Fuck bronies edition.Old trot: >>12708248
>>12712670I'm keeping this.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnB-BwWvqKYPony is for sexual
>>12712670Real talk: the rampant throwing of brony around as an insult is way more annoying than the behaviors associated with it.
>>12712670>fuck broniesunf
>>12712694She a cutie.
>>12712705Yes, arguing is so tiresome...
Do bronies fuck to pony?
>>12712694>Casual LunaWhat? When did this happen?
Celestia > Twilight > Cadence > Skylel > Luna
>>12712670Is that phrase being used in a "god, damn they can go to hell" way or "I want to fuck bronies in the butt" way.
>>12712741the last comic
>>12712734I wish we could just spend our days here being as chill as possible
>>12712741Issue #9 of the MLP comic
>braeburned post a picture of himself in a corset and panties with hairy fucking legs>post again saying he shaved them since>doesn't repost a new picture with the hairless legs
Fuck MLP.This is now a Pound Puppies General. Post puppies.
>>12712771That post sure was pony related
>>12712745Nightmare Moon > Everyone else
>>12712770Best non-micro issue so far.
>>12712693uh, what?
>>12712787I agree
>>12712771>traces his butt and cuts out the corset and panties and makes it into a pony picture
>>12712779>having a puppies folder
>>12712781>sleepyhead's burning futa cock
>>12712785The corset has SA's cutie mark on it, see
>>12712779I want to cum inside Strudel
>>12712779>tfw we will never see more doge
I miss xieril
>>12712825he was just here
Pony wants you to stop procrastinating.
>>12712839yeah but what's the point if he's not drawing
>>12712840okaywhat does pony want me to do then
>>12712839He hat us and dedI'll miss him when wonder starts airing
>>12712840yeah well human wants to kill themselfwhat now ponywhat now
>>12712747Artist here. It's the former. I was going to do "Slut", but thought this would be funnier.
>>12712694>buy me things>even though she's a fucking princess and could have anything she wanted anyway
>>12712848draw her
>>12712840I'm not procrastinating, I'm poncrastinating.
>>12712848Productive stuff for a better and brighter future.
>>12712855Anon hereDraw pony hugging human
>>12712853Everyone will leave for Yonder. You'll just have to come along.
>>12712876you know you can have more than 1 tab open at once
>>12712876Never.You may go. I'll just sit here alone...with the ponies...all the ponies. I really really ain't interested in it
>>12712854Pony would be sad if human killed himself, because pony knows human has a lot of potential.
>>12712869no, draw human hugging little pony
>>12712814>not wanting some of best puppy.
>>12712889Yeah, but you can't draw two pictures at once.
>>12712865more like prostatticating.
>>12712807This is how your argument looks like
>>12712725>>12712790>>12712851Don't be keeping the Al Bhed down, man.>>12712889How many tabs is too many tabs?
>>12712902>Not having two hands
>>12712895maybe, but human doesn't know how to leverage potential into anything of value and human is past the age of standard education>>12712918man, if only
>>12712930Holy hell that's a lot of tab
>>12712897>All those people who came up to him at Bronycon saying they loved his work>"Remember what you're famous for"
>>12712918I would hypnotize Fluttershy into thinking she was a cat for a day
tfw no pf
>tfw missed out on the original questThat was really sweet, damnit Panka
>>12712930That's notHow can your computer run?
>>12712964RAM is cheapscratch disks are cheaper
>>12712939Pony suggests human to start doing productive stuff he likes, that way human reaches potential easily.
>>12712779at least its not littlest pet shop
>>12712771>>doesn't repost a new picture with the hairless legsFucking bullshit. Cockblocking faggot.
>>12712949hops pls
>>12712975>stuff he likes>productive stuffhuman has reached a seemingly insurmountable barrier between two ideals
>>12712975Human's potential is worthless to the world. All the other humans would look down on human with ptiy even if he did what he was good at.Human is only good at a few things, and human society only accepts people into worthwhilehood if they're good at a lot of things that they never do after college.
>>12712949>you will never share a table with an artist and then get fucked up with tons of booze and draw smut with them and have tons of fun
>you will never do sciencey stuff with Twilight
>>12712981In all seriousness, LPS is missing something that both MLP (at least originally) and even PP have. Possibly the "innocence" feel to them? Proper character focus? Minor nostalgia? I can't put my finger on it.>inb4 "because LPS just sucks, simple"
>>12713033appealing designs
>>12713024Jessy should have died in s1
>>12713039Fuck you
>>12712999>>12713004Pony wants you to do the stuff you like, nothing else matters as long as it makes you happy.Because happiness counts as production.
>>12713033Because LPS isn't made with the love with what MLP and PP are made
>>12713039fuck you, I love jessy.
>>12712999hello australian satan
>>12713033I think that it's that they clearly just copypasted a huge chunk of MLP over to a new show. I can't watch it without thinking "Why aren't I watching pony?"
>>12713049I appreciate pony's concern and will try my best
>>12713049I'd like to make love to pony, but pony isn't real.
how do I tell if I'm a pony
>>12713067You're not real
>>12713049When your life exists only because of others, it's your moral duty to reciprocate and contribute to society. If you can't, your existence can not be justified and it's your moral duty to slip out of life and die without causing any fuss.My little faggot: autism is tragic
>tfw you live in a house full of female ponies>tfw they're all extremely moral and hate the thought of sex outside of marriage or out of speicy sexI hate it here, I can't even draw porn without them getting mad ;_;
>>12713080>When your life exists only because of others, it's your moral duty to reciprocate and contribute to society. If you can't, your existence can not be justified and it's your moral duty to slip out of life and die without causing any fuss.
>>12713080It's your moral duty to stop being a faggot
>>12713089>letting ponies oppress youLIVEFREEORDIE
>>12713078about 4 feet tall, 400 lbs
>>12713089I hear gryphons are pretty cool about the interspecies thing.You know what to do, anon.
