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bully problems edition

Old horse: >>12683965
Remove potheads
I want to hug Mrs.Cake. Only as friends though.
>Ponca Poh
of everyone except alcohol drinkers,smokers and potheads.
thunderpies sound tasty, but probably are belly bombs like white castle
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Reminder that Babs would not be in Season 4.
and rabid liberals and feminists and people you don't like

that sounds like a word that would have a second meaning but I can't think of anything logical
What a strange ship.
>Reminder that everything you know and love won't be in Season 4
Fixed that for you.
Thank goodness
haha brony

/b/ullies did it again
>Be Ms. Cake
>Pinkie's in her room with thunder noises coming from inside
>Maniacal laughter, normal enough.
>Probably remembered a really funny joke
>You're employing a super villain
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>Ms. Cake
What happened to Mr.Cake?
>in the other hand she babysit for free
Baking accident. No one talks about it
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i picked the right day to dig up that trip again
We'll probably get some mentions of her from Apple Bloom.
Would you an adult Babs in a dirty alley behind the bar after getting piss drunk from a drinking contest with her
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Man the height of Pinkie's Super villainy would be like... creating a cupcake that tastes like salad or something.
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It looks like she's ashamed of her fat booty.
I don't like her as a character or her episode very much but I can appreciate the humanized art
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They're a regional delicacy, but I think Pinkie Pie might be overdoing the rainbow.

This sounds like an average day for Cup, to be honest.

Too bad, I'd like to see the Manehattan CMC.
>cosmo finally posted porn
>miss all the shitposting about ex-contributors in last thread
ah well, people did just fine without me
I would a nice rarity in her bed after we had a romantic dinner and told her that she means more to me than anything else and that I will always love her and be by her side
for you
>pony invites you to a date
>never dated a pony before
>never dated anyone before
What do?
Go to twilight and ask her on books on dating
read a book on pony dates
stay cool
talk to pony
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H-hi anon. I know you don't appreciate it when I do it. But. Could you let me slap you with my futa mare cock?

May I?
Grab your dick and march in.
>they don't do a good job either
>She thinks you're asking her on a date
>You now have 2 dates for the same time
What do?
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I want to bake things with Dash and Pinkie in a cloud oven

Cloud- anything always sounds cool. Some one posted a picture of cloudberries the other day and said they taste like honey.
Something simple and non-comittal like coffee.
>twilight insists on helping you practice for your big date
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I went to the dentist today, my face is num and yet it hurts.

This is a reminder from your favorite toothpaste pony Colgate.

this video will explain all you need to know
Stop posting this faggot shit every day and samefagging it, fucking degenerate.
Ask Rarity, because she has more experience in that field and it would be more practical than reading a book
Eh? We were talking about contributors pictures.
holy shit that pony just murdered that guy
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>Twilight is the one who asked you
>Neither of you know shit about dating
>You both spend the evening wrapped up in a blanket next to a fireplace reading a book titled Interspecies Relationships For Dummies
What no.
I just go in and say "Hey Twilight Rarity invited me on a date and i needed some books to know OH GOD SPIKE IS BREEATING FIRE IN MY FACE OH GOD HIS CLAWS ARE SHARP AND IN MY SHOULDERS"
when did i ever say i don't appreciate it?
come on. that face won't slap itself.
>they try talking about themselves
>they are still on topic
before that
You know for someone who just got stung with a deadly poison, he looks pretty sarcastic.

Until Kraut shat up the thread again.

The idea of mother/son incest makes me really uncomfortable, but that hair, those eyes, that tongue running around his shaft, oh my fucking god
I hope that Anon is okay. I don't want that pone to go to jail for murder
I don't fucking know

Maybe if I'm lucky I'll end up in one of the universes where for some reason or another I'm my waifu's husbando and I won't have to worry about it
Thank you best pony.
>That tongue lolling from the side of her mouth for no reason
It's like animators hate boners.
What kind of dick is that?
>you will never be delitized
Slap pony on a date? You monster Frisbee.
Man, I know.
how can she slap?
I say that the dentist makes me nervous so they give me nitrous, I love that shit. I breathe in as deeply as I can and everything seems far away and sound flanges like a wah-wah pedal for a guitar
>read a paragraph that suggests wearing an article of each other's clothing to bed to acclimate to their scent
>that penis
>those stiff lifeless lip motions
>that movement of the mane
He's alright
Scorpio's sting is actually a powerful aphrodisiac
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But the real question is if you would have freaky half pony half human monster babies with your waifu
I'm assuming it's gonna be fixed in the final version, if the blowjob scene is anything like that one, I'm gonna be jerking off all week.
I have a healthy baby pony or no baby at all.
Satyrs a shit
Someday your baby will be doing this for someone.

ya i guess once i am older and done adventuring around the world of equestria
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Lets play a game, pick a contribute any contributor. Now pick your favorite piece and your least favorite piece out of there gallery.

Please explain why you like or dislike each of the two pieces.
I'm not telling her that she has a vagina
Celestia no, I'd kill it.

Pure pony or pure human
Satyrs are the best
As long as that someone is a respectable well kept person than I guess I have to accept that idea.
Date within your own species, faggot!
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I like myself
I like this piece because it captures my feelings on art
marevag looks so soft and warm
no they are shit
One of the worst things to come from MLPG
>tfw you did and everything turned to shit on you and gave you a crashing wave of betrayal.
>tfw I can never trust anyone again.
>tfw I will never have a child due to the scars.
my favorite contributor is anon
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I can't say ''no'' to a face like this
you know going into the relationship that because of how magic pony genetics work you have a 75% chance of a pure pony baby, a 10% chance of a pure human baby, and a 5% chance of a satyr hybrid

do you take the chance
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we pone fans are a smart, nerdy lot, right?

so why hasn't development begun on a huggable AI sweetiebot who will follow you around and be your friend forever?
shh, not so loud, cnn can hear you
thats a lot of work so i will just say instead

like:fat horse dicks
hate:obesity anthro
>cute pony girl who you know and like asks you out
What if she accepts you for who you are on the inside?
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i still wish fgtpolice was around.
Didn't you say you already had a child? Also Steve?
No I just go to Twilight or a specialized unicorn and guarantee that is a pony baby
what are the chances for anthro?
>my fetish is finally getting more attention
But my species suuuucks.
Never, Dr. Supervillain!
Wait until I save enough to lease a pony, then go on rides in the woods, find a nice clearing, and nail the shit out of her
Nope Napoleon.
The child was only an illusion but the scars feel too real.
mother/son shit is really common though
How am I supposed to send a horse to school?
I've played enough video games to say no even to 1% chance.

