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Previous Thread

The Griffons iare taking over this thread! No ponies allow! They are all dweebs.
A thread should be
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Fuck your rules
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Something about those front legs looks a little freaky.
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Who would do such a thing?
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That's not a pony it's a bug
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These bugs are ponies. It's like, super canon.
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I still want my own changeling.
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SUPER canon!?
That's like, more than regular canon!
This guy is not messing around!
As a baby? They're sapient, so they would make weird pets. You'd have to raise them like a small son. You'd be a large father.
So, since changelings are ponies, they should be able to crossbreed with other ponies.

Does a half-changeling pony just kinda get the munchies for love?
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It is a mystery.

>"Hey, gimme a hug."
>"Just-- fuckin' gimme a hug, dude!"
Celestias is still the least ugly one
I was promised /co/ vs. /mlp/, when does that happen?
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And it would be great.

>All that shit piled onto Cadence
>Those dresses on Celestia and Luna
>Especially the one on Luna

Fuck, I shouldn't hate this as much as I do.
>tfw refractory period

i just want to keep masturbating ;_;
>secret Italian supercat as the gk

I wish I could find my sides.

Those arms a shit.

The rest of it's pretty unf-able though.
Get help.
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>find new pony artist i like who streams
>she is a cute girl
>likes the same videogames
>i want to compliment her on the art
>but i dont know how without sounding like a sentinal

its so much easier when the artist is an obese hairy man
just what is chrysalis implying
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Great? That would be fucking awesome. Being a dad. Damn.
holy shit that guys has long arms and legs
You should draw a picture of you two together and send it to her with a message that reads, "PLEASE LIKE ME"
Why the fuck would their gender matter?
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Wouldn't that make Chrysalis the mom.
She's both.

>hey, I think your art is pretty ballin

anon pls
Guys, I think I'm in love with satyrs. Is that good or bad?
She's a queen, she hasn't got time for this. You'll have to be a single dad. Or mom.
Gold really doesn't suit Luna, should have went for silver

Something about a woman staying in control while she cums hits my buttons hard.
when its a girl everyone just thinks you are kissing ass
Good. There's a satyr general you can go bother.
Let me guess its Ritzca. Anon you have no chance so just say hi you fucking creep.
Who cares what other people think, jesus christ
Just give your complement without worrying about that, you won't control what they thing anyway.
Depends on the kind of love
Stop caring about what other people think then?
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would you raise changelings with chrysalis
Who's ritzca?
can you post link to this girl. im not getting anything useful from google.

It's because HER dress, crown and hair are like 10 times more elaborate than Celestia and Luna's, which considering she's the princess of a tiny little city, and that this isn't HER coronation, and that she's standing next to two princesses who outrank her, just makes it very inappropriate to be so overdressed.
I may not remember the name correctly, some asian chick artist mlpg was talking about days ago.
Oh, that's RizCifra.

Yeah, she looks pretty cute, I'd probably drop my spaghetti all over the place if I ever tried tot alk to her
Give me the stream anon, I'll show you how its done you fuck.
Holy fuck, grow the fuck up.
Where the fuck do you think we are?
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>asian girl artist

no thanks, they are always the worst
The problem is that Cadence shouldn't exist in the first place.
Only half, she lives in France I think

No, she shouldn't. She shouldn't exist at all.
Oh fuck that's even worse
>you'll never a thick Sweetie
That's slightly true - it does snarl the continuity a bit.

Although, it could help if cadence didn't have such a one-dimensional cardboard cutout character
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> mentioning the stack
Not using the original image
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MLPG today I learned that my grandma was a top model for high end fashion.

I was shown a picture of her and she was quite pretty.

What have you learned today anons?

Haha, why?
abloo abloo muh insecurities.
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She's a toy. She can't help having no personality.
All times she's on screen we have not had a chance to do a proper display, at the wedding there were more pressing matters, in the crystal empire she was half dead and in games ponies play she was busy.
I learned that Anon will one day have very beautiful daughters maybe
I have no future and will suicide at the end of the year.
Buffets aren't so bad if you go at the right time of day.
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>90 days till new pone

Do you think we will see an animated preview of S4?


I've learned that your grandma used to be a top model for high end fashion.
Becuase asians are always better at everything
At the NYCC for sure
Where's the MLPG one, didn't someone revise it?
Why don't you just fly away from your problems
If you ever draw that horse while gravidly pregnant
I'm pretty certain I want to marry you

Cmon red, sure she's a little cute but her existence is a slap in the face, there's no denying this.
Did you also learn that she was pretty?
Definitely, probably a month before it airs. I'm sure Hasbro has some retarded merch they are going to be pushing with the two-parter, especially since McCarthy is writing it.
Where?! WHITHER?!
>What have you learned today anons?
If you aren't sure if the plate is still hot, don't fucking check it with your hand.
I've learned that this band I could have gotten in is actually quite shitty and I probably won't accept their invitation. Also, pics.
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not as pretty as this pony
I can only hope to be a good father.

But before that I'm going freaky on my sexuality
I have a brother, too. Lives a thousand miles from me with his girlfriend, the fucker.
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I miss you, mlp general
You can have both. Just make your bedroom out-of-bounds.
One sec

And no saving the image and using it for later
> You will never cum this much without a stack
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I hope they show some of E1/E2 because if they make it where luna went NMM just to be evil I am going to be PISSED
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The version with wings is weird
I don't miss you circlejerker
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Oh, man...
Well, she did go evil just because she was a jealous cunt
>the show
>with continuation and cool and consistent setting and such
>under McCunty's rule

you aren't very bright person are you?
thoughts on shiny sylveon?
Why do people hate McCarthy again? Was it because no rarity episodes?
It's practically just a shitty meme.
Im going to post this on ponychan
Yeah I am hoping there is some legitemecy behind it, like Celestia was being a showoff or something
Not even close, it's that she's associated with Hasbro ruining FiM with their shitty toys.
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remember when
i guess this stuff is important to some people
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Here, I would of like to meet her when she was young, it's a shame ;_;
>not out to sell a product

Do people honestly think this?
Because "yadda yadda everything was better when I was young"
It sounds rediculous but you cum so much longer on the stack, it's crazy

Using edging too makes it absolutely insane
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Oh, anon, I don't even know. May be because she is a shit writer.
>that song
it was the beginning of "introducing a major plot point with a song to save time"
That whole episode still made it tasteful though
Half of the writers are shit
And your point? How does it affects or change what I said? Why did you even reply to me.
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Why hate Mccarthy and not all of the other writers?
>Green Isn't Your Color
>Party of One
>Sweet and Elite
>Hearts and Hooves Day

Do you hate fun anon?
Neat. Is your grandma Granny Smith?
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See, this is a moronic approach. You can incorporate toys into the show, better yet, let the writers do their thing and then make toys based on what they write.
No, with Hasbro and FiM it's the toy department that comes up with an idea and then Meghan is told to shove that somehow into the show and make a two-parter about it. And then Meghan is like >pfft whatever and takes a pile of shit and turns it into an episode with the completely unfitting shitty toy constantly standing out.
This isn't limited to FiM or even Hasbro, but it's shit, especially if your entire toy department consists of one guy's relatives who have no idea what they are doing.
>Hearts and Hooves Day
>Wrecking best ship
>Not listening to the fandom for FlutterMac
>Still thinking this is good
you mean sad because they are mangled?
It's so glad and it's so funny it looks like the fan made boy Sylveons
I don't agree with him entirely, but McCarthy is the lead writer, that makes her stand out.
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Why hate others and not McCarthy? None of them took Lauren's place but her. If only it was Amy or Larson...
I guess that was the intention, shame it could be a cute picture otherwise
>being this autistic
>None of them took Lauren's place but her.
So fucking what?