>>12713072post pics and we'll tell you for reals
>>12713038Yeah, that too I guess.>>12713052>>12713057It definitely feels a bit derivative as well. Notably with smaller things like Twilight's color scheme and Pinkie's appeal both being directly copied. Also the boring high school plots.And then they went full-on with all of that in EqG. Albeit some minor chuckles and okay designs.
>>12713067Pony is real, you just gotta belieeeve.
>>12713102fucking fatass
>>1271307812 stories highmade of radiationthe future bewarethe present beware
>>12713089You should replenish their supply of speicy sex.
What if the only way for you to get off was to have sex with a brony? Would you do it?You cannot masturbate or have sex with anyone else. The brony must be male.
>>12713122Your tears sustain me
>>12713122see this is why your header is stupid even though it's just a joke
>>12713080Here we have itFedora + depression = fedorpression>in this moment i am depressed>not because of any phony girlfriend's nonexistence>but because i am limited by my own incompetenceJust flip burgers. We need burger flippers to hold us until we finish the burgerbot 5k.
>>12713122Why do you feel personally attacked by the statement?
>>12713130But anon, I already masturbate.
>>12713135I wish tears could sustain me. Only food can sustain me ;_;
>>12713148But in this scenario, you cannot.
>>12713143>fedorpressionFedopression.Fedoras are opression.
odds: get on the treadmillevens: crunches and pushups
>>12713151>tfw trying to lose weightwork is hardi wanna eat whatever i want but still be healthyi hate life
>>12713158Great, you ruined my joke.Your hypothetical scenario sucks.
Man pony rocks. She so cool. And she likes me. She feel asleep now but I'm petting her.
>>12713078Where is /b/read linker when you need him?
Someone please draw a Knock Nevis/Seawise Giant pony
What if pony was like this cat?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MEA7yF2jxE
How many CD reflections can you count on your walls right now MLPG?
Where were we?
>>12712901Not wanting a large piece of Strudel's great German ass.
my girlfriend's the mare in the moon
>tfw people who are taller than you still weigh less
>>12713204People still buy cds?
>>12713180My god, every time i see this fucking neckbeard, i fucking swear i just want to punch him in his stupid fucking face. I believe in love in first sight only because nature is balance and there's far too many people i hate at first sight. And this mother fucker... my god. this fucker.
>>12713179I've found that light competition or making a game of working out helps.Like if my brother rows for 15 minutes, I row for 16 minimum.
>>12713204I only have floppies
>>12713204>CDs>face upYou are disgusting
>>12713228They have pills for that, Anon.
>>12713228My sides.
>>12713228That sounds like a quote from some movie.
>>12713253She's not, she's just your average tumblr slut and a huge shitposter who keeps talking about her fetishes and barely draws.Of course, your eyes are closed because she has a vagina.
>>12713204None. All my CDs go back in their cases when not in use.
>>12713253>lactated>not a motherThis is a serious hormonal issue. She should see an endocrinologist.
>>12713271NO DON'T.
>>12713216I could go for some wieners.
>>12713271YOU FOOL
>>12713271What is Ross even doing now, does he still draw ponies?
>>12713268she draws fairly regularly though
>>12713268>Of course, your eyes are closed because she has a vagina.I really fucking hate when people presume to know someone's motivations 100%>>12713275Your ignorance is astounding. Read a fucking wiki article sometime.
>>12713268Ah, here you are, now the day threads can really start
>>12713297He hasn't drawn ponies in years
>>12713179i have an injury that forces me into a sedentary lifestyle for now and I've put on a few pounds because of it>that feel
>>12713306I meant pony related things.That includes mimes that resemble humanized versions of ponies.
>re watch a show before I had weird fetishes>can't stop getting boners every time TF/Corruption and hypnosis is brought up
>>12713300>>12713302>>12713305Prove me wrong.Protip: You can't.
>>12713222Sokka pony, don't you need to go be comedic relief somewhere?
Pony won't stand for it if you consider dogs and griffons people.
>>12713318>rewatch the wedding episodes>pop a boner every time Chrysalis is on screenhot damn
>>12713242Do you own a fedora, MLPG?
>>12713318>TF/CorruptionMy nigga!A shame there's no good porn of it, huh?
>>12713323Prove what wrong?
>>12713339Yeah, all I have is fics and EA
>>12713357>EAGoogle won't help with this. What's it stand for?
>>12713277Chill the fuck out. Your ponies that are actual ponies are good.>>12713297He's been drawing for Megaman and Sonic threads. Yes he still draws fetishy stuff
>>12713338No I own jacket hoody, it's my favorite piece of clothing I wear it almost everyday.
>>12713328no I just want to hug a pony
>>12713373Empty Audio
>>12713328That Katara pone is a qt.it almost makes me forget how much I hated Katara when I initially watched TLAB
>>12713373Pseudonym of a guy who writes fetishy stuff here on occasion.
>>12713373Empty Audio. He RPs pretty much anything that's lewd if you can catch him.
>>12713338it's a trilby
>>12713377Me, too. A nice, light one in green with an almost comically large hood. When I want to nap I can actually pull it down over my face
>>12713375So you can say that Ross is on a break?
>>12713302Nigga I seriously hope you're not talking about inducing lactation with progesterone like it's a casual thing. That can lead to infertility.
>>12713284Who wouldn't want to?
>>12713383>>12713395>>12713396neat. I'll have to keep an eye out for him.
>>12713403Could you draw said hoody on a pony?
>no skullgirls lobbies yet
>>12713405He always comes back...
>>12713338I have one I used for halloween, and a MLP shirt.I was going as a neckbeard>apply fake beard>curly brown hair wig to go over beautiful smooth black hair>create acne with makeup>stuff shirt with towels>wear a flannel button-up as a jacket>cargo shorts>brush up on my weeaboo level japanese>actually manage to scare people
>>12713353mewball plz
>>12713408>progesteroneI read you just needed stimulation and/or herbs. Is progesterone a herb?
>>12713422I could...but my D&D group is here and I'd rather not get caught ponying that hard.
>>12713443>Mewball is Petrucciani
>>12713448>D&D groupI wish I had friends who would play with me, also I would like to learn how to play D&D games.
