Ver. GNU/Horse: >>12992296
>>12996990It's Linux not GNU/LinuxGET FUCKED STALLMAN
>>12996990You mean Ubuntu, right?I like the Ubuntu OS.
What operating system does pone use?
>>12997041why is that?
>tfw GNU/Horse
>Pony falls asleep on you>soft fuzzy coaft>poofy mane>gnetly kissing>sleep>sfe>happy
I just witnessed a horse named 'rainbow' and a horse named 'pinky' Roleplay 'pinky' giving birth in toontown onlineI'm beginning to think this game was a bad idea
>>12997070a ROM based version of the BASIC programming language
>>12997089Normally Scrubs I'd laugh. Not today.
>>12997089that's a nice outline for a really feely greentextplease flesh it out
>>12997089>girl falls asleep on you>warm, smooth skin>silky hair>nuzzling your shoulder>soft little breaths>together tonight
>>12997089>gnetly kissing>gnu/tly kissing or as i've taken to calling it gnu+tly kissing>pone's bristly gnu's not unix beard
>>12997070AJ: Windows 95.Twilight: Dualboot Linux/Windows 8Rarity: Windows 8Dash: Windows 7Pinkie: Windows MEFluttershy: OS X
>>12997100And you didn't screencap it?
MLPG its time. Conffess you sins! Reveal your secret. Vent you candy ass pedos.
>>12997106>you will never put your cartridge in pone's IBM PCJr
>>12997100And you did not screencap it? Also, why are you playing that game?
>>12997120Ive been watching you. You draw alot. This is good.
>>12997122>Fluttershy: OS X Why doesn't that surprise me?
>>12997123>>12997134It was happening too fast and I was afraid for my lifeI'm only playing it because of extreme nostolgia goggles and its going down next month
>>12997122Which pony uses Windows 2000?
>>12997120She looks ready for an adventure. What exciting things are in store for Rainbow Dash?
>>12997120The form is getting a lot better.
>"With these glasses I can point out Wonderbolts more accurately and more quickly than I ever could!"
>>12997122>dash: windows 72slowDash compiled all her software from source for maximum speed. -O3 --funroll-all-loops --gofast.
# rm -rf /
>>12997120I like this a lot
>>12997160But can you see why the wonderbolts love cinnamon toast crunch?
>>12997160She would probably use prescription goggles so she can still fly around and be able to see.
>>12997115>The same thing happens>But pony has flech this time
>>12997151It's not like she wanted it. You just don't send Fluttershy alone. The guy saw her and just sold her the most expensive thing they had.She also payed GeekSquad to set it up for her. And bought a 500$ Gold Plated, Virus and interference resistant HDMI monster cable.
cmc micro where
>>12997120This is soundashlikeMaybe it's the hair being too poofy, or the pose. I had to look at the cutie mark to see who it was.Usually I can identify dashes like a pro.
Ice cubes are not good for my asshole.
>>12997201rainbow dash macro when
>>12997122I still don't get why AJ gets the old computer just because she's a farmer, she earns lods of mone from the cider selling and pies
>>12997201In a few days
>>12997222It's been in her family for generations!
>>12997120I can't keep up! Your too fast!
>>12997222>Ah just needs it for crunching a few numbers, anything more is wastefull>I need to pay for the farm, the equipment, save for Applebloom's college funds, potentially replace granny's hiip again...
Would you cage pone?What if she liked to be caged for a little while when she got home for her job?
>>12997222Because she bought that computer less than ten years ago, why should she have to buy a new one so soon?
>>12997222Yeah and even with her complete monopoly over Cider, Zap Apple jam and all the rest of the Apple related products the family barely survives winter. Watch the show Dooks.Also it's not like she knows any better. I mean Rarity and Twilight are barely at Windows 8. She's almost 90 versions ahead of them. Why upgrade?
>>12997194I want to sample pony's flesh. If you know what I mean.
>>12997222she spends most of her money on new barns
>>12997245>implying AB wants to go to college>implying she's not going to stay at home and help the family
>>12997234Not sure what to think of this.
>>12997245>>12997249You guys make a fair point, maybe she's too stubborn to upgrade, and if it works, it works.>>12997251Where does all that money go?Her hips?
>>12997251>Dooks>watching the showBut then he won't be able to draw his afros.
I keep getting invited to my colleges brony group by people I do not know and have never seen. I don't know if they are inviting me because I liked hasbro on facebook, or if they are inviting everybody on the colleges facebook page.
>>12997282Probably the former
>>12997273Hats. She has an obsession on collecting hats. That's why she had one for everyone in Magic Duel. She has a goddamn secret bunker filled with hats. Sometimes she just goes Fool Scrooge McDuck and swims in a pool filed with hats.
>>12997282Probably a combination of both. Liking the page, and being on the colleges facebook, are probably the two criteria they look for to message you.
>>12997307Goddamn I meant full Scrooge McDuck.
I want to kiss Applejack.
>>12997273>Where does all that money go?Upkeep of the farm. Granny's hip replacementbut seriously, the farm's been demolished a few times now. They are probably stiill paying off the one that got eaten in swarm of the century.
>>12997282>Liked hasbro on a public site with your real informationNOW YOU FUCKED UP
>>12997324Its how I keep in touch with my family, since I live on the other side of a continent from them.
I wonder when terrorists will strike a brony group or a conOne day they'll invite a struggling muslim kid and he'll decide that it's time for the american decadence to dieI hope it's hi NSA
>>12997322Go to bed Spike.
Should I get playstation plus mlpg?
>>12997340What if Rumble wanted to get for sexual with Scootaloo?
>>12997322rarity please
>you will never feel that tail wrap around your waist
>>12997372Filly x Colt is the most sexy thing
>>12997372They would need a sexual license, right now they have sexual learning permits at best.
>>12997374>you will never play with her luxurious beard
>>12997374>she'll never make eyes at you >"Nervous, darling?"
dotkwahalpthe archive didnt save this thread
>>12997383It's because you never experienced exploring relationships as children and are now old and bitter.
>The mane six have a nice friendly sleep over>Lots of fun and good times>But then when the lights go out>They gang cuddle fluttershy
>>12997414aw yeah, that's it
>>12997411thanks mountain dew
>>12997416Hey. Spider pony doesn't want to hurt you. Just don't bother her and she'll eat all those pesky bugs that are always flying around and mind her own business.
>>12997414That's fucking gross.
>>12997408I'm the closest thing you've got.
>>12997122Rarity would be using OSX because it's the most expensive and "classy" of the operating systems, and she's completely computer illiterate. Fluttershy would use it too just because Rarity recommended it.
>>12997414>get into bed>ponies are in sleeping bags>wish ponies good night>turn out light>rustling sounds>giggling>oooh, teehee>aahhh, not there!fuckign ponies
>>12997409Not DK, but I did save them.
which pony is the most sexually frustrated?
>>12997458Twilight Sparkle
>>12997457Sure!Let's go see The Conjuring!
>>12997458that one
>>12997463She looks more like a T-rex than a ponyIts pretty hot, really
>>12997466I always figured that Celestia and Luna would have a royal harem.
>>12997452Fluttershy would probably just use a tablet to manage everything and keep records of all her animal freinds
>>12997463HOW DO I FAP TO THIS
>>12997452But it isn't the most expensive.And a lot of people that actually know shit about designed criticized Apple for their skeuomorphic design.Rarity wouldn't use it.
>>12997458AJ maybe? She prioritizes the farm and her family over everything else, so she probably doesn't have enough time for romancin'.
>THE TABLET DRIVER WAS NOT FOUNDit was already hard to start drawing again don't give me this shit
>>12997480>they share it>you're expected to service both sisters
>>12997434>>12997438Jessy we know it's you. Please draw.
>>12997466Makes sense.
do we have a Farscape pony?
>>12997486You apply a vigorous rubbing motion to your dick. Usually with your hands.
