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Are you going to HumanCon Edition
Old Horse >>12554839
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So what happened with comic issue #9? Was it never uploaded, or what?
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Show us your hooves.
Pinkie will only suck your dick if you have a condom on it because then it looks like a balloon and balloons stimulate her party drive
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Mom says its my turn to be for sexual
It's up on Yayponies.
We will never know, just like for the lost 5th album of Gaston.
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You should be learning
EW WHat is that shit?
Yeah, but I should actually be learning something else than art right now.
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Awesome, thanks very much.
I'm on an eating break.
Hey, isn't that from /ic/? I may have been in the thread it's from.
I suck at learning. And Loomis wants me to draw dozens of circles. I'll do that tomorrow. Right now I'm gonna create another abomination that I call a drawing with ponies in it.
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What would happen if Big Mac got mad?
Also Wings a shit
I cant art anon. Why are you showing me this, I have no talent.
>Loomis wants me to draw dozens of circles.
Let me guess... Fun with a pencil?
You can't post female nipples here! The janitor is going to be mad!
He's showing it to everyone.
And if you can't art it certainly won't get better if you don't draw.
That what everybody recommended.
At first he was "don't worry if they are potatoes. They're close enough" just to do a complete 180 a few pages later and say that I need to draw circles as close as I can
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Don't bother replying. I've given up on responding to people like that. They can sit and wallow in their own self pity.
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I want fluttershy to gently stroke my cock and rub my belly while calling me a good boy
Yeah heard that bunch of times blah blah .. Starting to sound like a broken record.
>you can see the cursor
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How would she stroke it? She doesn't have hands.
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He'd act silly
But anon, anon will always wallow in self pity. You are too!
With her hoof
or with her tail
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>dressing up as a princess
Another one bites the dust
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I would go to Bon Con.
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I'm gonna call it a day
Good night, MLPG
I'm pretty sure that's heresy.
You are supposed to keep doing the potatoes over and over until eventually they start looking like circles, then you go to the next step. Don't just do it once.
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Yeah, I got caught off-guard.
Fuck off who ever you are. Don't come back
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Princess costumes are pretty popular tho.
Any hot princess cosplays spotted?
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what is this.
Looks like https://derpibooru.org/tags/artist-colon-pointblankfluffpistol
That's hilarious
First one looks like Mantislestia with a gigantic ass.
Great art, weird subject. The dude's got a tumblr with tons of awesome stuff, but I don't remember the url.
I don't know about you but ill say something to them at least one time.

Who knows maybe spmeone will cone along and learn to love to draw.

It's a very tiny chance but it is a chance.
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I'be been trying to flag down all the princess ones I see. There has not been many.
I don't know, but the first thing that popped into my head was a horribly mutated mantis.
It's a skeleton, run!
Oh...Well fuck. Tomorrow I'll spend more time making potatoes into circles, I promise.

Right now I'll just finish that "thing" called a drawing and go to sleep.
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You're a nice guy, Anon.
Reminds me of the shit SB usually draws. Or used to draw.
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I don't understand how we didn't see Princess Twilight coming next season after the S2 finale. After Shining married into royalty wouldn't Twilight technically become royalty as well?
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Celestia ships you with your least favourite pony.
Any interesting bronycon shit?
Some kind of doughy praying mantis
My least favorite pony is still a pony. I'd still hit it.
Well someone has to be. It's better than just telling them to fuck off and wallow.
season 42 confirmed
this is so weird
I am. Unfortunately, most of MLPG is still going to be fetishfags with shit taste.

If only there was a way to teach others despite what they might think.
B-but my least favourite pony is Celestia
They finnally did the spaghet prank.
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I found the portal to equestria!
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I ship her with her least favorite human
Just be sure that each time you are getting better and better circles.
But you can't be, you're posting here!
I half want to sign up just to see what happens
Attend as Pegacorn!
>after mightnight is age 14+
>only night has people signing up

is this the orgy?
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I can understand not wanting to help someone up out of their wallowing, but to damn them for it serves no purpose other than making you feel justified for being mad.
>ah, today will be good day, just have breakfast and do the laundry and then draw all day!
>well, it's only 10am, i guess i could take a little break before i start
>oh, look, the sun is setting already.
Nah, people just don't want to miss out on the panels and booths
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>everyone is signing up for the night larp
Why bother learning when you can draw your fetish majority of the time? This is how you sell prints.

