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My Little Pony General

Spike is the best horse

Dead: >>13171377
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imports from old horse

Only Twi's been shipped out so far
Ponk is up for preorder
Flutters is confirmed next at browniecon
Dash is probably fourth for maximum bronybux
That leaves AJ or Rarara for fifth

so give it half a year
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Second for ponk peu
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Sort of
that's not a horse either!
sheesh mlpg
86 days
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>tfw endii hates her
>tfw I don't like thing
Soup time.

Chicken or Spicy Shrimp?
the only reason I even make threads lately is so that some idiot doesn't.
Didn't ednii recently make that quest with snoop lion?
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>Only 86 days.
pony butts drive me nuts

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But muh rarity plush

>tfw you will never lay with Rover and stare into his eyes
I know that feel.
>"M-mr. Starswirl, sir."
>Starswirl looks up from his twelfth or twentieth book. Twelfth that he's read. Twentieth that he's eaten. Its hard to keep track.
>Twilight is holding up for him his own personal spell book, the which she herself was able to complete and become a princess, inventing new magic.
>He just looks at her. The lights are on, but everyone is on vacation and the dog is at a sitters.
>"I-I wanted to show you this." She flips to the last page. "See? I was able to finish what you started."
>He continues to look at her stupidly, not comprehending
>He's only been living here a few days, but the tree library is already a mess. Books are strewn everywhere. Un eaten food is molding on tables and floors. Spike's been no where to be seen. Yet he's thrown out some of Twilight's most important posessions, including the Elements of Harmony, which she scooped out of the waste bin
>"I just wanted to show you because....well, you're my idol. You're the pony I most wanted to emulate, aside from Princess Celestia. You're insight and understand of magic and the world has do-"
>He reaches forward and tears the last page of the book, devouring it and the spell Twilight had modified and then continues reading the book in front of him
>She's so shocked and taken about what just happened all she can think is "Yup, twentieth book."
That's kind of gay
The same could be said of MLPG in general

It's only gay if the balls touch

tfw will never frot with Roverwhile staring into his eyes
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Hey, at least we have comics to tide us ogre.

also EQG soon, right?

Patience, anon. It's not my fault they decided to do the two best horses first.
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Would doge enjoy faux banana ice cream on French toast?



draw stupid sexy Rover
Writer here.

Stop immediately.

Go back to puns and stupid jokes.

This story is literally reading like an extended version of the Stiggs intro.
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Could you eat that thing like a small sandwich with your Cherno Alpha hands?
fuck you I love his stories
So I just woke up
Was the comic released?
Writing fanfiction does not mean your criticisms are worth listening to.
Anonymous here

Shut the fuck up and sit down

Let people write what they want

Eat shit
Maybe? I ate a sammich about that big the other day with just one hand. Not that it's a good idea, that's a hell of a huge dessert.

I thought they were just Wreck It Ralph hands, though.
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Fight me, quads.

General browser here, ignore this fagort.
My waifu is the gold standard.
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>I guess this Anon has something in common with Faceless...
>Yeah, they both enjoy shit!

Cherno Alpha is cooler
Yes. Go buy it because it's never getting scanned.
It's totally better than that stupid harem thing I was writing with Cloudchaser and Flitter crashing in Anon's house unexpectedly.
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Marker has a bad password, what do?
Chistery has like Cherno Alpha hands?
post more human acid
That's not Acid, you quintuple-nigger.
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Prise pls

>fans of danfoms
He's turned Starswirl into a 'lolrandum XD' character.
Astronaut here, shut the fuck up
Wait, what?
Wait, WHAT?
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The quads have already spoken

Though ponk is actually 2nd best pone
I don't take orders from space cases!
No, I'm serious.
Empire isn't scanning the comic anymore.Buy the book.
Pretty sure there's a difference between 'lolsorandumb XD' and 'age and magic overuse have finally taken away his sense, leaving him a barely-functional person'.
Well I guess I got an upgrade.

Th-thanks Anon.
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I did a femrover
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Let's talk about Ponk.

I like her mane.

No problem
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That movie was so good

>Tfw no starfighter pilot pone except for that scene
"eccentric mage with little sense of right and wrong" is a pretty common trope
I like her butt

It's pretty good, but it needs a little something

maybe uh

wider hips?
>I did a femrover
You ready to take care of the litter?
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You going to call back or was it just a one night thing?
>doge with tits

too furry
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Its midnight but...ok
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Heres my draw
>torso and hips not in alignment
>that might-be-sitting pose
>dat chub
I've been in enough D&D sessions with wizards to tell you that no, you're wrong

isaac pls we need a real marker
10/10 I hate it - Gamespot

you should use SAI

even if you're using a mouse
Just because Rick is an asshole wizard doesn't mean all wizards are assholes
Age and magic does not turn powerful mages into Shotgun Wizards.

Usually Liches, but not Shotgun Wizards.
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I like her smile
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Ah, dang, it doesn't work when I link to the wrong post. Sorry, Chistery.

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>sound player is broken
where's the working one at?

me too
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>that pic

That reminds me: Would any of you homos care if I storytimed all of the original Mask comics on /co/ this weekend? I was planning on doing them after I did Microwave Plane 1&2 and maybe Asscastle.
wizards are by definition assholes
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I'll do better next time, coach
Microwave Planet*
Sure, why not? The only time I ever go to /co/ anymore is for Toonami.
I was so confused.
I DID think we had something special, Isaac. ;_;
Shut up Rick.
Why did you draw an anon rodent?
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Sounds fun
Skip asscastle

Do mask
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>doge thread
Pony toots beside you. Do you hold your nose or breath it in and appreciate the smell?
But not bumbfuck retarded.

if his brain is so fucked how does he know how to even use magic eh?!
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why i unf
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>"Twilight, we really think you should tell princess Celestia about this."
>The other five confront Twilight in her home. She's defensive. For all his problems....its Starswirl the freaking Bearded.
>"What? Why?"
>"Because he came by my farm and turned all of the apples into wooden toys!" Applejack says, furios
>"He said it was a holiday...."
>"And he's been being upfront with me and everyother proper mare in ponyville!" Rarity says haughtily
>"Well, a stallion of his years is bound to be lonely...."
>"And he keeps trying to scare me!" Fluttershy says, on hte verge of tears.
>"Well Flutershy, you do tend to get scared a l-"
>"He turned inside out!"
>"Yeah!" Dash says, backing her up. "And he keeps changing the weather with his freak magic."
>"It's not freak! I'll have you know he invented th-"
>"Twilight, its snowing outside and its 90 degrees."
>"Well....hmmm..." Twilight turns to Pinkie.
>She hold up a cupcake
>"No thanks, Pinkie. I'm not hungry."
>"It's Gummy."
>"What? Oh......ohhhhhh."

Actually yeah, the Shutgun Wizard comic was what originally started this idea for me. The bsis of my idea of the character was that he lacked that important element that Twilight had found through friendship, and thus could not achieve the things she had, despite his great knowledge

But I'm going somewhere with this

Probably not anywhere good, but I'm going there


now some pubes
Do it and let us know

I don't frequent /co/
same reason why people who learn to drive can also be capable of getting drunk before getting behind the wheel
I would laugh at pony
Damn it how did you know of my fetish for disproportionately large asses?
>not at least lurking /co/

why are you here?????
Is that just a pun at the word anonymous or is there something going on here?
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>Skip Asscastle

I can't believe what I'm hearing
Sojust read the Big Mac book.

