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Games you would play at a pony sleepover

old thread: >>12498452
Just The Tip
kill yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Pass the pony
For every image of Pinkie Pie not posted

I'll kill myself
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>Smells like lavender and new books
>cute horn
Cuddle with anybody else and you're doing it wrong
> Does her mounting arousal smell of rose water, or chlorophyll?

She's a pony, so it'd probably be like smelling the Earthy heady must of a greenhouse opened first thing in the morning, before breeze through the propped door whisks it away.
Don't make copypasta about my wife.
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Gotta go fast!
that filename sounds suspiciously related to sex
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>your wife
but she's not real
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Would you pet a fully armed and operational battlepony?
>such fun
>so wow
>pretty princes
>so nobel
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Don't die yet anon, season 4 isn't THAT far away!
So she smells like a minimum-wage store-opening job at Home Depot's garden section?

Sounds about right
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>smells like sugar and spice
>cuter horn
>candy colored ass
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alright, last time plugging it. as we know, plugging has to be done in sets of three.

wedding MILFity is dingity-dangity-done.

>candy colored ass
Don't most of them have candy colored coats?
what does it feel like to have a tailwrap
Krokodil ruletka
Hey you
you want to writ em a story?
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Is Vinyl there

We can play "Cuddlez"
No, I gotta fall asleep in a bit, get up for work. Four day weekend, though!
why is it so easy to imagine what a tail feels like?
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>you will never help Rose tend to her garden
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>"You really don't like heavy metal?"
>Hug Pinkie Pie
>She gives a super tight bear hug right back
>Smells peeps and that kinda gun powdery smoke after a party popper goes off
>Try to let go, but neither of you can
>Her coat, mane and tail are so over saturated with sugar and sweets she is beyond sticky, held secure against you despite gravity
>try to peel her off
>She noisily and reluctantly separates
>But is not stuck to your hand
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She had to cover Luna's role in some capacity for a thousand years, I'd think she might have learned a thing or two about it over that time.
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Scratch Octavia is the worst ship ever.
Doesn't her mane go the other way
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I like Amy Cook's portrayal of Luna the best.

She rockets up from second worst to best.
So what do YOU fall under, MLPG?

Surely Braeburn or Big Mac should have been included on this list.

why are her eyes the wrong color
actually worst ship is fluttershy and bigmac
black metal master race
It depends
I grew out of it when I got out of high school
Sex with futa amazonian Celestia
>you will never have really kinky bondage sex with Vinyl to this song

Exactly. Everyone knows Mac belongs to Fleetfoot.
nah celestia is still best princess.
worst was cadance mary sue princess until twilight became a mary sue princess.
He doesn't even like her.
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No Octavia.

Just Me and Vinyl
I'm just bisexual
I like to fuck pretty things
There are a lot of pretty boys
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flash you can't fuck all those waifus
>you will never with Vinyl
It might sound really autist but I really like her
Motörhead, baby.
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does your favorite pony ever preen?
Would you like her to?
he met one of those mutant monkeys on his journey through time and she fell in love him him but he had to return. So should found a way to go back to his time and turn herself into a pony for him.
What would Pinkie even preen?
my favorite pony only had wings once, and they were very fragile. and even then, they were already so perfect preening was not necessary.
Her alicorn wings.
> the truth is people who have an emotional and/or physical preference for the same sex aren't!
What the fuck is this even
>why some straight men are attracted to other men
it wouldn't be the fact that women are becoming gross blimps could it?
a dick
Guys how to pony?
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You're sitting down, in the future, watching an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, season 4 when suddenly this pink mare grows wings and becomes the next pony princess Then she slaps you with her futa mare princess cock

What do?
Gross, shrill, privelege-denying blimps.
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Do you know how to play super smash ponies?
If I could I'd totally marry a man and only deal with women insofar as necessary for us to adopt.
Honest question, do you enjoy shitposting or do you just have a disorder?
derpy preens cause she is a very cute pony
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>Alicorn Pinkie
Yes please.



Get out the scissors.
Submissively suckle on the tip for a while, teasing her frenulum with my tongue and massaging her massive hore balls with my free hand, my other of course being occupied with stroking her throbbing shaft.
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>its not even an evil laugh
>it's the cutest giggle you'll ever hear
i could see myself doing that.
fucking marry another not gay man, get tax cuts for being married, we could even hire hookers every now and again.
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So pretty.
Shes still hot
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Hope to see some of you guys at the con. Have this, for now. I can make it into a wallpaper or something later if anyone wants.
Whoah, cool
Fun fact: in many states you wouldn't even need to consummate the union. Ever.

That said, nothing six glasses of wine and a particularly sexy man can't fix.
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>anon you aren't even worth my time
Is sex a game?
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See you there
I think that's super cool. Dia De Los Muertos style?

I'd like a wallpaper of this.
You're an awful pony anyway.
>states forcing people to consummate the union
that's rape to femenists, it is bad wrong fun when a guy is allowed to have sex at all.
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I wasn't talking to you, Dash.
Still planning on selling some of that online?
>tfw no straight best bro to shoot the shit with and occasionally give each other blowjobs and to let him top for sexual release
Well I knew alicorns were supposed to also grow a horn, but not that kind!
Well it means certain clauses can't or wouldn't be enforced if it can be proven or thrown into doubt your marriage was ever consummated

In practice it only ever comes up in divorces
*it can be disproven, rather
Would you break pony's legs so that she can't run away?
Couldnt they just fly/magic away?
fuck no

that's terrible
Guys my pony waif got preggers and now I don't know what to do? Help!
> wud u "Misery's Return" a pone
No, you fuckhead.
Don't they often break their own legs all the time doing poses they shouldn't be doing?
No the hooves are the best part. I just get a shock collar.
Get out the coat hanger. It's not yours.
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Well, would you rent a lizard?
... Sure. My curiosity is piqued.
What kind of lizard? How much?
no but i would invest all my money in the banana stand
I've got enough lizards, I'd probably trade some in.
I'd rather purchase some smelly cheeses
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Awesome, hope you have fun there.
Yep. I'll fix one up once I get back home.
If I have any prints of it left, yeah.
That's one thing I love about this comic. It's the silly shops all the ponies have in the festival
the fuck do you even trade in for a lizard rental?
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Why is she so perfect
Where can I find your works? I fear I'll never get the wallpaper, Unless I make it myself.
They'd just heal as soon as the camera wasn't pointed at them anyway
Pinkie, I-I love you. You've filled my heart so full that all I can do is think about you every single day. I know I'm not much but I love you so much and I want to spend all the time in the world with you.
>dragon brothel
Because you've suffered permanent brain damage, Mr. Sullivan.
Yo who the fuck
>that feel
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Man forget this other Anon, I just wanna share some strawberry wine with you and fuck like crazy. You game?
I hate the faces, but Illllove the pooch and those amazing tits.
wait a minute, that ruins the whole joke
Goddamn it I fucking hate that show so very much.
sex with gilda
It's the sfw version.
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>not naked
That's the SFW one
Wassup PP you best aint be goin with that anon nigga he aint ever gonna never be no good for you no how girl
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You mean you like the smell? Wow, what a freak
> Rarity is a gangsta bitch.