>>12997504>sparkly eyeshadowU-unf?
>>12997490Have you ever worked so hard that you didn't have time for sex nor the energy to do so?
>>12997492>Celestia coaches Luna since she has less experience
>>12997434Dang, Flutters has been munchin on them brownies lately
>>12997476she looks nothing like a T-rex. maybe one of those pre-science T-rexes, when we still thought they walked around like Godzilla.bird-dinos > zilla-dinos
>>12997511slut glitter
>>12997453Yeah that would drive me nuts.
>>12997504Do you think Luna searches for stallions to let her enslave them sexually for a month in exchange for 50,000 bits?
>>12997487There's also the part that Windows machines come in hundreds of shapes and forms. Rarity probably has the most beautiful PCDash has LEDs on LEDs She even has a golden LED fan
>>12997480They both have a harem that consists of fillies, colts, mares and stallions to satisfy them to their heart's desire
Why am I getting posts on my dashboard from people I don't follow?
>>12997514Well yeah. She probably has to push it out of her mind in order to get work done. Thinking about it all the time would make getting through the day impossible. But when she has the chance to let some of that steam off, she's desperate for it.
>>12997531do nottalk shitabout my waifu
>>12997530I want a feathery qt velociraptor.
>>12997530Stop getting your science all up in my massive reptilian fantasies
>>12997544Tumblr's broken right now for everyone.
Now entering a PONE ZONE___________________________________________________________________________________
>>12997531oh noes he called her a slutbrony mode activate
>>12997543>implying Celestia still has a harem>implying she doesn't just create constructs out of solid magical energy or summon spirit versions of whatever she wants to boink out of the Aether
>>12997500You can't make me.
>>12997547>waifuing a pony who barely has screentimeYou're literally one very small step up from background waifuers
>>12997490You know I could see her acquiring the services of Ponyville's man whore.She cares about getting things on the farm done. If her "needs" get to big, call the manwhore, use him and goodbye it's time to work.
>>12997541No.She lets them dominate her. She needs a break from being a princess and being in charge all the time, anon. Same with sunbutt.
>>12997489Applejack is a very delicious pone.
>>12997372then she'd get pregnangt
>>12997544Haha, jokes on you...I haven't gotten a hit for hours!
>>12997541She's from a simpler time, when having a royal harem was just part of the deal, and her social skills are so underdeveloped that it's probably the only way she knows to meet guys.
>>12997548bird is cute.
>>12997571No but we can ask kindly.Could your draw for us please?
>>12997580Would you eat her?
Does it at least install now?I'd move too hurd in a heartbeat if Gentoo was ported on it
>>12997574>background waifuersThat 40 year old man stroking a roseluck plushie at bronycon
Did any of your parents ever hit you?
>>12997571Jessy please draw a Thunderhawk and/or Valkyrie pony
>>12997574She had an episode all about her and played a key role in another
I didn't like any of the season ending episodes nor the premier. They focus too much on the action/adventure stuff that's boring to me. I'd rather watch a cute slice of life show with ponies and maybe some action, but not the big bad villain kind.
>>12997574>whole episode>multiple comic appearancesEat shit, it's better than the fags that waifu lyra and other backgrounders.
>>12997599Hnnnnn I'll think about it.
>>12997596All bird is cute except griffonGriffon a shit
>>12997571What if I boop pony over and over
>>12997623I like the variety they bring
>>12997545When I was in BMT I never masturbated, so that was two months. At tech school I did a little bit, but it wasn't fulfilling. When I used a week of leave after training was done, I watched porn for hours and came five times in one sitting. Shit was nuts.
>>12997627draw grefone being cute
>>12997635Excess booping is not advised.
>>12997629What's wrong with griffon.
>>12997571Jessy why you draw your pons so chubby >>12997434
>>12997623I rarely enjoy them either (The Discord two-parter is an exception) but I appreciate what they're trying to do.
>>12997629i'm coming for you, tosser.
>>12997629nigga what
>Butterfly is just a ponified version of The Kid with an attitude.
>>12997627Jessy, if you could find it in your heart to take pity on a dying general and make something for us, it would mean so much to me.
Can't find any boards to ask this, so i'll ask here.You guys hear about 4craft? /mlp/ was the first faction to disband, and it's only two days in. We also had the largest faction.How's it feel to know that we are horrible at vidya games?
>>12997664crack-ier tahn rosexgilda
>>12997594>Luna tries to pick you up>can't stop using harem terms and thinking you are a sex worker
>>12997667>Rainbow dash is just a ponified sonic>So is flash sentry>And shining surfer
>>12997681I thought 4craft fell apart months ago?
>>12997664>you'll never kiss Gilda and get her all blushysigh...
>>12997623it's more that they don't have enough time to do a good major villain thingit would take a movie to do more than a minor villain with the show format
>>12997644I'll do it. Ill boop the pony until submission
>>12997682At least the characters are developed enough that you could imagine/create/write a scenario in which it's possible. It's just harder
>>12997694Birds can't feel their beaks very well.
>>12997667>Trixie is just a female version of Jeremy Clarksonwhich is weird because i actually like Clarkson.
>>12997693Nope. This was the fourth 4craft.
>>12997681Playing vidya is a pleb activity. I have no time for such shit.
>>12997705She's a freaky hybrid. also magic
>>12997705it's the gesture
>>12997457im now Donkey Kong
Would you got to equestria if it meant you have to have your memory and personality completely wiped?
>>12997681Minecraft with others always seems like a good idea until you actually do it
Okay, question time.Ignoring the fact that this is a show for little girls, which of the mane six have had sex and which have had it the most?No jokes, no >implying. Straight up opinions based on their personalities as seen in the show.Virgins:FluttershyTwilight SparkleOnce:AJMultiple:Rainbow DashRarityI can't place Pinkie Pie. Either she's a virgin because of her innocent naivete or she's a total horndog and has sex every weekend and every other Wednesday.
>>12997705It doesn't have to be on the beak.It could be on the cheek.
>>12997724Will it replace my brain with a new brain?
>>12997724No, an ending of consciousnesses is death. It might as well not be you at all.
>>12997735>Straight up opinions based on their personalities as seen in the show.they are all virgins>MUH HEAD CANON
>>12996990Ahh, /g/ and /mlp/ all in one place. I can RIP In Peace now...
>>12997710>The Stag is just a deerified version of the Stigg.>We don't get it either, and neither should you.
>>12997724but if you lose both of those then are you even you anymore? you have to at least keep your memory or there's no point
>>12997722Obviously this mean you are now on. On, like Donkey Kong.
>>12997681/mlp/ wasn't the first to fall apart, this last time maybe but /v/ and /tg/ fell apart the first 2 times. It's just a shit idea that people have lost interest in now that it's failed 2 or 3 times already.
>>12997735I could see Dash being a virgin who claims she's had sex before.
>>12997724No, the adult human brain can't recover from that, so it would mean two kinds of death, one after another.
>>12997749the point is that while you essentially kill yourself, the new you gets to go to equestria. Would you sacrifice you so that a different you can find paradise?
>>12997724So a mindless drooling corpse is sent to equestria that looks like me? Seems shit, why bother?
>>12997749Complete transformation. It is worth it.
>>12997735Fluttershy was probably in a lot of bad relationships where she depended on the guy so much that she'd do anything for him. This includes sex so every time reminds her of being abused.
>>12997750should I expand dong?
>>12997735>Straight up opinions based on their personalities as seen in the show>sex
>>12997652It was a request on here. They asked for chubbyshy.>>12997668on't bribe me with pinkest horse, that's cheating.
>>12997765nowhy would i sacrifice myself...for a new version of myself
>>12997765if the new you is a drooling retard that needs to be force fed everything and can barely learn how to hold a fork without hurting itself, it isn't worth it
I tried to make a draw but I failed, I'll resume inking tomorrow
>>12997745The show will never touch on their sexual experiences.Calling them all virgins is headcanon too.>>12997760Agreed. Seems just like her.>>12997773That's just depressing.>>12997775Like I said, ignoring the fact that it is a show for little girls and just going off the characters themselves.
