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ponies in silly dresses edition!

Old naked horse: >>12739531
Pony is alright.
I love the idea of shinning armor doing silly things
Rainbow Dash probably browses 4chan
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So, why did Twilight just happen to have this on hand in the library?
Is a second monitor worth it?
Applejack is a very pretty princess
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go buy one
Daily reminder you guys are losers.
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Which board is her favourite?
its a fucking cartoon show
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Oh luna why can't I quit you?
Rarity made it from a book sleeve a paper clip and half kleenex.

rarity is the macgyver of fashion.
You are now aware M.A Larson browses this place
No its not

They hardly ever fuck on this cartoon!

Luna's 'lavish' Coronation dress was sewn a thousand years ago when fashion had only made it that far
fukken sage!

That's pretty god damn impressive.
Does this one look good?

Got to do something now that he has all the free time from quiting the show
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that Spike picture
>quiting the show

Yeah okay, let me know how that works out for you in S4. HOLY SHIT I AM HYPE
She's a miracle worker.
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You can only pick one. The rest starve.
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anonymous delivers
>faust who doesn't even work on the show browses /mlp/
>calling BS on people who do work on it lurking
what kind of dresses is rainbow dash best at?

dressing wounds
The apple the orange one is eating.
i remember after art of the dress, All i wanted was more ponies in pretty dresses.

I still do
When i was just a kitty and the sun was going doooooown
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What if that apple tasted like catnip?
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Pony wants to sleep with you.
Why do people like producing a lot of cum?
I hate cleaning up my spunk.
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All of them.
Okay, but she has to clean up after herself.
virility, and people like having alot of cum shot into them. I partly blame Japan
Faust only looks at it every once in a while, when she's bored or whatever. She's hardly a regular or anything.
Even then, it's not like you can say other show staff visit this place just because she does.
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Do you think mando would fuck other fillies, or is Applebloom his one true lover?
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sure, just don't wet the bed, retard.

I like the idea of shining armor dressing himself up as Vinyl scratch, since their colors are nearly identical and slutting himself out at the local club to unsuspecting party goers
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Anon, that isn't how the rules work!
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Has anyone else noticed in these pictures there is in fact no bait on this hook?

and dash calls her self a master baiter
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I know what you mean, I try to keep myself as empty as possible.

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no, anon.
Does anyone have pictures of ponies shrugging? I need them for science reasons
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Maybe she needs a master baiter to teach her.
Hooray! The shitposters are here!
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What's the difference between a bad student and a fisherman?

One hates his book and the other baits his hook
This is a terrible way to catch ponies or fish

these people are terrible at baiting
So basically one of the first images of pony that were ever created
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It's the beginning of the thread. It tends to happen because the threads on the first few pages.
>Twilight and Pinkie Pie stages: puzzle solving and exploration
>Fluttershy and Rarity stages: stealth and evasion
>Applejack and Rainbow Dash stages: combat and fast pacing
Does anyone else think Wood should be in more cartoons?
A non gay pony please.
Would you lick a pony nonsexually?
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>tfw you already misread "free shrugs" as "fresh rugs."
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I think YOUR wood should be in MY cartoon, Anon
You know, it really sucks being responsible for ruining a small community of people you like because you can't help but argue with one of them.
theres a lot of bait pictures out now

i guess that guy must be hooked
I don't see how pony-licking could be nonsexual
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Y-you too..
Twilight stop the only thing clumsier then your metaphors is your dancing
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You know, just giving them a tongue bath. Like it's just an every day thing. Then maybe the others see it and meekly ask you to clean them too. Eventually you're licking the lot of them.
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Twilight, you wanna have sex again? Jeez Louise we just went five times at lunch!
I don't think I want to lick a dirty pony's coat
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You can't fool me, Anon. I'm swimming with swag. Just look at me!

Now, let me see your hot monkey dick
Hi I'm vading threading cause i want to talk smart with some one. Also, getting new puter woop woop.

an eee pc for teh lulz (class)

and some cyberpowered desktoop

judge me faggots i dar yew
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what about preen their wings?
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not online and see what happens
well actually i find bronies to be smart and socially ahead of their time.
Wings are my fetish.
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No, but I would lick a little pony all over.
>rainbow dash comes to earth
>all she wants to do is listen to ICP and badly troll on 4chan all day
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bronies can be ahead of whatever they want

so long as they are down wind
yea they are pretty euphoric
>Tiny filly will never sleep on your pillow
>You'll never wake up and blow raspberries on her belly
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That is creepy anon, would not let you babysit my small horses.
The real trick to drawing is to capture an elf and exchange his freedom for drawing powers.
Whats to fall for? I mean honestly, bronies are the kind of people this world needs. People that go beyond narrow minded and shallow things such as being defined soley by one's own interests or general faggotry that doesn't effect anyone else as people imply some kind of superiority over such groups.
>you will never stealthily fondle her large sensitive breasts
Is that what you're supposed to do? I've been drinking it's blood, explains alot.
What about me? I promise I'll only go as far as kneading their super-refined plot
Is it hard to believe the comic is official with all the references and brony pandering?
Man I hate being on the front page. Everyone quickly spam this thread back under.
yes sir
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dat face
>sweetie belle
>little filly
>large breasts

>implying honey boo boo has a giant rack
circlejerking is astonishing sometimes
can i fuck you pls
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What the hell man, she's just a filly
I see it this way:
The show is canon to the comics, but the comics aren't (yet) canon to the show.
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But Scootaloo is the flat/useless one
Applebloom is moderate
which leaves sweetie to be large by default
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>implying honey boo boo of being compared to Sweetie Belle
>implying HBB and her entire family arent disgusting subhumans
That's what you think
At least it's not filled with as much references as the Archie Mega Man comic...
>tfw you're mentally above everyone
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Why aren't you drawing?
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It's Sweetie Belle's 3rd birthday and she's feeling kind of depressed because over the past year of horse puberty her pony teats have ballooned to H cup and she basically has to waddle when she walks because of her pendulous horse teats banging against her legs.

