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bed time edition!

old horse: >>12818370
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Bed is for losers
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absolutely disgusting
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if you were a moth, which horse would you
SDL 2.0 just got released
that one
no it's gross
my onion > your opinion
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which pony would keep that hair short
>MLPG: Night edition.
>A general full of gentlemen discussing gentlemanly things.
I want to bite into that hoof and slurp the coke out of her
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here you go!
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I want to put her in a paint shaker until the pressure makes her explode violently
but she's made of animated glass
I love that she's making it for a mouse. Probably at the request of fluttershy.
homestuck pls
So she'll grow back?
I say this far too often, but if someone were to find a way to make an actual glass kitchen pony figurine I would spend so much money for it.
Well somebody made a Luna with sculpted glass mane and tail, so it's not impossible, you'd just have to find a glassworker willing to do it.
It annoys me that that song is forever marred by that comic.
Even if they have a much cleaner sounding version.

It wouldn't be complete without some kind of fluid inside it.
goddamn it firefox, you ram hogging piece of shit.
I'll fill it up
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I am painfully aware of this.
still looks like acrylic

That tiny butt sure is exciting.
BCS pls
Probably is.
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Goodnight, MLPG.

Have some nice music.
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Did this image with NMM and Chrysalis ever get finished?
what if that is still the dream

and luna is watching that dream
...who's coming into the room?
You requested that from Jalm didn't you?
Oh boy... How do I explain this...
You see Anon, sometimes an idea or a request isn't getting drawn, but it...
goes to drawing heaven instead!

Okay, I was getting pretty confused for a second there.
that was goat-train though...
I didn't request it, but I wanted to see it
goodnight NMLPG

i love you

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mishaps happen
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When I was a child, I was wrapped in type such as the koala such as Shinkansen,
It was not me Kke process cheese?
After eyeing the line like that, I do not may Kuikomeru to school lunch cost even if cheaper
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>daftys ghostpony
havent seen that in a while
i'm not falling for that again
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It was in his thread on /art/
>tfw dedy is daft
oh thank you
I often forget that the sub exists
oh. not him, but i remember that being finished ages ago
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>living in Megan McCarthy's Equestria
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>you will never GM a game where your PCs set a huge brawl in a bar
>you will never GM a game with the PCs barely avoiding an underground mafia out for their blood
>you will never GM a noir game with full investigations and constant cigar smoking
>you will never GM a game with people and ponies alike running through streets in terror, running away from the men woven in black suits and hats as sharp as their stare and as gentle as their bullets
>you will never GM a game where the dramatic albeit necessary death of their leader reveals a whole new layer of lies and deceit
>you will never GM a game where the PCs are left on a cliffhanger as you write down and plot every single connection and person in your comprehensive story
>you will never GM a game
forgot to mention ignore.
mewball do a handstand
i can't
>sound familiar
Oh no...
We are being 'spammed' again...
Pack up, kids, we are dead.
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What's up there?
I remember it because it was finished on my birthday and Goat train drew something for me.
i never general motors what personal computer

but canterlot and fimfiction are up
I've been busy with study for the past 4 days or so.

What did I miss mlpg?

a feminine dude posted lewd pictures on the sub

that's pretty neat to check out if that's your thing
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Your waifu being shit.
The best, most adorable shit she can be.

>We are keeping our eye on you, as always.
Who the fuck are you, anyway?

But my waifu is of pure pedigree, not some filthy zebra.
Filter and ignore you dumb shit.
no. we just ignore the shitposts aas well as the samefags pretending to be regulars replying.
recursive filtering is your friend.

also what do you guys think the actual historical ponies from a hearth warmings eve looked like?
I'll bet he's a /v/tard who is rectal ragnorocked over the xbox mlp thing
it's okay

don't forget report
>can't even spell ragnaröcked

They were probably all males and the resulting Princess borne matriarchy obscured and twisted history to suit their cis female interests.
>I'll bet he's a /v/tard who is rectal ragnorocked over the xbox mlp thing

Okay, now I need a source on this.
I need a laugh.
Commander Hurricane was actually a dude
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Pedigreed SHIT.
If I was a deer, do you think Art-Anon would fawn over me?
It's just the rainbow dash on the avatar selection thingamajigger thing
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No you sillies, it's PONY___
I want a hoofjob from that horse.

Crayon that become old horse G1 pale in Japan
This sketch turned out rather, well, sketchy due to me deviating from my usual method of sketching.

Here's a blue horse with bows
I was close, do I get a consolation prize?
i think all of them were male and i think that much of equestria's actual past has blended with myth.
which is easy since magic is real.
we still need Thunderhawk and Valkyrie plane ponies.
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So does she.
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i am a faggot pls rape my face
yotsuba b is best pony.
fuck tomorrow
>Imgur is shitting itself.

