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Old thread: >>12645153

Topic: Let's discuss a pony! No wait, three ponies! Not just any three ponies though! Discuss the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
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first for Nono
they are too small
we need bigger ponies
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In the crystal kingdom, gluing broken ponies back together is a very lucrative business.
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Not a dragon
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Hope their micro turns out okay. I liked the preview we saw and the CMC have been pretty good in the show lately.
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Bestest ship
Prove me wrong.
Can I glue them back together with my semen?
Its the same in MLPG

HOT GLUING that is!
>LK will never do a mantis girl alchemist spaghetti quest
That's a pretty good ship.
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> birthday of August 6th
> release date of Equestiria Girls
How should I feel about this? Okay, I guess?

Frothing with anger?

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Stupid baits, they won't leave me alone.
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>pony will never scoff at your tiny penis and then go and fuck a real man
It's based on the male pony having the personality of Dr. Who, which is from another show. All it is is taking the Doctor and shoving him into a pony body. It's not fun, clever, or good.
They're cute. That's about it. Some days I hope they get their talents on the show, then I realize how unlikely that is. A shame.
you have the worst fetish
thats a shitty ship
it doesn't even have fanfiction
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But anon, that's not Rarijack.
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>you will never have a blossoming romance with the pretty mail mare

kill me
dat fukken pout hnnnnng
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What if Trixie just needed some love and affection?
Good, that sounds stupid.
Well of course not, he said bestest
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But Anon
They're like FOURTEEN
what the fuck is that picture i don't even what
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>you will never get to lick Button's Mom's pussy
filled with the urge to write
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All I wanted was a clumsy and airheaded pony, but no, social justice had to win.
>dat mad

It's popular, and funny. Who cares?
It's evident that's not the case, she had the adoration of people like Snips and Snails.
It's clear that Trixie was just a bitch.
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Why is she so perfect /co/?
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>"I-It's... nice anon... I forgot I had this thing to go too..."

Anon, that appears to be Sonic the Hedgehog transformed into a toilet.
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You have impeccable taste.
it makes me so angry knowing that little motherfucker gets more pussy than I do.
Rarity needs to quit farting.
>eye tic

Can't I just fuck the milf pony without any buttons or shitty flash artists
Not proven
...shit. I didn't even do that on purpose.
He should have combined those.
problem, darling?
goodnight mlpg
have happy lewdboops
don't kill yourself, please
>passively squeezing
>not rolling them up and down the shaft
Wow, 2/10 can't even do a proper titfuck
>chistery shitposting and attention whoring again

good night then
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Of course you didn't.
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I just thought I'd show something I found
I'm pretty sure you picked the wrong link
Because Chistery is no cartoon horse
If they were, surely there'd be more porn of them
Rose pls.
>you will never experience a titfuck and blowjob at the same time
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She's stubborn if anything.
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if pinkiesleepoverquest part 2 were to happen soon(tonight)
would you want it to be sfw or nsfw
whichever one doesnt happen tonight will happen later
It's copypasta
Fuck off attention whore
How buoyant would that pink ball of fuzz be?
sfw pls
>tfw 5"x5"
>tfw cum like a zebra
>tfw can't find anyone thats into cum play
>because your dick is too small.
Is CatDog porn even possible?
Don't you want to stay a little longer?
We can play monopoly
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fuck off
it would soak and fully pony would drown.
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For you.
Please Brae
guys I can't
I just can't
SFW. I'm all for porn, but cute ponk is great.
No. It doesn't have genitals.
How was bronycon?
where is the panty shot view with clear bulge showing?
Mostly sfw but I wouldn't mind a lewd ending
Fallout Equestria 15 coming up in a moment

Fuck off
Such autism
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If you'd lived near me I'd let you cum into any reasonable orifice in my body or my face
which chapter is the one where they fuck
Not really into people 11 years younger than me, that's all. Not really thinking 'horny' is the choice for me.

I would but I guess a whole bottle of crush wine makes it almost impossible to write on an old Royal typewriter. Whooo birthdays.

Though I have a little story about Rarity having a mental block and being faced with it I should have edit-ready tomorrow.

Incidentally who's everyone's favorite Equestria Girl so far? Fluttershy? Spike?
woah, what's wrong little pink?
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Nono used to be my waifu before Pinkie Pie.
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No anon, you fuck off.
I'm tired of being pushed around by you.
But I know I'm minority and it will never happen.
We can't have good things.
> Chistery is 25
would you let me watch this ordeal?
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Not sure if it's really fluffle
Or some le epic shitposter extraordinaire
SFW first go, maybe lewd overtones/implications
Then go wild with the nsfw version
Fuck you anon, you need me.

No one loves you but me
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Fuck on
If that is what I think it is then NSFW
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How was the con?
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Fluttershy really. Like her more than her pony version.

And Spike was damn great in EG. Really hope he's just as good in S4.
I don't even know what I'd do with her, in a quest.
Fuck off.
But how can it be simple copypasta if it's always fucking true?
It's the violet eyeshadow, isn't it?

>never happen

Like I just said, anon
Whatever isn't chosen now will still happen later
if pankquest part 2 is sfw for tonight, there will be a nsfw pankquest part 2 too. Like a choose-your-own-ending thing. i just wanted to know what to do first
>hair not moving a little from the turbulence created by her wings
>not blinking first
make me
N-no, I-I don't need you anymore
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NSFW first, dubs confirm
yea she is really special
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Makes her look cuter/unfer
>straight porn is faggotry

Anon you feelin alright
look at that look of defeat in her eyes
she know she'll do anything for to get those apples
Yeah, I guess why not. After all I'm just a mere cum dispenser. Maybe you'd like to donate after watching for a bit
ok, if that's all
Come here and give me a hug, faggot.
Is it true that youve made chryspuff porn?