I have been deceived!
Yes in the way that she's posh as fuck, her accent is literally stereotypical posh British woman.

But she's a as kind as granny smith
If he put it in an image macro would that make it easier for you?
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I love all those little details the game has.
If I typed all that shit up, the least you could do is to find something specific to mock about the post.
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So her being bad affects the entire show a lot, not just her own episodes.
I dont think sad and subjugated pony is cute, especially my favorite pony being that way.
Does she need a hand?
>"Not listening to the fandom and shipping XY"
Sorry anything I type would be meaningless as it is clear you have never worked a real job. Seriously, G1-G4 has always been about selling a product, toys and a show.
It's working for me.

It doesn't really, Lauren was a mediocre writer and it didn't affect the show
I always just kind of imagine it as a playing around kind of thing, like I threw a collar on her just to fuck with her for a second.
>party hard.gif

Make it 'html'
>mcCunty's apologist

I refuse to believe such fags exist. It just wrong.
Do you have any arguments?
what's anapologist?
I think the reason people hate meghan is because of the Sombra fiasco, but I don't think that is justifiable as they were working on a movie and had a limited season
>Lauren was a mediocre writer
Lauren created the sow, you dingus. Everything you saw in s01-02 is her work and the show as it is wouldn't exist if it wasn't for her. She wrote 99% of it alone.
I think the most irritating thing about the Season 3 finale is the whole Destiny shit

It'd be nice if Season 4's opener was basically: Destiny isn't your friend, it just sometimes happens to co-incide with what you wanted - Y'know, like the flashback is basically "Once up a time, a prophecy fortold the destiny of a kingdom: That to that Kingdom, One Would be born to rule the land forever" sort of old folk thing - i.e basically The prophecy is fucking vague as shit, has multiple parts, two very specific bits about there being twins of some sort and basically the Kingdom goes full Herod looking for the Darkness that will obviously rise to threaten their perfect eternal ruler yet-to-be-born... and then they are blessed with Twins, and it's obvious who they are since the tale is like 1000 years old, and obviously things rapidly deteriorate from there.
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Is there a version of this with marker pony?
Are you fucking retarded?
Not that anon, but I believe the direction that Faust would of taken with the show in her hands, would still be better than what we have today.
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I do what I want
I jacked off to Skyim I have a sex mod and I just had sex with a horse.

She is good at design, characters, world building, etc. but her actual writing is kinda weak.
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>he does not know how the shows being created
>he knows nothing about concept documetns and what "teh Bible" is

top lel
why are you even participating in discussion on the subject you have no knowledge? Please stop making a sentenal out of yourself.
And.. that makes it all a-ok? Now it's my turn to call you a retard who's not worth responding to.
Did you adopt children?

Are you a good father?
I never said it was okay, but you have to acknowledge what it is.
Children in Skyrim are demonic. Either in behavior and in design.
Do you know that almost every single episode in the first two seasons were written by people other than Faust?
Do you know that worldbuilding isn't actually writing?
EoH 1-2 were amazing episodes and I've got into the show only because of them.

>She is good at design, characters, world building, etc
Suprise! This is still writing. Big news, yes.
No the sex mod can't do that.
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I decided to run a Zafehouse Diaries of Chrysallis and 4 of her changelings all with different abilities.

She was the first one to die. Her minions struggled without her but in the end only 2 of them lived on and escaped.

It was kind of sweet.
He's probably shitposting, but funnily enough he's actually right to a certain degree. You can remove any one person from the show staff and we'd still have roughly the same show with some minor differences, except for her. It's possible this would still be a great show if it wasn't her who created it, but it'd be a completely different show.
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>Not being a lusty argonian and jacking it to getting raped by bandits
That's not even an argument
So if faust wrote everything why was she fired?
Sweet, but this must have been a bit soul crushing.
>describing and showing the fictional world your characters live in, expanding it with implications to make it more intreging and makign people want to know more about it
>not writing

full retard.png
>being a lusty argonian and jacking it to getting raped by bandits
Where is this unf coming from
>not using the BWW mod and playing as a big, lusty argonian
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Anyone ever noticed how cute apple ponos are?
There would be no MLP:FiM with out faust this is fact
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>You may take me out for one dinner and a movie and we'll see how it goes from there
>You will pick me up at 7:00 pm sharp wearing a button down shirt and slacks
>I expect the restaurant to be high end but nothing too 'haute cuisine'
>The movie should be a romance film and not longer than 2 hours
>You will drop me back at my place afterward and possibly receive a kiss on the cheek and that is all
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>expecting to catch people on this lame bait
She left on her own free will

She wanted to pursue her other interests. FiM was just an attempt to gain favor with someone that might be interested in her other ideas.
Do you have the futa mod? triple unfs
I wanted to quit after she bit the dust but I just kept going. The rest ended up dying as we desperately raided the police station. The last 2 stuck together hard and stayed at a hotel until the copter came
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No, never

Because she's a lying whore.
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I don't know. Weirdo
Yes ma'am.
I promise not to let you down.
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...are ya buyin' anything?
Sounds good to me.
>Mccarthy is literally hitler and killed Jesus Faust
You have an entire board to shitpost about this, why pick MLPG?
"leaving to pursue other interests" is usually used when a company says "You can put your notice in, or we can fire you"