Any other sites out there that upload images?
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you could've asked Jessy, she was here like 2 hours ago man

instead she's going to draw anthro palette swap maybe
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what if pank was a mimic, but with gift boxes instead of treasure chests?
download puush
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oh no
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VF-1 Valkyrie reporting for duty
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holy hell that's adorable
Dash you lazy bitch go move the clouds
y-you too

>tfw no Tess
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well now you must carry the flame

next time you see her, ask her

make sure it's a Salamanders Thunderhawk.
it's cute and good on you for trying new things
What's the context behind this image?
no I'll just ask her for more blackbird plane pony instead
she's the fastest and the coolest
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She's gonna hug you without consent
Morning MLPG
Did something exiting happen lately
Or just something
this, its like dropbox but different.
everyone left
exiting enough for you?
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>still waiting for a new update
i killed a man
>implying you don't want to see A-10 drooling over Thunderhawk's many autocannons, lascannons, and heavy bolters
Who and what

Work on your scenery.
Did you do it by thumbing his shins
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Hey man, free buttons!
I'll lie to the cops and say I did because otherwise she's start aggressively cuddling me.
some people are into snuff and necrophilia now

But GW flyer designs are total balls.

He'd be like a fat and ugly pony.
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gross man
censor that shit
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Rei drew it and some other things
then never did anything else

so is A-10
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Too late, she's all over you
in case you're wondering, when i usually use two pencils to sketch, doing the construcion with a a very light pencil (9H)and then finishing it with a darker one (HB aka #2). Im working on cutting out the 9H while keeping it form being too sketchy-looking
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But then I would go against myself by purchasing pony merch. But then I can get an exclusive button. Why does he have to toy with me?
>keeping it form being too sketchy-looking

But I like that
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Plane pones are adorable
I wish I had more
All it is is a holy green pineapple, Anon...
Nobody will ever know it's pony merch!
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So do you remember if it was anon turning into Twilight or he just never said
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But I will know
While I personally like a sketchy look too, I'm not satisfied with it. I want my finished drawings to be cleaner
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mewball don't please
I'll give you a lyra
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It was a random anon waking up as Twilight.
I think the guy said he'd just panic for a while.
>civil war in Egypt
A-10 is awkward and kind of bulky but still aerodynamic
She's no lithe dogfighter, but she's certainly no floundering barge either.

I don't warhammer, but this thing would either be too beef to move or worlds strongest man body, depending on how effective it is canonically
Cool, maybe I can convince him to do a miniquest with it or something
>grass growing in dirt
And you can hide it with your other shame purchases.
Plus, it's like, 3.75 for five of them.

...Not that I am ordering some.

it feels good to delete stuff you spend time on
too bad itll never be truly gone now
I just like that they acknowledge the fact that WLF rip people off for shitty shirts.
would you climb inside plane pony's cockpit
>it feels good to delete stuff you spend time on
Why would you do that to yourself

Mew draw a little recycling bin pony that you keep feeding all your art while anon looks on mortified.
Also holy shit shipping is expensive...
But mew doesn't like chubby ponies
Recycling bin pone would be fat as hell
You're retarded.

Maybe she's starving and needs Mew to draw faster and faster so he can feed her?
She's only fat when she's full
Then you empty her and she'll really skinny again
Only if pony consented and is into that sort of thing
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>Implying I can get near.
like usual

>ok I'll just empty recycle bin
>what is it?
>...Not while you're watching please.
Recycling bin pony would just empty herself every once in a while, every scrap in her just vaporising.
It's when mewball overstuffs her with hundreds of megabytes that she gets adorably stuffed
>israel intervenes
>world war 3 starts
>America intervenes
>World War 3 ends with a bang
>Not having recycling bin pony 'shit' her waste into furnace ponies mo-
*Anon was removed from this post.*

LK pls.
>allowing military intervention in anything
when you get angry and depressed whenever you draw you might understand

it feels so free. like i don't have to care what happens. i'm just making art for the sake of making art. and no one has to know. no bad feelings

its not out of spite or rage it's just purely for fun
i never save it all though
>i want to get into rediv's pants
>but i dont like chubby ponies
Keep going.
>when you get angry and depressed whenever you draw you might understand

I understand
About the nearly two gigabytes of video files crammed into recycling pony as she stutters and bites her lip, trying to hold it all in?
try just drawing something and then deleting it, but not because you hate it
is such a relief
I get obsessed over pieces I get involved with. Though I'm not that good at the moment and not that into drawing, however.
LK pls...
No god dammit
Everyone here assumes that Im someone else

I get really angry when I can't make something how I want. It's so fustrating
is that a fetish or something?
are you masturbating to your recycling bin and empty in the same moment you're about to cum?
If you draw then you kinda have the right to a name.
Who are you?
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>If you draw then you kinda have the right to a name
I never used a name here before
I'll think about one
then don't
its just something thats helping me right now
yeah i agree
just gotta work through it
no its just no pressure
i just jacked it to anthro cadance with huge tits.

i am disgusted with myself. this is happening to me way too often
take a break and if the urge to draw doesn't come back be glad about it.
It's more of a /soc/ thing that doesn't belong here
You can be Thunderfuck The Great Defender Of The Viking Lands Of Grandfuckerstan!

