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Romance edition!

Old horse that's stuck in the friend zone: >>12722911
I'm not sure about my stupidest non-ironic argument on the Internet but I'd bet money it was here.
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>you will never be an Equestrian Mareine
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Maybe they can be friends again, or at least start off with a clean slate.
>someone else has bought the Burdened
I can hardly fathom what they will do with it
I hope they burn it
i hope they don't use it for evil.
Brae will never pankquest part 3
I'd keep it for the novelty of it

It's like owning a slice of internet history
I saw him trying to carry it back to his hotel room. That thing is big. Like six feet tall.
Hopefully fix the god damn horn so it doesn't look quite as ridiculous.
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We need some Rarimac.
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I'm hoping for videos or something
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Nigga I will cut you
what if the military bought it?
what if they will turn it into a horrific weapon.
what kind of ship is that?
eat your pancakes, marker
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Would you still fuck it?

Be honest.
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>rarity not with AJ
pig disgusting
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An excellent ship.
Where's her horn?

On /3/ I've been in multiple threads arguing about the validity of using chromatic aberration in video games and CG environments and whether it was either a justifiable addition to use to achieve photo-realistic effects or just a cheap unnecessary post-production effect similar to lens flares and sepia filters that only lazy artists like to use to account for their lack of modeling/texturing skill.
it's just a mask.

Even if it wasn't I think I would.
Me too Pinkie.
>tfw masturbation and sexual desire guilt
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Yeah, nah.
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but it doesn't even make any sense
What's something that you wouldn't let a pony do to you no matter how much they begged?


Full one:

Don't know why he put so much effort into these but im not complaining
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we Celestia now.
He brings her more down to earth and she gets him out of his lonely, workaholic shell.
It works.
>tfw braeby hats us
>those related videos

holy shit, I thought your comment was complex, but then I realized it's just a run-on sentence

please use commas, and periods if you must

Big Mac just fucks anyone who asks.
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For me, if someone shoves words into the other person's mouth and does the whole "hurr durr this is what your post is actually saying and implying" then I ignore it completely. That's just an empty insult and doesn't bring anything to the conversation/debate.
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I hate that text so much. Only puritans would feel bad about sex
I simply don't play enough survival horror games (the only ones I immediately remember playing a lot of were RE2 and SH2) but I loved SH2's creepy atmosphere. If there was a way to not make it boring, I think completely getting rid of random encounters with the mannequins would have intensified the game.

If combat was rarer and against only enemies you've never seen I'd think that keep the scary factor up. There's nothing better than that moment after creeping around in the fog when you realize a boss is coming and you have no idea what the hell it is and how you're supposed to kill it and aren't confident in your ability to kill at all.
This isnt what I thought it was at all

I'm actually disappointed
That went way over my head.
that one was made by someone else.
someone who is a marginally better with expressions.
I don't think it's implying that
It's mad leads to touching not touching leads to mad
> Related videos
Yup... thats the MLPG for ya.

Sorry, I do that a lot when it's getting late and I'm tired. Also it was taking too long for me to type all that shit and I just wanted to post it before that discussion became irrelevant and nobody cared anymore. ;_;
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I'm sorry anon
Here's a jar of cookies I've been saving for dark times

If I'm feeling autistic, I'll reply to a post like that with something like "actually, I said blah blah blah" and give a second chance.

it pays off sometimes
I feel bad about my sexual desires because I don't want them at all. When I give in, it feels like it's controlling me.
Ah, that explains it.
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That red/green/blue shit is chromatic aberration, usually from looking through lenses.
You should check those cookies again

Don't worry about it too much, I got what you were saying

it was just good things you were saying and I would've liked it to be easier to read
After all the mane six become alicorns, should they mentor a new line of harmony wielders?
Same, I hate my fetish. why can't I just ike normal vanilla sex like a healthy person
Why would they need new harmony wielders?
Remember kids, never drop anything near someone.
That is assault.
Sometimes that works. I give the guy one, and just one actual post of discussion/debate. If he does the >implying thing, ignore and move on.
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stupid purple pony
I feel like a freak for the things that I fap to
Hey, that's pretty good.
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It's harder to draw than to write not because it's easier to write, but because people have a lower standard(especially in fandoms) for text than for art
>he has an ebin mustache he is so manlee XDD
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yeah yeah
My fetish is primarily wanting and arousal. That's as vanilla as you get and I still hate myself for having it.
That's a really stupid thing to do around anyone
Oh anonymous, you will never be normal give in to the chaos
People have low as fuck standards for art too. Writing just takes too long to read as compared to looking at something for 5 seconds. Lazy fucks.
remember brony pizza hut?

I already hated that guy.
He is just a fatass with a crappy mustache and he is somehow brony famous because of that.
Shut your fucking mouth
It's okay, Twily looks like she's enjoying them
It's the thought that counts
nah, a simple low end sketch will also get you a million "cute, i like it" or "unf" replies.

there are just as many people that will tear you a new asshole for shortcomings in either though

In a lot of states, you can shoot someone dead the instant they put your hand on you aggressively. There were witnesses there as well.

If that brony had a gun, he could've dusted Dusty and got away with it.

I love this country so much
sorry I kneejerk react to the version that's the other way around

why are they burning in hell

>your hand on you


What if Pinkie got into them. What if Pinkie slapped your shit and said she's had better cookies out of old bread that's fallen in the mud?
I find games like RE and DS to be more along the lines of "action horror" than survival. I liked SH2 because of the whole psyche bit. Have you played Amnesia? It's not perfect, but probably the best horror I've played.
would you strap pony into a fucking machine and make her experience forced orgasms?
it's forbidden love
Dusty said he was attacked first.

Guess he forgot what a camera looked like.

But seriously if that was me he would have been made more aerodynamic.
I wish my state had good gun laws, but noooooooooo I'm stuck in jew york

>if she orgasms it isn't rape
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Na Pinkie wouldn't do that
Remember those terrible cupcakes Apple Bloom made? Pinkie still ate those.
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Because they are wreathed in the fires of passion
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Woah, things got out of hand/hoof way too quickly

Then move.
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Moving is expensive
Because they're faggots
Education and whatnot

I'm hopping to get to vermont, I really like what I see when I read about it.
only with pony's permission
I saw an entire family of bronies today. Like, mother, father, three sons, and a daughter. They were all wearing various "BRONY" shirts. I suspect some of them were forced to wear the shirt.
>Living in New York willingly.
You deserve it.
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Sexuality is a complicated thing and you shouldn't be ashamed for giving yourself relief. As long as you're not hurting anyone else, indulging in your fantasies is healthy, relaxing, and fun.

If I got to Equestria, I would do lots of cleans and overhead presses so I could do that one day
sex with Cloudchaser

didn't say that. didn't imply that.
I've watched a bit of various people playing it. It looks pretty spot on.

