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Early Morning Abstract Art edition.

Old horse: >>13134448
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First for X Ponies
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So would ya?
it's depicting the power struggles between the complex, almost irrational bourgeoisie and the stalwart, united proletariat
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Y'all are kinda cute
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Your favorite pony is a meemer
It's sex.
Like a runaway freight train.
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This should be a fun one
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Yeah well you're pretty adorable.
How bout that.
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Kinda cute
Like how a burn victim is kinda cute
You know that she's doing her lying face from RoH there right?
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Its also why she'll never become an alicorn
>low hanging gut
>terrible boob to gut ratio

She'd have to work for it, but I know she wouldn't.
Hence my response.
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Why does she always get the most dialogue and the best poses?
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Seriously, am I going nuts or was this OC a pedo teacher?
Your favorite pony has been a changeling the whole time and your the first to find her out without her noticing.
The real [Insert pony here] has been dead for years now.

What do?
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And people wonder why Dash always says things like this
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Why do you think?
And then Dash gets her wings snapped from a lucky kick. Cocky bitch.
How do I know that there's been a real [Insert pony here] in the first place?
She said it all in her sleep or she thought you weren't home and said things. Use your imagination.
Because I'M THE REAL [insert pony here], ANONYMOUS.
How do you know that you are not a changeling that has been brainwashed to believe you're a normal person?
Well...I don't know. I mean I love her for who she is. If she's been a changeling from the start, you know from the NMM incident then I love the changeling. But I don't know how to handle it. Eventually I'll slip. I mean she's the real hero, she's the one that's the Element of generosity, she's the one that's friends with the other 5 but what about her family?
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I prefer DT, she gets more innuendo in her dialogue
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Get back in your cage
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God morning best princess
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Daily reminder.
xxnumber1wonderboltsloverxx has joined the game
That's pretty much where I'm at too. Not sure how she'd react to me knowing though. Guess it would depend on why she's there and what her intent is.

>but what about her family
She stalked her long enough that she knew the dynamics inside and out so she could suck up maximum positive emotions. Anything impossible to know was found out through luck and good sleuthing.
I may have fallen in love with the changeling instead of the pony, if I haven't known the actual pony in the first place.
Shut up Ross
draw more tsuntsun
Remember Rainbow Dash's ball bouncing thing?
I thought that was the cutest thing.
Rainbow Dash is the cutest, most shippable pony
>Luna will never stay up and wait for you to wake up just to wish you a good morning
But you know how the ponies in Equestria feel about changelings, so how do you deal with that?
Do you ever reveal that you know at all?
What if you slip and say so and it turns out her intent is evil?
Don't respond to him

I just realized that you can't pick a favorite princess without people flipping out




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What do you mean by tsun tsun? Like, Diamond playing hard to get or?
Fuck you
>not knowing what tsun tsun means

Stop bullshitting, Ross
Oh yeah her intent. Well really at this point I believe that she's a good changeling, just wanting to live as a pony because living as a changeling sucks.
The love she gets, while feeding her, isn't her main goal.

But I meant how her family would react. How would sweetie react? How would her mother and father react finding that their daughter has been dead for years and the last years of their life has been a charade?

And her friends? Okay Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie would probably understand, act a bit weird around her but still be friends. Dash and AJ? Yeah not a pretty sight.

And she'd be an outcast. Her dream to become a big fashion designer? Gone. At best, at fucking best she'd have Fancy's support since he's a bro and would judge the dresses not who made them but that's all.

I'd still provide more than enough love to feed her.

But all that love won't fill all that she'll lose.
I have forced Anonymous.
Indignant, angry, embarrassed, trying to conceal feelings behind her flustered reactions.
More tight clothes always helps.
I like all of them.

Just googled it. Why don't people just use English? There's an english equivalent for the word, anyway.
not really.
the only one here that gets you less hate is celestia
I think your favorite princess is the best princess
I do not like how her ass and belly look like she has an innertube around her waist.
Because weeaboos.
>Twilight used to be a pretty acceptable favorite pony
>then all that shit happened
I never asked for all this princess or EqG drama and change. I just wanted to like my favorite cute book pony in peace.

Exactly. All that conflict would be intense if anyone found out, so keeping it secret would be a top priority unless you wanted to try and bring a few ponies into the know to figure out if it could ever work.
To me, the you that is standing in front of me right now, is the only true (favorite pony).
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I don't like the drawing all that much, either. Struggled with it.
Because gigantic nerds and the fact that sometimes everything you want to say is in one word. Like schadenfreude.
That's right. The absolute best.
>commit tsundoku
That's acceptable.
Who's your favorite pony anon?
Well really the only one that could actually help is Twilight. The others not really. And Twilight is still a logical pony. Presenting all the facts would make her not try to kill my changeling waifu.

Thing is how to stop her freaking out till all the facts are shown. And the part where she kinda is shit at keeping secrets.

But here's the problem. There's no reason to tell anyone. The main thing is me being worried that I'll make a slip. And if I found out anyone could if she was careless like that.

Besides all the drama if everyone found out there's also this choice. Continue keeping it a secret and hope none of you make a mistake or try to integrate her in society slowly.
I came
>buying a third party 'ps3' controller
>not using a real ps3 controller

You can't purchase real ps3 gamepad. it comes with PS.
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Oh great, were /v/ right now.
Lets assume that for some reason there's a changeling scare that prompts Celestia and the other princesses to make random changeling sweeps, with Twilight presumably overseeing the Ponyville region, and you had to try and get her help.
How would you do it?

Because I don't think being blunt and up front with her would be a good idea, she may immediately spook and teleport away to get help, but you could potentially be short on time depending on how soon random is.
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Pone is vidya
Sparity a shit
Wonder if the guy that made that would change it to show the quint 9s if we got to play and beat them in the quarterfinals.
At least we're not posting photos of our terrible beards and entrancing eyes
I'm sure I could change it on photoshop.

Give me a sec
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You a shit.
Well of course I would talk with Rarity to see what the fuck do. Really the only way would be to spend a shit load of time with Twilight and indirectly aproach this situation. You know shit like "So Twilight, hypotethical speaking, what if a change ling is good?" or "what if one of your friends is one" and shit like that.
Another important objective would be to get Spike by my side. He'd be easy. I mean he loves Rarity. Even if she rejects him he'd still care about her.

Then really it all depends on how Twilight responds to those questions. If the answers are favorable then I'd just lure her and together with Spike and Rarity slowly reveal the truth.
If not? Kidnap her. Set a trap together with Spike and do whatever I can. Eventually after explaining to her everything release her. Then all depends on how Twilight reacts.
If all fails all I can do is hope that she reports directly to Celestia.
I want ross to draw more fat girls
less mime flatface sweetie more fat dt and fat ponk
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No one is like that in MLPG. Celestia is best princess only princess and therefore MLPG is best thread.

>You come back to your room one day to find that pony is using your controller as a vibrator

Wat do?
Tell her to put it down, and play Rez with me.
Here's a question for you faggots.
Who's Pony?
Which pony do you faggots imagine to be. Your waifu? Your favorite pony? Your least favorite pony? Generic McGenericson pony?
But it's all covered in sticky mare juice.
Plug in three more.
OC from deviantart
Marker, I always imagine Markerita when someone just says pony.
Put on Anal Sex the Game
I feel sorry for pony because my controller is old and dirty as fuck and that she's going to die of infection or some shit.
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Tell her to stop and clean off the controller.

