Topic: Comics, do you like them?Previous Thread>>12956868
>>12962473>Yes/No question>Not asking to show your workI'm going to get points taken off anyways aren't I?
>>12962504>no Babs in S4
>>12962509>Written test>Yes/No question [If yes, please show your work]>Always answer no because I'm too lazy to log the entire process
I think there's something wrong with my pony, guys.
Did the CMC micro leak? It's not on yayponies.Also, would you eat a Bon Bon?
>>12962524>tfw slight hope for gilda in s04
>>12962536Try turning it off then turning it on again
>>12962473They've been pretty great so far with the exception of one or two sour issues.
>>12962473Yes.In fact, the best of the comics is better, to me, than the best of the show.
>>12962536He looks a little malnourished. You can tell because you can see the ribs towards the front.
>>12962536nonsensenothing wrong
>>12962554Oh god it got worse
>>12962547Not yet, it's just that some more pages have been added to the preview.>>12962065They're in this thread.
>>12962528red pls draw us a teacher pone
>>12962473>My Little Pandering the Comic>Not a single Gilda or Gustave cameoHow do diamond dogs have a cameo but griffins dont?
>>12962586factory resetFACTORY RESET
>>12962586Try using system restore to roll back to an earlier pony
i am trying to come up with an OC for porn whos thing is the horse dick jizzes some kind of food substance other ponies like.the first thing to come to mind is chocolate syrup jizz but that is way too obvious.
>>12962551I want to tickle those padded feet
>>12962551Doesn't that count as rape in Equestria?Isn't it worse since its from a child?Pedorape?!
>>12962641No, forced sex counts as rape in Equestria.
>>12962638Do something else instead
>>12962473Never read any of them OP. What's the general consensus on them? Yay or nay?
>>12962638Make him based on a cinnimon roll. He can be a mix of some beautiful beige and brown colors, and cum a sweet sugary glaze. Plus, it's still white.
>>12962473Everytime Celestia appears, its always been cute!
>>12962649But forced rape counts as consensual sex, so it's okay now.
>comics>canonPick neither, nerd.
>>12962638Make it like one of those whipped cream aerosol cans.
>>12962673Some of them are nay, but the yays are VERY yay. Often better than the show. Ot, atleast, different.
>>12962667i need some ideas here
>>12962687Fuck you buddy, they're canon
>>12962688>american ponies spotted sucking their own cock
>>12962473I need more caps of comic stuff. Who has some?
>>12962684>Rape is bad>Even though the typical human desire is to pass on their seed to the next generation.>Technically speaking, all women DO want to be raped
Dat rarity.Also>sweetiebutt sits down>ground shattersShe's not a very clever pony....
>>12962673How have you not read them? Go! go now and read them!
>>12962673In general they've been pretty good, but the Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy micros were fairly weak, and there was an unfortunate coloring job done on the Twilight Sparkle micro's art.
>>12962745Whoa, holy shit, is this the style of the new comic?
>>12962731Thats like saying because humans eat meat, and we are made of meat, technically everyone wants to be cannibals.
>>12962745fucking jewrity stealing gems from little kids AGAIN
>>12962473Very goodBarring the rainbow dash micro
>>12962592But she did
>>12962758Oh. wow. Can't argue with that, you win.
>>12962731Nice try at basic reading comprehension and common sense, sperglord
>dat figureNYAH MUH GAWD
>>12962755I haven't finished the Twilight micro because it looks so terrible. Is it worth it to give it another go?
>>12962783I NEED IT
>>12962767Or the Twilight microseriesOr the Fluttershy microseriesOr the Pinkie Pie microseries
if the cmc make a comment about wasting the last gem on the industrial dryer i would be so happy.
>>12962755No wonder I didn't give the rest of the micro series a chance.
>>12962775>statement>counterstatementWell, there was no way around this,
>>12962783That's really neat
>>12962798If Dash is Megaman, Who is Protoman?
>>12962774I really like rediv's styleher ponies are simultaneously adorable and fuckable
>>12962761Yeah, Ben Bates wanted to try something slightly different from his work on the Pinkie Pie micro.>>12962810You should at least read Rarity's.
>>12962802>Pinkie Pie microseries>badpick one
>>12962824ur mum
>>12962758He's right. They're canon. I know you're mad because your fanfic isn't, but the comics at least as canon as the movie, if not more. On the graph showing what is canon there's a slim difference between the comics and the show. They are canon to themselves and as canon as they need be. Get with the program anon.
Only the AJ and the Rarity micro comic were any good.
>>12962802What was wrong with Pinkie's micro?
>disregarding canon when it's inconvenientwho let the bronies in?
>>12962835I'll pick bad, because thats what it was.
>>12962797story is okayart still is awful
>>12962755>an unfortunate coloring job done on the Twilight Sparkle micro's artI laugh and cringe a little every fucking time
>>12962829I don't understand this word Fuckable. Don't get me wrong, I speak english. But doesn't the word mean "Able to fuck"? Just because a thing is undesirable doesn't mean you can't fuck it. Hell isn't everything technically fuckable?
>>12962847it's flyingsaucer
>>12962839I bet you think bat ponies are real too
>tfw no Rainbow Dash macro
>>12962473I don't know, but I'd cum inside that DJ pony.
>>12962842She didn't fuck the clown. Totally OOC
>>12962856The story was boring as shit.
>>12962890your boring as shit
>>12962847this is how it is in every show that has been going on so long
We have hit rock bottom
>>12962866Well, the line art is still bad. Just not AS bad
>>12962755>>12962866I don't get it, what's wrong with the coloring job?
>>12962847>canon in a childs showLOL
>>12962866The art itself is still pretty bad relatively
>>12962866>that fucking added side mouth on Celestia at the bottom
>>12962839>They are canon to themselves and as canon as they need be.Yeah, like the dragonball z movies.