Fuck off kid no one cares
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LK and Jessy gave me a name already though
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good night MLPG
is that you soaranon
what happened to that ebin raid?
nothing. carry on.
I've jacked off to worse things, you're still on the safe side.
Don't fell too bad
Cadance isn't THAT awful of a pony
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I probably shouldn't be allowed near sai but I was bored
Guys I just fapped for the first time and my mom walked in and she screamed at me and I cried alot pleease help me im so embarassed I couldnt even go to school
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Use this it could save your life
You did better than i did on my first try, though
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I couldn't tell if they were just playing chill to just make money when I hung out by their stand

When's the last time LK drew something?
Oh I'm not really planning on actively improving or anything but thanks
Faces look fucked up, you can very obviously see the stitching on the sides of the faces. Would still fuck with fleshlight.
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I don't know what the fuck is going on with her mane.
Of course

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>tfw nobody to use my philophilia fetish on
She's adorable, but aside from sitting next to one, there isn't much that makes her look like a recycling bin pony

Of course, I have no idea how to fix that

how do you use a love fetish on someone?
What's a philophillia fetish?

Have her sucking the end of the cursor?
What is that, anyways?
i think he's saying he doesn't have friends

this, or have the cursor poking her belly
what's a fetish for fetishes called?

I think it's hot when someone has a lot of fetishes, and I like discussing them
don't make shit up
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Diamond Tiara S4 design, whoop whoop
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If you want, I can get Dafty in here, or at least relay a message.
Trying to get in/out of the recycle bin and getting stuck
pls more rouge
her looking like a chain-link fence
recycle cutimark
cursors and folders and crumpled papers "inside" her
no ice.
now draw firefox pony which keeps eating more and more RAM and just can't quit despite being uncomfortably full already
no luck in /vg/ i see.

What was posted in /vg/? I haven't visited there since I made a robot masters thread. If you mean /v/, then okay, that was recent.
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I'm about to go to bed, sorry.
I figured that would have been a problem. I didn't really depict it too well, but she was supposed to be clear and filled with files, and her mane was some crumpled text document or something. I dunno.
You have the best filenames

Goodnight LK~
I'm too shy about it.
It's hard to describe. http://imkookoo.livejournal.com/173421.html

>open recycle pony


What happens if I create a shortcut?
pony must join the collective
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Why is she so perfect /co/?
good night, LK-senpai
well, at least you'll know if she's been eating healthy
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What is love
>They do not actually have to love the person, but they just have this ultimate sense of giving and selflessness. They feel that this person deserves to be the happiest person in the world, because they are nice, intelligent, etc
that's really sweet. I think there are many people who deserve to be happy and taken care of, but i'd pin the blame on a crush or an infatuation in my case.
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>Not posting superior version
i will hurt you
I just like proving that my 5-inch dick can pound a woman into multiple orgasms.

I want to have sex with that pony.
Cadence pls go
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Baby don't hurt me
but that's a cat, not a pony.
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did you feed your changelings today
Why is it so saturated?
Why is her butt so big?
>Having to post trip for a random post.
Must feel good to be the privileged tripfag.
yeah, that's not really the point, is it? it's not about proving something to yurself, but about being happy because you make others happy
>wake up
>in equestria
>my waifu is there too
>we start snuggling
>i fall asleep
>wake up in my bed in real world
>just a dream
>parents come into room
>i don't even live anywhere near them
>they start yelling at me about how i was a disgusting pervert
>look over at my computer
>porn folder open
>there's filly porn in there too
>they called the cops and said they're coming over to arrest me for child porn
>apparently child horses still count as child porn under the law
>as the police handcuff me, i notice one of them is my waifu in a cop uniform
>realize i'm still in a dream
>snake eater
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I bet Celestia has philophilia.
I already like Celestia the way she is
She doesn't have to do this
i killed a pony today MLPG
There is one more superior than that. How do I post a gif on an iPod? Because it doesn't seem to like to save gifs.
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Holy shit I just noticed that, not gonna argue with dat ass.
dat ginger root
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holy shit that's hot

is there a full vid?

it was in love with a brony

>Killing a pony because of a brony

You are the king of autism
I accept this headcanon

i feel conflicted and wish i had a penis now
i think it's in the hot glue dropbox
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It just makes it easier for her to eat.
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Those were adorable
It's okay, you get to stick it in a lot of things. Not like boobs which are fun too.