Do you even work?
I don't think she's talking to you, mud pony
I don't remember what the mods are... I lost everything in a computer crash.
The modding thread should still be up at inflatechan, though.
>It's possible this would still be a great show
That's VERY doubtful. This is the only MLP show that didn't suck only because Lauren had critically different approach. if it was someone else we would get another Stawberry Shotcake most likely. or mediocre LPS.
As if MLPG is too good for this kind of shitposting.
Because people will respond no matter what.
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the cutest
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I'd rather have a mod that let you turn into a dragon and then get dominated by random dragons while you're just adventuring
>maniac paint
>drawing is unfinished
She said flat out in interviews that she never sought to make FiM and was just trying to get on the good side of hasbro to push the galaxy girls.
Give these ponies a little push, a little brush, touch them, make the yellow drag along, she drags all the other pastel color ponies together to create a nice canvas of colors, make mixes little by little, very subtle and gentle. I believe, I believe, if you bring a lot of good thoughts to your heart you can turn any character into a charming lovable cutie. Let's make a little happy pony, with a little happy bunny to snuggle it. You can work with almost anything, all you need is practice. Harass it, very gently. Add all sorts of emotions to your characters, add common sensical traits to make them breathe, they're real, very real in your head and you have to imagine them real, translate them in a believable way into your animation. They can socialize, they can jump, they can take care of themselves, they're happy independent ponies. This is your world, you're the creator, you have freedom on this canvas. There are no limits here. Believe that you can do it, because you can do it. Relax, let it flow, grab it, fluff it, you can go on and on and on. We don't make mistakes, we just have happy accidents. You can do anything that you want to do, total power. Let's build some happy little scenes, Pinkie runs after Dash, then they play and joke around, extend it a little…then go to the next plot. Structure it, add a solid plot but leave space for fun scenes, very fun scenes. They're like coffee breaks for the ponies, these fun moments are a viewer's favourite and also a pony's favourite too, these scenes are for characterization and fun. Your characters have jobs, dreams, they can judge, they can be merciful. If you bring a lot of good thoughts to your heart then you can make them rational and reasonable, they're no longer defined by one trait, their growth is big, they're very polished stereotypes which went into 2d and 3d territory. You can work with anything with a lot of practice, with a lot of thought, and if you believe, if you believe then you can do it.


You can't turn into a dragon. But they just released a beastiality mod and you can get raped by dragons
>looks detailed from the thumbnail
>zoom in, sketch lines everywhere
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>show discussion
>Mccarthy is shit lol

Holy shit I forgot about that huge failure
but..they are huge..how
> You show up in better clothes
> You have a reservation which had been booked ages ago by the Judge in full view of the patio
> The movie lasts maybe 1:30, makes her chortle most of the way through
> The asides with the traveling entertainers puts you both in a good mood
> Almost despite herself, she agrees to 'a nightcap'
> The bar is smoky and after a few drinks she's feeling almost fluid, silky
> She almost tips into her door as you drop her off
> She asks -- Is that really her voice in her throat? -- "Do you want a little c-coffee?"
> You lean in to her ear and say "You'll get a kiss on the cheek, that is all."
> Your next date is the next morning, on invitiation by courier
> You don't make it out the front door after she makes her need plain
This is about as much show discussion as fetishizing Libman's feet
is it lewd?
Uh, Rarity
I kind of have a date taht night
I'm sorry, but you'll have to make other plans
Did that actually ever air?
b-but Lauren...how? Don't tell me my waifu is also a slave to the industry. Don't tell me she plays that dangerous game!
no one ever picked it up

What if hasbro made Larson write EqG? Would you hate as much?

Not entirely.
She can define and build the FiM universe well, but as far as the slice of life episodes go where everything is happening almost entirely within the confines of what has been canonized, she's mediocre at. I like episodes like Sleepless in Ponyville that add to the show and develops it further, rather than being filled with slapstick interactions that will eventually cycle back into the original status quo. Faust wasn't as good with those types of subtle developments as she was with adding new elements that would take two whole episodes to setup. And again, in that sense it's just tacking more information onto the show instead of working with what we already know.
what a lewd pony
There's the contrast of S1 and 2 to what we have now still. Things were mostly left up to the writers and the only serious changes that happened due to hasbro were the ugly train and the CMC to an extent. And then within just 15 episodes they pulled a never-before-seen bestest friend big brother, a very important and special pink princess, a long-lost empire with ponies that look just like special toys but the toys still don't care about them and also this place is actually really great for like, everything, and then they had to slap wings on the main character and call her a princess so they can push her new toy. EG is just in a league of its own.
I do realize the point of this show is to sell toys and that Hasbro is just playing it safe since it's about to go bankrupt anyway, but that doesn't mean that I have to shut up about it and pretend that it's the way it has to be.
Dragon is on top of you and you are forced to hold on to its tail. Grows penis and he rubs your whole body on his penis.
no, but the ones that are are pretty much censored cause nigga doesn't draw details
It was as bad as SBFF's pilot episode...
That's not how dating a pony works your stupid whore
CN burned her and craig after the failure of the PPG movie, so she had to build a good name again elsewhrere

Rob Renzetti had similar motivations
So is Galaxy Girls like a ripoff of Equestria Girls or something?
his Flutterbitch pictures were pretty hot
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I wonder if you could find a copy of CHANGELINGS!!! in a game/comic shop in Ponyville.

The thing here is that, no matter how many ideas Lauren or Meghan had, Hasbro always makes the last decision

Lauren could not handle that

So, we can either have the show Hasbro wants to have, or have no show at all

I'd rather have the second thing
I have a gif somewhere that explains the process better
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What if pony tried to ask you out?
Renzetti > Faust

Prove me wrong
It's what she gets for just saying this shit over lunch

I mean who proposes shit like this at Olive Garden

Don't mind me, guys.
I just wanted to remind you why s02 opening was the best two episodes in entire show.

>that pic

Well, all right then.
I agree
Why are you all ignoring me?
FLAC > Oranges
Prove me wrong
If my weekend is free, fine
SRIV just came out though, so
Sorry, pone
Which pony?

Is it wrong that I have a hardon for him?
I agree, but Lauren does deserve credit for what she did. She did a lot more than Renzetti initially, that's for sure. As of now, having Renzetti back would probably help more than having her back.
You are not a popularfag
>I'd rather have no show at all than a bunch of entertaining episodes and then maybe stop watching when it gets boring
I can't even hold all this retardation
She is lying, don't believe his lies.
Listen for the interview yourself, she never said so.

>believing random faggot on 4chan
how new you are?
AK-47 > windows 8
prove me wrong
I'd take pony out on a date and see where we go from there.
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Let's see if THIS has any tricks up its sleeve.
Why would I believe a random faggot on 4chan who can't even speak english?
We could see a movie! There's this wonderful little cinema within walking range that shows old movies and animated films.

>saving a picture from the internet

You are projecting what you want her to be on to her words

Stop doing that.
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>Not Suited for Success
>Not Dog and Pony show

Is it bad opinions day?
>readdit thread where people post the worst jobs they have had
>in the top comments one of the worst jobs is a guy who worked at a breeding farm collecting semen from horses and cows.

maybe my dream job of being a horsejackoffer isnt as great as i think
I didn't know braeburned was into 3d graphics.