She's considering using her birthday bits to have a teat reduction surgery. What do you say to talk her out of it?
Trying to jerk it to incestria girls tumblr. Love the idea but it's so hard to maintain my boner, sigh.
At the very least, most of them are relevant to Megaman, and the writer was told to tone it down.
Nothing, going with the surgery would be in her best interests

>tfw you're euphoric in this moment
because I suck and practicing makes me want to kill myself
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At least it's not nearly as bad as fucking Equestria Girls.
There were brony references all over the goddamn place, and that shit is as canon as you can get.
I don't personally agree with it but if her over sized teats are inconveniencing her that bad I would support her decision
But look at how much fun those two ponies are having.
You like fun, don't you, Anon?
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Look at this shit. They look so similar, I can't even tell how this was shoop'd
>as canon as you can get
it's not the show. The show is as canon as you can get.
It's a feature length film about the show.
If anything, it's MORE canon than the show.
Show shout outs = brony references? The only one I can give you is "that" Dash face.
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You leave my little princess alone you ruffian
>If anything, it's MORE canon than the show.
that's not how canon work
nobody cares about your headcanon about how canon canon material is
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>If anything, it's MORE canon than the show.
Meghan said it won't effect the show. In terms of canon, FiM > EqG.
I love fun

I do not, however, find drawing fun
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>hoop earrings
See, this is why Sweetie is a shit CMC, MLPG. Why don't you assholes understand?
All EQG had in terms of "brony" references was "so awesome" and that's pushing it.

There are many valid reasons to complain about it but "brony references" is not one of them
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If you were a pony and I were a pony I'd wear the pony pants
>trusting Meghan "1.21 gigahitlers" McCarthy
no because my cock is turgid
I...I-I'm fine with that, Anonymous...~
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>mlp gets renewed for season 5 and 6

I bet you like applebloom, you filth
Why is she white?
>Implying I wouldn't be a stallion
>Implying I wouldn't be fucking you with my massive cock
>Implying I wouldn't pump my cock so I'd make you bleed when I fuck you
Even if I didn't trust her, the fact is the spin-off movie has yet to effect the show.
It's canon until flat out refuted

those who complain are babies. Barring the dash micro, I'll give you that one.
>wearing pants as a pony
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Why is she so perfect?
Tiers of canon, you guys. I've been saying this for ages now.
I think the comic is up there with the show but it's not as simple as CANON or FANFICTION, you know?
>it's not as simple as CANON or FANFICTION, you know?
it is.
>Vinyl Scratch DJing and being outright shown to have red eyes
>Sweetie doing the Robot in reference to Sweetiebot
>Dash face
etc etc
There were a lot of background shoutouts to various brony memes.

>There's gonna be a Rarity episode in S3!

Because S4 hasn't even premiered.
Meanwhile, what we've seen from EqG, we know that Brad exists in Equestria, and that Twilight remembers what happened in the human world.
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Whats a good way to cool off on a hot day as a pony?
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We may never know.
I agree

Show > Movie >= comic > word of god (staff currently on the show) > word of faust (post s1, except for the few episodes of s2 she did work on) > books > fanon

Having sex.
She had cyan eyes you twat

Swewetie did not do the robot Scootaloo did do the chicken though
The context of the discussion was brony references in the comics, and how it's a good thing they're not canon because of there being so many brony references.
Meanwhile, in EqG there were significantly more brony memes and EqG is more than likely going to heavily impact the show.
Wasn't complaining. Just commenting.
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I don't think so anon

This only makes me think of Perdue.
>>Vinyl Scratch DJing and being outright shown to have red eyes
She has Dash's eyes you retard.
>>Sweetie doing the Robot in reference to Sweetiebot
Nope. Scoots did the Chicken Dance so there's that I guess.

Because I'm trying to write.
The only comic with "brony" references as opposed to "references" is the rainbow micro

The comics are good, get over yourself.
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>EqG will get the beach episode instead of FiM

Are you a pony? Didn't think so.
Care to tell us what it will involve?
>keep wanting EqG
Rolling in the dirt.

That's what horses do.
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The other comics just references le epic internet maymays.
Hi there friends. I'm streaming some stuff again tonight. Gonna start with some Simpsons, then maybe some Clone High and some Undergrads.

Starts darn quick.

>EqG will get a different animation style episode instead of FiM
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flash pls dont take muh waifu
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so Dash is just helping Fluttershy stay cool here?
That was ONE thing, and it was not a "brony" thing, it was a thing before bronies were a thing.
It's not. It's not for any other franchise, and it's not for FiM.
For god's rather literal sake, the BIBLE has Dueterocanon. Why is this a hard concept?
>Two (You)s
It's been said many, many times that SAYS was going to be a Rarity episode. She jumped the gun by tweeting, but I doubt she expected the focus of the episode to change entirely right until they had to.

No, S4 hasn't premiered yet, but I have no reason to disbelieve Meghan. "Rarity episode" was a situation that changed after she assumed it wouldn't: it was a mistake, not an overt lie. Getting EqG involved with the show would change things dramatically: it's pretty much a given that they can't really change much now that would involve it. Remember episodes are made long before they're aired.

That's not far from my own line of thinking involving tiers, yeah.

It's a toss up between adding 400 words to a completed story to make it fimficable, or trying to work on a sequel to a well-received horror story.
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both sound exciting

care to link the original horror?

>Endless Watchmen references in the Pinie Micro
>the trollface in the Fluttershy micro
>the boop in the Rarity comic

Yeah, sure, ONE thing.
>the boop
...But boop is show canon.
Pinkie's done it before.
when I said one thing, I meant for that particular issue.

But to say that they are jam packed is just silly.
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>thinking Pagliacci was invented by Watchmen
>actually thinking "boop" was a reference and didn't originate in the show
you're a special kind of angry

What episode?
What do your horse senses say about me Twilight?
Feeling Pinkie Keen. She boops Twilight.
I think.
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he's thinking of honk maybe
they've never said boop on the show

It doesn't matter where it originated. If you read the commentary by Bates he explicitly says the Watchmen joke was the basis of all the humor in the comic.
What if pony wants to by MY little pony?
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Feeling Pinkie Keen.
Fluttershy also boops Rainbow Dash in another episode, I think it was May the Best Pet Win.
No pony wants to be your little pony don't worry

There's no skeletons, so don't expect it to be too spooky.

What if goat train is called goat train because he is always on a train when postings?
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But they don't say boop.

Or maybe he's a goat?

i feel sorry for you.
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the joke in Watchmen did not originate from Watchmen. It is, arguably, best known as being from Watchmen.