>>12713448>D&D groupLike you have any spaghetti to lose on them.
>>12713368Because in humans lactation is caused by bombarding your body with hormones that cause lactation to start, which is triggered by pregnancy.Artificial lactation can sometimes by induced psychologically by being in constant contact with a child and tricking your body into lactating, but this is rare. It's more common for artificial lactation to be caused by a hormone imbalance, caused either by thyroid or pituitary glands, or by taking hormones.
>>12713444You can just be stimulated
>>12713463/tg/ has regular game finder threads, I'm more than certain you could find a few people that would like to show a new guy the ropes.
>>12713448I know several people who despise MLP and its fans but still draw ponies because they're cute.
>>12713338yes, but i don't wear it
>>12713465Naw, they're pretty cool people. Like the type you would wouldn't think plays d&d or browse 4chan.
>>12713293Given current-ish circumstances I made this. But the last few days have been alright.
>>12713448Why are you here and not with them nigga?And you better made a subtle version of your waifu and made her become the greatest here in the land
>>12713476Is there anything I should know about D&D before I go ask, I don't want to seem like a complete dumbass.
>>12713490epic i like it
>>12713493Reading a bit of the manual is always well advised.Be sure to specify though.
>>12713338No I look terrible in hats.
>>12713490Ooh man, the fun never ends in MLPG.
>>12713444Progesterone is a hormone. High concentrations of progesterone prevent lactation, but a sudden drop in progesterone stimulates prolactin and breast milk production, so it is possible to cause lactation by dosing up on progesterone, then dropping your supply, but this is dangerous.
>>12713492Well...I'm currently running an alchemist with a particular talking quirk.I know it's pathfinder, but our DM likes it and adapted everything so it works in 3.5
>>12713501Know how a character is set up and what skills you have. The rest can be managed by a good DM and picked up by you later.
>>12713536That's a nice Twilight there. Face a bit strange but that's just me.I'd fuck herDo Rarity next
>>12713536neatdoes she watch the show?
>>12713536Fuck you endii, I love your stuff too much.FUCK YOU <3
>>12713560Haha what the fuck?
>>12713536Your style would work better with borders or not pillow shaded anon. Cell shading maybe.
>This blue equine plods forward with large, curious eyes. As it nears, it extends its muzzle, clearly expecting a treat.
>>12713595Ignore herGo to the bluish grey one...NoNo no Give the blue Equine a sugar cube
>>12713544>That descriptionpones are cute
>>12713548Can I justlikedraw her?>>12713560/cries>>12713572Mm I thought that too towards the end. I was just trying out different things, but I think I'm done with painting for a w h i l e now
>>12713639DRAW A PONY
>>12713400A tribly is a type of fedora.Do you wear it, anon?
>>12713639wow, it got deviantart in here fast
>>12713639...SureDraw human rarity
>>12713666SATAN PLS
>>12713656yeah but that's like calling a square a rectangletechnically correct, but annoying
They went out for chips.Here's a quickie of Twilight in the hoodie
>>12713677I'd quick and dirty Twilight Sparkle if you know what I mean.
>>12713677Pon ears combined with a hoodie are always extremely cute
>>12713666I don't follow.>>12713672Oh, I was worried you were asking me to make another lineless.
>>12713677That horn looks like a dick
>Chrysalis eating a watermelon.Alright, that's the last one. Took a bit longer since I got hungry for watermelon, and went out to buy one.
>>12713692No anon I don't get what you mean?
>>12713699That's intended>>12713694Aren't they?>>12713690I can't color>>12713692ditto
>>12713700>that changling
>>12713700pfffft that's great
>>12713696you're posting like a 12 year old.
>>12713716Celll shade it, or I will. You know what screw it I'll colour it.Please describe the colour of your favorite hoody.
>>12713700damn nigga that's kawaii as fuck
So he says to me, "One has a squiggly tail, the other kicks trees. It's a match made in heaven, what more do you want"
>>12713677She has human shoulders.
I'm trying not to masturbate to my rape victim friend but it's too meo!wat do?
>>12713737Kid of like this. Actually a little lighter, now that I think of it, but this is about right.
>>12713700Goddamit now i want to eat some Watermelon too.Good thing I have one in my fridgeYou still taking requests or taking a break?
>>12713700Requester here. I love it! Thanks!
>>12713700I love your art.
Guys breaking bad on sunday right?When exactly? Will there be a stream somewhere?
>>12713814When I watch seasons 2-4
http://youtu.be/WVnDAyyGG5UHasbro just revealed their new promotion for MLP.
>>12713821>22 views 0/0 and zero commentsStop promoting your shit
>>12713844no need to be so catty, anonymous
>>12713772It's starting to get a bit late here and my thumb is hurting (just a little complexion I have), so I'll leave it at that for now. I did a thread on the sub sometime back tho (http://mlpg.co/art/res/3736.html), so you can leave some requests there. Can't promise I'll do more this weekend, but we'll see.>>12713790You're welcome.
got offered a job starting at 54k a year for three months contract then 64k at starting permanent positioni think ponycrossing is in the futureso when is season 4?what are the horsefucker levels like?
>>12713914S4 is november 23rdhorsefucker levels are par for the course
>>12713914What kind of job?
>>12713914>i think ponycrossing is in the futureyes that's when you actually have time to work on your game, when you jus got a new job.
>>12713896Eh I don't feel well requesting it there. Maybe some other time when you're asking for requests here again.Thanks for all the drawings. They are very very cute.
>>12713934software dev nigguh, backend/frontend/bothends/kinda everything>>12713933oh shit, that soon? excellent
hop in
>>12713968>a lazy cunt as a software developerI weep for your company
>>12713969>the orgy starts in 5 minutes>cum with me if you want to live
>>12713968Nigga go watch the S4 animatics right now
>>12713956yes actually, no more job searching or college paperworking or other things>>12713969is that a fucking miata? i knew those were for fags
>>12713969I have my bike, thanks.
Here's human Rarara for that one guy>>12713731Oh ok
>>12713969Where are we going?
