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Old Horse

Nightmare Moon has escape from her dark prison and intends to bring in night forever! Will our protagonists have the power to stop Nightmare Moon from fulfilling her plan, and did you like how each of the 6mane's trial defined their character? Once again, where the hell was Celestia and why couldn't she just stop the event herself?
>>Once again, where the hell was Celestia and why couldn't she just stop the event herself?
>implying Celestia even wanted to stop her
Look at that cutie, why the hell would you not want her to succeed?
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P-Please take a leaflet
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A little small deed could change the story so much.
>stack not edited
1/10 you barely even tried
Did somepony dun goof?
Please no
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>Only would 3 and down

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Yeah, yeah.
Darn autocomplete not working right.
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Why is she so pretty?
Pinkie is winding back with her left hoof but connects with her right.
Also tail is too low.
This animation is garbage
No wait I meant 3 and up.
5 and 4 a shit
Hey, I spent 2 minutes on that
>where the hell was Celestia

Again, hanging out in the Matrix. She was watching the whole time, she just wanted to see how Twilight could handle it. She was perfectly able to beat down Nightmare Moon herself, but she couldn't bring back Luna without the Elements of Harmony.
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Playing any fun games today?

Fucking maintenance
I can't decide which one to pick, so the only logical thing to do is doing them all.
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I don't know anon but she rocks those colors
>Wanting to touch 3-5 with anything but your swinging fists
I had something to say but your vanity made me forget what.
jesus tiarawhy you interrupted my audiobook for this? i thought for about five second it might've been legit holy grail 2 flashes coming out in the same week 5/10 i was mildly mad
the 11 MB of hidden twilight vectors was funny though
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If it's nothing, you could start doing projects.
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Humans should play with pony
Is BCS off her meds again?
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WHy is she so perfect?
It's just like The Truman Show
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I'm going to relax and watch the summer cup.
I've had a long week
What would the characters look like if they were Kaiju?
I was about to run a Zafehouse diaries with my favorite pony characters but that's it
>1 so low
Hello Terse
It's a carbuncle don't look it up
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What is a project even?
You're acting like I have any useful skills
What did I miss?
Shindig looks like an albino and Can'tdance looks sunburnt.
EqG models are in the uncanny valley too deep.
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>tfw Pinkie's sisters will be retconned in S4
Goddamn I can't do it! WHY CANT I HAVE BOTH?!
>tfw visiting your parents and the only thing you can do is browse MLPG on your phone
Life is suffering

Looks like I dodged a bullet here.
Link me.
Yeah, it was pretty funny.
I've been learning to draw pone, give me a break
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daily dose

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How so? Didn't the book told us their name?
a joke flash of two stick figures spinning around saying oh yes then the words marecum in huge flashing letters ending with a thank you for the page view, also a "zone intro" with 11mb of twilight vectors off screen to pad the file size

What the actual fuck
>no real princest
You can't even begin to imagine my disappointment.
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Anything where you make something. Art, music, edits, as long as you are doing something creative.
You can learn.
S4 and the staff mentioned about Pinkie seeing her SISTER in a musica episode. Singular, not plural.
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She already taken, anon. You could always dream or build a time machine.
Oh Cool its this guy!
here you go also what the fuck is stash some new tool of artist circlejerkery?
that wasn't very good.
>some new tool of artist circlejerker
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I will just throw out one possibility.
Didn't the book also mention a third sister?
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It's the epitome of "edgy"
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I'm glad we have an archive that goes so far back.
Looking through really old threads can be fun.
>implying I'm not gonna fap to it anyway

A legit princest flash would be the best thing though
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Maybe you should make some.
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The tail hits the flag, yet Gummy and the pole aren't next to each other.
Don't be an idiot.
>implying the project I'm on won't take weeks and weeks
it's a very long flag
Who says I'm an artist?
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I like princest.
have a consolation prize though you've probably already seen it
Do you know how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

Well, there's always Nurse Sweetheart.
>Shiny is a basement dwelling nerd
>Catdance is a Valley Girl

So what's the problem, again?
Well that was total shit
>click link
>treated to a derp face
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But I don't plan on giving up anyway.
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>Well, there's always Nurse Sweetheart
You better step off, nigga
I actually didn't, thanks
Princest is lame. Wheres my "Celestia pretending to be helpless to get "raped" by changelings or Sombra" shit?
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You've made your choice, AppleDan.