But you have a point with the origin thing I suppose. I mean, you know what else is a common MLPG ting? Ponies. And the comics are FULL of them! It doesn't matter the show is ABOUT ponies, it's clearly a reference. Fucking pandering.

the second paragraph is sarcasm
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Impossible. Hasbro owns them and they keep them locked up in an underground bunker where they are free to rape the Stockholm syndrome afflicted ponies on a regular basis.
He's right though, they never say boop.
I hope we get episodes based in the EqG universe, it's infinitely more interesting than "lol this place ALSO has a pony pun in its name" and the characters are cuter
Read the description, sounds exciting.

I was worried for a moment that is was going to be some nonsense that resorts to painting the walls with blood
Fair enough, but it's a pretty common sound effect. It's not like we invented it.
I hope a train hits you and you lose both your arms so you can't post any more.
I know but he is unable to enjoy anything because muh pandering!
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Super Mario Sunshine is 10 years old

Bates also says he uses panels from Watchmen for organizing scenes as a reference.
Yeah I was going to make a sarcastic comment but you're just retarded
I had no idea sharks could detect idiots like blood in the water.
if you don't have an argument please don't shitpost
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oh, shit
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This is one of the few times I believe a curse of that nature is warranted
There is no argument to be had here, it would be the equivalent arguing with someone from /v/.
Wait, seriously?
That's a little crazy, actually. Can I get a link to this thing?
I mean, that's a reference nobody's going to get unless they REALLY pay attention to both books and compare them. Is it a reference at that point, or just using one of them as an aid for composition? That's a serious question, there. I'm not sure.
yeah ok
And Toy Story is 18 years old (almost)

It's almost street-legal.
has your dick ever like, gotten hard
W-what? What did I say?
"boop" is a common onomatopoeia, you can't just claim it. Right?
please don't hate my flying saucer you and I are nigs
He meant a reference in the sense of how to compose a page in a appealing manner.
Not reference in the sense of him referencing it for the sake of laughs.

I did try to avoid that, and a lot of people seemed to enjoy it.
That's what I was thinking. I was struggling with the duel meaning of "reference" when I wrote "aid for composition."
Still pretty funny, considering how different the comics are in tone, audience, and everything else.
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Fear not anon, it was a link misfire

I need to go to bed.

I was meaning to link to >>12745890
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Not again...
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Don't leave anon! Love me!
your shitposting is out of control
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oh, gosh, I was worried for a sec there
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What is it, Squirt?
were you thinking about rainbow dash again?
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What's the matter? Some drips been hassling you?
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what would happen if a girl took the supplement stack
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I like the technical style of the journal so far.
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AAAAH! Dash! Uh, I... uh. Hi there
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[too big, fixed now]
That is a nice and gentle pony. She seems to have brushed her hair differently today. I hope she has a good day.
I don't waifu pinkie, but she seems like a god tier waifu to me
In fact pretty much all of them are
I've heard that some of the ingredients cause increased lactation
>Half-life is 15 years old
Pinkie pretty much opened my eyes to the whole waifu thing. I mean, I had characters I liked before, but I've never gotten flustered just thinking about holding someone in my arms like I do with Pinkie.
>just read the ripped page

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[more sea]
I just realized, the only reason why the apples raise pigs, isn't for their meat, its for their skin.

where do you think they get all those footballs?
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1.04 MB
1.04 MB PNG
what's the dribbling down your leg?
Pigs can find truffles like nobody's business.
Have you ever eaten a truffle, anon? They're delicious.
>It's been 15 years
>They still haven't made a better story based shooter
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367 KB
367 KB GIF
Whoa, sorry there, I didn't mean to make quite such a splash of an entrance!
What about Applejack's hats?
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54 KB
Dogs can be trained to do it just as well and won't eat the truffle.
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I think I have a wee bit of a problem. Sorry I'm such a drip and not awesome like you, Rainbow.
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[frozen water]
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809 KB PNG
>tfw you cant wait till this is done
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504 KB
504 KB GIF
pony is 3 years old
Tales is 21 years old
>generic VN
>no ponies
>not even real humans
is shit/10
I never cared much for VN's as a concept, but damnit I hope it succeeds just so /mlp/ can have some bragging rights for once.
>Not the real dialogue
>There are other pony VNs
What is that?
I'm actually thinking about applying for that.
>There are other pony VNs
mention them
/mlp/ is making an EqG VN and gosh darnit it looks like they actually have their shit together.
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1.83 MB
1.83 MB GIF
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58 KB
>finally lobbies
This is purrfect
>tfw ponykart is dead
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101 KB
101 KB PNG
Sorry this is so late
But you guys know that bugchasing is 99.999% fantasy, right?
Pls don't respond to this.
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314 KB
314 KB GIF

It's about time.

>le maymays

Already lost any interest.

This would have been better if it was a lollipop
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491 KB PNG
> can't wait for you to come inside
I'm not sure that's wise

I'm pretty certain you're fertile
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157 KB PNG
Damn it mlpg, all this vidya music. I want to replay them now.
I'm gonna start on my game in 4 days
That'll give me 100 days to finish it before I release it with the first episode


I just did 100 push-ups, 15 pull-ups, 16 chin-ups, and 50 hindu squats because I told myself I couldn't masturbate until I did

Now I don't even feel like masturbating
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198 KB JPG
where do you see yourself in 20 years
Can she bring one of her friends and have them both slap me with their futa cocks?
>seeing memes everywhere
>still no fic based on this image


I can't believe it.
> not wanting to masturbate even more furiously

That guy looks like he's got a care-free life

I wouldn't mind being that guy
Dead and completely decomposed

Or married to a girl with 2 kids
Or to a guy with 1 kid
just ask darf

he'll do it
Right here
Cripes man link the page URL not the direct image that is WAY too long, and I don't mean Mac's penis.
>tfw no Rumble fucking Anon up the butt
>either in fiction or art


>gay couples having kids

fuck that, the world isn't ready to deal with a kid with two dads or two moms, that kid will have a dead social life
still making mad dosh as a software engineer
or maybe having transitioned to voice acting or concept artistry on a whim at some point

Either way it'll probably be pretty rad
>She had many sins.
>Ignoring their signs
>Forgetting their warnings.
>Fighting their will.
>Ignoring makes them louder. Forgetting makes them angrier.
>Fighting makes it hurt.