>>12997783Exactly it's like killing yourself so another-significantly stupider anon can go.
>>12997774Expand as you see fit, or keep it how you like. All I can say is that you should draw what you enjoy, while still keeping it tasteful.
>>12997773>>12997760These both work pretty well, actually.
>>12997773She'd never even realize she was being abused/used.
>>12997765It's pointless.You'd be better off killing yourself. At least then you wouldn't burden a nice pony with a confused and really stupid human that doesn't remember how to walk.
>>12997765death? that's cool i guess. i'll take it
>>12997795Not him but what if I want to draw oppai loli
>>12997790I like that manePonies with normal hairstyles are cute
>>12997794It's not killing yourself. You maintain your soul.
>Liking theropodsWeirdos
>>12997789Think of it as a factory reset. You new person is concious and kill still talk and stuff, so imagine a terrible case of amnesia.
>>12997694>you will never have completely casual sex with Gilda>you will never remain pure bros without letting sex ruin your friendship>you will never go out to a bar with her and one of her other friends>you will never be asked by her friend how long the two of you have been going out>you will never both say at the exact same time "Oh, we're not going out.">she will never smirk at you
>>12997778Y-you aren't going to leave us, are you?
>>12997786so you don't like fat ponies unless they are drawn by popular female artists?
>>12997803Plus the adult brain wouldn't be as adapt at learning as a child, it's just not set up the same way. So you'd probably be incredibly difficult to teach.
>>12997773I can't imagine Fluttershy allowing herself to become that intimate with anybody.Probably never even had a bf/gf
>>12997806Keep it tasteful. Shortstacks have their own charms.
>>12997817It begins.
>>12997813snarky put your name back onwe all know it's you
>>12997681Huh, we were just talking about 4craft a little last thread, actually. 4craft was a good while ago, though, not two days, and we did pretty well that time. Did it restart or something? Mind linking me to the sites again?
>>12997795then expand I shall
>>12997822I can.
>>12997809Your soul is your memory and your personality.When it dies, you die. When your body dies, your brain cells break down and your "soul" dies.
>>12997809Can my soul remind me not to shit myself in public? No? I don't think that works very well.>>12997812That implies some memory though, you'd need to remember things like social graces, speech patterns, lessons you've learned and why you know them.
>>12997822I'd think she'd go into it head first and need someone to need her.
>>12997820yes you're right anonymous you saw right through meits not like i haven't always like chubby ponos
>>12997748>that new special where they try to get Yorkshire Stig to test a shitty car and he just runs awaywas humor
>>12997822She probably wouldn't allow it, no, but I can see her being pressured into it by a manipulative partner of some sort. She would probably be guilted into it to make the other person happy. gosh thats sad
>>12997848Is your current life that great?
>>12997822She'll go through life mostly alone and more than likely marry the first pony she has any meaningful relationship with.
>>12997822I can see her wanting to desperately, but always unable to open up herseelf enough to even begin talking to someone, let alone getting into a relationship.
I'm a little teapot short and stout
>>12997685>"YES, my comely subject, I am requesting your services as my consort!">"Of course, you will be AMPLY rewarded with coin for your services!">"Naturally, this arrangement is dependent upon a PERSONAL audit of your worthiness!">"For that purpose, shall we dine in Canterlot, and AFTERWARDS partake of the abundant novelties the capital has to offer?">It takes you several minutes to process that she's just asking you to dinner and a movie.
>>12997851nice save! masterfully done.
>>12997832not ALL of them know.
>>12997822Wouldn't she want kids?
>>12997860anonyou're talking about suicide here
>>12997848But no personal memory of any kind. You will know what a mother and father is, but not remember yours. You will know what a house is, but not your own. So on and so on.
>>12997851indeed you haven't
>>12997735Virgins:DashTwilightFluttershySexRarity AJPinkie
>>12997878Probably a dozen. She has good maternal instinctsTwilight on the other hand...
>>12997878I don't think she'd necessarily /want/ them. But if she ended up with some she'd be happy and a good mother.
>>12997843Dash is about the only pony I can see her getting that close to since they've been friends since clear back when they were kids.But at the same time I don't see Dash reciprocating that kind of affection.>>12997849That's a possibility, but it would have to be somebody she's known for a LONG while and trusts. She can get advice from her friends after a relationship like that forms.>>12997856Peer Pressure episode incoming!>>12997862So... Dash>>12997863SAD is a hell of a thing.>>12997878Of course she wants kids, but the problem isn't the desire it's the actual courage to do.
>>12997897Who would aj have done it with?Realistically
>>12997793>ignoring the whole point of the showok
>>12997447That's a good one, I'm sure Celestia: the one who raised me, would get a kick outta that.
>>12997911Someone nice she met at a bar or that her family set her up with
>>12997909I don't see either of them holding any type of affection other than platonic love.
>>12997911An apple tree, most likely.
>>12997884I don't think I'd want to kill myself just for a random human with amnesia to live in equestria.Some mean ponies would probably guide him back to the diamond dog homeland where he would learn to kill, enslave, and rape poor innocent horses.
>>12997925She's too busy to go into town/into bars, and her family wouldn't pressure a relationship on her like that.
>>12997897>>12997911If AJ ever had sex it would have been a one time thing just to see what all the fuss was about during a possible rebellious stage.She's a tight laced farm girl with a strict moral upbringing. The figurative pants come off when the ring goes on.
>>12997909>So... DashNot necessarily. Just the guy that comes over to help with the animals once or twice before working up the courage to ask her out. Things would just roll from there. She'd never say no.
god damn I want a pony blowjob
>>12997911her first boyfriend back when she was still exploring her sexuality
>>12997949Doesn't necessarily mean she'd say yes either.I try to picture what would happen if some handsome pony asked Fluttershy out on a date and I see her getting adorably flustered over it and not knowing what to do with it.
>>12997946>too busy to go into townaccording to what? she takes time off to dick around with her friends all the time
>>12997983Eh, I dunno, aj doesn't strike me as one who would go to bars alone in her free time.
>>12997911well, strictly speaking, no-one, but she's gotten weird with Dash and a strap-on.
>>12997954what about a dragon blowjob?
>>12997946Her family would want to keep the apple family name going
Fluttershy would have codependent relationships when she was younger, make a lot of mistakes with a lot of bad and manipulative guys. She wants someone there so bad that she's willing to go through abuse because "I love him" and etc. Her whole personality is built around not only being a caretaker but a kind person. Shit, she's even the Element of Kindness itself. Doesn't mean she hasn't learned from those past mistakes nor that her friends won't help her out, but I could see her falling for it again.
>>12997911Town Manwhore.The farm comes first. She doesn't have time for romance. It's just to get rid of the need so she can concentrate on the farm. Maybe when AB is a bit older and can take some of the responsibilities AJ could look for a lover but till then it's strictly to keep her mind clear. Pinkie just wants to make the colts and sometimes mare happy. Call her a slut or whatever, she's just happy that other ponies are happy and doesn't really care what the others say about her. But honestly no one is saying bad things about her. Most people know she's not doing it because she's a sex addict. Rarity has her fair share but still less than AJ or Pinkie. You'll have to go trough enough dates to actually have a chance at it. And even then only gentlemans allowed.
>>12998010D'aw look at him, he wants to be treated as an equal. Someone put the dog collar back on him.
>>12997871I wouldn't call that a problem.
>>12998010i'd rather just have a pseudodragon than a Spike.
>>12997911I can see her, a little younger, having a fling with some young stallion who seemed like boyfriend material. He was just passing through town, though, and she wasn't going to leave the farm to go chasing him.
>>12997813>she will never smirk at you>And late at night she'll berate herself for another day of not saying yes>She will never cuddle closer to your sleeping form and promise herself "Tomorrow, for sure"
>>12998012Big Mac is first born, the burden is his.