>>12962868it's colloquial. it means you'd fuck it if you had the chance.
>>12962896True, so you can be assured that I know what I'm talking about.
>>12962829Agreed. It's very soft and warm
>>12962638Neapolitan pone
>>12962917waitthose aren't canon?!
>>12962926We need a new diamond dog girl to waifu
>>12962873I bet you think all fun things are bad. Like a changeling wearing a scarf. Most people here would love it but I bet it's pissing you off isn't it?
>>12962903Either way, I suppose it can be assumed that the recording artists have red butts.
>>12962917Perhaps now you'll understand how empty a concept "canon" is.
>>12962926I bet SHE'S very soft and warm.On the inside.
>>12962942>On the LeftEveryone is hitting on big mac
>>12962929Only the newest one. How are they supposed to be canon? They fit in nowhere.
I came
>>12962957What the hell? I thought the colorist is just supposed to color it, not alter the inks
>>12962967I saw
>>12962873Well, yeah, I watch the show.
>>12962980He probably took a few liberties to add in dialogue but still
>>12962970more RR anal sex pls
>>12962910Specifically the 6th and 7th panels>>12962906>>12962912True, that pony at the bottom of the first panel jesus christ
>>12962917like every damn cartoon movie. I mean come on, it's not even just anime. I was telling everywhen during the worst of the EQG drama that they wouldn't be canon to the show and would be their own thing. Why? because that's what almost every damn cartoon does. So no worries.Comics fall into the same category of almsot being their own canon.
>>12962980Yea that kinda shit will get them the boot
>>12962982I was a conker
Even this looks better than the Twilight micro.
>>12962996But he also changed the angle of the head but editing the eyes.
>>12962958I can't wait for her and fleetfoot to get into a catfight over big mac
>>12962953we do know she's soft, though
>>12962970come here red, I'mma snuggle you
>>12963012No, that's a bit much
>>12963005Of course they're canon to the show. The fact that they have periods of the movie set in the FiM universe confirms that EqG is canon to FiM.
>>12963013That guy has a way with butts
>>12963022>tfw Fleetfoot wont have her happily ever after ending
>>12963005The Spongebob movie is canon. It's just that everything after it is not.
>>12963013> hair ruffled, as though she's been cracking through exams and research for two weeks straight with no break> each nerve almost at its breaking point, singing with lust as the days pass without orgasm> celebrate turning in her thesis by Spike post by prowling, then simply mounting the closest man - in this case AnonI cannot tell you how much unf is in this image
>>12963012every time
>>12963044no, they're based on the canon of the show. The show can effect the movie but the movie will not effect the show. That's how it works.
>>12963013wait why does anon have a belly tuftthey said it wasn't contagious
>>12963012That is the first time I noticed them using the exact same scootaloo in all the panels
>>12963065No, the movie will affect the show. You just haven't seen it yet.
Previous Thread>>12956868{MLP:FiM LinkyBoard}Version 7.9 8/2/13---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive: General Active: generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character namesPlease check locator before starting a new thread.--- 1080p HD OF EQG --- : links for episodes, comics, and books:All Seasons: Seasons: http://yayponies.euFiMchan:http://fim.413chan.netMLP: FIM Wiki:http://mlp.wikia.comMy Little Pony Flockdraw: mlpFiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.comhttp://equestriadaily.comPony IRC:'s who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs): (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)Lists of Scripts: (MLPG Nexus)Stream: Stream Monitor: Requests doc: reference and tutorial: links: System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
Have you people never heard of the concept of tiers of canon? Even the bible has this for gods sake!
>>12963086CreepyReminds me of Pinkie at the end of Bridle Gossip
>>12963047Who doesn't? I can't think of anyone that's bad at drawing pony butts
>>12962473Second book to the rightOh boy..
>>12963082congratulations anonyou are become ponyalbeit slowly
>>12963109BACK, BACK, BACK IT UP
>>12963022>Mac doesn't even notice.>As Zecora leads him away.
>>12963105sometimes they seem a little flat on the show
>>12963123which pony
>>12963135NO ANON! NOT FOR YOU!
>>12963141best pony
>>12963097Nonsense. Ever single letter of the bible is perfect!
>>12963180Shut up, Twilight
>>12963155Dash being girly when she clearly does not want to be is kawaii as fuck.
>>12963159They're all the best
Big gross bug vagina
>>12963155I hope Dash wears more fancy hats on the show. That one in Swarm of the Century wasn't that great.Though she looks pretty cute in that baseball cap.
>>12963180not even the pope agrees with that!
>>12963208I forgot this was a thing for a bit
>>12963214>implying catholics are real Christians
>>12963211I want to see her in one of theseI bet it would be cute
>>12963214>Pope>not being Pentecostal master race
>>12963202Its one of her cute charms of her. She hates it if she worre the outfit but you know she likes it.
>>12963247that shouldnt be too hardDRAWFAGS?
>>12963208wheres that one where they chat about how they're just playing dumb with anon>"Like I didnt know what a penis is"
>>12963225I wish that guy was better at art
thought i was in /b/ there for a minute
my dick
>>12963254I'm not sure if she's making puns or referencing characters
>>12963258It was strange because she still wanted to go out of her way to "look good" for Celestia but I'm not sure if she didn't like being all frilly or if she was just impatient and didn't like the time it took.
>>12963211Thats way too much hats. She should try a hoodie.
>>12963254Best gal>you will never
Would you cuddle a stallion for body heat while the two of you are stranded in the woods and be totally not weird about it?
>>12963286Its Celestia. Of course she has to look good.
>>12963294That picture bothers me a littleShe's mid flight and the hoodie just seems to be crumply and hanging there instead of streamlined from the wind.
