Previous Thread>>13070992Pretend like it's the year 2017 and MLPG is still alive
Second for pone murdering pone
>>13076299>tfw no more letters to Celestia>now everyone will write letters to Twilight>even Celestia will write letters to Twilight
yfw pank puts on lots of useless jewelry
Hahaha you dorks are still there?
>>13076324That was hilariousDid you draw these? That was so epic anon
>2017>MLPG still around>MLP:FiM has 2 spin offs EqG and CMC shows>Full mainstream with the Simpsons audience for EqG, below shit teir babby audience for CMC
critique pls
>>13076315>and it turns out it'sIt's what?IT'S WHAT?
>>13076332Don't worry Anon, I'm writing enough letters to her to make up for the lack of letters from Twilight
>>13076355why not?
>>13076336oooohhh dang
>>13076370Thin your paints
>>13076370Well it's not a ponyThe eyes are kind of creeping me out a little
>>1307637010/10 I hate - IGN
>>13076365>MLP: Ponyville Confidential for the Family Guy fags>Law & Order: Manehattan for the CSI/L&O/NCIS fags
>>13076385Well that is less extravagant compare to the first image.
>>13076369Counting our money the corporations gave us to look the other way.I'm gonna by my seventh yacht!
>>13076299I don't like the whole "Dark side of equestria" storyline in S6, it got really deep
>>13076370"7/10 Jesus Fucking Christ" - The New York Times
>>13076370That's certainly interesting. The effects on the eyes are not bad, but you should fix the skull.The face looks flat, too- did you think about it in 3D?The individual hair isn't very appealing visually, too.
>>13076370"9/11, it's okay" PC Gamer
>I don't know...they're not really my color, darling
Does anyone know who drew this?
What ifGuysWhat ifWhat if poneSHUT UPWhat if ponewasWhat if pone waswas penguin.
>>13076450Holy shit, that figure.Super arousing.
>>13076496>Time to take over ZE VURLDNot >Time to PULL ZE MOOOOOON, OUT OF ITS ORRRBIT!Though that is kinda Luna's thing.
>>13076496Plantpony. DA is deactivated.Also, learn to use google
>>13076496Yes. A simple reverse google search will give you the result.
>>13076500I can dig it
>>13076487Yes, Rarity. Those look smashing on you.
>>13076371>>13076372It's where her husband grew up. It's where she met him.
>>13076524>ponies are now penguins>scootaloo can fly
>>13076515Remember when he was assassinated by the bus?
>>13076515>>13076519Wasn't there a tripfag who used to browse here who drew a bunch of megaman themed pony stuff?
>>13076557oh anon. Come and play real men's games with us
>>13076450This is relevant to my interests
>>13076539It's too bad Grandpa Apple wasn't in the Zapapple episode. I wonder if they just didn't want to show a pony who's currently dead.
>>13076574I don't think he has a trip, but didn't Tan draw a bunch of megamen?
Confess your sins, my child. Don't worry, you're safe here...
>>13076450rediv,come on.
>>13076605I want to kiss Fluttershy
So do you think that scootaloo will finally become an alicorn this season?
>>13076605I masturbate to to the thought of sleeping inside your womb
>>13076574I think you're thinking of Plantman but I don't really remember
>>13076605I want you to bear my children
>>13076621I don't know, I thought they would quit after the Elements, Shining Armor, Flash Sentry, and Snips all became alicorns.
>>13076596I once started writing a fanfic about Granny Smith's early years, before the Zap=apple episode aired. It was to be a murder mystery.Then the episode came and killed most of the stuff i thought up.I still think a good old fashioned murder mystery a la Agatha Christie would be fun, maybe as a quest.
>>13076605I might have had lewd thoughts about youwell, a bit more than just 'lewd' I guess
>>13076605I'm fucking your sister.Also she's pregnant.We're naming the baby Nyx
>>13076636Don't you mean you want her to bear your children?
>>13076644miss arple?
>>13076605I got mad on the internet, once. Also I edited the BURDENED picture to make it pony related. Wait, I don't actually regret it... Do I have to regret my sins?
>>13076659Oh, nevermind, I mixed the names. It's not the "BURDENED".
>>13076605I know I should seek help or talk to someone but I just seem to push everyone away from me
>>13076370I can't tell if you're serious
>>13076655I prefer Poirot as a character, but he might have a more Marple-esque role in this if we want to solve the mystery.
>>13076664He said it's possible that he'd romantic a pony under the right circumstances
>>13076678gimme your skype anon
>>13076621What I want to know is if Rainbow will ever do the Quadruple Sonic Rainboom
>>13076538I haven't tried any kinds of addons yet, still busy unlocking stuff and trying combos. You should try making a thread about your problem on the forums if you haven't done so yetMy favorite race is Shalore, the global speed racial and Timeless are so fucking good and seem to synergize with just about anything. Shalore Anorithil is my most complete regular character yet, though I've done some crazy stuff with adventurer which was a lot of fun too, pic related
>>13076450>Struggling to move>mfw she turns>ass the size of a barn>even she is surprisedI wasn't prepared for this unf
>>13076574Yeah, Plantman. Which is the same as>>13076515
>>13076621Before Applejack, Shes never gonna be one.
>>13076688It's probably more a matter of, despite any fantasy, he's never actually been around the actual (for a given value of actual cartoon pony) Twilight so he doesn't really have any personal experience to make it work it his head. As a switcheroo, imagine if you will, you're a pony and you've only ever heard of humans/seen them as cartoon and the closest thing you have to them is apes in zoos and trying to visualize a relationship with them keeps bringing the image of said apes to your mind.Humans aren't exactly like that, of course, but it can be a fantasy-killer. That's when you go through the Equestria Girl mirror and realize that holy fuck humans can be attractive after all
>>13076539>>13076315Hollow Shades?
>>13076420sorry stoned pony
>>13076764Well yeahLots of people really need to be able to feel a personal connection in order to get off, he's probably just one of them. Mostly all I need is pony ass
>>13076332>>even Celestia will write letters to TwilightI've always wanted an episode where Celestia would write a Friendship Letter to Twilight. But that was before Twilight got her wings.
>>13076789>Freud Vale
>>13076808>>Lots of people really need to be able to feel a personal connection in order to get off>that feelIt only works when its my waifu...
>>13076822>birthplace of celestia
The ice we skateis getting pretty thin
>>13076847Your mom is getting pretty thin!
>>13076706thatthat can't be right
>>13076847hair fuhrer
>>13076524well now I've seen everything
>>13076890Oh I have more, but not of any of them actually being penguins
Does anybody have this without the /mlp/ MOD HQ red text?
>>13076901miss pinkie's penguins
>>13076616SameShe just has such a kissable face
>>13076904it was somewhere in the old threads.
>>13076899I know why I'm unfing.