Chrysalis for yes, Fluffle for no.
>people trying to set up fursona MMORPG
Once you do SFW one first - it most likely there will be no NSFW since it won't be so interesting to you to redo all shit gain, And even if there will be - it most likely will be shorter and lazier then the first one, we both know it.

So the question is different: "which one you want me to put more effort in: sfw and nsfw?"
I like Fluttershy if nothing else because she has the gall to emote that Twilight is kind of weird, even like "who the fuck IS THIS" weird. Equestrian Fluttershy would probably have swallowed Twilight's mannerisms all too easily.

Fluttershy with just a hint of backbone or pragmatism is a nice change of pace.

> cue Anon who actually notices her smuggling animals in every day yet no one notices
this is MLPG after all
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would you
>second life
>main 6 have contests on who can fuck better than the others

Shouldn't be something I headcanon but whatever
If I was to get an OC plush, it'd be my own OC.
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No. That video was shit.
They're seniors in High School
I would cum in that pony's eyes

But not on the plushie, just owning it would be fucking stupid.
she reminds me of Andrea Libman
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Works better on ponoes.
I'd not buy it
>buying OC plushes

On the flip side, if you were to make flufflepuff plushes for spaghetti con you'd be swimming in money
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>not an oversized Red Ribbon plush
but you could steal the OC
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Is that store of yours bringing in the brony bux?
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>tfw you quote wrong post
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Actually i've got 2 different stories/paths planned that makes them pretty different, so it wont be drawing the same things.
though I do plan to do more for the NSFW one. I'll do the SFW one tonight; i'll do my best to put equal effort into both, because i have a lot of fun doing it
but my eyes are brown and boring
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>mature adults that use drugs responsibly and in moderation
It better be big enough for me to crawl inside of
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Don't you mean >liberals?
We weren't even talking about pancakes, quentin.
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Dash plz
Rarity still hasn't recovered from the last fuck-off
>Doing drugs
>Stabbing yourself in the brain
>Implying moderation matters
> Seniors
I was never very clear on this given the CMC seemed a bit young to be freshmen, but

Shoot, whatever, you're probably right, they're all 17 or 18.
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>promises from drawfag
why do I laugh

do you ever wonder who's OC you are
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Attack on Titan looks pretty cool but why don't the humans just build mechs to solve their problems like normal anime people?
2 extra holes.
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This is not something I want to see
Shit eyes.

Blue eyed masterrace.
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Pretty much this. A more talkative and emoting Fluttershy would be great.
>must dress nicely for event

this is my biggest fear since i only own cargo shorts and graphic Ts.
>edgy shit
They don't have the technology for it
If only I could sew, I'd make a big ass RR plush that I could crawl and play video games in.

Now which end would you crawl in
CMC >>>>>> Main 6
>big enough for me to crawl inside of
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you can go with Fluttershy than since everyone expects her to go with some loser
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Chysalis doesn't have to sex, she just uses Fluffle like a buffet!
the back of course
It needs to be different, si ot can be extra-generic in other areas.
Just trying to be pragmatic

Watched it for the first time not too long ago.
I liked it.

Because that's Pacific Rim
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What you're saying is, you'd fuck them if given the chance right?
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Good thing I never have to go to any events.

A life of solitude has it's many perks.
> two sets of ears

Not sure how to feel about this
Because it wouldn't be as fun as slashing at giants while slinging away on rubber bands
>stabbing yourself in the brain

It's actually causing a temporary, pleasurable chemical imbalance with no long term effects, granted you're not doing awful dependence inducing shit like meth or tobacco or something that's completely useless like LSD.

I don't like doing drugs at all and even I know that it's better to be informed than to be an insufferable straight edge faggot. Being ignorant is worse than being a motormouth pothead.

>like weed 420 one love
>brain rape degeneracy
>erry day all day
>degeneracy degeneracy
I'm just glad they cured Pinkie's face cancer from the original artwork.
>not crawling into her through her mouth and cuddling another pony plushie in her stomach
Bullshit. They've got better than perfect jetpack technology. Plus Japanese and quasi-Japanese characters can build robots out of sticks and leaves. It's in their blood.
No, man, anyone under 23 is almost poison

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Don't mind if I do.
>wings are covered
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What do you think it tastes like?
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would you play pony monopoly
sounds good
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>being baited this hard

Actually that looks like fun, sure.
Ass burgers
> oversized sweater
> and knesocks



They're european and they don't even have computers
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What up my bitches!
Sour apple smoothies
One promotes health.
The other promotes mental degeneracy.

>hurf durf a drug addict is better than a person who simply says no to drugs
>flash puppets
>cloudsdale the 2nd richest town
>shithole ponyville dump is cheapest

its hard not to be baited by it

my older brother is a pothead and my younger sister is a xXXStr8_3DGYXXx. life is pain.
I don't like that song. It's not even close to his best.
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But she's self conscious about her wings...
Fluffy is that you?
Since when did you get a tripcode?
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>Fluttershy's wings are unusually large for a pegasus
Cotton candy. Because she's so sweet.
No, not close.

But close to the subject matter.
posting on 4chan is degeneracy
Since when
She just knows that she can't go fast
i cant tell what is going on in that picture. all i know is i see panties and part of a butt
>playing videogames with a flashlight inside a giant plush RR's stomach
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>>to the moon
>the moon actually a prison colony
>luna only broke out because she did the magic equivalent of weightlifting in the yard
>nightmare moon is actually her prison name
>she had several prison bitches and has shanked a punk or two
>Tfw depression and attention span issues
>Did shrooms and went through a math book
>Haven't been depressed in months

Le alternative medicine face

>tfw anti-hippy laws are impeding the creation of a psilocybin derived drug that does the same thing but better
>Fluttershy working up the courage to ask someone somewhere

Must be a monumental task for her. Especially if she had any feelings other than platonic friendship toward the person she's asking.
That's not fluffy, he was whiny, but not quite insufferable.
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>its hard not to be baited by i

ya i know that is why i use it as bait. that is the whole point of bait.

up next is uncut is superior to cut and all girls prefer it.
Using a website is not degeneracy.
Doing drugs,Drinking alcohol,having sex,listening to rap etc is degeneracy.
You could of done that without drugs.
but drugs make baby jesus cry and terrorists win
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How do you keep on going?
>plush pony sleeping bag
why is this not a thing
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Both of these are believable.