Really great and enjoyable bit for me it wasn't the same reaction as the Nightmareity and Chrysalis comics. I just prefer the comics to be about the mane characters.

Don't get me wrong I loved it but it just wasn't exciting at all for me. It was just some fun and that's it. It was the same reaction I had when reading a micro. Fun as hell but after all of that Eh it was cool but that's it.
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Apologies. Perhaps you can look back on this moment with cerise-stained lenses, if it helps.
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That's a pretty cute Ponk.
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Do I upgrade my kittens or get these extra 10% income cookies

pls help
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Alright, cool. I'll probably start on Friday after after I get home from work. I'll let you guys know when I start, but I can't post a link because you know how that goes.

Do you guys want to know when I do Microwave Planet or just the Mask? Because it probably won't be in the same thread.
It was lame and kind of creepy.

The artist calls himself lamezone.
I'm in the same boat. I don't mindlessly browse most boards unless I'm looking for a specific topic in particular
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doge thread
Cats. They increase exponentially, as opposed to the percentage boost.
That...makes zero sense.
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> cerise-stained lenses
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>ever not cute
>only 30 million cps
Just wow

Go with the kitties.
just because someone can have a high INT doesn't mean they don't have shitty WIS
(read: all of the time)
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how does it feel
Ponk should not be a sad pony.
Get her another sundae.

what the fuck is milk and how does it worn anyways

I got on the wagon late okay

Uh, hello and/or duh?
Why would anyone think it's not canon?
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No the artist is named Party Dog. His Website and tumblr is called lamezone.
He's seriously one of my favorite indie comix guys around next to Simon.

That's why I like Ghost so much, because her art reminds me of his
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> Cerise-stained lenses
You mean Rose Tinte-
Wait that hasn't been written in like two years.
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>Twi had this experience and learned from it

This is the only thing that bothers me.

Learned what exactly? That Friendship is Magic?!

MLP Season 3 is not canon.
>Tfw you still have a decent argument against "ponies are canon attracted to humans"
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>draw Junebug

So, would a flower-cart at a pony market be like a snack-cart at a market here?
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As long as it isn't mentioned in the show I guess
>robot fists
Saffron what temple did you get into this time?
Probably. And vases are candy dishes.
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pony is dead
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>tfw there'll never be an augmented reality pone game for the 3DS
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That teen pregnancy crosses dimensional borders.
I like Family Matters
for the longest time idiots kept saying dont worry its separate universes

like rugrats grown up
Pone would poop pixels all over your hand
It's not that surprising, though what the Sam Hell did she learn, other than "coast through everything, your friends will see you through and your magic powers will return despite being in a region of space-time where they shouldn't work at all?"

I mean even if it's "how to handle being asked on a date," hey, whatever, man
that's so cute
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Not all flowers are edible to horses though

Mostly just the ones that are edible to humans, like all the daisies except the one used to make absinthe, tiger lilies, and roses.
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I don't know. I think Urkel was cheesy.

That means twi also has a canon crush, we maximum girly tripe show now. faust is rolling in her grave.
But Rugrats Grown Up is in continuity with the original series.
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It's not pony or horse related, but I thought at least a few of you would like it
It was your typical cheesy 90's sitcom
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Don't drink and write.
ponk the pank
Dude it doesn't matter what real horses can eat.

Tomatoes, chocolate and a shitload of things are deadly to horses yet they eat them on the show.
Fuck sake by now all the Apple family should be dead from eating so many Apple seeds
the thing is people were saying mlp and EQG are not related at all.

they were wrong and the doomsayers were right.
>"Look, I know you all have problems with him and normally I would be right behind you on this. But he's really just a very old pony all alone in this time and we really should give him a little slack. I mean, he hasn't hurt anyone."
>Pinkie shoves the cupcake in her face
>"Pinkie," Twilight says, bushing her hoof aside. "Think about it. If you were a cupcake, would you be unhappy?"
>Pinkie is taken aback and actually has to go sit down and ponder this for a while.
>"I assure you that Starawirl is nothing more then just aan elderly pony in his twilight years..." Twilight says, flinging open the door to the basement where Starswirl is staying
>Inside is a huge contraption, with spuriting Tesla coils, savage bolts of electricitly danceing and Spike as the ceterpeice, hacinging upside down. He seems to be asleep.
>Below him is a funnel and below that is a jar full of a bright green liquid. And next to that is Starswirl, wearing huge goggles
>He looks up at the ponies when they open the door
>"I require a large amount of dragon essence for my experiments. This will not suffice."
>"Ok," Twilight says. "Let's get the princess."

That's not at all true!

The difference between Discord and this character is Discord is actually good.For two episodes
Please stop shitposting.
well i needed that
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Since we're hurrring and durrring about the movie, why was Earth Twilight going to a different school then everyone else in Equestria?
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Apple seeds aren't toxic unless you eat a few thousand of them in the span of a few hours

>show horses have a human diet so little kids don't want to mimic them and eat poisonous foods
>implying that it changes what flowers they can eat all that much
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That artist also did a MLP doujin if you're interested
Few months ago:
>Well. as long as EQG is stand-alone thing and not canon Im ok with that
>As long as it isn't mentioned in the show I' ok with that
After s04 episodes:
>Well as long <insert another brony excuse>

You are pathetic.
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Oh, this is all because you're crying over Flash Sentry? Jeez, anon, just because he's not going to be a character in S4 doesn't mean he doesn't exist.
She never transferred from the other school, the one she went to in canterlot before episode 1
>not fucking deadly


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Old news, stop being so slow, he is canon and in the show:
meghan never said that. she used her lie speak to evade the question.
yeah i already saw that when it was posted
He is canon, but not in the show
No, I've always been saying that.
If it becomes a big thing then yeah, I'll probably just watch S4 for the sake of it and leave after that
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Sorry, those are not poisonous to either horses or humans.
Some of them actually taste kinda good.
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But then why is Celestia the principal at that one particular school, with her sister as vice principal, and everyone from the show there (minus Flash Sentry)?
That's because the girls in Equestria are slightly older and out of school. Twilight basically went diagonally back in time.

But what if Sunset made certain Twilight's parents never moved to the Canterlot High area?
A cup of seeds is deadly for horses.
A goddamn cup. That probably means 100-200 apples, true but I could see the Apple family having Apple eating contest when visiting relatives or things like that.

And yes it actually kinda changes since they aren't like humans nor like horses
They also eat hay. Isn't hay dnagerous for humans
>all of those piercings
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She didn't evade the question nor lied.
Didn't she say that EQG Wasn't canon specifically in a tweet?
You can eat hay, you just shit it out whole.
Dude in that universe Celestia doesn't know Twilight. One of the ost important parts of Twilight's life isn't there.
Also Sunset Shimmer has been there for at least 10 years.