Learning is over rated.
They are going to ELARP as poorly designed self inset OCs.
Where's the complimentary jug of bleach?
>or the song that saves your life
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>absolutely no alicorns

That's hilarious
Yeah, but if you learn, you're gonna draw your fetish better and better, which in turn leads to mind-shattering orgasms.
>oh look I never get depressed hurr durr
Man, LARPs where you are still a human are already awkward enough, a pony LARP must trigger the pastacalypse
no one expected twilight to grow wings because that is a stupid idea

also i didnt expect twily to become a princess so soon, that is like series ending finale material end goal for twilight.
Why not be able to draw your fetish even BETTER?
>naming your files like a faggot
Whatcha gonna do when you save another file captioned "you guys"? Or without a fucking caption at all?
Most likely. I saw a chick with hair could up like Lyra and asked her about it. She did correct me and Let me know she wasccosplaying as her oc
>no one expected twilight to grow wings because that is a stupid idea
A lot of people did.
You don't know anything.
quality =/= quality
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>a room full of autists ELARPing as red and black alicorns
oh god
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Change it.
celestia forcing me to to degrading things is one of my fetishes.

this also includes being forced to crossdress and being force to have gay sex in front of her
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>quality =/= quality
>tfw your program crashes before you can save it
Sorry about those requests...
>quality =/= quality
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thankfully the rules explicitly ban that
Save often
Quantity is better than quantity
Make the program auto save.
Come on, don't dare to deny it, you know you love to do that to Anon.
>getting uplifted by something as petty as a song
You've got it wrong. A majority of 49% of artists will say that quantity isn't as important as quantity.
thats only because the twilycorn german toy was leaked 8 months earlier.

no one expected it seriously before that.
How come I grow hair on my calves but not my thighs?
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>"Oh come on Anon, just a little surgery to see how the human digestive system works. Please?"
Maybe they didn't "expect" it, but speculation about Twilight becoming a Princess/Alicorn has been around since season1

Because drawing my fetish helps me explore ideas.

Learning by drawing shit that don't matter or grinding drawings 24/7 won't make you a better artist.
or just use any program made in the last few years since they all have autosave now
shut up twilight you're a princess now you hate nerd stuff
N-no, I'd rather not do that. That sounds pretty dangerous.
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>because that is a stupid idea

Meghan is a stupid person and it baffles me how people have confidence that she won't run the show into the ground using twilicorn
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this was the second funniest thing I saw next to the actual horse. there was a bunch of papers in a prompt to draw a pony and then slipping into a box where they are going to put it in a book via scan at the end of the con, so I saw that in
there and I decided to draw marker and put her inside the box.
Anything else I could draw and put in their?
>advanced LARPers
What's that supposed to mean?
I'll pass
>any program made in the last few years since they all have autosave now
Whereas SAI was programmed in feudal japan by a serf in return for a piece of stale bread given to him by a Shogun.
You can't use magic to do a colonoscopy or some shit like that?
You'd like that, Dr. Sparkele?
they know what they are doing and won't just spend half the time figuring out how to run things
>Good idea! I'll just teleport your insides out!
>implying she hasn't already hasn't run the show so far into the ground we hit china
They've already showed it. In Ponyville confidential Applejack stops talking to the fillies and Big mac actually talks.
I disagree
Oh fuck
Draw a grave! A pony grave!
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I wanna be like yoouu
I wanna walk like you, talk like you
That was a really cute part.
nah the engines out, and we're losing altitude, but there's still time to try and get the engine spun up again, or do a forced landing.
Did you take a picture of what you drew? Draw a bunch of neckbeard bronies flogging a dead pone.
Twilight accidentally swapped AJ's and Bug Mac's consciousnesses using a magic spell.
This is why AJ only says ''yup'' and ''nope'' during that scene.
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I neglect ed to do that actually. Oughta go back.
No, that's dumb.
You're dumb
Everything is dumb.
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is mumbles at the con?
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But you wont learn anything.
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>waifuing Cancerprincess Showmurderer
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Who is mumble?
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>not waifuing objectively the best pony in the show
Did you take pictures of all the MLPGers there?
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An artfag from some time ago. He was transgender and knitted squids.

pic related: he drew that
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Needs wings to be my waifu.
>objectively best pony
>while posting proof of her being worst
Why must Twilight play God at every opportunity?
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>waifuing her only after the finale
She's not your waifu
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I drew thing.
I know thing is horrible but one day I promise things I draw won't be shit and I'll draw things for you MLPG

Also I cheated with the clouds
Disgusting. Get that trash out of here.
help her wash her boobs
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You already are drawing things for mlpg
Not all of them. need one of LK, BRAE and jessy I guess. got full. Stop and sb. I met an mlpg anonymous. He was pretty bro but I didn't ask to take his pic yet.
>actually wanting wings on twilight
Have a group photo taken by a brone. come on, you know you want it
Did you meet that tripfaggot with the jerk shirt yet who likes to brag about getting super drunk XD?
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Look at how majestic she is now!
Suck to be you starting out to draw. Good thing I quit though.
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this pony is my waifu
But shouldn't she have perky little breast buds?

Cosmo draw a seapone.

Shoo be doo
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You only started drawing so you could quit and complain endlessly about it though.
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Does anyone have a full body ref of cadence

I can't find one on derpibooru
Its a nice start. Just keep on going if you think its fun.
Maybe other people would but I wouldn't be in it. Spare myself the grief.
i heard from that guy from someone who met him at unicon. apparently he says nothing but tryhard "us horsefuckers right? XDD" kind of stuff
No you have to be in it. What are you, chicken?
the hypocrisy...
to anyone who is at unicon, hunt down cosmo and deliver a picture
just draw luna
There were a few JERK shirt Danvs. Guys present. I may have seen him.
Well then I guess it'll be a bad thing that I won't.

