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Last Horse

What was your initial thought when you first saw Trixie in Boast Busters? Were you one of those viewers that think Trixie was a villain in this episode? Did you like how Twilight tries to be humble about the whole event and how she outmagic Trixie?
I hate you
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>mangneto was here
>missed it

I have to admit, Trixie gives me about a quadruple take.

screw you.
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I think we should talk about best pony instead
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high up /)
down low \)
way too slow
>tfw that image is comic-canon, only flipped
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This hiatus is killing us.
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>your initial thought
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>Mac getting to interact with both Princesses
You can't imagine my jelly
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Trixie should get together with AJ some time. Nothing like a good ole fuckin' with a city slicker to calm your nerves.
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Everyone wants some Big Mac.
So why not interact with them? They won't bite.

On the first date.
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Stallions are a valuable and rare resource. I still wonder how they maintain their population with such a strange female to male ratio.
Because I'm not a magical cartoon pony ;_;
That's hardly an excuse.
Even the stallions.
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>bronies in denial still drawing unicorn twily
.. that shouldnt have been funny
>let's take a humorous joke from some other media and REPLACE ALL THE CHARACTERS WITH PONIES

It kinda is, unless you can tell me a secret way to meet them
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would you?
lol u tk him 2da bar|?
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No and no.
>Ask for requests
>None of them interest me or they're too hard with over 2-3 characters so I don't draw any.
Am I a bad person?
what's the original joke?
Basically it's the norm to have more than one sex partner at any given time, and though marriage is celebrated it's not necessary for showing physical affection and even siring children. The vast majority of Equestrian women are single mothers with a paramour who may have a marriage to a primary partner.

Mr. Cake in particular is very popular.
Just draw.
I can show you a lot of things wrong with that pic that don't also include alicorn twi.
Well, I mean

She's just giving me "DETERMINEDFACE." Not much to go on.

You want me to fuck her clothes or something?
Just talk to them.
I hope not
I do that way too much
>ponies:the anthology
that huge horn is strangely arousing
that's supposed to be a joke?
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But they never answer
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Who else read this as "pony pussies"?
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It doesn't work like that and come out good
Shouldn't they be cuddly ponies for everyone?

I mean surely leetle girls would also enjoy pony plushes.

... Unless they're lewd ponies.
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Yes, so take those requests and do your best. Otherwise you'll be a horrible failure
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I like the idea of surrogate fathers but it seems that would cause a lot of social problems and drama.
>1.5 will never be released
It's nice to see an ad that actually might be reaching it's target market now

I just wish someone let them know that /mlp/ does not like being referred to as bronies.
Can I pet that happy pony?
You did a bunch of my requests, you are okay in my book.
I thought you were innawoods?
Mix and match the requests then
Pone is yanwning. Nothing to see here.
I was going to, but I can't access their website.
I'm glad endii showed me the full picture
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This pony can see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch.

Can yours?
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daily dose

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>you will never waste your life on playing BFE(D) 1.5
I hate when people write out a southern accent and write "I" as "Ah".
Several human cultures have handled them well enough. In many of them, the children are only the 'property' (for lack of a better word) of the mother. Same with the houses, held property, what have you.

It's part of the reason why evolutionary biology is more or less Western white guys half-speculating that their way of viewing romantic and family bonds has always been the case for H. Sapiens.
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Definitely not my best ink.
yeah,sums it up pretty nicely.
You son of a bitch.
Blame Mark Twain.
The trick is to only do it when she's been drinking.
You can retry or color it.
I stick fruit slices in her, GG.
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Only if pony gets to wear a beard during
Is there significance to the name on that drink?
no I didn't you son of a bitch
I personally would use peppermint candies, but never celery or meat. The '60's were an awful time.
Soccer moms and feminists don't care about such meaningless things as science, history and facts.
>I know something you don't know and won't show you
Anon please, if you keep doing that I'll have to send you to bed without dinner.
Sure, why not? I bet its soft.
>didn't type it like a retard
not endii pls go
I'm telling you.
Polygamy, or herds.
Appaloosa and Canterlot have a more normal gender ratio

Ponyville is just a strange place
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Sort of but not really.
My fingers are protesting, I don't think I could do any better right now.
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How did such societies handle sex in general? How would it relate to ponies?
What is the pony equivalent of a brothel?
Belopheron plz


...Sorry, i just had to.
Well no, they do, but they tend to drop off somewhere in the 1400's, as that's when property and family rites of succession were codified and just happened to start dicking over women. Informal arrangements before then were all over the place, but it wasn't always "yuu muh property, womunnn."

And never you mind that non-white experiences have been all over the place. Believe it or not in Haitian and other Caribbean cultures if a guy sleeps around it's okay, but God help you if you piss off your girlfriend. Being attracted to and even having sex outside your pimary partnership is okay, but never, ever treat it as more than a thing on the side.
AppleDan pls

This has been shown multiple times.
Would have been nice to be warned that was unsafe for work
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Anyone who has the comic, pls scan.


I'll love you 5ever.
Sorry, but I thought it was a given since I linked it instead of posting the picture
It depends, but basically your sex life and your capacity to care for your wife, girlfriend, or courtesan had little to do with each other. Sex was just a thing, being able to provide for your family group was more important.

More to the point several societies view the child as the legitimate child of anyone involved with the woman while pregnant. No one thought "oh it has to be MY kid."

I wonder if a society where there are marriages but a clear disparate gender ratio would have similar feeling.
Wait, isn't Caimon a croc?
that's an ugly artist
Well, no, all we've seen so far are marriage ceremonies and married couples, and no one said "... forsaking all others."
nsfw links are generally posted on their own with ittle more than an "unf"
It's unsafe for work
A pothel
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Yes, yes she is.
Well, she's definitely not pony.
why are you browsing 4chan at work?
A bachelorette party after the fourth or so drink.
I'm not

I just didn't want lewd things
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Where did the day go
I wonder how many people from here and /mlp/ are watching Hydra waiting for that link to be dropped.
All of the couples in the show have been monogamous.
bullshit. see>>13167097
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>hating your OC
W-would you get mad at me if I drew her sometime, endii?