Neat, thanks
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I would eat waffles with pony
>recycle bin pony

great, pony programs

what have we unleashed
Have you seen the browser pony general therads?
I'm pretty sure /mlp/ had that one
They kind of sprung out of the IE/Firefox/Chrome general

I think there's a w8 pony?
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what would a pony smell like?
You can have mine
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5am. Where'd the time go, goddamn.

Any fat DT requests? Yeah fuckin right, like anyone's actually going to request something
We had to install something. Windows pony was getting bored being alone after we installed her on Laptop pony
But there aren't any other ponies on your desktop, just her
And she helps keep it clean and tidy
It just gets kind of hard for her to follow your cursor around if you feed her too much sometimes
people would request things if:
1. you actually drew ponies
2. when people occasionally made a request you actually drew it
I would request something if you drew it as a pony

I wish I had a vagina.

Only for a little while though.

You know what? I'll request something. How about Lauren Faust? Should be simple enough.

Someone draw a Utorrent pony.

I request a pony Silver Spoon being cute.
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Sorry for the watermark.

I'll draw two versions, the pony version first. Whatcha want
pony bloatware when
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8 KB
Why is she so hot?
>not pony spyware
when LK wakes up
>ask ross to draw a stick figure
>he draws a circle
>not pony shareware

Rainbow Dash aggressively attacking a defenseless pizza
>natural colors
>constant bedroom eyes
>general demeanor of a milf

What's she from?

>Any DT requests?
i just cleared 2,3 GB of RAM by restarting firefox and restoring my session of _3 tabs has already ramped up the memory usage to over 600 MB.
firefox is a fucking glutton.
brony flash animation
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Oh right
Um I guess she could be doing it instead
I should go to bed
>you will never be colt in equestria who fucks his mother for the rest of her life
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44 KB
I am seriously baffled by the prospect of how that snout would exist in 3D space
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254 KB GIF
>that fucking snout
I can't ever physically comprehend
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223 KB PNG
Stop posting this pls, and this goes for everyone.
I'm guessing it's very short and thick.
>She's got a transparent body
>You can grow her from a freely available embryo if want
I just wanted that anon to know the error of his ways
>not even once

even if we have had our fair share of drama queens, whiners and circlejerkers, nothing makes me as disappointed as the existence LMJ's "art"
its even worse than i thought
jesus christ
You know people say bronies ruin things for everyone
LMJ ruins things for me
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Nevermind, I don't want you to be all uncomfortable with it.
800 and counting.
i almost feel like drawing chubby firefox pone myself
Go ahead. Call me a NewFag. Who is LMJ?
>50 tabs open
>800mb of ram used
lurk more
No I just jumped the gun on requesting something, I'd still appreciate you doing it

Little Miss Jay
The fat red headed/bearded brony of super drama land
>liking button's mom in the first place
You brought this upon yourself

Light machine gun.
Little Miss Jay.
Him becoming a brony is the best thing to happen to furries who now don't have to suffer his terrible "art", but a general detriment to everyone else's aesthetic sensibilities.
what would a squirting star even look like?
This is what happens when you share the same sentiments on something that was deliberately for bronies in the first place
Also just for the animator/VA to have porn of her
I already got my answer and that's LMG not LMJ.
Light Machine June
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Jesus fucking christ spoiler that shit
I'm pretty sure its at least 50% longer than that

It starts from more than half way between the center of her face and her ears.
But its OK, because she's a dragon and doesn't need anatomy
Fucking this
LMJ is the ultimate general derailer.
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201 KB PNG
I'm sorry
I didn't mean for this to happen at all


stop saying this shit
>not krautlamarcirclejerkocsskypechatdepression being the ultimate thread derailer
Well it sure as hell swoops up as the number 1 topic whenever it pops up.
his art causes me physical pain
I feel nauseous when I see it
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you forgot something
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tiarawhy belongs to another category
Stop posting this great art, plebeain.
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I could just post more LMJ since everyone liked that so much

But I won't because I can't bring myself to actually go find more
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MLPG is not a constant ride where you have to take part in every discussion. You can either pick a few to reply to and follow the chains or start a new one. This general is like multiple threads shoved into one.
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Spoiler Image, 4 KB
You don't need a swimsuit, Anon
I don't have one and the water is extra warm
marker pony got shot by a sectoid and died
>Mayhem rebroke the QR image upload

