If we got a sort of part 2 to Games Ponies Play, what kinds of games do you want to see the ponies actually playing?Old thread: >>12734674
>>12739531Settlers of Catan
>>12739531That Markerpone always makes me think of Leth
>>12739531>tfw Reu is ded and hats us from beyond the grave
Chrysalis is starting to grow on me
>>12739571Merican or filthy European?
>>12739594That's because she's corrupting you, anon.
>>12739605Does she teach that in school?
>>12739531game of pretend
big maroon butt
>>12739594I like her little crown thingy
>>12739587The living can know no peace from these fedoras
>>12739612Night classes for the stallions.
okay,so luna is like, a spooky ghost now?
>>12739638/tg/ pls go
>>12739531I really really like that picture.
>>12739652Why would she be spooky?
>>12739594My genital warts are starting to grow on me too.
>>12739652Nah, she just has night moves.
>>12739659she was in a dream, a spooky dream. I had a dream about luna once
>>12739651Can I sign up to be the demonstration piece?
>>12739677Did her tiny butt excite you?
I'm sorry for starting a geometry debate.
>>12739621Would you wear it?
>>12739598If it's European, it's soccer.
>>12739684actually no, it was before I broke any golden rules about ponies and any sexuality. Even shipping.
>>12739697depends. What does it do?
>>12739531I don't know, but I expect Flash Sentry to appear in the episode
>>12739698damn straight
>>12739693It's not really a debate, it can be ended with the definitions of rectangles and squares.
Well, the ep itself was solid. I'm not feeling it as being the best series though. The end scene with the rainbow falls was marvellous though. It reminds me of fall weather friends. The end of that one blew me away.
>>12739711Prepare to be disappointed
>>12739711>McCarthy's twitter, some time later>I SAID NOT A CHARACTER, BACKGROUND APPEARANCE DOESN'T COUNT>McCarthy doesn't lie
Delivery for anon!
>>12739743 is it the link board?
>>12739731It's probably top 5 or 6 for me over all.Did you like it the most out of S3 so far?To be honest I didn't enjoy S3 much after that episode
>>12739743I'LL TAKE IT!
>>12739743is it another box?
>>12739741It's just like how Applejack doesn't lie in The Last Roundup.
>>12739743yes i will take the scootaloothanks
>>12739750Too Much Ponk and MD set the standard pretty high and all the episodes afterwards were just pretty mediocre ones
>>12739756Oh god, is that kid supposed to be that soulless?
>>12739733brush your manejeez Rumble
>>12739772>TMP>setting any kind of standards
>>12739764Now to open it.I hope it's not a critter, there are no holes.
>>12739750Well we'll see. I haven't reached the twalycorn ep yet, that's gotta be some kinda landmark.The actual series is really good, deceptively so. Even the two parter at the start really grew on me. Only problem is I know i'll never be able to be sucked into it quite as much as I was series one, or even series two. But there are definitely really charming moments that i'm really appreciating so far
>>12739772>Too Much Ponk and MDyou forgot Sleepless in Ponyville, it's okay it happens
>>12739734Not even an entire scene to him. Maybe just a background scene or something.
>>12739703it's for the queen of the changeling to wear
>>12739775actually compared to soarin, rumble has a much nicer well styled mane
>>12739792Oh. Then yes. I don the fancy hat at a jaunty angle.
>>12739795it reminds me of JD's hair from Scrubs. I bet he washes it daily.
>>12739772which one is MD?
>>12739786>seriesdo you mean season?
Which pony is more pony than pony?
>>12739813in UK they're all series
>>12739790Personal feelings for me wanting to see him in the tv series aside, it would be awful if even that happened because of all the drama and shit posting that would ensue from "HEY DID YOU GUYS SEE FLASH? MEGHAN LIED LOL"
>>12739813It's an english thing
>>12739816Technically even Dash could beat me at that competition as I am not a pony.
>>12739809I almost thought I was the only one.I bet he has long, distracting fantasies as well.
>>12739811Magic Duel
>>12739787I really did forget that, SiP was great.
>>12739840ah yeah
>>12739809gel is a possibility, but it looks like what hair would end up looking like after flyin at high speeds. I assume it looks different before flying to school.
>>12739839I bet some of them are even about Scootaloo
okay, episode 7, season 3: wonderbolts academy. I heard about this one. Any good?
>>12739849Nah, that's just getting into crazy territory.
>>12739764>25 lbs box of rape
>>12739848not if he wears one of those magic helmets
>>12739854Not very, and my favorite character is Dash.it's just kind of boring and strange, but make up your own opinion
>>12739838>not turning into a pony>in 2013what's wrong with youwhy haven't you transformed your body into a pony body yet
>>12739854It's pretty boring
>>12739839 that would be pretty funny DRAWFAGS
>>12739876>Pony body>Not glorious ZebraIt's like you don't want all-powerful alchemy or something
>>12739876>>12739869some one has to be the anon for all the ponies
Well, a thousand sadfic writers just came and started weeping all at once. She didn't get in
>>12739854It's eh. You get to see Spitfire again, but the ending is pretty lame. The whole thing is Top Gun. Also Pinkie is fucking annoying as shit in it.
Pony should do anal.
>all that arguing over squares and rectangles
>>12739890Alchemy is learnedit's not a biological trait
>>12739901It wasn't really arguing, just a misunderstanding.
don't blame me for being a douchei got that there autism
>>12739854Boring, but not overly horrible. Decent amount of background ponies, Dash was decent (it's even written by Merriwhether), Pinkie was awfully annoying (but cute) and Spitfire was a bitch. The worst part were the human poses to be honest.
>>12739918This comic always gets meAnd I do like her tiny butt
>>12739918Don't worry, luna just needs a couple more seasons under her belt. Just look at the those caps of celestia over the seasons, her ass got huge.