>but not in the show

only a matter of time
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What is in "Equrstria Girls is canon" you don't understand? What me to explain?
>Isn't hay dnagerous for humans
It depends if there's a mold or fungus roosting in it, but mostly it's just not going to break down properly in a human intestine. You can eat it but you get like dick nothing in nutrition from it.

He didn't say they were toxic. He was using them as an example of flowers that humans CAN eat.

I mean, Rosewater is a flavor. And there are flower-flavored teas and sodas out there.
She's a liar who has to dance on the strings Hasbro gives her. What did you expect to happen?

Pinkie getting attacked by giant cookies
Q: Does twilights boyfriend exist in the mlp universe?
Meghan: He does not appear in season 4.

how does that answer the question?
He is canon, but won't make an appearance in season 4

These statements are not contradictory you know?
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>Didn't she say that EQG Wasn't canon specifically in a tweet?
Meet McCunty, anon.
Not really.
The question was "will he be a character in season 4"
He lives in another kingdom. That's my guess.
No, she said nothing of that exact nature.

All she said on it was that Twilight's BF won't be a charachter in s4
I'm really disappointed that upon receiving news about the show, someone's first reaction is to come here and repeatedly shitpost with it.
>shitposters everywhere
See you later MLPG

I'd like to see her force me to stop denying that EQG ever happened, much less make me accept it as canon.
Uh, dude, "thirty moons" works out to two to three solar years. It's a real pain in the ass but it hasn't been a decade.

Sunset may have been Celestia's star protoge before Twilight, but she's been gone only about as long as her stay in Canterlot High. It's possible that Celestia has other students under her care but only Twilight has been the one chosen as her "most faithful."
Pretty much yeah.

He's on staff as a guard in the crystal empire and twilight is off elsewhere doing princess things.
He's a new guard in the Crystal Empire.

That's literally all we know about him.
Pinkie being tackle hugged by gilda who is clearly drunk
He's a guard in the Crystal Empire
Oh god he's more a gary stu than I imagined.

He needs to work on his list of edible flowers then.

Fun fact red roses taste like strawberries slightly. Texture is like felt, be warned.
po po po po PONIES
Sex fucking pony
You are no better than this pathetic piece of shit:

Keep saying that and I will see your reaction when he will be confirmed as canon. It won't be long, just as with EQG confirmation. Stay brony my friend.
what if the orbital period of equestria's moon is longer/shorter than the one of erath?
It's not that strange really, the guards were probably short handed and just needed some extra horsepower
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would you a bug, mlpg
Nah, it's not, Apple Bloom would be a lot older otherwise.
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Are you sure? I thought I remembered a screencap floating around specifically saying EQG wasn't canon
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so guys

how's your wait going

Well it's not really surprising - most fruit trees cultivated today are in the Rosaceae family, which makes them all distantly related to roses.
In the comic Sunset goes in the human world before Twilight even took the entrence exam. Before she had her cutie mark.
Fanfiction chat please go
He is canon

Canon does not necessarily mean actually appearing. Does Cherilee stop being canon if she does not show up in an episode? Of course not!

Even if we never see him again, he would still be canon.
What if everything on equestria is half the size of the earth equivalent, even the measurements, so the ponies are really really tiny?
I still haven't seen Equestria Girls. Whether it's cannon or not doesn't really matter to me right now, I'll just wait and watch S4 and judge for myself whether it's bad or not. I just wonder if I'll be missing out on anything by having not seen the movie.
I dunno, i kinda enjoyed twilight being traumatized when she was first human. it was cute.
What comic?
More than sure man. This is the first statement regarding EqG's being canon.
>tfw no Cheerliee in S3
For some reason or another the days of their week and months seem to align with ours. While I realize that's a solar calendar that seems to suggest the length of their year is consummate with ours.

And I imagine she kept coming back and getting increasingly pissed off Twilight has eclipsed her (hurr hurr).
At least she was chumming around with big mac in just for sidekicks, but still a disapointment
>tfw no Skype
>tfw no internet friends
Just felt like throwing my hat in amongst those who also thought this guy was a fucking colossal faggot, pay no attention
"Planet of psychotic apes" and all.
So is Roseluck a cousin to the Apple family?
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This is the lady writing your show, bronies

She thought you wanted this
that comic is as flawed as equestria girls itself
I'd say it's more like a "fish out of temporal water" than a traumatization
>I forgot the bandwagon was still here!
>only one person writes the show
>says fake right in the filename
are you even trying anymore?
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>comic #10

it would mean that the ponies would collapse under their own weight and die should they ever come to earth.
and who says they breathe oxygen? equestria is not earth and the world might have developed a look similar to earth, while being fundamentally different
Seems legit.
>And I imagine she kept coming back and getting increasingly pissed off Twilight has eclipsed her (hurr hurr).
No because Celestia has been monitoring the mirror constantly. She didn't return till then.
Also again She went when Twilight was a filly and came out as the she was in the show.

The SDCC Big Mac comic had anextra 8 page comic with Sunset Shimer and how she went to the human world. A prequel if you may.
It's part of a 48 page EqG comic that will be released later
8 pages on how Sunset reached the human world and 40 pages on how she ruined the friendship of the other girls.
I remember it too but can't find it.
Cadance was canon Celestia's apprentice before she graduated and became a princess
>twf havnt read any comics yet
>tfw the comics are looking better then the show.
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I like it
>has been monitoring the mirror constantly
>no guards even on the thing
>she misses Sunset coming out of a portal whose cycle is KNOWN
>that face on Celestia

read it you doublenigger

they are excellent. Except for the rainbow dash micro, save yourself the pain and skip it.
Powell went 2 for 2 in S3.
So probably her.
it was still cute seeing her all worked up about it.
That's Cadence's fault. She entrusted Cadence the mirror hoping she would have more sucess than her.
But that means that either she left extremely young or she's like a 35-something pony skin-walking in human form.

How the Hell does she keep food on the table while posing as a high schooler? Did she just kill the original and take her place as the daughter of a family?

That's kind of typical shit in Equestria.
>Celestia is giving Mac the crazy eye.
>Everyone else sees only her normal calm glance.

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That we can agree on
Whether you saw it or not is does not matter to actual state of thigs: EQG is canon. Deal with it.

One of the lessons of this arc is if you want a girl to fall madly in love with you, give her a good headbutt.
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Found that screencap, guys...

Canon was never mentioned, just that it has nothing to do with S4. Not lies, but, Meghan is definitely not trust worthy.

My opinion? Fuck this bitch. I'll take any other writer on the god damn planet.
Doesn't seem so
Even so the portal opens at every 30 moons.
100 moons ago in Equestria Apple Bloom was almost identical as she is now, just a bit shorter.
Time passes 1:1 in both world
1 Day there means 1 day in Equestria.
If Apple Bloom was like that 100 moons ago that means that Sunset left Equestria thousands of moons ago.
Watch it anyways, it's more pony stuff.