Months ago. I just never posted here. But I have nothing better to do, so here I am~
I take breaks. And write fapfiction. And play League.

The cycle continues ad infinitum.
i fucking hate that fat cunt's face

also everything else about it.
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Why do car wheels even need to pivot?
Why can't you just have the car apply more power to the side opposite the direction you're turning like a tank?
turning ponies into sleeping bags is already a fetish
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And it would be the most adorable thing ever.
one step at a time
>taking a break from your money printer to come here

You're pretty swell

It was nice meeting you~
>not playing WOW
"Absolute territory" is the area between panties and stockings, so > DEM THIGHS that MLPG is so excited about

The picture is kind of terrible though

That face gives me the worst of nightmares
>You could of done that without drugs.

Suicide inducing antidepressants and addictive adderall = drugs
that's not hard
because that is far less efficient and would damage the wheels
Because fuck you.
Because after many suicidal thoughts I came to the conclusion that who am I to think living is worthless if I didn't explore it.
>tfw Xanax
not even once
I know. Can you imagine being the person she's asking? Like, even if you didn't know her characteristics, you'd understand that's rough. But after you realize how she acts day to day, how talking to anyone that's not in her circle of friends or related to them is difficult. You'd see her desire to be near you in a whole new light.
no man

manning up and dealing with life solves everything. if it doesn't you should just kill yourself and go to heaven instead of doing drugs and eventually going to hell.
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Months ago. Those were better days.
Hitler did nothing wrong, he was just a struggling artist.
Not really, >dem thighs is an overall appreciation for the thigh as a whole. Absolute territory is certainly a subset of thigh and leg appreciation, however.
Those are drugs
Why are drivers seats to the side?

Why not have them in the center? Why not triangle cars?
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I absolutely hate how they all speak like retards. It does not help that it seems like all the fluffy ponies are drawn by just one guy.
I'm literally autistic so a constant supply of chemicals is pretty much the only way

Placebos and therapy don't work on assburgs
Livin just to keep going
Going just to be sane
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Can't help but think she would never try.

It would have to be the male to approach with her, and even then good luck.
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>Goddamnit, are yous sayin' that I'm too sick to fight tonight? The hell yous talkin' about brutha!"
>she sneezes
The More You Know (TM)
Well, I hope you don't get sucked into false friends after last time. At least here people tell you shit up front, even if it is insults.

That picture reminds me of


Inside all that fur there is a trapped pony.
I'm autistic and I don't need any of that.
That's part of the thing with them though.
People who enjoy killing retards for some reason
>It was nice meeting you~
You made a post in the same thread on an anonymous image board.

That's like when a famous person does an AMA and suddenly redditors are going around saying that they met them.
I remember when Fluffy used to draw for us then complain how ungrateful we were. Better days.
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why aren't you winghugging your little ponies
because they pretty much are. the only fluffy pony that really sticks out and isnt drawn by that guy is fluffle puff. but we dont consider her a fluffy pony.
>epic roleplay
>tfw you will never meet up with anyone here and be depraved into a slutty cum dumpster
>you will never be spitroasted front and back by a never ending line of anons, ready to go after next after the previous anons dispense their seed in you
any object touching a surface makes contact at exactly 3 points
It takes one guy to ruin something.
Remember when we always gave Fluffy shit because all his vectors looked soulless?
too much of a coward to kill myself.
i can't help myself and can't ask others for help
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How am I supposed to winghug anything without wings, anon.

Why are you taunting me like this.
At the start, sure. Bump into her at the market, chat a little. Try to get her to open up a bit. Ask if she wants to get tea.
When she says no or runs off, take it in stride. Just ask her again the next time you see her. Courteous but persistent.
Find her interests, talk to her about them. Talk to her friends, get to know them. Slowly but surely show that you're interested in her and hopefully she returns the effort down the road.

Then after some time, months, maybe a year even, she just shows up and does this. Struggles to ask you to go somewhere with her, just the two of you. But she manages it.

And you're in.
Do you have a vagina?
ew, no.
if i could i would be sunset satan's cocksleeve

They still do.
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>That's like when a famous person does an AMA and suddenly redditors are going around saying that they met them

I did meet him though. At the con.
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I laughed
They still do
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Mine keep getting caught in my sweater.
17year old Sweetie Belle in short midriff exposing shirt, A-B cups.

