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SHOO BE DO edition

Old land lubber horse: >>12718002
fluttershy is my waifu
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Pony on top of pony on top of pony on top of pony.
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I like my ponies like I like my women, stacked and horny.
I had the seapony song as my alarm for about a year.
racks on racks on racks, maybachs on backs on backs on backs on backs
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You're looking deep into this pretty mare's eyes and suddenly this starts playing


Do you kiss her?
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I wish I were a pony.

Lucid dreaming has done more harm than good.
I'd frickle frackle with that Crackle.
Is he replacing them with other things, or is he just swapping paces with them, standing in their spots at attention in their armor?
I would Crackle so hard
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princess pone
>darf fic on the front page of Equestria Daily
>replacing them with other things
>Potted plant with a guard helmet and spear
>Later down the hallway is a confused guard with a flower on his head
what kind of pony
>xieril waits for his dragon dildos.gif
Right on the kisser
A pegasus
>she sees your penis
But one of them's a queen.
>Oh no, not again...
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pony will never wait for a letter from you
I had one pony dream ever, it was with equestria girls in a 10 play left4dead game
>me checking my inbox
>alright Sweetie, you hold her down, and i'll strangle her
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I wish there was art of anon and luna just chillin.
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I think Pinkie Pie is best pony.
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They're all naked
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>compares luna's hips tp celestia's
damn son where'd you find this?
>Anon's last day before being reluctantly executed for the rape and murder of trixie
Which villain has the most hit points?
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Would pone hid her feelings from Anon?
>reluctantly executed
u wot m8?
So would GG.
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Sombra, you can only kill him by redirecting his own attacks onto him.
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Gotta stay awake for the middle of the night.
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I think I'd rather a Luna.
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good choice me too
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their reactions are all so perfect for that
Where would they chill?
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>call upon the seaponies when you're in distress
You think they're even vaguely aware of subterfuge?
>You will never fly with Dash through cloudsdale during a sunset.
>You'll never squeeze her tiny firm butt while she lays on top of you
>She'll never wrap her lanky legs around your neck and kiss you
sides are gone
Pony thinks your arms are giant penises
Touch it's face alot.
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Then she'd be all the more disappointed when she sees the real thing.
Tell pony to stop playing F:NV
penis arm awesome dot jaypeg
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So no Satyrday tomorrow due to having to go to a friend's birthday party, possibly overnight.

I was thinking about changing BraeburnQuest's schedule to Fridays or such, due to midweek not being ideal for most players. This means the next session would be delayed a few days. I can't run twice weekly, my planning and time management isn't quite that good.

Issue is, of course, my weekends may be taken up by stuff, especially in the coming weeks. I can't just run a quest if no one's playing, though.

I may also consider starting the Quest earlier in the day if we move it to Friday. What say you all?
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>You will never rub her belly full of ponies
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Took a while to load that soundfile, I was wondering why it was so ridiculously huge.
> Rarity is impressed but doesn't want to be overeager in front of her friends
> Applejack expected something more square
> Dash doesn't know you're unerect as she's used to seeing penises with sheathes
> Twilight expected something more like a bonobo and frankly confuses a flaccid state for erectile dysfunction, any stallion wouldn't have popped out unless erect, nay TURGID
> Fluttershy is agape
> Pinkie is the one who pulled your pants down, giggling like a schoolgirl off in a corner
Friday seems okay for me. Tuesday afternoons I just couldn't make
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Good thing I lift
>kissing worst pony
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Luna would take him to donut joes.
Friday's good
Okay. I'll see what I can do.
You just learned ponies tail dock is ticklish. How long until it turns from innocent playtime to accidental molestation?
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pony likes it in the butt though
it's all in good fun
>Luna will never put her leg on your shoulder an pull you close, telling you she thinks you're cool
Wow, I really liked that. Calm as fuck. Source? Any others like it?
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>you will never hear the colt's muffled screams
>you will never feel it's struggling get weaker and weaker until finally stopping
>you will never help her mold the partially melted corpse to make it look more rounded to avoid suspicion.
> you fist a mare for the first time
> "Oh that's quite pleasan-"
> you flex and clench your hand, pressing against her cervical cuff with a bit of flex from the forearm
> By the end of the first week of your dating your skin is absolutely soft with cream
>tail dock
the magic words
If she did that she'd pretty much be dancing with you

She's shorter than you on 4 legs
>you will never feel them panic as you make sweet love to her
> accidental
Yyyyyeah, uh
You're chatting with pone and before you know it she's recruited you into the red party

She won't let you go until the white guard is completely eliminated, and winter is approaching. What now?
About 5 seconds
put her in front of a tachanka
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Aww yiss.
Go home to london

Fuck this russia shit, I want some decent tea damnit
Don't get too excited, I'm just Rei.
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well, accidents happen, anon
pony would understand I'm sure
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>tfw playing Mario Kart 7 reminds me that Pone Kart will never be finished
"just"? damn, dude, now I'm excited, too.
>not getting excited for that
Think more highly of yourself.
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>red party

I'm ok with this
Making it past the second wall is the WEIRDEST sensation
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>that amazing Mines music will go to waste
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>tfw feel pictures remind me of that feel when no pone to cuddle
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>tfw saving a ragingsemi picture
Would you playfully rub pony's mare bits?
>tfw i was poor enough to have played mario kart with my friends on SNES

What if AJ likes it
What the heck anon that's lewd
Russians actually love tea

It's the biggest non-alcoholic drink out there
> Spike fucked up because he didn't do it RIGHT
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No no just for fun
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Woh man don't make this weird. Weirdo.
Why is she staring at her back?
How would you know? You russian or something?

what does kvas taste like
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I feel that no matter how long it would take, it would still be incredibly awkward when it actually happened
her Pinkie sense is making her butt tingly
This pic is why I like twiliycorn

there is more of purple to love now
Go away purple marketer
not him, but the taste is hard to describe.
root-beer-ish, cola-ish, malt-ish at the same time.
Nah, I just had a lot of time and knew a russian student in college
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Yeah, it seems like the better option. I'll think about it over the weekend.