As a whole it was mostly a par for the course episode other than a weak ending.
Dr. Wily
but every episode after MMMMMMMMMMM is fanfiction, and that includes MMDW
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I hope it works on my waifu
Talk about cherry picking your tweets
That statement was meant to clarify concerns that "EQG is season 4"

yes there were people actually dumb enough to think that was actually the case
Naw, I just got out of the shower. Saw the comment, thought the thunk, and realised many had already said it.
Dude are you stupid. That just means that EqG has nothing to do with S4, a thing SHE SAID MULTIPLE TIMES BEFORE.
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I need to go through this episode and get some screencaps for images.
What is this, highschool?
Why do people use that stupid name?
It's longer than her real name and was never used in the show. The show calls her Rose multiple times.
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It's a pretty fantastic episode, right down to his apoplexy over the mint condition merch getting opened and ... played with! By CHILDREN!
I was planning on watching it actually, much like S4 I was going to make my own opinion after seeing it instead of just going by what everyone in here was saying. I just haven't actually gotten around to doing it yet.
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>oh hey MS is streaming i havnt seen him in months
>i wonder what he is drawing
>its girls with giant dicks
Hey man calm down.
We're all Bronies here, there is no need to argue.
>same flash assets reused 100 times
>only praised because it has secondary movement and actual animated sequences, making it better than johnny test
>rife with errors
>individually hand drawn panels by artists that want the ponies to be sexy
... What's his stram?
Alright then
What else were you expecting, anon?
>MS evolved from child porn to futa.

Not shocked.
>grandma will never lovingly rape you
>That just means that EqG has nothing to do with S4, a thing SHE SAID MULTIPLE TIMES BEFORE.

Seriously, how can someone be so retarded and desperate? All this denial.

Your fucking show died when Lauren and Renzetti left it and dumb Hasbro put McCunty in charge. Deal with it.
You're not my mom!

>Twilight writes an immediate letter to Celestia
>But she doesnt recieve an answer for hours and agonizez of every minute
>Meanwhile Starswirl is outside, mubbling and shuffling in the dirt again
>Spike is at Fluttershys, pretending not to cry over what happened
>Finally, Twilight recieves and answer
>From Celestia arricing in Ponyville herself
>There's a huge impromptu fanfaire for her, but she waves them all of without a second glance
>"Where is he?"
>Twilight leads her to him, findhimg shuffling in the dirt not too far away
>They approach slowly, not wanting to frightnen him
>"Starswirl?" Celestia syas softly
>Slowly, the stallion looks up, meeting her eyes
>"Starswirl. Do you remember me?" She says soflty
>Even slower still, as if prolonging the moment, Starswirl looks back up at her, his jaw slightly agape.
>But then his eyes sharpen and he says through clenched teeth
>"Yes. I do."
>He then stomps a hoof to the ground and it beginds to glow orange. A patern flows along the dirt roand, down the street, all ascross ponyville in a solid concentric circle. He wasn't just shuffling his hooves like a tired olf crazy pony.
>He was building something.
>Twilight and Celestia both take steps back, but it wa alrady too late. Huge spikes of energy lance up to the sky is teh four cardinal directions, before curing back to the each and enveloping Celestia in a concentric prism of lancing sparks
>Twilight turns on Starswirl, only to find the senial old doting stallion now dressed in his iocnic robe and jangly hat. And while he is no younger, he seems to be much more clear headed, more coherent
>He snaps his neck
>"Wow! I can NOT beleive how long that took! But I guess every dog has his day! He saunters over and pats Celestia's magical cage, where she is frozen solid in magi. "Get it? Every dog? Get it? You don't get it;. Whatever."
Oh you're still shitposting.
Nevermind sorry.
I call her Roseluck
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>Yes, in that Twi had this experience and learned something from it.
Bitch can't you just say it's all canon instead of picking and choosing what's convenient to say is canon at the time?

What WAS the lesson in EQG anyways?
Even the physical characteristics are spot on

>forehead thinner than face
>upper lip sticks out
>chin recedes
>sparse facial hair
>pig nose
>ill fitting black T shirt

It's like they went to a con, wrote down everything they saw wrong with the attendants, and made it a character
And I ask why?
That's not her name. Never was. In Briddle Gossip she's called Rose. In A friend in Deed she's called Rose.
Why Roseluck?
You're making good points, but if you're going to post them like THAT people are going to just think you're shitposting.
Why don't you ask Meghan?
Also the comics aren't canon.
>Implying god created an artist this shitty.
No he actually doesn't have any point.
EqG is canon but has nothing to do with S4. Not a hard thing to understand
S3 is canon but not related to S4 same thing.
red pls draw
she blocked my after i asked why hasnt she killed herself yet
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MLPG in a nutshell. Don't like something? Call it shitposting and report!
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jesus even the book that calls bonbon sweetie drops calls her rose.

>wrong hair
Sure it is not. I screencapped your crap just to throw it in your face in 2014.
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A wiki made by fans? And toys? She doesn't even have the right hair color on the toy.
Meh whatever.
Make a fake account and ask.
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Yo how bad do you guys want to watch a movie
Oh and if anybody got that lyra STRAM image that'd be dandy
after the s2 finale nothing is canon. there is no such thing as mlp canon it does not exist.
I fucking hate you mlpg
I remember a time when I had this page (and the drawfriend one before it went down) open all the time in a tab. Now I've only opened it up about 3 or 4 times this year so far.
>Not taking sleeping pills so you trip balls while writing.
Seriously Ambien writing is fun as hell!
Plus, after the accident the cops just assume you are sleep deprived!
Sympathy un arrest!
I don't care about your shitty opinion. She was named Roseluck by MLPG ages ago and I like this name.
So your ignoring canon. For Fanon.
Most aren't nowadays, but you'll always find a few.
I said you WEREN'T shitposting, it just looked like it.
I'm giving you credit, here
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Do you have Aliens?
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i have molested 3 horses in my life. i have groped 2 butts and touched horse ballsack.
You wake up to see Twilight laying next to you, wearing your shirt. Her eyes are just barely open and have sand in the corners, but she sees you're awake. She smiles sleepily. "You smell good", she says, voice still froggy.

What do?

Human or pony.
>So your ignoring EG
Yeah? I do.

And here comes the buthturt brony to deny the truth and suck up Mccunty's shit so more!
why does it matter
it could be her fullname
like Lyra Heartstrings
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Blink, reply "y-you too" without thinking

please pony
Human: rape
But Briddle Gossip and a Friend in Deed is the pony show.
>"Hey! Leave the princess alone!"
>Dash comes hurling in from the sky, all the power propelling her at top speed.
>Starswirl swivels hi head 180 degress to meet hr face to face
>Dash stops mid flight and shrieking back a little just becuse how freaky that was
>Another stamp of hi hooves and another shover of energy envelops a stunned Dash
>"You brute!"
>Rarity charges forward from the crowd, her horn a glow with magic
>Starswirl raises an amussed eye brow and with a wave of his hoof, she too is trapped in light
>"You big bully!"
>Pinkie Pie sumersaults into pay to throw down tih the big man himself
>He doesnt even acknowledge her and she trpapped like th rest

sorry ,already asleep

Good night mlpg

[spoiler[I dotn write smut fic
can't you make an argument without resorting to buzzwords and insults?
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>Rose Luck.
I'll allow it!
...wut? Did you quote wrong post?