>you will never meet up with one of the bicurious anons here, share a few bowls, and then let them suck your cock and return the favor if they want
>you will never play vidya together and brag about it on MLPG after
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>MLPG suddenly hates fluffle
what happened?
Yep, those were the days and they were well over a year ago.
I have even less reason to like him now since his content now has been run completely into the ground.
>Fluffy's folder of thousands of show accurate vectors that he never bothered to upload
>Sweating man.png
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but i have no wings
He is the most introverted fuck I've ever met.
Why aren't car bumpers made out of rubber or some other more durable/less fragile material? It IS called a BUMPER after all.
I'm happy that you're happy with being different but some of us want to force ourselves into acting, thinking, and feeling normal

Check your cis-autistic privilege, you transnormalphobic patriarch.
Apparantly the guy is a jerk

I still like his work though
I don't hate him, I'm just indifferent to his art or him, but he's know for throwing bitch fits and tantrums when he doesn't get enough attention

Any of you remember that time he got mad when someone shared his "secret" stream?
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>show accurate
He is, but it's clearly shown in his tumblr
>she's just going with you to be nice
>she doesn't want to hurt your feelings by denying you
>Wanting AIDS
fluffle is kind of dumb

random character pairing and dumb crossovers from deviantart dumb

also the artist is a dick
because the point of a bumper to to crush and colapse in a car crash

This absorbs the energy in the impact and increases the odds of the driver/passengers surviving
You're not fucking stupid, right?
This happened even before we switched boards, he left us for all intents and purposes anyway.
>MLPG suddenly hates fluffle

The fuck?
He's always been a twat
I don't hate him.
He's just an asshole.
An asshole in a group of assholes.
Introverted people on 4chan seems to be a common thing.
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>bitch fits and tantrums when he doesn't get enough attention
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get in loser, we're going swarming
you're the person i was just talking to, aren't you?

>tfw I used to vector dozens of screencaps from the show before I wondered "lol why am I doing this?"
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Burn the entire car and the ground it was on
>Move on to a different pony, hoping for better luck.

>Fluttershy somehow falls for you after witnessing you doing something sweet for other pony.

>responding to "____ suddenly hates ____ what happened" posts

it's literally the most effective bait used on 4chan recently

know your enemy
he used to stream the show on premiere days and only shared the link to his friends, he got mad and stopped streaming after it got posted here
Because that would be more expensive than replacing a fibreglass bumper

And just don't get into an accident you chink
i don't see the connection between kortz and that picture.
except for the fact that both chrysalis and kortz are ded
Fluffle is Fluffy?
But I thought we were his friends...
Is it even legal to drive while wearing a bugsuit?
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>tfw you caught aids from injecting shrooms using your friends weed needle
>tfw now you're a fat homosexual jew that faps to horses

/pol/ was right

degeneracy: not even once
I'm my own worst enemy, I know myself very well.
>that feel

If you meant this then yeah

How would a rubber bumper help absorb the impact any less?
>it was you jumping in front of a fully loaded runaway cart and pushing a mare out of the way
>you were crushed and instantly killed
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Not ever.
Because rubber doesn't absorb, it redirects.
that shit was always full, but the quality was terrible so i guess its ok i couldnt get in
that's why he bring his own needles, and have more cheese than doritos, cheetos or fritos
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What size does 0r0 draw on and with what size pen.

It looks like it takes him forever because of the tiny lines that he didn't clean up.
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Indeed and I know that was before Kraut, but the condition didn't have a name until it was identified in Kraut.
You have a weird take on what you wish to happen to yourself in a hypothetical situation.

Are you okay, anon?
BDSM with Acid
...Close acquaintances?
...People who used him for free art?

I don't have a reaction picture derogatory enough for you but just so you know I'm disgusted at your stupidity.
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why can't she be real, mlpg?
As good as, her people are going to starve in the area they were banished to.
>tfw no male on futa domination
I wouldn't mind having AIDS
Or any terminal illness really

I'd like to slowly but surely die
bat pony general is shipping all of their OCs together now

I thought I'd tell you since you're his dad
Why aren't you at the party yet?
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W-why does this turn me on
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Okay then how is deflection less beneficial than absorption?
that's cute
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no, fuck that
>go to equestria
>turn into a pony
>celestia is afraid that your new form will help you accidentally corrupt ponies and introduce degeneracy into their pristine culture
>put to death for being a crime against nature
Congratulations! You already are.
It's called "being alive"
Did they start numbering their threads yet
Maybe I have a death wish yet no desire for suicide.

No, it's not going to go in the opposite direction, it's going to go THROUGH the rubber into the car. It's like those pendulum balls.
actually the stream was meant for MLPG. he got mad that people were posting it to ponychan and EQD. he wasnt the only one mad that day.
What if by consuming the little pony you could become the little pony?
>flee to gryphon lands
>captured and raped by hot catbirds
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You could always ask him yourself
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nobody told me.
tell me where and i'll bring a bottle if cheap sangria
oh and they decided their OCs are sisters and brothers with equestria prevail's OCs

I forgot that part
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I made like 3 of those OCS
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>you're his dad
Bullshit, that slut was fucking Ponychan on the side.

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I'd eat ten, just to be sure
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>my fingernails hurt
>Kraut was Sb all along
oh wow
are they all just cheap recolors or do they have original manecuts?
yea, are you a guy?
Inb4 dumb candlejack meme

Desudesu twinkie house loli haet pizza duckroll give up xD so retro

Porkslope turkeyhandle
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What is your favorite cutest oc.
Aw, our little thread is growing up.
panka pae
50/50 and one of them is a special snowflake
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Why does it seem as if though people don't know how to filter things? If you don't like something, either ignore it, discuss it, or filter it so you don't have to see it ever again. Nobody cares that you don't like it.
Yes I know this is hypocritical.
I would! I really like the sketchy effect his lines have. But I don't think he responds to those kinds of questions.

Oh yes, yes they are.
you know?
Hey assholes, stop watching shows for little girls.
It's not related to us, it's better that way.
No-one invited me
You probably weren't supposed to tell me about it
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Is SMT/Persona a good game?
Yeah, I have a cock.
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would you go to Fluttershy's sad party?
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hi Ferb
Hey little girls, stop watching shows for assholes.
Yeah, anon posted an article about it two days ago I think, shit's crazy, and my hands hurt just from imagining the pain.
depends which one you're talking about
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try anyway? he can't answer a question he doesn't have
otherwise, I guess you'd have to sit in on his stream and ask then
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I've always had a soft spot for wildfire
>mfw I see Kerbal thread in the sub
Are you talking about SMT or Persona?
>cheap sangria
I thought you had standards Kraut
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you like dicks?
oogie boogie
is she rubbing her pussy against yellow bed?
Does it end in sloppy needy fuckings?
Does Kraut have the big dick?
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some are, yes
but that's a background pony, not an OC
how does george clooney keep ending up in movies that do bad things to his fingernails
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I just wanted to be sure you are still here Kraut. Thanks for confirming it.
>The entire thing is you two taking turns crying about your troubles while the other cradles you
>You're both absolutely plastered
I'm going to need the rest.
>are they all just cheap recolors or do they have original marecunts?