I don't want children.
I'm not capable of love, I'd be a terrible parent.
Equestria Girl/100
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Gonna have to post this shit for the first time
because we know what would happen to the sweetiebot
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Hey guys, I have a terrible idea for a tumblr involving Norse Ponies, but need an equally terrible/punny name for their village. Was thinking of something like Norneigh or Ponies of the Æsir. Anything equally bad is appreciated.
You are in a happy relationship with pone.

It's been a couple of years and pone wants a babbu.

But the only way to have babby with pone is to be turned into a pone.

There is a 50% chance of you being stuck as a pone for the rest of your life.

Do you take the risk.
Are you so desperate that you could get off to this?
>Not capable of love
I know that feel, sometimes I think that the concept of waifus that are ideal and impossible to be real has ruined my mind for actual relationships.
Enroll them, genius.
What if your two things were in one peice, would you feel neutral?
>that awful dick
>but everything else is decent enough to save

i really like the first one, and the second has really grown on me.
i don't care for big tits, but if makes him happy who am i to say it's not good.
Is that a rhetorical question?
What risk?
But what if people cyber bully her?
Such a hard choice. Let me think about it.
YES, YES PLEASE WIZARD. I want to cuddle and love my pony waifu, cherish her and kiss her every day.
...so what's the catch?
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Because Japan has yet to create and perfect waifubot technology.
If only it was the year 20XX...
I just imagine it's my penis
I thought that would happen, and that the first recorded ai in history would be a pony.

The secret is that it sounds like Horseland
thats not the same thing you idiot
They're getting close.
Not in MLP though.
The closest thing would be older Pound Cake/ Mrs. Cake, and there's practically nothing on that.

Not that gif specifically, but there are already plenty of fapfics with both of them.
If you get stuck as a pone you can never go back to your family and friends here on Earth.


Not even in the afterlife.
their ethnicity is horse
but with odds like those i will definitely get a satyr
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Before I say yes or no to this question I need to no which pony it is and how deep in a relationship we are. Are we even married?
Cant I turn her into a woman?
I feel strong love for all my animals, but I don't feel it toward people. Fuck, maybe I am a zoophile.
Wasn't one of the Megman games set in 200X?
That would mean that it is technically in the past.
i would have to see it, it could be ok if the gut isnt too huge
...I asked what the catch was.
Don't go labeling yourself like that, remember that any label you attribute to yourself will likely become true.
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>tfw a mod unb& you from a month hiatus
Yes it fucking is. Look at the fourth panel. It's almost exactly the same.
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robopones are inevitable

I like Rumble /ss/ the best, Shining getting blown and stimulated with magic at the same time by his mom would be good too
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Looks aren't everything. To say that they don't matter at all is dumb, but a person can't be a 10 for the rest of their life. I think makeup can be used in small things like social events or work, but a person shouldn't take that as their default state.
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And THAT's where you come back? That's cool.
That is kind of horrifying.
that part of her mouth is closed genius
But I legitimately want to own and have sex with a mare.
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Oh yea?
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Same with perfume, to me.
Say, which pony would wear which perfume?
But will I ever APRON?
There needs to be a lot more of this
X can mean they use a system with 26 numbers per digits.
rarity of course
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I want to buy more Derpy shit. I only have the Hot Topic thing. What else can I buy?
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I can't tell if you're baiting me or not right now
There needs to be exactly the amount of this and no more.
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Im just going to my favorite boards again.

Is Ponychan still here?
Babs a shit, would have violent degrading sex with her and throatfuck her while pinching her nose shut, and calling her a worthless fucking whore who's too ugly to get a man to have consensual sex with her, and I'm doing her a favor by taking pity on her because she'd never get laid otherwise
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>not 20X6
Oh that's part of it, he's going to go more than a few rounds, she likes to tease and coax his loads out
This pic is sexy as fuck.
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the feeling is mutual
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Nigga I will cut you
>Babas will never smother you with her breasts and crush your pelvis with her thighs
There's actually some retarded looking plushies of her no eBay for like 15-25 bucks if you're desperate
What if pone did not have sexual.

What if they were smooth and featureless and bodily waste was disposed of via magic.

What if you asked Luna about it and she explained it's because Celestia is a massive prude and ponies must apply for a sexual activity license if they want to have babies. Otherwise all of Equestria's inhabitants have a blanket Decency Filter spell cast upon them that prevents the showing of lewdness.

How long until you'd go insane from no nookie?
Ebay and Etsy are your answers
I would wonder why I ended up in a non-canon universe.
you're right, he's wrong.
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Oh yea?
how would that even work
The first two games, but I think they were retconned to 20XX when Powered Up came out.
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I think about it daily, and calm my morning wood with a good massage while thinking about how wet and tight a mare must feel inside while she's clenching and winking around you
Let him ruse in peace, Anon.
Why not just call it Horseland then? Though that does sound stupid, which is perfect.
Now we're getting somewhere.

So far there's Scald the Skald, Spear Glint the pegasi valkyrie, Glacial Shift the Frost Giant, a warrior I can't think of a name for yet, and another frost giant character, for reasons. Shut up.
Probably located along the water in the northern reaches, isolating themselves from the world during the attack on the Crystal Empire with a icy mountain range.
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>posting low-tier Homestar Runner characters
I bet you prefer Biscuit Doughhandman over Frank Benedetto
stallion with two dick, also he use to be a women, but still has a vejayjay.
No, I don't want retarded. I want Derpy.
I'll check out etsy.
They have Viking Rams too right?
too ea-tier for me
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1. get claire to record enough of her voice for a siri-like voice synthesizer
2. customize an AI chatbot with knowledge from the show
3. install chatbot software in small computer with microphone and speaker into one of those robotic pet dogs
4. program robot to respond physically to environment, including following owner, hugs, and cute dances
5. put robot inside life-size sweetie plush

see, it's easy

even with today's shitty AI and robotics technology it should be simple to come up with a basic sweetiebot
Podin, god of war in the land of Valhorsela
>pinching her nose shut while you're facefucking her

It's hot as hell when girls struggle for air and you can see them getting that frantic look in their eyes, and start to try to pull away. I'd piss in her mouth too and then spit on her and walk away, leaving her sobbing with her head in her hands while she contemplates what just happened to her.
>low-tier Homestar Runner characters
There's no such thing.
/r/equesting some qt 3.14 viking pony, getting rammed with a Norse dildo.