Not him, just pointing obvious.
Yes, up to Resurrection.
nuzzle her shoulder

But I live in the center of fuckin canada far away from any lakes, rivers, or oceans
how much did i drink last night
"you too"
What's wrong with Bridle Gossip?
i like but the face doesnt feel like luna to me
Your Fizzle fic's pretty good.
MSOB has drawn a supposedly male figure!
The world is ending!
...Is that supposed to be Big Mac? What's with the chin tuft?
It's almost disarming how much time he's spending rendering the fabric folds in the cock socks. A true dedication, that.
Wow, this is awful.
Every single face he draws is the same.
Please Anon tell me what point does he make.
>Meghan says that EqG isn't related to S4
>Meghan also says that EqG is canon
How are any of those statements a lie or contradicting eachother?
Kirika please
make her some eggs
He's autism
It's a shame about the one he just finished.
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It's a cartoonshow
You're supposed to make her pancakes
I guess I understood his comment wrong. I ws talking about something else. Ignore it.
it wasn't his, some dude just took the name for whatever reason. I'm inclined to believe him.
I feel like if I try to fight agaisnt it and say no no, that was some other guy, mlpg and others will jus keep brining it up anyway
i should really stop unfing to everything you post
but it's so gooooooood
>a girl who likes dickgrills

They also get sunburns over their fur
Aren't they kind of young to be wearing whore paint
>putting your dick in a barbecue
Furmatologists recommend sun block for that.
>Fucking furnace pone.
And now you know the secret to Hebrew National hot dogs.
What do they recommend for frostbite over sunborns? besides a coffin.
Wait, what?

No, man, I'm just saying he must be spending some time rendering things properly.


This shit was in a FHM magazine like eight years ago and it's seared in my consciousness.
Looking at the tweets, she says that S04!Twilight learned from EqG. This could be seenn as contradicting the ealier statement that EqG would not be canon to S04.
If anything, it's really more a sign we should be slightly worried than doompauling it up.
Bear in mind, I'm playing Devil's advocate here and might not be presenting his argument well either
I thought they only did circumcisions!
Never letting Twilight try new spells.
tell goatrain 'pls'
They circumcised Purple Tinker twice, you know!
I guess chin circumcision isn't one of them.
>his could be seenn as contradicting the ealier statement that EqG would not be canon to S04.
She never said that EqG isn't canon to S4. That doesn't even make sense.
She just said that EqG isn't related to S4. As in when talking bout S4 we're not talking about EqG. Sunset and Flash won't be in S4 and that's it.
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uh, it's been over a year since i last heard of him and unfortunately that fucker is still alive
i know that feel.
i used to check fimchan every day
>it's not keratin strands
>it's living tissue
>ponies are closer to shoggoths than horses
Oh my god those hips

That stomach

Those tits
Wow, what a gay_ little dragon.
I like taht drawing.
In that case shouldn't Snips and Snails be in agonizing pain in PvC when they shaved part of their fur?
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Have you seen little girls today? The are total sluts.
Speaking of Sunset, if she comes through the portal and enters Equestria in pony form, where is the Equestrian sunset?
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That Sunset is the Equestrian Sunset

The real question is where the EqG Sunset is.
The ponies have it.


Eye-sand, bro.


None, but she might have had a few. She's a lightweight.


She smiles and rolls over. "Eggs would be nice."
>"A Pegasus on the roof."
>"Sounds crazy, no. Certifiably insane!"
>implying her body isn't still hidden in a janitor's closet
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Which one would you eat?
Living tissue doesn't imply pain.

Sometimes it's an evolutionary advantage for tissue to be sensory or decorative and not feel pain.
pony needs sexual healing
For over 10 years?
a few drinks last night? let's make some goddamn eggs over easy
How can something be canon to something, but not be 'related' to it? I'm confused.
Originally, the first tweet was interpreted to mean nothing from EqG would effect s04 in any way: it could be treated as a spin-off if you wanted. If s04 Twilight "learned from" EqG, this is apparently no longer the case.
Then the Equestrian sunset must have parents. Don't they get worried sick when their daughter disappears for weeks at a time?
I bet one of the sunsets snuffed the other
she looks like a prostitute
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>eye sand

Twilight has a beach in her eyeball?
Are you sure you didn't draw Dan?
not that you'll listen to me, but that face is awful
Why is Dan getting tit smushed
Let me use some comic book logic on you.
A mini series can be canon to the main series of a comic book, but it doesn't have to be related to it.
he should be sweating profusely
And big mac looks like the kind of hairy but not too ugly guy you'd see in a punk rock band or at a furry convention
It's Canon. It happened in the show. Just that S4 won't mention the events of it directly.
No Sunset, no Flash.

It's like how Putting your Hoof Down is canon but not related to Hurricane Fluttershy, just on a bigger scale.
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>watching EqG
>on purpose
>when you could be doing literally anything else
Sweetie Belle, it really is just a phase, you know.
But I hope that when you've grown out it, you'll be able to realize that you still looked really good right now.
>Dan vs Tits.
I enjoy getting angry and cringing.
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Cadance was an orphan, so we know they exist.

Maybe Sunset Shimmer was one, too.
>wf when my nmae is dan
>awf I han o face and I want to keep it a secret
I'm not watching EqG, I'm drawing.
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It's obviously dan.
When does she disappears for weeks at a time?
I enjoyed it
>Cadance was an orphan
I'm sure I've wasted a lot more than 90 minutes on MLPG
>wf when my nmae is dan
>waifu itsu ore no namae dan desu
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But what if I want to ride Lyra.
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Cadence's backstory
>Pegasus orphan in the woods
>Earth ponies find her and raise her in Earth pony village
>Evil enchantress enslaves entire town
>Cadence defeats her with love or some shit
>Wakes up in matrix room, is made an alicorn, Celestia trains her to be a princess.
I don't follow, I'm sorry. You're using "related" as some kind of term I'm unfamiliar with, or something.
My impression was the first tweet implied EqG was to be of comparable canonicty to a mini series/spin-off: canon with the series that preceded it, but not necessarily canon with future seasons of the main show.
This more recent tweet suggests this is not the case.
I'll re-read this thread in the morning or something to see iff I can comprehend but for now I really have to sleep. Best of luck
celestia found baby cadence alone in the woods.

this is the official canon from hasbros mouth.
I can't believe it took so long for an actual Dan x Pinkie shipfic to actually be written despite all the shipping art involving them.
Same here.