She's mine now.
>clicking on links
>causing referral to reference anything
you dumb nigger clear cookies and manually copy paste that shit
those little ponies hng
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Get back to the pile, Sweetheart
maybe she just visits one of her sisters anon
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So how would you Cup lovers like a fapfic of her? How would you set things up, what would be in the story, and where will it lead?
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>tfw Appledan is a whore

Stay committed to your waifu, Dan. I do!
Gummy is floating
That's it, I'm making a Nurse Sweetheart folder with EVERY image of her, and every frame she was in.
I would.
ALL of them.
>Sitting around, with Fluttershy sitting at your left
>suddenly feel something tap you on your right shoulder
>by reflex, you swing your head around to look
>of course there's nobody there, you knew there wouldn't be
>you sigh
>Fluttershy starts giggling
>She does this at least five times a day ever since Twilight cast a spell that gave her a prehensile ponut
Cup x Pumpkin
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all i want is either a mr/mrs cake and pinkie fapfic or an older pound/mrs cake fapfic
As cute as I think CupCake is. I couldn't imagine fucking her. Not because I don't want to but because ruining her relation ship with Carrot would totally not be worth it.
Fimfiction has ALL of that

Though the "older pound" one involves drunk, vengeful cup cake raping him.
what if they're swingers?
I have to protect my former waifu's hearts lest they be broken by you gaggle of whores!
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Any colorfags around? I'd love to see this colored.
where's all the love for carrot
this waifuing of characters with 2 seconds of screentime is just ironic, right?
You know... I think I would all of them... seriously.
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I don't even
are they any good?

and this is why i miss clopsort so much. made it way easier to browse fapfics without having to deal with fimfiction
It's... going to be colored?
Isn't that just a rough draft?
>lactation fags
I swear to fucking god
But Carrot is a man.
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What if it doesn't ruin their relationship? What if it helps it?
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and what a man
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Nope, they changed the cover
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Why is she so worstpony worstprincess worstVA worstfans?
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sun horse is best horse
but moon horse is a good horse too
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>you gaggle of whores

But you're polyamorous
How can you say it's OKAY for YOU to have multiple partners, but it's NOT OKAY for THEM to do the same?
those are cute
I'd wear em
But he's a beta who let his wife cheat on him and covers it up with bullshit pony genetics.
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naylor pls
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go on...
I fucking love SexualLobster.
but i wanted a fluttershy
She is only worst VA and worst fans though
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How autistic is it that I was looking for some key chain resembling a sun?
Fuck off nachoes
Why is this pairing so tedious?
there's some folks here who get off to that
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mah nigga
It's not okay for me to do a lot of things it okay for everyone else to do just because I'm me.
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I like both moon horse and sun horse too.
They are both good horses
I don't even know what you mean.
rumble /scoots/ sweetie threesome
why do you fantasize about a little boy?
Fan VA panel is on
Really, nothing interesting whatsoever
I always wondered what happened to those weird kids who thought DBZ was good but that Buu should have won.
It's okay if it's subtle
Please enlighten me.
Is Sweetie an oppai loli?
and girls, yes
Just to piss you off
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You pick one waifu and stay faithful to her
That's how things work
you know, men being abused by women
being demeaned and cheated on, and wasting all your money on her
stuff like that
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It does, deal with it you white slut
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I prefer older Sweetie with a filled-out figure
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this is worst thing I've seen all year
but it is
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That's what I've been doing for a fucking while, you scrubs just make believe i'm being unfaithful because it's hilarious isn't it?
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Rarity, you fuck everything with a pulse. You're a slut. Deal with it.
this is stupid
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Why can't Pinkie eat an apple? Its sweet.
you're stupid
That sounds horrible. I can't see this as a fetish, it's abuse of a good man.
Every 5 minutes you start waifuing another random oneshot, and not even good ones.
i never got the table thing

...c-can you draw that? please?
I assume you mean human
Keep piling on that make believe, maybe someone will actually believe it one day.
It IS horrible. But bizarrely enough, some people unf to it.
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>there is yet another con this weekend
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of course
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Having a FORMER WAIFU is all that needs to be said.
Nothing is worse than having to break character because some tard doesn't believe these are jokes.
Is there any way one can expiate the sin of switching waifus?
please tell me this one is being streamed live so they can't edit out the spaghetti
/a/ being dumb
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my "women with healthy sex-drives" fetish will never be realized
because most people's idea of a healthy sex-drive is having no less than 4 cocks hovering around her face at all times
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No, your waifu privileges get revoked the second you switch.

There are very few exceptions, for instance twaifufags CAN be excused for switching after S3

And before you say anything, I'm NOT a twaifufag, and never have been.
Maybe you should make some.
what would sunhorse do if you walked up behind her and just smacked her asscheek as hard as you could
What if it just happened and it wasn't on purpose?
is Celestiaquest today?
yeah great now i have a boner
thanks a lot asshole
I bet if your favorite artist switched you wouldn't think anything of it. But no, since I have the lowest drawing skills here it alright to shitpost whenever I post her.
She'd also mumble a 'h-harder'
yes, in about 10 minutes
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probably this
Speaking of it, does someone have the link to its archive?
oh shit i'm fucking retarded
>grab horn
>pull back
>flip her forward
>fuck her mouth
Take it as an invitation to play.
>Celestia being overtly sexual but acting like it's nothing
muh fetish
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Horses don't have tits. They have small, sensitive mounds of flesh
I bet her wings and horn would make great handles while banging her from behind.
You could grab her horn and make her bend her neck back, panting into her ear
NoHooves pls
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>"Anon, is there something on my butt?"
Sure. All the different quest archives are here, scroll down a bit and find the link to the CelestiaQuest one.

Thinking about it, it should really be up on the linkboard or on /qt/ somewhere or something so people don't have to ask all the time.