In the meantime have some extra class illustrations that I made to get a sort of vision or feel for each one. Maybe if I had taken the time to present each of these along with detailed explanations, the players might not have defaulted to gunslinging. Oh well.
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she'd forgive you eventually, right?
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obviously he just needs more practical knowledge
I'm buying the plane tickets right now

Brb russia

Well how can he get better if Applejack won't let him practice?
> Which one's Dixie
My shit is GONE
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Waiting for pony to forgive one would be really mortifying
Hopefully, yeah
i would never have my hands near Applebloom's rear to begin with
It might have been neat since it could have prompted more ingenuity, but it's hard to say. Depends more on the playerbase than anything.
you can probably buy bottled kvas is shops that have russian shit in stock.
it's not the same thing as the stuff from the yellow tanks though, but it's close enough
Yea, it was just introduced to us in a retarded way
>this is a thing now
A flight to russia isn't a big deal. I live in intentionally shitty conditions so I can afford stuff like this.
will neverbe a thing
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What if you were a pony and a humanized r63 version of your waifu said "Hey, you have a nice fat pony rump" what would you do?
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hm, i can live off about 5000-6000$ per year
which is about as much as i make
You live in poverty so you can afford to drop hundreds of dollars on a trip to Russia just so you can have some authentic Russian tea?
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Nah, i just want a wing hug
Push it up into there face and be all "have a closer look"

What if Lucassen said "You have a nice fat pony butt, Rediv".

What would you do?
>there is no way you could ever actually experience this
Go on a diet.
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In progress
let him fuck it? Isn't that what you're supposed to do when someone makes a rude comment about your body?
Well, I'll just take a hug from a 3dpd then

they also feel nice
Marker you know humans can't read that crazy pony language of yours, I can barely understand what you're saying right now.
>pony female Applejack likes anal set
>humanized r63 AJ also likes anal sex
>He compliments your butt
Scream and run away
Ponder the circumstances that lead up to this moment and decline
It's not really poverty, most of my food is grown in place of the traditional yellow, weedy slum lawn.

It's also how I afford things like new laptops and pony toys
I'd give Pinkie Pie a kiss

a Hershey kiss!
Do you think Luna could handle Big Mac showing her the new barn?
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1-9: Draw
0: Continue doing nothing
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fuck you
all hail the magic conch
>Double 0
have fun anon!

>double nothing
Praise to the magic conch!
oh shiiiiiii-
i used to have pet geese. they were rarely docile, but one time i picked one of them up from the front and he got spooked a bit and extended his wings, but calmed down immediately without retracting them and just let them rest on my arm.
i know it wasn't a pone, but i got as close to getting a winghug as anyone could have.
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birds are disgusting though
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tails get out, i'm piss
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Are those dogs?
What happened to Anon's arms?
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No, those are mice silly goose.
>be in distress
>call upon the seaponies
>nothing happens
every time
why do you lie to me mlpg
They are mice.
>t rex arms
>that face shape and mouth placement

Anons from beta reticuli
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Is that some grown up rumble?
what a handsome stallion
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More than likely it's Soarin'.
t-trots into thread
What if pegasi were disgusting too?

Do you think a pegasi occasionally is just flying around and has to go to the bathroom so they just let it drop?

I would say they make nests out of trash just like birds too but I'd doubt that.

Instead I'd just say pregnant pegasi have a maternal urge to build a 'nest/crib' out of clouds and will steal them here and there as they see fit.
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>they have the same manestyle, they have to be the same pony only aged up
>let's completely ignore Spitfire
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the part that qould do the actual hugging is pretty soft and warm and so are their bodies.
the flight and tail feathers are just your typical feather, pretty stiff and coarse, but the rest of them is pillowy and fluffy
Most pegasi are cultured enough to land and go to the bathroom. But going in the air is like going in the pool.
Needless to say Dash doesn't even have toiletries.
I used to be a brony like you, until i took an arrow to the knee.
Spitfire was cuter before they turned her into Full Metal Jacket instructor bitch
What if she collected it into a yellowing cloud and then made it rain on someone?
that's almost funny enough to draw
>spitfire was cute until we saw the rest of her personality
they shamelessly rewrote her character and rehashed several other pegasi so hard that i couldn't enjoy much of that episode
>now she's hot
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>Still no art of these dogs
More like she was cute when she was just a cute voice in a speed suit and I didn't enjoy the personality that they ended up giving her.
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she wasn't on duty at the gala.
Even though this is only a .png I can still almost see the Sweetie Belles being disgusted at me.
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This nigger gets it.
Oh I get that. She was still very much a blank canvas in S1 and in S2 I didn't enjoy what they painted.
Is this a reference to something?

I don't get like 99% of the references in the comics or the show
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>those fucking feet
damn. it isn't as intense, but the optical illusion still works
Everything about the diamond dogs is a david bowie reference.
Why is Fluttershy partaking in such illegal activities?
what scene is this?
Filename should have given it away; Ziggy Stardust/David Bowie
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>Afraid of strong women
>You remind me of the pup
>The pup with the power
Pinkie Pie would be a terrible lab partner.

Although Fluttershy's cottage might be an appropriate hide out.