It's just like that time where my pig wanted to eat my controller.
Then I would wipe it off and tell her to play Rez with me.
Pony lusts for your boops.
Every day her hunger grows.
I had a dream I was Twilight and had sex with Mare do well
The disc is broken.

Your move.
I had a dream that I was a mare and had sex with the stallion version of the mane six
I'd find the fucker responsible, pony and I go on a hunt for their head.
>You know shit like "So Twilight, hypotethical speaking, what if a change ling is good?" or "what if one of your friends is one" and shit like that.
Pretty much what I thought too. If she responded favorably you could also perhaps appeal to her scientific curiosity by asking her what she'd be able to learn from having a friendly changeling if you could do it without setting off warnings in her head. She seems like the type that may bend the rules if it means the rare chance at learning a great deal about something.

>If all fails all I can do is hope that she reports directly to Celestia.
Then it would depend on how long she'll give you to present you're case, if she lets you at all, and the amount of changelings already found. Be difficult if there were lots of changelings being found out and they were all being blindly processed. Though being, or even formerly being, one of Twilight's close friends and an EoH may help out in that situation since the personal involvement and national defense implications would be large.
I put the broken parts in her marevagina. After a few seconds, I reach back and take out the miraculously mended disk.
It was pony who broke the disc, she was using is sex toy of some sorts.
I'd finish her off
And make her lick it clean after
Was it Euphoric?
Today I had a dream about a bug that had two bodies, a larger one and a smaller one which it could remove from the bigger part and back again, like a passenger in a vehicle.
I always wonder if all the Lunafags just don't want to see the "hurr durr bronyprincess" spam or if we really barely have any of them.

Also, why do we have such a huge fucking amount of Celestiafags? She isn't even one of the main characters.
ew, well now it's all covered in wet horse slobber.

>you try to grab it only to slip out of your hand into the puddle of mare juice.
Pretty sure they aren't more than any other -fags, just louder.
They're just butthorut autists who are rightly so inferior feeling to the Solar Guard of MLPG.
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>Also, why do we have such a huge fucking amount of Celestiafags? She isn't even one of the main characters.

Because fetishfags
Because the other characters suck now
>Because fetishfags
Bunch of them seem to be vanilla as hell though.
Well she has to lick up the puddle too
>fucking your mother/sister
I for one would lick that mare juice off the floor if I had to.
Someone has to be best.
It's the latter of >>13138474
I used to be a twifag, but now she's shit and I don't like the others enough to call myself an x-fag, and then only Celestia remains since they haven't ruined her completely yet, although I'm sure they'll fix that in S4.
There's also the part where besides Twilight Celestia interacted the most with Rarity.
And we'll have a case since firstly she's, like you said, a goddamn EoH.

The hard part would be proving that she's been Rarity since before Nightmare Moon escaped. That she is the Element of Generosity.
They have memory spells so that part could actually be trivial.

And Celestia is wise. She thinks.She's smart. And doesn't panic to hell and back like Twilight. If she's the one that gets the final vote than she's safe. If Luna, Cadence and the rest of Rarity's friends also get vote?

Honestly I don't know. If we prove that she's the Rarity that Twilight knows we'd be safe. Celestia would be on our side since even if she's a changeling she proved her loyalty to Equestria, Twilight again would be on our side since she knows the Rarity that's here and not the Rarity that was replaced. Luna I don't know. Cadence would probably be also on her side since they probably became closer in Games Pony Play. The other 4? I have no idea.
Why do you watch the show if you hate it?
I don't hate it, it's fun. But they made Twilight bad enough to not call myself a twifag anymore.
So? They still have a raging hard on, and that's the only important thing worth mentioning in this case.
>I used to be a twifag, but now she's shit and I don't like the others enough to call myself an x-fag, and then only Celestia remains since they haven't ruined her completely yet, although I'm sure they'll fix that in S4.
>he actually believes this
S3 is barely canon.
You hate the characters on a character-based show
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Maybe I could be your slutty waifu tonight
The floor is now covered in horse slobber, you slip on flying you into the air. Your head hit the hard ground, you fall asleep...

Six years pass, you wake up in a hospital bed you've been in a coma. No-one's around.

You walk outside of your room to hear the moan of a man slumping towards you.

MT pls
You're too far away to cuddle.
unf sugar unf
Maybe you could finally pay me for all the pics I've drawn so far, you pony jew
I want to see Marker pony dressed as Harley Quinn being lewd. Then my sexual fantasy would be complete for this month.
Marker pony is already a slut
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I'm glad my favorite character never got ruined by anyone.
I don't hate them and I never said I did. I stopped liking Twilight, and I like the rest of them, just not enough to call myself a fan of them. Celestia had little screentime so her character is mostly intact.
You know this would be such a cool quest.
First half is keeping the secret hidden, making Twilight choose other ponies for inspection besides your waifu and trying to make the other ponies more receptive to ideas such as good changelings.
Second part would be full Phoenix Wright with you defending your waifu in court in face of the princesses and her friends.
I'm pretty sure that if Celestia, Twilight, and Cadence were all okay with her and could vouch for her being safe then they'd adjust over time. Only bad thing would be the fact that her real identity would have a much higher chance of leaking to the public, but even then those three being able to vouch for her would make all but the most hardened ponies warm up to her eventually I think.
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Wasn't she bad in Pinkie's book? Also, Sweet and Elite wasn't that good. One of the more boring episodes until the main 6 show up.
" I don't like the others enough to call myself an x-fag, and then only Celestia remains since they haven't ruined her completely yet, although I'm sure they'll fix that in S4."
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She got ruined by the two dozen stallions lined up in her bedroom every night.
But anon....
Yeah, they haven't ruined her like they did with Twilight. And that's still not saying it anywhere that I hate them. Not liking something and hating something are very different.
>the books
>relevant in any way
In Twilight's book everyone but Rarity is full retard and Magic Duel never happened.
In Pinkie's book Pinkie breaks a Pinkie promise without giving a fuck later and everyone is retarded as fuck with maybe the exception of Twilight but barely.
You will never poni inside poni while she poni's your poni with her poni. And afterwards you will never pay her thirty bits and go home.
It probably would be. The scenario practically writes itself with all the the stuff around changelings we have and the implications something like that scenario would have. You could really pick any main 6 and it would be pretty easy to do.
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I'm glad my waifu only got better with time
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I disagree with that last part.
Seriously, unless you're within 50 miles of northern Indiana it's not happening.
AKR considers Twilight's book canon.
Who cares? The show has the final say. And the show cancels everything in the book besides Cadence's origins.
AKR hasn't read it, nor has Meghan.
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>tfw really tired but don't want to go to bed
>tfw I want to stay up and talk to the internet about pony ass
hasbro have said that the cadence book is canon so no, it doesn't
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Which ponies ass do you want to talk about, Anon?
>things that conflict with the show in a shitty book are more canon than the show
That's wrong on just about every level
Non Faust = Non canon
Aha. The show makes the canon. So until they go back and completely edit Magic Duel or erase it among multiple other episodes it doesn't matter what they say.
Again the show makes the canon. That's the most basic rule.