It's Andy Price's ponysona.
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It flew away. That is a slender Dash.
it went to the place where you have the full picture of that twilight sparkle
Butterfly's concussion fetish
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All the couples in the show have been seen interacting with only their primary partners.

Hell, a solid majority of any dating interaction we've seen was under the effect of a Love Poison that made it impossible for them to do anything but fawn on one another. Is that really what you want for a model of Equestrian romance?
I'd fuck that pone.
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Endii draw this pono chasing a robber wearing a horse-head mask.
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>sent interesting tumblr post link to sister
>realized i had actually sent the reblogged version that is from a mlp horseporn tumblr when it is too late

i am fucked
Ponies are monagamous

In appaloosa and Canterlot, the ratio of males to females is far more balanced.

The skewed ratio in ponyville is most likely an oversight.
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I wanted to write your name in this spoiler but I forgot it, so you get a free pass this time ;_;
Yes NoHooves. Now, go and draw
consensual sex with punch horse
Fucked beyond reason

prepare the strainers for the pasta that will soon flow.
Yes anon, giving Endii more attention only makes him angry
Punchy sex with punch horse
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daily reminder that this is a thing
Just say "wait, oh shit, that's what I get for using "copy link" directly from a tag search.

It's happened to me more than once. Fucking mommy blogs pick up the best "dumb shit kids do" and if you go to the root URL it's all shit about car seats and BPA.
does she know you were the one who sent it?
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How about something easy and fun instead of goopony orgies this time
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but it works so well and makes so much sense
>not liking twilicorn
It's like you don't want more purple pony to love per purple pony.
>Yeah, my friends follow some really weird stuff
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I wonder how often they have kids and how often death occurs.

Everything is going to be alright though.

S4 looks amazing and the comic train has no brakes.
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> GOO pony
> not pony GOO
I thought the Celestia and Luna one was easy enough...
You already tell us no when we suggest single ponies doing whatever so you know what?

You are forbidden from drawing your waifu or Twilight Sparkle ever again.
File deleted.
>S4 looks amazing
so did S3

>the comic train has no brakes
i really need to get caught up on those...
ur gay
punchorse punching you in the sex
Come back when you manage that messy hair of yours and trim that orange beard a little

but that's wrong
s3 was amazing
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>"What about my butt?"
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Twily is objectively the best princess.

She's prettiest
She's smartest
Best color
She doesn't have those ugly horse proportions
fuk u
Season 4 looks more promising than season 3 from what we have seen
>worst pone
I don't even care for her but that is just plain wrong
> no filename
I can only imagine "So, A-anon, I was reading some of your comic books the other day and I guess Watchmen was alright. I didn't like the unerring panel configuration. Squares are for eggheads- I mean, uh "problematic.""
> Dot
I love that style.
Enjoying your hot steaming bowl of Hasbrodiarrhea?
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I'm just really bad at composing pictures with more than 1 character
In fact, I'm just really bad

>You already tell us no when we suggest single ponies doing whatever
Since when? I love drawing single ponies.
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I will fight you.

S3 had both some of the best episodes of the show and some of the worst. It was weird because there was no middle ground.
You are wrong about everything.
In Equestria, even the Blarney Stone is lewd.
I wish I could draw as good as you digitally, know that you queer fellow.
her sister
is cuter
Oh come on anon, seriously. You can the whole idea just because the main character is a little scruffy?
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draw fluttershy being best pony
Endii isn't queer yet
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>*taka taka taka* "Pinkie Pie is the best, all around best, and cutest pony"
That one animatic looks better than all of season 3? You must know something I don't.
Enjoying your /v/ tier arguments?
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Karpetshark is great. Plus he has amazing taste for liking best princess.
Then just Luna with an alternative mane style?
I love the fic and everything.

I'm just being a little facetious is all
>fucking an ugly retarded girl
I'm glad GG went from that to having Carrot Cake blowing a zebra
>had both some of the best episodes of the show and some of the worst. It was weird because there was no middle ground.
Didn't we say the same thing about S2 during it's hiatus?
Get back to twerk, Pinkie.
Works for the lions.
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Why not both?
>goes to mlpg
>isn't queer

What bloody planet are you living on my good man?
That's only 100% wrong
>best color
Granted that's not Celestia, but it isn't Twilight either, for it's Luna
>ugly horse proportions
>implying they're ugly
Even then she just has a mixture of those and a normal pony, it just looks stupid.
This should arouse me
Yet I know she wants it
Hell, she NEEDS it

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I'm pretty sure we all turned gay from the background gaydiation in this place.
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good morning mlpg

drew this last night

anatomy is a bit screwy, but i'm gonna move on

supposed to be humanized Loira but it's not super clear besides the hair and fists.
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It was pretty great.
So it doesn't arouse you because you know she wants it? Go back to sleap, Deafdefiler.
>horn jewelry
So...what are MLP's thoughts on this?

Whenever I see this image I'm reminded of the greentexts where Pinkie is ineffectual as an office clerk but the company keeps her around because she improves morale sexually
probably for the best

S3's highs and lows were much more extreme than S2's.
Nigga mine
I habeeb'ed it.

I meant to say this shouldn't arouse me

Yet it is. Oh so very much.

> tfw even sexual predation by an older shopkeep on a high-school girl gives you a boner
oh no

don't stick hte carrot in her ears
There was more than one animatic anon.

The fall of Luna?
Another Scootasode?
Apples Forever?