I remember watching a friend play Fear. There were a lot of jump scares in there that got me but that series seems to have gotten away from its original appeal with me.

Problem is I just don't play games anymore.
I was born here and I need to finish some education so I can move away.
No it's not, Pinkie
fantasies are stupid
cum inside Cloudchaser
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Now you make it sound like I'm in middle school again
Anyone want to watch some Simpsons?
I'd rather use other ways

something she'd enjoy

something that'd leave her more than satisfied
I know nothing about lenses nor computer graphics, so because I am ignorant on the topic it would be fine with me. I guess it's like a scientist who watches a sci-fi movie and gets mad. Like this: http://youtu.be/YXh9RQCvxmg?t=33m41s
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Muh sexually open nigga!
That's very true.

Pinkie would probably compliment them and ask to bake cookies with you, so she can pass on some tips.
>"Now honey, we have to make our autistic son feel less left out in the world."
>"If you wear it, I will take the gold clubs out of hiding."
>'I wish I married your sister sometimes...'

fuck off mindbreakfag
How good of an internet connection do you need to stram
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Cloudchaser cumming
>Somewhere Applebloom is gone too.
but I hate mindbreak
I want an episode wheree this happens, and then she has to go out of her way to undo it.
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She drew it for you.
cum inside Cloudchaser cumming from cumming inside
Oh man, her gifts.

>A book
>An apple
Fairly typical
>A ball of pink yarn
Different, kind of nice works
>An autographed picture of Rainbow Dash
>A dead mouse
>A bottle of bleach

you're not fooling me

you're not breaking my mind
what are those things on her back?
that's going on the fridge
Awh that's cute
I'll keep it next to my computer
It was weird. They were all riding on a ride that's mostly ridden by ten-year old kids. The youngest son was maybe fifteen.


but you need to advertise it better than that
you should try giving in just a little bit
it feels nice
I don't want to break your mind anon

that'd be terrible
>Sweetie Belle took her sister's virginity by force
I believe a good horror, no matter what medium, is supposed to provide the situation and let you get scared. Things like music, camera effects, character panting, etc I think are cheap. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/2092-Amnesia-The-Dark-Descent is something that helps me explain what I am talking about.
That's not weird as much as it's extremely sad.

What's scary is ponies are quicky becoming 'Geek' chic.
Just wait, "I'm such a brony! XD" on Facebook comments...

Streaming some classic Simpsons if anyone would like to join.

Sexual want is just your body taking control and screaming FUCK YOU LOSER AND SPREAD YOUR GENES
>crappy mustache

fuck you guys, that is a sweet mustache, it is just attached to a shitty brony
>multivac pony will never ask you to help her gather data for a meaningful answer
o-oh for a second i thought you were jailbait.
eh, might join in.
I mean just look at hot-topic man!
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I saw a 6 year old girl wearing a Pinkie Pie shirt at the DMV the other day. The only text on it was LOL in big yellow letters.
>my MFW when
That is not a sweet mustache.
That is the mutton chops of facial hair.
A sweet mustache is a handlebar.
Something you can see a man wearing and go 'wow, what an interesting cat, I wonder if he has some dames he has to tie to a track today.'
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>just look at hot-topic
I don't want too...

Tight pants, Beiber and ponies...
too late
>mutton chops of facial hair.
now what makes mutton chops bad?

I've seen a buch of chicks on my college campus that clearly don't like the show but were parading around in 20% cooler shirts
It's the facial hair equivalent of giving up.
>I could shave...
>But my arm gets tired that close to my ear...
>Just wait, "I'm such a brony! XD" on Facebook comments...
The timeframe for that has come and gone two years ago when pony was seeminlgly unstoppable
Sexual want only controls you if you let it. Denying yourself satisfaction and feeling guilty over it is only going to cause yourself frustration and anxiety. Which feeling is more controlling? The feeling of want or the feeling of anxiety? I guess that's up to you.
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Goodnight, MLPG.

May you pony well into the early hours.
>clearly don't like the show
You sure about that?
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>Lemmy will never voice a singing lizard-man villain fueled by the power of ROCK AND ROLL
Thanks for reminding me to never use my Facebook.
>Dash will never read you scary stories around a campfire
But its just 9 AM Anon.
>Not getting some free pussy by showing them your pony collection.
Step up son.
They can be, and I lift the term from the /jp/, secondary fans, or they can also simply like the cute designs. Really.
What I meant by that is I don't think there will ever be a time when people make comments such as that. I didn't mean people were saying it in the manner you were suggesting
why is she so hot?
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This pon was named "ace"
Too fitting.
I've only ever known one person on Facebook who openly flouts his pony love. Has a vest covered in buttons. Everyone else is rather reserved about that kind of thing. Sports is more their kind of thing. And then there's the guy who "liked" a group that wanted to assassinate Obama but eh.
her neon mane
Don't get my hopes up.
I am sure at some point soon we are going to have 'ironic bronies' doing shit like that on Facebook comments.
her desire to be filled with cum
The only way I found another person who watched ponies here was to catch him sifting through the blind bags.
Kind of the best way to do it... Just catch them with their hand in the cookie jar.
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>that flashy, spikey mane
>those deeply lined eyes
>that superior flexibility over her sister
>40% bodyfat on my part
not happening
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Easier said than done. It's like telling someone who's sad to stop being sad. You ever try to tell your boner to go away? I'm sure we've all been in this situation. It's going to take a lot of work to rewire the primal and basic urges. I'm just sick of it. I don't want kids nor a life companion. I would rather not want sex at all. Either that or get a female friend where we can use each other as fuck aids but I've tried that several times and they always get close and want commitment, so now that that's failed many times over I'm going with the reprogramming myself into asexualism route.
Well, you can lay down if you get winded...
There's an anime club at my university. And I hung out with a bunch of other weaboos beforehand. The pony/anime thing overlaps quite a bit.
fucking pony stealing all my heat
A pack of ice or simply standing up and doing some basic aerobic movements can kill a boner easily
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>And I hung out with a bunch of other weaboos

Not like you can exactly go further down the totem pole.

You forgot

>that sultry, sexy voice
>dem superior blowjob skills despite considerably less enthusiasm to use them
But Anon, pony's body temperature is higher than yours. You're stealing hers if anything. In fact, you'll be feeling quite toasty.
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>Gilda and Dash will never drive by you and your group, roll down the window, and scream "NEEEEEEEEEEEERDS"
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>Aux Tism
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>amazing skills with her tongue, very vocal too
>but would rather have your cock somewhere else
fucking hot-ass pony making me sweat
don't they know it's summer
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i think you underestimate just how hot i run.
Jasmine is such a cutie
Who gives the sloppiest and slurpiest blowjobs, and in what order: CC, Mrs Cake, Rarity, Celestia, Pinkie, or Harshwhinny?