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Why is Price so based?
It'll be up on okiedokielowkey.tumblr.com eventually, no need to use the minuscule resolution.
I guess you could say Price is right!
Real talk nigga

3/10 would delete if Janitor
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I whinnied and snickered
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Those are like my favorite kind of puffy nipple. Mmmm.
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Give me your cutest pony video.
Good luck beating mine.
god dammit scrubbles

why can't all your puns be at least that good?
>Every moment Dash isn't thinking about cider in that episode, her mind drifts back to that weird feeling that Fluttershy bashfully covering herself up gave her.
Pone appears in your room
How do
>She's wearing frilly underwear that frame her exposed tits to bed

She knew Dash was coming over
Dash should jump on her right there and then
So zero times?
Does Big Mac have a speech problem?
>Every moment Dash isn't thinking about cider in that episode, her mind drifts back to that weird feeling that Fluttershy bashfully covering herself up gave her.

Captcha: cumustor the
You know it, son.
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Price pls

At least he takes 'no' for an answer.
that's better

not as good if she was completely naked, but better

Your 5th favorite pony wants you to donate your sperm to her so she can have a child.
Do you agree/
>tfw Beef Cragchest was a /fit/izen
He even had the protein shake and energy bars, which I can only assume were oat-based.
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>tfw marijuana will never be legalized in Ponyville
Yes. Rarity gravid with my child gives me pause.
He's suffered a brain injury

His cock has barely grown since he was a colt
He would lose blood to his brain when he got a boner

Such a shame
He was quite gifted
i find big mclarge huge a very reasonable pony.
> Marijuana will never be ILLEGAL in Ponyville
something something degenerate
I like that Mac wasn't intimidated at all
I almost wish there were a small thing where he surprised Beef with his strength, but I don't think it would have fit very well
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Guys....I just wanted free videos. Please respond.
>Pinkie having my kid
good thing no one told her humans can't impregnate ponies

>"Oh well, we'll try again tomorrow night. Same time?"
>He would lose blood to his brain when he got a boner
There have been moments in my life when it's truly like

> YOU ONLY HAVE ENOUGH BLOOD TO OPERATE //tty/brain0 or //ttty/penis0.
Isn't Twilght busy enough already?
>Rainbow Dash
Sure, why not.
Enjoy your misscarriage
It wouldn't be mine, it would be theirs.

In either the case of Pinkie or Dash I'd console her, and we'd try again. Tenderly.
>1. Applejack
>2. Rarity
>6. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle

Your favorite pony wants you to be her cocksleeve.

What do you do?
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the cumming inside Rainbow dash game
Then fuck Applejack three times and Rarity twice to factor properly.
My favorite pony doesn't have a cock.
You mean that one flash from like 2011?
... Thing is, she would, too.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash while she cums inside Rainbow Dash
>you will never engage in selfcest with your favorite pony
>You'll never be at the end of a train of futa Rainbow Dashs
Someone please commission this.

Bonus points if you manage to knock up both Dashes.
>you will never cum inside a futa pony so hard that your cum comes out of her dick into a futa pony she is also fucking
I want to Rainbow Dash inside Cum
pls respond....someone
I'll kill myself. I'll do it. Just give me videos.
>You'll never fuck her pony, human, r63 pony counterpart
Pity reply.
Who /jp/a/ here? /co/ is getting too repetitive lately with the pacific rim threads.
The joke might be from /mlp/ but selfcest will not be ignored regardless of origin
Plug inside your skirt-bearing ass, on your knees, whimpering, with your pony's cock bulging and throbbing inside your throat, your face buried into her crotch and her heavy balls swinging against your chin
>Not wanting to fuck Rainbow Dash
What's wrong with you?
>because we dont engage in fetishes here
Nigger, nigger
Tellin' lies
Black face and bloodshot eyes
Crooked toes and crooked nose
That's the way a nigger goes
(That's how he goes)

They're marching for equality
They'll never be as good as me
We won't let them integrate
We must only segragate
(Keep 'em in their places)

Nigger, nigger
Tellin' lies
Black face and bloodshot eyes
Crooked toes and crooked nose
That's the way a nigger goes

Oh, Martin Luther's got to go
That's one thing that we all know
We'll take him ridin' on a rail
And lock him in the county jail

Niggers want to change our ways
But taxes they won't ever pay
Monkey lips and kinky hair
Living off that old welfare
(Got their handout)

They might as well give up the fight
No federal judge can make them white
The job is up to you and me
Let's beat the NAACP
(Move 'em north)

Nigger, nigger
Tellin' lies
Black face and bloodshot eyes
Crooked toes and crooked nose
That's the way a nigger goes

That's the way a nigger goes
That's the way a nigger goes
That's the way a nigger goes
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I have a another pony on my mind not to mention we are a clean family thread round these parts and take no part in fornication with our equine friends
Are the potheads gone yet?
I just want to cuddle pretty blue pony
>blowing your load in your waifu's dripping, winking marecunt
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>Me not wanting to fuck Rainbow Dash
>Me wanting to fuck Rainbow Blitz
Well she wants to fuck like rabbits for a few hours

You can cuddle all night after that
>human anus

so close
Futa waifu blowing her load into your dripping, winking marecunt
We are here 24/7
>not wanting hin to fuck you
>not getting on all fours as soon as he gets home
>that face
>that hoof on the bar
>those wings
Really, the dick is the only good thing about it
Its a pretty good dick though
His balls look a little small.
Cracka cracka
Tellin lies
Acne face and stoner eyes
Hairy toes and hairy nose
That's the way a cracka goes
(Oy vey, what a schmoze)

They're marching for supremacy
They'll never be better than me
We'll drain their wallets dry
Drink their tears as they cry
(Goys are cattle)
>You'll never feel her cum slowly run down your leg as you make dinner
Picked up my copy of issue #9 today. Jesus fuck this is the best one yet
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Go to bed Anon, You're drunk
Fair point.