>>12739876where is that comic where a guy and a girl go into pony molds and have their bodies turned into ponies
>>12739928What human poses are you referring to out of curiosity
>>12739937Oh yeah?
>>12739953The idea of being able to cup the entire thing in one hand excites me so
>>12739962I wonder where that tongue has been
>>12739924i jumped the gun when she said she didn't get in. Back in the day that was one of the big sad fic premises, if I remember correctly
>>12739947Mostly the flying. There's a part with Lightning Dust (Dash's rival in the episode) where she straightens herself up to get through a small area.
>>12739953>you'll never wake up to luna booping your already hardened dick
>>12739938it should get bigger
>>12739994>>12739982also the top youtube comment is "lightning dust is just like gilda"cheers for spoiling it, dickhead
>>12739938>>12740006How much bigger?
>>12739990Not him but I didn't think that was too bad, she was just kind of flattening herself out as she fell.
>>12740004Why is he so indifferent to the hot girl underneith him?
>>12740042He's not even inside. Dash doesn't know how sex works.
>>12740033That's just one of them. And it's more of the whole season than just that episode.
>>12740028>Luna will never come to you house and empty your fridge>she will never try to escape blame by leaving a fake note implying Derpy>it's written on royal stationary
>>12740042what hot girl?
>>12740063By pone standards
>>12740059I'd like some one with lots of time or autism to go through every single episode of every season and capture every time a pony made a "human" pose so we could actually compare if it went up or down. I think we'd have to exclude Pinkie though.
>>12740060>Derpy breaks in to your house and raids your empty fridge>refills your ice trays>leaves an apology note>on royal stationary
>>12740028>GG wants the Rediv audienceIsn't MT enough for him? He makin himself a harem.
>>12740028enough for the whole court to whisper of her burlesque figure and nice, round.... assets
>>12740108I sure hope Colgate is in that Harem
glasses indoors huh. I never liked spitfire all that much
Do you guys like it when the humanized ponies have something visual to distinguish between the four races, or just say all humans are the same as us?
>>12740139I think all the unicorns should be black people
>>12740060>>12740088Why would Luna need to do this? She's a princess, her kitchen is probably bigger than my house.
>>12740139I kinda like the elf ears and wings thing.
>>12740139Generally I don't like humanized ponies to begin with, but I like it when the artist takes some liberties in distinguishing between the ponies/races that aren't gaudy and at the same time are cliched and over done.
>>12740139Good Tier>wingsMeh Tier>HornsShit Tier>different races
>>12739965What if you could hold her entirely with just one hand?
>>12740167But she can just walk in and raid people's fridges.Nobody would stop her.
>>12740178oops* and at the same time are also NOT cliched and over done
>>12740167She has a thing for left overs and months old jars of pickles.
>>12740183Too smallI like the ponies at the height that they seem to be on the show, with their mouths about crotch high
>>12740216if they were small enough to carry in one hand then it'd be no probably hoisting them to crotch height.
>>12740231Still, they'd be a lot more dependent on you if they were that small. A bigger pony could make herself more useful.
>>12740242That's a really shitty incorrect reference.There are much better ones.
>>12740257The candy cane comparison with the tilt taken into account seems to be the best one, putting the ponies at about 4-5 ft tall
>>12740242so we finally got some perspective. Only took almost 2 years of arguing and autistic height comparison charts
>>12740149Quit standing around and clean my fucking gutters already.
The best anthro is the ones that take the style of faces into consideration. Most anthro will make their faces too horse-like and detailed.
>>12740277That would assume that the EQG abominations are the same size as you and me. They do call it the human world but those legs and colored faces are most definitely not human.
>>12740276They're only about 3'8- 4' according to the candy cane reference.
>>12740216Like this?
sleepy twilight
>>12740316Wow that plushie is adorable.Gotta be pretty pricey
>>12740277Not really, humans range in sizes a lot and EG's designs don't even conform to humans at all. The 4 foot candy cane is the closest one.
https://derpibooru.org/65000?scope=scpe881e78541cc0fe8dc2a62c4bdb3e8b615ed65846Just caught up. Someone was asking for this pic in the last thread.
>>12740179>good tierYou mean God tier.
>>12740139human horn is the worst, you would have to be a true genius character designer to come up with something else though.
>>12740340>explicit>nudity>zero genitalia shownExplain this
>>12740340Is there a version without the juices everywhere?
>>12740336sure. but the lockers do give you a reference for the humans
>>12740242>my little ponies are little
>>12740345if I could draw humans I would just depict all unicorns as owning magical wands
>>12740358Did they refer to the sizes of the lockers at any point? I don't really remember EG, not that I want to.
Okay, that wasn't so bad, alright episode. So is lightning dust being kicked out of the academy now?That bit were fluttershy sort of flies normally after being saved got a laugh out of me, good to see the show can still do that
>>12740330>hippo nosewhy do people do this thing
>>12740365did she just transform into scootaloo at the end?
>>12740381>So is lightning dust being kicked out of the academy now?It's ambiguous. There was an alternate ending where dash straight up quits and I think LD gets kicked off, but i prefer this ending.
>>12740392She's hitting one of those inflatable rafts and sending Scootaloo flying.
>>12740381cloudchaser had the best reaction
Okay, apple family reunion. Thoughts?
>>12740427Apple song/10
>>12740427Very weak
>>12740427Worst song. Overall not a good episode.
>>12740389big curves are easier to draw for some people
>>12740427RACIST BARNRACIST BARNGranny is still best character, and Babs comes back
>>12740427 not enough AB and babs interaction
I want to grab two handfuls of squishy marshmallow pony ass and plunge deep inside their sopping marevag
>>12740381Fluttershy in charge of saving her friends
>>12740427Did you see One Bad Apple?