She wouldn't snitch because she'd be turning her friends in, it's fairly out of the way and it already smells like animal shit and marijuana anyway.
Strong women can't be cute by definition. Cute is childlike weakness.

Spitfire is fucking hot man
I don't mind a mare with power like Celestia, but something about drill instructor-ish jobs really turns me off.
meet new friends
smell some assholes
suck penis
poop and fart on the wonderbolts
You for got the "a" in that second sentence
Dash at a Wonderbolts convention
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>Spitfire is fucking hot man
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>mfw listening to BonBon's voice
How did I forget that horrible voice?
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[which one?]
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Pone visits earth and only meets coconut crabs
>Cute is childlike weakness
tfw called cute. should i smack some hoes?
Which one?
she has a few clones
How horrifying.
>you will never have a harem of Bon Bons
"The bag" line from S1 E12
to meet
to smell
to poop and fart
at the galaaaaaa
5, 6, 7 sound similar enough to make a call for a canon voice.
love 2 though
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>roseluck's voice
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mah nigga
Though it's almost what I imagine Lyra is so that would be confusing
Hey lyra
Calm down
ay bby you wan sum fuk?

i like the "bon bon is rather grumpy" fanon, but that voice is great.
i sorta liked the tara strong lyra
Tell bonbon a joke
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Her face
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so a horse walks into a bar

>[throwing jeers intensifies]
This never gets old: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtuKJzeNctE
GIYC voice is the best
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changeling should eat fresh fruit
Can I eat cheeselegs out
the end of mlp
okay cool
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would you a [bonbon]
even if it was only to make lyra cry
[indecipherable image that makes no sense]
[length of time counting down]
[some variation of "it's happening"]
haha, that's great
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Good night.
I'd a bonbon just because she's pretty
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Not the best idea GG has ever had
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goodnight MLPG
I am so entertained here. Comedy gold. 10/10.
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Some of those cut off, probably because I was using an old file. Updated it

I want to femrover.
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whos this nigga?
goodnight twilight
good night m8

keep drawing pl0x

Why is this so hypnotic
this would have creeped me out if i had not seen someones dragon changeling OC the other day
good morning MLPG
Goodnight twilight
Dream of books
Becuase you like Bon Bon's Bon Bons Anon
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>I think I screwed up
>two drawfags say goodnight
>the one that isn't shit get responses
your mum
good morning GMT +2
Goodnight faggot
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Here's a twilight. I'm trying a new style
Makes me think of babs
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You will never Bonbon's bon buns.
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more [1]
you're just drawing like that potatoe guy
her hair makes her neck look huge
Its kinda cute though, with some refinement it could be adorable
Goodnight SB dream of big ponies
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Why yes, Twily, your friends are in Act 2, scene 3.
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I liked her better with Dash's style
scene sounds enough like seen
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>scene my friends
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>mfw people keep stepping all over my liberties
i'm a 20 year old man, goddammit
You're still practically a kid
how did i even get up this early
life hasn't crushed you yet so you aren't at liberty to complain
At this point I think you're doing these "epik funny errors xD" on purpose
MT I love you and your homophones.
>scene my freinds
>Sein sounds enough like siin

shut up and draw, jailbait
carob is disgusting

and horse semen tastes like almonds
I dunno, today I looked at my clock, saw that it was a single-digit number, and was surprised to see that I actually woke up before noon. As opposed to yesterday, when I woke up at 3PM.
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>epik funny errors xD
is that really necessary
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You're thinking of Dhui.
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ded show
ded general
>"epik funny errors xD"
>misspelling things for fun
Not everything is a ruse you clod
give me your lunch money
I lost mine
"these "errors""

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Why is she so perfect?
because you touch yourself at night.
and she knows
>getting supported by bronies

you aren't
how do you know?
it's hard to stretch my wings with people laughing at me
How stupid are you?
How stupid is your favorite pony?
Why isn't there a 3D pony game where you can cut the pony's hair and brush it? That could be like one of those Nintendog games on the DS, except with your pony.

Why isn't there some kind of MLP Animal Crossing game yet? You could design your character and she's a new pony to Ponyville. At her house you could put fun accessories on her and restyle her hair. If you're not happy with her color you could get Rarity to dye it something else.

There's a ridiculous number of repetitive chores you could do for ponies around town.
because she is the only other pure princess that wasn't forced in by hasbro
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Why is there no doctor whooves threads?
we are both too smart for our own good
because its retarded brony shit
can't you just
buy more?

Not at all
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because dr who is ded [idiot]
So how 'bout that Twelfth Doctor announcement, eh?
Im fairly smart, and while my favorite pony isnt the smartest she isnt dumb either.
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Pretty stupid.
She probably knows quite a bit about her profession but not very well rounded.
she doesn't seem to do them on purpose, and they're always minor
A Harvest Moon/Animal Crossing MLP game would the the tits.
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she just is
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luna is great princess

I had completely forgotten about this thing until you reminded me of it
>no updates in a year
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I hope we get an episode where they kind of make Dash out to be a nerd with all her cloud knowledge

She seemed pretty excited to talk about the weather in SRB so it could happen
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fun times
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>You will never be luna's boy toy

feels so bad man
i am pretty stupid but i am just smart enough to know that i am stupid.