>>13076621>An alicorn whocant flynah
>>13076926Because Scootaloo is naked?
>>13076904The comic itself or that particular edit?It's from Gone with the Blastwave.
>>13076916I want to nibble on her ear
>>13076935no,silly. All ponies are naked. All the time.
>>13076789Could be. It'd be nice if they'd visit a few of those places. Los Pegasus sounds like it was a joint Pegasus/Earth Pony venture, what with Applewood and the clouds (and the name).Wonder what the bell in Fillydelphia symbolizes.
>>13076935But ponies are usually naked.
Pony should wear more flair
>>13076954>>13076949yeah but in that picture she's REALLY naked
>>13076916She does, doesn't she?
>>13076953I remember touch
>>13076948rememberpregnancy makes them hornier
>>13076950reference to the liberty bell in Philadelphia
>>13076950Yeah but the pony mafia runs Los Pegasus
you'd never believe it, I fixed the fullscreen problem. horray for me!
>>13076904Nothing a quick edit can't fix!
>>13076973I was talking in a pony context. It could have a whole story behind it!>>13076977I bet our girls can sort those palookas out.
>>13076899Damn sexy scootaloo. Everytime
>>13076977>pony jews run applewood
>>13076920I can't search similar images in the archive.>>13076943Just the same edit without the red words.>>13076989Perfect, thanks.
>>13076950Don't know, but I'd love a world tour of Equestria and the eastern countries
>>13076605No matter what I make or do, I still want nothingness. I would rather feel nothing than happy.
>>13077008>Froud Valleythe fuck is a Froud know
>>13076948Damn, is she growing a whole herd of fillies in there?
>>13076935I didnt even notice Scoots was naked
>>13076972It also makes them crazy. I don't know about you, but I don't want a crazy demigod princess.
>>13077020it's ancient equestrian for "freud"duh
>>13076862that's with 0.32 attack speed and 180% global speed, I used flurry for that picture but regular attacks to 3-5k damage like 5 times per turn
>>13077034>not stepping up your game as her crazy demigod prince
>tfw MLPG will never rile up shit like it used to in the old days>tfw even if it does it'll just be attributed to /mlp/ and /mlp/ will just run it into the ground
>>13077034>not wanting a crazy princess
>>13077069>that>goodI agree on everything you could say about past sins,but that's just stupid.
>>13077065She would just use her crazy powers to "win" every argument.She might even accidentally kill you in a fit of emotions.
>>13077069That's the problem with /mlp/, if there's ever anything we take a stand against, it's guaranteed they will be twice as mad about it and anything and everything they do will be at least twice as retarded as what we would do.
>>13077087Just like she killed Chrysalis.
>>13076963And a very huggable body
>>13077104OH BOY HERE WE GO
>>13077034Makes the sex even better
>>13077131That is also true.
>>13077131Flutterfags.You can expect them to be only virgins who want women to worship them, be quiet and generally be their mommies with sex included in the dish.
>>13076963>>13077131>>13077159I thought we were talking about Fluttershy.
>>13077160That's a funny way of spelling Celestia.
>>13077177>starry hairmeh>docknice
>>13077179niet freud.Niet.
>>13077160>and generally be their mommies with sex included in the dish.You just described the typical house wife.
>>13077177Thats pretty unf
>>13077177sibewar is very hit and mis
>>13077208there was a better way to argue my point but fuck it.I'm waitinf for someone to post the screencap that describes flutterfags.
>>13077008>gelding grottoevery time
>>13077224Why do you think there are so many "mares" on the show?
>>13077083iirc Goggles mostly drew it for shits and giggles. She didn't really care for the fic but she drew it because she thought it would stir shit up.>Leth !Leth/HQgHY 05/15/11>These threads never fail to be entertainingOh how things have changed...
>>13077177>Sun rising through the window>This has been happening all night>Trixie only just came
>>13077222Not him but other than AJ, I could not see any other 6mane being a good at mothering.
>>13077159I love that artist.
>>13077242It's just past/before twilight
>>13077242>>Trixie only just came>again
>>13077236And people actually believe that Braeburned infected us with dicks...
>>13077179>want women to worship them>and be quietDoesn't sound like Celestiafags at all. It's normally them who do the worshipping
Pinkie ruins everything without consideration for others because she thinks it's fun.
>>13077303well she IS worst horse, worse than even 2.3 at this point.
>>13077177>wings>taildock>dom Twioh very much yes. unf.
>>13077303She even ruined Cloud Kicker's wings
Yellowquiet is and will always be best personhorse.
>>13077296Mostly new, jealous, or judgmental people.
>>13077301they just want something with as much personality as a sack of flour that they can stick their dicks into
>>13077334>no enormous titsthat doesn't even count
>>13077325lolnoTwily has been worst horse since the end of S2
>>13077177I was watching the stram when he was drawing that. T'was arrousing
Okay, which one of you was it this time?
>>13077177I want to like this but there's too much fanon in it.
>>13077362she hasn't hit puberty yet in that picture you fagmaster
>>13077334She's best everythinghorse
>>13077367why does rainbow dash have a normal pony body and redheart has boobs?
All I want is a cute chubby girl to cuddle withOr a cute chubby guy if it's cold enough out this real?Because that's my home town.
>>13077381my niggai don't like taurshit though
>>13077388I don't know, no good pictures of Dash being pregnant exist
>>13077367my money's on xieril
>>13077395It's obviously fake
>>13077402xieril's pregnant again?
>>13077354>baiting this hard
>>13077395>>13077408Why isn't there a link?
>>13077379well when is she going toI don't have all day
>>13077395>white horse>Rainbow Dash
>>13077388Why is redheart wearing a shirt and no pants
I would have sex with a horse if it was legal in my state
>>13077408I need to call nasa, my sides are the first to populate pluto
>>13077396Why does Fluttershy always have the shit eating grin on her faceLike she just drank the last soda in my fridge on purpose
>>13077334I agree. She just look so gentle.>>13077362>not liking her the way she isShe was a perfect model in GIYC and I do not recall model having such large pairs.
>>13077395>>13077408It's fake, but nice on them to use the MLP in-app purchase fiasco and the horsemeat thing as related links.
>>13077450Legality doesn't make something right/wrong.
>>13077438I enjoy MS art
>>13077465But it DOES make it legal.
>>13077468it can be cute
>>13077427Best fucking episode>trashbin her mouth>she tries to talk before the credits roll>credits begin before she can say anything
>>13077459>That's right faggot, what are you going to do about it?
>>13077465It makes it legal.
>>13077465Right and Wrong are just words. It's what you do that makes a difference
>>13077441why is
>>13076450I ... oh dearOH DEAR
>>13077459Because being nice and kind is a front. She's a master thief.
>>13077367>That transparencyI guess 4chan finally came inside Rainbow Dash.