Only 100 more days until season 4...
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did you feed your pony today
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The thick pus spread across her tongue. She swallowed to consume every drop. She looked through the window at the forest and the morning sun. Will this ever end, she thought.jpg
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She can feed herself
She doesn't like me treating her like a pet in that regard

chill man, he's got a life too
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If someone's posting nudes of themselves crossdressing specifically for an audience who are fans of a little girl's show, I very much doubt they have a normal life.
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1.06 MB GIF
>tfw pantyanon probably doesn't live near you
I want to fuck him
>implying I wouldn't want it
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>Implying I wouldn't let the CMC fuck me if they were throwing themselves at me
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pony should kangaroo
See you later, Space Pirates
this is really good, even though Scootaloo is worst

I didn't say normal, but people do have hobbies.
you should ask him. what if he did?
Don't be silly, girls can;t rape. what would they do, stick a flaccid penis in the wagina?? :D if he deosnt want sexing then he will just not boner :)
um, i mean ponyfuggers

are they warm and smooth, too?

how about dripping with sweat?
ebin trole faic XDD
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Penetration with a pointy object
I-I'd get coffee with him and take it from there
>You'll never be in his shoots with him
sounds like it's SIZE SHAME o'clock
that should be covered by musky, but a little extra musk couldn't hurt
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Did somebody say PIRATES!?

musky and sweaty are kinda different

I like it when people specify that your hands would be soaked if you were to grasp and massage a pair of horseballs.
Good morning MLPG! :D

Oh not this faggot...

I hear his pubes smell like raw fish.
>not tying him up, restraining him and then teasing his cute little cock and tight ass to orgasm
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What are some of the pros and cons of being an Equestrian Royal Guard?
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well, it would feel warm and damp. the excess sweat would build up between your fingers and your touch would send glistening pearls of ballsweat down his smooth scrotum, dripping onto the floor. the balls would feel rather hard and taut, aching for a long overdue release.
Pros: Good pay, great benefits, cute princesses.
Cons: It's probably boring as fuck and you're most likely outmatched by anything that'd dare attack Equestria.
but that's not rape its masterbatuion :)(
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>tfw no bigdickanon to fuck pantyanon and sizeshame him
>tfw no porn of mulpugers

Big Mac X Big Mac is my OTP.
Maybe after dinner and consensual sex
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What about braeburned?
Which MLPGer would you want?
pros: held in great esteem, great privilege and prestige, very good pay and private quarters
cons: candence uses her magic to trick you into lavish gay orgies for the entertainment of the princesses and the matriarchal court

is that really braeburned?

he can fuck off.
I like my boys shaved, though.
>trick you into lavish gay orgies
That is a complete contradiction

only true pair, silly goose
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>seen brae irl, passable/10
>seeing this
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grating and obnoxious person.
Hey, I'm gonna go to Whataburger, you guys want anything?
He's not really that attractive
Look at the guys username...
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Anon, it's 4 oclock in the morning
why on earth are you pnying at 4 in the morning
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i am a pony. you must respot this in 10 threads or i will come into ur house at night and mess up your pots n pans
because it's 1pm_____________
It's 6am, and because I woke up two hours ago.
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I think I pooped a little from how scared I am
want to play tf2 with me

if you fuck with my pots and pans I'm gonna shoot you in the butt
It's noon in real countries.
get me some thisdick
I'm pretty sure my pots and pans have maximum entropy
You messing them up would probably order them
So all the sudden America isn't a real country?
gotobed seth
>don't believe this
>go to bed
>almost asleep
>hear pots and pans moving in the kitchen
>rush to see the pony
>it's a burglar
>he stabs you and runs away
how's that civil war going goyim?

It's 7:05 here, although I've been awake since 5:30
rediv pls
is it just me or does pantyanon's handwriting remind you of jailbait's?
What's thisdick?
>implying it ever was
fuck off
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Well it's the worlds only superpower, Eurofags are just in denials so they like to attempt to berate us a lot. Even though there's things like NATO that makes them look like absolute plebs compared to us. Heard some of their air forces can't fly their planes without electronic key signatures from the U.S.
Fuck you too.
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628 KB GIF
>want to do lewd stuff
>want to create a new name so nobody knows it's you
>afraid that someday MLPG will find out
I guess I will never do lewd.
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That person draws the coziest dragons
episode of something completely unrelated, sure

but not an episode of pony

I keep hearing about this "pantyanon."
Who the fuck is pantyanon?
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I want to frot with pantyanon's little dick
Go to the sub and go to /unf/
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What does JB's handwriting look like?
Well if being shitty war criminals is your criteria for a real country, you're welcome to it.
let me know when your government decides that nationalised healthcare is not in fact a bad thing, you seperate church from state and your senate stops voting against stopping the NSA from illegally spying on literally everyone

oh and when you kill texas
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They have a name and tripcode though.
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Your point?
>war criminals
Say what you will about Iraq and Afganistan, but our military industry is the reason many countries have suitable militaries. How many countries fly F-16's?

