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Last Thread

Your favorite pony now has a comic (or another one if she has on already). What do you hope this comic would be about?
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I claim this horse in the name of england
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I find Chrysalis strangely attractive
Butts I guess
wow, this horse snuck up on me

I didn't even know that we were so close to the image limit
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am I improving yet!?
No, you're still terrible Fluttershy
next pony posted must be your waifu for the rest of the night!
you've always been improving
that's a lot more well rounded than your early shys
But I am in bed.
Quite a bit since you started drawing for us
>inb4 sa.jpg

anyways, I'd probably just ask her what brought her down, or talk about the ramifications of turning a monarchy into a diarchy.
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only a Jaeger can stop Nightmare.

we need Sunshine Conquistador.
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Now try drawing the whole body.
sure. maybe you should finis something every now and again
it's too late
>be anon in 'Questria
>Twilight becomes your personal assistant on to the revolution, because she's interested in all the SCIENCE
>you invent the first Equestrian steam engine
>gets widely used and makes anon famous
>Twilight eventually falls in love with Anon
>Anon refuses her in favor of SCIENCE and progress
>Twilight commits suicide because she thinks Anon hates her
>Anon don't give a fuck, SCIENCE is more important than all the love in the world
I want the pinch those chubby little cheeks ON HER FACE and tease her
That's cute
Looks good to me, but I suck at judging artistic capability

I don't see anything wrong with it, and it looks a lot more uniform than your earlier stuff.
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I would like that.
your art still looks like apple's
Friendship and magic.
I've never been good at coming up with ideas.
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is adorable
Wow, what an asshole.
I'd like a comic about her going on a little adventure
Anon must pass on his superior genes to take ponies into the space age
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I want to kiss Chrysalis, and possibly give and receive oral.
I'm sorry, but interspecies pregnancy is impossible.
That's not how waifus work anon.
Hope you like being turned into an incubator!
Grown male bronies making it to Equestria and finding out that only a few ponies remain. Twilight being one of them. The mare starts to explain but is interrupted by the visible erections. Twilight then whispers "fuck me" in a sarcastic way. The giants hear her faint voice and take it as an order. One thing leads to another and Equestria is turned in to a land filled with mutant pony abominations.
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>implying that you know who my waifu is
>implying that my waifu has a publicized name
>implying that my waifu has any fanart
Dash, hoping for more misadventures in wonderbolt training. Kind of like police academy.
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You know what I want to write about

A little (5-6 years old) girl in equestria. She has no idea bout the show. the ponies are only the size of the blind bag toys. All the silly antics that result and the sweet little moments too.
but anon, that was tonight's waifu.
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A pity about the name, though.
Didn't Tesla have a pigeon that he called his wife?
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I can deal
Women be the destroyers of SCIENCE
Unless they themselves are SCIENCE
Like Curie
you had me until
>the ponies are only the size of the blind bag toys
>the best waifu
I think hope is a lovely name for the child. She represents so much for a potential brighter future, love conquering even the boundires of species and so on.
>A little (5-6 years old) girl in equestria.
>the ponies are only the size of the blind bag toys
Little girl dies of starvation or dehydration or whatever.
The end.
shingeki no pone
The thing about Skyla is, if she's going to be the obligatory toy placement for Season 4 you'd think we'd have seen more merch of her by now. Still only that hellspawn doll.
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Do you mind sharing?
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If I can get something solid.
I don't think so, probably focus more on Chrysalis and sort of reveal who she is and why she does bad things. Maybe out of necessity because she needs to do these evil things to survive, or there's a better way and Anon can help reach it. Could lead to romance since he is immune to her powers so it would be genuine.
I just find the image of a little girl picking up twilight and going "oh my gosh YOU'RE A PRINCESS!" and then holding her in a deathgrip as she forcefully brushes her mane (badly) to be hilarious
40,000 years later spacefaring humans happen upon the planet once again. Taking it to be a former colony that has suffered the corruption of chaos, it is cleansed of life and stripped of its natural resources.

However, magical imprints of the ponies survive in the warp. These demons, unlike any before them, soon overrun the mortal world and twist living forms of their human exterminators into ponies, regaining their lives once more. With their new empire, they spread peace and love throughout the universe, calming the warp and putting all chaos to rest.

In the grim, dark future, there is only friendship.
Yeah, but that's placing a lot of pressure on the kid. That's why I don't like that name. I'd have sooner called her Mint Julep than Hope.
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Maria Sklodowska x Pierre Curie OTP
Your waifu is masturbating to you right now

Thinking of you always gives her the best results
still sounds like a beauty and the beast level of Stockholm syndrome glorification.

ok you have me again
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The more the merrier

How much of Princess Twilight did we see before she was confirmed? Two, maybe three times tops?
Well, there go my pants. Thanks, anon.
I didn't say it was a good idea.
It's also stupid

If a magical hybrid happened it would look like something crookedtrees drew, not pan.
Stop lying anon.
>System Message
>You are not allowed to view this image.
Post an imgur link
goodnight Twilight
I love you
She'll just go to a dam to take a drink
or something

I was planning on her leaving and entering equestria at will thorough a mountain cave that leads onto a small little tunnel in her backyard in the real world.
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It's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit
That was only because it was accidentally leaked. Skyla has already been officially released by hasbro.
Not bad
Kinda sketchy, and sometimes Reva's horsecocks are a bit off but overall its pretty nice
I love Twilight more.
Those eyes scare me.
i'm just thinking, before i make an fa account so i can finally view these things, can you change the account name easily once you have it?
Y'know, depending on how enthusiastic she gets, one or both of us might wind up immobile.
yeah but skyla was around before equestria girls was even being written.