>>13077483ship you to Africa
>>13076450> that tired groan as she says "I've just finished eating"BONER STOP NO
>>13077483Well for starters, I'm going to fucking drop kick you in the jaw you fucking horse
>>13077494Well that makes senseShe did steal my heart
Potbelly time already?
>>13077482>She doesn't say shit for the bulk of the episode>The only episode in S3 where Pinkie doesnt fuck anything up1000/10
pony has been going out with you for monthsnow pony is winking at you
>>13076450She's like on a fucking food comathis has no right to be this hot
>>13077511And for the main course?
>>13077482>>13077427that episode made me a little mad, and not just because I waifu her, it's because it made no sense, she should have suficated with out a mouth OR nose
>>13077523>>13077543It fucking begins
>>13077536Well that's just what she does when she makes a cute pun
>>13077543>SBfixedI don't know why he doesn't do more femsnails, she's way fucking cuter
>>13077512>I tried selling that shitty heart on the black market but no mare wanted you.
>>13077500Here you go.
>>13077177I shouldn't find this arousingBut the thought of them having a night long tender bondage fuck is pretty hot
>>13077558lesbians as fuuuuck
>>13077516SB plshave fun
>>13077516If Sugar was proportioned like the lady in the vid, bigger tits please, my dick would explode.
>>13077557>beginsPeople have been disliking the obese stuff for quite a while now
>>13077208> be their mommiesI guess Flutterfags by definition want that sort of relationship, butReally I just want to be with a crunchy hippie who knows her body and is very likely to be into druid sex.
>>13077556Ponies don't need oxygen
>>13077590Anonymous, are you faggots with your friends when you tell them a bad joke?
>>13077516Why do you bring her up in every thread SB. Stop forcing this character.
>>13077562but I love you
>>13077614>Druid sexWhat the fuck is that.
>>13077606Perhaps he meant "it begins today"
>>13077629It's from ages on ages ago"Let the s-seed take root"
>>13077629You fuck a tree
>>13077622If I complimented my friend softly and then winked at him Yes, as a matter of fact that would be pretty gay.
>>13077606>obeseIt continues
>>13077620Can seaponies survive on land?
>>13077595>>13077623>full.gif>SBIf I was, I'd be drawing tons more Sugar and posting new stuff.
>>13077629She makes this face the whole time.
>>13077624>I lied to see if you had anything of value to steal. You don't. Nothing about you is valuable.
>>13077646maximum homo
>>13077629Basically ritual sex magicThere was some pretty hot fertility rite stuff with a human Fluttershy ages ago
>>13077646So you're gay?
>>13077654just bring it to the sub. Getting tired of seeing this everythread.
>>13077629>not knowing/having druid sex
>>13077588The fact that she is having fun doing this multiplies my arousal.
>>13077646They're girls, this for them is the equivalent of talking about scoring and high-fiving. You calling high-fiving gay?
>>13077629Doing it in a field of flowersOr in a river
>>13077676Too bad.And just in case you filtered
>>13077643>>13077667So it's just regular sex.
>>13077678>not posting horse images
>>13077655It looks like this.
>>13077676they're just doing it to shitpost just...see >>13077697ignore it
>>13077381Even EG?
>>13077709Regular sex with the magic and the additional purpose of procreation.
>>13077687If 2 girls high wived and then one winked at the other?A little
>>13076450LK please stop shoving your fetish in my face.
>>13077730So completely vanilla.
>>13077709You haven't had ritual sex, have you?
>>13077717Where is that from?
>>13077697this is perfect sugar. i'm not too fond of the more recent one with extra large boobs
>>13077738>lk will never forcefeed me his fetish
>>13077676People force things down other's throats if they know others will react to it. Just ignore/filter and it will die out. You are fighting fire with fire.
>>13077661I'd let her seduce me anyday.EVERYday
>>13077754nippon twily what are you doing here
>>13077749> sex with onlookers and a specific set of criteria, chanting, incense, and proper mental and spiritual preparationI'm pretty sure this isn't a quick fuck in the supply closet, Anon.
>>13077765mazel tov
>>13077735friends do that all the timea lot of mannerisms girls do together as friends are pretty gay to guys when it's guys doing the same thing
>>13077556I hate md because of fluttershy.yeah, we get that she's shy. But she's brave when her friends are in danger, so fuck you.
>>13077738Not LK
>>13077778You remember that bitch from Firefly? She's just like her.
>>13077770Would you fight pony with pony?
>>13077735> high wived> high-wife'dUNF
>>13077723She was the only character I liked in EG. Don't even like FS in the show
>>13077796Oh, you never said there was voyeurism involved.Okay, so it's just public sex.
>>13077802I dunno, winking is always pretty flirtatious for both sexes if you ask me
>>13077809You mean the spy, or Inara?
>>13077770I already had.
>>13077802That's because usually girls aren't afraid in their sexuality and have to defend it like guys do.
>>13077769I am seeing what you did there.
>>13077763100% agreed combination of tits and belly
>>13077821You just don't get it. Okay.
>>13077818I didn't even notice I typed thatWhat a strange typo
>>13077697>And just in case you filteredThat's not a nice thing to do, anon
>>13077826it's not always flirtatious
>>13077749>tfw people in here look down on you for just wanting to make gentle love to your waifu
>>13077819muh nigga
>>13077588that fucking ass slap
>>13077623>Why do you bring her up in every thread SB. Stop forcing this character.Yeah only I can do that!
>>13077844Hey, I understand that it's not special. I just thought maybe it was something that was really out there.
you know, I've never thought it could be arousing, but watching a young woman eating cookies sexily is hot as hell.
>>13077869GG plsexplain why Dewbon is so cute
We should talk about gay dragons instead
>>13077875> ritualistic sex with all the trappings isn't specialAre you feeling euphoric?
>>13077863>wanting to make gentle love to your waifumuh nigga
>>13077588>>13077862This thread was made for me.
>>13077843unfimagine a lazy weekend where all you do is just walk around the house in a t-shirt and underwear
>>13077897You sound pretty euphoric, dude.
>>13077894We should get more artists to draw bicurious dragons
>>13077843>>13077913What I want to know is her personality
What an awful thread
>>13077914I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the screaming of your fedora.
>>13077894>poor little white dragon
>>13077928It really is.
>>13077926It's snips but as a girl.imagine that.
>>13077892Do you think Dewbon has disgusting breath?
>>13077931Uh ... Twilight?
>>13077863>tfw people will never do anything with philophilia
>>13077931that's not real is it?
>>13077936You're just blinded by the glare coming from your socks and sandals. You should have worn a longer trenchcoat.
>mfw anons are enjoying fat people near meFUCK THATI'M GONNA GO DRAW OR SOMETHING
>but you said we would go shopping today
you know, these girls are the few that can carry their body fat. Usually it's just hambeasts with mustaches.