>Going for sushi at the Chinese buffet
>That one guy wants to go for Mongolian grill, but fuck that - We Nihon no Meshi now
>a car roars past as you all shuffle down the sidewalk

You underestimate pony. She's even hotter than you. If your hand were to accidentally find its way to her nether regions in your sleep you would pull it back thinking you stuck it in a fire.
>while walking past you, Gilda surreptitiously draws the side of her jacket back to reveal the full design on her shirt: I FUCK NERDS
If I want my boner to go away I masturbate. Having sex with another is fun and all that but it's not necessary to relieve yourself of that urge.

Sure it can be inconvenient if it's in the middle of something but hating yourself for having a boner is pointless. Feeling like it controls you is silly, it would be like being upset you get hungry because a bodily need is controlling you.
...I actually do find food to be an annoying chore.
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What's it like having a little dick?
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Pinkie gives the messiest, no contest.

It'd be a contest between CC, Celestia and Harshwhinny for longest sustained deep throat.

Hard ;_;
I do too but I don't hate myself for needing to eat.

Fucked it up...
deb > RPM
I get mad when I masturbate because I can't hold off for longer than 24 hours and I want to experience the joy of a backed-up load again
>on the back it says "STRAIGHT A'S ARE KINKY"
>she's half Revenge of the Nerds' Ogre and half Weird Science's Lisa

...I think I'll just end it all now.
Derpy's enthusiasm rivals Pinkie's.

But she has no idea what she's doing.
Still though "aux tism" That's pants on head stupid
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>she beat up some kid, took his hyperspace hyperwars army and went on to win second in a local tournament
A person has to eat, I don't think a person needs sex.
>the reek of old semen is detectable from there
Within those walls reside some of the sickest, most deviant people on earth.
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Have you tried masturbating a whole bunch in one day and then taking a break? Sometimes you get to get something out of your system and hold off longer the next time.
>"For the last time, I said she beat me OFF, not up!"
What do you even do in an anime club? Sit around and watch animes?
What if pony used magic to prolong your orgasm to ridiculous lengths?
It's a joke you lugheads, do you seriously believe they called a pony "aux tism" unironically?
I was seriously thinking about that stuff. But I'm scared because it's too new and could have long term effects. I also don't know how much it costs and heard that because it's so "unnatural" your body will go bonkers and even shit liquid all the time.
My point isn't that someone needs sex to live, it's that your body does whatever it feels like and you just need to adapt. You shouldn't get mad at yourself for not controlling something that's going to do it's thing regardless.
They do the same thing the furry club does.
Plan their orgies
And awkwardly try to start conversations with fellow club members who are barricaded by their circles of friends.

>masturbate like 7 times a day
>wake up and do it again

I wish I could stop
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I just do that everyday
It gets pent up from even going out
There's actually two rooms. One has a lineup of currently-airing stuff, and the other is a general hangout room where we dick around, play games and stuff. Some people bring in probably the best goddamn board games I've ever done and we got some good Overlords for "Aye Dark Overlord."
>dick is extra sensitive from fapping so much
>just makes me want to fap more
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I would actually live in this house if it was just me and my waifu living there
How do I make my penis bigger?
That only works for me because my dick hurts too much to get hard
I dont get it
It's ironic shitposting essentially.
Good luck trying to eat the holographic cookies
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ask Grant Morrison on Twitter

become a better person

people don't care about your dick much if you're a good person
>Pony is done, the show is over, the show is going back to G3
>MLPG holds a special con for all its members who don't want to go on
>They're so very tired and can't pony anymore but they need help to quit
Same. Though I'm always a bit edgy on staying at places far away from town.
by having an erection
Saying it's "ironically" doesn't make it better
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I would probably enjoy that.
Well have you tried edging? Sometimes keeping yourself on the edge for a long time and backing off is more effective in the long run anyway.
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Traction and clamping
And a shitload of dedication

I'm a half an inch bigger thanks to it
Not sure how much success you'll have if you're little to begin with though
Therefore shorting out your nervous system and killing you. It was a good death though.

"Better clench up, Dweeb. You pop before the time limit, and you can kiss your Imperial Juggernaut Troops goodbye."
>Pinkie will never tease your asshole with her tail while she sucks your dick
I don't have enough time for that
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>tfw looking at houses and apartments for sale/lease
>find one that looks really nice, is cheap, and is close to where you work or plan to work
>enter street view and pan around
>see shit like this

If there's magic involved, science can take a hike
>jokes are ironic shitposting
This is why i'm glad i'm here right now. I remember seeing the most off the wall pictures other forgotten fandoms have drawn and I think "this must be completely serious and not kidding at all" but I see weird things we draw and I can think "oh yeah we were kidding when we drew this, I remember laughing at it when I saw it the first time"
>Expect a massive con
>Turns out MLPG was only ever you and me

Edging is the reason I can only fit in 7

I should probably get professional help, it's been a problem for years
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>join thread
>conversation about best masturbation techniques

I'll just come back later
What's traction
protip: gangbangers pretty much leave white people alone.

also why is that gun white.
The body is going to do what it's going to do but it's still annoying. The longest I've gone without masturbating was two months during basic training. I did it a few times when in tech school, but the first day of my leave before I went to my base I went to my old apartment and masturbated five times that day. The second I was given an opportunity my body screamed at me. I'm just sick of it from an objective perspective.
I like Twily with wings
Means winghugs with Twily

it's actually about stopping masturbation
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I like to insert things into my penis, how about you?
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>someone makes some Kool aid for anons to drink
I think it just kinda happens at late night. You gotta post around the fap talk.
why would you want to stop masturbating?
this is the worst place to discuss that
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it looks like a stainless steel gun in the sun

also do gangbangers really leave white people alone?
But her wings are better deep fried

because I'm addicted to it and I feel more confident when I take breaks from it
it's kind of weird how her face disappears
Good, Im hungry
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What happen to her face on one of the frame?
yes, who do you think buys all their cocaine and weed?
If you don't look like you have money, and if you don't look like a Latino white.
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I was just telling people not to hate themselves for wanting to masturbate is all.
That is not at all what I was saying. It's just not funny or clever. If you wanted a pun name I bet you could have come up something befitting a bat pony instead of going for the lowest denominator with that name.