>>12963247>>12963259I don't think you guys watch the show at all
>>12963294I'm sure she would give it a shot once.
>>12963344What are ya, an artist or something?
>>12962721You could just read the comics yourself
>>12963353non-camo flatcaps >>>>>>>> camo flatcaps
>>12963353I'm confused. Ponies have dark eyelids. But when they close their eyes you can't see them.
>>12963317>he gets an erection>admits he's always had a crush on you>but he knows that you prefer girls and won't try making a move on you>he'll turn the other way to make you less uncomfortable
>>12963353Sometimes I swear this show has the best caps.Also those hats are nice.
>>12963385filtered ;)
>>12963086>Hasbro will never stop using these 3 year old vectors
>>12963317What if the stallion is weird about it?
>>12963406Man, ponies are assholes.
>>12963418Why would that stallion be weird about it? I don't look that much like Twilight Sparkle, do I?
>>12963397>"N-no it's fine bro">"It's warmer this way"
>>12963396It's a mysteryBut damn do I love their magically appearing eyeshadow when it happens
>>12963202>Dash being girly when she clearly does not want to be is kawaii as fuck>when she clearly does not want to beIs that gender roles rape?
pony's talking about your generation
>>12963406That's hilarious
>>12963418Then boop him on the nose to calm him down.
>>12962702it's better than the show. I'm seriously surprised people still look forward to S4 considering how mediocre S3 was and how utterly shit EG was.
>>12963453it's disrespectful
>>12963465It's a slight editDash is supposed to say something along the lines of "I've been mooning him all day"
>>12963439"I guess you can warm me from the inside out with it even.""You know, like what bros do."
>>12963406Eh, I liked the dialog where Dash keeps mooning him.
>>12963466>samesex booping
would you screw screwloose loose?
>>12963466Booping only riles ponies up even more
>>12963481GG wrote both.
>>12963481>>12963406Joke's on them, Im not attracted to horses!
Stop making me think about cuddling up to a big gross smelly horsedick for survival.
>>12963448I think the idea is when their brow ridge starts to be part of their expression, it shades their eyelids. So being perturbed or otherwise more expressive than "mostly-neutral but happy"
>>12963490oh come on, all the cool ponies are doing it
The show is canon to the comics.The comic ISN'T canon to the show. Show staff mentioned it (comic stuff will never appear on the show), and IDW staff mentioned it the comics are canon if you want them to be)I know I'm late for this, but it's how it is.
>>12963503Only if I was a medically trained professional.
>>12963137fucking niggers
>>12963505F-fuck off, faggot
>>12963526comics are canon until flat out refuted
>>12963526>The show will never mention Rarities nightmare 'episode'.It's a shame, really.
>>12963481Even better>captcha
>>12963558>we will never hear Tabitha recite the "my ears should be burning..." line
>>12963225I hate that kind of shading so goddamn much.
>>12963503>>12963527this is my favorite ship
>>12963439But what if hes weird about it for entirely different reasonsmaybe he is just socially awkward and not used someone being so close and has a spaghetti meltdown
>>12963525>tfw never will boop the little colt
>>12963585That's a strange post to quote.
>>12963579>fucking your patients
>>12963585Then I just hold him closer and stroke the bake of his neck and coo to him in a motherly way.It's totally not weird bro
>>12963577What, where the person clearly has no idea what the difference is between hard and diffuse shadows? Yeah, me too.
>tfw no present61.png
>>12963279I'd probably fuck her.
>>12963615Hey she's out on a clean bill of health
>>12963629I've got your present right here *points to crotch*
>>12963626>sunset shimmer's crime is existencehah
>>12963615It's called 'Taking a house call" thank you very much...
I have an inside source that tells me what rape really looks like in the ponyverse. I asked since they have no visible genitals. Prepare to be educated.
>>12963622Yeah, also inconsistent light sources.
>>12963629>tfw didn't read it
>>12963646But her special talent is being insane
>>12963626Usual Suspects with MLP VillainsWhy do I want this?
>>12963626The greatest trick the ponies ever pulledwas convincing the world they didn't exist
>>12963691It's an edit dingus.
>>12963325>tfw I lost my Uprising copyI finally finished all the stages at 9.0, and got all the Horoscope weapons and powers.
>>12963691It's an edit, genius.>>12962942
>>12963579>>12963646>All this clutter.Are they trying to make him look like House?
Are earth ponies allowed to be doctors?
>>12963690They are fucking.
>>12963662Thats Rarity
>>12963721I dunno.
>>12963744It doesn't even look like Rarity. Multicoloured hair.
>>12963546The Twilight book is more canon to the show than the comics.
>>12963752>Hurr tragic story!Classic bronies.Didn't see that one from a mile away.
>>12963781The one made by that woman who can't write?
>>12963754Which episode is it this time?
>>12963794>not checking your writing privilege.
>>12963794Yup. Meghan and AKR said it was canon.
>>12963790no but cant you see the beauty in the dramaYeah, I just like the cute ship. Regardless of how much sense it makes.
>>12963646>Screw ball cutie mark is just a screwUnf
>>12963844There's nothing wrong with it, it's just a series of pictures describing a story without any writing. I thought it was pretty well done.
>>12963871Was there ever any more of it, anyway?
>>12963871It can still be a shitty story.
>>12963889>Hosing her downWhat, was she transfered from a hospital to bedlam?
What does pony think of your nude body?
>>12963889Not that I know of, you could always check Derpibooru for Madhotaru
>>12963813They said the same about the comics and the comics contradict show canon a lot less. I'd definitely put the main comic series above everything else save for the show itself.
>>12963924Show>comics>word of staff>books>word of god>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>european magazines
>>12963920Very squishy and fun to bounce on.
>>12963920Pony does not know man, pony thinks man is hideous
>>12963963Forgot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>EGat the end
>>12963920>What a boring color
>>12963963I find this acceptable.