Pls respond
Oh yes
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>No, I don't want retarded. I want Derpy
>not yfw da burrs win da F1.gif
whats your skype handle?
That could work pretty well, a warrior clan of rams that share the land with them. Was thinking of having the area heavily influenced by spirits such as Windigos and such, making pacts with some to protect them from Sombrero.
Valhorsela....my god....that might be crazy enough to work.
Can MLPG make a cute female war maiden OC?


that'd be hotter with context

like doing that to a downtrodden Trixie that's just looking for a place to sleep
>robot goes haywire
>tries to kill you
>eventually you melt half of it's plush off to reveal it's hard metallic underside still smiling at you like Terminator
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How do you imagine her adult human self to be? What kind of guy would she want?
slim, chaste mares

modest, celibate stallions
An actual bad character?
An in-universe considered lame character?
You can only rank in the latter and that's precisely what I did.
I write some heavy dom stuff with choking and degradation, but I delete it because I'm too afraid to post it and get shit on
they need to fuck
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I just wanted a clumsy airhead with a big heart. But no, social justice had to have her killed and the fandom makes her either lolsorandum or mentally challenged.

getting shit on is the first step to not being shit on
That looks hot, but that's still wrong. IRL horses aren't as cute or complex as MLPonies.
Carnbeff is the ID

Only if everyone approves of it. I would not want to besmirch her innocence.

Man, what a shameful boner
>you will never politely greet and say hello to the residents of ponyville
>you will never have platonic friendships with all the ponies
Marty's tight bum.
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The long, slim, majestic, looking legs are one of my favorite things about the way ponies are drawn.
I like that post Fyreflye posted about waiting till marriage.
I know your pain.
After making Rarity

And keeping them for myself
>How do you imagine her adult human self to be?
Probably laid back but forward
>What kind of guy would she want?
not me ;-;
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Chubby, slutty mares

stallions somewhere else or whatever
>you will never have platonic friendships with all the ponies
I have more interest in this than I have ever had any interest in fucking them
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No matter what you do, someone is going to hate you. It's inevitable.
That's what I think, I feel like the whole smell and hygiene thing would offset the pleasure from it. I guess if you washed and shampooed them every time you fucked them it would be ok, but there's still a chance of them farting/shitting on you while you're balls deep.
You know why I loved the shit out of Derpy? She's like one of those old school Looney Toons characters.

Then the fanbase and other idiots had to interpret her as an insult to mentally ill people.
Yes, I'm still upset.
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I like short, stubby ponies that I can pick up and carry around on my back!
I mean, it's stupid having sex with real horses. They lack compassion and any other complex emotions.
The voice reinforced that, I wish they gave her a normal but semi-goofy voice. She sounds like a downie in the show.
I have been here for a while and I have yet to even have one hate anon.

I wish I had a hate anon, I really do ;_;
Mah nigga.
I want to have casual conversations with my waifu and just enjoy some time with her.
For me, they have to be sentient and sapient. Unfortunately only humans are that, which is why I like cross-specie pics/stories.
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>not releasing them under the GNU license
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You mean fillies?
If I did do it, it'd be for hedonistic regions, I just think that it would feel really nice and remarkably like a human pussy, having the freedom to walk out to the burn and plunge inside a soaking wet cunt that milks you dry sounds appealing.
so does your hand
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Would you stuff Twilight full of chocolate?
Do you at least have people who like you?
she's always been a lovable silly pony to me, and most fanworks depict her as such.
He said AI not mirror clones
Post your stuff and I'll hate it if you like.
No Derpy sweetie, I love you. I'm not that, I promise.
I'd love to just have long conversations about the intricacies of pony life or just talk about how their day was.
No...I am very neutral, no one likes me nor hates me.
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No! Big adult ponies that think they're too old for that kind of stuff.
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I'm trying to think of a way to argue against that, but I can't.
Y..you do that for me?
Depends on what you mean by sapience, horses have been shown to be very intelligent animals, they can recognize individual people and even tell men apart from women. Horses are STRONG animals, and I figure if they're not enjoying what you're doing, they'll kick you into a coma. Getting kicked by a horse is no joke, if you get hit in the head you have a fair chance of dying. If you get double kicked in the chest it could cause internal injuries.
>that feel
Do you post with a name at least? I think the only reason no one cares about me is that I only ever post my drawings as anon.
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Oooooh. That's cute.
You have to have some sort of personality to establish a pattern for people to like/dislike. Usually people don't like it when you overdo it in the general. It kind of happens in places where people hang out, like the groups in skype, steam, etc.
Fuck off pothead
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I'm gonna go work out, let's go Rainbow
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Literally or metaphorically?
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Hey anon...

I was only kidding loser, my name is flash and everyone fucking loves me. Who couldn't love me bro. Even your waifu wants to bang me raw and my art...well lets just say my art reaches the heavens.

Go fuck yourself!
Blame her sister for what?
I know you do drugs, Twily.
I can't like it unless they have self-awareness. You can argue by moving where the line is, but for me it's something that allows civilization, complex social structure, and language to happen.
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Would you enjoy a nice big stogy with your favorite pony?
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She also listens to heavy metal and stays up past her bed time
I want to do dank purples with purple
I hope Steve Ballmer fucks you in your ass
>well lets just say my art reaches the heavens.
Because it blows so hard it generates lift?
No, yuck.
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have you ever just gotten so horny and yet you're completely indecisive on what you want to beat it to
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What will Celestia do when I start blaming her for things?
The way her hair just snaps annoys my animation senses.
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>keep looking up Marine Corps information
>pages keep referencing the Commandant of the Marine Corps
>e.g. "This MOS will be assigned and voided only by the authority of the CMC"
Did you just insult the flash?


Winner gets to fuck the others waifu.
I swear, this thread has a disease where all they can talk about is sex
I like hips. I also like panties.