There are plenty of toys of charachters that never even apear in the show

So you think they accidentally put up a cardboard Princess Twilight?
I don't get it
Why would I do that? She clearly has a deep interest in you
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why does this make me watery eyed?
>not bad
>Reva's horsecocks are a bit

i'm worried it may be true what some of the hater's say about us.
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Of course, it would be inefficient any other way
And she's knows how we like it
Can Chrysalis wink like a pone
She has no reason to be interested in me, and shouldn't be anyway. we can never be together.
She has eyes and eyelids, doesn't she? Idiot.
Of course, and much much more

>not having a waifu with no personality so you can feel confident in your imaginary love
unf privileges revoked
Because you know that nothing gives her more pleasure, makes her happier, than thinking about you

You mean so much to her
I uh. I would help you with your urges while in such a state. No reciprocation needed.
you no longer have unf privilege.
go and sulk in a corner
That face says yes but everything else screams no.
I mean would her vaginal muscles rhythmically contract around a penis, causing it to ejaculate violently and in high volume
Well she can turn into a pone.
I don't see why not. Though I imagine the fingers in there might be a bit confusing at first.
>not wanting that tentacle to jam itself down your urethra and lay eggs in your bladder
anon, pls
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goddamn anon, you know how to hit all my buttons
my knowledge of horsecock anatomy is too great, i cannot enjoy this.
well, I know what I'm jerking it to tonight.
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It is a really cute face
Here's a sfwboring version
post imgut link
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Four simultaneous vaginal cuboid muscular structures synchronous with the dialations of the love-hate continuum dis-reprove the existence of allah's supremacy over hebrew bakeries you are ponied stupid celestia lied the sun is controlled by four vaginal cube changeling vaginal muscles simultaneously contracting in flux and moving the solar disc through the love-hate continuum she must be executed for her crimes luna was wrong the moon is a cube shaped changeling vaginal muscle seen through a hole in the cube shaped changeling vaginal field that rhythmically contracts around equestria moving the heavens in synthetic motion through the love-hate continuum
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aah color
urethral sounding can supposedly be extremely pleasurable, so I guess I'd let her do it
You may not think you've got anything to bring to the table, but she thinks quite the opposite
It's cute, I like it.
Just don't try and do it with a knitting needle.

thumbs up
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why? they are dull enough to be safe and are metal for easy sterlization
it's actually a big improvement from when you started coming here
[crying intensifies]
Have fun dying in a few days anon
That's awfully kind of you, and I wouldn't be in any condition to refuse
I just hope Chrysalis doesn't get jealous
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hehee, thanks anon
it means a lot to hear that!
Don't unf to that.
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Aw man, look at these fillies getting nailed...
y-you too
If she does, it's not like I could get away, and besides that, what's she gonna do? Stuff me with more eggs? Oh please, please don't throw me into that briar patch...
You sick bastard.
ha, if one of our drawfags drew this picture i would call it awful shit and point out all the errors
when do we see a good king?

it's been all chaos gods and evil overlords so far
>expecting a positive male role model on a girl's show
Ha ha, oh you kidder.
The world was young, the mountains green,
No stain yet on the Moon was seen,
No words were laid on stream or stone
When Durin woke and walked alone.
He named the nameless hills and dells;
He drank from yet untasted wells;
He stooped and looked in Mirrormere,
And saw a crown of stars appear,
As gems upon a silver thread,
Above the shadow of his head.
This is a weird ship and I kinda like it.
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Why aren't you wearing a pretty dress right now?
Good night Rainbow Dash
I love you
>tfw appledan will never you
Because I can't reach to shave my legs.
>Expecting a male to hold any position of power on a feminist show

She probably won't really mind, as long as she gets lots of love and we don't shirk our duties

Just don't be surprised if she expects a little extra to make up for the love that you end up getting
Why on earth of all people appledan
Because I'm a bear more than a twink
i wish appledan would draw
Professor Utonium was great
>Shining Armor
Use nair
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I liked him.
>subject to the virgin god queen and maintainer of the four simultaneous days
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why is she so festive?
>Who is Fancypants?
thanks mlpg
real quality links right there
Would you offer your life for the advancement of ponykind?
I'm not fat, motherfucker. I have a fused spine.

Tried that once, gave myself mild chemical burns just from following the directions, plus it didn't work anywhere near well enough to justify the suffering.
I miss simpson streams
Glad to be of service

Right as she's about to fall asleep tonight, more than satisfied, she'll whisper into the darkness

Hoping that somehow, wherever you are, you'll know

"I love you..."

cant decide if i want to save this or not
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W-why? So you can be better than me some more!?
That picture is a play on Moe from the Simpsons in which he was forcing that smile.
did you enjoy that dead girl's body?
No, what body?
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>I have a fused spine.