It was so-so. It's on par with the average mediocre FiM episode. Not really worth hating or praising.
It's also really fun to point out all the stupid shit that happened throughout the movie.
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Is it weird if my name Actually is Dan and I really like Pinkie and I wish this was real with me>
this this and this
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Too fuckin bad kiddo

She's a strong independent pone that don't need no rider
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I know that feel.
You gotta be compatible
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As bad as the book may have been, and how brief and emotionless this story Cadance is telling to her good friend and sister-in-law, it's canon to the show according to the writers.
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Did Hasbro hire a brony to write this, did they get high and figure this was good, or did they just go 'What will sell more toys?' and go 'FUCK IT, GIRLS WILL BUY THE PINK PRINCESS, THIS HAPPENED!'?
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>denying giving a ride
>The only good face he has drawn.
I completely disagree.
It's not even close to the worst episodes in the series.
It had multiple flaws, the writing was bad, made no sense, the characters are complete idiots, so many plot holes and things that are never addressed. Never mind that the designs are not that good.
pony should pony pony
does anyone know how to refresh the comment form on paheal? I havent been able to post there for like, a year because it keeps saying my comment submission form is out of date
The writter had never heard of FiM before writting it.
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Almost perfect.
Now entering the PONE ZONE

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They Hasbro'd it.
90% of the book contradicts the show.
Really Cadence's backstory is the only thing in the book that doesn't contradict the show.
>People on /lgbt/ and /d/ that curse their beefy linebacker physiques
>People on /fit/ curse their feminine hips and smooth figures
And that enchantress wouldn't be the same one who created the alicorn amulent, would it?
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Is it weird if my name actually is Spike and I want a rarity of my very own
I wonder how you get a job writing those books
Who the fuck
I mean
I get that it's your job and everything but how do you even get that job
Is it in the newspaper listed as "write insipid, flat children's books for a faceless corporation to go along with their toy line and saturday morning cartoon"?
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Are gelatenous ponies allowed?
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>what is 3/4
>implying that you wouldn't break that tiny pone's back
That's not sidemouth
they are meant for very small children that only just learned to read really
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That's right, this is my pony.
>Blah blah blah.

I see it as a FLUKE that the amulet sounds a little like the Alicorn amulet.
Whenever i see this drawing I think the hooves are little shoes and that makes it super sexy
>you'll never have a pretty surrogate big-sister figure who endlessly fawns over you
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My favorite zone to be in!
She'd still want to do it.
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>implying tiny
I think that you're rather unique.
Perhaps you're something new.
>mlp season 4 will never air
I am asking how you get the job and what the job is called
I am fully aware of the target audience
This is too hot to even describe
please more
Dragon wants you to fuck his butt, but dragon has a cloaca, which means that dragon's dick is inside his butt.
What do?
>So when Celestia discovered special little Cadance in that mysterious location, her fate was sealed.

That sounds omnious.
Ok I lied about going to sleep, I suppose this makes sense.
I could have sworn she said EqG was not canon to s04, but I must have misunderstood. This is a little dissapointing: I thought EqG was worse than your average bad FiM episode, personally.
When the hooves are done right they look even more adorable.
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>and smothers you
>sometimes literally
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Yes goyim, I am your pony waifu. Having good taste in ponies is for losers. Never find a unicorn mate.
Trixie's musky aching foot long futa cock
>I am fully aware of the target audience

>20 something year olds will still buy it.
And if you'd like to oblige
I'd like to get to know you.
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I'd feel horribly awkward if I did.

Twilight prods at her eggs experimentally. "Y'know, I've never actually had eggs before." She takes a bite and shrugs. "They're okay. Uh, I mean, they're really good."

She rocks back and forth slightly, humming a song that you recognize from last night, that played just before you left. "And thanks for walking me home last night. Statistically, crimes are 32% more likely during a full moon."

She slowly scoots closer to you as you clean the pan before sniffing you again, pressing her nose against your side, just above the waist-line of your pants. "You smell good", she says again.
What? No
She was controled by an evil amulet that amplified bad emotions and corrupts who wears it.



So they go to save Twilight.
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>tfw a /fit/ gay /d/eviant
>tfw wish I had a twink body

>Got a wide, thick chest
>Oh well I still find muscular physiques attractive
>Got wide hips and thick thighs

I can't win
I can't be perfect no matter how hard I try
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i feel it
>Statistically, crimes are 32% more likely during a full moon
What, is there a werewolf problem?
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And I don't mean to be crass
But I want to fondle your pony ass
You seem fundamentally fun
I feel like being your friend
What if she was bad and the amulet is just a piece of glass?
I want to suckle on that Flitter's tits
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I still don't even Gilda and Trixie


Let's see the big city sights
and find how well we blend.
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There ain't enough Bonbon.
quit procrastinating
work on your art
mang what the fuck?
I imagine in the future if there are still pony conventions I'm going to be one of those faggots that gets red in the face if you refer to anything past sXeX as canon and this sort of stuff being why
bitch swerve I called it first

are you feelin it mr. red?
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But I doubt she wants to feel you
The grass is always greener on the other side.
>that eye shadow
Red pls draw ponies wearing eye shadow
It makes me weak in the knees and I don't know why
>"You smell good", she says again.
The strangest thing is that I've had this with my exes. They really liked my genital scent provided I laid off the sugar and red meat for a few days.
the writer most probably just asked "who are some bad guys on the show?" and just picked those two

sometimes your fascination with ponk princess is concerning.
>Have a cousin who was a model.
>Now married to a pitcher for the reds.
>Had this happen to me all the time.
fine. I'll suckle on her sister's tits instead.
i want to put my penis in some horse buttcheeks
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hey msob you still in here?
How goes that tumblr?
god dammit
A-actually I'd rather have cloud
I hope you don't if I say I'm smitten by your smile
I hope you like all my jokes and that you'll stay for a while
you're all a bunch of fucking nerds
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>You wake up to see Twilight laying next to you, wearing your shirt.


I'm pretty sure my heart can't take it.
>sin titulo

MSOB que estas haciendo
>tfw bignbeefy
>tfw really effeminate bottomslut boyfriend
>tfw he has a much bigger dick than me

you think you have problems.
The amulet has effects on Twilight.

the best parts after me is how all Twilight's friends go YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU TOO TWILIGHT when she started acting strange suddenly, the part where Twilight is best friends with Gilda, the part where Magic Duel never happened and finally where Gilda and Trixie just destroyed the Apple Family by replacing their cider with mud because....just because. They're bad guys, they don't need any reason.
now kiss
y-you too
I'd gab that your humor is grand At least what I understand
It seems your passion rubs off It's better than I planned.
Stramming Aliens
I wait for the day that all of you vote to stram kung pow
Spongebob, please
I, uh... t-thanks.

Um. Is the shirt okay? To wear. That you're wearing. Not too big?
what do you sound like?
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ill take a request
I would of voted for it but I'm too tired and can't sit through a full movie.
Hey assholes, stop watching shows for little girls.
Good thing I didn't read it. I probably would've had an aneurysm.
I sound like a fat, sad dude.
speaking of fucking nerds, whatever happened to that planned bronycon orgy? Did it must fall through, or did a bunch of you straight-up bang uglies with each other in a hotel room?
Twirity at the spa in a hot tub.
pony in a sleeping bag all snuggly
It's the start of something too great it's really much too profound
I'm glad we ventured a chance
It's frankly hard to expound
Fluttershy in the bath
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Bonbon shoving Lyra out of the way for ear scratches.
Fleet Foot
Tea Love

Three mares all with their hearts set on Big Mac.

Question is, which one gets the prize and who will be left as the creepy stalkers?
Fluttershy driving a 1963 VW 23 Window deluxe Micro Bus full of critters singing and enjoying the ride.
maybe on the weekend if we're not hatting
>Implying that's a problem
I'd give my left nut to find a nice bf with a bigger dick than me
What is it called when you get a boner in your heart?
Draw a spider dropping onto Rarara's horn and her freaking out
Do you think we both have a chance?
Can we even get by?
I know the odds are against.
Goopony CMC tackling Cherillie in a sloppy messy hug
the Pinkie book is even worse
In there Rarity goes for being the only character that's in character and not a complete moron from the first book to being king of retards.
>Fabricate claims against Fleetfoot
>Fabricate claims against Tea Love
>Sex Big Mac
Luna gets the prize.
Of course.