>>12740442>>12740439>>12740435>>12740438aw.Wow, young granny was smokin. She needs herself some botox>>12740439
Which pony has powerful thighs?
>>12740454yeah. It was ok, babs was like any support pony at first. Undercharacterised
So,Unicorns - ElvesEarth Ponies - Satyrs or fauns, whateverBut what would pegasai be?
What's your expectations for S4?
>>12740460Applejack, could crush your head like a melon.
>>12740489Cute ponies
*grab**stroke stroke*
>>12740484worst ponies
>>12740489Good music.
wow, AJ is so adorable man. Ilike how granny got a little dig about her weight in there as well. It's like me and my grandparents
>>12740502*grabs you by the throat* back the fuck off!?!?
>>12740489that its not completely horriblethat's about it reallyi'm keeping my expectations on an all time low
>>12740489S4 episode one is the flashback episode.I expect that to be good.
>>12740523it's going to be a small scene in a largely twilight focused 2 parter
Ok, I just got what you guys mean by 'human poses'. Creepy
>>12740489I expect it to be better than S3 which suffered a bit due to the relatively inexperienced crew and the short length.
>>12740489Hmm, lemme think...
>>12740511I love the idea that Applejack was kinda pudgy as a filly.
>>12740508Daniel Ingram is overratedWilliam Anderson is underrated
>>12740489Ponies doing cute things.I've practically given up on the story already
>>12740558you're asking for a slap, boy
>>12740559that feel
>>12740489Really hypedThe animatics look amazing, and they're working with more time and a bigger budget now
>>12740558FIM BGM release when
>>12740558Exactly this. I wish they'd release a soundtrack of all the background music. Its great.
>>12740579I'd fatten that filly up
>>12740558Well, one of those statements is right. But the other is so wrong it invalidates all your opinions on everything throughout all existing universes.
>>12740559I gave up on the stories halfway through S1 when I realized that most of them were cliche
>>12740549EG caused S3 to be rushed.
>>12740590 but which one
>>12740558Your second point is very much true.Don't know about the first, though. He's pretty good, but I don't really know how much he's hyped by people.
Man why are people pretending to be me
Congratulations, you win a lifetime supply of Rainbow Dash!
buttons mom has got it going on
http://www.youtube.com/user/TrueTailSeries/videosDouble Meme's director new "show"top lel
>>12740596I think he means more the overall story not just individual episode plots.
>>12740441Even if Bone is simple, you can tell the artist is skilled.
>>12740527... I like it. A lot.
>>12740612Are they obedient?
Alright anon, you can go to equestria. But as soon as you do every one of the ponies legs fall off, and their civilization will surely collapse without your help. Do you go through with it?
>>12740619OhYeah, I gave up on that after the S1 pilot
>>12740523>I expect that to be good.Oh man he does not know who is the writer of that episode.Pls don't tell him anybody.
NOW i remember babs shite accent. urgh
>>12740612A curse, and a ble- No, wait, just a curse.
>>12740641epic anonjust epic
>>12740611that's what happens when you don't use a tripcode
>>12740652Babs could have been a cool new filly from the big city
>>12740624that brush controlhttp://youtu.be/zBLEp0iR0Ko
>>12740652Whaddya tryin to say?
>>12740641>Meghan haters>Forgetting every single episode she had in S1 and 2I assume you also think Larson is shit since he wrote MMC
>>12740659Sent :)
>>12740666>Satan condoning tripsSomehow I'm not surprised.
>>12740622>yfwI wish someone would give me that one gif where those two dudes from The Road to Eldorado scream and cower in pure terror.
Hugs and hisses~
>>12740674Don't respond to shitposters.
>>12740674Wow, way to make a total shit argument, completely wrong on 3 out of 3 points you made
>>12740612Can I take the changelings instead. I want tons and tons of changelings.
>>12740674It just meor did you imply that she wrote good episodes in s02?
>>12740484I hate wings on humans so much, but I don't know how else to do it other than the human is imparted with air magic or something.
>>12740611>not putting a whole bunch of squiggly shit in your name to prevent that from happening
>>12740702NopeThey only want to be Rainbow Dash
>>12740689>You will never unhinge your jaw to full engulf pinkie in a mouth hug
>>12740714who doesn't?
what could go wrong, they said
>>12740724OH THIS IS MY JALM
>>12740718Twilight's face says it all.
what does it mean
>>12740612>have to sexually please dozens of rainbow dashs everyday>when you go to sleep they all want to cuddle sleep on your bed>they take turns licking you off in the morning so you start your day relaxed
>>12740735>tfw jalmbait is dead
>>12740732>there are many people in this fandom who defend it
>>12740750>implying Dash would do thatshe would probably kick you out of your bed and call you names for being so fat and lazy
aw, AJ is fuckin it all up.
>>12740750>impersonating meButt why?
>>12740671I give up.
Pizza's hereRainbow Dash get the door
>>12740780>Aj in charge of not being worst pone
>>12740792>in session at the ponyville LGBT alliance headquarters
>>12740792oh my replacement is here.good, remember, filly is for sexually no matter what they say
>>12740718Rarinaga is shit.Look at this one. She's long enough to wrap you up head to toe!
>>12740671>>12740441Hi RoseDraw cute pony Sex
>>12740795How can you give up now? He's been doing this for YEARS, he's a master of his craft, you're giving up because a professional of all people is better than you? That could be you, don't give up
>>12740832male or female?
*wwanders over Yander*
>>12740817I'm the real Scootanon, though.
>>12739985What exactly is she yes/no-ing?
>>12740841GG no, there's a fanbase over there!
>>12740841YonderQuest when?
>>12740841what if your yander wanders my dick
>>12740847I've written down a list of people who care and placed in this boxPinkie helped
>>12740776Dash would, But Changlings feed off of love, So i'd feed them my Love sauce every day all day.