Isn't that supposed to wear off after a half hour?
I don't see why not.
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Come on Anon, jump in the water!
AJ looks like arse without a hat
Does anyone have that picture of Fluttershy's butt?
just draw fluttershy please
but i didn't bring my swimming trunks...
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stop posting random links to shitty porn
i swear to god mlpg
Did you pee in it?
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I'm starting to not like you
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Oh no

My dresses
which pone could coax the most ass-puckering orgasm out of you
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>wear off after a half hour
You're funny.
>Fluttershy and AJ the same color
Pinkie i'm kidding
That's pretty neat

I like it
youtube pls
She doesn't wear them either.
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Hee hee, neat.
Cadence is cutest pony.
P+ please
this is getting better by the minute
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I'm not
She really is, most attractive pony in the show and most boner inducing
If you like shit.
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Poor guy, always getting forgotten.
When are you going to update Price of Power?
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Fuck you Pinkie
my waifu

Thanks, I had to do research for that joke. Don't know shit about Dragonball. Or medicine, for that matter.
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Stop being a faggot and draw more
I have a lot of pictures of Fluttershy's butt
How do you know I'm really him? You don't, that's how.
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This is kinda impressive
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>swearing at ponies
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why is spike always such a shit character?
best background pony
Because boys are gross.
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I did some of that today
how many are there?
Any unicorn because they're magic
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>They got Lyra's color but not Fluttershy's

Poor little yellow pony
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Dr Whooves and Derpy work.
>deleting contributions contributed by contributors
Also unf
shoutout to the janitors
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Complete Bullshit
>that filename

I like you
Looks pretty good
Lines are sketchy and her hair's kinda shiny but that last one is probably accurate

Still unf
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trixie, princess celestia and luna, spike
no gilda though...
Cheerilee and Celestia works too
I think you should take out the words at the bottom. Her denying liking it is hotter. Don't have her admit it.
They don't have the colours for anything ambiguous like Luna and Bon Bon and Big Mac
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I thought they forgot her sister for a moment
Draw more candy ass
would you e up for sketching some buttoncest
>Glasses aren't derped
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but i like slutty rarity
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I wonder if there's some other way to get bonbon
>try without spaces and with a hypen
>none of them work

I'm so sorry...
I do too, but tusndere Rarity is fun.
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Despite himself, he's drawn the body quite well. He still can't do linework, or faces for that matter.
do the shorter names work or do you have to type the full thing?
the body and idea is what Im unfing at
>tfw no one will draw it better
wtf is buttoncest
>Octavia works
>Only DJ Pon3 works
I like Google
Only derpy does
Derpy works
Big mac and Luna don't
Full names
Scootaloo works, but not the other two CMC
Button and his mom fucking. It's the flavor of the month.
>no shining armor or princess cadence
Could Chrysalis give a good blowjob even with those sharp teeth
Sweetie works.
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>Marker pony will never work
>>Only DJ Pon3 works
Milky Way works
the new flovor of the week. video-game colt and his milfy oc mom
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>I wonder if there's some other way to get bonbon
>yfw Sweetie Drops works
Chrysalis is good at sex because she can just shape change into anything.
>implying mandibles don't give fantastic blowjobs
just think of the control she has to have over them to make her illusions work
also, bugs don't have gag reflexes
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We got applebloom
Good, don't want them filthy non-MLPG bronies touching her.
Who else has rods in their spine? It's the same as that elder guy who posts here.

Stop being so depressed.
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I mean in her changeling form
You could have at least photoshopped a screenshot
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Confirmed for not actually using grep

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Not really a comic in the slice of life sense but illustrations giving construction tips. How I can build a sturdier gate, which sizes of screws would work best, the proper ratios for concrete dry mixes, home gardening tips, that kind of thing. And throw in some occasional humor.

I mean she's already Home Depot colored. Would be cute as shit and people would be getting some helpful information at the same time.
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What I'm waiting for is all the mad that's going to happen from the Youtube color thing. Did you guys type out "My LIttle Pony" and get them across your screen yet?
>this game will never be released propely
We got another one!
I thought about it

but then I realized that would've required more work than it was worth
ok i'd be down

but i still dont know who either of these characters are
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Wait a second
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Is this the right color? I can't tell.
Youtube confirmed for "never going to improve".
>no SA or cadence

bronies that don't give a fuck about canon

they're from a fan animation project. the colt is the video game colt from the perfect stallion song. the mom is wholly oc
fanon > canon
Who the fuck cares about SA or Cadance though?

They also put their self insert OCs in the site so
I actually really like Sombra's design
it has a real 80's metal vibe to it. I like it
here I had hope those were just randomly generated using a character creator
Even Lyra works
Cum on step it up.
>implying that the beards and baldness didn't give it away
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Alright, which one of you?