>>13077926>inb4 slut>I'd imagine she'd be slightly forward, but probably clueless if you went along with it
>>13077897> ritualistic tax filing with all the trappings isn't specialIt's just role-play sex. I mean, it can be hot, but it's pretty tame normal stuff dressed up a bit.
>>13077964I'm pretty certain that would only increase the gain of the retard signal coming off your Lens Crafters' hornrim glasses.
>>13077720>tfw you can't enjoy things legitimately anymore because others use them to shitpost
>>13077936I'm not that guy but do you realize that your conversation has devolved into calling eachother /r/atheism stereotypes.
>>13077967Fuck you Endii
>>13077994I'm pretty sure neither of us care and are just having fun coming up with those insults. Don't worry, ANon.
>>13077994>posting wow pics>when ffxiv is out
>>13077994garrosh is a pussy ass bitch
>>13077988You should have something in your cargo shorts that would adjust for that, but I guess the interference from your graphic tee is just too loud.
>>13077930more wide-hipped sweetie pleasemaybe in her underwear, that's straining to contain her curves?
>>13078010How do you know that's endii?
>>13078025>implying I'm rediv
>>13078021such a malleable-looking rarityI want to squeeze her
>>13077958It is real.
>>13078025>celestia quest is ending soonthe pain...
>>13078022No, I'm pretty sure it's the attenuation from the signed copy of the God Delusion you keep in that A+ branded messenger bag of yours.
>>13078022Cargo shorts are ok as long as they are not tan, brown, white, black, or camoToo bad 99% of people wear them in those colors.
How much until S4 again?
>>13078010I think that's BCS
>>13078037it was worth a shot
>>13078025She drew it? Link?
>>13078025You can just ask rediv on her blogPersonally I want to see her in pajamas, there's just something about pajamas that get to me
>>13078051It's so sad.
>>13076370The wonderbolts will see me right here at the gala.
>>13078043Jesus fuck I need some sexIf I saw that right now I'd tip her over that coffee table and mount her bareback.
i wish i could draw chub well
>>13078032I have a feeling
>>13078073>rediv in pajamasunf
>>13078016>tfw you will never get to join Garrosh's true horde and blow up soft hordies and alliance
>>13078056Olive green, motherfucker.>Hey, I thought this address looked familiar>You ordered these three pizzas, Anon?>You didn't?>And you don't have enough to cover them?>Well, I'm sure we can make a deal, maybe let me come inside and we can enjoy some hot pizza and a movie together.
>>13078073what is her main blog? how many blogs? all the blogs I have of her are outdated.
>>13078073> Rediv has a blog... LINK
>>13078051>we failed to stop ithopes deleted
>>13078061is that japanon?
>>13078061>not putting tabasco on your pastaI can't believe there's people who do this.
>>13078078The thing is chicks like that usually like sex and are appreciative of it, which is my fetish.
>>13078095> hot pizzaUNF
>>13078073undies, pajamas, a form-fitting dress, a towel, completely naked...I just want more of that Sweetie in general
>>13078081>Still 90 daysffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
>>13078087Yes that is very unf, but I was talking about Thick Sweetie Belle>>13078100>>
>>13078051thank fuck
>>13078107Yep. He's been around again for weeks.
>>13078113That's been my experience. The lactation totally drowned out any social stigma dating a big girl, which I didn't give a fuck about anyway.
>>13078083Chub like this?
>>13078093Nice catch, I forgot that one.
>>13078075I guess it had to, sooner or later. roaming the badlands, looking for the bad guys would've gotten dull fast enough. it just seems so early.>>13078106yeah, I'm wondering how much shit we're in now. they've got at least the one, probably two, maybe all 3. haven't seen or heard about the last one.
>>13078090>true horde>wanting to go back to OOGA BOOGA KILL ALL WHITE MAN
>>13078117Where is it!?
>>13078061WAIT HE IS BACK?
>>13078130oh neatbut then who will be ded and hat us
>>13078133>LactationWhoatoo far.
>>13078135No, you dumb shit
>>13078095...isn't that a little forward for a pizza girl? Aren't you in the middle of your job?
I'm a total slave for donkey cock!
pony shall pony pony
>>13078154Her hormones were all over the place. The upshot is she practically NEEDED sex on a regular basis and was often the initiator.
>>13077956I will try once my art skills reach a point where it would actually work
>2017>still going on MLPG
Any more chub than this and it gets gross
>>13078167We know.
>>13078169> Mabel teethI read it in Mabel's voiceA strange feeling
>>13078051Man, the only way I can see it ending so soon is with either a bad end or "You go back to earth the end". We barely even got the chance to go full waifu.
>>13078133Did you drink her? What does it taste like? How much does a girl lactate? Do they like it when a guy suckles it out of their tits?
>>13078167What if I told you there was a donkey cock right behind you?
>>13078117I haven't been able to close that tab since I opened it, you just don't see hips drawn like that every day
>>13078152the rest of them
>>13078138hey.hey.It's simple and it works.
>>13078166>Sugar>"a little forward"You're new to this whole Sugar thing, I see.
>>13078083Draw lots of fat people
>>13078121>im stuffed tbh
>>13078179MLPG died in the great flame war of summer 2015. This is just the memorial where the survivors recreate it from old screencaps>Gah ah hayhur howull, Ahon?
>>13078207>shitting up all of thrall's careful diplomacy>"it works"Yeah nah you're a cunt.
>>13078198too bad there's no view of the backsideI bet the ass is fat
>>13078192It was never very much because she wasn't pregnant (thankfully) but she loved breast play and suckling.It was always like pretty heavy cream, though sometimes it tasted a little weird. I noticed it especially on days she took iron supplements.There was one occasion she was riding on top and absolutely fucking exploded squirting after I sucked on her while hilting. She was kind of a bucket of crazy but that's like my favorite experience ever.
>>13078051>started to go through the archive now that I have some spare time so I can catch up and participate>"it's going to end soon"
>>13078235She doesn't even need the horn.
>>13078261She's an alicorn, alicorns have horns.
>>13078208Does she just push forward every chance she gets because she's desperate?
4chan x is a wonderful thing.
>>13078207why not kill gods instead
>>13078251You can just ask her, i'll bet she'll draw it during a stram if she sees a few people want to see her draw her again.
>>13078277So is ur mum
>>13078254Oh my unf.Did she do anal?
>>13078277It is, isn't it?
>>13078283I'll keep an eye out for her streams then.
>>13078256To be specific, SA said>We're closing in on the end. I suspect the last session (assuming no change in the usual schedule) will be either 2 or 3 weeks from today.
>>13078256>Spaerk>not participating in a celestia quest from the beginningwho are youalso, "soon" is "at least a couple of weeks" so there's plenty of time still.
>>13078287That was one of the first things we did together because she wasn't on birth control at the time but we both hated condoms. It was a pretty dumb choice but god I loved fucking that ass.