>implying people in america are against everything you just said
>H.Amdt. 413 (Amash) to H.R. 2397: To end authority for the blanket collection of records under the Patriot Act. It would also bar the NSA and other agencies from using Section 215 of the Patriot Act to collect records, including telephone call records
>failed to pass
I think he filters everybody who isn't Anonymous.
What kind of justification is that?
>If we didn't kill all those people other people wouldn't be able to kill all those other people
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I noticed that pantyanon has two styles of the lowercase a, one of which is nearly identical to JB's. I couldn't find any right now, but the numbers look similar too.
Again, you're implying that everyone in the U.S is in agreement with what the military does. Americans criticize our own government more than anyone else does. You are preaching to the choir.

I want to suck him to orgasm and play with his balls

I swear to god if pantyanon is JB and you scare him away, I will be sad
Gotta kill them first before they kill us.
Preemptive defensive tactics.
Which is actually just offensive tactics.
>it's not our fault, we just voted the guys in!
I don't think you understand our political process.
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>tfw one post derails thread into /pol/ and another post derails the thread into camwhores
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This settles it, I'm never making lewd things ever. You guys are like stalkers.
That ponk is adorable though

>implying you were ever going to draw lewd
>implying you're not baiting
>implying you draw
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18 KB
>i'm fucking stpuid
Sad thing is the conversations about those things are better mannered than the board that is supposed to house them.
I'm not talking about Iraq/Afganistan, and I'm not for the wars there. I'm tlaking about the massive ass air force and navy, and military industry that helps keep shit stable. Nobody wants to start shit lest they wake the sleeping giant. Just like with nuclear weapons, they can lead to gret destruction and that is exactly why they have led to peace, because nobody dare attempt it.
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Is this the part where we play 'guess the contributor' for the next two generals?
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>implying this isn't bait to get me to tell you who I am
>They find you
>You get a qt boyfriend
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17 KB
>no-ink drew some ruby gloom
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17 KB
the best defense is a good offense

>implying I care about who a master baiter is


Hopefully not, I hate that game
I hate that game
Can we play Life instead
>not giving it to us
MLPG doesn't fuck around with their porn anon.

Plus it's still fairly early in 'Murica so that's why it's so civil right now.

Shut up Rabbit, you're a shitty martial artist
on an inter-national level maybe, meanwhile multiple nations at this moment are undergoing civil wars while telling America to keep their nose out where it's not wanted
If that's the case then...Jailbait has a pretty cute body
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The best defense is one where the opponent cannot fight whatsoever. That or doesn't want to fight. One where your power will not go away.
All I can do is sigh.

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I don't actually think it's JB. The handwriting thing is actually a pretty big stretch and he is a mod on the sub, so if you have ever posted there with a name he would know who you are.
>saving anything by 0r0chi
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I like it when he does GG's characters.
Their friendship is ruined
>sees rule 34 in the title
Fuck that!
Ruby Gloom was an enjoyable show
Had a great chill feel to it

>starting a shitstorm
Again, not everyone in the U.S is in agreement with what we do, especially in the Middle east. The Middle East is fucked up severly and very unstable, there'd be fighting there whether or not the U.S got involved.
I really hope they don't abuse that power. I posted there anonymously so I can speak my mind.
Renne is such a pretty pone

I've never had a friendship that didn't get stronger after coming out
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It's pretty comfy. Kinda like pone.
Mods there can see the ip of posters?
60% of americans believe in creationism and that it should be taught in schools
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[citation needed]

"100% of people not in America are homosexual and of Muslim descent."

- Abraham Licoln
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60% of polls are bullshit
[citation needed]
Pony is all happy comfy, like a warm sunny day.
Ruby Gloom was more like a heavy rain during sunset that you don't have to be out in
Most people, no matter the nationality, creed, or religion, are pretty short sighted and only care about their own little bubble of life and think their way is the right way.

Over 80% of non-Americans will kill an innocent American at some point in their life.
86% of statistics are just made up.

50% of ponies are DTF

50% of ponies will buck you in the chest if you ask
It's more like 45%
In 2012 at least

Would you take that chance, MLPG?
Sweetie Belle's breasts are 72% the size of a very large watermelon
>All of the DTF ones are guys
I'd be ok with that
[citation needed]

Pony plays this song for you.
What do?