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Why is she so perfect /co/?
wow ok
buttons mom has like perma- bedroom eyes

so what should she and her son be doing, if thats the idea here
Why does Cadance always makes such lewd faces
holy shit it's real
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TW is working on a porn flash right now
She's a tease.
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>switch to duckduckgo today
whatever you like. maybe he's just about to penetrate her and she's leading him on or whaetever you like
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This is going to get Freudian as all hell, but something motherly. Like encouragement, praise, caring, calling him a good boy, loving, etc.
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not surprised

what if she's just riding his dick and asking if he prefers videogames or his mother's vag

or that maybe idk
someone decide for me
I unf every time
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>People like Candy Ass
I say the point it so emphasis the mother/son bond.
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>People dont
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>Changeling Snips

I want one.
I wish she was my wife
Fuck you for stealing my image I was about to post
wwould you a cadence after marriage
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What would the pony equivalent of this youtube thing be? My Little Human stuff.
second-cutest princess
to twily
you said you'd go to bed sb
>You will never cuddle Cadence
I would a threesome.
>Cadence doesn't have a google theme
"Dinky Doo" works as well.
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625 KB GIF
>dat skeel
Red Ribbon works
I would Cadance anywhere, anytime, any hole
>AppleDan comfirmed for working at youtube
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6 KB
I actually tried.
You fooled me, ya mongrel.
I don't even know what any of this means.
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Markerita works
Red Ribbon is someone's OC. Predictably, the character is red.

Or if you're confused about what is even going on here, then read the thread, ya dingus.
Youtube's added an easter egg where if you type a pony's name into the search bar, it turns the colour of that pony.
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Well, this sure did turn boring. I'm going to bed.
Well...this is the first drawing where them being drawn as classical unicorns doesn't bother me...

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I love this artist
unicorns best race
>tfw no Cadance magic orgasm denial
i thinnk it's only the US version that works. i'm getting nothing here.
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>read the thread

I don't have time for that bullshit.
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Yeah, normally the ears and fetlocks looks rather stupid, but I really like them in this one.

Also giant horns are great
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325 KB JPG
i need this
Those horns look very cumbersome
>the pony youtube thing
>There's almost no difference for Rarity
They could have at least put a purple strip at the end or something.
At least I got to see this again
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this is the end
The german version works too
RR doesn't work at all, but main pony names and a bunch of background pony names do work, not only in the US. Just enter Celestia or Princess Luna in the search.
Working fine in Australia here, even if I add the .com.au extension. Red Ribbon doesn't actually work though, if that's what you're trying.
Try "derpy".
>not using Pinkie's bar color and changing the bottom bar to purple/maroon
you do it faggot
I'm not even a Rarifag but that's by far my favorite. Pinkie's also great but in my opinion isn't near Rarity's
>tfw my waifu got the shitiest one.
my headcannon is that Shining is a wuss and she tries to come up with different ways to make him squirm and beg the hardest
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Yeah, it's a dildo.
>tfw no qt pony makeouts
>tfw no Babs Seed in S4 or the Youtube search bar
That's a good thing
big fat butt
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7 KB
Why did youtube do that again?
I just got here
>using tail extensions
haha oh wow
What a slut
She's too fat to fit in any of those
Do what again?
because they're a bunch of bronies
I assume it got added in as part of the whole "Geek Week" thing they're doing.
Pony asses are so nice and squeezable looking. Really all their body proportions are very feminine and appealing to penises
9.8/10 It's shit - ING
geek week

muh nerd culture
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Because YouTube is staffed by nerrrrds.
Geek week?
No notification on my youtube anywhere about that
Guess it's because I'm eu
Oh man I can't wait to read a page and be a nerd/geek
It's right on the logo.
>someone coins the term gerk
Nothing here either. EU too.
But the pony thing still works
Check the logo on the left side of all the caps so far.
It didn't show up when I tested the .au country extension earlier, so you might be right.
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5 KB
not for me
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I live in the uk and I can see it.
It's really a shame. I would love to bury my cock in a young filly and fill her with my seed.
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Even if you don't want to fuck them, you do have to admit that they're attractive, there's no denying it
Try stripping the .de from the URL.

And I'm struggling with python and xalign and yalign and writing Discord's voice in-character from a femanon's first person perspective. I think I know who has the more-fun project here.
could this day get any worse
Actually I am on youtube.com
There is a brony for that!
Not that guy but even when I put youtube.com it shows my country's version of Youtube.
why are you so perfect, anon
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7 KB
They show the country based on IP, not on the used URL
odds - continue drawing
evens - procrastinate
dubs+ - Mewball tells me what to do
Have you people never heard of a thing called "settings"?
who is this?
works in canada
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I just came back from something

anything new in pony business?
File: 1376039560408.png-(8 KB, 903x62, don't search it, it&(...).png)
8 KB
Oh shit
Nice pixels shitlord
It's Rarity-chan.
>they did dj pone3 but not vinyl scratch
that's not ho dubs work
SRS pls
>implying I didn't try that immediately
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4 KB
Oh, whoops, sorry.
Figured it'd just be redirecting you to your country's relevant page since I got different versions for normal and my country code, but I've just noticed that after I visited my country code the default .com was now my country's version, too.

If you want to change it, you need to scroll to the bottom of any Youtube page and set country to "Worldwide".
Where is your god now?
You are way too informative and nice for an anon.