Id give them the same flak for switching.
>sentenal's archive

Fuck that noise
All it is is a pile of links. It has nothing to do with him.
i recognize those brush settings
"My hand."
>26 entries
Oh geez... I'll never manage to read all of it before the quest ends
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human sweetie, anon
Just giving his shit page attention keeps him here. Why don't you understand this?
Who is it?
It reminds me a little bit of Tess
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I'm 100% serious.

It's happened before.

Also, h-here I go!
Sweetiebelle isn't a human though
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dayum celestia, you got ass for dayz
That's stupid.
several of them are fairly short. I'd say give it a shot, at least. it's good. and unless smutanon does something crazy today, it's not going to end for at least another week.
I'll add it in. Why not mention that to the people at /qt/?
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Would you?
Banish you after the guards are done beating you to a pulp
use your imagination.
You know i'm gonna save every one of these right
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>"I do? I told the royal chef to cut down on the sweets..."
like the fist of an angry god
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This is why. I do not want that link on the sub.
Thanks for mentioning that.

Now I need a name and trip.
but the one who made it is ded too. i'm not completely sure, because these brush settings look familiar, but the strokes don't.

and tess doesn't draw horsecocks
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Celestia Quest resuming now!

It was Hops who drew it last night soooo
>obligatory "fuck off" post
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>I've never seen anything so beautiful before, umm, ma'm
Until both of us won't be able to walk for a month.
his new way of drawing faces is really ugly
Yes, I'd definitely the pony.
Sure, I'll shoot Pineapple an email suggesting he add it to one of the stickies or something.
I didn't say it was a bad thing.
Probably posting in /sic/ is better.
>Would you
>implying you had to ask
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>"But I'm going to get fat again. No one loves a fat princess."
the anatomy of her general shoulder area is broken really bad.
>implying you would have a choice
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You really know how to waste your time don't you?
dude what
I was waifuing her the day the episode aired.
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>GG's stash
>NOT incest
You're only big in the right places.
A round, plush derriere is a good thing.
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I now want a series of Luna wanting Anon and she tries to get him to like her but fails a lot.
Realistically, you'll probably only use like 5 of those.
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Carmack makes for some great reaction images
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>"...you just called me a lard ass, didn't you?"
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Says you.
What if YOU made it
You have serious problems
>horse porn
>GG's stash
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Too obvious sentenal.
Thanks for all the references
>implying she's "failing"
>implying Anon isn't endlessly amused and endeared but Luna keeps shying off because of her spaghetti
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I called you a big-booty beauty.
There's a difference.
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Nothing you couldn't get yourself.
I'm not Sentenal. Stop letting your hate blind you and stop you from liking things.
Don't respond, idiot
Maybe you should stop piling on the cake princess cublestia
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She should probably get an x-ray.
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Can't tell if sever sunburn shedding or some kind of Halloween mask. If it is a sunburn, shit man, I feel bad for her. On top of her face literally peeling off her skin cancer risk is severely raised
It's that spray on tan garbage.
Her snout is weird
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Good luck with that.
That is a very masculine fluttershy
It's just Chrysalis shedding.
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You REALLY love that pair, don't you?

A bit horsey but I would hug her!
>Any Sex Orientation Games
u wot m8
Link? What website is this?
It's a stallion cosplaying as fluttershy?
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>"F-fine... I guess I'll just binge since it doesn't matter."
I think that means the game would have straight, gay, and bi scenes.

Not that it's going to get funded.

better canon ship than cheerimac.

yeah, that's right, I went there.
So instead of the usual pointless straight sex scene there are going to be three pointess sex scenes?
Then you really WILL have a lard ass.
naw, just fluts
I guess

I'm not BCS, so I don't know what he/she/it is planning.
Hold on, are you mad because people have creative projects?
It's actually a shitty date sim
Each time I real lard, I think about these delicious lard and cheese breads and get hungry.
I'm not mad, I just think it's funny that, for once, someone that DOESN'T DESERVE money WON'T BE GETTING IT
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I just felt like collating Fleetfoot's appearances. (Besides the big splash page.)
Congratulations, you now drove Celestia into a self destructive hedonistic lifestyle. The fact she's very powerful means it's going to have a lot of side effects. You killed all of Equestria. Faggot.
>that ass
Man, I don't even like the "Celestia has a fat ass" fanon, but that pic is mega unf
Nice thick forelegs, I'm glad you're working on those!
Your roleplaying sucks.
i should have worked on my anatomy more often
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God fucking damnit Sweetie
>and tess doesn't draw horsecocks
The more I look at it, the more I like it. There's just something about it
You know I wonder if that won't just be another main arc?
Bah, if you want to see that kinda shit...

Remember Sohmer's kickstarter for his shitty WOW ripoff?

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>twi butt out of nowhere

Yes. This pleases me.
That's an official cover? The art isn't that impressive...
>that Michael Bay cover art
It's kinda sad that Sweetie is still the smartest CMC...
Still being this air headed and ditzy just makes her cuter.
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>"Doesn't matter, eating sweets."
Guess I'll just have to help her burn those calories with a proper workout
I bet you expected something else
But the furious fucking has to wait till she has finished her marathon
>Air headed and ditzy.
>Ass of depleted uranium.