>The Flim-Flams and the Apples are talking shop.
>And it's taking FOREVER.
>Can't we just go back to moving the line along?
>"Oh my...do you think everything's alright?"
>Fluttershy is bobbing and craning to get a better view.
>Dang, has she been working out? 'Cause her backside is looking goo-
>Woah, woah. Hold up there, RD. You're going to a weird place, there.
>Were you just checking her out?
>N-Nah, just appreciating how cute she is.
>Like how...uh, how adorable she looked when she got all blushy this morning.
>This morning, when you tore the sheet from her bed to reveal her soft, delicate-
>"Dash? Hurry up, the line has already started moving again!"
Are there any human x pony fapfics that have actual story to them? So far the only one I can think of is Xenophilia.
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You something futa cock something something waifu something all over
>Chrono Trigger
>Human Nature/Family of Blood
>Pre nuptial agreements
>loading booth
9/10 is okay
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>Wanting Big Mac to do that to me
Is this strange

>Apple Dan
Play doctor
with the cmc
your words are poetry to my penis
What's your favorite rap album.
Stop searching for my filenames you bastard
I would smoke pot and have sex with horses all day
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Illmatic or The Infamous
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>tfw no futa waifu to slap you on the ass and give you a nice rutting when you make a good meal.
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>not changing filename and dimensions every time you post
>Listening to rap
Can't we just have a normal heterosexual relationship based on mutual trust and understanding? That also happens to be interspecies.
36 chambers
Forced my friend to watch all of the mlp porn games I could think of...
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This was a test of the off topic poster detection system. In this case you failed. You responded to off topic.

You made Marker Pony cry.
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oops didn't mean to post that image
No, you need to be a mare and she needs to be a futa mare who spiked you drinks daily with a transformation poison and had 5 stallions stage a rape the day you fully turned into a pony
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Your heterosexual relationship with your futa waifu is based on mutual trust and understanding.

You trust her not to kill you with her length and girth that she understands you love.
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Fuck you marker
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goodnight MLPG
here's a happy pony I'm working until later
What movie should watch mlpg
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Equestria Girls
You can be a girl with a futa mare wife?
pony should pony herself
Nah, I need an up to date one.

Pony should be sad.
It is forbidden for ponies to be happy.
She has a cock, you have a cunt. Sounds hetero to me.
1.Discover my sexuality
3.1 and 2 at the same time
Food fight
what kind of roll is that
Dam some fag stole the EW HETEROSEXUAL image
You rolled a zero
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Why am I so emotionally and sexually attracted to cartoon ponies?
my firend who hates pony but knows I like pony said he saw fluffy pony on imgur and asked me what it was

What should I tell him?
Why can't Wood do more voice acting?

That it's a fluffy pony.

Why it's so hard anonymous?
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Will draw exactly one horse in paint.

Name horse.
>who hates pony
Don't tell him anything, ask him why he cares.
Do you think Loiro likes yaoi?
What about straight up gay porn?

Edith Corwin's Rat girl.
>tfw no hung futa mare to relentlessly pound your mare pussy
>tfw her musk will never fill my senses and make me more susceptible to being a slutty mare
Best horse.
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>you'll never be the little colt
>a pretty mare will never sit you in her lap and pepper you in kisses
Bon Bon pls, you can just ask Lyra to magic herself a dick for you.
I wish to be the little colt
>anon and pony in bed
>Anon is lseeping peacefully but wakes up
>"Pony lay down."
>"Why?" pony asks
>"Its sleep time."
>"this is how I sleep" pony says, still standing on the bed
>"No thats not sleeping stop that bad pony"
>Pony lays down on Anon's back and curls up
>Pony falsl sleep
>Anon dies cause cant breath
>fluffy pony

Or better yet, give a boring half-explanation that will keep him from gazing into the abyss.
I want Flitter and Cloudchaser to kiss my penis
claim ignorance
Pony doesn't weigh that much Scrubbles.
>tfw no hung anon
what a story mark
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I wouldn't object to pony sleeping how they feel comfortable.
goodbye, cruel world.
what does pony feel like?
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What's a good super nintendo emulator?
Bags of marshmallows.
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I find both ponies and personhorses highly sexually arousing
My Little Pony
im sorry I meant to say you favorite pony

or should I say favorite FATTY


Who doesn't love gay porn and yaoi
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Here you go.
it's over
i'm already dead anon
words cannot express how much I want to fuck that Vinyl
in that position
Now do a Featherweight

I'm going to need both hands for that!
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Silly Scrubbles, Twilight isn't fat!
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Would you be willing to turn into atryl-teir anthro if it meant you could be with your anfro waifu?

So you're a ghost?

You're just not trying hard enough
Joke's on you anon, I like Atryl's sausage fingers
>Knocking back some celabratory "didn't-learn-anything" cider
>Fluttershy must not have a very high tolerance.
>She's gotten all giggly and her cheeks are flushed.
>"Heehee...oh, is something the matter, Dashie?"
>Just that weird feeling in her stomach again.
>That weird feeling she gets whenever Fluttershy flips her mane.
>Maybe...maybe she's just had a little too much herself.
>Yeah. That's it. Just the cider talking.
Is that my only option? Will I have a broken back?

B-but I like Atryl's anthros
well shes got a real hat head!
only sore losers become ghost. i am in equestria now
Would everyone consider me a weird looking monstrosity afterwards or would everyone be oblivious to it?
the English language is too lacking to properly convey my desire to go balls-deep in her while holding her legs in the air
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But he smells. I don't draw smelly horses.
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With a snort or two thrown in there for good measure.

Can you tell my waifu I love her?
Oh my god dude I would totally love to play Truth or Date with Twilight! Haha!
would I be living in a world populated by atryl-tier anthro ponies?
alright who is she?