Are you a pony?
I can't get over how cute "rarity-chan" sounds.
Yeah, I changed it right after posting my screenshot, thanks though
cool, thanks
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sweaty personhorse feet
so he can art, but his shitposting powers have doubled?
pony should rape pony
oh god what
more like a lame-kin
fucking terrible
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lick em
feet are disgusting
is that klondike
I shouldn't love those as much as I do now
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that's kloudmutt
this is klondike
or kloudmutt actually
I'm pretty sure it's Kloudmutt
And a old drawing of Kloudmutt
>sluts are ugly
What's wrong?
...I'm gonna punch him
Then remind him about working on the goddamn game
Really? I couldn't tell.
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but they have such suckable toes
I got lost in the Everfree, and when I found my way out I was in Australia.
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Pretty purple pony waifu
I'd suck rediv's toes.
RIP Pony Anon
Does she have petite little feet with sensitive soles
I prefer pretty plump purple pony posteriors, personally
She is a very pretty purple pony
But not my waifu...
She's also very adorable,
I don't know, I just want to do everything with Rediv.
Ponies are perfect.
Ponies don't have feet.
Therefore feet are imperfect.
>The Darf Rarity Futa Giftgiver story

I shouldn't have, but I did.
oh, hey, this artist is reblogging things from yamino

good luck with that

needs wings
Thank you for making me see the error of my ways anon. I don't know I lived in a lie for so many years.
I'd prefer smelly hooves to feet if I had to make a choice
I would do more everything to her than you could ever even imagine
How could you do that when you aren't even real?
Are YOU real?
just because you don't like someone, doesn't mean that their work is shit because of that.
That feel
I want to be trampled upon by my favorite pony.

I want multiple broken ribs.
are we pony
or are we dancers

Case in point: Jay Naylor. He may be pretty shit as a person and loves shoving cuckoldry everywhere, but god damn do I love his porn.
Then go and do it.
We'll give you an award.

The Darwin Award
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Sorry anon, pony is too light.
is this real life
or is this fantasy
I'd break your bones, Anon~
I'd fuck you while you were helpless to stop me
Why not kicked in the balls by Apple pony?
Panka doesn't count, she defies the laws of physics.
I think she posted her feet once.
>just because you don't like someone, doesn't mean that their work is shit because of that.

hmm, no, this checks out for me. what work has yamino done that's good?
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Why would you say that?
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Ponies are perfect.
Ponies have furniture.
A perfect being could not countenance imperfect furniture.

A perfect being without feet is therefore nonsensical.

Go to bed René.
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I wish there were more VA foot pics
would you ride me hard while I lay on the warm sunbeaten ground, dark blue bruises peppering my broken body?
I want a footjob from her, a man can dream
Rarity then
Twilight could easily pick her up with no effort
Inertia is just really severe in Equestria.
Why's he lifting her tail up like that?
I think you're confused

I'm going to fuck you
With my dick

In your ass
Twilight stronk!
i meant their art, and it's not necessarily just about yamino. for example i think lamar is an absolute dickhead, but his art is really cute nevertheless.
even better
Iron Will really really loves ponies.
That's why he was kicked from Minotoria and moved to Equestria
and Twilight was capable of carrying a huge boulder three times her size. Same for Rarity

No please
Not again
>i meant their art

an art is an extension of one's self. for instance: pedophile MS's art is garbage
...I don't even remember what Yamino's art looks like
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>those tits
They're way to big, and too high up. They should be smaller and closer to the crotch.
Did I say something wrong?
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>They should be smaller and closer to the crotch.
you sly bastard
I'm having nam flashbacks about The griffon kingdom
>she will never let you fuck her tits and lick your head and dickhole every time it pokes through
not always. as i said, even horrible people can make beautiful art. Just because some horrible people make horrible art doesn't mean it's a rule.
Man even after almost 3 goddamn years you're still a huge faggot.

tara strong is a blond bimbo. The lowest tier in my looks rankings.
Same, but those tits, oh lord

Nicole is my number one, followed by Andrea
I have no I dea what that gif is implying.
>beautiful art

which is subjective at best
Just close your eyes and pretend she's a pony.
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2 MB
>that feel when your favorite VA will never suck you off
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>Just close your eyes and pretend she's Timmy Turner.
>but those tits,

They're fake man. Sorry to ruin your fantasy. At best, they're nice to look at, but they're firm and just awful to touch. Fake tits are low tier.
To make up for it you should draw something.
do you really like this? like, it might be technically great art or something. maybe it's got some kind of great use of colour, or the strokes or brilliant or something, but I wouldn't buy this / save this to my hard drive. I don't think it looks good at all
yes, i'm just saying that there are bad artists that can be perfectly nice people, and artists that are bad people that make really cute art.
Guys I'm going to cry and I need pony. Lots of pony
Please help
and i'm telling you that doesn't check out for me. i'm having a hard time thinking of some art I like from piece of shit people
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>those lips

She's single, maybe it could happen

MS is a pedophile, but he's likely one of those mild harmless ones.
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I like his sketches, I just picked that one because it looks more impressive
it's not that brilliant. you can still find better dime-a-dozen watercolors of popular tourists stops in europe even today that are being done by struggling art-college students
>i hate drawing.png