Pinkie's Sisters coming to town?
This is probably one of the most detailed stuff you drawn so far.
... What the Hell is this from?
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That's completely wrong, the best episodes were less good than the ones in previous seasons, and the worst episodes were less bad than ones in previous seasons. However, on average a lot more episodes gravitated towards mediocrity instead of most of them going towards good, as in other seasons.
I want to cum on Caimon's bush.
As far as I can tell, the 70's
Fuck you digital guys make me feel bad every fucking day, your all doing this amazing art digitally and I'm stuck with paper.
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>improve morale
Someone ... actually paid umpteen thousands for this to be produced? Really?
I like lyra with power fists
It's actually a 2001 animated short called Chirpy, which is a commentary on modern pornography or something
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> Icepack made a VERY special delivery
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How qualified would your waifu and/or your favorite pony be to work for the men in black?
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I guess it makes about as much sense as real mainstream porn, thick black cock included.
>senor bob
I laughed.

>Mrs Cake has another pair of twins
>one dark zebra and one light zebra
Silly anon, caimon are reptiles, they don't have hair, let alone bush.
>Ice Pack

That GIF takes too fucking long
I wish someone would just pastebin that shit
Caramel takes care of one of Fluttershy's birds while she's away
they need to work on the animation.
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I fucking love David Thorne.
I do, but the joke is that he's not actually sterile, just that his father was all too trusting
half the fun is the little differences in timing
that whore.
>these day reaction

holy shit such a huge different from the night reactions

>i have been in mlpg since it was last posted

kill me
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Speaking of best pone
How long till Fluffle is cannon?

No, the joke is that someone at one point jokingly told him that infertility runs in his family but he took it seriously.

Caimon has a god tier bush
is there a palce where one can see all his escapades?
Ciel would instantly become one of their top agents. Fluttershy would be part of their more diplomatic sections, specializing in medicine for aliens.
So he's not actually sterile.

Good to know.
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Extra lazy but here you go
ha thats funny because im shit but ok
nah man taking something in the butt hurts too much to be queer
Oh, no, he IS sterile.


I want to taste her gator juices.
Owing mostly to the supplements he takes for 'performance'
Theres more to being queer then taking it in the butt, Endii

And it only hurts if you start big.
i couldnt stop watching and was horrified at the same time
Who is that masked criminal?

Just be careful when getting them right from the source, Caimon is a massive squirter.
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>No, the joke is that someone at one point jokingly told him that infertility runs in his family but he took it seriously.
This is the case
Ice Pack is sterile but his father obviously wasn't
His mother was either making a joke at his father's expense or suggesting that his father wasn't her husband
thank you kind sir
>tfw I saw three people wearing fluffle puff shirts and a fluffle plushie at the convention last week

>you will never eat Caimon out
>or Gillou
How the first Pegasus came to be

when did this happen? 'scuse me, I got some shit to watch.
[crying intensifies]
>And so, Gatorade was brought to Equestria
jesus that's hypnotic
google reveals nothing
do tell
Geegee did you animate that?
what are you even saying

Since Caimon doesn't incest, can you replace that with something else?

Or draw her fucking her brothers already
> because they eat like all other Equestrians it's literally the same as Gatorade
> all salt and sugar
> she can literally flash-pasteurize and chill it, bottle it for monies
Am I canon?
It looks like shit.
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yes I did animate that
no you're some flavor of the week thing nobody can shut the fuck up about
yes son.
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You're "fanon" at best
You have like no frame discipline. This is worse than 'Dad's Home.' This is something I'd expect of a fifth-grader in art class, though granted it has fewer dickbutts.
I want to fuck your butt so hard gg

u wot m8
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What's wrong, you gonna cum babe? Tell Trixie how amazing and spectacular she is at sexing you. Maybe I'll let that nice cock of yours jizz all over me, you handsome stud.
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I got a random cute idea

what if, like pic related, snails gets a kiss from his mom right on his nose and gets told to be carefull eveytime he goes out the house?
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that's nice anon
hopefully you'll understand but that critique doesn't really bother me much all things considered
>the show will never be made in hand-drawn animation
It's got wonderful content. The lines dance like kids high on X.

While the latter is appealing to me

I think he's sorta replaced incest with casual nudity.
Well, enjoy staying at the same power level as Timmy. Forever.

C+, an attempt was made.
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International crimelord: HumanFace!
His fiendish heists will go on NO LONGER
>all over
>not inside
what are you,12?
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Trixie, uh, that's not really how we say "hello" in Ponyville.
No, she was ALWAYS about casual nudity/sex, and INCEST

But he never actually DREW Caimoncest

I vote excessive juices
They brought on a guy with a resume that's really impressive for a technical position that would not be needed in flash

We are at least getting some non-flash sequences next season
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if I suck you off, will I get some measure of your talent? that's how drawfags work, right?
he's doing this for fun, not on a professional level

Has she always been about casual nudity/sex

I thought that was a more recent thing
> If it's for fun you must overlook terrible practices

>twilight inside celestia
that was the original intent, just that she was supposed to be incest too
Do you know how many anons have offered to blow Weaver?

A lot

Like, A LOT a lot
What can we say? She just needs her box filled.
what about you, then?
it's for fun, you don't have to look at everything at a critical level
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I could explain it but I get the distinct impression it would be a wasted effort and you're just looking for something to criticize

yeah definitely
Yeah, he really has his pick of dick-suckings. The cream of the dick-sucking rises to the crop, and he can skim it with his mighty seed-rod.
Is Nightmare Moon returning a good creative decision or lazy writing?

You Decide!
>you will never be housemates with lyra and bonbon
>you will never overhear their arguments over who you like more
D+, did not read assignment.
She's not really returning, it's a flashback

>Caimon: Casual sex, teasing, incest

I don't think she even teases that much
>nightmare moon has three episodes
>celestia has none
>GG's cock
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One day we will get our Celestia episode... one day.
>ywn give GG the D
Comic Con watch the animatics

Also the later point was mentioned in the Panel there too
Good point. D-, obviously did not want the D.
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Wait this guy seems familiar
Girls fighting over a guy is the dumbest shit but it's hot because it implies the guy is a scarce resource.
>tfw lauren wanted to doa whole season with the princesses
>that were only two
>because there are only TWO PRINCESSES
>You will never see them competing for your friendship
>You will never watch as they're both better than each other in completely unrelated tasks
>not wanting to see your seed all over her face
>feeling bad because you love them both so much
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Would you eat your favorite pony if she asked you to?
>like sex
They all fit in there.
Maybe the guy is a really desirable one
I just noticed that almost every artist seems to have a favorite sketch color instead of black.
>because it implies the guy is a scarce resource
have you seen the hypothetical population distribution for equestria

because they are
What is Twilight the princess OF exactly? Or was she just installed in an honorary sense so that she's an heir to the throne along with Cadence?