Irony is cool and all but somethings that are meant to be ironic just aren't funny from the get go

>"Aw, lookit that... Looks like you're gonna have to find some new troops for that tourney--"
>"...Whoa, shit..."
>"G-goddamn, Dweeb, you're still going??"
These silly looking devices


They basically pull on your dick a little for part of the day
Only really practical if you work from home or are NEET because you won't have enough time otherwise

Hanging works on the same principle just with greater forces for less time
Haven't tried it though, looks dangerous
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my nigga

serious advice and support. This place is a bunch of enablers
I don't know, I didn't even notice it when I saved it
it goes pretty fast
go join these people: http://derpy.me/rNoFap

yes. the only people who actively pick fights with blatant non-gangbangers are the white supremacist motherfuckers.
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We caught it, so it wasn't fast enough. Something is amiss with that pink pony.
You know honestly I didn't masturbate for like a month when I first got into ponies. It was the weirdest thing.
>tfw no winghugs from Dash
It's a clone. Shoot it.
I think you clicked frame by frame, i still don't notice it when it's in motion
I saw it while it was loading and now I can't un-see it
Saine why are you such a promasturbationist?
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>that feel
>"I'm not cleaning that up."
>"You better eat your veggies and learn how to aim because next time I want all that in my fuckin' mouth."
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how will ponyville deal with a serial horse slapper?
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Ponies never gave me the limpdick

KS did though
>All I long to be erased, you have forgiven

What the fuck is this hippie New Age grammar shit
I honestly masturbated even more often
It happened to ALOT of people no one knows why it happens
>tfw you stumble on a cache of Girl Scout Cookies you forgot you hid
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Dash would be too tsundere to do anything.
bitch they better be thin mints
same here
Because Masturbation is healthy in moderation and people shouldn't be ashamed of their sexuality. People should be open to the experiences they enjoy and learn about their bodies.
Why is anyone a pro anything
pony is so excited to see you!

pony wants to ask if youcan introduce pony to mister rogers
I think it's because it takes your mind off of it. Something more important than spreading your seed.
but he is dead

i always masturbated a lot. i don't think ponies had any impact on the frequency, just on the subject matter.
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>not Rin
top pleb
we redirected all of our virgin power to our enjoyment of the show

which in turn granted us more

and then we went back to fapping
I think its people finding the ponies hot but not wanting to fap to them, but not wanting to fap to humans any more either
Of course, its impossible to prove, but it never happened to me and/because I never bothered resiting pony sexiness
No idea, I only care about the wings, not the text
He's a lovely neigh-bor. Of course I would!
he's dead but I'm pretty sure I can find an archive of his show

Rin a shit

but I wanted her to be happy anyway and her bad ending wrecked me emotionally
I wish I could have a girl to enjoy and learn about the experience.
for me it ebbed down a little for a few weeks and then there was a huge sudden spike and i jacked off to pon all the time
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Isn't it kind of dumb that the happiness of these characters hinges entirely on a single individual and that whichever way you turn, you'll be letting all but one down?
You'll probably be reborn as a woman in your next life.
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why are you doing this
i really dont want to go dig out my trip
i didnt for 2 monthsrarity broke me
I thought that was a penis in the thumbnail
am i banned

>isn't it kind of dumb

welcome to Japan.

Nah, that's what happens when you become good friends/lovers with someone
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>"Another happy customer!"
>A dead mouse

a gift from opal! man, great detail in that comic
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Don't be silly, anon. She is surprisingly affectionate.
>I think its people finding the ponies hot but not wanting to fap to them
what did you get banned for?
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I didnt save that one
Oh, that makes more sense
I thought it was from Sweetie
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Good job scouts!
If it was from Sweetie, it would have vanished along with her.
At first, ponies didn't give me boners. Then they did. A fapfic of darf's broke me. Now I want to write it. Where did I go wrong?
Now to earn your Backdoor Badge
I love the idea of AJ as a scoutmaster
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Why do the Russians like and draw Dash so much?
I mean it's great, but why.
But I'm a Furry.

Though I still never really fap to ponies. I like porn art and stuff but they don't really do it for me.
I haven't jacked off to pony porn at all. I've looked at R34 images before just to view em for art. Still disgusted by a majority of pony smut images though.
Roads not taken.
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Because Dash is hot
you too?
I was balls deep in pony porn since the first piece of 34 came out.
Because Russians are just out to steal your blue ponies.
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It's pretty rare for me to find ponies attractive. I like the anthro and humanized stuff a lot better.

I miss following the furry fandom instead of this one, this one sucks
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But that's MY blue pony.
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Please don't be an obnoxious furry. I've only met one in my life that was cool enough to be a friend, and that's just because he doesn't shove it around.
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Scootaloo that's not what I meant
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im ded
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>liking a fandom
yiff yiff
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that feel
darf fic too stronk
there's still hope for you
can i really even call myself a normalfag anymore?
yup, same here

Love pony porn. Drawn lots of it. Never fapped to any of it.
>tfw apple hats us and is ded because he now avoids MLPG and changed his name to sunibee
I thought it was too.
I don't intend to be obnoxious in any sense. I don't throw my bullshit in other's faces for the same reason I don't go on and on about ponies to my friends who don't like them. There's no reason to wave stuff in the face of those who don't like it.
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Yea, wut eva lady
It just seems silly that these characters are unable to find happiness on their own.

Do you really want to be with that kind of person?

Makes you think about the one you do end up with, really.
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It's fun
and you're posting the worst pony
why do you hat us so
not that kind
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The characters are plenty happy. They just had problems that made them unhappy sometimes that you fix.
my dream is always full of feels and nostalgia
ah ecmajor, the fine line between marshmallow pone and bestiality
what cutel little wings
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That dress is too revealing. Rarity strikes me as a lady that would use far less suggestive clothing for any occasion
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Do you ever get used to it?
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hey twilight

I can see both of your cutie marks!
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Russians escape their terrible grey world by waifuing rainbow pony.
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No wake up
I love your ponies
First of all, they are still in school so they haven't really grown up yet. Secondarily, the path you pick may end on a happy note but a real relationship is hard and has a shit ton of ups and downs. It just ends before it gets real.
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it's not bleach, it's a bottle of alcohol

Dash, stop eyeing the Stratosphere.
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>Rarity strikes me as a lady that would use far less suggestive clothing
I don't think there's much going on in the furry fandom anymore. There's still guys reneging on commissions, and there's still guys doing stupid shit, but that's all "that old thing" now.
Aren't you guys sort of afraid about putting on your name and talking about stuff this personal?
I love the way ecmajor draws everything but ponies
I don't mind his ponies but they are kinda off
All that tack looks amazing
>short skirts and tube tops in winter
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You mean like...the rest of us?
Didn't that fandom start in the late seventies?
In a white opaque bottle?
>Short skirts and extremely tight turtle necks
Its not even a fandom
What are they fans of?
their broken self image?
Could have been vodka...
>Katawa Shoujo 2: Katawa Mama
A life simulation involving time management and home economics while dealing with the stress of child-rearing and adapting to the challenges of your wife's disabilities. Depending on which girl you picked, certain chores and tasks may be more challenging for her.

It's just as big as it ever was. Cons that are growing each year, artists making tens of thousands of furrybux, etc.

