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pretty pink edition

old horse >>12403936
When we ment pink, we ment pussy.
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Cuddle cadence
Fuck cadence
Marry cadence
Start a small business with bug

You can only one
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That is a cute pony.
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Here, take this.
what's up, pank?
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Why is Cheerilee in Rarity's house, at the middle of the night?
Start a small business with bug
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Changeling brothels = everyone wins
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That's a very good question. I imagine Rarity would like to know the same thing.
Hot dog.

Can I get a discount if I rape one of them?
>Changeling brothels
I'd be a regular customer
Marry Cadence

I assume I get Shiny to play with too
I would be working on my 3rd doctorate if my teacher had an ass like that.
Get Shining Armor up in this, too.
Wait, so if I marry Cadance I'm not allowed to cuddle or fuck her?
Fuck that, I take the bug-business.
pony gives up
hey rediv
do you know if LK is holding back on any of his fetishes?
What you dont see it his growing erection in front of the class
I love pony
Pony should never give up
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>Rumble's erection lifts him off the ground, supporting his whole body weight
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hey, you're right! thanks!

so, anything on your mind or you just passing through?
Why princess, I believe you're trying to seduce me.
regular customers tend to get recruited
that's stupid and bad for business
Then he passes out from the blood loss, his little heart working as fast as it can to support the flying mast at the front of the class.
Ponka why are you sweating
Is it hot in here or something
>they try to pick him up to carry him to the nurse's office
>his swinging penis knocks out 5 foals before they decide to tie it against his body
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Tiny pone is second best size of pone

>the legend of bonerplough jnr is born
ulp! ulp!
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This general better result in some major Cadance unf...
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Countering with blue.
MULPUG is best pony
Oh I can fix it if you want
It's not even hot here
you know if you ever need something all you have to do is ask, right?
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>you will never have Celestia riding on your shoulders
>she will never put her hooves over your eyes and start telling you where to go, giggling a bit every time you bump into something
>Celestia and luna often grab your legs and tell you to keep walking
>They giggle while you walk, bow legged with the two along for the ride
>They both cuddle up to you once you've fallen exhausted into a mass of laughter
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we deadhorse now?

U wot m8
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it is like 5 am
You wanted to have sux?
I don't follow
But that's wrong you worthless-timezome dwelling person.
Oh. With who?
I'm sorry what was that? You'll have to speak up it's the dead of night.
I am a mighty time traveler, Anon.

I came from the future to tell you that Season 4 will be great. That's all.
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But traveler, i already know that.
More like 1 pm
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im in the middle
that means im the most important
It's only 12:36 in Hawaii! I just got back from a bomb-ass hookah bar and am ready for some Kerbal Horse Program.

join me
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Its almost time for sunbutt
Are you ready to go to sleep because sun is butts
What about Seasons 5, 8 and 12?
No you're like way off to the side. Just not ALL the way off to the side
Sorry Anon, but it ends after Season 4. After that you just get a Celestia&Luna spin-off
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im in CST nerd
Gender war is dumb
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To me that's way off to the side.
PST here. Eh.
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I should just type out the dialogue..
PST master race
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In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
Right now?
why does she just tumble into submission mode?

Does pony want to be raped?
7:40pm here
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>Start off with no nostrils
>Every other frame has them

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Oh gosh we share the same time zone

13:40 and I need sleep.
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why dont you come to my house lets go out to eat eh
Finland pls go to bed
I'm filing a report for sexual harassment on you. I hope Marker fires you.
Sure what's the substance that we are consuming
>you will never eat out with rediv
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What goes through peoples heads when they take photos like that?
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Are you sure?
...Okay! That sounds fun!
>you will never eat out rediv
"I'm intelligent simply for choosing not to believe in a god."
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west coast isnt as good as I make it out to be
Red seems like she'd be a lot of fun to get drunk with
>You will never red out eativ
Wasn't there a Civ V pony mod?
You're theistic
Not religious

Buy a dictionary
I do like sushi.
erotic thoughts of carl sagan?
I've never tried sushi
Should be fun
That's theism
just plain theism
Sushi is shit.

Not that it taste bad but most Sushi stuff here cost 6- 12 dollars and you don't even get that much
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k thanks
Fastfood is always rather expensive
...have you ever seen a really cute pony, and felt just a little ashamed of how depraved you've allowed yourself to become towards ponies?
Yeah but the difference is you at least feel full/terrible after eating it
No, because I don't fap to cute.
>eating fast food sushi
I'm glad I have a local place I trust to make mine.
>6-12 dollars

for a dozen?
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Experiment in drawing in an altered state.
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>Tfw I like an animator but I am starting to see his stuff everywhere and I'm starting to dislike his style

I'm sorry Zeurel. Its not jealousy I swear.

Nihilism or Apatheism maybe?
Not really.
I only fap to a very limited number of ponies in very specific situations that kinda makes sense so it isn't that bad.
>Being in an altered state
That's neat.

but Degenerate nonetheless
You're hurting yourself.
Please don't do that.
What does altered state mean to you exactly? You high, or did you just take alot of viagra and consider a throbbing boner an altered state? You have to be specific on these things.
I'm gonna _hug your waifu and there's nothing you can do to stop me?
*grabs you by the neck* back the fuck off?!?!?!
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You sound unsure
Are you gonna hug her or what?
fucking kill yourself /q/
mah nigga
Well I don't know.
I wanted to go on a waifu hugging spree but then I remembered that 90% of you have shit taste.