>saving the shit I drew
Anon you shouldn't have. And you know what I mean
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ya its ross. ross gets mad when people with less artistic talent than him get a lot of attention.
Huh. Never noticed that Cadance had only two upper eyelashes.
So he never gets angry?
>ross gets mad when people with less artistic talent than him get a lot of attention
So no one ever?
That's probably because she's a male.
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maybe you guys dont know ross but he thinks he is the best artist in mlpg
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So chicken, cluck.
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I can't I promised an anon I would draw Twilight badly brushing Cadences hair
>There will never be official good plushies like this and still affordable
>this will be sold to some fat fuck for 1000 bucks
How can we fix pony?
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That plush is PRICEY
So are you creating anything?
One hundred thousand US Dollars
>the filename is the price
Yes of course. He THINKS he's the best, but he is worse than everyone here. That was the joke.
How pricey exactly?
How much is Cadance
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Uploader Description
So, long story short. For whatever reason, EG!Twilight (The Twilight Sparkle native to the EG universe.) returned to EG!Canterlot with Shining Armor and Cadance (Both aren’t students BTW).

Flash assumed that Twilight was Pony!Twi…. He was wrong, and now Shining’s going after this creep they’ve never met, who’s hitting on his sister.

It would actually be kind of funny if there was an EQG spinoff and it started with brad becoming a character that pointlessly hits on human Twi when she expresses no interest in him.
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In the hundreds. There were oil paintings going for 500 right next to this stand.
that would make for a pretty funny dynamic
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what the fuck?
This would be a good idea, so it will not happen.
Cadance a two bit whore.
>quit drawing

I don't thunk he is anon.
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she's okay, but she's simply not Celestia
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You don't have to draw to create.
you're right,

I'd help her knead her delicious flat crotch.
I don't think Celestia nor Luna would form romantic and intimate relationships.
Why does he suck now?
Was an alright episode that gets shit on for some reason.
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stop making so many damn oreo cakes nanaki
I don't think Cadence would form one with someone who is not Shining Armour
Yeah, it was as good as SAYS, I don't get the hate.
he's too busy at school and depressed
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I found something that wasn't there last time. A zecora cosplay.
Funny how it all worked out for mewball and SB.

Rest in piece, Mr. Freeze.
You're the only one who cares.
Seriously, they are thousands of years old. Why would they need someone else to validate who they are?
i am a racist but i would have sex with that black girl
>going to art school
>graduate and go into debt

That's kind of sad. Looks like he isn't learning anything.

Oh well.
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>oil paintings
>no stained glass windows

Call me when bronycon stops being so plebian
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>Celestia's efforts are all about gaining ponies to validate who she is
>Luna's first major public action is to try and validate who she is
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I've seen that one before

it's a nice one though
That's actually a really cool Zecora cosplay.
I wonder why people go out of their way to hate people like MLPG does. They like, collect information about people they don't like and post it any time they are mentioned.
For what?
>ever not being huge plebs
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Shits crazy yo
For you~
Wow not a low income income ghetto black chick! Does this mean she's white?
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Oh, hi, Anonymous! Hey, your pants are all poked out in front! Whatcha hiding in there?

They just hate themselves and are autistic enough to shitpost about themselves so everyone hates them too.
It's like a balloon pinkie.
Same reason why you are here posting.
But that's the public. They want to know that their leadership is good. I'm talking about lovers.
She'd feel all achy from slowly turning from a child into a woman~
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I'll make Senpai notice me. Both Senpai. THEN I'LL MAKE THEM BOTH LOVE ME
Because I think this place is amusing?
Oh my.

Looks really cool, thanks!
Enjoying the neverending ride?
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But how?
What a horrible drawing.
I wish she'd draw more pones
Leading an entire country can be quite stressful.
Companionship makes it a little bit more pleasant.
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Don't know. But I know that one of my senpai has an apprentice.
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Not all anon

Kang was best klingon.
What if you just told senpai how you feel about him?
Senpai seems like a reasonable person, I'm sure he would understand.
>tfw nobody lvoes you
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what a kawaii rocket~
Pony wishes you'd stop projecting a personality onto them.
Aw yeah its a GRORIOUS NIPPON rocket. so the woman saying the pre launch checks reminds me of EVA. its great.
But I'm not Batman.
Also best Mr. Freeze.
Go ahead and whiteknight. You know you want to.
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>$400 dollary doos
>best Mr. Freeze

I guess that's why he's on ice now!
While not space related a Spitfire (no not the pony) buzzed by the airport i work at earlier today. It was pretty awesome.
Price covers the materials used to make that peice of shit ... thing.
That looks pretty bad.
That looks like shit
I can't be sure of that. This way I'll be sure that they love me
the bf-109 sounds better though
but it's even rarer than the spitfire.
I don't want to, I just want to figure out why MLPG hates it's contributors so much.
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Who would actually be the type of person Celestia would want?