>>12998042Oh yeah? What would you call it?
>>12998039i wish i could pull of colored lineart like that
>>12998019I just want to be there for her and make life bliss ;_;
>>12997911A farmhand she thought she had feelings for.
>>12998065An early bloomer
>an actual serious discussion about pony sexWhat the fuck is going on?
>>12998055what if he was sterile?
>>12998091no, it's a problemwhen boobs get bigger than C cups they cause back pain. larger breasts don't even produce more milk, it's all fat.
>>12998091But what about all of the physical and social problems that it would cause?
>>12997871She'd probably knock herself out with those tits.
>>12998106That's assuming an awful lot.
>>12998105i dont even know man
>>12998075Now I imagine every new farmhand has to prove themselves to AJ that they're strong/powerful enough to work on the farm, and she lets each one rut her silly.
>>12998105MLPG night thread. Stick around and watch these fools jack off into a dead pony.
>>12997871I think those tits would tears her skin apart
>>12998105This is one of the more tame discussions really.
>>12998117Imagine the heartbreak when she just shuns them after she's used them.
>>12998023>Pinkie just wants to make the colts happy>colts>Pinkie is always happy to be a teenage colt's first time, and teach him everything he needs to know about how to please a mare...unf...
>>12998121>intothat makes it worse
>>12998116minthorse doesn't love you
>>12998117I can't picture AJ doing that ever.>>12998121Night Time MLPG is my typical MLPG visiting time. Usually when people talk about sex it's all jokes, fetishes and shit.
>>12998111>>12998112oh my god whatever
>>12998135No. She's very clear and honest to them going into it that this is a one time thing.
>>12998023sex with Rarity would take the most workbut it would also be the most rewarding
>>12998117Nah, she would have each "suitor" have to pass a test that's usually impossible, like defeat her in competitions or something. Could lead to an interesting story of using one's wits to overcome physical problems like the Trials of Heracles.
>>12998105I don't like thing but if it's what people want
>>12998134That's kind of why I'm surprised.
i felt obligated to draw your slightly above average ship because you called me out, anon.
>>12998150Well duh, of course notBut it's still kinda hot
>>12998121This isn't fetishThis is 100% serious headcanons about who pone had sex withYou can't even get a boner to it, it's dumb fanfiction
>>12998137It's an investment really. That way the colt won't disappoint the mare, and both will be happy thanks, indirectly, to her.She's not that good of a teacher but she gets the basics down.
>>12998151Now hey don't get me wrong I find really really big boobs adorable, I was just playing devil's advocate. How would you help here with them?
>>12998179Not necessarily who pony has had sex with, just whether or not they've had sex and under what circumstances they would have sex.
>>12998116mewball go to bed, lyra's there
>>12998179Just like all speculation that ever existed in MLPG since it's started?And it's not like this isn't the hundredth time we have this discussion.
>>12997851>not haven't always likedWait so you've always liked them?I thought you didn't.
>>12998074It would be hard for her to really trust you. Would you be able to put up with her broken views on a relationship with her?
>>12998179Speculation about the nature of charachters is fun
>>12998211There is nothing new under the marker.
Man I haven't really felt like drawing in a few days, but I really need to. I kinda need to make rent, too. Fuck emotions suck.
>>12998200Lyra is out on the town fucking stallions in an underground human roleplay clubShe left a lyra plush in the bed so bonbon wouldn't get suspiciois
So many archers around, can this happen?
>>12998171>slightly above averageIt's a cute ship. Nice. Adorable.Personally I prefer this one
>>12998221UNFwhy do I like tail docks so much?
>>12998221Just keep insisting that it's OK for her to say no to you. She'll get it eventually.
>>12998234>arch is shit>rarity is the worst ponymaybe
>>12998149>>12998200you guys are sending me mixed messagesbut i think ill probably turn in earlyish>>12998213i like chubby. basically the max fat i like is around what jessy just posted. anything more than that i think its gross, but a little fat is unf
>>12998161no, sex with Rarity is fairly easy. it feels good, burns lots of calories, and is a fairly fun use of an evening, especially against drinking by yourself until the wee hours of the morning. all you gotta do is be attractive and make her curious.making love to Rarity, however, is very difficult.
>>12998149That's because she loves me.
>>12998260Then once you've lulled her into a false sense of security, BAM.
>>12998269Then draw a chubby Lyra having her stomach kneaded by fingers.
>>12998243I don't know, but I like them too
>>12998269I like my girlsI mean ponies with curvesAlso shhh lyra will take care of you
>>12998275>sex with Rarity>easySnarky plsplsShe's a lady5 dates minimum.She'll tease you endlessly if you're cute tough.
>>12998286You eat her?
>>12998286I would never do that to her.
>>12997531>slut glitterwords hurt anon
>>12998275making love to any of them is difficultbecause to do that they have to love you
>>12998286Break up with her, making it as messy as possible, make sure she feels it's entirely her fault.That'll teach her.
>>12998286She'd be so afraid of that that she might never fall in love again.
>>12998320go to bed mewball.
>>12998315i'm glad i'm not the only one who "ctrl f"s my name
>>12998320I hope we didn't scare MT away
Minthorse thinks you're cute
>>12998315I suppose it's better than slut glue.
>>12998333You did.
>>12998333I want to see AppleDan,MT and Ross fuck each other
>>12998300>she holds her tail just enough for you to take a peek>you don't even know if she's doing that intentionally or it's just the glasses of wine playing tricks on your mind>or if she even knows if you looked>but she knows
>>12998332Does it give you a boner poeple are talking about you?
>>12998335N-no I'm not...
>>12998290kneading is kinda weird im not sure i like it>>12998292sameo-okay>>12998320who are you
>>12998348Apple and Ross would fuck each other. Gauranteed. MT doesn't play around like that.
>>12998300let's just agree to disagree. there are two camps, and they will never be reconciled.
>>12998351Reminds me of this
>>12998351I would force myself on her even if she said no and I'd only stop if she tried to physically get away from me, a few no's won't stop my lust for horse pussy
>>12998383YOUR SO FUNNY! DWM!
>>12998300>being teased by Rarity>seeing her swaying her hips just a little bit more than she normally would when she walks>her making eyes at you>brushing her tail under your chin>making veiled comments about her sexual prowessI would be hard as diamondsand it would make that moment when she finally asks you to accompany her to her room all the more exciting
>>12998161You expected some sort of crazy femdom thing or her to be a complete minx.She just lies there looks off to the side, never says anything, and expects you to do all the work.It's what a ladies do she says.You break up with her after a week.
>>12998335>tfw your mint waifu is actually from the showOC a shit
>>12998388That is rape Anon. You would be raping her.
>>12998367we niggas
>>12998396i have so many ideas for what i'd want to do for a rarity quest
Style experiment shit.Goodnight MLPG
>>12998351she doesn't ever say anything, but then, she doesn't have to. her eyes say it for her. "oh, you filthy boy. you are awful, but i like you."
>>12998408You've gotta be more clear, if you say no a few times and then let it happen, I'm going to assume you like it, if you don't like it then struggle
>>12998396>most stallions don't get past the first date>those who do barely have chances to see the bedroom>No one ever got a second chance>except for you
>>12998436>"oh, you filthy boy. you are awful, but i like you."there are not enough sweating-man images on the internet
>implying Rarity wouldn't be ashamed of her sexual side because it's "unlady like" and would be afraid of being a slut so she just abstains
>>12998430Good night Dooks. I'm glad you haven't been tainted by these fuckers.
>>12998171who are you? thats good pony
>>12998474>ImplyingDooks has already been infected by the lewd
>>12998471What if she uses sex as an empowerment device over colts.
>>12998474That's what you think fucker.
>>12998471There is nothing unlady like about sex.You just have to be selective in who and when you do it.