>>13078182Not sure if I should unf.
>Have a thick girlfriend with huge tits and a sex drive so constant and overwhelming it's hard to keep upGuys, I know it sounds great, in some idyllic abstraction, but it really is great, it's fucking amazing. Only thing I'm not sure about is her rape fetish.
>>13078243Love me some food catchers.
>>13078300>not participating in a celestia quest from the beginningUniversity shit got in the way ;__;
>>13078314>Have a thick girlfriend with huge tits and a sex drive so con-I fucking bet
>>13078299>>13078256And that's 2-3 weeks at 2 sessions per week. contest at BronyCAN starting now
>>13078314>Big girl>Rape and probably dom fetishI hope you enjoyed shitting normally while it lasted
>>13078306lucky bastard...
>>13078314>rape fetishProbably just fulfilled by roleplay. Don't fret it
>>13078330I've never mentioned it till now because people assume it's either bragging or a lie, but hey, other people were recounting real life stories.
>>13078340>RapeYes.>DomNot even a little bit.
>>13078277Shit man, 2003 must have been hell.
>>13078331Oh, okay. Thanks
>>13078277I'm guessing because of recursive filtering.
>Derpy ins Doctor Hooves in the same frameI swear to god Hasbro does this on purpose. Fuck them.
>all this sex talk>can't fapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>13078357Talk about [sweating intensifies]
[vomiting intensifies]
>>13078025do I need to get my trip onthat wasnt me but ill see
>>13078377A brony-sympathizing programmer, more like.
>>13078350>because people assume it's either bragging or a lieEh, if they don't believe, whatever, right?I personally never make a choice between believing or not, it's like the Schroedinger cat of internet bragging or the existence of God: it may be true, I don't have a proof, but who cares. If I get the proof, I'll believe, if not, I'll just think it's possible without shouting liar.
>>13078357Soon all things will be shitposted and no one will be able to enjoy anything without being labeled a shitposter
>>13078182this seems like such a hassle for Cranky Doodle
>>13078399You'd be surprised
>>13078416How did you find my resume?
>>13078413What the FUCK
>>13078413>no internal organs
>>13078416Thing is, that's kind of funnyOn the other hand I pray to God he's never actually handed that in to a real actual job
>>13078416Hello, Cringe Channel.
>>13078398Thanks red. I love how you draw your ponies, you always make them look so soft.
>>13078348Yeah but even as roleplay it makes me kind of uncomfortable.
>>13078416> "Big Blue"> didn't pick a fat Dash to mascot this bullet point
>tfw more guys want chubby girls then girls want chubby guys
>>13078416I refuse to believe this is real.
>>13078377They have been doing that in various media for quite awhileThe show itself is pretty much the only place they aren't a pair
>>13078411I'm just assuming it's SB just forcing this character.
>>13078413That looks uncomfortable.
>>13078413>men can't be raped by womenpls...
>>13078457she really does
>>13078464Don't have to do it all the time. Just compromise and be like "okay tonight I'll do this for you but you owe me one" type of thing.
>>13078480Just wait until they put her together with Dinky.
>>13078413I don't think that is even possible without damage to internal organs.And you know what is the funny thing? he won't even feel that damage at first. Not even in first 1-2 weeks. But then it will kick out and kick hard. Most likely surgery would be required.
>>13078464I don't typically come down hard on someone like "oh if you only knew how good you had it"I have a rape fetish or at least a kink as a guy - in the abstract. Not actual nonconsenting rape. But playing "the No Game" is one of my biggest turn-ons.Man up, steel yourself, and learn how to tie up a bitch and fuck her like that nice lady wants it.
>>13078480I'm thankful for that
>>13078480I'd fuck that Vinyl
>>13078480>le dreamworks faec everywhere for no fucking reason
>>13078469I'm dating a girl who probably will leave me if I lose all the weight I want to. It's a strange thing.
>>13078469>tfw very lightweight, sheepish, vanilla, and inexperienced at anything sexual>it's the exact opposite of what a girl wants
>>13078520The only one that's doing it is Vinyl though
>>13078500Has dinky even appeared in the comic?I don't know if the background fillies translated over like the normal background ponies did
>>13078481Could be, could be not. If I had him on skype or something I would ask, but I'm not gonna let someone else ruin it for me.
>>13078522Only DJ-PON3 has one eyebrow raised and the other lowered. The others have half lidded or completely normal expressionsDr.Whooves/Time Turner is arguably making the face, but we only can see one eye.
> Check Rediv's blog> She's excited for this toy> Suddenly you realize you're larger than the "moderate" version> all your exes weren't lying when you said you had a fair peen
>>13078469[sighing intensifies]
>>13078501still better than being a virgin
>>13078579When I first saw those, I thought they were really odd flip-flops.
>>13078584>8" thickWELP, THERE GOES THAT VAGINA
>>13078548I used to be, then I ate too much and got a little coarser through experience in my fraternityNow I have Wreck-It Ralph hands and several exes who actually did want the D long before I had any ideaIt's a strange thing, life
>>13078502party deshou? party no gummie-san.EATING CANDY~
>>13078566He's not onlineBut could be on invivible. You never know
>>13078525Anon unless it's a fetish she's probably lying because she's afraid if you improve yourself you'll leave her for someone better. This is how a fat broad's mind works.
>>13078579What are they? Door handles or something
>>13078611It's the worst shit that female toys are so huge compared to normal size dicks.
>>13078506Man I don't know, I just feel too scummy. She asks me to come into the room at night while she's pretending to sleep, or tie her hands to the bed, shit like that. I feel like a bad guy. I don't like feeling like I'm hurting her.
>>13078501and it is so painful, they have to take drugs, but they enjoy it
>rediv's cavernous, cavernous vagina
>>130786112.3" diameter is about what you'd expect for an above-average penis. 2.7" seems like a case of "eyes bigger than your stomach," except, well, "- than your genitals."
>>13078619I don't really care anymore. I took him off awhile ago.
>>13078413>average gay poni art
>>13078642>red ribbon's winking marecunt
>>13078629A lot of women have one BIG toy from early on because they thought it'd be greatIt tends to be unwieldy and even kind of painfulThe ones they use consistently for penetration tend to be closer to real biological models
>>13078642women give birth through those things and it returns to original size, don't kid yourself
>>13078642I want to shove another anon inside it and feel him squirm as I rub her belly
>>13078622Well she kind of likes big burly lumberjack typesAnd beardsIt's totally possible 50 pounds lost will put me closer to otter than bear, so I can see her trepidation
>>13078656Why though? He's barely online anyway
>>13078584Meh, that just looks like human dicks. Why is this on Bad Dragon?
>>13078659>red ribbon's quivering ponut
>>13078696Because it's from an established company, it's actually an uncircumcised penis (go figure, women fantasize about those!), and the moderate is nice and big without being totally fucking crazy in an all-silicone build.