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No Anon, you are going into pony's office. You are in deep trouble.
>tfw the weather is getting colder again
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The vast majority of things weren't particularly amazing, but they were cheap.
I seen Loadsa buttons and stickers
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probably not me
But the Spit is prettier.
>tfw it's not
fuck I hate this heat
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what would marker want you in her office for
What contributors? They all left. The good ones left anyways.
You could become the person she wants.
>40+ Celsius announced for Monday
>even hotter during the week
Mustang Master Race reporting in.
Dat Merlin Engine
And what does she want?
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P-punish me, please
Well, I guess you are just going to have to become a better person and hope for the best.
Both the spitfire and the mustang use the merlin engine and until it was fitted with a british engine the P-51 was shit.
Spitfires were given Merlins too. It was a british engine after all.

This one definitely had one (it was a late war variant) Has a real meaty sound (or that could also be because i was comparing to the cessna 172's i listen to daily.
probably someone kind and attentive who treated her with respect but not worship who she could feel comfortable around and who would take an interest in her work and concerns

so basically no one she knows
is that sb?
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Gloomy gets to sleep in your room for a week
Dooks I can't rape the willing.

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This pony walks up to your stand and tries to buy your goods for a third of the sale price.

What do you do?
No. SB looks like a midget.

The bulge in his pants is too small to be SB.
I could be that one
Yeah I knew both of those things. Also do you live in the UK or the US
Tell her to try again
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Na, sb has no blond in his hair
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Guys I got really drunk last night and proposed and now I'm engaged to this pony

Good bye Rocket-san.
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>liking nazi made planes
>calling others faggots

Now that's edgy.
Don't worry, Anon. That is a fine pone to marry
So what's the problem?
Who are these?
Tell him to brush his teeth.
>wearing the same shirt as last convention

Niether, Canada
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>dissing good engineering due to political ties
Sometimes you just have to accept that other people, even the bad guys, can make quality stuff.
One guy cosplaying as Flash Sentry and two twaifufags obviously
Yes, Adolf Hitler personally assembled all 33.000 of them made, while drinking jew blood from a juicebox.
Give her 1/6th of the goods.
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I know this isn't my blog, but I'm getting married tomorrow and I'm nervous as fuck.
It was more that you were calling people faggots for having a different plane waifu.
Congratulations Shout!
>MLPG getting married
Now that's comedy. Why didn't you invite us?
How come you didn't invite mlpg, shout?
Congratulations Shout!
are you marrying your waifu?
based shout
I did.
Where's the image of that thread..
Tell her she can get 10% off and that's all she will get.

Unless she lets me brush her mane. Then it's 20%
All built with the blood of 600 trillion jews and no other persecuted groups.
Oy veh.

Enjoy the last moments of freedom.
possibly because he cdidn't want to die young out of fear, embaressment, and his wife-to-be being bloody furious?
>implying nazi plane is best plane
The objectively best plane was the Republic XF-84H. It was a supersonic turboprop.

You still have 24 hours to run, mate.
>he doesn't know
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Just pretend your wife is Pinkie
Just remember to breathe, Shout.
Does anyone have the MLPG goes to Shout's Wedding greentext? Might help him relax.
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I wish I had someone that remotely interested in me.

That's exactly what I was planning to do. Who's your senpai?
> Fluttershy is outgoing and tries to persuade using her charms and openly flirting with you.
> Inb4 angry Fluttershy is scary Fluttershy
Suspect Discord/Trixie, etc. n00b unicorn, and ask someone who can do her job well. Zecora, or the Princesses (Twi, Luna, Celestia, Mrs. Sparkle)
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one of the few caps i have saved
Oh.. Well.. Sorry I couldn't make it.
So good that it was built 10 years after world war 2 and never went into production.
What color was that Spitfire?
Remember, FIRST you say "I do," THEN you kiss her, THEN you go off and fuck like rabbits. Don't mix up the order, it never works.
What ever you do, do not call your wife pinkie.
>left half of the church is taken up by her family
>right half by people with horsemasks, holding up a banner spelling out ">NO HOOVES"
Calls us when you have a child
Also you better educated that kid from young to like best pony.

Actually you should let someone else do that since you don't know who best pony is
Can I fuck your wife?
You better scream Pinkie's name when you fuck your wife
I'm getting mixed messages here
Can I fuck your waitu?
I know this isn't my blog, but I just made an online friend and I'm nervous as fuck.
Did you write your vows in greentext?
Sure. As long i can fuck your wife.
Will you be both dressed up as ponies?
>I remember that thread
>almost a year ago

oh no
Holy shit so it was.
God damn...
so wait if shout is marrying pinkie does that make him twilight
No Pinkie doesn't ship with anyone
>AJ fans enter through the rear entrance
every time
It's OK we have rediv now
It was so fun, wasn't it?
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Where is Reu now?
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Oh no, you're not doxing me. oh no you don't.

it was probably most likely this one (it being the same colours and all, though who knows if they were just showing of a new plane). It was definitely from Vintage wings of Canada though. They're right across the river.