Are you really making Wosyet tsun?

To me she looks like a possessive type
Like, if she saw Anon talking to another (monster)girl, she'd push her way into the conversation, then grab Anon carry him off.

Or maybe she's yandere.
I'd eat out my favourite pony. She wouldn't even have to ask
ur mum
man its so weird seeing how much my art has changed over like 4 months
Ponyville is just a lesbian exile colony
mega unf
Of course I would. You learn that you'll do just about anything for the Pony you're married to.
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probably "keeping celestia and luna from banishing each other every thousand years"
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Total slave for donkey dicks!
>"I can get dicks, I can get claws."
>"But there just aren't enough of you."
Nah she's too grounded to wander over yandere
She's more like a no-nonsense serious type who acts like she has no sex drive when she clearly does and it gets hard to tell who she's trying to kid
people fighting over each other for somebody else is stupid over all
no really we see a more normal gender ratio in places outside of ponyville
Man, whenever monstergals get brought up in MLPG people talk about it but in the sub it's slow as molasses.
that's so stupid
>Lyra is tight
>Bonbon likes anal
>implying we haven't seen other towns and cities
wow celesita, how do you get to fit SIX ponies inside you?
I see her more as thugdere
Will Pinkie ever be cured of her addiction to donkey cocks?
> Ponyville is just full of lesbians
No, that's really a dry well.
oh dear that's hilarious.
He's implying that other cities have a more equal distribution, which is sometimes right, in case of Canterlot it seems to be more or less true.
Oh, that makes sense

Just thinking about her being yandere kind of freighted me.
stop trying to force your shitty meme
>Bonbon can go for days with proper hydration
>Lyra has telekinesis
she probably will manage logistics and the sciences now
It's still better than >ponyville is normal just cause
>Just thinking about her being yandere kind of freighted me.
isn't that the point?
What is she so serious about?
Yandere is shit tier dere.
>What is she so serious about?
I'll tell you on the sub if you want to take it there
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>using weeaboo terms to describe your characters
Dying isn't losing.
Giving up is.
Princess Celestia and Luna are slowly dying due to the strain of raising and lowering the sun/moon every day. Celestia has been grooming Twilight to rake over the most important role in equestria for the past two seasons. She has only has a few months left to live before she dies of exhaustion, and has been meeting with leaders from other kingdoms to prepare for the inevitable day when she fluffs it which will be the end of season finale complete with a luna/celestia singsong and a fateful TBC[/spoiler
it's easier that way since they're achetypes
I'm not, but seriosuly it's always instakills
Tome is killing me,man Not even ADOM is this merciless


Makes me think of Payday
>What is she so serious about?

She's based on an egyptian guardian deity

Which is why I see her as being possessive, that's her way of being Anon's "guardian"
What the fuck have you been smoking?
Oh I'll make 'em ache alright
>bonbon can get into some really kinky shit
>lyra won't mind inviting friends over
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I haven't played that in ten days. I wonder if the updates changed the game for the better. There's nothing to do past level 40.
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I am okay with all of this.
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I bet pones taste good.
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Yeah but guys, look at my adorable face, who wouldn't want stories being produced about me?
Dan, I swear to god, take that name off. And stop calling us at 4 in the morning! I don't CARE if you got another sing-along youtube sent to you.
they don't taste very good raw
>Bonbon gets off from sucking you off
>Lyra squirts
Tastes like cotton candy.
A whopping big bowl of HOPE
that sounds dangerously like faust

The latest updates have been Ghost dicksucking. Jammers can now open atms, their skills with silenced weapons and SMGs have been buffed, lockipicking skill buffed, and loads of others, especially a passive bonus to dodge boolets at tier 4.
>Lauren Faust actually believes that not using her tripcode gives her deniability and enables her to shitpost with impunity

A videogame where you play as masked bank robbers.
>Bonbon likes to finish you off at night
>Lyra likes to start you off in the morning
>implying she isn't anonymous
I'm about to buy a baby doll at the dollar store and start posting photos of it on Facebook pretending its my kid. I'm hoping to find a black one and glue on an afro.

Is this one of those poor decisions that my family and friends have warned me about?
Good, Ghost was too specialized and situational. Hopefully the four trees are more balanced.
>Lyra gets wet if you so much as mention touching her horn
>Bonbon can peel an orange by winking around it
if you are on a weeaboo site filled with weeaboo kids that seems perfectly acceptable
possibly only if its soft vore for me though
>Bonbon's ready to go in public places
>Lyra treats you like a king at home

The saw seriously needs to be a tier 3 or 4 skill for enforcers. It's been buffed too to try and get people to use it, but hardly anybody specs enforcer. They all want to be Smooth Criminals.
why are you destroying all the hope
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pony is not for sexual
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Does this get you off?
>Lyra loves it when you use your tongue
>Bonbon prefers your fingers
pony is always for sexual
File deleted.
>Lyra squirts
>Lyra gets wet if you so much as mention touching her horn
>implying there isn't a little bit of Faust inside all of us, keeping us warm at night
a-are you okay, anon?