>>12998471It''s just part of the romantic experience
>>12998453I'm telling you man. They keep dead ponies and when the time is right they just jerk off into them.
>>12998396>she takes you home>"uh, and, um, my name's, uh--">she holds up her hoof and shushes you>"no names. impress me, and i'll remember to ask tomorrow."
>>12998421The only way I could see it is a long long build up, half of it filled with uncertainty from both sides till it finally happens in a romantic way.But then? You're sure that the guys in bondage are teased less than you are in a day.
>>12998494>Somebodys drawing porn! Better harass them endlessly!
>>12998471More like rarity is completely fine with her sexuality and her feminity and loves to explore it to its full potential. normally its reserved for the bed room, but a free drinks and she starts to get a bit more playfully aggressive.
>>12998491That's boring though anon.
>>12998504Snarky you have a shit interpretation of Rarity. Just saying.
>>12998487>>12998494 That shit tame you babies.
>>12998487I only draw it/color it on special ocasions.Cute>Lewd.Now goodnight for reals.
>>12998479looks like >jalm didn't expect to see a >drawing from him
>>12998536Give him time.
>>12998471>implying I wouldn't fuck her wordlessly and mechanically, then leave the second I cum to make her feel worthless and like an object, telling her not to look at me or say anything
>>12998546It's good but why
>>12998530it's been a while.also, if i'm honest, i'm not going for anything besides sexual appeal to a specific set of people.
>>12998572Why not?
Meanwhile, in syria
>all this talk of sex with Rarity>excited, want to masturbate>roommate is sleeping facing my bedthis is the worst hell
>>12998582its a good excuse to pack when writing something wronghalf the shit you write doesn't sound like anything rarity would say
>>12998583Why is her neck brokenWhy is situation happeningIf he fell asleep playing the thing, why isn't it closerHow is it giving off so much lightWhy is the backlight greenI could go on but that would just be annoying
>>12998514The people who don't make a big deal about it tend to be the ones that fly under the radarLook at Tex and Tess vs. Dooks or LK
Anon, come to bed~
>>12998611I'm responding.
>>12998603ThisI understand what you're doing Snarky. You just want to please but down the way you loose Rarity and just get a random woman that says darling a lot.
>>12998596take a laptop or smartphone
>>12998603i know. i re-ponied recently. the problem is, show-accurate doesn't get put over in night threads.
>>12998624Yes Rarity
>>12998550My computer's been dead for the past few weeks so I couldn't draw all that much, but I recently got a new one. I can start streaming now but i'm terrified of people watching me draw.
>>12998596>not being able to masturbate completely silently and to your imaginationread a book son
>>12998660wh-I never said I couldn't use my imagination
>>12998659jailbait said so too, but he strammed gestures and then dieddo you know what's the matter with him? i tried to contact him, but nothing happened
>>12998660I really don't get how you guys can make so much noise, really.
>>12998624I won't go near that fucking bed unless it was disinfected with fire. Oh and don't think about harvesting my organs. I'm on to your scheme
>>12998689I'm sure jailbait has a life creepy clingy anon.
>>12998722he owes me a drawwww request
>>12998700But I'm a pony
Would you absorb your least favorite pony, steal her identity and memories and then slowly become the slutty mare?
>>12998722i just find it strange that he completely pulled away, but okay. i guess i should leave him be then.
Rarity is pure maiden.
>>12998730And for a second I thought you were concerned for the guy. Be patient.
>>12998762>more fun than something that doesn't existNOT LIKE THAT'S HARD
>>12998689He was in the thread like a week ago. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to bother him some other time. if he isn't on skype, then i can't reach him either.
>>12998766Get on the table.
>>12998744Oh yes a pony. A cute innocent pony.Never trust a pretty face.
>>12998689he hasnt been on skypehe wasnt doing so good the last time i talked to him so i dunno
>>12998759Ever thought he probably has school?
>>12998775korrok pls
>>12998789But I'm an ugly pony
>>12998593Welp. Whoever did it, war incoming.Brb canada
There is probably something wrong with me, but she just looks so darn cute.
>>12998802Saying please a shitload of times won't change anything.
>>12998803Oh really.
Does anyone have the original 'Get off the table' image?
>>12998796I thought you were going to sleep. Make up your mind.
>>12998811Nothing wrong with you. She's adorable.
>>12998803Ugly people have a higher incidence of mental illness. Brain development and facial development are intertwined, after all.Due to selection (the smart make money and marry the sexy), attractive people have higher IQs on average, so if and when they scheme, their schemes are likely to succeed. Do not trust ugly people or pretty people. Only the average are safe.
>>12998800so do i. he could just have said one thing and it all be cleared up.>>12998796that's what i feared.okay, let's better cut it here
>>12998744ponies can harvest organs.
>>12998811She'd look even cuter in a one piece bathing suit.
>>12998812I see what you did there.
>>12998812Crying over a flesh wound. I've seen worse.
>>12998837I hate whoever drew that.
>>12998811That's a really chipper face
Goodnight, MLPG.
>>12996990>amd64>paePick 2008 /g/
>>12998757inFamous > Prototype
>>12998829Trust the average. Look at this pleb. I'm surprised you are even alive.
>>12998861/g/ plsStop spying on us.
>>12998811What a cutie. The boobs do look a little low but I'm guessing that's because of weight. I'm no boobologist. Like they are coming out from the middle of her torso.
>>12998841Aren't you a peach.>>12998848I put some soy sauce on it. I should be ok.
>>12998853Pony hates you too
>>12998872Maybe. I don't know. Never played inFamous. but I had a shitload of fun with Prototype so whatever.
>>12998861Dude you guys are creepier than our resident anon.
>>12998817i remember the SLUTSLUTSLUT.gif tess made, but i can't find it right now. was it the one?
>>12998861what is /g/'s deal with usevery time i go to /g/ they're tsundere for pone
>>12998931Because /g/ and bronies are both manchildren~
>>12998927It was an mspaint image of a bunch of anons sitting around the table, one of them lying on it, all droning SLUTSLUTSLUT at one guy who complains.
>>12998927I think he means the stick comic about mlpgfor some reason I think GG made it
>>12998931Well /g/ is obsessed with their chinese cartoons and pony is close enough.
>tfw the sketch always looks better
>>12998952They also collect dolls and spunk on them
>>12997179No, Luna uses 3.11
>>12998931/g/ is kinda funny. I mean while most other boards will argue about anything /g/ ignores it most of the time. Post pony? Whatever, as long as you don't insult my phone, OS, rig, desktop you're just a faggot.
>tfw half of lyra's eyes are transparent
Wow you guys haven't you heard? The other happening?Why do you think /g/ is quietly spying on us while they jerk on there dolls?
>>12998963>tfw inks always look better
>>12998952It's silly. /g/ watches/d pone and bitches about how season 1 was better whenever you ask them about it.
>>12999008I think the level of detail that Richard Williams animates at would drive most people insane, including him.
It's too quiet around here. I love you guys. If you loved me, you'd all castrate yourselves.Cya.
>>12999019I've seen show discussion on /v/ some times>someone post pony>shitstorm>someone says "who cares it's been shit after S1">then someone says that S2 is better and they argue about thatAnd they know a shitload about pony. And this isn't just things that you pick up from just hating something.
>>12999001sheeeeeit I adjusted the eyes and forgot to refill them
>>12999007The other happening is pointless to discussThere are good arguments for every side>assad did it>rogue general>us false flag>it was the oppositionWe just don't know, but no matter what happened someone is going to intervene now
>>12999058>>12999019happens on every board
>>12999063Wait what happened now?
You are given a choice between a human that really loves you and a pony that might like youPick one.
>>12999094Do I choose the pony?Also do I have high chances or normal chances?
>>12999087Sand people killing each other
>>12999058S2 was at least as good as S1. I personally say it was better but it was definitely not shit.S3 was okay.