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>mfw that date marked day one of a six month hell without internet
Days were spent watching re-runs of community, playing SupCom 2(awful game) for hours on end and playing JC2.
i have no useful advice for you.

but i wish you good luck!
Ded IRL or MLPG ded?
Wasn't she on /vp/?
At least you had JC2
/vp/ most likely
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are bronies allowed to attend?
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He still posts a lot just not with his name on
He drew this a few days ago

Also he keeps posting his face so he's kind of a faggot.
>SupCom 2
My condolences
Reu not Rei, nerd.
I thought that was Reiduran.
>weaver will never write a book
oh right

it's hard sometimes
Reu is Reuniclus. You are talking about ReiDuran.
AHAHA the couples face, priceless.

Who the fuck attends a wedding in a printed T-shirt. I mean fuck, At least dress up a bit.
>Also he keeps posting his face so he's kind of a faggot.
I only did that once. But I am kind of a faggot so yeah.
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That's so cute!
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The groom looks like he's close to breaking down in tears
What a bunch of lardos.
The first thing I fucking thought.
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They're pumping the volume on that shizz.
>rock sinks
>everyone dies
MLPG, will you marry me?
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>dying to a massive flood of overweight bronies crushing you from above
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Bee grateful it wasn't you
Time to draw. Gimme some SFW requests.

This, but with bronies.
Mah nigga
Pony wearing a horse mask.
Rainbow Dash eating a flower
I love you too, anon.
It happened at EFNW
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Pinkie putting on AJ's head a hat like hers but made out of cake with a candle on top
Spike sorting things
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Draw a real pony.
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Sounds awful.
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>new onepunch has only 7 pages
>no chapter next week
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like Dash?
yeah actually
>They put the source material up until chapter 72
>it's actually not bad
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That mane looks so soft, I want to touch it
why do bronies piss people off so much
A lot of them are in-your-face about it. Like furries circa 2007
Because they're enjoying themselves. Everyone else is secretly /v/ and thus hates fun.

>deal with it
>brony pride
>starting every reply to anything with "As a brony..."
Because a bunch of them are really obnoxious about it.

That and the fact that it isn't socially acceptable for a bunch of 20something guys to like a show for little girls. Otherwise every sports-fan would receive the same amount of hate since they are at least equally obnoxious.
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>The insects are suspected to be Africanized bees.
who would've thought
Man and i thought 4 hornets swarming at me and one of them stinging my thumb was bad.

Again thank god i live in canada and the cold kills bugs for most of the year, Fuck those bees.

Also why does everything from africa have to be shit.
The sports fans have been crazy for so long that nobody is surprised when they go crazy.

Ponies are new, so they are surprising.
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Normal african bees are not too bad, but cross breeding them with honey bees produced an unholy abomination.
I would have to say that the onboxiousness has gone down over the past half year
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Why don't you touch a real mane?
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Yeah, they are even more insane though. At least no one has stood up during lecture and asked the prof if we could go earlier to watch the season final yet while they did that multiple times during the soccer world cup
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If I rubbed 2 ponies at once would that be lewd?
You mean like

Because real horses are smelly and don't have manes that look as soft as silk
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why arnt you dealing with it
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one for each hand
if you catch my drift
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Just like how Africans aren't so bad, but African Americans are fucking terrible?
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Don't real horses bite?
I'll bet some drawing some embiggened ponies would calm you down
No, /pol/. Bad.
>that lady in the car checking out the horse

You bite but we still put up with you
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Where did you get that idea?
Just like how most non-Americans aren't so bad, but Americans are terrible?
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>dayum, thats some nice ass
>actually hot burlesque pinkie pie followed by 400 pound obese pinkie pie
>you can actually pinpoint the moment their eyes meet as they walk past each other on stage

jesus christ, how horrifying
I don't.

Pony isn't real.
I don't work on my art, so Batman will appear and I can get him to help
Did you mean Murderman?
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Wrap it up, guys.
>FlutterDash cosplay


I do work on my art

Maybe I can get batman to go after him
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That was totally not radical bro
>pendulous flaccid
Its funny because it was my dads girlfriend who told me that. (she's African)
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>that Ross part
>tfw he still hasn't gotten better
>CMC Rock Show cosplay
triple unf

Cosplay competition
I remind him that stealing is wrong and politely ask him to give her back to me.
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Whats your guys thoughts on Interracial relations?

Should miniature ponies and zebras be crossed?
>Dat hover hoof
The Beta is MAXIMUM with this one.
She sounds hot.
stram, main channel
>that fursuit
>that hoverhand

>hoverhanding when nobody even knows your face
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>implying you won't fuck a Halflinger.
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anyone know the best way to keep horses off of my roof?
Uh, get the joker?