Nah I usually just pull up my top two fetishes on e621 and start playing out erotic fantasies in my head.
>and stays up past her bed time



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Does love exist? Or is it only a myth?
Is my favorite pony capable of loving only me?
not him, but i always found this the most difficult. you don't just get invited to any groups without having established a personality here, which scares me, because i'm afraid people will expect me to contribute more.
therefore, no frens. it's terrible to not be able to inspire any passion.
>tfw so horny that everything turns you on
>even fetishes you don't like
banish you
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No, smoking is bad
I'll simply ban her from listening to such music.

and beat the shit out of whoever is giving her drugs
No you don't, you want to sing songs about adventuring with purple
I wouldn't say that's anthro yet
its ok if rich people do drugs though. its only a problem when its poor people.
love is a phony social construct, don't believe its lies
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>''Hey Anon, why do you keep lookin' at mah butt?''
>I am the law
It's not okay if either does it.
I want to grab it
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Are you speaking against Equestria? Sounds like someone needs an attitude adjustment. One year in the dungeon.
i default to sb's hyper dicks
Don't break his dreams anon, that's not nice.
I am the law
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Except Marines will supposedly throw a shit fit if they are called soldiers instead of Marines with a capital M.
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>''What would ya do that for?''
Yeah, sorry about that.
Would try.
but anon what if you found out that you liked them, like stuffing

i didn't vote for you
The sex dungeon or the normal one?
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I uh, I thought I saw dirt on it is all. Honest.
whelp let's see how this goes

Because I want your booty AJ

I-I mean because it's nice
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The Fungeon.
''Would you mind cleanin' it up for me?''
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Because it's really really really pretty.
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I don't think the groups require someone to invite, you should just be able to jump in. Maybe hang back a awhile to see how things are and test the waters. When you get involved with people like that, they do sort of expect a give and take because that's needed for any type of relationship.
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did I miss ponoe/human babbies
Love is dead. It never existed. Die.
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If twilight doesn't stop doing drugs, I'll burn the library.
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Are you saying applejack shat herself, way to make yourself look stupid.

Apple pony now hats you.
AVGN is perfect at pronouncing that word
the only reason drugs are banned is because it keeps poor people from becoming decent contributing members of society. if you are already rich and successful there is no problem then.
>that title
Oh god it had to happen eventually...
>she hides her pot in the books
>everyone near the library gets high
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I am the law
How else does she become a full blown alicorn
She needs her meds
i need to have 50 tabs to cycle through while i fap
The steam group doesn't require an invite, but most of the people there don't want anything to do with the general anymore. All the Skype groups require an invite.
Air Force = Airmen
Marines = Marines
Army = Soldier
Navy = Sailor because people won't stop making fun of the word Seaman
Coast Guard = ?
Drugs are bad no matter how many ways you cut it, hippy.
>You will never fuck Twilight's chubby belly button.
I am the law
H-hey, I didn't start blaming you for anything yet..

If she'd personally hand down the verdict I'd just jump and cling to her leg and never let go.

is it permanent
Coast Guard = Lifeguard
_____________I am the law______________
technically skype groups do, but i never want to ask, i just thought someone would notice. but of course, you can't get there on your work alone, you need some other thing to catch people's eye.
depression seems to quite common thing for artists to bond, and i don't have any of that

>joining the marines
What about medicinal drugs?
Are you feeling alright Ponka
>descended molestia
Yeah okay fuck that
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>not carefully and sublimlly inserting them into other shows
>not inviting your friends over to watch some breaking bad
>not making them slowly into horsefuckers
Sorry, forgot the link
>need some other thing to catch people's eye.
this is bullshit, you dont need anything
just ask you wuss


giggle at the ghosties as sung by aj
tylenol and pot are two different things.
>tfw I like to call distinct body parts and mannerisms pretty, adorable, cute, etc
>think that sexy is too narrow and implies that it objectifies it and the person too much
>tfw I feel weird for doing it so I try not to
>That sunbutt

Oh dear
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LK pls
coast guardsmen
>just ask you wuss
that's the problem. as a terribly proud person, i couldn't swallow the fact that id need to beg while others got in because they're actually wanted.

I'm not even gonna try
I'd rather see the original. Yet, it's entertaining.
If I had to choose between satyr general and batpony general, I'd probably pick satyr. They seem like pretty chill guys.
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>that clapping breakdown part in WWU
I think the only reason skype has invites is because people would either go in to shit things up or "spy" on them instead of being involved. Would be annoying for fans to pop in and not treat the "creator" as a person who just happens to have a skill. I'm sure if you ask they can let you in.
What about cigarettes and alcohol?
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epin, simbly epin
>you will never be in a lesbian relationship with your favorite pone
Does it actually mention molestia cause Neil won't take too kindly to that
I can't say I can relate to this feel
>dozens of tabs open
>suddenly disgusted with yourself
>have to close them one by one
>think "how the hell did I want this?"
>depression seems to quite common thing for artists to bond, and i don't have any of that
No idea where that misconception comes from, my life is already shitty enough, I don't need to gather other people around me who will tell me how awful their day was, too.
That's just afantasy you have in your head. Everyone asks, no one ever begs to be in a chat.
You're not proud, stop being such a wuss
>Find something too interesting to not fap to
>Fap out of obligation
>>have to close them one by one
>not closing the window or tab group
>have to close them one by one
Why? just close the browser.
Oh yeah I'm sure they would. Not sure who to ask though and asking a bunch in here would just piss people off.
I don't even have a Skype though since I don't even post things here with a name, so whatever.
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Why aren't you practicing your blowjob skills on a banana?
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Guards, leave this one to me. I'll punish him... personally.
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I love wings.
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Would you pony pony on the first date?
Or would you wait?
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I like satyr general, but it's almost painfully slow.

Wish they produced more art as well.

Because I practice them on my Seadragon
What about dubious drugs like benzoamphetamines, caffeine, and morphine?
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Is it time for squiggly tail
Do people really do that? Strange. I'm not sure I could ever look at a banana the same way again if I did.
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>rainbow dash's awesome solo in "at the gala"
People are going to do what they want, whether or not the law says they should. Might at well tax it and regulate it.
That's bullshit, remember when Leth opened the skype chat a while ago? Everyone could get in, you just had to message him and he'd add you.
Now if you're too anxious around people, even in a chat, that's another thing. But don't go around saying things like "I'm not wanted".
Fucking UNF
Size? And and can you knot it?
Fuck yeah!
I prefer watermelons.
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Aww yes
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i've been told i was good, so i don't need to
This will either end in the best possible way or traumatize me for life.
I dont think you can even search for groups in skype, you gotta know about them ahead of itme

if you dont have skype then why'd you even bring it up
I opened up the new thread link from the last horse in a new tab, saw "(404) /mlp/ - MLP General" in the tab name and panicked for a moment.
Then it became "(405) /mlp/ - MLP General".
>"Hey general, here's another thing I made. Is there someone in the skype group who can add me, because I want to talk about some artsy stuff."
>"Oh yea sure here's the invite."
Why wouldn't you practice on someone that would appreciate it?
Why not kill them/incarcerate them?