I mean take the pony you posted for example. I'm not hugging that.
>Not being straight edge
>Not being a diamond dog
But that's /pol/
>not /srg/
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I wouldn't want your cheetoh encrusted fingernails on her anyway
She can stop you by herself. She's a pretty strong horse.
>implying /q/ shouldn't kill itself
"I don't go to your board or care about what happens there, but im still gonna spam this thread with shitposting": the board
Today is not a good day to own a Pinkie.

Quick, suggest a better pony.
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What if Hasbro bought Atlus?
ded princess
What if Capcom made a pony action platformer?
Audion is Twilight
Purrloin is Rarity
>last panel
Time for angry sex.
what if capcom made a game
What if capcom made a megaman game
I'd be ecstatic
Dragon's Dogma
PQ pls
They did
It was a mobile game with tow buttons
For the anniversary of the series

It was a bigger fuck you to Megaman than what Hasbro did with EqG for MLP
That autoscroller isn't a Megaman game. It doesn't play anything like one.
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I demand a link to the unfiest story you know.
>there are people this stupid
Pity them.
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Ben ben
Using gyazo to manually spam MLPG is pretty stupid, yes.

But then again, it's past 3AM Pacific, so it is dedshit hours.
Okay, anon.
You can stop now, we're ded and this isn't how you make it live.
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as a currently non-tripfagging r34 artist i just want to thank the janitors for doing their job
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there's nothing i wouldn't give to snuggle this pone
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What if you had to sacrifice your ability to snuggle?
I wouldn't give anything either

As a currently non-tripfagging artist I just want to say I need to stop drawing Yume Nikki shit. Oh god please help I can't stop.
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I would love to snuggle that pony.

Play a better game.
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in EQG, fluttershy was the subject of more physical violence than any other character and much of it was caused by her friends

still think she isn't worst pony?
Yes, apparently the writers think so too.
I want to pull her tail and spank her ass
That broom to the face is the best thing in the entire movie.
Anyone notice how that crown just bounces off her taught ass like it were made of rubber. If it were a quarter it'd have killed a man in the ricochet.
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She likes it.
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pones needed some way to vent their frustration at being humanized
Is there any acceptable quality release yet?
Still haven't seen it
Would a veterinarian pony have one look at you and say she's flummoxed?
Yes, it's on TPB and YouTube
unfortunately no, even at 1080p the quality of equestria girls is still shit
I need to make a gif of fluttershy getting hit by millions of brooms to the face for all eternity.
Whoever that is
No one gives a fuck
she's going to get concussion
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I think I'm attracted to a zebra
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Look I'm talking about fluttershy's ass here, I don't want to get into the difference between taut and taught when my autocorrect is on. Just accept she's got ghetto booty.
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Guys I need a lot of cute ponies, preferably Sweetie or Rarity, to forget how stupid the world is sometimes.
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Ummmm, sure. They need to interact more often in Season 4.
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Maybe she could help you forget those worries
rarity stop hitting your sister
Fuck that bitch. I don't care about her. At all.
I just want Sweetie or Rarity. A Twilight or Pinkie is fine too
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>>Fuck that bitch. I don't care about her.

theres one at watchcartoon_net
....Damn, that's cold.
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... it's an acceptable trade-off if that means that I finally get an episode with my waifu.
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Merriweather already wrote an episode about my waifu...

It wasn't that bad
If you're wondering why the real world sucks for you, it's because you're a bad person.
No pony for you.
HWE and PYHD were pretty good. I liked them.

No I'm only a bad person because you're denying me my little ponies.
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Can I get the pony that was meant for him instead? I always try to be nice and I would take good care of it.
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here ya go champ
what kind of handle is 333456
Those are horrible opinions.
Aw yesss... so, what do you want to do today, Rarity?
No, you're just a bad person
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Whatever you desire...
No I am...wait a second...You're the kissing booth pony.
You goddamn bitch.
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I like onion
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Don't talk shit about her, man.
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>tfw we will never see Gilda again
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No, Anon, you've got it all wrong. One of my best friends is a Zebra. It's just that Zebras are objectively less attractive than the other races.

Their voices, their manes, their culture, their voodoo magic, their violent behavior, their stripes, their distinct lack of intelligence.