Dude, I'm seriously getting spooked here. Legit goosebumbs
>wanted to be fucked by a kid

I didn't think it was possible for you pedos to be even more gross, but here we are
It sure as shit would be better than yours.
My ex had 3 mothers
And she had 10x the social life I had

Mostly because she was a massive alcoholic at 16
Probably had something to do with having 3 mothers

Do you feel better about it now that you've insulted a faceless man on the internet?

Because my point still stands
This isn't even a real argument anymore
I insulted myself at the same time.

You didn't answer the question
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17 KB
I'm screencapping this, don't let me down
One is crazy enough
Three is like a roiling endless milieu of fuckery and PMS

I actually had some tough nights sleeping while writing it.
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46 KB
hopefully dead
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487 KB GIF
Holy. Shit.

I love you anon. Followed and favorited. Eagerly awaiting more.
Forgot to include
>just finished it
I wrote about Pinkie being raped mercilessly by the dock workers of Canterlot, having waylaid her from returning to Ponyville

I slept like a rock

It's only during the day that bothered me at all

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210 KB PNG
Nobody in this fandom is ever going to create and finish a pony video game. Just give up on it.
We're like /v/ in a sense. Every project we start never gets done.
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1.03 MB GIF
I have high hopes for Super Lesbian Horse RPG
>loser talk

Ponies don't even really deserve a video game in my opinion
looping is hard
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27 KB
Fixed a relatively minor bug with the cap helper where the OP wasn't being revealed again when "reveal hidden posts" is clicked.


Version: 3.65. If you have a previous version, please do upgrade, it shouldn't take more than 5-10 seconds.
>reading the comments
There are secrets within secrets here?

oh shit. You went all out. Have people found them all?
Tim Allen's House Improvement had a video game
No, that's realist talk.
Yeah, and it sucked donkey dick.

Not even Cranky Doodle dick.
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949 KB PNG
>This cutie mark is okay, I don't mind
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I can click on the thumbnail and control the pinkie pie

It's Home Improvement you uncultured fuck

and don't you insult Tim Allen again
As if there's anything to cap anymore now that anon chased away all the writefags. Except for EA, and all he does now is post cropped anthro porn.

I don't even think that's EA

also we have SmutAnon

aaand Snarky sometimes
Fuck you I'm working 4 days a week and playing mtg 3 days a week.
Oh fuck, I giggled
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8 KB
if being cultured means


this all the

time then I want to go back to my cave

There were. I removed them because they were really badly thought out puzzles that would have taken a computer weeks to solve. They were just random capitals in the hidden stuff that could be reordered.

I'm planning better ones for the next part.
I don't give a fuck bitch.
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419 KB PNG
>ponies don't deserve a videogame
>ponies don't deserve music
>ponies don't deserve fanart
>ponies don't deserve conventions
>ponies don't deserve their own imageboard
>ponies don't deserve an entire thread dedicated to them
>ponies don't deserve

Shut the fuck up. We crossed the "eh, we don't need this" line about a year and a half ago. It's time to shoot for the stars, anon.
I knew you were going to pull out that old argument
>I'm not a defeatist, just a realist!
No, you aren't. People never thought man was going to fly, are they realists? No, they're a bunch of faggots, now we're on the moon.

Shit can happen if you just try.

well I didn't

do that all the

time but if you feel

that way then maybe you should just

go back to your cave
>They thought they were deserters, that they wanted a vacation. The vacation started when they left, and they will come back.

>Breaking down slowly like all the others. I'm still here, because I listened. If only they had too.

Is this fluttershy?
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I didn't say anything but "ponies don't deserve a video game" for a reason, Captain Autism
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but pony has already been to space
maybe it's time we let the whole thing deflate instead?
>It's time to shoot for the stars
Now this is winner talk, you guys could learn a thing or two.
Uh-huh. 's what I thought.

They all are.
> MLPG actually salivating over grimdark

This is the end.

What you thought was wrong, though
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250 KB JPG

Oh crap

>anon doesn't like what others like

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>actually compared to soarin, rumble has a much nicer well styled mane

>it reminds me of JD's hair from Scrubs. I bet he washes it daily.

>I almost thought I was the only one.
>I bet he has long, distracting fantasies as well.

So somehow these comments led up to this.

I swear I'll have an actual punchline to this.
We'll see when the Official Pony Videogame for the Wii U comes out.
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252 KB JPG
Goddamn everyone's on the milf train now.
>thing happens
>Shit can happen if you just try.

Yeah, like shit.
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2.47 MB PNG
what other [Aquatic] music should i use?
wich pone is suicidal
>Questioning where they come from, and what they are. She was misbehaving, like a whiny child that wants to know why she's being given candy. If she listened, she would know. I stole what they learned, but gave them something in return.

I'm starting to get the feeling that this was all her fault

>you will never explore pony's cave
>with your mouth
It's cute but I don't really know what's going on yet.
And if you drew comics with Rumble doing those staring off into the distance fantasies I would fucking love those.
Honestly I think it's a shame she's just being used for porn/fetish images primarily. That's all what people seem to care about when it comes to new ponies lately
Welcome to MLPG enjoy your complementary ron paul
I bet you're one of those "I-I'll never be good at drawing so why even s-start!?" faggots too
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1.4 MB GIF

I was hoping that's how this would end.

I just wanted to give it context first.
why is she leaking toilet bowl cleaner
ah, fair enough. good luck
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878 KB GIF
>mfw I was >>12739839
I need something better to do on Sunday nights
but this is fucking awesome
this too would be the best ever, I want to see the twins react to his non sequeturs

Why can't I stop laughing at this image
Oh man that's great! I love that you made him buzz his wings in panel 2.
also for [sexual]
It's nice to see the fandom is running at maximum efficiency.
What the fuck is even going on.
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108 KB PNG
your favorite pony, Rainbow Dash, is excited at the thing you just brought her
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97 KB
>Ron Paul stands over every MLPGer and screams "IT'S HAPPENING" everytime something big happens
>shitty as fuck OCs wearing diapers
diaper fags are the most shitty fetishists.
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143 KB PNG
really excited
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177 KB GIF
why would any pony be suicidial
equestria has no problems and few things to feel strongly about, it would be the ideal place to just live and wait for the years to breeze by
>tfw no cuddlesex
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282 KB PNG
oh god please no
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>this is how ponies mate