this causes massive anxiety and depression in all situations.
why doesn't she make those errors while posting too?
i consider myself effectively retarded and pinkie's level of intelligence is questionable.
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are they all women complaining?
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All of those people are terrible and I bet they didn't even like 9.
>Pretty stupid.
Not as smart as her friends =/= stupid. besides isn't really isn't explicitly clear how book smart Dash really is. She could be rather smart, but is sorta afraid to show it like with her initial apprehension to reading.
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>he's so old!
>I cant fantasize about him fucking me in his TARDIS!
I for one welcome our new angry pissed off Doctor
replace "doctor" with "twilycorn" and you have mlpg
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>isn't really isn't explicitly clear how book smart Dash really is

considering she only started actually reading recently I'd say not very
>not liking a gruff scotsman
Sometimes I think that I was the only one who liked 9. Thanks for proving me wrong.
Aggressive scrunching should be a felony
>dashfags defending their cuntpony
never fails
>lyra is a pedophile
>lyra turns bonbon into a vulnerable little foal so she can abuse her
>they both love it

i read that in his malcom tucker voice, gg
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She would never refer to her mate in such vulgar terms.
I'd want the real deal, too. None of this fan-made shit that gets C&D. I'd want it to use an internal clock and calendar for the gameplay to change through out the year. I want Pinkie to throw me a birthday party and I want to see all the cute little ponies in their costumes on Halloween.

Surely little girls, bronies and people who like cute things would all buy the shit out of that?
>still calling her a cunt
I'm a Dashfag and I love her bold ignorance
I just want to give her some leeway since I know I make more errors when I write than when I type.

Sadly the chances of him going full malcom tucker berserker mode are slim to zero, except maybe on red nose day as a late night special.
fuck off dashfags
fuck, i know that feel. being self aware is suffering.

i meant that the show doesn't really make clear how smart or dumb she is. she has both brilliant and retarded moments. i think she's more ni the smart spectrum, but the show doesn't always show it that way.
I loved the ones where they were like
>not transwhatever

Just like the royal baby
>implying she wouldn't pick you up with magic and use you as a personal vibrator on her needy marecunt
Judging by her personality i bet Dash is a kinesthetic learner
What if Rainbow Dash wanted to give you a hug?
Ubisoft has the license for official console/Pc Hasbro based games, so who knows what we might get in the future.
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I was actually putting my self down there in answering both of the questions.
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Exactly, she wouldn't.
>one has been done and is expected as actors leave
>the other is a cartoon character that was changed to sell shitty toys
i don't see the relevancy.
Wondering how pissed people would be if the new doctor was a girl instead of this old guy
last 3 days
notes: 197
new followers: 9
total followers: 785

Tell me yours
Why so faithful, my glum student?
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It would help that I don't do pony
>it's nanaki
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Who would be more easier to court with, Celestia or Luna?
The Ninth Doctor was great. He was an asshole, but a fun one.
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She's sad because she's Hasbro's marketing poster-child and has been robbed of any interesting character traits AND appeared in a poorly written movie which is a bastardised version of the franchise which she originates from
I heard about that. For now it sounds like the plans are to do mostly adaptions of board games but it's certainly a possibility.
Luna, she's a lot more easily trusting since she knows she's been out of the loop for so long and gives others the benefits of the doubt.
Christopher Eccleston is just a great actor
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this is the worst thing ever
Just this once, everybody lives!
nobody in britain cares about the royal family except the same kind of people in america who hate obama because he's black
Roseluck is my waifu.
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It's so hard to not get mad at this
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Do you think we will see some NMM and Celestial battles in S4?
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There are many things that need to be erased
Ga pls go

Saucer had her first
>Twilight sacrifices herself
>She regenerates into another pony with another personality but the same memories
>Alicorns can apparently do this
If they do ever get around doing an MLP game, I'll be glad that whatever game it is, it's not a game by Activision or fucking Gearbox.
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ha! what a loser!
Humans, pls
last month
notes: 51
new followers: 7
total followers: 335 down from almost 400
what if telltale games put a pony in poker night 3
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any story would of been better than the one that was told with youtube resolution pictures of her past adventures

21st century feminists are awful. Even feminists hate them.
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I remember growing up learning not to label people, yet it seems everyone else in my generation has a hard on for being overly exact on the way they want to be identified.
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this is sick and almost completely sexual
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>look at me I'm a human who posts on MLPG because I don't really have anything better to do with my life so I use it as filler to help me forget how pathetic I am and be mad as justification nyah nyah hurr derr
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IF that animatic we saw is any indication, there is a high probability

You sure are
Yeah, but are you gonna let me touch your butt yet or what
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oh, you have a new tumblr?
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u wot m8? hook u in the gabber, sware on me mum
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No it's just a science experiment
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>tumblr popularity

make it derpy and we will have a trade
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Dash doesn't look very happy, can i untie her and pls?
I made it a few days ago
not exactly sure what's going on here
if you look at this just right, she looks like a cyclops
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I enjoy ponies to distract myself from the crumbling world.
It's only a matter of time until something or someone kills me.
Okay but you'll have to suffer the consequences
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because mlpg is pure [shit]
>tfw my post count was always higher than my follower count
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Tex has carpel tunnel it seems.
if it makes Dash happy so be it
Possibly, I don't want to venture into too much speculation, because it will just devolve into a Faust word vs. what's self evident.
Usually it's the question of whether Celestia could have beaten NMM instead of sealing her away without needing the Elements to do it 1000 years later.
Faust said yes, common sense, and probably S4 will, say no.
I got her teen pregnant
what if pone killed you?
you faggots find a way to bring death up all the time. Bravo!
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>thanks anon those ropes really hurt
who cares
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Well it's not like people die all the time or anything.
>so jelly
last 3 days
notes: 0
new followers: 0
total followers: 91

Seems normal.
a bunch of nobies stroking their egos
Why don't feminists ever fight for equality?