It's just better that we stick with ponies.
Good, was bad enough Trixie came back.
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Will we ever get to see Trottingham?
Or will we just get more fucking Crystal Empire crap?
>Trixie returned
>Babs returned
>Even Fancy appeared in two other episodes
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she'll be back
Just like Lauren
We don't need another hamfisted forgiveness episode.
marker is a cute pone
draw marker :3
who said it had to be a forgiveness episode?
I have a feeling that there's a full
What would she do then, anon?
What if Gilda is a background character this time around?
One-shot background characters shouldn't be allowed to be that cute.
Get ready for more crystal playsets!
it would be an episode about how friends sometimes grow apart and there's nothing wrong with that
That's Griffon the Brush Off
Her dick better be the thing boinging
GtBO was about how you should tell your old friends to get out if they're being jerks
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Okay on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being horrible and 10 being Terse Opinion horrible how bad is it that
I want these
The first thing in my head after I read Squishy Fashionable Fun was Rarity inviting chubby Twilight to make her new dresses and it ends up with fucking?
They grew apart.
We don't need another episode that hashes out what we already knew.
A light 9
That's actually kinda cute
That's too grown up of a subject
fund it anyway
but we keep getting [fluttershy episode]
I'm not sure about the squishyness part, but I like how those look like.
Aren't those Europe only?
What were Terse's opinions anyway
I know, but that doesn't make it okay.
It's disappointing because we know FS can do more like BitH etc, but they continue to write overcome shyness.
Not that her episodes are ever very good.
HFS was one of the best episodes of S2
that's because it was a wonderbolts episode
>FS overcomes her fear and shyness to fly faster
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More bestpony episodes is never a bad thing
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crystals all the way down
ugh, don't even start that shit
it's untasteful and obnoxious
>shy then no shy
Even as a Flutterfag, that does not even warrant as the "best" episode of Season 2.
>more second worst pony episodes is always a bad thing
>flutters is shy of something
>other pones try to help
>flutters overcomes shy
>only to get it back again when one of her shitty episodes comes around
As a not even remotely flutterfag I found it to be a great episode, because it didn't really have anything to dislike about it. It wasn't brilliant, but it was all around okay.
>consistency is magic
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Obnoxious? Sure

Untasteful? No
Both AJ and Twilight have trouble with consistency.
Dash, Rarity and Pinkie are pretty good at it.
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I rather have Fluttershy show off her strength for an episode like Kindness (Discord episode) or with animals (A Bird in the Hoof) or her caring side (Staremaster and some part of Magic Duel) or hell, even her special talent in sewing (Suited For Success and her Micro). Her shyness should be use as tool, not a fucking excuse to use it as an episode.

I would agree its a good but shy then no shy is a poor plot to use on this pony and somewhat a waste of an episode.
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Who is your favorite pony MLPG

This is mine
>Will we see Derpy/DJPON3/background characters?
>Maaaaaybe ;)
>Will we see Babs Seed?
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I love this pony here.
Flutterfags, pls go back to youtube and handle your .50 cals and combat shotguns
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Babs is a terrible example on today's children

Infant obesity is a real problem, you know
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I think he means babs showing back up again in Apple Family Reunion

Even Flitter has shown up more than Gilda
She god two goddamn episodes in the same season.
No other character got that. Even Trixie needed 2 seasons to come again.
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pony has worms
Not good, should I take pony to a vet or a proper people doctor?
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I bet she sucked a dick for it too
What did you expect
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I love her more
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Maybe I feel like drawing or something. I dunno. Anyone have a request?
No anal for a while I suppose
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Eh, the movie was okay otherwise
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I love her more than both of you plebs combined
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Pill time!
Ponies taking a lunch break on a steel beam attatched to a crane high in the air.
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But I like Fluttershy more!

What pony you haven't drawn yet?
... man, we really need new episodes soon, I have a hard time coming up with requests by now
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I love her times infinity
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>wearing a hoodie
Rumble fucking Anon in the butt
Draw best pony making dresses. If you're not interested, you could do 2nd best pony reading books instead.
I dunno, I've drawn all of the main cast.

I might just draw a butt, Butthead is hard to argue with.
Why would Dash be making dresses?
>blames the white people
She wouldn't, his post didn't even >imply that.
He clearly wants Fluttershy making dresses

Which is pretty reasonable
No, he was obviously talking about Cadance.
FS doesn't make dresses, she only wears them.
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You keep throwing darts at board of ponies, but there's only one bullseye based on context clues.
I hate that feeling when you're ready to work on something then the person you live with acts like a jerk and ruins your wonderful art mood.

Should I go take a walk instead?
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And we all know which one it is
Sure, then come back and art.
Actively look for motivation or ideas while you're outside.
Making dresses doesn't mean knowing just to use a sewing machine anon.
FS can't make dresses.
Would you help pone get swole
Depends. Which one?

I guess I'll take some pictures. I just feel so doldrums lately, my roommate is really obnoxious!

I just want to play video games and try to practice, my instruments mang. And if I had my way, turning this thread into making and posting Sunset Shimmer porn and greentexts.
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It's a good thing you can't do the last one.
I've got two tickets to the gun show, and I'm not givin them to ya
I'm going with yours
Twilight just began perspiring.
Fat fat fatty mcfat
Anon, don't talk about Pinkie that way.
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"In that direction," the Cat said, waving its right paw round, "lives MLPG: and in that direction," waving the other paw, "lives /mlp/. Visit either you like: they're both bronies."
"But I don't want to go among bronies," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all bronies here. I'm brony. You're brony."
"How do you know I'm a brony?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
But that was Pinkie herself, anon

She loves clutching her plump belly and playing with it as she giggles and mutters ''fatty fatty fat fat''
>How do you know I'm a brony
>because I know of the fandom and that's the label I've applied to you.
That doesn't look fat, that just looks like she's got some sort of flappy growth on her belly
My headcanon now is that Twilight is crazy good at Quake 3 or Quake Live because the game becomes like this later

Hey, I'm in that thread right now!
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well excuuuse me, mister
Why would twilight like video games?
That's better
She wouldn't.
Something something nerd something girl gamer
Uh...I...research gaming communities?
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But we already have one of those
Pls go
Not to me, i'm ignoring its existence.
>asocial asspie
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She's neither of those.
It also seems that Equestria is behind the curve when it comes to games because it's just large arcade machines.
Okay maybe the word we was a bit strong

unf Hops unf
Well Ponyville is a small unimportant town. I doubt whoever owns the Arcade would get the latest games.