My little pony: Rarity is magic
That doesn't really matter in any way unless you really idealize Faust for whatever reason. Even if she had absolutely no interest in FiM at all at any point in her life, which is not true, she still tried to do a good job and she did for the most.
neither of those episodes are even top 10
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>Fully enjoyed S1, S2, S3
>Don't really care about Lauren leaving, feel the show was actually better in S2 than S1
>S3 While had a weak opener and rushed ending was pretty good with it's moments
>EqG wasn't really bad, not the best thing I have seen but 100% watchable and characters felt like they did in FiM
>Don't really buy into the hate, realize a show can't be amazing 100% of the time
>Still highly optimistic about S4

I will never understand why people will hate on shit for no reason

Not with THAT attitude!
You don't. That' why you just go and listen to the bonus interview from bronydoc. Or any her interview, She never said anything like that. But of course you can avoid doing that and believe random faggot who can speak english. it is not like people lie on 4chan every day.
this guy thinks it's like waking up in the middle of a hentai
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I have never met someone with opinions this bad before.
not gay enough
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Except for the >EqG wasn't really bad, not the best thing I have seen but 100% watchable and characters felt like they did in FiM bit, you fucking faggot
I agree entirely
>I liked thing, therefore it's good
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i feel the same way, only i have slightly stronger opinions against EQG
How is this related to the fact you here >>13102936 making shit up? it is not hard to check.

Why you so desperately trying to force your bullshit?
The problem seems to stem from the fact Hasbro is okay with "Average" as a quality, but most people already expecting it to be, y'know, "Good"?
>I disliked thing, therefore it's bad
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>furaffinity journal asking about how the FiM fandom started
>everyone says /co/

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That's a nice opinion and I agree on some of those things but I wouldn't put EqG as 100% watchable, or think that s2 was better than s1.
S2 is worse than S3 to me. But just by a small amount of terribleness.
Neither of them are even best Rarity episodes, you are the one with shit opinions
link SB fagot

But it was Seth.
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Can we be sheepfucker general, pls
who the fuck cares
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I unironically love Synthpop
Lazare be damned.
But it's true

The show was made because she tried to pitch Galaxy girls to hasbro, and hasbro wanted to see what she could do with My Little Pony
I remember when spike was straddling a sheep

>used to play this in college with roommates/buddies
>houseruled that the zombies moved toward whoever at the table was talking the most/making the most noise
>would play music on my phone and say everything about 3 times louder than necessary to draw them off the others, then storm my way through them to get to the helipad when their way was clear

Fuck, I miss that game now...
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>S2 is worse than S3 to me. But just by a small amount of terribleness.
xieril, you are no longer my nigga and dont deserve to have the same waifu as me.
Tell pony that I only like her as a friend.

I unironically love video game music.
Man I don't even mind those hooves
she looks so cute with that vest/glasses
So since EqG is probably going to get a spinoff, how do you suppose they will get around not having twilight?
>suited for success
>not the best episode of the show
>not even top ten
People just want to be cynical so that they "won't be disappointed when it winds up sucking" which I don't buy into.

Personally I thought season 3 while rough at points wasn't that bad. I thought the season had a good start,not the greatest the next 3 episodes were solid.
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Do we have to?
And your thoughts on this?

A lot of people in here think like that (well, not exactly like that, but in the same direction) as you can easily see from the responses every time a post like yours is made.

It's just that it would be really awkward to mention every single day that you like the show while the other side doesn't seem to have a problem with constantly stating how bad everything is so it kinda looks like everyone in here is just bitter
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Why would you want that? That's awful.
I saw that coming from a mile away, and it's nowhere near to being the case. EG is the easiest one, there's just a vast amount of things wrong with it that are factual, and a lot more that you will find if you have at least absolutely minimal amounts of taste. S3 has a fair amount of valid critique as well.
The >show can't be amazing 100% of the time argument is shit as well, we're usually talking about a quality decline, that's nowhere near to being the same thing.
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>Neither of them are even best Rarity episodes
You're jokin', you're jokin'. I can't believe my ears. Would someone shut this fella up? I'm drowning in my tears
The real one moves in from the city

The explosion from the prom is played off by the school as a gas leak or something
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If you really liked your waifu you wouldn't hold so dearly the season that made your waifu get the short end of the stick on the few epìsodes she was in.
Since they don't give a shit about any sort of consistency, they'll just write some asspull and have her there anyway.
Either they will asspull a way for them to get back
I fucking love family scenes.
But the movie already established the existance of another twilight

So it won't even need an asspull
RIAW and HFS were both top tier episodes for Dash
Stop being a faggot
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>implying Sisterhooves Social isn't best Rarity episode
>implying this wasn't one of her best moments
> see this gif
> listening to this
What strange synchronicty
I specifically meant MMDW
i like that
"the season that made your waifu get the short end of the stick on the few epìsodes she was in."
And even then, she was the least cuntish character in MMDW
It is enjoyable.
if you are a casual fan everything is fine but mlpg is filled with hardcore fans who go through every detail of the show and thats when you notice the mistakes.
>I specifically meant MMDW
i still think Dash acted apropriatly in MMDW and was a good episode overall for her character developement. The worst part was how her friends handled the situation. I still think it was a bad episode and could have made the same message but in a different way. But thanks to it it makes moments like the one in HCFS, SiP, and WA that much more special
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You know what would be a fun OC to make?

An absent minded inventor with a knack for the most absurd solutions to basic problems

Basically walace

>play CHANGELINGS!!! with Shining Armor and Chrysalis, as well as a few other ponies hanging around in the store
>Chrysalis gets other players killed for laughs
This is both disregarding the possibility that there are simply more people that don't like the listed things, and more importantly, it's disregarding the lack of understanding between various points. A good example is >>13103232, with "Personally I thought season 3 while rough at points wasn't that bad". There's absolutely no one in MLPG that claims that S3 was complete and utter shit. All people tend to say that it was noticeably worse than previous seasons, not everyone agrees of course, but at least half the responding people tend to, usually more. Hell, even the original post is talking as if it was up against people who thought S3 was shit, as opposed to worse but still good and entertaining.
MMDW shouldn't exist.
>EQG was 100% watchable

not for me, i could only make it 30% of the way through
Filia is best skullgirl
It has more right to exist than every single one "Fluttershy is shy and then not shy and then shy" episode beyond Dragonshy
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I do, too.

Dash did nothing wrong in MMDW. She was doing good for all the wrong reasons, but in the process becoming a good Chaotic Good character.
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I mostly did it this way because I wanted to show what a male, female and child would look like, as well as different views of the head, but I find I quite like them too.