>"W-was it good for you too, subject?"
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Not a good idea

Spiderbro ;_;
They'll all be creepy stalkers. Well, except for Luna.
She'd be a very forward stalker.
All passes would fly right over his head though, or he just doesn't give a shit. Ain't no time for bitches on the farm.
>heart set on Big Mac

that didn't happen in #9 or #10
Pinkie Pie stomping grapes
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You have like ten things going on, just wanted to make sure you didn't forget. At least put up that banner and answer one question so followers start seeing it's not dead.
Did anyone ever actually fufill the request where she was a dragon and fucking that bus?

Or did the guy give up on asking
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She wants you to guess first what's in the wrapper!
too late. you already called dibs on Flitter, so I called dibs on CC.
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>Not fuck with their dreams.
>Fabricate claims

What a terrible way to get things done. Just Holy War them.

I saw on some biology special that it's something to do with immune systems. Women are naturally drawn to the scents of men with different shit than they have, because it means their hypothetical kids will be better-protected against shit.


She laughs into your hip and nibbles you lightly before you jump away. "Nah. Full moon just brings out the wild side, you know? The word 'lunatic' is derived from Luna, you know."

You know the two of you didn't have sex last night, but you took off your shirt because it was soaked through with sweat (pony clubs are very warm environments), and Twilight summoned you another magically.
>who will be left as the creepy stalkers?
If Luna became this, Big Mac will stop sleeping altogether.
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What is MULPUG listening to?
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I fucking love SIR.
Would the Princess of the Night really resort to such trickery?

She fucking kissed him on the cheek.

She will plant subliminal messages in his dreams to sway him to her.
We'll make it if we try!

Fleetfoot gets devoured by his massive meat log and then unloaded into Tea love, who is promptly eaten by Luna

Didn't it start as Dragon Rara with a buick?
Can't Holy War with Celestia around. One false move and BAM! Luna's back on the moon.
A cookie!
>She fucking kissed him on the cheek.

Holy shit, Rarity is in love with Spike!
> Full moon just brings out the wild side, you know?

Oh. Oh dear.

> Women are naturally drawn to the scents of men with different histocompatibility complexes

You can't get much further afield than trans-species.
Even if I guess that it's an apple, she'll ask which type of apple.
You've hair soft as feathery down
Wide eyes to look into
Such trust and vigor for life!
Is it a beer?
awwww shit it's goat's birfday?
Different context.

That was a sympathy kiss.

This was on a Ferris Wheel, which falls on the list of stereotypical romantic locations for a first kiss
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I am your pony waifu!
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Zecora, duh.
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I felt like drawing another pony playing an obscure musical instrument.

This is a Tuvan/Mongolian flute called a Murgu.

You can hear it here - scroll down to the bottom.

Fair enough, but Flitters got the bigger tits
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This pony
Also on the list: libraries after receiving rubies
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I want it to be this.

But all I know that is just an apple.
She was the most passive about it and as a result Big Mac responded to her the most.

But Granny Smith and AJ don't approve
beastie boys intergalactic
not technically listening, it's just running in my head
Not so much

Okay that's actually pretty cool
ah shit
gotta draw aj before i do request gomen
It was, yesterday!
says who? they both look plenty big to me.
besides, I'm more interested in the ass.
Mewanon hugging notbonbon notlyra with no lyras present
It didn't really feel like Luna was that into Mac, even with the smooch.
I've got a fever
and the only prescription
is big horsey butt cheeks
Big Mac x Luna OTP
That's because the other ponies that were into him were ape shit crazy
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I can't decide if I like tits or ass better
cheerilee was the most honestly into big mac romantically

Granny Smith is too far gone to care; Applebloom likes her, that's good enough for her. But Applejack doesn't like it, for damn sure.

Their kid will be red with black stripes and white hair. They'll call him Tiger Red.
why is there no pank page?
>that feel
I just can't settle
sometimes I have definitive assdays or boobdays but it never lasts
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I like how they interacted, and Cheerilee basically has his ass friendzoned.
Zecora just seems to fit best with him. But yeah, que racial bullshit with Applejack and Grannysmith.
And Applejack still canon does not trust Zecora, and her zebra sense.
Ass, hips, rear-entry sex.

Every time.
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muh nigga
She's not worth making one for.
Decide based on what side you are facing
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No she trusts her. She's just incredibly racist.
>something bad happens
>Did your Zebra sense tell you that
It's hilarious.
She's the clock
>rear-entry sex

That phrasing is really unf for some reason
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I knew I forgot something

I thought so too!

I think it's neat that a pony could plausibly play it, since it has no fingerholes and the sound is changed by varying the airflow and covering the end of the flute. Also I just like Central Asian stuff and I wish we could see stuff like that in the show. I think it'd be neat to see, especially since the horse is a central fixture of Tuvan/Mongolian culture.
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I never know what that [song] is from.
Because sex "from behind" sounds like the same boring missionary as always
But entering from the rear is what animals do, free and uninihibited. It helps that most of the women I've been with like going just a little deeper or getting their cervix in play.
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I always forget about that
If I listen to the instrumental of that song while I'm depressed my eyes will almost always start watering up.

What a fucking loser I am.
I love seeing these sorts of influences

Maybe we'll get to see a neat foreign place when the new pony princess goes on a diplomatic mission
Yes, that is friendzoned.
I'm listening
>the new pony princess

...Pinkie Pie?
Moon, and I bet I've told you this before
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>that is friendzoned
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Goodnight, MLPG.
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The purple one you silly filly
I'm just a smidge above average so I can touch or sometimes really pound cervix. My most recent girlfriend isn't as into it as past ones, but every once in a while they want a good hard fuck that reaches bottom.

Granted that's not the "fuck me" button for a lot of women.
Okay so not distrust, just hilariously racist around Zecora to the point on extreme discomfort.

Probably to the point where Mac has to ask her to bite her own tongue.
Today I still can't
Anal just feels so god damn good but I have a thing for huge boobs
But she's been a princess for a while, I thought you meant one of the new ones.
Tell me on the Jessy doll where you thought you were friendzoned.
Never choose
sounds like Lev Yilmaz
If the Elements of Harmony change form based on the cutie marks of their current users, why were they stone orbs with basic geometrical shapes when we first saw them?
I'm rear-entry anon. Anal is okay but I really prefer vaginal.