Then one day when we can communicate in raw emotion, you'll have to let me know.
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ZSNES is not a good emulator you silly.
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He smells like newspapers and vanilla. Now draw!

show her your erect penis
Applejack and Rarity are the ones who wear hats, scrubbles.
The rainbow game, if you don't know what that is you had a shit teenage life.
she says thank you and wishes to see you soon
if you want to. The world will be like Equestria in terms of society and technology.

Thank you so much anon.
hopefully I'll live to see that day
because to say that I want to pound into her while she curls her toes and bites her lip, her breasts bouncing with every forward thrust, just doesn't fully get the message across
Cheese smells like feet
no problem
now i'm off to enjoy pony things, like butt hugging
Then yes.
Yes I would.

Don't forget us
if I went to Equestria I'd waste so much money on whores at the pony brothels
What if pony would pay you due to your novelty and hands?
Ponies don't have brothels. They are all innocent and pure.
>Anon walks Rarity home
>she compliments him on being a perfect gentleman
>She in vites him inside for....coffee
>He agree's, nervouse
>After pouring him a fresh mug, she tells him she's going to slip into something more comfortable
>He can hear her going through draweres in the next rooms, the mug in his hand shaking badly
>Rarity returns wearing a really giant frilly had full of feathers and ribbons
>"Ahh, that's so much better!"
Exactly. That's why all the brothels and burlesque parlors are run by changelings.
I'd be broke assuming all the other ponies who aren't whores won't have sex with me. The entire reason I want to be in Equestria is based around my penis.
but I don't want to work at a brothel
just be a frequent customer
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Pony brothel simulator coming (code still wip, all graphics need to be done)
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>Changeling brothels
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>Anon wears a small necklace at all times
>a pony tells him the necklace looks lovely
>he opens the clasp hanging from it
>a picture of the marker and marker pony is inside
>he closes the clasp and looks towards the sky
potential unf
I'd rather have frequent customers and work there
I imagine it's mostly cuddles anyway
That doesn't sound comfortable at all.
>all those pathetic anal rankings
I demand a proper buttslut!
Posing as the elements of harmony is their biggest service. You'd be surprised at the number of ponies who want to bang the main six. And since physical love is sorta like junk food, they need a lot of it to get the same nutrition as emotional love.


Tender Gem is alright
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The ponies you hire are random gen so it depends.
As if you'll notice after Tender Gem charms you into rutting her anyway
An angelic whore.
>full blow meter

I would let that horse suck my cock so hard
>high blowjob skill
Windy Tart is my kind of mare
support for male escorts when
More likely than you'd think. Ever seen Once Upon a Time in the West?
it probably doesn't pay too well though.
and if you tie yourself down to a single location then how will you get out and venture across the lands, sampling from the plethora of whorehouses scattered throughout Equestria, and possibly even beyond?
Ponies, griffons, zebras, saddle-arabian whorses, diamond dogs, all just waiting to be fucked raw for the right price.
wow that pony wucks ass
>Full anal and oral
What a selfless pony
that girl's dinner that night would consist of six courses
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Flutterdash is a cute ship.
Maybe work in a big city like Manehatten you'd be more likely to come across these as well. Having a bigger market and still being the only human would surely raise the price,
Now THAT is a pony I can get behind.
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Why is she so perfect /co/?
because every grill wants to be a princess
pony blowjobs are incredible
>stamina max
>anal max
Let's do this
So long as you work for a high-end establishment. Why settle for less than the finest quality ass that Equestria has to offer?
you can go toe equestria

but you must give Pinkie ten hugs

do you accept?
Unless fucking her feels like getting sucked off by an angel, no dice.
Does my waifu have to watch?
That horseshoe over the fireplace is unlucky. Also fireplace in a tree, not the best idea.
she will be forced to watch
what's the catch?
what I just give her one super long hug?

>toe equestria

I'm onto you
Twilight is a dork lord

Whens' the last time she ever got lucky?
That's what I think whenever I see horseshoes hung like that. I remember hearing that the luck runs out the ends like that when I was a kid.
you die

Will she hold it against me? they're just hugs.
Exactly. In manehatten you'd be getting it on with captains of industry, In Canterlot you'd have access to diplomats, ministers and maybe even princesses every now and then. I guess one could even switch cities every other week since equestria seems to have a well-functioning train network. And use your journey to dispense some discount services to fellow passengers that catch your fancy
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I kinda drew him then gave up half way. Here you go.
Does Flash count?
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wrong board fag.
I guess so.
>pony related dream
>talking to Celestia
>suddenly a deer comes in and vomits all over the floor
>rest of the dream is me having to clean up
Thanks ArtAnon
Considering how much he's been held back in school, I doubt he can!
Why couldn't Celestia just magically clean it?
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Okay, that was actually kinda funny.
>Awkward, nervous ponies going to changeling brothels
>Asked what they'd like
>"Y-y'know that girl who works at the bakery? Who does the parties?"
I could get behind a plan like that.
One thing though: mares only. Though judging by the huge imbalance in the male-to-female ratio in the pony populace, there will be no shortage of lonely mares looking for a good time.
Because my subconsciousness hates me and needed to come up with a reason to stop me from talking to Celestia I guess
>paying to have sex with an imitation of Pinkie Pie
>when the real one would probably fuck you for free
oh shit! can you be a pimp in this game?
Anon pls, Pinkie is pure maiden.
>you know this
>you're just to nervous to ask because of your love for her
but if you fucked the real one you would have to put up with terrible puns and jokes the entire time.
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You like to look at pony butts anonymous? Your disgusting perversions must be put to an end. I shall choose an ironic punishment so that you never want to look at another pony butt ever again.

You must lick one pony's anus for 5 minutes. You may pick your pony. Then you may go. But you are hereby banished from Equestria.
>implying Spaghetti Pony would have the guts to approach a vibrant, energetic pony like Pinkie.
You run the brothel.

Story so far is: cherry jubilee brothel is on the verge of bankrupcy and she hires you (for some reason, dont have one yet).

Your task is to rebuild and bring lots of customers (it's a sim, think prison architest overview angle.)
I'd go flaccid the moment she refers to my dick as my "salami"
Fine, but I'm taking the pony with me.
I wouldn't be so hasty in limiting myself. I imagine humans and human hands can provide services to both mares and stallions that they cannot get from ordinary pony pony.
If you ever finish it I'll play the shit out of it
You don't know me if you think I'd consider that a punishment
I wasn't doubting my ability to satisfy a stallion.
But I'm not attracted to them. Mostly.