Like making female Marines require the same amount of physical fitness as male Marines?
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why pick one when you could have two
whatever you say, book horse.
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>Upload a couple of doodles to tumblr
>another artist uploads a fantastical art piece with colored linework, shading, and lighting
This thread is 20% cooler! :D yay!
because females have -4 STR
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it used to be about equality
That's pretty shitty
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I don't know why I saved this but oh well
>#RoyalBaby is a boy...Way to let #Feminism down Kate! Could have had a girl third in line to the throne, instead it's a sausage party.
This person does realize that many Queens of England have ruled very well over the centuries, right?
Also, Elizabeth is probably going to outlive the baby anyway, so I don't see why people would complain about this.
there will always be someone better than you
I didn't know pony could poof up her butt to look more threatening
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Because then there would be next to no female Marines. Just be glad they havnt lowered the standard at least in the jobs that really matter.
but they make up for it in a way that is intangible and almost unnoticable
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What if I want to be the very best?
>tumblr drama
>being surrounded by LGBTQZO
>wanting to hear about worthless blog posts >>12725147 complaining about their hand hurting

yeah, i am jelly.
you should probably kill yourself for being apart of the stupid pointless circle jerk. you might get someone to post about it in their blog.
you can try but you'll probably end up being 10 years old forever and letting all your good pokemon go at the end of every season
like nopony ever was?
It'll matter when a real war breaks out and they start getting men killed.
If you hate it so much why don't you leave?
because females are always the victim. even when they are dominating.
no problem Dash
>feminists actually think that her giving birth to a boy was an intentional attack on feminism
Man, if one wouldn't generalize, but choose carefully, a new Holocaust could be a good thing.
to boop them is my real test
marines are worthless these days and will only continue to be more worthless as technology advances

I wish people would realize that if female soldiers can't perform as well as male soldiers, then female soldiers shouldn't be a thing
>proving his point

women will be able to join the Navy SEALs and the Army Rangers in 2015 or 2016
because without sane people posting, the thread would just be filled with bullshit constantly, and then the janitor would start deleting it.

then you retards would bitch and moan.
Like you need to have upper body strength to push a button and have a drone kill a bunch of babies.
to mate with them is my cause
Why let the army do operations such as "operation meatshield" or "operation sacrifice"?
Elizabeth is going to outlive everyone, at the heat death of the universe she will have already escaped to an alternate universe and killed her alternate counterpart
hey man some of those civilian deaths are caused by manned helicopters
>being this autistic
NBS please go
No, as technology advances, foot soldiers will be upgraded.
Someday we're going to have some terrifying infantry. Every soldiers a predator.
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That will really only happen in worst case scenarios (which have to be accounted for admittedly) but there are women who can perform in combat when shit hits the fan. but to have them as the actual grunts kicking down doors is different from oh shit we are being overrun we need even the guys with their legs blown off on the front lines.
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>Do you want to go see a movie or something?
>Like Pacific Rim? I dunno.
sure thing, do be more careful next time! It's most unbecoming of you.

But this scenario would involve an Elizabeth dying, which clearly shouldn't happen. Elizabeth must live in harmony with Elizabeth.
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Feminism is like just about any other small group forming around a concept or idea ever.

You have an initial idea or thing that everybody rally's around and supports. It's small and focused; with so few people you can kick out the weirdos and no one tries any stupid shit. But as it picks up interest more people join, communication throughout the entire group slows down, it splinters, the original voices are drowned out and eventually you have something that doesn't resemble the original idea.

Yes, I'm talking about bronies here.
Nah, she's only pulling a Queen Mum and conserves her internal organs with royal gin every day.
who cares about civilians.
they don't do anything except bitch and moan about taxes or not being paid enough for their upper middle class jobs that pay way beyond the work required.
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sure, i loved that movie.
I don't watch pleb movies.
wrong, we won't have predators, we'll have terminators
and the marine will be obsolete
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Seth is having way too much fun with those plushies.
It's an alternate Elizabeth, only our Elizabeth can be immortal

There can only be one
no no no we're talking about civilians in a second world country who want nothing to do with america but keep finding themselves with your dick down their throat
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hell yeah
i wouldnt want to go to movies with fast horse, fast horse seems like the type to yell at the screen
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How does pone play instrument?
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The physical requirements are the same as men. No exceptions.
There won't be women joining these groups.

Almost every woman who actually could get in realize how bad of an idea having women in spec ops is.

Don't blame the public, blame the media for making the public think they're losers if they don't have the coolest cars, the biggest TVs, and the tastiest food
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>reaction image
i don't think any predictions or projections will come true, but there will definately never be peace.
>you will never walk your diamond dog gf around town on a leash
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>Great! and when we get back you can tie me up again!
You deserve more.
I don't follow any, I just commit them to memory.
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Is that Kalmah?
Its really funny this huge push for allowing women to be in combat occfields in the military, when a lot of female service members dont want or even think women should be in them, especially if they have to lower the physical standards to allow them in.
That last scenario is a desperation move.
they should of quit supporting their freedom hating neighbors.
I feel like I'd just think it was great if it was Dash doing it, but I wonder if that would get old.
sounds fu- wait wha?

>No exceptions

Except there are exceptions currently.

>Women won't join special forces

Why not? They'll be able to.
I think we all know that. It'll just get more and more violent.
their oil-having neighbors*
that movie looks supremely retarded
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fair and balanced
Exactly, which is the kinds of situations you can really expect most non-combat mos' to actually fight.
m-muh racial equalities
How about no

You can go home afterwords after I walk you home and you can have a comfy night's rest in your own bed
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I was waiting for someone to recognize it!
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/pol/ get the fuck out you are not welcome
should of attacked Africa.
they have all the precious minerals that we fucking need.

of course china already has dibs on that shit while we waste our fucking time on the very little amounts of dinosaur shit.

china helps out the warring nations in Africa to take over so they can mine out the minerals.

but no one pays any attention to the innocent Chinese.
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>George Zimmerman will have to live in fear of hate crimes against him for the rest of his life

poor guy, he didn't ask for this
watch it anyways you double nigger
You should read the image in that post. It tells you why it isn't a good idea.
I'm sorry dash but being held up like that is bad for you

I know it's not a good idea. But it's happening whether we think that or not.