My god...
But...Sweetie doesn't have an ass of depleted uranium.
she does if the CMC comic is any indication
But wouldn't she be tired after all that exercise to do anything afterwards
>These are still being made.
>That ending.

Holy fuck the ending was worth it.
Sweetiebelle is OP in the comics, she needs to get nerfed
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Oh yeah.
Okay so we have Derpy and Sweetie coming ful force towards you, ass first.
What do
maybe she'd rather take a nice, long shower, washing herself clean of all that sweat while I scrub her back and wings
Last time I opened it up, saw it was 10 minutes long, sat through one inane thread and closed it again. What time should I jump to?
Open my mouth
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I need more ponies from cute angles.
Well, technically she doesn't have to do much apart from raising her flank a bit.
But I bet she'd find some spare energy once the pleasure takes over
9:30 ish
ream Derpy's ass while Sweetie watches
she can have her turn when she's older
>RCH's room featured
>not right now
what are you gay?
Keep watching.
He got a few.
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She likes to watch
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Tony Fleecs did that cover (I'm not sure what AMF! stands for but that's the signature he uses.)

He actually does a lot of variant covers.
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Here's the zecora for that one guy
>it's just random posts
Don't get me wrong, I love your silly sweet style, it just makes me happy to see you changing and learning, too!
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>10 minutes
>most caps aren't funny nor shocking and are just regular posts
>that fucking music
I like fully-grown mares
zecora and butterfly rap-battling please
I have a feeling it's made by people that don't even come here.
that's kind of an interesting dock...
>usually too tired to want to make anything
>if I take an energy drink then I feel too good to want to do work
I can't win.
She looks displease. I like it.
Zecora has always had a different dock
That's really neat yo
Energy drinks never did anything for me. Same with caffeine or alcohol. I wish I weren't so heavy.
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>2 minutes on a single post that reeks of pasta
Back door beauty?
>heart of gold
sound about right
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So why are they princesses and not queens?
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Twilight is bored
Tell her something she doesn't know or no fun allowed
Because Queens are evil, Princesses not.
Fluttershy's head is too tall.
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Uhh - Uhmm guys, why Is there a furry panel at BronyCAN?

Also Equestria Girls VA panel[/spoilers]
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Man, I should really redo that coloring.
you're a slut Twilight
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>takes commonplace posts that are clearly made in jest and treats them like they're completely serious
>autists in the comments thinks this is how it really is here
>start screaming about "abominations" and "degenerates"
Hey Twilight remember that Space Cadet Pinball game on XP? It's only a demo
There was a fursuit making panel at Galacon too
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I love her
If you do please, I beg of you, draw a magic aura or something.
That drawing makes no sense
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>beating a dead pony
There are no kings or queens in equestria, only the select few of the most powerful alicorns, it is a perfect world
Eh, the deer thing was silly, but I don't feel presenting it in video format with TTS added anything to it, for me at least.
Though I will admit I laughed at
>One word: For science!
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I'm tempted to leave a comment like "this video chokes me up".
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forgot image
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omg dont swear
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It's for fucking wierdos
that doesn't seem too bad
Much better.
Now do one with Twilight and Rarity
>tfw pantyanon misses his session again
That little knobbly bit on the outside of a human foot is called the "external malleolus".
It's also a fun word to say!
"Heteroskedasticity" is an even funnier word, but I don't know what that one actually means.
Guess I'll play on Siren.
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What game would you play with the ponies?
Dancing during an earthquake must be so fun.
Oh, neat! I love Skyrim!
>It's for fucking wierdos
So's the entire thing. That looks like it might be interesting, though. The earlier gens had some neat stuff, even if it were buried under shitty animation and horrendous voicing.
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fat bitch
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Hide the submarine
You could bounce an entire existence off that ass.
BronyCAN is the worst, good thing it's not streamed.
BUCK is just plain old boring.
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Anon, ponies only have sex to make babies. We don't have a sex drive.
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So what? I'll fuck you up, Pinkie.
Then why were you fucking that diamond dog?
Being forced to watch to watch g3 pones by an abusive mod may have made me slightly biased
Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
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Even if three of them teamed up I'd still rape them with Louis
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Thank you for sharing that with us Pinkie
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Now with __ percent more tape
I can't be assed to do the eyes right now, I'd need to change her eye color so that it doesn't look like the color the artist used to ink it and I don't have a working tablet right now
It is being streamed, I was watching the opening ceremony earlier
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would you be friends with Bon Bon even though she's a fraud
I love you
who's bonbon
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>buy billion fingers upgrade
>cookies per second jump from 13k to 40k
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She's lying.
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Fraud of what?
>tfw 1,5mil cps on the old version
>tfw can't import the save yet
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it could have worked
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>589,089.8 c/s
>you'll never rail RR's tight little ponut
all kinds of things
she guilted applejack out of those apples and she probably got that pillow for free after she sat on it in a store and pretended there were bees in it
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>not having at least 1,000,000
>Duct tape impervious to magic
>Make duct tape sword
>Duct tape armor
>Duct tape wallet because fuck those little shit in manehatten fucking telekinesis pickpockets
>You are become death, destroyer of worlds
That's the name of a horse I used to own, ma'am
>Red Ribbon
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But the real question is if you would use that to your advantage and duct tape your monster child to the wall while your waifu isn't looking, then take a picture of her and frame it next to the one of your waifu taped to the wall.
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>I don't have a working tablet right now
looks plenty tight to me
>RR will never back you up against a wall with her big flank
>she will never grind her big soft butt into your crotch, softly moaning as she feels you harden
Shit drawing because satyr
Satyr will always a shit
Sai doesn't detect pressure on my Intuos anymore and I have no idea why, I already tried everything
Krabb pls
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But she became like an honorary friend of the Apples. I keep seeing her with them in the background.
Only if she misbehaved.
I'd tell her I did this to her mother too, thought that time it was mostly because it was funny.
She really let me have it afterwards, since it would take weeks for her fur to grow back.
>Charge at Unicorn
>unicorn just crushes you with a big rock
>you'll never hotdog her, rubbing the underside of your cock against the seam of her plump rear
It's an optical illusion
You could get your whole arm in there up to your shoulder before she feels it.
Time to change softwares? Or your tablet.
This is just asking for waking up one morning to find yourself taped to the wall, your wife and daughter looking at you with fiendish grins upon their faces.