I'd rather have Gryphon Air Cabs

or http://derpiboo.ru/412994 , dunno what it is about chubby gilda that makes me rockhard but jesus
>keeping us warm at night

So that's why I wake up in a pool of sweat.
you can't use that anymore anon
it's compromised
The point of Enforcer is to fuck stuff up and fight. The game is objective based. A good team covers aspects of the heists and cover each other. A pure Enforcer would just kill cops and revive.
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Celestia could kick all of our asses
>Lyra secretly loves it when you two are alone
>Bonbon secretly loves it when she gets sandwiched between you and Lyra
>this was discovered after one strange night
>strong Amazonian Celestia is canon
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comic out yet?
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She has beautifully toned muscles everywhere
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I-I'll be fine

Just had some very vivid mental images for a second there
>after that night, they agree to share you
>there's still some bickering, but they smile while they're doing it
>and if things get too heated, they trust you to defuse things with a well-placed finger or tongue
what kind of reaction is that

An you'd think that style of play would appeal to a lot of people, but I've met either ghostminds, C4 bitches, and people who just put points in random skills.

I'm tempted to change, but I like stealthing too much
Equestria is just a North Korea-esque society in regards to their rulers. Big Mac is just pretending to not be able to beat her because if he did, he'd be executed for shaming the glorious leader.
what a cutie
Came out today, but it hasn't been ripped and uploaded yet.
>The conflict about who you like more still isn't solved
she only wears that neck thing to distract from her beefy neck. she is actually very strong, but her body fat is distributed in a way that hides her powerful horsemuscles
I'm a C4 bitch, but I like to drill sit and make sure the objective gets done since I'm shit at combat anyway. Thing is that it gets too easy when your level gets too high. There needs to be a challenge other than running out of ammo all the time and just SITTING there.
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>"Whatcha thinkin' about?"
Rarity: So, have you read the latest from Jade Singer? It's so engaging, but it's deep too!

Bon-Bon: I don't think I've ever read a book quite that fast.

Rainbow Dash: Oh yeah, I practically read the whole thing in a day, but I had to go back and read it again for all the, you know, symbolism and stuff. Like, what was the stuff about the horn touching the-

Lyra: UHN!

Bon-Bon: Does anyone want some snacks?

Rarity: Uh...yes...I'd like some

Rainbow Dash: So...anyway...I think the unicorn horn touching the sun represented...

Lyra visibly ejaculates

Bon-Bon: You see? This is why we don't hold the book club here anymore.
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Hey mlpg can we turn another inanimate object into a pony again?

Fucking yayponies.

Fucking move faster.
which ones?
How about hats?
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>ever going out of style
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>Anon likes to sneak up on Lyra, touch her horn, and run
>book club

Cellphone Pony?

Rarity already exists.
What if we use comic sans?
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If you hug her for too long she gives you a tumor.
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Would she let loose the illusory spell when she goes to sleep, letting her taut muscles shiver and flex as she turns about at night?
it's been taken by the forces of evil,anon. There's nothing we can do.
that just makes me read cellophane
>not picking her up and pumping her horn rapidly to get a watergun
that already exists.
I'm just gonna go to sleep and when I wake up I'll be able to read about Mac Daddy Macintosh fucking all the bitches.
The one on the right was the one that could speak Swedish, right?
so long gay celestia
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Strong for such a skinny pone
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why do i all of a sudden have a huge fetish for ponies in wedding dresses?

i dont want to get married.
>don't stop and force orgasms to turn her into a quivering drooling slut
Horse dildo pony? Was it been done?
hellooo sexually curious luna
OOooo Rubber/eraser pone, she rubs out your pencil mistakes.
>You will never tell Lyra in explicit detail how you'd go about detailing her horn
>She's running like a faucet before you get halfway through your plans
>She hauls you into a convenient alley with her telekinesis, sticks her horn in your face, and begs you to touch it. Stroke, lick, caress, anything at all.
>She's shuddering in time with your breathing, just from your breath across her horn
>You run a fingertip along the spiral groove, just as an experiment. She bites her lip to stifle a groan, and you hear the splatter of fluid on the pavement behind her.
Because you have become a man.
>Twilight keeps anon camouflaged from everyone else to keep up the shenanigans
>"As per Princess Celestia's request here. See?"
It's because she has magic
>implying ponies aren't weeaboo
Their eyes are even based on anime.
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yes, but there is no need to be alarmed. even though she outclasses even the largest strongest stallions, she still has herself under fine control.
her body still feels hard and stringy under her cosmetic coat and in direct contact her swelled guns pulse and twich and emit a noticable amount of heat
I think just because of my sheer size I'd be able to beat up little ponies as long as I wore a cup.
what the hell is up with her tail? it looks like someone tried to draw pikachu and ended up drawing Twilight.
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I don't recall
"I can't believe you did that Anon! It's been 2 weeks and I still can't get the smell out!"
Did we ever get the new comic?
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you're killing me mlpg

right here, right now, you're committing MURDER
>Larson apologists still going at full blast
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This is the worst Book Club Meeting I've ever hosted
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Man I'm slow
I'll try and be back tomorrow to take some more.
Do you want to join?

Dont think so anon. The ponies survive being embedded in rock.

And Rainbow Dash can kick through three trees and blow up a barn.
is the comic seriously not dumped yet
what the fuck
by the time it's actually out, no one's gonna give a shit about it thanks to the spoilers
Pony will care
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And yet...
I assume that once I enter Equestria I also receive logic defying abilities.
I bet they do
>And then Bonbon gets a finger up her ass
She pants as you pull your finger away, visibly blushing through her coat, and nuzzles at your chest. When her horn brushes against your chin, she shivers against you and turns her gaze upward.

"Please, don't leave me wanting like that..."
That's nasty. Doo doo comes from there!
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Hey guys does anyone have a link to that flockdraw thingy I think it's called oC. We used it like a month or two ago?
that is a fantastic Rarity
openCanvas 1.1b, google it

Nope, those are pony only. Celestia only hands those out to her chosen people.
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Ciel from Tsukihime. The VN and manga, not the monstrously terrible anime.
Exactly! She'll be too irritated and shocked to notice Lyra rushing to the fridge and pulling out a nice big birthday cakebecause it's Bonbon's birthday
Give it a lick, before sucking it.
And what would I have to do to be chosen?
Thanks I though it was something like that.