>>12963974But it's a great episode anonWhat's wrong with it?
>>12963677Oh yeah. I couldn't stand to look at it for long enough to notice that.
>>12963974No this isn't OaBIt's "Pony Canyon"
>>12963924Not really. They never really outright said that the comics were canon, unlike with the book which was straight up confirmed.
>>12964016Pretty sure Meghan was asked about that a bunch of cons ago, back when they were new.
>>12963994>great episodeexcept where it's becoming popular/baby cakes tier
>>12964015I haven't bothered watching the last few japonies, but don't they always say Pony Canyon at the beginning?I think its like a production company or something
>>12964003These books.
>>12964052They have something to do with the music
>>12964045i refuse to believe that people have this much of a shit taste.
>>12964064>glug glug glugAnd here i was thinking it was a fapfiction someone bound
>>12963247>>12963259Havent drawn pone in a while
>>12964089Me too. I certainly hope nobody actually thinks that Sweet and Elite is a good episode.
>>12963950My computer/internet connection REALLY does not like that streamUnfortunate since the voices are so adorable
Is there really going to be a oneshot Equestria Girls comic? What do we know about it if there is?
>>12964045>comparing OaB to Baby Cakes
>>12964118it's shit
>>12964118cute. It looks fine. A little plain but ok.Is her hair stuffed under the hat or did you forget her fringe?
>>12964125>What do we know about it if there is?To not buy it
>>12964122The stream is really shitty and you need a rather good connection to be able to watch it, for no apparent reason
I would a Mild West dance.
>>12964125i think it's an adaptation of the movie, or a prequel. What we do know is that it's going to have a reprint of Sunset Shimmer's back up issue from the SDCC edition of the first Big Mac comic.
>>12964118plain, but adorable
>>12964187Frankly I'm going to buy it just for that.
>>12964293Dashs thighs are a dangerous place to be trapped in.
>>12964309worth the risk
>>12964125>>12964187It's supposedly a prequel dealing with Sunset Shimmer wrecking the main six's friendship. Which, since Twilight doesn't even go to the school, probably means that there will be a scene with Pinkie Pie meeting her (the human Twilight) or something. The annual is 48 pages long, and the Sunset Shimmer backup was 8 pages long, so that's 40 pages for the rest.
>Pinkie's song was translatedI'll be a son of a bitch.
sweetiebelle nooooooooooooooooo
>>12964317aww yiss
ill take a requesttrigger warning: drawing like shit today
>>12964360Draw Rainbow Dash and anon
>>12964360lyra trying on a silly dress
>>12964360Carrot Top being sexy
>>12964360Fluttershy checking under her bed for monsters
>>12964360Mewball being super drunk in front of a lot of ponies
>>12964360Draw human spitfire just out of the shower
>>12964360Goopony lyra enveloping BonBon in a big jovial hug. BonBon is very upset with the idea of being stuck inside of lyra, again.
>>12964360Dash massaging Twilight's wings
>>12964360my request is: stop spamming us with memes that arnt even pony related
>>12964360I always get the urge to request Lyra from you but I never know if you're burnt out from how much of her you draw alreadyWhat's your stance on that
MLPG I had the weirdest dream about you guys last night, I was sitting in a small room with a couple of you guys (not on the internet actually there) We came to the subject of stallions and men, I said I most likely straight probably 57% straight and 47% gay (I know it doesn't make sense know that I'm thinking about it, and it doesn't make 100%) Then you guys argued back saying, no your more 57% gay than anything.I think my dreams are trying to tell me something and I'm scarred.
>>12964373Yes...a silly dress.
>>12964416>dash airing out her boobs after sweaty workout in skin tight suiti hate when a fetish i like is combined with a pony i hate.
>>12964416her eyes are like two gaping voids.
>>12964416what if dash was super out of shape except for her wings i mean its not like she really needs to work on anything else to become a wonderbolt
>>12964474>dat picPlease tell me its a prank to ruin some new guy's expecations of a company
>>12964488Are you saying chubby Dash now?
>>12964491You mean, "Yes."
What if pony got butt implants?
>>12964488You can't get completely out of shape with all of your body except for one specific part
>>12964488Runners have good upper body strength despite the use of their lower body.
>>12964474>that picMy sides.
>>12964522FUCKING CHEST TUFTSI love those.
>>12964563Stop touching yourself pokiabdndsowa
>>12964563I just want to pick up a pony and rub my face in that tuft
>>12964523That butt shouldn't swallow plates whole. It's not good for digestion.
>>12964536>i read NATHANS spikebloom fanfiction in the way beginning before everyone knew who nathan was>i enjoyed itthis is going into the closet of my life regrets
>>12964563oversized clothed nnnngggggg
>>12964590oh hi ghost
>>12964585but it's soooo fun
>>12963918>Hurr edgy bullshit.All you need to know.Soon enough they lobotomize her to calm her down.
>>12964427well i just feel like its something i would already drawlike i dunno requests should be things i wouldnt just draw on my own
>>12964624are you ok
>>12964603best thing
>>12964523>rarity gets butt implants>needs me to help with twice daily massages to reduce swelling and heal fasterUNF>but she says no getting a boner allowedah dang
>>12964633Mew draw Luna tending to a private, scenic garden that has a view of sprawling Canterlot from out a window.
>>12964657>the massages don't help
>>12964615No the lord would find you repulsive in his eyes, stop touching yourself dirty nasty little ponkopupolikie
>>12964605too bad you can ship them since ghost is a 14 year old highschool girl.
>>12964657>but she says no getting a boner allowedDo you even know how incredibly fucking retarded that sounds.