They're just not in the spotlight anymore, so they've stopped defending themselves so much.
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I think she's actually eying this.
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>A can
>At the table
>sweater dresses and thigh-high stockings
Sort of, but I just assume everyone's going to find out I'm a furry eventually anyway if I want to get known at all.

If it's bothering you I could stop.
She wants the word to revel in her craftsmanship and beauty, not her sluttiness

Fans of anthropomorphic entertainment
For all the glitz and glamour, high-class restaurants don't carry gourmet sodas.
it's probably older than that, but I guess that depends on how technical a person is being. the Egyptians were obviously into it

the only bit of the furry thing that's relevant is their shit entrance to the world wide web / their demands for legitimacy. which, hey, that sounds familiar
buildings are not for sexual

just call in /tg/, they figured out the logistics of making a sybian for the fifty-foot woman
I'm pretty sure they carry glasses
It's not that they're gone, it's that the whole "yiff in hell furfags" faggotry has gotten old.
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Post Candy Ass
Like My Little Pony?
That's just what Fluttershy would tell her it is.

I still want to think it's bleach, because she probably goes through a bit of that to keep her off white appearance from slipping grayer.
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at least he's displaying trigger discipline
The Sims?
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>They're just not in the spotlight anymore

man, that's what it's all about. it's not a way of life. it's just a thing a person is into. but I won't go as far to say shut the fuck up about it. a person is entitled (ugh) to talk with some enthusiasm about the things they like

but I guess you kind ofhave to say shut the fuck up to these people because they don't posses the ability to figure out how to have a conversation
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It's not even about that Disney animated shit anymore though.
Its like MLP if it was all OC's and no show.
i don't really care much
most of this thread is filled with people like me anyway.
It doesn't bother me any, but I know somebody is going to use it as an excuse to hate and be a shitlord about it. I don't want people to leave due to hateanons again. It kills MLPG.
There's a show?
>their demands for legitimacy. which, hey, that sounds familiar
Remember how back in 2011 how people actively tried steering things away from going down that route
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I don't think diamond butt is a whore
But that's my opinion

>cat shit one.jpg
Thanks for coming out to the stream. Expect more streaming in the coming days. I've got the bandwidth, might as well put it to use.

Vocal minority, anon.
No, Sims is an exercise in mental retardation.
>What are they fans of?

animal people
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What's a show
She isn't
She's a slut

Whores get paid
I agree. I think that she is even saving herself for the right one.
>The show will end and all we'll be talking about is fan content.
>It's eventually all about OCs because nobody wants to disturb canon and people complain those characters are used too much
I think so, too, but there were a lot of right ones.

It was never just about Disney animated shit, it's about enjoying anthropomorphic things

most won't say that like 75% of anthropomorphic entertainment enjoyed by furries is porn though
I sort of dislike that "Rarity is a slut" thing but I don't ever care enough to argue about it.
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But we don't have freaky thumbs

I do.
it never was
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I think it's funny so I say it sometimes

I also say it because people insult my favorite pony all the time and everybody needs to feel that
You guys do know that anthropomorphism is just giving human qualities to things that aren't human, right? You could use that as a way of saying the Transformers are furries.
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She is a pretty pony. There nothing more to say about that.
So what is the porn of that called then
>MLPG late night
>not a dozen guys masturbating

But they're not furry.
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I'm sorry I couldn't resist
There's these guys in the Philippines making a bunch of short cartoons. A lot of them are hit or miss. Voice acting is pretty good, but they get pretty white girls to do those.
Neither are dragons/lizards, but they are still furry.
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cutest ship
>not feel night
I prefer those rather than that. I guess I have to blame braeburned for bringing his league of gayfags into this thread.
Is it fluttershy?
>talk of furries in relation to ponies
>tfw the thing to break you and admit it were diamond dogs
Pretty sure those were already here before he joined but his presence definitely made them more obnoxious for some reason.
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>that one person who always has to bring up ships
I miss feely night threads. It feels like they died so long ago.
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But I did not post any shipping in that image.

This, however, is.
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I could be your feelfic tonight...
someone that finds transformers sexually attractive would be in a similar boat to someone who finds fox Robinhood attractive

There's obviously differences and they probably wouldn't be in the "furry" fandom, but its similar on a basic level
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Livin' underground in a world of thunder!
Do you think we care 'bout the pain you're under?
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what, I can't help it
spikity is adorable

I miss talking about waifus and living in Equestria and that kinda thing all the time

I also miss seeing tons and tons of ERP every thread

now it's just
inane chatter
It really did.
The conversation wasnt even about shipping
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>I also miss seeing tons and tons of ERP every thread

Fuck I love diamond dogs

dogs are usually such shit anthros, but something about diamond dogs really appeals to me
It was better than people endlessly falling for the same obvious bait
well, your face
Brae may or may not have started it, but I miss non-gay night threads.

It's all Big Mac and Braeburn and whatever stallion fucking each other, there are female ponies on the show you realize.
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Guess I should have chosen another pic
There are many types of posters here but they tend to keep that shit to themselves and talk about ponies. Then braeburned came along and and lo and behold, they talk about fucking gay shit every night thread. Some even brought it day thread and help ruin that too.

And they usually keep those ERP in dead horse rather than forcing it in the normal thread.
i had like a straight week with that
i blame LK
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So considering we are talking about this anyway, I want to ask a question. If you could have any fap fic written, what would it be? Give a few sentences with characters, setting, fetishes, etc.
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MLPG is bronies
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Oh yeah?
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I was looking for that Rarity at Diamond Dog con picture but I couldn't find it. So have this.
I'd have a feel fic written instead.
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Post them waifus
But you have to explain why you waifu
She seems like the most chill pony when you get to know her
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Oh, hah
Silly condescending looking Twilight
Octavia cum inflation
I always liked the idea of female ones more
LK and Klondike only made it worse
Those arms are just too small, despite being a cute image of Saffron.
The males have big upper bodies
The females have big lower bodies
The mares are dating each other.

The stallions have to get some action too.
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because she likes humans and i am a human
also mint
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What I hate is that people who love to hate ironically and start shit. It kills the general's current discussions, makes contributors leave, and can prevent people from coming in. It does nothing but destroy, but I guess that sacrifice is important so some guys can get their jollies off.
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In honor of mewball let's all post our hands.
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I think she's really cute and I wish I could be as carefree as her.
I was confused by that one anon who had a legit fetish for hands.
Did Hoppip ever sell that darn thing? That's a piece of fandom/internet legend.
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Mewball I love your ponies but that's a stupid reason
Would probably be super boring for most people in here since it'd be super vanilla.
A lot of wing stuff would be nice though
This sounds good. As long as it ends on a sad and bitter note. I'd also accept sobering and thoughtful
Does it have to be every night for next 3 and a half thousand years?