>>12999058Well they've got to do something to occupy their time.What else is there to do? Play video games?Why the hell would /v/ want to play video games, anon?
>>12999094Depends if the human is cute and hot. If you set me up with another trap I'll find you and shit down your throat.
>>12999113The sand people scare easy but they'll be back, and in greater numbers.
>>12999094Can she be a kawaii 2d girl?
>>12999151How would you penetrate her? You would rip her apart. Literally. She's made of ink and shit
>>12999114S2>S1>=S3All of them are goodS1 was pretty stable with the quality of the episodes. A lot of high points and some low points.S2 was all over the place but the highs there were higher than S1. Same could be said about the lows too. S3 was like S1. Stable, just that the highs weren't as high as S1 and the lows weren't as low. The bad things are just accentuated by lower number of episodes.
>>12999150The whole thing is just stroking elitist dick
>>12999094if i choose one, is it a random pone or human or can i choose or influence what i get?
>>12999185I loved Linus' response to that. He rektd Stallman. Both are huge dicks in their own way tough.
>>12999094Ok Ill make my decision now! I want to be a colt and I want to pick a human female of my choosing.
>>12999043Pretty much. I can't quite comprehend how devastating the whole Thief and the Cobbler affair must have been for him.
>>12999185>>12999213>All this talk of dicks
>>12999094which human?
>>12999235Thanks m8
>>12999251Anon are you sitting down? I have bad news about your waifu
>>12999184S2 ruined twilight's character though
>>12999233He won't talk about it if that gives any clues.
>>12999150>>12999185>>12999213where did that happen anyway?
Is there any way to recover a .sai file from the .dat files? My computer froze, a rare occurance, and I was almost done, so I didn't save. The filesize seems about right for what the picture would be, but there's no .tmp file in the folder I think it should be in, only .dats and .cid files.
>>12999278W-what happened?
where are the penisesi was promised penises
>>12999094Is it an oppai loli Sweetie?This is important.
>>12999299Made her twice as neurotic and introduced a nonsensical brother that contradicted with her character introduction.>Im a pony that doesn't know shit about friends>NEVERMIND>I HAD A FRIEND
>>12999251>tfw just came back from excercisehaha. i already trained for my husbando, scrub.
>>12999315Anon. Your waifu does not exist. Also, you have crabs.
>>12999314blah blah rediv blah penis blah sex
>>12999344>having a husbando who doesn't know you exist.
>>12999348What autosave program?
>>12999377I would waifu Acid if she didn't have a dick or stupid vore fetish
Pone doesn't give me a boner anymore and I have no desire to masturbate, what's wrong with me, it's been more than a week now
>>12999342He was more of a lover then a friend.
>>12999251don't waste your time and get to it
>>12999411Google Sai auto save. It's a script
>>12999413Anon it's ok. You're gay.
>>12999412I'm fine with the dick (maybe make it slightly shorter) but yeah that vore shit has to go. Maybe make her only like seven to nine feet tall.
>>12999431What is it about futa with a vagina that makes me go full boner retard?
>>12999412I'd waifu Acid if she wasn't so fuck it she's hot I'd bone her so hard
>>12999483More efficient pornMore genitalia per pony
>>12999251Just draw yourself training, man. Much less tiring.
>>12999434Could you link me? I tried searching but all that comes up is topics complaining about the lack of the feature
>>12998821i never said i was gonna sleep right nowalso i just got divekick
>>12999483you don't have to choose between two nice things without missing the other
>>12999342OkayBoth times are justified and make sense. She was a neurotic wreck since S1 ( Swarm of the Century, Bird in Your Hoof)In LZ she was late with her report to Celestia. If Celestia gets involved it all instantly goes to hell. In Swarm she was somewhat logical thinking till she saw Celestia and then she broke. In Bird she thought that Celestia would exisle and imprison Fluttershy for trying to take care of her damn bird. This showed that even tough she spent so much time with Celestia, her being her goddamn mentor, she still assumes the worst and exaggerates it.Remember>Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship. She must report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville.Seeing how she interprets things and how she always assumes the worst her behavior is completely justified in LZ.As for Time Cop. Her future self looking fucked up, using magic she didn't even know existed, time traveled to warn her of something very bad will happen in a week. That's a pretty damn good reason to go insane. I mean her first guess about future Twilight was that a fucking war started so just from looking at her she assumed something pretty damn bad will happen.As for her brother she left him when she was a filly. And a friendship with a brother when she was a small kid isn't really that big of a deal.Cadence tough is a bigger insult to that part so fuck her.
>>12999442>>12999442I was going nonstop for the past few months, maybe I'm burnt out
>>12999502>>12999524Like I'm not gay or anything but I would worship a hyper futa pony with a vagina. Make her squirm as I make her cum out of both ends. Pleasure her past the point of orgasm and listen to her moan and watch her buck.
>>12999505post that pic of your butt again and I will
>>12999568what's your opinion on balls?they work a lot better on ponies since there's plenty of room
>>12999598This is going to sound utterly retarded, but they have to be a girl's balls. Heaving ponynuts would be great.
>>12999632good. that is the objectively correct answer.patricians don't play when there aren't any balls on the field.
would anyone be down for a movie stream?
Ignore 90% of the drawingIgnore everything that is related to itJust look at that RarityI NEED MORE OF RARITY LIKE THAT
>>12999702give us what you have to offer
>>12999702It's 4 amgo to bed
>>12999722mew lives on the worst coast
>>12999697Just imagine fucking her and reaching under her belly and tugging on her huge sac while she bucks her cock forward legs quaking and panting throaty moans as you overload her oh god my boner
>>12999702I wouldWhat movie
>>12999638Thank you so muchI take it there's probably no way to recover my file from what I had before?>>12999579I've never even posted my butt, anon please
>>12999769Unfortunately I don't knowAlso you owe me your first born. I'll be waiting
>>12999702>3:49amwhy you gotta do this to me every time man
>>12999769Not him but probably not if you haven't searched in your folders
i got my wisdom teeth out todaywheeee
>>12999769I bet it was all a ruse to get you to post your butt. Dude probably didn't even have the link.
>>12999785Ouch. I'd rather keep mine.
>>12999785Hurt like a bitch, didnt itDid you feel the crunching
>>12999715>>12999767i have Anchorman, Tangled, and My Neighbor TotoroI was thinking Totoro but whatever you guys like.>>12999783its only 1 am thoalso someone strammed at 4 am PST last night goshsorry tho>>12999785rarity gonna be feelin good after she pops those tho
>>12999785vicodin is nice
>>12999785Good for you. You're in murrika so you were probably drugged.Also that PhD looks fake as fuck Colgate.
>>12999770That's not a very good animatipon.But it would suffice for a game.
>>12999838It was the best way for her to get her dental fetish.
>>12999833Uhh I haven't heard of the third one so I'd rather that than boring hair and movie I've seen a billion times
>>12999784This is all I have. These seem to be the only files created? The .dat file seems to be big enough to be my picture but I have no idea how to get it to open, renaming it to .sai fails.
>>12999838>You're in murrika so you were probably druggedWait how do they do it where you are?
>>12999764imagine what grabbing one of her nuts, larger than a fist must feel like. first you feel the soft smoth skin of that sack, but once your grip gets firm you feel the hardness of her testicle, pulsing and churning with seed.unless you like it cold and have her nuts all retracted
>>12999785I got mine out last year and I got 30 percocet, and when I didn't need them anymore I took the 19 I had left and it didn't do shit. I was so mad, I guess opiate tolerance never really goes away.
>>12999882>Karioh my~
>>12999833i have never seen totoro.dub or weeaboo?
>>12999833it's fine, I just wish our schedules didn't conflict so much
>>12999882I wouldn't know. Going by filesize isn't really a good betAlso, your package should be getting there tomorrow morning
>>12999867You haven't heard of Totoro? Man, you've gotta see this.