Keep at it nigger.
I guess thats a fair punishment
like what
Should I get drunk and jerk off or get wired and vidya
Its really not that good
The perspective is off in a bunch of places
He was pretty good at art, but not great
I wouldn't have accepted him, it doesn't really look promising to my(completely uneducated) opinion
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sorry I'm late!
yeah but of Hitler's drawings were made without him get any goddamn education
This for example >>12706707 was less than two years after he started learning how to draw on his own.
then stop taking up space and leave
it's all right to admit you have a lot to work on
it's ok to want to be patted on the ass sometimes
but this is just pathetic
>Guys I'm making a school to teach people how to cook
>but you have to be a master cook to be allowed in it

It was stupid as fuck
Get drunk, then get wired and jerk off, play vidya after
That looks pretty good.
Though the white line on the twirl on the mane on the left side (her left) needs some work.

But if you hate it and you're not having fun, stop drawing. You'll only make yourself hate it more. Pick it up again one day you feel better about it, and not sooner.
While they did say that his drawings weren't great and it's part of the reason he wasn't admitted the main reason he failed to enter was that he didn't finish High School
MLPG, stop being creepy.
I agree, but if that was how the school worked then that's how you have to judge applicants.
Big fancy art schools today still want a portfolio when you apply
>ross traces a thing.png
art isn't all about execution. it's about ideas and communication. if you need an accurate representation of reality, take a photograph. art should be more than that. that's what he lacked, probably
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she likes to suck the head
it looks great.
Why is rarity crying tough?
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1 MB
>The perspective is off in a bunch of places

speaking of: art of the pony / ghost. cool kid, cool art.
what a weenie
>mew.exe deleted drawing
>kraut2.0.exe initiated
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74 KB
This is bait
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I love her shark ponies
Such an attractive style
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Nothing is gone forever.

Looks good. Much better than me. If you keep at it, you'll get better. Simple as that. Go through drawing guides if you haven't already.
I want to hug her so much
he deleted it
he is a weenie
Taht is a sharp butt.
Your fce is a weenie
I want to gag her on my girthy human penis
I wish I could shade even moderately like that
You are forgiven due to cute pony.
Now Apples must be delivered.
Dash isn't for Alicorn
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You know what's shit?
Shipping children
Lesbian butt babies
it was more because of the filename than anything else

i already took a few days off this week of drawing but ugh no matter what i do when i come back to it i just feel like shit all the time

but i dont want to quit

i should just go to bed
R63 Shining Armor has the most hypnotizing bedroom eyes
Rumble x Anon OTP
But Twilight is a male there
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Oh, in addition this is a useful tip.
make a drawing plan when you wake up
also if need be, either take requests or go to /ic/
Whenever I start feeling slightly doubtful about S4, I listen to the new apple song

Jesus christ I love ponies so much
Straight vagina babies
my nigga
What if ponies preferred C-section?
>anon is so aroused by the thought of being penetrated by a cute pegasus colt that he cums instantly as soon as he's penetrated
It's a nice song but not that great
Hey MLPG be /co/ for a minute and tell me a good Superhero animated movie
doesnt help, still feel like shit no matter how i structure it. i was on a pretty good roll for awhile but with no results its tough to motivate myself to do much
and for some reason if im just thinking about doing art i just get really anxious the whole day and then end up doing it right before i sleep and nothing else the whole day because i'm so on edge

i also go to /ic/ daily and post stuff
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Don't mind me
Just posting the only canon lesbian
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Whenever I start doodling ponies I always draw a pony with the wrong outline color
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well if that is the case
just for a few days, try not to attempt to improve, start doing it for fun, stop caring, do some flockdraw or pixivchat drawings with others
just for a few days, how about that?
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here's your lewd button family shenanigans
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Superman vs The Elite
but...Ticket master, best Night Ever, Canterlot Wedding
Wrong pony

That makes even less sense
Why not just doodle everything in black or grey?
i dont really know how to draw purely for fun anymore
i always get so anxious, even if its "for fun."
im just gonna sleep it off at this point. ill feel better in the morning when i wake up and the cycle will repeat
I like the way you draw manes
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Justice league:Doom for most kawaii superman
I used to, but I just like doodling whatever color is on my scratchpad. It's just an observation
I watched that yesterday
And some parts were retarded as fuck
You're telling me no one ever though of using a Kriptonite bullet on Supermen ever before? NO ONE?
Really the plans for Superman and Diana were simple as fuck.
The rest were nice.
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catcha: andsaves persevering

i wish i could draw them the same way twice
Dude could you do something with Rarity and Fancypance some time?
Well, superman is fast enough to dodge a bullet, so I think the idea is that the plan appealed to supes need to save and help everybody, but, thats not exactly unknown informaiton or anything.
The thing with WW was NANOMACHINES tier, though.
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I wish his mom was my mom
He's 8, is he even old enough to get hard/cum
I like when I like a new fad because most of our contributors quickly jump on it

Spongebob pls.
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I'm loving Button more and more every day
really tough going after children now? Well seeing how you can't even keep Harshwhinny under control you'd go for easier targets
Goddamn that chin can destroy fucking planets
I cant wait for this fad to end
It wont
Everything ends eventually man.