Diaper fetishists are the only fetishists that creep me out

fuck them
>"oh hey AJ got a song!"
>"calm down Ron, it's just a song"
>hidden mesages in the capital letters

dude, thses are really scarring me
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24 KB
Slow, pretty shit isn't it?
The one booth at Bronycon that was selling those cute plushes had some Pound and Pumpkin Cake ones that were so adorable and among the cheapest available but they had diapers so I had to pass.
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to think something so unimportant can make me instantly disgusted
unf shemale
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2.72 MB GIF
>Diaper Fetish and Crotchboobs
what is even the point in having a fetish about shitting yourself?
i don't get it. it is disgusting and unsanitary
It's pretty important, or at least it was made to be.
It could still have big implications for the show.
>but they had diapers so I had to pass
They are babies
>it would be the ideal place to just live and wait for the years to breeze by
God, it really would.
Shhhhhh Anon. It'll all be over eventually.
I still couldn't do it.
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This thread needs sunbutt
I like you.
freddiew is the best
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Thanks I try my best
>your mom will never be sunbutt
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538 KB JPG
did you know mollusks are pretty neat
have you beheld your princess yet today mlpg
they are related to cthulhu
molluscs are disgusting

Oh my god oh my god

I requested this exact pic today

Was it... was it done?
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but you can dream

You mean you respect her medical knowledge enough to properly treat your injuries and care for you on the road to recovery?
Actually yes, that sounds rather nice.
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Why does song remind me of AJ?
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I don't know what you mean what do you mean
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it was done some time ago
bleh. don't post that one. the pastebin one is much better
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155 KB JPG
Isn't nature fascinating.

I mean just look at these.
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257 KB JPG
>56 bottles of beer on a wall, 56bottles a beeer
>take un down and pass around
>56 bottles a beer on the walll



Am I grimdark yet?
I seriously have trouble getting up in the morning knowing I will never have this
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115 KB JPG
Did you go back after to read the hidden things?
necron wraiths are no more
I'm having some trouble picking out the hidden things.

Is there some way to crunch the capitals well at all?
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850 KB JPG
MLPG what would you rather have?

>bottom half(waist down) pony
>top half (waist up) pony
>man o war can actually sense where their potential prey is
>they can actually hunt instead of being opportunity feeders
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125 KB JPG
/tg/ is fun

>"If he thinks I'm gonna work a double-shift this weekend, he's barking up the wrong tree!"
>"He couldn't climb very high anyway - his legs are too short..."
>"What'd you say, Rumble?"
>"Huh? What?"
File: 1376197924331.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 150 KB, 1280x1024)
Spoiler Image, 150 KB
150 KB JPG
Your waifu is about to climax

She's thinking about you rubbing her all over
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1.56 MB PNG
She wants a cuddle and a hug, anon. She wants to embrace you with those wings.

[spoilers]ctrl+A, and just worry about the title when it comes to capitals[/spoiler]
there is a pastebin in the comments with all the hidden things and the capitals deciphered.

But try selecting on every empty space first, it's much more fun to find them yourself
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721 KB JPG
>want pone vage that can basically pull your dick in and milk it for everything it has
>wings that will keep you war and dem snuiggles
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10 KB
Why is she thinking of a monkey when she needs to be asleep. She has a lot of royal duties to do tomorrow.
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why is land life so smelly and boring
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she can't help herself.
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Necron were always my favorite.
I always loved horseshoe crabs
CTRL+A "pastebin"
No results
Okay this was fun
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She got sauced again, she ravaging herself thinking of you scratching her behind the ears.
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981 KB GIF
I love these little demons more.
i quit the game.
GW is just too much of a bag of dicks and the players are all shitty in my area.
obesity is a much worse fetish.
i think it's on the same level.
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51 KB
i know roght; here have a sea pig.
You're fucked in the head, friend.
Sex with Berry Punch

People actually catch the smaller versions of these and use them as bait
Are we talking liking fat or liking the physically impossible blobs where the hands and feet can't even be seen?
Shit is gross, obesity is gross
I'm not seeing the difference.
o man dem feels

sea cucumbers are kawaii as fuck
Seriously? These things look to ferocious for bait
no, they are both equally shit.

Nothing is too ferocious for a human to kill
>a fetish for shit is a shit fetish

Brilliant observation.
[moaning intensifies]

Yeah I mean the creeping Darkness is better than King's Mist but dude

This isn't super-duper or anything
awwww yisss man, you should make a thread about it here.
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600 KB PNG
i had a fondness for scarabs
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Given the chance you could be living in equestria, however you must be the royal harem, would you?
That's pretty low tier.

Try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfvEgWINUFc
Only time a supposedly scary fic actually scared me. But let's agree to disagree
I concur.

The others are more important.
Yeah, I really see no reason not to.
Royal Harem to whom, though?
I always had a blast with flayed ones.

Flayed ones and wraiths.
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1.23 MB PNG
>you will never bring Rainbow Dash to orgasm just by rubbing her ear the right way
I'd really rather she didn't, given that I don't like ponies that way.

But I mean I guess I can't stop anyone from thinking about me while masturbating, or any other time.
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144 KB JPG
fukkin flayed ones mang
I'm the entire royal harem?
That sounds like a lot of work
But its probably rewarding
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110 KB PNG
God, I wish.
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[water falling from the sky]
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Rei, I'm sorry but I must steal your waifu for now.
shame they hold the title for "the most useless unit" in all of 40k
> creepy pasta time

If you want some actually fucking "creep out your soul" copypasta, this is some pretty good sauce.


achieving orgasm without genital touching is my fetish

assuming that even qualifies as a fetish

>liking luna

Into the trash it goes
At least they're fun in the vidya gaems.
True, but hay. ya can't bet nature weirdness, it's a comedy gold mine.

here one one back a True Facts: WARNING LEWD
I loved it, but it ended on a fucking stupid note. Still, major props to the guy since he actually did all the original spritework for this.

And Solomon is still the best.
too bad it's unrequited, gamers preferred windows
in dark crusade they were they mother fucking best unit.

fucking pop them anywhere with stealth dude running ahead and overwhelm an enemy base in tier 1-2.
It wasn't really a creepy pasta, just a spooky storry that had a hidden text that ramps up the spook factor
You want weirdness? Have some leopard slugs having sex
Who's royal harem?

there is not enough fapfics about this
The first time Red turned to face the camera after being spoken to I actually bolted in my seat.
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25 KB
There are plenty
I fucking loved Dark Crusade.