>>12964360Red Ribbon hugging mewballanon
>>12964672thats actually a pretty neat ideanot now because im drawing kinda crappy but maybe tomorrow or later tonight ill give it a shot
>>12964651i want to follow this guys personal blog BUT HE HAS NONE
>>12964703DASH STRONK
>>12964703ANCHOR WINGS
>>12964563Every fucking time, man.
>>12964695she is just trying to protect her dresses from stains
>>12964703SUPER STRONK
>>12964708Red pls draw RR X Soarin'Specifically a RR decked out in wonderbolt fan paraphernalia and gushing over him all fangirl like
>>12964651>there are clean images in that setYou learn something new every day
>>12964360>>12964708no, draw mewanon hugging red ribbon's dick
>>12964805Why would you do that to the dog
>>12964726>Pinkie beats gummy after she touches herself>She doesn't hit him out of reflex, she goes to find him>What do you think happened to his teeth?
>>12964766What. You mean there aren't clean images of that.
>>12964805That poor dog.The reaction is fucking hilarious though.
>>12964805do people even care about this still?
>>12964850thanks mountain dew
>"I dunno Anon, that's a pretty sad amount of cum."
>>12964862I do.I missed out on joining though.
>>12964862Short answer: NoLong answer: Probably not.
>>12964834It's a bunch of pictures of Fluttershy with a dickI found out the hard way too
>>12964862One of the drawfag skype groups still does.But not the Leth one.
>>12964869My feelings are hurt Pinkie.
>>12964873Same here. I was away. Oh well.
On that note, why is the request doc still on the board?
>>12964850MT pls stop trying to get me to jerk it.
>>12964869But I'm on the stack...
>>12964862I'm enjoying itSome of the hype from draw events seems to be gone
>>12964869I dunno Pinkie, that's a pretty sad amount to parties.
>>12964869And you're a sad excuse for a mare.
>>12964899Compared to a pony, it's still not a lot.
>>12964869Well it was a pretty sad amount of suckingyou get what you pay for
>>12964869pinkie i need rest, you cant expect me to cum so much everyday
>>12964708you first
>>12964899That just makes it even more pathetic!I even made a song about it!But it was too small to even bother.
>>12964873>>12964889you can still join you guys
>>12964869>i just fapped and you come in here hungry for the d>what else could i do
>>12964931Dick jokes are so 2002. Honestly, get new material.
>>12964934Eh, that'd be with pleasure, but I'm not feeling ponies right now.
>>12964954Is that person a quadriplegic? What's with his stumpy legs?
>>12964910>>12964911>>12964927>"Aw, look at the little human with a tiny dick trying to act all tough. Would you like a bottle? Are you all cranky and need a nap? Because your cock is as big as a baby colt, I might as well treat you like one!"
>>12964897Then go find a girlfriend
>>12964715>>12964718>>12964719>>12964750ok im done now i cant draw for shit
>>12964993Does this turn you on, Pinkie?
>>12964993Pinkie Pie, why does talking like this turn you on so much? You're getting the floor all slippery.
>>12964993I'm going to eat this horse now. I've always been curious to what it would taste like.
>>12964869>>12964993Looks like some pony needs oral without reciprocation!
>>12965006That's pretty rad.
>>12964993Diamond Tiara, who gave you a Pinkie suit?
>>12964998I can't. They all want a long term relationship. Will you teach me?
>>12964993pinkie pls, words can hurt.
>>12964904because no one cares about them anymore. shit, pony or die 2 isstill not happening
>>12965006Requesting boxer pony getting caught acting all girly.
>>12965008Don't you like Tony Fleecs?
>>12965021Well, I am like a clown!I guess that would make me taste a little funny!
>>12964993Uh, Pinkie, you know I'm flaccid, right?You know that when erect it's something like 1/6 the length of your body, right?
>>12965056That's actually a bit better. The proportions are acceptable, and so are the faces.
>>12965055>Butterfly acting all girly when she thinks no one is watching.
>>12964993 pinkie it is huge in the human world, doesnt that count for anything
>>12965056I think my brain just died
>>12965070Amy Mebberson drew that cover.Tony Fleecs is this guy.
>>12965078>noone will ever get stuck on the first 20% of your dick
>>12965082OH, FUCK NO!
>>12965078Every time I see something like this, I can't help but feel inadequate. Like, why would a girl even pick me when there's cock like that available?
It all makes sense now.
>>12965098no, i won't!
>>12965109Really, faggot.
>>12965098>20% coolergit brony
>>12965113Dew it.
>>12965109It's because you are inadequate.
>>12965109but only the best girls get cock like that. there are a ton of rejects in your range.
>>12965109Personality, good face, plenty of things, you fucking misogynist.
>>12965125>you will never git brone wit pone
>>12965125I always feel bad for the poor artist that gets told to put these one people.>"Never in my life have I regretted having to put a unicorn on a person before..."
>>12965113C'mon, you know you want to. Give her a soft side that she doesn't trust anybody with and is very defensive about it but longs for the day she can show her vulnerable self.
>>12965125>fluttershys back legs are connected together
>>12965109Because cock size doesn't actually affect how likable a person you are or how much a girl is interested in being in a relationship with you.
Yesterday, someone was talking about Archery ponies. So I drew some archery ponies.
>>12965141>best girlsYou mean like the prostitute in the image?
>"So anon, what do you think?"
>>12965158Hey now, lets not go full faggsville.Perhaps her scrambling to put away some hooficure products as her manager knocks on her door.
>>12965181Neat. Who are they?
>>12965181But what about a pony Archer?
>>12965109Because seriously beyond like 6.5" it's more likely to bruise the cervix in an un-fun way and most girls prefer something between 6" to 7", though even lower can be okay If it's over 4", and even then you can learn how to fuck well.
>>12965181>earth pony archeryThat's actually how crusaders pulled longbows. Turns out it puts a fuckload of power into the draw.