>>12713994Yes DinofagYou know what you should do? talk with the pony kart team? That way you two could release both games at the same time
>>12713887Peacock best skullgurl
>>12713990oh shithttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnlquKcFM58oh..it's..uh....it looks...nice..>and then i saw the superhero bitday 1 buy>>12714024forgot about themare they on hiatus too?
>>12714024ponykart is dead
>>12714047They are like you when it comes to developmentDEAD
>>12714047>Not the song
>>12714047>are they on hiatus too?They're ded Jim
>>12714044you apurr to have mispelled Ms Fortune
>>12714055less than three
>>12713996That's a pointy hipAlso she kinda looks like Fluttershy from the thumbnail
>>12714055pink is a nice color
>>12714075>>12714064sounds like its timehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzOHq5WbQ8k
>>12713996God that's lovely. Thank you so much.I love that design. It's simple and nice. Just the nose is a bit strangeNo god I really really love it
>>12713996so kawhybut pignoseis she part nathan?
>>12714044>Not FiliaDo you even hips
>>12713656Nah, I don't have anything that goes well with it. I do have three different flatcaps, though.
Oh noMy dresses
>>12714055>>12714085>>12714095I wish Pink was my friend
>>12714085get pinked
>>12714112Are you russian?
>>12714095pink isnt a color
Gotta work on noses [x]>>12714102Who even
>>12714139Filipino. What gave you that idea?
>>12714148Your face isn't a color faggot
>>12714151You don't know about Nathan? He was a pre-reader at Equestria Daily.
>>12714148neither is brownget over it
>>12714151Don't ask. Never ask.When you improve your noses draw her again. Please. I love that design way way to much. Tough a bit longer hair would work better.
>>12714132Why would you do that? Just pink someone all willy-nilly?
>>12712956Is there more of this?
>>12714194Why does pony have a tit window? Pony doesn't even have tits.
>>12714191Oh, that.
Pone wants to sell you a glass of ice cold kvasAccept y/n
>>12714047Is it just me or are the animatic sketchy ponies cutier than the real ponies?
I went to a Science Fiction museum this weekend MLPG.They were opening a new exhibit for props and costume from famous fantasy movies. They had the katanas from Highlander, and the costumes from Wizard of Oz. GRR Martin even voiced the audio guide.Oh and Pinkie Pie was listed in the hall of "Iconic "Merry Fools" of Fantasy".
>>12714232They're in a fluid style instead of flash assets. Yeah.
*flutter flutter*
>>12714240>they probably didn't have a hall of fabulosity with Rarity as one of the main atractionsI would have asked for my money back
>>12714221Kvas is okay, but how much is it?
>>12714257sup moth pone
>>12714221remove kvas
>>12714221Mmm bread-juice.
>>12714261They did actually, except they were showcasing the Xena Princess Warrior costume from the original show.I was highly offended.
>>12708490You should really color this dotkwa
>>12714282Nigga you better write to the management about that.
>>12714345For a second I thought those sacks were his hooves.
>>12714192why not
I wanna cry
>>12714382how much does a full-grown pank weigh
I didn't know you art
>>12714388What did you say, punk?
>>12714414let it all out
Also I think I have a favourite pony you guys.It's Seabiscuit
>>12714424>No wings
>>12714415-1kgshe's a glutton in order to stay on the ground most days
>>12714433But he's a horse.
>>12714433You suck.Best is rarity quite obviously.
>>12714433So she has to race?>Twilight>wings and teleportation magicNot sure if that would be cheating,since there's no rules saying you can't.
>>12714439>not knowing that Rarity steals her wings to confront Twilight who has gone mad with power for the S4 finale
>>12714424not anymore
>>12714449>you will never hold a pank
>>12714424>>12714466What, what?
>>12714449If iron will was nicer he would have been rolling in pony friendsDumb fuck
I love Applejack
>>12714457No Alicorns allowed.
>>12714466Danfango pls draw more
Can we be buff horses for a moment?
>>12714481He was nice. I'm sorry you can't tell the difference between somebody who carries themselves with confidence and a jerk
>>12714499i'm not that guy
>>12714482I'll fight you m8
>>12714506>you will never be an alpha mare's slave
>>12714467>you will never vidya with pank
>>12714519>that faceThat's edited, right?THere's not that much of a D-Hungering face in the comics right?RIGHT?!
>>12714558You heard the man! He's chosen death by fnu fnu!
>>12714547>she is abusive as fuck on the mic while playing
this is a very cute and well-drawn pone comixhttp://talesfromponyville.tumblr.com/
>>12714553Only edit is the Anon.She wants the D
>>12714558we've gone past bara into muscle fetish territory
>>12714519>luna's disgusting freckles
>>12714585I think that's slut glitter.
>>12714581O-oh my!>>12714585Odd way to spell delicious.
>>12714579that's actually rather sadgave me a tingle of feeling
>>12714553Anon's lines are nothing like the comic's.
>>12714621turn back
>>12714582This. Bara is all good and fine. I actually love the shit out of it.But this is just some silly muscle levels.
>>12714644I think he's referring to Luna's face.>That bat ponySo Jelly
>>12714579>http://talesfromponyville.tumblr.com/It's a very nice artstyle but the comics themselves?They aren't bad but not great either.They're...nice. And I guess that's enough
>>12714553she doesn't want the dick, anonymous
I'm just gonna cry myself to sleep because of pony.I wish so much pony was real. She'll never be...You know something MLPG? Pony is alrigh. Pony is cool.You know something else? You're cool too
>>12714624>all that dew>not a single dorito in sight
>>12714724I know I am loser, or else I wouldn't be flash.Also pony is real for me and I'm fucking her, your waifu is hot as fuck and dripping for me.
>>12714724If you draw pony, draw pony interacting with pony or with you or with another human,or if you write pony, interacting with pony or with you or another human,you cope with the loss of pony.That's what I used to do until I reached pony nirvana and no longer needed pony, for it was in me.
>>12714624>hex camo
>>12714624Step back scrub.Let a real gamer horse in.