This is going to be one weird Father's Day.
I don't have money for a new tablet and I've become accustomed to Sai
I guess I could try Photoshop or something
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Why are you so butthurt over satyrs.
It's not so bad to change from times to times. Creates new connexions in your brain or something.
Why you gotta make everything weird
because it's stupid name
They a shit
I hate them and everything related to them

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angels are too good for you
>looking up the definition of satyr
>A man who has strong sexual desires.
>they leave you up there for a few hours
>unbeknownst to them, human sweat is one of the better tape-glue solvents.
>eventually you wriggle out on your own, but leave the tape attached to the wall.
>when they come back, and are surprised you've vanished, you surprise them.
What's weird about it?

They'll get out the picture album with all those embarrassing moments that you don't even KNOW how they got those, and then they'll make you wear all the silly ties and hats you never wear in public. And THEN they'll invite their friends over and everyone will have a wonderful party with cookies and punch and they'll raise you up a big ol' cake for you to blow out the candles and everyone has a good time.

And then they'll let you down.
Is this some kind of torture?
No. What the fuck's wrong with you?
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would you have half pone half angel child
So apparently BronyCAN is also streamed and currently it seems EG damage control panel is on
>implying I wouldn't be able to burst free of the duct tape with my amazing human strength and wrap them up in a big hug

Better than yours
>a sylvan deity in Greek mythology having certain characteristics of a horse or goat and fond of Dionysian revelry
>Dionysian revelry
it official, we need more pinkie satyr
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So what'd Apple Bloom's cutie mark end up being? Did you rub it while making babies?
You should play along long enough to grab them in surprise at the party. You can scoop up a bunch of ponies at once.
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woah nelly
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Here, have this.
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She's an angel in her own right, and not because of her huge bust.

I just like red hair and I think her curls are cute
What the fuck
Current panel is Vincent Tong (Brad's VA) and Rebecca Shoichet (SS, Twilight's singing VA)
The styles clash too much.
Sure I would. I would raise her well!
Pinkie Satyr, you say?

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Calm down anon, it's just a culmination of the main six's monster children.
Satyrs pls go
>you'll never hear her wet squelching as her marecunt winks and her ponut clenches in excitement
But the styles all clash with each other and with the background
It's creepy
I love you now

shut the fuck up Endii, you ain't shit.
there was a lot to grab.
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Derpy confirmed for homeless.
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There's always Sphinxes
but that's her home
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I feel like this is a reference, but I'm too pleb to get it.
shut up and draw!
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To school?

That's like saying Scootaloo isn't homeless because she lives in a cardboard box.

What if Derpy has a changeling fetish and wishes she was one?
kev why this
Since you're mentioning it, does anyone else remember a tank game that came with one of the older Windows computers? The entire thing was just black with all the tanks and environmental objects being made up solely of green outlines, with noting in between them? Something reminded me of it a few days back and I've been unable to find out anything about it through searches.
you don'treally know where she lives.
I had a feeling it was you
Manifolds cumplough
Well seeing how Scoot wanted to take Imp to sleep with her it's kindaobvious she has a home
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Sounds like Battlezone. I think at some point Windows had come with the Atari arcade classics.
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What the others said. The individual pictures were all nice (except that Dashmouth keeps weirding me out) but as a compilation it looks stupid.
>wing swirl

That's a neat touch.

...But why am I on clouds?
I'd do her.
You're dead, Anon.
What if pony was filled with wanderlust?
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Pretty sure its a reference to the original series star trek episode "Return of the Archons"

"Festival" is a time of day when the entire population freaks out and beats the shit out of eachother

Kirk and spock ponies on the right, the guy in the hat is a citizen of the planet and hte hooded one is a servant of Landru, the computer who rules the planet and has a pseudo religious order devoted to him

What if she wanted Imp to turn into a house for her?