Like, it's already in effect it's so happening.
Fucking deer, hate those stupid little shits.
>Except there are exceptions currently.
Not for elite groups like the Rangers and Seals.

>Why not?
Read the image. It's a female soldier writing about why women in such groups would present a danger and put missions at risk.
That picture was my own, by the way.
/b/ronicle on /mlp/? We need a name for that.
But this was Dash's plan all along! She went to the movies with you to get you to cuddle with her and practice knot tying so she doesn't lose to AJ!
Watch it you nerd.
Oh he wouldn't have to live in fear of hate crimes.

If somebody shoots him, well then that would just be self-defense.
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MLPG I'm sad

Can a pony cheer me up?
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But they're the best drinking buddies
most certainly not a /b/ro, but I was/am a big fan
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Pony's busy. And all the ones available hate you
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why don't you and Flutterteras go be sad together

No, but there WILL be exceptions for elite groups when women are allowed in.

>read the image
There will be women joining whether I read that or not
Why would I go see a movie I already saw?
i wish i could get trampled to death by ponies
Not all misogynists are men, anon.

Basically she's like an Uncle Ruckus, but for women.
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I fucking hate /pol/ so much
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>And all the ones available hate you


What did I do?
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>you will never touch toothbrushes with Colgate

Why do I live
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>tfw parents are starting to push for me to apply to these shitty retail jobs they keep finding for me
>tfw want to join Marines but don't know how to tell them
I'd go see a movie I already saw again with my favorite pony
Fuck I had to see Harry Potter 3 5 times in theaters because of similar situations
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Possibly, how furry do you like your dragons?
>No, but there WILL be exceptions for elite groups when women are allowed in.
says who? just because you sya it doesn't mean its true
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what's that you want more /pol/
>I want to be a marine
>I'm too big a pussy to stand up to authority figures

Sounds like you're a perfect fit for the service.
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It's not you, it's them.
Except all the parts about you that are unlikable
dont? just go to a recruiter
This image is retarded.
Roderick Scott was acquitted because it was determined it was self-defense. The fact he had no injuries made them question this, though, which caused the initial ruling. I believe there were also a few other issues with information that caused him to be convicted initially, which when brought to light led to him being acquitted.

Zimmerman had various injuries and other proof that it was self-defense, leading him to be acquitted initially. However, he now will have to live in fear for his life, because of all the media coverage and the portrayal of Trayvon Martin (a known delinquent) as a poor, innocent child.
Remember when fluffy pony was our thing?

Remember when the whole damn show was our thing?
Alright I laughed


According to the U.S. military, women will be joining the Rangers in 2015 and the SEALs in 2016
If I was on Rarity, I'd be cumming too.
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84 KB
>tfw parents are starting to push for me to date some of their friends nice Christian daughters
>tfw want to tell them I'm gay
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54 KB
Why is Fluttershy in a box so cute
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14 KB
>lightning dust discovers anal
>media ruining people's lives
>more likely than you think
just look at the vietnamese
You could always not be gay
Was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Fluffy pony was ruined before it left our hands.

But if you tell them you're gay, you can't use your parents as an excuse for why you don't have a partner

I'd likely join either way but I don't know how supporting they'd be at first, most likely they will try as hard as they can to talk/guilt me out of it. More than anything though I'd just like them to be accepting of the idea before I go off to boot camp. I don't want to feel like I'm running away or anything, and I don't want the distraction of worrying about them resenting me as I'm trying to adjust.
hawe fun :^)
I can die now.
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cuddling this pone in bed
>According to the U.S. military, women will be joining the Rangers in 2015 and the SEALs in 2016
It still says nothing in terms of exceptions in terms of the acceptance requirements being lower for women over men. Very few woman can meet the physical requirements for these groups. Hell, even most men can't reach the requirements.
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She just is. It's in her nature to be cute.
But at least it was in our hands and didn't grow
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I tried again. Did I make it cutter?
applying for the initial training and actually making the cut are two completly different things. Just in male applicants SEALS has an extremely high attrition rate, so it will be unlikely your average woman could make it.

Rangers aren't even that elite of a group really, don't get me wrong they are highly skilled soldiers, but nowhere near the caliber of a SEAL.
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I'm okay with this.

I forget what the exact number were, but less than 100 men even make it into the seals.
#rekt #shotsfired

I already watched that and I'd still like to join.
I'm aware it's all a mind game to make you as stressed as possible.
Seen this yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBJDBtn2MbQ
Thats impossibly adorable

But I feel like Pinkie would be an enabler of staying up late
SEALS frighten me. I have a SEAL in the family, he tends to disappear for months at a time.
That's pretty cute
I feel like Pinkie should be brighter colored though, and her eyes are getting close to uncanny valley
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81 KB

>asking me to go to bed

I'm getting mixed signals here


>The military services have mapped out a schedule that also will include reviewing and possibly changing the physical and mental standards that men and women will have to meet in order to quality for certain infantry, armor, commando and other front-line positions across the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. Under the plans to be introduced Tuesday, there would be one common standard for men and women for each job.