Also no Hasbro never said that. Other writers? Sure. Hasbro? never said anything about something being canon
>Also, Sweet and Elite wasn't that good.
what an objectively bad opinion
Faustdrones pls
Pony == Canon
Faust != Pony
Faust != Canon
Why even bother about what's "canon" and what's not
I wish I agreed with this, even though it'd make me a huge faggot.
What shit logic is this?
because we still need to delude ourselves that fim hasn't gone down the path of typical girl cartoons and still cares about quality
At this point this is a valid complaint
because dumb bronies who eat hasbros shit still draw breath
Because it's fun
Stuff I think is a good idea = canon

Stuff I think is a bad idea = non canon
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Maybe I could be your girlfriend tonight anon~
Things that actually conflict with the show are noncanon, that's not something to argue about. And things shown or said in the show are canon, with reasonable limits.
Kim Pine should wear her hair short more often.
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You know what's cannon?
the last episode you watched

Which one was it?
Show is canon
Tell is not canon
Tell of show is not canon
Show of show is canon
But only because my boyfriend is out of town
Games Ponies Play.
The crystal empire episodes
Sleepless in Ponyville
OaB nippon
Canon of all canons
Canon as long as it doesn't contradict the show
Word of God (writers, other show staff in that order)
Not Canon
Everything else
We should all watch an episode
>mfw the last episode I watched was the finale when it aired
Spike's Sexual Revolution
me too
Celestia episode

Written by Merriwether Williams

How do you react?
If that' then why some "canon" according to you episodes are good and some of them are bad?
Is it good?
But there are no more episodes, silly?

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i-in my p-pussy please...
Dude all the episodes are canon no mater what.
What kind of fucking retarded argument is that?
"Celestia sure acts like an ass."
But there are, silly?
except the wedding episodes
Marker Pony cameo apperance

in one the comics by cook and price

How do you react>
No, some of them are brony shit.pandering
I thought FAD and WA were good.
Probably die from happiness before the episode even airs.
Guess I'd like it, have no reason not to
Pleased, and excited to see just how much shit this is going to stir up.
"In this episode we've replaced Princess Celestia with Emperor Palpatine. Let's see if they notice"
Shut up, brony. Just because you can't understand it doesn't mean it's not smart.
Unsurprised, considering how many references they normally shit in.
>you'll never help fluttershy eject her eggs
>Episode is Luna following Celestia around and watching as she sets off each trap in turn
>implying anyone on the show or comic even remembers that MLPG exists
>implying anybody knows that klondike started gamer luna, molestia, gay fizzle and corey dragon
>implying you won't die alone
>implying Im not contemplating suicide this very moment
>implying I haven't abandoned all my mlpg friends
>implying im not breaking down and crying right now
>implying I'm not crying in empathy
>implying I'm not shoving a handgun against my temple
>implying typing with one hand is hard
>Implying I care
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>new update made my cursors do 28884.4 CPS
>that value will only rise
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>Cant magic
>cant fly
>Mostly work like underclassed citizens (farming, manual labor)

Notice that all the high classed citizens are unicorns and they can receive better education, and law enforcement is composed of mostly unicorns and pegasi

Being earth pony must be suffering
Mayor Mare is a mudpony though
cursors are shit profit-wise compared to time machine
I feel like pretty much everything is shit compared to time machines.
Ponyville is primarily a mud pony made village
so sell everything and buy some more time machines
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I want to stick my big dick inside your tight little butt, Anon-kun
Untill you see how expensive Time Machines are or at least become.

But it's still true for 90% of the game. That's because Time machines are retardedtly overpowered.

But I don't care right now. I have to make the numbers pretty.
>Mayor Mare is a mudpony though
and a Mayor of Backwater village
>tfw no stram
But Celestia, you are a mare, you don't have a dick.
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What an unfortunate broach.
She has magic.
Penises made of magic
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I'm a magical goddess mare
You can't tell me what I do or don't have
... but just this one time and only because it's you.
These conversations just get stupider by the day
I think it's due to a lack of blood directed to the brain as a result of re-direction of blood to the penis.

I call it "Erectionaemia".
thank god for post hiding
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Didnt Hearth's Warming Eve say the three races came together to make Equestria?

Where did the Alicorns came in then?

they suddenly took over by being OP magical and shit and dominated all the 3 races and put the Unicorns in high classes and the mud ponies the low classes?
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Oh fuck mlpg I left my pad open, and my mother started using it. It was left on mlpg and she clicked an imagur link.

Oh fuck, they're now marking jokes behind my back, oh fuck.

I really beefed it hard this time.
Post the picture
HWE's story was a metaphor
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RoH say that Celestia and Luna became leaders by stoning Discord
I guess they upgrade some ponies to Alicorn status sometimes.

but the Unicorns remain the high class no matter what. And it's funny. They just won everything
>Earthponies still need to make enough food for all of Equestria so most of them still need to be farmers no matter what
>Pegasuses still need to manage the weather, so no matter what a certain number of pegasuses need to manage the weather factory
>unicorns have no responsibilities anymore, they can do whatever they want
>out of all three methods of government the pony tribes have, the unicorn way is the one used
>The capital is a Unicorn city
Tell them we said hello
Alicorns weren't around back then. Those were the good times where everything was an ideal utopia
I don't know the link but she said it was two stallions fucking a girl pony. I think it was pegging.

>RoH say that Celestia and Luna became leaders by stoning Discord
That was implied, but never stated directly. All that was said was that Discord ruled Equestria before Celestia and Luna, and they put him down using the Elements Of Harmony.
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The world needs more Zecora/Twilight
Specially if it's humanized like that.
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>she said it was two stallions fucking a girl pony. I think it was pegging.
>unicorns have no responsibilities anymore, they can do whatever they want
Read: Unicorns are useless
I know right
It'd be mega unf
>Interracial older lesbian with a young dorky girl
THIS ISN'T FUNNY ANON, THEY THINK I WANT TO FUCK A PONY...which I do but I'd rather them not know about it.
The world needs much less Twilight in general.
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I don't think the world is ready for that much unf.
Link to that drawing?

Also this is hilarious anon. Do tell us how your next family reunion goes.
Using Magic as a power source for Pony Bots has had many odd effects, they each have free will and unique personalities. They're also able to eat, sleep, and procreate, even with organic ponies.
you just can't handle a real woman
Why didn't you just play it off cool? My mom saw one of the NSFW pictures from here when I forgot to lock my PC once, too.
I just said that the people in here are always goofing around and trying to gross each other out, I'm 99% sure she bought it.
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I think she closed it, I have no idea what the link was because she was the one who clicked it.

It's going to hell anon, family is terrible, just terrible.
Browser history you nignog
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You can't sustainably generate Magic, also how would you store such a thing
I did say that, she's still joking about it though.

I fucking deleted my tablet history faster than you can say boop yourself.
Well Anon, you are officially fucked now.
Might as well go over to the next farm and shag a horse, your reputation is ruined anyway.
But I already live on a farm with ponies, which really doesn't make it look any better.
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Your dick is so cute, Anon
Why would I like a piece of paper?
This is just getting better and better.
You're lucky she's only laughing about it. Many people would have gotten angry or worse.
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That is not what I posted at all

I like it
NO IT'S NOT, they aren't even my ponies they're nextdoors kids ponies.

Oh fuck this sounds even worse now I'm thinking about it.
>tfw I left my PC on one time and forgot about it
>dad checked something on google
>browser history also shows "rainbow dash"
>oh shit oh shit
>skype was open on the second screen and someone was talking about how he wants to fuck Rainbow Dash
He never ever mentioned it though.
When the police come take a picture with them for us.