Also does anyone want to go on Open Canvas later?
pls no h8
which pony is the best kisser?
Remember when people went to the old horse to ERP and do sex shit there?
Whatever happened to that?

You have to take Crackle out on a loving date.
This is the worst plan for a surprise party ever.
>Lyra did something that impressed Celestia enough to teach Lyra how to do hand spells
Hate to be a dicktease, but >>13168412 has a point.
Kissing Booth pony.
I will
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can we get a spike and rarity version of this
old horses started dying too fast
Oh cry me a river. You're the faggots that resort to hiding posts you can't argue with, hide these too.
And what would I get?
I don't know how to set up the sever, you wouldn't know would you?

After three dates, a very memorable night.
But pone doesn't pop.
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Wouldn't the scales chafe?
That's a false dichotomy my brother, I never use filters and I've participated in a few of those myself.
Keeping it to the old horse is polite, in a weird kind of way. I don't see anything wrong with it.

A guy cumming on a rainbow dash toy.
Lyra getting her horn sucked on by Bonbon.

That only makes you remember the night better.
>more pages going onto derpibooru
>no comic anywjere

It stopped

You'll get over it
a loving family
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A human female having intercourse with a human male. Consensually.
That was fast.
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>tfw openCanvas is Greenlit on Steam
>despite clamors for the collaborative feature, they won't put it in
>because they want to compete with the likes of Manga Studio and other art programs for pro-level sotware

top hue
It was last night before I went to bed. It's still fresh in my mind, though, which is why I was fetishfagging.
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the thought of doing very fetishy things to another anon and red ribbon
But that's the entire reason to use oC.
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aka x-arielle
Yes, THAT arielle
>gain notoriety for a certain function
>leave it out once you sell out

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don't be hatin

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Someone contacted the fun police, If we act real quiet maybe they wont notice us
But Open canvas has a set resolution that's so shit it couldn't possibly be used seriously. The whole point of it is that it's gimped to work collaboratively.
I can host
here's the IP

And in later news, Kenmore refrigerators will no longer keep food fresh, as they wish to compete with the more popular Fridgedaire.
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...Maybe noone heard him.
That pony needs scrunch
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She is the Princess of Executive Meddling
I want to preen that pone.
I wouldn't mind the executive meddling so much if they didn't try to shoehorn in terrible awful designs.
Dash plz.
So after the comic, who are you shipping Big Mac with?
neat, thanks
Why is that pony crying?
>watching to touch princess twilycancer

but why
I'm just downloading it now, be with you in a sec.
She has accepted her role in the world as worst pony
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>"Yesterday you said you'd call Sears."
she is the princess of one and a half trillion hitlers
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She has to learn sometime, and I have to admit, I'm pretty awesome at it.
I'll call today
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Fuck you Anon. Shes a great pony
1.5 terahitlers, if you will
>amputee porn
dangol pone tellyhwat
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>incoming fun police

You can lie to yourself and your minions!
You can claim that you don't give a hoot!
But you never can run from
Nor hide what you've done from the eyes
The very eyes of fucking Moot!
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She has a nice plot
>inb4 sexualization of pone
Which pony is most likely to be a cowboy?
The answer may surprise you!
You should totally watch the last third of s2 and the entirety ofs3 sometime.
can you at least pretend to not be such a brony
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>"Pbfft, you really thought I would look like an egghead with these on anon? I'm Rainbow Dash, and I make everything look awesome"
Wow that Big Mac comic was surprisingly good
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>"You'll call now."

What comic?
Porn comic?
You. Me. Bed. Now.

Keep the glasses on.
Part 10 was amazing

[Fleetfoot creepy stalking intensifies]
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I'll call now
it's in the comic thread >>13167572
THE comic you dribbledork
It's been storytimed here already.

Dude posted the rest after a while.
Go and get rid of the fun police then.
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What's the biggest size a pony can put up her maregina? I need to know some dimensions for my fapfic.
I really don't want to. I'd like her to remain myserious, having silly and warm-hearted appearances in the background, and having the occasional serious scene in a two-parter. She doesn't need an own episode, and I doubt she could really carry one.

I haven't read it yet. Waiting for scans/storytime.
Luna, Fleetfoot, Cherilee, and that other pony all stalking him and teaming up and getting into catfights over him.
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>those han-
>that fac-
Man, flockdraw is better

Someone host one of those
your arm
possibly both arms
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Pony proportions in 3d usually fall in the uncanny valley. In 2d they do things that don't make sense in a 3d perspective. Like how eyes seem to move different distances.
dash can take it all
Abominable, but at least it isn't this:

all of you.
Still Fluttershy.

About this much.
I want to shove another anon inside of fluttershy and see her cry in ecstacy
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Sometimes things just don't go your way and you just want to sit back and draw horse butts.
>three feet of pure pony pleasure
What about princess butts? Can you draw those?
what's the point of mlpg if there's a comic thread? it's literally the only reason why anyone should even bother to come here
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disillusioned nostalgia

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it's not elitism if we're better than them
Hey guys, im sorry OC is taking a shit on me. I failed you
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I'm talking a wee bit more realistic on the scale here. Not gag penis size. Like on the right side of the bell curve, stereotypical big black dong for pony.
good enough for me.
the ratio of shit to quality in mlpg is realy the same as shit to quality for the rest of the board.

there is just less total shit to sift through
But black cocks aren't actually bigger on average.
Maybe 12 inches or so, then?
Where's the DL link? t's not on yayponies.
except flockdraw is shit
mewball stram when
It really isn't

you were shit in the minecraft server.
wasnt there an MLPG hosted OC, like hats?
Not really
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Hope you have a great day, dude.
Should I contact you via tumblr from now on?
Will you have time to work on MLPG Prints soon? You were slated for Gilda IIRC
>you were shit in the minecraft server
but I never played the minecraft server
as soon as you need to go to sleep
another anon here