I was seriously getting excited that we would see Scootaloo's home in the last comic
I would travel the world with pone
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What about the sheep in the show? I rarely see people talking about them.
You were WRONG
Ha so I didn't think that pony resembled Spook for no reason.
What if pony was filled with ______ lust?
hmm, I'm not the best at art critique
but shouldn't there be a bit less visible connection from her forelegs to her torso at the angle
don't know for sure like i said
maybe someone else knows better and i'm just a pleb
What if pony with shaving fetish?
I probably will be after she annihilates my colon
Sheep are slaves to ponies. No one cares about slaves
He needs some love
Iron Will teaching the CMC to lift
Aw shit someone actually said that EG wasn't really good in some aspect.
Specifically that the depiction of high school didn't really feel right and it felt rushed, and Twilight never attended class. The only problem is that he asked the VAs, not the writers, not that there are any writers there.
All we know about the sheep is that they're sapient and Applejack happily enslaves them.
will fluttershy ever get a moon pie
>Not Iron will and mucle pony doing squats
I want to blow a futa pony.
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Nope you were right on its definitely spock pony and kirk pony

Though the real fun implications are the fact that kirk pony is in ponyville

No mare is safe
In retrospect I should have been clued in by it being in with Asteroids, Centipede and Missile Command.
Thanks Anon.
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>kirk pony

I think it's more likely that no Diamond Dog bitch, no griffon, no minotaur cow is safe.

And god help the Equestria Girl universe if he gets through.
They are going a bit overboard with the references. I mean they're doing them great, you know mostly in the background and not affecting anything and I like them but they're just putting to much.
is that the changeling goo thing she was trapped in?

comics conformed for best thing
It's mostly Price. He likes to reference nerd shit constantly.

>you will never teach Diamond Tiara how to masturbate
>she'll never ask you to watch to make sure she's doing it right
The comic has a lot of call back. >>13072363
So, batponies and satyrs. If you could make one of those two threads disappear from /mlp/, which one would you pick? Personally, I'd pick batpone. There's just something about those fatherly feels the satyr threads gives that I like.
I don't mind the references so long as he keeps doing all the crazy shit that happens off panel. I'd prefer it to just be side stories/one offs in the background for shits and giggles instead of random nerd references but it's forgivable enough.
I don't give a fuck
Is this really a thing.
I mean, I figured this stuff on my own.
Yeah, batpone is basically Lunafags++
Batponies are in the show
You're a faggot for your choice

The princesses too anon. Kirk and alien princesses just go together.

If I had a r63 picture of Freud, I would post it right now
I don't care, neither thread bothers me, and they get new material to liven up these threads sometimes.

Was meant to link this

My older cousin had to show me how to do it

She even finished me off once
I don't really care about either, but I dislike the idea of batponies more and like the designs of satyrs less. Satyr's are poorly designed (like the fluffy pony shit came to be) and batponies seem to be heading in the ocdonutsteel territory. Either way they keep to themselves.
Well, that's it, though, since it's Kirk Pone, they're not exactly "alien" princesses to him.

Though of course, I don't mean to imply that he wasn't constantly getting with humans just fine, but c'mon, if we're gonna follow this cliche we gotta go with all the other species.

...Kirk and cows and sheep and deer?
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I'd leave 'em both alone. Never looked into either, but I didn't think they were too bad.

But Anon, it's not that he's attracted to someone fatherly, it's that it make HIM feel fatherly. I kinda feel the same
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changeling satyrs cutest satyrs
I didn't get it right the first time, either. The first time I attempted to fap, I ended up slapping the palm of my hand with my dick because I thought that was how you made the sound of fapping.
Every time I see that I always assume it's a trace of Venelope from Smash it Steve.
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Are you tough enough to impregnate them both?
You mean Break it Bart?
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Well given what he is experiencing, the equestrian ponies are clearly alien as there is no United Federation of Ponies civilization based on it

So even if the whole universe is ponies the equestrian ponies would still be aliens to kirk pony

Unless they somehow ponified themselves or something
Destroy It Dan?
fuck it frank
What's with the toilet?
Crush it Carl
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>impregnating the Princesses
Button's Mom Satyr
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>guy spends all of his time animating ponies murdering each other
>gets a free pass
>JJ has a blog where Celestia is a pervert and Luna is a gamer
>gets death threats
I mean, I took me some time to figure out a proper technique, because I began rubbing the head of my dick on the inner side of my shirt, but I figured it out eventually
>Get death threats
>Send back rape threats
Problem solved.
To be fair, MisterDavie is not nearly as well known and puts out stuff so far and inbetween.
It's been like that for decades. Even the most excessive violence is fine, but don't you dare to even mention any reference to sex
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What if satyr batponies
>full (1).png