If I do well I might be allowed to stay.
ok you can go to equestria

but favorite pony must sit on your lap affectionately for ten minutes

And if you get a pony your blood will turn to sludge and you will die. Do you accept?

>Pick Celestia
>Lick her butt for 5 minutes
>Go join griffon kingdom
>Eat meat and get drunk for the rest of my days
>also fuck griffons
Do I get to engage in anal sex with said pony after the 5 minutes have passed?
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>implying she'd just let you make off with one of her subjects
Sure. I don't know where to get a pony anyway.
So which one would you make an exception for?
>Celestia always remembers those 5 minutes.
I just finished jacking off anyways
Great, not like I'd just get a pony
But what if she wants to come with me?
It's the principle of the thing. She'd have to forbid the pony from going with you.
>many a frothy mug of ale is raised in toast to the man who licked the royal ass
>many a griffon wench propositions you for the chance to experience the skills of your tongue for herself
>"Mrs. Cake?"
Well that hardly seems fair. Pony should be free to go where she wants.
I guess it would be a nice change for him from all the fangirls he gets with after every show.

What would you do if you found out he asked their manager to fix the dates and venues of their shows so he could visit you more often

Anything wrong with the sketch before I draw out the other frames? (making an animated gif of twilight sparkles mother).
If pony were truly free, she wouldn't be living in a monarchy.
I'd put him on my Frequent Customer list and give him the appropriate discount.
>twilight sparkles mother
I love it already

>hurry up before my husband gets home

No one talks like that.
Wouldn't a better ironic punishment would be to turn me into a pony and have some fat greasy neckbeard stare at my butt?
>"Okay Mom..."
why is Rainbo Dash cosndiered to be a fast pony hwne its clear shes realyl slow in her dumb head!
No text it is then
You're drunk Scrubbles, go to bed.
Why are you drunk in the middle of the week?!
What is he decided to bring some friends along one night Fleetfoot and Spitfire, for example?

Would you be up for the challenge?
You should really get someone to write your dialogue for you
Wh ysi Appleajack always in hte middle of the ugly?
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>Adult Rumble
Do non-unicorns get wedding rings?
I have two hands and a tongue. I'd do my damndest.
But doesn't Fleetfoot's heart belong to a stallion already?
>No text it is then

Were you going for a "ugh, just get it over with" kind of statement from her? It makes it rather depressing.
On their foreleg I guess.
Non unicorn/ alicorn subponies are not allowed to marry.
They can only form a civil union.
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Fleetfoot just banged her head and has a bit of an amnesia thing. Besides she's curious and insists she'll just watch
my headcannon is that pegasi get wing bands and mud ponies get horseshoes or some shit
>Now I'm for sexual.jpg
That's a cute pone
You're a cute pone

Am I a cute pony?
>and insists she'll just watch
Well, we'll see how long THAT lasts.
She's bound to get excited enough to join in eventually, and I imagine Spitfire's insistence that she's "gotta try this" would only help egg her on.
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D-did I do it?
Did I finally become the little pony?
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I want to suck on Corwin's Rat girl toes.

Don't we all
She has a name, dammit.
That's cool and all, but what does that have to do with My Little Pony?
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I want to suck on Edith's toes and lick her armpits

What are you, gay?
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oh man I love those expressions
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Pinkie Pie!
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Pinkie, get off the ceiling. What are you doing?
Why is Twilight's butt so big?
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Twilight is a fat and smelly pone
She has a very sedentary lifestyle.
Look, now you hurt yourself. That's what happens when you play around on the ceiling.

Don't unf to that.
nb4 Twilight unwashed
oh shi- I completely forgot about that.
I still haven't read that but I'm pretty sure I hate it
I feel anger when people talk about fetishes I don't have
You should save your anger for things that actually matter.
Why can't pony be real?
It's not fair.
like artists and circlejerks you'll never be invited to join
It doesn't happen that often
And this way I get to be chill about other things
life is not fair
But Pony is real. She comes every night you fell asleep and gives you a kiss on the cheek
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I can't even tell if you're still messing with us or if it's just a really freaky coincidence.
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Twilight unwashed


Mind rape by Twilight for all of eternity
>red eyes
>mind rape by Twilight
>this is my fetish.jpg
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Mom says its my turn to be for sexual
>bring lots of customers
All the ponies must be mine!
ded show
ded general
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Rainbow Dash is sleeping
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Fuck, its legit
So it'd be like that slave maker game?
But with ponies?
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You should have a review system where anons come in and review your pony whores
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Would you buy her something? Or would you remind her that she's a Princess and already either has anything or could easily buy it for herself while you need to work your ass off at the Apple Farm to earn the bits for it?

What would you buy her if you do?
>that font
Why do all the good concepts have to be ruined by shit artists?
At least we still have the comic
Not everyone can have design/programming/art skills all in one
Which pony likes anal sex the most?
It could at least have been someone with one or two of those.
I don't see anything wrong with the font
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It isn't the font, it just makes it obvious who it is.
Pinkie Pie.
I need to learn to stop posting new art to tumblr at 5 AM after I finish it and before it gets buried under a pile of posts where nobody will see it when peak hours comes along.
You need to stop personal blogging and giving a shit about tumblr.
I hope you aren't one of those fagets who reblogs his own shit for the "day crowd."
>being stupid enough to put your dick in her ass
Anon the amount of control she has over her ass and vaginal muscles is incredible. And the strength...
That ass can turn coal into diamonds
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>This is Donut Joe
>And Blueblood
>And Garble

No, I hate that crap, it's just a blatant grab for more attention.
you know you can queue posts, right?
Don't worry about it, it's not really that bad to do, especially for people who'd accidentally overlook it otherwise

No, but now I do.
Sometimes I feel like I'm using tumblr wrong.
I follow only a limited amount of blogs so I can check the new posts in the morning within ~15 minutes. Does everyone else follow literally thousands of blogs and only sees a few of the posted pics? Why the fuck do you even follow people when you don't look at their stuff anyway?
If people really cared, they'd look it up manually. I know I do.
You too.
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I follow about 100 or so blogs, most of them content creators or reasonable aggregators (only few posts a day)
Nice quads.