I mean fucker couldn't even afford a roof. Or walls.
At least he probably knows when rain is coming since everything is scheduled but still.
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While the jokes are lame and predictable, that blog still has some nice image macros from time to time.
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While you could be right, we still haven't seen or had any hints of personal game machines in homes. Which means we must assume they don't exist.
What a horrible example
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You are a horrible example.
Ponies know video games destroy constructiveness
Fat pone vs. buff pone.

What decide?
>Putting a period before the extension
For what reason
I don't agree with that but you are most probably right.

We can both agree that we should wait more tough.
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I agree
Fat pone is squishy and cuddly
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this thread needs more Cadance
Flappy growths on bellies is my fetish.
Nothing ever needs more Cadance, least of all the show.
Flappy growths on your face is mine.

Purple hellspawn, destroyer of worlds!
How would Luna react if she found out that she does indeed cause heart attacks?
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There was another panel that had the reaction but I didnt save it
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what if you woke up with pony genitals
Going to the doctor.
>augmented ponies
I'd go to town on them before turning on the local population
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I drew a Rarity butt, how's it look?
I'd delete all my porn

I'd never need it, the sight of my horsecock would be more than enough
I'd start camwhoring too
Same gender?

Buy bigger pants.
ponies dont have genitals
are there any solo gifs of FS getting hit both times by the crown?
Looks solid, your construction is getting better.
The visions dancing in my mind
The early dawn the shades of time
Twilight crawling through my window pane

Am i awake or do i dream?
The strangest pictures i have seen
Night is day and twilight's gone away...
Looks good
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>not leaving your Cadance out in the sun to fade her to a nicer colour
ChrysaCandy looks old
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Fap and admire my 18in shlong
Thanks, that means a lot.
you'll be fine
>you can finally blow yourself
>Not getting a boner
>When you just noticed your horsedick

Good fucking luck
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That is quite a butt. There is nothing else to say other than the tail dock is a nice touch.

The head is turned too far back, neck is a bit broken.
The face needs to be better
>Cadence after marriage.jpg
God damn it Cadence are you pregnant again?! Just because some stranger says its "Making Love" doesn't mean its true!
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How long do you think your arms can hide your nipples?
I'm okay with that, get your clothes and get out of my sight.
>A man by the name of Anon was found dead in his bedroom with a horse penis in his mouth earlier this morning, where he presumably drowned drowned in semen, which authorities have confirmed is his own.
I'd fuck it
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>this unusual mutant has been taken back to labs for testing
We can rebuild him.
Did Shining Armor fuck her so har it broke her legs?
>It's been determined that the condition is contagious
>suddenly only rich men have horsecocks
>some women do too
Shining Armor was quoted as saying, "I'M GONNA WRECK IT."
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Worth it.
would you still have the stamina of a human, or have that of a horse?
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>not liking big hips
Other than a less broken looking neck, how so?
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Hey, guys, I found Weave's real phote!
i like big hips, but i prefer them not looking disjointed and broken.
>You save up all your money for the horsecock retrovirus injection
>You find out that next to no-one can actually take a horsecock

>Your suitably huge prostate is fucked to oblivion by every cute guy with a big dick fetish
>You suck on your head the entire time they fuck you
Well that's useless, you wouldn't even need to jerk it.
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>face full of yourself every time
not sure if unf
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She was so cute.
Not really
The eyes and the mouth
Butt may sell but it's the face that brings it together
I wonder how cute she looked when Flash Thundercock did her later that night with his 9 incher.
>With that car

lol no
More like 5"
A car like that puts you more into 3-4" territory
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Oh yes really!
He's alpha enough to have both.
>>You find out that next to no-one can actually take a horsecock
Fuck horses. Problem solved.
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bɘb ɘw
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How is her right hind leg attached to her body?
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Better? I like it more.
It needs less rarity
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Oh god
Drop the eyelids a bit more
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Like this?
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What's wrong
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I-I mean yeah that's what I meant
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I makes a little bit of sense, but it's kind of exaggerated
Last year, after yet another round of the Great Gender in Science Fiction Debate, a certain online magazine published an issue with all female contributors. When the issue went live, I remember taking note of it. I remember hearing others do so. I know people read the issue. And also some folks reviewed the stories. then we all went on with our lives.

Later on I heard through the grapevine that the people behind the magazine (not the authors, but the editor, publisher, etc) were very upset that no one had made a big deal about their all-female issue. “We did what you all wanted!” they were reported to have cried out. “How come no one is giving us a cookie??”

Well, because you’re sitting there asking for one.

I’d already suspected the motives of the magazine because of things I’ve heard about their editor, but didn’t want to put a damper on the issue itself because, hey, all women! It’s a good thing. Also I’m friends with some of the contributors. But expecting the genre to fall at your feet to thank you or raise you up as a paragon of awesomeness is just icky. You don’t get a cookie for making an effort once.

I told you that story to tell you this one.

Now there’s another magazine putting out an all-female issue. Except this time I don’t get the feeling it’s being done for cookies. maybe because I know the editor. Or maybe because he’s on these here internets making all kinds of sense.