I was so disappointed in DoW 2.

There are a few
True. And the face made of the word Kill actually filled me with dread.
why is Pinkie wearing a collar
ork campaign was worth it to me.
This seems like a pretty solid read so far
She wants to be your little pet.
well that goes for all slugs and snails... cuz you know, hermaphrodites
it gets shit near the end.

DC>DOW vanilla>SS>WA
It starts out really good, but sinks fast very near the end.

Fuck meant to link this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnnIk-6wR00
Ehhh, I dunno

The bookending was okay

I wish he'd write the fucking sequel though
>LK will never run RenneQuest 2 with doge Renne and pony Saffron
>tfw the stuffing comic is ded
fuck off elementary os shill
Yes, this seems accurate.
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>celestia appears at your house
>offers a trip to equestria
>but your mom says you are not allowed to go
>celestia ports away to find another human

what would you do?
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1.25 MB
1.25 MB GIF
>he still lives with his mom

>don't live with my mom

Sounds like I'm good to go.
>"I-I've never really done anything like this, Anon...."
>"That's ok, Fluttershy. I promise to be gentle."
>Reluctantly she agrees and he gets to work, starting from her top and making his way down slowly and sensually.
>Every now and then she lets out an involuntary little cry of mixed pain and plessure.
>"You really like this sort of thing, don't you?"
>"Y-yes....oh please, not there! It's dirty!"
>"I know. You're such a dirty little pony, aren't you?"
>"Ah! Anon, please, you're starting to hurt me! Stop!"
>"I'm almost done, just stop moving so much, will ya?"
>"Anon please! I think I-I'm about to....to....!"
>"Ugh, Fluttershy! Now look what you did! You got me completely drenched!"
>"I'm sorry!"
>"No. You know what, just for that, I'm not going to finish. Where's a towel?"
>"What? You can't leave me like this.....I mean, I'm almost done."
>"Ugh alright." And Anond gets to work with his hands

This was Anon giving Fluttershy a bath and brushing her mane, which almost ended in disaster
Should I stop then?
Well thanks, Scrubbles, you gave me flashbacks back to when my ex squirted so hard it went up my nose.

I have sinus trouble so bad it lodged in there for like an hour before finally draining. NEVER AGAIN.
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I'm just going to pretend that spoiler doesn't exist
Keep reading it, if only for to appreciate all the work the author did for it (all the original sprites are hand made)

And it does get legit creepy (the first time you see Red it'll creep you the fuck out, and then when he turns to notice the guy/you.
I haven't spoken to my mother in nearly a year.
I doubt she cares really.
I like your style

Stories about ponies not actually doing lewd things tickle my funnybone
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>You're such a dirty little pony, aren't you?
Fuck I love dirty talk
You story sounds made up.

I dunno why, but something about it smells fishy
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You should fix that.
My mom died seven years ago in a car accident.
Would you have gay horse sex with ponynaki in exchange for the pony of your choice?
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I really, really wish I made that up, you punny sunny funny sillyhead.

It was more alkaline than anything, but I used a saline thing for my nose to wash it out. I was always pretty careful to keep my face away from her when she was about to cum after that, or at least pinch my nose shut when it was eminent.
Be mildly upset
I'd fuck a gay pony for free
>You walk into Sugarcube Corner for some food and to relax after a busy day.
>The place is sort of packed. Pinkie is manning the counter while the Cakes go at the baking full-steam.
>She jumps a bit when she notices you, but quickly turns on the classic Pinkie Pie smile as you make your way to the counter.
>After getting a couple donuts and some iced tea, you find a seat close by to kick your feet up.
>As you're eating, you get the feeling you're being watched. When you look towards Pinkie, she quickly looks away, giving you darting glances to check if you're still looking.
>Her face keeps getting redder and a bit of a sly grin creeps onto her face every now and then.
>After finishing up, you decide to indulge in one more donut, getting up and making your way back to the counter.
>Pinkie's eyes are now locked solely on you and it kind of looks like she's been doing some serious running. She bites her lip.
>A bit concerned, you ask if she's okay.
>She motions with her head for you to lean in. You do.
>"I-I've been... touching... myself since... you go-got... in... and I'mgonna... g...gonna...-
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> she breaks into peals of terrible self-tickled laughter, the sound drawing attention to anyone passing by
> it truly sounds like she's being clown-murdered
> Two, three minutes pass and there's no sign of letting up
> You throw bits on the counter, picking up six-odd pre-wrapped cookies by the counter, LOUDLY exclaiming "OH WELL NICE JOKE THERE PINKIE HA HA TIME TO GO HOME NOW GOODBYE" as the laughter continues, raucous and almost unsettling
> You use the 'serve yourself' box to cover a mounting arousal in your pants all the way home, face burning hot
> Ponies are still staring, EMT's arriving to ensure she's not over-giggled, spurious glances following you all the way back to the cottage
> Goddamn it Pinkie
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>chest nips
>not glorious crotch tits
are you ready mlpg
we're going to pony world in 5 minutes

make sure you have everything packed
>human chest
I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to turn in your unf card son.
got my SKS, ready to innapony
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>Twilight, in an attempt to learn date good, attempts to try out some dirty talk with Spike

>"I dunno how I feel about this, Twilight."
>"Come on Spike. It's for study and it's only the two of us here."
>"Ok, fine."
>"Ahem," She pontificates, checking one of her books on modern courting. "Hey there....big guy. I bet you're a real dirty kinda pony, cause you haven't bathed in days."
>"I was planning on it later...."
>"It's that a scale infection down there, or are you just happy to see me?"
>"Oh no, this is noticeable?! I was with Rarity all day today! Why didn't anyone say anything...."
>"Want to come back to my place and maybe clean up that mess you made."
>This goes on for antoher ten minutes and it ends with Spike crying uncontrollably
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>glorious crotch tits
>not glorious crotch tits
mai niggu

Where are we even staying? What if I'm under packed?
>liking crotch tits

Can I just come naked? When in Rome, right?
>attacking opinions
MW is a cutie pony
Are we talking three-hour tour, or Gilligan's Island here?

I need to pack the appropriate sunscreen.
it's too late
the bus is leaving
No, ponies have coats

you should wear a coat
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>Gilligan's Island

Why didn't the Professor just build a portal to Equestria?

gotta grab my .45
She is,but ain't no sense in putting DDs on a pony
I don't think he had enough ammonia and bleach.