>if a horsefucker is in that zone everyone will think it's you
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So pretty much Equestria origin as a country is:

>3 races coming together to create society with responsibilities for each race and equal rights
>Earth ponies being food producers and builders and stuff, Pegasi as controllers of weather, Unicorns for magic related labor
>Discord waltzes in and fucks shit up like a child playing god on steroids
>the alicorn sisters with their updated alicorn status uses OP magic gadgets and stones Discord
>The 3 races treat the sisters as their god and savior and makes the alicorn race as their leader
>For some reason magic using Unicorns become first classed citizens

didnt the comic say Luna became nightmare moon because of some nightmare magic stuff?


>Luna goes nightmare moon and Celestia zaps her to the moon, not releasing her from nightmare influence instead
>Celestia rules for 1000 years


I may be overthinking this
>2-dimentional, has got little to no depth to it, empty
Are you talking about chrysalis or the paper shes holding?
The paper.
At least you can fuck Chrysalis. All you'll get by rubbing your dick on a sheet of paper is dick papercuts.
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Fuck this I'm going to bed, hopefully when I wake up everyone will be either gone or asleep. Fuck everything man.

This is the biggest beef in my life ;_;
How come Applebloom's future self is in Apple Family Reunion?
>humanized Rarity
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Celestia couldn't release Luna from NMM's influence.
She'd eventually rebecame NMM if she didn't forgive Celestia. The EoH just weakened her

And yeah that's the basic timeline of eqeustria.

not really that hard to figure out
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You know what you have to do, Anon. Find out where he lives and impregnate every horse in a 50 miles radius
Are your sure? I'm rewatching the episode now and I can't see it
Twilight was a crappy character in that episode.
>Twilight was a crappy character in Season 3

Already got the best people on the job.
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Do they also have a special horse fucker force?
>special horse fucker force
That reminds me, I learned today that there's a party in my country called MLPD
>you will never be arrested for ponying too hard
>Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands
Is 4chan fucking up for anyone else?
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>Twilight was a crappy character in season 2, season 3 and Equestria Girls

Double fixed.
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>Can't go to bed. Need to study
>Stay up
>Don't study
>Masturbate to gay porn instead
I need a Twilight to keep me on the straight and narrow
>keep you on the straight
Too late for that
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Do you mean her? She does look like Future Apple Bloom
Which character should they have randomly coming down with a case of fat just for the sake of writing a diet and exercise episode?
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You already crossed the homo line

no way back
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That's my companion.
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>masturbated to gay porn
Did you cheat on your waifu?
Rarity would be that, anon. She stay inside the house the longest.
Go away Ross

just go

Rarity, obviously
Rarity would never let herself slip
Twilight probably follows so many books about eating and eats exactly how much she consumes
Dash is an athlete
AJ works to much
Pinkie's metabolism is crazy

So that leaves Fluttershy.
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it's a little too late for that
That's creepy and makes no sense
>eats exactly how much she consumes
That's kinda how it works, yes.
I dont know what to make of this pic
Even with Pinkie having the metabolism of a wasp, she still eats way too fucking much.
For fuck's sake, she ate a whole cake in one bite.
And all that pure sugar can't possibly do you well.
>Rarity would never let herself slip
No one is contesting that, but it would be infinitely more interesting to write about someone who puts looks before most things.

Also she doesn't really work out and fluttershy takes care of animals.
>eats exactly how much she consumes
Yeah I'm pretty sure she doesn't teleport food right into her stomach
Rarity is more likely to be the candidate for an anorexic episode.
Which pony is a premium dancer
Twilight is an impossibility. Twilight is a pure plot Mary Sue do everything plot device, so it cannot happen to her in the slightest.
>Rarity gets invited to important fashion event in canterlot
>Spends all week designing an outfit for the occasion
>Shes shut away in the home for the whole week eating cupcakes pinkie made for her
>Day of event comes
>Shes such a fatfuck she cant fit into dress
>Misses her event, prompts her to eat healthily
>Cue workout montage with AJ and RD getting her back into shape
>Doesn't work out
Watch how she works She is running everywhere. And she probably jogs or some cardio shit.
And while it is more fun with Rarity it doesn't mean we should ignore that it doesn't fit her.
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most premium pony
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Maybe zapping magic consumes cals?
and she uses tons of magic
yeah, but she still moves around like a maniac
all that sugar can burn by the way she moves

so obviously fluttershy is the likely candidate
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I know Grandiose mentioned I picked this up at BUCK so I thought I'd put up a quick picture.
There is a limit to how much sugar you can take at once irregardless of your actual metabolism, you know.
Pinkie is more probable for the "diseases you just have to deal with" episode, though.
Doesn't make sense at all. Doesn't fit her character at all.
>Has to be at an important show in Canterlot

As anon said it would most likely be an anorexia episode with her. Don't eat to make the dress fit. Don't eat to make the dress fit.
>plushie of a shitty OC
Jesus fuck
Is that the blind one?
I still haven't watched it.
Pony is bored and wants you to entertain her.
>implying she isn't cute as fuck
Pinkie also defies the laws of physics
Looks kinda cute
They're magical horses anon. Logic doesn't work with them. Especially with Pinkie
Tomatoes and chocolate are deadly to horses but they eat them on the show.
Yeah that's her. I felt it was pretty hamfisted with the feels so it didn't really ever get me but Snowdrop herself was super cute
You should, it's good for a laugh or two
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haha, yeah
who would want plushies of OCs?
t-that's stupid
They're magical horses that can contract disease and the ailment of logic when the writers want them to.

And they're pretty small horses, they probably got a more resistant gut due to brain mass and drinking weak cider for some time
>Apple seeds also have cyanide, and a cup of them (the seeds) would be enough to kill a horse
I would sell my kidneys, half of my liver and my lung to have a Renne and a Saffron plushie
>AJ can literally die form an Apple overdose
>That's how her parents died
Hello new headcanon
>a cup of apple seeds can kill a horse
But how many would be needed to kill a man?
Half a cup
She's inside a finite area, not a street corner (although that's a likely working area too).

If her ego was shot down hard (which would be something relatively easy to do) she'd gain weight and believe she's not that great of fashionista and become generally more tolerable.

Now writing an episode about a fat fluttershy? Oh boy angel is getting away more things how funny it's not like he'v done anything like that before.

Honestly this is like whether or not writing an ST:TNG episode about the virtually reality machine going haywire again or writing about finding a civilization who put technology above everything else and socially devolved into nothing but roving tribes of hi-tech barbarians.
Is she scrunching?
Her ego was destroyed, her life dream was completely shattered, she didn't let herself go fat.
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From a reasonable perspective that would be the most likely next thing to happen, from a dumb waifu perspect:NOOOO MY RARITY IS PURFUCKT.
>If her ego was shot down hard (which would be something relatively easy to do)
Except that happened already in the show.
Also by your logic
Oh boy Rarity is doing something that she would never do, it's not like everyone does that.