I remember I tried to start/continue some Sweetie Belle Oppai lovins and there was just one guy:
>blowjobs are icky
>boobs are gross
>where's the dick
I bet no one even capped it, it's just lost.
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He was nice
>explaining why she's your waifu
But that's not how waifus work. They just become your waifu. I could come up with a bunch of reasons why I like her, but that's not why she became my waifu int he first place.

I want old Kraut back
We are all humans, mewball. There need to be another reason as to why she would like you.

Don't you have some fetish thread to go to?
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You fuck up while helping Trixie perform a trick on stage. She apologizes to the crowd and sends you backstage for the remainder of the show. You watch from the side, cue description of watching her curvy body, in a revealing over-the-top outfit, glisten with sweat under the perfect lighting. After the show, maybe in her trailer, maybe right behind the curtain, she punishes you by forcing you to take her stuffy boots off and lick and sniff her awful-smelling feet. Several more stuff like that like forcing you to breathe in the scent of her armpits, forcing you to eat her out through her sweaty bush, etc. The story finishes with her leaving you rock-hard with nothing but her smelly stockings to help you get off.

It's cute as hell and I've never seen it. Thanks.
You make the conscious choice to make them your waifu though
>Slut wants the word to revel in her craftsmanship and beauty, not her sluttiness

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because she's a creative type, and she's got a strong and refined personality
also her bed scene in suited for success was the first time I got a boner watching the show. Her voice slays me, man.

I want old TAW back

he wrote hot things and took a lot of requests
No, I'm pretty sure I didn't.
You want me to draw you something or are you just gonna bitch?
I like it when we are able to discuss non-pony related things without some sperglord shitting the place up.
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she's cute, pretty, has a beautiful voice, and is full of energy

t-that's all I know about her

it hurts...
You can use the archive and get it.
I was the guy who was replying as the Anon who kept getting himself in a booby situation.
alright, that just jumpstarted me, thanks for that
Nigga I'm not gonna have this argument
Who's your waifu and why do you like her
You should always be drawing something.
Please stop responding to every bait, AppleDan. You aren't doing yourself a favor with that.
There is many that I want back, but the lack of janitor during fall of 2012 practically made the general shit.
How are your hands

You're welcome.
Were you the guy who needed a cover pic for Fimfiction? I forget if you requested any specific details
I should probably be doing just that.

I always talk about whatever I like.

Ignoring the sperglords is the trick to enjoying MLPG.
>MLPG will never be the same again
You could just take some drawing request as anon and posted the image with your name rather than posting your name in every god damn shit.
You better not be getting arthritis man, get it check out before your hands end up like my leg.
it sold for ~$700
okay fine the real reason is because she's pretty
but the problem with that is because there are lots of other pretty ponies...
this nigga gets it
>They're making a third "Expendables" movie
>This one has Mel Gibson as the bad guy
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He was okay for a while, did two requests daily and then he fell right back.
He seems to start developing a weird paranoia.
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But when that topic became overwhelm or it was intended to stop any topics about ponies, then it became a problem.
I'm not gonna trick someone into thinking im some really skilled dude, get a bunch of requests, and then sadden everyone by drawing them all under their expectations.
>tfw I did a back and forth with oppai loli Sweetie with AppleDan
Time to shower with bleach.
Okay guys
I'm going to try to draw a pony, which pony should I draw?
May or may not post results
Fine enough to draw again.

Nah, I just hide those posts

the wonders that recursive filtering can accomplish

Prepare for more generic action/shooting scenes strung together by a series of pants-on-head retarded plot twists and shitty Chuck Norris jokes.
Carrot Top


If you post your pony, I'll draw one and post mine.
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She has a calm, loving personality. I can't picture her nagging about insignificant stuff, living with her must be really enjoyable.
It was me. Is that you MSoB?
About your hands, wiggle each finger on your hand using your other hand fourth. If you feel a sharp pain from that you probably have CT. If not, it's probably a repetitive strain injury and will go away after some rest.
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That's good
You should still see someone about it though

They should have him yell "I had to give up my LAKERS tickets!" at one point.
>May or may not post results
Jalm pls
That is a stupid reason for such action.

Draw best pony.
Most people like getting their request filled regardless of who they are.
>May or may not post results
>May or may
>Prepare for more generic action/shooting scenes strung together by a series of pants-on-head retarded plot twists and shitty Chuck Norris jokes.
I'm sold.
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Thank you for concern, but let's continue with the pony.

Wish more movies had realistic shooting scenes with shit like trigger discipline, watching your muzzle, stacking up, covering fire, all that jazz

Like The Way of the Gun
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Man, MLPG is really chill right now. Usually people get mad because it's not "on topic". I've always thought of MLPG as just a hang out place where ponies is just a common interest.
I'll post mine too. I need the practice
Okay the vote came to 2nd hardest pone to draw imo

I will cut you
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Those itchy bitsy can't help you escape, Applebloom.
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>post ass on /soc/
>someone thinks I'm a grill
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>this nigga gets it

of course I do

maybe we'll at least get something in the comics, something "semi-canon" to hold onto
Oh come on, it wasnt that bad.
I just want people to be happy, like to just be able to induce happiness in others when they see my work.

It's the way it should be, and the way night threads used to be

before people who've never seen a general before started pouring in and backseat moderating

Well now you've gotta link to your ass
Who the hell else would be drawing it
>post my ass here

Never again
Set right after Chrysalis gets beat and all the changelings all sent flying, the guards are rounding up everyone who was captured

One mare, shaken from her experience at the hands of the drones is nervous and hides from them, spending a few hours evading capture inside Canterlot Castle. As she dodges inattentive guards she starts to feel a strange warmth followed by lightheadedness and as she starts to lose her facilities she manages to stumble into a storage closet and shut the door before collapsing in lust. The changelings corrupted/impregnated her while she was captured and its starting to work. While the eggs grow in her womb she masturbates furiously but something is missing, she's unable to orgasm. The feeling gets more and more intense until she's completely lost to it, her eyes starting to take on a blue sheen when a lone guard opens the door and freezes in shock. She immediately grabs him and pulls him into the cramped space, closing the door behind them. The concentrated smell of her arousal is too much for him to ignore and she rides him violently, leaning over her rounded stomach to force her mouth against his and flow her aphrodisiac saliva down his throat. He cums quickly, fertilizing her load of eggs as she finally achieves orgasm.
Then she grows an ovipositor and fucks him in the ass
And MLPG is so hateful that many contributors rather not spend their time on doing something for free just to have it shat on.
Those are the weak ones who do not love the craft for itself

We shall see how he fares
Porbably not. He hasn't hogged the thread as a personal blog yet or plugged any of his shit and derailed the thread into gayfag shit.
Nope just an anon

trapanon pls cam again
The archives speaks otherwise, anon.

It's almost always his fans who do that shit.

I don't think MLPG wants to see my ass though.