>>13078502>rarara>"ara ara"
>>13078694Exactly. Besides he didn't seem interesting.
>>13078721Oh, that makes sense, thanks. I always have this vision of unusual dildoes and scaled dicks.
>>13078696Because "lol furries will never get laid"
>>13078631>Not wanting to play-rape a thick, stacked girl
>>13078721> womenGuess again
>>13078665>it returns to original sizeI've got some bad news for you
>>13078548good are what many gays want
>>13078744I haven't spoken to anyone in months, but I still keep the contacts just in case. Do what you like I suppose.
This horse was galloping and now it is tired and ded.
>>13078791>Are we out of cupcakes?
>>13078763>Not wanting to tease a cute, trap, crossdressing boy
>>13078631If it's really her thing and it works out, she'll feel so fucking slick and responsive as you hilt inside her, Anon. Drive for your own orgasm, grunt through gritted teeth, use her like a thing just for once the way she wants it. Fuck her, you coward. Fuck her like she knows another man can or would if she could dump your stupid patronistic ass.
>>13078659>rediv's winking marecunt
>>13078802and now we're beating it
>>13078799y you too.
>>13078803No, we're out of ponies!
>>13078791It, well, it can and will, but the vaginal tone can be different for a year or more. Kegels really help.
>>13078808i do~
>>13078810>Fuck her, you coward. Fuck her like she knows another man can or would if she could dump your stupid patronistic ass.Wow
>>13078794But I don't want the homosex. Guys and masculinity do nothing for me. In fact, it's the exact opposite of arousal.
>>13078665you do realise Vaginas aren't like memory foam mattresses, right? They don't revert back when nothings pushing on them
>>13078832no we're not
>>13078810> patronisticI think you mean patronizingBut I really shouldn't be popping a boner to this
>>13078857No luna go back to bed.
Now where did I put my pony beating stick
>>13078803>Don't worry, I'm baking some more.
>>13078860It's a good thing rectums are though
Don't even joke about that
>>13078858i don't like that either.traps is where it's at.
>>13078696I'm told by an expert that it was a very self-aware april's fools joke
>>13078880in your pants
>>13078794not that guy, but my friend once told me if i were gay she'd be able to set me up with some of her other friends because i was their type. that felt like a very weird compliment.
Any dick can hit the gspotAny groin can hit a clitAny middle finger can hit the a-spotTechnique is what counts.
>>13078903> very self-aware April Fool's jokeThe $75 price tag and current availability says otherwise.
>>13078810>One of her fetishes makes you kind of uncomfortable>SHE SHOULD DUMP YOUWow, she should definitely go out with you instead!
>>13078858>Doesn't want itWow, that makes it even better. Where do you live?
>>13078894No, I don't like males. I do like futa though. But they need a vagina with the girl dick.
>>13078943No, not 'should,' but 'could.' You really think she doesn't know her options?If this is something she's really into and keeps asking about and he's being a pussywillow faggot, there are alternatives.Never, ever think a thing is a sure thing.
>>13078894that explains why ocs like that stupid panda are the rage.
>>13078937a very self-aware April Fool's joke that turned out to maybe make some money
>>13078971well, it's your opinion and i respect itmy favorite type of futa is still the classic dick and balls deal with none of the female nonsense below the beltline.
>>13078983Dumping someone because they're not 100% on an extreme fetish you have is pretty fucking awful, unless they're only together for sex. Would you be giving him the same spiel if it were scat she wanted to try?
>>13078926I get that but I still can't get a girl without her going into the whole "oh we're going to be together forever" bullshit.
>you will never have a friendly fun fuck with someone from MLPG
>>13079029> play rape is an extreme fetishEhhhh> would you be giving him the same spiel if it were scat?Depending on how much importance she puts on it, yeah.> oh well they're together for reasons other than sex> mediocre sex or not getting your kinks fulfilled is never a deal-breaker if it becomes clear someone else is available to scatch the itchLiterally half of my firm's divorce filings.
>>13079026That's not a futa, that's just a dude with tits.
>>13079036What the Hell does commitment have to do with your needle dick?
>>13079029I'd shit on a girl willing to put up with meI typed that but I really don't mean it now, what a strange feeling
>>13079065You sure know a lot about something you don't know a lot about, I'm impressed.
>>13079057>you will never have a happy civil union with someone from MLPG
>>13079057>go to bronycon>seduce another MLPG-er>...>profit?
>>13079075> wolf humping a deerPretty sure that's an artistic depiction of Furcon 2010.
>>13079065will you divorce me from this thread
>>13079083Because it eventually turns into commitment because I have philophilia.
>>13079065>Depending on how much importance she puts on it, yeah.He never said anything about that though, you're the one who keeps saying SHE COULD DUMP YOU IF YOU DON'T ACT LIKE A FUCKING RAPIST NO MATTER HOW UNCOMFORTABLE YOU ARE WITH IT.Relationships are a two-way street, she should be considerate of how it makes him feel too.
>>13079108You couldn't afford my rates.
>>13079108Give me $35 to cover it if it's no-contest, equal-partyIf you need me to navigate a pre-nup this begins at $45/hour, $35 every hour past 10.God help you if you asked a Partner, it's more like $145/hour.
>>13079122I'll give you 5 ponies
>>13079057>you will never suck pantyanon's cute little 4" cock>you will never feel it twitch in your mouth as he spurts his cum and paints the back of your throat as he moans cutely
wait a secondwhat's rediv's tumblr
>>13079091>you will never round up a bunch of twinks from MLPG and keep a harem of cute boy-toys
>>13079095>successfully seduce another MLPGer>4 months later you are happily in a civil partnership>you become known as the face of MLPG>regularly post pictures of you and your adopted 18 month orphan baby called 'Carlos'
>>13079159he posted he's sorry he let people down and asks if anyone's in his thread
>>13079178Read the thread.
>>13079112Not the same guy.I will also note that this sounds exactly like the sort of fuckhammer who'd say he's uncomfortable on MLPG without telling her directly, "I think this is something I'll just never be able to do" because he's afraid of it being a deal-breaker even with a long-term girlfriendIf he has, and I hope he has, whatever, I'm glad they've found a compromise.If he hasn't, Jesus, I can't tell you how many 'alienation of affection' cases I've seen because the claimant can support that they never spoke about 'important matters' and they're just 'strangers living in the same house.'
>>13079178rediv please. trying too hard to advertise. scroll up.
>>13079189not too fond of the name carlos, but i'll take it
>>13079112>you're the one who keeps sayingThis is an anonymous board. Maybe it's time to hang up your spurs, cowboy.
>>13079202I have needs, anon
>>13079065But I do indulge her. It just makes me feel a little like a creep sometimes.