But would you fuck a 400 pound black one?

stop growing grass on it retard
make out with it
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Same way you keep them off your deck.
>cosplaying as a genderbent character

Could as well cosplay as an OC
I don't care, pony can do what she wants.
Probably didn't want to risk going to jail.
Zecorro looked cool.
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he could be hover handing ironically. that is the popular thing to do now at nerd conventions for some reason.
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There were a few girls and guys dressed as their OC.
how many stripes do they need for 250ml

derpy hooves doing drugs is wrong how could you i am very disappointed

what a bad pony
Why was someone cosplaying as Nobody?
Reusing a costume.
The Joker stole Celestia and Luna
Who are Nobody and Elusive, anyways?
Elusive is R63 rarity
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Nobody is a drawfag.
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>you will never install gentoo sexually
You need to get more pictures. There are some pretty good cosplay there.
I, for one, would like to try this traditional royal greeting.
Okay, bend over and let us all spank you.
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sorry sorry
I'm ready for my punishment
Is she even wearing panties? And does that still qualify as skirt? Looks more like a belt
that third frame looks really familiar, is it from the show?
I will murder him with my bare hands.
He's too busy being a royal guard in the Crystal empire
No. It's the classic KHANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN shot from Star Trek
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Who do ponies like to put their hooves inside other ponies so much?
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I've been trying to pull aside every cosplay I c
third panel I mean
with the squinty expression
Thong, probably.
>why is this creepy guy taking my picture
That Flash is too busy being a proprietary software full of security holes and crashing
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Why the fuck is his name flash sentry

I mean, I guess the sentry part makes sense since he's a guard, but where does the flash come from? Can he fly really fast?
I would not tap that ass.
He likes to run around exposing his genitals to people.
Oh you know what fuck you I'm gonna get them back on my own.
They don't have too many ways to stimulate genitals, especially if you're lesponies.

It's either hoofing it or licking your partner out.
they should just use their snouts
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I tell them they look great and ask to take their photo. They love pictures.
I'm not creepy > _>
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My fucking sides
His parents were shitty assholes that named him Flash like other parents name their children Hunter and Le-a.
I wore a Darth Vader costume once, outside, in early spring, and it was unbearably hot
how can he pull that shit in a convention hall in fucking summer
>grinding knee against her
>Thanks Larson
>not thanks Meghan
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But pony nose is cold.
>Your partner will never blow hot breath into your nether regions.
That's how the joke came to be, even though it really is Meghan's fault entirely.
How hot is it over at Bronycon, anyways? Over here in SF, we had something over the weekend outdoors and it was actually pretty cold.
That sounds pretty great
cold wet nose coupled with hot breath
Bring me your ponies!
Makes sens really,

/g/ is full of self absorbed programers who think their code and opinion is best. They think very highly of themselves and thinks any girl would be impressed with whatever boring saves you 2 second code they've come up with.

/fit/ on the other hand is filled with people so self concious about their appearance that not only do they exercise regularly, but they have to talk about it constantly too. To them they never meet their own standards and will always second guess their looks.

tl:dr /g/ alphas /fit/ betas
Bronycon summary?
Any show-related info? s04 date? Anything?
>They think very highly of themselves and thinks any girl would be impressed with whatever boring saves you 2 second code they've come up with.
sound like me.
We already have S4 date, but no show news. Except that the CMC aren't getting their cutiemarks in all likeliness, it was implied by.. whoever voices Scootaloo.
We already have the season 4 date.
November 23 I think.
>s04 date?
November 23rd we got that weeks ago.
Just give me a smile, smile, smile!
Tara Strong and Ashleigh Ball started to make out on stage while cosplaying as Twi and Dash but that's it.
Why does she have an X tattooed on her ankle?
Oh shit, Ashleigh Ball was at this thing?
Poor Life Choices: The .jpg
na just having a giggle
Really? Neat.
Must've been a hint to tell us they'll get the ir marks in S5
actually look at that weird kid in the background

>birth of a super villain
This is the problem I had with EQG

A movie for a pre-existing show should advance the story of said show, introduce new characters, settings, homages to the original show, and end whatever plot it had in a satisfying way that fits within the show's universe.

EQG raised more questions than it answered, introduced entirely 1 dimensional characters who will likely never be brought up again (thank god), and ended with the main antagonist getting off with an apology and doing repairs on the school, which is really god damn odd considering all of the previous villains have had harsher punishments despite committing just as evil acts. It was entirely average and it sickens and disappoints me because of what I've come to expect from FiM. A huge step down from the writing we've seen.
She simply said that they're not getting their marks anytime soon, nothing else
>actually look at that weird kid in the background
It's Bronycon, man, gonna have to be a little bit more specific.
The one just staring forward randomly with his feet at attention
I would hope DHX briefed all the guests to throw false information around 'accidentally'
I remember thinking they were probably going to get them in S2, I was way off. I glad they didn't yet though, I actually really like CMC episodes.
Twilight is a beautiful pony.