Ice Pack
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SMT mostly, I just heard Persona being tied to it in some way thats why I assumed it was the same.


Thats a cute ponimouto
When did you get into pony and when do you think you reached the peak of your hype over the show?
i lost a fingernail once. it isn't as bad as you think it is. i would still spess
it's the closest thing to meds i can afford.
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Which pone(s) would be into yuri? Would they watch or participate?
>posting in /mlpg/
>when you're older than 19
I wish I didn't unironically like this
Jr is that you posting the Sweetie robo pics?
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>not loving your pony
is that the same kind of creature that were murdered by chrysalis and the changelings?
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My own

Drawn on a GNU Thinkpad X41 tablet
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this is not your fucking blog. posting in spoilers does not excuse you.
T-there's still hope for me
Madoka a shit.
the persona games are pretty much an offshoot of the smt games, the combat is similar, but overall the games are much different
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eh I only got a few.
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That's a very cute pony.
I watched my first episode on November 17th 2011 after someone on a Something Awful TF2 server kept talking about it for a whole game. The first episode I watched was The Cutie Pox as it was the newest episode at the time. I then watched all of Season 2 and then all of Season 1 over the next 3 or 4 days.

I would say I haven't peaked in my hype yet. I am super excited for Season 4 and I can feel the excitement building week to week.
SMT is a pretty good RPG series, but remains kind of low in the public radar

Persona is the dating sim spinoff that all the cool kids fell in love with
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Just a couple.
after the second ep in s1 i was hooked. i was obsessed as hell, staying up all night for new eps buying shitty toys talking about horses all day.
after the s2 finale is when the hype started to fade.
Oh calm your tits, it's not like there's some magic cutoff where you stop being able to make new choices
no just an anon, havent even read his robo sweetie stuff
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You will love them then.
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>Let me tell you a little something about mares, anon
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>you will never see a tangerine the size of a tangerine
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The unacceptable part is how so few exist!
I don't like any of this
why does a dayguard have bat wings
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I agree. Rarijack is a solid ship
I sat alone in the morning light watching the first episodes as they aired, just so I could be a /co/ hypefaggot

Two episodes later I lost interest. Then the pone kicked into overdrive mid-2011.
But I do love my pony.
>Kraut is an alcoholic now
This just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
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Or how some remain never finished at all.
Let me try and fix that.

ask equestria prevails
Ah I see,

Hmmmm I'll see if I can try it out one day. I am kind of interested. I just hope it has a translation of sort.

All these bats are very cute ~
>no face
>no post on the sub thread
>not playing on the server
are you a ghost or what
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I think you're pretty cool, anon.
This needs to be finished. Maybe with an Anon holding Swiffer.
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You do not show your love for pony enough.

Pony feels neglected.
march 2011, hype remained pretty constant until the second hiatus, then pone hype dropped
I love my pony

That's why I don't force her to wear a collar and skip going to the barber
I don't really play, I just advertise because I think the sub can be used more.
Pony peaked during the S2 opener, no one believed what was leaked here so not even that could put a damper on our mood.
I will vigorously fist pone until she is a squirming wet heap
>human pose
>It's obviously Tabasco.

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Goodnight, MLPG.

May you pony in your dreams.
This was drawn by a russian.

Do you think pony is kept high on meth and pimped out on the streets of moscow?
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>mfw just ate a tangerine for breakfast

( . )Y( . )
guess it wasn't that obvious
lemon tell bat pony general to stop making OCs
they've made over a dozen in their 3 weeks of existing
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This is advanced darkness
>Open fridge
>Grab tabasco
>Pour her all over my dick
>Smash her on the floor
>Pick up the spicy glass shards
>begin masturbating with them
What leak? I wasn't around here during the beginning of S2.
hurry up and eat ghost's heart already
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No, even Russians love their ponies.
Some guy posted the plot to part 1 that he got from a friend of a friend.
Come one man...
If you are going to attempt it, you have to at least add filler.
it does, but you dont really have to start with smt1, i started with 3
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>tfw it feels like you're missing out
>tfw that everything good is ahppening somewhere
>tfw with nobody in your bed, the night is hard to get through
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Do russians put cameras on their ponies to fight insurance fraud?
is that oecake?
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>mfw reminiscing about watching dumb Youtube videos with frens
Just cool? You wouldn't want to do anything to me?

Stick a few fingers in me just to tease me, rubbing my frenulum, getting me close but not close enough? Forcing your stiff shaft down my throat, not letting me up for air until I hilt it for a good "while" Not depraving me, leaving me in a haze of pleasure and arousal as I beg for you to cum inside me?But instead covering my face with your warm seed until I'm unable to open my eyes without seeing white?
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there will always be an image dump thread with the image that you like to post in it
and then when you make a slightly edited version of the image to bypass duplicate file errors somebody will save it and post it in an image dump thread later on
>Russian pony sees massive explosion in the air
>Puts down visor like nothing odd is ahppening.
Sounds interesting. Think I'll go archive dive for it.
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Thank goodness, I'd probably drive anyone in my bed fucking crazy.
I toss and turn like an epileptic crackhead.
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>tfw you're life sucks
>tfw you want to kill you're self
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Kraut I hope you feel better soon.
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I know that feel.