Seeing as how you aren't offering any proof to back up your statement I simply have to call it false as well.
>no layers
>no blending
>no brush presets
>no tablet support

It's shit
fuck you, I didn't
If there was a blazang there, it was an imposter
Jesus scruffy it's not like there's important shit to talk about, let the random crap be discussed.
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>tfw strong princesses
oC is not as shitty but it's still practically unusable
>it's not the shit, it's how you eat it
Celestia is crazy stronk too
Why do people not like it when an artist draws another artist's OC?
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I liked it when Dash danced with another mare
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Anon know what you're talking about.
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Where horse go?
To prom.
>pixel as fuck
Anthro is against the rules
Anon had to let us know he didn't like thing.
Who cares
I like it.
Remember, people are more likely to talk about it if they're upset about it, rather than if they are ambivalent or mildly pleased.
maybe 8"
It all depends on the intent and reputation of each artist. Sometimes it's a friendly thing and it can be cute. Sometimes it's like 0r0 or Lamar where you know they just want to be jerked off.
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Let me rephrase this. How big is a pony and what is a big penis for them?
Average human size is big to them. Why? It flatters the anons that read it, and there's no way to know accurately anyway because it's a fucking kid's show. May as well pander to your audience.
>posting any other reference than the candycane one
Absolut shit.
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She's not even straining
And that expression is hot as fuck
>Celestia will never easily overcome your pitiful resistance, smirking while shoves you onto her bed
But there is a candycane there.
>implying that the candycane one is anymore reliable
oh god my dick
She's too kind for that, she likes it gentle.

Her lovers however are all turned on by the notion that she could accidentally break them in a mere blink on an eye, and yet she shows no signs of ever even aproaching that strenght
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>arm wrasslin

oh hey
If you scaled humans from apes we'd have tiny, tiny dicks. This chart should take evolutionary biology into account

Like the reason we have large penises is because of early sperm competition, fertility displays, and to pleasure our mates so our mates would stay with us

Since ponies are practically human it's not a stretch to say that their dicks are similarly evolved to create maximum pleasure for pony vaginas. Also, since we've seen them assume human poses on the show and lay on their backs, it's very safe to assume that ponies can hilt with ease.

tldr your dick aint shit
It's far better.
I never understood people that overreference shit like this. Do they honestly think that an artist has a bible that says "Fillies are exactly 3'5", make sure to accurately measure the candy cane down to the pixel or you're fired." No chances are they just lay it in in a way that looks right and go about their business.
Oh man, issue 10 is really good
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is there a better version of this somewhere?
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHa8ikoNy3I
Her eyes are kinda derped

Let's do it then
>Celestia can easily overpower Big Mac without even trying
That's actually pretty scary
and unf
not enough neckbeard
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I like that Luna Mac is canon now
>Equestria girls was a well thought out and planned animation
>Every detail down to the size relation of the bunnies and ponies was thought out
Yeaaahh no.
if they can hilt, then their dicks would likely be shorter as a result of it

horses can't hilt because of their hips or something, so they evolve longer dicks to counteract that flaw
he's fun.
For me, the ponies will always be a size such that the base of their muzzle is at belly button height for a person who is 6' 2"

This way they are optimum hugging size if they stand on their hind legs
That and any proper comparison puts the EqG at 6'+
Shorter and thicker to plunger out competing sperm and induce pleasure. More chances to use that blood for something useful.
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EqG just introduces even more problems. Namely that their humans could be anywhere from a centimeter tall to 30-feet giants for all we know.
Which Pone jams out to this song?


Alternate Mode: Can you find a pony .gif that syncs up to it well?
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>people who suddenly start "liking" and drawing ponies just to become popular again
No more than Cherimac, FleetwouldMac, or that other pony.
so how about the situation in sirya?
is the candycane from the ground up really 8ft, or is some of it buried in the ground?

is twilight just giving a rough estimate of the height?
>not wanting to be bronyfamous
We were /pol/ yesterday, go away
Speaking of the comic, the rest of it has come out in this thread: >>13135191
Shit's fucked.

Pretend it doesn't exist.
Even if the candycane is 1ft off, it's still more accurate than anything else.
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>"Ah! There's Cheerilee! She's Lugnut's Father's Sister's Cousin's Former Roomate! She might know"
the sizes of the characters in relation to their surroundings when they made the flash assets was completely arbitrary

even the six foot candy cane referenced in the show was arbitary.

America has no conclusive evidence, nobody does, murrika wants to start an unconstitutional war to secure oil anyways
there is WW III, and ur children will be teached about it, shit happens
How do you faggots draw in flockdraw without your pen lagging.
Bronies are desperate and fame is easy to achieve.
The candy cane is tilted, we have to assume that the candy cane when standing straight up and down is 8' since that's what Twilight called it in the show.
so basically, they'll have similar to use in length and girth, but on small ponies and worse stamina

>Unconstitutional war

fallout soon fellow citizen
>two mares will never literally fight over your dick
Without breaking a sweat, mind you.

Big Mac could pull houses with ease. What could Celestia do when actually trying? Lifting mountains? Moving celestial objects?
I want it already.

The comic I mean.
>you'll never take Cheerilee to the fair
My first though when I saw that line was "spaceballs"
Be a good character
>Big Mac awkwardly leans backwards when girls hug him
>that feel
Fuck this noise this website is making me mad
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Just listen, humans have nothing to do with this. Fluttershy is going to have a futa dick and dominate Rainbow Dash and I need to know how big to make her horsecock without it being gag size.
Congress has to approve a war

Or rather, that's how it's supposed to be
>worse stamina

There's no reason for them to have worse stamina than us.

If you go with some bullshit theories they are us, so they're the same.
This just adds some form of credibility to the theory that alicorns possess all the attributes from their composite species. Strength of Earth Ponies, Flight of Pegasuses, and Magic of Unicorns.
She is a good character already.

But it's just military intervention, not a war
How big would you make Big Mac's massive meat log?