I used to fan my open fingers across my dick, quite literally beating off.
After figuring I should be simulating thrusting, the first thing I fucked was a rolled up sleeping bag.
Crumble-it Carrie
Obliterate it Oliver
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Those are freakier than normal.
What is this, deviantart?
Bump-it Bobbie
I like the satyrs, but I kind of wish there was a little more uniqueness to them and not just "the mother as a half-human."
to be honest i still am not sure i am doing it right
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No, this is MLPG.
at least the filenames aren't buttfuckingly retardedly long anymore
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Hey, I try sometimes
>No pants
Freaky, indeed, in a sexy way.
>that feel
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ok but i did it all on the same layer pls forgib
>No pants
>Tail curled around leg
Where's Freud when you need him?
I first fapped with my fingers straight and parallel to my dick
Dude, don't let her lift with her back!
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Unique in what way?
>zerker squats
I like it
Isn't that an Electra Complex? When the daughter pines after the father?
Have you seen Iron will's legs? I doubt he even squats.
>"Oh, yeah, I don't do legs. You can't see them when I'm standing at the bar in the club anyway"
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i'm awake
i'm awake
shut up i am knowledgeable in that field too
Grind it Gabe
Harsh it Harold
Incinerate it Indy
Juke it Jerry
Kink it Kevin.
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just look at these adorable little half breeds
>Kink it Kevin
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I noticed it while scanning for other potential Fleetfoot sightings.

It was in the wreckage of the hardware store. See? Canon toilets!
Liquidate it Larry
Murder it Murphy
Nix it Neil
Obliterate it Ozzy
Level it Luigi
Mash it Manny
Negate it Norman
Obliterate it Oscar
Punch it Paco
Vaporize it Vladimir
Decimate it Dwight
Zap it Zachary
Devastate it Douglas
Clusterfuck it Clarence
Fubar it Francis
Quash it Quentin
Coming up next at http://ponykart.net/mlpg/
BUCK is streaming today's party on 1
BronyCAN was nice enough to not indicate what they are streaming at all so it's either the charity auction or a fanfiction workshop in 30 minutes.

Later today BUCK is streaming the recording of yesterday's Summer Sun Celebration, which is essentially the same thing as today's party.
BronyCAN will probably be streaming Artists of MLP, Nicole Gauss of DHX and some brony famous drawfag called SoulScape.
BronyCAN's cosplay contest is on in 3 and a half hours.
The full recording of BUCK is available somewhere here: http://new.livestream.com/buckcon/buck
Grip it Gary
Jack it Jackie
Flick it Franklin
Bump it Barry
Hang it Hampton
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>"So, what do you think anon? How does it look? Awesome right?"
I miss UNOPT.

I'm not normally one for hoofplay, but something about satyrs makes me want to tickle their little horsey legs.
What's with your infatuation with panties lately?
>tfw UNOPT will never doodle for us again
Why do only Rainbow or Pinkie talk to us?
The View button on the image info bar will give the full tag list in the file names, and the VS button will give you the filename with just the image ID.

As far as I know this 'full' thing is temporary while they much with how they serve images.
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I know that feel.
>No pants
But almost none of the satyr images have them wearing pants.
It's just not so noticable in most cases because they usually wear dresses.

Also, that's the first time I've noticed the bandages and bitemarks on the guy's arm.
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Now do the superior pink filly
They're the most attention whoriest
Annoy it Anon
i liked xylophone it xavier better

Do satyr coltboys have human dicks or horse dicks?
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How do you xylophone something?
Why would they have human dicks?
Judging by females it'd be horsedick
>they get a horseboner
>they pass out
But that doesn't really work, does it?
Human dicks with a medial ring and thicker heads.
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I do not think Chicken Butt would like you posting her butt on the wall.
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>stretching pictures
you're the worst
wait so what happens if I get a satyr pregnant

what kind of babies will those be
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ugly ones
Sweetie Belle is quite thick here.
I wish gay dragons were still a thng
oh my
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Would they still have the stamina of a horse or that of a human?
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Why are you guys stretching those pictures? Also, the rest of you!
XEROX it Xavier.
Only took like 3 days before I got annoyed by seeing that character being spammend simply everywhere over and over again.
>158 pounds
>almost overweight
I'd hit it
Twilight introduces Rainbow Dash to card games

What happens

This is not endearing.
What happens if a satyr impregnates a human?
By what standard?
I want to like it more, but I prefer bellies over hips
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we waifu now?
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There is a ton of card games. Poker? Gold Fish? Blackjack?
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Made this a long time ago

>rules: All or Nothing, random, elemental spaces
>pulling off when he's that close

50% chance satyr baby
35% chance human baby
15% chance pony baby
>they have the cock of a horse and a human's stamina
>The ultimate playboy
You do not deserve a waifu.
Mr. Mendel, please
we ponychan now?
So Twilight Sparkle turns into Fluttershy?