>>12965176but girl's have cock radar that was reverse engineered by the NSA
>>12965208>if it's over 4"time to die
Would you a chubby nightmare version of your favorite pony?
>>12965187I think we can have our date in the apartment tonight, don't you sweetie? I want to love you up proper.
>>12965214>That's actually how crusaders pulled longbows[citation fucking needed]
>>12965219YES. GOD, YES.
I am going to invade Equestria as a strange and alien being, who's only weakness is lots and lots of oral sex. That'l be my gimmick, get some minions, maybe an artifact of great and terrible power Asian ponies sell in their storefront, and just go around announcing my weakness is oral sex.
>>12965215No Anon those are robots. If you were to have sex with them anyways they'd kill you.
>>12965141>>12965144>>12965176>>12965208Even though I can rationalize it, it doesn't change the way I feel. They can get some guy with a big dick and change their personality into what they want, but can't get a guy they want and grow their cock.
>>12965187Fat, but still kinda cute.
>>12965219I'd tell them to be less chubbyanything more than this stops being cute
>>12965218Well, you can learn how to fuck well - with the right positioning you can go deeper if that's her thingEither that or learn how to work that hip action so she gets her clitoral cuff stimulated - that's the first two or three inches in. My last ex was a squirter who came like crazy when I did "just the tip" (read: 2-3").And, hey, there are worse things than learning how to use a strapon and power-fucking your woman like she wants to get fucked on occasion.
>>12965240Creating drawings/content and ponying pony
>>12965214>Rows of armored dudes pulling bows with their feet.Sorry, but no.I think you are talking about a crossbow.
>>12965240Waiting for something interesting or good to happen
>>12965235Is this guy for real?
>>12965235This is one of my root insecurities.
>>12965235Read this very carefully: They rarely if ever want to grow their man's cock.
>>12965218>>12965248Either that or become a trap and fuck bottom strictly
>>12965240I have been making accessories for my pony toys.
>>12965252The season finale doofus
>>12965200>>12965241What's wrong with some meat?
>>12965263I don't fucking know. Certain jokes don't pass so well on the Internet.
>>12965191Dunno but I do want to do a small comic with them.I guess the pegasus should be named Cross but I really like the earth pony.>>12965214I dont know if that's true, it just seemed natural for an earth pony with a greatbow
>>12965240unhealthy amount of masturbating
>>12965240realize that fim is never going to be good again
>>12965222>>12965251Turns out it was unarmored Turkish units protected by heavier ones. My bad.
>>12965247That Fleur pic is envy's not ross
>tfw unsure about contents of a message you sent someone and can't unsendw-well, it's not like i want to sleep tonight or anything
>>12965240Dying slowly and masturbating like the wind. Unf.
>>12965311who's envy?
>you will never color as good as jailbait
>>12965323Which one's he again?
>>12965323Like fuck I won't. It's a matter of good work.
>>12965280It's unhealthy.
>>12965333It doesn't matter.
>>12965280>going for the high fat ground beeflook at this cheap poorfag
>>12965322Spectral Envy.She is on the IRC a lot.Makes plushes and scarves and stuff.
"we will never be as bad as furries"-2010 pony fandom
>>12964759that sounds kawaii>>12964929oh.. OH OKAY
>>12965323Since when is he a good colorist?
>>12964759>and gushing over himunf
>>12965365Mainly because nobody expected it to become this big at the time, I think.
>>12965287>dat filename
>>12965365Bronies have only about, what, three years' experience to make "truly excellent" fursuits and furries have had FAR longer?
>>12965365How far we've fallen.Yeah right furries just fell into the fandom and changed costumes.
>>12965311I'll take it out.>>12965322An artist who drew some round ponies.
>>12965399>Nanaki spots an Acid discussion on MLPG.png
>>12965362fuck you /fit/I'm cooking my hamburgers using a 65-35 mix of silrloin and brisket with some bacon
>>12965365We never said that, it was always 'We'll never be as bad as Sonic/homestuck fags'
>>12965240Getting my engineering degree, working full time and getting into a top notch graduate school.
>>12965263I'm just being honest here. No matter what ideas I apply or what the girl says, it makes me FEEL inadequate and paranoid that she's lying.
>>12965365>The fandom originated on 4chan.>Who at first criticized the show.
>>12965430Homestuck people at the cons i went to were still weirder
>>12965240Left, came back.
>>12965322drawfag from back in the day
>>12965444Let me tell you about Homestuck...
>>12965423That actually makes a good chili.
>>12965470I hope you don't put beans in there
>>12965444Say what you will but at least we don't have people painting their skin grey and spitting into buckets.
>>12965444>At least we don't spit in buckets.Okay, I can't find the video, but this one is somehow creepier.
>>12965454But it lasted so long without proper porn, those were the golden times where the show somehow collectively killed our sex drives. Like some kind of paternal instinct triggering.
>>12965486Beans? In a chili? Haha, that's ridiculous!
>>12965365I thought we agreed ponies are just a subcategory of furries?
hey /co/did anyone else get excited for naked boobs when they saw this cover only to find disappointment
>>12965486beans are good for you
>>12965386He's meh.
>>12965486[Continuous laughter]
>>12965512>ponies are just a subcategory of furriesit's a cartoon
>>12965500The fact that it lasted as long as it did without any real porn was insane.Remember when socks, SOCKS were the lewdest thing?It took nearly a year to get that scandalous!
>>12965520It's not bad.
>>12965520Is that a buff Faux?
>>12965533PBS pls
>>12965518I hate the new Green Arrow look.
>>12965542It doesnt look anything like her
>>12965526>>12965526So? So is the Lion King.
>>12965537but that's wrong
>>12965552i hate you
>>12965526Does that mean Hanna-Barbera and Disney aren't furries?
>>12965556It kinda does.