It's almost impossible to make Rarity letting herself go make sense. It doesn't fit her character at all.
>From a reasonable perspective that would be the most likely next thing to happen
I just showed why it's not. Because it's already happened. She reached the lowest point possible and locked herself in her room for days.
Saffron and Renne plushies? Plz such pleb tastes
Sadly not but she does have quite a big muzzle
>Character development bad

>By my logic
My logic? I'm just saying that Rarity would best choice for weight gain episode why in the everloving fuck would you have an episode around weight gained that isn't centered on the one character that's all about looks?
I want them as much as you guys, but they're so fucking expensive for customs.
Why have it centered around her if it makes no sense at all.

Just because it's funny? She'd also be the best candidate to try to make Fluttershy stop eating because she's to fat and convince her to exercise.
You might be able to sell your skills rather than use money.
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When did she officially become worstpone?

My vote is How To Beta Your Dragon.
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she always was the mary sue boring worst horse

from day fucking 1

no fucking doubt here
When worst was redefined as second best
Sometime in S2, but I cannot pinpoint exactly where
My vote is when she became Fluttershy
Oh wait that never happened. And Fluttershy and AJ are still in the show

So she can't be worst pone
I wonder when anon will get a good opinion.
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>Character says they trust a character
>They lie and go stalk them making sure nothing happens
>The episode isn't about having faith that your friends will make the best choice.

Still think that would have made a better moral.
nah she was okay before season 2

yeah i'm with you on that one, at first i'd think it was MMDW but everyone sucked in that episode, not just twily

watch the show, brony
She became worst when she decided, "Rainbow Dash is doing good deeds but she's got a big head from it! we must crush her dreams in the name of something."
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That episode was pure shit after the first few minutes.
But Twily pretty much sucked the least in that episode because >plot tool
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>everyone's OC's are shit no matter how cute they are
>except ours
>ours are patrician as fuck
That image is so goddamn stupid
Was TS the one who hatched the plot to knock RD down a few pegs? Is she the one who initiated the whole thing in MMDW?

Because if so, yeah you're absolutely right.
That'd be a lot of pictures considering what I'd sell them for compared to what people sell plushies for.
Except no one ever said that.
>implying I don't like some non-MLPG OCs.
but it's not
it's completely true
Some of ours are really fucking stupid too.
Yes, that's correct
Yeah but its what happened.
That's called an ad hominem.
>they made a movie out of that image
Lesson Zero was the start of Twilight's downfall.
While not explicitly stated, she is the de facto leader of the mane 6. And the other ponies usually follow her plans.
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Here is a challenge

Try to be edgy as fuck, edgy as you can possibly be

but pony related
I just don't give a shit about any OCs.
fuck off
smile HD.mp4
Why would fluttershy over eat? She takes care of animals all day, she's pegasus.

I'm not saying it's because it's funny, I'm saying if someone's self-worth was mostly put into looks it would more sense and would make the character much more likeable.

Then you have two fucking lessons to teach there too, first one being
>Don't fucking worry about how you look all the goddamn time and you shouldn't put all of your personality into superficial crap
secondly (which would be more of a reinforced statement than actual lesson)
>You can trust your friends to help as long as you're willing to receive it and don't allow your ego to supersede your need for help

>She locked herself in a room!
Yeah she locked herself in a room, because she was upset at the fact that she didn't receive the same praise as fluttershy for making the dresses, not because she was so egotistically and emotionally distraught to the point where she deemed herself unworthy of being the outside world.
Well, you do draw for free anyway. I've seen your non-pony streams where you do inflation stuff willy nilly. Considering you do it well, someone might be willing to pay you well for their fetish. The equivalent to sucking dick, but gotta get dosh somehow.
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I like them when they're cute ponies but don't really care beyond that
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I killed a pinkie clone

also fuck off
Well it's nice to completely ignore how he said no fuck you by himself to the dragons and that the only reason he's still alive is because Twilight and the rest of the girls run away too and then teleport
But I guess not watching episodes is easier
fluffy ponies
I would bone that mascot oc.
>letting one of the most powerful beings do your fighting for you is stupid because it's a girl
I think I originally made that image
Its because our OCs are really really slutty
Her accent was terrible
i TRULY hate people who make objectively disgusting porn of ponies.
I've cosplayed as Lord Anders.
I did, actually
I'd lovingly fuck that news pone
dax-rattler in a nutshell
Eugenics should be enforced to breed only the true master race, starting by breeding Twilight Sparkle and another of her kind. All other inferior races should be forbidden to reproduce under the danger of execution and removal from all records.
>Yeah she locked herself in a room, because she was upset at the fact that she didn't receive the same praise as fluttershy for making the dresses, not because she was so egotistically and emotionally distraught to the point where she deemed herself unworthy of being the outside world.
Do you even remember Suited for Success? the episode where she locked herself? You know after Hoity Toity said she'll never have a fashion career and made all Poniville laugh at her

One Rarity doesn't put all her self worth on how she lock, puting her friends multiple times over her looks, over her career and over her status.
>he said no fuck you by himself to the dragons
beause he doesnt know any better
I wish I was crooked trees.
guess I made another one with 'pandering' on it
He getting angry because the first couple of responds to that fat question are Raritys. Notice how he defending her honor right now.
Spike gives up on being a dragon at the end. He tells the phoenix baby that he's going to teach him all about being a pony.

Your DYEWTS is showing.
>Twilight Sue
>Master race

>t all her self worth on how she lock
>The equivalent to sucking dick, but gotta get dosh somehow.
That's kind of what commissions always are, unless you know the person well. This also depends on everyone having some sort of fetish and wanting lewd art of it. Were it so easy. Unfortunately not everyone works that way.
All this talk of a weight loss episode featuring Fluttershy, have you all forgotten that she uses the Zangief training regimen? She's not getting fat any time soon.
I've once got in a fight with my father over ponies.

I won.
Feeling Pinkie Keen is the worst episode on the show.
>she uses the Zangief training regimen
Crying while doing pushups?
Twilight becoming an Alicorn was the best thing to happen to the show
Because all the dragons he saw were horrible creatures that would kill babies of another race.
And he refused to follow the dragon way.
He didn't refused to be Spike, you know what he was so

>Being a Beta-ass pussy
>lives in denial about who he is
Also wrong
>let the grils do his fighting
Also wrong
>tfw I don't have a pony waifu

Am I allowed two waifus, pretty please with mare juice on to?
So none of the characters fit
I agree, not enough Rainbow Dash.
You're allowed to have as many waifus as you want as long as you don't get caught
and I'm pretty sure even asking this question means you don't really have a waifu
what accent?
Wrestling bears. She had trouble with wing excercises because she's an Earthbound Pegasus, but the rest of her is plenty fit.
I would say it has a lot of potential to a be a great thing for the show. It all depends on how the writers work with it, I have faith S4 will be great though.
nah, fpk is one of the better episodes of the series
>not Celestia
Midwestern Mom vibe
Only if you're a mormon
I love her, but she has no hooves nor magic ;_;
Getting into the show opened my eyes and turned me into a misanthrope.

Every day I pray to Celestia to come to this world on a chariot of righteous fury and purify this poor world of the taint that members of my former species are. Humans are driven by nothing but greed, corruption and hatred.

I've already started severing ties with this planetary cancer. My parents still think death of my sister was an accident.
seriously? this is like saying that derpy only eats muffins, or trixie and peanut butter crackers
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I want to travel Paris with Celestia and stop at every bakery and feed her cake.