aww yiss
Why does everything he animate have that one line of drool or cum
BMI is shit, according to that one I'm overweight even though my bodyfat is somewherebelow 15%
yes because that's the only way Dash would touch her.
it's a free country
i hope bronybux and fanart of his oc make him happy
but this is /a/
the percentages for human and pony flip if it's a satyr and a pony
>implying Punnett Squares aren't magical
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I always think about Porky Minch.
and then immediately turns into Rarity while Rainbow Dash turns into Pinkie Pie?
wwoorst possible thinggg, everr
at least he's one of the very very very few animators in this fandom who can actually animate in his own style
it's hot
too bad he can't draw dicks to sabe his life.
Don't know if I would call a bunch of wobbly lines "animating in his style"
What do you mean? That most animate in the style of the show, or try to?
How do people masturbate to this shit
What about the load?
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I know that feel, man.
one day I'll make one of rd
only then I will achieve full waifufaggotry
But you always do that.
It's kinda sickening how many use puppets from DR and what not.
No, you need to draw xierilanon x rd
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i thought lamar's waifu was twily
full waifufaggotry would be banging a cosplayer-in-character
you're probaly good-looking enough to get that far
no homo
Are you on the valentines waifu wall? If not, you already disappointed her anyway
Why is Celestia invisible?
>Hung like a horse
>A human's stamina
>Cums like the zebra king
>Can give nice massages
Satyrs are true pimps.
Because it's a WIP.
either that or producing newgrounds-tier garbage

he has done more than that thing and he's quite good at animation.
must have something to do with the fact that he goes to an art school worth a shit
And the girls wink like mad
>you will never bang your waifus VA in character
I can't wait until we have perfectly realistic games that we can jack into like The Matrix and provide us with sensory input. I'd imagine there would be some sort of controller for pain responses, but imagine playing a horror game like that.
That face turn is a bit... off? It's like the features don't stay in place.
because she was killed and now she's a ghost
How do you know he's close?
My dick can twitch like that when it hasn't even been stimulated.
Isn't it an animation school?
Yeah, the snout kinda extends even though that wasn't the intention.
yes I am

I would have to go to a pony con somewhere
I wouldn't spend thousands of dollars for a chance to bang a cosplayer man
it would be nice though
yes, he'll be a third year, i think
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Maybe all alicorns are ghosts.
>being satyrs, they are naturally inclined to being regularly dtf
Mine only does that much twitching when I'm close.
Maybe all ponies are ghosts.
>I wouldn't spend thousands of dollars for a chance to bang a cosplayer man
>bang a cosplayer man
>it would be nice though
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What the Hell is supposed to be his Cutie Mark?
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I don't know, i'd have to think about it.
A spork with a bow.
Maybe all the ponies are digital ghosts of people who gave up their humanity to live in a digital universe.
>Andrea Libman
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I was going to ask which one was you but then I figured it out.

Also, what's up with that index finger on 68?
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>i'd have to think about it.
I wouldn't.
cosmo's fingers are 2ugly
Cosmo has Gollumn-like hands
68 is cosmo.
It's just cosmo.
So he likes to SPOON and FORK--

Godddamn it.
could cosmo use that to thumbwrestle mewball
jesus christ cosmo
Because if someone mentions perversion, someone might start raping people because by seeing an imaginary horse being a pervert that means they can get away with crime easier.

Murder's okay though because it doesn't offend anyone.
Are you TRYING to kill us all. It'd be like clash of the titans.
I'm a necromancer and I get offended when people joke about murder.
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I'm a murder survivor and your post triggered me

Deal with it, shuffler. Maybe you should go back to your hole in the ground.
those look shopped
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I always love that doll. How is she so far? You haven't cuddle with it yet?
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What bothers me most is that the fingers look dirty. CLEAN YOUR HANDS PEOPLE
Is that one banana-able?
unf nuf fun fnu ufn nfu
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He posted this months ago.

I always wonder what happen to the doll that Hoppip made.
>It's all about the right proportions.png
>I always wonder what happen to the doll that Hoppip made.
Probably committed suicide
Why is that drool connected to the underside of her head, rather than anywhere near her mouth.
Why does that annoy me.
>probably committed suicide

How would a doll commit suicide? Oven?
hoppip put it on his dick and never took it off
I wouldn't be surprised if he did put his dick in it, just to test it out, before selling and shipping it
What's forking?
you called?
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>hoppip will never make a pinkie plush
Flut's chinjobs are legendary.
When you google it you dork
It's a corruption of "fucking."

Like "most times we spooned on the patio, on one memorable occasion we forked."
I doubt it'll come up with the resuult I want.
that one looks a lot better than before though.
maybe he too lessons from SB
Well I think his qt mark's a spork because he likes to eat. hence his cute chubbiness.
How are commissions going?
Then use urban dictionary.
his "cute" "chubiness"
Nigga I know it's a hour late but I did other things
> resuult
Yeah, I don't think it'll find what you want.
i bet he does
SB's dicks are okay

I like JB's better
How can you judge that by a sample size of one?
Cuteness is a very subjective quality.
I consider Wario and the Crypt Keeper to be cute.
You think you're better than me cause of one typo?
Eat shit.
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>sabe his life
Pretty sure search engines don't respond well to threats either.

If anything they nosh on shit all the time. They get Tumblr and everything.
>Wario's animations in Shake It!
>dat ass.gif
still ded
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Wow, touchy much? He was probably just teasing.
And your dick book?
/a/ pls calm down
I did some sketches to get into the mood again. Shouldn't be long before I start on it.
>tfw lovingly eating out one of your pony plushies
>feel something weird
>stop and pull back
>pluck a hair off your tongue
>its one of Hopip's pubic hairs
Hope it goes well.
Up for any requests?
Sure, why not.
>[vomits externally]
Could you draw Applejack learning to hang glide while Dash makes fun of her for being a scaredy-pony?