What a pity.
There ain't no sense in a lot of things, why draw the line anywhere?
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I want a pet changeling drone
This is creepy as fuck.
You can't build a portal out of coconuts
Cause you would be taking it to Stupidville

Okay: coat and nothing else. Got it.
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I want a little changeling too.

Wow, Tara posts a shitload of photos of her tits.
I like it here in Stupidville, it has a nice view of the ocean.
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I guess not.
Please,there is a website dedicated to celebrity feet that has pictures of her's on there. Like it's an entire archive
unf unf both cutie marks unf
And THAT is creepy as fuck.
>still surprised by anything on the internet
I remember when Goatse made me puke. What a world
Oh shit Tara Strong has boobs?!
Yes, in a pretty profound way.

I will say if Equestrian portals could be crafted from boobs alone, she wouldn't be a VA, she'd be a goddamn Amtrak train.
pony is wet
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I thought my GPU fan was broken but it turns out that the rear case fan came unplugged is all!
Fuckin lucky.
>Anon is helping Applejack at the farm. It's been a long hard they and the two of them are sweaty and tired
>"Well, I'm mighty thankful for all yourselp today, Anon!"
>Applejack gives him a mighty pat on the back, but because of the height difference its kind of a smack on the bottom
>"Uggh....you're welcome, Applejack. Anytime."
>"But it sure as shoot wouldn't be polite to not give you something in return."
>She nudges up close besides him and nods towards the barn
>"How about a roll in the hay before you go?"
>Anon is dumb founded at the very direct offer, but before he can do anything she's already trotting off toward the barn and he follows behind. She gives him a coy look before dissapearing inside.
>The barn was dark and cool and had the smell of much use and fresh cut hay.
>"Up here, big guy!"
>She's up in the loft, her tail vanishing from pas the ladder with a giggle.
>"C'mon up. We're all alone out here."
>Curious, intrigued and a little scared, Anon climbs the latter
>He finds Applejack sitting on a large flat heavy wool blanket with a picnic basket, munching away
>"Mmmmm mmmm! These fresh honey rolls sure are something else after a day of work. Sit down and have a couple with some cold cider, Anon! But don't fill up too much now, cause you're invited to supper!"
>there will never be pony fanservice
I'd walk around with a palm frond and fan Dash all day

if you catch my drift
Scubbles why do you waste your time making bad jokes when you could be doing this

the mental image is adorable

What does fresh cut hay smell like
I figured I'd leave what happens next up to the imagination. Exhibitionism is hot as fuck.
I've run out of pony
that's it
I can't go on
Jokes are quicker and I have the attention span/dedication of something that doesnt have a lot of those things as a metaphore

Kinda like grass, but heavier, mustier, a bit more dry in flavor
Like if freshly mown lawn and a church basement had a baby. It's a little peaty but sweet, like smelling hops while drinking a pure-cane cola.
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Well... okay, then. Goodbye.
> Anon, not totally losing all spaghetti, gasping in revulsion and running out the door, trailing powdered donut sugar behind

Huh. I think I want to smell fresh-cut hay sometime.
bury me with my hard drives
I love her
But when the night is over
She is gone
The river's just a river
>gasping in revulsion
What, are you gay?
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>fapping to the pony crossdressing fic someone posted today
>starts good
>getting into serious fap mode
>shit starts getting pretty lame
>there is no turning back now
>have an unsatisfying fap

fuck, this happens to me way too often.
Hey is a great smell

The problem is its ussualy accompanied by the smell of large animal poop
Applejack and Rainbow Dash got together and decided to start a rock band

The ydecided to call it Hay Ocean
It was great going out into the field right after it'd been cut, when I was a kid. I'd climb on top of the bales of hay and stare at the clouds. The smell was divine.
i didnt save it after closing the tab in disappointment. it was no good i wouldnt recommend it to anyone anyways.

>not teasing yourself for hours to images and fics of your favorite fetishes
>not edging a few times after ignoring your cock gets too hard
>not stressing over what to cum this hard to

She's a smelly ill-bred animal who's flicking her bits every which way staring at you the whole time. Maybe - just maybe - a straight guy would feel REALLY weirded out by all this.

Just staring. Watching. While you chew that cakey donut and draw it deep in your human-mouth-hole, just grinding away as you smack loudly in the cafe.

I can only imagine the scene she'd make had you only ordered coffee.
who the fuck has that kind of time to spend on fapping?

i like to jack it fast then get back to working on my life goals.
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I want Twilight and Applejack to read me a book taking turns doing the different characters

Someone who doesn't fap every day?
What, like "Our American Cousin"?

Aw Hell yeah.
But AJ can't read
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Man the batpony general is garbage. I think I'll go draw them something.
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"oh anonnnn!"

the end
>Twilight and Applejack read a young Anon a story before bed
>Tonight it's Harry Potter
>Twilight has lots of fun makign funny voices for all the characters
>Applejack is simply unable to and everyone has an oddly placed southern drawl like that one time Allen Rickmen was on King of hte Hill
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It would have been funny to see her recommend Dash a book
Well met. Now I must fap.
Your favorite pony just made an off-handed remark about Zebras.
> Voldemort, Hagrid, and Treleweny all have Southern drawls
Awww yeah
it's all shitty fanfics lately, what little art they produce is mostly of low quality
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Applaud pony's effort
> "They seem like okay people I guess. Better 'n Griffons."

>Yer a wizard, sugarcube
MLPG please help

Pinkie Pie is like way too close to my face and wont go away. What should I do?
Just tie her up outside for a while

Bite her

You don't see people getting in dogs' faces for a reason
kiss her
>Grew up in the south so that shit is normal for me.
Hug her and show her want it feel like to be too close to you.
We don't have any zebras here anyway
>homosexual duck necrophilia
I laffed

>grow up around slightly racist parents
>racism is never shocking

I wish I knew what it felt like to be offended by racism.
I kinda doubt people in the south make colorful remarks about zebras
my sides
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>High school
>Get a ride home from the bus stop by my friend's uncle
>He's hilarious, drives an SUV, dressed nice, very disarming
>Having a good time
>Sees this white girl walking with a black guy
>He goes quiet
>"It breaks my heart to see a nice white girl with a fucking monkey."
>I'm fucking speechless for the rest of the ride
he was right
Welcome to every car ride with my dad. Just insert road rage.
They have stern opinions about it.