>>12740837I know, the gap is just so goddamn wide.
>>12740802have ponies ever been shown eating pizza
>>12740866not gonna lie, that just looks like someone scribbled on a nappy and shoved in a letterbox
>>12740876now that you mention it I don't think so
>>12740876What if they worked for pizza?
>>12740841GG pls draw more sexually frustrated Sylvia
>>12740854dicks, anon...
>>12740876NoThey aren't cannibals.
>>12740750I'd never get up in the morning
>>12740904ponies working mundane human jobs is cute
wow, this song literally sucks shit. What are you doing ingram? You coulda done SO MUCH with a an old western linedance theme.
Scrunch battle go!
>>12740939The problem with that song is that it feels like they went: "People want an Applejack song. How can we wrench one in here?"Now Apples to the Core feels like a much more natural fit.
>>12740939I didn't think it was all that bad.The lyrics are usually average at best. Maybe I'm just easily entertained.
>>12740940Poniator is a bad animator and you should feel bad.
>>12740709I kinda wanted to say Airbenders, but then people would get up on my ass about why the other races aren't benders as well.
>>12740939S3 was not good for songs. Th only one I enjoyed was BAD SEED BAD SEED and the second song of the finale.
>>12740919but what about the dicks?Length/girth/total size requirements?or something else
That ep was fine, had some pacing issues and that song was painfully mediocre, but what can you do. Not every one can be a hit.
>>12740875[bugs intensifies]
>>12740961hehI like how Fluttershy is just chilling in the background at the end
>>12740978She's just a bad bad seed.
>>12740840female x female
>>12740987>episode about granny smith passing onI can just feel the feels coming.
>>12740978I enjoyed the barn building song. it was catchy. Like most pony songs its less substance more style.
>>12740985The rest of the episodes that season are pretty mediocre so don't get your hopes too high
>>12740939FUCK YOU PIECE OF BRONY SHITcafeteria song was goodin fact - the only good thing about eqg
>>12741042anon your ignorant rage is making you misinterpret posts
>>12741042he wasn't talking about the cafeteria song.
>>12740968I agree.His very rough animations were novelty when he first appeared, but now it's just stupidly annoying
>>12740998She's just a ded ded seed.
>>12740961It's absolutely adorable.
>>12741042It was good if you like High School Musical and he wasn't even talking about that one
>>12741065>confirmed not to be in season 4Aww yissss.
>>12740988I hate you.[music]
>>12740965what episode was that in?
>>12741088>implying she's not gonna get a comic arc
>>12741015That's not me, don't get mad at them for not drawing you thing
>>12741088that was the thing I was saddest about in that, actually.The rest sounds pretty hypetastic though
>>12741099not [pony]
>>12740042Because Dash isn't hot.
>>12741099Fuck, that song reminds me of something but I have no idea what.
>>12741104Season 4 episode 9
>>12740974Elf ears are kind of okay, but wings look retarded. I don't even know if humanized pegasi should even fly.
>>12741060>>12741072He wasn't talking about any song in particular so it was is open for assumption.Shit post produces shit reply.
>>12741144Dash take off that collar I told you not to go digging in my room.
>>12741124That is such a silly pony.
>>12741156Image related aside, you could have read the thread and deduced he was talking about "raise this barn"
alright guys, it's been a pleasure masturbating over the show with you again. see you tomorrow
>>12741144>What do you mean you don't like the collar?>I'm your pony waifu aren't I?
>>12741172>reading the thread because of a shit post that not worth itfull sentenal mode
>>12741182i need to get my oggs back.fuck i miss my folder
>>12741225I never got that image. It seems like perfectly normal sweet nothings to say to someone you love.
>>12741232and then i forgot my [brackets]
>>12741233Take that fucking collar off!
>>12741252It gets me every time.
>>12741252It's because in the context that he wrote it we were participating in a quest in which we had woken up in Equestria with no memory of where we came from. So trying to describe something from earth so vividly was a funny mistake on his part.
>>12741233>Pone will never wear a collar around the house because she loves you>She'll never forget she's got it on sometimes when she goes out
Any drawfag wants to sketch a comic. Doesn't have to be good. Its just all this barn talk reminded me of a comic i wanted to see. but i can't draw.first scene is of applejack and big mac in front of a shiny new barn with applejack saying something like "Well its done, we've finally raised that barn," (i can't into accents either).Second panel will be a zoomed out aerial view of Sweet apple acres and there being 20 or something barns all scattered all over the place in strange locations everywhere.
>>12741283You completely fucked up whole context with your dull explanation.
>>12741283Oh. That sounds like a mistake I'd make.Dunno why he got a hateanon.
>>12741311That's actually pretty funny.Apple Family life rotates around barns slightly less than it does apples.
>>12741311I'd laugh at that
>>12741252>>12741315sentenal pleasepleaseyou are trying too hardwon't workdidn't work before
If anybody wants, give me a link to a picture and a youtube vid and I'll embed it for you.[music]
Pony just quacked.
>>12741352Oh pleaseI do much worse thingsLike all the fetishes
>>12741341The pvp in Dark Souls is so nuts, but I'm too casual so I'll just stick to pve.
>>12741368Did you goose it?
What if you had a little Fluttershy of your own?
>>12741419Who keeps putting collars on pone?
>>12741449But what if they're pet ponies?
Acid fruitlessly trying to wash her cock even though the musky stench still ceases to dissipate
>>12741471I'd treat her as an equal and also dress her in funny outfits
Anon! Please! I'm indecent... i'm wearing clothing.
>>12741471I I'd shower her in endless affection and love
>>12741501That guys stuff looks almost tolerable when he's not drawing horribly deformed genitalia.
>>12741525The tumor-ridden legs still ruin it.
>>12741501It's not that bad if you crop it
>>12740717>you will never rub your stomach full of pony
>>12741539Oh yeah that's a million times better.