Threads were NOT as bad as they were a few months ago ever. I've archive dived and come to that conclusion. They've gotten much better recently.
I'm a part of MLPG and I want to see your butt
i assume you don't draw.
there's a difference between making things for the craft or for yourself and giving it to people just so the very people who asked for it tell you to go fuck yourself.
I do, for scientific purposes

More people should reply to this, I love reading about peoples' fetishes
I do, for masturbation purposes.
>I just want people to be happy
They would be happy if you actually draw for them. Better that than none. But using you name for posting crappy comments like fetish is fucking unacceptable.

Oh fuck off. You are the type of poster that would say that kind of shit and make it a reason to shit post them just because.
I want to see it too, but wait until the horse dies.
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Here is their butt, anon.
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That is a cute Dash butt.
That is a nice speedy butt right there.

Person who can't draw and uses MS Paint here taking requests
It's an okay butt. Kinda blurry, though.
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Sorry bro. Like I said earlier, I'm bad at requesting drawings. What I'm thinking is Sweetie hugging Anon all adorable like. As for the status of the story, I've got some situations done, a beginning, and a reason why Anon is watching over Sweetie, but I'm having trouble doing a realistic progression of trust. My first idea is that Rarity sort of just dumps her on Anon and he has to learn about watching a kid and shenanigans happens, but how long would it take before Sweetie gets all adorable little sister like on him? I could just say the trust is already there, but that could be a boring way. Open to ideas.
I also have an idea for a name, Growing Pains.
Yeah, keep that shit on /soc/.
Draw Scootaloo wearing a hat

You kind of do have a girly ass. I approve.
I can tell that's a man butt
So is it true mewball has weird thumbs?

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Do you have a fetish fetish? I like it when people get aroused.
no, but it's true that the thread got /soc/ked
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Yeah I'm just going to keep this fluttershy to myself
I need to work on the bodies more

I think I might have a fetish fetish. Hearing about people getting off does get me hot. hearing about people getting off to people getting off is the best
That's pretty meta

Sorry, it's getting late and I don't want to shit up the horse anymore. Goodnight, MLPG.

Come on, Jalm, post it and get some critique

Just post it faggot, you're anon and the worst you're gonna get is "its shit"

You're probably gonna get help on it because Tex is here
I like it when I get some kind of response. I'd rather get "It's shit" than absolutely nothing.
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>implying he won't say "it's shit" himself

Get out of that mindset. You're a beginning artist. You'll get better over time.
Post it mang. We've all been there.
I'm not Jalm


Well I don't doubt that, I know what I have to work on
>tfw i only get ignored or shitposts against me personally and not the drawing
Mewball is all thumbs.
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just poooost it

the only thing stopping me from posting my practice works is because nobody else does
I'm so meta, even this acronym
Do it you sillygoose

It's not like the world will end or anything
>every artist redlines the drawing
>some of them jokingly
>SB does a decent and serious one
>not included in the cap
You gotta love the constant passive aggressiveness in this thread.
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Kraut please leave
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I'd never call someone's work 'shit', but I don't think I'm a good candidate for critique. It'll help you in the long run if you just ask for help.
It's pretty big to begin with. I'm sure the dude appreciated it never the less.
That night was magical, I hope everyone gets one of these one day.
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>SB's anatomy
I'm not Kraut, but thanks for proving my point.
>disobedient avocado
For fucks sake fine
Give me a second
For me I'm okay with my stuff being garbage as long as I know how to improve and people are up front with me.

it's been like 30 seconds anon shake a leg
Shit, even I redlined for you once
lucky fucker

>Octavia coming home after five shows and a concert and just wanting to have something to eat, a bath, and a few hours' sleep.
Why do you hate Kraut? I mean legit, I'm tired of people slinging empty insults.
SB's art is like Ross's.
It's nic and all, but no something you want being used as a critique.
Or taken seriously.
>still remember all his anatomy studies
>he went through all of that just to draw obese or weirdly proportioned characters all the time
Hey Tex, if there's on critique I have of your art overall, I feel like it is very stiff. There's not a whole lot of action or motion in your draiwngs. That's not 'bad' per se but I think it is kind of boring. you should try drawing an active scene
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oh god
what am I doing
It's not done yet shut up go away
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Scootaloo wearing a hat, BAM
you suck

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>Ross' art
Shit thumb 4/10. Drawings okay though, but unfinished and get a scanner.

Look for it in the archives if you want, it was perfectly fine.
I like it! She looks so happy.
Did you look over the sub's /art/ sticky? Tons of good stuff and even books to use.
I think we have very little to go on here. Just keep drawing!
I have a poor grasp on anatomy and that's what I try to focus on, leading to stiff pictures. I just need to teach myself one of these days.

i can determine at this point that you don't have talent, and should not attempt any further art

oh well, better to find out sooner rather than later, this saves you a lot of time you would have wasted attempting to improve
I hate MSPaint's Fill tool.

It used to be so cool, but now it's too good to actually fill the whole damn thing in
I think you should draw a little bigger, since small scribbles can get more annoying to fix and correct than larger ones.

Keep at it, though.
Not him, but the only thing Kraut has done recently in this thread is talk about how everyone hates him and how he's not appreciated, which is both not true - well, partly true by now because it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. I don't have any problem with Kraut, just with that specific behavior.
I am going to kill you Bugs.
People noticed that he's an easy target, shitposted about him enough to change the opinions of more moronic posters and led new kids who tried to fit in into believing that it is cool to hate him.
MLPG seems boring. At least it's free of shitposting right now.
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What about this skill?
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We all started somewhere brah

I've heard that "stiffness" is just a phase when people are learning art and goes away when people get better.
wwalks into thread

most talented mlpg poster, no need to draw anymore, you're already the best artist here, congrats
I think you've got what it takes to rival the likes of GG
>get a scanner
I have one of those but I have yet to even open it out of the box
I dont even remember why I got it

Thanks for telling me what I already know
It still works the same way it always did, it's just that the paint tool gives you compression.
If you use the pencil tool with a bigger ''brush'', it will function the same as the old paint+bucket tool

Bottom left looks like pooh bear with big ears.
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This is the worst kind of reason. I don't hate a lot of things, but people "trolling" and being ignorant by just following are easily some of them.
Yeah. It's ironic that thinking that everyone hates him when it wasn't true actually caused exactly that to happen.
I wouldn't want to do that, GG is cool and his ponies are cute
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The snout's too small, the ear's too elfish, and the legs are too short

better than my first attempts at pony
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>irish-american descendants who still call themselves irish and act extremely proud for it

what will make it exciting? fetishes?

we could do fetishes

That brought a smile to my face. Thank you.