>"The world of My Little Pony is so broad that there are a number of places that we can always take it, and we're always pushing the envelope to keep the pony entertainment and the pony brand fresh and exciting."

You could have taken them to Cloudsdale, Canterlot, Appleloosa,Saddle Arabia, The Diamond Mines, or Dragon's land. Hell, you could make up new places, like griffin country, Tartarus, The Land of Ice, or even the unknown parts of the Everfree. Instead of all that you set it in a suburban highschool.
Remember when people thought the CMC was the worst thing that could happen to the show?

I agree with the sentiment though
You mean before the season 2 finale?
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>you will never know inque's horsecock
>blame my sister
>you could be discussing the show but instead you're doing stupid one liners
Cutie pox is as far as they might go.

I like entertaining the concept of an episode where they grow up as adults. Or age. swap something.
Timeskip episode where their marks are always hidden behind something.
>100 tons of jumping fat mass
>it also stinks
Might be doable if they're wearing skirt or something

I'd like to see that and i think it's plausible as a dream sequence episode.
and its only getting sweatier.
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These things are usually attach to unf things.
my dick is confused
Scootaloo with majestic wings long enough to cover her flank.
or just clever placement/scene framing

Get your mind out of the gutter,
>immediately dressing them up in your own fetishistic preferences
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Yeah people wanted nothing to do with them. I like episodes that are focused on just them alright, but some really great episodes came from them interacting with the main 6. I find they add a nice element to work with that can result in some really cute, or really fun antics.
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Yessssss this pls.
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>or just clever placement/scene framing
I just don't see them being able to pull that off for a whole episode on a show like this

And hey...skirts are just cute
The Great Bronycon EarthQuake
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>I just don't see them being able to pull that off for a whole episode on a show like this

they could do it, if its for a show length gag then it would be done.
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No fires yet...
does anyone have a link to that electric six bronycon video some one made
Why hasn't anyone pulled the fire alarm yet?

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Here goes. I got some time left, so give me another round of requests. SFW of course.
haha thanks
Marker Pony as a bride's maid.
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Twilight Sparkle in a hoodie!
Fluttershy in a train engineer's outfit. please.
fluts and pink cuddles
Rarity in a pretty dress.
Even though that's not the TF I want, that's pretty gud.
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Lousy firebender scum
God she's hot
Rarity smushed in a wringer
hey you're not dead

I love it! Thanks .
Can u draw pipsqueak telling rumble to call snails gay?
immma need the angry dash in a better resolution please
Shut up, Amon. You're dead like a bitch and now your only screentime will be in flashbacks.
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marker pone
police pone
palette pone
Is that you, DJ?
Why couldn't toph blood bend by bending the iron in blood?
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There is this display place called traveling pony museum. This is like their centerpiece .
why does marker pone wear a sheet?
Is that a black and red alicorn OC?
graffiti should be BOOP instead of pony
The black is chrysalis and the red is discord's tail
Grab the NMM and Batguard and run as fast as you can
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>feeding your pone
>not already having your own batguard plushie
Are you saying you wouldn't feed your pony?
>8:30 Wake up
>8:35 Fuck Pony
Why would I wait five minutes?
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Legends of Equestria released their character creator.
I know. Who doesn't wake up with a missile at the ready?
C&D when?
>8:35 Fuck Pony
Fuck yourself, I'm not getting up that early.
>all colors available
You can skip checking those shitty websites and go back to bed until 10 am when pony needs to eat.
I just want Celestia and a Luna plushie
But I'm too poor and spaghetti.
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Oh i'd feed my so sick she can't stand up pony.
If Twilight wanted me to wake up at 6:00 am to fuck the pony I would do it
Aw shit nigga thanks for doing my request.
Also the transformer one is hilarious
Should you fuck your pony before or after you feed her?
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By the way, this is how normal belgians look like.
Depends on how much you feed her.
Belgian gilrs have a sexy accent
Depends on how much you fuck her.
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God, just fucking shoot me.
It'd help jumpstart her appetite.
Feed her dick.
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mlpg pls.
That guy is a absolute tool. Doesn't even like the show but likes Grimderp ponies
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All the princess ones I saw were hella expensive too. Looked great but damn, But for others they were cheap. I'm happy with mine.
Oh my god, he's serious.
warp his wish like an evil genie
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Howdy anon!

How's the cuddling going?
>All the princess ones I saw were hella expensive too.
Yeah, they either look like shit or cost between $500 and $1000.