One of the other excellent reasons not to give out cookies, as it were, is that those who really deserve them don’t need them.
- See more at: http://theangryblackwoman.com/2008/04/29/no-cookie/#sthash.PHKl07iW.dpuf

.... basically I come to MLPG not because I'm still in love with MLP but because I really really love the friends I've made and even if I, as anon, pretend I hate you, in actuality, I want nothing more than to kiss you and if I met you IRL in an elevator I just want you to squeeze my head, recognize me, and give me a knowing wink.
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it'll forever look like twerklight badonkle to my mind
That leg is different from the one I drew, that one makes no sense.


Gettin' pretty unfy there.
If it's taken from the show it's probably a tween. Not every frame needs to be deconstructed equally.

>yfw fifth leg
>I want nothing more than to kiss you
I guess so, but i won't unsee the badonkle.
what is this
I know that, but thank you.
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Why is she so cute?
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Because she isn't, anon.
She isn't cute at all
Thanks, you guys are great. I'm happy when I get some input when I draw.
Daily dose:

I'll make sure to save it for uh, future reference

D-don't Saine, I'll get a crush on you too! And I'm really shy and I don't know what to do with a crush... I just want to cuddle...
That's adorable

Oy hold on there m8 I'll fite u for real right now
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I'm sorry but it is, it's really cute
I don't know how to agree without coming off as a massive faggot.
Just agree and makes that anon's day
Don't worry, as soon as someone enters MLPG we already assume that they are a massive faggot anyway.

C-can we snuggle?

What do you look like? Nonsexually.
You can have cute mannerisms without being a "massive faggot", I was using it as a compliment.

I'm redfaced in the corner. Oh thank god I was anon today.
I dont think snuggling is a form of fighting
I'm 8 feet tall and I have a beard
can you just stop being so cute for a moment

I ... I wasn't...

I'm just digging a deeper hole here, aren't I?

>Watching a show about friends
>Without friends.
oh the ironing
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I am closing this tab...
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>8 feet tall
They said the same about Friends, too.
No, come back, I promise not to embarrass you anymore
>tfw making friends on internet
>not firends IRL
IRL friends are awful because they come over and bug you
You are so cute when you're mad, anon
If it helps, I love to cuddle too...
I picked that pose because I'm awful at drawing genitals. Someday I hope to be able to draw porn effectively.
>tfw no Weird Al in S4
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I watched an episode of the Aquabats just to catch him.
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Have you ever tried?
Can you show old works?
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I wish I had a horsecock, MLPG

Or just a bigger dicknb
I'm really glad that we might have our differences but we all like 2 things:



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These are the most recent things I've done but I haven't really drawn anything adult for a while. I want to get better at art overall before I really bother with that.

I only share one of those likes

this is me also I am reading http://cavlec.yarinareth.net/2002/08/29/the-sickening-grunch/

I'm starting to think when someone tells you they like you nonsexually as a forever friend

that's way more terrifying that a simple love confession!
...yeah I see
Stick with subtle stuff


cause of death: excessive unfing
I can see why you'd want to do that
the hard part of defining my sexuality is... i want to be sexy but i don't want people to think less of me for acting sexy or not being totally monogamous.

i really hate people who lie or go back on their words
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Surprise is the cutest pone.

i have a very lithe flexible double-jointed sexual partner who can do that

he says the first 2 inches are the best part of it not the deep throating
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Your dick is tiny, Anon!

So are you.

please post more g1, i know you gen4-ers might not like em but they make me go back to a sweet childhood time when the world was good

I want to see a micro-Dash stuffed with Ross's self-insert Equestria Guy now... what have you done to me, MLPG?
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>I just posted a little picture of our Pet yesterday, it was just for fun and nothing special..

>It's really a cute picture and i'm proud of it... but in the end i get some messages...

>Some people told me:

>"How you could upload other things ? I watch you for the Ponies and not for such other crap"

>i normaly don't care, but this realy hits my heart

>i think i need some break... yesterday a great piece of my passion to art dies... and i hope it will recover...
Not unfing over here anon
It's just not very good
when I become stallion with massive dick, I'll rape you intensely
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I don't have much, I wish I had more.

I started with G4, but I prefer G1 ever since I watched it waiting between season 1 and 2 of G4.
I know, I'm sorry.

To be honest though I've really come a long way in even a few months. I haven't been drawing for too long all things considered.
I don't know who's worse, the people who think they can dictate what an artist must draw or that whiny little bitch.
god i want anon to ram his dick into my ass really hard...
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Flash is this big!
Can you take 8"x6"
I know: pretentious fagets like you.
Did you just post someone elses not pony related journal entry in here?
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Trust me, it's better than what I could possibly hope to achieve.
>tfw you'll never be good enough to be called a contributor because you do fanfics
How am I being pretentious?
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So do i

i know right! "i gave you money therefore i own you"

no you can wait in line like all the rest of my clients who are way more understand than you CAUSE THEY'RE MY FRIENDS YOU ASSWIPE

too wide, 2.5 or 3 inches width max
I gotta say....I have a new found respect for people who can make ponies out of clay. and cloth.
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Well I'm glad there is no objections on faget part.
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G1 had some nice moments
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His pones look cute
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>Am I replaceable?
That comic was super depressing because that's how I feel about nearly all of my friends.
6" is girth, nig-nog
bad english anon pls
That's too big around for anyone.