Nothing quite like gripping at a nice pendulous tit as they sway during a glorious fucking.
It's alright, so long as it's not the godawful vocals

It's actually a catchy 80s styled tune that would go well in a shitty shareware shmup game

Those shareware games had the best music
Never saw the video that song is from?
She still has the new princess smell until the end of S4e2
This Little Horsey Kissimmee
>Anon is giving Rarity a bath
>But is waering swiming truncks becasue lewd
>"OH Anon, this is so luxusrious. I can't beleive you didn't confince me to do this sooner.."
>"I-iknow, rihgt."
>She's ralzxing in the shalow water as he rus in the soap into her mane
>She's nearly puty in his hands under the exfoliating-ness of his magic fingers
>He lathers up and and works on her fancy man
>But slowly peaice by peaice of it start to fall off as he goes
>"Uh oh."
>"Uh oh?"
>"Ugh oh? Did I say uh oh? I meant to say.....ya wow! Because....wow, you're mane is all....ya!"
>"Oh. Ok then."
>Sighting relife, Anon fins hte soap he was using. It was a body wash. The harsh soap has sunken into rarity's delicate mmane and destroyed it
>Ok, keep calm. You can salvage this. He think to himself. Just keep calm and finihs the job
>He lathers up again and workd on her tail
>Wait, this isnt even soap!
>It's canned cheese!
They changed back
Thing is that it's not intentional. She's just like that. Doesn't even understand how that's racist.
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This little horsie kissin' me
I got rid of all the wasps
in celebration I will post any pony you want
just about any pony
Inactive form maybe?
Quick, put some canned bread on it!
nbs pls
Low hanging tits freely swaying get me so hard.
I blame discord
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>McCarthy is still head writer

My whole stash of ponybutts says that if they even leave Equestria, they're going straight to the Crystal Empire.

She looks at you with what can only be described as bedroom eyes. Where she learned how to do such a sultry thing is anyone's guess, but there's no guessing what's on her mind. She tries to shepherd you back towards the couch the two of you woke up on, always maintaining contact with your body, even if it's just a few square centimeters of flesh. "So you haven't said anything about how *I* smell."

You can practically feel her heart pounding a hole in her chest, it's beating so fast. She might be acting like a smooth queen, but she's a bundle of nerves, a kid who knows she's about to lose her virginity.
For some reason, I prefer anal
It just feels so good
How tight it is, unf
But wasps are your friends

NEET golden eyed bg pone
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best pony
Which would make the 'talk' even more uncomfortable for Mac.
Zecora assumes Applejack hates her with all the verbal lashings she gets on the off times she visits. She hates making Mac trek to her hut.
Make a thread on http://mlpg.co/sic/ suggesting stuff like this and it could get done.
nah, hasbro still wants to sell new toys too, so were gonna see a new place this year

Crystal empire is already covered under the inevitable equestria games episode
>She tries to shepherd you back towards the couch the two of you woke up on, always maintaining contact with your body, even if it's just a few square centimeters of flesh.

That is some masterwork shit.
>Stacking earth ponies.

First princesses and now this?!
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Nah Zecora knows that's just how AJ is. She got used to it. Big Mac is the one that's a bit annoyed. And to an outsider a dinner with them is just watching some people that just want to kill each other.
In my headcanon, most griffons will respond to interesting things with a nasaly, crow like HRRRRRRRRRRRMMMM
>Earth pony
You know actualy yeah she can't be caled a pegasus
You need to share that with your sister, little one.
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you didn't get rid of anything. you just made them move somewhere else.
Stacking is an efficient way to sort and store your pone collection.
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here you go
I had to google it since you picked the most hipster pony possible but I had it coming

I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not
Is that an ear?
I honestly am not sure
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I'm not.
I don't...you smell...
Hey. You smell nice. Really nice!
>but she's a bundle of nerves, a kid who knows she's about to lose her virginity.
If she's wearing that flannel, I'm just gonna have to hike it close to me for a kiss, whether I'm nervous or not this is habbening.
they're dead anon
it's a cold misty morning, they were all huddled up above my window and I nuked them with deodorant until they all fell out, then swatted them individually
then I strung up their corpses on the windowsill to warm their kind and fashioned a tiny bracelet from their mandibles
yes i saw
Yes. Both forelegs are on the heart. So that's an ear.
>"AJ, we need to talk."
>''Bout what, you and your little zebrafriend plowin' them African plains?'
>'Why did you just hit yourself?'
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I think you mean former best pony
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Contrary to popular belief, griffons can be part any bird. Eagle-griffons are the most common, but by no means the only kind. Crow- and raven-griffons commonly shamans, hawk-griffons are scouts, and sparrow-griffons, the rarest of all types of griffon, are harlequins.

By the same token, it is believed that in other lands there are griffons of yet more birds, and possibly of other cats.
Is this from Cutie Pox?
If I wanted to hang out with the jets, I wouldn't have come here.
Well she probably smells like the library - old coffee grounds and cracked leather, maybe just a hint of pencil shavings

But also like the club's candy-floss fog machine juice and the three Red Bulls she had --

Your bed and whatever soap she found in your shower before falling asleep with you last night

She made it lavender for her shower, pungent yet smooth

The combination is pretty intoxicating.
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for a moment I thought that was a dildo on her head
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Would you a tech-mare-en raararararara?
Does Griffons molt and shed at the same time?

>"What noise?"
>"That WHINY noise you keep making! Stop it!"
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Come on man, drinks are on us.
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Why are they all pointing like that?
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Jesus Christ she sickens me.
I love you, human.

Hug me and never let go.
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I guess I should work on other stuff.
that made me go aww
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checkin dubs
Just imagine her shitty self insert OC saying it

Forget that she writes for the show

She looks down demurely, batting her eyelashes at the compliment, and bites her lip. "Uh. I should probably... Um. Do you wanna... um, scratch my ears?"

You reach out a hand and place it against her ear. You can feel a bolt of emotional electricity running between the two of you. After not even a heartbeat she springs at you, as if she were on a hair-trigger. You feel crackling fingers of mystical energy pulling your shirt up, and you raise your arms to let it slip off. You move to take off your shirt from her body (more out of habit than anything else), but she pins your hands against your body. "Nuh-uh."
Well duh

I mean where the hell is she going to find a bra her size
No please don't stop
Have some unf:
Seems reasonable to me
>a cute, tall, stacked girl will never smoosh your face into her chest
Why would a being thousands of years old care about a bra?
That's a perfectly rational response

This is starting to seem familiar

Oh shit I'm getting deja vu again. She's gonna bust out the strap-on and make herself cum, isn't she?
Now, break out into song
Oh jeez.

Try to lean in for a passionate kiss
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What makes you think such a thing?
It's not bad... But it's not good...
Isn't this what we've been saying already?
I put on my wizard hat and robe
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D-do you still want your ears scratched?

...Your back scrached?
I know she's just being cheeky / an attention whore

But, you know

Not a lot of women hold up as well as she has
Is that daedric?
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I did nothing today!
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File deleted.
more babs
draw more babs
Sweet Omnissiah, I would totally perform the rites of maintenance on her, but only after a pleasant night of incinerating hereteks and communing with machine-spirits.
fuck off`then
why can I never get these vine things to work?
Big-hipped Sweetie is pretty popular. Maybe you could try that.

The only thing more heretical than pone marines is sergal marines.

Sadly catgirls can't be heretical anymore. They're in the guard.
New Krytan
That means you should really draw some more giant dicks
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And I hope she stays that way, forever
I would ANY Rarity
>Sadly catgirls can't be heretical anymore. They're in the guard.
What the what.
I think she ate babs.
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>not streaming your drawing of this
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I don't like crowds
>her special talent
>pushing out children
Maybe later.
Tea Love next?
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AA did it better.