I am the law
Was so great we all thought she would get her own solo in S2.

You mean benzodiazepines? A benzo is a tranquilizer, amphetamines are stimulants. And caffeine is shite.

And pot has legitimate medical uses, have a CO card for sciatic nerve pain and anxiety w/obsessive traits.
>on dlsite
>download hentai game
>play entire game
>fap to gameplay in last level
>this was an hour-long ordeal
when i was done, i was like wtf
I prefer pineapples, the spikey bit goes first.
I have no one to appreciate it
What is pony pony?
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I am the law
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Katia please.
Her own song rather.
cutest angle to view a pony
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Good idea.
>rararafags start posting
>blowjob discussion starts

Ladies and gentlemen, Rarityfags
That's a good question. Probably attention.
>SGAP's In History, Maybe
Doesn't work, they tried that in China. The Swiss actually have the best drug treatment programs., with a very low rate of recidivism. We incarcerate instead of rehabilitate in the US because it's extremely profitable.


inb4 this turns /pol/
Frosted ponuts

Is there any tag I can search for this specific kind of restraint
i'm in an artist skype group and i wish there was a way to leave without causing a scene, because i want out.
i want out really BAD.
Benzadrine. I meant benzadrine.
And I agree.
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I'd wait as much as pony wanted. I'd only pony pony when pony is ready.
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>downloading from DLSITE
>not waiting until the japblogs get a hold of it and downloading the full game for free
>Supporting perverted communist with your jew money
I had the same problem, I wasn't proud but I felt I was too new. So I just started talking to people outside of the general, I had fun making new friends and got to hang out with even more friends in the Skype groups.
Why can't the potheads go away?
then why dont you just leave
Does that shit still exist? I thought they stopped making it in the 70s. Dextroamphetamine is the only one I like because it's really smooth, all the rest make me anxious and jittery.
This kind of things cause a scene? Really?
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I am the law
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I want wings. Why can't I have wings.

Why is reality so cruel.
>Not wanting to give your waifu a futa blowjob
>Twilight doesn't have many items of clothing, and even fewer that she's worn recently
>She gives you her crown
>Gotta follow the book, right?
Maybe he just needs reason to get one.
it doesnt
that never ends well. is there a way to make this group completely insible to me without me leaving?
I love twilight sparkle

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Did someone say Pineapples?!
futa is cancer
I would hope the reason is because people are concerned.
AJ will never put her hat on your head
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You guys keep talking about penises

Captcha: whormo 7637
Click on group, then turn off notifications?
I'm sorry. It's hard not to
just say:
"ladies and gentlemen
it's been an honor and a privilege
but time has come for me to move on
i hope you'll all have a good time
if you need to talk to me, i'll always be there
goodbye and good luck"

alternatively the second last line can go if you don't want to talk to them anymore

also why quit. it's been my dream to be in an arts chat and no-one ever even hinted at me being involved in anything of the sort
then he should instead of jsut attention whoring like fuckin asshole
It would if you're Kraut
>reading a fanfic
>Bla bla bla
>everyone is happy
>then it all comes crushing down
>and pony tells pony that they need some time apart while almost crying
This made me sad
why do you even care?
if you actually wanted to leave, you'd hae done so alrady. You WANT to create a scene
Woah. Who put those little ponies there?
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She does have the black vibe, even if it's subtle
It doesn't, at least not in any of the groups I'm in. If someone leaves without saying a word people normally are just like "huh, what was that about?" for 10 seconds and then it never gets mentioned again
because if you already want to leave, you probably didn't spend a lot of time talking to them anyways
*he should just get skype
i'm relatively old to be "new" and start approaching people out of the blue
Why don't you ask to be in one, you big dummy.
What are even the art chat available, now? I've kinda lost track of these things.
I wish I had people who would be upset if I left...
this guy is right, you're being passive aggresive.
why would you even do drugs, what would your parents think?
Yeah, that's what has always happened.
We could talk about vaginas.
I am the law
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Use the pony...
i don't want them to think i dislike them, because i don't.
They both died from heroin overdose, so, eh.
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Fuck off.

Don't be such a pussy.
rediv plz

cadence is married
she has more of a purple vibe to me
>there will never be a pony named Whormo
It's that the 4ED OR WHTEVER PLUSH?
then if anyone asks, just say it.
No one really cares if you leave a chat or not
just be polite
I'm not your friend anymore MLPG. I'm going to Ponychan! I'll have all the friendship and magic there.
Then you'll see!
Then tell them that you have to leave the group for a while because of exams and you cant resist the temptation or something like that.
You gotta extend a hand out and be active instead of waiting.
have fun~
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Google confirmed for bronies, I guess.
But she's a slut who loves to make stallions squirm and moan out of desperation to cum
And what if he learned his lesson and never did those things again? Or would people still love to hate?
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>mfw ponies use "magic" as a catch all explanation
>mfw humans use "nanotechnology" as a catch all explanation
we're not so different after all
>projecting fetishes.png
It was Rarity making Twilight sad. Rarity is getting very worried about what other ponies would say about her dating a MARE and it was destroying her. She almost had a breakdown refused to tell Twilight what's going on and then stuff
i dont think there's ever been a time where someone left a chat and it didn't end well (in my experience anyway)
regardless of who it was
Nanomagic, son.
But we dont even have nanotechnology
It's a magenta/purple vibe. Don't know how you can call it black.
Her cutie mark is a heart, it's canon that she's a kinky slut
it's shit
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I really like this pony.
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nigga you best be joking
Im sorry. I'm color blind.
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>all these people scared to socialize
Dudes, fuck that awkward phase up the ass. Blast through it so you don't have to deal with it. The worst part is the initial fear of rejection, but everybody is afraid of that so take some initiative and put yourself out there. If they do reject you, oh well you tried your best.
if he did, he'd just put on his name and a brave face, take a request every now and then and not talk too much about how miserable he is and how he only has one oldfag artfriend then it would be ok.
porn of google ponies when?
C-celestia, is that you?
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Parents don't determine everything about your life.
Well gotta go to /g/ and see what they are saying
You should try Carbon Nanotubes as your catch all excuse.
They should.