> "I don't like 'em. They keep fuckin' the horses and ruinin' their gorgeous coats and they kick every fucking thing. Petting zoo's a mess."
That doesn't seem like something Twilight would do.
Give pony hoof bump.
I want Rainbow Dash's show dad to be exactly the same way
Well, I'm a pretty shit artist so I'll fit right in then.
that's stupid
you're stupid anon
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Reminds me of my grandpa. Fuck was he hilarious.
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Oh man, the surprise racist guy gets me everytime.

>meet someone
>talk, seems like a cool person
>suddenly says something like that
>don't want to start an argument or anything so you just keep quiet and pretend they didn't say anything
If you could go back to the day you watched your first episode, would you do it again? Re live everything we've been through or never know any of it.

I would without hesitation.
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Okay not really
But it would be a little funny if Dash's dad was awesome except she hated those damned earthies.
only if I have prior knowledge of the future
No, of course I wouldn't.
I was happy before I started watching this show.

This is my new headcanon

thanks anon
I laugh at everything. Nothing offends me or makes me uncomfortable.
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being super rascist is hilarious

Sure I would.

I took up art and augmented my masturbation tenfold thanks to the time spent here
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Those ponies are adorable.
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the hilariest
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yes they are
>Rainbow Dash's dad comes to visit and stay in Pnyville for a while
>He's very charming, embarrasses Dash a little with stories, polite and nice to everyone
>Tekes special time and attention to meet and talk with her firneds
>Everything seems to be going so well
>Until he, Dash and Fluttershy are alone
>"Bunch of hopped up ground humpers."
>"Dad, not this again."
>"Don;t you start! I told you once I told you a thousand times, this lower ponies are no good for someone like you. You should be back up in the sky, with your own. With your family."
>"Dad I'm ahppy here. I have friends here!"
>"Soem friends. A hick farm hand, a spastic party girl, a pretentious social climber and lord of the nerds. I can't say I'm suprised, seeing as they're just a bunch of"
>"Don;t you say it!"
>Fluttershy is shocked the whole time and is litterally frozen in place at that spot with that expression for two days
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>tfw you will never grip her smooth, slimy flanks
>your hands will never slowly ooze into them with a squelching noise as you line your cock up to her slit, winking with loud squelches as goo drips down
>don't even aim it in, just jam it in that general area
>begin to thrust and feel her big butt turn to mush against your pelvis while she moans
oh god I love it
>and lord of the nerds.
But Scrubbles, Twily has wings now.
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you will never get to Eiffel Tower twilight sparkle with Celestia.

Princess of the nerds
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Fluttershy's the worst of the bunch. She has wings but chooses to be a lesser creature
you will never get to run your tongue under Celestia's floppy foreskin
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you too
>her goo will never throb around you
>she will never give you sensations impossible with a normal pussy
>you will never sink into her gooey body, lost in pleasure
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Flutterdash is best ship.
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>horse penises

why would anyone make me mentally imagine something like that.
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I don't like to rub it in other people's faces
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While I do like horsedicks with foreskin, I meant human Celestia

I'm sorry to have offended your imagination
But she wasnt born that way

Shes jsut a magic poser

Its like black face. Just imagine some old timey Equestrian movies, but pegassu ponies werent allowed to be actors back then, so they just had earth ponies in shoddy wing costumes and wire pulleys whe non camera
It can't be the best ship when Appledash is that best ship.
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I agree.
They have the best friendship.
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That's not RainbowDash
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I'd watch it.
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they're both great
sure brony is here
>don't like something
>yell brony
>not the broniest ship
sure new is here.
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where the straight ships niggas
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It's a ship that lots of bronies enjoy is all.
Doesn't make it any less wrong.
but he's right, Appledash is the broniest ship.

Are you retarded? Appledash is THE original brony ship
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>not a good ship
Fucking bronies in MLPG

You're the original brony ship.
Sometimes it's wrong, this time it isn't.
Feeling Pinkie Keen ruined Twinkie.
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Dead as they've always been
>no Raripie

fuck you guys
stfu brony :)
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Do you think it got Dash hot and bothered seeing Fluttershy dressing up like her?
love and tolerate brony /)
Seriously, the only thing bronier than Appledash is Twidash.
that's not twidash
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Shut up nigga
This is the brony ship.
We're the crew, and Leth is the captain
I'm going to marry Twilight Sparkle!
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fandom full of ass pounders
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god does she ever stop eating?
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no u
Yeah well I'm going to marry Fluttershy!
I feel like Griffon the Brush Off made PinkieDash a thing really early on.
I'd like to think so
I wonder how they would feel if Dash dressed up as Fluttershy
I'm going to divorce Twilight sparkle!
That pony seems to be missing her wings and horn.
How sad is it if I ship Pinkie Pie with myself?
Hey, so am I!
Kind of sad Rei
That's perfectly normal.
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Who wears the pony pants?
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It's hard when most of the characters with actual characterization are female.
Except gayburn, fuck those guys.
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Never has a fandom been so full of faggots before
>hey look, a big red stallion. he doesnt seem to like talking a lot
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Dibs on Dash?
Do YOU ever stop eating?
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Purplesmart and Speedycloud go so well together.
I don't like thing.

Corwin pls draw
Pony doesn't wear pants.
Ponies dont wear pants
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Dibs on AJ, the superior waifu.
I see a bunch of straight ships with big mac too
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gayburn fags are worst fags
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yeah but I'd argue that it has a bigger "brony" factor than even appledash
Like peanut butter and anchovies.
I mean metaphorically
>>>/mlp/ we don't allow bronies here.
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>hey look, a big red stallion. he doesnt seem to like talkig a lot
No Dash is mine
I'm sorry anon, but I have the means and willpower to do it
I'm confused, are the pants made out of pony?
Well I don't know

I just want to have fun with her and love each other and do nice things for each other and snuggle a lot
you mean normal? It defaults to straight, you have to prove they're gay.
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Well I have a gun.
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Fuck you, all gays should be flicked on the ear really hard.
You know that makes no goddamn sense
But what if she smacks you on the ass with her hoof and asks you to make her a sandwich after you cuddle?

The fuck kind of logic is this?
/pol/ please go and stay go.
Personally I think the Braeburn fans are the most obnoxious of the secondary characters
I would smack her on the ass and then go make sandwiches.