Which pony would play cookie clicker?
>>12741539Now it just needs a collar.
>>12741539Not bad that's downright decent.
>>12741481Who's gonna stop me, you?
For some reason, I assumed the FiW guy was British.
>trying to wash it>implying she doesn't let it sit in the sun and reek
am i late to the sounds party
>>12741600To be honest FIW has been kinda crap lately. It's just nowhere as close to being funny as it once was...
>>12741576Rarity and Pinkie.
Anyone got a link where I could download some My Little Pony episodes.
>>12741615Calm down and eat an apple
Your favorite pony wants your help with upgrading her drake swordHow do you react?
>>12741600No, that's Fimfiction.
>>12741629oh my
>>12741643>Only 2 portalsStep it up senpai.
>>12741576 Fausticorn
>>12741576Granny smith.
>>127416199 was a big improvement in my own view over 8less humor based on being awkward and more humor based on things being funny
>>12741638>Drake SwordI'd then disown said pony from my favorite
>>12741662that fucking comic
>>12741638Punch her
>>12741638Smack her head and tell her that she'll use a lightning zweilhander and she'll goddamn be grateful for it.
>>12741638>drake sword
>>12741518This is the correct way to treat your pony.
>>12741638Why is pony playing such a terrible game?Why won't she play Aroura with me?
>>12741721>Being a giantdad
>>12741730Shut up Mewball you won't even play dank souls with me
>>12741731What if pony gets out of line?
>>12741740>terrible game
>>12741748says whoi'd be downPC?
>>12741756She has to go to bed early.
>>12741757I thinks it's terrible but there's a lot of Fromdrones in MLPG.
>>12741757It is quite crap. Its world is dull and gives me no motivation to move through it.
>>12741774>You will never tuck NMM into her bed>You'll never give her a gentle kiss on the forehead as you walk out her room>You'll never look out the window and see the world freezing over in a hellish iceage without sunlight
>>12741638I tell her that there are better weapons in the game and suggest she uses those. If she still wants to use the Drake Sword, it's fine by me.
>>12741819I found it to be anything but dull and the only motivation I needed was to see what I'm going to discover next.
>>12741831So beautiful...
>>12741819Literally the only dull area is Lost Izalith and that's towards the end of the game
>>12741772what's your gamer tag?
>>12741638I'd tell her to upgrade to a classy weapon like the claymore.
>>12741539> I saved this
>>12741870Numerouslk38at the moment i only have one character though, i'll probably make another soon though. he's SL110
>>12740345Easy, it's something that's already canon in the FiM universe and transferable to humans. It's all in how you depict their characters, and not just give them physical characteristics reminiscent of horns, wings, etc.Unicorns: Upper class, scholars, royaltyPegasi: Warriors, athletesEarth ponies: Commoners, business owners, strongAlicorn: Powerful warrior kings/queens/princesses/etc.Drawing them in a fitting clothes/settings would be easiest to distinguish them in this case.
>wanted to work on project all day>tired as hell for some reason>got nothing doneblllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
>tfw balls hang lower than cock:*(
>>12741929what build
>>12741963You've got a shit work ethic
>>12741948it was just the autoname windows gave me but i never changed it
>>12741973int/vit/enddark bead cancer
>>12740345I love the elf ears idea
>>12741980but I stramed working on it 5 days in a row...
>>12741954>>12740345so let me see if i can't figure this out.Unicorns: AsiansPegasi: BlacksEarth Ponies: MexicansAlicorns: WhitesMakes sense to me.
>>12741614Maybe if you put things in brackets.
>>12741963That's almost like me but>wanted to work on a project all day>try super hard>its shit>scrap it and start over again tomorrowIts been like this for the past three months atleast.
>>12742012They can't be accurately related to human races because almost all of the ponies civilizations are heavily westernized. And for some reason people can't have an all white cast.
>>12742006It could have been 6. Jesus went 6 days in a row.What a puss-bucket
>>12742012>asians>upper classtop kek
What's that sound, you hear it?A low trembling sound, kinda like some kind of heavy base-like beat...It's getting closeruntz untz untzUntz Untz UntzUNTZ UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ
>>12741638Give her a real weapon.Longsword +15
>>12741638Derpy would probably use two skeleton wheel shields and just roll around anyway.
>>12742042I was going to make whites unicorns but then i realized that i had to put something down for Alicorns. And I couldn't think of anything out there better than Whites. / /pol/ I'm joking of course
>>12741963>tfw awake for about 8 hrs and nothing done
>>12742012Unicorns: New England / D.CPegasi: California (and new jersey cuz resons)Earth Ponies: Southern StatesAlicorns: The 1%
>>12742084why is cadence korean?
>>12741990I remember when you were my favorite drawfag
>>12742083What about those of us in the Midwest?
Candyass is a pretty princess.
>>12742120jokes on you I read that in Q's voice and I'm not a pony.
>>12742142Well I'm not either, but I'd like to be
>>12742120Bitch, I AM the midwest.
Unicorns:Vanu SoverigntyPegasi:Terran RepbulicEarth Ponies:New ConglomerateAlicorns:Nanite-Systems
http://www.livealliance.tv/sonicboom/Who wants to see a Sonic cosplay contest on Sega's official Sonic con?
>>12742005>>12742019>>12742104i know, i know. my last build was strength based when i played on xbox months ago so i wanted to try it out. I didn't even know about the disgusting dark magic until i was almost to the dlc.forgive me i'm gonna make a non-faggot build next
>>12742115The less popular party would be the next on the list.Though it would be Republicans/DemocratsIndependentsGreenMost powerful/influential to least,R/D Alicorn (whichever is popular at the time, the other is a unicorn)Pegasus IndependentEarth pone green
>>12742084I dont read moon you stupid pony.