>>12999887Not him but UkraineYou're strongly encouraged to get blackout drunk, that way the cheapo numbing solution dulls the senses to a degree great enough that a skilled dentist can extract them before your body can interpret the pain and shake around.
>>12999867its a great animated ghibli movie>>12999927dub
>>12999978Fox or Disney dub?
>>12999969>>12999978Well let's do that one
>>12999903I don't even care having someone hyper letting me explore their body and being okay with me doing whatever I want is the hottest shit. Hyper anything from tits to (a girl's) cock.
>>12999978les do dis
>>12999887They inject some shitty local anesthetic near it and then pull it out while you're awakeThat's if you're lucky and they can grip it. if not they'll just cut it in multiple pieces and pull them out. Fun
>>13000037disney>>13000038>>12999959>>13000082>>13000092alright i think its gonna be totoroalso >>13000000gimme a min to set up stram
>>13000067>hyperoh. grapefruit sized balls? cantaloupe sized?
>>12999978>great animated ghibli movie>great>animated>ghibliI'd say this was doubly redundant but they have released one or two stinkers so it is merely redundant.
>>12999882>KariThat's it Rediv, you have to draw RR with Gatomon now.
>>13000133okay, i'll have a coffee and a smoke so don't take too long
>>13000098In america, they inject some shitty local anesthetic (runs a risk of paralyzing your whole face, all it takes is wiggling the needle too much. it's this big ass thing that stabs right into a major nerve) and then break your teeth into pieces before pulling them outWith a tiny hammer
>>13000192*so take your timejesus
Rainbow dash with your flank so majesticYour exquisite form makes my boner go ballisticSuch strength and power a loyal heart that burns like fireI am afraid that altogether you cause me to perspire
>>13000145Nothing stupid huge but like bigger than normal somewhere to twice as big or maybe under four like msob tits size
>>12999882Is Kari your real name?
>>13000251Yes, it is
>>13000201THere's usually three different options, one is local anesthetic with nitrous, the second is "twilight sleep", which is a type of anesthesia that causes amnesia but doesn't make you go under, and the last is general anesthesia(being completely asleep and intubated)
>>13000231muh giga double nigga. it's always too normal or too hugewhat about length and girth of the dick?i'd say 10-12 inches as a rough ballpark estimate and thick enough for both hands
>>13000098Man what the fuck kind of ghetto-ass dentist did you go to? Mine shot me up on so much morphine that I could feel myself losing consciousness. I didn't wake up until an hour after the procedure was over.
>>13000275i had general anesthesia oncei didn't go under. i was just paralyzed and felt EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING
>>13000275>twilight sleepThat sounds awful.
>>13000283 feel so judged right now.
>>13000320that's lawsuit territory, that sounds like a serious fuckup, because anesthesia awareness where you can feel pain is incredibly rare, they probably didn't dose you correctly. I've been under general 8 times for different surgeries, never had a problem other than being cold when I wake up
>>13000362it was just a knee surgery but jesus fuck.they upped the dosage when they had trouble performing surgery on the convulsing legs.
>>12999953This is true sufferingthank you though, that'll cheer me up>>12999920>>13000181>>13000251yeah it isI get that a lot
Alrighty let's get this show on the road!Streaming My Neighbor Totoromy internet was a little finicky earlier, but I power cycled it right before starting the stream so hopefully it won't give us any trouble, but i do apologize in advance if it it does. get in here!
>>13000420>you will never a kari.
>>13000420I hope you like itAlso I hope you get your money from those butts
>>13000358everyone is guilty, but at least some can confess
>>13000442kari is a cute name but it's unhealthy to obsess over people on the internet you'll never meet who may or may not be a girl
I don't like the name "kari"
>>13000485Fuck you. I'm gonna fantasize about boning Rediv while we wear pony costumes and there's nothing you can do about it.
>>13000473My fetishes are so dumb and so vanilla that they are a joke unto themselves and I hate them and wish I didn't have any sexual drive but maybe talking about it and exploring it can help me stop feeling guilty.
>>13000485>may or may not be a girl
>>13000504it's like this same topic pops up every now and then>>13000512it does help
>>13000504>Anon thrusts into rediv>Can not unthrust>Her gravity is too great>Anon must attack a rocket to his hips so he can attain escape velocity>Accidentally goes into stable orbit
what if pony was cat?
>>13000527I just don't know what to do.
>>13000545Less horse punsand Applejack is out of a job
>>13000568i get a disturbingly fetishy feeling about this picture
>>13000512pff, what's with the sexual repression?my parents were strict and chirstian enough to give me sexual repression but liberal enough to let me shed it later. until i finally went full sexual my life has been a year long endging ession
>>13000568>not poorly shooping Gilda's head over the cat
>>13000545>Mares are cats>Stallions are dogsI am now picturing Cheerilee slinking underneath Big Mac, brushing his nose with her tail, and rubbing along his belly.
MLP FIM is a rip-off of sonic the hedgehog. The similarities is that rainbow dash and sonic are alike. Wearing glasses, fast sleed, breaking the sound barrier, performing the sonic(rain)boom and etc. This means that MLP FIM is a raip-off of sonic the hedgehog.This is just a sample. I like MLP FIM so bronies dont go mad on this comment.
>>13000606I mean the fandoms are almost identical
>>13000606>raip off>rape off
>>13000579For me it's not because of any religious belief but it accomplishes nothing. I get a boner, I masturbate, it goes away, it comes back. It's like a sick and twisted boomerang. I don't want it but after awhile I just have to. I don't even want to procreate and there's nobody to share it with.
I love not having any sexual repression or fetishistic hangups. I just have all of the fetishes and I take them completely in stride. It makes me feel psychologically superior.>Freud-proof>Silent Hill-proof>Hannibal Lecter-proof
>>13000617I hate sex and I'm asexual.
i just want to die.i no longer want to does not matter to me.
>>13000625Just because you don't like celestia doesn't mean your freud-proof
I find the idea of actually having sex with another real life being absolutely disgusting, all that touching, eugh.I don't even masturbate unless I have literally nothing else to do.
I have no need for your phony boners.
>>13000625Then you are just a hedonist.
>>13000639>implying I don't like CelestiaI have that fetish too. But the whole "cutting psychological evaluation" thing doesn't really work if you know exactly what's coming. Freud trying to tell me I have an Oedipus complex would be like that psychologist in Harvey talking to James Stewart.
>>13000683Accepting your desires is not the same as acting on them
>>13000662>all that touchingbut that's the best part
>>13000690i like celestia because she looks like a horse, not because of the motherly headcanonsmlpg still thinks i want to fuck their momsi mean my mom
I want to mind control a pony. Make them my mindless sex slave forever.
>>13000690Obviously you don't have oedipus complex.You're completely batshit insane if you think shit people avatarfag as are actually those avatarfagged people.
>>13000692the fuck
>>13000690I like the idea that Celestia would want to take all your troubles and sexual frustrations and let you do anything you want to her. She would accept you entirely and be loving about it.
Why aren't you snacking with your pony, MLPG?
>>13000708so you don't want Celestia to sing you a nursery rhyme and calling you her big strong boy as you fall asleep hilted inside her? okay, buddy.
>>13000712I can't do mindless, they have to be able to choose to be with another person.
>>13000708Obviously you, as a celestiafag, don't want to fuck your mom. She obviously was a cold cunt that hated you if you turned out this way.
>>13000739because I'm fat already as it is
>>13000746Just imagine it. Completely reprogramming a pony to love you and only you. To do whatever you want whenever you want. No sex act is too depraved or dangerous that she'd say no to her master.
>>13000752no, my mom is just ugly and fat.
>>13000764I have this thing called a conscience
>>13000765that fits too
>>13000739Because I gave away my pony to a fetish artist
>>13000764For me the hottest thing is acceptance. Can't do that if there's no choice.
>>13000750>one of MLPG's most feared Jaegers, Kamikaze Oedipus>over twenty confirmed Kaiju kills
>>13000770Just look at that faggot.>>>/ponychan/
>>13000765It doesn't have to be your mom, just a motherly figure.