>>13079154They are getting exponentially smaller, its more like 5 and 15/16 pones
>>13079218It's okay, we can change it
>>13079243This sounds ridiculous, but given my experience with 'irreconcilable differences' in the bedroom, take pictures.
>>13079223>>13079195>Jump into an ongoing argument between A and B by taking A's stance where A goes absent>Get all offended when B assumes he's arguing with AFeels like I'm on /b/ circa 2007
>>13079275>...take picturesWhy the fuck would I want to do that?
>>13079238needs? what more do you want? you have every sheepish user in the fandom including me eating out of your hands. What more do you want?
we could have thrown the armor piece at Steady
>>13079295I'm okay with this.
>>13079192Where's the thread?
>>13079291Hang up your spurs, cowboy.
>>13079306dicks anon
>>13079313/unf/, dingus
>>13079291GG, is rape your biggest fetish?Or is it guys with lipstick?
>>13079313on /unf/
>>13079057>you'll never have casual sex with rediv and/or jessy
>>13079305I can't tell you how many times someone claims that you can't satisfy her in bed as an irreconcilable difference, and/or that it's "been ages."Take pictures. Regularly. Any smiles or obvious facial expressions of delight are a plus.And, I don't know, maybe it's something to mentally scar the children with later on.
>>13079314good post>>13079329I don't know what my biggest fetish isI've never really done a self-inventory I guess
Have this horse
>>13079340>>13079327Oh. I don't know why I'd thought it be on /mlp/
>>13079295I'd suck Celestia's milky tits
>>13079354Monster girls. The answer is monster girls.
>>13079355That is a cute horse. Have this horse in exchange
>>13079355its shit
>>13079354Well, rape seems to be your longest running recurring theme.
>>13079322oh anon you fooled me! i thought you were red.
>>13079362red why don't you get laid like normal people do
>>13079355Could be sillier
>>13079355I want to attatch straps to that hat and increase the power of the propeller by an impossible magnitude so she goes flyingBarring that, a nice hug would be good too.
>>13079389Ain't I a stinker?
>>13079350I get that you work at a divorce firm or whatever but you need to stop seeing the entire world through that lens. I'll trust my own experience over some guy playing expert after hearing like two things about my relationship.
Good night MLPG, you're getting weird again.
>>13079400Because she's in a relationship with an asexual girl, and she's content with stretching her blown out cunt on ever larger toys.
>>13079425LET'S GET WEIRDIt's better than ded.
>>13079413Very mean trick you played! But I deserved it since I was gullible to fool for your shinanigans.
>>13079414Maybe you should stop posting and giving me data points about your spoiler-prone relationship.
>>13079433>Because she's in a relationship with an asexual girlwhatseriously whatshe's a lesbian?
>>13079433> relationship with an aexualIs this like the new "I had a girlfriend once"?
>>13079355Thank you for drawing this the other day.You draw nice suggestive ponies.
>>13079425>> you're getting weird again.> hide four or five posts while the recursive filter is on> refresh> whole screen just full of stubs
>>13079448next time you won't fall for it, will you anonymous? one
>>13079433>implying she isn't dating LK
>>13079463No, she's REALLY in a relationship with an asexualA month ago she was "100% straight" and a total slut
>>13079414>you need to stop seeing the entire world through that lensThe second I do that is the day my career evaporates and I stop getting bonus pay. Enjoy your girlfriend and get a strong pre-nup if you ever marry.
>>13079450No thanks. I only posted about it because other people were sharing too, not so I could get some armchair advice from some paranoid obsessive. I bet if you were a firefighter you'd be advising me all the fire hazards my relationship could be introducing.
>>13079472At least you don't see what you hate.
>>130794761 and 3.
>>13079471butyou know,I'll never understand internet people.
>>130794764the jacket and the leggins seal it
>>13079512Maybe you misread me. I'm tired of hearing you two bitch and you're just fanning flames, you insufferable no-rape-play faggot.
>>13079358we don't like to share our precious boy-toy
>>13079501>100% straight and a total slut>a total slutI've never seen any proof of that,anon.
>>130794761 and 4
It is time.
Would you serve in a secret organization that deals with aliens alongside your waifu?
>>130794762 looks too young and 4 is kinda gross, but I can't say I wouldn't any of them
>>13079539You're right, I did misread you. My apologies.You did the same, though, because I already told you I do indulge her rape fantasy.
>>13079568You're clearly not reading English somehow. I don't care whether you fuck her with a cactus. If she's not a pony I'm pretty sure this isn't the place.
Let's do something interesting.Take an environment of the last non pony thing you watched/played, and make it as pony related as you can.
>>13079585> Take an environment ofYou mean like the setting, or you mean "IF PONY WERE PONY THE LAST THING YOU PLAYED"?
>>13079556>the regime of Bashar al-Assad was almost certainly responsible for the assault>source: mossad
>>13079584>No-rape-playThat sounds like misreading it to me.>I don't care whether you fuck her with a cactus.For someone who doesn't care you sure are making a big deal about it.
>>13079473I certainly hope not master ruseman anon! If I do will be so cross with myself!
>>13079593The setting, yeah.
>>13079585Pinkie Pie discovers her friends love cookiesShe starts baking a shitload of cookiesSo many cookiesSoon Ponyville is flooded in cookiesEveryone is hired by the Cakes to bake more cookiesTown renamed CookievilleKingdom renamed CookiestriaEvercookie ForestElements of CookiesMy little Cookie: Cookie is Cookie
Well as long as we're off-topicMONSTERGIRL TIME
>>13079599> Anon just can't stop posting!
>>13079585So equestria got hit by a meteor that had bahamut in it, who then proceeded to destroy the planet? Ok
>>13079476all of them.
>>13078182>tfw Pinkie is not a total slave for your member
>>13079624NO GG, NO!
>>13079624Fucking gross, I won't not even touch that beast
>>13079607because i live in yurop and the guy who wanted to sell me a .38 special was a little dubious, so i declined
>>13079607Because my waifu can defend herself with magic.
>>13079624She needs Vagina Dentata
>>13079557you know, that's a nice gif.
>>13079624I fucking told you it was your biggest fetishI warned you about those monster girls!I told you, bro!
>>13079624Jeez that Flutters is really damn cuteYou should draw more cute, flustered main 6
>>13079648>She needs Vagina Dentatahow about I meet you halfway
>>13079665>no wings
>>13079665DoesThe gnoll girlHave a clitdick?
>>13079665i want to have your babies
>>13079665Pony's mouth should stretch wide and visibly strain to accommodate very large cock
>>13079665> implyingggg I wouldn't
>>13079598I'll unf, but only reservedly
>>13079665I don't want to date you because you're spineless, not because you have a cuttlefish-cunt.
>>13079719DERRICKCan you share?