If I can blow my own horn, I think there might be stories in these pictures.
What if that's Starswirl?
No, what you said is that she weren't interested in MLP:FIM at all and it was just a quick sidejob to get a chance to pitch GalaxyGirls which is complete bullshit and you know it.
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Sisterhooves is a great episode. One of my favorites of S2, but I don't think it's topping Suited For Success because that episode really shows off how passionate Rarity is about her work and how generous it is. It also has one of my favorite songs in the entire show. Dog and Pony show is also really great for me because it's Rarity hamming it up and solidifying her place as the most entertaining character.
>There's absolutely no one in MLPG that claims that S3 was complete and utter shit.
Do you completely miss the people who say that they "don't have any hope for S4" because of S3?
>There's absolutely no one in MLPG that claims that S3 was complete and utter shit.
There are. Their opinion is just immediately disregarded as shitposting by everyone.
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Guys, what if
what it, guys
what if...
Traditional Crystal Unicorns?

As Seen On TV inventors?
Can I see my dick inside her as we fuck?
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Hot chip is a really great band I think.
I can send you a link to that album if you want. It's one of my favorite release of last year.
I think it would be great to place them into a setting. You already have a nice characterization of the different members of those families.
Looks like sombra
i already have all of them
long live the internet
nice try! im not falling for it
lyra pls
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i was just watching a video on castration on a sheep farm


here is what they put on the testicles and leave it there until they fall off
>ever closing the window
>not getting the secret upgrade

Look at this noob

Maybe one of these days I can dump some of the stuff I've thought of or written about Sheep and Deer's countries/cultures.
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What other bands do you like. Any genre is fine.
I need to judge your taste in music to decide if I like you or not.
>that missing detail at the bottom
Spike shouldn't have skipped leg day





That would be neat

But I think Traditional Unicorns would probably be Pre-History Equestria I.e Kingdom of Ur, Babylon old-school tier Wizards

They'd also have traditional weaknesses (such as iron repels them, and virgins being able to easily tame or calm them down) because it'd be funny (Imagine Spike basically being able to pratically retard a incredibly powerfull old unicorn sorceror, simply because he's a baby dragon - i.e, a creature naturally resistant to most nasty magic AND a virgin because obviously hes a baby, which means he could probably defeat the wizard with a handshake or something)
have you ever had one of those moments where you quickly had to think of something and you couldn't come up with one thing, because there was too much and it piled up?
i'm having one of these moments right now.


Shut up, Dukie.
> The name is derived from the Latin Christianus, meaning "follower of Christ".
Ha ha ha kill me
my entire life is one of these
Would Starswirl be considered a traditional unicorn?
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>army, warrior
...a sword?
So I have a little clay warrior for a Mark?
What kind of cutie mark would an herald of the gods have?
well, i mostly discover and explore music by artists. i only look at genres to scout out new artists i may like.
Yes, she likes having things plunged into hers. Some women are into that.
He'd probably like to think he was one, spiritually, if he wasn't literally one. He Almost certainly would have them as a insperation of what Unicorns could become again with just a little bit more magic knowledge. It's a wizard pride sort of thing.
A face with a shining third eye.
"gravelly homestead" or "Granta's homestead" or "from the gray home" (Old English). From a Scottish surname.

So, I make buildings from gravel?

that's kinda cool
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Didn't we already do this?

>Mill Stream
So, I run the local mill in Ponyville.
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Dash wouldn't be into anal. She's too spaghetti and a virgin.
She may talk a big game, but the moment she sees a dick she's going to freak out.
That's pretty rad
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>God added
..a plus sign?
wouldn't i feel better if i did something other than fap right now?
> if you're a spaghetti mancer you don't know if you want ass play
That's ... not been my experience.
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>name derived from MERCURY
So I get to choose between a caduceus, a fancy hat, fancy winged sandals, a net...
I say that often. What that means is I have no hope for S4 bringing the show quality back up after the decline S3 brought in my opinion. I'm sure it will still be good and have many entertaining episodes, but as a whole I only expect it to be as good as S3 at best.
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you don't say...
Or Freddie
I chuckled.
Or the local powerhouse. Equestria might be in some pre-Industrial transition state.
Just becoem Freddy Mercury
Xieril needs to draw butts more often.
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>her face when your cock
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they have relatively modern hospital equipment
I need some ass
What do, MLPG?

/co/ is talking about us
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Apparently we did.

I wouldn't mind seeing more answers to it though.
Hire a high end prostitute
Go to a con. Any con.
>literally a combination of "will/desire" and "helmet"

I don't even
They seem to have electrical dynamos and what passes for an early vacuum-tube computer

But then again, magic complicates things
>actually thinking you're going to get any action at a con
he really does
particularly some Raributt
Some of it might be Magitec, however - you know, enchanted devices to make up for any technology gaps
> go to a con
And what, do nerd speed-dating?

>Can mean "Champion," "Mist" or "Cloud".
Your talent is your thickheadedness that lets you endure any obstacle that tries to keep you from your goal
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what kind of ass?
Kickiest pony.
I'm good for almost any kind of ass
But I love me some big girls

Accurate as fuck
You can be Cloud from Final Fantasy.
It's not hard.
I never understood this, I've been to plenty of cons and even the attractive people I go with never get laid.
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Like so?
It's the PT Barnum effect, you clod
I got some ass at BUCK
A girl accidentally sat on me thinking the seat was free
Have you ever done it?
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wait, what did i do?
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I second this.
Sweet Jesus you have no idea

Too bad Chicago won't have cons for ages
Why can't big girls like this have nice personalities to go with them?
If I say yes will you actually believe me or call me a liar?
You broke it. Now you have to call tech support.
It's what you didn't do anon.
You know what it was.
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Well, there's plenty of virtual butts to keep you busy until then.
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>Starswirl was taught by a "True Unicorn" mentor, and is the only pony with any actual knowledge of how their magic and culture works
>Is very much opposed to the methods used by magic academies in Equestria for the way they "water down" the subject matter and discourage students from pursuing their interests and moving at their own pace in favor of trying to standardize the study of magic

>"You can't standardize magic! Magic doesn't follow rules!"
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i don't think so
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I wish this artist could draw faces.
Their bodies are heavenly.
Aw yeah
oh wow cool cow
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>that cow face
Reb Beb Rebemption
>Feminized Skips
>Feminized Snails
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A fellow ass-man, I presume?
what is this
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bawn of the beb

>Twilight finally gets to meet Starswirl
>She's been dreaming of the chance to discuss the finer points of magic with him for years and years

>"Where did you learn your magic, if I may ask?"
>"Well, I studied under Celestia since I was a child, and before then, I read the entire library at the Canterlot Academy--"
>Twilight finds herself pushed through space-time, coming to a rest standing in her house, a warp-portal closing brusquely behind her.
>Before the wormhole closes, a note pops through the spatial gap and flutters to the floor.

>"Don't rely on the ideas of others - forge your own path. Come and see me when you don't need a map to find your way.

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i kinda want to draw her as jiggle billy now

the most inexplicably addicting thing ever
How would each pony react if you slapped their butt?
"Waste your time DELUXE: now with even more chunks"
I do enjoy a pair of fine glutes.
Please do. Although I don't know if many people will get it.
who are you?
who deleted you?