I follow 157 blogs.
It's starting to become a little tough to get through all of them, but I try to make a point of remembering the last post I saw so I can be sure everything is covered. I've been trying to curb how many blogs I follow by not trying as hard to actively discover them in the first place, and rarely but occasionally I'll prune some blogs out that have turned into a non-stop stream of meta, dick sucking, and reblogging. Which is a shame too because it's hard to remove an artist you like.
What's your tumblr anyway, I don't think I'm following it, haven't seen a new art post pop up
this isn't Applejack we're talking about here. Rarity's ass has nowhere near the muscular strength of AJ's.
but it IS big and plush, the likes of which would make most mares green with envy. and she knows it.
Why aren't you youtube celebrity yet?
>>Which is a shame too because it's hard to remove an artist you like.
>that feel

Tumblr and Twitter are the worst pages when it comes to people you used to like or look up to. Because half of the time you find out how insufferable and annoying they actually are.
Because I don't have any famous friends whose fame I can leech off of.
Hey guys. I got a problem. I need to get a message to Stonershy, LK, or someone that I forgot my phone and they need to come in and find me at the airport.

Sorry for personal shit but this is kind of a big deal.
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I'm at the pizza hut
All I've got is LK's Steam and email. Would his email go through to his pone?
>to his pone
LK has a pone secretary answering his emails now?
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Do what you can.

shit dude
i dont have lk on skype and stonershy and jessie arent responding

do you have their numbers? You could try and bum a phone off someone/the airport/payphone to make a call
What a whore
I have no daughter
No. I have them on my phone but I never memorized them.

I'm minor fucked.
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all I have is this pony
yeaaaah you might be a bit fucked
is anyone at your home? you could call home, get them to get the numbers off your phone and then call them from the airport at a payphone or something
That pony is upside down. Get a new one.
do you know what they look like at all? did you guys make any sort of meeting place?

shit man this sucks
maybe >>12504624
pony is just messing around
let pony have her fun
I dont see LK on skype, sorry

Sent the email.
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There you go.
Whores are my favorite.
I left my phone in my vehicle. I didn't have time to go back for it by the time I realized it.

Well shit...I guess I'll just wait around and hope someone can let them know.

Amd thus my Bronycon misadventure gets off to a terrible start.
Anyway, boarding time. Later.
Is LK already at the airport waiting for you? Contact the airport staff, they might be able to help you find him if you know his real name.
maybe make an emergency tumblr post and try and get a ride of someone else or something
Stretching is for fags.
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So how do you think the S4 premiere will turn out
Good luck getting in contact, and hope you have a safe trip.

With lots of drama and people calling it shit.
Anon I'm telling you AJ's ass is no where near Rarity's level.

There's a reason she has diamonds on her ass
dont die pls
I wish I had accepted getting LK's or Sang's number, it'd be perfect for this occasion. Stay safe, and I'll see if I can bug people that I know are going if they can find LK
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Now that even our last bastion of hope has left the show?
i hope it wont suck
it probably will suck
but maybe it wont
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can't sleep
tweaked this a little more
I was going to make it another roseluck but now I'm thinking Pinkie
It's shit. Larson won't be writing it.
No. Art brought me nothing but bitterness and resentment.
>An ancient evil awakens
>Ponies shot the bad guy with elements of harmony
>All ponies become alicorns during this scene because twily is an alicorn now
>Tons of new toys
>Everyone turns back to normal, besides twilight
>Hilarity ensures
>Also discord shows up and he doesn't do anything
>4 week hiatus
y-you too

You're just jelly you can't put your palms flat on the floor
What? Did MA Larson leave or something?
Are you Meghan?
Nah, he took a break. He will be coming back in S5 with Cindy.
Yes, he's working on his book.
I could be.
Oh damn. That's a real blow.
Well the Big Mac comic was okay. Really nothing that great. Except the CMC and Luna parts. Those were great.

I wish we had a CMC or Princess main comic arcs and not some micros.
>always thought she looked grumpy
>seeing her right-side up shows that she's actually just nonplussed
Quick question
How much should one practice drawing per day?
Hey SB, what airport are you at?
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pat bony
he's gone anon
Oh I'm going to pat a pony. On the ass

I just draw a few heads and a few bodies and then give up

but I do it every day, sometimes twice, and there's been definite improvement

>they will never become canon
As much as you want to/need to. DO push yourself, but don't make it into a chore. A page a day is a good way to begin for many.

And remember, unless you're planning to go pro in art, the most important thing is to have fun.
most people say about an hour a day
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Are you fucking kidding?
Larson is overrated
he didnt even write my favorite episodes
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as much as you feel comfortable with
he means those specific characters you retards
>female guards
That only means that your favorite episodes are shit

But bat ponies all basically look the same.
Well that's even stupider then.
Well I mean i don't know how it could become a chore. I mean I tried it yesterday and I had way to much fun. More fun that I'm comfortable with.

Though the researchers stressed that practice does allow a person to become fairly adept at a given skill, the difference between “good and great” doesn’t come down to much you practice—instead, it’s determined by whether or not you as a person are predisposed to have a natural affinity for that skill. Think about what that means: a good many of the kids out there, practicing guitar in the hope of emulating their idol, will never achieve their goal.

They're still not females
>Party of One
That's racist.
i don't blame you for unfollowing me
>from a pile of mediocre writers and meghan/merriwether cancer

I have high hopes for Corey and the new writers.

Please let them be good.
It is.

That's good. Have fun and don't be a dick,
Well no fucking shit you aren't going to become the next Picasso or Mozart just by practicing
>not CMC
>not SR
Alright PoO is not that bad, but these are better
>Winter Wrap Up
I agree.

Give up. You will never be good.

You should just start shitposting like me. Knowing that your life is worthless and all you can do is reproduce and hope your off-spring will have a better life than yours.
Why did nobody tell me darf wrote a futa Rarity bugchaser fic?

You're all fired
I'd pat a pony on the head and tell her she's a good pony
>being this slow
you're slipping bugsanon
>i don't know how it could become a chore.
Because practice is repetitive and you will inevitably get bored of it by the time.
Most people forget factors like environment and exposure at a young age, so it tends to be overlooked since it's just naturally growing up.
i stopped losing any delusions i had a long time ago
you're stupider
>Already came twice today
"practice" can be indirect and just be mindless doodling and sketching. It may not be for the purpose of practicing, but it has the same effect.
>Read i-
ah fuck it
youo're gonna say any episode not written by him is shit
Kraut pls

>getting tired after cumming twice
>not beating your cock senseless 5+ times a day
Can we all agree that Lesson Zero was fucking terrible and only for plot-progression?
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Every time. I feel like such a retard for laughing at shit like this.