Will this ever happen to me, Y/Y?
Nothing wrong with that, my waifu is a time locked ex-demonhost.
Middling episode, saved by that part where Fluttershy talks about teaching dance moves to squirrels.
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She just stuffs herself like a pig and magics the fat away.
My waifu is a insanely hot psychotic gal.
Why doesn't he just use his magic? And don't give me that cause he's weak bullshit, he doesn't have a single scratch or bruise on him.
By vomiting.
>magic the fat away

I have the mental image of celestia abusing her sun cutie mark talents to be able to burn off calories quickly
File deleted.
But where does she magic the fat to?

probably into her own glorious ass
... So half of the attractive women in modern anime?
What if she needs all those calories to do her super powerful magic to begin with?
She magics it into Luna
To random citizens.
>she burns 4000 calories every time she raises the sun

new headcanon acquired
What do you think keeps the sun fueled?
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It's probably more like 40,000-50,000
in before luna magics away all those grilled cheeses to get back at her
40,000 calories is a lot of cake nigga
My favourite pony is Pinkimena, for some reason MLPG insists on calling her "psychotic mode pinkie".

I honestly like her more than usual-time pinkie, not even speaking of other characters.
Murders murderers too are hot.
>no tagbacks
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Do you think Rarity's cat does shit like this?
It's as many as 4 tens
well yeah, lifting the sun isn't exactly easy
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I once at cookies without milk!
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I do not watch anime, so I wouldn't know, but I really love Quinn to bits.
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that's not edgy, that's just gross
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Who is going to stop her?
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Wow. So somebody made GOOD Equestria Girl paper doll games. They're cute and look hand drawn. They start in their underwear right off the bat to get that out of the way; they have canon clothes, something like their cutie mark, Rarity has her beatnik outfit; you can change their facial expressions and their hair, a shit ton of cute outfits.

Somebody gave a shit when they made this. This is objectively a good Flash game. If I was a little girl I'd be all over this.
That's a good waifu, anon.
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>that pic again
But I don't waaaanna fap now...
so, link?
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I hope for the love of god you're trolling son
((you made that original post just to make this one, didnt you))
I'm going to marry Pinkie Pie!
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You are going to fap, young man!
And you are going to like it!
Maybe if I had some help from Celestia...
>celestiafags shitting up the thread
They really are a problem
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Every single one of these little niggers is as cute as a button.

Also I just noticed the pony mannequins in human Rarity's house. Either she's and her friends are now all humans in Equestria or Rarity likes to dress up little ponies.

Have fun having a childish pony as a waifu.

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No, I just remembered people replying like this when /co/ first did the Salty Spittoon threads.
I dare you to google image search "welcome to the salty spittoon" and not cringe at all the memes.
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Fine, you don't have to jerk it if you don't want to
>playing tag with body size
>they "tag" each other at the most inopportune moments
>in the bathtub
>going through a door
>raising the sun/moon
>sweating man.jpg
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whatever bro
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Even though Celestia could win, she'd probably play along because all she really wants is to be included in a regular pony life.
>Every single one of these little niggers is as cute as a button.

Because they're human designs, not EG designs.
LK pls draw this
Fuck off celestiafaggots
there arent enough frued images in the world
>no dick

no fap
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That AJ is kinda ugly tough.
>celestia ordering you to masturbate
>she likes to watch and praise you the entire time
>tfw you skim a female masturbation copypasta for mentions of a dick then stop reading when you don't find it
While Celestia is on my small list of ponies I would fap to she's one of the more rarer choices of mine and right now I don't want to.
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>all these Celestias
Can I join along? I would be lovely if she has her own episode in the new season!
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all you had to do was ask
hahaha jesus are you me
>you will never help Celestia find relieve
>in the middle of a royal hearing
>during diplomatic missions
>in the heat of sex
Maybe in like half an hour.
That is a big butt.
Never change day thread.
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No, you don't have to, but she wants you to.
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Does anyone feel like drawing?

I would myself but I'm about to go to bed.
You think so? I gave her a kind of 'grin' in that picture. Here is her default smile.

(The Pinkie Pie girl is all about stockings. The Dash one is all about short shorts.)
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hurr durr
if only there was more like this
Like I already said a dozen times, I'd really love to have an episode that either shows hers and Lunas daily life or a flashback episode where we learn about their youth
I've been hankering for drawing.
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you sure about that?
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>"Oh hello royal subjects, I see you are talking about me, Celestia! I have an inquiry, what does thou think of my smart, beautiful, and may I add, single sister?"
Do it
so you taking requests?
Derpy dressed as Harley Quinn pls, my dick needs it.

Anime is for losaz
Man, I have yet to get into the habit of "I feel like I want to create something". It feels like a chore and I have to force it.
I'm surprised to say it, but Slugbox has really improved.
I think it's lame that she never wants to hang out with me even though I'm always awake at night
Slugbox doesn't like ponies anymore.
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I can see why my little sister loves these.

And reminds me of the 3DS fashion game. I heard it was like Recettear but with a fashion shop.
I can't promising anything but I'll try.
I think she hates me


Could you draw Twilight hitting Rarity in the face with a snowball
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I would agree with that. I would also love it if they use that comic where she was pretending she wasn't Celestia while she visit Ponyville. I remember msob did a funny image of that very comic.
There was something kind of similar with Twilight Sparkle but it didn't go anywhere

It's super hot but a really niche kink
I kinda doubted he ever did. Seemed like a cashin more than anything.

Is that not one of his, then? I'm fairly certain that's his style of drawing wings.
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How about Derpy in her mail pony uniform?
>potatoes and mustard are also deadly to horses
Nigga, that Fluttershy is adorable. I'd take her out to get ice cream.

But we wouldn't stay out late, she'd probably have school in the morning.
Deadly to humans: fucking nothing
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As long as you have fun, I don't mind whether you can or can't draw.

All that matters is that you tried.
yeah, me too
stallions as well
what do you think you are doing?
there are lots of things that kill humans
Use CTRL+S next time nigga
It's a shop. There's another animu picture which isn't related to ponies at all and was the base for that.
I'm just really gay for women who are larger than me

in more than one way

i dont know what you guys are talking about?
you better go back to ponychan bro
By can or can't draw I mean, if you can be bothered to draw. I know you can draw well...fuck I'm spilling spaghetti I..I'm so sorry.
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>potatoes deadly to horses
To be fair, raw potatoes will fuck up a human, too. That's why you gotta boil them, mash them, and stick them in a stew.
you're fucker shitting up the thread
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>"Aha, you have fallen for my clever ruse! For it was me, Luna, the entire time! I am always here for my subjects, do not fear my status nor power."
>raw potatoes will fuck up a human, too.
There are plenty of poisonous plants. But I think the majority of them will just make your bowels leak out of your ass for three days and your stomach empty if as much a glass of water touches it.

Actually, you know what? In the wilderness that'd be pretty deadly.
Pretty much everything about the Princesses would be interesting. I mean, they are important figures in Equestria but we barely know anything about them
4chan X never forgets anon
Ah, so he didn't draw it? That's a shame, it's a huge improvement over his typical anatomy.
I know this feeling too well lately. But it's all about getting that momentum. Draw something, move on to the next and to the next. If you slow down you risk coming to a halt.
>no citizen I am not celesta-
>hello twist! why the get-up
I believe that mlpgchan also uses [s]
You never had dumb kids in your school trying to avoid lessons by eating some raw potatoes and get sick?
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I know right?
Yeah. There's shit in raw potatoes that fucks with your nervous system. Same thing with tomatoes.
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I hate him for drawing super boobs but not letting it overshadow the character.
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size difference is a great fetish
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Thats the one. Thanks.