>>12714773>fucking my waifufucking pedo
>>12714624Is that a generic brown shooting game?
>>12713443that wasnt me but i am shorter than everyone else who repliedtfw
>Go yo youtube>Type in 'ponies'>wait.Post results
>>12714784I can't do either of those man. Good for you tough. Have fun with pony in pony nirvana. I'll have my own fun
You know what I miss?___dnL___
>>12714836i don't get it
>>12714887Watch your screen.
>>12712670>the artist who drew that has only 9 watchers on their DAHow?
>>12714839Can you be any slower?
>>12714840I mean, I've learned and am learning to do so, and so can you.One waifu at a time, one obsession at a time, I'm learning these skills until there is no more obsession, only pure skills.However, the pony nirvana is only a very small part of the whole picture. Satisfied with the ponies, I am still not full. The quest for satisfaction is endless, but ah, what a quest it is!
>>12714839>OC spritesSome of those color schemes hurt my eyes.
>>12714852Snapple Elements
>>12714902Your faggotry is literally slowing down time around here.
>>12714928>They are OC's of the Youtube staff.Also if you type a ponies name in the search bar it changes color.
>>12714901Because bronies.
>>12714901Because they haven't advertised themselves/haven't got any popular friends to advertise them.And she looks a bit like a Vulcan
>>12714935Yeah, my massive dick tends to bend space and time around itAt least I'M not a continental drift
>>12714852>tfw no Sprite remix
>>12714958>she looks a bit like a VulcanI don't think I understand what you mean
>>12714980The good always die young.
>>12714929>and then everything changed when the fire-
>open youtube >recommended videos>something pony with a russian title>oh well it's not like I have something better to do>it's basically 400 images of ponies with PowerPoint transition effectsStill it's made by a like 10 year old russian girl. Heh she probably was proud of itvideo starts with Rarity. butch has some good taste
http://www.fimfiction.net/story/123447/dan-pinkie-vsoh god, it really happened. Someone actually went and wrote it. And I like it. Hold me I'm scarred
I knew it. I knew there was actual Applebeans art somewhere. Dude's talent as fuckhttp://applebeansokay.tumblr.com/post/57818172036/i-was-cleaning-up-under-my-bed-and-rearranging
>>12715033>hold meDefinitely not. Go hug someone else, you filthy Pinkiefag.
>>12715025Who do you think is Putin's favorite pony
>>12715048Not reallyApplebloom is my favorite
>>12715046>music starts playing automaticallyWorse than cancer.
>>12715025>Russian little girl watching MLPThis world is going to hell
>>12715033Really? it took that much? Fuck sake there's been a Yahtzee in Equestria fic for like forever.
>>12715074DudeIt's applebeansHis whole goal is to be beautifully terrible
>>12715046Even his usual stuff is great. Terrible, but great.>>12715074You don't know who Applebeans is, do you?
>>12715112I do, I just never got why people liked his stuff.
>>12715108Remember when Applebeans visited MLPG briefly?neigh
Would you sacrifice yourself to save pony?
>>12715140Because it's frightening/terrible on purpose/horrific. And he's actually very skilled.Some faces he draws are pretty funny.
>>12715112We like his stuff because it's beautifully terrible. LikeIt takes talent to be this bad and we respect him for it. Because we know you have to be talented to be this bad.
>>12715088>Yahtzee in EquestriaOh my god I'd pay money for that. Link me.
>>12715193>>12715198Not that guy but never found him funny. And those reason are kinda stupid.Oh well each with his own.
>>12715187Depends. Which pony?
>>12715193Eh, I guess I just can't get behind this "it's funny because he's awful on purpose" thing... because in the end, most of the stuff I have seen from him still looks awful, no matter if it was intentionally or not.
>>12715215It's shit man. trust me.He did imply that Rarity is a slut while insulting all of them. And called AJ a cereal before changing her name to a different cereal brand
>>12715140It's like the reason people like Tim and Eric.
Pony wants to fuck you nonsexually.
>>12715266sometimes i see movie gifs and think "how did they film that"
>>12715217What kind of not-stupid reasons is there, then?
>>12715285That's good. Pony isn't for sexual anyway.
>>12715285non-sexual sex is best. casually fucking or stroking is hot as hell.
>>12715285not until you're younger sweetie belle
>>12715285Like, just to help each other relieve some pressure? Seems legit.so long as it's Gilda instead of pony
>>12712670Hi everypony =)why does everyone hate bronies, you guys are bronies also fyi
>>12715308>>12715319That's not nonsexual, that's just nonromantic.
>>12715198it's like sweet bro and hella jeffyou can't just put in 0 effort and make something that badit takes a lot of fucking work
>>12715323That's the jooooke
>>12715349That's a perfect comparison, actually. I have a ton of respect for people who can do that.
>>12715319I think you're describing mutual masturbation.
>>12715350You just had to reply didn't you
>>12715350Oh ok, if it's a joke then cool =) how's everypony doing?
>>12715305True. I mean, look at it, there isn't even anything you could stick your dick in.
>>12715349>it's like sweet bro and hella jeff>Comparing Applebeans to the Greek god of comics.
>>12715390Yep. Just using each other.Ssh! Logic and reasoning have no place amongst technicolor horses and catbirds
>>12715108Then he should just kill itself.
>>12715410Besides the vagina and anus.And that's how ponies have babies.
>>12715415it's the same basic concept
>>12715410She's got a mouth, doesn't she?
>>12715140Edgy retards
>>12715433You would probably startle her and have her bite down in confusion if you did that.
>>12715429One is total ass and the other is Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.It's like comparing a grease fire to Brad Pitt laying his perfectly sculpted balls on your face.In a grease fire.
>>12715470>brad pitt>perfectly sculpted
>You will never quench your thirst in the 90's again.
>>12715470I don't like Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff. I think it is extremely overrated.
>>12715461But what if I just sort of eased myself into it?You know. All sloow like.