>>13079730I fucking KNOW right
>>13079684absolutely not>>13079695maybe
>>13079557why did I watch all of that and what was it
>>13079557I would. Mostly because I think Twilight in a suit and sunglasses would be hot as hell.
>>13079769Agents J, K, and L having a chat.
>>13079769Doesn't MIB ring a bell?
>>13079769it was pretty fun,actually.
For All you fat lovers:Ever played "downfall"?It explains a lot.
>>13079755>absolutely notWhat if she just has an elongated clit?And she's really selfconscious about it?And then we catch a glimpse of it and it's only slightly longer then a regular clit?Or are you one of those guys that considers big clits "gay"?
>>13079782How qualified would she be for the position?
>>13079838>crossdressing tom isn't gay>long clits areSENSE
>>13079838Why are you one of those guys who thinks oversized clits can only be 100% acceptable or gay? Why can't you accept that they should actually be unusual in a distasteful way and for the most part unattractive?
>>13079888WAY too obvious.
>>13079718She flies by helicoptering her vaginapus.
>>13079879Holy shit somebody saved the thing I wrote.What the fuck.
>>13079863Let's see. Near-encyclopedic knowledge of magical spells and a skilled researcher, prodigious magical talents of her own, and intelligence. I'd say very.
>>13079557That was great.
>>13079838>>13079888females who take hormones and start getting engorged clits develop clits that look a bit like a glans
>>13079953it's kind of hotthey can stroke it too
>>13079953The girl I'm suggesting this for is a gnollAs in humanoid hyenaLook up hyena clitoris
>>13079966i like to imagine that this is where testicle-less futas come from
>>13079915I know this feelingIt was so fucking weird to see people actually favorite the dredge I wrote when it was uploaded to derpiboru
>>13079978Mind you, the Spotted Hyena is the only variety of hyena that has the pseudopenis
>>13079915It was strangely arousing.
Will the issue about that splinter cell in the Royal Guard ever be addressed again?What's with the Mane 6's ancestors when they visit the past, and their descendants in the future?Sweetie Belle seriously had an SD card drive installed in the side of her head?!
>>13079937the woman is thin and beautiful and wants to become huge and bloated.She then becomes digustingly fatthe end
>>13079993Someone seems to have developed an infatuation with the only thing I've really "wrote" in this threadI've seen it like a dozen timesIts so weird
>>13080012Mlpg, ladies and gentlemen. Experts on animal genitalia.
>>13079978>Although the genitalia of the male spotted hyena is typical by mammalian standards, that of the female closely resembles that of the male; the clitoris is shaped and positioned like a penis, and is capable of erection. The female also possesses no external vagina, as the labia are fused to form a pseudo-scrotum.U-UUU-U-UNFi hope fetishfag scientists will start working on the human version soon
>>13080021Look, just because a chipjack LOOKS like an SD card slot doesn't mean it IS.
>>13080030considering that it's also disgusting,yeah.
>>13080030why didn't you write more
>>13080038>engineering futas
>>13080030>Lauren Faust on bronies and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
>>13079924Can she handle the noisy cricket?
>>13080012 those things on her face be considered spots?inb4 GG removes them
>>13080016How so? I was trying to handle a weird situation and see how far I could push it. Don't know if anybody even liked it.>>13079993>>13080030What did you write?
>>13080071>you will never live in an age and world full of well-hung girls
>>13080086That's blush and eyebrows.
>>13080101I'm guilty for the Big Mac on Fleetfoot story.I feel pangs of shame thinking about it.
>>13080086Doubt it
On a scale of "Not interested" to "Total slave", how bad do you have it for donkey cocks?
>>13080082First shot would probably send her flying. Then she'd dedicate time to learning everything about it. Power settings, proper firing stances, expected recoil, proper maintenance...
>>13080151krabb pls
>>13080145What's this? Spread the shame!>totally not a Mann Co. rip offWhy is that all bronies can do is pathetic parodies and copies?
Someone explain fat fetishism to me. I'm fat, so I can attest to it not being sexy in the least. It makes you slow and poor of health.
>>13080174Because originality is an unknown concept to them
>>13080185more cushionfor the pushin
>>13079730too bad that is photoshopped. this is what you really get
>>13080134OhI think that's a first for GGA monster girl with big eyebrows.I still want her to have a big clit, but it's not up to me in the end. I'm not asking for much, think the end of a pinky.
>>13080067Writing is really hardAnd I don't think it was really that good, though I like the subject>>13080101I'm the half that wasn't EA, who capped it
>>13080169I'm gonna go sit in a corner and cry now.
>>13080214STILL GOOD
>>13080214remove head, arms, and legs
>>13080185>explain your fetish to meThis leads down a road of great pain and suffering for all involved
>>13080185you have to accept that it cant be explained why some people like some fetisheslike this example of a horse shitting in a guys face while he masturbates.
>>13080101It was strangely sensual. hate when fandom bullshit gets mixed in with my horse diaper incest fetish
>>13080267Why did I open that link? The subject matter was clearly stated. What the fuck was I expecting?
>>13080224i wasn't EA either
>>13080254 One time I was sitting on a bus when a monster girl sat on me and started absorbing me into her structure. then she noticed me, blushed profusely while apologizing then went to the back of the bus. That's how I got my absorption fetish.
>>13080225That's nothing to be ashamed of.At least you didn't erp about fucking Saffron, right in front of LK. Christ that was a bad idea.
>Your pony will never feel this good
>>13080300ITS AN EASY FEAT!
>>13080315This I have to see.
>>13080185Most fetishes don't translate into real life.I like chubby because they're soft, inviting, and usually really appreciative of the sex.
>>13080293Oh really?Man, why did I think it wasI wasn't sure during the whole thing but something convinced me and now I don't remember what it wasEmbarrassing
>>13080355So in other words you like them because you don't actually have to put forth any effort.
>>13080315it was fun
>>13080359i take it as a compliment~
>>13080177> "friendship injection" is Equestrian slang for fucking bareback to completion
>>13080320>feat unf
>>13080272That's what I was going for, playing off the idea of how the tentacles would effect her self confidence and kill her sex life.
>>13080391I'm okay with this.
>>13080315Did LK enjoy it? He seems like the type of guy who would be okay, considering how open he is with his inflation fetish.
>>13080380the gingering one was more fun
>>13080315>>13080380>Saffron likes the idea of a third>She'll have to find some way of breaking the idea to Renne
>>13080372Kind of sort of. It's a one sided fantasy, of course it's unrealistic.
>>13080254Most of them tend to be pretty straightforward by my understanding.
>>13080372Not the guy, but I'm in similar thinking.You need to put forth effort, but it's true that many average or unconventionally attractive women initiate sex because they want to or find it interesting, not because they're known to be sex objects or know they can leverage "sexy" as social cache.I had a 4/10 girlfriend who fucked way, way WAY better than the 8/10 I'm dating now.