Well, moreso on Celestia. Luna got like an episode and a half while Candyass got a whole bunch looking pretty.

I am tempted to play this.
10/10 would consensually hold hands with
>There's shit in raw potatoes that fucks with your nervous system.
I-it's fine if you hav eonly one, right?
ugh not macro, that shit is fucking awful and if you like it you're literally a giant faggot

i'm talking a woman who's like a foot or even two taller than you~ unf
Don't most artists?
Thank you Rainbow.
Oh geez, you got me this time!

But seriously, why don't you ever return my messages
Will you risk eating just one potato?
Well you are the only one that requested something so yeah I'll try it. Can't promise anything.
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That could lead to a hilarious thing of Celestia doing things with people and then they go into Twist's shop and try to recollect those things with her.
fuck i would love to bathe in a tiny for them pool of their sweat or piss
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I thought you were cool at first but you're becoming lamer and lamer by the minute

I'm done with you, have some weird fetish shit for the road
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She still has problems with telecommunications.
i already did
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Hey BDF if you do draw and feel like drawing more could you also draw this >>13140261?
>you will never enter Equestria to find out all of the ponies are actually really, really fucking big
>Princesses are the first to find you
>You will never get to ride around on their heads
Oh I didn't see this. Yeah I'll try it.
No I'm serious Dash, how can I repay you for opening my eyes?
that's what everyone says, so I sent her a letter, a telegram, a singing telegram, a messenger pigeon and a note inscribed on a cake

she's just fucking ignoring me while going on about how she's lonely every night
obviosuly she wants the dick, anon
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You really should.

How do I unlock the others though?
gross, I'm not going to fuck a moonhorse
Ya been friend zoned, Jack.
Not really, they usually have the tits be the "center piece" and use it to carry. I can't explain it but there's something about msob that draws me in. It drives me nuts.
I suggest you don't metion it.
Dash is into decapitation.
paid DLC
The boobs man. The boobs.
obviously you just need to find a girl with macromastia and get to know her without being a super-creeper
>tfw ywn make a cute superbusty redhead feel like a princess for a day
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They're already unlocked, just a different flash game:

My head canon is that Dash has no sense of fashion. But it's so absurd it's fashionable again. Bitches don't know 'bout my rainbow wardrobe.

Also there are no dresses and only two skirts. They know what's up.
> But it's so absurd it's fashionable again

So your headcanon Dash is a hipster?
That doesn't sound right at all, I think you're confused.
No, Dash just always dresses in style. That style being rainbows, short shorts and a shit ton of accessories.
>human Dash will never give you a footjob
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Real talk, I'd pay for a well made pony version of this.

Yeah, whoever made this watches the show.
Also fuck you, this is way too fun.
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but what if he isn't?
That face is weird
>You will never lick human Fluttershy's sweaty and smelly feet
I'd much rather give her a backrub
>huan dash will never give you a sweaty, smelly footjob with thigh-high socks on
Yeah, now I understand why girls are crazy about clothes. Imagine if you you were a life-sized version of this.
I have the mental image of her beign befuddled but absolutly delighted in the special treatment today

maybe someone misunderstood when her birthday was for this to happen?
I didn't know jock itch was afetish
>Dash would be rough, but dexterous
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It's not just the boobs, it's like there's a heart behind them.
It's just a stupid fetish that I can't help but like.
That's just it, I don't want to let the hyper tits be the main focus. I just think they are adorable and somehow attract me. Unfortunately that's the exact opposite of being a good person and letting it sway my judgement and want to be with her. It's a catch-22 of a fetish.
>you will never be Rarity's test model
>she will never spend the day dressing you up in cute outfits
>she will never make you feel pretty
Why is it always stinky? Why can't the girl have clean feet?
Because muh fetish and I want them to be stinky.
clean them yourself~
Anon is one fucked up guy.

Can't even give my human horse a footrub without him describing how the smell of old cheese, vinegar, and old leather make him hard
Would go out with Dash to watch a public guillotine execution?
Depends, would she get visibly aroused by it?
Who is going to be executed?
Ah, so the dirt is part of the fetish, like tears.
I used to think you were kind of a dork but then I realized I that fell for Big Macintosh for similar reasons

I just want a cute, cuddly, softspoken pony that's also fucking huge
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>you will never a party Applejack
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Why is this so fun
Luna, then the executioner will sodomize the corpse.
I hope you get it in real life one day and get afungal infection
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Playing dress up.

>transparent leggins

Holy shit that is an adorable Pank.
I'd frost that Rarity.
That would be adorable. She probably hates her tits but wants to accept them as a part of herself. Also to trust a man with her body and make her feel appreciated but paranoid that that's all guys want her for.
That is now how dresses work, you silly pony!
Will there be crowds?
tell her to invite gilda
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>Luna, then the executioner will sodomize the corpse.
If you didn't know, that little gremlin on the right is the one that drew those pictures
Also you're a huge faggot
I have actually licked a girl's feet, they were pretty smelly too.

Didn't get a fungal infection
Pony has a special limited edition smile for you
You have to go to the bedroom to claim it
okay, I'll go now
Then I would definitely go. And discretely try to rub her to make her as uncomfortably hot as possible. And when her legs start giving out and she's just about ready to ask me to rut her right there in public I'd dose her with a bucket of cold water.
but I'm already in my bedroom.
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>suit pants
>no matching top
And then nobody saw Anonymous for the reast of the day.
I recognize Jay from the comic, but who are the other two?
>If you didn't know, that little gremlin on the right is the one that drew those pictures
I have no idea who that is.
>Also you're a huge faggot
I had no intention of taking things in that direction, the conversation just happened to remind that that thing existed, so I felt you needed t be reminded too.
I know, it's stupid. Hyper makes it endearing for me and makes me want to protect them and treat them more like a person to compensate their own self-consciousnesses of it and the judgement and objectification of everybody else.
anon please, you're going to make me vomit
I'll go tomorrow
She'd probabyly find it sweet if you worried about her back holding out. I mean, she's had to live with the tits fro mlike... psh, she doesn't even remember the times without em. Her back is probably invincible, endurance wise, don't worry about it.

Of cource, the fact she thinks her back is completely invunerable just sort of worries you even more, because "What If", you know?
You'll call now.
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Thank good these are too cute to be for sexual.
>stop being proud of your kinks
>here, thump this bible instead
>logical argument fallacy list.png
My dick!
>have a dream about hanging out with a good friend of yours and having a great time
>wake up an realize you and he haven't been friends or spoken in years
Hey Luna, when I mentioned I wanted a decent dream, I'd really like one that isn't so crushingly depressing.
If I had the tools I'd cut a hole in a bible and use it as a masturbation aid.
Because you two have been working out hard all day. And you kept up really well with her on that 5k warm up. When she takes off her shoes (and you take off her socks with your mouth) did you think her feet were going to be fresh like chilled daisies? No, it'd smell like the rest of her. Sweaty and ready for a rutting. She likes you being her work out partner, she thinks sex is the best warm down exercise.
Her feet were smelly anon, and I licked them.
I even sucked on her toes.