>>12715542Your taste is shit. Why are you even in mlpg
>>12715542god I hate new spongebob
>>12715557that's a decent imitation of glitter glue's style
>>12715566>squidward's toenail.avi
>>12715566You can really tell the Ren and Stimpy director took over
>>12715557She'd still be scared, Anon. Ponies aren't for sexual.
>>12715542What the fuck is that?Is that Spongebob or Happy tree friends?
>>12715566Spongebob was never good
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLI1FvBnELwThis is TheNewStoryteller. He uploads three videos every day ranging from around 20 minutes to hours. The majority of it is him playing with Thomas the train toys while dressed in a Gumby suit, but he also does My Little Pony videos too. In his first videos you could somewhat understand what he was saying, but it's devolved into mumbling. He's currently up to 2,578 videos.
>>12715590old news
>>12715590>In his first videos you could somewhat understand what he was saying, but it's devolved into mumbling.My sides.
>>12715569It really is. No clue who did it.
>>12715293The boombox is on a string. You can see it swing upwards before it hits his face.
>>12715590meet the pyor extended
>>12715581that was probably the last if not almost last episode I watchedwhat were they thinking>>12715589you were never good
>>12715566I wonder if MLP will resort to cheap grossout humor when they run out of ideas
>>12715655Don't even joke about that
>>12715646>what were they thinkingThey weren't. Spongebob is now the deadest of horses being beaten by the beatiest of beaters.
>>12715566This. I miss the old times of >>12715542 too.
>>12715655It's already happening to Pinkie...
>>12715669The Simpsons.....
>>12715679No it's not
>>12715655I doubt itmost little girls don't like gross stuff
>>12715590Skip to 33:00 and watch him groan and mumble.
>>12715669>mfw The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 2 was announcedIt just keeps happening...
>>12715697most little girls don't know what they like
>>12715562my little elitist cocksucker general
>>12715590holy fucking shitthis is either some kind of ultimate post-modern ruseor a window into the mind of a genuine psychopath or whatever you call that fucking kind of thing
>>12715728Little girls like princesses
>>12715569>that's a decent imitation of glitter glue's stylebut I drew that
>>12715728Most little girls like the dick
>>12715728>BCS posting pone in /co/ thread about zoneOne job, dammit.
>>12715752That's a very bulky Pinkie
how do you feel about mare/filly love
>>12715745it looks more like somebody else drew it in your style
>>12715757But if we reply to every one then it becomes a wall of text and NO ONE wants those
>>12715770/ll/(?) a shit
>>12715757But you give us so much shit if we reply to everyone who comments on our work.
>>12715757Eh? I love comments. I'll always respond to comments if I don't have too many.Likes and faves may be cool, but there's almost nothing to them. A comment will carry more, or an equal amount of information.
>>12715764she works out
>>12715757I normally reply to the ones that actually give me something to reply to. It's kinda hard to answer "I like it." What am I supposed to do, spam "Thanks" multiple times?
>>12715810fuk uu fukin suk
>>12715745GG you're too popular to draw now, we just assume everyone is an imitator.
>>12715739christ this is some creepy shithttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UKLeq2qkDc
>>12715688In fairness, seasons 4-6 were the golden years of ole Evergreen Terrace.
>you will never destroy a show singlehandedly
>>12715813I do this too. I appreciate all the comments and replies, but I dislike making wall replies.
>>12715770Fillies enter puberty at 10-24 months of age.Colts at 8-10 months of age.Adulthood for both is 3-4 years.Have fun.
>>12715822Thanks for the insight.
>>12715836I want to bite that tail dock
>>12715836I'm glad we installed the glass doors
Pone is just pony shaped human
post best-maned pone
>>12715881>mlpg officesWhat do you think would happen there
>>12715849>ponies = horses>humans = chimpanzeesI'm imagining ponies talking about how humans are ready for marriage after a few years and whether or not they would be willing to give up throwing shit at things
>>12715881>Be mlpg window washer>Ass marks just...everywhere
>>12715906>hair extensions
here picpone
>>12715914Oh boy! More Spongebob!
>>12715883probably not
>>12715925>autismGolly pls
>>12715918what's the pay like, I'm in the art department.I get paid fairly well, but the environment is very depressing.
>>12715914People still watch this?
>>12715908nothing of noteoccasional chatter over the water cooler of which pony is best, nothing heated.and absolutely NO SEXUAL HARASSMENT
>>12715925Did you really go around looking for autists having a fit?
>>12715940I thought I couldn't laugh anymore at these, but... Dammit.
>>12715925Thank you for opening my eyes!I can finally leave this horrible fandom!
Dealing with death episode when?
>>12715940I found mootWhat do I win
>>12715960>they are parasites that destroy those who choose to embrace lifestory of my life
>>12715964Can you hug in the offices?
>>12715932Oh yeah, then why does this one have hands?
>>12715925that aint no ponethis is pone
>>12715972no, i took the caps from the "rabid hater" tag on that f--k-no-my-little-pony blog and compiled them together
>>12715961They promised me 40k a year with benefits but most the time they try to pay me in crudely drawn porn. And apparently the benefits were a codeword for sex.
>>12715964Yes...No sexual anything.
>>12715994consensual hugging only with a third party present to indicate consentabsolutely no groping or hands below the waist line or near the genital area
>>12715940>mikey the cunt holder
>>12716011Have you called up human resourc...oh wait they replaced that with an upstairs pony brothel.
>>12715940>Ready Rape Ralph
>>12716004probably photoshopped
>>12716013Derpy come closer
I like all the princesses
>>12716013goddamn that sound goes perfectly with that
If you're blue and you don't knowWhere to go to, why don't you goWhere fashion sits
>>12716056they'll all be princesses soon
>>12716011Yeah well I work in the writing department. There's like 3 of us here and it's really dark and nobody ever acknowledges that we exist. Plus someone keeps painting our door green.
>>12716056celestia has a pretty mouthi just want to watch her eat
can we be mlpg office again because that was some of the most fun i remember having in mlpgdoes anyone have the vocaroo intercom announcements
>>12716056That horse likes eclairs way too much
>>12716056Do you like all the queens, too?