I think I should go to the doctor. Every time I draw, it feels like I have smashed hands. Anyways, trying to work on more Final Fantasy stuff.

Sounds like Tex's hands are fucked up. That's not good.
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Yes anon, I am going to fuck all the child horses.

Every single one. In alphabetical order.
The voice grew on me, I think it's pretty cute now

Not new horse
He should go to the doctor.

I'd only fuck the fillies, I'm not a sick man
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Fatty fat horse

Nigga, that's horifying.

This is MLP without Lauren.
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You really think Lauren could have stopped this?
No one could stop this.
If you're still here watch Mask of the Pha\ntasm
God tier movie
Best Batmovie ever
Also it's the part where Batman loses his last part of humanity and becomes such a goddamn ass in JL and Beyond, the part where Bruce dies and only Batman remains.

I didn't count on being happy

Also the goddamn music

And they're probably pretty girls no less.


Dat shit is fucked up man. Nigga should see a doctor. Dude is like, what 24? That's the kind of thing you get with arthritis.
I didn't mean to kill the horse officer
Can't one get carpal tunnel syndrome as early as 24, though?
Would you force pony into prostitution so that you can pay for your entry into Equestria?
This sounds like it's from a movie

But I'm not poor.
You are now.
And it costs a lot of money to get to Equestria. Fortunately there are plenty of bronies willing to pay obscene amounts of money to have sex with a magical pony, and you have one in your possession.

This is why I can't relate to green slender man
But those bronies would just pay to get to Equestria.
>Can't one get carpal tunnel syndrome as early as 24, though?

Fuck man. That sucks. And yeah, you're right.
I think best way to do anon is not showing face at all
If I already have a pony than I don't need to go to Equestria
Because he's got a broken wrist?
anyone got a gif of someone pushing a button? the button being pushed a bunch of times would be cool
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16 KB
thanks, anon

other button gifs still appreciated
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Have they've been removed?
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I had a gif of pony pushing a button somewhere, but I can't find it. Have this instead.

What is she even magicing?
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2.2 MB GIF
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I could have sworn I had one but I don't
Have something somewhat related I guess, horse is dead anyway
>pushing a button
>button being pushed
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460 KB GIF
Probably not what you are looking for, but here.
She's using her magic to masturbate.
male ponies from the side
draw Lucassen singing with pinkie
Female ponies from behind.
Male ponies from behind
Cute female ponies from the front
Namefags doing nothing but shitposting.
I'm going to steal all of your waifus.
Daily dose:

You being a faggot
I was trying to get references but yeah
Anon it's too early for this
No matter how hard you try, you will never get that pussy.
That's what I figured, but I actually don't have anything applicable
I was kinda surprised
who the hell is Button?
>you will never smang with anon
Former F1 World Champion.
Joke on you, I'll just get some average girl from around here, put a bag on her head, and tape a picture of rediv's face to the bag.
Please don't bring that up
I don't have any pictures of stallions.
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That one colt who played that arcade in hearts and hooves day
sore subject?

Why is Caramel a buff midget pone?
gee it sure is boring around here
We were having a party before you came up.
I'm so hungry...
Pony told me that she likes you.
there's random scars on my knee and I have no idea where I got it. maybe its aliens' doing?
and what's with the sudden attention?
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I just wonder what Pony's up to
oh fuck off already
To MLPG I came seeking fortune...

You acquire 100,000,000

But, you transform into a pony from MLP and all of the neckbeard bronies want to fuck you.
Rather than actually doing anything productive with it everyone including the VA and animator jumped on the "gotta have r34 of the mom" band waggon
anon, how could you tell people something that pony told you in confidence?
Did you get a seizure?
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>liking shitty oc and mediocre brony fan-episodes
i want bronies to leave MLPG
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Fuck off pothead
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Dusk's Dawn was pretty good
I don't follow
I will not! All that money isn't worth the attention and creepers the transformation would bring.
>get money
>become the pony
I don't see the problem here anon.
I'll just use my pony magic to go to Equestria.
>Someone asks a question
>I explain it
Wow we both must be fucking bronies who eat up every single popular person's shit, thanks for the incredible insight, fuckass.
>Judge Dredd browses MLPG.gif
>you cant like anything that isn't the show or show canon
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Just watch the video first
Exactly. I'm glad you understand.
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Fuck you
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Just trying to keep the degenerates off MLPG
I'd that pone really hard
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Fuck you!
>one minute in

well the oc looks like shit, his voice sounds like shit, he's using hands, despite having hooves, and he's crying

this is fucked
>Wow we both must be fucking bronies
Yes, you are.
>human hands
>human pose
>how the fuck is she supposed to pull the trigger

god fucking damnit
I didn't even express my opinion, for all you know I might hate the animation
You're projecting a bit much
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No one understands that hooves do not equal hands
i hope you don't mean the colt, brony
Oh but you can, nobody forbids you that. It just what makes you a brony.
Great, the shitposting brigade is here again
Like fucking clockwork
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Drawing is fun
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>brony is being slung around like a catchphrase now
Well time to go actually be a productive member of society now
But anon, all of MLPG is shitposting.