w-what's your skype handle
say what

I've got a few toys that are that big
Should be easy for a grill
I wonder if that's how my friends feel about my excellence in all things.
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>discussion over dick
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>tfw friends are gone

it takes time to work up to larger objects, like training
I would too, if I didn't keep losing friends.
>tfw been replaced multiple times
I could never break your heart, anon
>tfw you don't have to worry about if its like that
>because you know it is
Oh well.
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I am sorry anon I think its somehow my fault

Every time I get back and decide to go to the general people decide to start talking about penises or fetishes or some combination of both, its like a curse
>Do you mean more to me than I to you
the worst fucking feeling

>Don't talk to any of your friends for 6 weeks
>None of them call to see how you are
>None of them want to see you
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Why do you have to do this to us? I just wanted to talk about ponies...

By the way, your background pony collection is great, thanks mate.
>one of them calls
>but only to ask if you would drive them to the club
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Ya know, ultimately at least one of your friends feel the same way as how you do to them as well

and all it takes is either one of you to ring up the other
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I will find a way to be rid of this some day anon, mark my words

And you are most welcome
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You and Me, and Ponies.
When it's always been you who "made the first step" for as long as you can remember you kinda start doubting that anyone actually gives a shit.
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But what if I'm really shy?
I don't have any friends now, MLPG

This discussion is really depressing
you just keep making th first step to really shy people
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>you will never have a qt 4.14 agoraphobic little pony to stay inside with
because 4.14 is more qt than 3.14
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you cant just add one to an irrational number like that
it's okay
i lost all of my friends when they found out i had autism and i was trying to hide that from them because i didn't want them to think of me as less of a person
fine then
i'll make it 2π
or π^2
If they were your friends, it wouldn't have mattered because it's not like you're suddenly a different person.
You've repeated this over and over months ago and I still think you're lying about this ordeal.
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that is some adorably fuzzy math an on

[internally d'aawwwing]
pony wants to make you some coffee
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Would you a pone robot
>I'm the shy social misfit
>My friends are relatively outgoing
>They're organizing stuff with other (often mutual) friends
>If I want to be included I have to organize it
>They never invite me to parties even though they know if I'd like to go

The most reasonable answer is that no-one likes me
I've accepted that
isn't that the vsauce guy?
One of my best friends for a long time didn't even wish me a happy birthday. He just linked me something about a game we were talking about playing some time. I know he's been busy with stuff and all but it made me feel kind of bad. I don't plan to bring it up though because I know I'll just make him feel bad and the last thing I want to do is guilt trip him when he's enjoying his life right now.
Nah, too dangerous.
Would I what?
Would you program one?
Nah, too fat.
But what is...fat?
that's not necessarily true
He's probably just shit at remembering birthdays
why did i laugh
Not him, but it kinda is. When no one ever includes you unless you explicitly ask them if you can join, it's kinda clear that they would rather do it without you.


imagine someone you love who is kind of heavy LAYING on top of you as they do you anally with the utmost tenderness, their breath against the back of your neck, panting, whispering how much they love you and want you and oh god how tight you are
>oldest friend wrote me on ICQ on my birthday
>asked me if I can lend him money
>that's it, nothing more
>even though ICQ had a giant sign up when it was someones birthday
Too his defense, everyone else apart from my mom and sister ignored it, too
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I don't know how. But if someone shows me, sure, why not
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>One of my friends had their birthday a week before mine
>Friends discuss what they're going to do for her birthday in front of me
>They're taking her out
>On my actual birthday
>They mention this fact
>Not invited
> Keep a brave face for the rest of the day

>Go home and cry
>Birthday comes around and I don't even get a text
Doesn't sound like they are your friends to be honest.
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>Tfw there will never be a proper pony video game with this good graphics
>There will never be porn with those models
Let's face it, the market for a good pony game is too small.

Little girls typically don't play games and while most bronies (being 20 something white male college students) like video games, there just aren't enough to justify the production costs.
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>there will never be a pony vidya
>come home from working last birthday hoping someone at least left a card under my door
>no messages
>no texts
>the cat peed on the bed
Did you bring up the date before?

My friends often don't remember eachother's birthdays unless we bring them up.
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h-how does this look?
They mentioned it explicitly
He said that they even mentioned that it was his birthday the next week in the 5th line

Birthdays are overrated anyways. Still sucks though.
Oh, I must have overlooked that

Well shit man.
Decent but not unf-able.
I wouldn't want to hold it against anyone anyway honestly. I'm 22 now, big deal. I just hope my friend finds some time to hang out with soon. I miss him.
i wish anon would pee in my mouth...
>all these people expecting good things to happen to them
if you give up hope and never expect soething good to happen to you life gets a lot easier
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i want to be tied up and be the bad little filly and spanked and toys shoved up my butt
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>Attending folk high school
>Everybody gets a silly little song and loads of congratulations on their birthday

>except me
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>cake is censored
Not really, unless you also manage to kill every emotion.
It's not censorship forced upon the show's creators
i'm working on that. i laready stopped missing most of my friends. i don't feel too bad about it anymore.
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What is MULPUG listening to?
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It will be replaced by something else. I just went from feeling bad about 'friends' who don't gave a shit about me to hating my job.
at least anyone stopped to care. i'm only destroying my own life now without bothering others.
Jokes on you that aj model is a part of animation *soon(
>friend issues

Yeah, sorry for interrupting quality discussion
How long until HASBRO shutdown that part of the fandom? There no game of ponies because of them.

what if you were my little slave?
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That's actually really fucking sad, a first for MLPG
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>No game of pones
That was pretty cool

Celestia pls, I see my friends every week. Please stop.