Draw her smothering Anon with her tits
He'd probably get pissed when the schools inevitably get magic history wrong

I mean, EVERYONE knows the fabled and legendary Dark Magic "Ultima" Spell came from the Warlock Ultima, from whome the words "Ultimate" and "Ultimatum" came from - because he is infamous for creating the Ultimate Spell, and then using it to threaten the entire country, and when he successfull casted the spell Ultima he died, because the spell Ultima basically blew up the entire country due a combination of the spell being basically like a large nuke going off, and his own inborn power basically enhancing his spellcraft, which caused Ultima to basically do 99999999999 damage in a blast radius that spanned in miles.
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this is pretty nifty
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why is Lyrabutt so good to me
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Then you and I are kindred spirits.
i'll try. no promises
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>he keeps a stack of these notes on hand at all times
>they're pre-printed
>ponies from across time and space regularly attempt to visit him
>it becomes a point of great amusement for his contemporaries
>Starswirl ends up spending all his time fending off would-be acolytes
>he can't do research or practice magic
>eventually he destroys his entire corpus of work and kills himself
>the paradox reverses
>Starswirl is stuck in an endless loop of life and death
>feels bad pony
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This reminds me
Did she ever get laid?

But you did cuddle for a while when she got cold feet. It seemed to help a little.
>penis shooting bacon jizz
Goddamn it GG
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You need 160 cursors.
Yeah that's right SB I took you off my skype.
You should know better than to expect otherwise.
Every thread till you like it. Right?
What? Femsnails is basically wakamote lite, what did you expect?

Althoug having femsnails treat hand-holding or somehting incredibly vanilla basic as special might be cute
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You know it.
>tfw trying to get exactly 100 of everything because round numbers and this one upgrade ruined everything forever
>16 billion for a cursor
Fuck off SB
>Those boobs.
I'm already turn off
You can sell everything once you upgrade it.
>spending $1,700 to fly to a pony convention for sex

that sounds pretty hard to me and not worth it

>not writing a different note for everyone who comes to him; a Koan pointing out the flaws in how they approach their studies
>"Force is not what wins a battle - power is not everything. Come and see me again when you can move a mountain without touching it."
>"The path of the sorceror is not one walked for the sake of glory and fame - it is not a path for the vain or arrogant. Come and see me again when you can walk a path of mud with your head held high."
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Total slave for donkey cocks!
Was that last one for SS?
Just do what BCS did

Open a donation box, then flip out and quit pony when you don't get exactly as much as you need.

Then keep the money anyway
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>sounds pretty hard
>pretty hard
> that much
What the fuck are you, Australian?
>The interruptions start to become increasingly bothersome
>Ever wonder why starswirl never had an heir, despite having a wife?
>Fucking time travelers ruin the mood
But all the Bronycons are like $210 round-trip through Delta or even less through American Airlines

Even with a pretty great hotel room that's still like $600, tops

Jesus Christ, what sort of Concorde do you fly on?
Whats wrong with that, if it makes her happy?
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It wouldn't even be that much.
It also doesn't have to be a pony con.
Are you seriously telling me that there are no cons be they anime, vidya, or pony anywhere near you?

>"I am not leaving until you take me as your student!"
>"Yes you are."
>Sunset Shimmer is placed in the middle of a village hundreds of miles away.
>After months of travel and retracing her steps to find Starswirl's Keep, she returns to the place she remembered it being, to find it gone.
Where are you flying from, the dark side of the moon?
>$200 for hotel
>$300 for round trip flight
>$50 for taxis
>$1000 for fuckable pony plushies
> $300 flight
Jesus, try Hipmunk fare alerts or just fly Southwestern
> $200 for hotel
If you're lucky and don't book the con hotel
> $50 for taxis
Try ride share apps
> $1000 for fuckable pony plushies
Or, I don't know, average plushies and $40 for a Fleshlight

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>A note sits on the ground, at the exact point where his door once stood.
>It's a copy of the note he gave her, the one she threw away immediately after reading.
>$1000 for fuckable pony flushies
>That feeling when you finally cum inside rainbow dash: PRICELESS
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> those Derpy hips
Oh Jesus
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It's a joke son, I say a joke! Boy's about as sharp as a bowling ball.
A copy from 0r0 drawing
Is derpy a mouse?
[testing] something
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It's very hard to tell on MLPG, particularly on night threads.
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cutest mouse
this picture has put a few things into perspective for me
What exactly? Your dry humping fetish?
USB stick, actually.

>"Derpy - are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
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it's time.

no, i've know about that for a while now.
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>78 hours logged into Dream Team
>grinding beans by running the Dozing Sands dreampoint
>Bowser Jr.
Shit, that fight was a lot easier than I thought it would be.
"Protector of Men"

i guess i would be a knight pony or something
>smbz is ded
Or just a shield
I dunno, Protector of Men sounds pretty gay to me.
but anonymous i'm not gay
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>not using the superior song

>Derpy will never bake croissants for you
You can't know that for sure.
Was about to ask for requests but I'll just go back to the draw threads.
>not being a protector of men
If you can protect men you can protect poni
Give me 5 minutes and a pingpong ball to change your mind
But what if it's pony vs men?
Here's that reply you want.

What if Derpymouse met Pinky?
anonymous please
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Request done.

Hey anons would like to get some hot coffee with Rarity?
My name means Friend so I guess I'd be a Male Pinkie Pie except not as funny or spontaneous or obnoxious,though I'd be willing to lend a helping hand.
Really? You offered to suck dick.
An unrolled condom?

Uhhhh... no. No, I don't want that.
then you know you are prepared to protect poni and family
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probably something like this
All I'm saying is that BI is just one good fuck away.
>so I guess I'd be a Male Pinkie Pie
>except not really
Don't be such a tease, I just changed my underwear, I don't want to do it again
why would you buy mario shit?
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"May God protect."

Huh. I have no idea what this would look like.
because it's a solid series

>this is the last thing we'll ever see starring Sean Connery
>why would you buy stuff you like?
Maybe something that isn't fucking retarded?

>"BRAIN! Would you like to join our tea party, Brain?!"
>"No, Pinkie - some of us have more important matters to attend than dressing like an ignorant boob and drinking tea from a plastic cup."
>"But we've got a GUEST, Brain! And she brought muffiiiiiiiins~!"
>"...Yes. I can see that."
A shield with a crucifix on it
that's been the same game 3 times over
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don't fix what ain't broke
>God will increase
Either the royal master of coin or the royal ass fattener.
Look in the archive. You and SB want to knock boots.
You're only digging yourself deeper mew. Next you know you'll be drawing male lyra with anon.
I know it's rather contradicting
Yeah. I like that.
>true talent does not exist they say
>it is all practice, they say!