Dick to female

>not the video
The male population is no where near 50%
Just according to the numbers there have to be at least some female ponies that are DTF
I'm a NewFag! It says so in my username! I didn't know that!
thats like 1/3 of her body mass

what the fuck did she do, put applebloom and scootaloo into her breasts or something

This, most polls are created with the intent of gathering specific results. I listen to conservative radio a lot and I can still recognize the bullshit when it comes up, especially when they conduct a poll on their website about Obama and read back the results as if they won't be/aren't clearly slanted.
>wonder why I'm near Scratch
>leave promptly

Wowza, my memory is good
>Only 15% really believe in evolution

That poor girl, I bet she not only has back problems, but people judge her based on them.
That's a cute pank
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What if Anon in Equestria did this?
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>6 point increase for creationism 2012-13
>1 point decrease for evolution
How is it remotely possible that people are getting dumber
Does this specify how many people were polled, and from where in the country the polls were taken?

Under what conditions was the poll taken?
Goodnight everybody! I will see you tomorrow!
>implying the thread won't 404
Those who are dumb want to spread what they believe because it's right whereas smart people don't care.
>Evolution doesn't make sense, how the fuck are monkeys still around if we evolved from them?
Actual polls have to be relatively fair else no-one will pay them for the research

Corporations and parties don't just want to be told what they want to hear
Religious people are encouraged to have large families
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5 KB
>Actual polls have to be relatively fair else no-one will pay them for the research

>Corporations and parties don't just want to be told what they want to hear
>whereas smart people don't care.
So Reddit is basically stupid people thinking they are smart?
Stop making sense.
I actually forgot the reason for this. Remembered it to counter the faggots who say this but it's left my mind.
>implying the corporations won't pay them for the "research" so they can make a poll that makes their stance/product look good

monkeys and humans share a common ancestor, we didn't evolve from them

there is no "counter", it's just a bad understanding of evolution
I guess the best analogy I got is Plato's Cave.

We didn't evolve from modern monkeys, humans and monkeys shared a common ancestor. Monkeys aren't our parents, they're our cousins.

Down the bottom

It's a fucking gallup poll, you've got no right to comment on any of this shit if you don't even know who they are or how they operate
why is evolution so beautiful

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>implying you can use margin of error when it comes to political views or beliefs

I don't think I should unf to this, but I'm doing it anyway.
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> based on telephone interviews
Oh good, I was actually mad for a second there. Good thing only one in every goddamn millionth person actually holds the phone to those things longer than a second.
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>unfing to EqG
Because God made the canvas and used science as his paints.
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83 KB
Weren't we JUST talking about Gatomon?

Digimon sucks
I know statistics and polls are complex and I shouldn't hold it against you for not having a decent grasp of it

But I'm just going to pretend you're rusing me for my sake
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Ok, when people vote for president do they only take in one thousand peoples results and make a decision off of that?
That's kinda cute
Could have been better done though
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Replace MLPG with BRONIES and DHX with MLPG for maximum elitism.
I want to use her mane to get extra leverage while I fuck her ass
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>not princess of the beb
>not pricness
I don't think Carmen Sandiego had braids.

She would have been a lot hotter if she did.
follow me 2 da gey bathhouse :DD
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93 KB
Oh whatever man
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Now kiss.
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>not clopclopclopclop
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That's a pretty nice dress.
I really doubt she watches the show
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95 KB
>/pol/ and people talking about a crossdresser
I guess it's not a good time

well actually that was 20 minutes ago and we're dead now
>You'll never have a qt gf
>You'll never work on her qt cosplay dress with her
>not a qt bf trap to cosplay in a dress
>You'll never have sex with her in her costume
>You'll never hear her beg you to cum inside so you don't get the costume dirty
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I'd rather have a pony gf
I want a trap pony bf that you can't tell is a boy unless you ogle their junk
Anon I have the feeling that you like traps

I'd rather it be my 10th birthday and I'm in the Pokemon universe the next time I wake up
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2.38 MB JPG
But you'll be 10 forever
I like dicks
And girls
And boys

Traps are efficient

You won't be able to pony
I just want a pony
A chill pony that I can just talk to and stuff

But I'll be surrounded by Pokemon

including Ponyta and Rapidash
But those ponies are on fire
Why not have a pony trap to talk to
They can be a bro and they can be a chill grill
Not even for sex, although that is a plus. Just a pony that lives in my house, goes about their own shit, and we're on good terms and talk and stuff and maybe even go places every once in a while like an amusement park or the movies.

Which means only I can love mine
A pony roommate would be pretty sweet
Especially a unicorn
Because I do not like traps
I only like grills

Sex would be nice but I like chill also
You might want some burn heal

no the fire doesn't hurt you if it trusts you
We can talk about traps somewhere else~

aw yeah
Does it trust your poner

Do it far from here

My poner is a very trustworthy poner
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Is it pony tested
Remember pony?
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yes, and pony certified
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Is this Pony?
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No, those are ants.
It even says so in the filename.
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Was it pony certified when you were 10?
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I thought so
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What about this?
Is this pony?
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>that shit eating grin
Oh god what did Sunbutt do

she pooped in your pillow case
That's really shitty
She put a whoopie cushion on your chair
>You remember how you told me to NOT clog your toilet with oats and play volcano? Yeah...
No anon, those are cats.
Can you even read?
Geez Anon...
That pun really stunk
I don't even understand where you even got oats
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Well anon it says that they are cats but it doesn't say they aren't ponies...