Oh well, at least I don't run at risk to reveal my powerlevel that way.
>that description

It's like someone ponified a Linkin Park album.
eyyyyyyyyy sexy pony
i'll have to go to bed soon, but will anyone please record the grimderp panel with lmj? i'd like to see the spaghetti when I wake up.
>Yeah, they either look like shit or cost between $500 and $1000.
you're not looking hard enough
Fingerpaint it.
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Or my standards are too high.
Dunno which one it is.
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we ded ded dedemption
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What time does it start?
until you like it
Welcome to hiatus, where MLPG is dead all day every day.
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>that ending
Why is she so perfect
Is that really LMJ? God he looks like a fucking troll. Not an internet troll, either, just a fat, dirty, bridge-living troll.

Are you there? Buy him some Hawaiian Punch.
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I mean it's not that far in but why
>tfw frenulum edging anon will never stream
I'm more disgusted he thinks we want to see it than anything. What a man does with his toys is his business.
i can't help but be slightly aroused
Think he'd sign Corwins comic if I printed it out and asked?
me and pank are doing just fine. Thanks for asking friend!
You should totally do that. Because oh my god.
Do it. He'll probably sign it without really looking at it.
>Implying you can handle the ponk
he is an idiot who was flattered when corwin linked him to it, so who knows?
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actually you are right. She is very difficult to cuddle
She cuddles so fast it's borderline tickling
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>maybe if I post best catsuit the thread will revive
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I love Twilight Sparkle.
I love Fluttershy.
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Shining Armor pls
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i like this artist's filly twi
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I made Twilight Sparkle
and I can unmake her
You're not her mother, you're not even an alicorn
And I can make your legs wobbly.
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prettiest royal horse
i bet sex doesn't even feel good

how could a vagina feel better than a hand anyway, it's like one muscle
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>you will never know someone as fun and random and cute as poank
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Also most seductive one
so this is how mlpg ends

not with a bang, but with a whimper
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Why are you attracted to equines
I'm busy making some lobster mac and cheese sorry
I'm here now
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What is the optimal way to pet the pony?
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nah, we're too busy watching the con streams
Sorry I couldn't draw yesterday, I'm gonna get started on those requests today.

You'd best be putting some gouda in that
With a brush.
cheddar and gruyere
never tried this recipe so I hope I don't ruin the lobster
I'm not, just cartoon ponies
>implying ou have gouda

>cheese that isn't shit tier
pick one
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Because their asses take up about a third of their body
But then I don't get to physically touch the pony
I'm starting to feel like you've never even petted a pony anon
No argmuments there.
I like butts as much as the next guy but I prefer them attached to bodies, preferably ponies.
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Such a cutie, too bad her and her sister didn't get along so well.
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I wonder.
20 lbs of pony and ass
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just pone
>that gap for pinkie
are americans really that bad at cheese?

It's about doing it with someone you love, anon.
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Dash has a gap too
is she not good enough for you?
I can never touch pony without corrupting pony's purity.
I'm assuming he means "american cheese" which is shit tier
no anon I'm not a brony.
Human to pony
I guess it's just the angle which makes Pinkies look bigger.

Dashs is pretty unf, too
We just mostly eat mild and processed cheeses as opposed to the rest of the world.
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oh okay
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because feelings
those can be nice, but i really like some blue cheese every now and again.
but i don't love anyone enough to put my peen in her stinky vag
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did elslowmo ever color those things from a week or two ago?
i like to think the ponies are all different ages and pinkie is the baby of the group

who do you think is the oldest rarity
color it yourself, nerd.
what are you? a serial petting rapist?
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at least she'll be back in season 4
b-but he said he was gonna do it himself
Yeah Rarity feels the oldest
Then Applejack

those are some nice horse asses

Didn't he go to the hospital to get a butt transplantation? I'm sure he was just busy with that
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you're welcome
For what?
Don't mention it.
Go get her, tiger
for what?
Oh yeah I talked to him last night about that
I forget why exactly, definitely butt related surgery though
Did I miss anything today?

Did the MLPG people do good at bronecon?
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Oh man, I can't wait for that episode. I really hope it's an important part to the episode and not just some 20 seconds flashback.
Y-you too
For being here
There was a big explosion and the whole area is still under lockdown. We haven't heard from any of them, but looing at the damage the chances are slim.
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tfw dhui's been wasting his time with commissions instead of drawing best pone
i just really want more cute pics of my artbando, and i hope they're doing well.
Dhui is actually female.
And annoying as fuck. Seriously, I heard her in another guys stream once, she's insufferable.
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ambrosia of the gods
sounds about right
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man I like TF but it's always weird and cringy like this
isn't she a buddy of leadhooves?
that whole subranch of fandom is a bit annoying
read: most fetish art ever
There should be an artist gender wiki or something, the linkboard list doesn't count
Everything ok, Nobodo?
yuck. this is some weird shit
now excuse me while i finish off to dj acid.
i wish i was joking
any links to good pony TF fics?
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Dunno, they used to constantly hit on each other in their comments and asks but I unfollowed them because it was just shitting up my dashboard. No idea if they are still doing it.
I'll take a guess and say that those breast covers aren't brass.
I recommend asking the pony TF general, there's a slew of them depending on your tastes
What a slutty dress
That exists?
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