Anna Mary Robertson Moses was one of the most celebrated and successful members of the modern art movement in the mid-20th century. Throughout the 1950s, exhibitions of her work sold out around the world, and paintings of hers have sold for more than $1 million. The thing is, she didn't even start painting until she was in her 70s, and only then because she couldn't continue with her first choice of artistic expression -- knitting, which is about as far from modern art as you can get.

I read cracked too
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>tfw missed out on butts

I always have the worst timing
R63 Lyra making lewd advances on Female mewanon when?
It's always time for buttssssss
She practiced in her 70's, and modern art isn't about the painting itself. It's about selling the painting, it's literally the art of bullshitting. This is known.
There are always butts.
We have infinite butts.
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It's never too late for butts.
Grandma Moses was born in 1860, which you history buffs might recognize as being a year before the start of the Civil goddamned War. She spent most of her life on a farm in northern New York, baking, doing rustic chores, and working on her knitting and embroidery. She was essentially living in a Cracker Barrel fantasy camp.

That is, until she was diagnosed with neuritis, which is a nerve disorder that can cause pain and paralysis in affected areas of the body. In Moses' case, it was in her hands and fingers, which made it impossible for her to even wield her knitting needles, much less stitch full embroideries. At the suggestion of one of her friends, she took up painting, because it was much easier on her afflicted hands. No big deal -- she'd give out her pictures as gifts to her friends, or sell them for a couple of bucks (and we're not being reductive -- she literally sold them for $2 to $3 apiece). And she continued on like that, slinging her future masterpieces around town in relative obscurity, until 1938, when an art collector named Louis J. Caldor got lost on a drive through upstate New York and happened to see her paintings on display in a drugstore window.

>you will never be charged with ensuring Celestia's bottom is always as pleasingly round and plump as befits the ruler of Equestria's station.
>you will never be permitted to lightly slap her backside to check the quality of your work.
>When it's the perfect size and shape, it's taut, but still has enough softness to make the slightest of ripples, and a loud, satisfying SLAP sound on contact.
>"Yes, that's perfect~!"
I think you're missing the point anon.
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this isn't exactly the epitome of artistic skill
>LK will never draw more dogbutt
>being this desperate
SB/Kraut please
you are doomed to stick with your shitty scribbles
even after all this time
>on the moon finally returned from a nearly 2 year hiatus
It's shit.
What's the context here?
Girls being casual about their sexy assets is the cutest thing to me.
Nope, but practice isn't everything. You have to actively try to get better by challenging yourself. Some artists forget this, if practice was all it took we'd all be fucking pro's at pissing and be doing handstand arcs bullseyeing the toilet from 15 feet away.
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>selling stuff means you're good, r-right?
which is why Dadaism makes me laugh even more
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he said it's up to other people to do it now
I dislike the various "meta" art movements. Where the art became more about the community than the practice of painting itself. I swear it's like an entire generation went retarded.
>hurr durr I don't like modern art

Don't you have a new episode of Duck Dynasty to watch?
Albert Langham was born in 1980 whish many of you time buffs would recognise as a year. He spent grew up in Southern Mexico on a diet of cacti and Jackals. He dreamed of being a dolphin. Sadly he died in 2012 from a prolapsed anus after fucking a horse.
>spending all that time around big, soft rump
>can touch it but nothing more
how torturous
do I at least get royal plump-assed concubines to sate my buttlust with?
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Just think, if Grandma Moses dedicated her spare time to practicing martial arts instead, she could've been Grandma Batman
but he's so GOOD at it!
Don't you have a can of artist shit to buy?
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Those are for important study anon, you must be fully familiar with the anatomy of butts...inside and out.


But once a week you're allowed to touch yourself while touching her butt
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Dogbutt is the context
I think it's that she was oblivious to people liking her butt
The brony who's bugging Rose is from here, isn't he?
Rose is streaming? And probably not, has cumming in rainbow dash been mentioned?
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>mfw I'm a tits guy

My life is suffering.
>being a tits guy
You deserve you pain

you posted a picture of the fuckinjg waterwraith you literal spawn of hitler and satan
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I must also sate my raging buttlust
killing two birds with one stone as far as I can tell
we will never see cute diamond dog art. its over. its all over.
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Well ello ello ello, has anyone seen the professional pink preying ponka, the devious bank robba?

I think Twilight should of had a very high class British voice.
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And then when she learns she starts showing it off more.
No Rose, no one in here is attracted to you since you only hang out with popular poeple.
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I love me a good ass, but tits are too much fun.

Be thankful I don't have any Plasma Wraith pics.


>mfw I'm a bush guy

life is a-okay
I think you're wrong and should feel bad
Her voice needs to be unremarkable because she was in many ways supposed to represent the audience
>tfw belly >guy
>Plasma Wraith
this is a thing

this is really a thing

I don't know any more if I want a WiiU
>you'll never sexually a Flitter, pone or human
I bet your french
S1 ====== S2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S3
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But anon
She canonically has a tiny butt
You are correct
And ponies canonically have no genetalia.
GG, truth be told I love love love your big zaftig ladies' tits
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>I love me a good ass, but tits are too much fun
They're both just fantastic
>she was in many ways supposed to represent the audience

so you're saying i'm a pretty alicorn princess?

Pony should have large tits and also large hips
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It flies and has Water/Fire/Electricity properties

Worst feel.
I need to get more Flitter solo pic.

Oh my god how did I miss this.
I cannot describe the niggahness of this Anon
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I'm glad I could be of service anon
And then...another weekend ends...
Just imagine how nice her ass must look...
I really hope rediv draws her again.
Man, Rarity must end up crying whenever she has to make her dear sister a new dress

Oh, wait
holy cow i just cut myself on their chins

ow i'm bleeding

someone call and ambulance
Please tell me you are kidding me

Actually don't, I don't think I want the game spoiled for me.
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Pose is a little stiff, but that's a cute Sweetie.
>being this edgy
I haven't been able to close this tab since she drew it, it's just too good.
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>Rarity should have had a sexy french voice.
>Applejack should of had a sexy southern voice
>Twilight should of had a sexy british voice
>Fluttershy should of has a sexy japanese voice
>Rainbow dash should of had a sexy Australian voice
>Pinkie's should of had a sexy ???? voice

What country should ponka's voice be?

We're all going to die.
>you'll never knead her big, soft breasts
>you'll never run your hands down her wide hips and silky thighs
>you'll never reach around to squeeze her plush derriere
I still like ArtAnons pic of her he drew better

>Pinkie Talks like Gerald McBoingBoing
Me too.
But this one makes me unf harder.
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dimin doge
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Nice shapely canonical butt
Thanks! Flitter is such a damn qt.