They wouldn't want a pothead as a son or daughter.
I just don't give a fuck, not interested.
Rarity at a bar drinking and being sad
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Busty adult Sweetie Belle
are you gonna continue fucking shitposting about this, really?
It's a bug problem. Something you sometimes can't deal with 'willpower'.
Twilight and Lyra talking about humans
>I can't into genetics
>Rarity caring about what others think of her

No surprise there. She a shit.
no, we have the technology. Just lose an arm or something, they can rebuild you
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Such firey wrath in thy butthole
I really wish people didn't do that in sci-fi universes.

Mechanical/analog > Digital
A tiny Rarity mid-conversation while drinking from a doll's cup, sitting down next to the page of the newspaper at breakfast.
I thought the pothead thing was a clever pun on the guys posting medieval helms. Are you telling me that I have overestimated your wit?

Really till Rarity admits to Twilight it's great. It takes a small dive but then it's still good.
Yes, until the potheads on MLPG is gone

replying to yourself is very rude, I don't know what it is that would make someone hate pot so much that they'd manually copy/paste /r9k/ posts and /soc/ to try to make a heavy-handedpoint about Kraut, Tex, drugs, Sentenal, show staff, or contributors
Old news.
Kill yourself.
nope, she be havin that black vibe, my nigga. haha
Pretty much. Going to have to prove himself. Talking about problems is okay with close friends, but not a general as a blog. There will always be people who will insult, but can't let that drag him down.


Well, good luck beign a faggot

you probably will have more luck yelling at the sun to go down. Sure, it'll eventually go down, but not because you were yelling at it.
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What about busty young Sweetie Belle?
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twilight pls
Oh also Trigger Warning
Fluttershy is lesbian with a random OC for a few paragraphs later in the story. It's a cuteish OC tough
Loli should not be busty. Loli should be patton.


lel trikd XD
I fucking love it.
Middleboob>Underboob>Sideboob>Traditional cleavage
>tomorrow theme
I think we all know who won this conversation.
You're the reason Rarity is now drinking her sorrows away.
Digital is technically still a work in progress.
The difference between a pothead and a sun is that I can actually communicate with the pothead.
Tomorrow is great during the night
why would you pay for a VPN to shitpost on 4chan, I don't understand the motivation, doing this every day for 12+ hours for months on end
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Celestia has the most seductive stare.
You want to choke on my friendship? I-Is that what you want?
I wouldn't call that a problem
oh god
oh god my dick is exploding

>OC/canon pony shipping
>OOC bullshit
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7 KB
>tfw refuse to watch the show
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please fuck my anon~

"Micro-Machines for the Human Body: Researchers Adapt Microscopic Technology for Bionic Body Parts and Other Medical Devices"
Bad for caps though.
Nipple I'd assume.
like Power girl i think
loljailbait. Every time she draws he improves immensely. If she ever ever sold anything at Bronecon I would buy.

Cons: He ded
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ponies with bedroom eyes are erotic
The second difference is that the sun is probably more enlightened

ew gross no
Bionic horse dicks.
i think him acting all hermit-like even when he contributes actually makes people react worse to him
it's basically shunning attention so much, that it draws attention
Tommorow is the best theme always
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I don't understand. Do you mean you are boycotting S4?
Like an open vest or a towel hanging over the nipples.
Or a plunging collar that goes past the bottom of the tits.
>Being this angry because someone doesn't want to put up with the enforcing of a degenerate pothead lifestyle that you honestly believe I'm paying for a VPN just to post.
Yes. All 8" of it
Nigga fuck you nothing can top the B
>when he contributes
Bionic super humans who had their useless sex drives chemically and mechanically eliminated
This is truly the most attractive future.
why would you not watch the show
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even when she's not trying

she could probably make me cum just by looking at me.
Fuck transhumanism
As long as people think there is something to make him upset, then they are going to use it. He needs to show that he isn't insulted by these things and overcome them to really stop it.
Funny thing is that he misinterpreted that idea as not talking to anyone at all.
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But Anon!
Transhumanism means you can have a pony to snuggle!
Oh, so like cleavage but all the way down?
Ponie's eyes are so large, their brains must be pretty small
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But why anon? Don't you want to be more? Be better?
It's avoidant behavior that allows him to attract attention while avoiding the situation. Self fulfilling prophecy, learned helplessness, cognitive dissonance, etc. All his fans enable him because he has an audience now.

It's really obvious and really sad, 100% serious. I hope you're able to overcome whatever mental block it is that keeps you shut in your room all day long posting here, that's no way to live.
I wish that porn blog had never been revealed. maybe it could have been avoided.
Cool now I need to change my pants. Thanks, sunbitch
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Basically, yes.
Best kind of anything is when you can see the rosy/dark edges of the areolae, but not the nipples.
He just needs to stop paying attention to popularfags. He will be alright.
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I can't help it. Your eyes are so sultry.
What if their eyes are flat?
no, i don't watch the episodes
i'm in an "everything is shirt" mood, so i'd just criticize it.
>Tel Aviv
They are just gonna put mindcontrol nanobots in my brain!
I like it when women start to blush and the very tops of their boobs start to flush/redden.
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I'm not even going to bother to argue about the moral,ethic and economic implications of this "society" for an hour because it's not pony related.

But I will say this, I could cuddle a virtual pony without having a computer inside me.
you fuckin wit me
We've been over this. He has trust issues, since much of the original shitposting looks like it came from someone close.
>i don't watch the episodes
Then get out. Mlpg has no need for you.
All the depressed artfags should try aniracetam/piracetam and noopept, it works wonders for motivation and clear thinking. Nuvigil is a prescription nootropic that works well, but it's a very expensive prescription.
But what if they have huge areolas and they peek out even in more modest attire?
well, will you watch it when you feel better?
they aren't, pinkie's spins her's all the way inside out and back again
So you'd invest in advanced AI?
Good thinking.
Fuck off drugfag
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no you can't
that's the whole point

This. He constantly quits and then bounces right back, giving him a popularity boost each and every time. Why people still let him get away with it is beyond me.
I am the law
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>no, i don't watch the episodes
You should! Ponies will enrich your life!
I need some pictures of this ASAP.
If you actually have to take prescription medication to art, then art isn't your calling.
>both don't seem to be available in my country
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I don't think you understand.