>tfw I'm useless
Yeah, it was when GG was goofing off.
I can't remember the date it was posted, but there are a few caps of it floating around.
best ship
i hope i never feel again
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I'll never forget them
That's for the best, I snore.
Change it.
give me your hats first

then see a therapist
I can't afford to feel that way.
I'm not allowed.
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I like GG streams.
Eh, guess I just see what I want to see...
Also red skeleton kinda makes it look like that was what he was going for.

I think it was ArtAnon.

I would love to see it finished.
They are full of chaos and fun.
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.gif still makes me laugh.

Even if it is fake.
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>getting new roommate
>parents coming over to visit
>carefully stash pony shit away beforehand as instructed
>act chill as fuck around them
>realize I left out the S1 DVD on my rack
>shitshitshit stop glancing at it they'll notice
>fuckfuckfuck what do?
>struggle to remain chill
>they finally leave
Wait a minute.

Are those two on the right GG actually putting effort into his drawings?
>tfw I can now imitate the CAD miscarriage comic now that the Redheart toy is around.
>pallette asks triple stuf to help straighten her crooked bench
>I don't have enough vodka to deal with this shit
do it do it do it do it
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Best Marine base to work on?

It's hard to compare them based on anything other than location at this point.

3 are in the fucking desert, 2 are reasonably close to San Diego, 5 are somewhere South of the Bible Belt, one is in Honolulu, another one in Okinawa, and the last one is in DC but it looks like it's smaller and mostly just for show so it'd be difficult to get into.
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No, it's apple. They were both drawing.

It's pronounced "your"
who would win a pie eating contest

red ribbon or tripple stuf?
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Fucking Russians, man.
Okinawa. Aside from that
>joining the muhreens
I lack a Dr. Doom figure. to play the roll of the doctor...
I may have to substitute something...
And build some shitty props.
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You're telling me.
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A lot of humurous things happen there
It could be cool to see GG trying to imitate another artist's style
He's done his own thing so much that its all he can do, but definitely has a good understanding of shapes and knows how to make things look how he wants
it's actually gravitational lensing.
triple stuf is so massive that her mass bends photons travelling around her, leading to distortions of areas close to her in our line of sight.
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this one
You have a choice?
Honolulu, living will be expensive there though.
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Still one of my favorites.
My little bro was in Okinawa. They moved him over to some base he didn't even want back in the states because everybody wants to be in Okinawa. You can't really stay there forever.
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February the debut weekend of Feeling Pinkie Keen.

I think I hit my hype peak during the second hiatus. Though I'm getting a good feeling about Season 4 if the animatics say anything.
Those guys ran from the bear.

They're obviously not Russian.
>oh they are repairing a race car
>I bet another one plows into them
>any second now
But the natives are giant faggots. Literally giants, in some cases.
Uh, duh, moron. None of them were russian. They were in Russia from Finland on a race team. It was in Russia and the bear was an outraged native.
Got into pone during summer of last year, right as the hiatus hit. Probably hit my peak of hype right before S3 started, and then it was all downhill.
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What is happening?
Got in on it about a week or so after a canterlot wedding aired
>my exact thought process when I watched that gif for the first time
They were just practicing pit stops.
Russia man...
needs more krokodile melted limbs
Russian strategy and tactics.
>run up to this and blow it the fuck up
> tfw on family vacation and no DTR restoration device

At this rate I'll never be the slutty mare.

How stealth do you all try to be around the family, MLPG?
>hype before S3
Missed the S2 finale, eh?
It was all down hill from there.
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want to skype?

Not in the Marines just yet but I heard you were able to at least submit your top base choices from a list. I would likely spend most of my time on-base though, and if it was Okinawa I'd probably want to move back to the States as soon as I made rank enough to live off-base. Not that I wouldn't want to go there, I would, I just wouldn't want to stay there forever.
Holy shit it's like a clown car.
>The NMM toy.
Oh my fucking god...
I can't...This toy looked funny from the picture, but face to face...
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Sorry Xieril
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Crazy Russians and their damn cute ponies.
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"I've never been a pussy cause my hood would never let me"
-Lil Wayne
Yes, Artyom, we know your mother put out.

Must you continue to be so confused and hurt about it? Sheesh, you'd think she was a saint who destroyed all the Dark Ones in their rotten nest.

eh.. I havent visited their generals for some time. I'll try.
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How does rainbow make his ponies so cute?
That's Russian tactic. Just throw people at things until the job gets done.
never reveal power level
not to anyone ever
Remember when we found that Russian MLP site and they were all really cool?
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m8 U WOT?
didnt they hat us?
I was annoyed at the S2 finale, but I was new and riding high on pone. So much speculation and worldbuilding and forming of headcanons. It was great.
I wish I could recapture that feeling. I want to worldbuild and shit.
I was actually the one that posted the link.

Those were fun times.
I remember they posted a meetup pic for us and they were all pretty good looking.
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Remember when MLPG invaded japan
What it is is a "Base of Preference" and it is more commonly known as a "Dream Sheet" for a reason. Before you sign, make sure they have a base and job you want locked, otherwise they will move you around as they see fit. Once you are in, you have to compete to get what you want, such as a base, job, anything above basic enlistment positions, etc. Even then, they can move you around because they feel like it. I've known people shoved into my career field because theirs was deleted.
until they started to hat us.
I wish I could find the desire to write instead of wishing to bury myself in a hole and thinking nobody wants me.
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Same, but with art. It sucks because I need to make rent.
We hat them too so is okay

Now we are in cold war
Making pony art cuter to devastate other side when fighting is break out
>I wish I could find the desire to write
speaking of which, I'm about90% finished with my fic but i keep getting distracted
I couldn't post because it said I wasn't Japanese...
post a few lines of what you have already
what if some of the namefags are double agents?
There will never be a time where I look at the S2-3 hiatus through rose tinted goggles.
It was horrible and I pretty much quit until S3.
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best cold war ever

we should threaten to decimate each other more often
Gotta take a chance and make your stuff. Nobody is going to want you if you do nothing, so get to work!
It was my first hiatus, right after marathonning the show. Holy shit I was so pumped.
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Back atcha.
but if it escalates the is a danger of mutually assured ded____
wwould you a pony
Some other time anon.I have to make another Skype account.
So, MLPG, what water-based lube goes best with your favorite pony?
> The life of an immortal is a long and lonely path filled with regrets and cherished memories.