>>12742191>Earth ponies>Big and strong, large families, lots of them>Green party
>>12741481I don't know, you tell me.
>>12742213>>12742099Do you even adventure time?
>>12742281woaaaah nelly
>>12742281why is that horse so seductive
>>12742281what a pretty pet pony
>>12742304What's adventure time?Is it like Tool Time?
Is it that time already?
>>12742374oh boy oh boy oh boy
Lyra pls go
>>12742374Adventure time or tool time?
>>12742386kill yourselfcall me if you need some help
>>12742363I don't think so Al.
Would you hug pony in public even though they get embarrassed by public displays of affection.
I like Bon Bon.
>>12742418Woah, that's some waifu-defending right there.
>>12742432I would do more than hug.
>>12742432Yes. Their blushes will sustain me.
>>12742467Maybe you are hate proof, but are you love proof? love is dangerous.
>>12741366Was it really the CMC singing this
>>12742432I would hold pony aloft for everyone to see
>>12742468Like kiss on the cheek?
>>12742500maybe pony does not like to be aloft
>>12742479MY NIGGA
>>12742524Pony doesn't like a lot of things.
>>12742467but are you bulletproof?
Big thick bushes of pony pubes.
>>12742572Wow, rude.I was just asking you if you were love proof and you call me a faggot, that's just... that's just mean.
>>12742557>You will never cause pony to make involuntary noises of happiness accompanied by furious blushing
dj acid
>>12742610Wow, you sure are a meanie.My feelings are hurt.Thanks a lot, asshole.
>>12742618>involuntary noises of happinessThe most adorable of things.
>>12742566pony likes me
>>12742637What a coincidence, I was contemplating writing a thing involving Acid and copious amounts of musky cock not too long ago
>>12742666Pony does not exist and therefore cannot like you. Furthermore you are satan.
>>12742654Not only you are a meanie, but you also just post impact text pony images.Nothing can save you now.You are beyond redemption.
>>12742666>a qt pegasus will never like you
>>12742674>not must cock vore
>>12742678Well if pony doesn't exist then where did I get this photo?
>Girl who was "trolled to death" - committed suicide after being cyberbullied over ask.fm prompted outrage over cyberbullying >Investigation done by ask.fm showed that 98% of the hateful messages sent were sent by accounts using the same IP address as the girl>She was the one sending all the messages to herself
Anon please, you need to take a shower
>>12742590Enormous dinner plate areolae.
>mfw she expects me to laugh at the joke she just madehaha ha ha?
>>12742701Now you are posting Spiderman.Wow, this is a new level of hell.Help me.
>>12742711What a tweest!
>>12742711>Investigation done by ask.fm showed that 98% of the hateful messages sent were sent by accounts using the same IP address as the girlOr it was a parent/family member?
>>12742719Unless that she is a pony this doesn't belong here.
>>12742714Look who's talking.
>>12742704If you've got a request I'm all ears
>>12742711Her parents orchestrated the whole thing.>Okay honey now call her a faggot.
>>12742714Sure, I'll leave the door open. Don't peek.
>>12742728She lived with her dad, so it was either him or her.
>>12742748>>12742743>Bored parents troll their kid to death
>>12742718Thick, sweaty thighs.
>>12742729she was a pony
>>12742771>This is the world we live in
>>12742697>you'll never have the chance to court a qt pegasus after living as an earth pony for a while>she'll never pick you up by your front legs, tell you not to look down, and show you around her cloud house>she'll never giggle at how you struggle not to look down in between the house and the ground>she'll never console your shivering self afterwards with winghugs and a trip to the milkshake standWhy am I tortured with these thoughts
>>12742759Wait, why would you want me to bend over?Are you... are you TSUNDERE for me?!Wow, I'm sorry anon, but our love can never be, I already have a crush.
>>12742771>see? i told you she'd kill herself
>>12742793was it a horse pun?I laugh at all the horse puns, even terrible ones
>>12742833Y-You too...
Does pony think I'm pretty?
>>12742833go boop yourself you motherbooper
>>12742711Wow. I hope everyone who went bananas over it feels like a fool now.
>>12742711Link to source?
>>12742830no, it was a normal joke. I think i would have laughed at it if i wasn't so busy thinking about how stupid it was and being mad at her for expecting me to laugh
>>12742732Not really, just a failed attempt at humor
>>12742861>not mootWhen will mootykins get the recognition he deserves.
>>12742833BOOP YOU!
>>12742855You don't know what you're doing? I'm sorry you don't know how to control your feelings for me, I know how you feel, we've all had that first crush, we all did stupid things for love and I still do stupid things for love, but being tsundere doesn't work. Just tell me your love, I'll understand.
>>12742861>Troll kings>Acting like the site admins should be held responsibleIs this shit for real?
>>12742879Uncharacteristically slutty ponies is a lot of fun. Especially if it's only temporary and they "come back to their senses" at some point so they can feel shame.
>>12742711What if she had multiple personality disorder and was not aware of it? One of her personalities could have been sending the other hate notes without the first ever realizing it was itself who is doing that.
>>12742883Alright then, it's cool
>>12742917I've got a new movie idea!I'll become rich!
>>12742906>kinkshame fetishterrible
>>12742933Woah, what. Not like that, that's a rape face. Are you trying to rape me, anon? 'Cause rape is not funny and it hurts people's feelings.
>>12742904all that's missing is a badly photoshopped cover of them wearing crowns and royal robes
>>12742930I imagine that's like scratching an itch that's been bugging you for years. Like getting at that untouched skin in a cast.
>>12742886μt is too much of a qt for that
if you like>>12742890https://www.dropbox.com/s/b85dk1vsmatwqkm/Season%202%20Gifs.zipi'm taking it down soon
I miss the ass worship general
>>12742985So you give no fucks about people's feelings? Why are you such a cold hearted person, anon? You will never achieve my love that way.