>>12716054Disinfo pls goRedpill: Ponies are peoplePONIES ARE PEOPLE
Have you finished those projects?
>>12716074M-muh headcanons
>>12716082you mean casual sex office?
>>12716090>Password incorrect
>>12716074No, she's just a happy jumping pony.
>>12716090I already finished my project. Have YOU finished YOUR project?
>>12715925>hurting someone because of a cartoonreal talk, that's actually pretty fucked up.
>>12716093My headcanon is that equestria is a human prison colony, and all of the convicts are turned into ponies for the sadistic pleasure of their autistic jew overlords. Only a few remember their past lives.
I want draw but tired.
>>12716074Neither.Rarity comes from entirely different lifestyle.
>>12716056Dang it, GG.Because of you and that Luna comic/set I ended up buying some moon pies yesterday rather than my usual cup of coffee.I forgot how fucking tasty they were
>>12716104I-Is that her ass?
>>12716104That's not funny
>>12716090Yes, I did.
>>12716128>complain about people treating a cartoon like a religion>treat hating a cartoon like a religionHoly jihoof against bronies when, autists?
>>12716141Yeah but your face is.
>>12716085>Do you like all the queens, too?yesbut really a princess could become a queen if she had a king couldn't she
>>12716056Even this one?
>>12716133>i want to draw butt tired>i want to draw tired butt
>>12716160Boy cooties? There's no such thing!
>>12716175Spongy, no!
>>12716129>you will never get a lifetime pony sentence for murder;_;
>>12715655more and more fart humor is making its way into mlp and the bronies are loving it.
>>12716113My final project shall be finished by next year, then it will be all over.The ride will end for me.
>>12716160>king sombra tries to point this out>the explanation vcomes out as CRYSTALS CRYSTALS CRYSTALSCLOSE ENOUGH
>>12716184Derpy is a very ugly Yoshi
>>12716200Dont leave us Inky
>>12716192>Others adopt this headcanon>Mlpg forms a crew of the worst space pirates in the history of civilization in hopes of being sent to pony prison
>>12716207Thats because Yoshi's are ugly.if she were a pony she would be beautiful
>>12716209It's okay anon, I ain't going just yet.Lets cherish these moments while we got'em.
>>12716207how about this one
>>12716213>pony prison isn't that great>nobody has genitals>or erogenous zones>nobody
>>12716236That horn position really annoys me.
>>12716213>worst space piratesdude, I have a genious idea - lets instal tube mazes in our base!TUUUUUUUBES
>>12716237>implying I would care about thatI could still cuddle my waifu.
>>12716237>Instead of being raped you have to worry about unwanted cuddles.
>>12716202That's great. Now you're going to die and the last words out of your mouth will have been POOP CRYSTALS
>>12716197when?there was like one fart joke in the comics and fluttershy's whoopie cushion
>>12716236Lyra is a very ugly Rayman
>>12716202he's got some stiff competition
After 3 years of pone maybe I should just stopMaybe it's time to get off the ride. That's right. It is.I'M LEAVING MLPG FOR A FEW HOURS THEN I'LL PROBABLY COME BACK
Why haven't you brushed your horse yet?
What pony is your favorite and what pony is most like you?If they're different what does that say about you?
>>12716184Derpy has a cute big butt
>>12716294It dependsWhich pone likes taking cocks the most?
>>12716296>Rarity>ego of RD and nerdish like twilight but artsy like rarity.
>>12716272the bronies love it so much the writer is now going for more.
>>12716296I don't have a favorite but the most like me is probably either Flutters or Twilight
>>12716283This is why I wouldn't want to live in Equestria.Luna could just walk up on me making love to myself.
>>12716296ApplejackUm... Snails I guess?I have no idea what that says about me
>>12716311This picture would be great if the perspective wasn't wonky and face wasn't skewed.
>>12716296Apple bloomTwistYou tell me
>>12716213>and that's how metroid was created
>>12716311that was the other picture I considered postingnow I'm all out of derpy butts, thanks a lot
>>12716350Actually no, scratch that.Sunset Shimmer before she got mindraped by the frenship squad
>>12716296Most like ZecoraFavorite is TwilightNot sure what that says
>>12716357Upper right corner, fuck off.
>>12716353>take incredibly dangerous creature>try to domesticate it as a weapon>it kills all its handlersfucking science team
>>12715590He has a condition that causes his thought process to deteriorate over time. The mental stimulation of the video slows the process. His original videos were odd but he was coherent. His newer videos demonstrate his reduced mental capacity.
>>12716296>what pony is your favoriteApplejack.>What pony is most like youThis one. She has no character, no name, no lines, no story mark, no fanart, no fanfics, nothing. She's completely irrelevant, unnoticed, disposable, and probably has nothing on her butt because of an animation error. Out of all of the ponies that matter to hundreds and thousands, this pony matters to a ridiculously small amount of people in a very small way.>What does that say about youI'm a worthless human being but I have good taste in ponies.
/r/ a picture of SB pls.
>>12716372that's better, thanks
>>12716311I'm impressed that artist has such a good grasp on reflective light.
>>12716331It wasn't really that gratuitious
>>12716376Don't fallacy my fallacy fallacy.
>>12716361If that's all the derpy butt you have, you arent trying hard enough
>>12716334My dreams are just a black void. Feels weird, man.
>>12716283>that expression of total horrorI want to hug her
>>12716331>my proudest achievement...was the successful insertion of 2 fart jokeswow 2 fart jokes, how terribleI'm pretty sure they're kidding
>>12716389on the rightI think the other guy comes here too
>>12716391I wish I knew how to reflect light off butts
>>12716294Brush me pls.
>>12716296Favorite pony is Celestia, the one which is most like me is probably Twilight if you ignore the fact that I'm lazyAnd I don't want to think about what that says about me.
>>12716423No. I will afro pick you.
>>12716391>good graspIt's not that good. Especially since it's monochrome. All you need is the very very small knowledge that hey, light spreads, and you light from the opposite direction and boom it looks like you know about lighting.
>>12716391Meh, those are just spheres, it's like one of the first things you can learn to shade.