>>13000739>tfw no pony
>>13000785It took me awhile to figure out that when those elder gods showed up your cookie production goes down.
>>13000764I like that font, it reminds me of the oddworld games
>>13000770>>13000776Faggot virgins detecting.
>>13000712>>13000746>>13000764>>13000776The way I see it, the trick is to meet halfway. Instead of making pony into a mindless slave, get her to drop her inhibitions. Have her experience the thrill of losing control. But it's important that she enjoys it.
>>13000822But that's just freeing of the self, not control.
>>13000822If only we could somehow accomplish this without magic
>>13000813Fuck you dudeRape culture is not ok, and my gf agrees
>>13000763Then snack on water, dummy.No calories and it's good for you.>>13000775Did your pony consent to this first?>>13000795Taking action is the first step to making things better, anon.
>>13000846>the dice>the filth>the pony>the basement wall
>>13000830Well, it dovetails with some elements of hypnosis. Instead of outright domination, let suggestion and some mental nudging work their magic. Slowly transition from civilized pony to lust-crazed mare.
>>13000838Yet you say while you're raping ponies. Why are ponies different?
>>13000846Yes, pony wanted a new home since she didn't feel welcome
>>13000861>not keeping your pony in your rape dungeon
>>13000838I don't think anyone thinks rape culture is a good thing, it's just that there isn't much evidence that such a thing exists as it is posited by feminists
>>13000862A small overlap. To let that person be who they really want instead of worrying about a bunch of stuff.
>>13000838Anon, if you have a gf why are you here
Holy fucking shit the general is so dead. Did I miss the new thread or do I have to start drawing shit?
>>13000866Is it really a rape dungeon when she wants to be there?
>>13000846At least I got some time with my waifu for Valentine's Day.
>>13000868I think part of the problem is that a lot of places (like MLPG) assume that "rape culture" is identical to the most radical definition.The fact that the whole "she's asking for it" mentality exists is proof enough that we have a cultural issue with rape.
>>13000914a couple of us are watching totoro
>>13000921>inb4 banned
>>13000914It's the middle of the night on a fucking weekday. Even MLPG users on average have jobs. Only the no-est of the no lifers are on right now.[spoiler;_;[/spoiler]
>>13000928Oh alright. I'll just draw stuff anyways then.
>>13000936Hah that's true. I must be the lifeless of the no-lifers then. Totally drawing now though. Shh or tell me what to do.
>>13000861>not living in a state of decayDo you even nurg?>>13000865You should try to be more warm and welcoming to your pony, then.
>>13000962>posting a picture of my postPony wasn't for me. Pony was for a someone who isn't around me anymore.
>>13000962>all that dust on the cablesNigga clean your room
i wish i knew who made the best, cheapest pony plushesi also wish i had the balls to buy anything pony
>>13000958Seapony. Shoo be doo.
>>13000997Ebay or etsy nigga
>>13000800Does it actually go down when they show up, or does it go up when you get rid of them?Because the thing that gets rid of them also gives a buff to the grannies and autoclickers, I think.
>>13000968THEY SHOW UP THAT WAY DUE TO THE BLURRINESS OF THE PHOTOS AND IMPROPER LIGHTINGJEEZ ANON L2PAINT>>13000971I just enlarge an image to go with the post.>>13000981Later.>>13000997 is where I got mine.
>>13000997The cheapest, best plushies are the 4de ones, same as this anon's. They don't have many available, although they should have the main 6 before the end of the year
>>13001037Get with the program, I ordered mine some time in May and it didn't ship until a week and a half ago.I'm still waiting for Ponk to start shipping out.
Needs More Lauren Faust.
>>13001024>twily buttsANON THAT'S LEWD>>13001037Send them customer support complaint, they'll ship it to you asap
>>13000962>>13001024Posting superior pone.
>>13001075remove ponyenjoy company of human master racebiped strong
>>13001072i'll tell you what needs more of. actually, i won't, i'll just imply it by posting a picture instead.
>>13001015Elder Pledge make all Cursors produce 1.5X per click, where X is the number of Cursors, while all Grannies produce an additional +Y, where Y is the number of Portals.After 13.5 minutes it fades.
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Sup guys I just woke up and I see one of our members has finally snapped and gone mad into thinking he's married to my wife.You enjoy your plush crazy man, I'll enjoy the real thing.
>>13001082You learning German, Anon?
>>13001159Oh wow, who drew this?Also taking a request, then for the rest of the day I'll be drawing real horses.
>>13001136unf>>13001135>>13001166y-you too
>>13001191ugh those fingers and nailsall of you have shitty hands
>>13001117Well get ready for poneception!>>13001171I took three years of it back in high school. I've had that book for ages. No idea why it's on my desk at the moment, but it made a good stand. Also, the die I got at PAX and just happens to ALSO be on my desk. Go figure.
>>13001186Broken Cog's working on a comic and draws pone rarely. He used to draw those really twisted pics in the general a while back. He likes twisting cute things.
>>13001198My hands are great.
>>13001198I don't!
>>13001199Say something in German!
>>13001208Thanks man, it still looks cute even with it's big fish eyes.
>>13001198>not being a skeleton with skin>not having veiny as fuck arms>>13001199We'll see about that.>>13001208Didn't he post his stream in the thread and get a bunch of butthurt for it a few days ago?>>13001191In any case, the result spoilered for being lewd
>>13001198>All of youhold up son
Pony penises
>>13001253That's not the picture I was going to post.Fucking Windows.I'm just going to leave now for my great failure.
>>13001211Gott in Himmel, bist du doof? Ich vergesse alles. Ich kenne nur ein wenige von Shule.It's been a decade, so my grammar is probably atrocious. Also, I could never get tenses down right.
>>13001274I feel like there should be demons and inter-dimensional horrors bursting forth from that bowl.
>>13001274I threw up
Pony has been eyeing you for quite some time.
>>13001286That wasn't too bad, better than anything I could have said in Latin after a decade of never using it.
>>13001327I bet she just wants to steal my money the harlot
I have twinkies in my pocket, they are not for pony. They are my twinkies.
>>13001327Is she staring at Applebloom's butt?
>>13001327Pony only wants me for my cider. She always asks about it
>>13001387Pony goes into your pocket when you're not looking.
>>13001394>bebI don't get it
>>13001398She wants the C.
>>13001409>>13001413NOYou remember what happened last time you drank cider?You wouldn't stop wanting to sit in my lap!
Lyra thinks your body is like this
Cider is delicious
>>13001420She just wants to be held yo.
>>13001302>????? - Jazzin for GhibliWhat's this style/genre of music called? Like these really light tones. Sorta like this.
>>13001426>tfw no-one to hold or hold you
>>13001421>implying mine's not
>>13001421Well, lyra isnt exactly an expert on the human anatomy is she?captcha- satisfy nexpls
>>13001426She kept brushing her tail past my face. I couldn't stop sneezing.If pony wants to be held, she could at least ask!
>>13001437>MLPG meet up>just a bunch of people holding each other and saying that everything is okay
>>13001443She can't ask, too bashful about it. When she gets enough cider she just does it.
>>13001430If I knew the name, damn would I be looking it up. Sorry I can't help, though. The track I linked would be more jazz hip hop, probably? But yours, I don't know.
>>13001421>Implying I wear glasses
>>13001444>You'll never have a qt MLPG boyfriend that loves cuddling
>>13001444Wow that sounds fine, just fine
>>13001443She has a very swishy tail.
>>13001449That might explain why she rubbed her face on mine over and over.She was being really touchy for no reason at all!
>Going through my images of Dash>Find an image of her smoking potI felt sick.
Do you think that pony dicks are all the same size seeing as their bodies are the same?
>>13001481One thing I never understood, does she just never brush her hair/mane or is it naturally that tussled