I'm sure they're be a few female SEALs at least. And you're right about Rangers not being that elite, especially when compared to a SEAL, but they're still critically important. They even provide security for Delta and the SEALs sometimes.
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139 KB GIF
>exchanging toothpaste

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68 KB
>thou who art undead art chosen
why does that always get to me
incanny valley?
I tried

For like 3 years
I was told by my drill instructors that in their experience, the parents most proud of their sons graduating boot camp were the ones who really didn't like the idea of them joining in the first place
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I've been working on this thing for the last hour and a half or so. I think it looks okay but it looks a little weird and I can't really place it.

Anyone have any suggestions? Sorry if the construction lines throw anyone off.
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I waited all of S3 Meghan, it never happened.
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I don't speak your taco bell language
What does it say
>there would be one common standard for men and women for each job
Boy I sure do believe that statement.
I wish I had this Pinkie
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174 KB JPG

Bug pokes are so fucking kawaii
>there would be one common standard for men and women for each job.
oh, boy. weak willed military members.

good thing there are tons of them.
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We need much more ponoe loving.

They'll most likely lower the run time requirements by a few minutes and make that the new standard for everyone
the butt squish needs some work
I think the lines need to be inverted or something
Looks pretty good.
The chest may be a little bigger than it should be compared to Pinkie's rear, but it does look genuinely good.
Pinkie's body beneath her neck is kind of fat/misshapen and her back left leg might be a little thin and noodly
Taco bell is gross though Pinkie
Right at that point where its human enough that you feel like it should look a certain way, but just off enough to rub you wrong

its not that bad, I guess its just that they stand out from the rest of her
Why couldn't this have been a thing? Ponies in the Old West sounds bad ass.

Who would be Davy Crockett?
>taking a liar and a hack writer for their word
yeah, good luck with that, i wouldn't pay that woman to write a children's show for children.

she writes it as if she is writing it for toddlers
It was a joke.
But still, the amount of people claiming to be gay today is baffling, so you gotta admit some are just bullshitting.
Their back ends might be a little small?
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1.75 MB PNG
she's perfect in every form
Well at least in the Marine corps they are trying to raise the female fitness standard closer to mens by requiring pull-ups in their PFT. There max number for 100 points is less, but its a step in the right direction
bcs please
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241 KB JPG
wow AJ is a bitch
give me your moisture.jpg

Is there a reason that no branch includes weightlifting in their fitness tests?
I don't get it
Wait, is the coffee adhering to a toppled table or is Pinkie sticking to a 45° slope?
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Hi Rarity!
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115 KB PNG
I think this may be where the problem is.
Thanks, I'm back to work!
the CFT requires ammo can lifts, and incorporates firemans carries and ammo-can runs. And while its not in any kind of test i go to the gym pretty much daily
Im guessing we have to imagine the other side of that conversation.
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Good man
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What's your routine?
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oh gosh
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667 KB GIF
I guess I'll just suffer

I cropped out the black borders and saved it as a png.
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1.13 MB
1.13 MB GIF

Eww gross.
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513 KB PNG
But I am working on my art.
what's the point of resaving it as a png if the original was a jpg
I dont really have one because we typically work out as a shop. A lot of times i just follow the lead of the people im with who are a lot more knowledgeable about the subject than I am. I know its something i should work on for the sake of efficiency, but im not really there yet.

png is lossless so it won't pixelate over time.
/mu/ pls
Do you want to know what get me? Solaire. He wanted so bad to find something shining and beautiful in such a miserable existence. He believed in goodness so much that he unquestioningly helped you, an undead that he didn't know by any means of that word. Ready at your call to assist you with your fate. The only guy who believed that there is still good in the undead heart. And then, he breaks. The brightest soul in the undead north, and he looses his grip on reality. I had to kill him. As he died for the last time to awaken hollow, he asked me why it was so dark and cold. Why was sun was setting. That fire of sunlight extinguished. He looked into the abyss, and the abyss won. He may of been a fool, but he was a bro. Praise the Sun.
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Looks cozy as fuck.
My work isn't pony though.
dat gif ;^)
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152 KB PNG
He didn't say it had to be, art is art.
He's going to hurt you.
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Have ya'll voted for me in the fan favorite poll today?

A vote for AppleJack is a vote for apple pie and honesty. Ya'll like apple pie right?
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Tagalong and Samoa are tied for best scouts
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>someone saved the image I embedded
I havent seen Sleepyhead in so long

I miss her
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Is this better then?
So how bad has bat pone general gotten
It doesn't matter.
It matters so much
>you will never wake up to your horsebando or dogbando gently resting his head against your lips
I guess you could say we can expect to see Samoa them!

What's the new way of embeding again?
I kinda threw my arms in the air and said "fuck it!" when moot screwed it up and never bothered to learn the new method.
I need a mattress
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33 KB
I really hate that
I checked a few fays ago and the names they chose for the ponies are terrible. Like they don't even sound remotely like names you would give bat ponies let alone ponies in Equestria
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Drawfag pls.
Just about how every other 24/7 general on /mlp/ based off of one of our ideas has gotten
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how about some volcano insurance?
FUCK i saw the mark in the tab and got excited that someone responded to my shitpost.

i tab back over laughing and thinking what an idiot this guy must be as a scroll down to find the reply.

and this is what i get
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still one of my favorite OCs
I can't believe the one stupid fuck named his OC 'autism'
But then again I should believe it.
I don't even care what it costs
dark souls fucking kills me with feelings
everyone seems like they're just trying to survive, trying to put on some facade that everything will be alright when everyone is going hollow. Firelink gets lonelier and lonelier as you kill off the only real "friends" you might have had as they go hollow...ugh so tragic

Those eyes are the size of medicine balls I just want to lightly touch one with an open palm and feel the squish.
if you have the new script installed you just click sound box and select and ogg and put it in there.
it automatically imbeds it.
like what?