Why can't Price just draw all the comics?In fact he should draw every comic, ever.
>>12743012me too
>>12743012I miss the fat pone generalToo bad the dumbshits can't realize that the reason why keep getting deleted is because they keep posting anthro
>>12742982You do realize μ is pronounced "myu," not "moo"?
>>12743064I miss the general of that one pone who causes people to spontaneously lose their job.
>>12743047>He only uses the whip because shining likes it
>>12743041Come on, anon, express what you have to say, finding your feelings isn't that hard, come on say it with me... what I learned about friendship is BLANKETY BLANKETY BLANK.
>>12743066So μ-T-kins?
>>12743066That's a mute point.
>>12743081That could be any general.
i'm leaving. You are all pony-show watching circlejerking freaks anyways
>>12743119You only feel... rape? that's it? Your feelings were all concentrated on a simple fetish all this time? But that's not true love, anon.That's not love at all.Our love can never be.Goodbye.
What the fuck is it about this show that makes you want to stop masturbating for months straight and then snap and fap like never before to the worst, most degrading shit involving ponies?
>>12743134And just NOW you realize this?
Pony just called you a repulsive,slimy,fat,shaved monkey.
>>12743148yes, before i was too caught up in the lifestyle
>>12743146I don't know, I've never experienced either.
>>12743134Us freaks have feelings.
*stroke stroke**tug**pinch*
>>12743158Is she TRYING to get into my pants or is she just naturally this slutty?
>>12743158Pony is right.
>>12743158Twilight, pls
>>12743146Beats me. I fapped to a fic of buttons mom having lesbian sex and then getting her son involved. Ended up with letting a stranger mare watch her son fuck her giving her turn on out of shame. Took a cold shower after that shameful fap.
>>12743157What's the point? You only want to rape me, you won't get an actual response from me with that.
>>12743158I-Is that her fetish?
>>12743181That's nothing, man. Try reading some of darf's fics if you want a shameful fap.
>>12743170careful not to pull too hardyou might rip the skin
We're never going to return to /co/, are we?
>>12743195Part 1:http://pastebin.com/FG0Cgyzy (just lesbian sex)Part 2: http://pastebin.com/V4A6Gt8P (the depravity)
>>12743158I'm not fat at all.I lift.
>>12743170*throb throb**ooze**drip*
>>12743158Pony's a disgusting, smelly, obese, overgrown cat.
>>12743198>not now big brotherbooooring.
>>12743216We are the Scootaloo to their loving family.maybe after the show is over
>>12743244S-so you've come to save me, sempai? You won't just leave me in this ditch, right?
>>12743218Also here this one:http://pastebin.com/u8g0R5PXSweetiebell catches her/buttons making out and some cunnilingus and in panic she gets her to do the same things to sweetiebell to shut her up. However she gets really into it and starts calling out really vulgar things including egging her son to fuck her harder and make sweetibell his cum dumpster.
>>12743258W-what!? you just came to gloat!? B-b-ut sempai, i love you!!
>>12743258Why would I do that?
>>12743258Yes, now stand still so I can dig out the ground below your wing
>>12743241I'm listenin', it better be not rape.
If you had, say, $300 to blow on something pony related what would you get?
>>12743289pony blow job
Post about the things you would do to the Great and Powerful Trixie.
>>12743289Commission a bunch of artists to make pretty pictures
>>12743289A plushie.Or >>12743295
>>12743294I'd attend her magic show and be mildly entertained
>>12743289Commissions from Rose, Jessy, LK, and Weaver.If I had enough leftover, maybe a small plushApplejack, with hat.
she ate all of itthe entire dessert buffet
>>12743292WOO WOO WOO
>>12743218>first time lesbianismI wanna find it hot but it's too painful...>tfw you will never be a natural lesbian woman
>>12743289pony toysbut only if i move out first
>>12743309>tfw you will never rub your boobs on another woman's boobs
>>12743218>GypsyWritefagWell, this might get confusing...
>>12743311Interesting, that means you must have some sort of tragic past, that's why you're such a meanie!Wow, that's so deep!
fart fart fart faaaaaaaart
Pony just said that you can't upload your brain to a computer, pony just said that the hard question even escapes the greatest scientist.
>>12743306>not eating the chefs too
Facility is the best multiplayer fps map
>>12743233*slap slap slap**AHHH!**squelch**twitch twitch**splort*
>>12743302I would do this and clap excitedly at least once
>tfw the moral dilema of AJ knowing where her apples will go if sold, but also needing the money
>>12743347I thought I filtered you.
>>12743355This would work better if the dark type was over a lighter color
>>12743306I wanna cuddle against her tummy
>>12743356I preferred Complex
>>12743359why does it smell like cum in here
>>12743368looks fine to me
>>12743306devouring sweets is an important part of every princess' jobI'm glad Twily is learning so quickly
>>12743306Then she should be dead.
>>12743366for the apple familyyyyy!
>>12743306I want to gestate in that pony
>>12743328That you Gypsy?
Uh.Anon.Sis said it wasn't "breathe" after all.It was another word....I'm going to stay with Sweetie Belle's tonight.
>>12743366>tfw the moral dilemma of artists knowing if they started doing commissions they would most likely end up drawing fat/furry fetish porn, but also needing the money
>>12743447Oh wow, how long ago was the first part of this?
>>12743406Well yeah, you use the default theme. If you open the picture in a new window in Firefox you can't read the text very well though.Or use the tomorrow theme
>>12743443Yes, yes, just like that! You just have done your first big step in being a less hateful person.You might even conquer me that way, Casanova!