>>12965500>>12965537there was proper porn early on
How many Pinkie Pies have you murdered today?
>>12965579Well, only in the same way that you and I look alike, because we're both human. Like, it might be her buff sister without crippling social anxiety
>>12965542It's from vidya
>>12965112who is this
>>12965591imagine how rich you would be using the mirror pool to sell waifus of the main six to the human world
>>12965605scalp em?
>>12965604Those look terrible.
>>12965628Ash Ketchums mom, I think.
>>12965486>no beanspleb
>>12965605Oh man, you too?!I got like, five for all my friends and I don't know if they actually want to go.
>>12965632>>12965518>tfw my mother stop buying me comics age 12>tfw she knew I loved them to bits>tfw I have yet to even catch up with the comic world and never will;___________;At least /co/ has been recommending me ones to catch up with.
>>12965605I didn't say they were for you, Dash.
>>12965604Oh. I haven't played Titbouncer so I only knew like two of the characters.
>>12965632They do, eh? What kind of walking cycle is that, really.
>>12965644Can I just go with you then?
what if during sex rarity forced you to wear a mask to hide your ugly human face
>>12965264Me and you man...
>>12965669No fuck off, I'm taking twilight.Why don't you go eat some candy vage slut.
>>12965673But my ugly human face is precious to me. Does she HAVE to put a mask over the jar?
>>12965669Uh. I-I guess.What are you going to do with your tickets?
>>12965673>anon trapped in MLPG
>>12965678>Never ObsoleteFuck even when those things were around and I was like 12 I knew they were a joke
sex with rumble
what would you do if you go to equestria and find out porn and fapping is outlawed?
>>12965731>9 notesTalk about relevance.
>>12965699Sell them and buy us popcorn
>>12965731I do more illegal things on a daily basis, so it wouldn't faze me that much.
>>12965731I would wonder why I didn't end up in Equestria.
>>12965747The CMC find an Eevee?
>>12965747Have you even read the preview? They acknowledge it.
>>12965753what if the punishment is having your testicles removed?
>>12965747Please explain. Because I don't see it.
>>12965774I like how she's holding her hatpriorities
>>12965779Then I'd try not to get caught.
>>12965777acknowledge what? What are you talking about?
>>12965777What preview?
>>12965790She has a spell over her boobs.
use spoilers when talking about the comic. that is the whole goddamn point of spoilers you idiots. moot didnt add them so you could add effect to your fetish greentxts.
>>12965790Hey, the hat's important to her.
>>12965813>>12965807I haven't got the link, sorry. It should be on the previous thread. Or maybe this one?
>>12965774I like that game. It's fun. Does mlpg have a group up for it?
>>12965731Even if all I look at is hand drawn pony smut?
>>12965804luna inspectes your dreams every night, there is no escape.
>>12965826I think there's a thread about it in the sub.
>>12965818THERE ARE ______________PONIES_____________________________________
>>12965829this doesn't sound like equestria
>>12965829It wouldnt be a totalitarian dictatorship without repealing the 5th amendment now would it?
>>12965828if it was drawn by a male yes, because he had sexual thoughts which can only be stimulated by rape
>>12965824It got linked here>>12962588
Link to the preview:
>>12965857Jokes on you, I fap to Rediv's art.
>>12964394here you go (WIP)thinking about coloring this maybe. should i or just throw on a little hatching
>>12965747The various men a woman goes through before she settles on her future husband?
>>12965868If a female draws porn then that means she has been indocrtinated by the patriarchy and is essentially male.
>>12965868that means you are a rapist, because you are raping rediv by proxy
>>12965877do it
>>12965877hago for it, colors!
>>12965887>>12965890Jokes on you, I'm a matriarch.
Does anyone want my Steam Keys for Crysis 2/ Medal of Honor?
Useless party member thread go
>>12965818This isn't like, red wedding level of spoilers dudeThe stories in the comic aren't exactly unpredictable
Still over two months until Halloween. Plenty of time to get together that pretty outfit and wear it with minimal judgement.
>>12965935She has proven to be much more useful than Pinkie Pie.
>>12965935>One hit KO>BeastmasterApplejack is more useless than her, oh sure every now and again she lasso's something and she's supposedly "strong" but nothing ever comes of it.
>>12965935I wonder if she'll be the first alicorn princess after Twilight Sparkle. am starting to develop a milf lesbian fetish,
>>12965935Never underestimate the power of animals
>>12965969The buffs you get from Pinkie Pie's bard moves are a lot more better than Fluttershy's very situational pets/stares she has
>>12965999Lesbians never do anything for me.
>>12965966>little girl cousin wanted to dress as pony and force me to join in also>but she has already forgotten about it and lost interest in poniesdodged that bullet
>>12965999>harshwhinnieNeither of them are blonde.
>>12966019Applejack has such a nice face here.
>>12966013>implying hairy the bear isn't the best asset the party has
>>12966008>what would you need 200 chickens for?>when the time come, I'll know.Fucking hell my sides.
>>12966057*pigeonsFuck I'm eating KFC right now, so my mind is on chicken.
>>12966008It is a silly place.
>>12965999Snarky what are you doing
stallion balls on your face
>>12966027did they owe you a favor?
>>12966057What you do is fill a bag of holding with as many chickens will fit. Don't worry about them dyingWhen you need a distraction, just punch the bag inside out and send whatever remains flying out
>>12966095it's starts with "s" and ends with "hitposting"
>>12966108Yes, I was promised something arousing but it's boring. I have been lied to.
>>12966087/tg/ and TGChan are two completely different places, anon
>>12966112the rest of that thread was great
>>12966118>hitpostingthat sounds like fun
>>12966096change that to mare balls on my face and you have yourself an unf
>>12966137got a link to the archive?
>>12966145...what's tossing salad?
>>12966145Mares don't have balls.