I liked Lesson Zero
It had some good bits, all around I didn't find it to be horrible.
>written by Cindy
definition of mediocre

don't worry, larson also wrote shit episodes

those shit episodes are also on the level of anything cindy wrote
I'm not as young as you lot
And I have to save myself
Thanks, Anon
>crazy Twilight is goood XDDDDDD

Meghan should just fucking kill herself.

Be happy about it, it really sucks being addicted to masturbation.


You're welcome.
Lesson Zero went a little too far and did a little too much. Among the other episodes it stands out in a weird way.
At least Meghan doesn't spend her days shitposting in MLPG, unlike you
depends on what youre aiming for really
if you're starting out and planning to just draw pone an hour is probably enough
Of course it's unlikely that you will become the grandmaster of your skill which goes down in history if you don't have any talent for that field.
But with enough practice, you can definitely reach a professional level if you aren't mentally or physically handicapped.

Also, don't believe anything just because it's been published in a somewhat scientific way. If you worked just one month with scientists you'd know that a huge part of them fakes data to have some 'interesting' results.
>Because practice is repetitive and you will inevitably get bored of it by the time.
Seeing how I actually have fun doing those kind of things I'm not worried.
I mean fuck I enjoy grinding in games. This is just grinding at drawing
Yeah, she rather shitposts on Twitter.
That's better because we don't have to see it
it doesn't contradict my results and that's good enough for me.
Damn it. Anyway, if he shows up again or there's another way to let him know, could someone tell him that Stonershy is gonna pick him up. "Worst case scenario is that he has to wait at the airport for a bit."
>that one guy you talk to rather often
>his tumblr is absolutely atrocious, attention whoring to the max and just inane rebloggs
>but you can't unfollow him because he has an addon which shows him every unfollow and he would moan about it for months
It was kinda hot.
Until THAT part started.
Pony keeps neighing
Who's going to be streaming Bronycon? Everfree doesn't have anything up yet

I haven't gotten to THAT part yet, but I'm looking forward to it
The fuck would you give a shit for Bronycon?

There is no show news, just fucking fandom faggotry.
John K's not the only guy who does exaggerated faces, stop that. I enjoy them breaking from the model, which is why the the animatics are nice.
i delibarately don't use anything like that.
i still find it out though.
getting unfollowed by people you like is a rather significant blow to morale and this point i get the message. it's go time.
it's one of my favorite episodes
At least it's something to do.
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>tfw you actually like something you're in the the middle of drawing and have to keep resisting the urge to upload a shitload of WIPs before finishing
I want to fuck you, Anon

I want to stick my massive cock in your ass and rail you till you cum
What opinion?

It's a fact that Meghan/Merriwether/Polsky are the worst writers.

Polsky can still be redeemed if he is only in charge of jokes instead of a whole episode.
if I see him posting again I'll let himknow
there was always a bronycon stream
and faggots like you to complain
Show it to us anyway.

Maybe there's a flaw in it you haven't spotted yet which would ruin it for you once its inked and you see it. You'd wish that you had asked us for feedback earlier then!
"that" part?
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would you want to live in this future, MLPG?
how big is massive?
>Artist posts WIP.
>Looks good.
>Never finishes it.
This shit is infuriating.
if it's not as big around as my thigh, it's not big enough.
NEVER show WiPs, it's the quickest way to lose interest in a drawing
>It's a fact
only in your autistic mind
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would you want to live in this future, MLPG?
Red pls
Don't respond to shitposters
give me the numbers.
Then enjoy MLP being a pile of shit and becoming the new Johnny Test.

You encouraged them, after all.
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Plus it has to be tested more than once.

A coin can land on heads one hundred times in a row, doesn't mean tails never happen.
Sometimes I wonder why some people still come here. They think the show went to shit because of Meghan, they hate the comics because >references , they have no hope for Season 4 and they think MLPG is just a massive circlejerk anyway.

Is shitposting really that satisfying that it is worth it to spend your whole day in a thread about a show you don't enjoy anymore?
Oooh, did I make the loud minority upset?
I come here for the porn, personally.
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4chan is filled with retards
I guess I'm just blindly hopeful things will pick up again
How big is massive to you?
And the shit tier art.
But the references are the worst.
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But I still love the show, I love the comics, I'm hype for season 4, and meghan isnt that bad
We j ust have a bunch of shitposters and poeple who want MLPG gone so they;ll just shit all over the place
They can't enjoy it or not anymore and have to shit things up so the others will be as pissed as them.
They can't have fun so in their autismal minds it is fair to ruin the fun of others.
Like you?
They're probably the faggots who want to "kill MLPG"
Apart from physicists, almost everyone stopped using reasonable sample sizes. It's just too time and money consuming and a lot of them don't care if their results are actually accurate as long as they can just slap their name on a publication and have everyone suck them off for their "groundbreaking" findings.
You're mixing things all up.
I think the show is going to shit because of Hasbro meddling and Meghan, note "is going to", not "went to", and I only hate the shitty comics, namely the Dash and Fluttershy one. It's true that I don't have any hope for S4 being particularly good, but it will have a couple of neat episodes regardless. And finally I never thought MLPG was a massive circlejerk, largely because it's nowhere near to being a circlejerk, it only is in a few people's imagination because sometimes artists get some attention from people.
Shows have always done references, it wasn't a problem then, it shouldn't be a problem now.
said the loud minority
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I'm devastated by your incredible retort
Except for fandom references and the Scratch's eye color denial.
Don't worry, retards don't even know why they are retarded.

You will find it out eventually. :^)
getting angry about other people denying a background pony's eye color is as stupid as denying a background pony's eye color
>Scratch's eye color denial.
So, the comics are shit because of a single cover?
Got it.
Nah, that's just one example.