Demon's Souls had that weird feeling too, just a bit stronger due to the Nexus.
Worth it
I think that one was actually a joke
If there's one thing I like about the new moderation, it's that fluffy pony was finally chased from the board.
>she flinches slightly
>"please don't do that"
so pretty much exactly like mlpg
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1.27 MB PNG
>that hind leg stance
i hope she isn't shitting on my doorstep
It only pays in hugs per degree of burn
I like everything he's done.
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18 KB
What's with all these fucking retarded 'indie games' on Steam lately?
She lost a bet and Rainbow Dash and pinkie dared her to do it
steam has always been filled with retarded indie games.
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thanks moot and/or mayhem
I might just have to get burned constantly then
What's the deal with airline food?
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2.89 MB JPG
This script http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/ has an inline embedder. I think the FAQ page tells you how, but I'll post it here. Open the Quick Reply box. Check the sounds box. Select an image and a .ogg sound. You can add multiple sounds if you want. Submit.

Be sure to put [something] in brackets, anything, so that way people will know it's embedded. That way they people will check it, otherwise they can scroll past it and miss it. The script can also play embedded video things, like this.
papers please is an older game though

dus this meen i got trips?? :D
>laurentius teaches you pyromancy and gives you a part of his own flame to help keep you safe
>you eventually discover the very source of pyromancy
>every time he asks about them you have to refuse to tell him
>that depressed but accepting tone when he agrees that you must have a good reason
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271 KB JPG
>not being an Arskicker
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2.92 MB
2.92 MB JPG
>being filled with shit
no shit.
But my 6 million slender clones
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46 KB

crookedcassettegunner has change his name once again and has restarted his pony blog

>fucking retarded 'indie games'

like what

Half a dozen Minecraft clones for starters.
>state of gaming.jpg
>SEGA announces that they're going to focus more on PC gaming because apparently they've been making mad bank on digital sales
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44 KB
holy shit
that's been there for a year

Thank you!
On my main blog:
>Notes: 622
>New followers: 4
>Total followers: 1663
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i forgot the brackets
it has an imbed
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58 KB
again, like what?

I don't pay attention to greenlight unless a game I find out about from somewhere else is on there
I'm actually on board with the rest of what he's done, too, but I had a special hatred for fluffy pony.
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You know how you fap right after you piss and then
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Is that Red Ribbon
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134 KB PNG
Lyra likes lewd
a lot
Lewd just doesn't like Lyra, much to her dismay.
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She just wants a nice guy to settle down with
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You're in a bar with your third favorite pony and this guy comes up and slaps her but.

what do?
>horizontal oval eyes
>eyelashes below the eyes
>stupid grin
All it's missing is red nose.
For me, Dark Souls is about existential angst. With no way to die, you will continue to exist. There is only two options. Decide to exist for something or don't. Those who don't go hollow. Your willpower is tested, but even then you have to keep a grip on reality. Sometimes people cannot understand that you cannot control reality, only manipulate it somewhat and accept it. The absurdity of this causes many to go insane. It is rare for someone to stare at the abyss and still be human when it stares back. Reality will always win against your fantasy and dreams.
Would she mind if I slept with her? We don't even have to be cuddling, I just want to lay next to her and share body warmth.
Lewd's a jerk, anyway. She'd do much better with sexy.
>indie games are shit!
>i want generic shooters to line the coffers of big studios because I'm an asshole
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oh my
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I wonder what it's like to sleep in a bed as a pony

My default position now is on my side, and I think if I were a pony that would work out pretty well.
Some girls just don't see it that way until it's too late.
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99 KB
I doubt that
I sleep on my back. So at the very least, it'd look silly.
I sleep on my belly, which would be extremely difficult.
Limb-breakingly difficult.
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288 KB GIF
I liked Papers, Please. Here's the general and you can go on the creator's site on the OP's post and download the beta as a demo.

Pretty much every 2D sidescoller/platformer/top-down RPG/simulator/puzzle based game/clunky fighting game/turn based strategy game/tower defense game/any game that tries to use shit 'minimalistic' graphics under the guise of being stylized to put the least amount of effort into pushing out a moneygrubbing piece of crap with the monotonous entertainment value of crushing boulders in a South Texas prison chain gang. Meanwhile shitlords like Phil Fish and Jonathan Blow lean back in their easy chairs thumbing through their cash and making themselves out to be God's gift to and the savior or the gaming industry.
Anyone else notice that the comic is better at being Season 3 than Season 3 is at being Season 3?
since you can make up any bullshit you like. you can say ponies have a magic skeletons that switch from human to horse whenever they want, so if you are a pony it is exactly like sleeping as a human.

how'd he get a bloodstain out of the tranq?
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297 KB PNG
That's a pretty cute position for the ponies though,
I like how their arms get propped up when they're on their back.
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621 KB GIF
>Papers, Please
I will cut you
> Mysterious
Mystery solved, it's a marlin eye...
That's a beta teaser gif from the developer.
>american teddy bear
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107 KB PNG
>Pretty much every 2D sidescoller/platformer/top-down RPG/simulator/puzzle based game/clunky fighting game/turn based strategy game/tower defense game/any game that tries to use shit 'minimalistic' graphics
So the bat pony general is just an excuse to make ocs?

Alrighty then
I would have to be careful though, anons might creep into my house and night and start rubbing by belly.

>You will never be woke up in the middle of the night with unwanted belly rubs
I don't know. I've pissed after fapping and get that horrible stinging sensation. Is that what you mean?
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Okay, here's the updated sketch. I'm gonna call this done as far as sketching goes. (Unless someone points out something glaring)

Thanks for the advice guys!