Now as in it wasn't as rampant earlier
>tfw you will never be Rarity's butt
the colt is not technically an oc, he was seen playing an arcade game in the hearts and hooves episode. the mom is oc through and thorugh
that animation isn't bad
and Button's mom is actually pretty hot
it was a night thread earlier

well, a summer night thread, but it's at least a thursday
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so random
what kind of reaction is that?
Stop enjoying things you fucking bronies
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Man, I've gotta watch that movie.
>stop anytime.gif
Button is annoying
His mom is overrated

The characters by themselves still aren't as bad as what the fandom is turning them into

drop it
I wish I had saved that picture that explains what are background ponies and how much you are brony retard
Featherweight is a cute colt
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Yeah. That Pinkie's good! Try doing longer strokes, not chicken scratches. It'll improve the look of your drawings, I think.
Wow, MLPG is full of bronies.
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I'll drop you ya fucker
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I didn't say I didn't like it, honey.
I said I didn't like what it was becoming.
It's a pretty good movie, especially the scene that .gif is from
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Found it,
He looks like he's trying to not bust out laughing
and what exactly is the fandom turning them into?
I've been locked out of the loop lately
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Pone is wrestling without your permission
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he is cutest colt in my opinion, but i can see that some other people would prefer other colts
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>I said I didn't like what it was becoming.

>only now he slowly realizes how brony MLPG is
You are completely right here, btw. Current MLPG is a part of the brony fandom now. It is hard to notice a difference.
I would leg drop some ponies and Stone Cold Stunner the fuck out of Pinkie for being stupid and annoying
Are you actually this retarded or just pretending?
>tfw you will never tag team with Macho Man Randy Savage against pone
Pls stop shitposting and samefagging your posts, it's rude and you should be in bed
Pokemon fusions are great.
>only now he slowly

great choice of words, d00d. we're technically the most brony, and always have been. it's our curse to bear
>That denial

If you want to do something about it - then stop behaving like brony. Angry repleis to me or denial won'tchange a thing.
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>brony brony bronies brony thing brony brony
Brony should brony brony
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>I'm not a brony I just happen to be a grown man that likes My Little Pony
Rainbow Dash, don't fly away.
looks like I picked the wrong day to wake up early
>stop liking what it's becoming
>because I don't like what it's becoming
>stop liking what I don't like
Pone says your mother sucks dwarf cock
>we're technically the most brony
MLPG was the lease brony community starting from fall of 2011 till summer of 2012
Then brony levels insanely jumped up.
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Well, my father is a midget. So. Uh.
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When I try to do that, I have no control.
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>youre a brony if you like this thing
>here, like this thing we made up, youre allowed to like this
I don't think he's denying it, I thing he's saying you're retarded for only figuring it out now.
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>not knowing the difference between social stereotypes and just enjoying something
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hey guys!

its me again just checking in!
>MLPG was the lease

you mean when we were the only guys in the game? how does that not make us the most brony. we invented the word. we called ourselves it all the time. and we even used to say plot, and clop! if anything we've become less brony
Just ignore the shitposter.
I'm a horse groupie.
Is he surprisingly heavy?
There is actually no such thing. Shitposters will call you a brony for liking anything, including any episode or character of the show.
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when are you people going to understand that one dumbass' shifty opinion is worth less than nothing?

are you so desperate for something to do?

a person who enjoys my little pony obviously!
Well, that's something you can probably learn.
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Brony is a male fan of my little pony.
oh boy, a... slightly old shitposting tactic

how will we ever cope with something that didn't work last time
>liking the same shit broneis like
>being as much retarded as they are
>resembling them and being told about that

geez I guess why
Why would anyone call a brony when you completely fits the stereotype

epic triples!

anyway, im the new kid in town!

just checking in
It's one guy replying to himself over and over again, he's been doing this daily for months, maybe a year or more

It's the same one that posts sa.jpg, manually spams /r9k/ or /soc/ posts, tries to drive contributors away, or shitposts about kraut/sb/whoever
what we'be become is a bunch of jaded, crotchety old men
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Is that a human poner?
He's somewhat overweight, yes.
brony is gender neutral. it just means fan of my little pony

you can argue that the pegasister thing replaced it for only women, but at best that just means they like pegasuses

pegasii. pegasusususus
> meant "the least".
>how does that not make us the most brony. we invented the word. we called ourselves it all the time. and we even used to say plot, and clop! if anything we've become less brony

You either new as fuck or you have problems with reading comprehension:
>from FALL of 2011 till SUMMER of 2012
No Twily
We make the poner
>Twilight undoing your zipper with your teeth and nuzzling up against your bulge
that's just what the new guys think. we've been dealing with <some artist> hats us since the beginning

>madmax hats us
>oh she's back
>oh now someone said she sucked at pacman. welp
Do you get to cosplay as Legolas and Gimli at cons?
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Is that also why we have "who is the broniest pony" posts sometimes?
when did the show start, I honestly don't remember. have I been here for three years? god damn

no time was better than any other time
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2nd best milfhorse
>she giggles when you throb against her plush little cheek
>"I think it likes me!"
is this what bronies actually believe?
Sup guys.
What's up? Any new news?

Also when is the Celestia micro coming out?