The minimalist inspiration is complimented well by the hints of cubism/abstractionism. the artist is clearly a master of line weight, leading to a fully realized representation of the subject's shape despite the omission of shading and color. truly a masterwork. sell prints.
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Let's all post our first ponies!
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>blonde and blue-eyed native americans
What's so offensive about "injun" anyway?
>Dropkick Murphys comes on as soon as I see this

It was fate I tell you
4chan in general does a lot of trial by fire and ironic hate. Don't take it seriously and don't stop trying. Fall down seven, get up eight.
Obsidian please

it's a fucking bouncehouse
Well, some people learn to draw and paint just to draw porn of their waifus
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Don't worry how your initial drawings look like and just have fun.
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Here's my first attempt at pony.

>my "criticism" was the only one you responded to

I hope you know it was completely in jest anon, listen to the other nice people and keep drawing. Get yourself an art buddy if you can, I bet any of the artists here would be happy to look at your stuff as you grow and help you along.
That is a good drawing of a very ugly pony.

It's a bouncycastle
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Someone should do this with Marker.
I've noticed this a lot with Americans, why do they do this?
Not just people with Irish heritage, but a lot of others do it too.

It's not always a fucking house.
I've been shitposting here since 2010, I earned some respect.
Yeah, I just personally think it's sad because it looked like he was going to make it - and then he took like a hundred steps back and started drawing stuff which is WAY below what he could do and thus stopped improving completely.

Even when it's a goddamned castle it's called a bouncehouse
>Not springkussen
>not speaking a superiour language
Inflatable pin.

I think they just find calling themselves American to be boring so to be a special snowflake they dig into their ancestory and start to call themselves Irish or Scottish or Greek instead.

Then it would be bouncecastle, retard.
Everybody wants to feel special, so they dig up some very distant relative that's from a cool-sounding nation and they just call them that.

Isn't he still going to art school? He probably just does this shit for fun now because he spends his serious art time doing serious art stuff.
>It was all done with a mouse.
So...any interesting news?
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D-do you like my second attempt?
ok hold on

I rival fluffle when it comes to certain social anxieties, so it's hard to tell when I'm stressing out
Because being white is boring, apparently.
I'm not entirely sure, but I think he either sucks at stuying art or is in a scam school.
That sounds pretty cute, What would it say on the banner?

No, retard, it's still called a bouncehouse

because a house is a building built for habitation, which means a castle aswell
That's neat
I thought we just called ourselves 'alcoholics'.
Same thing.
>I rival fluffle when it comes to certain social anxieties, so it's hard to tell when I'm stressing out

honestly this is a better reason to avoid art than any perceived lack of skill, you've seen what happens to neurotic artfags time and time again, and god knows we don't need another drama machine around here.

no offense or discouragement meant or anything, it just might not be the best for your personal mental well-being.
>Peer pressure is good.

Although it could be open to edits if you make a blank version.
I just realized you might be a smartass and actually have the banner say "Same thing."
>god knows we don't need another drama machine around here
I hate drama so really I'd just take any attacks on myself by just playing vydia and tying to do better
Most of my friends hate me actually so I'm used to it
>Peer pressure is boop
I think the best way is to conquer those anxieties by putting yourself out there and testing yourself by doing some sort of discipline, like art.
>Boop pressure is good.
>Most of my friends hate me actually so I'm used to it

christ man, what are you trying to do to yourself, get on meds
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>the way night threads used to be

you mean before school let out for the summer, or do you mean it more like shit used to be better back in my day
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>gorrilian days later

>totally not a traceover
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Family Love MLPG

>still thinking summerfags are a thing instead of all of 4chan going spontaneously retarded because of ghosts

anyone have the cap of moot saying that traffic doesn't increase during the summer?
You need a name.
We'll just call you Tofu 2.0
>Most of my friends hate me actually so I'm used to it
Just speaking from experience, it's just destructive in the long run if you hang out with people who hate you, friends or not.
It is good line pony. You should make more ponies with more poses.
>get on meds

Trying not to be /soc/ here but I'd rather not meds to be content, it will come one day
Anything from Arrested Development.
No, I don't want a name. I've been down that route before and I don't want that again
Tulpa General: Not 'Imaginary Friends' MLPG, Tulpas. Imaginary Friends are something a whore imagines for sex.
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Gotta start somewhere. Imitation is a good way to.
MSoB please respond.
oh, ghosts, right. I should have known
Hugs are good.

I think the progression of trust should start on begrudging obligation and grow with Sweetie's neediness, especially since she doesn't have Rarity around to take care of her and she obviously needs to latch on to an older caretaker figure.
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it's a metaphor
I might get around to it tomorrow night. It's late so I don't want to do it right now. I have another request to do but his shouldn't take too long.
Alliance of Bronies
We Demand To Be Taken Seriously
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I haven't seen the guy that posted this since the beginning of the hiatus

it makes me sad
yeah metaphor ghosts can be pretty annoying. they're at least nothing like simile ghosts
still 105 days
>you will never be raped by a sex demon
did he killed him self

yeah, fuck simile ghosts
we're almost out of three digits!

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>Going about your day as quietly as possible so as not to disturb her
>occasionally peeking in to her room to check up on her
>saving her some of whatever you make for dinner
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Here ya go, one Flutterbutt.

How does she look?
>you look up and suddenly she's in the doorway
>she says in the most tired, breathless voice, "Fuck me."
Is that a clown nose
Only thing that throws me off is the nose.
what the fuck kind of green text is this

>you separate your recyclables from your waste
>you donate five percent of your income to charity
>you have a loving wife with whom you occasionally do normal activities with
That's a Flutterface, not a Flutterbutt.

>DJ Acid coming home after five shows and a concert and just wanting to eat, have you lick her clean, and spend a few hours sleeping with her dick in you
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Not too bad

Like the eyes

>Appledan is gitting gud

Shit I have to start contributing
>not dreaming of having a nice life with your loving waifu
What's the worst thing to happen at a brony con?

Any rape or stalking alligations?
I like it

One formulated solely to annoy you.
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This is the first thing I thought of.
But yeah, Sweetie is starving for attention, but she needs it from someone she cares about. Gotta somehow make the bond between them special.
Human sacrifice, but to be fair it was a willing virgin sacrifice

>Stopping Vinyl from putting her hoof in a bowl of warm water or blasting an air-horn over her head
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I'm really fucking hungry.

The last meal I had was at about 11:30 AM yesterday, and the only thing I've had since is a leftover rice krispy treat at around midnight, and now it's almost 5:30 AM.

Maybe if we post some food it will motivate me enough to go toast a bagel or something.
Is todat Satyrday?

>Blog status updated
>Posted to My Little Pony General

>you get home from work, do the dishes, and sit on the couch until she gets home
>she cooks dinner and you eat without talking much besides discussing bills and TV commercials
>both of you sit and watch TV together, maybe put on a movie if nothing good is on
>go to bed
>have wild sleep
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>tfw I've seen people start from nothing and get good
>here I am for years telling myself I'll start someday