A Lannister always repays her debts <3~
Shamelessly using dedhorse to roll

odds - Eat cake and then work out
evens - Practice drawing
dubs+ - 2bed
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They would just kill off all the ponies anyways
do some squats, anon
Celestia, please.
How do without barbell?
>no barbell
How are you going to work out then?
Do a pistol.
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But Anon, she only wants whats best for you.
cardio I guess
Various exercises, push-ups, squatting against the wall, captain's chair.
My stay here's only temporary so i didn't bring all my weighty-ass equipment.
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Did that yesterday

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Then be my friend and hang out with me!
neat, thanks

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why is she so perfect
Unsexy tumblr link anon pls
Bug-queen is a pretty good queen.

tiarawhy please

i'm already working on getting in shape ok?

UNF indeed my friend thank you
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What would you do if you could hang out with Celestia for one day?
He doesn't come here anymore.
Thank fucking god.

She's a MILF what do you think

especially since she's not MY mom
He does, but as Anon.
It's a one-legged squat, anon.
I hope not.
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Tiarawhy does come here but as Anon

please see the attached picture for a relevant quote not from him but relevant

Nobody cares... http://mlpg.co/art/res/4025.html
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he does
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What ever she wants. I would even have tea in the outdoor while we both talk about little stuff.
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She doesn't seem to be up for that suggestion, Anon. Better try to distract from what you just said quickly!
How can one ponut have all that power?
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I love bats and bat ponies
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It's the Unicorn Law
>your mnulh will never be hapvw
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I bet she would love that, Anon.
this sucks
That filly looks high as fuck.
play pranks on the royal guards
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What kind of pranks?

*feelworks antenna vibrates*

please post more of this, this is my heart's desire
Would you give drugs to a filly?
I really like Bat ponies. I wish I remembered to draw them more. I think even normal bats are super cute.
rub testicles

filling their armor full of jelly! they put it on anD GURK!! squish

eewwww CELESTIA!!!!
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I know why I like drawing bat ponies but I'm not allowed to say... it's too check the email field

the anatomy of the upper body puts me off a bit. Ponies are shaped like peanuts.
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Oh, that's a good one. Or I could drop my jewelry on the ground, shout for help and then hide so they think I got kidnapped!
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please do
best ship
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butt thread

highly entertaining
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I can't, that is the only one I got.

*antenna wilts*

It's time to bribe drawfags with money and/or sex then.
we have bats in our attic at my parents place. they're nice, because they eat all the spiders and insects.
Dammit, MLPG, I like the equivalent of tea party conversations between anon and the fillies and mares but everyone always turns it into for-sexual.

Like someone posts Sweetie Belle and someone else posts Mandopony because haha ruining someone's reputation online is such a hilarious injoke, huh?

Where do I go for my just-barely-PG-13 rated feelworks?

baby bats?
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Were you looking for anything in particular or just anon interacting with Celestia?
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daily dose

somewhere that doesn't have lolicons
>Like someone posts Sweetie Belle and someone else posts Mandopony because haha ruining someone's reputation online is such a hilarious injoke, huh?
I've almost never seen that in here and in the few times I've seen it people told the poster to fuck off
>ut everyone always turns it into for-sexual.
You mean a few faggots that does. I always tries to keep it cute and never down that road.
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common pipistrelles. during the winter there can be several dozens of them.
>Like someone posts Sweetie Belle and someone else posts Mandopony because haha ruining someone's reputation online is such a hilarious injoke, huh

Pretty sure that's a /mlp/ thing bud
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pinkie winks from both ends
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aw, they look like doggies~
>there were bats in our attic when I was young
>I thought they were super cool and always sneaked up there and tried to find them
>my parents had them removed because my mom was afraid of them

Anything AnonxCelestia

my second favorite is Femanonx Discord or ANY pony interacting with Discord. Weaver's series pushes my buttons for example. It lets me live vicariously through the characters and I compare them to my own life like a waypoint in a dark scary cave.
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>You will never have batponies living in your attic
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There definitely isn't enough art with Anon and Celestia in it

>duplicated detected
>anon gets a room in equestria bunking downstairs in a communal batpony guard barracks
i only noticed them during summer evening when i frequently saw weirdly and quickly flying birds, which seemed to come out of the attic. i had a look and it turned out to be bats. we have nothing important up there so we let them stay and we actually leave a small window open during winter so they can get in.
we also had an owl living there at some point.
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I want to build a bathouse so I can have baby bats for real.

Imagine if you were the Best Man to Luna at her wedding to one of the bat ponies and they want YOU to babysit their adorable baby bad ponies.