>>12966145is that MT?
>>12966183Does the shirt look misspelled to you?
>>12966170Google was invented for a reason.
>>12966171That's what you think
>>12966205Really? What is it?
>>12966223>tfw Perez huffs Harshwhinny's heavy horsenuts
>>12966223Stallions have balls
>>12966171the reason females are so dominant in equestria is because mares have both penises and vaginas, while stallions only have penises. they only exist because sometimes the genes of the parents make a male offspring. they actually aren't necessary
>>12966125which is better?
>>12966248Tumblr feminist please go.
>>12966248FUTA IS CANCER
whoa what the fuck happened to BCS tumblr
IP: Pass: bonbon HATS TIME GUYS
>>12966266if i was a tumblr feminist i would tell you that the correlation between sex and pregnancy is a conspiracy of the patriarchy to excuse their constant raping and that the governments of the world collaborate in injecting females with substances to give them the desire to have sex with men.
>>12966309i dont care
Have you ever thought about what life would be like if your favorite pony was Fluttershy?
>>12966309What the fuck
>tfw no qt female draft horse art
>It was spectacular.
>>12966357I could use a good draft right nowIf you catch my drift
>>12966309Have you not seen BCS's posts here for the last month (at least)? It's obvious she's batshit insane, just forget it
>>12966380maybe this pony can help
>>12966357You mean Celestia?
>>12966399That's not what I meant at all
>>12966402>get your hand off my assHOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSE TO SUPPORT YOU
>>12966309BCS went insane again and deleted her DA and Tumblr account or something.
>>12966402Celestia's not big and bulky, she's huge but still dainty
>>12966402Jesus christ those are some bulky ponies
>>12966402>supporting pony by the butt
>>12966431What if she could change that for you~?
>>12966402>you will never cup a pony's butt with your hand
>>12966465I'd support that pony financially
>>12966402>you will never while she watches
>>12966402Those things are monstrous.
>>12966483I know right anonymous?!
>>12966445I bet that mouse doesn't even have any extra buttons you pleb
>>12966402I like this size of pony.
jessy you play too much LoL
Would ponies schedule romantic sleepovers?
>>12966483I want to grab onto their haunches for a nice grip when I'm behind them
>>12966452You calling Bon Bon fat?
>>12966527you mean like the ponies get together and schedule sleepovers for me and other anons?
>>12966527butt fucking why
>>12966521thats not even braided cord on the mouse, that is a plebs mouse for sure.
>>12966521I used to have a Deathadder I got as a birthday present. It lasted about 10 months before the left click broke. I now use a Microsoft Basic mouse that I've had since 2009. Still works even if the plastic has started to turn yellow in some spots.
>>12966550dem hips
>>12966527>one of the milestones for a colt growing up is being invited to a romantic sleepover
>your parents will never schedule a romantic sleepover with a pony for you
>>12966590Turns out they invited Blue Blood
>>12966589What if Diamond Tiara and SS invited you to a little fillies and colts Romantic Sleepover?
>romantic sleepoversWe just called those sleepovers when my cousins and I were horny little boys.
>>12966604Has he reamed countless of his servants to absorb their virility and size?
>>12966237Christ I cant stop laughing
farty pones
>>12966623Tell us more.
>>12966628YesAnd unfortunately it works the other way around for the receiving end too.
>>12966527Holland is the best land.
>>12966546Well maybe if she laid off the sweets she wouldn't have to have such a fat ass.
What kind of online persona does your favorite pony have?
>>12966652We were youngWe were hornyNo adults were awakeThere was also 1 older girl cousin
>>12966647Man I can imagine her teasing me with her mare vagina winking action
>>12966647I-I won't know until I try!
>>12966647Those muscles are truly impressive, Princess
>>12966647Oh yeah? Watch as I run away!
>>12966613so what's the catch?
so when's that MLPG Sleepover
>>12966637I really wanted to enjoy DnD but I always got stuck with shit players and DM's. You know the kind; autismal controlling, pet mary sue characters, favoritsm, you name it
>>12966763Try DMing the game instead.
>>12966728>>12966738>>12966748>>12966750I love when MLPG plays along
>>12966761Night of November 22nd.
IP: Pass: bonbon NEW MAPS
>>12966761Is that Kevin Smith?!
>>12966728>>12966748So eager...>>12966738>>12966750I do enjoy toying with my prey before the real fun begins. Go on. Try to run. But your legs cannot outrun desire.
>>12966781i dont have the patience
>>12966790>krabb will never not be there
>>12966790>pantypantyanon plays hats?
>>12966712something edgy
>>12966793It's Ronnie
>>12966637>Tabletop with your waifuWhat would Sapphire Shore's character be?
>>12966763>that one guy that bargains with the DM to keep his character alive>that one guy that tries to divy up the loot so he can give himself the bigger share>that one guy that hits on every single female in the game
>>12966830welplooks like I'm not playing hats anymore
>>12966820SHIT!FUCK!Okay okay okay I think I lost her for now hey you there guard I think Celestia is after me can you help me hide
>>12966771>>12966785okRed's place?
>>12966830No, that's just scootaloo
>>12966860No, Snails' house.
>>12966865........yeah that was rather obvious..wasn't it?
>>12966898How about Scootaloo? Hard mode: Not Scout.
>>12966857No way, man, you're fucked. Literally.Lucky.
>>12966860I'm seriously thinking about running a 24 hour livestream of every episode before the premier.
>>12966903I don't understand
>>12966928Scoots would be a Ranger. Duh.Kobold with vestigial wings.
>>12966936Oh dammitThanks anywayFUCKMaybe if I can make it to the Everfree
>>12966952it's for the best
>>12966928Ranger with archery and dodge.
So, MLPG, would you drink The Love Pony?
>All this Celestia.>No Celestia Quest.Taint fair.