Alright. Pikmin 3 is a fantastic game and it's definitely on par with 2.
____Go buy it right now____
do you have the lewd one?
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Why would you do this to me
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Speak for yourself
I've got a lot of friends, both IRL and online
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How big of a belly are we talking here?
those fucking shorts
o no you didnt!
the one where she's just in her bra?
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Brazillian, I'm just thinking of the whole lively carnival atmosphere
Also I'm come around to a Brit Twilight
Hi endii
You were so close
needs a backside view
That mons
Is doing things for me
So very many things
creamy D and the sorcerer's poon
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>that fat booty
oh my god

Oh lord
also yes
but I was thinking of the ahegao one
pls don't ever draw anything like this again, its bad enough this is all SB does now. it literally saddens me
Is dat some Saffron shorts?
>needing more than a few close friends
Fuck off mewball
Please shut the fuck up, I actually enjoy that.

You like the mons, Anon?

im not that good, anon
no u
what did anon want Sweetiehips doing
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He needs to do more human Sweetie. And human Scoots. That booty was too fine
Yeah, but smudgy speedpainting ruins my mighty need

Why is CloudChaser so much bigger than her sister?!

Why do I like that so much?
Sitting on my face.
don't be silly, you can draw butts.
your butterfly-butt pic was pretty good.
you know, the one with the boxing gloves covering up her ladyparts.
sucking dick

ur mom


Too used to retards posting anthro on the fat pony general and getting it deleted
Hula hooping. Or butt-bumping with Scoots and Applebloom.
I wanted her dressing up and struggling to put on something clearly one size smaller than her.
standing in front of a mirror in her underwear, checking out her rear
something cute and unf
I want her cuddling a cute little rumble, making him all flustered
>scooty booty
I know what I'm doing for the rest of the night
Making the sex with nonhumanhorse
Something that shows off her big soft butt.
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Because she's best.
this is enough for me
You, preferrably.
>adult human sweetie cuddling young pony rumble

that would be cute
muh art husbando betrayed me abloo abloo
best sister

Bigger is better.
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>forgot picture
What do I filter anything related to Saffron? This is getting seriously annoying.
but they're almost the same age
God, this reminds me of my ex
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Yes, that would be the best bet.

Or ignore it.
I want to sex your ex.
but she's a hot dog, why would you want to filter her?
You stop being an autist and start ignoring stuff you don't like
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Taking a quick doodle request.

I should probably go to bed, but there's work to be done.

Pony work that is.
Chubby Ponk eating gooey caramel.
You and me both. I'd hoped to hitch up with her at a recent friends' wedding, but she wasn't invited as it turns out

That didn't stop me from having some amazing masturbation about it, though
Sweetie Belle drinking coffee
Twilight tinkering with her new telescope

Because I'm getting really tired of seeing the same fucking OC for nearly a year.. Didn't give a shit about the quest then, don't give a shit about it now, and it always derails the thread.

That's why I'm filtering it, dipshit.
Applejack juggling various hats.
what they said

>kissing CC's mound
>little tender pecks and long, slow kisses in, on and over the cleft, her pubes tickling your nose
>your hands enjoying her legs and sides, brushing over her tattoos
>"Don't stop... this feels nice..."
i was trying to find a good pony usb but there is none. if only that was rarity.
Goo lyra forcefeeding herself to bonbon
>filtering Saffron but not that Fat OC being spammed every thread

Please leave
Oh sweet Jesus.
You are just jealous your oc isn't as memorable.
I don't even know the fuck you're talking about. And at least one is more pony related.
>derpy joke
>didnt go the muffin route

bonus points for you
Which fat OC, anon?
Oh god my dick.

Please go on...
>those dick sucking lips

Sweet jesus.
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once i have improved enough i will draw plenty of different things you can complain about.
Pretty sure even Jesus would be impressed
I just don't give a fuck.
God, why is this so hard to understand?
I don't care about her, or anything related to that quest.
So filtering it would be the easiest way for me to ignore it.
>feeling her body tense up as you squeeze her soft rear with both hands
>hearing her giggle as her fingers run through the locks of your hair

If you didn't care, you wouldn't be complaining.
You have problems anon. If you don't know how to filter after a year of seeing this, I won't help you.
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Sorry about your doge problems, anon.
Have a PurplePone

Would you get aroused by Applejack hot doggin' in the late summer sun?
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Too bad you haven't been doing a good job of it. Keep practicing.
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uh oh the obesity fags are out of control right now
that's why i said "once i'm good enough"
o-oh my
can you draw something like that with Dash?
Cropped so, this looks like Beautiful Agony: Pone Edition

I'm okay with this
for what purpose?
any good butthurt lately?
unf, i can't draw like this. can you draw gilda?
And that's why I said keep practicing.
please do this
>I'm getting really tired of seeing the same fucking OC for nearly a year..

Then why don't you say the same shit about Marker Pony?
in what way?
Endii can't into lewd?
I don't know
Maybe you just like frankfurter love
Shit, I care even less about Twilight.
Probably because she's not fetish fodder unlike that fat thing
So he claims.
But we're talking about Saffron, not Sugar
Not him, but it's probably because she isn't used solely for fetishes.

But really I'm kind of sick of marker pony too or mainly how there are a lot of people that think way too highly of her.
They're one and the same these days. The difference is that one is for ass and the other is for fat (and ass)
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Maybe another time, I'm messing with magic I don't yet understand.
Sorry man.
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I have captured Bon Bon
bring twenty thousand dollars to the dead drop or else
And tits
and that's why i will
Actually I'm more interested in Saffron and Renne because they are both cute.

It's not worth getting into.

Theres a pony ccg coming soon
So I get to save $20,000 and BonBon gets to die?

Who is sugar?
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You better not go emotional this time around.
Well tough shit. You're the minority now.
The most fuckable fat slut pone around.
so that is skippy
Speak for yourself.
R63, Anthro, Fatter than usual Snips. I wish it would go away

Touchy touchy.
You fetish fags are so emotional when it comes to your fetishes.
look, I'm here to unf to stuff like this >>13105550

If you want to talk about ponies there's a whole board for that

>MLPG is only fetishes now
can't promise, but this time i successfully stopped myself from losing it again twice and can comfortably draw every day again.
the stuff that used to make me flip no longer has the dramatic effect it used to have, so i guess my mind exercises are paying off
From what I can tell 1 anon genuinly likes her. SB is the only one who advertises her, and its a shitposter who loves to fuck with you all.
It's pretty much the only good thing it's for, other than bitching about shit.
>mind exercises
Elaborate, I could use this kinda stuff
What a feel, but they are the minority though.
I like her
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Cool drawing JB
You're not Anon
>Talk to some guy who only goes to reddit sometimes
>He uses 4chan "memes" so often while talking
>Sounds like a casual /b/-tard while never visiting 4chan
Why does this annoy me so much
Because you're seeing yourself in him.