The HNNNGH is off the charts.
>watching abridged series

>bat AND an owl

that's it, anon, give me your address, i'm coming over to borrow the bat and the owl
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Sometimes they're incredibly funny.

you forgot to hashtag #topkek anon :)
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I'm going to marry Princess Luna!
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Can I live in your attic?
>mad bronies
I love girls in suits. Super turn on.
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She's going to smack you in the face for being so creepy sentenal.
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pony is sleep
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what a sleepy pony

I'll, uh, I'll keep that in mind~ like latex or like a formal masculine suit?
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northern germany, look for rural backwaters, they are mostly the same.
i grew up next to a pony farm, a graveyard, a liquor store and a shop which sold household chemicals including bleach, so i guess it was my destin to end up in MLPG

no, it's nasty up there. we also have a barn attached to the house, because it's a converted farmhouse, but that one's even nastier.
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Ponies sure do like crossing legs.
Formal masculine suits. I like latex suits too but that's not for the same reason.
Except for Rarity
Can I come to your wedding?
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pone likes its modesty
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Oh, it's .png now?

Queen Luna is here to let you know that I quite enjoy Flash Sentenal's cock and he has a lovely voice when he moans~
actually the shop sold mostly paints and varnish and that sort of stuff and wasn't directly next to my parents place, but my cousin works there.
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>in Germany
>owls in your attic
I'm already on my way, Anon.


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I really should draw more traditionally, my inking is so rusty.

>haunted graveyard
>pony farm

Holy crap, it's like Kong Sombra's castle. I WANNA GO!!
this would be hotter if it was a pony
Speaking of that pony, are you going to do more comics of her?
Almost in every video, article or post on tumblr/reddit/whatever that displays bronies in some bad/awkward light - there is always shitloads of comments that try to convince "normal" people that something about certain bronies isnt a feature of all of them.
At some point you then realize that every EVERY media coverage of bronies contain such comments. The scale is enormous.

And then simple question pop-ups: well, if this is not what brony fandom it - then who are all these people? And why it seems they are bigger in number than that mythical brony fanom that never was portrayed properly?
>implying I'm not moving in too
Flak, you accept requests?
Something is in the works, yes. It's still a while away though.
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It's perfectly normal to like My Little Pony, all it requires is turning on the television. As such, with a nerdy main character, it gets its share of misfits who empathize with her and wish they were Twilight Sparkle making friendships with benefits in Equestria.
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i haven't seen an owl there in this millenium, but there's a nearby river and reservoir and during winter eagles frequently visit the area.
and now i understand why fishing eagles in wildlife documentaries are always filmed in slow motion. in real time it looks really unspectacular.
do you have a tumblr flak?
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This is a pony. I wish there was more pinkie in suit art.
>Anon house gets invaded and turned into the MLPG mansion
because the weirdos get views

normal people being rational does not get views
I want to live with you, Anon.
The only thing I have here is concrete.
everything looks better on Rarity.
I still like your style though.
I do: http://flak-k.tumblr.com/
what are you drawing?
me too, i moved out almost three years ago.
i now live at the shitty end of a city that looks like it was dismantled in the soviet union and reassembled here.

Oh, yeah, you're right! I didn't think about it that way. No matter my kinky rule34 stuff gets more views... it attracts the deviants and freaks who want to feel validated when in reality I was just drawing for me lately and I don't really fucking care about their opinions and their comments since I usually only draw that special picture for ONE person.
I dunno, there were definitely less normal people on the last con covered by Everfree.
Every once in a while I'll come in and ask for requests.

I won't say, I'm not promising anything in case I don't deliver. (again)
.............I swear, if I ever get a million dollars, I'll try to find a quiet apartment complex somewhere so we can all be together without driving each other nuts.

Think about it: you can knock on the door and be like hey artist whom I like, can I have a cup of sugar? Thanks, buddy, I'm baking you a cake tonight. Have a good night man.

Why do I have tears in my eyes
So what's the deal with people hating on sentenal?
I know what you are drawing. I'm behind you.

Don't remind me about that awful cosplay.
every time. that picture gets me every time.
My apartment will be a perpetual gay orgy party.
Cons are always filled with weirdos

Let's face it, cons are made for hardcore people. Pretty much any con will have strange folks.
i would join, but i'm too poor for that sort of thing.
maybe i could draw my own money.

Homosexual males or homosexual females? Inquiring minds need to know.
Please go away.
Why not both?
Is there a Pony Santa?
I don't mind if you don't finish my bat request.
One million is less than you think it is.

I would love that though. I don't even want a high earning job, a own house and shit like that, I just want to live my life in peace with a bunch of frens.
What accomplishments have you achieved in your life so far?
Yes, but he went mad with power and took over the Crystal Empire.

I want to go to a convention but after the last one, I am absolutely convinced that a very down-to-earth trip to Disney World or Sea World is the way to go that way people who want to have fun can and people who want to mess around can stay in the room afterwards without anyone really judging them beyond some lighthearted schoolyard gossip type stuff.
not forgetting to breathe
Posting in MLPG
you just reminded me of this:

Finished the first part of my studies.
I hate them though.
Pretty much, yeah

I drew lots of ponies and made a lot of people happy.

And you're probably right, I bet that million bleeds away like air. After all, when I'm poor, that just means I have less to give to help other people and I'm completely and utterly reliant on them helping ME this time.
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Everything, which is listed here neatly.
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I'm working on it.

I drew some things and people liked them. Oh, and I started some projects....let's leave it at that.

It seems like the defining factor of these threads can be summed up into "I feel lonely" and "I really don't want to be alone tonight, I just want a human body close to me because real life is terrible and the Wired is my escape"

I wish I was a real pony
One million dollars could last about 40 years if you live with minimal standards.