>>12743450they can just set rules before hand
>>12743452Right. I still want to know if that Gypsy is our Gypsy. Nigga's been dead for a long while.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJm8Ij-nze4>braeburned goes for a walk.mov
>>12743466>using anything other than defaultshaaaaame
>>12743461at least a week ago
>>12743471No, I meant to say that I am GypsyMagic, and I am not that guy
>>12743492I have to admire his dedication
>>12743470But it would be easier to fill slots if they just allowed that kind of porn and they could probably charge more too.
>>12743484>Not liking a soothing theme on your eyes when you browse in the dark
>>12743495how did slapping fluttershy's butt summon mathman's archnemesis
>>12743496OhThis is embarrassing.SorrySorry
>>12743507plenty get by on non lewd things
>>12743082it's called a riding crop anon
>>12743517All the "dark friendly" themes suck
>>12743495that was awful
>>12743517>Having shit eyes on the first place>Guy can't even handle a bit of bright colorslaughing_mares.png
Where do you see yourself in 5 years, MLPG?
>>12743548That's a lot of green and yellow.
>>12743574Slouched over a desk, working in a job I like.
>>12743574Regretting the thought of ever having a pony waifu.
>>12743495>princess twilight>ever spending time in ponyville with her podunk friends anymore
>>12743574Making it big on youtube
>>12743593Woah, anon, let's not get too lewd already.How about we settle up with a date?
>>12743574Fucking your waifu
>>12743574DeadIt's where I see myself in 5 weeks too
>>12743574Entry-level animation gig and still dealing with depression.
>>12743606The writers confirmed she still spends time with her friends on ponyville.
>>12743351PonyYou come from a world of crazy magical creatures where the living embodiment of chaos is a servant of your monarchStop being so pessimistic
>>12743639I haven't had an opportunity to post this image in over a year
>>12743644Flash pls.
>>12743647Why is that?
>>12743647>you will never die
>>12743574Working at the same company I am now, at a hopefully higher position.
>>12743651Tiarawhy pls
>>12743671Okay, mmmaybe tomorrow night?
>>12743671>saving a thumbnail>for a whole year
>>12743671>waits a year to post an image>he saved the thumbnailI wish I had some kind of award for you
>>12743672Haha your waifu was Fluttershy? Get fucked faggot.
>>12743705I can't stop laughing, I think I'm going to die.
>>12743574Marine Corporal or maybe a Sergeant
>>12743701>>12743705That's my life
>>12743368It's a png anon, stop using that horrible grey background for the 4chans.
>>12743676Because I'm convinced I'm going to kill myself within the next month or soI've thought this for about a year so it likely won't happenTill it does>>12743684;_;
>Darf ruined a perfectly good futa fic by putting stupid infection shit in it
pony just ponied all over your jews
>>12743749You should see a real therapist. that mentality is unhealthy.
>>12743762>Darf ruined a perfectly good futa fic by putting stupid infection shit in itIt's the other way round you dingus
>>12743764oy vay
>>12743764I don't have any jewsI'll never succeed on Broadway.
>>12743574Continuing to waste my life here, as I have for the last three.
>>12743720Okay, tomorrow night it is.It's been fun, sweetie, you proved yourself to be a person with feelings after all. I'm proud of you.Bye!
>>12743774But I want to die
>>12743762What kind of "infection" shit?
>>12743716My waifu isn't Fluttershy, you are wrong.
What if over the course of season 4 your favorite pony started to like like Rainbow Dash?
>>12743781>2013>having literally the worst fetish
>>12743824>Not having Darf's profile as your homepagehttp://www.fimfiction.net/story/120142/special-girl-or-raritys-secret
>>12743830you have to love yourself before you can love someone else
>>12743817Then I won't be fucking your waifu, what the fuck do you care?
>>12743791>You will never have a musical on broadway>You will never win a shit ton of tony awardsWhy is life suffering?
>>12743850Your favorite pony doesn't love herself?That's rough
Following blindly the rules by people like you is the only thing that keeps oppressing regimes to work. If people said "screw you, Stalin" or "screw you, Hitler" at a good point in history, we wouldn't have millions people killed and tortured.But yeah, keep telling yourself that obeying every rule in totalitarian country is a good thing. I will just hope the history will not repeat itself anytime soon.
>>12743830She already does!Just don't ask her about it, she's bashful
>>12743853Wow, I though you were a nice person, Flash Sentry.I was wrong.
>>12743872>implying Fluttershy won't get replaced after episode 2 of the 4th season
http://incestriagirls.tumblr.com/post/57651681691/incestria-girls-epiplot-twenty#notesart is kinda meh but the idea is UNF
>>12743855oh what the fuck that isn't hot at all who the fuck would write something like that?Sure I might like the idea of being a pet pony to EA or being slowly turned into a slutty mare but something that revolting?What the shit, darf
>>12743868are you lost
>>12743868>you will never live in a Celestian dictatorship
>>12743798No you don't, that's just what you tell yourself.
>>12743889>What the shit, darf>This is still a sentence being typed>2013Do not question darfDarf is what he isDarf writes what he writesDarf is
>>12743840Thanks anon~I don't generally read fanfiction unless something really interesting gets mentioned here.
>>12743872that's crazy you're crazy
>>12743930>reading>everHaha! Look at this fucking egghead!
>>12743900>>12743890There's a real possibility it's /pol/ spam anon.He's an annoying shit.
>>12743943It's a complete sentence, Anon.
>>12743943He yam what he yam.
>>12743930I have a fanfiction addictionAnd, no interest in lewd
>>12743954You just read that.You are also an egghead.
What the hell anon I told you she could have some carrots as a snack and that's it
>>12743574working on/completed my masters
>>12743973Just don't go googling "bug chasing".
>>12743989what am i gonna do with you, yellow horse?
>>12743888>art is kinda meh but the idea is UNFthat's how I feel about that entire seriesI get that it's supposed to be super-satire but if someone redrew it without the goofiness it'd be great
>>12743997>implying you will get your masters>implying you won't be living