If she had underarm hair, I'd lick that too.
but sex burns tons of calories
it's terrible warm-down exercise
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This is just plain adorable!
i'll have it
>Ponyville has no AC
>On hot days person horses wander around outside in barely anything at all.
>Pinkie Pie has to man the cash register inside
>This is her work attire.
Yeah, I can see that
Dammi I thought anon said these weren't for sexual.
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I chalk it up to the fact the place is magical and maybe she has a spell over her or wears some sort of enchanted item. I've heard that real busty women wouldn't have as many back problems if they exercise that portion of their body more, but they are usually lazy and don't. But yeah, I would worry not only of the physical ramifications of those knockers, but of the social ones as well. People probably either see her as a freak or as an object to project their fetishes on. Makes me want to treat her like a person even more so to compensate but ironically that's the exact same thing.
but if it is ponyville then it shouldnt have personhorses
>no fashion sense

Doesn't mean it's not unfable.
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I just now realized that when you disappear for a while I suddenly have a lot more fun in the threads
Then you come back and remind me of your existence
Terrible for you, she's going to make you do all the work.
Anon was lying to you.
Humansville then.
Harsh, anon.

Not everypony can be perfect
Don't worry, your pedestal you put her on has a lot more ivory than everyone else's pedestal.
Call him up you nigger, rekindle the friendship. I had a dream recently of my grandpa who died of lung cancer. Made me call my grandma and spend some time with her.
so this is what this thread is about now eh> one sick fetish, each more disgusting than the last
I'm not even against sex-talk but this is a sad state of affairs here
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Dammit AJ why is it hard to do anything decent with you?

They aren't.
All she has to do is come over.
All ponies are perfect.
Except Fluttershy.
Then why do you keep posting for sexual?
Is that because of things I do, or because of your negative perception of me?

Don't be silly, anon wouldn't do that, he's my friend.
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how much nexos you got scrubs

yes it isn't pony shutup
I'm not even sure where he is these days, I could go to his parents house and ask for his number I guess, but that just seems like a can of ackward.
Yes, I know how hypocritical it is, which is why I hate myself for it. Even though it's just a fictional character, it doesn't mean that I don't not do that in real life. I worry about how I treat others and want it to be just and fair, based on who they are rather than what they are.
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Which is sicker, cumming in someone's food and drinks with them not knowing, or licking someone's smelly feet?
It would be sort of adorable to try and hold a vanilla, regular relationship with her, tryign to at least compensate for her huge breasts. I mean, hand holdign would be the only romantic activity that wouldn't have her breasts getting in the way, everythign else would probably involve you trying to not accidently get knocked out by Twist suddenly turning around or something
yeah, fuck that slut
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Yeah, AJ harly has any good clothes
Cumming in their food/drinks.
It's because you're a creepy bastard and your off-hand comments on nearly everything come off as such, and 50% of said comments are about how you want to rape things
No way, it just shows you care. Let's say it leads to you getting a hold of him and get your old bud back, then that's great. If it leads to an awkward phase, then you don't have to see that person again anyway, so it's nothing to lose. Don't let your own fear stop you from the power of friendship.
dude, look at what you just wrote?
Why the fuck are we here when those two topics are all that ever get discussed. Might as well be on /b/
>trying to not accidently get knocked out by Twist suddenly turning around or something
Even when you hold hands one of you will have to walk a little bit ahead. Anyone abreast of her gets a wallop.
Remove pony.
Buy new controller.
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Why is it that I can tolerate Fluttershy in every form that isn't her pony version?
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Sweaters look good on her.
She's a simple kind of girl. She never was one for fancy clothes.
I'm pretty sure I haven't mentioned rape in this thread more than once, and I've been fairly active in it.
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Anon do you know how late you are answering that question, I've been waiting here for four hours.

Yes, thats why you try to compromise.

I mean, you could still hug Twist. You'd just have to hug her from behind. And put your arms in the general vicinity of her waist and pray you don't accidently touch a sensetive spot.
twist is a little pony
why are you guys talking about her breasts
Joke's on you they're sensitive all over
Wait a second....
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It's such a stupid gimmick but I love it. Not only that but I've always liked character creation and speculation, so I can't help but to fill in the blank spots of who she is and what her life is like.
I hate how the gag tits are always the focus of his pictures.
>threadly "why are you guys doing this" post
lighten up yo
Don't fucking do this to me man.
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Anon's got a point.
I'm thinking she's epecially sensative on her big, diner-plate sized areolas. You can't exactly discount her nipples, either - they'd probably also be irregularly sized as a cause-and-effect (because her breast are enourmous, her areolas are huge, so her nipples would therfore likewise be large, and larger than normal at that)
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Not always.
why don't you leave
I want to discuss pony
you're just shitposting
yeah, some pictures he doesn't draw them and so they can't be the focus
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I agree
Let's talk about little ponies
I'm 5'10" 135lbs, so we probably have similar proportions.
>You will never be invited to a secret tea party
They smell like human.
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They're so big you can't not see them.
why is twist a futa now
muh fetishes
It really doesn't.
It's a shirt, I'm just having fun with a filename and making you see something that isn't.
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Alright, which one of you guys have been rubbing against all the ponies again? Only Fluttershy likes that.
I think thats the joke

in before twist tries the methods of getting a specific type of ignorance - i.e, dressed like that your obviously looking for attention so everyone ignores you type of deal
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Why not cute humans?
Twilight Sparkle was rubbing against me.
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Do you have the setting on where it removes filenames?
those designs only remind of how fuckugly EqG was
White Twilight is my fetish
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Over saturation?
I like how much darker colored clothing they have for Twilight. The black and dark purples are perfect.
Audino, lol.
Why is that animu girl cosplaying as an Equestria Girl?
Hmm. Nope, I don't think it's going to work for her. Better go back to the drawing board.
You son of a bitch, how dare you accuse my waifu of being a whore! Come here so I can cut you!
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The humans in EQG were sometimes cute though
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There were no humans in EG
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Is it wrong that I picture best pony sleeping in these?

>MLPG: the comic
Some of the background humans were.
That one, is not
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Starting is just as hard.
Goodness. That's possibly close.

Obviously that top is specially made and waterproof, because if it sin't I suspect Twists breasts will destroy it once it gets wet
Why didn't they give the girls different outfits everyday? Then Rarity finds Twilight wearing her clothes from yesterday and keeps bringing her clothes to school (Her clothes adjusted to fit Twilight, of course) to dress her up. It'd even help tie in Rarity's obsession with fashion and her generosity.

It would also make those outfits recognizable for the little girls and drive up the 'dress up' value of the dolls they were trying to sell.
At first glance I thought that book was a pair of panties.
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Poor girl can't catch a break.
You talking about hard nipples?
She has to keep those long legs warm somehow.
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But Anon
Fluttershy sleeps nude
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not quite as cute as your candy waifu though
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Maybe. Certainly GG's Gillou tier size areolas, at least, but nipples that are basically spikes to wet clothing probably won't hurt
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>rendering something
>Photoshop and Sai wont work with all this memory being drained
>actually have an excuse to slack off and play games.
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Not wrong, and neither is your perception of who is best pony.
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Not really

To be honest, that's something you really can't fault Hasbro since so many other animated shows do the same shit. I think PSG is one of the few who subvert this by showing Panty and Stocking in different clothes every episode.

Short hair = bun > ponytail > long hair
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I would ravage that tight little ass

no pedo
why is someone spamming EG shit
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