>Princess Celestia has been alive for well over a Millenia and the number of lives she has seen come and go; she has lost count of a long time ago. There was a time when she thought that she would grow used to the feeling of loss. For what is the short life of the average pony can only be akin to a change of seasons for the Sun Princess. She knows she cannot save everyone and that death is a natural part of life, that should not be tampered with; a concept so alien to her as those she cared for all eventually passed on while she remained the same age. Coping with these terms was her responsibility as the ruler of Equestria.

>She never really got used to it...
I still need to proofread it
As if there's anyone here who's russian and been covert long enough. I doubt you can just one.
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>Hasbro has been getting better at the toy models.
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fuck you im the only eridan in these parts
>Nobody is going to want you if you do nothing
i hope you're right
but they aren't OCs retard, both guard poneis and batponies are in the show
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>right after marathonning the show
That high after seeing all the episodes for the first time and getting used to the fandom is great.
Good night.

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I can smell the vodka coming off your grammar, comrade.
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brokenenglishanon must be the worst saboteur in history.
Dude, seriously, teaching how to masturbate is in NO WAY rape. Loosen up, Twilight.
How come Russians have that distinct accent in English and make all those similar grammar mistakes?
>you will never hunt for artifacts in the zone with your favorite pony
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>all this shipping
I hate shipping
Why do I hate shipping.
what about button?
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Look at what he's wearing, he wants it
MLPG wouldn't get along with Russians

They hate homos
there is not a female batpony on the show
No particles of speech. Is pleasing to be havings.
Because no one ever ships you.
because grammatical structure. apart from pronouciation it is usually thing like missing pronoun.
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What about Japan
Voice too annoy
Button x Rumble when?
How do they feel about general deviancy with little regard towards gender?
Japan hates everyone.
Ask a japanese guy about american accents.

>they hate homos
>yet they ship lesbian horses

They're either full of shit or the krokodil is melting their brains.
>tfw Putin outlawed the gay
I hate them too. The homos are the most annoying part of MLPG.

I wouldn't if they didn't post twice the amount of fetish shit as straightfags
I wasn't aware America had an accent until someone pointed it out to me.
Japan hates inferior gaijin, especially white piggus.
Seriously Japan is one of the most racist places on the entire planet.
doesnt Russia have a pretty good reason for it though? obviously there's religion but arent they going through some kind of population crisis?
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>Because of our grammatical structure. Apart from pronunciation it is usually things like missing pronouns.
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>The Russian government finds out about MLP.
>See all the blatant homosexuality.
>We never see our Russian brothers again.
>Except on the news in the raids.
>MLPG takes screens of random Ruskie beedrooms full of Pony merch.

Ah that stinks...
Would owning/renting your own off-base home help keep you in one base, or would they expect you to terminate your lease? At least once you make E-4 you're entitled to a private on-base room I guess. Not that I wouldn't mind having a roommate, but then again, not forever. In any case as long as I'm on-base I don't think which base I work at would matter as much to me when I probably won't even leave as often.

I also know there are occasionally room inspections. Are these very thorough? I'd have no problem keeping things clean, it'd just be reassuring to know they wouldn't rummage around personal belongings too much, like if they were in an unlocked footlocker or drawer.
What this guy said. >>12653303
>Good reason for outlawing the gay
What the fuck are you smoking.
Because different language rules? All russian learn Russian Language so of course they all have the same mistakes with English
faggot detected
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>tfw russian MLPG will live on
>as chatter between shifts in the coal mines when the guards aren't watching
Someone alert the great leader!
when you have a dwindling population and a huge amount of babies are born with defects, pressure to try and have children must be prevalent
The hebrews originally outlawed gay sex because it did nothing but ruin assholes and spread disease

They're still sort of right. There's nothing you gain from anal except degenerate pleasure. Suck dicks, frot, and do intercrural only pls.
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>Fight breaks out.
>Someone said that another's wife pony was slut.
What are you gasping at, Pinkie?
> MLPG becomes /pol/

Can we just talk about horses instead of Russian ass-sex, please?
im gay and I hate anal
what do I win?
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But... I-I'm Russian.
my words exactly
I thought Japan was really polarized. Like you either get someone who thinks you're a dirty Gaijin and there's people who follow you around because they think you're cool.
wait, what movie did we watch with panka anyways?
Super Size Me
i once heard that some japanese think little blonde blue eyed girls are a good omen
Or the girls swarm you if you have epic facial hair and the men get pissed as hell.
>The essence of Russian identity is substance abuse and anger
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>tfw russian immigrant
>tfw moved to eastern wa state
>tfw got free money for being russian
>tfw lots of other russians and russian food stores
>tfw tracksuit is still in fashion here
>tfw red dawn remake was filmed here
>tfw i can like pony all i want and everyone thinks its cool because i have a russian accent
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What's next, anon?
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what about horse ass-sex?
So homosexuals are supposed to just change their mind and become straight?
It doesn't work that way.
I thought Russians were supposed to be really friendly
Holy shit...
russians have a reputation for being badass
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only when they're drunk
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Taking a few requestsus
The SAW series.