It's very possible for engineers to develop a VR helm that can make you you feel without inserting computers into your body.
But what if I WANT to upgrade? I'd like a stronger, more resilient body. I'd like high speed memory and computing ability in my brain.
I'd even like to be linked to an artificial intelligence.
You're insane.
To those who care a bout Kraut
Stop trying to help him or rationalize it
You are only making it worse
Instead of trying to figure him out or making up ways to to help him, stop trying to "help" him
The best way to actually help is to stop trying and trust him sort himself out
He's not a fucking child (as far as I know). Give him a chance to deal with it himself
No he's not
Please get help, sedentary lifestyles contribute to early death, and your family is worried because you're so isolated. Think about this before you go to bed tonight, you're gonna die if you keep sitting down all day.


It enhances your abilities, it's like a performance enhancing drug for your mind. Piracetam is in hundreds of clinical trials right now, but it's been established that it eases anxiety and boosts cognitive ability. It's also used to slow progression of Alzheimers and dementia.

Order it online.
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well pone will wait for you
i honestly cannot think which of his friends it could have been. unless he was delusional and considered some people his friends that weren't actually fond of him. i just want to know which of his friends betrayed him and conspired against him.
Insane for wanting to be more? No, my friend, it is you who is insane for wanting to stagnate.
he's the future
>You are only making it worse


>don't know Kraut
>telling his friends(people who know him) to stop trying to help him
>assuming the best way to help is to stop helping

wow anon thanks for opening everyone's eyes

you are a light in the darkness
Who else but the circlejerkers.
To be more than human is to be human

sometimes "helping" is just enabling.
Thank you, anon.

what are we talking about now

you're a fuynny guy
when you grow up, you'll understnad
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>all this transhumanism talk
I wish I had some people to play this with. Great setting.
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maybe that same engineer will develop a helm that makes you want computers in your body

I don't think we can even avoid it, it's a constant parallel in medicine and technology and we will both be computing pi all day before you know it and it will be great
As it turns out hot water systems left unattended for two weeks can have a dangerous buildup of hydrogen gas

How long until Pinkie ruins everything again?
Yeah fuck that.
I'm inserting all the computers in my body, making myself superior, and making pony real with other computers.
\You want your mind to stay like a faggot in a simulation while your body rots? Fine by me.
Meanwhile I'll enjoy life, real life with real pony


He's seriously mentally ill and he will likely never stop because he's so locked into it and has an audience online. Unless somebody forces him into an intensive treatment program, he'll do this until he dies. There's always going to be someone similar who lives their lives out on the internet and gets their repressed anger and frustration out by saying everything is shit, I figured that shit out when I was still browsing usenet as a kid.


and sometimes anon is just talking out his ass


like here, as seen from the "kid" insult
no, you don't understand what is best for him. that why you are like a child

progress is the most natural and human thing possible
Is it better to be blissfully happy in a virtual reality, or miserable in a real one?
Give me that!
I'd be fine with implanting machines and electronics in my body, just as long as it can't be used by any 'malicious entities' (government) to track and control me. Or others.

okay buddy
>Death is a disease
>cure it
>Extinction is approaching
>Fight it
I love that

this worries me. i once told him in the thread as anon that i don't like him.
he said it was a pity because he liked my art. i wonder who he thought i was.
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You've got great tastes, my friend.
They're tracking you already. I'm sure they have a case file on me somewhere for uploading and sharing so much beast porn.
Nice fat aureolas that bulge even loose shirts.
Basically different types of cleavage.
Too bad that design is so terrible.
What you do best.
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>All these transhumanist on mlpg
I know when the time comes there will be a good number of anti-transhumanist.

you really are showing off how grown-up you are

it was a wonder how anybody stopped Kraut from offing himself before you started shitting advice
>until he dies

You wish.
>tfw you havent watched a single episode of S3
I like it when they spill
We're already defeating disease.


"Gold 'Nanoprobes' Hold the Key to Treating Killer Diseases"
"Researchers at the University of Southampton, in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Cambridge, have developed a technique to help treat fatal diseases more effectively. Dr Sumeet Mahajan and his group at the Institute for Life Sciences at Southampton are using gold nanoprobes to identify different types of cells, so that they can use the right ones in stem cell therapies."
daily dose

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That's not modest, but still.
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>loop a doop doop
>leaving the tab open in the middle of the thread
>fuck who replied to me
>scroll scroll scroll scroll
I know they are. But they don't know where I am or what I'm doing at all times, nor can they control me directly.
Well then we'll just use our advanced mouths to laugh at you
Fuck them, I'm not gonna get stopped by some purist faggot from getting a horsecock.
>ctrl+f (You)
>le upvote
Of course there will be.

People fear change, and change is coming the fastest it's ever come before.
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I feel that kraut is just laughing his ass off from all of this
I would too. He's the new(or old I guess) TAW/Tiara/Tex, where his name can derail a thread in an instant.
I can't remember ever drawing big areolas on anything sorry you must have the wrong guy
I draw normal vanilla stuff

do you feel like you've made up for being retarded yet?
I'd love to be able to connect myself a computer
It's happening already. Go look up "rfid implant", there's a clip of a guy injecting a chip under his skin that lets him open his gun safe by just putting his hand near it. There's a lot of Alex Jones nutters and Christians against it(they say it's the number of the beast).
You can get the game here: http://robboyle.wordpress.com/eclipse-phase-pdfs/
I can't believe I didn't save that image of the robot horsecock
I'm sure there were also people who wanted to kept riding horses when cars were first developed.
By the time we're advanced enough to upgrade our very bodies, something like a larger dick will be utterly pointless and stupid to waste time or resources on.
I'm switching my sex drive OFF.
So how much does Tiarawhy make a month again? His animations is really good, if I was as good as him I'd make all the cash I could.
Too bad.
It'd be nice to have someone who liked big wide hips and puffy nipples.
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Have fun never enjoying the joys of autofellatio while I suck on my glorious mechanical horsedick, then.
They could just implant something in your brain that would give you an orgasm 2/7.
The mark of the beast, yes. And that it is, placed in the right hand or the forehead.
anyone else having cloudflare problems with images?
hide bait, turn on recursive filtering

>something that someone wants but doesn't need will be utterly pointless and stupid to waste time or resources on

do you even capitalism
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Are you fucking with me?
There was a woman who would orgasm at the slightest touch, even fabric touching her.

