it's +0): +1
-Your /r/ is humorous in some way: +1
-/r/ contains tame, tasteful shipping (a kiss, blushing, hugging): +1
-You are patient. You've made your request no more than once a thread: +1
-request is contains a unique situation: +1
-Your request contains the mane six: +2
-/r/ leaves room for interpretation: +3
-Explicit Shipping: -1
-Memes: -1
-Making multiple intertwined requests at once: -1
-"Humanized": -1
-...Wanting any humans in general (This includes Anon): -1
-Your /r/ has some grimdark to it: -1
-Asking for a pic with more than one or two characters: -1 for each character past two
-/r/ a fetish pic: -1
-...it is a fetish that is considered odd even by 4chan standards (example: Diapers, vore): -1
-Your /r/ has been fulfilled before: -2
-...Your /r/ has been fulfilled recently i.e. this or the last thread: -5
-Your request contains characters from other works (does not apply for a pony dressed as characters from other media): -1 for each crossover.
-Your request is specific down to the last detail: -1
-Asking for a pic of an OC: -2
-...OC is being shipped with a main character: -3
-...OC is being shipped with another OC: -5
-Being unsatisfied with the time taken or quality of the pic: -5

More than 5: rev up your "save image as", because your request has a high probability of being done!
1 to 5: Pretty likely, but might take a thread.
0 to (-5): Not likely, but don't give up hope.
Less than -5: Might as well learn to draw, because there is a low probability your request will be fulfilled in a timely manner.
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I'd like to chill with that pegasus
Broke broke it, Sent's post was largly ignored for the duration of the quest after being initially reprimanded.
If only we had had the same group of people who were there for Pinkie(which was run differently) and Rarity quest.
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그래서 사용하면 오브젝트 단계를 거치나요?
everything about this is terrible, especially the ears
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>drunk minty pony

top unf
>shipping 2 ocs is worse then shipping an oc and a main character

One trillion hitlers.
Nightmarity is pretty rad though. Art of her is a bit scarce though.
You'd like to do everything with that pegasus.
You'd share your life with that pegasus.
I want this to be my penis so much

You know the solution, mate.
You could make her fabulous.
I don't know who made this list, but it's kind of dumb
Pretty ponies.
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I feel like the first two comic arcs should have been 6 issues instead of 4.
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it's not a lot, but she was a good amount
But NMM is prettier than NMR
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How pretty?
She's already pretty damn fabulous. I feel like a white dress or alicorn armor on her body could look even greater.
There's good and bad in that though, pacing wise, things could start to drag if its longer than necessary.
>wanting cosmo to draw
Oh god no.
It would have helped the pacing, Twilight's confrontation with Chrysalis was 2Sue4me.
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>those creamy ,thick thighs
>those tits
>that curvaceous body

I want a thighjob from that Celestia
At least it's not Dr.White
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Would you buy one?
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Fuck you
I am confident I have no need for whatever the fuck that is.
what would I do with a knife with a stupidly unusable handle
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giga nf
That doesn't look effective for anything.
I'll take a beak whenever I want
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I would take Derpy to the gara
>sees you
>you reach for a pink pony object
>he laughs his ass off
>you whip out knife thing
>he laughs harder
This pic I haven't seen before and I like it a lot. Especially that she's a bit taller than Luna is.
>still no art of Time Turner fucking the other 5

This fucking fandom, I swear.
That is just a gross body
Iron Will is going to break you whenever he wants.
>implying I wouldn't pull a gun out of my lyra plushie
wouldn't you have to pull your dick out first
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It's fairly new, maybe a week old.
That is the gun
Tomorrow next time. I have some sleeping to do.
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>those dicksucking lips

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Those accessories look awful and her mane looks too much like Purple Tinker's OC's.
oh my god
it's perfect
All i want to do is ask her whats wrong and do all i can to make her feel better... is that so much to ask?
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Well, I mention 6 because that's the other standard trade paperback size, and the resolutions to both arcs felt a bit rushed.

Chrysalis made some interesting overtures about plans for Twilight Sparkle that couldn't possibly be explored in the time they had; one more issue might have been enough for that, though. But the confrontation was just really brief after two adventure issues that, fun as they were, didn't really pit them against the villain.

And Nightmare Rarity only really got two issues to do anything, since the first two were lead-in, and Luna's little sub-arc was kind of a disappointing non-resolution. It could have been more interesting to give her more time to be establish herself further as a strengthening villainess to make the outcome stronger.

Basically, I just feel like the 4 issue format may have been a safer bet for a new IP on IDW's part but they hurt the story potential.
Is anyone else just slightly dissapointed she didn't get wings? I thought the nightmare thing was a power package deal
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>mfw waiting for gtaV to leak online so i have something to do till S04 of pone starts
luna didnt grow wings because of the nightmare energy
Eh, maybe if it was obvious they weren't natural like an alicorns and had some kind of magical distortion.
I've just been finishing my backlog of comics while I wait.
>tfw waiting for Square Enix to learn how to run servers so I have something to do til S4
>video games
I read in an earlier thread that hotsauce was back, anyone got a link for his stories since the old archive is dead?
>her hoof traces little circles around his painfully-hard shaft, making him moan softly into the kiss
>his body trembles as she suckles on his tongue
>a few globules of pre start to seep from his tip, dripping slowly down the base of his length
>brushing her hoof up his cock, she collects the clear goop and parts her lips from his
>he whimpers at the loss; all former restraint has long since fled from him
>all he wants now is more
>more pleasure
>more of her
>seeing the yearning look on his face, Cloudchaser chuckles and brings her hoof to her lips
>Rumble's heart pounds in his chest as she licks up his masculine residues, basting her hoof clean
>licking her lips, she gazes at him with dreamy, half-lidded eyes
>he can't utter any more than a throaty croak as she shimmies her way down his body, positioning her head so her snout nuzzles against the underside of his shaft
>"I want more..."
Do you have a jtag 360 or Jailbroken Ps3?
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>current gen MMOs
Sounds good.
See you then, Fluttershy.
It has enough FF fan service to get me interested.

>tfw the ff2 remix
>Implying superiority
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best drunk pony
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what if pony
Well, no, she get taller, more powerful and slightly deranges. Or was already deranged?
I guess. I had this assumption it would change their breed into what was most powerful. Alicorns. It could have gone either way but I don't mind Nightmaritys lack of wings. She looks so striking this way.
you put that tail down this instant
How the hell does one hack a PS3 anyways? i want to JOOOJO without paying out the ass.
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best drunk cat
I've heard the FF14 reboot is really damn good for an MMO

Shut up Rossf
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you can't tell me what to do
It's basically WoW with Chocobos now.
It's a WoW clone, that's all

I don't know if it's actually him since it was a 2 month old post, but I'm really hopeful.
She also got genuine fangs out of the transformation (besides the normal cartoon pony canines).
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ohhhhh fuck
>not making her taste himself

so close.
what are you so nervous about
Neat, thanks.
Well that's strange, because it shouldn't
because it certainly LOOKS so, so right

Yep pretty much. WoW with an FF flavor is fine with me though.

And the music. unf.
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when did mew become so gay
since you're no longer interested in females I'm taking lyra
I don't want to knife pinkie in the butt. Even if she looks so happy having it done.