Make it a little smaller than that.
Make it just big enough to go most of the way down her throat without entering the stomach
Wait, it' already out? No on'e posted it though. Is there a download link? Wanna read this shit on my tablet with my sister.
>unprovoked attack on a country that poses no threat to you
>not war
they all start like that
In what way?
And I still want a picture of her gardening with a big, round strawhat (a chinese one), watering some flowers.
>waltz with your military into a foreign country while noone asked you
>not war
I forget, who usually has the milky way cutiemark spray when we play hats?

I agree with you, I'm just trying to be an asshole

but it's not as fun as I thought it would be
It's been storytimed on /mlp/, but I too am waiting for the download
it was fucking adorable
China's started doing that to India. Probably been doing it for years.
she probably has a really pretty private garden in the top floor of the tallest tower in canterlot
Her wings are pretty.
did you see the post where purplekelcloin said she stopped drawing ponies and selling pony stuff at cons to make room for more popular stuff.

also atryl is have troubles paying rent now.
slugbox left the fandom long ago because he said it wasnt good money anymore.
Futa's a good word to filter.
in this thread
She has a warm-hearted, sympathic character, is optimistic and fun-loving, at times almost silly, but she can be serious when the situation calls for it. Yes, she does not have any internal conflicts, or even any interesting flaws, really,but she is in a specific situation in the show, as some kind of parental figure, as one who stands above all the events and only watches, and maybe judges, but doesn't interact. She is basically Dumbledore.
You mean it's out?
so she is a dead homosexual?
>dat comic


also when is moronsonofboron gonna draw tht celestia armwresttlin scene
Do you think she has sunflowers there?
Yeah this fandom is pretty abysmal for getting people to pay ridiculous amounts of money for useless shit. You all think you're entitled to free stuff.

maybe if you're Hitler
I agree with using figurative ways to describe it like this, no need to tack a number on it
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I swear to all that is holy shut the fuck up about filtering things.
What the hell is this convoluted shit.
Love, Harry. Love.
Can we have new comic story time in the next thread?
nah, maybe some daintly litte tiny flowers

I wish I could arm-wrestle Celestia so I could try and sniff her hoof
>Fat armwrestling fat

Ross legacy lives!
I dont want to spoil myself.

Which means once the comic is actually out no one's going to give a shit about it anymore.
But there's already a thread with it.

Why bother?
They got in early and ran into a cash windfall then once the competition came in they suddenly weren't making bookoo bucks anymore and concluded TEH FANDUMB IS DED.
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>only watches, but doesn't interact
He did nothing wrong
If you read it online in its entirety, how does that sour the experience.

I don't think Atryl has anyone that can compete with him

not trying to suck his dick or anything, but he's too fast
So your just mad that he's not jerking you off?
I wish I could hate the idea of people with major genetic defects being allowed to breed without being likened to Hitler
Canterlot Wedding had so bad writing, it weakened meta-characters like Celestia.
shit that's a long horn
I like reading them for the first time with my sister since she likes them a lot.
if it's 1ft off, then it's completely inaccurate

but the cane is securely in place, with two ponies stuck fast to it, while on a tilt. hard to say that the cane is fully displaying all of it 8ft because these.
>muh head canon
It grew a few inches and got harder when Chrysalis touched it.
these arnt small time people though. they have all been in the fandom and art selling business for a long time.

they have to have some idea of what they are doing and they saw the pony business was no good.
Dying fandom, I tell ya.
Let's be realistic for now.
>Canterlot Wedding
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Nobody cares about fast when they're thinking of buying something to hang on their wall. A lot of Atryl's shit just looks goofy precisely because he rushes through it in the hopes that bronies will swallow anything he shits out.
How in the hay do you survive something like that?!
Even she survived too!
fuck, the lag is just way too bad for me
I'm ashamed to say I loved watching it when it came out.
With my on-line girlfriend.
From thousands of miles away.
who then dumped me a month later.
That's not what made it bad

The shitty villain handling and sudden alterations to twilight's character were bad
>they're never going to introduce the Smooze
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If Atryl wanted to take his time and make something you could frame and hang, he would.
haha faggot
I feel ya, it kinda feels like the previews can be a bit excessive sometimes. I don't want to read 25% of a comic before it's out.
Apparently some people can do it without the lag? How the fuck?
that actually kinda neat

Like a little sister?

I wish I had a little sister to talk about ponies with.
But that would cut into his profit margin so he doesn't. Then he complains when his sales go down because nobody wants to buy hastily rushed crap.
One of the problems I had with Canterlot Wedding was that the only way Celestia doesn't come off as a fucking retard is if she knew about Chrysalis the whole time and was trying to draw her out.
Otherwise, she's a complete idiot for not holding off the wedding until the threat had subsided.
Yeah that's why I want to wait until there's a link.
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If anyone's having trouble with the Flockdraw penlag, here's a fix.

Bad writing.
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That, and the writing. The entire plot barely made any sense.
The threat would have just killed/drained shining armor and launched and invasion either way

Keeping the wedding scheduled put pressure on chrysalis and gave the ponies a chance, because they don't stand a chance against any organized effort without deus ex machina magics, which they needed a living and lively SA and cadence to pull off. It also gave her an excuse to bring the elements of harmony to the city without chrysalis getting too suspicious.

How much do you think random goat sounds are worth?
I enjoyed watching them, I still think they're pretty shitty. It's possible to enjoy things that are shit, but it's good to realize that they actually are shit.
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>random goat sounds
I thought that was lewd for a second there. Fuckin' dammit.
stop trying to defend the shit writing
makes you look like a retard

>postponing things because of a threat
>not just exponentially increasing your (useless apparently) security

You're letting the terrorists win, anon.
800 times what Johnny Test Whipcrack is worth
>It also gave her an excuse to bring the elements of harmony to the city without chrysalis getting too suspicious.
So what if she just told them to get there one day? It's not like Chrysalis could've reacted in that time, and even if she did, it's not like the situation would've been any worse than it ended up being.