>>12716441>dooks pony
>>12716423i was brushing a horse once on a family friend's farm. the horse wouldnt stop farting so i stopped and left.
>>12716412Yeah, that's Terse.
>>12716423>>12716441Brush me.
>>12716388>i have good taste in ponieslol no
I saw a werepony with a chinese menu in her handWalking through the streets of Soho in the rain
>>12716502>no sound[boop]
>>12716460Brush. Me.
aaaawoooooo werepones of londonaaaawoooooo
How long till stram?
>>12716553what stram
Your favorite ponies legs just fell off, and they ask if you can take care of them until they grow back. How do you handle this situation.
>>12715433This gives me a boner.What is she from?
damn that's a cold ass pony
>>12716570Take care of her.
>>12716570They have contraptions for that.
>>12716565someone said they were stramming a movie, pandorum and some documentary with a funny name.
>>12716594That looks painful.
>>12716595Well now your gifs are completly unrelated to derpy, unless I'm actually witnessing a gruesome murder
>>12716607No. The horse is so weak that it can't stand up on its own.Pic related is painful, want the the link of the video?
prete pone
>>12716595every single girl-girl facesitting vid I've ever seen involves an uncomfortable amount of abuse and for some reason a whole lot of brazilian being thrown around
>>12716644Of course I don't.
>>12716650Twilight you look like a toy slut.
>>12716671http://youtu.be/qvgARPpilewBehold. State of Tennessee's pride and joy. Besides Elvis and Wrassling.
>>12716650>1 extra streak>Colored primary feathersAbsolutely disgusting
>>12716704is that good?
>>12716733I'd rub purplesmart's belly
somebody buy this
>>12716726>Colored primary feathers
>>12716768I already did.AJ impregnates RD by the end.
>>12716782I know that's why I want it
>>12716768I want to pat her belly and tell her that she'll be a good mother
>>12716796yes it's all very tasteless
>>12716796Shut up, Fluttershy
>>12716775oh god she looks like cadenceit's all part of hasbro's plan
>>12716796Never liked it when people copt characters for stuff like this then don't like it now
Daily reminder that Rainbow Dash still does not have a solo song.
>>12716768Damn that's hot
>>12716840The old western tradition dictates that animals are worthless pieces of meat given to man by YHWHPeople in backwards areas act accordingly
>>12716867fucking humanity
>>12716719>>12716840>>12716867Skip to 1:50 if you want to see the action.
>>12716883>shadaman joke.jpg
>>12714901I don't post stuff around much. I just kinda upload for my own satisfaction. It was hilarious to see this here 10 minutes later.Also, it's not hateful, just comedic. And yeah, Vulcan ear. I can never find an ear style I like.
>>12716905>if you want to see the action.I don't.
>>12716914Oh, I didn't know that you come here. Actually, I never heard of you before I saw that picture in the OP.
>>12716905You can stop posting real horses now
>>12716905>the chains>the bandages>that look in its eyes>that fedora autist that probably raped it when it was too traumatized to stand
>moth pone runs into your window>dies two days later>eaten by cats
>>12716948>no beast x RDShame really
>>12716948That song really got me
>>12716972>Innawoods>Start campfire>Suddenly stampede of moth ponies run into my camp>All of them jump in the bonfire>Suddenly burning ponies everywhere>Woods are on fire>Get outdawoods>Arrested for arsonFucking moth ponies
>>12716972don't do this to me
>>12716905>>12716719Why would anyone even want a horse that walks like a retard anyways.
cuddly pegasi
>>12717039because le south
>>12716972Would moth pone try to eat my clothes?
>>12716296lyrararityit means im /fa/ but i like mint
>>12717070Would it just start nibbling on your shirt while you're wearing it?
>>12717070Only her larva.Of course, a good spray would make them die slow, screeching deaths while contorting in pain.
>>12717070Caterpone would try to eat clothes. Moth pone likes sweet things.Certain moth pones don't eat at all. ;_;
>>12717070>moth pone eats all of anon's clothes off
>>12716816>31&2 on the sub?
pony is not on the up and up
>>12717122>not asking for 4
>>12717091>tfw you found a beetle larva once>poured alcohol on it hoping it would just slow down and die>started writhing and making little screaming noises>squirmed so hard its shell started to come offi was traumatizedso much vodka was required after that
>>12717137Don't you fucking do it
>>12717084>Moth pone tries to nibble on anon's clothes everytime he's not looking
>>12717143well eventually, but until then, the previous ones would be neat
>>12717152you burned it alive
most moths do not eat clothing
Something's wrong with my little pony.
>>12717191What's wrong.
>>12717191unplug it and plug it back in
Fun Fact: There's a species of moth which feeds on your tears, sticking its proboscis all up in there as it feeds.
>>12717168DON'T REMIND ME
>>12717033Do what?
>>12717204That's it. Bend over, bitch.
>>12717197>>12717200Nope, my little pony is still trying to wear its crown and learn how to fly.
>>12717201The thought of a moth pone licking my face because it wants my tears disturbs me greatly.
>>12717234Hit it firmly but bot too hard over the back of it's flank and calmly tell her no
>>12717245>moth pony is better at you at all video games and wants to play against you constantly to keep you salty
>>12717226>Anon is drinking alone with moth pony, enjoying her company>Tells her a few jokes>Moth pone can't stop laughing>She flutters and knocks over a bottle of whisky>It goes everywhere, soaking her fuzz>SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE>SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>12717271You worry me sometimes, anon.
>>12717226>you will never hypnotize Moth Pony by shining a flashlight back and forth.
>>12717271Oh well, time to get another one. Not like they aren't uncommon.
>>12717280>you will never play with moth pony by using a laser pointer
>>12717258My little pony insists that it's its destiny.
>>12717275I hope you have spiracles, because your throat's gonna be busy.
>>12717316Give your little pony Frederich Nietzsche.
>>12717360That would feel nice on my dick.
>dog riding ponyLewd
>>12717376>specie swapMy goddamn heart.
>>12717346Twist says she doesn't know what that means.