She committed suicide because it was hell.
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>His animations is really good, if I was as good as him
>tfw half the guys at work are with you and want to do cool shit like augmentation or being a pioneer to Mars
>tfw the other half straight up say they'll beat the shit out of you if you get any sort of augmentation
>only 2 hours a day
GG pls I need Dewbon boobage.

is that a yes?

it's okay, I know you regret preaching in the first place and are just posting memes in an effort to defend yourself as anon
Fuck, Cadance was insanely sexy when she was hypno'd, that evil voice, that fucking look of pure disdain on her face, UNF
>thinking of futa rainbow
Efficiency will be the name of the game in the future when one can upgrade themselves to superhuman levels.
>opening your gun safe is selling your soul to Satan
I hate people sometimes
>Comparing cars to augments
You can already do that without advanced technology and turn your sex drive off for the most
If his animation isn't good, why aren't you making money right now? Haters always gon' hate, you better shrek yourself before you reck yourself
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unf unf
>Augmentfags want to do cool shit and have fun
>Antiaugmentfags will beat you up for wanting to have a cool life
Yep. Just like reality.
Okay, seriously
You are literally retarded to keep responding
people like you are all the same

no it won't
I'm not even pro guns and I agree with you
It's chemical, right? And dangerous.
all right fine let me see what I can do
how big are we talking

>GG pls I need Dewbon boobage.
but I already did that one
When transhumanism happens, people are going to go full hedonistic and plug themselves into a virtual utopia and live as slaves to their pleasures. Good riddance to those people.
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There's still a LOT of room for improvement
i wish people stopped acting like replying takes any amount of effort whatsoever

people like you are all the same
Neat, self solving problem.

As huge as you judge still hot.

I'd be worried about the chip irritating the skin, getting infected, and making your whole hand rot off with gangrene
GG did you ever finish that shining armor wrestling thing? I'll go back and look for it but just curious if you left it off there and went to sleep.
Both are technologic advancements that enable people to do superhuman feats
What exactly is the difference?
Not him, but like that one anthro AJ sequence you did
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You don't have to be good for this fandom.
It's chemical castration, I forget the name of the drug they use, but it is reversible.
yes it will
while you are dying of disease, holding onto that bible, praying to the invisibale man in the sky
the rest of us will be alive and happy and when you're dead, the world will be a better place
Does anyone feel like writing a greentext where anon is from the year 2182 and he is upgraded in every which way including a bionic horse cock. The he gets sent to the magical land of Equestria and fucks a mare of our choosing with his bionic horse cock.

Sometimes I forget people browse MLPG in third-world countries
Nah I was really tired and it didn't go anywhere
just imagine that Rarity and Shining Armor had sexy wrestling time
Chemical, yes, don't know how dangerous
As big as they need to be.
By that logic, you could spend an hour on some drawings and be rolling in dough, so why aren't you?
overlarge; not obese, but at least somewhat proportional

filters are your friends, everyone
>Not him, but like that one anthro AJ sequence you did
...wait, which? I think I've done more than one.
Gets you to places quicker
Increased intelligence
increased strength
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I love DaS comics.
At a guess, probably the one where Twilight used the spell?

Unless it was the naked working one.
Why would anyone be against transhumanism?
>Increased intelligence
>Increased strength
I'm sure people were against those too
what does it feel like to have your dick inside a vagina

is it like mind blowing or world changing

>dying of disease
>holding onto that bible
>praying to the invisible man in the sky

I don't know how the fuck you got all of that from "no it won't"
By that time it may as well be a biologically sculpted and grafted horsecock.
The one with her bush
I know
that's the one I posted last time we talked about how much we like DaS comics
I'm certain that was sarcasm, but

It's true that people on the cusp of something new and fun tend to be pretty cool bros while the Luddites are NO FUN ALLOWED faggots.
>By that logic
Lol no that wasn't the logic I was using. My drawings aren't good but they're still better than Tiara's. Animation is something I've never wanted to do though. The main thing preventing me from making brony bucks is I don't have a credit card or bank account
Aerolas bigger than a handful.
Your intelligence doesn't increase when you use a computer
Operating machinery doesn't increase your body strength
Can do! I can just picture the expression on Rarity's face as he bursts in the boutique and her dawning comprehension amidst their tangled forms. Then she gets ideas of her own.

It was mindblowing in the sense that learning everything you learned about sex being crazy good and a rite of passage was wrong is mindblowing
Was that fucking meme face really necessary?
Well, I'm going to need more Dewbon. Please show her personality more.
Any new fapfics/greentext caps?
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That took way too long. Stupid gif export settings.
>pony finally confronts her inner demons
>She is slowly wining
>pony and pony are together again and they are happy

I'm also happy

Also a half sleeping Twilight telling Celestia , without realizing, that she almost walked on her and Rarity fucking was great
Got any more?
It's fun. Just ends up being one more thing to do, though.
I more so imagine Shining busting in the room in a luchadore mask as Rarity stands there shocked. Then he lifts her over her head and piledrives her into the bed while screaming "So you made fun of my sister HUH?!"

All in spanish probably
Holy shit. That one in the upper right is Glitter Glue. I'm not even kidding.
Computers enable humans to do complex calculations
Machines enable humans to lift extremely heavy stuff
Fear of change. It's shown itself in history again and again.
What the fuck is this?
Well, I hadn't thought of the luchadore mask, but that was more or less how I thought it'd be starting, yes.
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Anon please take a shower.
>Twilight goes to see what they are doing
>Finds Rarity in a dom costumes with a tied up shining armor screaming for help but is muffled by the ballgag
>Rarity just says it's her wrestling costume\
>Twilight smiles, says OK and leaves
Humans themselves don't actually do the calculation
Humans themselves don't actually lift heavy stuff
>Your intelligence doesn't increase when you use a computer
Well yes and no. Exposure to many disparate information sources and reconciling them alone builds several intelligences.
I thought getting sex would stop my want for it. It didn't. Nobody will be sexually satiated forever.
Exactly, it's a chore.
cute nonsexual fanfiction
fuck you I like the stink

if you don't like it I'll just find some pony that does
i did that this morning
MLPG - Transhumanism and horsefucking
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eh, it's probably pretty lame
I'd rather swing swords