Are these ponies?
Pony has a fat ass.
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No, I'm pretty sure those are dogs
And dogs aren't pony?
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>You forgot that plastic thingy which you use to pay for things on the desk.. but don't worry! Some Arabian prince was nice enough to share his bits with you so now you even even more than before I used it!
No anon, they aren't.
Pone are pone.
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Pony likes her fat ass
You better get used to it
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Is this pony?
Celestia I'm more than livid right now but I cant be mad at your cute
Does pony have a fat cock?
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>Oh no, what did I do wrong?
>You aren't mad at me because I let all those cats into your bedroom, are you? They looked so sad when I found them on the street, I felt like they needed a proper home.
...We need to find a way to Eqeustria...NOW
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Spoiler Image, 6 KB
No, no
I'm perfectly fine
I couldn't stay mad at you
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>Oh, I bet that guy with the funny beard who sits on the curb across the street all day long can help us!
>I invited him for lunch and he said all kind of funny stuff, I think it was some secret code
>He also took your TV I think.
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Look how about we figure this alone. Without help. You're kinda the princess of ponykind and the most magical pony in the world...
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>I- I definitely didn't order a clown to cheer you up.
>And I'm sure he will bring your TV back soon, he constantly said the end is near so I don't think he needs it for too long.
>Are you mad at me?

Let me guess, you used that plastic thing to get the clown, right?

I hope you know what this means
No, that's not even close to pony
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>I hope it means that you love clowns
Clowns in fact scare me to death but it really means you have to make it up to me
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Okay okay I got it.

Pony right?
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>You mean like, letting you ride on my back around the block or something like that?
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That's a bat

See this? This is pony.
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Let's take this out of context. Would you call yourself a brony if it meant you could be with your pone waifu 5ever
Of course.
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>any bat picture ever
>not upside down
What kind of fucking question is that?
Because this isn't Australia
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Oh why didn't you just say so

Yeah sure, it's not like there's much of a reason not to call myself a brony anyways
>fucking question
Anon do you need some help
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Oh, I didnt realize that that was a gif
I'd call myself whatever you fucking want
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>OC r34

Anon what are you doing
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My dick is cold
Friction should warm it up, maybe put a sock on it.
It's a crop, full picture is Dash getting fucked by an OC
Your waifu will never knit you a little cocksock to keep you warm without a sheath in the winter
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Now go sit in the corner while I warm up your pony
How can people look at it and say yep it looks cool.
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Does that mean I get to go to Equestria?
I mean I don't like it but opinion entitlement
Look how glowy it is
And how unique those patterns are
And there's no way those eyebrows don't belong to the coolest motherfucker in the room
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I'm going to marry Scootaloo!
You're going to need consent from her parents first
Okay, I don't see any possible downsides to this.
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How good is hair.
Pony is asking for your password.
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The Dash looks really lovely and I like the style, iti s quite consistent, especially the dem wings.

At some point, in the past, BCS really knew how to draw well, although, I must admit, even back then her ponyartwork was pretty much hit and miss.
password for what?
I'd a Carmack
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would not touch
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"i love you"
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To that anon that recommended jojo anime
The first part was great, the second was a bit over the top for me
But thank you anyhow
The sketch looked way better
>pulling your phone out to take a photo
>during an exam
What kind of exam is that supposed to be?
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What would your favorite pony's megaevolution look like?
I have lots of passwords.
which one?
Haha, no, believe me, pony does definitely NOT want my password
6 wings 3 horns 12 hooves 3 tails and very muscular
I would fuck a sleipnir pony nonsexually
Yeah i love bcs's art when she tries
most of the time she is stuck doing shitty commissions and porn flashes for money.
kinda sad really.
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I wonder what this pony's megaevolution would look like. Her design is crazy enough already.
fluttershy might appreciate it
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>All I want is a hug
I don't know, but nothing can beat Ampharos' Mega form.
Man I wish I could talk to ocelots.

i'd hug the shit out of her

You'd have to be pretty good to do that.
I want to have sex with pony
go to bed
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Where do you think we are?
What? No, it's morning.
Somewhere where I can't find any ponies to have sex with.
Pony is waiting for you.
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It's okay Celestia, just let it happen
Oh Twilight you're so cute.
you can't stop it~
bend over and it might even be pleasureable if you let it be
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oh yeah i guess you are right
maybe its time to stop drinking
goodnight mlpg