I fucking hate every retarded fandom reference.
There's a vast difference between references in the show and in the comic. In the show, it's like giving Twilight the number 42 in FWF, a single very very small reference that might not even be a reference, or the ponies in the bowling alley in.. whichever episode that was, things that didn't look out of place at all.
In the comics it goes BATMAN CUTIE MARK BATMAN BATMAN BIOSHOCK MORE VIDYAGAEMS DR.WHO DERPY YESS MORE REFERENCES in one single issue. It doesn't ruin the comic, but it's really getting annoying and it does look out of place in many cases.
No, it's just that he is either too lazy or unable to come up with real criticism so he just goes for the easy things like references and "the art is bad" for his shitposts.
It was my dad's 60th birthday a few weeks ago
We went fishing
Fishing has always been his favorite hobby
I once asked him "Do you think you'll ever get tired of fishing?"
He said "Not as long as the fish keep taking the bait."
sometimes it's for the artist's own fun that they think it's neat to add in instead of it being for the readers. I can't really be too mad at them for it since they seem to be enjoying themselves on making these comics
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>this horse
is worst horse? I agree
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It's odd for a ded horse to be so shit
it's really depressing
the "ban MLPG" shitposters have been at it for a few days now
go watch a different show and read a different comic if you hate it so much
stop being so enitled kid :^)
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>sb is going to get abducted and raped before even arriving at bronycon
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He'll be fine, and I'm sure he can handle himself
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>even on obscure and lesser used imageboards ponies are still banned in some way
Daily dose:

>Implying they won't be begging him to fuck them once they see his dick
I don't even get what their problem is.
Sure, a lot of people in here look down on the rest of the fandom, but they stay in this thread most of the time anyway.
Do those people go around and eavesdrop at their neighbors doors just to find out who dislikes them and then shit on their doormat for revenge, too?

I would pick him up and let him rape me
That was a decent thread last time I looked at it
Only like 3 people in it though, and that was months ago
I'd be surprised if it had more than 1 or 2 new posts since then
"Because he doesn't like me and this makes me very mad", classical middle school behavior
Good, maybe that way he'll die and won't come back.
it's not rape if it's consensual
Don't cut yourself on that edge there.
>implying they could even take it
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too edgy
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If only you cared about your life as much as you care about cartoons and the internet.
If you could remove one group of posters from this thread, which one would it be?

"Shitposters" doesn't count, be more specific.
8"x6" isn't that big

how's this looking?

I just want him to pound my boycunny.
Which reminds me, this guy still exists. What the fuck is his problem?

I hate my life
And I'm pretty apathetic about everything except alcohol
The internet just busies my mind while I drink
funny reaction image incoming
Her mouth movement looks weird
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Pretty unf except for the explosion or marejuice
He obviously has some kind of mental disorder
If I ever find out that it was indeed SB who made that post and is thus responsible for all this shitposting I'll be seriously mad at him.
The shitposters that are here only to shitpost.
There, that's more specific.
There's something kind of off about it, but I can't say what
Just a wild guess, but maybe her hips need to move or something, although that would be a lot more work probably
So, you'll remove yourself?
"im gonna shitpost about contributors"posters
Just like you? Meta is shitposting anon.
It's like a blinking eye.
What is her body resting on or is gravity working sideways?
Why is her vagina a rubber shell with a disappearing clitoris and a black hole in it?
>Implying it would have made a difference
MLPG has an affinity for dicks
You can't stop it
Might as well fantasise about some big ones
... Is that a mediator?
>insane pony picking
Definitely, the worst Xfags around.
Mmm il change that.
Will take it out then
Well horse bits the clit goes inside when shes not actively winking it
Mentally handicapped. There is no other possible explanation.
Guy loves attention and he's super homo, do you REALLY think it wasn't him?
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It's porn. It just to give a key stimulus and the rest becomes completely irrelevant.
>disappearing clitoris
on horses it's on the inside
I wouldn't be surprised. He's fruity like that.
I'm not here only to post meta, and even then meta isn't really shitposting, it's meta. Shitposting is generally used as trolling nowadays, since you can't say troll without sounding like a 15-year-old from facebook.
>MLPG has an affinity for dicks
Funny how every time someone posts something along the lines of "am I the only one who doesn't want to suck dicks?" 3-4 times the amount of people who are currently talking about dicks tell him they dislike the topic, too.
This guy too >>12505240 lets get rid of guys like him.
Meta IS shitposting. Take it elsewhere.
Why did you wait this long?
If you were shitting up the thread you should have made yourself known
it doesn't poke out like that.

and it's interesting that you only respoded about the vagina as if it were the only thing that mattered at all.
>hurr all complaints are just shitposts
>if you don't like what I like, it's a shitpost

Why don't you choke on shit, faggot?
I change my decision to this guy
meta is the definition of shitposting
I'm here because
I love the show
I loved S3 which I consider near S1 in terms of quality
I enjoy the comics, with a few exception (the Dash one was kinda funny even tough it was bad, the AJ one is just boring with only a few good moments, but otherwise just there, FS one is shit)
I also enjoy you guys
Also I can get drawing of my favorite pony here.
But you're discussing meta right now. Stop shitposting, anon.
_|¯|O you are right... please forgive me. ;_;
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I don't deny I'm a shitposter.
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I just wanted a good dead thread
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I just want someone to suck my dick
_(:3 / )_
Can we keep talking about SB's dick?
I'm back

what draw
Chrysalis sitting on a bunch of changeling eggs, waiting for them to hatch
>S3 near S1 in terms of quality
Yup, hugbox faggot.
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>I loved S3 which I consider near S1 in terms of quality
this is the only thing i disagree with
you're a pretty cool guy otherwise
have cute pon
fuck off
Nothing. Come back later.
Nigga, what the fuck is that (´・ω・`)
Well, speak of the devil, guys like >>12505240 who think they can achieve the perfect ideal 'show discussion' just by telling everyone they're talking about the wrong things.

As if the entire thread is going to say 'oh yeah, you're right' and immediately change the discussion to what the brown background horse is wearing at 16:41 in S03E04.
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He's wearing a pear-hat, a red tie with white dots and a yellow and orange blanket with a sun on it on his back.
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Good question what the fuck is that?
What kind of a reaction is that?
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>brown background horse is wearing at 16:41 in S03E04.
actually, that's a good point, what was she wearing?
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a perfectly astronautical one
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Don't smile at me, that's sexual harassment.
It's a hat that looks like a pear. You can see it better at 16:40 where he is still standing on his wagon.

Which was behind the CMC wagon btw. How did he even get in front of it?