An actual Russian born and raised in Russia?
Or one of those Americans who claims to be whatever is most relevant in their heritage? Like every year on St. Patrick's when the assholes of New England come out of the woodwork and tell everyone how "Irish" they are and ask you to kiss them.
tickle her. she needs to get the laughter out of her system.
>Button x Rumble
come on, i was being serious
I guess that'd be fucking stupid.
Let's watch a romantic comedy
they can move to america with the other faggots
Aren't they always drunk?
>Any facial hair.
Nothing. You're one of a wide majority according to recent polls.
i hate cunts with special snowflake syndrome like that
They can fuck a women for the kids and then go back to the daily buttsex

it shouldn't be hard since russian women look like men anyways
That's adorable.
I'm with >>12653497 on what to do next.
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Another cute movie!
Draw human Rarity doing the splits.
A big giant lolipop covered in pinkies
Now you know why they are scary as hell as a military.
They only get another drink when they win.
Higher rank might keep you on your base, but not stop deployments. What happens is if you are off base and have to deploy is your lease freezes by law. You don't pay if there isn't anybody living there and they can't give it away.

And yes they do room inspections. Once a month for the real one where you have to not fail a certain number of things or a single important thing, or random ones that just make sure. There are what's called "dorm raids" where they get every single person up, send them to the community center, make everybody do a urinalysis, and while away they search the room. They have to be able to get into everything. When you are living there, they get to search at will. Mostly they just find people sleeping there who aren't supposed to be. They do find drugs, especially now that "spice" is illegal for military personel. I'm sure they found my fleshlight but that isn't against the rules.
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This is really cute
Post more fluttersquid/squidponies
I see what you did there...
I wish I didn't.
>Japan hates inferior gaijin, especially white piggus
not everyone, but we hate white trash as same as any countries
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it must be tough going to pony meetups in russia. with the homosexual torture going on you have to fear for your life. even if you arnt gay good look trying to explain it to the attackers.
What is this spice?
> mfw I was one of the first to suppose she was getting fucked absolutely silly from behind the curtain
> the bait
> oh the bait
>tfw just watched equestria girls

i thought it was actually pretty good. It was cute, designs weren't too terrible (the prom ones were actually bretty good), the lunchroom rally song/part was probably my favorite. story was nothing but that's not a big deal.

But if you have a cute nonsexual idea...
Spoiler: its sand worm poop that lets you see in the future if you eat a lot of it
Shesh, nuke you a few times and you get all uptight about our scum...
Meanwhile your country literally is full of NEET's
the thing is. you don't have to go to a pony meet-up in a rainbow-dash shirt. if you judt dress as you would every day, no one would bat an eyelid
But what if they found my silicon mare vagina
How can you say that when I just want to give you a great big hug?
It needs to happen
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Ah hahaha, no.
Russian women are just plain ugly, not manly.
Is Button Mash incest porn the new thing?
We sound like lispy germans?

you're nice dude, we cordially welcome you.
no, tiara is just forcing it.
That stuff is really really bad for you
the story said the attackers used craigslist to lure in homos.

if they put an ad for a pony meetup and you show they will beat your ass
>Steven Magnet has Rarities tail for his Stash.
>Rarities tail is cropped.
I found it painfully mediocre.
Then I want all of it

And /mlp/ is eating it up so I'd have to say yes.
Haha, joke one you!

I secret spy! Everyone out my way or I kick your ass! I Mike Tyson Ronald Raygen!
Also, apparently, there is some unknown white substance at the base of his mustache...
If it isn't illegal or against dorm rules, then you don't get in trouble. By law they can't divulge what they find, but they could and laugh at you behind your back.
Oh great the potheads are back

Ah that's good about the lease situation! I heard somewhere that it just continues to be paid through your BAH while deployed. The dorm raids I guess I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't plan on having anything illegal in my room or really anything suggestive. What about electronics? Do they have the ability to go through your computer or tablet and search your documents? Again nothing illegal, just nervous about anyone getting into my 4chan/pony folder, though I'd likely halt anything pony related during my time on base, at least while sharing a room. Thanks for answering these questions too by the way.
some are forcing it to be edgy and some genuinely fap to it. either way it will pass soon.
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> implying pothead
> implying I'm a regular
> implying I don't just want things that are bad bad bad for me
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It's Ronald Raygun
a few pictures of twilight have sex with a whale have shown up, it looks like someone else trying to start a thing
tell that to the person who wrote "spike at your service"
No, they can't go through your electronics. That's invasion of privacy because that belongs to you. The dorm doesn't belong to you, so they can do what they want.
of course he is forcing it, he makes money off of it. it is his job to force it, he needs it to pay for rent and food.
... Link?
Don't forget the popcorn.
Is that really his primary source of income? No other job?
There's something beautiful about that picture
RIP thread
>You will never wear a leather jacket with all your leather jacket wearing bros and watch two dogs fuck
Oh yeah? Well two can play this game

Oh look at me! I'm Marker pony! Someone please help me, for alas there is only 20 dicks in my gaping butt hole! Please, any one at all, please shove more in!
More of this please
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>it's aerodynamic!
dont get too excited it is all low quality unfappable shit made mostly to shock. you have to wait for one of the decent porn artists to take it up.
Hide these posts and turn on recursive filtering.
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It's also a handlebar!
Which pony is most russian?

Rainboe Dash! Casue sh'es always rushin'! around!
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>tiarawhy has made $4,500 since this thread started
> Dash tries to justify her newfound love of dick
>Dash likes dicks because they're aerodynamic
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>he then spent it on a new tablet
>he will never use it
Is it normal to feel guilty about wanting to play video games instead of drawing?
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What if Dash was an engineer?
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